Data Management Systems - EnVIRONMENT
Data Management Systems - EnVIRONMENT
Data Management Systems - EnVIRONMENT
Operations and
Expanded natural gas and oil resources have
dramatically improved the North American energy
supply outlook. However, prudent production and
delivery of these resources presents operational
and environmental challenges. Technological
advances have made shale gas, tight oil, deepwater
offshore, oil sands, and other resources economically recoverable. If these resources are to be available and economic for development, continuous
attention to reducing risks is essential to ensure
pollution prevention, public safety and health, and
environmental protection. These outcomes are
important in their own right, but also in order to
enjoy access to the resources for extraction and ultimate satisfaction of consumers energy demand.
Given the importance of these issues, they have
strongly influenced the study process.
This chapter examines the major environmental
and safety issues that must be addressed in order to
safely produce and deliver North American natural
gas and oil resources; examines the historical context of environmentally responsible development
and improvements in technology, regulation, and
environmental management; and describes the
variation in natural gas and oil resources and the
yy Air Emissions Emissions generated from combustion, leaks, or other fugitive emissions during
the production and delivery of natural gas and oil
present challenges regarding climate change and
human health impacts.
Offshore operations environmental challenges are
somewhat different than onshore due to the sensitivities of the marine environment, harsh operating conditions, remote locations in the case of the Arctic, and
advanced technologies employed. These challenges
yy Prevention of and Response to a Major Release
The pressures and temperatures associated with
remote wellhead locations that are difficult to access
on the bottom of the ocean floor, and high flow rate
of deepwater wells, make the containment of a subsea release challenging.
yy Safety Offshore natural gas and oil drilling practices, called into question by the recent Deepwater
Horizon incident, have resulted in a weakened public perception of offshore process and worker safety.
The limited operating space coupled with significant
production volumes can create a higher-risk work
yy Marine Impacts Seismic noise generated by offshore natural gas and oil exploration activities is
recognized as a concern for whale populations and
other marine life, including fish.
yy Arctic Ice Environments Responding to an oil
spill in seasonal subzero temperatures with the
presence of broken sea ice and 24-hour darkness is
difficult and presents challenges not faced in other
marine environments.
The development of oil sands poses unique environmental challenges that differ from those associated
with other onshore oil resources, including:
yy Water Consumption Large volumes of water have
generated public and regulatory issues associated
with water sourcing, groundwater withdrawals, and
protecting water quality.
yy Land Disturbances Removal of overburden for
surface mining can fragment wildlife habitat and
increase the risk of soil erosion or surface runoff events to nearby water systems, resulting in
impacts to water quality and aquatic species.
yy Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Transportation fuels produced solely from oil sands result in
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
Hydraulic Fracturing
Hydraulic fracturing is the treatment applied
to reservoir rock to improve the flow of trapped
oil or natural gas from its initial location to the
wellbore. This process involves creating fractures
in the formation and placing sand or proppant
in those fractures to hold them open. Fracturing is accomplished by injecting water and fluids
designed for the specific site under high pressure
in a process that is engineered, controlled, and
Fracturing Facts
yy Hydraulic fracturing was first used in 1947 in an
oil well in Grant County, Kansas, and by 2002,
the practice had already been used approximately
a million times in the United States.*
yy Up to 95% of wells drilled today are hydraulically
fractured, accounting for more than 43% of total
U.S. oil production and 67% of natural gas production.
yy The first known instance where hydraulic fracturing was raised as a technology of concern
was when it was used in shallow coalbed methane formations that contained freshwater (Black
Warrior Basin, Alabama, 1997).
Prudent Development
Prudent development of natural gas and oil
resources in North America reflects concepts related
to achieving a broadly acceptable balance of several
factors: economic growth, environmental stewardship
and sustainability, energy security, and human health
and safety. Prudent development necessarily involves
tradeoffs among these factors. Consideration of the
distribution of costs and benefits is a key part of prudent development.
Environmentally responsible development is
another key element of prudent development, underpinning environmental stewardship and sustainability. In the context of recovering natural gas and oil
resources while protecting public health and the environment, environmentally responsible development
yy Thorough predevelopment planning
yy Development of effective regulatory approaches
yy A commitment to continuous improvement
yy A commitment to implementing planned actions
yy Evolution of development concepts and practices.
Predevelopment Planning Appropriate planning
includes identifying and mitigating risks to public
health, worker safety, and the environment, conserving natural resources, using technologies appropriate to the task, and incorporating engagement with
parties impacted by the development of a resource.
Due to the diversity of areas with natural gas and oil
resources, the specific requirements associated with
prudent development vary between locations.
1 American Petroleum Institute, Environmental Expenditures
by the U.S. Oil and Natural Gas Industry: 1990-2009, February
2011. The estimates in this annual report are derived from survey data. The number of survey responses can vary each year,
and many companies do not track environmental spending
directly. As such, the aggregate estimates for specific industry sectors may either over or underestimate environmental
expenditures, and do not represent the expenditure patterns
of any individual company. With increased emphasis on corporate environmental performance and the implementation
of recently proposed or promulgated regulations, aggregate
industry environmental expenditures may be substantially
higher in future years.
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
Corporate Responsibility
Natural gas and oil companies should continue to
improve the development and use of Environmental
Management Systems (EMSs) and implementation
of environmental sustainability practices. There is a
Councils of Excellence
While most natural gas and oil companies operate at a high environmental performance level, some
companies are not as far along. Companies gain
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
exposure to and adopt new technologies and operating practices in different ways and at different
rates. Although accidents, spills, and other problems have occurred, overall environmental protection
has improved. This has occurred as companies have
applied more sophisticated technologies to drilling
and production practices.
Broad systems (i.e., operational, management, technological, and communications) within the industry
and government must be managed to work together
to achieve consistently high environmental performance. More systematic mechanisms to identify,
evaluate, and disseminate information about environmental best practices would promote consistently
higher environmental performance. North American
natural gas and oil companies should explore opportunities to share best practices for protecting the environment, safety, and public health while developing
different types of resource opportunities.
An existing example of best practice sharing and
recommended practice development is the Petroleum
Technology Transfer Council, a national network of
state universities, independent producers, service
companies, federal agencies, and national labs established in 1994 to provide a forum for the transfer of
technology and best practices within the producer
community, adapted to the regional level. The latest
example is the recently formed Center of Offshore
Safety, which will promote the highest level of safety
for offshore operations, through an effective program
that addresses management practices, communication and teamwork, and which relies on independent,
third-party auditing and verification. Natural gas and
oil companies should draw upon existing activities,
as appropriate, and form regionally focused councils
of excellence to function as centralized repositories
and systematic mechanisms to collect, catalog, and
disseminate non-proprietary standards, practices,
procedures, and management systems that would
be made available to all appropriate government
and private sources. Because development of natural gas and oil resources differs depending on factors
such as the geology, water resources, and geography
of the region, what constitutes effective practices is
regionally defined. As such, there may be a need for
multiple councils, each with a regional focus. The
councils would be industry led and should be open to
companies, regulators, policymakers, nongovernmental organization stakeholders, and the public. These
recommendations are supported by findings and
recommendations on sustainable systems and building public confidence in the Key Findings and Policy
Recommendations section of this chapter.
Effective Regulation
High-quality regulation is often risk-based, considers flexible approaches where feasible, encourages
innovation, is informed by public input, and is based
on sound science. A balance between prescriptive and
performance-based approaches is sought in developing high-quality regulation, with consideration given
to efficiency and effectiveness. Such regulation is
based on the best available data, takes into account
benefits and costs, evolves as technology changes,
and has other attributes necessary for implementing
effective regulatory programs and enabling regulatory compliance without unnecessary burdens. Highquality regulation can increase the potential for protecting public health, safety, and the environment,
while promoting economic growth, innovation, competitiveness, and job creation.
Regulation of oil and gas operations is best accomplished at the state level. A one-size-fits-all approach
to regulation is not a viable option to ensure the
highest level of safety and environmental protection.
State agencies have extensive knowledge of geological
conditions, which vary from state to state. State regulators are well suited to consider many variables, such
as the regional hydrogeology, topography and seasonal climate variation to ensure wells are constructed
properly, environmental footprints are minimized,
and operations are conducted safely. State regulators
are in close proximity to conduct inspections, oversee local operations, enforce existing regulations, and
target new regulations to improve safety and environmental performance. State regulators have management responsibility for other natural resources (e.g.,
wildlife, fisheries, etc.) and are in the best place to
integrate the regulation and management of all natural resources, including oil and gas.
Regulators should continue to evolve regulatory
requirements to address new information and best
practices for operations and safety programs. Each
state with natural gas and oil development has laws
and regulations governing the conduct of companies
and potential impacts. But each state is not equal
in maintaining knowledge of the implications of scientific and technological advancements in improving regulations to protect the environment, public
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
Figure 2-1. Water Consumed to Provide Electricity to 1,000 Average U.S. Households Annually
Figure 2-1. Water Consumed to Provide Electricity to 1,000 Average U.S. Households Annually
Figure 2-2. Area Disturbed to Provide Electricity to 1,000 Average U.S. Households Annually
Figure 2-2. Area Disturbed to Provide Electricity to 1,000 Average U.S. Households Annually
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
Improvements in environmental performance have
occurred in every phase of natural gas and oil development for both offshore and onshore operations, from
construction, drilling, completion and stimulation,
through production, plugging of the well, and final reclamation. Industry has implemented new technologies
and innovative practices to better control water use,
reduce air emissions, and ensure groundwater protection. Additional performance improvements have been
developed for hydraulic fracturing, materials management, and overall operations and management.
Continued development of advanced technologies
and operating practices is critical to future recovery of
high potential natural gas and oil resources along with
improved environmental performance. Research and
development conducted by both industry and government, in such areas as siting and planning, drilling, stimulation, and environmental management to
minimize water, air, and land impacts, will make it
possible to develop future natural gas and oil supplies
while protecting the environment. The accompanying text box includes examples of industry technology
advancements that have led to better environmental
While it is important not to jeopardize this private
enterprise system of innovation, sometimes the payoff period for such research is too long to attract private support. Therefore, private investment cannot
always be counted on to perform this research, and
federal government agencies should also perform
important roles in supporting the development of
new technology. In other cases, the intellectual property developed by research is better held as a public
good rather than being held privately. This can occur
when the benefits of the research would accrue to the
United States as a whole, yet do not meet the criteria
of any individual company to justify the investment
such as with methane hydrate extraction technologies. Public research and development investment
may also be justified when it improves recovery of federally owned natural gas and oil, producing benefits
that accrue directly to the government through the
collection of royalties.
Data Management
Modern computer systems have provided a means
for more data to be readily available to operators,
regulators, and the public. Use and analysis of these
data have provided a means to conduct more complex technical and environmental assessments, which
may, in turn, increase regulatory requirements. The
increased complexities of new technologies require
that operators and regulators have access to and can
quickly assess larger and more complex data sets so
that they can minimize risk and maximize environmental protection. Widespread access to the Internet
has also increased the opportunities for more efficient
data sharing in the areas of regulatory reporting, data
sharing between partners, and increased public access
to operational and compliance information maintained by public agencies.
A common issue is that both private and public
organizations have not created standard data management processes or common programs across their
own enterprises. Non-centralized data limits the
ability of users to share information and make more
effective use of the information gathered. Historically, many agencies and companies developed their
data management systems in relative isolation so
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
Framing Questions
The Operations & Environment Task Group was
tasked with answering the following framing questions:
Compact Commission (IOGCC), FracFocus provides information about the chemicals used in the
hydraulic fracturing of natural gas and oil wells along
with educational materials on hydraulic fracturing,
groundwater protection, and regulation. Many natural gas and oil companies participate in FracFocus but
not all do so. Increasing the participation in FracFocus to all natural gas and oil companies that engage in
hydraulic fracturing, and adding into the system all
wells currently in drilling and production, would be
important steps in raising the level of industry transparency.
Chapter Organization
This chapter presents discussion and analysis
leading to the major findings and recommendations presented above. The Resource Play Variations and Associated Environmental Challenges
section describes how variations in natural gas and
oil resource types lead to associated variations in
environmental impacts and challenges. The History
of Innovation in Environmental Stewardship section presents information showing how innovation
in technology and practices has improved environmental performance throughout the history of the
industry. The History of Natural Gas and Oil Environmental Laws section describes this history as it
applies to natural gas and oil development. The Sustainable Strategies and Systems for the Continued
Prudent Development of North American Natural
Gas and Oil section addresses these topics and how
they could be applied into the future. The Offshore
Environmental Management section includes the
unique aspects of offshore safety and environmental management that must be considered to ensure
that offshore production is both safe and environmentally responsible. The Key Findings and Policy
Recommendations section presents a more complete
discussion of the Operations & Environment Task
Groups findings and recommendations.
Northeast/Midwest USA/
Deciduous forests
Southwest/ Midcontinent
Open rangeland
Upthrusted mountain
ranges and foreland basins
Rainy on coast,
very dry inland
Marine habitat
Open water to
ice-covered water
Open water to
ice-covered water
strategies, technologies, and environmental considerations are required when developing and managing
each individual resource play. Table 2-2 summarizes
some important operational and environmental concerns inherent in each type of play.
Significant geographic and physiographic diversity
can be found within a single resource play type, again
necessitating varying development strategies, as illustrated in Table 2-3 for current shale plays. Multiple
play types may even be located in a single physiographic basin, as in the Uinta-Piceance basin in Utah
and Colorado.4 Figure 2-3 presents the play types
found in the Uinta-Piceance basin, which include, but
are not limited to, coalbed natural gas, shale gas, oil
sands and tight oil, oil shale (kerogen), and conventional natural gas and oil.
Operational and environmental differences are particularly pronounced between onshore and offshore
development, and between conventional and unconventional resource development.5 Accordingly, this
section addresses the challenges and potential impacts
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
Long-term site selection based upon biological and socioeconomic sensitivities and minimum disturbance.
Risk of impact to sensitive species and commercially important species, resource conflicts, and access
difficulties. Long-term support and supply base requirement and impacts on local port infrastructure. Drill
cuttings, drilling mud, produced water, sewage, sanitary and kitchen wastes, spillages, and leakage must be
disposed of appropriately. Emissions from power and processing plants affect air quality. Impact of noise and
light from facilities.
Offshore Arctic Specific
Ice-related environment must be addressed; special consideration for Arctic marine species and disturbance
of habitat. Atmospheric emissions from vessel engines and platform equipment are heavily scrutinized by the
U.S. EPA. Discharges to ocean limited due to environmental concerns. Bilges, sewage, spillages, waste, and
garbage need to be disposed on shore.
Depth, ft*
Thickness, ft
New Albany
Illinois Basin
50100, 20
Shale oil
San Juan
San Juan
Up to 2,500
Emerging play
* Ground Water Protection Council (GWPC) and ALL Consulting, Modern Shale Gas Development in the United States: A Primer,
prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Fossil Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, April 2009., The New Albany Shale, Maps and Info (n.d.), accessed April 21, 2011,
GWPC and ALL Consulting, Modern Shale Gas Development in the United States: A Primer., Woodford Shale Oil & Natural Gas Field Arkoma Basin Oklahoma (n.d.), accessed April 21, 2011,
GWPC and ALL Consulting, Modern Shale Gas Development in the United States: A Primer.
# Montana Board of Oil and Gas Conservation, Online Oil and Natural Gas Database, (n.d.), accessed May 2011,
** IHS, Inc., Energy Information, Software & Solutions (n.d.), accessed June 27, 2011,
Halliburton, The Mancos Shale, presentation (n.d.), accessed April 21, 2011,
John B. Curtis, Fractured Shale-Gas Systems, AAPG Bulletin 86, no. 11, November 2002, pages 19211938.
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
AKA Bossier
Depth, ft*
Thickness, ft
Fort Worth
and Permian
Black Warrior
Exploration play
Exploration play
GWPC and ALL Consulting, Modern Shale Gas Development in the United States: A Primer.
GWPC and ALL Consulting, Modern Shale Gas Development in the United States: A Primer.
## John B. Curtis, Fractured Shale-Gas Systems, AAPG Bulletin 86, no. 11, November 2002, pages 19211938.
***, Woodford Shale Oil & Natural Gas Field Arkoma Basin Oklahoma.
GWPC and ALL Consulting, Modern Shale Gas Development in the United States: A Primer.
IHS, Inc., Energy Information, Software & Solutions., Woodford Shale Oil & Natural Gas Field Arkoma Basin Oklahoma.
GWPC and ALL Consulting, Modern Shale Gas Development in the United States: A Primer.
### IHS, Inc., Energy Information, Software & Solutions.
****, Woodford Shale Oil & Natural Gas Field Arkoma Basin Oklahoma.
Note: Additional Shale Plays Include: Huron (Ohio Shale, OH, WV, KY), Pearsall-Eagle Ford (Maverick Basin, TX), Pierre
(Raton Basin, CO), Gammon (Williston Basin, MT), Collingswood (Michigan), Niobrara (CO, WY), Monterey (CA), McClure
(West Coast), Horton Bluff & Lorraine (Eastern Canada), Horn River Muskwa (British Columbia) and Montney (Alberta,
Northeast British Columbia).
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
Source: Modified from U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Petroleum Systems and Geologic Assessment of Oil and Gas
in the Uinta-Piceance Province, Utah and Colorado, USGS Digital Data Series DDS-69-B (2002).
Note: The full extent of all resource areas are not visible as they overlap one another.
80 Kilometers
50 Miles
2-3. Generalized
Uinta-Piceance Basin
of Fossil
Fuel Source
Rocks and
2-3. Generalized
of Fossil
Fuel Source
and Reservoirs
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
wellbore for the purpose of fracturing the formation to create the permeability necessary for
movement of natural gas and oil in the formation
to the wellbore.
In initial (primary) production, the natural pressure
of the reservoir is usually enough to drive liquid
and gas hydrocarbons to the surface. However, in
some types of reservoirs, this pressure drops over
time and additional lift is required. A pump jack or
gas lift system may be installed on a well to provide
artificial lift. In some cases, reservoir pressure is
enhanced with the injection of gas, water, or steam
directly into the reservoir to increase hydrocarbon
flow into the wellbore. The reservoir injection process may require additional wells. Enhanced oil
recovery and secondary recovery are important
components in increasing potential production
from oil-bearing formations.
yy Production and Delivery Well products are often
a complex mixture of liquid hydrocarbons, gas,
water, and solids. Once well products reach the
surface, field facilities gather and separate the mixture, removing and disposing of or recycling constituents that are not saleable. The hydrocarbons
are then transported by pipeline to end users. Purchasers have contract standards for the natural gas
and oil accepted, often called pipeline quality. For
example, oil purchasers typically limit the amount
of basic sediment and water to less than 1%. Gas
purchasers set similar limits on water, water vapor,
hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, and British thermal unit (Btu) content.
Throughout its producing life, a well is continually
monitored and maintained to ensure that its integrity is maintained and its production is optimized.
Interim reclamation also takes place throughout
the life of an operation. For example, when a portion of the pad can be reclaimed following drilling
and completion, reseeding can be initiated to start
the process towards complete mitigation.
yy Reclamation Once a well is no longer economic,
after years or decades of production, it is plugged
and abandoned, which involves filling the well
casing with cement and removing the wellhead,
pump jacks, tanks, pipes, and other location facilities and equipment. Federal land and state natural gas and oil agencies specify the time frame and
methods for plugging the well, reclaiming the soil,
and completing other environmental and safety
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
Figure 2-5. Major Conventional Natural Gas and Oil Basins in the Lower-48 States
Figure 2-5. Major Conventional Natural Gas and Oil Basins in the Lower-48 States
Environmental challenges for onshore conventional natural gas and oil development include potential impacts to surface water, groundwater, air quality,
land, public health, wildlife and habitat, and community character and quality of life that will vary depending on local conditions.
yy Wildlife Potential impacts to wildlife are attributable primarily to construction of roads and pads
through habitat loss and habitat fragmentation.
Migratory or reproductive behavior may be disturbed due to noise and vehicle traffic. Improperly managed surface impoundments can result in
injury or death for terrestrial wildlife and birds,
especially migratory waterfowl. In addition, the
movement of equipment and materials creates the
risk of introducing invasive species from one area
to another.
yy Surface Water The potential for impacts to surface water primarily results from storm water runoff
or spills. During construction, storm water runoff
must be managed to prevent erosion of roads and
slopes of well pads. Such soil erosion, if allowed to
reach streams or lakes, can adversely affect surface
water quality and may impact aquatic wildlife. In
addition, if pads are not properly constructed, storm
water runoff can wash lubricants and other chemicals from machinery or surface stains and transport
these chemicals to surrounding soils or streams.
Potential impacts from spills can result from produced water, fuels, or other chemicals that may be
temporarily stored on site. If such spills are not contained on the well pad, they may reach surface water
bodies and affect both water quality and aquatic life.
yy Groundwater The potential for groundwater
impacts exists during drilling and produced water
management as well as after plugging and abandonment. During drilling, proper casing and cementing is required to ensure that groundwater aquifers
are protected. If produced water is injected into an
underground injection control (UIC) well for secondary recovery or disposal, wells must be properly
constructed and cemented to ensure that injected
fluids do not contaminate underground sources
of drinking water. Groundwater impacts also can
result from improper disposal of wastes. In addition, wells must be properly plugged to ensure that
the plug is not degraded by subsurface chemical and
pressure conditions. Improperly plugged wells can
allow oil, gas, or saltwater to migrate into groundwater aquifers over time.
Other considerations germane to offshore operations include special health and safety precautions;
physical and other logistical constraints affecting
the offshore management of drilling fluids, cuttings,
and wastewater; noise and air emissions generated
from the drilling equipment and support vessels and
aircraft; industrial or solid waste including paint,
spent solvents, and packing materials; subsea pipeline integrity; harmful aquatic organisms introduced
from vessels traveling from other geographic regions;
decommissioning offshore platforms; and ice-related
environmental adaptations in arctic environments.
Properly trained personnel whose knowledge
is continually assessed through regular drills and
exercises are the first line of defense in detecting
spills or other problems. Quickly detecting and
responding to spills is one of the biggest challenges
for offshore production, given the remote location of
these facilities and the fact that drilling is occurring
under water and out of human sight. Detecting spills
or other problems also depends on indirect indications
provided by instruments, gauges, or sensors. Once
a problem is detected, identifying its cause and the
most effective response also depends on this equipment, coupled with visual inspection by divers or by
remotely operated vehicles. After corrective action,
any material or personnel not already on the rig must
be transported from shore via helicopter or ship.
The high volume of production from offshore wells
means that large quantities of hydrocarbons can be
released in a relatively short time, affecting aquatic,
terrestrial, and avian wildlife. Stationary and bottom-dwelling aquatic organisms can be especially
vulnerable. Terrestrial wildlife can be affected when
oil is washed ashore, and birds can be affected both
by oil that is washed ashore and by oil floating in the
sea. Mitigating harmful impacts requires that spill
response capabilities are in place and can be rapidly
deployed. In arctic environments, periods of prolonged darkness, subzero temperature, and the presence of ice requires that response equipment and
strategies are adequately developed to be effective
under these challenging conditions.
Developing Unconventional
Natural Gas and Oil Resources
Unconventional resources are so termed because
they require additional techniques to produce beyond
those necessary for conventional resources. Uncon190
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
ponds could result in surface or groundwater contamination and in adverse impacts to wildlife, especially
birds, if not properly managed.9
Another production method for oil sands is SAGD, a
process that, again, requires substantially more water
than conventional production. Combusting fuels to
heat water for steam injection can also result in higher
air emissions. In addition, mobilizing the bitumen in
the subsurface can create concerns about the potential impacts to any aquifers that may occur below the
production zone.10
Oil Shale
Oil shale is a fine-grained sedimentary rock containing organic matter that yields substantial amounts of
oil and combustible gas upon destructive distillation.
Destructive distillation (i.e., retorting) uses heat to
decompose the organic matter in the shale, producing hydrocarbon liquids and gases. This need for additional thermochemical decomposition, or pyrolysis, is
the main difference between oil sands and oil shale;
oil sands already have the product hydrocarbons,
whereas oil shale yields kerogen that must be cooked
to make the product hydrocarbons.
The economic potential of an oil shale resource is
largely determined by the price of petroleum and the
depth of the deposit; if it is near enough to surface,
it can be developed via open pit or conventional mining or by in situ methods. Additional factors include
transportation access, workforce availability, and the
chemical characteristics of the geology. Upon retorting, the number of gallons per ton of rock that can be
generated also largely influences the economic viability of the play.
Oil shale resources in North America are highly variable in composition and much of the supply remains
to be further evaluated. In Canada, 19 deposits have
been discovered, with the greatest potential coming from the Albert Formation in New Brunswick.
Additional deposits of interest in Canada include
the Devonian Kettle Point Formation and Ordovician Collingwood Shale located in southern Ontario,
and the Carboniferous oil shales in the Grinnell
9 National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Unconventional Oil Resources Annual Report Fiscal Year 2004, November 3, 2004.
10 NETL, Unconventional Oil Resources Annual Report Fiscal
Year 2004.
Both mining and in situ conversion process recovery, coupled with processing activities for oil shale,
involve a variety of environmental challenges, such
as GHG emissions, disturbance of mined land, and
potential impacts to wildlife, air, and water quality.
The development of a commercial oil shale industry
in the United States would also have social and economic challenges for local and regional communities
as activity increases and workers move into the area.
Of singular concern would be development in the
arid western United States because a large amount of
water is required for oil shale processing.
Shale Gas
Shale gas is produced from low permeability shale
formations that are both the reservoir and the source
of the gas. As discussed below, tight gas is also sourced
from low permeability formations, but unlike shale gas,
the methane is not generated by the source rock. Coalbed natural gas is generated by its source rock through
either biogenic or thermogenic reactions, whereas
shale gas is generated only by thermogenic processes.
Subtle trapping mechanisms typically hold the gas
in the shale, allowing large areas of shale to be gas saturated. The potential for shale gas production in a reservoir is determined in part by the amount of gas generated by the shale, retention of this gas, presence of
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
contamination has not been associated with fractures created by hydraulic fracturing, but can occur
during drilling when shallow geologic zones that
contain some natural gas are encountered. Drilling
through these zones can cause the gas to migrate
to drinking water aquifers and into domestic wells.
Industry continues to develop and apply drilling and
cementing strategies to further minimize the occurrence of gas migration.
As with conventional gas production, emissions
of criteria pollutants, hazardous air pollutants, and
GHG emissions from combustion, leaks, or other
fugitive emissions are associated with various points
in the shale gas development life cycle. In particular,
concerns about methane emissions from shale gas
wells and chemical emissions from produced water
have been raised as concerns for climate change and
human health.
Tight Gas
While tight gas is produced from conventional reservoir rock types such as sandstone and (less often)
carbonates, it is considered an unconventional
resource because the very low porosity of the reservoirs necessitates special completions techniques to
stimulate production. Reservoirs commonly lack a
water contact, and can range from a single reservoir
that is laterally extensive (tens of thousands of acres)
to stacked reservoirs thousands of feet thick.
Stimulation techniques often involve hydraulic
fracturing. Tight-gas drilling programs are under way
in the Appalachian Basin, Rocky Mountain basins
into Canada, and eastern and southern Texas. Figure 2-7 presents the tight gas basins in the lower-48
Different drilling and completion techniques must
be used in different areas to respond to the heterogeneity of tight gas accumulations in both geology and
surface environmental setting. The appropriate wellbore design allows optimum contact with the producing formation, while avoiding infill drilling and minimizing footprint.
Environmental challenges for tight gas are similar
to those associated with shale gas with regards to
hydraulic fracturing. Other more common challenges
associated with surface disturbances and waste disposal are similar to conventional natural gas and oil
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
Figure 2-8. Major Coalbed Natural Gas (CBNG) Basins in the Lower-48 States
Figure 2-8. Major Coalbed Natural Gas (CBNG) Basins in the Lower-48 States
History of Innovation in
Environmental Stewardship
Key Points:
yy Advances in technology and operating practices, in all phases of the development life
cycle and in all production settings, have
allowed production of new and more challenging resources while at the same time improving environmental protection.
yy Moving forward, we can expect to see technology and operational advancements that will
allow production of even more challenging
resources while continuing to improve environmental performance.
The modern history of natural gas and oil began
in 1858 when Colonel Drake applied saltwater boring techniques to drill for rock oil in Titusville, Pennsylvania. He unknowingly ushered in a new era that
would see the escalation of capitalism and modern
business, the linking of national strategies and global
politics, and the emergence of a society dominated
by hydrocarbons and the conveniences that define
21st-century man. The history of natural gas and
oil development encompasses geographical advances
across North America and the world; an enhanced
knowledge of geology and ecology; breakthroughs
in chemical, mechanical, and environmental engineering; and countless conveniences that utilized
the energy density of hydrocarbons to deliver energy
and products to enhance the quality of life for Americans. Today, the history of natural gas and oil across
the United States has come full circle, from the initial development of oil in western Pennsylvania in the
1860s to the current boom in Marcellus Shale natural
gas drilling initiated in 2006. Drilling has returned
to its birthplace, Pennsylvania, with new challenges
(albeit natural gas instead of oil) for a new century.
Resource extraction in North America has been
transformed over the last century to reflect the social
values of providing cleaner energy with fewer environmental impacts. As the natural gas and oil industry has matured, measures for protecting threatened
or endangered species and other environmental
resources have grown more sophisticated and effective. Regulatory agencies at the federal, state, and
local level have endeavored to be vigilant in overseeing natural gas and oil operations for compliance of
rules, regulations, and statutes. Public concerns and
involvement have become increasingly important in
driving the evolution of environmental regulations,
as well as the technologies and operational practices
employed by industry to protect the environment or
community beyond regulatory requirements.
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
New technologies coupled with management systems and conscientious employees are responsible
for reducing the environmental footprint of natural
gas and oil development activities over time. Flexibility within environmental regulations has allowed
technology to be adapted to different settings and
circumstances encountered during development.
In some cases, new production technologies have
required changes to the strategies employed to protect
the environment; in other cases, the efficiencies associated with advanced technologies have resulted in
improved environmental performance. In still other
cases, new environmental regulations have resulted in
innovative practices and technologies that have been
employed to ensure compliance.
Together, voluntary actions and regulatory oversight have led to a more harmonious concert between
the natural gas and oil industry and the environment.
Todays industry views environmental stewardship
as a strategy to assuring access to future reservoirs.
Continued innovation in exploration and production
technologies can further minimize the risks in developing North American natural gas and oil resources,
particularly those in highly sensitive areas and frontier resources plays.
This section discusses the evolution of technologies and practices for onshore and offshore exploration and production, followed by a discussion of
future expectations in environmental stewardship.
Advances have taken place in all phases of the development, as well as across environmental media, giving
rise to the prospect of future natural gas exploration
and production trends that are progressively smarter
and more effective in environmental protection.
yy Air Quality Improvements have been realized
through advances in pipeline technologies, which
have reduced the venting of natural gas as a waste;
use of natural gas-fired or electric engines during production to reduce site emissions; measures
to reduce emissions and dust from truck traffic;
and industry efforts to reduce methane emissions
through the Natural Gas STAR Program.
yy Water Quality Innovations in protecting water
resources include improvements in well construction, well control, and plugging practices; development of produced water injection wells for
enhanced oil recovery; and advances in water use
management practices, including reuse of produced
water in hydraulic fracture operations.
yy Land Management and Wildlife Protection Seismic and drilling technologies, including horizontal
drilling, have significantly reduced the amount of
land surface disturbance in onshore development,
lessening impacts such as erosion and habitat fragmentation.
yy Materials Management Ongoing improvements
in managing drilling fluids and cuttings, as well as
produced water during production, have reduced
environmental impacts of operations. Closed loop
drilling systems reduce the volume of waste and
eliminate a potential source of contamination.
yy Offshore Environmental Management
Extended-reach and horizontal drilling, unmanned
satellite production systems, and floating production systems have been instrumental in reducing the amount and surface extent of the infrastructures needed to produce subsea hydrocarbon
resources. Other environmental improvements
have included mitigation measures to reduce the
potential impacts of seismic surveys on marine life,
and the adoption of environmental management
systems as a means of systematically and continuously improving environmental performance.
yy Data Management Digital data acquisition and
telecommunications technologies have facilitated
prudent development of natural gas and oil for
example, through measurement-while-drilling systems. Internet technologies have increased the
opportunities for more efficient data sharing in the
areas of regulatory reporting, data sharing between
partners, and public access to operational and compliance information maintained by public agencies.
Figure 2-9 depicts the advancement of the U.S.
natural gas and oil industry in six roughly quartercentury time blocks. Drilling activity is shown from
1844 to 2010, indicating the percentage of wells that
were oil or natural gas (with the remainder assumed
to be freshwater or saltwater). Also shown are natural gas and oil discoveries and technological achievements, environmental laws and regulations, and historical highlights.
Onshore Development of
Natural Gas and Oil
Just like the gold rushes of the 1800s, early oil exploration and production conjures images of wooden derrick forests with operators working in close proximity
Continuous Innovation of Technology and Environmental Stewardship in the Natural Gas and Oil Industry
Civil War
Internal combustion
1897 Thomas
Edison invented
incandescent lamp
1903 Wright
Brothers first flight
1905 First
gas station
19391945 WWII
19141919 WWI
1929 Start of Great
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
Figure 2-9. The Evolution of Technology in the Natural Gas and Oil Industry
January 1, 1950 to December 31, 1974
1999 State Review of Oil and Natural Gas Environmental Regulations (STRONGER) established
1970 Founding of
Earth Day
1973 First personal
1980s Large-scale
wind farm technology
used for the first time
in CA
Persian Gulf War
1991 Drawdown of
Strategic Petroleum Reserve
1997 Kyoto Agreement to
limit greenhouse gases
Hundreds of years ago, before any wells were drilled,
natural gas was found to be naturally percolating up
through the soil and through creeks, where mischievous children would light it for entertainment. The
original production system for oil involved damming
up an oil seep, and then floating the oil down a river
to be picked up by a weir.
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
many of the onshore environmental impacts associated with seismic exploration (e.g., unplugged shot
holes and vehicle tracks).17
Modern sensing technology has significantly
reduced dry holes in both exploration and production
operations, conserving valuable natural resources and
minimizing drilling activities and associated impacts.
Thanks to this technology, success rates for discovery
of economical quantities of natural gas and oil are up
more than 50% over the last 30 years.18 In the most
recent decade alone, the drilling success rate improved
from 75% successful wells in 1999 to 90% success as
of 2009.19
Drilling was rudimentary in the 19th century,
employing wooden derricks that raised and lowered
cable tool drills repeatedly, taking advantage of gravity to grind up the bottom of the hole. To clean cuttings from the borehole, workers would bail out the
waste and pour it on the ground next to the rig.
As drilling technology matured, engine-powered
rotary drilling rigs combined drilling and setting of
the string, enabling deeper wells (more than 30,000
feet today) and the discovery of more resources. The
first rotary drilling rig was developed in France in the
1860s, but it was not until 1901 when Captain Antony Lucas used one to drill a gusher (Spindletop) near
Beaumont, Texas, that they were adapted for natural
gas and oil development. Drillers for the first time
could steer the bit to maintain a straight hole and perform real-time examination of rock samples for densities, allowing them to maintain pressure on the drilling process to control fluid entering and exiting the
borehole. Early circulating systems in rotary drilling
were focused on controlling subsurface pressures and
cleaning the cuttings from the wellbore.
At first, there was no mechanism to control the
flow of oil or gas once the drill bit penetrated the target formation. Wildcatter James S. Abercrombie and
17 Diane Freeman, No Seismic Footprints Left Behind, AAPG
Explorer, October 1999, accessed April 11, 2011,
machinist Harry S. Cameron are credited with developing the first successful ram-type blowout preventer
(BOP) in 1922. Mud system advances occurred in the
late 1920s with the addition of barite and bentonite
into drilling fluids to add weight to the fluid, which
prevented formation fluids from entering into the
wellbore, kept the drill bit cool and clean, and transported the cuttings to the surface. Use of rotary drilling and mud systems has helped to stop blowouts and
resulting spills and fires. Another important advance
in well control technology has been casing and
cementing for wellbores, which forms a seal between
potable water aquifers and the borehole, keeping
freshwater from being mixed with other fluids.
When introduced in 1984, steerable drilling was
very expensive; but cost improvements enabled its
use by 1990 to establish horizontal wellbores in large
resource plays, accessing many more feet of formation than a conventional vertical well. Using horizontal drilling, bores of more than a half-mile have been
drilled successfully. Horizontal drilling can access the
same resources with fewer wells spaced further apart,
reducing the environmental impacts including waste
disposal, material use, and energy consumption.
Operational footprints are further reduced since the
drill rigs no longer stay at the site but are moved to
the next project. Today, horizontal drilling permits
access to previously inaccessible reservoirs, production from unconventional source rock, and the ability to produce resources in deeper offshore waters.
The benefits of this technology include reduction of
the number of wells required to produce a resource;
development of multi-well pads that confer a variety
of environmental advantages; the ability to avoid sensitive surface environments; and use of centralized
facilities to service multiple wells.
Prudent resource development has been greatly
facilitated by data management systems. Todays
measurement-while-drilling and logging-whiledrilling technologies, for example, allow real-time
analysis of rock properties and more effective steering of the drill into reservoirs. Basic rig instrumentation has been an integral part of drilling operations
since the early 20th century. With the introduction of the Geolograph in 1937, time-based analog
charts soon became the de facto record of events
and a basic tool for trend analysis and identification
of anomalies. A gradual shift to digital information capture began in the mid-1970s, as computerized mud-logging units were deployed to drill sites.
Hydraulic Fracturing
Hydraulic fracturing is an integral part of natural
gas and oil development across the United States. Its
objectives are to increase the rate at which a well is
20 U.S. Department of Energy, Environmental Benefits of Advanced
Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Technology, DOE-FE-0385,
October 1999, accessed April 15, 2011,
21 U.S. Department of Energy, Environmental Benefits of Advanced
Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Technology.
22 K. Lathrop, C. Slack, and R. Draper, The Villano Project: Preserving the Effort with Words and Pictures, Atlantic Richfield
Corporation, 1999.
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
hydraulic fracturing typically is used during the initial completion of the well, it also can occur after the
initial completion of a well, when it is believed that
stimulation of the well could provide additional economic benefit.
Hydraulic Fracturing
Hydraulic fracturing is the treatment applied to
reservoir rock to improve the flow of trapped oil
or natural gas from its initial location to the wellbore. This process involves creating fractures in the
formation and placing sand or proppant in those
fractures to hold them open. Fracturing is accomplished by injecting water and fluids designed for
the specific site under high pressure in a process
that is engineered, controlled, and monitored.
Fracturing Facts
yy Hydraulic fracturing was first used in 1947 in an
oil well in Grant County, Kansas, and by 2002,
the practice had already been used approximately
a million times in the United States.*
yy Up to 95% of wells drilled today are hydraulically
fractured, accounting for more than 43% of total
U.S. oil production and 67% of natural gas production.
yy The first known instance where hydraulic fracturing was raised as a technology of concern
was when it was used in shallow coalbed methane formations that contained freshwater (Black
Warrior Basin, Alabama, 1997).
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
Oil and saltwater are almost always produced
together. Produced saltwater which can be up to
10 times the salinity of seawater at 400,000 parts
per million represents the largest potential waste
stream during oil production. Improper disposal of
saltwater can affect freshwater and can harm vegetation, in turn increasing erosion.
In the 19th century, there was little interest in properly disposing of saltwater since population densities
were low and potable water supplies plentiful. Typically, saltwater was simply poured out on the ground.
By the early 20th century, it became commonplace to
store produced water in ponds. A thin film of oil on
the waters surface reduced the rate of evaporation,
increasing the chance for infiltration and damage to
underlying aquifers. Some states instituted regulated
disposal, requiring lined ponds or impoundments.
Today, injecting produced water into approved disposal zones (injection wells) has become the preferred
alternative for disposal, greatly reducing surface and
groundwater contamination. Injection of produced
water to improve production began as early as 1910
in Pennsylvania. The Safe Drinking Water Act, passed
in 1974, established the UIC program, which sets well
casing and cementing standards to ensure protection
of underground sources of drinking water.
If disposal systems cross salt beds, it is necessary
to protect well casings against corrosion by inserting
tubing in the casing. Historically, when disposal wells
were reaching the end of their useful life or sold, operators would pull the corroded tubing and then inject
saltwater. This caused rapid casing corrosion and leaks
Visibility of natural gas and oil facilities is considered by some to be intrusive, and to have negative
impacts on recreation and aesthetics. Many times the
visible impact can be mitigated through camouflage
paints or barriers. In the Barnett Shale in the DallasFort Worth area, for example, companies have landscaped, built decorative walls, and painted to blend
facilities to the surroundings.
As new uses for natural gas were developed, pipelines were needed to transport it to major population
centers. Over time, improvements have been made
in the construction material and welding techniques
used in pipelines. In addition, compressor stations
have been added to enable transportation of natural
gas over longer distances from remote fields. Developments of pipelines and compressors have reduced
the widespread venting of natural gas as a waste,
substantially reducing the amount of greenhouse
gases being released.
As an example of practices that go beyond regulatory requirements, industry has teamed with the EPA
to reduce methane emissions through the Natural Gas
STAR Program. The program is a voluntary partnership that encourages the dissemination and use of
cost-effective practices and technologies that reduce
emissions of methane, including pipeline-related
27 The monitoring of the pressure between the well casing and
the drill pipe using a device (Bradenhead) that is situated at
the top of the well casing, where it allows a drill pipe to be
extended into the well while the wellhead is sealed and the
annulus is pressurized.
Once production drops below an economically feasible level, an oil or gas field is plugged and abandoned
to remediate the site for recreation, wildlife management, industrial, or agricultural uses. In the 1800s
and early 1900s, plugging was not done at all or consisted of simply throwing a tree down the wellbore.
These early practices resulted in oil and brine contamination of groundwater. In the 1890s, Pennsylvania
passed the first plugging requirements, which were
aimed at protecting the oil resource from flooding by
Modern plugging techniques ensure groundwater
and surface water protection. Operators remove any
recyclable materials during plugging and move in a
workover rig that sets cement plugs to separate any
production zone from water zones. A steel plate may
be welded over the hole below farm-plow depth.
Additional activities associated with reclaiming a
wellsite include restoring the soil and the contour of
the landscape. Over time, nature reclaims producing
sites even without human intervention, as evidenced
by the former Drake discovery well. Despite extensive
industrial activities in the mid and late 19th century,
the site now shows no trace of development.
Offshore reclamation is similar to onshore except
that plugging is done with the platform in place
and freshwater protection is not an issue. Offshore
platforms have been used to support recreational
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
Offshore Development of
Natural Gas and Oil
Drilling offshore began near the turn of the 20th
century when shallow-water fixed platforms were
used to access offshore reservoirs. Offshore production accelerated after 1947, when the first offshore
well was drilled at a location completely out of sight of
land. Since then, offshore production, particularly in
the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, has contributed significantly
to total U.S. energy production. Today, about 35% of
crude oil production in the United States comes from
offshore developments.
Because costs of offshore development typically are
considerably higher than for land-based development,
economic justification hinges on the potential for
larger volumes of hydrocarbon reserves. The need for
detailed research and exploration on the potential play
prior to drilling has driven advances in technologies
used offshore; some of these technologies have also
been adapted for onshore exploration and production.
Three technologies are instrumental in reducing the
amount and surface extent of infrastructures necessary for offshore production. First, extended-reach
and horizontal drilling allows for greater hydrocarbon
production with fewer facilities and a smaller environmental footprint. Second, unmanned satellite production systems, which contain wellhead and manifold systems with no or minimal processing facilities,
are being used to develop smaller fields or sections of
larger fields. Production from these systems flows to
a central facility for processing. Satellite facilities can
either be installed on small platform structures or on
the seafloor. Third, floating production systems typically are used in deepwater and in conjunction with
subsea production or satellite systems. Since fixed
structures are not utilized, these systems have the
added advantage of being easily removed at the end of
the field development.
Advances in such areas as seismic, drilling and completion, and well control technologies have overcome
many barriers to prudent development of offshore
resources. The development of offshore natural gas
and oil technologies is complicated by overlapping
Seismic Technology
Geophysical technologies have been a critical tool
in hydrocarbon exploration since the early part of the
20th century. Prior to the mid-1980s, the majority
of seismic data collected in offshore settings were
two-dimensional (2D), meaning they defined a plane
where the seismic-derived structure (depth of the
plane) pertained to a single surface traverse (edge of
the plane). Since that time, techniques to assemble
3D seismic data were developed by integrating multiple 2D planes (as multiple surface traverses) into
projection of a 3D volume. Currently, 3D seismic
has become the standard tool for exploration and
development, especially in the Gulf of Mexico. In an
exploration context, seismic data are used to identify
regions or geologic trends that have higher potential for commercial resources, with the ultimate goal
being to reduce the amount of wildcat drilling necessary to successfully locate economic reserves. Once a
prospect has been identified, seismic is a critical tool
to identify potential drilling hazards. During the production phase, time-lapsed 3D seismic acquired over
months or years (commonly called 4D seismic in recognition of the time dimension) can be a critical tool
for understanding the effectiveness of the development strategy and allow for adjustments to maximize
production from existing wellbores, potentially eliminating the need for additional drilling. 4D seismic can
also help increase overall resource recovery.
Seismic noise generated by offshore natural gas and
oil exploration activities is recognized as a concern
for whale populations and other marine life, including fish. Scientific understanding of these potential impacts has expanded significantly in the last
two decades, but important gaps in knowledge still
exist. Potential impacts include behavioral changes,
masking, auditory injury, physical injury, and other
indirect effects, and for fisheries, reduction in catch
rates of some commercial species. Seven nations
the United States, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom have
national guidelines requiring mitigation measures
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
The 2011 Presidential Oil Spill Commission recognized that significant scientific knowledge exists
for Arctic regions and supported the proposition
that Arctic natural gas and oil developments should
be qualified on individual merit. Specifically, it was
stated that:
The existing gaps in data also support an
approach that distinguishes in leasing decisions
between those areas where information exists
and those where it does not, as well as where
response capability may be less and the related
environmental risks may therefore be greater.
The need for additional research should not be
used as a de facto moratorium on activity in the
Arctic, but instead should be carried out with
specific time frames in mind in order to inform
the decision-making process.31
The case can be made that the scientific data currently available are more than adequate and complete
to identify, assess, and minimize the potential impacts
of limited offshore natural gas and oil operations of the
types previously proposed for the Beaufort Sea and the
Chukchi Sea. The Ocean Research and Resources Advisory Panel, a collaborative group consisting of government agencies, academia, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector, found that knowledge
of the Arctic Ocean has further increased in recent
years through additional efforts of the Department
of Defense (Navy), the National Research Council, the
CIA-funded MEDEA project (Measurements of Earth
Data for Environmental Analysis an informationsharing program to declassify certain information
gathered for military intelligence purposes to be used
for science), and other U.S. government activities that
have not been widely publicized.32
Although there are ample opportunities to add
valuable knowledge through selected studies, the currently available physical and biological science studies
from the many scientific research programs have been
incorporated into numerous impact assessments
31 National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
and Offshore Drilling, Deep Water: The Gulf Oil disaster and
the Future of Offshore Drilling, report to the President, January 2011, 303, accessed June 27, 2011,
32 Ocean Research and Resources Advisory Panel (ORRAP), Key
Findings and Recommendations Related to Arctic Research
and Resource Management, ORRAP of the National Oceanographic Partnership Program, December 16, 2010.
Future Expectations
Technology advancements over the past century
have enabled production of natural gas and oil from
non-traditional resources, decreasing costs of recovery while effectively shrinking the footprint of operations, protecting the environment, and safeguarding
workers health. In the coming decade, even smaller
physical operational footprints are envisioned through
the deployment of such technologies as microbore
drilling, advanced imaging of reservoirs in a nonintrusive surface view, and borehole imaging. Tools
and rigs are expected to become lighter, decreasing
surface impacts and operating profiles. Advances in
computer processing will be harnessed in high-power
diagnostics and risk-based data interpretation, leading to fewer wells and reducing the chance of dry holes.
Equipping drilling tools with implanted sensors
will enhance the accuracy of searches for hydrocarbons, leading to a higher rate of recovery in reservoirs
and, in turn, reducing cutting wastes and increasing recovery or reuse of produced water. Muds will
become more advanced and environmentally friendly.
Planning will take the forefront to ensure mitigation
and anticipation of activities that could impact the
environment and operations. Visual, noise, and emissions impacts will be reduced through technological
advances of monitoring and reduced energy consumption of equipment. These improvements will all
contribute to a more efficient operation.
land use setting, and are responsible for regulation and development of private and state natural gas and oil resources, as well as for implementing certain federal laws and regulations.
yy Effective regulation balances prescriptive
requirements with performance-based requirements that encourage innovation and accommodate changing technologies and practices.
The evolution of water and environmental resource
protection regulations governing natural gas and oil
exploration, production, and well abandonment has
followed a unique pattern. Most producing industries,
including those related to oil refining and other downstream operations, developed controls for preventing
pollution to air, water, and land resources primarily
in response to federal pollution control acts passed
by Congress between 1972 and 1990. In contrast,
the upstream (production) sector of the petroleum
industry began to initiate water protection measures
in response to individual state statutes and regulations enacted in the early part of the 20th century.
Most of these early regulations on well construction and plugging were not designed to protect
ground or surface water from the impacts of natural gas and oil production. Rather, the regulations
were meant to prevent waters from adjacent nonproductive formations and upper aquifers from
flooding the oil-producing reservoir during drilling
and production. The influx of alien waters could be
of such a volume that drillers lost the hole before
penetrating the target oil horizon. Thus, casing and
cementing activities were incipient oil conservation
measures to prevent loss of a saleable product. This
kind of thinking was evident in the technical books
of the period. For example, in 1919, geologist Dorsey
Hager wrote a book called Practical Oil Geology. In
Chapter 9, entitled Water Enemy of the Petroleum
Industry, Mr. Hager states: The danger of water in
oil fields must not be underestimated. Water flooding is a danger often present where care is not taken
in advance to protect the wells. In these early years,
the principal focus was on protection of the petroleum resource from the effects of water incursion and
not on protection of water resources themselves.
Most oil producers of the early period (prior to
1935) believed that royalty payments to the landowner for the privilege of extracting oil or natural gas
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
Prior to 1935
Through the early 1930s, regulation of the exploration and production industry was irregular rather than
systematic. New York required the plugging of abandoned wells as early as 1879. Ohio reported enacting
the first law for regulating methods used to case and
plug natural gas and oil wells to prevent water from
penetrating and contaminating the oil-bearing rock
in 1883. In 1890, Pennsylvania passed the first law
requiring non-producing wells to be plugged in order
to protect the integrity of the producing formation.
Texas legislature passed a law relating to protection of
groundwater, well abandonment, and conservation of
natural gas in 1899. In 1915, the Oil and Natural Gas
Division of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission
was given exclusive jurisdiction over all wells drilled
for the exploration and production of natural gas and
oil, and in 1917, the Commission was given authority
over related groundwater protection and mandated to
develop procedures for plugging and abandonment.
The Texas Railroad Commission was given similar
authorities in 1917 and 1919, respectively. California enacted a plugging program in 1915 and added a
groundwater protection component in 1929. Other
states set up natural gas and oil regulatory commissions, often without specific authority to promulgate
regulations and where enforcement authority was
only available under the general statutes and civil or
county control.
Around 1931, a barrel of oil, which cost about
80 cents to produce, sold for as low as 15 cents. This
differential between supply and demand improved
somewhat in ensuing years through the early 1930s.
However, the potential for serious gluts of unmarketable oil remained and several governors over the
objections of oil producers, some state legislators,
and landowners felt that some framework of government controls over the production of oil was necessary. The United States was then, and still is, the
only oil-producing country in the world where minerals rights can be privately owned and the owner of the
natural gas and oil rights can make a lease agreement
with a company to extract hydrocarbons in return for
a royalty payment based on a percentage of each barrel produced and sold.
Environmental Movement
The 1970s brought the nations environmental consciousness to the forefront. The passage of the Federal
Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) in 1972 sent the
message that discharges of pollutants to the nations
waterways, estuaries, and drainages, even intermittent ones, were no longer acceptable and discharges
of specific inorganic pollutants were to be regulated
either by state or federal permit. Congress authorized
formation of the U.S. EPA to implement the FWPCA
and successive environmental and water resource protection acts. Section 311 of the FWPCA and its successor, the Clean Water Act (CWA) of 1977, elevated the
consequence of accidental spillage of oil from a producing lease to a finable offense when the oil entered a
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
Environmental Regulation
The last two decades have provided new environmental regulatory challenges to natural gas and oil
producers. Many states formed separate departments to administer overall environmental regulations in response to a programmatic shift in emphasis
towards protection of water and land resources and to
the special technical knowledge needed to implement
programs. Such changes provided better coordination of environmental permitting and field inspection
activities and improved documentation of accountable actions to state legislatures, the public, and the
petroleum industry. Several states revised existing
regulations concerning pits, tanks, and well construc-
In the postwar decades, several changes have influenced the regulatory processes governing natural gas
and oil development and in some cases, the achievability of such development on a field-wide scale in economic and practical terms. Among these changes are:
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
oil rig sent almost 3 million gallons of oil into the Santa
Barbara channel. As volunteers rushed to the beach
and harbor to assist with cleanup, the days events
spurred a new environmental movement beginning that evening in Santa Barbara and soon extending throughout the United States. Public clamor over
the spill led Congress to pass, and President Richard
Nixon to sign, the National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA). Similar public pressure led to the passage of
the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
The spill was used again and again as a justification for
passage of other environmental statutes or the adoption of new regulations intended to address pollution
and environmental risk.
The spill and its aftermath were among the factors
leading to passage of the Coastal Zone Management
Act (CZMA). The state of California imposed a moratorium on further exploration drilling in state tidelands that was not lifted until 1981, and which was
reimposed several years later. Many major environmental groups focused their position statements on
opposition to offshore natural gas and oil drilling and
production. Over time, many in the general public
developed a distrust of the competence and credibility of the natural gas and oil industry that has never
fully abated.
In the early 1980s, the California State Lands Commission cautiously lifted the moratorium on drilling
from new locations in state tidelands (drilling from
existing offshore structures had been allowed with
state permit approvals). At the same time, the Reagan administration, through then-Interior Secretary
James Watt, proposed an ambitious plan of new federal natural gas and oil lease sales in the Pacific Outer
Continental Shelf (OCS). Natural gas and oil companies proposing to drill or to develop federal OCS leases
promptly found themselves challenged by energized
and resourceful community groups, not just in Santa
Barbara County, but up and down the California coast
from San Diego to Humboldt County. These groups
proved adept at using early generation telecommunications and computer networks and a web of personal relationships to exchange strategies and lessons
learned on grassroots organization, local referendum
campaigns, and other methods to mobilize community opposition to offshore natural gas and oil projects.
They recruited activists to attend public hearings to
speak out against oil projects, particularly those of the
California Coastal Commission, the State Lands Commission, and the Board of Supervisors of Santa Bar-
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
Hydraulic Fracturing
Hydraulic fracturing stimulates production in
oil or gas wells and provides the industry a means
to increase recovery of the hydrocarbon resource
and lessen the environmental footprint from the
development of natural gas and oil resources. Individuals and organizations concerned about the environmental and social consequences of hydraulic
fracturing cite air emissions, surface- and groundwater withdrawals, produced water management,
surface disturbances, invasive vegetation, habitat
fragmentation, seismic vibrations, amplified noise,
visual alterations, and community changes as potential problems. These environmental concerns have
influenced legislative and regulatory policies as they
relate to hydraulic fracturing. However, as hydraulic fracturing technology has progressed, operators
and regulators have identified and developed extensive mitigation measures to reduce the probability of
The Safe Drinking Water Act was enacted in 1974,
25 years after the commercial onset of hydraulic
fracturing operations. Hydraulic fracturing was not
considered for federal regulation under the SDWA
during drafting. However, opponents to the technology and existing regulatory framework have
emerged over the last decade to bring hydraulic
fracturing into the forefront of the current environmental regulatory debate. Table 2-4 outlines the
drivers of hydraulic fracturing since the passage of
the SDWA.
Figure 2-11. The Natural Gas and Oil Industry is Well Regulated:
Figure 2-11. The Natural Gas and Oil Industry
Project Development Requirements in Pennsylvania
BMP Best Management Practice
COE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
DCNR PA Dept. of Conservation &
Natural Resources
DEP PA Dept. of Environmental Protection
EA Environmental Assessment
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
Figure 2-11. The Natural Gas and Oil Industry is Well Regulated:
Maintenance Activities
Repeat Steps 3 & 4
Inspections (Life of Well)
U.S. F&W
Monitor Well Integrity
(Reg. Req.)
Gathering Lines
to Sales Line
Release of
Land & Location
Operator Shut-In Production
Plug Well
Decommission & Remove
Abandon Gathering Lines
(See Steps 3 & 4)
Source: Adapted from Governors Marcellus Shale Advisory, Commission Report by Jim Cawley, Lt. Governor, Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, July 22, 2011. Full Report Found at Also see Pennsylvania Public Records for Grugan
development: Gathering Line - Permit #ESX10-035-0002, GP0518291004, GP0818291001; COP Tract 289 Pad E Permit #ESX10-081-0076, API #37-081-20446 (Well #E-1029H); COP Tract 285 Pad C - Permit #GP0718291001, ESX10-035-0007.
Additional reporting and oversight required for exceptions to permitted activity not shown.
As hydraulic fracturing is applied to unconventional resources, it has become the focus of many
regulatory modifications at the federal, regional,
state, and local levels. Although hydraulic fractur-
Adoption of state
natural gas and oil
regulatory programs
U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency
(U.S. EPA)
Legal Environmental
Assistance Foundation,
Inc. (LEAF) vs. U.S. EPA
Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU)
between U.S. EPA and
service companies
Evaluation of Impacts
to USDWs by Hydraulic
Fracturing of Coalbed
Methane (CBM)
Reservoirs Final Report
U.S. House
U.S. Congress
State of Wyoming
State Regulations
Hydraulic Fracturing
Establishment of
Secretary of Energy
Advisory Board
(SEAB) Natural Gas
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
toxic potency, and energy expenditure. Decision makers will then have information to weigh against social
factors such as job creation, job retention, national security, energy independence, wealth exportation, resource
depletion, and other considerations to select the energy
resource appropriate for the specific circumstance in
accord with national, regional, and local priorities.
An objective understanding of impacts can enhance
the decision-making process. For instance, policymakers may wish to evaluate the requirement that by
a specified date, 20% of the nations electrical needs
must be provided by wind power. An LCA can be used
to compare the EF of the necessary amount of wind
power to the EF of other energy sources. The increase
in the desired power type could then be evaluated to
predict the likely environmental consequence of the
contemplated development compared to that of an
alternative energy source.
Additional benefits of an EF analysis include
involving stakeholders in planning and implementing transparency into the process. A collective,
transparent approach increases all stakeholders
understanding of the issues and encourages objectivity in both public and private decision-making.
A recent National Research Council study, entitled
Hidden Cost of Energy: Unpriced Consequences of
Energy Production and Use, specifically reports findings about health and environmental externalities
from various energy types and calls for a life-cycle
analysis of full fuel cycles.35 Additionally, an independent research study issued by the Applied Energy
Studies Foundation, titled The Environmental Cost of
Energy, identified the need for further in-depth analysis of environmental implications associated with
the development of various renewable and nonrenewable energy sources.36 An LCA for energy37 can
include, but is not limited to, an examination of the
following subjects:
yy Extraction of the raw resource, including:
Drilling natural gas or oil wells and transportation to a processing facility or the end user
35 National Research Council of the National Academies, Hidden
Costs of Energy: Unpriced Consequences of Energy Production and
Use, The National Academies Press, 2010, accessed June 29,
36 Applied Energy Studies Foundation (AESF), The Environmental
Cost of Energy, September 2010, accessed June 29, 2011, http://
37 SAIC, Life Cycle Assessment: Principles and Practice.
mental considerations apply to all energy LCAs: scalability, metrics, regulatory compliance, and unique
considerations. The methodology must include:
Source: National Research Council of the National Academies,
Hidden Costs of Energy: Unpriced Consequences of Energy
Production and Use, The National Academies Press, 2010,
accessed June 29, 2011,
record id=12794.
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
Meaningful comparison of energy sources must
include scalability. Scalability means an energy source
can contribute to the current North American electrical or fuel needs (i.e., grid, industrial combustion,
routine daily heating, and transportation). Energy
sources that are not yet scalable and exist only in an
experimental capacity (e.g., hydrogen cell technology)
or are limited to local application (e.g., rooftop solar
power) cannot realistically be compared to other scalable sources. It is most appropriate to compare one
scalable source to another scalable source.
A consistent, objective, and quantitative set of
measurements or units (i.e., metrics) is important to
ensure an effective comparison of dissimilar energy
sources. Most of the energy sources included here are
capable of generating electricity, with the exception
of corn-ethanol and biodiesel. Therefore, the unit of
1,000 megawatt-hours (MWh), which is commonly
referenced in the electric-power industry, is a useful
comparative metric. The impact (e.g., surface disturbance, air emissions) associated with generating 1,000
MWh from various energy sources can be compared
using a metric such as acres disturbed per 1,000 MWh
generated, or tons of CO2 emitted per 1,000 MWh
generated. For heating fuels, environmental impacts
assessed on a basis of 1 million British thermal units
(MMBtu) also would be appropriate. For transportation, assessment units for environmental impacts per
mile driven (for example, pounds of CO2 emitted per
100 miles driven) would be appropriate.
The use of these assessment units allows for scaling
and facilitates the comparison of evolving technologies to existing technologies. Because some renewable
sources produce energy in specific forms (e.g., elec-
existence are driving a host of energy policy decisions at the state and federal levels that will have a
growing influence on energy choices. Other impacts
are reversible or can be remediated. A photovoltaic
solar array constructed in an open landscape can easily be reclaimed when the solar arrays productive life
has ended while the impacts of mountaintop mining
are often not reclaimable due to preexisting conditions. The environmental impacts of biofuels and
biomass include land use for farming. This requires
a continual land disturbance causing loss of soil, surface runoff, sedimentation buildup, and continual
chemical use in fertilizers and pesticides. Wind and
gas development creates an initial disturbance to the
land that may be more permanent (i.e., roads and
site construction), but may be partially reclaimed,
have a more minor ongoing impact (i.e., traffic), and
have limited recurring replacement requirements
(i.e., wind turbines).
The nature of the resource being developed and the
technology that will be used to develop it must be
taken into account when doing an EF analysis. Shallow conventional natural gas and oil development
involves different drilling and production techniques
than the development of unconventional petroleum
reservoirs (e.g., CBNG, shale gas, shale oil). Resource
extraction methods are different and waste byproducts can also differ in both quantity and quality.
Some natural resources can be accessed from remote
locations. Oil or gas wells can be drilled directionally
to reach reservoirs located under sensitive environments (e.g., wetlands, tundra, lakes, or deserts) or
under sensitive locations (e.g., historic landmarks or
parklands). Similarly, underground mining can take
place beneath areas where direct surface mining may
not be acceptable (e.g., under towns and cities).
It is evident that unique and sometimes intangible
variables must be included in a comprehensive analysis of energy-source alternatives. It is also apparent
that in some cases, those variables can be defined by
quantitative metrics, whereas in other cases, qualitative comparison may be the only means possible.
A measurement of environmental consequences
should be assessed at a common end point and from
a common form, such as assessing the environmental
consequences for sources used to generate electricity
to the point where the electricity is ready to be placed
on the grid. Understanding of the boundary issues to
be included in an analysis is critical to the development
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
Example of EF Calculations
To illustrate why a standard environmental footprint
methodology is needed, as recommended here, it is useful to examine existing studies on the subject and their
similarities and differences. Some of those studies are
referenced here and in the associated topic papers.
The fundamental assumptions and organization
of any EF analysis deeply influence its quantitative
results and the validity of comparisons to other studies. One basic set of assumptions involves the boundaries of the analysis, including which phases of energy
development and use are included. For example,
a comparison of the footprint of raw fuels will not
take into account the relative efficiency of end-use
technologies, such as electric power generation or
Environmental Management
Perhaps one of the most important developments
in the environmental performance of natural gas and
oil operations has been the adoption of Environmental Management Systems (EMSs). A management
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
yy Communication
yy Operational Control
American Petroleum Institute Model EHS Management System and Recommended Practice 75
American Chemistry Council Responsible Care
(RC 14001 or RCMS)
E&P Forum, Guidelines for the Development and
Application of HSE Management Systems.
43 Statzer and Baldwin, Environmental Management Systems.
44 Statzer and Baldwin, Environmental Management Systems.
Public-Private Partnerships46
A key aspect of environmental sustainability for
any corporation is to adopt business strategies and
activities that meet the needs of the company and
internal and external stakeholders while protecting
and enhancing human and natural resources for the
future. One method of engaging key stakeholders is
through the use of what are known as public-private
partnerships. These arrangements typically focus on
relatively narrow issues identified as company development plans and activities that are being scrutinized
either during or before operations commence. As
the name suggests, regulatory agencies, community
leaders, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
are typically engaged to ensure all relevant views are
captured. Public-private partnerships provide a less
confrontational method to share concerns and have
them resolved when compared to enforcement and
litigation. Often, public-private partnerships yield
results beyond what were initially anticipated by the
46 This does not refer to a public-private partnership where government services are being funded by a partnership between
industry and government. This refers to a partnership between
government and industry.
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
of Data
Standards for
organizations (NGOs)
Standards for
Federal Agencies
(Freedom of
Act) Request
and Websites
Yes Many
State Websites
Service Companies
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
of Data
Data Vendors
Yes Membership,
Public Domain
dant again only long after the event and as the latter stages of the recovery mode lead to detailed retrospectives and root-cause analysis. Thus, early and
comprehensive planning (or the P-D-M-R approach)
is important to sustaining safety during offshore
P-D-M-R safety-sustainability elements receive
different relative proportions of emphasis within
different offshore activities, depending on which
hazards are being managed. While all offshore
operational activities must include planning for
the Prevention (P) of hazards, not all combinations
of activities and issues would necessarily require
Recovery (R).
Figure 2-13. The Safety and Sustainability Model Featuring the P-D-M-R Elements
Figure 2-13. The Safety and Sustainability Model Featuring the P-D-M-R Elements
Notes: Safety Responsible management of risks and hazards for human health.
Sustainability Responsible management of risks and hazards for natural environmental quality,
including water, air, animals, and plants.
Source: Modified based on Offshore Technology Report 2001/063 - Marine Risk Assessment, prepared for Health and Safety
Executives by Det Norske Veritas, 2002, of London Technical Consultancy. ISBN 0 71762231 2.
Topic Area
of Marine
Mammals & Fish
Other Pollutant
Releases into Air or
P, M
P, D, M, R
P, D, M, R
P, D, M, R
Environmental Management of
Seismic and Other Geophysical
Exploration Work
P, D, M
P, D, M
P, D, M, R
P, D, M, R
P, D, M, R
P, M
P, D, M, R
P, D, M, R
Well-Control Management
and Response
P, D, M, R
P, M
P, D, M, R
P, D, M, R
P, D, M, R
P, M
P, D, M, R
P, D, M, R
Offshore Transportation
P, D, M, R
P, M
P, D, M, R
P, D, M, R
P, D
P, D, M
P, D, M
P, D, M
Data Management
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
Table 2-7 summarizes one view of how the safetysustainability elements are incorporated into risk
management and indicates combinations of P-D-M-R
emphasis for different intersections of seven topical
areas and four hazard categories. For example, core
topic 7 (Data Management) enables the dissemination of essential information used in oil-spill planning, recovery and restoration operations, but data
management alone cannot implement hazard Recovery measures. Fieldwork required for Recovery from
an oil-spill hazard remains the purview of core topic 4
(Well Control Management and Response). Therefore,
Table 2-8 indicates an R for Well Control Manage-
ment and Response under the Oil & Gas Spills into
Marine Environment, but not so for Data Management.
Table 2-8. U.S. Government Agencies Involved in Offshore Natural Gas and Oil Regulations
Offshore Natural Gas and Oil Project Phase
Regulatory Authority
Divestiture Phase
Bureau of Ocean
Energy, Management,
Regulation and
U.S. Department of
U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency
National Oceanic
and Atmospheric
National Marine
Fisheries Service
Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission
Note: CAA = Clean Air Act; CWA = Clean Water Act; CZMA = Coastal Zone Management Act; ESA=Endangered Species Act; HMTA = Hazardous
Materials Transportation Act; MFC = Marine Fisheries Commission; MMPA = Marine Mammal Protection Act; NEPA = National Environmental
Policy Act; NFEA = National Fishing Enhancement Act; NGPA = Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978; NHPA = National Historic Preservation Act;
OCSLA = Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act; OPA=OilPollution Act; PWSA = Ports and Waterways Safety Act; RCRA = Resource Conservation
and Recovery Act; RHA = Rivers and Harbors Act.
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
The complex regulatory processes that affect offshore developments involve at least nine federal statutes, as well as nine different federal agencies. After the
Macondo blowout and oil spill in April 2010, the Minerals Management Service was replaced by BOEMRE
in June 2010, which in turn is subdivided into the
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and the Bureau
of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, effective
October 1, 2011. Along with the U.S. Coast Guard,
BOEMRE is a key agency in regulating all OCS development phases. Other federal agencies involved with
offshore development include: the U.S. Department
of Transportation, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Table 2-8 provides a summary of federal agencies
(and their associated statutes) that are involved with
administering offshore regulations, and which phase
of offshore development they are principally involved
BOEMRE regulations are contained in 30 CFR,
Chapter II, with operations regulations at Part 250.61
Specific reviews of possible environmental impacts
from routine events and accidents are required for
plans for exploration, development, and production. Separate from these requirements, there is
also specific permitting of proposed discharges, cooling water intake entrainment (for new facilities),
and implementation of various best management
practices plans required under the EPAs National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits. All
waste transport and onshore disposal/reuse is regulated under RCRA and DOT regulations, as well as
specific state regulations.
USCG regulations are contained in 33 CFR, Subchapter N.62 USCG regulations contain provisions
for occupational safety and health and citizenship of
workers on the OCS, firefighting and lifesaving equipment on OCS facilities, and operational requirements.
USCG regulations also contain many references to
other requirements in 46 CFR, which is related to
61 Code of Federal Regulations. Title 30, Mineral Resources.
Chapter II, Minerals Management Service, Department of the
Interior. Part 250, Oil and Natural Gas and Sulphur Operations
in the Outer Continental Shelf.
62 Code of Federal Regulations. Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters. Chapter I, Coast Guard, Department of Homeland
shipping, as well as the navigational rules and pollution prevention pertaining to oil, hazardous materials, and human waste.
For state and local government involvement, the
Coastal Zone Management Act requires federal agencies to provide them the opportunity to review leasing
and permit proposals. If a state disagrees with a proposed project, there is a process for resolving inconsistencies with the states coastal management plan or
an appeal can be filed. The OCSLA requires the Secretary of the Interior to accept the recommendations
of state and local governments on leasing proposals
unless it is determined that they do not balance federal and state interests. The OCS support facilities
that are located onshore are regulated by numerous
state and local statutory regimes.
One problem faced by the BOEMRE is the conflicting goals of OCSLA and other federal statutes.
Table 2-9 provides current examples of these conflicting issues. At a minimum, clarifications are needed
for certain overlapping authorities and responsibilities among the BOEMRE, U.S. Coast Guard, National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and
Department of Transportation.
Table 2-9. Examples of Conflicting Goals between the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management,
Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) and Other Agencies
Examples of
Conflicting Goals
Purpose or Issue
BOEMRE Regulatory
Memorandum of
Understanding between
Minerals Management Service/
BOEMRE and U.S.Coast Guard
(January 15, 1999)
Notice to Lessees
(NTL) No.2009-N11
Memorandum of
Understanding between
Department of the Interior and
Department of Transportation
(August 17, 1998)
yy Consultation Requirements Proposals for potential uses of the OCS must be published for public
review and comment pursuant to specified statutory and regulatory provisions.
yy NEPA Compliance Each successive step in the
process is subject to NEPA analyses, for five-year
program proposals, lease sale proposals, Marine
Mammal Protection Act authorizations, seismic
exploration proposals, exploration proposals, and
development and production proposals.
yy State and Local Government Roles The CZMA
requires federal agencies to provide state and local
governments the opportunity to review leasing and
permit proposals. If states disagree, an elaborate
mechanism for ensuring consistency with state
coastal zone plans is provided.
yy OCSLA Programmatic Process Pursuant to Section 18 of the OCSLA, no area of the OCS may be
offered for leasing unless the Secretary of the Interior complies with the requisite scientific, analytical, and deliberative process requirements.
yy OCSLA Lease Sale Process Once a 5-Year OCS
Leasing Program is approved in accordance with
Section 18 (above), specific lease sale proposals are
subject to the process provisions of Section 19 of
the OCSLA.
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
that are submitted to the House, Senate, and the Government Accountability Office alerting them of imminent final rules; (c) information collection packages
(new and updates) that are submitted to the Office of
Management and Budget for approval and that provide cost and hour burdens of new and existing rules;
(d) an annual publication notice in the Federal Register listing civil penalties; and (e) annual appropriation
reports to Congress on the agencys performance over
the past year and its future goals.
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
the various strategic choices. Public-private partnerships, if properly designed and implemented, are an
effective tool to drive environmental sustainability
objectives consistently throughout an industry. It can
also enhance the ability to engage stakeholders and
incorporate input. Below are two examples of publicprivate partnerships through which the natural gas
and oil industry has engaged in recent years, but none
are focused on overall industry stewardship:
yy EPAs Natural Gas STAR program voluntary,
cost-effective methane reductions by the gas production and transportation sectors.
yy State Review of Oil and Natural Gas Environmental Regulations (STRONGER) a collaborative
process of the natural gas and oil industry, state
environmental regulatory programs, and members
of the environmental/public interest communities
to review state natural gas and oil waste management programs against a set of guidelines.
Industrys and governments commitment to
an enhanced partnership focused on promoting
and using systems-based strategies to drive
environmental sustainability goals and outcomes
can minimize the environmental impact of
recovering North Americas natural gas and oil
yy Industry and government should work with
stakeholders to implement public-private
partnerships focused on achieving environmental sustainability goals, sharing best practices, and measuring outcomes.
yy Government should recognize continuous
improvement within the regulatory and permitting processes in a manner to promote
innovation within the industry.
One element of building public confidence and demonstrating the necessary environmental performance
is assuring the public that industry adheres to a set of
operational performance standards or principles that
minimize risk and are protective of the environment.
Much of this assurance is provided by the regulatory
yy The leaders of companies set the expectations for organizations and focus attention on the critical nature of environmental
safeguards and practices. Therefore, commitment must be maintained to excellent
environmental performance and continuous
environmental improvement at both the leadership level of companies and throughout the
yy All levels of the oil and gas industry should
be encouraged to use appropriate and comprehensive predevelopment planning, stakeholder engagement, risk assessment, and the
innovative applications of technology, which
must be adapted to the variability of resource
plays and regional differences.
Regulatory Framework
There is a comprehensive set of state and federal
regulations in place that govern all aspects of natural gas and oil production and environmental protection. The U.S. EPA administers most of the federal environmental laws, although development on
federally owned land is regulated primarily by the
Bureau of Land Management (part of the Department of the Interior) and the U.S. Forest Service
(part of the Department of Agriculture) while offshore development in federal waters is regulated by
a variety of agencies, including the BOEMRE (within
the DOI), U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Transportation, Environmental Protection Agency, National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National
Marine Fisheries Service, Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In addition, each
state in which natural gas and oil is produced has
one or more regulatory agencies that permit wells
including the design, location, spacing, operation, and
abandonment as well as environmental activities
and discharges, including water management and disposal, waste management and disposal, air emissions,
underground injection, wildlife impacts, surface disturbance, and worker health and safety. Many of
the federal laws are implemented by the states under
agreements and plans approved by the appropriate
federal agencies.
To deal with the limitations of prescriptive regulations, some agencies have developed performancebased requirements that allow the use of new practices and new technologies so long as environmental
protection goals are met. This approach allows greater
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
flexibility and innovation while ensuring environmental protection, but both operators and regulators
have recognized that this is not the best approach in
all cases. Operators, regulators, and the public are in
a near-constant dialogue to ensure that regulations
are in place to effectively balance the need for natural
gas and oil production, and the need for flexibility and
innovation, with the need for regulatory certainty
and environmental protection.
A balanced and optimized regulatory process is
critical to prudent development of resources.
yy Regulators at the federal and state level should
have sufficient funding to ensure adequate
personnel, training, technical expertise, and
effective enforcement to properly regulate
natural gas and oil companies.
yy State and federal agencies should seek a balance between prescriptive and performancebased regulations to encourage innovation
and environmental improvements while
maintaining worker and public safety.
yy Federal agencies should undertake efforts to
better coordinate and streamline permitting
activities on federal lands and in the OCS.
Environmental Footprint
The U.S. economy depends on a reliable, affordable,
and abundant supply of energy. A key element of a reliable energy supply is one that can be developed prudently i.e., one that is sustainable environmentally,
economically, and socially. As the United States considers its energy sources for the future, assessing the
environmental impacts of the various energy sources
will be a significant factor in the choices that are made.
One useful approach for this is an environmental
footprint analysis that, to the extent possible, quantifies the potential environmental impacts of each source
on a per unit of energy basis. The footprint analysis
does not attempt to provide a single score to indicate
that one source is better than another. Instead, it provides an objective, science-based assessment of the
potential positive and negative impacts of each source
so that trade-offs can be evaluated and the relative
importance of different impacts can be weighed.
When compared with other energy sources, natural gas (and shale gas in particular) has a comparable or better overall environmental footprint
across the full life cycle than most other energy
yy The federal government should support the
development of methodologies for assessing environmental footprint effects such as
impacts on water and land.
yy As sound methodologies are established and
vetted, regulators and others policymakers
should use environmental footprint analysis
to inform regulatory decisions and in implementing other policies where energy resource
choices involve economic and environmental
Technology Innovation
The history of natural gas and oil development
has been one of continuous technology advances,
improved systems management, and improved regulatory processes that have allowed production of new
and more challenging resource plays, while at the
same time improving environmental performance.
These advances have led to production of resources
that until recently were not considered to be technically recoverable and have resulted in levels of environmental performance that could not have been
envisioned just a few years ago.
Improvements in environmental performance have
occurred in every phase of natural gas and oil development for both offshore and onshore operations,
from construction, drilling, completion through
production, plugging of the well, and final reclamation. New technologies and innovative practices have
been implemented to better control water use, reduce
air emissions, and ensure groundwater protection.
Additional performance improvements have been
developed for hydraulic fracturing, materials management, and overall operation and management.
As we move forward, we can expect to see even
more technology advancements that will allow production of ever more challenging resources while continuing to improve environmental performance. Such
advances must continue to be accompanied by regulations that provide effective environmental protection based on sound science while allowing innovative
changes that can lower costs and improve protection.
Continued support for research and technology
development is a necessary condition to enable development of our natural gas and oil resources. Much
yy Even as natural gas and oil companies continue
to fund their own proprietary technology and
other research, federal government agencies
should also perform important roles in supporting the development of new technology.
While different federal agencies may be appropriate homes for a range of research and technology development efforts, the Department of
Energy should lead in identifying, in some cases
funding, and in other cases supporting publicprivate partnerships for research and development on energy and certain environmental
issues of national interest. Examples where
federal involvement is needed include:
The environmental impact of oil spills
and cleanup, including residual effects of
chemical dispersants, and science-based risk
Science and pre-commercial technology
relating to methane hydrates
Technology and methods for understanding,
quantifying, and mitigating the environmental impacts and other risks of natural
gas and oil development to continue to
improve the environmental performance of
exploration and development activities.
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
Public Education
The importance of informing the public, maintaining transparency concerning operations and risks, and
gaining public confidence through excellent environmental performance is a recurring theme. This information and understanding is critical to achieving the
publics permission to operate in many parts of North
America. Public education can take many forms,
including information libraries, K-12 curricula, media
campaigns, speakers bureaus, web sites, and studies
of risks in areas of special concern, such as hydraulic
fracturing. Continuously improving environmental
stewardship is a prerequisite to gaining public confidence. The importance of this undertaking merits
highlighting through a separate finding.
Public knowledge and confidence needs to be
built through open information sharing and
transparency about operations, impacts, risks,
and availability of mitigation strategies.
yy The oil and gas industry must maintain and
publicize continuous effective environmental
performance and transparency.
yy The industry and state and federal agencies
must disseminate science-based information
on practices and risks to inform the public and
build public confidence.
yy Dividends
yy Liabilities
yy Local purchasing
yy Market share
yy Profits
yy R&D investments
yy Retained earnings
yy Return on investment
yy Sales
yy Taxes
yy Tax subsidies
yy Wages
yy Employee diversity
yy Employee wellness programs
yy Employment
yy Ethics
yy Human rights
yy Impacts on local cultures and communities
yy Industrial hygiene
yy Legal compliance
yy Occupational health
yy Product safety
yy Securities regulation
yy Support for community services
yy Workplace safety
yy Transparent public reporting
* William R. Blackburn, The Sustainability Handbook: the Complete Management Guide to Achieving Social, Economic,
and Environmental Responsibility, Environmental Law Institute, 2007, pages 2527.
activities that further the cause of environmental sustainability. Financial success and long-term
employment can be part of a sustainability equation.
Strong corporate governance and business ethics are
other common sustainability successes for companies. Sustainability does not mean that a company
can achieve no negative impacts to society and the
environment. It is a process that supports companies moving towards a more sustainable outcome.
Companies can be perceived by society as being environmentally and socially conscious, or not based on
perceived or actual past occurrences. Jeffrey Immelt,
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources
PRUDENT DEVELOPMENT: Realizing the Potential of North Americas Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources