21 Answers

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Chapter 21: American Expansion and International Politics: 1870-1914

Nationalism and U.S. Expansion

Diplomatic relations is a relationship between government officials of different
nations with frequent discussions and cooperation.

The U.S. developed diplomatic relations with major countries because:

a. American merchants trading overseas wanted the protection of the U.S.
b. American merchants were involved in world trade.


Nationalism is the feeling of a people that the way of life in their country is
particularly good.

In the late 1800s, nations became more important while kings and princes became
less important.

People from different nations who spoke the same language and common culture
would join together to form a new nation, ignoring any kind of leader they had in
the past.

U.S. Expansion in North America

1800s - nationalism increased in the U.S. as the country expanded.

1912 all the U.S. territories in North America had been formed into the 48

The U.S. and Russia were alike because both countries expanded greatly during
the 1800s. The U.S. expanded west from its population centers in places such as
Chicago and St. Louis, while Russia expanded east from its center at Moscow.

1833 a French writer, Alexis de Tocqueville compared the American and

Russian patterns of expansion and predicted that during the 1900s the two
countries were destined to be the largest and most powerful nations on earth. The
U.S. would be democratic and productive, while Russia would be dictatorial and
destructive. De Tocqueville thought that these two countries must inevitably
come into conflict.

The Civil War increased nationalism in the United States because Abraham
Lincoln refused to allow southern state to secede from the nation. The country
could only grow, not shrink.
U.S. Expansion After the Civil War

After the Civil War the U.S. began expanding its control and influence beyond
North America to other countries.

Reasons the U.S. tried to influence other nations:

(1) Economic
(2) Military
(3) Moral.

Economic Reasons

The primary reason the U.S. expanded its influence in foreign countries:
Economic reasons industrialization in the late 1800s increased the need to trade
with other countries. Manufacturers spent money constructing factories with
assembly lines, but big companies often produced more products than the
American people could buy. This caused companies to find places to sell their

Sales of American goods to foreign countries were important to the workers in the
U.S. because:
a. Companies depend on overseas sales to keep their business going.
b. Workers would be out of jobs if the companies were out of business.
c. Workers depend on overseas sales to keep their jobs.

Late 1800s - Products and Natural Resources the U.S. imported:

(1) sugar from Cuba and Hawaii
(2) coffee from Latin American countries
(3) silk from China
(4) minerals and rubber from Southeast Asian countries

Military Reasons

After the Civil War, the military was used to protect settlers and to push Native
Americans onto reservations.

Merchant ships are unarmed ships that carry products and natural resources.

The U.S. started building new ships because:

a. Shipping products overseas required modern ships.
b. The U.S. began building new coal burning, steam-powered merchant ships.

The U.S. needed naval ports in the Pacific because:

a. The U.S. found competition with the merchants of France and Great Britain.
b. These merchants would prevent other countries from trading with territories
they controlled.
c. The U.S. built their own ports along their route to trade.

Countries that had the largest navies in 1898:

(1) Great Britain
(2) France
(3) Germany.

Moral Reasons

Some Europeans and Americans felt superior to people in other parts of the world
because they believed the Christian religion made them morally superior. They
sent missionaries to other countries to bring them into the Christian religion.

Domination, Accommodation, and Imperialism

Domination is used when dealing with another country that has a weaker
economy and a weaker military.

Accommodation is necessary when dealing with a country that has an equally

strong economy and military.

Imperialism occurs when the people of a strong nation dominate the people of a
weak nation, denying people in the weak nation the freedom to make their own
decisions about economic and political problems.

The United States in Latin America

Domination and Accommodation in South America

The Monroe Doctrine

1820s the U.S. government was worried that Spain might try to reclaim some of
its lost territory, particularly the Louisiana territory. President Monroe declared
that the U.S. would not tolerate any European country getting involved in any part
of North or South America.

This declaration was known as the Monroe Doctrine which was not a treaty or an
agreement with other countries. It was a statement by the United States that the
U.S. would not allow European countries to expand their control over territory in
Latin America.

The British navy did not want European countries to get more influence over
Latin America. Fear of the British Navy kept France and Spain from trying to do
Crisis with France

The U.S. wanted France to leave Mexico because they did not want a European
nation to control a country that bordered the U.S.

The U.S. got France to leave Mexico because they insisted that the French leave
or face a possible war. France decided that fighting an overseas battle with both
the Mexicans and the Americans would be too hard and pulled their troops out of

Crisis in Chile

The U.S. supported the President of Chile during the revolution there. When the
President of Chile lost control of the government, many people in Chile were
angry with the U.S. for supporting him. When the U.S. ships came ashore in
Chile, a riot broke out and 2 American sailors were killed. Chile did not want to
apologize for these deaths until the U.S. president said he might consider going to
war with Chile. They apologized and sent money to the families of the deceased.

Crisis in Venezuela
1895 a dispute between Venezuela and Great Britain gave the U.S. a chance to
demonstrate its influence in the Americas.

The dispute was about the location of the border between Venezuela and British

The U.S. helped solve the problem.

The Spanish-American War

1898 - the U.S. fought a brief war with Spain

Spains influence changed during the 1800s because countries such as Mexico,
Peru,Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador,fought successful wars of independence from

The U.S. became the largest importer of Cuban sugar in 1984, importing over 1
million tons.

1890s - America wanted to go to war with Spain because Spain had sent troops to
Cuba to stop them from gaining independence and in the process had killed many
Cubans and Americans living in Cuba.

1898 - 2 events increased the desire of Americans to go to war with Spain:

(1) The publication in a New York newspaper of a letter from the Spanish
ambassador to a friend in Cuba in which the Spanish ambassador had accused
President McKinley of being weak. This angered the President and the American
(2) The sinking of the U.S. battleship, Maine, which had gone to Cuba to protect
American citizens there. On Feb.15, 1989 an explosion occurred on the Maine,
killing 260 American sailors.

Reasons why some businessmen wanted a war with Spain:

(1) They thought a war would help the U.S. economy recover from the depression
that had started in 1893.
(2) Some wanted Spain out of Cuba in order to make it easier for American
companies to do business with Cuba.

The policy of the United States toward Spain used domination.

Cuba and the Philippines were supposed to gain independence after the Spanish-
American war.

Puerto Rico was supposed to be turned over to the control of the U.S.

Post-war Relations with Cuba

1901 - Platt Amendment was passed.

This amendment stated that the U.S. to send troops into Cuba if the new Cuban
government was unable to protect life and property.

The Cubans were told that their constitution must include provisions stating that
(1) could not enter into any agreement with a foreign power that could endanger
its independence
(2) would give the right to the U.S. to intervene in Cuba if the Cuban government
had problems
(3) would lease a naval base at Guantanamo Bay to the U.S.

American troops started a revolution in Cuba in 1906 and remained in Cuba until

Domination in the Caribbean

Roosevelt Corollary

1904 - President Roosevelt issued the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe

Doctrine. It basically said that the U.S. would act as a policeman in Latin

U.S. Control of Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico was made a territory of the U.S. because the Teller Amendment had
stated that Cuba would not become a territory of the United States, but it never
said anything about Puerto Rico.

Haiti and the Dominican Republic

Caribbean countries where the U.S. intervened during the early 1900s: Haiti &
Dominican Republic.

Domination in Central America and Mexico

Dollar diplomacy is a phrase which referred to actions taken to protect American

business interests in these foreign countries.

The Panama Canal

1860s - there had been talk of building a canal across the narrowest part of
Central America that would enable ships to pass from the Atlantic Ocean to the
Pacific Ocean without going around South America.

The U.S. was interested in building a canal across Central America because it
would save time and ships could make more trips, which meant more products
could be sold and businesses could earn more profit.

Isthmus is a narrow strip of land that connects 2 larger pieces of land.

The 2 possible routes for a canal across Central America were:

(1) across Nicaragua
(2) across the Isthmus of Panama

Roosevelt encouraged the people in Panama to declare independence from

Colombia because he did not want to take the chance that a revolution in
Colombia would stop the U.S. from building a canal.

The U.S. ensured that Panama would be independent by sending American

warships to defend them from Colombian troops. Roosevelt offered Panama the
same terms that he had offered Colombia, which was $10 million for the right to
build the canal and $250,000 a year as rent for the Canal Zone.

1914 - the Panama Canal was completed

U.S. Relations with Mexico

The U.S. relationship with Mexico was important because of Mexicos large
population and its long border with the U.S.
1911 - a revolution led by different Mexican groups forced the Mexican dictator
to resign.

Pancho Villa and Emilliano Zapata, who were rebel leaders, wanted to get the
United States to get involved in the war and make it look like the U.S. was
supporting the Mexican government.

1916 - Villa stopped a train in Northern Mexico and executed 16 Americans.

When the U.S. did not invade Mexico, Villa attacked the town of Columbus, New
Mexico, and killed 19 Americans.

In response to these attacks, President Wilson sent an army of 6,500 men into
Mexico to capture Pancho Villa. The U.S. was about to go to war with Germany,
and Wilson needed his army back in the U.S., so he called back his army from

1900s - many Mexicans left Mexico to settle in the U.S. because of the disorder
and poverty due to Zapata and Villa.

The United States in the Pacific

The Asian countries and islands in the Pacific became important to the U.S.
because those islands could be used as naval bases and refueling stations for ships
traveling across the Pacific.

Domination in the Philippines

After the Spanish-American war, the peace treaty specified that the Philippines
were supposed to become independent.

Filipino leaders became angry at the U.S. because the Americans refused to allow
Filipino leaders to form their own government after the Spanish-American war.

1902 - The United States had to ensure that the Philippine legislature wouldnt
pass laws that hurt American business. They passed an act that stated how the
Philippines would be governed. It would have 2 parts:
(1) one part appointed by the U.S. President
(2) one part elected by the Filipino people

Domination of Hawaii
The 2 main economies in Hawaii during the 1800s were whaling and sugar.

Hawaii was important for shipping because it was half way between the U.S. and

The Hawaiian sugar plantation owners wanted Hawaii to become part of the U.S.
so they could sell their without the tariffs.
Congress allowed Hawaii to become a U.S. territory because after the Spanish-
American war, the supply of sugar from Cuba stopped, and they needed sugar
from Hawaii.

Purchase of Alaska

1867 - Alaska was controlled by Russia. Russia offered to sell Alaska to the U.S.
for just over $7 million.

William Seward, the Secretary of State, bought Alaska for the United States.
Alaska became known as Sewards folly because everyone thought it was a
foolish purchase.

Reasons why Seward wanted to purchase Alaska:

(1) He thought this was a possible way to convince Canada to become part of the
(2) He thought Alaska would provide closer ports to China.

Domination and Accommodation in China

Americans and Europeans were interested in China because the great population
of China was seen as a great potential market for the sale of European and
American manufactured goods.

Spheres of influence are countries that made agreements that each nation would
have control over the trade with certain parts of China.

The Open Door Notes declared that the U.S. reserved the right to trade at all ports
and that no government should interfere with the rights of the Chinese
government in these ports.

The Boxer Rebellion

Boxers - an organization called the Righteous and Harmonious Fists, which taught
its members the art of Chinese boxing and religious rituals to prepare fighters for
battle. The organization was referred to by westerners as Boxers.

1900 - the Boxers attacked Chinese government officials and Chinese who
converted to Christianity. The Boxers managed to isolate embassies of foreign
governments. This caused European countries and America to send troops.

Accommodation with Japan

1854 - Matthew C. Perry, American Commander, took his navy to Japan and
forced the Japanese to begin trading with the U.S.
Japan was the most powerful Asian country in the late 1800s.

1904-1905 - Japan fought a war with Russia

A peace conference was called, in which U.S. President Roosevelt served as a
Agreements were reached:
a. Japan was given control over the disputed area.
b. The U.S. agreed not to interfere with Japans actions in Korea and Manchuria.
c. Japan agreed not to interfere with the U.S. interests in the Philippines.

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