Work Volume of Robot
Work Volume of Robot
Work Volume of Robot
The term "work volume" refers to the space within which the robot can operate. To be
technically precise, the work volume is the spatial region within which the end of the robot's
wrist can be manipulated. Robot manufacturers have adopted the policy of defining the work
volume in terms of the wrist end, with no hand or tool attached.
The work volume of an industrial robot is determined by its physical configuration, size,
and the limits of its arm and joint manipulations. The work volume of a cartesian coordinate
robot will be rectangular. The work volume of a cylindrical coordinate robot will be cylindrical.
A polar coordinate configuration will generate a work volume which is a partial sphere. The
work volume of a jointed arm robot will be somewhat irregular, the outer reaches generally
resembling a partial sphere. Robot manufacturers usually show a diagram of the particular
model's work volume in their marketing literature, providing a top view and side view with
dimensions of the robot's motion envelope.
Precision of movement
The precision with which the robot can move the end of its wrist is a critical consideration in
most applications. In robotics, precision of movement is a complex issue, and we will describe it
as consisting of three attributes:
1. Spatial resolution
2. Accuracy
3. Repeatability
These attributes are generally interpreted in terms of the wrist end with no end effector attached
and with the arm fully extended.
SPATIAL RESOLUTION: The term "spatial resolution" refers to the smallest increment of
motion at the wrist end that can be controlled by the robot. This is determined largely by the
robot's control resolution, which depends on its position control system and/or its feedback
measurement system. In addition, mechanical inaccuracies in the robot's joints would tend to
degrade its ability to position its arm. The spatial resolution is the sum of the control resolution
plus these mechanical inaccuracies. The factors determining control resolution are the range of
movement of the arm and the bit storage capacity in the control memory for that movement. The
arm movement must be divided into its basic motions or degrees of freedom, and the resolution
of each degree of freedom is figured separately. Then the total control resolution is the vector
sum of each component. An example will serve to illustrate this.
Assume that we want to find the spatial resolution for a cartesian coordinate robot that has two
degrees of freedom. The two degrees of freedom are manifested by two orthogonal slides. Each
slide has a range of 0.4 m (about 15.75in.), hence giving the robot a work volume which is a
plane square, with 0.4 m on a side. Suppose that the robot's control memory has a l0 -bit storage
capacity for each axis.
To determine the control resolution, we must first determine the number of control increments of
which the control memory is capable. For the l0 -bit storage, there are 2 10 =1024 control
increments (the number of distinct zones into which the slide range of 0.4 m can be
divided). Then the control resolution would be found by dividing the slide range by the number
of control increments:
Control resolution = 0.4m / 1024 = 0.3906mm.
Since there are two orthogonal slides, the control resolution of this robot would be a square with
0.39 mm per side. Any mechanical inaccuracies would be added to this figure to get the spatial
This example shows that the spatial resolution can be improved by increasing the bit
capacity of the robot's control memory. Also, for a given memory capacity, a larger robot would
have a poorer (larger) spatial resolution than a small robot. In reality, the spatial resolution would
be worse (larger) than the control resolution computed in Example 10.1 because of mechanical
inaccuracies in the slides.
ACCURACY. The accuracy of the robot refers to its capability to position its wrist end
(or a tool attached to the wrist) at a given target point within its work volume. Accuracy is
closely related to spatial resolution, since the robot's ability to reach a particular point in space
depends on its ability to divide its joint movements into small increments. According to this
relation, the accuracy of the robot would be one-half the distance between two adjacent
resolution points. This definition is illustrated in Figure 10.7. The robot's accuracy is also
affected by mechanical inaccuracies, such as deflection of its components, gear inaccuracies, and
so forth.
REPEATABILITY: This refers to the robot's ability to position its wrist end (or tool) back to a
point in space that was previously taught. Repeatability is different from accuracy. The
difference is illustrated in Figure 10.8. The robot was initially
programmed to move the wrist end to the target point T;.Because it is limited by its accuracy, the
robot was only capable of achieving poiht A. The distance between points A and T is the
accuracy. Later, the robot is instructed to return to this previously programmed point A.
However, because it is limited by it repeatability, it is only capable of moving to point R. The
distance between points R and A is a measure of the robot's repeatability. As the robot is
instructed to return to the same position in subsequent work cycles, it will not always return to
point R, but instead will form a cluster of positions about point A. Repeatability errors form a
random variable. In general, repeatability will be better (less) than accuracy.
Mechanical inaccuracies in the robot's arm and wrist components are principal sources of
repeatability errors.
Speed of movement
The speed with which the robot can manipulate the end effector ranges up to a maximum of
about 1.5 rbts. Almost all robots have an adjustment to set the speed to the desirable level for the
task performed. This speed should be determined by such factors as the weight of the object
being moved, the distance moved, and the precision with which the object must be positioned
during the work cycle. Heavy objects cannot be moved as fast as light objects because of inertia
problems. Also, objects must be moved more slowly when high positional accuracy is required.
Weight-carrying capacity
The weight-carrying capacity of commercially available robots covers a wide range. At the upper
end of the range, there are robots capable of lifting over 1000 lb. The Versatran FC model has a
maximum load-carrying capacity rated at 2000 lb. At the lower end of the range, the Unimate
PUMA Model 250 has a load capacity of only 2.5 lb. What complicates the issue for the low-
weight-capacity robots is that the rated capacity includes the weight of the end effector. For
example, if the gripper for thePUMA250weighslIb, the net capacity of the robot is only 1.5 lb.