Huit Cha Manual v2
Huit Cha Manual v2
Huit Cha Manual v2
Change Management
ServiceNow User Guide
November 2015
Brian Leishman
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.7 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Change Calendar............................................................................................................................................... 7
CHANGE REVIEW....................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Changes to this guide are summarized in the document change control at the front of the document,
and will highlight changes to the process and/or tool that may address new capabilities as a result of:
Questions, concerns and/or feedback about this user guide should be addressed to the IT Service
Management team at [email protected]
This manual follows the lifecycle of a change request from creation through completion in the
ServiceNow ITSM tool.
Describes how to record Normal (Low, Medium and High Risk), Standard,
Emergency and Major Change requests.
Describes the way various changes are assessed for risk based on scope,
This chapter can help staff create re-usable templates to make Change
handling more efficient and effective.
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This manual is intended for all participants in the HUIT Change Management process. Each chapter
covers major activities in the process, and most process participants may be involved in these activities
at any particular time.
Staff should also be familiar with the detailed Change Management Process Description and its
contents, which provides information about roles & responsibilities, process workflow, policies and
other important guidance.
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The Change Requester completes the change request form, secures appropriate business approval, and
communicates status of the Change back to the business and other stakeholders.
Changes can be recorded in ServiceNow by going to Change > Create Change in the application
When you open a new Change Request, the Change Request form appears (see Figure 2). ServiceNow
shows you which fields are mandatory by placing a red asterisk next to the field label; these fields must
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have data in order to save the record. Gray asterisks indicate that ServiceNow has automatically
populated these required fields.
If you open a new Change in error, you may click the back arrow in the upper left corner of the change
form to go back to the Change record list without creating a new Change record.
All Changes with a Change Type of Normal must be assessed for risk. You must enter mandatory data
(Short description and Description) and save the record with a Change Type of Normal before you can
assess the risk of the Change. The Normal Change Type is selected by default. (See Figure 3)
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Saving the Change record will refresh the form and add some new buttons at the top of the form; Risk
Risk Assessment
The Risk Assessment button opens an assessment questionnaire that allows calculation of the Risk for
Normal changes. See section 3 Assessing Change Requests for additional detail.
Copy Change
The Copy Change button will make a duplicate of the current Change Record, copying all fields into a
new Change record with a different Number.
The Cancel button will cancel the change ticket. You will be prompted to confirm before the ticket is
permanently cancelled.
The Save button will save all changes without leaving the change form.
Update and Return
The Update and Return button will save all changes and return you to the previous screen.
Assign to me
Assigns the ticket to yourself within your default group.
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To create a pre-approved standard change, open a new Change Request and select a Change type of
Standard. You will notice that the Risk field has been replaced by Standard change (see Figure 5).
Clicking on the magnifying glass will open a pop-up window listing the standard changes available to
Select the appropriate Standard Change from the list and the Change Request form will automatically
be populated based on the Standard Change selected.
NOTE: Standard Changes are pre-approved, so risk assessment has already been completed
(Low Risk). In addition, the Start date and End date fields are now mandatory at this time.
Open a new Change Request and select a Change type of Emergency or Major. You will notice that the
Risk field disappears, as both these change types are High risk. If you enter the Summary and
Description fields and Save the record, the Request Approval button will appear at the top of the form.
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NOTE: Before you can Request Approval for a Normal, Emergency or Major Change, you must
enter the following mandatory fields; Category, Assignment group, Start date, End date,
Implementation plan, Backout plan, Test plan, and Communication plan.
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All Normal change requests are assessed for risk based on scope, impact and probability of success.
After the Short description and Description fields are completed and the Change Request is saved, the
Risk Assessment button will appear as noted earlier.
Clicking the Risk Assessment button will open the Risk Assessment pop-up window (see Figure 7). The
Change Requester must complete the Risk Assessment and click Submit in order to categorize the
Change Request as a LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH Risk change.
When the assessment questions are completed and the form is submitted, the user is returned to the
Change Request and the Risk field is populated with Low, Medium or High Risk based on the Risk
Assessment. A new button is added to the top of the form called Request Approval.
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Documenting Changes
Now that the type and risk of the change has been identified, additional mandatory information about
Change Category
The Change Category drop-down provides the following options: Application, Data Center, Database,
If a Change Category of Server is selected, a new (mandatory) field appears called Configuration item.
Use either the type-ahead or list lookup (magnifying glass icon) functions to select the appropriate
server configuration item (CI) associated with the Change Request. When you save the record with an
associated CI, a related list tab called Affected CIs is populated at the bottom of the change form.
Request, you must enter the first one as described above and save the
record. To add additional CIs, go to the Affected CIs tab and click
the Edit button.
An Edit Members form appears (see figure 10). Select or search for the configuration items you need
from the Collection list on the left, and click Add to include them in the Affected CIs List on the right.
When you have finished adding the configuration items you need, click Save and they will be added to
the Affected CIs related list on your Change Request.
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Impacted Services
While affected configuration items can only be added to Server category changes, all changes allow the
selection of impacted services.
Identify the services impacted (or potentially impacted) by the Change Request by completing the
Service field.
You may use the type-ahead capability if you know the name of the impacted service, or you may use
the magnifying glass to open list lookup pop-up window. The service you select will be listed in the
Impacted Services tab at the bottom of the Change Request form once it has been saved.
To enter more than one impacted service, go to the Impacted Services tab and select Edit.
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The Edit Members form appears (see Figure 10 above). Select the impacted services you need from the
Collection list on the left and click Add to include them in the Impacted Services List on the right.
When you have identified all the impacted services, click Save. You will be returned to the Change
Request form and they will be added to the Impacted Services related list tab.
All four fields on this tab are required in order to request approval.
Implementation plan
Backout plan
Steps that will be taken to restore normal service if the change fails
The identification of a specific backout trigger (time, responsible party) that determines when
and how the backout plan will be initiated
Test plan
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Communications plan
The communications plan should use existing methods of communication and follow the current
guidelines at the time of the Change Request. The plan should account for both internal and external
communications needs.
Related Incidents
If this change is being requested in response to one or more Incidents (i.e. to resolve a Major Incident),
use the Related Incidents tab to identify those Incidents. Use the Edit button to open the Edit
Members form and select the related Incidents from the Collection list.
The Incidents Caused by Change tab allows you to either open a new Incident that was caused by the
change, or link the change to existing Incidents that were caused by the change. To open a new
Incident related to the change record, click the New button. To relate an existing Incident to the
change, click on the Edit button which will open an Edit Members form.
On the Notes tab, the Work notes provide a journal for recording activity associated with Change
record progress. Simply type the notes in the field and Save to add the notes to the Activity log.
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Watch List
You may add people to the Watch List by clicking the lock icon and expanding the field as illustrated
You can easily add yourself to the Watch List by using the Add Me button.
Adding users to a Changes Watch List allows those users to quickly access or track those tickets by
selecting either the Watched Changes or Watched Items options in the navigator pane.
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Assigning Changes
Change Requests need to have the right implementation group and assignee identified. You may select
the implementation group (Assignment group) for a Change Request by entering the information in
the Assignment group field.
Use either the type-ahead feature and begin typing the name of the assignment group, or click the
magnifying glass to open a pop-up window that will show a list of assignment groups. Select the
If you know who the assigned to individual will be, you may apply the same procedure as above to the
Assigned to field. If you have already populated the Assignment group field you will be given a list that is
specific to the assignment group you entered.
Also, if you know the name of the assigned to individual you may enter the Assigned to field first and
the Assignment group field will populate based on your selection.
NOTE: The Assignment group field is mandatory before you can request approval for a change. The
Once a change is assigned to an individual, it will be displayed in the My Assigned Changes list in that
users Change Overview page.
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Scheduling Changes
Checking for Conflicts
Links list below the Planning/Notes tabs as shown below. It can be run
manually but also is run automatically when the change is submitted for
configuration item
If there are no conflicts, ServiceNow will display a message at the top of the form:
If there are conflicts, ServiceNow will display a message at the top of the form.
The Change Record will now have a Conflicts related list tab at the bottom of the form.
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NOTE: Start and End dates AND a Configuration Item or a Service must be specified to check for
Lead Times
Change Calendar
In the Schedules dropdown of the Change application from the application navigator, click on the link
Change Calendar. A Change Calendar report appears.
The Change Calendar is a report, and so has all the querying and reporting capabilities of any report,
The ability to highlight items based on specific criteria such as Risk, Change Type, or
More information about querying and reporting can be found in the section, Querying and Reporting.
Business Events
If you wish to see a list of business events, click on the Business Events link in the Schedule drop-down
of the Change application from the application navigator.
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Submitting Changes
Requesting approval for a Change
When all mandatory fields are completed, you may request approval for your Change Request by
clicking the Request Approval button.
The Change Request form will provide you with a message at the top of the form, Approval for
CHG000000 requested. You will also see a message that the Change Request has not been approved and
The Approvers tab related list at the bottom of the form displays a list of the approvers for the Change
Each approver will receive an email notification as well as an approval request that will appear in their
My Pending Approvals list.
Prior to a change being approved, additional ad-hoc approvers can be added as necessary. Click the Edit
button to bring up the Edit Members window and select additional approvers from the Collection list to
be added to the Approvers list.
Change Approval
The Change Management Process Description provides details on the approval levels for different
change types. If you are an approver, the easiest way to approve a change is to go to your My Pending
Approvals list on your Change Overview page (look for Change Overview in the Change module of the
application navigator).
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Look for the list gauge My Pending Approvals. You can right-click an approval record and click the
option to Approve it, or you can left-click the record to open it up and review the details of the change
request prior to approval or rejection.
The same procedure may be followed from the Approvers tab of a change record.
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Implementing Changes
As changes are performed, the Change Implementer/Assignee should update the Work Notes as
appropriate, particularly if multiple groups and/or implementation tasks are involved.
If the change Category was Server, the Implementer/Assignee is also responsible for updating the
related server Configuration Items (CIs) in the CMDB.
Once the change effort is done, as soon as possible during the next available business hours the Change
Implementer/Assignee should update the Work start and Work end fields in the Notes tab, along with
the Change Outcome.
The Work Complete button can then be clicked to update the change record status. Depending on the
Change Outcome and whether or not any CIs or services were related to the change, additional tasks
may be generated by ServiceNow.
NOTE: The Assignee, Change Outcome, Work start, Work end and Work Notes fields are mandatory
before you can mark a change Work Complete.
To record the Change Outcome, click to display the drop-down list and select one of the following:
Implemented Successful
If you select either Implemented Problems Encountered or Change Failed, a task will be created called
Perform PIR for change.
For Server category changes, if the Change Outcome is updated to Implemented Successful, or
Implemented Problems Encountered, the task Verify CIs for change is created. The task is assigned to the
manager of the server administration team, who is responsible for validating the corresponding updates
to the configuration item (server). You can see who is assigned this task by going to the Change Tasks
tab (see Figure 25).
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The change record will remain open until all Tasks are completed.
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Change Review
Post Implementation Review Tasks
If this task is required per the Change Management policy, the Change record cannot be closed until
the Post Implementation Review task is completed. You can see who is assigned the PIR task by going
to the Change Tasks tab (see Figure).
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Viewing a Report
To see a list of available reports, go to the application navigator and expand the Reports application.
Click on View / Run.
A list of your reports is presented (My reports), along with any reports saved for your group (Group) and
reports available to everyone (Global).
Display a report by clicking its name in the list. ServiceNow allows you to set a variety of variables,
filters and/or search criteria to report on data. For example, you can change the type of report (pie
chart, bar chart, etc.), which tables the report uses, filter or sort by different fields, perform calculations
(count, sum, average) and change the size of the chart. You can also display the data in a grid format by
checking the display grid option.
From the reports screen you can also create new reports and perform ad hoc queries on data in
ServiceNow. Click the Create a report button and a blank report is shown. In the Data field, select the
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You may now add whatever ad hoc criteria you require to create your own report.
Scheduled Reports
If an administrator has scheduled reports for you, you can see a list of them by clicking the Scheduled
Reports menu in the Reports application.
Export a list of records by right-clicking on a list header bar and selecting the export type. Export
options include:
PDF (Portrait)
PDF (Landscape)
PDF (Detailed Portrait): Exports the list and the associated form for each record.
PDF (Detailed Landscape): Exports the list and the associated form for each record.
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11 Change Templates
Using Templates
ServiceNow allows you to create templates (pre-defined Change Models) to make it easier to create a
Change Request.
To use a template, open a new Change Request and follow these steps:
1. Click on the drop-down next to the small green arrow
2. Choose Templates
Using the drop-down as explained above select Edit Templates instead of Apply Templates. A
Templates list form appears.
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Click an existing template if you want to edit, or click the New button to create a new template. A
blank Template form appears.
The template can be limited to you, your Group (by entering a Group name) or everyone (by clicking
the Global checkbox). The Active checkbox determines whether the Template is in use at this time;
unchecking the Active checkbox will hide it from the template list.
The Template form allows you to identify which fields from the Change Request form may be pre-
filled by your template. Give the template a Name (change the default name). Change the Table field to
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Change Request. Select the field from the choose field drop down and enter the pre-filled information
you desire in the corresponding field. If you make a mistake you can delete a field by clicking the x
next to the field entry. Add as many fields as you would like to have pre-filled in the template.
Click Save when all fields have been selected and completed.
Open the Standard Change Library from the application navigator pane and click on the New button.
A blank Standard Change form appears. Complete the mandatory fields and click Save. A Request
Approval button will appear.
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Clicking this button will request approval of your Standard Change and it will appear in the Standard
Change Library with an approval status of Requested. When the Standard Change entry is approved by
the Change Advisory Board (CAB) it may be used to execute Standard Changes.
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