Biophysical Ecology Lab Report
Biophysical Ecology Lab Report
Biophysical Ecology Lab Report
Elizabeth Pettit
button data loggers placed inside of them were used to collect temperature data from two
different microhabitats within the habitat of a large magnolia tree. Unlike endotherms,
ectotherms have a low rate of metabolism and must therefore regulate their body heat through
solar radiation, evaporation, convection, and conduction in order to increase their individual
fitness. The two microhabitats used were a tree branch about seven feet off of the ground and a
puddle within the roots of the tree. Five simulated ectotherms were placed in each microhabitat
for twenty minutes while the I-button data loggers recorded the decrease in temperature. Then,
back at the lab, the I-button software allowed for the data to be converted into usable data in
Microsoft Excel and the ANOVA software. Through these calculations, the final results
supported the hypothesis in showing that the puddle microhabitat allowed for a faster rate of
decrease in temperature as well as an overall lower final temperature. This could be attributed to
the higher rate of convection at the surface of the puddle in comparison to the rates of both
This lab focuses on the concept of biophysical ecology, or the idea that the different
behaviors or forms of an organism might alter its bodys temperature. Two types of organisms
are endotherms and ectotherms. Endotherms are capable of regulating their own body
temperature by using metabolic heat and are therefore not greatly affected by the temperature of
their environment. Ectotherms, however, are of interest in the experiment because they typically
have body temperatures similar to their environments, and therefore, must change their location
in order to regulate their body temperature. This is important because a difference of only a few
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degrees can drastically affect the individuals performance, its interspecific relationships, and its
fitness (Chapperon, 2012). The different habitats that an ectotherm would occupy are referred to
as microhabitats, and even slight changes in temperature of these microhabitats can have a direct
When referring to a change in an animals body temperature, an equation exists for the
change in heat content. This is referred to as the heat budget, and the equation is: change in heat
content = metabolism evaporation +/- convection +/- conduction +/- radiation. Since this
experiment focuses on ectotherms that do not have a high-energy metabolism, the important
aspects of the equation to measure are evaporation, convection, conduction, and radiation.
Evaporation can be defined as the heat transfer that occurs when water is converted from
a liquid to a gas. As water evaporates from a surface, heat is lost. No heat can be gained through
evaporation. Convection is the transfer of heat energy to the outside environment through a
moving material, be it a fluid or wind (Chapperon, 2012). If the air or fluid is warmer than the
individual, the body temperature of that individual will rise. The movement of the material
regulates how quickly a heat exchange will occur between the individual and the environment.
Conduction occurs when there is a transfer of heat between a solid surface and an organism. If
the organism is warmer than the surface it is resting on, the temperature of the organism will
drop. If the surface is warmer, however, the organisms temperature will rise. The larger the
surface area that exists between the organism and the solid surface, the larger the rate of heat
exchange will be (Marshall, 2012). Radiation occurs when energy from the sun is either absorbed
or released in an environment. The ability of an organism to absorb this solar radiation, and as a
result heat up, rises or falls based on the amount of sunlight, the angle at which the sunlight hits
the organism, and the ability of the surface on which the organism rests to absorb the solar
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radiation. The addition of cloud cover, however, drastically decreases the levels of solar radiation
(Marshall, 2012).
In this experiment, the simulated organism of study was a Marshmallow Peep with a
small I-button data logger placed inside a hole cut into the back of the marshmallow. These
simulated organisms were to act as ectotherms by having the temperatures that were recorded by
the I-buttons regulated by the environment in which they were placed. This is significant because
it is necessary to be able to study how small changes in temperature affect how organisms
The basis of this experiment was to observe the effects of placing the simulated
ectotherms in different microhabitats. The two microhabitats were a magnolia trees branch about
seven feet off the ground and a puddle within the roots of the same magnolia tree. The day that
the experiment was conducted was overcast, so there was little radiation to affect the
temperatures of the microhabitats. As a result of the lack of sunlight, there was also little to no
evaporation taking place. This means that convection and conduction were the main forces in the
transfer of heat between the Marshmallow Peeps and the microhabitats. Convection at the
surface of water occurs more rapidly than wind convection does at a solid surface (Poindexter,
2013). The convection at the surface of the puddle can then occur at a greater rate than the
combination of convection and conduction at the tree branch. A temperature difference should
exist between the two microhabitats. Therefore, if the rate of convection were greater at the
puddle microhabitat, then we would support the idea that the simulated organisms in the puddle
microhabitat would decrease more rapidly and to a lower temperature than the simulated
This experiment was performed on February 4th, 2015 in Maxcy Gregg Park. First, a bag
containing several infrared thermometers, 10 I-button data loggers, packages of gingerbread man
shaped Peeps brand Marshmallow Peeps, and scissors was obtained. Then, two locations in
Maxcy Gregg Park to use as habitats for the experiment were selected. Within these two habitats,
two separate microhabitats to compare the temperature differences were chosen, keeping in mind
how they might affect an ectotherm. Using the infrared thermometers, 5 temperature
including the type of ground cover, shading, and water availability. The first habitat was located
in the brush, underneath large trees near a creek. Within the brush two areas were selected to act
as microhabitats, with one in the brush underneath the trees, and the other on a low-hanging
branch of one of the trees in the brush. The second habitat was a large magnolia tree with many
visible roots.
The microhabitats selected in the magnolia tree were a low hanging branch
approximately seven feet high and the puddles located within the roots of the tree. When the five
temperature measurements in each habitat were obtained, the means between the two were
calculated and compared. Since the lab group contained enough people for two groups, instead of
choosing the habitat with the larger temperature difference between the two microhabitats as the
directions instructed, both habitats were used. I chose to work with the second habitat, which was
In performing the experiment, first, slits were cut into the back of the Marshmallow
Peeps with the scissors, and then, the I-button data loggers were inserted into the backs of the
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peeps. Prior to inserting the I-buttons into the peeps, they were placed in extremely hot water to
set a base for the initial temperature recording. The Marshmallow Peeps with the I-buttons
inserted into them served to act as the simulated organisms, which were ectotherms. Five of the
peeps were placed onto the low-hanging limb of the magnolia tree at 2:05 PM. The other five
remaining peeps were placed in a small puddle within the roots of the tree at 2:07 PM. Then, a
timer was set on a cell phone for 20 minutes. After this time elapsed, the peeps were removed
from the microhabitats, the I-button data loggers were removed, and the serial numbers of the
data loggers were recorded into a chart, keeping track of which serial numbers were located in
which microhabitat. Then, the data was returned to the lab to be recorded into the I-button
Once the data from the I-buttons was obtained in a computer using the I-button software,
it was moved into a Microsoft Excel data sheet. Then, the average temperature recorded, the
standard deviation, a confidence interval, and the upper and lower confidence intervals were
calculated. Using the results of these calculations, a graph was created in Excel, which displayed
the puddle and branchs average temperatures and upper and lower confidence intervals. Lastly,
an ANOVA test on the final data points was run in order to obtain a p-value for the data. In
observing this data, the hypothesis in question of whether the puddle microhabitat decreases in
Figure 1 below displays the average temperature as well as the upper and lower
confidence intervals for both the branch and puddle microhabitats in our magnolia tree habitat.
By looking at the lines, it is evident that the average puddle temperature was initially higher than
the average branch temperature, but in the twenty minutes where data was collected, the average
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puddle temperature dropped more rapidly and in the end was lower than the average branch
temperature did. Initially both microhabitat temperatures dropped more rapidly, but after about
Puddle Upper 95% Confidence Interval
Puddle Lower 95% Confidence Interval
Figure 1: This graph displays the variation in the temperature between the Marshmallow Peeps
placed on the tree branch and those placed in the puddle. It includes the upper and lower
confidence intervals as well as the average temperature for each location. The x-axis displays the
time over the 20-minute period, while the y-axis shows the average temperature range in degrees
Displayed on the next page, Table 1 shows the average temperatures throughout the
twenty minutes of measurement for both the puddle and the branch microhabitat. The puddle
average at 8.7 degrees Celsius was lower than the branch average of 10.3. Table 1 also shows the
variance of each microhabitat. The puddle microhabitat had a larger variance, at .325, than the
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branch microhabitat, which had a variance of .2. Using the ANOVA software and the values from
Marshmallow Peeps that were placed in either the puddle or on the branch.
The results that are shown above support the idea that the reduction in temperature of the
Marshmallow Peeps would occur more rapidly at the site of the puddle when compared to the
branch microhabitat. The average temperature of the puddle, shown in Table 1, is 8.7, which is
lower than the branchs average temperature of 10.3. The variance of the puddle microhabitat
(.325) is higher than that of the branch (.2), meaning that there exists a greater distribution
around the mean in the measurements of the puddle temperatures. This would indicate that the
measurement period.
In looking at the data presented in Figure 1, the temperature of the puddle microhabitat
began at a higher temperature, dropped at a higher rate, and to a lower temperature than the
branch temperature did. This supports the idea that the puddle microhabitat would experience a
greater change in temperature than the branch microhabitat. The calculated p-value was .00138,
which is below the significance level of .05. This means that we can reject the null hypothesis
that states that no significant temperature difference exists between the two microhabitats and
conclude that a temperature difference does in fact exist. It can also be concluded that convection
does play a greater role at the surface of the water in comparison to the air (Poindexter, 2013).
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This is because the puddle experiences a higher exchange of energy and is therefore cooler in
In the future, using the results obtained from this experiment, it might be helpful to
conduct the study in different types of weather. This sky was overcast on the day that this
experiment was conducted so it could also be repeated on sunny days, very windy days, or even
days on which it rains or snows. Another helpful direction could be repeating the study during
different seasons and comparing the results between all different circumstances.
The purpose of this experiment was to study the potential for slight changes in
environment to affect a simulated ectotherm, which would show how easily affected these
organisms are in real life. Just a small change in temperature or conditions could have
detrimental effects on many different animal populations, and with the evidence of changing
climates, it is important to understand this process as much as possible in order to try to better
understand the environment and the balance of ecosystems. Learning more about ectotherms and
the types of heat exchanges that affect them can help researchers to better understand these types
of species.
I would like to thank my lab partners Robert Faust and Lee Ferrell who assisted me in
completing this experiment and helping to upload all of the data that was collected. I would also
like to thank Marvin Brown and Nikki Gates for supervising and instructing us in addition to the
Biology Department at the University of South Carolina for providing the funding and the
Coraline Chapperon, Laurent Seuront. Keeping warm in the cold: On the thermal benefits of
Pettit 10
Cristina M. Poindexter, and Evan A. Variano. "Gas Exchange in Wetlands with Emergent
Vegetation: The Effects of Wind and Thermal Convection at the Air-Water Interface."
David J. Marshall, Teddy Chua. Boundary layer convective heating and thermoregulatory
behaviour during aerial exposure in the rocky eulittoral fringe snail Echinolittorina
ANOVA Software
I-Button Software
Microsoft Excel