Anti-Bias Lesson Plan
Anti-Bias Lesson Plan
Anti-Bias Lesson Plan
GradeLevel:1 grade
Unit: AntiBiasLesson
1. Objective(s):
At the end of this lesson students will be able to understand similarities and
differences between themselves and others around the world based on the
following topics of transportation, birthdays, homes, shopping, families and
Language Objective for overall lesson for ELLs:
Students will listen to the vocabulary words that we are focusing on by
repetition and looking at visuals on a PowerPoint to understand what
similarities, differences, transportation, culture and traditions mean
through pictures. Then students will read the variety of books drawing
attention to homes, transportation, shopping, birthdays, clothes and
families around the world. By analyzing these books students will then
relate to the text by writing down one similarity and one difference from
each book that relates to others around the world.
Content Objective:
Identify basic similarities and difference between yourself and others
around the world focusing on the topics of shopping, homes,
transportation, clothes, birthdays and families.
2. ColoradoAcademicStandards:
Students can:
a. Identify similarities and differences between themselves and others (DOK 1-2)
b. Discuss common and unique characteristics of different cultures using multiple
sources of information (DOK 1-2)
K-12 Anchor Standards and Domains:
1. Students will develop positive social identities based on their membership in
3. LearningTarget(s):Whatobjective(s)youwillpostontheboardinstudentfriendly
I can list one thing that I have in common with kids around the world
based on the topics of Families, Transportation, Clothes, Shopping,
birthdays and Homes.
I can list one thing that is different from my life to another kids life
around the world based on the topics of Families, Transportation,
Clothes, Shopping, birthdays and Homes.
I can understand the similarities and difference amongst myself and
others around the world.
4. Assessment:Howwillyouknowtheextenttowhichstudentshavemetthelearning
I will know that students have met their learning target by looking at their charts
that share similarities and difference. Also as a wrap up to check for
understanding I will have all the students gather at the carpet once the lesson is
done, and having the students participate in a give one get one sharing
strategy with a partner that is sitting next to them. Each student will give their
partner one thing that they had in common with the kids in the book, and one
thing that was different about themselves and the kids in the book. Then after
that I will gather as a whole and have the students tell me one similarity and one
difference. I will only call on a few students.
5. Materials:
6. TechnologyResourcesandSkills:
Students will listen to the vocabulary words that we are focusing on by
repetition and looking at visuals on a PowerPoint to understand what
similarities, differences, transportation, culture and traditions mean
through pictures.
-Students will then engage in a group discussion by raising their hand when sharing
what they see in the pictures on the PowerPoint on the following topics of
shopping, homes, transportation, clothes, birthdays and families. I will check for
understanding by listening to the conversations in the think pair share, then will
gather the group back together for ideas of what they think each vocabulary word
means. (Formative Assessment Oral/Listening to partner when sharing what they
discussed) (Speaking, listening)(preparation) (formative assessment) (interaction)
(5 minutes)
I will then give an example from one of the books that they are reading from by
looking at the pictures in the book and thinking aloud, by reading the text as well.
I will then split them up into small groups four groups of five and one group of
students will be rotating at each table. When the timer goes off the students will
rotate to the right. Student will then engage with the text by doing a picture walk
the first time through just to make connections based on pictures that the book
represents. The students will be going through the text a second time and will be
reading throughout the text with their group (five group of 4, and one group of 5)
by reading the text in a read aloud. The text is first grade appropriate! When
students are in this process they will write down what similarity and one difference
that they connect with in the text. Students can share aloud in their group their
personal connection in the text (think aloud) (Speaking, listening, reading, writing)
(6minutes each book)(36 minutes)
Then I will have the classroom gather up on the carpet and close this lesson with a few
students sharing one similarity and one difference from their book of choice .
I will mention
at the end of the lesson that there is not one right way to celebrate holidays, use
transportation, not one place that you go shopping is better than the other. Not all families are
the same and that is okay. Everyone has different homes, ways of transportation, and shop at
different places, wear different clothes, and celebrates birthdays differently. It is important that
the students use their prior knowledge of making mental notes in their head when they are
interacting with the texts. Children can interact with the text in different ways such as picture
walks and reading the text. Extend that what we just learned about relating texts back to
themselves by doing so students can relate to the text and recording one thing that is similar
and one thing that is different. (3 minutes) (listening, speaking)(4 minutes)
Alyssa Montoya
Chiara Cannella Ed 447
Anti-Bias Lesson
December 6, 2016
Anti-Bias Reflection
During my anti-bias lesson teach there were multiple things that went well and engaged
that students in their learning. A key component to this lesson plan was repetition and
clarification as well as allowing the students to engage in making personal connections. First
when I was introducing key words that were going to be reoccurring words such as culture,
traditions, transportation, similarities and differences it was important that the students were able
to interact with one another in a think pair share by engaging them to first think independently
then pair up with a partner then share aloud what they discussed. This strategy seemed to work
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really well, it allowed students to participate in several aspects of learning strategies. When
working with students and being able to assess them in any lesson is very important. Checking
for understanding and interaction with others and the text is a key component in any setting of
learning but especially for English Language Learners that are in the classroom. I was able to
assess these students throughout this whole lesson. There was lot of interactions throughout the
lesson. Interaction amongst peers, interaction with the text, and interaction with a group
discussion. During this anti-bias lesson required student to perform higher level thinking
strategies. By doing so allowed student to make connections between themselves and others in
the text. Having the students interact with the text first through a picture walk was important for
the self-assessment process during this lesson. By having each student participate in a picture
walk allowed students to reflect on themselves and make connections was one of the main points
to get across when teaching this lesson.
Modeling for the students was one of the most important parts of this lesson. Modeling is
an effective way to make sure that the students understand as well as for directional purposes so
they know what the main point of this lesson and their outcomes as well as their end goal is for
this lesson. While I was walking the students through the process of their task I was thinking out
loud and constantly making connections with the text and making a mental note of pictures
and details that the book provided for me to relate to. Doing so was important because not only
did it have the students think about connections between them and the text but also gives them
ideas of strategies that they can use when working and engaging with the text when it is their
turn to do so. When I modeled what the students were going to be doing I made sure that I did
my thinking aloud. It was important that the students understood explicitly what I wanted them
to do. I believe that when working with the younger students it is important to be very explicit of
your expectations when they do their work independently.
Culturally responsive pedagogy was one of the main objective that I had for myself when
teaching this anti-bias lesson. When I got feedback from you and my CT, I tried to alter my
lesson in a way that I could reach out to all students learning abilities. This is why I added in the
language objective piece to be able to accommodate for all students and their ability to better
comprehend. Adding in the language objective overall really helped break down barriers for
understanding, it really touched bases on all aspects of the assignment especially for ELLs. We
have a new students that doesnt yet qualify as an ELL students, but is in the process of getting
tested, so one of the key elements that I added to my lesson was the language objective. It was a
very important adjustment to accommodate for all students in the classroom, but I strongly
believe that the class as a whole did benefit from this addition to the lesson. By doing so
emphasized on listening, speaking as well as writing and reading. I believe that when teaching
any type of lesson we should really try and incorporate the language objective into the lesson,
doing so will help students understand their expectations more clearly. Another way that I
incorporated culturally responsive pedagogy was when I grouped the students in a way so that
they could have diversity in culture, and relate to the book in a different way, I also tried to do a
mixture of boys and girls, different point of views as well as separation of their talkative friends
that they always tend to work with. Allowing kids to work with other students that they might
not work with is such an important component to allow in your classroom because students can
really benefit from other perspectives.
When I made changes to my instruction piece of this lesson, I really tried to focus on the
scaffolding of my lesson plan. As I mentioned in the lesson it was important that I modeled what
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I was expecting the students to do when it was time for their independent practice. If I learned
anything while being in my placement it is at the younger grade levels it is an essential part of
instruction to model for the students. It is important because learning and modeling allow you as
a teacher to get feedback from the students to make sure that they understand what they are
thinking, as well as to make sure that the students know what their task is. It is much better to
get the group as a whole and to explain and break down what you want them to do opposed to
repeating yourself over and over again 25 times. Adding in the picture walk before reading the
text was important because it allowed students to practice making text clues through pictures
and understanding how they can get ideas and understand a book better if you use the pictures to
decode and make connections. Setting up the expectation and allowing students to understand
exactly what you want them to do was very important. When you are working with the students
who are at a younger grade level you need to understand that they need more instruction and
structure to make sense of the layout of expectations that are required to be met. This really helps
with any type of classroom management and allowing students to be responsible for their own
When I was doing the introduction to this lesson I had a question in mind and stated it
throughout the PowerPoint so that the students would constantly refer back to it when looking at
the pictures. The question that was asked throughout these pictures was how the pictures are the
same, and how are they different?. Students had no problem relating to the pictures. At times
the students got fairly loud when we did the think pair share because they had many stories and
ideas that they could relate to. For example that students would say In the summer my family
goes to our log cabin and stays there. Adding the PowerPoint with all the pictures really
allowed the students to engage in conversation and really relate the topics back to their personal
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lives. Having visuals is a key component to the lesson to reach out to visual learners. By
looking at pictures it is easy for students to make assumptions as to what things are. So as a
teacher of this lesson I went through the pictures so the students would understand what each
picture represented. This is important especially for ELLs in the classroom.
It was great to engage students in conversation and open discussion when teaching my
anti-bias lesson. The rotations in the book stations worked out great. The students were split up
into five groups of four, and one group of 5. The books were at an appropriate level for first
graders which was very helpful. One of the main things that I would change and do next times is
allowing the students to only interact with 4 or 5 books opposed to six. The students didnt get
the chance to finish the last and final rotation because I wanted all the students to be able to
come together and wrap up the lesson. Although the students didnt get the chance to finishing
all the books, it was still great that they got to interact with at least five books. Another way that I
could alter this lesson plan was to maybe even split the texts into two different ways and one day
just focus on how things are similar in the text and just find one similarity in the text that they
can relate back to themselves. Then on the next day the students can engage in the text about
differences and writing down one thing from each book of why they are different. Another thing
that I would change is the way that I brought the students back to discussion because there were
times where transition was loud and students werent listening to what other kids in the class said
which made it hard, so I believe that if I gathered the students better into the sharing part of the
lesson then I think that it would of went more smoothly. Overall the students grasped the concept
of the anti-bias educational objective because students were able to engage in different cultures
from the book and were then able to reflect it back to themselves and their life. It was important
that at the end when I was closing up the lesson that students understand that all students are
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different and that is okay to be different because if we were all the same that would be boring.
When I was closing up this lesson this student said to me we are all different, and that is ok
because that is what makes us special. That was a very proud teaching point to understand that
students are getting your concept or essential question that you are trying to get across.