MAX013 Maximos Key Performance Indicators

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Maximos Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Presenter: Craig Mackenzie

May 12, 2009
What is a KPI?
Types of KPIs
Common Maintenance & Materials KPIs
Building and Using KPIs in Maximo
Key Performance Indicators

Definition: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are

quantifiable measurements, agreed to beforehand,
that reflect critical business success factors (of the
company, department, project, etc..)

KPIs can be:

Management dashboards
Reports run adhoc
Simple calculations or queries of data
Scheduled reports sent to specific individuals
Types of KPIs

Leading (how were performing now)

For Example:
-Current Backlog Labour Hours
-# of Work Orders Completed Today
- Actual Costs vs. Budget Costs (current)

Lagging (how weve performed in the past)

For Example:
-Work Order Backlog Trend
-Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)
-Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
Sample Maintenance KPIs
Measurement Units Frequency Definition

New Work Orders Number Week to week The total number of new work orders/requests generated weekly

Past Due Work Order Number Week to week Total number of work orders that are past their scheduled start
running dates.
Current Backlog Labour Weekly or Daily Total labour hours required for all remaining work orders.
Percent of Planned Hours Percent Planned hours vs. total hours in schedule.

Job Plans Used Percent Percent of work orders that are using a job plan.

Measurement Units Frequency Definition

Schedule Compliance Percent Daily / Weekly Work orders planned to be started divided by the actual work
orders started in a week (or defined period)

Estimating Accuracy Curve A distribution curve of actual vs. estimated time/cost by selected
Mean Time Between Number Quarterly Average time between failures on a particular asset or asset class.
Work Type Distribution Pie Chart Weekly Distribution of Corrective, Breakdown, Capital Projects, Predictive
and Preventive Work Orders.
Follow-up to PM ratio Percent Monthly Measure the effectiveness of PM inspection programs.
Sample Supply Chain/Materials KPIs

Measurement Units Frequency Definition

Total Value of Inventory Dollar Weekly / The Total dollar value of maintenance materials in stock

Stock Monthly (excludes process chemicals & fuels). Used to demonstrate

effective stock utilization.
Number of Inventory Number Daily / Weekly Total number of inventory reservations made in a given day /
Reservation week.
Items Above Max Number Number of items above their Maximum level in the system.

Measurement Units Frequency Definition

Inventory Turns Number Monthly Value of Inventory issued divided by the average inventory for
the period.

Stocks Outs (aka Percent Monthly The percentage of inventory request that could not be
Backorder) fulfilled with inventory items in stock.
Potentially Obsolete Number Monthly The number of inventory items that could be potentially
Parts obsolete.
Vendor Lead Time Percent Monthly A vendor analysis metric that shows the actual lead time
Compliance compliance compared to the promised lead time.
Three Major Areas for KPIs in Maximo

1. Result Set Pie/Bar Charts

2. KPI Manager
3. Reports

The focus of this Webcast is on #2
Maximos KPI Manager

Introduced January 2004 for Maximo 5.2 and beyond

Can be downloaded from IBM Support Online (with active
support) for Maximo 5.2, included in 6.x and 7.x.
Allows users to create KPIs on the fly using a query in an
application or simple SQL
Comes with 13 KPIs out-of-the-box (MAXDEMO database)
Can be used as both Lists & Graphs on the Start Center
1. Using KPIs on the Start Center
2. Creating KPIs using a query
3. Creating KPIs using SQL

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