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to dance bailar
to draw dibujar
to chat charlar
to cook cocinar
to drive conducir
to hike dar una caminata
to listen to music escuchar msica
to phone a friend llamar a un amigo por telfono
to play basketball jugar al basketball
to play billiards jugar al billar
to play bowling jugar a los bolos
to play chess jugar al ajedrez
to play football jugar al ftbol
to play hockey jugar al hockey
to play tennis jugar al tenis
to play the drums tocar la batera
to play the guitar tocar la guitarra
to play the piano tocar el piano
to play with the
jugar con la computadora
to read leer
to relax relajarse
to rent a video alquilar un vdeo
to ride a horse andar a caballo, cabalgar
to ride a bike andar en bicicleta
to ride a motorbike andar en motocicleta
to sing cantar
to skate patinar
to ski esquiar
to sleep dormir
to watch a film mirar una pelcula
to watch TV mirar televisin

to go camping ir de campamento
to go climbing ir a escalar
to go dancing ir a bailar
to go fishing ir de pesca
to go hunting ir de caza
to go on a picnic ir de picnic
to go to a disco ir a una disco
to go ice skating ir a patinar sobre hielo
to go shopping ir de compras
to go skating ir a patinar
to go swimming ir a nadar
to go walking ir a caminar


shirt = camisa
t-shirt = remera
polo shirt = polo, chomba
blouse = blusa
sweatshirt = sweater = pullover = jersey = slip-over = suter
cardigan = saco liviano de lana
dress = vestido
vest = chaleco
suit = traje
three-piece suit = traje de tres piezas
coat = saco
raincoat = piloto
waistcoat = chaleco
overcoat = sobretodo
mackintosh = abrigo de tela o lana gruesa
anorak = campera, anorak
bomber jacket = campera ajustada en la cintura
duffel coat = abrigo de lana
denim jacket = campera de jean

trousers = pantalones
slacks = pantalones informales
jeans = jeans
shorts = pantalones cortos
overalls (US) - dungarees (GB) = jardinero, peto
trainers (GB) - sneakers (US) = zapatillas
boots = botas
Wellingtons = botas
slippers = pantuflas
clogs = zuecos
shoes = zapatos
sandals = sandalias
high-heeled shoes = zapatos de taco alto
sole = suela
- have your shoes soled = ponerle suela a los zapatos
heel = taco
- have your shoes heeled = ponerle taco a los zapatos
shoelaces = cordones
flip-flops = ojotas
espadrilles = alpargatas
bathrobe = bata
nightdress = nightgown = camisn
pyjamas (GB) = pajamas (US) = pijama
socks = calcetines
knee-length socks = medias 3/4
tights = calzas
underwear = ropa interior
bra = brassiere = corpio
knickers = bombacha
slip = enagua
underpants = calzoncillos
bathing-suit = bathing-costume = traje de bao
bikini = bikini
swimming trunks = short de bao

clothes hanger (GB) = hanger (US) = percha

belt = cinturn
hood = capucha
tie = corbata
bowtie = moo
tie-pin = traba de corbata
braces (GB) = suspenders (US) = tiradores
cravat = pauelo
handkerchief = pauelo
neckerchief = pauelo de cuello
gloves = guantes
scarf = bufanda
shawl = chal
cloak = capa
cap = gorra
beret = boina
hat = sombrero
wide-brimmed hat = sombrero de ala ancha
bonnet = gorro para beb
top hat = sombrero de copa
helmet = casco


to wake up despertarse
to get up levantarse
to go to the bathroom ir al bao
to have a shower ducharse
to have a bath baarse
to wash one's face lavarse la cara
to brush one's teeth cepillarse los dientes
to brush one's hair cepillarse el cabello
to comb one's hair peinarse
to have breakfast desayunar
to read the paper leer el peridico
to listen to the radio escuchar la radio
to watch TV mirar televisin
to go to work ir a trabajar
to go to school ir a la escuela
to study estudiar
to read a book leer un libro
to use the computer usar la computadora
to play with the computer jugar con la computadora
to chat charlar
to send an email enviar un email
to phone a friend llamar a un amigo por telfono
to cook cocinar
to make dinner preparar la cena
to have dinner cenar
to set/lay the table poner la mesa
to clear the table levantar la mesa
to do the dishes lavar los platos
to go to bed ir a la cama
to sleep dormir
to dream soar


boarding school internado

class clase
co-educational / "co-ed" mixto
course curso
diploma diploma
dormitories / dorms residencias para estudiantes
alumna ex-alumna
alumnae ex-alumnas
alumnus ex-alumno
alumni ex-alumnos
exam/examination examen
grade calificacin
grading system sistema de evaluacin
holidays (GB) / vacation (US) vacaciones
homework tarea
kindergarten jardn de infantes / preescolar
notebook cuaderno
nursery school guardera / jardn de infantes
primary / elementary school escuela primaria
principal / headmaster director/a
private school escuela privada
faculty profesorado
school year ao escolar
secondary / high school escuela secundaria
semester semestre
student estudiante
subject materia
teacher / professor (university) profesor/a

to drop out dejar la escuela

to learn aprender
to pass aprobar
to repeat a grade reprobar, repetir el ao
to take an exam rendir examen
to teach ensear


acid rain lluvia cida

carbon dioxide dixido de carbono
chemicals sustancias qumicas
climate change cambio climtico
conservation conservacin
contaminant contaminante
contamination contaminacin
deforestation deforestacin
eco-friendly que no daa el medio ambiente
ecological ecolgico
ecologist ecologista
ecosystem ecosistema
effluent aguas residuales
endangered species especies en peligro de extincin
environment medio ambiente
environmental medioambiental
environmentalist ecologista
environmentally friendly que no daa el medio ambiente
extinction extincin
garbage disposal (US) eliminacin de residuos
garbage separation (US) separacin de residuos
global warming calentamiento global
greenhouse effect efecto invernadero
noise pollution contaminacin acstica
nuclear radiation radiacin nuclear
organic orgnico
ozone ozono
ozone-friendly que no daa la capa de ozono
ozone layer capa de ozono

pollution polucin, contaminacin

radioactive substance sustancia radiactiva
radioactive waste residuos radiactivos
radioactivity radiactividad
recyclable reciclable
recycled reciclado
recycling reciclaje
reforestation repoblacin forestal
sewage aguas residuales
sewage farm (GB) estacin depuradora
sewage plant (US) estacin depuradora
sewage works (GB) estacin depuradora
smog smog
solar energy energa solar
sulphur dioxide (GB) dixido de azufre
sulfur dioxide (US) dixido de azufre
toxic waste residuos txicos
waste separation (GB) separacin de residuos
waste disposal (GB) eliminacin de residuos
wind power energa elica

to become extinct extinguirse

to conserve conservar
to contaminate contaminar
to die out extinguirse
to poison envenenar
to pollute contaminar
to recycle reciclar


drinks bebidas
black coffee caf solo (sin leche)
cocoa cacao, chocolate
coffee caf
decaffeinated coffee caf descafeinado
espresso coffee caf expreso
fruit juice zumo de frutas
ginger ale ginger ale
grapefruit juice zumo de pomelo
herbal tea t de hierbas
hot chocolate chocolate caliente
iced tea t fro
juice jugo, zumo
lemon squash (GB) limonada
lemonade limonada
milk leche
milk shake batido de leche
mineral water agua mineral
non-alcoholic drink bebida sin alcohol
orange juice zumo de naranja
orange squash (GB) naranjada
soda refresco
soft drink refresco
sparkling mineral water agua mineral con gas
still mineral water agua mineral sin gas
tea t
tomato juice zumo de tomate
tonic water agua tnica
water agua
white coffee (GB) caf con leche

alcohol alcohol
ale cerveza
beer cerveza
bitter (GB) cerveza amarga
booze bebida alcohlica
brandy brandy
champagne champaa
cider (GB), hard cider (US) sidra
cocktail cctel, trago
draught beer cerveza de barril
gin ginebra
lager cerveza rubia
liqueur licor
port oporto
real ale cerveza no pasteurizada
red wine vino tinto
ros wine vino rosado
rum ron
shandy cerveza con limonada
sherry jerez
stout cerveza negra
vodka vodka
white wine vino blanco
whisky whisky
wine vino

crushed ice hielo picado

on the rocks con hielo
drinking straw sorbete, pajita, popote
wine list carta de vinos


shower llovizna
drizzle llovizna
to drizzle lloviznar
rain lluvia
to rain llover
to teem down llover a cntaros
deluge diluvio
flurry rfaga
downpour lluvia torrencial
to pour down llover torrencialmente
to hail llover con granizo
hailstones granizo
snow nieve
to snow nevar
slush nieve derretida
frost helada
ice hielo
sleet aguanieve
to be soaked to the skin estar mojado hasta los huesos (lit. hasta la piel)
to be drenched estar empapado
to be wet through estar empapado
storm tormenta
blizzard tormenta de nieve
thunderstorm tormenta elctrica
thunder trueno
thunderclap trueno
lightning relmpago
bolt of lightning rayo
cloud nube
to cloud over nublarse
mist niebla
fog niebla, bruma
haze bruma
breeze brisa
drought sequa
dew roco
heat wave ola de calor
hot spell ola de calor
cold snap ola de fro
wind viento
gust of wind rfaga de viento
gale viento muy fuerte
biting wind viento muy fuerte
blustery wind viento muy fuerte
whirlwind torbellino
hurricane huracn
tornado tornado

weather forecast pronstico del tiempo

changeable weather clima cambiante
inclement weather clima inclemente
mild weather clima templado, suave
above zero sobre cero
below zero bajo cero
the temperature dropped la temperatura disminuy
flood inundacin
drought sequa
climate clima (ex. tropical climate)

to be hot estar caluroso

to be boiling hot estar muy caluroso
to be warm estar templado
to be boiling estar muy caluroso
to be stifling estar muy caluroso, pesado
to be oppressive estar demasiado caluroso
to be airless estar sin aire
to be fair estar bueno
to be fine estar bueno
to be muggy estar templado y hmedo
to be humid estar hmedo
to be damp estar hmedo
to be dry estar seco
to be cold estar fro
to be freezing estar muy fro
to be icy estar muy fro
to be chilly estar demasiado fro
to be cloudy estar nublado
to be overcast estar muy nublado, cubierto
to be rainy estar lluvioso
to be misty estar nebuloso
to be foggy estar brumoso
to be sunny estar soleado
to be windy estar ventoso

aerobics gimnasia aerbica

archery tiro con arco
athletics atletismo
badminton badminton
baseball baseball, bisbol
basketball basketball, baloncesto
billiards billar
boxing boxeo
bowling bowling, bolos
canoeing piragismo
cycling ciclismo
darts dardos
diving salto de trampoln, buceo
fencing esgrima
football (US) ftbol americano
football (GB) ftbol
gymnastics gimnasia
golf golf
handball handball, balonmano
hang-gliding ala delta
hockey hockey
horseracing carreras de caballos
horse riding equitacin
hurdles salto de vallas
ice hockey hockey sobre hielo
ice skating patinaje sobre hielo
javelin jabalina
jogging footing
judo judo
karate karate
kayak kayak

martial arts artes marciales

motorcycling motociclismo
motor racing automovilismo
mountaineering alpinismo
pentathlon pentatln
pool pool, billar americano
rowing remo
rugby rugby
sailing navegacin, vela
scuba diving buceo
shooting tiro
skating patinaje
skiing esqu
snooker billar
soccer (US) ftbol
softball remo
swimming natacin
sync swimming natacin artstica
table tennis ping-pong
taekwondo taekwondo
tennis tenis
track and field atletismo
volleyball volleyball, voleibol
water polo waterpolo, polo acutico
weightlifting levantamiento de pesas
windsurfing windsurf
wrestling lucha libre


abbey abada
airport aeropuerto
amusement park parque de atracciones
art gallery galera de arte
baker's, bakery panadera
bank banco
bar bar
barber's shop peluquera (de caballeros)
beauty parlor saln de belleza
bookshop (GB) librera
bookstore (US) librera
bus station estacin de autobs
butcher's carnicera
caf cafetera
canteen cantina
casino casino
castle castillo
cathedral catedral
chemist's (GB) farmacia
church iglesia
cinema cine
convent convento
court juzgado, tribunal
dairy lechera
delicatessen charcutera
department store grandes almacenes
disco discoteca
drugstore (US) farmacia
fire station departamento de bomberos
fish shop (US) pescadera
fishmonger's (GB) pescadera
garage taller mecnico
gas station (US) estacin de servicio
gym gimnasio
factory fbrica
fast food restaurant restaurante de comida rpida
hairdresser's peluquera (de mujeres)
hospital hospital
hotel hotel
jail crcel
launderette (GB) lavandera automtica
Laundromat (US) lavandera automtica
library biblioteca
market mercado
mosque mezquita
museum museo
newsagent's (GB) kiosco de peridicos
newsstand (US) kiosco de peridicos
office oficina
park parque
pet shop tienda de mascotas
petrol station (GB) estacin de servicio
pharmacy farmacia
police station comisara
post office oficina de correos
prison crcel, prisin
pub pub
railway station estacin de ferrocarril
record shop tienda de discos
restaurant restaurante
school escuela
sports centre polideportivo
square plaza
subway station (US) estacin de subterrneo / metro
supermarket supermercado
synagogue sinagoga
train station estacin de tren
underground station (GB) estacin de subterrneo / metro
university universidad
video store tienda de video
zoo zoolgico

house casa
detached house (GB) casa independiente, separada
semi-detached house (GB) casa semiadosada
terraced house (GB) hilera de casas adosadas
row house (US) hilera de casas adosadas
flat (GB) departamento
apartment (US) departamento
block of flats edificio de departamentos
high-rise flat rascacielo
skyscraper rascacielo
bungalow bungalow
cottage casa de campo

cnic picnic
to go on a picnic ir de picnic
basket canasta
biscuit (GB) galletita
blanket manta
chips patatas fritas
coffee caf
cookie (US) galletita
cooler heladerita
drinks bebidas
flask termo
foldable chair silla plegable
food comida
fork tenedor
glass vaso
grass csped
hamburger hamburguesa
hotdog pancho
ice hielo
juice jugo
knife cuchillo
lemonade limonada
napkin servilleta
sandwich sandwich
soda gaseosa
spoon cuchara
table mesa
tablecloth mantel
tea t

ant hormiga
fly mosca
mosquito mosquito
insect repellent repelente para insectos

attractive atractivo
beautiful hermoso
good-looking guapo
handsome guapo (para hombres)
old viejo
pale plido
plain poco atractivo
pretty bonito (para mujeres)
tanned bronceado
ugly feo
unattractive poco atractivo
young joven

baby-faced con cara de beb

fresh-faced con cara fresca, joven
pasty-faced con cara plida
round-faced con cara redonda
con cara de piedra (que no muestra
thin-faced con cara delgada

short bajo
medium height de estatura media
tall alto
tiny pequeo

average build de constitucin media

fat gordo (despectivo)
muscular musculoso
obese obeso
overweight gordo, excedido de peso
plump regordete
skinny flaco
slender esbelto
slim delgado
stocky corpulento
stout corpulento
thin flaco
well-built fornido

elegant elegante
scruffy desaliado
smart elegante
untidy-looking desaliado
well-dressed bien vestido

long hair cabello largo

short hair cabello corto
straight hair cabello lacio
curly hair cabello rizado
dark hair cabello oscuro
light hair cabello claro
black hair cabello negro
blond hair cabello rubio
brown hair cabello castao
fair hair cabello rubio
grey hair cabello con algunas canas
white hair canas
redhead pelirrojo
receding hair entradas (en el cabello)
bald calvo
braid trenza
bun rodete
ponytail cola (en el cabello)

beard barba
birthmark marca de nacimiento
braces aparato de ortodoncia
freckle peca
mole lunar
moustache bigote
scar cicatriz
sideboards (GB),
sideburns (US)
tattoo tatuaje
wart verruga
wrinkle arruga

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