The Apostolate of Education

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General Congregation 31 (1967)

Decree 28

The Apostolate of Education

1. Throughout the world today, whether in the advanced or in the evolving nations,
there is clear recognition of the importance of education for the formation of society and
particularly for the initiating of youth into a human way of life and fellowship. Nothing is
more esteemed by political leaders than this education of the citizenry, for without it no
nation or state can develop or progress and meet the national and international responsibilities
imposed by the needs of this age.
2. The Church has, therefore, reflected upon the paramount importance of education
in the life of man, and its ever-mounting influence on the social progress of this era 1 and
once again affirmed its own role in the development and extension of education. To fulfill
this function the Church wishes to employ all appropriate means. Yet it recognizes that
schools are educational agencies of special importance, 2 for in these institutions Christian
teachers are to promote the renewal of the Church and maintain and intensify her beneficent
and salutary presence in the contemporary and, particularly, the intellectual world. 3
3. In our day we are witnessing everywhere the rapid emergence of new social forms
and the society of the future. When new ideas are so widely sown it is not hard to discern the
birth of new patterns of thought and action in the modern world. The promoters of these new
ideas, especially when they work out of centers of higher culture and research, are exercising
a mounting influence upon the whole of social culture through highly effective modern
means of popularization. But since this influence inclines ever more toward an atheistic and
agnostic ideology and makes itself felt particularly in educational centers, the presence of
Christians in those centers is of the highest moment if the Church is indeed to make an
opportune contribution to the society of the future by forming and educating its mind to
reverence for God and in the fullness of Christ.
4. For many centuries the Society of Jesus, in accordance with its Institute, has
diligently exercised its teaching function almost uninterruptedly throughout the world. Now,
impelled and inspired by the Second Vatican Council, the Society, through its 31st General
Congregation, wishes to confirm the high regard it has for this apostolate of education and
earnestly to exhort its members that they maintain unflaggingly their esteem for this
significant apostolate.
There are some members of the Society, however, who think that our educational
institutions in certain parts of the world have become practically useless and should therefore
be given up. There are others who recognize the continued effectiveness of these institutions
but believe that there are other ministries in which we would perhaps be even more effective.
Hence they conclude that it is necessary, or at least appropriate, to leave the work of formal
education to laymen or to religious whose institutes dedicate them exclusively to this
apostolate. This Congregation judges that there is no uniform solution for this very real and
pressing problem. The solution it requires will necessarily vary according to differences of
circumstances. Therefore, it must be determined by superiors, with the aid of their brethren
and according to the norms for the choice of ministries as applied to the needs of each
province or region.
The intention of this present decree, however, is, in the first place, that the Society
may think with the Church concerning the paramount importance and effectiveness of the
educational apostolate, particularly in our times. Secondly, it is intended that our schools be
outstanding not so much for number and size as for teaching, for the quality of the
instruction, and the service rendered to the people of God. Thirdly, we should be receptive
toward new forms of this apostolate, particularly adapted to the present age, and we should

General Congregation 31 (1967)
Decree 28

energetically investigate or fashion these new forms either in our own schools or elsewhere.
Finally, for those laymen who generously spend themselves with us in this apostolate, the
way should be opened to a wider collaboration with us, whether this be in teaching,
administration, or on the board of directors itself.
5. It is evident that we can exercise the apostolate of education in various ways either
in our own institutions or by collaborating with others. There is an extensive variety today
whether one is speaking of colleges and universities, or vocational schools, or the so-called
normal schools for the training of teachers. Which forms of the apostolate of education the
Society should take up is a matter for superiors to decide according to the norms for the
selection of ministries. But in making this selection, we should consider the new means of
social communication, particularly radio and television. For these are highly effective
instruments for new kinds of educational organization and pedagogy since they extend to the
widest possible audience and reach those who would otherwise be deprived of schooling.
Besides, they are very much in line with the present day culture of the image.
The Society should have its own educational institutions where resources and
circumstances permit and a greater service of God and the Church can be thereby expected.
For these schools constitute at least one effective instrument for the promotion of our
educational purpose, i.e., the synthesizing of faith and culture. Through these schools a firmer
and more lasting social presence in the community is achieved, both because they are a
corporate effort and because through the students families are influenced. Thus the school
becomes an apostolic center within the community.
If, indeed, there is question of closing schools or of handing them over to others,
superiors are to work out the best way of doing this in consultation with the local Ordinary
and with the approbation of Father General.
6. Let Jesuits have a high regard for the apostolate of education as one of the primary
ministries of the Society, commended in a special way by the Church in our time. For the
transmission of human culture and its integration in Christ significantly contribute to
realization of the goal set by our Lord that God may be all in all things. 4
7. This apostolate aims to provide a service of love for mankind redeemed by Christ.
On the one hand, it aims so to educate believers as to make them not only cultured but, in
both private and public lives, men who are authentically Christian and able and willing to
work for the modern apostolate.
On the other hand, it aims to provide non-Christians with a humanistic formation
directed towards the welfare of their own nation and, at the same time, to conduct them by
degrees to the knowledge and love of God or at least to the acceptance of moral, and even
religious values. 5
8. Let the provincials see to it that the apostolate of education, along with other
ministries, be really and continually adapted to the circumstances of men, time, and place,
making use in this of the advice both of experts and of the committee on the choice of
ministries. Let the provincials also see to it that really competent men are prepared in
9. In collaboration with the bishops, other religious, and their fellow citizens, let
Jesuits be alert to correlate the Societys activity with the complex of pastoral and educational
work in the whole region or nation. Since, moreover, dialogue in this pluralistic world is both
possible and desirable, let them also willingly cooperate with other organizations, even if
these do not depend either on the Church or the Society. Let Jesuits therefore keep in mind
the special importance of collaborating with those international organizations which promote
education, especially in the less developed countries.

General Congregation 31 (1967)
Decree 28

10. a) Let students be selected, as far as possible, of whom we can expect a greater
progress and a greater influence on society, no matter to what social class they belong.
b) In order that this criterion of selection may be equitably applied, Jesuits should
firmly advance the claims of distributive justice, so that public aid will provide parents with
the real liberty of choosing schools for their children according to their conscience. 6
c) However, until such rights have been vindicated, the Society, in accordance with its
Constitutions 7 and traditional practice, must make it easy for talented young people,
particularly in the emerging nations, to attend our schools. Therefore, let all Jesuits try to
obtain public or private endowments, with the help of our alumni, or of those who are bound
to the Society through special friendship or apostolic zeal. 8
11. Our educational institutions should be established only when and where they show
promise of contributing significantly to the welfare of the Church, and can be furnished
besides with an adequate supply of competent Jesuits without harm to the training or studies
of our own members. 9 Let superiors inquire whether it is more suitable to open or to retain
schools of our own or whether it would be better in some circumstances to teach in public
schools, or in schools directed by others.
12. a) The first care of Jesuits should be that Christian students acquire that
knowledge and character which are worthy of Christians, along with the letters and sciences.
To this end, it will help very much if, in addition to the suitable amount of time given to the
teaching of Christian doctrine and religion according to modern methods, Jesuits also offer to
the students a good example of hard work and dedication as well as of religious life. 10
b) We should try in a special way to imbue our students with the true charity of
Christ, according to the social doctrine of the Church. Let them learn to honor and be grateful
to laboring men; let them learn to hunger and thirst for that justice which aims to provide all
men with an adequate recompense for new work, that the distribution of wealth be more
equitable, that the sharing of spiritual goods be fuller and more universal. 11
c) Let youth be progressively formed to liturgical and personal prayer. As they come
to be more mature, exercises of piety should be proposed to them rather than imposed.
d) Selected spiritual and apostolic activities which will really be an efficacious means
of character formation, for example the sodalities, should be properly established and directed
and esteemed by us all. For they serve to introduce and educate our students in apostolic
activities step by step.
e) Special importance should be attributed to the spiritual direction of students. For
this is an effective way of nourishing a persons sense of responsibility both for the ordering
of his spiritual life and for the choosing of an adult vocation in accordance with the divine
will. In addition, every effort should be made for a fresh increase of priestly and religious
vocations so as to help the Church in its present needs.
f) Regarding non-Christian students, care must be taken throughout the whole course
of studies and especially in ethics courses that men be formed who are endowed with a sound
moral judgment and solid virtues. Therefore in their training, the first rank of importance
must be given to the formation of a true and right moral conscience, and at the same time of a
firm will to act according to it. For in this way they will be best prepared to have a saving
effect on family life and society, and in addition to serve their country and to obtain the
reward of eternal life.
13. a) Let Jesuits remember that the task of teaching is not restricted to some hours
nor only to some persons. 12 Let all give a witness of religious and apostolic life; let all be
convinced that the common task is more important than individual success; and let them try
continually to renew themselves in spirit and understanding. To this end, superiors should
favor research, experiments, the discovery of new methods of teaching, and see to it that the

General Congregation 31 (1967)
Decree 28

members have libraries, audio-visual aids, conferences by experts, possibilities of attending

meetings, and other helps.
b) Scholastics and younger brothers who are sent to the colleges should be watched
over with special care by superiors and spiritual fathers. 13 They should remember that
regency is established for their own growth, and so that their virtue may develop, their
character be trained, their gifts manifested, and they themselves may make progress in
studies. But the real assistance they provide for the work of education should also be
considered, and so they should share in the common responsibility for and the discussion of
plans concerning the school, according to its statutes.
14. For its part, the Society should help those many children of the Church who are
being educated in non-Catholic schools. Superiors should be mindful of the Churchs
solicitude in this matter. In their concern for the spiritual formation of all youth, superiors
should attentively and willingly listen to bishops who ask for the collaboration of the Society
in this ministry, especially in directing Catholic centers for students, in the office of
chaplains, and also in teaching in non-Catholic schools. 14
15. a) Young people who travel abroad for their education, as often happens
nowadays, should be attentively helped. This is especially important in the case of those,
whether Catholic or not, who are outstanding and can be expected to become leaders when
they return to their own country. 15
b) We should maintain a relationship with our former students, the products of our
whole educational effort, so that they may take their place in society in a Christian and
apostolic way and help one another in their respective tasks. The bond which they have with
the Society ought to become closer as time goes on so that their influence assists its work. 16
16. Elementary schools may be founded and directed where it is necessary. For they
are very important and not contrary to our Institute. Nonetheless they should not be accepted
without a real and great need, lest on account of the lack of men a greater good would be
hindered. Where they are accepted, so far as possible our priests should have only the
teaching of religion. 17
17. It is during the period of secondary education that many young people (twelve to
eighteen years old) either synthesize religion and culture in themselves or fail to do so and are
strongly oriented towards good or away from it. Hence, having weighed the objections often
made nowadays against secondary schools by those who would rather restrict themselves to
pastoral ministries, the Society again asserts that the teaching of youth according to the
principles of our Institute, even in the so-called profane disciplines, is entirely conformed to
our vocation and to our sacerdotal character. Indeed, it is the ministry to which the Society
owes most of its growth. 18
18. Secondary schools, be they old ones retained or new ones founded, should
improve continually. They should be educationally effective as well as centers of culture and
faith, for lay cooperators and the families of students and alumni. Thereby they will help the
whole community of the region. Let Jesuits also foster to a closer cooperation with the
parents of students, upon whom the primary responsibility of education rests. 19
19. a) Each province should have its own ordinationes for secondary schools, in
harmony with its own needs. 20
b) As far as subject matter is concerned, the education of our students should be in
conformity with the genuine cultural tradition of each nation or region, in so-called classical
literature, or modern literature, or in science.
c) Moreover, other schools, such as technical and agricultural schools may well be
opened where need or great utility suggest it. 21

General Congregation 31 (1967)
Decree 28

20. a) Subjects should be so taught that the mind of the young is not overwhelmed
with a multiplicity of details, and that all their powers may be suitably developed and they
may be prepared for higher studies. In addition, our students should be helped so that they
can make progress by themselves, and so that there may grow in them firmness of mind,
uprightness of judgment and sensibility, aesthetic sense, a capacity to express themselves,
orally and in writing, a sense of community and of civil and social duty, and depth of
understanding. 22
b) Regarding the method of teaching, let there be kept in all fields, as far as is
possible, the proper method of the Society which is commended in the Ratio Studiorum.
Therefore let all be familiar with those principles of sound pedagogy which are set down by
our holy founder in the Constitutions, Part IV, developed in the Ratio Studiorum, and clearly
explained by many writers of the Society. 23
21. After they have consulted Father General, provincials should decide in light of the
circumstances of persons and place, whether daily Mass should be obligatory in our
residential secondary schools. 24
22. So-called apostolic schools can be kept and, established where, all things
considered, they seem to be for the greater glory of God. What is said primarily concerning
secondary schools is to be applied also to them. 25
23. Coeducation in secondary schools is not to be allowed except with the approval of
Father General. 26
24. a) On account of the ever-growing importance of universities and institutions of
higher learning for the formation of the whole human community, we must see to it that the
Society and its priests are present to this work. Let there be, therefore, an ever greater number
of professors prepared for such institutions, whether directed by the Society or by others.
These professors should be able not only to teach advanced courses, but also to contribute to
scholarly progress by their own research and that of their talented students whom they have
trained. 27
b) Among the faculties belonging to our institutions of higher education, theology and
philosophy should especially have their proper place to whatever extent they contribute, in
various places, to the greater service of God. 28
c) The prohibition in the Constitutions, according to which that part of canon law
which serves for contesting suits is not to be touched by Jesuits, is to be thus understood:
unless the general judges that something else is good. 29
25. The education of priests, as a work of the highest value. is to be considered one of
the chief ministries of the Society. Therefore, the seminarians who attend our universities are
to be watched over with special attention, and directors and teachers chosen from among our
best men are to be assigned to those clerical seminaries whose direction is accepted by the
Society. 30 But if there is question of diocesan seminaries, a definite contract shall be made
with the bishop and approved by the Holy See. 31
26. Not only youth but adults are to be educated, both for the advancement of their
professional lives and for the efforts which make their conjugal, family, and social life more
human and Christian, and develop a better understanding of the faith. 32
27. a) According to the mind of the Second Vatican Council, a close collaboration
with the laity is recommended. On the one hand we can give them help in their formation by
schools, conferences, spiritual exercises and other suitable works, and by our friendly dealing
with them and the testimony of our life. On the other hand, let Jesuits consider the importance
for the Society itself of such collaboration with lay people, who will always be the natural
interpreters for us of the modern world, and so will always give us effective help in this
apostolate. Therefore, we should consider handing over to them the roles they are prepared to

General Congregation 31 (1967)
Decree 28

assume in the work of education, whether these be in teaching, in academic and business
administration, or even on the board of directors. 33
b) It will also be advantageous to consider whether it would not be helpful to establish
in some of our institutions of higher education a board of trustees which is composed partly
of Jesuits and partly of lay people; the responsibility both of ownership and of direction shall
pertain to this board.
28. Men of our time are very interested in new and more adequate
intercommunication, by which international union and progress are fostered. Therefore
Jesuits should be concerned to promote among their students and alumni and other members
of the social community those efforts and means which can lead to a greater and more
efficacious collaboration among nations.
29. Prefects or directors of education should be named who will help the provincials
in directing the whole effort of education; they can be so united that the whole Society can
enjoy the benefits of the studies and the experiments which are being carried on in various
regions of the world.
30. In each province or region there should be a permanent committee of experts who
will help superiors in this apostolate, drawing up and continually adapting regulations
concerning our schools, in harmony with each one's needs. 34
31. To help Father General in fostering the whole work of education, a secretariat of
education should be established. Its task will be to collect and distribute information about
the apostolate of education carried on by Jesuits and also to promote alumni associations and
periodic conventions.
32. Decree 141 of the Collection of Decrees is abrogated.
GE introduction.
GE 5.
GE conclusion.
GE introduction: CollDecr 131 [141].
CollDccr 136 l. [141].
Cf. GE 6.
Cons IV. 15. 4 [478].
CollDecr [143].
CollDecr 133.
CollDecr 136 1.
Cf. Fr. Janssens. ActRSJ 11 (1949) 720-21;
John XXIII, Mater et Magistra, passim;
GS 29.
CollDecr 142.
CollDecr 145.
Cf. GE 7. 10.
CollDecr [418].
CollDecr [144].
CollDecr 132.
CollDecr 131.
Cf. GE 3.
CollDecr 139.
CollDecr 140 1.
CollDecr 140 2.
CollDecr 140 3.
CollDecr [316].
CollDecr 135.
CollDecr [314].
CollDecr [417].
CollDecr 137 1.

General Congregation 31 (1967)
Decree 28

CollDecr 137 2.
OT 5; CollDecr 134
CollDecr 134; ES I,30 1.
Cf. GE introduction, 9.
Cf. decree 33 (relationship of the society to the laity).
CollDecr 139, [142].

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