Diodati becoming the official Bible of the Albigensen and Waldensian assemblies. Satans
wrath for this pure Alpine text was vividly confirmed by the blood which flowed through
the otherwise peaceful valleys amidst repeated Catholic atrocities. (pp. 35-6)
Floyd Jones, Ripped Out Of the Bible:
the Traditional Texthas been read and preserved by the Greek Orthodox Church
throughout the centuries. From it came the Peshitta, the Italic, Celtic, Gallic, and Gothic
Bibles, the medieval versions of the evangelical Waldenses and Albigenses, and other
versions suppressed by Rome during the Middles Ages. (p. 40)
Jack Moorman, Forever Settled:
Ruckman, quoting ISBE says, The Albigenses continued to use the Old Latin long
after Jeromes Vulgate came out and their preservation of this text is attributed (according to
Burkitt) to the fact that they were heretics.
As Rome did not send any missionaries toward the West before 250 AD, the early Latin
Bibles were well established before these churches came into conflict with Rome. Not only
were such translations in existence long before the Vulgate was adopted by the Papacy, and
well established, but the people for centuries refused to supplant their old Latin Bibles by
the Vulgate. The Old Latin versions were used longest by the western Christians who
would not bow to the authority of Rome - e.g., the Donatists; the Irish in Ireland, Britain,
and the Continent; the Albigenses, etc.
And as there were really only two Bibles - the official version of Rome, and the
Received Text - we may safely conclude that the Gallic (or French) Bible, as well as the
Celtic (or British), were based on the Received Text. Neander claims that the first
Christianity in England, came not from Rome, but from Asia Minor, probably through
France... That the messengers of God who carried manuscripts from the churches of Judea
to the churches of northern Italy and on, brought to the forerunners of the Waldenses a Bible
different from the Bible of Roman Catholicism (pp. 86, 107)
Peter Ruckman, The Christian Handbook of Biblical Scholarship:
The TRADITIONAL TEXT in Latin from A.D. 120 to 240 was the Old Latin of the
Waldenses that matched the Syrian Greek Receptus of Antioch You see, until Martin
Luthers time, there was no European recognition of the correct Bible text. It was traveling
by underground railroad through Europe, being propagated by Lollards, Waldenses,
Albigenses, Picards, Lyonists, Petrobrusians, Henricians Berengarians, Bogomiles,
Paulicians, Catharis, and Montanists, but they had the dice loaded against them. (pp. 87,
Gail Riplinger, Which Bible is Gods Word?:
The Waldenses were those Christians who lived in the Vaudois valley in northern Italy.
Beza dates the Waldensian church from A.D. 120 and their Old Itala Bible from A.D. 157.
It was a translation of the true text into the rather rude Low Latin of the second century.
Historians like Allix, Leger, Gilley, Comba, and Nolan document this churchs continual
use of the pure text of the bible. They were persecuted severely between the fourth and
thirteenth centuries by the Church of Rome. The bible of the Waldenses was used to carry
the true text throughout Europe. Olivetan, a pastor of the Waldensian valley, translated a
Waldensian Bible into French. This French Olivetan (Olivetan was a relative of Calvin), in
turn, became the basis of the Geneva Bible in English. Luther used the German Tepl Bible,
which represented a translation of the Waldensian Bible into German, to make Luthers
German Bible. Diodatis Italian Bible was one in a line of Waldensian-type texts.
All of these pure Waldensian-based texts, as well as several other Waldensian
manuscripts, like Dublin MsA4 were among the rich variety of pure documents used by the
KJV translators. (p. 53)
A Secret History of the Twentieth Century (Harvard, 1989), Greil [Grail?] Marcus, presented a nutshell
version of the Free Spirit heresy:
In Lipstick Traces, incest figures as a particularly vivid example of Free Spirit
libertinism; but it is only an example; it isnt the distinctive feature of that libertinism
itself, the thing that defines it. For Greil, the distinctive feature of the Brethren of the Free
Spirit was their refusal of work. He writes,
The house of the Free Spirit had many mansions. As the adepts believed that sin was
a fraud, they believed that property the result of work, humanitys punishment for
Original Sin was a falsehood. Thus all things were to be held in common, and work to
be understood as hell, which was ignorance only fools worked. Work was a sin against
perfect nature.
Like the Ranters, [the free spirits] stripped off their clothes and preached naked,
Greil writes. If they did not commit incest or murder it was because they wished not
to. (Brethren of the Free Spirit)
The Albigensian Cathars derived their name from Albi, a town in the Languedoc of South France where
the Merovingian heresy had taken root and which had long enjoyed the protection of the French nobility.
The Albigenses were not even remotely Christians but Manichean dualists who denied the deity of Jesus
Christ and represented a rival religion to ChristianityManichaeism. Their origin, history and doctrine
are described in some detail by James McGoldrick, Professor of History at Cedarville College. The
following excerpts from his book, Baptist Successionism: A Crucial Question in Baptist History, present
an overall profile of this major heretical cult which threatened the very existence of Western
Proponents of Baptist successionism have assigned a place of special honor to the sect
known as Albigenses or Cathars. Almost every conceivable effort has been expended by
authors of that persuasion to exonerate them of the charge of Manichaeism levied by
Catholics and to portray them as part of the true church in the High Middle ages
The name Albigenses is derived from the town of Albi in southern France, where the
Cathari had a center of strength in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Cathar comes from
the Greek term Katharos, pure, and is of ancient usage. Novations and Manichees in the
third century called themselves Cathars. In the twelfth-century congregations of Cathars
could be found in various parts of Europe, but France and Italy were the countries in which
they were most numerous. In the interest of conciseness, this study will concentrate for the
most part on the French Catharsthe Albigenses.
As the chapter on the Bogomils shows, a complete and radical dualism that postulated
two gods or two eternal principles of good and evil became characteristic Bogomil belief in
the Balkans. A similar world-view appeared among the Cathars in the twelfth century, and
the penetration of Bogomil influence is the most reasonable explanation for its emergence in
Western Europe
As indicated above, radical dualism became the hallmark of the Cathars world- and
life-view. They denied categorically the biblical doctrine of creation by contending that the
material world was produced by an evil god. In the words of Bernard Gui, the Albigenses
were guilty of
affirming that the creation of all visible and material things was not the work of God the
Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, but of the devil and Satan, the evil deity, whom
you [Peter Auterius, an Albigense] call the God of this world, the creator and Prince of this
world. (Bernard Gui, Sentence on Peter Auterius, in FD, 271.)
Since the Albigenses regarded material as evil per se, they refused to believe that the
good god could become man, as the Christian doctrine of the incarnation proclaims. Instead,
some of them contended that there were two Christs. The one described in the New
Testament as being born in Bethlehem and crucified at Jerusalem was actually a bad man,
and that Mary Magdalene was his concubine The good Christnever ate, nor drank, nor
took upon him true flesh, nor was ever in this world, except spiritually in the body of Paul.
(Milan Loos, Dualist Heresy in the Middle Ages, p. 246)
Because the person and work of Christ constitute the heart of Christianity, the teaching
of any sect on Christology is the test by which its claims must be measured. Applying this
test to the Albigenses and other Cathars reveals that they should not be regarded as
Christians at all. They rejected the Trinity and with it the eternity and deity of Christ. Most
Cathars believed that Christ was a perfect creature, a spiritual being, who came to earth in
the guise of flesh to liberate human souls from their imprisonment in fleshly bodies. Christ
did not redeem men by his death; his mission was that of a teacher who had come to
proclaim the true way of salvation, and only those who became Cathars would enjoy the
benefits of his work. When he appeared for his public ministry, Christ was opposed by John
the Baptist with his water baptism, a material ablution which Christ abhorred. Radical
dualist Cathars taught that the death of Christ was without suffering because his celestial
body could not experience physical pain.
The Cathar doctrine of salvation was based on the belief that rebellious angels
committed the first sin and that their souls were infused into fleshly bodes as punishment.
Salvation could be achieved only within the pure church of the Cathars, which offered a
sacramental means of eternal life called the consolamentum consolation. It was a
spiritual baptism in contrast to the water baptism of the medieval church. Because the
consolamentum was administered only to those who requested it, it was a sort of believers
baptism. Those who pass from this life without being consoled would, in Cathar belief, go
through a chain of reincarnations until they received the consolation at last (Baptist
Successionism, pp. 57-63)
According to Prof. McGoldrick and many other historians, Catharism was not only a threat to Western
Christendom, but also to Western Civilization:
Documentary evidence shows that the Cathars viewed marriage and procreation as
capital sins for which pardon could be obtained only when one forsook such carnal
relationships and received the consolation. Reinerius Saccho reported that all Cathar
churches taught that carnal marriage is always a mortal sin, and that the future punishment
of adultery and incest will not be greater than that of lawful matrimony, nor would anyone
among them be more severely punished. The same source indicates that the Cathars
considered the eating of meat, cheese, or eggs as deadly sins
The Cathar-Albigense Church was organized around a core of clergymen known as the
perfecti, and admission to that circle was through the consolamentum. Those who accepted
Cathar teaching but were not yet ready to adopt the rigorous asceticism of the perfected
ones were called credentesbelievers. The latter attended services conducted by the
clergy and professed to be seeking perfection for themselves, but they lived by ordinary
standards until they were ready for the consolation
Cathars considered the consolamentum a spiritual baptism and a baptism of the Holy
Spirit, and they taught that no one could be saved without it Because of their aversion to
water as a material element, the Cathars practiced baptism by laying on of hands by the
perfecti while the book of the Gospels was held over the candidates head and prayer was
offered for him. This sacrament was said to accomplish cleansing from original sin and
from all personal transgressions
There were, of course, occasions when a person who was consoled on his deathbed
showed signs of recovering. Would he be able to discharge the duties of one who had been
perfected? One way to resolve this dilemma was to subject him to the endura, which was
the practice of allowing the sick person to starve to death, thereby assuring him of
immediate salvation. Often the endura was accepted by the sick person and so became a
voluntary death, a suicide. There are records, however, of the perfecti practically imposing
it upon people whom they suspected would lapse from the faith at a later time. Apparently,
Protestant and other historians besides McGoldrick have documented the radical dualist beliefs of the
Cathari a belief system which not only endangered the doctrinal foundation of Christianity, but
threatened the survival of the human race. James Webb, author of The Occult Underground, described
Catharism as worse than a heresy; it was altogether another religion masquerading as Christianity:
The word Cathar probably comes from the Greek pure, and the Cathar doctrines
show the sect to have been Gnostic of the ascetic type. They believed that the world had
been created by an evil beingthat there were a series of spheres of being between God
and the material world-that procreation was evil because it introduced another spark of
the divine into matter. These are familiar tenets. In the Languedoc the Cathars flourished,
until in 1207 Pope Innocent III solicited help from the magnates of the North to crush the
dangerous heresy. Strictly speaking it was not a heresy, but a rival religion; and as such it
was ruthlessly wiped out. (439:207)
In his Medieval Heresy, Malcolm Lambert wrote that Catharism was not a Christian religion by any
Cathar belief, just like Bogomilism, to which it was heir, upset the structure of
sacramental life in favour of one rite of supreme importance, the consolamentum;
replaced a Christian morality by a compulsory asceticism, which made faults consist
rather in a soiling by matter than an act of will, eliminated redemption by refusing to
admit the saving power of the crucifixion; and rejected the Trinity in favour of a
subordination of two persons to the Father. Cathars could not admit that Christ was God an angel, perhaps, or a son of God, but still not equal with the Father. Nor could they
logically admit that he was man, with a body like that of other men. So the hinge of
Christian belief, the Incarnation, was destroyed. Radical dualism went still further in its
destruction of the pillars of Christian belief, and can hardly be regarded even as an
extreme Christian heresy. With its belief in two gods and two creations, it might almost
be described as another religion altogether. (Malcolm Lambert, Medieval Heresy, pp.
According to Brewers Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, the Bogomils, precursors of the Cathars in
Bulgaria, believed that Jesus and Satan were brothers:
Bogomils. Member of an heretical sect, which sprang up in Bulgaria in the 10th century,
their name probably coming from Slavic Bog, God. One of their main tenets was that
God the Father had two sons, Satan and Christ. (Brewers Dictionary of Phrase and
Fable, Bogomils) (843:136)
Joseph Strayer, author of The Albigensian Crusades, wrote that Catharism, had it continued to flourish,
would have destroyed the human race.
The contrary charge, that Catharism would have extinguished the human race by its
denunciation of sexual intercourse is more logical (Joseph R. Strayer, The
Albigensian Crusades, 1971, p. 35)
Likewise, Inquisition historian H.C. Lea, who can hardly be accused of bias toward the Roman Catholic
Church, wrote of the threat which the Cathars posed, not only to Christianity, but to Western Civilization:
However much we may deprecate the means used for its suppression and commiserate
those who suffered for conscience sake, we cannot but admit that the cause of orthodoxy
was in this case the cause of progress and civilization. Had Catharism become dominant,
or even had it been allowed to exist on equal terms, its influence could not have failed to
prove disastrous. (Henry Charles Lea, The Inquisition of the Middle Ages, Vol. I. p 106
Catholic historian Godefroid Kurth described the spread of the Albigensian cult as a dark night which
came down with the weight of lead and with the coldness of ice upon the mind and the heart, a chancre of
death which ate at all the luminous and elevated faculties of the human soul, a deadly folly that choked
the joy of living and made existence here below like a bad dream. (Kurth, The Church at the Turning
Points of History, p. 68)
In his book, Medieval Heresies: Popular Movements from Bogomil to Hus, Malcolm Lambert revealed
that Cathar leaders concealed the heretical nature of the cult until their adherents were sufficiently
disaffected with the established Churcha pattern that is replicated today by the KJV-Only leaders:
In all areas methods of missioning followed the pattern of the Bogomils: there was a
pedagogic progression from the generalities, which seemed to blend easily into the
religious environment, to the inner mysteries, reserved for the perfect or for believers of
long standing. The approach, natural to all sects influenced by Gnosticism, had the effect
of concealing the profoundly heretical nature of Catharism from the neophyte until he
was sufficiently detached from the influence of orthodox belief. (p. 119)
The Albigensian Cathars were exterminated, not just for heresy, but on criminal grounds, specifically for
their initiation rites which were a form of ritual murder. The Albigenses seem to have been a medieval
version of the Heavens Gate death cult of more recent notoriety, according to Steve Kellmeyer:
In the twelfth century, the Catholic Church fought the incredibly pernicious Cathar,
or Albigensian, heresy. For Cathars, the world, the flesh, all of it is pure evil, a hellish
existence from which we can only be released through death. Cathars saw procreative sex
as evil because the ensoulment of the body trapped the divine spark of the human person
in the hell of the material world. It had one sacrament, the consolatum, which was
immediately followed by the endura, ritual suicide by starvation.
The heresy became so popular in southern France that entire geographical regions
were depopulating through decreased family size and ritual suicide. St. Dominics new
order of priests, the Inquisition and the Crusades were all created in order to stop the
spread of the suicidal sect. Even so, adherents persisted through the 1400s.
The power of the Catholic Church to intervene in the culture is largely gone. Secular
government will have to deal with todays Cathars. Sadly, there is no evidence we really
understand what we are up against. (Steve Kellmeyer, Catholic Citizens)
Modern Cathars have not only succeeded in reviving the medieval rite of endura, they have obtained
the legal right to impose it on their victims as a spiritual experience.
I will tell you that as it appears to me, Mrs. Schiavos death is not imminent by any
means, George Felos told the Associated Press Saturday. She is calm; shes peaceful,
she is resting comfortably Frankly when I saw her ... she looked beautiful. In all the
years Ive seen Mrs. Schiavo, Ive never seen such a look of peace and beauty upon her,
said Felos.
One explanation for Felos comments is suggested in the attorneys own 2002 book,
Litigation As Spiritual Practice. Felos, a longtime volunteer hospice worker, discovered
killing as a spiritual experience:
As I continued to stay beside Mrs. Browning at her nursing home bed,
Iexperienced a sense of heightened awareness. As Mrs. Browning lay motionless
before my gaze, I suddenly heard a loud, deep moan and scream and wondered if the
nursing home personnel heard it and would respond to the unfortunate resident. In the
next moment, as this cry of pain and torment continued, I realized it was Mrs. Browning.
I felt the mid-section of my body open and noticed a strange quality to the light in
the room. I sensed her soul in agony. As she screamed I heard her say, in confusion,
Why am I still here why am I here? My soul touched hers and in some way I
communicated that she was still locked in her body. I promised I would do everything in
my power to gain the release her soul cried for. With that the screaming immediately
stopped. I felt like I was back in my head again, the room resumed its normal appearance,
and Mrs. Browning, as she had throughout this experience, lay silent. (Kellmeyer, Ibid.)
George Felos was the attorney for Michael Schiavo and instrumental the murder by starvation of his wife,
Terry Schiavo, despite the medical fact that she was not in a persistent vegetative state. Felos claimed in
his book that he speaks to people in comas and PVS via soul speak. Having been chosen by God to
determine their wishes, Felos removes their feeding tubes after asking if they want to die and hears them
beg, via soul speak, Yes, I want to die! Please kill me. From one review of Litigation As Spiritual
Reading it is a descent into a New Age snakepit. To say Felos is strange is an
exercise in charity. He has some odd notions that God speaks to him directly and that
God somehow thinks that Felos is his Death Angel on earth...
In just one example of how bizarre this book is, Felos claims he has the God-given
ability to psychically connect with PVS and coma victims. How does he do it? He
SHOUTS at them, Do you want to LIVE?? Do you want to LIVE??
Obviously George Felos thinks everyone in a brain-injured state is also DEAF. But it
doesnt matter; Felos also claims that because of God, he can hear the souls of the
conscious-impaired talk to him inside his head.
According to the book, none of the souls ever told George they want to live.
(Amazon review)
Little wonder that the appellation Albigenses is the name of a demonic lineage whose ancestry is said to
be the subterranean race which inhabited the pre-flood world:
The papal machine went so far as to slaughter some 35,000 Ring Lord supporters in a
savage campaign from 1209. The Cathars of Languedoc were adherents of the Anjou
bloodline of Mlusine, the Mermaid-Queen of the Holy Grail. In her role as a Shining
One, they referred to her as an Elf (or, in the language of old Provence, an Albi), while
the Grail dynasty in general was called the Albi-gens (Elven bloodline). The Cathars
refused to acknowledge the ineligible dynasty of Church-installed monarchs, and so the
Vatican troops were sent with the order to Kill them all! In allusion to the elven nature
of the Cathar tradition, the brutal onslaught was called the Albigensian Crusade.
(Laurence Gardner, Realm of the Ring Lord)
And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven
heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of
blasphemy. - Revelation 13:1
Reviving the Cathar heresy is presently the project of a group of reincarnated Cathars who claim to
have been martyred in the Albigensian Crusade. According to an old Cathar prophecy, At the end of
seven hundred years, the laurel will be green once more. Anon. Troubadour, 13th Century (The
Legend of the Cathars) A British psychiatrist and psychic, Dr. Arthur Guirdham, has written many books
about the Cathars, one of these a journal of his treatment of people in disparate locations who all claim
they were Cathar martyrs of the Albigensian Crusade. We Are One Another: Astounding Evidence of
Group Reincarnation opens by introducing the reincarnated Cathars:
This is a record of group reincarnation. It involves eight people who, alive in the
twentieth century, had a previous existence in the thirteenth. In seven out of the eight
cases I have been able to trace their thirteenth-century identity. In the eighth case I am
aware of the persons Christian name but not of her family connections The group
lived, in the Middle Ages, in the Languedoc. In the twentieth century they were either
born, lived or were educated within a dozen miles of Bristol
The members of this group were all practitioners of the mediaeval form of Dualism
known as Catharism. Its exponents believed that there were two primary energies of good
and evil operating in the universe from the beginning and continuing to the end. They
believed that the world was created by the Devil. These beliefs were an attempt to answer
the agonising question, If God is all-merciful and, at the same time, all-powerful, why
does He permit such horrors to happen in this world? Though the Cathars preached the
word of Christ more than the orthodox, they rejected the idea of redemption by His
sacrifice. Purification was achieved by successive incarnations
A few words are necessary to explain the events to which the characters in this story
so frequently return. Their memories are chiefly concentrated on the years 1242-1244.
There is a remarkably generalised preoccupation with the massacre of the Inquisitors at
Avignonet. This was a gesture of defiance and self-protection launched by the
representatives of the Languedoc against the tyranny and cruelty of the French Catholic
invaders. The Avignonet affair stimulated the French crown to cut off the dragons head
of heresy. This was the Chateau of Montsegur which had for years been a centre of
instruction for Cathar sympathisers and of initiation for the priesthood. The fortress was
besieged from 1243 to 1244 The characters in this book tune-in with remarkable
precision to the siege, to the evacuation of the castle of the Cathar treasure, probably rare
books, and above all, to the last celebration of the Consolamentum before the Cathars
perished at the stake after the capitulation. The Consolamentum was the only sacrament
recognised by the Cathars. It signified a voluntary renunciation of the flesh and of
attachment to the things of this world. Six of the characters in this story attended the final
celebration of this rite.
The major events in this story were unfolded between late August 1968 and the early
summer of 1972. (Arthur Guirdham, We Are One Another, 1974, pp. 5-7)
Dr. Guirdham is presently working with these reincarnated Cathars and discarnate entities to revive
the Cathar belief system as true Christianity. Although the KJV-Only apologists would never publicly
espouse the Dualist heresy, by reimaging the Cathar/Albigense heretics as pure Christians they are
preparing the way for the reincarnated Cathars and their fellow Dualists to be received by the Church as
the separated Christians of the Middle Ages. When the moment comes for the reappearance of these
martyred heretics as the reincarnated Cathar Church, their sanitized image will have preceded them
and it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to persuade the masses of Christians of their true character.
As Mark Twain once said, Give a man a reputation as an early riser and he can sleep till noon. President
George Bush is a stellar example of the power of the media to reimage high level occultists as bornagain Christians.
A neo-Cathar website, the General Conference Cathar Church, is proof that Catharism has been
revived, as promised, and is alive and well in the 21st century. The Mission Statement of the Cathars of
North America presents Catharism as a nondenominational, noncreedal, house-church movement.
Claiming a diasporal descendant from surviving remnants of the medieval Inquisition 800 years ago, good
Christians today seek substantive unity among the People of GOD The mission of the neo-Cathars is
to spread the radical good news of salvation which is to challenge people to Divine self-knowledge
through Christs way as the Messenger of GOD. Divine self-knowledge is the expression used for
gnosis. When knowledge of self is attained, gnosis releases the divine spark imprisoned in an
initiate who then starts on a mystic ascent to be reunited with the divine substance and return to his
native realm of light. Divine self-knowledge (gnosis) is achieved through Christs way as the
Messenger of GOD rather than salvation given through the blood of Jesus Christ
In lieu of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to sinners, This mission calls people of faith to
discipleship and obedience in the pursuit of personal and social holiness, in other words, the works
salvation so typical of Gnostics. The nature of social holiness is the subject of an annual Anarchism
and Christianity Conference which is recommended in the Cathar Church News. Also advocated by the
neo-Cathar GCCC is euthanasia, specifically the right to be starved and dehydrated as in the Cathar rite
of Endura:
At last weeks Toronto conference of the International Right to Die movement, AGC
and other speakers laid out the course for legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide
around the world, with special emphasis on the right to be starved and dehydrated to
death in accordance with the practice of the Endura. Steve Hopcraft, the political
organizer for the recent California campaign to legalize assisted suicide, said that the
movement must work to ban the word suicide from its lexicon. (GCCC News)
The General Conference Cathar Church also has a ministry to the Gay & Lesbian community. From the
GCCC booklet Your Search is Over: Gay & Lesbians published by the Assembly of Good Christians,
Church of God, Montsegur:
We encourage the practice of safe sexual practices
among our believers, sponsoring a number of efforts in
that direction. In particular, we support
in addition to a pre-screened introduction service for
men called MEMBER-MATCH. At present these
programs are geared toward gay and bisexual males.
In the face of overwhelming historical and current evidence of the heresy and pagan practices of the
Cathars and Albigenses, Baptist successionists up to the present day have denied their dualist heresy and
eulogized the cult as the true Church of the Middle Ages. Prof. McGoldrick wrote of their deceit:
Proponents of Baptist successionism have assigned a place of special honor to the sect
known as the Albigenses or Cathars. Almost every conceivable effort has been expended
by authors of that persuasion to exonerate them of the charge of Manichaeism levied by
Catholics and to portray them as part of the true Church of the High Middle Ages.
Orchard was especially profuse in praising the Albigenses. He regarded them and the
Waldenses as the two witnesses predicted in Revelation 11:3-4 and concluded that they
and their fraternal associates comprised the only body of people who were not immersed
in the corruption of the times, and who unceasingly proclaimed the word of truth in the
face of every class of superstitions and every degree of vice both in clergy and laity. [fn.
Orchard, Concise History, 161] (Baptist Successionism, p. 57)
The following are just a few examples of this sort of historical revisionism by the KJV-Only Baptists:
David Cloud, Examining The King James Only Controversy:
[Michael] Horton speaks of the early history of the Roman Catholic Church in glowing terms.
He says, It was Rome that stood up to the Montanists, Manicheans, Donatists, Pelagians,
Cathari, Albigensians, Arians, and Monophysites (p. 245). This is only partly true. Many of
the heretics that Rome stood against were actually Bible believing Christians who refused to be
moved from the truth. In his diligently researched book (The History of the Donatists, 1875),
respected nineteenth-century Baptist historian David Benedict, working directly from ancient
Latin texts, revealed that the Donatists were not the heretics that Rome made them out to be. The
same is true for the Albigensians, the Cathari, and others that Horton mentions. Though there
might have been true heretics who were called Donatists and Albigensians, these people, in the
main, were much closer to the Bible than Rome was. The term Manichean was also misused by
Rome to slander many people. Though there were some who were known as Manicheans who
held to strange and unscriptural doctrines, many who were labeled Manichean were not heretics
but were falsely accused by Rome.
James Sightler: Notes to my students in Baptist History at Tabernacle Baptist College, 19902005
There were a number of groups which sprang up as a reaction to apostasy within the early
church. These are the spiritual kin of modern Baptists.
The Montanists 150 AD
The Novatians 250 AD
The Donatists 325 AD
The Paulacians 700 AD
The Vaudois (valley people) or Waldenses 500-1400 AD
The Albigenses 1200 AD [Cathars]
All these groups were called heretics and Manicheans by the Roman church. But the charge was
not true. All the groups listed above believed:
The absolute authority of the Bible and the rejection of church traditions of human origin.
The church is local and visible.
The local church is autonomous.
Church purity was insisted upon with a new profession and rebaptism for those who lapsed
from the faith under persecution from Decius and Diocletian, who had required emporer [sic]
That Baptism and the Lords Supper are symbolic ordinances.
All rejected infant baptism and the sacral society which joined church and state.
All rejected the mass and the Roman church and purgatory.
All baptized adult believers only.
All rejected the Roman hierarchy.
Notice that Dr. Sightler does not list belief in the deity of Jesus Christ and the Trinitythe most
fundamental of Christian doctrinesas an article of faith of the Montanists, Novatians, Donatists,
Paulicians, Waldenses or Albigenses, who were Cathars in the region of Albi, a Merovingian stronghold
in South of France. The reason for this was the Cathars, Albigenses, Bogomils, et al were all
contemporaries and fellow Gnostics of the Merovingian Knights Templar. All of these cults
Cathari/Albigenses, Bogomils and Templars were medieval extensions of the ancient Teutonic religion
which posed as Christianity but was dedicated to its destruction. In an article titled, Hitler and the
Occult: Nazism, Reincarnation and Rock Culture,
Suzanne Rini identified the quest for the Grail of the racially pure bloodof the ancient Aryan root
race, the fallen angels of Genesis 6, as the spiritual connection between the ancient Teutonic mystery
religion, the medieval Cathars, Albigenses and the Knights Templar and the neo-Templar Satan
worshippers of contemporary Western culture:
For what were the Cathars and the Albigensians but the reiteration and transmogrification of
the old, pagan Teutonic religion, never quite eradicated with the coming of Christianity, and ever
at hand in any anxious or defiant age
The heresies most applicable to the Nazis are also those most pervasive in the West today:
Gnosticism and its extension, Catharism
the Cathars are credited, even by the most Inquisition-hating historians as having been the
first heretics to propitiate Satan as the god of matter. They are credited too, with being the first to
celebrate the Black Mass and to offer human sacrifice, both of which were drawn upon by 19th
Century Satanists. It was the 17th century Cathars who introduced to devil-worship the ritualistic
elements today passed off as ancient but which were unknown in both the early Christian
centuries and in the Renaissance, when black magic became influential through the work of Pico
de Mirandola, who believed that white magic was not efficient enough for the matters at hand. It
was the ritualistic, propitiatory Cathar tradition which was adapted by the surge of Satanism
that took place in the 19th century well-described by Huysmanns in La Bas.
[Carl] Raschke nails down the Cathar-Nazi convergence and its connection to contemporary
Satanism. Donald Nugent in Satan is a Fascist (The Month, April 1972) analyzes the unholy
Trinity of Adolf Hitler, Charles Manson ... and Anton LaVey; For all three the satanist and the
superman are one, Nugent writes. He also points out that mysticism and humanism are the two
routes to satanism. Catharism mixed with the secular ideology of state control became
Hitlerism. German mysticism mingled with LaVeys libertarian philosophy of laissez aller, or
let anything pass, becomes the nine satanic statements [of LaVey].
Nugent also discusses [Charles] Mansons fanatical racism; his sporting of
Nazi swastikas, which he wears on his forehead to this day and his own cryptic
allusions to superman. He cites the congruity with LaVeys political
objectives of a benign police state in which the weak are winnowed away. In
the satanist mentality, according to Nugent, [T]he world is a hospitaland a
mental hospital. The world is the lustful will to power, wanton destructive
violence, mans inhumanity to man. The world is the paradise that has been
polluted. The world is the exploitative society, the place where nothing is holy
and everything has its price. The world is a brothel. That has been LaVey's
sentiment to the letter. If the world is a brothel, then destruction and violence are
the most justifiable course. All of one's corrupt surroundings must be unmasked,
dismembered, and dispersed into nothingness.
The swastika was originally a Sanskrit sun symbol, denoting a heliocentric cosmos ordered
by an Aryan nature god who became the reinterpreted God of the Nazis
The Thule Society was the quasi-secret gnostic society behind Munichs tiny German
Workers Party which, in turn, provided the philosophical basis and early membership for Hitlers
German National Socialist Party. Dusty Sklar, in the very well-researched Nazis and the Occult,
establishes that Hitler took many ideas and props from the Thule Society: the fuhrerprinzip, the
swastika, the idea for the stormtroopers, and the very salute, Sieg Heil! But at the bottom of
all of these lay a barbarians antipathy to none other than Christianity, as well as to Judaism, and
especially to the Catholic Church. Had the war been won by Germany, the Church would have
probably been pandemically persecuted. Thus, the swastika and the SS runes are historically the
symbols of satanism and beneath them lay visceral hatred of Judeo-Christian civilization.
[In The Return of the GoddessEdward C.] Whitmont claims that the lore
of the swastika traces directly back to the Knights Templars, who were routed by
the Church for allegedly satanic-like practices. The Templars were also affiliated
with the Grail myth, a major element of which was worship of an ancient,
Celtic/Teutonic god involving prescribed rituals and prayers: All this
purportedly constituted a Grail liturgy dedicated to reviving the ancient forgotten
mysteries of the old sacred tradition (ascribed to a legendary Aryan Thule) from