Social Studies 5th 2017

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2016-2017 Scope and Sequence Social Studies Grade 5



1 Cycle

Aug. 22 Oct. 21, 2016


Unit 1:Being a
GeographerIn this
unit, students study 45-min lessons
the influence of
geographic factors Suggested Pacing
on how and where Aug. 22 - Sept. 9
people live. As part
of that study,
Pt. 1
students consider
the concept of
Aug. 22-26
regions, and the
human and physical Pt. 2
geographic factors
Aug.29- Sept. 2
that determine

different kinds of
Pt. 3


Part 1: Physical Regions of the United States (3 lessons)

SS.5.06A Apply geographic tools, including grid systems, legends, symbols, scales,
and compass roses, to construct and interpret maps.
SS.5.07B Describe a variety of regions in the United States such as landform, climate,
and vegetation regions that result from physical characteristics such as the Great
Plains, Rocky Mountains, and Plains.
SS.5.07C Locate on a map important political features such as the ten largest urban
areas in the United States, the 50 states and their capitals, and regions such as the
Northeast, the Midwest, and the Southwest.
SS.5.07D Locate on a map important physical features such as the Rocky Mountains,
Mississippi River, and Great Plains.
SS.5.25A Use social studies terminology correctly. [taught throughout

Sept. 6-9

Part 2: Population Regions of the United States (2 lessons)

Labor Day Sept. 5

SS.5.06A Apply geographic tools, including grid systems, legends, symbols, scales,
and compass roses, to construct and interpret maps.


SS.5.06B Translate geographic data into a variety of formats such as raw data to
graphs and maps.
SS.5.07A Describe a variety of regions in the United States such as political,
population, and economic regions that result from patterns of human activity.SS.5.07C

Locate on a map important political features such as the ten largest urban areas in the
United States, the 50 states and their capitals, and regions such as the Northeast, the
Midwest, and the Southwest.
SS.5.08A Identify and describe the types of settlement and patterns of land use in the
United States.
SS.5.08B Explain the geographic factors that influence patterns of settlement and the
distribution of population in the United States, past and present.
SS.5.08C Analyze the reasons for the location of cities in the United States, including
capital cities, and explain their distribution, past and present.
SS.5.24C Organize and interpret information in outlines, reports, databases, and
visuals, including graphs, charts, timelines, and maps.
Part 3: Economic Regions of the United States (2 lessons)
SS.5.06A Apply geographic tools, including grid systems, legends, symbols, scales,
and compass roses, to construct and interpret maps.
SS.5.06B Translate geographic data into a variety of formats such as raw data to
graphs and maps.
SS.5.13A Compare how people in different parts of the United States earn a living,
past and present.
SS.5.13B Identify and explain how geographic factors have influenced the location of
economic activities in the United States.

2016-2017 Scope and Sequence Social Studies Grade 5


1 Cycle

Aug. 22 Oct. 21, 2016





SS.5.24B Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-andeffect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing,
making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions.
Extend, Review, Assess, and Reteach time is built within each unit.
Celebrate Freedom Week and U.S. Constitution Day (3 lessons)
SS.5.15A Identify the key elements and the purposes and explain the
Unit 2: Celebrating
FreedomIn this
unit, students focus
on the founding
documents, patriotic
symbols, customs, 3
and privileges
associated with the 45-min lessons
American Republic.
Suggested Pacing
This unit is
designed to support
Sept. 12-16
the instruction
required as part of
U.S. Constitution
Day and Texas
Celebrate Freedom

importance of the Declaration of Independence.

SS.5.15B Explain the purposes of the U.S. Constitution as identified in the Preamble.
SS.5.15C Explain the reasons for the creation of the Bill of Rights and its importance.
SS.5.17C Recite and explain the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance to the United
States Flag.
SS.5.17D Describe the origins and significance of national celebrations such as
Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Constitution Day, Columbus Day, and
Veterans Day.
SS.5.17E Explain the significance of important landmarks, including the White House,
the Statue of Liberty, and Mount Rushmore.
SS.5.20A Describe the fundamental rights guaranteed by each amendment in the Bill
of Rights, including freedom of religion, speech, and press; the right to assemble and
petition the government; the right to keep and bear arms; the right to trial by jury; and
the right to an attorney.
SS.5.25A Use social studies terminology correctly. [taught throughout

Unit 3:Life as a
British ColonyIn
this unit, students
examine the
concepts of culture,
exploration, and
settlement as
reflected in early
American history.
Students also
examine the
economic, social,
and political lives of
settlers in the

Part 1: Americas British Roots Jamestown and Plymouth (2 lessons)

45-min lessons
Suggested Pacing
Sept. 19 - Oct. 23
Early Dismissal Sept. 21
Pt. 1
Sept. 19-23

SS.5.01A Explain when, where, and why groups of people explored, colonized, and
settled in the United States, including the search for religious freedom and economic
SS.5.06A Apply geographic tools, including grid systems, legends, symbols, scales,
and compass roses, to construct and interpret maps.
SS.5.24A Differentiate between, locate, and use valid primary and secondary sources
such as computer software; interviews; biographies; oral, print, and visual material;
documents; and artifacts to acquire information about the United States.
SS.5.25A Use social studies terminology correctly. [taught throughout the unit]

2016-2017 Scope and Sequence Social Studies Grade 5



1 Cycle

Aug. 22 Oct. 21, 2016


different regions of Pt. 2

the colonies, and
consider factors that Sept. 26- 30
ultimately led to
unrest among the
Pt. 3
Oct. 3-7
CFA Window
Oct. 5-7


Part 2: Regions in the Colonies (4 lessons)

SS.5.07A Describe a variety of regions in the United States such as
political, population, and economic regions that result from patterns of human activity.
SS.5.08A Identify and describe the types of settlement and patterns of land use in the
United States.
SS.5.08B Explain the geographic factors that influence patterns of settlement and the
distribution of population in the United States, past and present.
SS.5.09A Describe how and why people have adapted to and modified their

environment in the United States, past and present, such as the use of human
resources to meet basic needs.
SS.5.10A Explain the economic patterns of early European colonists.
SS.5.10B Identify major industries of colonial America.
SS.5.11A Describe the development of the free enterprise system in colonial America
and the United States.
SS.5.13B Identify and explain how geographic factors have influenced the location of
economic activities in the United States.
Pt. 4

Extend, Review, Assess, and Reteach time is built within each unit.

Oct. 10-21

Part 3: Social and Political Life in the Colonies (3 lessons)

Early Dismissal Oct.11

SS.5.01B Describe the accomplishments of significant individuals during the colonial

period, including William Bradford, Anne Hutchinson, William Penn, John Smith, John
Wise, and Roger Williams.

Fall Holiday Oct. 12

SS.5.07A Describe a variety of regions in the United States such as political,

population, and economic regions that result from patterns of human activity.
SS.5.14A Identify and compare the systems of government of early European
colonists, including representative government and monarchy.
SS.5.14B Identify examples of representative government in the American colonies,
including the Mayflower Compact and the Virginia House of Burgesses.
SS.5.24B Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-andeffect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing,
making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions.

2016-2017 Scope and Sequence Social Studies Grade 5



1 Cycle

Aug. 22 Oct. 21, 2016




Part 4: Growing Unrest in the Colonies (3 lessons)

SS.5.02A Identify and analyze the causes and effects of events prior to and during the
American Revolution, including the French and Indian War and the Boston Tea Party.
SS.5.02B Identify the Founding Fathers and Patriot heroes, including John Adams,
Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Nathan Hale, Thomas Jefferson, the Sons of
Liberty, and George Washington, and their motivations and contributions during the
revolutionary period.

SS.5.24B Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-andeffect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing,
making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions.
Extend, Review, Assess, and Reteach time is built within each unit.

2016-2017 Scope and Sequence Social Studies Grade 5



2 Cycle

Oct. 24 Dec. 16, 2016


Unit 4:A Fight for

In this unit, students



Part 1: The Road to Lexington and Concord (2 lessons)

45-min lessons

SS.5.02A Identify and analyze the causes and effects of events prior to and during
the American Revolution, including the French and Indian War and the Boston Tea

examine the causes Suggested Pacing

and results of the
conflict that was the Oct. 24 - Nov. 18
Pt. 1
Oct. 24-28
Pt. 2
Oct. 31- Nov.4

SS.5.02B Identify the Founding Fathers and Patriot heroes, including John Adams,
Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Nathan Hale, Thomas Jefferson, the Sons of
Liberty, and George Washington, and their motivations and contributions during the
revolutionary period.
SS.5.21A Identify significant examples of art, music, and literature from various
periods in U.S. history such as the painting American Progress, Yankee Doodle,
and Paul Reveres Ride.
SS.5.24A Differentiate between, locate, and use valid primary and secondary
sources such as computer software; interviews; biographies; oral, print, and visual
material; documents; and artifacts to acquire information about the United States.
SS.5.24B Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-andeffect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing,
making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions.
SS.5.24D Identify different points of view about an issue, topic, or current event.
SS.5.24E Identify the historical context of an event.
SS.5.25A Use social studies terminology correctly. [taught throughout
Part 2: The Colonies Declare Independence (2 lessons)
SS.5.15A Identify the key elements and the purposes and explain the
importance of the Declaration of Independence.
SS.5.24A Differentiate between, locate, and use valid primary and secondary
sources such as computer software; interviews; biographies; oral, print, and visual
material; documents; and artifacts to acquire information about the United States.
SS.5.24B Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-andeffect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing,

making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions.

SS.5.24D Identify different points of view about an issue, topic, or current event.
SS.5.24E Identify the historical context of an event.

2016-2017 Scope and Sequence Social Studies Grade 5



2 Cycle

Oct. 24 Dec. 16, 2016




Pt. 3

Part 3: Leaders and Events of the War (3 lessons)

Nov. 7-11

SS.5.02A Identify and analyze the causes and effects of events prior to and during
the American Revolution, including the French and Indian War and the Boston Tea

Pt. 4
Nov. 14-18
Early Dismissal Nov. 16

SS.5.02B Identify the Founding Fathers and Patriot heroes, including John Adams,
Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Nathan Hale, Thomas Jefferson, the Sons of
Liberty, and George Washington, and their motivations and contributions during the
revolutionary period.
SS.5.19C Identify and compare leadership qualities of national leaders, past and
Part 4: The War Ends (2 lessons)
SS.5.02C Summarize the results of the American Revolution, including
the establishment of the United States and the development of the U.S. military.
SS.5.24B Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-andeffect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing,

making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions.

Extend, Review, Assess, and Reteach time is built within each unit.

2016-2017 Scope and Sequence Social Studies Grade 5



2 Cycle

Oct. 24 Dec. 16, 2016



Unit 5:
Constitutions for a
45-min lessons
New Nation
In this unit, students Suggested Pacing
study the
Nov. 21 - Dec. 2
challenges and
other factors that
Pt. 1
eventually led to the
creation of the U.S. Nov. 21- 22
Constitution of
Thanksgiving Nov. 23-25
Nov 28 - Dec. 2


Part 1: The Articles of Confederation (1 lesson)

SS.5.03A Identify the issues that led to the creation of the U.S. Constitution,
including the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.
SS.5.24E Identify the historical context of an event.
Part 2: A New Constitution (3 lessons)
SS.5.03B Identify the contributions of individuals, including James
Madison, and others such as George Mason, Charles Pinckney, and Roger
Sherman who helped create the U.S. Constitution.
SS.5.15C Explain the reasons for the creation of the Bill of Rights and its
SS.5.19A Explain the contributions of the Founding Fathers to the development of
the national government.
SS.5.24A Differentiate between, locate, and use valid primary and secondary
sources such as computer software; interviews; biographies; oral, print, and visual
material; documents; and artifacts to acquire information about the United States.

SS.5.24D Identify different points of view about an issue, topic, or current event.
SS.5.24E Identify the historical context of an event.
SS.5.25B Incorporate main and supporting ideas in verbal and written
Extend, Review, Assess, and Reteach time is built within each unit.
Part 1: Structure of the United States Government (3 lessons)

Unit 6:U.S.

SS.5.16A Identify and explain the basic functions of the three

45-min lessons

branches of government.

Suggested Pacing

SS.5.16B Identify the reasons for and describe the system of checks

Dec. 5-16

and balances outlined in the U.S. Constitution.

In this unit, students

study the basic
structure of
government in the Dec. 5-9
United States and
the important role of CFA Window
citizens in it.
Dec. 7- 9
Dec. 12 - 16

SS.5.16C Distinguish between national and state governments and compare their
responsibilities in the U.S. federal system.
SS.5.17A Explain various patriotic symbols, including Uncle Sam, and political
symbols such as the donkey and elephant.
SS.5.19B Identify past and present leaders in the national government, including the
president and various members of Congress, and their political parties.
Part 2: Participation in Government (2 lessons)

SS.5.18A Explain the duty individuals have to participate in civic affairs

Winter Break Dec. 19 Jan.
at the local, state, and national levels.

SS.5.18B Explain how to contact elected and appointed leaders in local, state, and
national governments.

2016-2017 Scope and Sequence Social Studies Grade 5


2 Cycle

Oct. 24 Dec. 16, 2016


SS.5.20A Describe the fundamental rights guaranteed by each amendment in the

Bill of Rights, including freedom of religion, speech, and press; the right to assemble
and petition the government; the right to keep and bear arms; the right to trial by
jury; and the right to an attorney.
SS.5.25B Incorporate main and supporting ideas in verbal and written
SS.5.25E Use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation.
Extend, Review, Assess, and Reteach time is built within each unit.

2016-2017 Scope and Sequence Social Studies Grade 5


3 Cycle

Jan. 4 Mar. 10, 2017

Unit 7:Growing
ApartIn this unit,
students examine 45-min lessons
the economic,
social, and political Suggested Pacing


Part 1: The U.S. Expands Its Territory (3 lessons)

SS.5.04C Identify reasons people moved west.
SS.5.04D Identify significant events and concepts associated with U.S. territorial
expansion, including the Louisiana Purchase, the expedition of Lewis and Clark, and

changes that
occurred in the
United States in the
19th century and
the results of those

Jan. 4-27

Manifest Destiny.

Pt. 1

SS.5.06A Apply geographic tools, including grid systems, legends, symbols, scales,
and compass roses, to construct and interpret maps.

Jan. 4-13
MLK Holiday Jan. 16
Pt. 2

SS.5.21A Identify significant examples of art, music, and literature from various
periods in U.S. history such as the painting American Progress, Yankee Doodle, and
Paul Reveres Ride.

Jan 17-27

SS.5.24C Organize and interpret information in outlines, reports, databases, and

visuals, including graphs, charts, timelines, and maps.

Early Dismissal Jan. 25

SS.5.25A Use social studies terminology correctly.

Part 2: Increasing Differences Among Americans (5 lessons)

SS.5.04A Describe the causes and effects of the War of 1812.
SS.5.04B Identify and explain how changes resulting from the Industrial Revolution
led to conflict among sections of the United States.
SS.5.04F Explain how industry and the mechanization of agriculture changed the
American way of life.
SS.5.13C Analyze the effects of immigration, migration, and limited resources on the
economic development and growth of the United States.
SS.5.13D Describe the impact of mass production, specialization, and
division of labor on the economic growth of the United States.
SS.5.17B Sing or recite The Star-Spangled Banner and explain its history.
SS.5.24C Organize and interpret information in outlines, reports, databases, and
visuals, including graphs, charts, timelines, and maps.
SS.5.25B Incorporate main and supporting ideas in verbal and written communication.

Extend, Review, Assess, and Reteach time is built within each unit.
Unit 8:Causes of
the Civil WarIn this
unit, students
examine three
major causes of the
Civil War.

Part 1: Causes of the Civil War Sectionalism (2 lessons)

45-min lessons

SS.5.04E Identify the causes of the Civil War, including sectionalism,

Suggested Pacing

states rights, and slavery, and the effects of the Civil War, including Reconstruction
and the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

Jan. 30 Feb. 17
Pt. 1
Jan. 30- Feb. 3

SS.5.24B Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-andeffect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing,
making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions.
SS.5.24D Identify different points of view about an issue, topic, or current event.
SS.5.24E Identify the historical context of an event.

SS.5.25A Use social studies terminology correctly. [taught throughout the unit]

Pt. 2
Feb. 6-24

Part 2: Causes of the Civil War Slavery (3 lessons)

SS.5.04E Identify the causes of the Civil War, including sectionalism,
states rights, and slavery, and the effects of the Civil War, including Reconstruction
and the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
SS.5.12B Evaluate the effects of supply and demand on business, industry, and
agriculture, including the plantation system, in the United States.
SS.5.24B Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-andeffect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing,
making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions.
SS.5.24D Identify different points of view about an issue, topic, or current event.
SS.5.24E Identify the historical context of an event.Extend, Review, Assess, and

Reteach time is built within each unit.

Part 3: Causes of the Civil War States Rights (2 lessons)
SS.5.04E Identify the causes of the Civil War, including sectionalism,
states rights, and slavery, and the effects of the Civil War, including Reconstruction
and the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
SS.5.24B Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-andeffect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing,
making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions.
SS.5.24D Identify different points of view about an issue, topic, or current event.
SS.5.24E Identify the historical context of an event.Extend, Review, Assess, and
Reteach time is built within each unit.
Unit 9:The Civil War and Reconstruction In this unit, students study the Civil War as
a critical turning point in U.S. history and examine its effects
Part 1: Leaders, Turning Points, and Surrender (3 lessons)
SS.5.04E Identify the causes of the Civil War, including sectionalism,
states rights, and slavery, and the effects of the Civil War, including Reconstruction
and the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
SS.5.24B Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-andeffect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing,
making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions.
SS.5.24C Organize and interpret information in outlines, reports, databases, and
visuals, including graphs, charts, timelines, and maps.

2016-2017 Scope and Sequence Social Studies Grade 5



4 Cycle

Mar. 20 May 25, 2017


on the country



Early Dismissal Feb. 22

Part 2: Reconstruction (3 lessons)

Pt. 2

SS.5.04E Identify the causes of the Civil War, including sectionalism,

Feb. 27 Mar. 3

states rights, and slavery, and the effects of the Civil War, including Reconstruction
and the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

CFA Window
Mar. 1-3
Pt. 3
Mar. 6-10
Spring Break Mar. 13-17

SS.5.24B Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-andeffect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing,
making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions.
SS.5.25B Incorporate main and supporting ideas in verbal and written communication.
Part 3: The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments (2 lessons)
SS.5.04E Identify the causes of the Civil War, including sectionalism,
states rights, and slavery, and the effects of the Civil War, including Reconstruction
and the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
SS.5.20B Describe various amendments to the U.S. Constitution such as those that
extended voting rights of U.S. citizens.
SS.5.24A Differentiate between, locate, and use valid primary and secondary sources
such as computer software; interviews; biographies; oral, print, and visual material;
documents; and artifacts to acquire information about the United States.
SS.5.24B Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-andeffect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing,

making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions.

SS.5.25B Incorporate main and supporting ideas in verbal and written communication.
Extend, Review, Assess, and Reteach time is built within each unit.

2016-2017 Scope and Sequence Social Studies Grade 5



4 Cycle

Mar. 20 May 25, 2017


Unit 10:The United

States Enters the
20th CenturyIn this
unit, students
examine a period of
change in the
United States at the
turn of the 20th
characterized by
population growth,
urbanization, war,
and immigration.




Part 1: Life in the United States at the Beginning of the 20th Century

45-min lessons


Suggested Pacing


Mar. 20 - Apr. 7

SS.5.23A Identify the accomplishments of notable individuals in the fields of science

and technology, including Benjamin Franklin, Eli Whitney, John Deere, Thomas
Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, George Washington Carver, the Wright Brothers, and
Neil Armstrong.

Pt. 1
Mar. 20-24
Pt. 2
Mar. 27 31

SS.5.23B Identify how scientific discoveries, technological innovations, and the rapid
growth of technology industries have advanced the economic development of the
United States, including the transcontinental railroad and the space program.
SS.5.23C Explain how scientific discoveries and technological innovations in the fields
of medicine, communication, and transportation have benefited individuals and society
in the United States.
SS.5.24C Organize and interpret information in outlines, reports, databases, and
visuals, including graphs, charts, timelines, and maps.

SS.5.25A Use social studies terminology correctly. [taught throughout the unit]
Part 2: Industrialization, Immigration, and Urbanization (3 lessons)
SS.5.04G Identify the challenges, opportunities, and contributions of people from
various American Indian and immigrant groups.
SS.5.05A Analyze various issues and events of the 20th century such as
industrialization, urbanization, increased use of oil and gas, the Great Depression, the
world wars, the civil rights movement, and military actions.
SS.5.06B Translate geographic data into a variety of formats such as raw data to
graphs and maps.
SS.5.13A Compare how people in different parts of the United States earn a living,
past and present.
SS.5.17E Explain the significance of important landmarks, including the White House,
the Statue of Liberty, and Mount Rushmore.
SS.5.22B Describe customs and traditions of various racial, ethnic, and religious
groups in the United States.
SS.5.22C Summarize the contributions of people of various racial, ethnic, and
religious groups to our national identity.
SS.5.25D Create written and visual material such as journal entries, reports, graphic
organizers, outlines, and bibliographies.

Extend, Review, Assess, and Reteach time is built within each unit.

2016-2017 Scope and Sequence Social Studies Grade 5


4 Cycle

Mar. 20 May 25, 2017




Pt. 3
Apr. 3-7

Part 3: World War I (2 lessons)

SS.5.05A Analyze various issues and events of the 20th century such as

CFA Window

industrialization, urbanization, increased use of oil and gas, the Great Depression, the
world wars, the civil rights movement, and military actions.

Apr. 5-7

SS.5.24E Identify the historical context of an event.

Unit 11:Boom,
Bust, and World
WarIn this unit,
students examine
both the economic
expansion of the
Roaring Twenties
and the collapse of
the Great
Depression, and
then consider how
World War II
changed life in the
United States and
the world.


SS.5.25B Incorporate main and supporting ideas in verbal and written communication.

Part 1: The Roaring Twenties (1 lesson)

45-min lessons

SS.5.05A Analyze various issues and events of the 20th century such as

Suggested Pacing

industrialization, urbanization, increased use of oil and gas, the Great Depression, the
world wars, the civil rights movement, and military actions.

Apr. 10-28
Pt. 1
Apr. 10-13
Spring Holiday Apr. 14
Pt. 2
Apr. 17-21

Pt. 3

SS.5.21B Explain how examples of art, music, and literature reflect the times during
which they were created.
SS.5.23C Explain how scientific discoveries and technological innovations in the fields
of medicine, communication, and transportation have benefited individuals and society
in the United States.
SS.5.24B Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-andeffect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing,
making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions.
Part 2: The Great Depression (2 lessons)
SS.5.05A Analyze various issues and events of the 20th century such as

industrialization, urbanization, increased use of oil and gas, the Great Depression, the
world wars, the civil rights movement, and military actions.
SS.5.11B Describe how the free enterprise system works in the United States.
SS.5.11C Give examples of the benefits of the free enterprise system in the United
SS.5.12A Explain how supply and demand affects consumers in the United States.
SS.5.24B Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-andeffect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing,
making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions.
Apr. 24-28

Part 3: World War II (3 lessons)

SS.5.05A Analyze various issues and events of the 20th century such as
industrialization, urbanization, increased use of oil and gas, the Great Depression, the
world wars, the civil rights movement, and military actions.
SS.5.05C Identify the accomplishments of individuals and groups such as Jane
Addams, Susan B. Anthony, Dwight Eisenhower, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks,
Cesar Chavez, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Colin Powell, the Tuskegee
Airmen, and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team who have made contributions to
society in the areas of civil rights,

2016-2017 Scope and Sequence Social Studies Grade 5


4 Cycle

Mar. 20 May 25, 2017


womens rights, military actions, and politics.

SS.5.24B Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying

cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea,
summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and
SS.5.24C Organize and interpret information in outlines, reports, databases, and
visuals, including graphs, charts, timelines, and maps.
Extend, Review, Assess, and Reteach time is built within each unit.
Unit 12:Issues for
Today In this unit,
students examine
the post-war
development of the
United States, and
the economic,
social, and political
factors that
influence the
direction of that

Part 1: Social Issues (3 lessons)

45-min lessons

SS.5.05A Analyze various issues and events of the 20th century such as
industrialization, urbanization, increased use of oil and gas, the Great Depression, the
world wars, the civil rights movement, and military actions.

Suggested Pacing
May 1-25
Pt. 1
May 1-12
Pt. 2
May 15-25

SS.5.05C Identify the accomplishments of individuals and groups such as Jane

Addams, Susan B. Anthony, Dwight Eisenhower, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks,
Cesar Chavez, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Colin Powell, the Tuskegee
Airmen, and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team who have made contributions to
society in the areas of civil rights, womens rights, military actions, and politics.
SS.5.13E Explain the impact of American ideas about progress and equality of
opportunity on the economic development and growth of the United States.
SS.5.20B Describe various amendments to the U.S. Constitution such as those that
extended voting rights of U.S. citizens.
SS.5.22C Summarize the contributions of people of various racial, ethnic, and
religious groups to our national identity.
SS.5.25A Use social studies terminology correctly. [taught throughout the unit]
Part 2: Political and Current Issues (2 lessons)

SS.5.05B Analyze various issues and events of the 21st century such as the War on
Terror and the 2008 presidential election.
SS.5.19B Identify past and present leaders in the national government, including the
president and various members of Congress, and their political parties.
SS.5.23D Predict how future scientific discoveries and technological innovations could
affect society in the United States.
SS.5.26B Use a decision-making process to identify a situation that requires a
decision, gather information, identify options, predict consequences, and take action to
implement a decision.
Extend, Review, Assess, and Reteach time is built within each unit.

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