Add Math Progressions

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Additional mathematics Form



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Prepared by :
Addational Mathematics Department
Sek Men Sains Muzaffar Syah Melaka
For Internal Circulations Only
Formulae/ Glossary
Progression ; A sequence of terms with certain characteristics in which there is a constant relaion
between two successive terms
Series : A summation of the terms in a sequence.
S = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15.
S = -2 + 4 - 6 + 8 - 10 + 12 - 14 = -8

Arithmatics Progression

Geometric Progression
Tn = ar n-1


Tn = a + (n-1)d



Sn = [2a + (n 1)d ]

a (r n 1) a (1 r n )
b) Sn =
, (r 1)
1 r
r 1
c) S =
, r <1
1 r

Students will be able to:

1. Understand and use the concept of arithmetic progression.
1.1 Identify characteristics of arithmetic progressions.
1.2 Determine whether a given sequence is an arithmetic progression.
1.3 Determine by using formula:
a) specific terms in arithmetic progressions;
b) the number of terms in arithmetic progressions.
1.4 Find:
a) the sum of the first n terms of arithmetic progressions.
b) the sum of a specific number of consecutive terms of arithmetic progressions.
c) the value of n, given the sum of the first n terms of arithmetic progressions.
1.5 Solve problems involving arithmetic progressions.
1.1 Identify characteristics of arithmetic progressions.
Arithmetic Progression is a sequence of numbers where the difference between successive (consecutive ) term is
a constant.
Determine whether each of the following number sequences is an arithmetic progression or not
Example 1 .
a) 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, ..
b) 3, -1, -5, -9, .
b) 1, 4, 9, 16, .
3a, 3a-b, 3a-2b, 3a-3b, .....

Exercise 1 . Determine whether each of the following number sequences is an arithmetic progression or not
a) 1 , 3 , 6, 10,15 ..
b) 2.0, 2.2, 2.4,2.6, 2.8 b) 9, 6, 3, 0, .
4 11 7
, ,

3 6 3

1.2 Determine whether a given sequence is an arithmetic Progression

If a sequence is an arithmetic progressions (AP) then the difference between the successive terms in the
sequence is a constant. This constant is called the common difference and denoted by the letter ,d
Example 2 : Determine which of the following sequences is an arithmetic progressions
a) 2,6,10,14,
b) 1,3 ,27 ,..
1 1 1
d) 1, , , ,.......
2 4 8,

Exercise 2
Determine which of the following sequences is an arithmetic progressions
b) 2, 6, 10, 14 ,.
(c) 11,6,1,-4,..
a) 1,3,9,27 ,

Homework Text Book Exercise 1.1 page 10 No 1 and 2

1.3 Determine by using formula: a) specific terms b) the number of terms in arithmetic progressions
An Arithmetic Progression (AP) can be represented as a, a + d, a + 2d, a + 3d,a + 4d,..
where a is the first term and d is the common difference. You see that
the 2 nd term is
the 3rd term is
a + 2d
i.e. a + (3 1)d
a + 3d
ie. a + (4 - 1)d and
the 4th term is
a + 4d
i.e. a + ( 5 -1)d
the 5th term is
The 20th term will be a + (20 1)d = a + 1 9d.
So, in general, the n th term , Tn is represented by Tn = a+ (n-1) d
n is the number of the terms
Example 3 Find (a) the common difference (b) the 10th term and (c) the nth term for the following
Arithmetic Progressions:
(i) 2, 5, 8, 11,. [Ans 3,29,3n-1 ]
ii) 4, 6 , 9 , [Ans 2 ,26 (5n+3) ] (iii) 7, 5 5 , 4 [Ans 1.5,-6.58.5-1.5n ]

Exercise 3 Find (a) the common difference (b) the 6th term and (c) the nth term for the following
Arithmetic Progressions:
(iii) 10, 4,-2,
1 1 3
4 11 7
(i) 1 , 2 , 3 ,... ..
ii) , , ,....

3 6 3

Example 4 Find the number of terms in the-following arithmetic progressions :

[ Ans 9 ]
(b) 10,4,-2.. 38
[ Ans 9]
c) m 2n , m , m+2n ,.. , m + 18 n
(a) 12, 15,1836
[ Ans 11 ]

Exercise 4 Find the number of terms in the-following arithmetic progressions :

[ Ans13]
(b) 4,1, -2,..,-26
[ Ans 11]
d) a+2x, a, a-2x,a - 38x.
(a) 5, 10, 15, 65
[ Ans 21 ]]

Homework Text Book Exercise 1.1 page 10 No 3 8

Example 5
a) The 7 th term and the 12 th term of an arithmetic
b) The 13 th term of an AP is 27. Given that the 7 th
progression are 27 and 47 respectively . Find the 30
term is 3 times than the second terms, find the first
term [Answer 119 ]
term and the common difference.
[Answer a = 3 , d = 2 ]

Exercise 5
a) The 6 th term and the 16 th term of an arithmetic
progression are 25 and 85 respectively . Find the 25 th
term [Answer 139 ]

b) If 3m 1 , 6m and 19 are three consecutive terms

in AP find the value of m [ m = 2 ]

Homework Text Book Exercise 1.1 page 10 No 9 13

1.4 Find:
a) the sum of the first n terms of arithmetic progressions.
b) the sum of a specific number of consecutive terms of arithmetic progressions.
c) the value of n, given the sum of the first n terms of arithmetic progressions
Let the sum of the first n terms is Sn
Then Sn = a+ (a+ d ) + (a+2d ) + ( a+3d )+ ...+ (a+ (n-1)d ).

By reversing the terms of the series on the right-hand side, we have :

Sn = (a + (n-1) d )+(a+ (n 2)d )+ (a+n-3d )+ .+ a
( 2a +Book
)+ (2a+ 11.1.2
(n-1) d+
( 2a262
+ (n-1)d ) + up to n terms
2 Sn = Text
= n(2a+ (n- 1)d )

Sn =

[2a + (n +1)d]

For an A.P. of n terms

a, a +d, a +2d l where the last term l = a + (n-1)d, the sum of n terms as obtained from above is
S n = [2a + (n 1)d ]
= [a + a + (n 1)d ]
= [a + l ]
i.e. if the sum of n terms of an A.P. with the first term a and the last term l is Sn,then
Sn = [a + l ] Sn = n
= n x average of the first and the last term
Example 6 Find the sum of each of the following series/or AP
a) 50,42,34,.-22
(d) -10 -7- 4 - 14 terms
(b) 4 + 7 + 10 + .... to 15
[ Ans 133]
[ Ans 140 ]
[ Ans 375]

(e) 4a + (3a + b) + (2a + 2b)

+to 12 terms
[ Ans 66b 18a]

Exercise 6 Find the sum of each of the following AP.

a) 1,2,3,4,.100

[ Ans 5050 ]

b) 101,113,125 .to 20 terms

[ans 4300]

(a) 11+13+15 +.... to l2 terms

[ Ans 264]

Homework Text Book Exercise 1.1 page 10 No 14 15

Example 7
a) The n th term for an AP is given by Tn = 19 7n
b) The first term for an AP is 13 and the sum of the
Find the sum of the first 15 terms.
first 25 terms is 875. Find
[ Jb 555] i) the common difference [ Ans 11/6 ]
ii) the 21st term [Ans 49 2/3 ]
iii) the sum of the first 12 terms [ Ans 277]

Exercise 7
a) find the least number of terms of the AP 4 , 7,10.
that must be taken in order that the sum exceeds 125
[ Ans 9 ]

b) In an AP the sum of the first 10 terms is 255 and

the sum of the next 5 terms is 315 . Find the 7 th terms
[ Ans 33]

Homework Text Book Exercise 1.1 page 11 No 16 - 21

1.5 Solve problems involving arithmetic progressions
Example 8
a) Find the sum of all integers laying between 100 and
b) Ali pays back her loan monthly installments. He pays RM
500 that can divisible by 17
[ Ans 7140 ]
20 in the first month . For each of the following months he
pays RM 4 more than the previous month If Ali,s loan is RM
3572. find
a) the numbers of months needed for Ali to clear his loan
[ Ans 38 month]
b) the amount of installment in the final month.[ ans RM 168 ]

Exercise 8

a). How many terms of the arithmetic progression

12 + 16 + 20 +. must be taken for the sum to be
equal to 672? (Camb.) [ Ans 16 ]

b) The sum to 14 terms of the progression 1, 1 4, 18, .

is equal to the sum of n terms of the progression 56,
58, 60,
Find the value of n [ Ans 8 ]

Homework Text Book Exercise 1.1 page 12 No 22,23 24.

Students will be able to:
2. Understand and use the concept of geometric
2.1 Identify characteristics of geometric
2.2 Determine whether a given sequence is a
geometric progression.
2.3 Determine by using formula:
a) specific terms in geometric progression,
b) the number of terms in geometric

2.4 Find:
a) the sum of the first n terms of geometric
b) the sum of a specific number of consecutive
terms of geometric progressions.
c) the value of n, given the sum of the first n terms
of geometric progressions
2.5 Find:
a) the sum to infinity of geometric progressions
b) the first term or common ratio, given the sum
to infinity of geometric progressions.
2.6 Solve problems involving geometric

2.1 Identify characteristics of geometric progressions.

2.2 Determine whether a given sequence is a
geometric progression.
A Geometric progression (G. P.) is a sequence of terms in which each term is obtained from the preceding one
by multiplying it by a constant. This constant is called the common ratio. r .
Example 9 : Determine which of the following sequences are geometric progressions: G.P
a) 1, 3, 9,27,..
b) 1, 4,9,16,..
1 1 1
c) 1, , ,
2 4 16

Exercise 9
a) 1,2, 4,-8, 16,32


1 1 1 1
, , ,
3 12 48 192

c) 4, -12, 36,-108,.

Homework Text Book Exercise 1.2 page 22 No 1 and 2


2.3 Determine by using formula:

a) specific terms in geometric progression b) the number of terms in geometric progressions.
The general term of a G.P.
A geometric progression can be represented as
a,ar,ar2 , ar3, ar4,.. where a is the first term and r the common ratio of the G.P.
We see that
the 3rd term is ar2 i.e. ar 3-1
the 4th term is ar3 i.e. ar4-1
the 5th term is ar4 i.e. ar4-1
The 10th term will be ar10-1= ar 9.
So, in general, the nth term , Tn is represented by

Tn = ar n 1
Example 10 : Find (a) the common ratio (b) the 9th term (c) the nth term for each of the following G.P:
(ii) 1,-1,1,-1,.
(iii) 3,-6,12,-24,..
1 1 1
(i) 1, , , ,.....
[ ans 2,3(-2)8,3(-2)n-1 ]
2 4 8

[ Ans , n , n-1 ]

Exercise 10 : Find (a) the common ratio (b) the 6th term (c) the nth term for each of the following G.P:
(a) 1 , 3,9, 27
,1, p, p 2 ,...... [ Ans p ,p4, p n-2 ]
[ Ans 3,243, 3 n-1 ] b) 12, -4, , , .

[ Ans 1/3 , - 12/234 , 12(-1/3)n-1]

Example 10 :
Determine the number of terms in
the following G.P
6,12,24,..1536. [Ans 9 ]

b) How many terms is there in the

following G.P
3 , -6 , 12 ,-24 .768. [ Ans9]

c) The 1 st term of a G.P is

term is




and the 6th

. Find the common ratio

and the n th term [Ans 3,

(3) n 1 ]

Exercise 10 :
Determine the number of terms in
the following G.P
2,10,50,, 31 250 . [Ans 7 ]

b) How many terms is there in the

following G.P

a) How many terms are there in the

G:P. 3,6, 12 ., 3072? [ Ans 11]

1 1 1
. [ Ans8 ]
, , ,.......,
4 12 36

Homework Text Book Exercise 1.2 page 22 No 3,4,5

Example 11
a) In a G.P the first terms and the third terms
exceeds the seconds terms by 12 and 24
respectively . Find the first term and the common
ratio [ ans a = 4 , r = -2 ]

Exercise 11
a) If 5, x, y, z, 405 are first five terms of a G.P, find
the value of x, y and z [ Ans 15,45,135 ]

b)Find the first term of the geometric progression 144,

108, 81, that exceeds 10 [ ans n = 10 ]

b) If x-1, x + 1, 2x + 2 are three consecutive terms of a

G.P Find the value of x and x 0.
[ Ans 3 ]

Homework Text Book Exercise 1.2 page 22 No 6 13

2.4 Find: a) the sum of the first n terms of G.P b) the sum of a specific number of consecutive terms of G.P
c) the value of n, given the sum of the first n terms of G.P
Consider the GP of n terms : a , ar , ar2 , ar 3 ,.ar n-1
Let Sn be the sum of the first n terms of a G.P.
Sn = a +ar +ar2+.+ar n-1 .. (1)
Multiply throughout by r :
+ ... + ar n-1 + arn (2)
rsn = ar + ar2 +
(2) -(1) :
r Sn - Sn = ar n - a

(r-1) Sn =

a( rn 1)

a ( r n 1)
, r 1
r 1
a (1 r n )
, r 1
If we subtract (1) (2) we get S n =
1 r
This formula is usually used if r is numerically less than 1, i.e r
Sn =

< 1.

Example 12
a) Find the sum of the first eight terms of the
G.P 4,8,16,.
[ Ans 1020 ]

Exercise 12
a) In the G.P 64 , -16 , 4 , -1 +, Find the sum to
10 terms [ Ans51 ]

b) Find the sum of the G.P 5,-10,20,,320

[ Ans 215 ]

b) Find the sum of the G.P 48,12,3,..,

[ Ans 63

Homework Text Book Exercise 1.2 page 22 No 14 15

Example 13
a) The 2nd term and the 5th term of a G.P. are 6 and 48
respectively. Find the sum of the first 10 terms.
[ Ans 3069 ]


b) Find the least number of terms of the G.P.

I + 3 + 9 + 27 +.that must be taken in order that the
sum exceeds 14 10
[ Ans 12 ]

Exercise 13
a) In the G.P the sum of second term and third term is
-48, while the sum of third terms and the
fourth terms is 16. Find the sum of the first 5
terms.[ ans 162


b) The first term of a certain geometric progression is

2 , and the sixth term is 607 . Find
(i) the common ratio
(ii) the sum , correct to 3 significant figures,
of the first 10 terms.
[ Ans 3, 73800, ]

Homework Text Book Exercise 1.2 page 23 No 16 - 19

2.5 Find:
a) the sum to infinity of geometric progressions b) the first term or common ratio, given the sum
to infinity of geometric progressions.
Sum to infinity, S
From the formula for the sum of n terms of a G.P. with
Sn =

a(1 r n )
1 r
ar n

1 r 1 r

if r

< I, we see that

< 1, then as n increases, rn decreases, and as n ,

ar n
0 when n 0
1 r
1 r
approaches as n is known as the sum to infinity, S

Hence the sum Sn approaches a finite value

The value that Sn

Thus when r

< I , the sum to infinity of a G.P. is S =

Example 14
a) The first three terms of a G.P.
are x + 10, x -2 and x 10
respectively. Calculate the value
of x and hence find
(i) the common ratio
(ii) the sum to infinity

1 r

b) Find the sum to infinity for the

i) 16, 8,4,2
[Ans 32 ]
ii) 27, -9, 3,-1..
[ Ans 20 ]

c) The second term and the sum to

infinity of a GP are 2 and 8
respectively. Find the sum of the
first 6 terms. [ Ans 7 7/8 ]


Exercise 14 Find the sum to infinity for the G.P.


1 1 1
Ans ( 2/3 )
, ,
2 8 32


2 , 1.8, 1.62 , [ ans 20 ]

c) If the sum to infinity of a G.P is

two times of the first terms .find the
common ratio of a G.P [ ans r = ]

Example 15 Express the recurring decimal as a fraction in its lowest terms

. . .
a) 0.3333..
[ Jb1/3 ]
b) 0. 0 2 7

[ Jb

Exercise 15 Express the recurring decimal as a fraction in its lowest terms

. .
a) 0.8888
[ Jb 8/9 ]
b) 0. 3 6

[ Jb

Homework Text Book Exercise 1.2 page 23 No 20 25 ]

2.6 Solve problems involving geometric progressions
Example 15
a) How many terms of the geometric progression 48
+24 + 12 + .. must be taken for the sum to be equal to
[Ans 7]



b).Find the sum of the first n terms of the geometric

progression 5 + 15 + 45 + What is the least number of
terms which will give a total of more than 108?
[ ans 16 ]


Exercise 15
a) The first term of a G. P. is 8 and the common ratio 2
What is the minimum number of terms that must be
taken so that the difference between the sum of
these terms and the sum to infinity is less than 0.01? [
ans 11 ]

and 40
are the first and last terms of a
geometric progression and there are 7 term
altogether, find the second term. (Camb.)
[ 5 1/3 ]

a) If 3

Homework Text Book page 24 N0 26 27

SPM Questions
SPM 2003

SPM 2004

a). The first three terms of an arithmetic progression

are k - 3, k + 3, 2k + 2. Find
(a) the value of k,
(b) the sum of the first 9 terms of the
[ 3 marks ]

b) Given an arithmatic progression -7, -3,1 state three

b. In a geometric progression, the first term is 64 and

the fourth term is 27. Calculate
(a) the common ratio,
(b) the sum to infinity of the geometric
progression. [ 4 marks ]

consecutive terms in this progression which sum up to 75

[ 3 marks ]
c) The volume of water in a tank is 450 litres on the first day.
Subsequently, 10 linters of water is added to tank everyday.
Calculate the valume, in litres, of water in the tank at end of
the 7th day [ 2 marks]

a) Given a Geometic Progression y , 2,

, p express p in

terms of y [ 2 marks ]

d) Express the recurring decimal 0.969696as a frection in its

simplest form [ 4marks]

SPM 2005

SPM 2006

a) The first three terms of a sequence are 2, x, 8 Find

the positive value of x so that the sequence is
i) an arithmatic progression
ii) a geometric progression [ 2 marks ]

a) The 9 th term of an arithmatic progression is 4 + 5p and the

sum of the first four terms of the progression is 7p 10, where
p is constant.
Given that the common difference of the progression is 5, find
the value of p. [ 3 marks]

b) The first three terms of an arithmatic progression

are 5,9,13. Find
i) the common difference of the progression
ii) the sum of the first 20 terms after the 3rd terms
[ 4 marks]
c) The sum of the first n terms of the geometric
progression 8,24,72,.is 8744. Find

b) The third term of a geometric progression is 16. The sum of

the third term and the fourth term is 8
i) the first term and the common ratio of the progression
ii) the sum ti infinity of the progression
[ 4 marks ]

i) the common ratio of the progression

ii) the value of n
[ 4 marks ]


Topic 1
Progressions Enrichment
1. Find
a) the common difference ,
b) the 10th term ,
c) the n th term
for the following arithmetic progressions
i) 2 , 5, 8 , 11 , .
Ans. : a) 3
Ans : a) 2
ii) 4 , 6 , 9 , ..

Find the number of terms in the following arithmetic series :

a) 12 , 15 , 18 , .., 36
b) a + 2x , a , a 2x , .. , a 38x.


b) 26

c) 3n - 1
(5n + 3)

Ans. : 9
Ans. : 21


Find the sum of each of the following series :

a) 11 + 13 + 15 + .. to 12 terms.
b) -10 -7 4 - .to 14 terms.


The first three terms of an arithmetic progression are h 3, h + 3, 2h + 2. Find

(a) the value of h
(b) the sum of the first 9 terms of the progression

Ans. : 264
Ans. : 133
Ans. : h = 7
Ans. : S9 = 252


a) the common ratio
b) the 9 th term
c) the n th term
for each of the following geometric progressions
c) 3n 1
i) 1 , 3 , 9 , 27 , .
Ans. : a ) 3
b) 38
1 1 1
ii) 1 , , , ,
Ans. : a)
b) ( )8 c) ( ) n 1
2 4 8
6. How many terms at least of the arithmetic progression 1 , 4 , 7 , 10, .. are needed to give
a sum greater than 590 , starting from the first term of the arithmetic progression?
Ans. : n = 21

How many terms are there in each of the following geometric progressions ?
a) 3 , -6 , 12 , -24 , .. , 768.
Ans. :
b) 2 , 10 , 50 , ., 1250 .
Ans. :


Given a geometric progression


Find the sum of each of the following series :

a) 2 4 + 8 16 + .. to 10 terms

, 1 , -3 , 9 .


, which term is equal to 729 ?

Ans. :

The 8th term

Ans. : - 682
Ans. :
b) 2a + 4a2 + 8a3 + .. to 11 terms
[1 ( 2a )11 ]
1 2a
10. The 2nd and the 5 th term of a geometric progression are 6 and 48 respectively . Find the
geometric progression and the sum of the first 10 terms.
Ans. : The G.P is 3 , 6 , 12 , 24 , ..
S 10 = 3069


Find the sum to infinity for the geometric progressions

a) 16 , 8 , 4 , 2 ,..

Ans. : 32


Ans. : 20

27 , -9 , 3 , -1 ,.



A piece of wire of length p cm is cut into 30 parts such that their lengths form an arithmetic progression.
Given that the length of the longest part is 99 cm and the sum of the lengths of the three shortest parts
is 45 cm. Find
the length of the shortest part,
the value of p.
Ans :
12 cm
p =1665

The sum of the first n terms of a geometric progression is given by Sn = 16[1 ()n]. Find
the first term,
the common ratio,
the sum of the first n terms, where n is large enough such that rn 0.
Ans :


In a geometric progression, the sum of the first five terms is 31/8. Given that the common ratio is 1/2.
the first term,
the sum of all the terms from the fourth to the sixth term.
Ans :

The price of a new car is RM 60,000. Its price decreases by 10% every year. Find
the price of the car after 5 years.
the percentage decrease in the price of the car in 5 years time.
Ans :
RM 35429.40


The following diagram shows the arrangement of the first three of an infinite series of similar triangles.
The first triangle has a base of b cm and a height of h cm. The measurements of the base and height of
each subsequent triangle are half of the measurements of its previous one.

h cm


Ans :

b cm
Show that the areas of the triangles form a geometric progression and state the common ratio.
Given that b = 160 cm and h = 80 cm,
determine which triangle has an area of 25 cm2,
find the sum to infinity of the areas, in cm2, of the triangles.
5th triangle

(ii )

8533. 33

The perimeter of a hexagon is 36cm. The lengths of the sides of the hexagon are in arithmetic
progression and the length of the longest side is five times the length of the shortest side. Find the
length of the shortest side.
Ans :
2 cm

A piece of wire is bent to form arcs of semicircles, as shown in the above figure. The radius of the
smallest semicircle is 3 cm and the radii of the following semicircles increase by 2 cm, in sequence.
If the radius of the largest semicircle is 41cm, calculate the number of semicircles that are formed.
Can the semicircle pattern in (a) be formed from a 360 cm long wire?
Ans :


20 semicircles
Only 18 semicircles can be formed. Hence the semicircle pattern in (a), which
consists of 20 semicircles cannot be formed.


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