IBM System Storage Solutions Handbook (July2016)
IBM System Storage Solutions Handbook (July2016)
IBM System Storage Solutions Handbook (July2016)
Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on
page vii.
Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1999, 2016. All rights reserved.
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Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
IBM Redbooks promotions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
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Stay connected to IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Chapter 1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 IBM Spectrum family and software defined systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.1 Introduction to software-defined architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.2 Introduction to software-defined storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1.3 SDS reference architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 IBM storage systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.1 IBM SAN Volume Controller and IBM Storwize family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2.2 IBM FlashSystem family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2.3 IBM DS8880 Storage System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2.4 IBM XIV Storage System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2.5 IBM Elastic Storage Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2.6 IBM tape storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2.7 IBM storage area network products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.3 IBM storage services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Chapter 2. IBM Spectrum Storage family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1 SDS architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 SDS control plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2.1 IBM Spectrum Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2.2 IBM Spectrum Protect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3 SDS data plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3.1 IBM Spectrum Virtualize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3.2 IBM Spectrum Accelerate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3.3 IBM Spectrum Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3.4 IBM Spectrum Archive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.2 Scalability and performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.3 Availability and serviceability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.4 Security and encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.5 Advanced functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3 Models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3.1 Other configuration features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3.2 Warranty information and upgrades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3.3 Scalable upgrades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3.4 Licensed functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3.5 Supported environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4 Related information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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About Redbooks
The IBM System Storage Solutions Handbook helps you solve your current and future
data storage business requirements. It helps you achieve enhanced storage efficiency by
design to allow managed cost, capacity of growth, greater mobility, and stronger control over
storage performance and management. It describes the most current IBM storage products,
including the IBM Spectrum family, IBM FlashSystem, disk, and tape, as well as
virtualized solutions such IBM Storage Cloud.
This IBM Redbooks publication provides overviews and information about the most current
IBM System Storage products. It shows how IBM delivers the right mix of products for nearly
every aspect of business continuance and business efficiency. IBM storage products can help
you store, safeguard, retrieve, and share your data.
This book is intended as a reference for basic and comprehensive information about the IBM
Storage products portfolio. It provides a starting point for establishing your own enterprise
storage environment.
This book describes the IBM Storage products as of March, 2016.
This book was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working at the
International Technical Support Organization, Tucson Center.
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Chapter 1.
This chapter introduces IBM storage systems and the IBM software-defined architecture.
As the planet becomes more integrated, the rate of data growth is increasing exponentially.
This data explosion is making commonly accepted practices of data management
inadequate. Social, mobile, cloud, big data, and analytics are driving an explosion in data
volumes and causing new challenges for data protection, disaster recovery, regulatory
requirements, and standards for compliance. Data management has become one of the
highest priorities of organizations today.
This chapter provides an overview of the IBM storage offerings. It includes the following
IBM Spectrum family and software defined systems
IBM storage systems
IBM storage services
Traditional computing
Together, Systems of Record and Systems of Engagement form the IBM Systems of Insight
as shown in Figure 1-1.
Systems of Insight
Data Volumes
Data Types
Increasing Value
of Information
Chapter 1. Introduction
SDS is a key component that supports the SDI framework along with software-defined
compute and software-defined network constructs as shown in Figure 1-2 on page 4.
Although each of these constructs can be used separately, substantial synergy and value
results from an integrated approach, which most organizations should adopt. Figure 1-2
shows the SDI framework.
Middleware Based
Cloud Based
Virtualized Network
Virtual Storage
Compute Resources
SDI drives efficiency by optimizing the connections between workloads and resources based
on the needs of the business. Workloads are defined and orchestrated based on usage
patterns, and resources are managed and deployed according to business rules and policies.
IT Enterprises employing an SDI approach have several core advantages over processes that
have traditionally been handled manually.
The fundamental idea of SDI consists of automatically orchestrating infrastructure resources
(compute, storage, networks, and management) to programmatically (that is, by using
software programming) meet workloads requirements in real time.
typical array interfaces (for example, command line and graphic user) to operate within a
larger architectural construct. SDS supports overall IT architectural definition, configuration,
and operations (often referred to as SDI or the more restrictive software-defined data center
(SDDC)). Although this approach is possible (and probably easier) in a homogeneous, single
vendor implementation, its greatest value and versatility are as standardized programming
interfaces applied across a heterogeneous multivendor IT infrastructure.
A fundamental inhibitor to fully realized IT optimization has been achieving integrated
systems automation, which is often referred to as autonomic computing. This goal has been
difficult primarily due to the lack of adequately standardized component interfaces to support
a unified infrastructure automation approach. The high levels of customization required
involved labor intensive and time consuming work, resulting in higher costs and affecting the
ability of IT to rapidly react to new and changing business application requirements.
The primary business reasons for implementing SDS fall into these broad categories, which
have interrelated characteristics and benefits:
Facilitate IT automation to improve business and IT agility at lower cost
Optimized performance tuning and easier capacity planning
Optimized systems administration and control to allow effective and efficient resource
utilization that lowers cost and supports business requirements
Simplified architecture to reduce specialized components and skills requirements
Virtually limitless elastic data scaling
Support for block, file, and object data types
Performance tuning
Capacity planning
Enable advanced application deployment by employing Systems of Engagement and
Systems of Insight by using Systems of Record:
Chapter 1. Introduction
point-in-time), encryption, and data deduplication that can be started and managed by the
control plane. The data plane is the interface to the hardware infrastructure where the data
is stored. It provides a complete range of data access possibilities, spanning traditional
access methods like block I/O (for example, iSCSI) or File I/O (POSIX compliant), to
object-storage or Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).
Figure 1-3 shows the SDS capabilities of the control plane and data plane.
Figure 1-3 SDS capabilities through the control plane and data plane
SDS provides the agility, control, and efficiency that are needed to meet rapidly changing
business requirements by dynamically optimizing infrastructure capabilities to application
service level requirements. New business requirements are the driving force for the
emergence of this new IT storage infrastructure architecture. SDS is built with standardized
software application programming interfaces to provide organizations with the underlying
capabilities to support applications aligned to the digital consumption model of the digital
economy. It also provides a compelling value proposition for optimizing traditional workloads
within this consolidated architectural construct.
For more information about the IBM software-defined storage architecture, see Chapter 2,
IBM Spectrum Storage family on page 13.
organizations need faster access to more data at the same time. Inflexible infrastructures with
increasing complexity can create significant obstacles for organizations that are trying to take
advantage of these tremendous opportunities.
IBM disk, hybrid disk, and flash memory systems provide storage efficiency solutions such as
Real-time Compression, automated tiering, virtualization, and thin provisioning. These
storage solutions increase the data storage optimization opportunities for organizations of all
sizes to boost system performance and lower IT costs. These growing demands require a
new approach to storage. They require a more intelligent, more efficient, and more automated
approach to storage that fundamentally changes the way you think about it. Storage agility
and efficiency for todays applications is intended for cloud, analytics, security, mobile, and
social applications.
IBM storage products can help deliver the solutions that are required to implement a dynamic
infrastructure. Such solutions include the following capabilities:
This following subsections provide an overview of the IBM storage systems and links to more
Chapter 1. Introduction
Use encryption to help improve security for data on existing storage systems
Move data among virtualized storage systems without disruptions
Optimize tiered storage, including flash storage, automatically with IBM Easy Tier
Improve network utilization for remote mirroring with innovative replication technology
Implement multi-site configurations for high availability and data mobility between data
For more information about IBM Spectrum Virtualize, see 2.3.1, IBM Spectrum Virtualize on
page 29.
For more information about SVC, see 4.1, IBM SAN Volume Controller on page 82.
IBM Storwize
Built with IBM Spectrum Virtualize software, the IBM Storwize family provides hybrid solutions
with common functionality, management, and flexibility. It includes built-in functions such as
Real-time Compression and Easy Tier technology optimizing flash and hard disk drives to
deliver extraordinary levels of efficiency and high performance. Available in a wide range of
storage systems, IBM Storwize family delivers sophisticated capabilities that are easy to
deploy, and help control costs for growing businesses.
This book describes the following IBM Storwize products:
IBM Storwize V7000 Unified and IBM Storwize V7000. These virtualized systems can
simplify storage by consolidating workloads into a single storage system.
IBM Storwize V5000. This highly flexible, easy-to-use, virtualized storage system provides
high performance and advanced functionality for midsized organizations.
IBM Storwize V3700. This affordable, easy-to-use, self-optimizing disk system is designed
for small and midsized organizations.
For more information about IBM Spectrum Virtualize, see 2.3.1, IBM Spectrum Virtualize on
page 29.
For more information about the IBM Storwize family, see Chapter 4, IBM SAN Volume
Controller and IBM Storwize family on page 81.
For more information, see Chapter 5, IBM FlashSystem family on page 127.
IBM midrange tape storage products are designed to provide reliable and flexible data
backup, archiving, and management, today and into the future.
This publication describes the following midrange tape storage products:
IBM entry-level tape products provide reliable, affordable data backup and protection.
This publication describes the following entry-level tape drives:
For more information, see 8.1, IBM tape drives on page 178.
Tape automation
IBM System Storage offers a full range of tape libraries and autoloaders that feature high
performance and capacity for entry, midrange, and enterprise system environments. Use the
advanced technology to handle your backup, save, and restore, and archival data storage
This book describes the following products:
IBM TS2900 tape autoloader on page 193
IBM TS3100 tape library on page 195
Virtual tape
A virtual tape library provides high performance backup and restore by using disk arrays and
virtualization software. A virtual tape library is a unique blend of several storage tiers. The
lifecycle of data from its creation at the server level migrates by backup software to a virtual
tape library. A virtual tape library is a powerful combination of high performance storage area
network (SAN)-attached disk and high performance servers that emulate a tape storage
device. At this level, you have many options for the data. For example, the data can remain on
the virtual tape library indefinitely if enough space is available, or it can be migrated to tape for
offsite storage, archive, or both.
Virtual tape libraries fill a void in the backup infrastructure for data that needs to be restored at
a certain moment. Many restore requests happen within six weeks of the data being backed
up. Backup software can be configured to back up data to a virtual tape library and then
create a virtual tape-to-tape copy for offsite deployment. It is no longer necessary to call the
tapes back from an offsite location unless data is required from years past.
This publication describes the following products:
Chapter 1. Introduction
Midrange SAN switches can scale to provide solutions for small and midsized business up
to large enterprises. This publication describes the following products:
IBM System Networking SAN96B-5
Cisco MDS 9396S 16G Multilayer Fabric Switch for IBM System Storage
Cisco MDS 9148S 16G Multilayer Fabric Switch for IBM System Storage
Entry SAN switches are designed to provide easy-to-use, affordable solutions for small
and midsized businesses. This publication describes the following products:
IBM System Networking SAN24B-5
IBM System Storage SAN24B-4 Express
SAN specialty switches deliver capabilities that range from connecting heterogeneous
SAN fabrics, to enabling distance extension using Fibre Channel over IP, to converging
SAN and Ethernet traffic on a single platform. This publication describes the following
IBM System Storage SAN42B-R
Cisco MDS 9250i Multiservice Fabric Switch for IBM System Storage
IBM System Storage SAN06B-R extension switch
The IBM SAN products are described in Chapter 9, Storage networking products on
page 231.
For more information, see the following website:
Chapter 2.
Control Plane
Analytics &
Integration &
API Services
Self Service
Data Backup
and Recovery
Spectrum Control
Data Archive
and Retention
Snapshot &
Spectrum Protect
Data Plane
Virtualized SAN Block
Hyperscale Block
Spectrum Virtualize
Spectrum Accelerate
Spectrum Scale
Spectrum Archive
Flexibility to use IBM and non-IBM Servers & Storage or Cloud Services
Figure 2-1 IBM Spectrum Storage family mapped to the SDS control plane and data plane
Table 2-1 is a high-level overview of the IBM Spectrum Storage family. It pairs descriptions
with the products that provide the functions.
Table 2-1 IBM Spectrum Storage Family descriptions
Spectrum Storage
family member
Former name
IBM Spectrum
Spectrum Accelerate
Spectrum Scale
Storage scalability to
yottabytes and across
geographical boundaries
Spectrum Archive
This section describes the IBM software product offerings that provide the building blocks for
the SDS control plane:
IBM Spectrum Control
IBM Spectrum Protect
Key capabilities
Spectrum Control helps organizations transition to new workloads and updated storage
infrastructures by providing these tools:
A single console for managing all types of data on disk, flash, file, and object storage
Simplified visual administration tools that include an advanced web-based user interface,
a VMware vCenter plug-in, and IBM Cognos Business Intelligence with pre-designed
Analytics-driven tiered storage optimization that automatically moves data to the most
cost-effective tier to help support business required service levels
Near-instant data protection and recovery capabilities that protect data without affecting
application performance
Choice of license plans with three deployment options that can fit any size organization,
including mid-sized organizations.
The Spectrum Control benefits address the two most significant storage costs: Physical
capacity and storage administration. Here are several highlights of those broad based
Volume-level, cross-platform automated storage tiering that reduces users cost of storage
by up to 50%1
Cloud and software defined storage that provides a service catalog, automated
provisioning, and optimized utilization of pools of storage
Intelligent Performance Management with application and department views of the
storage infrastructure
Figure 2-2 shows the Spectrum Control dashboard window where all the managed resources
in your data server are presented in an aggregated view.
IBM Spectrum Control data management and storage management solutions provide
comprehensive monitoring, automation, and analytics. They address the two most significant
storage costs: Physical capacity and storage administration. You can get important insights
into cloud, virtualized, and software defined storage environments.
IBM data management and storage management solutions can help with these tasks:
Identify and categorize storage assets for file, block, and object data
Generate departmental and application views of storage
Optimize data placement within the infrastructure
Identify unused and wasted storage space
IBM Spectrum Control is a comprehensive, end-to-end data and storage management
solution that monitors, automates, and analyzes multivendor storage environments.
IBM Spectrum Control provides a single point of control that helps administrators manage
every aspect of the storage infrastructure, between the hosts, through the fabric, and down to
the physical disks, across multi-site storage environments. IBM Spectrum Control helps
consolidate management of file, object, SAN, server-based, and software- defined storage
and enables you to manage storage your way. Optimized interfaces are included for storage
specialists, VMware vCenter users, and remote management with open application
programming interfaces (APIs) such as OpenStack and IBM Cloud Orchestrator.
IBM Spectrum Control delivers a comprehensive solution that can significantly improve
monitoring, automation, and analytics capabilities in multivendor storage environments:
Heterogeneous storage systems, ports, and switches
IBM Spectrum Control provides device-level, integrated storage infrastructure
management capabilities for managing both IBM and non-IBM storage systems that are
Chapter 2. IBM Spectrum Storage family
managed with IBM SAN Volume Controller. Agent and agentless options are available.
Heterogeneous storage support is offered by using the Storage Networking Industry
Association (SNIA) Storage Management Initiative Specification (SMI-S) v1.0.2, v1.1, and
v1.5 or later.
Device management
IBM Spectrum Control helps monitor and manage performance and measure service
levels by storing received performance statistics in database tables for future use. IBM
Spectrum Control sets performance thresholds for devices based on selected
performance metrics, generating alerts when those thresholds are exceeded. These
capabilities help the solution simplify the complex monitoring of multiple SAN-attached
storage devices.
IBM Spectrum Control includes these device management capabilities:
Proactive performance management from a single, integrated console for monitoring
storage devices
Monitoring of metrics, such as I/O rates and cache utilization, and support for storage
optimization through the identification of the best logical unit numbers (LUNs) across
multiple storage subsystems
The measuring and tracking of service levels by storing historical performance
statistics for analysis and report generation
Generation of timely alerts that enable event action by setting performance thresholds
based on business policies
SAN fabric management
IBM Spectrum Control supports multivendor SANs and includes automatic resource and
topology discovery, monitoring and alerts, zone control, and SAN error-prediction
capabilities. IBM Spectrum Control diagnostic capabilities show which resources are
impacted by an availability or performance issue in the SAN.
IBM Spectrum Control includes these SAN fabric monitoring capabilities:
Automated device discovery, topology rendering, and zone control for SANs
Multiple SAN views, including physical, logical, and zone
Diagnostic capabilities that pinpoint resources affected by an availability or
performance issue
Performance monitoring at the port and switch level
Enterprise scalability that enables upgrading from SAN islands to enterprise SANs
Storage provisioning
IBM Spectrum Control includes optimized interfaces for storage specialists, VMware
vCenter users, IBM Cloud Orchestrator environments, and open APIs such as Storage
Management API for Cloud (SMAC). It can help simplify and standardize storage
provisioning, so users can quickly get the storage that they need to do their jobs.
Advanced alert management
Advanced alert management in IBM Spectrum Control can help administrators identify
and resolve problems fast. Policy-based automation enables automated responses, based
on business policies. Event processing can reduce the complexity of managing alerts in
large storage environments.
Scalable copy services management
IBM Spectrum Control includes copy services management capabilities that help simplify
the data replication process. It can automate complex replication tasks without scripts, and
can scale to support hundreds of replication sessions across thousands of volumes. IBM
Spectrum Control supports the following session types: IBM FlashCopy, IBM XIV
snapshots, IBM Basic HyperSwap, Metro Mirror, Global Mirror, Metro/Global Mirror, and
Global Copy.
For copy services management, IBM Spectrum Control can use IBM DS8000, XIV, IBM
SAN Volume Controller (SVC), IBM Storwize V7000 Unified, IBM Storwize V7000, IBM
Storwize V3700, and IBM Storwize V3500.
IBM Spectrum Control integrates with IBM Tivoli System Automation to enable a single
point of control for both multi-tiered business applications and the corresponding copy
services between two sites. This integration offers the following capabilities:
Integrated monitoring and control of storage hardware replication sessions
Automatic start, stop, and move of tiered applications
Lower-priority business application shutdown to keep higher-priority business
applications running
End-to-end application recovery
Tiered storage analysis and optimization
IBM Spectrum Control Tiered Storage Optimizer helps organizations optimize price and
performance without manual tuning. Tiered Storage Optimizer uses proprietary analytics
from IBM Research that can help keep data on the correct storage tier over time. Storage
tier decisions are based on data usage patterns, rather than on initial projections or
guesswork. Tiered Storage Optimizer moves data volumes between storage pools and
SAN Error Predictor
SAN Error Predictor is an autonomic computing capability that is designed to help predict
SAN network outages before they occur. This functionality incorporates predictive failure
analysis into the storage network environment that allows administrators to be more
proactive in ensuring SAN availability. SAN Error Predictor enables network errors to be
resolved before they affect data and application availability.
Performance analysis and management
IBM Spectrum Control integrates built-in, context- sensitive performance management
that is accessible to any administrator. Performance management is server-centric, so
administrators can more easily visualize storage performance problems from the user
perspective. Administrators can quickly generate performance graphs from several
perspectives and align them with a simple mouse click. Performance scenarios can be
cloned, so administrators can look back to better understand how problems first developed
IBM Spectrum Control is available in a range of options to fit practically any size environment
and budget. For example, IBM Spectrum Control Storage Insights is a cloud-based solution
that deploys in minutes and includes advanced analytics for storage tier optimization.
On-premises solutions include standard and advanced editions, available in capacity or
per-enclosure license options. IBM Virtual Storage Center bundles IBM Spectrum Control
Advanced Edition with multi-brand storage virtualization and snapshot management. IBM
Spectrum Control Base consolidates VMware integration for IBM storage systems into a
single download.
For a complete list of devices that can be used with IBM Spectrum Control, see the following
Target Environment
Other ISVs
XIV Mgmt
Web Client
Storage Systems
High availability
Configuration storage
<future plugin>
(V7000, V5000, V3x00)
3rd Party
Control plane: IBM Spectrum Control Base Edition is not in the data path. It runs in the
control plane as shown in Figure 2-1 on page 14.
Spectrum Control Base Edition integrates between environments like OpenStack
components, VMware, and SNIA SMI-S driven environments, and the storage subsystems.
Spectrum Control Base supports requests from APIs like VASA and Next Generation Client
Spectrum Control Base Edition provides common services such as authentication, high
availability, and storage configuration for all IBM Storage in homogeneous and
heterogeneous multiple target environments. Spectrum Control Base Edition manages IBM
XIV Storage System, IBM DS8000 series, IBM SAN Volume Controller, the IBM Storwize
family, and third-party storage subsystems.
Note: The virtual volume functionality is supported by the IBM FlashSystem V9000 (7.6 or
later), IBM XIV (11.5.1 or later), and IBM Spectrum Virtualize/Storwize (7.6 or later)
storage systems.
The VVOL architecture, introduced in VMware VASA 2.0, preserves the concept of a
traditional datastore, maintaining familiarity and compatibility with previous data storage
implementations. However, the virtual disks in a VVOL datastore can use different storage
attributes (services), which can include thin/thick provisioning, snapshot support, encryption,
and so on. Moreover, each VVOL can be managed independently. This implementation
improves system scalability, ensures granular management, uses hardware features, and
improves performance of storage systems at the VM level, providing a complete end-to-end
cloud solution. Another entity, a storage space, includes one or more services, and can be
assigned to different storage customers.
For more information, see the IBM Spectrum Control Base Edition information in the IBM
Knowledge Center:
For more information about VVOL architecture implementation in XIV, see IBM Spectrum
Control Base: Enabling VMware Virtual Volumes with IBM XIV Storage System, REDP-5183.
For more information about VVOL implementation with IBM Spectrum Virtualize, see
Quick-start Guide to Configuring VMware Virtual Volumes for Systems Powered by IBM
Spectrum Virtualize, REDP-5321.
Key capabilities
IBM Spectrum Protect has the following key capabilities:
Protects virtual, physical, and cloud data with one solution.
Native object storage support.
Simplified user experience that simplifies backups by consolidating administration tasks
under a single pane of glass.
Reduction of backup and recovery infrastructure costs with inline data deduplication.
Incremental forever backups with progressive incremental methods that back up only new
or changed versions of files, which can greatly reduce data redundancy, network
bandwidth, and storage pool consumption as compared to traditional methods.
Supports many file systems and platforms, including IBM DB2, Oracle, SAP, SAP HANA,
Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Exchange, and IBM Lotus Domino. Support for extra
platforms is available from IBM Business Partners through the partner ecosystem.
Delivers full capabilities at significant savings for small and mid-sized organizations.
For an updated list of the available products and support in the IBM Spectrum Protect family,
see the following website:
IBM Spectrum Protect provides a single point of control and administration for storage
management needs.
environment. The ability to deduplicate data on either the client or the server provides
flexibility in terms of resource utilization, policy management, and data protection.
Progressive incremental backup
In a progressive incremental backup process, the IBM Spectrum Protect server monitors
client activity and backs up any files that have changed since the initial full backup. Entire
files are backed up so that the server does not need to reference base versions of the files.
This backup technique eliminates the need for multiple full backups of client data, thus
saving network resources and storage space.
Server-side compression
With IBM Spectrum Protect 7.1.5, you can increase the amount of available space in a
storage pool by enabling inline compression. When you enable inline compression, data is
compressed as it is written to a storage pool. Data compression is available for
directory-container and cloud-container storage pools.
Inline compression works on non-encrypted data in both cloud and directory container pools.
It has negligible impact on performance.
The Operation Center follows a hub-spoke model, with the first IBM Spectrum Protect server
connected to it acting as the hub server. This system in turn connects to the spoke servers to
query information and run commands. There is a correlation between the version of the
Operation Center and the version of the hub server as new functions are introduced over
time, requiring updates on the IBM Spectrum Protect servers.
The IBM Spectrum Protect Operation Center can be deployed on the system that hosts the
primary IBM Spectrum Protect server or on, for example, a virtual machine.
Figure 2-6 shows the file-level recovery capabilities of IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual
The snapshots that are captured by IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot can be retained as
backups on local disk. With optional integration with IBM Spectrum Protect, you can use the
full range of advanced data protection and data reduction capabilities such as data
deduplication, progressive incremental backup, hierarchical storage management, and
centrally managed policy-based administration as shown in Figure 2-7.
Because a snapshot operation typically takes much less time than the time for a tape backup,
the window during which the application must be aware of a backup can be reduced. This
reduction facilitates more frequent backups, which reduces the time that is spent performing
forward recovery through transaction logs, increases the flexibility of backup scheduling, and
eases administration.
For more information, see the following website:
For hardware and software requirements for IBM Spectrum Protect Snapshot, see the
following website:
RAID protection
Copy services (remote, local, synchronous, asynchronous, and point-in-time)
Data deduplication
The data plane is the interface to the hardware infrastructure where the data is stored. It
provides a complete range of data access possibilities, spanning traditional access methods
like block I/O (for example, iSCSI) and File I/O (POSIX compliant), to object-storage and
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).
This section describes the IBM software product offerings that provide the building blocks for
the SDS data plane:
Key capabilities
The highly scalable storage virtualization system provides common functions, management,
and mobility across heterogeneous storage types. Spectrum Virtualize has the following key
Pools storage from multiple systems
Compresses data with high performance IBM Real-time Compression for extraordinary
Enables nondisruptive movement of data among storage systems
Supports high availability, multi-site configurations
The sophisticated virtualization, management, and functions of Spectrum Virtualize provide
these storage benefits, among others:
Improves storage utilization up to 100%
Supports up to 5x as much data in the same physical space
Simplifies management of heterogeneous storage systems
Enables rapid deployment of new storage technologies for greater return on investment
Improves application availability with virtually zero storage-related outages
The SAN Volume Controller combines software and hardware into a comprehensive, modular
appliance that uses symmetric virtualization.
Symmetric virtualization is achieved by creating a pool of managed disks (MDisks) from the
attached storage systems. Those storage systems are then mapped to a set of volumes for
use by the attached host systems. System administrators can view and access a common
pool of storage on the SAN. This function helps administrators to use storage resources more
efficiently and provides a common base for advanced functions. Figure 2-8 shows the
Spectrum Virtualize functions.
Integrated Bridgeworks
SANrockIT technology for IP
IBM HyperSwap
Virtualizing storage with SAN Volume Controller helps make new and existing heterogeneous
storage arrays more effective by including many functions that are traditionally deployed
within disk array systems. By including these features in a virtualization system, SAN Volume
Controller standardizes functions across virtualized storage for greater flexibility and
potentially lower costs.
Figure 2-9 shows how SAN Volume Controller stretch virtual volume standardizes
heterogeneous storage across data centers.
Server Cluster
Server Cluster
Virtual volume
Virtual volume
Server Cluster
Virtual volume
Virtual volume
and datacenters
(up to 300k apart)
and mobility-driven disaster avoidance
Figure 2-9 SAN Volume Controller stretches virtual volume across heterogeneous storage
IBM Spectrum Virtualize and SAN Volume Controller support attachment to servers through
Fibre Channel (FC) protocols and Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)
protocols over IP networks at 1 Gbps and 10 Gbps speeds. These configurations can help
reduce costs and simplify server configuration. Spectrum Virtualize also supports Fibre
Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) protocol.
IBM Spectrum Virtualize and SAN Volume Controller combines hardware and software in an
integrated, modular solution that is highly scalable. An I/O group is formed by combining a
redundant pair of storage engines that are based on IBM System x server technology. Highly
available I/O groups are the basic configuration element of a Spectrum Virtualize cluster.
The configuration flexibility means that your implementation can start small and grow with
your business to manage large storage environments. The scalable architecture and tight
integration enable your business to take advantage of the high throughput of flash drives. This
configuration supports high performance for critical applications.
IBM Spectrum Virtualize also includes the IBM System Storage Easy Tier function, which
helps improve performance at lower cost through more efficient use of flash drives. The Easy
Tier function automatically identifies highly active data within volumes and moves only the
active data to a flash drive. It targets flash use to the data that benefits the most, which
delivers the maximum benefit even from small amounts of flash capacity, and helps move
critical data to and from flash drives as needed without disruption to applications.
IBM Spectrum Virtualize helps increase the amount of storage capacity that is available to
host applications by pooling the capacity from multiple disk systems within the SAN. In
addition, it combines various IBM technologies that include thin provisioning, automated
tiering, storage virtualization, IBM Real-time Compression, clustering, replication,
multiprotocol support, and an updated graphical user interface (GUI). Together, these
technologies enable a IBM Spectrum Virtualize and SAN Volume Controller to deliver
exceptional storage efficiency.
IBM Spectrum Virtualize and SAN Volume Controller includes a dynamic data migration
function to move data from one storage system to another while still maintaining access to
that data. The Volume Mirroring function stores two copies of a volume on different storage
systems. This configuration helps improve application availability during a failure or disruptive
maintenance to an array or disk system. The controllers stretched cluster configuration
automatically uses whichever copy of the data remains available.
With the stretched cluster, administrators can apply a single set of advanced network-based
replication services that operate in a consistent manner. This set is applied regardless of the
type of storage that is being used. The Metro Mirror and Global Mirror functions operate
between systems at different locations. They help create copies of data for use during a
catastrophic event at a data center. For even greater flexibility, Metro Mirror and Global Mirror
also support replication between SAN Volume Controller systems and IBM Storwize V7000
Unified systems.
The IBM FlashCopy function stretched cluster quickly creates a copy of active data that can
be used for backup purposes or for parallel processing activities. This capability enables disk
IBM Spectrum Virtualize and SAN Volume Controller Enhanced Stretched Cluster with
VMware backup copies to be used to recover almost instantly from corrupted data, which
significantly speeds application recovery.
Key capabilities
Spectrum Accelerate gives organizations these capabilities:
Spectrum Accelerate provides the following benefits:
Cost reduction by delivering hotspot-free storage to different deployment models, on and
off premises, paying less for the same capacity, acquiring less hardware, reducing
maintenance outlay, and minimizing administrative effort
Increased operational agility through easy cloud building, faster provisioning, small
capacity increments, and licensing flexibility that enables you to easily repurpose servers
Rapid response through enterprise-class storage availability, data protection, and security
for new and traditional workload needs in the data center and other sites while flexibly
balancing capital and operational expenses
Simplified management with seamless management across 144 virtual systems, the XIV
Storage System, or the infrastructure of your off- premises services provider
An administrator can deploy the IBM Spectrum Accelerate storage solution on existing
virtualized servers in minutes, enabling a tuning-free storage environment to be built
quickly with outstanding ease of management and agility
Table 2-3 describes Spectrum Accelerate features with their associated benefits.
Table 2-3 Spectrum Accelerate features and benefits
Snapshot management
For more information about IBM Spectrum Accelerate, see the following resources:
IBM Spectrum Accelerate
IBM Spectrum Accelerate Deployment, Usage, and Maintenance, SG24-8267
Deploying IBM Spectrum Accelerate on Cloud, REDP-5261
Key capabilities
IBM Spectrum Scale adds elasticity with the following capabilities:
Global namespace with high performance access scales from departmental to global
Automated tiering, data lifecycle management from flash (6x acceleration) to tape (10x
Enterprise ready: Data security (encryption), availability, reliability, large scale proven
Open: POSIX compliant, integrated with OpenStack components and Hadoop
IBM Spectrum Scale provides these benefits:
Improves performance by removing data-related bottlenecks
Automated tiering, data lifecycle management from flash (acceleration) to tape (savings)
Lowers cost by eliminating duplicate data
Enables sharing of data across multiple applications
Reduces cost per performance by placing data on most applicable storage (flash to tape)
IBM Spectrum Scale is part of the IBM market-leading software defined storage family and
has the following characteristics:
As a software-only solution: Runs on virtually any hardware platform and supports almost
any block storage device. IBM Spectrum Scale runs on Linux (including Linux on IBM
z Systems), AIX, and systems based on Windows.
As an integrated IBM Elastic Storage Server solution: A bundled hardware, software, and
services offering that includes installation and ease of management with a graphical user
interface. Elastic Storage Server provides unsurpassed end-to-end data availability,
reliability, and integrity with unique technologies that include IBM Spectrum Scale RAID.
As a cloud service: IBM Spectrum Scale delivered as a service provides high
performance, scalable storage, and integrated data governance for managing large
amounts of data and files in the IBM SoftLayer cloud.
IBM Spectrum Scale features enhanced security with native encryption and secure erase. It
can increase performance by using server-side flash cache to increase I/O performance up to
six times. IBM Spectrum Scale provides improved usability through data replication
capabilities, data migration capabilities, Active File Management (AFM), File Placement
Optimizer (FPO), and IBM Spectrum Scale Native RAID.
Spectrum Scale
Share Nothing
Storage pools
File sets
Policy engine
Mirroring, replication, and migration capabilities
Active File Management
File Placement Optimizer
IBM Spectrum Scale Native RAID
Storage pools
A storage pool is a collection of disks or arrays with similar attributes. It is an organizational
structure that allows the combination of multiple storage locations that are of identical
characteristics. There are three different types of storage pools:
System Pool
The system pool contains file system metadata and can be used to
store data. One system pool is needed per file system.
Data Pool
External Pool
File sets
IBM Spectrum Scale creates a single name space. Tools can provide a fine grained
management of the directory structure. A file set acts like a partition of a file system, a
subdirectory tree. File sets can be used for operations such as quotas or used in
management policies. It is a directory tree that behaves like a file system within a file system
and has the following characteristics:
Part of the global namespace
Can be linked and unlinked (like mount/unmount)
Policy scan can be restricted to only scan file sets. This feature can be helpful when the
file system has billions of files
A file set can be assigned to a storage pool
There are two kinds of file sets:
Dependent file sets A dependent file set allows for a finer granularity of administration. It
shares the inode space with another file set.
Independent file set An independent file set has a distinct inode space. An independent file
set allows file set level snapshots, independent file scans, and enables
advanced features like Active File Management.
Policy engine
The policy engine uses an SQL style syntax to query or operate on files based on file
attributes. Policies can be used to migrate all data that has not been accessed in 6 months to
less expensive storage or just used to query the contents of a file system. Management
policies support advanced query capabilities, though what makes the policy engine most
useful is the performance. The policy engine is capable of scanning billions of objects as
shown in Table 2-4.
Table 2-4 Speed comparison for GPFS policy engine
Search through 1000000000 (1 billion) files
~ 47 hours
~ 5 hours
Table 2-4 shows the power of the GPFS policy engine. Although an average find across
1 billion files took approximately 47 hours, the GPFS policy engine could satisfy the request
within five hours. The GPFS policy engine can also create a candidate list for backup
applications to use to achieve a massive reduction in candidate identification time.
IBM Spectrum Scale has next generation availability with features that include rolling software
and hardware upgrades. You can add and remove servers to adapt the performance and
capacity of the system to changing needs. Storage can be added or replaced online, and you
can control how data is balanced after storage is assessed.
IBM Spectrum Scale V4.2 offers different editions so you only pay for the functions that you
Express Edition contains the base IBM Spectrum Scale data access function
Standard Edition includes the base function plus information lifecycle management (ILM),
AFM, and either integrated multiprotocol support, which includes Ganesha NFS or
traditional clustered NFS
Advanced Edition includes encryption of data at rest, secure erase, asynchronous
multisite disaster recovery, and all the features of Standard Edition
For each of these editions, you can choose an IBM Spectrum Scale license for Server, Client,
and FPO.
Key capabilities
Spectrum Archive options can support small, medium, and enterprise businesses with these
IBM Spectrum Archive enables direct, intuitive, and graphical access to data stored in IBM
tape drives and libraries. It does so by incorporating the LTFS format standard for reading,
writing, and exchanging descriptive metadata on formatted tape cartridges. Spectrum Archive
eliminates the need for additional tape management and software to access data.
Spectrum Archive takes advantage of the low cost of tape storage while making it easy to
use. Spectrum Archive provides these benefits, among others:
Access and manage all data in stand-alone tape environments as easily as though it were
on disk
Enable easy-as-disk access to single or multiple cartridges in a tape library
Spectrum Archive
Single Drive Edition
Spectrum Archive
Library Edition
Spectrum Archive
Enterprise Edition
Integrated Tiered
Storage Solutions
Application file
access to tape
Spectrum Scale
File system
Linux or Windows Server
Tape Library
Tape Library
Tape Library
Figure 2-12 IBM Spectrum Archive Singe Drive Edition, Library Edition, and Enterprise Edition implementations
tape tier. You can run any application that is designed for disk files on tape by using Spectrum
Archive EE. Spectrum Archive EE can play a major role in reducing the cost of storage for
data that does not need the access performance of primary disk. This configuration improves
efficiency and reduces costs for long-term, tiered storage.
With Spectrum Archive EE, you can enable the use of LTFS for the policy management of
tape as a storage tier in a Spectrum Scale environment and use 7, 6, and 5 tape drives as a
critical tier in the storage environment. Spectrum Archive EE supports IBM LTO Ultrium 6
and 5 tape drives, IBM System Storage TS1150, and TS1140 tape drives that are installed in
TS4500, and TS3500 tape libraries, or LTO Ultrium 7, 6, and 5 tape drives that are installed in
the TS3310 tape libraries.
The use of Spectrum Archive EE to replace disks with tape in Tier 2 and Tier 3 storage can
improve data access over other storage solutions because it improves efficiency and
streamlines management for files on tape. Spectrum Archive EE simplifies the use of tape by
making it transparent to the user and manageable by the administrator under a single
infrastructure. Figure 2-13 shows the integration of Spectrum Archive EE archive solution with
Spectrum Scale.
Figure 2-13 Integration of IBM Spectrum Scale and Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition
The seamless integration offers transparent file access in a continuous name space. It
provides file level write and read caching with disk staging area, policy-based movement from
disk to tape, creation of multiple data copies on different tapes, load balancing, and high
availability in multi-node clusters. It also offers data exchange on LTFS tape by using import
and export functions, fast import of file name space from LTFS tapes without reading data,
built-in tape reclamation and reconciliation, and simple administration and management.
For more information, see IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition at the following link:
IBM TS1150 and IBM TS1140 tape drives are supported on IBM TS4500 and IBM TS3500
tape libraries only.
Spectrum Archive LE enables the reading, writing, searching, and indexing of user data on
tape and access to user metadata. Metadata is the descriptive information about user data
that is stored on a cartridge. Metadata enables searching and accessing of files through the
GUI of the operating system. Spectrum Archive LE supports both Linux and Windows.
Spectrum Archive LE provides the following product features:
Direct access and management of data on tape libraries with LTO Ultrium 7, 6, and 5 tape
drives, and TS1150 and TS1140 tape drives
Tagging of files with any text, allowing more intuitive searches of cartridge and library
Use of the partitioning of the media in LTO-5 tape format standard
One-to-one mapping of tape cartridges in tape libraries to file folders
Capability to create a single file system mount point for a logical library that is managed by
a single instance of LTFS and runs on a single computer system
Capability to cache tape indexes, and to search, query, and display tape content within an
IBM tape library without having to mount tape cartridges
The IBM Spectrum Archive LE offers the same basic capabilities as the IBM Spectrum
Archive SDE with additional support of tape libraries. Each LTFS tape cartridge in the library
appears as an individual folder within the file space. The user or application can go to these
folders to access the files that are stored on each tape. The Spectrum Archive LE software
automatically controls the tape library robotics to load and unload the necessary LTFS
Volumes to provide access to the stored files.
For more information, see IBM Spectrum Archive Library Edition at the following link:
Chapter 3.
You can sign up and rapidly start using innovative business apps
Apps and data are accessible from any connected computer
No data is lost if your computer breaks because your data is in the cloud
The service is able to dynamically scale to usage needs
levels. Similarly, service providers must also minimize costs and prevent disruption to their
own businesses even as they expand IT infrastructure and enhance the delivery of services.
Along with establishing a robust networking and server foundation, service providers need to
deploy data storage that is suited for a cloud environment to ensure their success.
Robust and agile IBM storage solutions help cloud deliver the following benefits:
For more information about IBM System Storage for Cloud, see the following link:
Virtual servers
Database services
Email applications
A company can use cloud services that are provided by third parties, or it can build its own
cloud. The company can then provide services from the cloud to internal company users, to
selected business partners or customers, or to the world at large.
For a service to be considered a cloud service, it needs to exhibit the following characteristics:
To provide these characteristics, the infrastructure that enables the cloud services takes
advantage of two key enablers:
Virtualization: Allows computing resources to be pooled and allocated on demand. It also
enables pay-per-use billing to be implemented.
Automation: Allows for the elastic use of available resources, and for workloads to be
moved to where resources are available. It also supports provisioning and deprovisioning
of service instances to support scalability.
See NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-145, A NIST Definition of Cloud Computing:
As the user of any service, whether it is being provisioned as a cloud service might be
immaterial. However, you are likely to be using a cloud service when the service that you are
using exhibits the characteristics that are listed previously.
Infrastructure as a service
The IaaS model is the simplest for cloud service providers to provision. It can include the
following elements:
As an IaaS user, you can deploy and run your chosen software, including operating systems
and applications. You do not need to manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure,
but you have control over the operating systems, storage, and deployed applications.
Examples of commercial implementations of IaaS include IBM SoftLayer, IBM Cloud
Managed Services, IBM Cloud Managed Backup, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2),
and Rackspace.
Platform as a service
The PaaS model includes services that build on IaaS services. They add value to the IaaS
services by providing a platform on which the cloud users can provision their own
applications, or conduct application development activities. The user does not need to
manage the underlying cloud infrastructure (network, storage, operating systems), but can
control configuration of the provisioned platform services. The following services are
provisioned in PaaS models:
Application servers
Database servers
Portal servers
Development runtime environments
Software as a service
The SaaS model provides software services that are complete applications that are ready to
use. The cloud user simply connects to the application, which is running at a remote location.
The user might not know where the system is located. The cloud service provider is
responsible for managing the cloud infrastructure, the system on which the application is
running, and the application itself.
SaaS is sometimes referred to as applications as a service. SaaS also includes content
services (for example, video on demand) and higher value network services (for example
Software as a Service
Platform as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service
Table 3-1 lists the functions that are provided by the cloud service provider and the cloud
service user for each service model.
Table 3-1 Cloud service provider and service user responsibilities by service model
Service model
Cloud service
provider-delivered functions
Cloud user-delivered
Business process
Software as a service
Application configuration
Platform as a service
Application servers
Database servers
Infrastructure as a service
Application servers
Database servers
Public cloud
Private cloud
Hybrid cloud
Community cloud
Figure 3-2 illustrates these cloud delivery models, and identifies some of their characteristics
in terms of roles, users, and accessibility.
Intranet, VPN
Intranet, VPN
Intranet, VPN
Public Individuals
Business Units
Business Units
Community Members
Public clouds
A public cloud is one in which the cloud infrastructure is made available to the general public
or a large industry group over the Internet. The infrastructure is not owned by the user, but by
an organization that provides cloud services. Services can be provided either at no cost, as a
subscription, or as a pay-as-you-go model.
Examples of public clouds include IBM SoftLayer, Amazon EC2, Google AppEngine, and
Microsoft Azure App Service.
Private clouds
A private cloud refers to a cloud solution where the infrastructure is provisioned for the
exclusive use of a single organization. By consolidating and centralizing services into a cloud,
the organization benefits from centralized service management and economies of scale.
A private cloud provides an organization with some advantages over a public cloud. Private
clouds are ideal when the type of work being done is not practical for a public cloud because
of network latency, security, or regulatory concerns.
A private cloud can be owned, managed, and operated by the organization, a third party, or a
combination. The private cloud infrastructure is usually provisioned on the organizations
premises, but it can also be hosted in a data center that is owned by a third party.
Hybrid clouds
A hybrid cloud is a combination of various cloud types (public, private, and community). Each
cloud in the hybrid mix remains a unique entity, but is bound to the mix by technology that
enables data and application portability.
The hybrid approach allows a business to take advantage of the scalability and
cost-effectiveness of a public cloud without exposing applications and data beyond the
corporate intranet. A well-constructed hybrid cloud can service secure processes, such as
receiving customer payments (a private cloud service), and secondary processes such as
employee payroll processing (a public cloud service).
The challenge for a hybrid cloud is the difficulty in effectively creating and governing such a
solution. Services from various sources must be obtained and provisioned as though they
originated from a single location, and interactions between private and public components
make the implementation even more complicated.
Community clouds
A community cloud shares the cloud infrastructure across several organizations in support of
a specific community that has common concerns, such as mission, security requirements,
policy, or compliance considerations. The primary goal of a community cloud is to have
participating organizations realize the benefits of a public cloud, such as shared infrastructure
costs and a pay-as-you-go billing structure, with the added level of privacy, security, and
policy compliance that is associated with a private cloud.
The community cloud infrastructure can be provided on-premises or at a third partys data
center, and can be managed by the participating organizations or a third party.
For more up-to-date information, see the following website:
Figure 3-3 shows how various electronic or portable devices can access storage through the
Internet without necessarily knowing the explicit details of the type or location of storage that
is used underneath.
Storage cloud
Storage cloud is the storage capacity service that is provided for client data. A storage cloud
exhibits the characteristics that are essential to any cloud service (self-service provisioning,
Internet and intranet accessibility, pooled resources, elastic, and metered). It is a cloud
environment on which the offered services allow you to store and retrieve data on behalf of
computing processes that are not part of the storage cloud service. Storage in a storage
cloud can be categorized in the following ways:
Hosted storage
This category is primary storage for block, file, or object data that can be written and read
on demand. This storage is provisioned as higher performance and availability storage.
Reference storage
This category is fixed content storage to which blocks or files are typically written to once,
and read from many times. The types of data that are on reference storage typically
include multimedia, archival data, medical imaging, surveillance data, and log files.
Hosted Storage
Structured Data
File / Unstructured
Replication / Backup
Ephemeral Storage
Typically boot volumes
Goes away when VM is
shut down
Reference Storage
Video surveillance
Document imaging
Persistent Storage
Persists across
Shared data
Transaction processing
Storage as cloud
Often substantial reserve capacity is required to support growth that requires planning and
investment far in advance of the actual need to store data. The following additional issues can
affect business agility:
Inability to meet demand for data availability
Inability to access the correct data at the correct time to make better business decisions
Inability to support unplanned acquisitions and staffing limitations
Organizational constraints
Another barrier to efficient use of resources can be traced to artificial resource acquisition,
ownership, and operational practices:
The limited ability to share data across the enterprise, especially in the context of
interdepartmental sharing, can degrade overall use of IT resources including storage
capacity. Parallel performance requirements in existing storage systems result in one node
supporting one disk, leading to multiplication of nodes and servers.
IT resource management
Efficient IT support is based on cost-effective infrastructure and service-level management to
address business needs:
Rapid capacity growth
Cost control
Service-level monitoring and support (performance, availability, capacity, security,
retention, and so on)
Architectural open standardization
The continued growth of resource management complexity in the storage infrastructure is
often based on a lack of standardization and high levels of configuration customization. For
example, adjusting storage performance through multiple RAID settings and manual tuning
the distribution of I/O loads across various storage arrays consumes valuable staff resources.
Duplicate data that exists in the form of copies across organizational islands within the
enterprise leads to higher costs for data storage and backup infrastructure. Compounding this
problem are ever-shrinking operational and project budgets, and lack of dynamic chargeback
or showback models as incentives for IT resource conservation.
Figure 3-5 shows layers that provide unique benefits in the storage cloud.
Cross-site data
Operational management centralized
Multi-site file
fil distribution, synchronization
Scalable capacity
Virtual resources - mobile, efficient
Smart allocation - deduplicated,
compressed, thin provisioned
needed. Savings can also be realized from hardware and software licensing for
functionality such as replication and point-in-time copy.
Multiuser file sharing
By centralizing the storage infrastructure, all users can have parallel and simultaneous
access to all the data across the enterprise.
Self-service user portal
A self-service user portal that is based on a service catalog empowers clients to
automatically provision based on predefined templates. You can manage IT infrastructure
that is based on the users needs.
Integrated storage and service management
The storage cloud infrastructure usually includes integrated management software, which
helps to manage the complete storage infrastructure from a single console.
Improved efficiency of data management
Consolidation and standardization of storage resources facilitates less infrastructure
complexity. Consistent policies and process with integrated management tools support
geographically diverse infrastructure requirements.
Faster time to market
Automation, self-service portals, rapid deployment, dynamic scaling, and centralized
storage management enhance business agility. Businesses can focus on building their
core products and competencies instead of worrying about the management of their IT
For more detailed information about Cloud Storage Solutions, see IBM Private, Public, and
Hybrid Cloud Storage Solutions, REDP-4873.
IBM Storwize V7000 and V7000 Unified Storage System. IBM Storwize V7000 Unified is a
virtualized storage system that is designed to consolidate block and file workloads into a
single storage system for simplicity of management, reduced cost, highly scalable
capacity, performance, and high availability.
IBM Storwize V7000 Unified storage also offers improved efficiency and flexibility through
built-in solid-state drive (SSD) optimization, thin provisioning, and nondisruptive migration
of data from existing storage. The system can virtualize and reuse existing disk systems to
provide greater potential ROI. With Integrated IBM Active Cloud Engine, you can use all
those features to build your storage cloud.
For more information about IBM Storwize V7000 Unified, see Chapter 4, IBM SAN
Volume Controller and IBM Storwize family on page 81.
IBM SAN Volume Controller. SAN Volume Controller is a storage virtualization system that
enables a single point of control for storage resources to help support improved business
application availability and greater resource utilization. The objective is to manage storage
resources in your IT infrastructure. You can ensure that they are used to the advantage of
your business, and used quickly, efficiently, and in real time, while preventing increases in
administrative costs.
For more information about IBM SAN Volume Controller, see Chapter 4, IBM SAN
Volume Controller and IBM Storwize family on page 81.
IBM FlashSystem storage. IBM Flash System delivers extreme performance to derive
measurable economic value across the data architecture: Servers, software, applications,
and storage.
For information about IBM FlashSystem storage, see Chapter 5, IBM FlashSystem
family on page 127.
IBM Storage DS8880. The IBM DS8880 is the IBM flagship enterprise class Tier 1 block
storage device.
For more information about IBM DS8880, see Chapter 6, IBM DS8800 Storage System
on page 141.
OpenStack Cinder
Cinder is the portion of OpenStack cloud software that is responsible for the following
functions, among others:
OpenStack software contributors write storage drivers that allow specific storage systems to
be supported, provisioned, and managed by Cinder.
IBM has written and contributed OpenStack drivers for the following IBM block storage
systems to be supported by Cinder in an OpenStack environment:
To install the Spectrum Control Cinder driver, make sure that you have access to Virtual
Storage Center license with IBM Spectrum Control version 5.2.2, OpenStack (Havana
release). The OpenStack Cinder node must run either Red Hat Enterprise 6.4 or higher, or
Ubuntu 12.04.
For more information about the IBM storage drivers and functions that are supported in the
various OpenStack releases, see:
OpenStack Swift
The OpenStack Swift (Object Store) component provides object storage and allows users to
store or retrieve files in a blob mode. Object store is a great fit for data that does not change
much such as backups, archives, video, audio, VM images, and Internet-scale repositories of
The following are some of the object storage capabilities:
OpenStack cloud software provides redundant, scalable object storage by using clusters
of standardized servers that are capable of storing petabytes of data.
Object Storage is not a traditional file system, but rather a distributed storage system for
static data such as virtual machine images, photo storage, email storage, backups, and
archives. Having no central point of control provides greater scalability, redundancy, and
Objects and files are written to multiple disk drives spread throughout servers in the data
center, with the OpenStack software responsible for ensuring data replication and integrity
across the cluster.
Storage clusters scale horizontally simply by adding new servers. If a server or hard disk
drive fails, OpenStack software replicates its content from other active nodes to new
locations in the cluster. Because OpenStack technology uses software logic to ensure
data replication and distribution across different devices, inexpensive commodity hard disk
drives and servers can be used in lieu of more expensive equipment.
One thing to note about OpenStack Swift (Object Store) is the eventual consistency. To
achieve massive scaling and grow horizontally, the object storage does not have strong
consistency, which is typically needed for databases with transactions, where all reads need
to be guaranteed to return the most recent data.
IBM Spectrum Scale (as of OpenStack Juno release) combines the benefits of Spectrum
Scale with the most widely used open source object store today, OpenStack Swift. Spectrum
Scale provides enterprise information lifecycle management (ILM) features. To ensure
compatibility with the Swift packages over time, no code changes are required to either
Spectrum Scale or Swift to build the solution.
For more information, see A Deployment Guide for IBM Spectrum Scale Object, REDP-5113.
OpenStack Manila
The OpenStack Manila (File) component provides file storage that allows coordinated access
to shared or distributed file systems. Although the primary consumption of shares would be
OpenStack compute instances, the service is also intended to be accessed independently,
based on the modular design established by OpenStack services.
The following capabilities are available in Manila:
Shared file system services for VMs
Vendor-neutral API for NFS/CIFS and other network file systems
Figure 3-8 shows the dashboard of the IBM Cloud Orchestrator that has a one pane of glass
design that shows all the required information that a cloud administrator needs to effectively
manage the cloud resources.
Standardization and automation of cloud services help provide the following benefits:
Allow cloud administrators to expose cloud services in a simpler self-service portal for
user consumption
Control image sprawl, manage image drift, and reduce security vulnerability through
analytics, image versioning, and federated image library features
Include monitoring and capacity analytics capabilities to help consolidate and balance
Allow you to measure the cost of cloud services with metering and charge-back
Dynamic cloud service delivery benefits from the following functions of reusable workload
Enable rapid deployment and integration of cloud capabilities by using reusable workload
patterns for simple infrastructure services and complex multitier applications.
Allow workload patterns to be created by using templates, or from scratch. After a pattern
is created, it can be reused to create multiple identical instances in the cloud.
Can integrate with middleware components and infrastructure resources to help optimize
components for a particular type of application workload.
When different cloud services are used, every service provider has its own management and
provisioning tools. Hybrid clouds can refer to a combination of public cloud service and
private cloud on-premises. However, hybrid clouds can also consist of two public clouds
provided by different vendors or even a combination of a traditional IT system with a cloud. A
setup where existing traditional IT systems are combined with a public cloud service is the
most frequent use case of a hybrid cloud.
Because different cloud services can be provided by different vendors, there is no complete
picture available showing the total number of deployed instances. An orchestration layer can
be a solution for the problem. This layer uses a single interface for all cloud-related tasks that
the orchestration layer will communicate with the different cloud services through application
programming interfaces. Standardized APIs are being introduced in the industry under the
OpenStack initiative. Because IBM Cloud Orchestrator has its infrastructure built on
OpenStack, it can provide a unifying view across hybrid cloud services.
Message broker
Web service
To administer and manage the SmartCloud Cost Management, you must define rate codes,
rate groups, and a calendar, and set some configuration options.
Offerings allow you to easily manage the rate groups and rates by logically categorizing
related rate groups and rates within a rate table. Rate groups contain rates that can be
optionally categorized into offerings.
Rate groups allow all rate codes to be assigned into a group. Creating and using these rate
groups let you create rate subtotals in reports, graphs, and spreadsheets. You can group
rates such as Windows Charges, UNIX Charges, and Mainframe Charges and all of them will
be summarized in a way that is meaningful.
Through SmartCloud Cost Management, a storage administrator can also define Pricing
Models to use different pricing models for the same data metering. Differential Pricing uses a
rate table for differential pricing and Rate Group/Rate Reordering to show and reorder the
rates that are displayed in SmartCloud Cost Management.
For more information about IBM Cloud Orchestrator, see the following link:
For more information about IBM Cloud Orchestrator metering and billing, see:
The storage environment offers three functions that improve efficiency and effectiveness of
data protection and retention:
Backup and recovery: Provides cost-effective and efficient backup and restore capabilities,
improving the performance, reliability, and recovery of data in respect to SLAs. Backups
protect current data, and are unlikely to be accessed unless data is lost.
Archiving: Retains data that has long-term data retention requirements, either for
compliance or business purposes, by providing secure and cost effective solutions with
automated process for retention policies and data migration to different storage media.
Continuous data availability: Ensures uninterrupted access to data for critical business
systems, reducing the risk of downtime and providing capability to fail over transparently
and as instantaneously as possible to an active copy of the data. The total mirroring
strategy needs to be automated to ensure automated failover and then an appropriate
automated fail-back.
Hierarchical storage
Policy-based management of
file backup and archiving
Archive management
Managed archives
For the most current list of IBM Spectrum Protect products, see the following website:
3.6.2 Multitenancy
Multitenancy is an architecture in which a single instance of a software application serves
multiple customers. Each customer is called a tenant. Tenants might be given the ability to
customize some parts of the application, such as color of the user interface (UI) or business
rules, but they cannot customize the application's code.
Depending on the service model, the level and degree of shared infrastructure varies as
illustrated in Figure 3-9. For IaaS, typically hypervisors are installed on the managed
hardware infrastructure. For PaaS, there is a multitenancy-enabled middleware platform, and
for SaaS, the multitenancy-enabled software application is divided into virtual partitions.
NAS systems are designed to serve many users by connecting to them using various
file-based protocols, such as NFS or CIFS. The integrity of data that is created or accessed
by using these protocols is potentially vulnerable to threats such as viruses, worms, Trojan
horses, and other forms of malware. An antivirus solution that works directly with your NAS
system helps you to effectively protect your data against those threats.
The primary security controls for restricting access to sensitive information that is stored on
user devices are encryption and authentication. The appropriate encryption solution for a
particular situation depends primarily on the type of storage, the amount of information that
needs to be protected, the environments where the storage is located, and the threats that
need to be mitigated.
Encryption is a technique that is used to encode data with an encryption key so that the
information content of the data can be decoded only with knowledge of the decryption key.
Data that is encrypted is referred to as ciphertext. Data that is encrypted into ciphertext is
considered secure from anyone who does not have possession of the decryption key.
the IBM Full Disk Encryption (FDE) drives. All disks in the DS8000 must be FDE drives. No
intermix is allowed.
Although most of the storage products offer encryption at extra cost, XIV encryption is
available at no additional fee. However, an external key server implemented by IBM Security
Lifecycle Manager (SKLM) is required. The IBM XIV solution offers also a simple solution for
securely erasing (cryptographic erasure) any disk drive that is being retired or repurposed.
Protect sensitive data that is accessed, stored, and transmitted on your endpoint devices
Enforce device-usage policy and support regulatory compliance
Reduce the need for in-house security specialists
Promote security-rich information exchange by monitoring sensitive data
Clients that have implemented an IBM Smart Business Storage Cloud solution are projecting
savings as follows:
A large client with 1.5 PB of usable unstructured file system capacity projects savings of
over $7.1 million (USD) over the course of five years in hardware acquisition and
maintenance, and environmental and administration costs.
A medium client with 400 TB of usable unstructured file system capacity projects savings
of over $2.2 million in hardware acquisition and maintenance, and environmental and
administration costs.
A small client with 200 TB of usable unstructured file system capacity projects savings of
over $460,000 in hardware acquisition and maintenance, and environmental and
administration costs.
The latest information related to IBM cloud offerings is available at the following website:
IBM personnel can assist you by developing a high-level architecture and implementation
plan. This plan includes a supporting business case to justify investment based on a
compelling return on investment, with improved service levels and lowered costs for your
cloud infrastructure. IBM consultants use the unique Cloud Computing Reference
Architecture (CCRA) and the IBM Cloud Workload Analysis Tool to help you analyze your
existing environment. They can then determine the cloud computing model that is best suited
for your business. They help you identify the business areas and workloads that, when
changed to a cloud computing model, can enable you to reduce costs and improve service
delivery t in line with your business priorities.
For more information about Cloud Storage Solutions, see IBM Private, Public, and Hybrid
Cloud Storage Solutions, REDP-4873.
Chapter 4.
A system of SAN Volume Controller nodes presents volumes to the hosts. Most of the
advanced functions that SAN Volume Controller provides are defined on volumes. These
volumes are created from MDisks that are presented by the RAID storage systems or by
Chapter 4. IBM SAN Volume Controller and IBM Storwize family
RAID arrays that are provided by flash drives in an expansion enclosure such as SAN Volume
Controller 2145-24F. All data transfer occurs through the SAN Volume Controller node, which
is described as symmetric virtualization.
Figure 4-2 shows the data flow across the fabric.
The nodes in a system are arranged into pairs that are known as I/O groups. A single pair is
responsible for serving I/O on a volume. Because a volume is served by two nodes, no loss of
availability occurs if one node fails or is taken offline.
Volume types
You can create the following types of volumes on the system.
Basic volumes, where a single copy of the volume is cached in one I/O group. Basic
volumes can be established in any system topology. Figure 4-3 shows a standard system
Mirrored volumes, where copies of the volume can either be in the same storage pool or
in different storage pools. The volume is cached in a single I/O group. Typically, mirrored
volumes are established in a standard system topology. Figure 4-4 shows an example of
mirrored volumes.
Stretched volumes, where copies of a single volume are in different storage pools at
different sites. The volume is cached in one I/O group. Stretched volumes are only
available in stretched topology systems. Figure 4-5 shows an example of a stretched
HyperSwap volumes, where copies of a single volume are in different storage pools that
are on different sites. The volume is cached in two I/O groups that are on different sites.
These volumes can be created only when the system topology is HyperSwap. Figure 4-6
shows an example of a HyperSwap volume.
System topology
The topology property of a SAN Volume Controller system can be set to one of the following
The standard topology where all nodes are at the same site or where each node of an I/O
group is at a different site. Higher availability can be achieved by using Global Mirror or
Metro Mirror to maintain a copy of a volume on a different system at a remote site. The
copy at the remote site can be used for disaster recovery. Figure 4-7 shows an example of
a standard system topology.
The stretched topology where each node of an I/O group is at a different site. Access to a
volume can continue when one site is not available but with reduced performance.
Figure 4-8 shows an example of a stretched system topology.
The HyperSwap topology where each I/O group is at a different site. A volume can be
active on two I/O groups so that it can immediately be accessed through the other site
when a site is not available. Figure 4-9 shows an example of a HyperSwap system
Note: You cannot mix I/O groups of different topologies in the same system.
Table 4-1 summarizes the types of volumes that can be associated with each system
Table 4-1 Summary of system topology and volumes
Volume Type
System management
The SAN Volume Controller nodes in a clustered system operate as a single system and
present a single point of control for system management and service. System management
and error reporting are provided through an Ethernet interface to one of the nodes in the
system, which is called the configuration node. The configuration node runs a web server
and provides a command-line interface (CLI). The configuration node is a role that any node
can take. If the current configuration node fails, a new configuration node is selected from the
remaining nodes. Each node also provides a command-line interface and web interface for
initiating hardware service actions.
Fabric types
I/O operations between hosts and SAN Volume Controller nodes, and between SAN Volume
Controller nodes and RAID storage systems, use the SCSI standard. The SAN Volume
Controller nodes communicate with each other through private SCSI commands.
Fibre Channel over Ethernet connectivity is supported on SAN Volume Controller models
2145-DH8 and 2145-CG8.
Table 4-2 shows the fabric type that can be used for communicating between hosts, nodes,
and RAID storage systems. These fabric types can be used at the same time.
Table 4-2 SAN Volume Controller communications types
SAN Volume
Controller to storage
SAN Volume
Controller to SAN
Volume Controller
iSCSI (1 Gbps
Ethernet or 10 Gbps
Flash drives
Some SAN Volume Controller nodes contain flash drives or are attached to expansion
enclosures that contain flash drives. These flash drives can be used to create RAID MDisks
that in turn can be used to create volumes. In SAN Volume Controller 2145-DH8 nodes, the
flash drives are in an expansion enclosure that is connected to both sides of an I/O group.
Flash drives provide host servers with a pool of high-performance storage for critical
applications. Figure 4-10 shows this configuration. MDisks on flash drives can also be placed
in a storage pool with MDisks from regular RAID storage systems. IBM Easy Tier performs
automatic data placement within that storage pool by moving high-activity data onto better
performing storage.
Figure 4-10 SAN Volume Controller nodes with internal Flash drives
Easy Tier
SAN Volume Controller includes IBM Easy Tier, a function that responds to the presence of
drives in a storage pool that also contains hard disk drives (HDDs). The system automatically
and nondisruptively moves frequently accessed data from HDD MDisks to flash drive MDisks,
thus placing such data in a faster tier of storage.
Easy Tier eliminates manual intervention when you assign highly active data on volumes to
faster responding storage. In this dynamically tiered environment, data movement is
seamless to the host application regardless of the storage tier in which the data belongs.
Manual controls exist so that you can change the default behavior, for example, such as
turning off Easy Tier on pools that have any combinations of the three types of MDisks.
The system supports these tiers:
Flash tier
The flash tier exists when flash MDisks are in the pool. The flash MDisks provide greater
performance than enterprise or nearline MDisks.
Enterprise tier
The enterprise tier exists when enterprise-class MDisks are in the pool, such as those built
from serial-attached SCSI (SAS) drives.
Nearline tier
The nearline tier exists when nearline-class MDisks are used in the pool, such as those drives
built from nearline SAS drives.
All MDisks belong to one of the tiers, which includes MDisks that are not yet part of a pool.
The SAN Volume Controller 2145-DH8 system provides optional encryption of data at rest.
This encryption protects against the potential exposure of sensitive user data and user
metadata that is stored on discarded, lost, or stolen storage devices. Encryption of system
data and system metadata is not required, so system data and metadata are not encrypted.
Encryption is performed by the SVC Storage Engine for data stored within the SVC
Expansion Enclosures and externally virtualized storage subsystems. Encryption is enabled
on the SVC Storage Engine through the acquisition of the Encryption Enablement feature on
each SVC DH8 Storage Engine.
The Encryption USB Flash Drives (Pair) feature is required when the Encryption Enablement
feature is acquired. This feature provides two USB flash drives for storing the encryption
master access key.
Encryption by Spectrum Virtualize is transparent to hosts and applications, and the data is
encrypted and protected across the network between the Storwize and SVC controllers and
one of more storage devices.
If you have a SAN Volume Controller 2145-DH8 model, you can add expansion enclosures to
expand the available capacity of the system. Each system can have a maximum of four I/O
groups with two expansion enclosure attached to each I/O group. Other system models do
not support expansion enclosures.
An expansion enclosure houses the following additional hardware: Power supply units
(PSUs), canisters, and drives. Enclosure objects report the connectivity of the enclosure.
Each expansion enclosure is assigned a unique ID. It is possible to change the enclosure ID
Note: A maximum of one expansion enclosure is allowed for each SAS chain. SAN Volume
Controller 2145-DH8 nodes support a maximum of two SAS chains.
The SAN Volume Controller 2145-DH8 node has the following features:
A 19-inch rack-mounted enclosure
At least one Fibre Channel adapter or one 10 Gbps Ethernet adapter
Optional second, third, and fourth Fibre Channel adapters
32 GB memory per processor
One or two, eight-core processors
Dual redundant power supplies
Dual redundant batteries for better reliability, availability, and serviceability than for a SAN
Volume Controller 2145-CG8 with an uninterruptible power supply
Up to two SAN Volume Controller 2145-24F expansion enclosures to house up to 24 flash
drives each
iSCSI host attachment (1 Gbps Ethernet and optional 10 Gbps Ethernet)
Supports optional IBM Real-time Compression
A dedicated technician port for local access to the initialization tool or the service assistant
Model DH8 includes three 1 Gb Ethernet ports standard for iSCSI connectivity. It can be
configured with up to four I/O adapter features providing up to sixteen 16 Gb FC ports, up to
sixteen 8 Gb FC ports, or up to four 10 Gb Ethernet (iSCSI/Fibre Channel over Ethernet
(FCoE)) ports.
Using compression reduces the amount of physical storage across your environment.
Compressed volumes are a special type of volume where data is compressed as it is written
to disk, saving more space. To use the compression function, you must obtain the IBM
Real-time Compression license. In addition, the hardware level for both nodes within the I/O
group must be either SAN Volume Controller 2145-DH8, 2145-CG8, or 2145-CF8 for that I/O
group to support compression. SAN Volume Controller 2145-DH8 nodes must have two
CPUs and at least one compression acceleration adapter installed to use compression. Each
compression accelerator increases the speed of I/O transfers between nodes and
compressed volumes. Enabling compression on SAN Volume Controller 2145-DH8 nodes
does not affect non-compressed host to disk I/O performance.
FlashCopy function
The FlashCopy function creates a point-in-time copy of data stored on a source volume to a
target volume.
In its basic mode, the IBM FlashCopy function copies the contents of a source volume to a
target volume. Any data that existed on the target volume is lost and is replaced by the copied
data. After the copy operation has completed, the target volumes contain the contents of the
source volumes as they existed at a single point in time, unless target writes have been
processed. The FlashCopy function is sometimes described as an instance of a time-zero
copy (T 0) or point-in-time copy technology. Although the FlashCopy operation takes some
time to complete, the resulting data on the target volume is presented so that the copy
appears to have occurred immediately.
Although it is difficult to make a consistent copy of a data set that is constantly updated,
point-in-time copy techniques help solve this problem. If a copy of a data set is created using
a technology that does not provide point-in-time techniques and the data set changes during
the copy operation, the resulting copy might contain data that is not consistent. For example,
if a reference to an object is copied earlier than the object itself and the object is moved
before it is copied, the copy contains the referenced object at its new location, but the copied
reference still points to the previous location.
More advanced FlashCopy functions allow operations to occur on multiple source and target
volumes. FlashCopy management operations are coordinated to provide a common, single
point-in-time for copying target volumes from their respective source volumes. This process
creates a consistent copy of data that spans multiple volumes. The FlashCopy function also
allows multiple target volumes to be copied from each source volume. This function can be
used to create images from different points in time for each source volume.
If necessary, you can change the copy type of a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror remote-copy
relationship or consistency group without re-creating the relationship or consistency group
with the different type. For example, if the latency of the long-distance link affects host
performance, you can change the copy type to Global Mirror to improve host performance
over high latency links. For Global Mirror relationships with multiple cycling mode, changes
are tracked and copied to intermediate change volumes. The changes are transmitted to the
secondary site periodically to lower bandwidth requirements.
Note: You cannot change the type of an active-active relationship or consistency group.
The Metro Mirror and Global Mirror functions support the following operations:
Intersystem copying of a volume, in which one volume belongs to a system and the other
volume belongs to a different system.
Note: A system can participate in active Metro Mirror and Global Mirror relationships
with itself and up to three other systems.
Intersystem and intrasystem Metro Mirror relationships can be used concurrently on the
same system.
Bidirectional links are supported for intersystem relationships. This configuration means
that data can be copied from system A to system B for one pair of volumes while data is
copied from system B to system A for a different pair of volumes.
The copy direction can be reversed for a consistent relationship.
You can change the copy type for relationships and consistency groups between Metro
Mirror and Global Mirror with or without change volumes.
Consistency groups are supported to manage a group of relationships that must be kept
synchronized for the same application. This configuration also simplifies administration
because a command that is issued to the consistency group is applied to all the
relationships in that group.
The system supports a maximum of 8192 Metro Mirror and Global Mirror relationships per
For more information about the HyperSwap function, see the IBM Knowledge Center:
RAID controller
Host interface
Six 6 Gb SAS and four 1 Gb Ethernet ports that are standard for SAS and
iSCSI connectivity. In addition, select from these options (per one node
Four 8 Gbps Fibre Channel ports
Four 1 Gbps iSCSI ports
Two 10 Gbps iSCSI ports
Four 6 Gbps SAS ports
Supported drives
RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, and 10
Maximum drives
Rack support
For the latest specification information about the IBM Storwize V3700, see this website:
An expansion canister houses two 6 Gbps SAS ports that are used for connection to the
control enclosure and additional expansions.
IBM Storwize V3700 uses new mini SAS high-density (HD) connectors to connect the
expansions to the control enclosure. Figure 4-14 shows the difference between mini SAS
cables, which are used by IBM Storwize V7000; and mini SAS HD cables that are used by
IBM Storwize V3700.
Mini SAS
IBM Storwize V3700 has a single expansion SAS chain that supports up to nine expansion
enclosures. Node canisters use SAS port 4 for the expansion connection.
Figure 4-15 shows the IBM Storwize V3700 expansion cabling topology.
Most of the V3700 components are customer-replaceable units (CRUs), except for the
enclosure midplane:
The following functions are included with every Storwize V3700 system:
RAID levels 0, 1, 5, 6, and 10 provide the flexibility to choose the level of data protection
that is required.
Virtualization of internal storage enables rapid, flexible provisioning and simple
configuration changes.
Thin provisioning optimizes efficiency by allocating disk storage space in a flexible manner
among multiple users, based on the minimum space that is required by each user at any
time. With thin provisioning, applications use only the space they need, not the total space
that is allocated to them.
Data migration enables easy and nondisruptive moves of volumes from another storage
system onto the Storwize V3700 system with Fibre Channel (FC) or SAS connectivity. You
can easily migrate data from DS3200/DS3500 to Storwize V3700. For more information,
see Migrating in the IBM Knowledge Center:
FlashCopy creates copies of data for backup, parallel processing, testing, and
development. The copies are available almost immediately. Storwize V3700 supports up
to 64 FlashCopy targets per system.
Several licensed functions have 90-day trial licenses available. You can use the trial licenses
to determine whether the function works as expected, create a business justification for a
licensed function, or test the benefit in your environment. If you use a trial license, the system
warns you when the trial is about to expire at regular intervals. If a license is not purchased
and activated before the trial period expires, the system automatically suspends any
configuration that is associated with the function.
The following additional licenses can be purchased to expand the capabilities of your system.
Easy Tier
Easy Tier responds to pools with a mixture of flash, enterprise, and nearline storage in any
combination. The system automatically and nondisruptively moves data between the MDisks
to optimize performance. For example, Easy Tier moves frequently accessed data from
enterprise or nearline MDisks to flash drive MDisks, placing the data in a faster tier of storage.
A 90-day trial version of this function is available.
Remote copy
With the remote copy function, you can set up a relationship between two volumes so that
updates that are made by an application to one volume are mirrored on the other volume. The
volumes can be in the same system or on two systems. The license settings apply only to the
system on which you are configuring license settings. For remote copy partnerships, a license
is also required on any remote systems that are in the partnership. A 90-day trial version of
this function is available.
FlashCopy upgrade
The FlashCopy upgrade extends the base FlashCopy function that is included with the
product. The base version of FlashCopy limits the system to 64 target volumes. With the
FlashCopy upgrade license activated on the system, an unlimited number of FlashCopy
mappings are allowed. If you reach the limit that is imposed by the base function before you
activate the upgrade license, you cannot create any more FlashCopy mappings.
Turbo Performance
The Turbo Performance function provides enhanced performance for the system. A 90-day
trial version of this function is available.
An IBM Storwize family system is in one of two layers: the replication layer or the storage
layer. The system layer affects how the system interacts with the SAN Volume Controller and
external Storwize family systems. The SVC can be in the replication layer only. The IBM
Storwize V3700 and V7000 can be in the storage layer, which means that they can be put
behind another SAN Volume Controller, V3700, or V7000. Also, they can be in the replication
layer, which means that they can virtualize another V3700 or V7000, which is used as the
storage layer. The Turbo Performance function provides the opportunity for flexible
organization and virtualization configurations.
Important: Only image mode disks can be virtualized by IBM Storwize V3700.
The IBM Storwize V3700 uses basic storage units that are called managed disks and collects
them into one or more storage pools. These storage pools then provide the physical capacity
to create volumes for use by hosts.
The Storwize V3700 supports hot-spare drives. Spare drives are global spares, which means
that any spare that is at least as large as the drive that is being replaced can be used in an
array. The spare system prefers the best possible match based on the following factors:
technology (SAS, Flash, or nearline SAS), speed, capacity, and location.
Additional available
advanced functionsa
Up to 20 IBM Storwize
V5000 expansion
Up to 10 IBM Storwize
V5000 expansion
Up to 10 IBM Storwize
5000 expansion
External storage
IBM Real-time
Encryption of data
at rest
Encryption of data at
a. In addition to IBM Spectrum Virtualize functions that are supported by the entire family. See ,
More detailed information on page 106.
4.3.2 Components
This section describes the IBM Storwize V5000 Gen2 hardware.
An enclosure is the rack-mounted hardware that contains all the main components of the
system: Canisters, drives, and power supplies. The term enclosure is also used to describe
the hardware and other parts that are plugged into the enclosure.
The system has two different types of enclosures: Control enclosures and expansion
enclosures. A control enclosure manages your storage systems, communicates with the host,
and manages interfaces. In addition, each control enclosure can have multiple attached
expansion enclosures, which expand the available capacity of the existing control enclosure.
The system supports up to two control enclosures with up to nine expansion enclosures per
control enclosure.
An expansion enclosure houses the following extra hardware: PSUs, canisters, and drives.
Enclosure objects report the connectivity of the enclosure.
Storwize V5000 drives can only be used in Storwize V5000 enclosures. Storwize V7000, Flex
System V7000 Storage Node, Storwize V3500, and Storwize V3700 drives cannot be used in
a Storwize V5000 enclosure.
Note: IBM Storwize V5010 and IBM Storwize V5020 control enclosures systems can
support up to 10 expansion enclosures on one chain. Storwize V5030 systems can support
two chains, and each chain can support up to 10 expansion enclosures.
A Storwize V5000 expansion enclosure can only be used with a Storwize V5000 control
enclosure. A Storwize V5000 control enclosure can only manage a Storwize V5000
expansion enclosure.
For more information about enclosures, including ports, see the IBM Storwize V5000 Gen2
hardware components information in the IBM Knowledge Center:
For more information about supported configurations, see the Storwize V5000 supported
environment information in the IBM Knowledge Center:
Supported drives
The IBM Storwize V5000 Gen2 enclosures support a range of enterprise-class,
nearline-class, and flash drives as shown in Table 4-5.
Table 4-5
Drive types
Drive type
15,000 rpm
10,000 rpm
Nearline SAS
7,200 rpm
2 TB
15,000 rpm
10,000 rpm
Nearline SAS
7,200 rpm
4 TB, 6 TB, 8 TB
IBM Storage Mobile Dashboard: Offers basic monitoring capabilities to securely check the
health and performance of IBM Storwize family systems
Graphical user interface: Delivers intuitive data management designed with point-and-click
system management capabilities
For more information about Storwize V5000 functional capabilities and software, see the IBM
Storwize V5000 Gen2 overview in the IBM Knowledge Center:
4.4 IBM Storwize V7000 Unified, IBM Storwize V7000, and IBM
Storwize V7000F
IBM Storwize V7000 Unified and IBM Storwize V7000 are virtualized, enterprise-class hybrid
storage systems that provide the foundation for implementing an effective storage
infrastructure and transforming the economics of data storage. With industry-first hardware
accelerated Real-time Compression, they can reduce the cost of storage by up to 80 percent
while maintaining application performance.
IBM Storwize V7000 supports block workloads. IBM Storwize V7000 Unified consolidates
block and file workloads into a single system and can be combined with Storwize V7000 File
Modules to create a Storwize V7000 Unified solution that consolidates block and file
workloads into a single storage system for greater simplicity and efficiency.
Built with IBM Spectrum Virtualize software, IBM Storwize V7000 Unified and Storwize V7000
provide the latest storage technologies for unlocking the business value of stored data,
including virtualization and Real-time Compression. In addition, the systems include a
powerful hardware platform that can support the massive volumes of data created by todays
demanding cloud, analytics, and traditional applications. They are designed to deliver
outstanding efficiency, ease of use, and dependability for organizations of all sizes.
IBM Storwize V7000 Unified and IBM Storwize V7000 provide the following key benefits:
Hardware accelerated Real-time Compression reduces storage acquisition costs by using
up to 80% less disk and flash capacity
File support consolidates block and file storage in a system for simplicity and greater
efficiency (Storwize V7000 Unified only)
Active File Management enables highly efficient policy-based management of files to
reduce costs through use of tiered storage (Storwize V7000 Unified only)
Ability for block systems to both scale up and out for performance and capacity with
clustered systems
IP replication reduces remote mirroring costs with innovative network optimization
Available IBM performance and capacity guarantees help you focus on your business, not
your storage, and deploy with confidence
Automated storage tiering with IBM Easy Tier provides advanced technology for
automatically migrating data between storage tiers based on real-time usage analysis
New generation GUI provides easy-to-use data management designed with a graphical
user interface and point-and-click system management capabilities
It is part of VersaStack, which is an integrated infrastructure solution jointly developed by
IBM and Cisco to provide faster application and workload delivery, and IT agility
Storwize V7000 Unified system file server subsystem: The file modules
In addition to providing logical volumes, the Storwize V7000 Unified Disk System provides
access to file system space and to files in those file systems. It uses file sharing protocol, file
access protocols, and file transfer or file copy protocols, so it acts as a file server.
The file server subsystem of V7000 Unified system consists of two IBM Storwize V7000 file
modules. The file module is a volume storage system that is composed of two units that
provide file systems for use by NAS. The file module uses the Storwize V7000 storage system
to provide the file module with volumes. Other volumes, which are block volumes, are
provided on the SAN to be presented to hosts. The file system is based on IBM General
Parallel File System (GPFS) technology.
The IBM Storwize V7000 File Module Software within the Storwize V7000 Unified system
contains the interface node and management node functions. The management node
function allows you to configure, administer, and monitor a system. The interface node
function connects a system to an Internet Protocol (IP) network. You can connect by using
any of the following protocols:
You can add up to three control enclosures for more I/O groups. Each additional control
enclosure, together with the associated expansion enclosures (up to twenty per control
enclosure), provides a new volume I/O group. The file modules remain directly connected to
the original control enclosure, which presents I/O group 0. That is the default configuration.
Plan to add only block volumes in the new I/O groups. File volumes that are created for you
when a new file system is created must continue to be in I/O group 0.
Note: Adding more file modules to the system is not supported.
Form factor: 2U
Processor: Single four core Intel Xeon C3539 2.13 GHz, 8 G L3 cache (or similar)
Cache: 72 GB
Storage: Two 600 GB 10 K SAS drives, RAID 1
Power supply units: Two (redundant), 675 W
For more information about IBM Storwize V7000 Unified, see Implementing the IBM Storwize
V7000 Unified Disk System, SG24-8010.
The IBM Storwize V7000 solution provides a modular storage system that includes the
capability to virtualize both external SAN-attached storage and its own internal storage. This
solution is built upon the IBM SAN Volume Controller technology base, and uses technology
from the IBM System Storage DS8000 family.
IBM Storwize V7000 system provides several configuration options that are aimed at
simplifying the implementation process. It also provides automated wizards, called Directed
Maintenance Procedures (DMP), to help resolve any events that might occur. A Storwize
V7000 system is a midrange, clustered, scalable, and external virtualization device.
Included with a Storwize V7000 system is a graphical user interface (GUI) that enables
storage to be deployed quickly and efficiently. The GUI runs on the Storwize V7000 system,
so a separate console is not needed. The management GUI contains a series of
preestablished configuration options that are called presets, and that use common settings to
quickly configure objects on the system. Presets are available for creating volumes and
FlashCopy mappings, and for setting up a RAID configuration.
The Storwize V7000 solution provides a choice of up to 1056 SAS drives for the internal
storage in a clustered system. It uses SAS cables and connectors to attach to the optional
expansion enclosures. In a clustered system, the Storwize V7000 can provide about
4 pebibytes (PiB) of internal raw capacity.
The Storwize V7000 solution consists of 1 - 4 control enclosures and, optionally, up to 80
expansion enclosures. It also supports the intermixing of the different expansion enclosures.
Within each enclosure are two canisters. Control enclosures contain two node canisters, and
expansion enclosures contain two expansion canisters.
The Storwize V7000 subsystem consists of a set of drive enclosures. Control enclosures
contain disk drives and two nodes (an I/O Group), which are attached to the SAN fabric.
Expansion enclosures contain drives, and are attached to control enclosures.
The simplest use of Storwize V7000 is as a traditional RAID subsystem. The internal drives
are configured into RAID arrays and virtual disks created from those arrays. IBM Storwize
V7000 can also be used to virtualize other storage controllers.
IBM Storwize V7000 supports regular and solid-state drives (SSDs) and uses IBM System
Storage Easy Tier to automatically place volume hot spots on better-performing storage. This
section briefly explains the basic architecture components of Storwize V7000.
Each IBM Storwize V7000 hardware controller is called a node or node canister. The node
provides the virtualization for a set of volumes, cache, and copy services functions. Nodes are
deployed in pairs, and multiple pairs make up a clustered system or system. A system can
consist of 1 - 4 Storwize V7000 node pairs.
One of the nodes within the system is known as the configuration node. The configuration
node manages the configuration activity for the system. If this node fails, the system chooses
a new node to become the configuration node.
Because the nodes are installed in pairs, each node provides a failover function to its partner
node during a node failure.
I/O Groups
IBM Storwize V7000 can have 1 - 4 pairs of node canisters known as I/O Groups. Storwize
V7000 supports eight node canisters in the clustered system, which provides four I/O Groups.
When a host server performs I/O to one of its volumes, all of the I/Os for a specific volume are
directed to the I/O Group. Also, under normal conditions, the I/Os for that specific volume are
always processed by the same node within the I/O Group.
Both nodes of the I/O Group act as preferred nodes for their own specific subset of the total
number of volumes that the I/O Group presents to the host servers (a maximum of 2048
volumes per I/O Group). However, each node also acts as a failover node for its partner node
within the I/O Group. Therefore, a node takes over the I/O workload from its partner node, if
required, with no effect to the servers application.
In an IBM Storwize V7000 environment that is using an active/active architecture, the I/O
handling for a volume can be managed by both nodes of the I/O Group. Therefore, it is
mandatory for servers that are connected through FC connectors to use multipath device
drivers to be able to handle this capability.
The IBM Storwize V7000 I/O Groups are connected to the SAN so that all application servers
that access volumes from the I/O Group have access to them. Up to 2048 host server objects
can be defined in four I/O Groups.
If required, host servers can be mapped to more than one I/O Group in the IBM Storwize
V7000 system. Therefore, they can access volumes from separate I/O Groups. You can move
volumes between I/O Groups to redistribute the load between the I/O Groups.
However, moving volumes between I/O Groups cannot always be done concurrently with host
I/O, and requires in some cases a brief interruption to remap the host. On the following
website, you can check the compatibility of IBM Storwize V7000 Non Disruptive Volume Move
(NDVM) function with your hosts:
Important: The active/active architecture provides availability to process I/Os for both
controller nodes, and enables the application to continue running smoothly, even if the
server has only one access route or path to the storage controller. This type of architecture
eliminates the path and LUN thrashing typical of an active/passive architecture.
The system or clustered system consists of 1 - 4 I/O Groups. Certain configuration limitations
are then set for the individual system. For example, the maximum number of volumes that are
supported per system is 8192 (having a maximum of 2048 volumes per I/O Group), or the
maximum managed disk supported is 32 petabytes (PB) per system.
All configuration, monitoring, and service tasks are performed at the system level.
Configuration settings are replicated to all nodes in the system. To facilitate these tasks, a
management Internet Protocol (IP) address is set for the system.
A process is provided to back up the system configuration data onto disk so that it can be
restored during a disaster. Note that this method does not back up application data. Only IBM
Storwize V7000 system configuration information is backed up. For the purposes of remote
data mirroring, two or more systems must form a partnership before creating relationships
between mirrored volumes.
System configuration backup: After backing up the system configuration, save the
backup data on your hard disk (or at the least outside of the SAN). If you are unable to
access IBM Storwize V7000, you do not have access to the backup data if it is on the SAN.
For details about the maximum configurations that are applicable to the system, I/O Group,
and nodes, see the following link:
The IBM Storwize V7000 setup contains several internal drive objects, but these drives
cannot be directly added to storage pools. The drives need to be included in a RAID to
provide protection against the failure of individual drives.
These drives are referred to as members of the array. Each array has a RAID level. RAID
levels provide various degrees of redundancy and performance, and have various restrictions
regarding the number of members in the array.
IBM Storwize V7000 supports hot spare drives. When an array member drive fails, the system
automatically replaces the failed member with a hot spare drive and rebuilds the array to
restore its redundancy. Candidate and spare drives can be manually exchanged with array
Each array has a set of goals that describe the location and performance of each array. A
sequence of drive failures and hot spare takeovers can leave an array unbalanced (with
members that do not match these goals). The system automatically rebalances such arrays
when the appropriate drives are available.
The following RAID levels are available:
An MDisk is the unit of storage that IBM Storwize V7000 virtualizes. This unit could be a
logical volume on an external storage array presented to IBM Storwize V7000, or a RAID
array that consists of internal drives. IBM Storwize V7000 can then allocate these MDisks into
various storage pools. An MDisk is not visible to a host system on the SAN because it is
internal or zoned only to the IBM Storwize V7000 system.
The MDisks are placed into storage pools where they are divided into several extents, which
can be 16 - 8192 megabytes (MB), as defined by the storage administrator. See the following
link for an overview of the total storage capacity that is manageable per system regarding the
selection of extents:
A volume is host-accessible storage that has been provisioned out of one storage pool or, if it
is a mirrored volume, out of two storage pools. The maximum size of an MDisk is 1 PB. IBM
Storwize V7000 system supports up to 4096 MDisks (including internal RAID arrays).
At any point in time, an MDisk is in one of the following four modes:
Array mode MDisks are constructed from drives by using the RAID function. Array MDisks
are always associated with storage pools.
Unmanaged MDisk
An MDisk is reported as unmanaged when it is not a member of any storage pool. An
unmanaged MDisk is not associated with any volumes, and has no metadata stored on it.
Storwize V7000 does not write to an MDisk that is in unmanaged mode, except when it
attempts to change the mode of the MDisk to one of the other modes. Storwize V7000 can
see the resource, but the resource is not assigned to a storage pool.
Managed MDisk
Managed mode MDisks are always members of a storage pool, and they contribute
extents to the storage pool. Volumes (if not operated in image mode) are created from
these extents. MDisks operating in managed mode might have metadata extents allocated
on them, and can be used as quorum disks. This mode is the most common and normal
mode for an MDisk.
Quorum disk
A quorum disk is an MDisk that contains a reserved area for use exclusively by the system.
The system uses quorum disks to break a tie when exactly half the nodes in the system
remain after a SAN failure. This situation is referred to as split brain. Quorum functionality is
not supported on flash drives in IBM Storwize V7000. There are three candidate quorum
disks. However, only one quorum disk is active at any time.
Disk tier
It is likely that the MDisks (LUNs) presented to the IBM Storwize V7000 system have various
performance attributes due to the type of disk or RAID on which they reside. The MDisks can
be on 15,000 disk revolutions per minute (RPMs) Fibre Channel or SAS disks, Nearline SAS
or Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA) disks, or even flash drives.
Therefore, a storage tier attribute is assigned to each MDisk, with the default being
enterprise. A tier 0 (zero)-level disk attribute (ssd) is available for flash drives, and a tier
2-level disk attribute (nearline) is available for nl-sas.
Storage pool
A storage pool is a collection of up to 128 MDisks that provides the pool of storage from which
volumes are provisioned. A single system can manage up to 128 storage pools. The size of
these pools can be changed (expanded or shrunk) at run time by adding or removing MDisks,
without taking the storage pool or the volumes offline.
At any point in time, an MDisk can only be a member in one storage pool, except for image
mode volumes.
Each MDisk in the storage pool is divided into several extents. The size of the extent is
selected by the administrator when the storage pool is created, and cannot be changed later.
The size of the extent can be 16 - 8192 MB.
It is a leading practice to use the same extent size for all storage pools in a system. This
approach is a prerequisite for supporting volume migration between two storage pools. If the
storage pool extent sizes are not the same, you must use volume mirroring.
Figure 4-18 shows an overview of a Storwize clustered system with an I/O Group.
IBM Storwize V7000 limits the number of extents in a system to 222 = ~4 million. Because the
number of addressable extents is limited, the total capacity of a Storwize V7000 system
depends on the extent size that is chosen by the Storwize V7000 administrator. The capacity
numbers that are specified in Table 4-6 for a Storwize V7000 system assume that all of the
defined storage pools have been created with the same extent size.
Table 4-6 Extent size-to-addressability matrix
Extent size maximum
System capacity
System capacity
16 MB
64 terabytes (TB)
512 MB
2 PB
32 MB
128 TB
1024 MB
4 PB
64 MB
256 TB
2048 MB
8 PB
128 MB
512 TB
4096 MB
16 PB
256 MB
1 PB
8192 MB
32 PB
Volumes are logical disks that are presented to the host or application servers by Storwize
V7000. The hosts cannot see the MDisks. They can only see the logical volumes created
from combining extents from a storage pool.
There are three types of volumes: Striped, sequential, and image. These types are
determined by how the extents are allocated from the storage pool:
A volume created in striped mode has extents allocated from each MDisk in the storage
pool in a round-robin fashion.
With a sequential mode volume, extents are allocated sequentially from an MDisk.
Image mode is a one-to-one mapped extent mode volume.
Using striped mode is the best method to use for most cases. However, sequential extent
allocation mode can slightly increase the sequential performance for certain workloads.
Figure 4-19 shows the striped volume mode and sequential volume mode, and illustrates how
the extent allocation from the storage pool differs.
You can allocate the extents for a volume in many ways. The process is under full user control
at volume creation time, and can be changed at any time by migrating single extents of a
volume to another MDisk within the storage pool.
Volumes can be mapped to a host to allow access for a specific server to a set of volumes. A
host in Storwize V7000 is a collection of host bus adapter (HBA) worldwide port names
(WWPNs) or iSCSI qualified names (IQNs) defined on the specific server. Note that iSCSI
names are internally identified by fake WWPNs, or WWPNs that are generated by the IBM
Storwize V7000.
Volumes can be mapped to multiple hosts, for example, a volume that is accessed by multiple
hosts of a server system. iSCSI is an alternative means of attaching hosts. However, all
communication with back-end storage subsystems, and with other Storwize V7000 systems,
is still through FC.
Node failover can be handled without installing a multipath driver on the iSCSI server. An
iSCSI-attached server can simply reconnect after a node failover to the original target IP
address, which is now presented by the partner node. To protect the server against link
failures during network or HBA failures, using a multipath driver is mandatory.
Volumes are LUN-masked to the hosts HBA WWPNs by a process called host mapping.
Mapping a volume to the host makes it accessible to the WWPNs or IQNs that are configured
on the host object. For a SCSI over Ethernet connection, the IQN identifies the iSCSI target
(destination) adapter. Host objects can have both IQNs and WWPNs.
Easy Tier
Easy Tier is a performance function that automatically migrates or moves extents off a volume
to, or from, one MDisk storage tier to another MDisk storage tier. In Storwize V7000, the Easy
Tier automatically moves extents between highly used and less-used MDisks within the same
storage tier. This function is called Storage Pool Balancing, and it is enabled by default
without any need for licensing.
Balancing cannot be disabled by the user. Easy Tier monitors the host I/O activity and latency
on the extents of all volumes with the Easy Tier function turned on in a multitier storage pool,
over a 24-hour period.
New in Storwize family software V7.3: Easy Tier V3 integrates the automatic
functionality to balance the workloads between highly used and less-used MDisks within
the same tier. It is enabled by default, cannot be disabled by the user, and does not need
an Easy Tier license.
Next, it creates an extent migration plan based on this activity, and then dynamically moves
high-activity (or hot) extents to a higher disk tier in the storage pool. It also moves extents
whose activity has dropped off (or cooled) from the high-tier MDisks back to a lower-tiered
Easy Tier: The Easy Tier function can be turned on or off at the storage pool level and the
volume level. It supports any combination of three tiers within the system. Flash drives are
always marked as Tier 0. Turning off Easy Tier does not disable Storage Pool Balancing.
To experience the potential benefits of using Easy Tier in your environment before installing
expensive flash drives, turn on the Easy Tier function for a single-level storage pool. Next,
turn on the Easy Tier function for the volumes within that pool. Easy Tier then starts
monitoring activity on the volume extents in the pool.
Easy Tier creates a report every 24 hours, providing information about how Easy Tier
behaves if the tier were a multitiered storage pool. So, even though Easy Tier extent migration
is not possible within a single-tiered pool, the Easy Tier statistical measurement function is
The Easy Tier function can make it more appropriate to use smaller storage pool extent sizes.
The usage statistics file can be off-loaded from Storwize V7000. You can then use the IBM
Storage Tier Advisor Tool to create a summary report.
Thin provisioning
Volumes can be configured to be either thin-provisioned or fully allocated. A thin-provisioned
volume behaves regarding application reads and writes as though they were fully allocated.
When creating a thin-provisioned volume, the user specifies two capacities:
The real physical capacity allocated to the volume from the storage pool
The virtual capacity available to the host
In a fully allocated volume, these two values are the same.
Therefore, the real capacity determines the quantity of MDisk extents that is initially allocated
to the volume. The virtual capacity is the capacity of the volume reported to all other Storwize
V7000 components (for example, FlashCopy, Cache, and remote copy), and to the host
servers. The real capacity is used to store both the user data and the metadata for the
thin-provisioned volume. The real capacity can be specified as an absolute value, or a
percentage of the virtual capacity.
Thin-provisioned volumes can be used as volumes assigned to the host, by FlashCopy to
implement thin-provisioned FlashCopy targets, and also with the mirrored volumes feature.
When a thin-provisioned volume is initially created, a small amount of the real capacity is
used for initial metadata.
Write I/Os to grains of the thin volume that were not previously written to cause grains of the
real capacity to be used to store metadata and the actual user data. Write I/Os to grains that
were previously written to update the grain where data was previously written. The grain size
is defined when the volume is created, and can be 32 kilobytes (KB), 64 KB, 128 KB, or
256 KB. The default grain size is 256 KB, which is the strongly suggested option. If you select
32 KB for the grain size, the volume size cannot exceed 260,000 GB.
The grain size cannot be changed after the thin-provisioned volume has been created.
Generally, smaller grain sizes save space, but require more metadata access, which can
adversely affect performance. If you are not going to use the thin-provisioned volume as a
FlashCopy source or target volume, use 256 KB to maximize performance. If you are going to
use the thin-provisioned volume as a FlashCopy source or target volume, specify the same
grain size for the volume and for the FlashCopy function.
Thin-provisioned volumes store both user data and metadata. Each grain of data requires
metadata to be stored. Therefore, the I/O rates that are obtained from thin-provisioned
volumes are less than the I/O rates that are obtained from fully allocated volumes.
The metadata storage fixed use is never greater than 0.1% of the user data. The fixed
resource use is independent of the virtual capacity of the volume. If you are using
thin-provisioned volumes in a FlashCopy map, for the best performance, use the same grain
size as the map grain size. If you are using the thin-provisioned volume directly with a host
system, use a small grain size.
The real capacity of a thin volume can be changed if the volume is not in image mode.
Increasing the real capacity enables a larger amount of data and metadata to be stored on
the volume. Thin-provisioned volumes use the real capacity that is provided in ascending
order as new data is written to the volume. If the user initially assigns too much real capacity
to the volume, the real capacity can be reduced to free storage for other uses.
A thin-provisioned volume can be configured to autoexpand. This feature causes Storwize
V7000 to automatically add a fixed amount of extra real capacity to the thin volume as
required. Autoexpand attempts to maintain a fixed amount of unused real capacity for the
volume, which is known as the contingency capacity.
The contingency capacity is initially set to the real capacity that is assigned when the volume
is created. If the user modifies the real capacity, the contingency capacity is reset to be the
difference between the used capacity and the real capacity. A volume that is created without
the autoexpand feature, and therefore has a zero contingency capacity, goes offline as soon
as the real capacity is fully used and needs to expand.
Autoexpand does not cause the real capacity to grow much beyond the virtual capacity. The
real capacity can be manually expanded to more than the maximum that is required by the
current virtual capacity, and the contingency capacity is recalculated.
To support the auto expansion of thin-provisioned volumes, the storage pools from which they
are allocated have a configurable capacity warning. When the used capacity of the pool
exceeds the warning capacity, a warning event is logged. For example, if a warning of 80%
has been specified, the event is logged when 20% of the free capacity remains.
A thin-provisioned volume can be converted nondisruptively to a fully allocated volume, or
vice versa, by using the volume mirroring function. For example, you can add a
thin-provisioned copy to a fully allocated primary volume, and then remove the fully allocated
copy from the volume after they are synchronized.
The fully allocated to thin-provisioned migration procedure uses a zero-detection algorithm so
that grains containing all zeros do not cause any real capacity to be used.
Real-time Compression
Compressed volumes are a special type of volume where data is compressed as it is written
to disk, saving additional space. To use the compression function, you must obtain the IBM
Real-time Compression license. With the IBM Storwize V7000 model (2076-524), you already
have one compression acceleration adapter included in the base product, and you can add
one more.
It is also suggested to upgrade your memory to 64 GB for best use of Real-time
Compression. Enabling compression on Storwize V7000 nodes does not affect
non-compressed host-to-disk I/O performance. Like thin-provisioned volumes, compressed
volumes have virtual, real, and used capacities. Use the following guidelines before working
with compressed volumes:
Real capacity is the extent space that is allocated from the storage pool. The real capacity
is also set when the volume is created and, like thin-provisioned volumes, can be
expanded or shrunk down to the used capacity.
Virtual capacity is available to hosts. The virtual capacity is set when the volume is
created, and can be expanded or shrunk afterward.
Used capacity is the amount of real capacity that is used to store client data and metadata
after compression.
Capacity before compression is the amount of client data that has been written to the
volume and then compressed. The capacity before compression does not include regions
where zero data is written to unallocated space.
An I/O Group can contain a maximum of 200 compressed volumes and compressed
volume mirrors.
You can also monitor information about compression usage to determine the savings to
your storage capacity when volumes are compressed. To monitor system-wide
compression savings and capacity, select Monitoring System and either select the
system name or Compression View. You can compare the amount of capacity that is
used before compression is applied to the capacity that is used for all compressed
In addition, you can view the total percentage of capacity savings when compression is
used on the system. Furthermore, you can also monitor compression savings across
individual pools and volumes. For volumes, you can use these compression values to
determine which volumes have achieved the highest compression savings.
The primary benefit of storage cache is to improve I/O response time. Reads and writes to a
magnetic disk drive suffer from both seek and latency time at the drive level, which can result
in from 1 millisecond (ms) - 10 ms of response time (for an enterprise-class disk).
The IBM Storwize V7000 nodes combined with IBM Spectrum Virtualize software V7.6
provide 32 GB memory per node, or 64 GB (128 GB) per I/O Group, or 256 GB (512 GB) per
system. The Storwize V7000 provides a semi-flexible cache model, and the nodes memory
can be used as read or write cache, either one as an I/O workload cache. The size of the
write cache is maximally 12 GB of the nodes memory. The remaining part of the memory is
split between read cache allocation and compression allocation.
When data is written by the host, the preferred node saves the data in its cache. Before the
cache returns completion to the host, the write must be mirrored to the partner node, or
copied into the cache of its partner node, for availability reasons. After having a copy of the
written data, the cache returns completion to the host. A volume that has not received a write
update during the last two minutes will automatically have all modified data destaged to disk.
Note: Optional cache upgrade of 32 GB on Storwize V7000 is reserved for RtC, and it is
not used when RtC is disabled.
Starting with Storwize V7000, the concept of the cache architecture has been changed.
Storwize V7000 now distinguishes between upper and lower cache that enables the system
to be more scalable:
If one node of an I/O Group is missing, due to a restart or a hardware failure, the remaining
node empties all of its write cache and proceeds in operation mode. This is referred to as
write-through mode. A node operating in write-through mode writes data directly to the disk
subsystem before sending an I/O complete status message back to the host. Running in this
mode can degrade the performance of the specific I/O Group.
Write cache is partitioned by storage pool. This feature restricts the maximum amount of write
cache that a single storage pool can allocate in a system. Table 4-7 shows the upper limit of
write-cache data that a single storage pool in a system can occupy.
Table 4-7 Upper limit of write cache per storage pool
One storage
Two storage
Three storage
Four storage
Storwize V7000 will treat part of its physical memory as non-volatile. Non-volatile means that
its contents are preserved across power losses and resets. Bitmaps for FlashCopy and
Remote Mirroring relationships, the virtualization table, and the write cache are items in the
non-volatile memory.
During a disruption or external power loss, the physical memory is copied to a file in the file
system on the nodes internal disk drive so that the contents can be recovered when external
power is restored. The functionality of uninterruptible power supply units is provided by
internal batteries, which are delivered with each nodes hardware. The batteries ensure that
there is sufficient internal power to keep a node operational to perform this dump when the
external power is removed. After dumping the content of the non-volatile part of the memory
to disk, Storwize V7000 shuts down.
The IBM Storwize all-flash storage systems have the following highlights:
High performance
The all-flash Storwize solutions deliver both high performance and dramatically improved
data economics. They help accelerate multiple workloads for faster decision making with
best-of-class performance. The solutions are most often deployed to support
high-performance enterprise applications, such as databases like IBM DB2, Oracle, and
SAP, as well as virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) and server virtualization.
IBM Spectrum Virtualize software is designed to deliver extraordinary levels of efficiency,
helping to revolutionize data economics and drive down costs for cloud, analytics, virtual
server, and other enterprise-class deployments. As a result, organizations no longer have
to choose between performance and efficiency. They can get both within a single storage
IBM Real-time Compression with hardware acceleration, available in Storwize V7000F,
enables the system to deliver higher performance for compressed data than traditional
systems offer for uncompressed data. This performance enables its use for practically all
data types. It is designed to enable storing up to five times as much data in the same
physical drive space by compressing data as much as 80 percent. The benefits include
reduced acquisition cost (because less hardware is required), reduced rack space, and
lower power and cooling costs throughout the lifetime of the system. And, when combined
with external data virtualization, Real-time Compression can significantly enhance the
usable capacity of existing storage systems, extending their useful life even further.
When replicating block data for business continuity, Storwize V7000F and Storwize
V5000F can use IP network connections for simplicity and lower cost. Integrated
Bridgeworks SANrockIT technology helps improve network utilization up to three times
compared with traditional approaches, which can help reduce networking costs and
accelerate replication cycles.
Data virtualization
IBM Spectrum Virtualize data virtualization technology helps insulate applications from
physical storage. This characteristic enables applications to run without disruption, even
when changes are made to the storage infrastructure.
Storwize V7000F and Storwize V5000F also extend data virtualization to other storage
systems. When virtualized, data in a disk system becomes part of the Storwize system,
and it can be managed in the same way as internal drives. Data in external disk systems
inherits all the Storwize functional richness and ease-of-use features, including advanced
replication, high performance thin provisioning, data migration, and Real-time
Compression. Virtualizing external storage helps improve administrator productivity and
boost storage utilization while also enhancing and extending the value of existing storage
Moving data is one of the most common causes of planned downtime. Data virtualization
enables moving data from existing storage into the new system or between arrays, while
maintaining access to the data. This function can be used when replacing older storage
with newer storage, as part of load-balancing work, or when moving data in a tiered
storage infrastructure from disk drives to flash.
Data virtualization can improve efficiency and business value. Nondisruptive migration can
speed time-to-value from weeks or months to days, minimize downtime for migration,
eliminate the cost of add-on migration tools, and can help avoid penalties and additional
maintenance charges for lease extensions. The result can be real cost savings for your
Ease of use
Storwize V7000F and Storwize V5000F are easy to use from the start. An intuitive
management interface enables administrators to easily manage the solution. IBM
Spectrum Control, based on IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center, can also provide
organizations with an end-to-end view of storage health, long-term performance analytics,
and capacity statistics for Storwize V7000F, Storwize V5000F, and the surrounding storage
Whats more, IBM Spectrum Virtualize technologies, including Real-time Compression
and IP replication with Bridgeworks SANrockIT technology, operate automatically and
require little or no customization.
Storwize V7000F and Storwize V5000F are part of the proven IBM Storwize family, with
more than 90,000 enclosures and 2 exabytes of capacity deployed in organizations
With their virtualized storage design and tight affinity with IBM PowerVM, OpenStack,
Microsoft ODX, VMware vSphere v6, and VMware vSphere Virtual Volumes (VVOL),
Storwize V7000F and Storwize V5000F are an ideal complement for virtualized servers
that are at the heart of cloud deployments.
4.4.4 VersaStack Solution for IBM Storwize V7000 and V7000 Unified
The VersaStack solution combines the performance and innovation of Cisco UCS Integrated
Infrastructure, which includes the Cisco Unified Computing System (Cisco UCS), Cisco
Nexus and Cisco MDS 9000 Family switches, and Cisco UCS Director, with the performance
and efficiency of the IBM Storwize storage system. The IBM Storwize V7000 includes
technologies that both complement and enhance virtual environments with built-in functions
such as IBM Data Virtualization, Real-time Compression, and Easy Tier that deliver
extraordinary levels of performance and efficiency.
For more information, see this website:
Chapter 5.
Why flash matters
IBM FlashSystem 900 storage
IBM FlashSystem V9000 storage
5.1 Overview
The IBM FlashSystem portfolio of flash storage delivers high performance, efficiency, and
reliability for shared enterprise storage environments, helping clients around the world
address performance issues with their most important applications and infrastructure.
These storage systems can either complement or replace traditional hard disk drive (HDD)
arrays, even arrays that incorporate solid-state devices (SSDs) or other flash technology, in
many applications. Applications include online transaction processing (OLTP), business
intelligence (BI), online analytical processing (OLAP), virtual desktop infrastructures,
high-performance computing, and content delivery solutions (such as cloud storage and
video on demand).
Easy to deploy and manage, the IBM FlashSystem 900 is designed to accelerate the
applications that drive business. Powered by IBM FlashCore Technology, IBM FlashSystem
provides the following characteristics:
Extreme performance with IBM MicroLatency delivers 90 s write latency and 155 s read
Macro efficiency lowers operating costs and increases efficiency of IT infrastructure by
using much less power and space than traditional HDD and SSD solutions
Enterprise reliability protects critical assists with two-dimensional RAID protection, IBM
Variable Stripe RAID, redundant and hot-swappable components, and concurrent code
FlashSystem 900 can be configured in capacity points as low as 2.4 TB usable after RAID 5
protection. Coupled with 10 Gbps iSCSI, FlashSystem is positioned to bring extreme
performance to small and medium businesses (SMBs) and growth markets. Figure 5-1 shows
the FlashSystem 900.
FlashSystem V9000 is available with either a one-year or a three-year warranty, so you can
select the warranty period that best addresses your business and financial needs.
FlashSystem 900 has these characteristics:
FlashSystem 900 is configurable with 2.4 - 57 TB of usable capacity for scalability and
FlashSystem 900 provides flexible interface types that include Fibre Channel (FC), Fibre
Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), iSCSI, and InfiniBand to easily integrate into existing SAN
FlashSystem 900 offers hardware-based AES 256 data-at-rest encryption with no
performance impact.
Slots for up to 12 hot-swappable IBM MicroLatency storage modules (1.2 TB, 2.9 TB, or
5.7 TB)
Configurable 2.2- 57 TB of capacity for increased flexibility
Figure 5-3 shows IBM FlashSystem 900 Management GUI (front view of the system).
Figure 5-3 IBM FlashSystem 900 Management GUI (front view of the system)
services, and higher storage efficiency with thin provisioning, Real-time Compression, IBM
Easy Tier 3rd Generation, external virtualization, space-efficient copies, and HyperSwap
capability. The FlashSystem V9000 baseline configuration is composed of the following
Two FlashSystem V9000 control enclosures
FlashSystem V9000 Control Enclosure provides advanced data services for flash
memory. It is a 2U, 19-inch rack-mount enclosure. FlashSystem V9000 includes two
control enclosures, also called controller nodes, for redundant host access. The control
enclosures include up to 16 ports that are used for connectivity, with options for 8 Gb Fibre
Channel, 16 Gb Fibre Channel, and 10 Gb Ethernet FCoE and iSCSI.
One FlashSystem V9000 storage enclosure
FlashSystem V9000 Storage Enclosure is a purpose-built, all-flash storage shelf. It is a 2U
19-inch rack-mount enclosure with 12 slots for flash modules. The storage enclosure
provides eight 16 Gb Fibre Channel ports to connect to FlashSystem V9000 control
enclosures, either directly or through dedicated internal switches (with the scalable
building block). Flash modules within any individual building block are available in 1.2 TB,
2.9 TB, or 5.7 TB capacity. Capacities cannot be intermixed. FlashSystem V9000 is
available with either one-year or three-year warranties, so clients can select the warranty
period that best addresses their business and financial needs.
Easy to deploy and manage, FlashSystem V9000 is designed to accelerate the applications
that drive business. Powered by IBM FlashCore Technology, IBM FlashSystem V9000
provides three dimensions of value. Figure 5-5 shows scalable performance, enduring
economics, and agile integration.
For more information about FlashCore technology, see 5.3.1, FlashCore technology on
page 129 and the following webpage:
Software-defined services
FlashSystem V9000 merges IBM software-defined storage with the scalable performance of
IBM FlashSystem technology to help you more easily manage your entire storage
environment while preserving your investments in storage. Software-defined storage services
enable you to use the following features across all of your storage:
Thin provisioning: Enables dynamic growth so you can purchase only the storage you
need when you need it.
Easy Tier flash storage management: Optimizes performance at lower overall cost.
High availability configurations: Enables near-continuous data availability.
Copy Services: Enables space efficient backups.
Disaster recovery techniques: Allows you to practice disaster plans and validate business
continuity plans.
Simple GUI: Allows storage to be quickly deployed and efficiently managed.
HyperSwap capability: Allows each volume to be presented by two I/O groups. The
configuration can tolerate combinations of node and site failures.
Note: IBM Storage Mobile Dashboard, version 1.5.4, supports the IBM FlashSystem
V9000 GUI. You can download the dashboard at no cost from iTunes:
Before the availability of VVOLs, a VM in a VMware environment would be presented a disk in
the form of a file called a virtual machine disk (VMDK). This file represented a physical disk to
the VM. The disk could then be accessed by the operating system installed on the VM in the
same way a physical volume on a regular server was. The VMDK file was then placed onto a
file system called VMFS hosted by a standard volume (LUN), for example implemented on
external storage system such as FlashSystem V9000. With the availability of the vSphere
Virtual Volume technology, each VM disk can now be mapped to an external storage volume
(for example, a FlashSystem V9000 volume).
With VVOL, FlashSystem V9000 becomes aware of individual VMDK files, and data
operations such as snapshot and replication can be performed directly by FlashSystem
V9000, at the VMDK level rather than the entire VMFS datastore.
Note: The integration of VVOL with FlashSystem V9000 is based on the VMware Storage
APIs for Storage Awareness (VASA). The IBM support for VASA is delivered as part of IBM
Spectrum Control. VASA version 2 is required to use VVOL capability.
Figure 5-6 illustrates the increments in the scalable capacity of FlashSystem V9000. It also
shows that additional storage enclosures can be added to a single building block, and also
two, three, or four building blocks.
Thin provisioning
Data migration
Simple GUI
Automatic restriping of data across storage pools
The following functions are included with the FlashSystem V9000 base software license only
for internal storage:
Real-time Compression
Remote Mirroring
The following optional licensed features are offered with the FlashSystem V9000 Software for
external storage:
For more information about software and licensing, see IBM FlashSystem V9000 Product
Guide, REDP-5317.
For more information about IBM FlashSystem V9000 in a VersaStack environment, see IBM
FlashSystem V9000 in a VersaStack Environment, REDP-5264.
Chapter 6.
DS8880 overview
Product highlights
Related information
Figure 6-1 shows the frontal view of the DS8884 and DS8886 base frames. The racks can be
slightly different in height: 40U for the DS8884, and up to 46U for the DS8886.
Figure 6-1 IBM DS8884 and DS8886 front views, base frame
6.2.1 Features
The IBM DS8880 family has these key features, among others:
The processor complexes of the DS8880 family are based on IBM Power System servers
like the S824 and S822 POWER8 models that are also independently available as
stand-alone servers running AIX and Linux operating systems.
The IBM DS8880 models feature an HPFE that provides outstanding flash performance.
The HPFE is directly attached to the Peripheral Component Interconnect Express fabric,
enabling increased bandwidth and transaction processing capability. This 1U storage
enclosure contains a pair of powerful flash RAID adapters and up to thirty 400 gigabyte
(GB) encryption-capable flash cards in each enclosure, for a maximum of 240 flash cards
in the IBM DS8886 model.
The IBM Storage Driver for OpenStack is a software component that integrates with the
OpenStack cloud environment and enables usage of storage resources provided by
supported IBM storage systems. After the driver is installed on the OpenStack Cinder
(OpenStack Block Storage) nodes, storage volumes can be allocated by the Cinder nodes
to the Nova-compute nodes. Virtual machines on the Nova-compute nodes can then use
these storage resources.
IBM Easy Tier, a well-proven feature of the DS8000 series, is available at no charge as
part of the Base license package. It dynamically optimizes performance for multi-tiered
systems. It can also rebalance data within a single tier to help maintain optimal
performance. Now in its eighth generation, Easy Tier provides full support of the HPFE
and associated flash cards, while maintaining extra features like Easy Tier Heat Map
Transfer or Easy Tier Application.
With the frame width reduced from 33 inches to 19 inches, the DS8880 comes with a 42%
narrower footprint than the previous DS8870 model.
The IBM DS8880 models have an improved 19-inch high-density frame design. As shown
in Figure 6-2, it can support 1536 drives, plus 240 flash cards, in a small, high-density
footprint (base frame and three expansion frames). This smaller footprint helps to preserve
valuable raised floor space in data center environments.
DA 4 Disk Enclosure
2U Empty
2U Empty
DA 1 Disk Enclosure
DA 4 Disk Enclosure
DA 3 Disk Enclosure
DA 1 Disk Enclosure
DA 3 Disk Enclosure
DA 6 Disk Enclosure
DA 3 Disk Enclosure
DA 1 Disk Enclosure
DA 3 Disk Enclosure
DA 6 Disk Enclosure
DA 0 Disk Enclosure
DA 3 Disk Enclosure
DA 5 Disk Enclosure
DA 0 Disk Enclosure
DA 3 Disk Enclosure
DA 5 Disk Enclosure
DA 2 Disk Enclosure
DA 0 Disk Enclosure
DA 7 Disk Enclosure
DA 2 Disk Enclosure
DA 0 Disk Enclosure
DA 7 Disk Enclosure
DA 5 Disk Enclosure
DA 2 Disk Enclosure
DA 4 Disk Enclosure
DA 5 Disk Enclosure
DA 2 Disk Enclosure
DA 4 Disk Enclosure
DA 7 Disk Enclosure
DA 5 Disk Enclosure
DA 7 Disk Enclosure
DA 5 Disk Enclosure
DA 1 Disk Enclosure
DA 7 Disk Enclosure
DA 1 Disk Enclosure
DA 7 Disk Enclosure
DA 0 Disk Enclosure
DA 0 Disk Enclosure
DA 2 Disk Enclosure
DA 2 Disk Enclosure
DA 6 Disk Enclosure
DA 6 Disk Enclosure
System p8 server
System p8 server
Base Frame
22U Empty
DA 3 Disk Enclosure
DA 4 Disk Enclosure
DA 3 Disk Enclosure
DA 4 Disk Enclosure
DA 0 Disk Enclosure
DA 6 Disk Enclosure
DA 0 Disk Enclosure
DA 6 Disk Enclosure
DA 2 Disk Enclosure
DA 1 Disk Enclosure
DA 6 Disk Enclosure
DA 2 Disk Enclosure
DA 1 Disk Enclosure
DA 6 Disk Enclosure
DA 7 Disk Enclosure
DA 7 Disk Enclosure
DA 4 Disk Enclosure
DA 4 Disk Enclosure
The IBM DS8886 scales to more than 3 petabytes (PB) of raw drive capacity, and supports
multiple storage tiers. The IBM DS8880 family supports a broad range of drives that use
different technologies. Nine types of drives are managed in up to three different tiers (flash
cards and flash drives as tier 0, fibre-attached serial-attached SCSI (SAS) drives with
15,000 and 10,000 revolutions per minute (RPM) as tier 1, and near-line SAS drives as
tier 2).
The DS8886 model provides up to 32 Fibre Channel host adapters, supplying a total of up
to 128 ports (16 Gbps) in a single-machine footprint.
The smaller IBM DS8884 model option supports up to 768 small form-factor (SFF) drives
or flash drives, plus up to 120 high-performance flash cards.
Write data is always protected by maintaining a copy of modified data in nonvolatile
storage (NVS) until the data is destaged to hardened storage.
The Adaptive Multi-stream Prefetching (AMP) caching algorithm can dramatically improve
sequential performance, reducing times for backup, processing for business intelligence,
and processing for streaming media. Sequential Adaptive Replacement Cache is a
caching algorithm that allows you to run different workloads, such as sequential and
random workloads, without negatively affecting each other.
IBM Easy Tier offers capabilities such as manual volume capacity rebalance, auto
performance rebalancing in both homogeneous and hybrid pools, hot-spot management,
rank depopulation, manual volume migration, and thin provisioning support. It is available
at no extra charge. Easy Tier also includes the following capabilities:
Easy Tier Application enables clients to assign distinct application volumes to a
particular tier in the Easy Tier pool, disregarding the Easy Tier advanced data
migration function.
Easy Tier Heat Map Transfer is able to provide whatever the data placement algorithm
is on the Metro Mirror/Global Copy/Global Mirror (MM/GC/GM) primary site. It then
reapplies it on the MM/GC/GM secondary site through the Easy Tier Heat Map
Transfer utility when failover occurs.
Easy Tier includes additional reporting improvements, such as workload skew curve,
workload categorization, and a data movement daily report. In addition, it has
intra-tiering and micro-tiering support for storage tier with more than one drive
technology (mixed high performance flash cards and flash drives, or mixed Enterprise
15,000 and 10,000 RPM drives).
Storage Pool Striping (rotate extents) provides a mechanism to distribute a volumes or
logical unit number's (LUNs) data across many RAID arrays.
Storage Tier Advisor Tool (STAT) is a tool that is used with the Easy Tier feature to help
clients understand their current storage system workloads.
I/O Priority Manager is a feature that provides application-level quality of service (QoS) for
workloads that share a storage pool. This feature provides a way to manage QoS for I/O
operations associated with critical workloads, and gives them priority over other I/O
operations associated with non-critical workloads. For IBM z/OS, the I/O Priority
Manager allows increased interaction with the host side.
8 Gbps FC/IBM FICON host adapters in the IBM DS8880 offer enhanced connectivity,
with 4-port and 8-port host adapters in the I/O enclosures that are directly connected to
the processor complexes. The 16 Gbps adapters are available as 4-port only.
The host adapters support FICON attachment to IBM z Systems servers. You can
configure each port to operate as a Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) port, or FICON port.
High-Performance FICON for IBM z Systems (zHPF) is z/OS's new I/O architecture, and
already comes with several generations of enhancements. zHPF is included in the
DS8880 z feature code package. Enhancements to zHPF include Extended Distance
capability, zHPF List Pre-fetch support for IBM DB2 and utility operations, and zHPF
support for sequential access methods. All DB2 I/O is now zHPF-capable.
The IBM DS8880 models provide large volume support for LUN sizes up to 16 TiB. This
configuration simplifies storage management tasks. In a z/OS environment, extended
address volumes (EAVs) with sizes up to 1 TB are supported.
Traditional performance features for IBM z Systems environments are parallel access
volumes (PAVs), HyperPAV, Multiple Allegiance, I/O priority queuing, I/O Priority Manager,
and zHPF.
SAN Fabric I/O Priority Management: Starting with newer z Systems like IBM z13, QoS
functions have also been extended into the SAN fabric. Like for the I/O Priority Manager
with z/OS, there is cooperation between the z Systems Workload Manager (WLM) and
that SAN QoS function. The WLM is capable to send the priority information of each I/O to
the SAN fabric and to the DS8000, completing the management of the entire end-to-end
flow of an I/O.
The IBM DS8880 models are certified as meeting the requirements of the IPv6 Ready
Logo program, which indicates its implementation of IPv6 mandatory core protocols and
the ability to interoperate with other IPv6 implementations. They can be configured in
native IPv6 environments.
The following list includes advanced Copy Services features in the IBM DS8000:
IBM FlashCopy is a feature that allows the creation of volume copies (and data set
copies for z/OS) nearly instantaneously. Different options are available to create full
copies, incremental copies, or copy-on-write copies.
The DS8880 models and code provide the same remote-mirroring options as previous
models of the DS8000 family. Synchronous remote mirroring (Metro Mirror) is
supported up to 300 km. Asynchronous copy (Global Mirror) is supported for unlimited
Metro Mirror, Global Copy, Global Mirror, Metro/Global Mirror, z/OS Global Mirror, and
z/OS Metro/Global Mirror business continuity solutions are designed to provide the
advanced functionality for almost any recovery point or recovery time objective.
The Copy Services can be managed and automated with the IBM Copy Services
Manager (CSM). For z/OS environments, IBM Geographically Dispersed Parallel
Sysplex (IBM GDPS) provides an automated DR solution.
With AIX operating systems, the DS8880 family supports Open IBM HyperSwap
replication. The Open HyperSwap is a special Metro Mirror replication method
designed to automatically fail over I/O from the primary logical devices to the
secondary logical devices in the event of a primary storage system failure.
In co-operation with z/OSs Data Mover, another option is available for z/OS: Global
Mirror for z/OS. Another important feature for z/OS Global Mirror (2-site) and z/OS
Metro/Global Mirror (3-site) is Extended Distance FICON.
Remote-Pair FlashCopy enables you to establish a FlashCopy relationship where the
target is a remote mirror Metro Mirror primary volume, keeping the pair in the
full-duplex state.
The Easy Tier Heat Map Transfer function is also integrated with IBM Copy Services
Manager or with newer GDPS versions, and all of the functions are available through
the IBM Copy Services Manager.
The Resource Groups feature is a policy-based resource scope limiting function that
enables the secure use of Copy Services functions by multiple users on a DS8000
series storage system.
The IBM DS8880 provides support for VMware vStorage application programming
interfaces (APIs) for Array Integration (VAAI). VAAI enables certain storage tasks to be
offloaded from the server hardware to the storage array. Support is included for the Atomic
Test and Set (ATS) primitive, the Cloning Blocks primitive, and the Zeroing Blocks
The DS8880 family supports VASA 2.0, and the RESTful API.
The IBM DS8880 models also support the IBM Storage Management Console for VMware
vCenter. The IBM Storage Management Console for VMware vCenter is a software plug-in
that integrates into the VMware vCenter server platform and enables VMware
administrators to independently and centrally manage their storage resources on IBM
storage systems.
6.3 Models
The DS8880 delivers extensive scalability as compared to previous DS8870 systems:
IBM DS8886 Model 981 configuration
With 8-, 16- or 24-core processor complexes, the DS8886 Model 981 supports up to 192
2.5-inch disk drives and 120 flash cards for a maximum capacity of up to 355.2 TB. It also
supports up to 2 TB of processor memory with up to 64 Fibre Channel/FICON ports. With
an optional expansion unit (DS8886 Model 98E), it scales as follows:
With one DS8886 Model 98E Expansion Unit, the DS8886 Model 981 (16- or 24-core)
supports up to 128 Fibre Channel/FICON ports, 480 disk drives and 240 flash cards.
This configuration provides up to 864 TB of physical capacity with 1.6 TB SSD drives,
or up to 240 drives for up to 1.06 PB of physical capacity with 4 TB nearline SAS disk
With two DS8886 Model 98E Expansion Units, the DS8886 Model 981 (16- or 24-core)
supports up 912 disk drives. This configuration provides up to 1.46 PB of physical
capacity with 1.6 TB SSD drives, or up to 456 drives for up to 1.82 PB of physical
capacity with 4 TB nearline SAS disk drives.
With a third DS8886 Model 98E Expansion Unit, the DS8886 Model 981 (16- or
24-core) supports up 1 344 disk drives. This configuration provides up to 2.15 PB of
physical capacity with 1.6 TB SSD drives, or up to 672 drives for up to 2.69 PB of
physical capacity with 4 TB nearline SAS disk drives.
With a forth DS8886 Model 98E Expansion Unit, the DS8886 Model 981 (16- or
24-core) supports up 1 536 disk drives. This configuration provides up to 2.46 PB of
physical capacity with 1.6 TB SSD drives, or up to 768 drives for up to 3.1 PB of
physical capacity with 4 TB nearline SAS disk drives.
IBM DS8884 Model 980 configuration
With a 6-core processor complex, the DS8884 Model 980 supports up to 240 2.5-inch disk
drives and up to 60 flash cards for a maximum capacity of up to 408 TB. It also supports
up to 256 GB of processor memory with up to 32 Fibre Channel/FICON ports. With an
optional expansion unit (DS8884 Model 98B), it scales as follows:
With one DS8884 Model 98B Expansion Unit, the DS8884 Model 980 (128 or 256 GB
memory) supports up to 64 Fibre Channel/FICON ports, 528 disk drives and 120 flash
cards. This configuration provides up to 892.8 TB of physical capacity with 1.6 TB SSD
drives, or up to 264 drives for up to 1.1 PB of physical capacity with 4 TB nearline SAS
disk drives.
With two DS8884 Model 98B Expansion Units, the DS8884 Model 980 (127 or 256 GB
memory) supports up to 768 disk drives, providing up to 1.23 PB of physical capacity
with 1.6 TB SSD drives, or up to 384 drives for up to 1.54 PB of physical capacity with
4 TB nearline SAS disk drives.
To meet performance and configuration needs, the new DS8880 family features a complex of
dual POWER8 servers. Each server is equipped with either single processors (6-, and
8-core), or dual processors (16-, and 24-core).
Table 6-1 provides more information about drive and adapter counts with the two available
configuration options.
Table 6-1 DS8880 models and characteristics
Cores per
Disk drives
9xE attach
DS8886 configuration:
355 TB
256 GB
2.55 PB
512 GB
0 to 4
2.55 PB
2048 GB
0 to 4
DS8884 configuration:
408 TB
64 GB
1.28 TB
256 GB
0 to 2
Cores per
Disk drives
9xE attach
508.8 TB
681.2 TB
384 TB
Figure 6-3 on page 152 shows the front view of a DS8886, with one expansion frame
The base frame shows the two POWER8 server-based processor complexes. Processors
and system memory can be upgraded concurrently.
Four HPFEs are shown in the base frame, and four in the first expansion frame.
Four I/O bay enclosures are shown in the base frame, and four in the first expansion
frame. The adapters that are contained in the I/O enclosures can be either DAs or host
adapters, or you can have the connection to the HPFEs.
Primary (and optional secondary) Hardware Management Console (HMCs) are at the
bottom of the base frame.
The power subsystem is based on direct current uninterruptible power supply (DC-UPS) with
integrated battery sets. Each frame contains two DC-UPS power supplies in a fully redundant
Figure 6-3 DS8886 front view, with one expansion frame shown
For more information about the expansion frames and specifications, see the IBM DS8880
Introduction and Planning Guide, GC27-8525.
The Copy Services license includes the following features (including Multi-Target PPRC
Metro Mirror
Global Mirror
Metro/Global Mirror
Chapter 6. IBM DS8800 Storage System
For more information, see the IBM DS8880 Introduction and Planning Guide, GC27-8525.
Disk Magic
Disk Magic is a Microsoft Windows-based performance modeling tool that is used by IBM and
IBM Business Partners to model storage system performance. It supports storage systems
from multiple vendors and offers detailed support for IBM storage systems.
Important: IBM Disk Magic for Windows is a product of IntelliMagic, which is licensed to
IBM and IBM Business Partners to model disk storage system performance. Contact your
IBM Representative or IBM Business Partner to discuss a Disk Magic study.
IBM System Storage DS8884 and DS8886 (Machine type 2832) Models 980 and 981 with
two-year warranty - Product Announcement (20 October 2015):
IBM System Storage DS8884 and DS8886 (Machine type 2833) Models 980 and 981 with
three-year warranty - Product Announcement (20 October 2015):
IBM System Storage DS8884 and DS8886 (Machine type 2834) Models 980 and 981 with
four-year warranty - Product Announcement (20 October 2015):
IBM DS8880 (Machine type 283x) high-performance flagship Function Authorizations Product Announcement (20 October 2015):
IBM DS8870 Copy Services for Open Systems, SG24-6788
IBM DS8870 Copy Services for IBM z Systems, SG24-6787
IBM System Storage DS8000 Copy Services Scope Management and Resource Groups,
IBM DS8870 Multiple Target Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy, REDP-5151
IBM DS8000 Easy Tier, REDP-4667
DS8870 Easy Tier Application, REDP-5014
IBM DS8870 Easy Tier Heat Map Transfer, REDP-5015
DS8000 Thin Provisioning, REDP-4554
DS8000 I/O Priority Manager, REDP-4760
LDAP Authentication for IBM DS8000 Storage, REDP-4505
IBM DS8870 Disk Encryption, REDP-4500
Introduction to IBM Assist On-site Software for Storage, REDP-4889
IBM Assist On-Site:
IBM Tivoli Assist On-site Remote Support Utility. Users Guide:
IBM System Storage DS8000: Host Attachment and Interoperability, SG24-8887:
DS8000 Performance Monitoring and Tuning, SG24-8318
IBM DS8870 and VMware Synergy, REDP-4915
IBM DS8000 Series Command-Line Interface Users Guide, SC27-8526
IBM Knowledge Center / IBM System Storage DS8000 Information Center:
DS8880 support:
IBM System Storage Interoperation Center (SSIC):
IBM drive storage feature activation (DSFA):
Using IBM DS8870 in an OpenStack Environment, REDP-5220
Chapter 7.
Product overview
IBM Real-time Compression on the IBM XIV Storage System
Architecture and key components
Related information
Power Supply Unit
1 TB, 2 TB, 3 TB, 4 TB, and 6 TB SAS self-encrypting drives (SEDs)
400 GB flash drive cache option or 800 GB flash drive with 4 TB configurations
Interface modules:
Two-port 10 GbE adapter
IBM XIV software version 11.5
Figure 7-1 shows the XIV GUI with the front view of the XIV Gen3 system.
role-based management all add up to create a streamlined user experience with less
Fast rebuild. The XIV rebuild times are fast because it keeps track of what blocks contain
data and only rebuilds these blocks. This approach results in rebuild times of less than an
hour for a 6 TB drive failure, when the XIV is 100% utilized.
no additional charge and enables VASA, VMware vSphere Web Client, vCenter
Orchestrator (vCO), vCenter Operations Manager (vCOps), and VMware vCloud
Automation Center (vCAC). VMware Virtual Volumes (VVOLs) is designed to enable
upcoming VMware vSphere environments to easily automate IBM XIV provisioning,
offload snapshots and cloning, and instantly reclaim space. The IBM Spectrum Control
Base Edition version 2.1 delivers a range of IBM storage integration services in
cloud-based architectures that provide provisioning, automation, and monitoring. For more
information, see XIV Storage System in a VMware Environment, REDP-4965.
IBM XIV can automate storage discovery and provisioning in OpenStack environments by
using OpenStack Cinder integration. To manage the cloud more easily, deploy the IBM
Cloud Manager. For more information, see Using XIV in OpenStack Environments,
IBM XIV can automate custom storage operation by using the IBM XIV RESTful API. For
more information, see Exploring RESTful API Support with XIV, REDP-5064.
IBM XIV multi-tenancy allows secure isolation into domains of IBM XIV storage resources
among numerous tenants, with the ability of setting different quality of service (QoS) levels
per domain. It enables the division of storage system administration tasks into logical
domains by using role-based permissions. It also enables rapid deployments while also
minimizing the need for extensive planning, tuning, or field-upgrades.
IBM XIV scales storage capacity and performance linearly and can manage up to 144
systems by using IBM Hyper-Scale Manager.
The IBM XIV Cloud Storage for Service Providers product further empowers users with
the flexibility to combine a robust set of base functions with license-per-need features. The
ability to pay for functionality when it is required enables cloud providers to tailor services
to customer needs even more cost effectively.
Together with IBM Spectrum Accelerate, IBM XIV can be configured to support disaster
recovery in Cloud. See Deploying IBM Spectrum Accelerate on Cloud, REDP-5261.
7.1.7 Management
The highly intuitive IBM XIV Management GUI and built-in management tools make
administrative tasks easy and efficient, with little training or expertise required, from
provisioning volumes to monitoring multiple systems.
Figure 7-2 is an example of a system view with a module pullout in the IBM XIV Management
References: For information about the extensive XIV performance monitoring features,
and the no extra licensing costs all included concept, see IBM XIV Storage System Architecture and Implementation, SG24-7659.
Figure 7-3 illustrates how the Hyper-Scale Manager allows a storage administrator to work
with volumes from multiple systems, in this case to create cross-system snapshots.
Hyper-Scale Mobility, which is a powerful function that allows the user to move volumes
between storage systems transparently, with no disruption to host applications. It is only
available with Gen3 systems.
Hyper-Scale Consistency, which with cross system consistency (or snapshot) groups
enables a coordinated creation of snapshots for inter-dependent consistency groups on
multiple systems. This feature is available only through the IBM Hyper-Scale Manager.
Non-Disruptive Code Load (NDCL) enables upgrades to the IBM XIV Storage System
software from a current version to a later version without disrupting the application service.
The provision within the IBM XIV Storage System to efficiently and flexibly create
snapshots, coupled with the ability to define consistency groups of volumes, are integral
elements of the data preservation strategy. In addition, the IBM XIV Storage System data
mirroring functionality facilitates excellent recovery point and recovery time objectives as a
central element of the full disaster recovery plan.
It is related to the effect of reading in the same (or similar) order to the write order, and is
one of the unique RACE technology core pillars (for a detailed explanation of data
temporal locality). RACE enables a larger number of read I/Os to be served from cache,
potentially resulting in faster application response time.
It is easy to use. An administrator simply selects a Compressed check box when creating
a new compressed volume. For an existing volume, the system can display an accurate
estimation of potential compression savings in the XIV GUI.
Being able to easily assess potential savings before compressing existing data facilitates
deployment of IBM Real-time Compression in existing environments. Furthermore,
nondisruptive compression, or alternatively, conversion of uncompressed volumes to
compressed volumes (and vice versa) for existing volumes can provide an easy way to
reclaim capacity and accelerate return on investment (ROI).
It benefits from the XIV architecture because evenly distributed compression load across
system resources increases performance and efficiency.
It benefits from the XIV scaling of performance and the amount of system resources that
can be allocated to IBM Real-time Compression.
It works with primary active data. Due to the systems ability to preserve high performance
consistency with compression, IBM Real-time Compression can be used with active
primary data. Therefore, it supports workloads that are not candidates for compression in
other solutions, and also supports compression of existing data.
Various configuration items affect the performance of compression on the system. To attain
high compression ratios and performance, consider the following guidelines:
If you have only a small number (10 - 20) of compressed volumes, configure them on one
I/O group and do not split compressed volumes between different I/O groups.
For larger numbers of compressed volumes on systems with more than one I/O group,
distribute compressed volumes across I/O groups to ensure that access to these volumes
is evenly distributed among the I/O groups.
Identify and use compressible data only. Different data types have different compression
ratios, and it is important to determine the ratio of the data that is currently on your system.
You can use tools that estimate the compressible data or use commonly known ratios for
common applications and data types. Storing these data types on compressed volumes
saves disk capacity and improves the benefit of using compression on your system.
Table 7-1 shows the compression ratio for common applications and data types.
Table 7-1 Compression ratios for different data types
Data Types/Applications
Compression Ratios
Up to 80%
Up to 75%
Engineering Data
Up to 70%
Up to 80%
IBM Real-time Compression uses the reliable, field-proven, and patented IBM RACE
technology to achieve a valuable combination of high performance and compression
It can lower the effective capacity requirements of a volume to 1/5 of the uncompressed
No additional hardware is required to use IBM Real-time Compression.
It can reduce cost for software that is licensed by capacity because less physical storage
is required for compressed data.
It can provide operational expense (OPEX) benefits because it requires no changes to the
existing storage environment. It is fully integrated into XIV Gen3 version 11.6, and allows
for nondisruptive compression of volumes.
It can be enabled without changing your existing storage environment (applications, hosts,
networks, fabrics, or external storage systems). The solution is not apparent to hosts, so
users and applications continue to work as-is.
Compression occurs within the XIV system itself. The conversion from non-compressed to
compressed is inline and does not require downtime.
Compressed volumes provide an equivalent level of availability as regular volumes.
Compression can be implemented into an existing environment without an impact to
service. The exception is mirroring, which must be temporarily stopped while volumes are
converted. Existing data can be compressed transparently while still being accessed by
users and applications.
Compressed volumes can be mirrored, minimizing requirements for replication bandwidth
and capacity requirements on the target system, and correspondingly maximizing system
performance due to the reduction of data to transfer.
Remote volume copies are always compressed if the source is compressed. This process not
only reduces storage requirements, but also uses less bandwidth because the data is
transferred compressed. Mirroring and Hyper-Scale Mobility are faster and require less
bandwidth because less data is transferred.
Understanding compression rates, ratios, and savings: To clarify the meaning of the
terms compression ratio, compression savings rate, and compression savings, consider a
use case where the original data physical capacity before compression was 100 TB, and
the physical data capacity after compression is 40 TB.
The following values help to clarify these terms:
7.3.1 Configuration
The rack specifications for capacity, connectivity, system resources, and power usage can be
found in Figure 7-6. Note, the specifications differ based on the number of modules in the
system, and the size of the disk drives it contains.
Some of the configurations that are shown in Figure 7-6 include the following items:
Partially populated configurations of 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, or 14 modules, allowing for more
granularity of capacity options. Modules can be added as capacity needs increase up to
15 modules. For these configurations, some of the interface modules are not available.
Those are labeled as disabled in Figure 7-6.
Note: The first column of configuration in Figure 7-6 is applicable to Model 214, not to
Model 314. Model 314 starts with a nine module configuration.
A fully populated rack contains nine data modules and six interface modules for a total of
15 modules. The total usable capacity is 161 TB for a complete system when equipped
with 2 TB drives, 243 TB of usable capacity when fully populated with 3 TB drives, 325 TB
of usable capacity when fully populated with 4 TB drives, and 485 TB of usable capacity
when fully populated with 6 TB.
Fully and partially populated systems can be configured with either 1 or 10 Gbps iSCSI
ports. The number of ports available for the 1 Gbps option is 6 - 22. The number of 10
Gbps ports ranges is 4-12 per system.
For Model 214, the memory option for fully and partially populated systems is 24 GB per
module for systems configured with 1, 2, or 3 TB drives, and 48 GB per module for 4 or 6
Chapter 7. IBM XIV Storage System
TB drives. For Model 314, the memory for fully and partially populated systems is 96 GB
per module for systems configured with 4 or 6 TB drives, and 48 GB of the 96 GB RAM is
dedicated to Real-time Compression. Figure 7-7 specifies XIV Storage Systems detailed
IBM XIV Storage System (Model 214 and Model 314) System specifications
General properties
Capacity per drive (nearline
Number of disk drives
Lifecycle Manager
Performance features
Maximum number of CPUs
90, Model 314:180 physical (360 logical cores with Intel Hyper-Threading technology)
Maximum memory
Up to 360 GB (24 GB of RAM per module for hard disks of 1 TB, 2 TB, 3 TB capacity)
Up to 720 GB (48 GB of RAM per module for hard disks of 4 TB, and 6 TB capacity)
Model 314: Up to 1440 GB (96 GB of RAM for hard disks of 4 TB and 6 TB capacity)
Maximum cache-to-disk
480 Gbps
Up to 6 TB (400 GB flash caching per module) all hard disk capacity points
Up to 12 TB (800 GB flash caching per module) 4 TB or 6 TB hard disks
Model 314: Up to 12 TB (800 GB flash caching per module) 4 TB or 6 TB hard disks
Note: When XIV encryption is enabled, the data on the flash drives is also encrypted.
Flash caching (optional)
Maximum number of ports
Fibre Channel
Maximum number of ports
iSCSI over gigabit Ethernet
24 (8 Gbps ports)
22 (1 Gbps ports) or 12 (10 Gbps ports)
Physical features
Altitude (max)
2,134 m/7,000 ft
Dimensions (height width
Maximum weight
Clearance front/rear
Input voltage
Power usage
Host connectivity
Fibre Channel rates
8 Gbps
iSCSI rates
1 Gbps or 10 Gbps
1 and 3 year limited warranty, onsite service, same day 247
IBM XIV Gen3 with IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller and Storwize V7000,
IBM XIV Storage System: Host Attachment and Interoperability, SG24-7904
Solid-State Drive Caching in the IBM XIV Storage System, REDP-4842
IBM XIV and VMware Synergy with IBM Spectrum Control Base Edition, REDP-5131
XIV Storage System in a VMware Environment, REDP-4965
IBM XIV Security with Data-at-Rest Encryption, REDP-5047
IBM Hyper-Scale in XIV Storage, REDP-5053
IBM XIV Storage System: IBM Hyper-Scale Mobility Overview and Usage, REDP-5007
IBM XIV Storage System Thin Provisioning and Space Reclamation, REDP-5001
Using XIV in OpenStack Environments, REDP-4971
Exploring RESTful API Support with XIV, REDP-5064
IBM XIV Storage System Multi-Site Mirroring, REDP-5129
Space Reclamation in IBM XIV with Windows 2012, TIPS1011
IBM Hyper-Scale: A powerful new approach to scaling storage management (XIV)
IBM Offering Information page (announcement letters and sales manuals)
Chapter 8.
Data encryption has provided information security with support for encryption and key
management since LTO Ultrium 4.
Cartridge partitioning enables the use of the Linear Tape File System (LTFS) format, which
is supported in LTO 5 and later. For more information, see 2.3.4, IBM Spectrum Archive
on page 42.
Changes to the compression buffer have allowed higher data compression since
LTO Ultrium 6 (from 2:1 to 2.5:1)
An IBM exclusive feature called Statistical Analysis and Reporting System (SARS) that
provides a high level of preventive diagnostic reporting to help isolate failures between
media and hardware.
The LTO technology offers investment protection due to compatibility with earlier versions for
read and write. This compatibility is defined by reading two generations backward and
reading / writing one generation backwards. For example, LTO Ultrium 7 drives can read and
write LTO Ultrium 6 cartridges, and read LTO Ultrium 6 and Ultrium 5 cartridges.
LTO Ultrium 4 cartridges are not supported in LTO Ultrium 7 drives)
The uncompressed capacity per cartridge has improved from 100 GB (LTO Ultrium 1) to 6 TB
per cartridge at LTO Ultrium 7.
Figure 8-2 shows a document published by the LTO consortium that displays the history and
future of the LTO technology.
Figure 8-2 LTO Ultrium roadmap as published by the consortium (IBM, HP, Quantum)
For more information about the IBM exclusive LTO features, see the following website:
See more general specifications and consortium details on the official LTO website:
3580 H5S
3580 H6S
3580 H7S
Physical capacity
1.5 TB native
3 TB with 2:1
2.5 TB native
6.25 TB with 2.5:1
6 TB native
15 TB with 2.5:1
Server attachment
6 Gbps SAS
6 Gbps SAS
6 Gbps SAS
Encryption and
WORM support
Partitioning / LTFS
Yes / Spectrum
Archive single drive
Rack mountable
Web links
Yes / Spectrum
Archive single drive
Yes / Spectrum
Archive single drive
Note: All IBM LTO tape drives offer compatibility with earlier versions for cartridge
investment protection. This is defined are reading LTO cartridges two generations
backward, and reading and writing LTO cartridges one generation backward.
Figure 8-3 shows a TS2270 LTO half height tape drive for reference. The TS2250 and
TS2260 have the same size and form factor.
3580 S53
3580 S63
Physical capacity
1.5 TB native
3 TB with 2:1 compression
2.5 TB native
6.25 TB with 2.5:1 compression
Server attachment
6 Gbps SAS
6 Gbps SAS
Partitioning/LTFS support
Rack mountable
Web links
Note: All IBM LTO tape drives offer compatibility with earlier versions for cartridge
investment protection. This compatibility is defined by reading LTO cartridges two
generations backward, and reading / writing LTO cartridges one generation backward
Figure 8-4 shows a TS2360 LTO full-height tape drive for reference. The TS2350 has the
same size and form factor.
provide a 4 TB tape drive. The TS1140 tape drive is not only a new drive, but proof of the
commitment of IBM to further tape technology development.
The new TS1150 tape drive gives organizations an easy way to deliver fast access to data,
improve security, and provide long-term retention with far less expense than disk solutions.
The TS1150 offers high-performance, flexible data storage with support for data encryption.
This fifth-generation drive can help protect investments in tape automation by offering
compatibility with existing automation. In addition, an upgrade model is available for existing
TS1140 tape drives. Also, the TS1150 supports the LTFS format for direct, intuitive, and
graphical access to data with IBM Spectrum Archive.
For more information, see the following website:
Because of many common considerations for the TS1120, TS1130, TS1140, and TS1150
tape drives, and to make reading more convenient, the following names are used for tape
drives in this chapter:
The TS1130 tape drive has the following highlights:
Provides information security with support for encryption and key management
Optimizes information retention with support for existing IBM tape automation
Supports WORM cartridges to help satisfy compliance requirements
Offers high performance and high capacity for storage consolidation
Provides virtual backhitch and high-resolution directory to help improve access to data
and reduce wear and tear on media
Hardware summary
The TS1130 tape drive includes the following features:
The TS1140 tape drive supports the TS3500 and TS4500 tape libraries in addition to IBM
racks that enable stand-alone installation. The TS1140 features three options for type C
media. The IBM 3592 Advanced data tape cartridge, JC, provides up to 4 TB native capacity,
and up to 4 TB are provided by the IBM 3592 Advanced WORM cartridge, JY. With a limited
capacity of up to 500 GB, the IBM 3592 Economy cartridge, JK, offers fast access to data.
The TS1140 can also read and write on earlier type B (JB and JX) media, and read only on
type A media (JA, JW, JJ, and JR).
To help optimize drive utilization and reduce infrastructure requirements, the TS1140 tape
drive can be shared among supported open-system hosts on a SAN or between IBM FICON
mainframe hosts when they are attached to the IBM tape controller model C07 for IBM
z Systems.
The TS1140 tape drive maintains the same features and technology enhancements that are
introduced with the TS1120 tape drive and extended by the TS1130 tape drive. In addition,
the TS1140 tape drive offers several enhancements over the predecessor models.
offering compatibility with existing automation. In addition, an upgrade model is available for
existing TS1140 tape drives. The TS1150 tape drive supports the LTFS format for direct,
intuitive, and graphical access to data.
Figure 8-7 shows the TS1150 tape drive.
The TS1150 tape drive supports the TS4500 and TS3500 tape libraries in addition to IBM
racks that enable stand-alone installation. The TS1150 tape drive features three options for
type D media. The IBM 3592 Advanced data tape cartridge, JD, provides up to 10 TB native
capacity. Up to 10 TB are provided by the IBM 3592 Advanced WORM cartridge, JZ. A type
D3592 Economy cartridge, JL, is also available that stores 2 TB of data and provides fast
access to data. The TS1150 tape drive can also read and write on the previous type C media
(JC, JY, and JK).
IBM LTFS support. Long-term data retention costs reduction potential due to access to
tape storage without the need for proprietary applications. Fast access to archived data
with drag-and-drop simplicity. For more information, 2.3.4, IBM Spectrum Archive on
page 42.
Media partitioning to update tape partitions independently.
Small form-factor improves space efficiency of your tape infrastructure.
Compatibility with existing IBM tape automation installations. Protects your existing tape
investments while it improves performance with next-generation technology.
Support for IBM Power Systems, IBM System i, IBM System p, and IBM System x.
LTO media
IBM delivers high-capacity media that provides clients with the ability to meet the demanding
growth in data storage. The increase in cartridge capacity reduces the amount of equipment,
space, and human intervention that are required for daily tape operations. In addition, it
reduces the number of cartridges that are needed for backup and restore operations, and
helps to lower operational costs throughout the enterprise.
For more information about IBM LTO media, which is referred to as midrange tape media, see
the following website:
The Ultrium cartridge is a single-reel cartridge, which means that the whole tape is wrapped
around a single reel when the cartridge is not loaded in a drive. During the loading process,
the threader of the drive catches the leader pin of the tape and threads it through the drive
and the machine reel. During the read/write process, the tape is stored on the machine reel
and the cartridge.
The IBM LTO Ultrium 7 cartridge is purple with a silk screen label on top that specifies
Ultrium 7- 60000 GB. The IBM LTO Ultrium 6 cartridge is black with a silk screen label on top
that specifies Ultrium 6 - 2500 GB. The IBM LTO Ultrium 5 cartridge is burgundy with a silk
screen label on the top that specifies Ultrium 5 - 1500 GB. The IBM LTO Ultrium 4 cartridge
is green with a silk screen label on the top that specifies Ultrium 4 - 800 GB. The IBM LTO
Ultrium 3 cartridge is blue-gray. The IBM LTO Ultrium 2 cartridge is purple, and the LTO
Ultrium 1 cartridge is black.
WORM data cartridges are two tones to distinguish them from other data cartridges. Each
WORM cartridge is the color as the same generation of data cartridge on the top, but it is gray
on the bottom. All generations of cartridges contain 1/2-inch, dual-coat, metal-particle tape.
LTO colors: The colors of LTO Ultrium cartridge shells are standardized. Nevertheless,
certain manufacturers do not completely follow that convention. To prevent a confusing
assortment of conflicting colors, use only vendors who use the same scheme.
The following features are included (as shown in Figure 8-9):
Designed for IBM TS1150, IBM TS1140, IBM TS1130, and IBM TS1120 tape drives and
IBM enterprise tape drive 3592
Available in rewritable and WORM cartridge models
Available in three formats: Fast access, standard capacity, and extended capacity
Memory chip tracks cartridge and tape drive usage
JD/JZ cartridges provide best-in-class performance of up to 360 MBps
JL and JK cartridges support fast access to data
JD/JZ and JC/JY cartridges support high capacity requirements
For more information about the IBM 3592 media, see this website:
IBM TS2900
IBM TS3100
IBM TS3200
IBM TS3310
IBM TS3500
IBM TS4500
Configuring drives or Lxx storage capacity without taking the library offline
Virtualizing I/O slots to automatically manage the movement of cartridges between I/O
station slots and storage slots
The TS3500 and TS4500 tape libraries comply with the SCSI Medium Changer standard
regardless of whether ALMS is enabled. When it is enabled, ALMS is transparent to the
application. The SCSI Medium Changer can be thought of as a location-centric interface.
The application that controls a SCSI Medium Changer device specifies a source and
destination location for each request to move a cartridge. The traditional SCSI library does
not control the cartridge locations. Instead, the SCSI library acts on behalf of the server.
For more information, see IBM Tape Library Guide for Open Systems, SG24-5946 or IBM
TS4500 R2 Tape Library Guide, SG24-8235.
Data Path Failover provides a failover mechanism in the IBM device driver so that you can
configure multiple redundant paths in a storage area network (SAN) environment. If a path or
component fails, the failover mechanism is designed to provide automatic error recovery to
retry the current operation using an alternative, preconfigured path without stopping the
current job. This function improves flexibility in SAN configuration, availability, and
When you access a tape drive device that is configured with alternative pathing across
multiple host ports, the IBM device driver automatically selects a path through the HBA that
has the fewest open tape devices and assigns that path to the application. This autonomic,
self-optimizing capability is called load balancing.
The dynamic load balancing support is designed to optimize resources for devices that have
physical connections to multiple HBAs in the same machine. The device driver is designed to
dynamically track the usage of each HBA as applications open and close devices, and
balance the number of applications that use each HBA in the machine. It can help optimize
HBA resources and improve overall performance. Furthermore, the Data Path Failover
provides autonomic self-healing capabilities that are similar to Control Path Failover, with
transparent failover to an alternate data path in a failure in the primary host-side path.
Data Path Failover is enabled automatically when Control Path Failover license keys are
installed within the supported IBM tape libraries and the appropriate device drivers are
correctly configured on the host system.
The TS 2900 tape autoloader has a removable cartridge magazine that provides nine data
cartridge slots, including a configurable two slot I/O station. The TS 2900 tape autoloader is
an entry point for IBM LTO tape automation. This autoloader uses the IBM patented HD slot
These cartridges are supported in the TS2900:
Cartridge support depends on the tape drive that is installed in the TS2900 tape autoloader.
The library media capacity can be further increased by using hardware compression (a 2:1
compression factor for Ultrium 5 and lower tape drives, and a 2.5:1 compression factor for
Ultrium 6 and Ultrium 7 tape drives).
The TS2900 tape autoloader has a capacity of a maximum of nine tape cartridges, which
provides a media capacity of up to 54 TB (135 TB with a 2.5:1 compression) data storage.
The TS 2900 tape autoloader has a 6 Gbps single-port small form factor (SFF)-8088 SAS
connector. Designed for tape automation, the TS2900 tape autoloader can be attached to
Open Systems Servers only. To determine the latest supported servers, see the IBM System
Storage Interoperation Center (SSIC) website:
Table 8-3 summarizes the capabilities of the IBM TS2900 tape library.
Table 8-3 TS2900 tape autoloader
Drive options
Number of drives
Physical capacity
For more information about the TS2900 tape autoloader, see theIBM Tape Library Guide for
Open Systems, SG24-5946.
For specific details, configuration information, and operations help, see this website:
panel LEDs, control keys, and the operator control panel display. To manage the library, an
easy-to-use web interface is available.
Figure 8-11 shows the physical TS3100 library.
The TS3100 tape library is a driveless product that is adaptable to your business and backup
solution needs. Table 8-4 lists the available configurations.
Table 8-4 TS3100 in detail
Drive options
Number of drives
Up to 24
Physical capacity
Avoid a combination of two Ultrium Half Height tapes drives of different generations because
it might cause unlikely complications during their configuration on host systems and in the
backup applications. Also, avoid mixing the Ultrium media generations within the same
TS3100 tape library.
The library supports the IBM Spectrum Archive Library Edition featuring IBM Linear Tape File
System technology if LTO Ultrium 5 (or higher) drives are used. For more information about
Spectrum Archive and LTFS, see 2.3.4, IBM Spectrum Archive on page 42.
For up-to-date and detailed operating system and attachment requirements, see the following
For more information about the TS3100 tape library, see the IBM Tape Library Guide for Open
Systems, SG24-5946.
For more information, see the following website:
The TS3200 tape library is an excellent tape storage solution for organizations with existing
digital linear tape or organizations that require high-performance automated tape backup. The
TS3200 tape library is also designed for organizations with limited physical space in their IT
Operating in a rack environment allows organizations to take the advantage of placing the
TS3200 tape library in a standard 19-inch rack. This configuration provides up to 288 TB of
compressed tape storage in only a 4U space. Remote management and a bar code reader
are standard components of the library, and it can run in sequential or random access mode.
Optional available features are a rack mount kit, an extra power supply, Control Path Failover,
and Data Path Failover.
The TS3200 tape library has IBM patented Multipath Architecture for sharing the library
robotics. It allows a library with at least two drives to be partitioned into two logical libraries,
for sharing between servers and applications.
The TS3200 tape library (model 4UL) has the convenience of ordering it driveless, which is
adaptable to clients business and backup solution needs. Table 8-5 lists configurations that
are available for purchase.
Table 8-5 TS3200 in detail
Drive options
Number of drives
Up to 48
Physical capacity
The TS3200 library supports the IBM Spectrum Archive Library Edition featuring IBM Linear
Tape File System technology if LTO Ultrium 5 (or higher) drives are used. For more
information about Spectrum Archive and LTFS, see 2.3.4, IBM Spectrum Archive on
page 42.
For up-to-date and detailed operating system and attachment requirements, see the following
For more information about the TS3200 tape library, see the IBM Tape Library Guide for Open
Systems, SG24-5946.
For more information, see the following website:
The IBM Ultrium LTO tape drives that are available in the TS3310 tape library configuration
are encryption capable. They support application-managed encryption (AME),
system-managed encryption (SME), and library-managed encryption (LME).
Figure 8-13 shows the TS3310 tape library base L5B unit with one expansion module. On the
right side of each module, you can see the I/O station door (six slots in the base L5B or 12
slots in the E9U).
Figure 8-13 TS3310 Library base module L5B plus one expansion module E9U
For organizations that are unsure of their short-term or long-term tape capacity needs, the
TS3310 tape library Capacity on Demand (CoD) capability allows the system to scale as your
needs grow. In the initial configuration, an E9U has half of its storage cells enabled. As your
business grows, you can purchase a CoD key to enable the second half of the model E9U
storage cells.
This library supports LTO Ultrium 7, LTO Ultrium 6, or LTO Ultrium 5 native switched fabric FC
attachment and LTO Ultrium 4 tape drives with either SAS or native switched fabric FC
attachment for connection to a wide spectrum of open system servers.
The library supports the IBM Spectrum Archive Library Edition featuring IBM LTFS
technology if LTO Ultrium 5 (or higher) drives are used. For more information, see 2.3.4, IBM
Spectrum Archive on page 42.
Figure 8-14 shows the possible expansion scenarios. Each expansion model can host drives,
cartridge slots, or a combination of both.
5U Base Module
2 Drives
41 Cartridges
14U Library
6 Drives
133 Cartridges
23U Library
10 Drives
225 Cartridges
32U Library
14 Drives
317 Cartridges
41U Library
18 Drives
409 Cartridges
The specifications for the TS3310 tape library are listed in Table 8-6.
Table 8-6 TS3310 tape library specifications
Type and model
Base library
615 TB
6.13 PB
Capacity on Demand
Hot-swap components
Systems management
For the latest features, functions, and specifications about the TS3310, see this website:
For more technical information, library setup, and configuration guidance, see this website:
For supported systems and platforms, see the SSIC website:
Also, see IBM Tape Library Guide for Open Systems, SG24-5946.
The IBM 3592 model Exx tape drives include the TS1140 tape drive, TS1130 tape drive, and
TS1120 tape drive. All three encryption methods are supported: AME, SME, and LME.
The TS3500 tape library model HA1 allows two robotic accessories to operate simultaneously
in two 16-frame configurations. Figure 8-15 shows the minimum and maximum 16 frame
TS3500 tape library string configurations.
IBM HD frames
The TS3500 tape library storage-only frame includes the model S24 frame and the model
S54 frame. The TS3500 tape library model S24 and S54 frames are high-density
storage-only expansion frames that are compatible with existing TS3500 tape libraries and
frames. Each model S24 frame supports up to 1,000 IBM 3592 cartridge slots. Each model
S54 frame supports up to 1,320 LTO cartridge slots.
For the use of HD frames, the ALMS feature must be enabled. For more information about
ALMS, see Advanced Library Management System on page 191.
Frame definition
Number of frames
Number of drives
Number of TS7700s
For more information about the TS3500 tape library, see the IBM System Storage TS3500
Tape Library Introduction and Planning Guide IBM 3584 Tape Library at the following website:
For the latest specifications, features, and functions, see this website:
Number of
Maximum native
> 20,000
120 PB
> 20,000
120 PB
> 15,000
60 PB
> 300,000
1.8 EB
> 300,000
1.8 EB
> 225,000
2.25 EB
a. All node cards in the library must be xx3-equivalent node cards. For xx2 models, you must use
an xx3 model conversion or the enhanced node card feature (FC1700 or FC1701).
b. To increase the maximum number of cartridges to more than 6,887, or to support a shuttle
complex, logical libraries must use LTO Ultrium 4, 3592-E05, or later tape drives as control
path drives. To support more than 6,887 cartridges, and for logical libraries with shuttle stations
assigned, check the minimum code levels that are required.
c. The maximum key features native capacity figures are based on library configurations with HD
frames and all Ultrium 5 or 3592-E07 tape drives. In addition, the figures for libraries with model
SC1 (shuttle connection) are based on the maximum shuttle complex configuration.
Figure 8-16 illustrates the TS3500 tape library shuttle complex and shows the capability of
moving tapes from one library string to another by bypassing the intermediate library strings
in comparison to a traditional pass-through method. The TS3500 tape library transports tape
cartridges in shuttle cars that pass over the libraries. This method of transporting cartridges is
called direct flight. With the direct flight capability, if no drive is available in the home logical
library, the cartridge is moved across a shuttle connection to a logical library with an available
drive. This configuration of interconnected parallel library strings is called a shuttle complex.
To review and understand the physical requirements for the TS3500 tape library shuttle
complex, see the IBM System Storage TS3500 Tape Library with ALMS Introduction and
Planning Guide, GA32-0593.
The TS4500 tape library combines reliable, automated tape handling and storage with
reliable, high performance in an open systems environment. Incorporating IBM LTO Ultrium
tape and 3592 drives, the TS4500 tape library offers outstanding retrieval performance with
typical cartridge move times of less than 3 seconds.
The TS4500 tape library can be deployed as a single frame library and upgraded to a total of
18 frames, with a combination of either LTO and 3592 frames. This configuration can be
partitioned into multiple logical libraries. This feature makes it an excellent choice for
consolidating tape workloads from multiple heterogeneous open systems servers.
The TS4500 library protects investment by providing for redeployment of S24 and S54 frames
from the TS3500 onto the TS4500.
The TS4500, installed with the High Availability (HA) option, provides dual active accessors
that provide accessor redundancy, and can double the robot performance during tape move
The library provides outstanding reliability and redundancy through provision of redundant
power supplies in each drive frame, control and data path failover, and dual grippers within
the cartridge accessor. Both library and drive firmware can be upgraded nondisruptively,
without interrupting normal operations. Encryption is supported on the following tape drives:
page 208) and grow it to four frames, tailoring the library to match your system capacity
Table 8-9 lists the supported combinations of frames, tape drives, and their capabilities.
Table 8-9 TS4500 tape library capabilities
Drives in frames
Maximum cartridges
Maximum native
17 550
175 PB
23 170
139 PB
The maximum native capacity figures are based on library configurations with one base frame with all
LTO-7 or TS1150 tape drives, and 17 storage-only HD frames.
Note: Customer-printed bar code labels are not currently supported on the TS4500. Some
bar code labels that are previously successfully scanned by the TS3500 are not readable
by the TS4500 at general availability (GA). Issues with reading media labels are most often
those labels that were printed by the customer.
Eight types of frames are supported in the current TS4500 tape library range. Each frame is
identified by a three-character model number (L25, D25, L55, D55, S25, S55, S24, and D24)
that describes the nature of the frame.
The TS4500 tape library can contain a mix of 3592 and LTO frames. The TS4500 also
supports the addition of a top rack frame. The top rack model, 3584 Model TR1, provides an
extra 10U of rack space on any frame in a library without requiring more floor space.
The new XIV style GUI makes configuration and administration of the library intuitive.
Figure 8-19 shows the TS4500 GUI with the general library view. You can hover over the
icons on the left to expand them.
For a detailed description of the IBM TS4500 tape library, see the IBM TS4500 R2 Tape
Library Guide, SG24-8235.
In traditional backup environments, as shown in Figure 8-20, the client data is backed up in
two ways:
Local area network (LAN) clients write their backup data by the backup server to tape.
LAN-free clients use the SAN for direct backup to the tape devices.
Figure 8-20 Traditional backup across the LAN, SAN to tape, or both
LAN backups can be performed by using a disk buffer, as shown in Figure 8-21. The client
writes the backup data by LAN first to a disk buffer on the backup server. From there, it can be
recalled rapidly if needed. After the backup on disk is completed, the backup server can
migrate the data from the disk buffer to a physical tape with no impact on the client.
Furthermore, the disk buffer works as a cache. The most recently backed up data is in the fast
disk buffer until it is overwritten by newer data.
Figure 8-21 LAN Backup to a disk buffer (second step to tape) and LAN-free backup to tape
A LAN backup is a good solution if the backup software supports it. IBM Spectrum Protect
supports a hierarchy of storage pools, and it can automatically migrate from disk to tape.
Other backup applications might not automatically migrate from disk to tape.
An alternative solution to optimizing backup is to introduce a virtualization and emulation
layer. This layer appears to both the backup server and the LAN-free clients as a tape drive.
The combination of hardware (servers, cache controllers, and cache modules), and software
(tape drive and robotic emulation) is called a virtual tape library (VTL) as shown in
Figure 8-22.
Figure 8-22 Tape virtualization where traditional disk looks like a tape library to the backup host
With data deduplication, data is read by the data deduplication product while it looks for
duplicate data. Different data deduplication products use different methods of breaking up the
data into elements, but each product uses a technique to create a signature or identifier for
each data element. As shown in item 1 in Figure 8-23 on page 215, the data store contains
three unique data elements, A, B, and C, each with a distinct signature. Whether using
real-time or post processing deduplication, data element signature values are compared to
identify duplicate data. In item 2, all of the duplicate data items are identified (shown by color
coding). After the duplicate data is identified, one copy of each element is retained, pointers
are created for the duplicate items, and the duplicate items are not stored.
With ProtecTIER version 3.4, the File System Interface Network File Interface (FSI-NFS),
Common Internet File System (FSI-CIFS), and VTL configurations are supported.
The IBM TS7600 ProtecTIER Deduplication solution can scale to meet the needs of small
businesses to the needs of an enterprise-class data protection platform. This solution is
designed to quickly and safely protect business information while reducing the amount of
required space for storage. Clients can experience an up to 25:1 storage capacity reduction.
The TS7600 solution is designed to provide the following benefits:
Improve backup and recovery operations without changing existing backup processes,
procedures, or policies.
Shorten the backup window and simplify data management.
Consolidate heterogeneous tapes and gain control of decentralized open systems data.
The latest TS7650G DD6 gateway offers an 80% reduced rack hardware footprint over the
previous TS7650G DD5 gateway model, as illustrated in Figure 8-26.
Note: The previous TS7650G DD5 model was available in May 2012 and was withdrawn
on 18 June 2016. It was based on the x7145 model type. It required a TSSC for call-home
and support purposes.
The TS7650G, which consists of the 3958-DD6 hardware that is combined with the IBM
ProtecTIER Enterprise Edition software, is designed to address the data protection needs of
enterprise data centers. The solution offers high performance, high capacity, scalability, and a
choice of disk-based targets for backup and archive data. The TS7650G offers these benefits:
Inline data deduplication that is powered by HyperFactor technology.
Multi-core virtualization and deduplication engine.
Clustering support for higher performance and high availability.
Fibre Channel (FC) ports for host and server connectivity.
Performance up to 2500 MBps or more sustained inline deduplication backup (2-node
clusters, depending on the configuration of attached disks (VTL configuration)).
Up to 3200 MBps or more VTL sustained recovery performance.
Virtual tape emulation of up to 16 VTLs per single node or 2-node cluster configuration,
and up to 512 virtual tape drives per 2-node cluster or 256 virtual tape drives per single
FSI-NFS support for NAS backup environments based on Linux.
FSI-CIFS support for NAS backup environments based on Microsoft Windows.
Emulation of the TS3500 tape library with IBM LTO Ultrium 3 tape drives
Scales up to 1 PB of physical storage over 25 PB of user data (depending on data
deduplication ratio).
Verify compatibility in the TS7650G ISV and the interoperability matrix document that you find
on the website.
ProtecTIER does not require more compression to be effective. It performs compression, by
default, after the data deduplication process.
For more information, see the TS7650G ProtecTIER Deduplication Gateway product page:
For more information, see the TS7620 ProtecTIER Deduplication Appliance Express product
Types of replication
Two types of replication are available:
Many-to-One replication: One hub can receive up to 12 spokes for replication.
Many-to-many replication: In a 4-way group of systems with ProtecTIER, you can replicate
from one to each of the three others, bidirectionally. This type of replication is available
with ProtecTIER version 3.1 software and later. For FSI, the many-to-many topology is
supported for up to eight bidirectional servers in a grid with up to three target destinations
for each source.
Figure 8-28 shows the concept of ProtecTIER native replication in a VTL environment with an
IBM ProtecTIER Gateway as a hub at the central (disaster) site and four spokes at branch
offices (remote sites). As shown in the figure, each hub supports up to 12 spokes, depending
on the specific model and deduplication solution.
Figure 8-28 Native Replication that uses an IBM ProtecTIER solution in a VTL environment
For more information about best practices for ProtecTIER offerings, see IBM ProtecTIER
Implementation and Best Practices Guide, SG24-8025.
Figure 8-29 shows a TS7720 with an attached expansion frame for higher disk cache
Figure 8-29 TS7720 with an optional expansion frame for higher disk capacity
Key features
The IBM TS7700 has the following key features:
Can be attached to supported IBM z Systems servers
Support for a maximum of 4,000,000 virtual volumes
Maximum of 1,536 virtual drives in a 6-way grid configuration
Web-based management tools
Advanced policy management
TS3000 System Console
Synchronous mode copy
Remote-mount IP link failover
Attach up to 96 TS1100 or IBM 3592 tape drives
Up to 48 Fibre Channel connection (FICON) channels based on 6-cluster grid
These capabilities are designed to improve performance and capacity to help lower the TCO
for tape processing and avoid human errors. An IBM TS7700 can help improve the efficiency
of mainframe tape operations by efficiently using disk storage, tape capacity, and tape speed,
and by providing many tape addresses.
The TS7700 uses outboard policy management functions to manage cache and volume
pools, and to control selective dual copy, dual copy across a grid network, copy mode control,
encryption, and Copy Export. It also includes a new Unified GUI and enhanced statistical
Multiple TS7700s can form a clustered grid to enhance fault tolerance, increase availability,
and eliminate downtime. Figure 8-31 shows a solution where multiple TS7700 engines with
different models are connected.
Single node
Threecluster grid
Usable RAID 6
array cache (TB)
Up to 1,008
Up to 2,016
Up to 3,024
Up to 4,032
Up to 5,040
Up to 6,048
Virtual drives
TS1100 or 3592
tape drives
4 - 16
8 - 32
12 - 48
16 - 64
20 - 80
24 - 96
Virtual volumes
Eight Gbps
FICON channels
Maximum logical
onsite repair
onsite repair
onsite repair
onsite repair
onsite repair
onsite repair
Single node
Threecluster grid
Usable RAID 6
array cache (TB)
Up to 28
Up to 56
Up to 85
Up to 113
Up to 141
Up to 169
Virtual drives
TS1100 or 3592
tape drives
4 - 16
8 - 32
12 - 48
16 - 64
20 - 80
24 - 96
Virtual volumes
Single node
Threecluster grid
Eight Gbps
FICON channels
Maximum logical
onsite repair
onsite repair
onsite repair
onsite repair
onsite repair
onsite repair
Physical information
The following physical information applies to the IBM TS7700:
z Systems (IRMM). You can easily partition your tape inventory and tape libraries and use
DFSMSrmm to control which system can use the volumes.
Lifecycle management: DFSMSrmm provides policies to enable tape data sets and tape
volumes to be managed throughout their life. You define your tape data service levels and
tape technology retention criteria, and DFSMSrmm automatically manages the lifecycle.
Scratch pool management: DFSMSrmm supports either a global scratch pool or you can
define one or more specific scratch pools for non-system managed tape volumes.
DFSMSrmm manages the selection of the pool, and the return of volumes back to the
scratch pool after the tape data expires.
DFSMSrmm highlights
DFSMSrmm has the following highlights:
DFSMSrmm is included as part of DFSMS with the z/OS operating system. DFSMSrmm
cooperates with and uses many system components that are required for the complete
security, management, and well-being of your tape library.
DFSMSrmm volume retention and movement policies can optionally be specified
interactively with Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) panels. It allows
authorized application owners to alter existing values without contacting the tape librarian.
DFSMSrmm includes the report generator, which is an ISPF-based tool for easily building
and customizing many storage management reports. Sample report types and reports
enable reporting that is based on DCOLLECT data, Data Facility Hierarchical Storage
Manager (DFSMShsm) functional statistics, and DFSMSrmm-created data.
In addition to the regular release updates, the DFSMSrmm enhancements provide many
improvements, including support for the following products:
IRMM for the enterprise on z Systems
D/T3592 model E06 and larger tape volumes
IBM TS7700 release 1.6 and Copy Export
Migration health checks for V1R10 and V1R11
DFSMSrmm is a full-function removable media management system for your enterprise.
DFSMSrmm supports tape volumes, which are used anywhere in your enterprise,
including z/VM, and volumes that are managed by the IRMM for the enterprise on
z Systems.
DFSMSrmm is functionally compatible with existing tape management systems and runs
in parallel during conversion. The easy-to-use conversion tools, related documentation,
and IBM Redbooks publications simplify the migration of your existing tape environment to
management by DFSMSrmm.
The special expiration date formats of 99nnn and 98nnn are supported by DFSMSrmm.
For DFSMSrmm enhancements, past and present, see the following website:
To learn more about DFSMS, see the DFSMS V1.10 and EAV Technical Guide, SG24-7617.
Chapter 9.
SAN and related technologies
Storage area networking products
Selecting the best alternative
More information
9.1 Overview
Data access requirements of the many applications in use across an organization are
different, and therefore cannot be solved with a single storage networking approach. There
are trade-offs in cost, ease-of-management, performance, distance, and maturity.
The two popular models for attaching the storage to the network are storage area network
(SAN) and network-attached storage (NAS). These methods help to remove direct
attachments between storage and server, providing more flexibility in storage provisioning
and the maximization of valuable storage and host resource.
The SAN can be viewed as an extension of the storage bus concept that enables storage
devices and servers to interconnect by using elements such as routers, switches, directors,
and gateways. Storage I/O, command, and control communications are performed on this
dedicated network, providing an any-to-any connection for processors and storage on that
The most common transport media is Fibre Channel (FC). Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) is
the I/O protocol for open systems. Fibre Connectivity (FICON) and FCP are available for
mainframe environments to communicate. These protocols offer high data rates and low
latency communication, which are a requirement for todays data intensive applications.
Internet SCSI (iSCSI), Fibre Channel over IP (FCIP), Internet Fibre Channel Protocol (iFCP),
Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), and Fibre Channel over Converged Enhanced Ethernet
(FCoCEE) all provide the ability to implement storage connectivity by using Ethernet based
solutions to extend the distance of an existing FC environment or maximize the
Ethernet-based resources that are available.
SANs are used to connect shared storage arrays and tape libraries to multiple servers, and
are used by clustered servers for failover. Through correct architecture and configuration,
both availability and performance are increased.
A SAN facilitates direct, high-speed data transfers between servers and storage devices,
potentially done in any of the following ways:
Server to storage: This capability is the traditional model of interaction with storage
devices. The advantage is that the same storage device can be accessed serially or
concurrently by multiple servers.
Server to server: With this capability, the SAN can be used for high-speed, high-volume
communications between servers. In addition, the SAN is used as a communication path
between cluster nodes in clustered systems, such as IBM PowerHA SystemMirror for
Storage to storage: This outboard data movement capability enables data to be moved
without server intervention, freeing up server processor cycles for other activities such as
application processing. Examples include a disk device backing up its data to a tape
device without server intervention, or remote device mirroring across the SAN.
SANs allow applications that move data to perform better, for example, by sending the data
directly from the source to the target device with minimal server intervention. SANs also
enable network architectures where multiple hosts access multiple storage devices that
connect to the same network.
Fibre Channel
FC is well-established in the open systems environment as the underlying architecture of the
SAN. FC is a technology standard that allows data to be transferred from one network node to
another at a high speed. The interconnections between nodes are not necessarily based on
fiber optics, but can also be based on copper cables. FC is ideal for moving large volumes of
data across long distances quickly and reliably. In current implementations, the FC standard
speed is generally available from 2 Gbps up to 32 Gbps. However, older 4 Gbps and 8 Gbps
equipment is being replaced by faster connections.
FC is structured with independent layers, as are other networking protocols. Five layers exist,
where 0 is the lowest layer. The physical layers are 0 - 2. These layers carry the physical
attributes of the network and transport the data that is created by the higher-level protocols
such as:
Small Computer System Interface (SCSI)
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Fibre Channel connection (FICON)
Converged network
SAN and LAN are often implemented as separate network infrastructures by using Ethernet
network interface cards (NICs), and Fibre Channel by using FC host bus adapters (HBAs).
With todays high-performance networks, many servers are only able to use a small fraction of
the available capacity of either network infrastructure.
Each of these networks requires its own adapters, fabrics, cables, tools, switches,
management, and skills. If all of these components are combined, or converged, the potential
for reducing cables, adapters, switches, and the skills that are required is clear. Replacing
multiple networks with one in sometimes is an available option.
At a minimum, a converged network requires an adapter at the server that can carry the
storage and IP networking workload. The access layer of the network (network switches or
routers) must support multi-protocol traffic that is a combination of FC-based and IP-based
data transport.
In contrast to the traditional server model, Figure 9-2 shows how the Converged Network
Adapter (CNA) in a server, which is connected to the Enhanced Ethernet, has the potential to
reduce the components that are required.
By using an FC driver, the CNA functionally represents a traditional FC HBA to the servers
operating system. By using NIC or clustering drivers, the CNA functionally represents a
traditional networking or clustering device to the servers operating system. The FC traffic is
encapsulated into FCoE frames and these FCoE frames are converged with networking or
clustering traffic.
The fabric contains FCoE-capable switches that can pass FC traffic to the attached SANs and
Ethernet traffic to the attached Ethernet network. These switches must be able to support
Enhanced Ethernet.
Each port can run all NIC, all FC, or mixed NIC and FC traffic.
For more information about FCoE and iSCSI, see Storage and Network Convergence Using
FCoE and iSCSI, SG24-7986.
Switched (FC-SW)
Switched fabric is a computer network topology where many storage devices connect to
each other through switches.
These topologies can be implemented separately or interconnected to form a fabric. The
fabric can also be extended to cover even greater distances.
More definitions of SAN topologies exist, but they are always variations or combinations of
these three basic concepts, such as these topologies:
Point-to-point topology
The point-to-point topology is the easiest FC configuration to implement, and it is also the
easiest to administer. This simple link can be used to provide a high-speed interconnection
between two nodes, as shown in Figure 9-5. A node is any device with one or more FC ports.
Because connectivity is limited to two nodes, the exploitation of point-to-point in tape
environments is limited. However, the distance between nodes can be up to 10 km (6.2
miles), which enables a tape library to be at another site.
When greater connectivity and performance are required, each device can be connected to a
fabric without incurring any additional expense beyond the cost of the fabric.
Figure 9-5 shows a point-to-point topology.
Switched topology
FC switches provide increased bandwidth, scalable performance, an increased number of
devices, and, in certain cases, increased redundancy. FC switches vary in the number of
ports and media types that they support.
Multiple switches can be connected to form a switched fabric that can support many host
servers and storage subsystems, as shown in Figure 9-6 on page 240. When switches are
connected, all configurations are merged into one fabric configuration that is shared
throughout the SAN.
The switches can be interconnected in a number of topology configurations to provide better
performance, more available ports, and improved redundancy.
Traffic can be routed in many ways. For technical, security, or other reasons, various levels of
zoning or other mechanisms can be used to restrict the any-to-any access. Performance
monitoring and configuration changes or upgrades that are needed to keep the network
performing adequately are more complex.
Figure 9-6 shows a switched topology.
Transceivers are plugged on switches or directors on each port and used to convert the
internal communication transport to gigabit transport. 2 Gbps, 4 Gbps, 8 Gbps, 10 Gbps, 16
Gbps, and 20 Gbps transceivers are called Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) media.
Figure 9-9 shows an SFP.
In contrast to SAN devices that can usually also be direct-attached (for example, by
point-to-point FC) and network-attached by SAN hubs and switches, an NAS device is
generally only an NAS device and attaches only to processors over a local area network
(LAN) or wide area network (WAN).
NAS benefits
NAS products provide a wide range of network attachment capabilities to a broad range of
host and client systems.
An NAS device offers the following benefits:
Ease of installation
NAS is generally easier to install and manage than a SAN. An NAS appliance can usually
be installed on an existing LAN/WAN network. NAS manufacturers often cite up and
running times of 30 minutes or less. NAS can be accessed by any operating system.
Hosts can potentially start to access NAS storage quickly, without needing disk volume
definitions or special device drivers. In contrast, SANs take more planning, including the
design of an FC network and the selection and installation of SAN management software.
Resource pooling
NAS allows capacity within the appliance to be pooled. That is, the NAS device is
configured as one or more file systems, each on a specified set of disk volumes. All users
that access the same file system are assigned space within it on demand. That approach
is more efficient than buying each user their own disk volumes or DAS, which often results
in certain users having too much capacity and others too little. Therefore, NAS pooling can
minimize the need to manually reassign capacity among users.
However, NAS pooling resides within an NAS appliance, and little if any sharing of
resources occurs across multiple appliances. It raises costs and management complexity
as the number of NAS nodes increases. In contrast, an advantage of a SAN is that all
devices (multiple disk and tape systems) on a SAN can be pooled. As total capacity
grows, a SAN can become easier to manage and more cost-effective.
File sharing
NAS provides file sharing by using the NFS and CIFS protocols.
NAS gateways
An NAS gateway provides the function of a conventional NAS appliance, but without
integrated disk storage. The disk storage is attached externally to the gateway, possibly sold
separately, and can also be a stand-alone offering for direct or SAN attachment. The gateway
accepts a file I/O request (for example, by using the NFS or CIFS protocols). It then translates
that request to a SCSI block I/O request to access the external attached disk storage. In the
simplest terms, an NAS gateway is an NAS system in which the storage is externally attached
rather than captively attached.
The gateway approach to file sharing offers the benefits of a conventional NAS appliance,
with more potential advantages:
Increased disk capacity scalability (compared to the capacity limits of an integrated NAS
Ability to offer file sharing and block I/O on the same disk system. Disk capacity in the SAN
can be shared (reassigned) among gateway and non-gateway use. Therefore, a gateway
can be viewed as an NAS/SAN hybrid that increases flexibility, and potentially lowers
Flexible management options, including Tivoli Ready certification for the centralized
management of large enterprise SAN fabrics
Manageable by IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Fabric
Common enterprise SAN fabric that simplifies deployment, management, and network
Flexible FC connectivity provides connectivity to a host of IBM and other vendors servers
and storage products
Pay-as-you-grow scalability provides scalable network growth in a modular, cost-effective,
and non-disruptive manner
9.3.2 Features specific to the IBM b-type SAN switches and directors
The following features are specific to the IBM b-type SAN switches and directors:
Common firmware
The common firmware enables the introduction of new switch technologies while
protecting earlier switch investments, in addition to mixing and matching the SAN
components, as required.
IBM Network Advisor
IBM Network Advisor is an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) that allows network
managers to monitor and manage SAN fabrics that consist of switches with a Java
capable web browser from standard desktop workstations.
Advanced Security
Advanced Security significantly reduces the security holes that are left by traditional SAN
implementations. It also greatly improves the ability to minimize SAN-specific
vulnerabilities by providing a comprehensive, policy-based security system for IBM SAN
switch fabrics.
Advanced Zoning
Advanced Zoning provides data exchange between devices in the same zone and
prohibits exchange to any device that is not in the same zone. The zoning is enforced in
application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) hardware, preventing unauthorized devices
from accessing the fabric.
Extended Fabric
The Extended Fabric feature provides extensions within the internal switch buffers. This
feature maintains performance for distances greater than 10 km (6.2 miles).
Fabric Manager
Fabric Manager provides a Java based application that can simplify the management of a
multiple switch fabric. It administers, configures, and maintains fabric switches and SANs
with host-based software.
Inter-switch link (ISL) Trunking
The ISL Trunking feature allows ISLs between the same pair of switches to be grouped
and to act as a single, high-speed pipe or trunk. Up to eight ISLs can be combined into a
single logical ISL with a total bandwidth of 128 Gbps that can support any number of
devices. ISL Trunking is designed to significantly reduce traffic congestion in storage
Virtual Fabrics
The IBM b-type switches support the American National Standards Institute
implementation of Virtual Fabrics (VFs). VFs add the capability for physical switches to be
partitioned into independently managed logical switches, each with its own data, control,
and management paths.
The SAN24B-4 fabric switch requires Fabric OS V6.1.0 or later. The switch offers easy to use
Web Tools, 8-Gb FC, Long-Distance Support, Advanced Zoning, Full-fabric Support, Fiber
Watch, Advanced Performance Monitoring, Fabric Vision Technology, Enhanced Group
Management, and ISL Trunking. The base switch also offers eight default ports. The POD
licenses are available in 8-port increments. With flexible architecture that is based on
GoldenEye2 ASIC, the switch supports F, FL, E, and M ports at 8 Gbps. The switch also has
USB port support for firmware download, configuration upload and download, and
supportsave. The SAN24B-4 has a 1U form factor and is a single field-replaceable unit (FRU)
with no field-replaceable parts. The switch has one power supply and three integrated fans.
Support: The Access Gateway mode is supported only in 24-port configurations, and only
2 GB Brocade branded USB drives are supported on the USB port. The 4 Gbps and
8 Gbps link speeds are supported only with Brocade-branded SFPs.
For more information, see this website:
The SAN24B-5 fabric switch requires Fabric OS V7.0.1 or later. The switch offers easy to use
Web Tools, 16-Gb FC, Long-Distance Support, Advanced Zoning, Full-fabric Support, Fiber
Watch, Advanced Performance Monitoring, Fabric Vision Technology, Enhanced Group
Management, and ISL Trunking. The base switch also offers 12 default ports. The POD
license is available for the remaining 12 ports. With flexible architecture that is based on
Condor3 ASIC, the switch supports F, E, EX, D, and M ports at 16 Gbps. The FL port is not
available. The switch also has USB port support for firmware download, configuration upload
and download, and supportsave. The SAN24B-5 has a 1U form factor and is a single FRU
with one hot-swappable power supply as a replaceable part. The secondary redundant power
supply and fan assembly is an optional feature.
For more information, see IBM System Networking SAN24B-5 Switch, TIPS1128.
Also, see the product website:
The SAN48B-5 fabric switch requires Fabric OS V7.0.1 or later. The base model of the switch
has 24 ports that are enabled, and the POD licenses are available in 12-port increments. The
switch can simplify server virtualization and virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) management.
The switch meets the high-throughput demand of enterprise data center switch capabilities,
such as native 10 Gbps support for dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) or
in-flight data compression and encryption.
The SAN48B-5 can be deployed as a full-fabric switch or as an Access Gateway, which
simplifies fabric topologies and heterogeneous fabric connectivity. The default mode setting is
a switch. Access Gateway mode uses N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) switch standards to
present physical and virtual servers directly to the core of SAN fabrics. This configuration
makes it transparent to the SAN fabric, which greatly reduces the management of the network
edge. The SAN48B-5 in Access Gateway mode can connect servers to NPIV-enabled b-type
and m-type SAN directors, switches, and routers.
For more information, see IBM System Storage SAN48B-5, TIPS1125.
Also, see the product website:
High availability features make the IBM System Networking SAN96B-5 suitable for use as a
core switch in midrange environments or as an edge-switch in enterprise environments where
a wide range of SAN infrastructure simplification and business continuity configurations are
possible. IBM Power Systems, z Systems, and many other vendor servers, disk, and tape
devices are supported in many common operating system (OS) environments.
Optional features provide specialized distance extension, dynamic routing between separate
or heterogeneous fabrics, link trunking, FICON, performance monitoring, and advanced
security capabilities.
A single physical chassis can be subdivided into two or more logical switches that create a
logical fabric with other switches. Integrated Routing is a licensed feature that is supported on
every port of the switch and requires the POD license for all 96 ports.
The ports on the switch are grouped in 8-port groups that match the trunk group, and with ISL
Trunking, speeds of up to 128 Gbps can be achieved per trunk. Dynamic Path Selection can
be used for optimizing the performance and load balancing, and the switch can be managed
by using Web Tools.
The IBM System Networking SAN96B-5 switch is available in two models to accommodate
different rack airflow requirements:
2498-F96 with airflow from non-port side to port side
2498-N96 with airflow from port side to non-port side
For more information, see IBM System Networking SAN96B-5, TIPS1103.
Also, see the product website:
Cisco MDS 9148S 16G Multilayer Fabric Switch for IBM System Storage
The Cisco MDS 9148S 16G Multilayer Fabric Switch for IBM System Storage is the latest
generation of the highly reliable, flexible, and low-cost Cisco MDS 9100 Series switches. It
combines high performance with exceptional flexibility and cost effectiveness. This powerful,
compact one rack-unit (1RU) switch scales from 12 to 48 line-rate 16 Gbps FC ports.
The Cisco MDS 9148S is excellent for the following purposes:
A stand-alone SAN in small departmental storage environments
A top-of-the-rack switch in medium-sized redundant fabrics
An edge switch in enterprise data center core-edge topologies
For more information, see Cisco MDS 9148S 16G Multilayer Fabric Switch for IBM System
Storage, TIPS1255.
Also, see the product website:
Cisco MDS 9396S 16G Multilayer Fabric Switch for IBM System Storage
MDS 9396S provides up to 96 autosensing Fibre Channel ports, capable of speeds of 2, 4, 8
and 16 Gbps, which results in 16 Gbps of dedicated bandwidth for each port. The switch
comes with 48 enabled ports, and it can be scaled up by adding one or more 12-port MDS
9396S On-Demand Port Activation licenses.
MDS 9396S scales from 48 to 96 high-performance Fibre Channel ports in a 2RU form factor.
It offers more buffer-to-buffer credits than previous-generation fabric switches. In addition, it
supports 32 virtual SANs (VSANs), making it an excellent choice for stand-alone small and
mid sized business Fibre Channel networks
Figure 9-18 shows the Cisco MDS 9396S 16G Multilayer Fabric Switch for IBM System
Figure 9-18 Cisco MDS 9396S 16G Multilayer Fabric Switch for IBM System Storage
This section introduces IBM System Networking Switch solutions ideal for enterprise
environments. Advanced security with comprehensive, policy-based security capabilities can
improve availability and simplify operation.
The IBM System Storage SAN384B-2 and SAN768B-2 are shown in Figure 9-19.
Figure 9-19 The IBM System Storage SAN384B-2 (left) and SAN768B-2 (right)
The IBM System Storage SAN384B-2 and SAN768B-2 offer the following hardware features:
The SAN384B-2 chassis includes two control processor blades and two core module
blades. It also has space for up to four port blades, dual power supplies, and two fan
modules in an 8U rack height (plus 1U exhaust shelf).
The SAN768B-2 chassis includes two control processor blades and two core module
blades. It also has space for up to eight port blades and dual power supplies with an option
for two more power supplies, and three fan modules in a 14U rack height.
Up to ten SAN384B-2 or SAN768B-2 switches can be connected with high-speed
UltraScale optical inter-chassis links.
The following blades are available:
16 Gbps 32-port and 48-port FC blades, capable of speeds of 2, 4, 8, 10, and 16 Gbps
16 Gbps 64-port FC blade, with 16 Quad Small Form-factor Pluggable (QSFP) ports
and Multiple-Fiber Push-On/Pull-off (MTP/MPO) connectivity
8 Gbps 64-port FC blade, with special mini optical transceiver (mSFP) optics included
8 Gbps Enhanced Extension blade that contains 22 ports that are capable of 8 and
4 Gbps FC connection or 1 Gbps copper Ethernet connection, and two 10 GbE ports
8 Gbps 16-port FC Encryption blade
10 Gbps 24-port FCoE blade (SAN768B-2 only)
The following transceivers are available:
16 Gbps, 10 Gbps, and 8 Gbps shortwave SFPs
16 Gbps, 10 Gbps, and 8 Gbps 10 km (6.2 miles) longwave SFPs
16 Gbps and 8 Gbps 25 km (15.5 miles) extended distance longwave SFPs
In addition, the following transceivers are available for the Enhanced Extension blade and
the 24-port FCoE blade:
10 Gbps Ethernet SR and LR SFP+
In addition, the following transceivers are available for the Enhanced Extension blade only:
4 Gbps shortwave and 10 km longwave SFP
1 Gbps copper SFP
Full Fabric and Universal Port operation (E_Port, F_Port, and FL_Port)
For more information, see IBM System Storage SAN768B-2 and SAN384B-2 Fabric
Backbones, TIPS1127.
Also, see the product website:
The Cisco MDS9500 Series Multilayer Directors are shown in Figure 9-20.
Figure 9-20 Cisco MDS 9500 Series Multilayer Directors: MDS9513 (left) and MDS9506 (right)
Figure 9-21 shows the Cisco MDS 9706 Multilayer Director for IBM System Storage.
Figure 9-21 Cisco MDS 9706 Multilayer Director for IBM System Storage
For more information about the Cisco MDS 9706 Multilayer Director for IBM System Storage,
see the following website:
For more information, see Cisco MDS 9710 Multilayer Director for IBM System Networking,
TIPS1046, or the product website:
The IBM System Networking SAN06B-R Extension Switch is shown in Figure 9-23.
For more information, see IBM System Storage SAN06B-R Extension Switch, TIPS1126, or
the product website:
Flow generator generates FC frames for a defined flow with a default or custom size
and pattern, and sends them across an FCIP tunnel to help validate end-to-end
network setup and configuration.
Fabric OS delivers distributed intelligence throughout the network and enables a wide
range of applications.
The IBM System Storage SAN42B-R switch is available in three configurations, as shown in
Table 9-1.
Table 9-1 IBM System Storage 42B-R configurations
Product configuration
FC ports
Ethernet ports
WAN rate
Base configuration
24 x 16 Gbps
16 x 1/10 Gbps
5 Gbps
15 Gbps
Medium configuration
(Base plus WAN Rate Upgrade 1)
24 x 16 Gbps
16 x 1/10 Gbps
10 Gbps
30 Gbps
Maximum configuration
(Base plus WAN Rate Upgrade 1
plus WAN Rate Upgrade 2)
24 x 16 Gbps
16 x 1/10 Gbps
2 x 40 Gbps
80 Gbps
Note: The approximate application throughput values in Table 9-1 assume that a degree of
data compression is occurring. However, IBM makes no promises, guarantees, or any
indication that a level of compression is possible for client-specific data. Certain data is
highly compressible and other data cannot be compressed. The amount of application
throughput varies depending on data compressibility and the selected compression mode.
The IBM System Storage SAN42B-R Extension Switch is shown in Figure 9-24.
The IBM System Networking SAN06B-R Extension Switch offers the following highlights:
Rack-mountable 2U chassis
Base configuration includes a comprehensive set of advanced services, including Fabric
Vision, Extension Trunking, Adaptive Rate Limiting, ISL Trunking, IPsec, Compression,
and Extended Fabric
Optional licenses are available for Integrated Routing, FICON CUP, and Advanced FICON
Built-in encryption and compression of storage data flows over long-distance links with no
performance penalty
Extension Trunking increases WAN use and protects against WAN link failures
For more information, see IBM System Storage SAN42B-R Extension Switch, TIPS1209, or
the product website:
Cisco MDS 9250i Multiservice Fabric Switch for IBM System Storage
The Cisco MDS 9250i Multiservice Fabric Switch, the next generation of the Cisco MDS 9200
Series Multiservice Switches, is an optimized platform for deploying high-performance SAN
extension solutions, distributed intelligent fabric services, and cost-effective multiprotocol
connectivity for both open systems and mainframe environments.
With a compact form factor and advanced capabilities that are typically available only on
director-class switches, the Cisco MDS 9250i Multiservice Fabric Switch is an ideal solution
for departmental and remote branch-office SANs and in large-scale SANs with the Cisco
MDS 9710 Multilayer Director.
The Cisco MDS 9250i Multiservice Fabric Switch offers up to 40 16-Gbps FC ports, two 1/10
Gigabit Ethernet IP storage services ports, and eight 10-Gigabit Ethernet FCoE ports in a
fixed 2RU form factor.
The Cisco MDS 9250i Multiservice Fabric Switch is shown in Figure 9-25.
For more information, see Cisco MDS 9250i Multiservice Fabric Switch for IBM System
Storage, TIPS1167, or the product website:
Appendix A.
Withdrawn products
This appendix lists the most recently withdrawn products in the IBM storage family.
Table A-1 lists IBM Storage product withdrawals for the two years before the writing of this
Withdrawal date
124, 224,
124, 224,
A29. A49
A29. A49
DR2, DE2
DR2, DE2
AC1, AE1
FlashSystem 840, FlashSystem V840, and select
Withdrawal date
L5B, E9U
L2U, L4U
L2U, L4U
L2U, L4U
A01, A02,
Storage software
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Microsoft
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack for Bare
Machine Recovery
For more information about any product withdrawal, see the Withdrawal Announcement
Letter. For each product withdrawal, Table A-1 on page 265 provides the announcement
number in the last column. To access the announcement letter by the number, see the
Offering Information website:
Insert the number in the Keywords field in the simple search view or directly in the Letter
number field in the advanced search view.
Related publications
The publications listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a more detailed
discussion of the topics covered in this book.
IBM Redbooks
The following IBM Redbooks publications provide additional information about the topic in this
document. Note that some publications referenced in this list might be available in softcopy
A Deployment Guide for IBM Spectrum Scale Object, REDP-5113
Deploying IBM Spectrum Accelerate on Cloud, REDP-5261
DS8000 Performance Monitoring and Tuning, SG24-8318
FlashSystem 900 Product Guide, TIPS1261
IBM DS8880 Architecture and Implementation (Release 8), SG24-8323
IBM DS8870 Copy Services for IBM z Systems, SG24-6787
IBM DS8870 Copy Services for Open Systems, SG24-6788
IBM DS8870 Disk Encryption, REDP-4500
IBM FlashSystem V9000 Product Guide, REDP-5317
IBM FlashSystem V9000 in a VersaStack Environment, REDP-5264
IBM Hyper-Scale in XIV Storage, REDP-5053
IBM Private, Public, and Hybrid Cloud Storage Solutions, REDP-4873
IBM Spectrum Accelerate Deployment, Usage, and Maintenance, SG24-8267
IBM System Storage DS8000: Host Attachment and Interoperability, SG24-8887
IBM Software-Defined Storage Guide, REDP-5121
IBM Tape Library Guide for Open Systems, SG24-5946
IBM XIV and VMware Synergy with IBM Spectrum Control Base Edition, REDP-5131
IBM XIV Gen3 with IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller and Storwize V7000,
IBM XIV Storage System Gen3 Architecture, Implementation, and Usage, SG24-7659
IBM XIV Storage System Business Continuity Functions, SG24-7759
IBM XIV Storage System: Host Attachment and Interoperability, SG24-7904
Implementing IBM FlashSystem 900, SG24-8271
Implementing the IBM Storwize V5000, SG24-8162
Introducing and Implementing IBM FlashSystem V9000, SG24-8273
IBM Assist On-site for Storage Overview, REDP-4889
Solid-State Drive Caching in the IBM XIV Storage System, REDP-4842
Using XIV in OpenStack Environments, REDP-4971
XIV Storage System in a VMware Environment, REDP-4965
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2016. All rights reserved.
You can search for, view, download or order these documents and other Redbooks,
Redpapers, Web Docs, draft and additional materials, at the following website:
Online resources
These websites are also relevant as further information sources:
IBM Assist On-Site:
IBM Global Technology Services:
IBM Storage:
IBM System Storage interactive product guide:
IBM System Storage Interoperation Center (SSIC):
ISBN 0738441740
(0.5 spine)
250 <-> 459 pages
Back cover
ISBN 0738441740
Printed in U.S.A.