Otitis Media
Otitis Media
Otitis Media
TM and recent (less than 48 hours) onset of ear with myringotomy).10 A cloudy 15 Distinctly red Normal Normal
pain (holding, tugging, rubbing of the ear in a TM, and a bulging TM, and 7 Slightly red Normal Normal
nonverbal child) or intense erythema of the TM. a TM with decreased mobil-
3 Normal Retracted Slightly impaired
ity (all three) correlated 99%
Clinicians should not [emphasis added] diagnose with acute otitis media (see 0.1 Normal Normal Normal
AOM in children who do not have middle ear effu- Table 1). You might want to
sion (MEE) (based on pneumatic otoscopy and/ get your own insufflation bulb
or tympanometry). (Welch-Allyn #23804), as it adds a lot to the accuracy of
Diagnosing a middle ear effusion is fairly easy. Do pneu- your diagnosis; I did. You need soft speculum sheaths to
matic otoscopy. Thats where you use a soft ear speculum make a good seal with the external ear canal. The ED or
(to get a seal with the ear canal), with an insufflation clinic should supply these, though most dont. I bought a
bulb attached to the otoscope, and puff air into the ear.
You look at the tympanic membrane (eardrum, TM) for
position, color, translucency, and mobility.3 In one study,
as confirmed by myringotomy (needle aspiration of the
middle ear to get fluid), pneumatic otoscopy was 93%
sensitive and 58% specific for effusion, which compares
favorably with tympanometry (see below) which was 90%
sensitive and 86% specific.6
A, Normal TM. B,TM with mild bulging. C,TM with moderate bulging. D,TM with severe bulging.
A 2004 clinical guideline on otitis media with effusion Courtesy of Alejandro Hoberman, MD.
(OME) says: Distinct redness of the TM should not be a
criterion for antibiotic prescribing because it has poor pre- box of 80 of each size of the Welch Allyn SofSeal sheaths,
dictive value for acute otitis media and is present in about 24330 (med) and 24320 (small), that fit the speculums of
5% of ears with OME.7 Screaming babies always have a the Welch Allyn Macroview otoscopes in every ED and
red TM, and removing wax often makes the TM red.8 clinic in which I have worked for the past 10 years. It cost
A retracted TM, which hurts, is from eustachian tube 1
$44.50/box from schoolhealth.com. for diagnosing a middle ear effusion.
A machine that tells you if the patient has a middle ear Like using an insufflation bulb, tympanometry requires
effusion without digging the wax out of the ear of a an airtight seal; however, spectral gradient acoustic reflec-
squirming, screaming infant sounds good. Tympanom- tometry (SGAR), also known as acoustic reflectometry,
etry uses such a device to assess for middle ear effusion. does not. SGAR machines emit tones from 1.8 to 4.4
Since the early 1970s, tympanometers have been found kHz, and measure how much is reflected. As with tym-
in many ENT offices and pediatric offices and a few panometry, accuracy depends on how experienced you
Emergency Departments. Theyre easy to use, but results are,13 though SGAR is easier than tympanometry.9
are a bit hard to figure out. Basic tympanometers mea-
Neither tympanometry or SGAR is better than history,
sure how much of a 226 Hz musical tone reflects back
physical exam, and pneumatic otoscopy to diagnose
from the TM, as the air pressure in the external canal is
acute otitis media.14 As Combs writes: No technology
varied, both above and below ambient air pressure. More
can replace the careful history and otoscopic examina-
modern tympanometers use a pair of musical tones. The
tion by an experienced physician.15
tympanometer plots a pressure-versus-compliance curve
on a graph known as a tympanogram. The interpretation Physicians cant diagnose acute otitis media by symp-
of tympanograms is described in the medical literature toms alone. But parents can. Their sensitivity is 71% and
and online but is beyond the scope of this handout.11,12 their specificity is 80%.16
Tympanometry is no better than pneumatic otoscopy
Otitis-Conjunctivitis Syndrome
drops such as ofloxacin or
was taught that bullous myringitis tiny blisters myringitis hurts worse than Should you treat acute ciprofloxacin.
otitis media with antibiotics?
on the tympanic membrane clinches the diagnosis other types of acute otitis Maybe. There are dueling
Mastoiditis and petrositis
media.100 As one review (Gradenigos Syndrome) are
mycoplasma-induced otitis media.99 But the bacteria recommendations.
quite rare in the developed
in ears with bullous myringitis are basically the same put it, bullous myringitis is You can, for certain kids with world, and while CT or MRI
as in any case of acute otitis media,100 though bullous just acute otitis media with acute otitis media, give a may help a bit, you have to
prescription for an antibiotic make the initial diagnosis
blisters on the eardrum.99 but tell the parents not to fill it clinically.
unless the ear is still hurting in
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