Chemical Engineering Science: David Ming, David Glasser, Diane Hildebrandt
Chemical Engineering Science: David Ming, David Glasser, Diane Hildebrandt
Chemical Engineering Science: David Ming, David Glasser, Diane Hildebrandt
art ic l e i nf o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 1 March 2013
Received in revised form
10 May 2013
Accepted 1 June 2013
Available online 10 June 2013
The application of attainable regions (AR) to batch reactor congurations is presented. In this work, we
consider the problem of constructing an equivalent batch structure given an AR generated for a
continuous system from a specied feed composition and associated kinetics. The authors show that
by the appropriate transformation, results developed from a continuous AR may be used to form a
related batch structure, and thus improvement of batch reactor structures is also possible by use of the
attainable region.
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Attainable regions
Chemical reactors
Mathematical modeling
Reaction engineering
1. Introduction
The problem of determining optimal operating policies in batch
operations is a popular one, and has been given a great deal of
attention in the literature, particularly due to the importance of
batch reaction in a large number of industrially relevant processes.
Batch reactors are used extensively in the production of a variety
of pharmaceutical (Davies and Gloor, 1971) and biological(Cheong
et al., 2007; Modak and Lim, 1992; Najafpour et al., 2004;
Senthuran et al., 1997) products, as well as in the wastewater
(Woolard and Irvine, 1995; Zwiener et al., 2002) and polymerization (Zeman and Amundson, 1965) industries, and are typically
considered to be rather more versatile than that of equivalent
continuous processes (Bonvin, 1998). Batch reactors also nd use
in the small-scale production of highly specialized products,
negating the benet otherwise obtained by large-scale production.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (D. Ming).
0009-2509/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N is formed; we call this the rate eld. Reaction rates are typically
a unique function of the state of the system (temperature,
pressure, composition etc.). Thus, for each point in state space, a
unique direction vector may be determined with components
corresponding to the rate of formation of each species. Although
many reactor types may be formed that each separately utilize
r(C), movement through the rate eld will be different for each
type. Mixing and convexity. Consider now two distinct
compositions C1 and C2. It is easy to show that any mixture
concentration, Cn, formed from a combination of the two must lie
on the straight line segment C1 C2 in concentration space Cn is then
a linear combination of C1 and C2, and mixing is a linear process as
a result:
Cn C2 1C1
C1 C2 C1
where 01.
The above reasoning can be generalized to a set of k compositions fC1 ; C2 ; ; Ck gX (Feinberg and Hildebrandt, 1997). A set X is
considered convex if and only if for any two points C1 ; C2 X, the
line segment C1 C2 is completely contained in X. Cn is considered a
convex combination of the set if there exists a set of k scalars {1,
2k} such that i0, i1,2,,k
i 1
Cn i Ci
2. Overview of AR theory in continuous equipment
2.1. Motivation
The purpose of this section will be towards providing a brief
overview of AR theory for continuous equipment. The results
obtained will allow for the development of optimal batch structures. The geometric nature of AR analysis has been discussed in
numerous papers before (Davis et al., 2008; Feinberg and
Hildebrandt, 1997; Feinberg, 1999, 2000a, 2000b; Glasser and
Hildebrandt, 1997; Glasser et al., 1987; Godorr et al., 1994, 1999;
Hildebrandt and Glasser, 1990; Hildebrandt et al., 1990; Khumalo
et al., 2006; Nicol et al., 1997, 2001; Nisoli et al., 1997), and only a
brief overview of the theory shall be provided here as a result. For
the reader who may already be familiar with the existing theory
and results, this section can be skipped. We shall begin with a
basic understanding of reaction and mixing.
2.2. Both reaction and mixing are processes that may be interpreted
2.2.1. Concentration, reaction and mixing
Let us assume that we have a set containing N species with
molar concentrations c1,c2,,cN. We call the N-tuple of species
concentrations the concentration vector, denoted by C [c1,c2,,
cN]T. C thus represents a unique coordinate in concentration space
that may indicate the instantaneous concentration within a
reactor, or the resulting composition formed from a combination
of mixing many efuent streams. Assume that we are now given a
system of reactions with a known set of kinetic expressions for
each component. In the same manner that a composition vector
may be formed by C, the rate of formation for each species is also
expressible by a rate vector, r(C). For each point in concentration
space, the rate vector can be computed and thus a vector eld in
At equilibirum
r B C
k1 C A C 2B k2 C B
Our objective here will be towards nding the appropriate
batch sequence that maximizes the concentration of component B
in a batch cycle. This shall be achieved by rst constructing the AR
for a continuous system, and then carrying out the necessary
conversions to establish an optimal batch structure.
This system has previously been studied by Brooks (1988), who
noted two observations:
Fig. 2. Comparison between continuous and batch reactive equipment. All three
continuous reactors required to form the AR may be likened to an equivalent batch
Table 1
Summary of fed-batch operating parameters.
C(0) Cf
C(0) Cf
Constant Cf
V constant tf PFR
V(t) F(t)/ tf DSR
V(t) F(t)/ tf free
4. Examples
4.1. 2D autocatalytic reaction
4.1.1. Identication of optimal structure
Consider the following autocatalytic system (Brooks, 1988)
A 2B-3B
Fig. 3. PFR trajectories () and the CSTR locus ( ) for the autocatalytic reaction
given by Brooks (1988). A feed vector of 5:0 0:25
has been used. The CSTR
locus produces a separate region is space that may be used to achieve higher
concentrations of component B. Point R corresponds to the point of maximum B for
a PFR whereas Q is obtained by a CSTR-PFR structure that is part of the AR
reaction; that is, the shaded region represents the AR for the
chosen feed point. This is obtained by computing the convex hull
of all points resulting from a CSTR with feed concentration (point
O), followed by a PFR to equilibrium. The CSTR-PFR sequence is
thus the optimal reactor structure for the proposed AR. It follows
that this is the only structure required in order to achieve all other
physically realizable concentrations in the space. Of particular
interest is point P, which provides the unique CSTR concentration
that, when followed by a PFR, maximizes the concentration of
component B in the system; this occurs at point Q (CB 0.1 mol/L).
The corresponding CSTR residence time is then found to be
0.18367 h accordingly. All concentrations on the line segment OP
are thus obtained by a CSTR with bypass of a portion of the feed.
These results are in agreement with those suggested by Brooks
(1988) for the batch case, where it is observed that a higher
concentration in component B may be achieved if a standard batch
is employed directly after the fed-batch period. This is displayed in
the gure by the PFR trajectory PQ. Point R by comparison, is the
point of maximum B for a single PFR initiated at the feed
composition found at point O.
Fig. 4. Comparison of continuous (a) and batch structures (b) for the autocatalytic
reaction in 2 . Only a single structure is required for this system. Notice that the
structure terminates with a PFR in the continuous case, and a standard batch period
for the batch. This is in agreement with the suggested nal batch period
recommended by Brooks(1988). (a) Recommended continuous structure. A CSTR
from the feed (point O) followed by a PFR. (b) Batch structure. The cycle begins with
a constant fed-batch period initiated at the critical CSTR efuent composition
(given by point P), followed by a standard batch period.
Fig. 6. DSR map for the autocatalytic system generated for an value corresponding to the critical CSTR residence time ( 1/0.18367 h1). Three equilibrium points
associated with this value of are observed (given by white triangles). Points P and
Z lie on the CSTR locus representing stable nodes (x). Equilibrium point Y lies on the
section of the locus associated with unstable nodes (unlled circles). The solid
circles are locus points associated with a stable focus. The trajectory ZUV is
obtained by a PFR initiated with a concentration from equilibrium point Z.
Fig. 5. Recommended policy (a) and associated concentration prole of component B (b) for the autocatalytic system. (a) policy for the combined fed-batch to
standard batch system. The prole is composed of two sections, a constant value
( 1/0.18367 h1) corresponding to the critical CSTR portion of the structure, and a
period of no lling ( 0) corresponding to the nal PFR section. (b) Concentration
of component B achieved by the batch cycle obtained from the AR compared to that
achieved by a standard batch initiated at the feed concentration. The initial
constant concentration prole for the fed-batch corresponds to the CSTR concentration given by the continuous AR structure. The reaction time for the AR structure
is shorter and achieves a higher concentration in B compared to the standard batch.
k1 C 2B
2k1 C A C B
k1 C 2B
2k1 C A C B k2
Notice that points P and Z lie on sections of the locus that are
stable, and are therefore stable equilibrium points, whereas point
Y is a saddle point. It is clear from the gure that depending on the
initial concentration chosen for a fed-batch, one may achieve
signicantly different outcomes. Although three fed-batch equilibrium solutions exist for the intended residence time, only two are
physically realizable.
If an initial concentration equal to point S is chosen, then the
fed-batch trajectory follows the curve SP and the equilibrium point
achieved is that of point P (the critical CSTR point for the AR).
Accordingly, a period of standard batch operation following from
point P results in the full set of concentrations achieved corresponding to the AR. By comparison, if an initial concentration
equal to point T is used instead, then the fed-batch trajectory
follows curve TYZ. For this initial condition, the trajectory begins
at point T, approaches unstable node Y, and then diverges sharply
towards stable node Z. Point Z is thus the equilibrium point for the
initial concentration given by point T and corresponds to an
alternate CSTR solution for the chosen residence time. Consequently, a period of standard batch operation following from point
Z results in the smaller achievable region, given by curve ZUV
instead. The set of achievable concentrations obtained by this
outcome is noticeably smaller than that given by the full AR. This
is in effect despite selecting conditions that correspond to the
correct, and optimal, CSTR-PFR structure for identical residence
times. If the feed point were to be used as the initial concentration
for this problem, then the fed-batch would have converged to the
incorrect equilibrium concentration, and the actual product
achieved by the batch sequence would differ to that suggested
by the continuous structure. Again, care must be taken when
selecting the initial condition for constant fed-batch operations.
Although it may seem convenient to use the feed concentration for
example, multiple steady states and instability might interfere
with the fed-batch equilibrium achieved, even for situations in
which the structure has been determined correctly.
k1 C A 2k3 C 2A
rC 6
4 k1 C A k2 C B
k3 C A
the associated rate constants are then given as k1 1 h1,
k2 1 h1, k3 10 L/mol/h.
Historically, the associated AR has been determined in CACBCD
space, so that the concentration vector may be expressed as
C C A C B C D . We
specify that
T the feed is pure in component
A, in which case Cf 1 0 0 . Construction of the AR for the
above problem has been discussed in previous work, and the
optimal structure is well understood (Feinberg and Hildebrandt,
1997; Hildebrandt and Glasser, 1990). As a result, we are able to
utilize the previously developed results and apply them here with
very little added effort, so that the development of an equivalent
batch structure may be carried out.
The kinetics exhibit three independent reactions and hence, at
most, two parallel reaction schemes are required to achieve all
concentrations on the AR boundary. With the aid of geometric and
optimal control concepts, it may be shown(Feinberg, 2000a) that a
unique critical DSR policy exists that must be followed in order to
Fig. 7. AR for the van de Vusse system in 3 . The mixing points for both policies have been approximated arbitrarily closely. Mixing lines have been excluded from the
construction so that the optimal continuous structures are more clearly visible. DSR trajectories are given by solid green lines, the CSTR locus from the feed point (point A) by
blue circles, and PFR trajectories by dashed black lines.
Fig. 8. Continuous (a) and batch (b) structure comparison for the van de Vusse
system in 3 . (a) Optimal continuous structures. Structure 1 is given by a critical DSR
to equilibrium (point B) followed by a PFR to point C. Structure 2 is given by a CSTR
operating at the equilibrium concentration (point D), followed by a critical DSR to
point B, and completed with a PFR. For both structures, the DSR side-stream
composition is given by the feed point concentration. (b) Optimal batch structures.
The batch cycle for structure 1 begins with a varying fed-batch initiated at the feed
concentration and ends with a standard batch period. Structure 2 begins with a
constant fed-batch initiated at the CSTR equilibrium concentration given by point
D, followed by a varying policy corresponding to a critical DSR. This is terminated
with a standard batch period. Similar to the continuous case, all side-stream
compositions used for fed-batch operations are equal the feed point concentration.
Fig. 9. The AR (a) and associated batch structures and policies for two different
outcomes (b) and (c). When it is desired to limit the amount of component D to
0.3 mol/L, structure 2 given by path DHI is used. If however, we require CD 0.4 mol/L,
path AFG corresponding to structure 1 is employed instead. (a) Example of the paths
followed corresponding to two separate objective functions (CD 0.3 mol/L and
CD 0.4 mol/L). Path AFG corresponds to structure 1, whereas DHI corresponds to
structure 2. In both cases, the structures result in a traversal on the AR boundary and
not within the region. Points A and D are the same as those given in Fig. 7. (b) policy
and associated concentration prole for structure 1 of the van de Vusse problem. The
value of decreases throughout this cycle. The size of initially begins at a large value
and drops rapidly until approximately 1.5 h (corresponding to point F). The sidestream feed is then terminated resulting in a standard batch period that ends at
CD 0.4 mol/L. (c) Concentration prole and policy for structure 2 of the van de
Vusse problem. For this structure, the value of initially increases from zero to
1.3 h1 near a reaction time of 7.8 h (corresponding to point H). Beyond this point,
the side-stream feed is again terminated resulting in a nal concentration of 0.3 mol/L
in component D.
5. Conclusions
At the outset, an important goal of this paper has been towards
developing a systematic method of converting optimal continuous
structures, obtained via conventional AR analysis, to an equivalent
batch structure. Due to the one-to-one nature between continuous
and batch reactive equipment, it is a fairly simple task to convert
continuous structures to batch. Indeed, it is possible to derive an
equivalent batch structure by rst computing the AR in the
continuous setting, and then applying the necessary transformations to batch.
Previous work (Feinberg, 2000a) has demonstrated that three
unique reactor types are needed to construct the AR, these are the
PFR, DSR and CSTR. The transformations to batch for these types
are as follows:
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