Analysis and Optimization of Electrodes For Improving The Performance of Ring Laser Gyro PDF

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308



A. Ramchander Rao1, G.Laxminarayana2, M.K.Gupta3, I.M.Chhabra4, C. Vishnuvardhan Reddy5

Research Scholar, Department of Physics, Osmania University, Telangana, India
Scientist, Laser Systems, Research Center Imarat, Telangana, India
Scientist, Laser Systems, Research Center Imarat, Telangana, India
Scientist, Laser Systems, Research Center Imarat, Telangana, India
Professor, Department of Physics, Osmania University, Telangana, India

Performance of Ring Laser Gyros (RLGs) solely depends upon the stability of scale factor. Variation in scale factor is directly
related to the changes in the path length of the gyros. Any thermal and mechanical gradients are mainly responsible for variation
in path length. In the case of prism based RLGs, electrodes are utilized for RF discharge to excite the gain medium (He-Ne Laser)
as well as for sustenance of laser. Due to the near proximity of the prism with respect to discharge, it gets heated up. Due to
heating of prisms, the refractive index of the material of the prism also changes. This change in refractive index in turn affects the
stability of the scale factor. In the present work experiment has been carried out to study and optimize the electrode length for
achieving the desired output power and vice a versa to improve the performance of Ring Laser Gyros.

Keywords: RLG, Scale factor, Path length, RF discharge, Self heating and Refractive Index

Gyro is an instrument which senses inertial angular motion
about its input axis without external reference. Three most
widely used physical principles on which successful gyro
technologies are based can be described as follows:
Gyros based on Conservation of angular
momentum of a spinning rotor
Gyros based on Coriolis effect on a vibrating mass
or structure
Gyros based on Sagnac Effect

1.1 Sagnac Effect Fig: 1.1 Sagnac Effect gyro principle P Light beam entry,
If two counter propagating light beams travel in a closed P1 Light beam exit , L path length difference
circular path after entering at a point P in inertial space, then
the travel time for both the beams are same in the absence of propagating beams in the closed optical path. This
an inertial rotation perpendicular to the plane of the circular phenomenon is called Sagnac effect. The path length
path as the beams traverse the same optical path and exit at difference L is given by c t. The difference in the beam
the same point P in inertial space. The travel time is given as travel time t, due to path length difference L to a first
order of approximation is given by
t0 = . ----(1) 4 2 4

t = = -----(2)
2 2
When the closed path is rotated at angular rate , then the
travel time for both the beams is not the same as the beams Where,A area enclosed by the closed optical path
have entered at P but leave from another point P 1 that is A = R2
fixed in inertial space. This means that the rotation has c velocity of light in the medium
created a path length difference L between the counter - input angular rate about inertial space

The Ring Laser Gyro (RLG) is the outcome of extensive
research for a solid state gyro as an alternative to spinning
rotor gyro technology. In this process of evolution, some of
Volume: 04 Issue: 05 | May-2015, Available @ 112
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

the earlier designs and configurations of RLG became the field of view. By measuring the number of fringes
obsolete, such as 5 sided gyro or the gyro with magnetic moving across the field of view for a fixed time, the angular
mirrors. The active resonator concept followed in RLG rate can be determined by using the scale factor S k . A
motivated research and technology. simple counting of the fringes provides the inertial rotation
2.1 Ring Laser Resonator
2.2 Design of RLG with TRP on Four Sides
The important part of the ring laser gyro operation is to
create a ring type laser resonator which can detect the The design and development of RLG were focused on the
rotation induced Sagnac phase difference. There are two requirement for an autonomous navigation grade strap down
design conditions to be fulfilled to achieve a ring resonator. gyro with high reliability and producibility. As expected, the
First, In a resonator, the gain provided by the amplifying technology evolved through a number of configurations
medium must exceed the losses in the cavity due to various involving various designs concerning all the key areas. All
reasons. Second, The resonator oscillation is determined by these research and development activities eventually
the condition that the optical path length (L) for the beam to converged on a few variants of design which are described
return to itself, is an integral number (m) of wavelength (), further under the functional and design elements namely,
so that the relation L = m is ensured. Ring resonator which primarily consists of gas
medium, gas discharge and mirrors or reflectors or
Under such resonating conditions in a ring laser resonator, prisms
the clockwise (cw) and the counter - clockwise (ccw) beams Path Length Control
are created that travel with identical frequency in the Readout of Rotation
resonator cavity. When the ring laser cavity is rotated, Block Material
Sagnac effect causes a change in the optical path length of Number of sides
one beam relative to the other, which in turn results in the Lock in Solutions
two beams to have different oscillation frequency.
Transforming the optical path length difference to a more Considering the critical technology that is associated with
measurable frequency difference provides an elegant each of these functional elements in association with the
instrumentation scheme that forms the basis of RLG rate relevant tooling and manufacturing set ups, each RLG
detection. become a unique product where any change of a functional
element becomes extremely difficult.
The fundamental relationship to define the operation of a
basic ring laser gyro is termed as
= = ----(3)

Where, f - frequency difference between ccw and cw

A closed optical path area
- laser beam wavelength
L - closed optical path length
- input angular rate about inertial space.

In reality the RLG rate detection scheme is mechanized to

measure the rotation angle by integrating the above
expression. Hence, Fig: 1.2 Ring Resonator Geometry


The most widely used lasing medium inside the cavity is a
Where N fringes represents the number of fringes that is gas that is a mixture of Helium (He) and Neon (Ne). The gas
traversed when the gyro is rotated through an angle . The fill pressure and the He-Ne mixture ratio are the important
Scale factor of RLG can be deduced by putting N = 1 and controlling parameters for resonator operation and these are
the gyro scale factor S k is given as design specific. Control on these parameters establishes the
various aspects of the resonator, such as laser gain, gyro

----(5) thermal sensitivity and performance.
The use of four Total Reflecting Prisms (TRP) ensures that
The unit of scale factor is radian / pulse or arc sec / pulse. the laser beam falls on the refractive surfaces at the
The word count is used instead of pulse. In RLG when the Brewster angle. Additionally, one prism is designed with
two frequencies are equal, the fringes are stationary in time. transmissivity for the purpose of readout. These prisms has
When the frequencies are different, the fringes move across high geometrical accuracy and surface finish to permit TRP
Volume: 04 Issue: 05 | May-2015, Available @ 113
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

assembly to the gyro block by the optical contact process.

The experiment for identifying the change in temperature
with respect to the size of electrode has been carried
out. The experimental set up used is depicted below

Optocal output Power (uA)

1.5 16mm
1.0 20mm
0.5 30mm
6 8 10 12 14 16

HFO Voltage(V)

Fig: 1.5 Optical Power wrt Electrode Size

Another 2 prisms are contacted on other side of the laser

Fig: 1.3 Temperature Measurement Setup block having atmosphere. Excitation of Gas and its
continuous operation during gyro performance evaluation
As shown in figure 1.2 , two numbers of TRP prisms are and in actual use of the gyro the prisms contacted near the
contacted to laser block consisting of Gain Medium and gain medium gets heated up due to self heating in
exited using high voltage and maintained the same using comparison to the prisms contacted opposite side of the
High frequency. active medium and hence there is a definite differential
temperature in the opposite arm of the gyro. This
difference in temperature gives rise the difference in
38 refractive index of the prism as the refractive index is
temperature dependent phenomenon as per the relation
36 Temperature coefficient of relative refractive index = n/t
( 10-5 / K ) .
Temperature ( C)



This change in refractive index in turn changes the Path
30 Length of the Gyro. Change in path length is controlled by
heating mechanism in the other arm of the gyro. As the
28 temperature changes rapidly, we see more numbers of heater
resets. During each resets, at least for three seconds, gyro
26 is not responsive to the path Length control. Which in turn
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
indicate that if number of resets within the specified time
Time (Min)
frame are more, then chances of bias error are also more
and hence the performance of the gyro degrades. The
Fig: 1.4 Temperature Variation wrt Electrode Size results shows that the change in temperature is directly
proportional to the size of electrode.

Based on the above mentioned experimental data ,a

suitable size of electrodes for minimum self heating and
optimum output power has been selected . The
performance of the gyro fitted with those electrodes has
beevaluateen d for five hours.

Volume: 04 Issue: 05 | May-2015, Available @ 114
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

A.Ramchander Rao is working as a
scientist at Research Center Imarat
(RCI), DRDO Hyderabad. He obtained
MSc (Tech) Engg Physics from NIT
Warangal, Telangana. Presently
persuing PhD at Department of physics,
Osmania University, Hyderabad,
Telangana state.

Fig: 1.6: more number of Heater resets. (Bias Value 0.06

/ hr)

Fig: 1.7 Minimum number of Heater resets after optimizing

the electrode size (Bias Value 0.02 / hr)

Experimental data shows that the size and positioning of the
electrodes plays a major role for improving the performance
of the gyros. As the gain medium is in close proximity of
TR prisms, the electrode lengths has be optimized for
minimum self heating with optimum output power. In this
paper the optimization of electrode has been carried out
for improving the gyro performance.

[1]. Fundamentals of the Ring Laser Gyro, Dr. Frederick
Aronowitz, 11430 Manzanita Trail, Dewey, AZ 86327,
[2]. Modern Inertial Sensors and Systems, Amitava Base,
Somnath Puri, Paritosh Banerjee
[3]. C.V.Heer, Physics of Optics of Ring GyrosSPIE Vol
487, (1/7-10/84) pp. 2-12
[4]. F.Aronowitz, The Laser Gyro in Laser Applications Vol
I,edited by M.Ross, Academic Press (1971)

Volume: 04 Issue: 05 | May-2015, Available @ 115

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