David Myatt, Reichsfolk, Esoteric Hitlerism, and Savitri Devi
David Myatt, Reichsfolk, Esoteric Hitlerism, and Savitri Devi
David Myatt, Reichsfolk, Esoteric Hitlerism, and Savitri Devi
In a 2003 article published in Das Reich - the internal bulletin of Reichsfolk Myatt stated that
"In the terms of Savitri Devi, my way of Folk Culture {1} is a
philosophy manifesting what is 'above time', while the ethical
National-Socialism of Reichsfolk and other groups is 'against time',
that is, imbued with both Lightning and Sun: a necessary precursor
of that future when the empathy and compassion of the way of Folk
Culture is a reality for more than just some small isolated
communities of mystics dwelling on planet Earth."
The article coincided with Myatt's plan - a plan described in detail by
Professor Michael in his 2006 book The Enemy of My Enemy - to bring
National Socialists and radical Muslims together so that they could, in
practical ways, ght those he regarded as "their common enemy". To wit,
In this article Myatt states that the non-racist 'ethical National Socialism' he
had developed in the late 1990's was "a numinous option for individuals who
are so inclined to engage the Magian" and that
"the ethical National-Socialism of Reichsfolk [is] the required and
necessary prelude to the emergence, some time in the still distant
future, of a numinous way of life for the majority of human beings
expressed as that is by the rather mystical way of Folk Culture."
It seems particularly relevant that Myatt then described his 'way of folk
culture' in reference to the term 'above time', a term rst used by esoteric
Hitlerist Savitri Devi in the 1950's.
To place this in perspective, I shall quote at length what was the gist of his
"I see no ultimate contradiction between the way of Folk Culture
and National-Socialism, or between those and the Muslim quest for
a new Khilafah. For the operative word here is ultimate: that is, in
the Cosmic scheme of things, although there is perhaps the illusion
of contradiction, the illusion of causal forms. Yet there is a
numinous (acausal) presencing or rather, numinous presencings,
in causal Space and causal Time; which change or which can
change by a process of numinous symbiosis and over long
durations of causal Time the life-forms living in the causal.
I regard such ethical National-Socialism, and the emergence of a
Khilafah in Muslim lands, as a possible prelude indeed, as
possibly the required and necessary prelude to the emergence,
some time in the still distant future, of a numinous way of life for
the majority of human beings, as expressed by my mystical way of
Folk Culture.
That is, this Folk Culture is currently not a practicable alternative,
for a majority of human beings who live in oppressive, Magiandominated societies, or who live in poverty, or for whom day to day
practical survival is more important than some mystical philosophy
propounded by some relatively auent Gnostic living in the
relative comfort and stability of the West.
In essence, the way of Folk Culture is both of now, and of our
human future the preferred ethical choice, now, for those who
resonate with it while ethical NS and a Muslim Khilafah are the
necessary and numinous choice of those who honourably resonate
with them due to their current conditions, their culture, and their
That is, there is and should be a free choice; and a choice which
devolves around the reality that exists now on planet Earth, and the
reality of human beings, as they are now not as I or some other
mystic might prefer human beings to be and not as I or some other
mystic would like the Earth to be: replete with empathic,
honourable, compassionate, human beings. Our current reality,
sadly, is of a world increasingly dominated by the sly profane
Magian and their un-numinous causal abstractions which include
both usury and the tyranny of an abstract law which is anathema to
all noble human beings possessed of an instinct for honour, for
There is, and should be, a mutual respect and tolerance between
those who have opted to follow the way of Folk Culture, and those
who have for whatever practical or personal reason opted for
the more temporal (against-Time) way of ethical NationalSocialism, in the lands of the West and elsewhere, or the way of the
Khilafah, in the lands of the Muslims. Just as there was, for
It appears that in the Das Reich article Myatt is linking his apolitical mystical
'way of Folk Culture' philosophy with the esoteric National Socialist tradition
that Savitri Devi helped to create by her seminal work The Lightning and The
Sun, rst published in Calcutta in 1958.
Since Myatt writes that his way of Folk Culture is a philosophy 'above Time'
and that his ethical National Socialism is 'against Time', it is pertinent to
quote some relevant passages from Chapter 3 of the aforementioned book by
Savitri Devi:
But there are also men 'outside Time' or rather 'above Time'; men
who live, here and now, in eternity; who (directly at least) have no
part to play in the downward rush of history towards disintegration
and death, but who behold it from above as one beholds, from a
strong and safe bridge, the irresistible rush of a waterfall into the
abyss and who have repudiated the law of violence which is the
law of Time.....
But the salvation which the men 'above Time' oer the world is
always that which consists in breaking the time-bondage. It is
never that which would nd its expression in collective life on earth
Myatt's essay is also noticeable for the theme of Galactic colonization which
runs through it, as well as for Myatt's emphasis on the long-term nature of
his work - that is, what he calls his Aeonic vision and perspective.
Hence, he views his own mystical Folk Culture philosophy as the way of only
a few enlightened individuals, at least until the ones 'against Time' represented by those promulgating his ethical National Socialism and by
those Muslims violently seeking to create a new Muslim Khilafah - have
replaced "the current material profanity of the Magian ethos with something
Myatt's Cosmic vision is of,
"the means required to bring-into-being new ways of numinous
living for human beings, on this planet Earth, and of the means
required to enable us to leave this Earth and so grow to maturity
among the star-systems of our, and of other, Galaxies."
Which rather neatly returns him to much earlier, 1980's, National Socialist
works of his where he wrote and spoke about a Galactic Imperium and a
Cosmic Reich.
It seems to me especially relevant that Myatt, in the Das Reich article, writes
that, "in the Cosmic scheme of things", there is no contradiction between his
compassionate ethereal Folk Culture and National Socialism, nor between
these and the Muslim quest for a new Khilafah. For, as he admits, he was
being pragmatic - considering such things, as one might expect someone
'above Time' to do, with an almost cosmic detachment.
In particular, this cosmic detachment - which seems to so enrage Myatt's
enemies - places Myatt's decade long support for violent Jihad into the
correct perspective. For he is, and has been, in the words of Savitri Devi,
accepting of those 'against Time' who have "to be violent, merciless,
destructive," regarding such Jihad, as Myatt does, as one practical means to
defeat his life-long enemy, the euphemistically termed Magian, in preparation
for Myatt's New Golden Age of Galactic exploration and colonization when
his mystical Folk Culture, or something similar, will nally enlighten
humanity, or at least a signicant number of them.
That the nature and relevance of Myatt's support for and tolerance of such
diverse violent means has not been understood, except by a few individuals and is especially misunderstood by many who describe themselves as
'National Socialists' - is surely yet more proof of just how well David Myatt
now ts Savitri Devi's label of a man 'above Time'.
which has taken him far when where he began, as a violent and fanatical
neo-nazi thug.
February 2011
(Updated August 2012)
{1} Myatt initially formulated what he called his 'numinous way of folk culture' between
1997 and 1999, later styling it simply by the term Folk Culture, dropping the term 'numinous
way'. It was mostly - but not always - just his 'ethical National Socialism' - of Reichsfolk with the term 'folk culture' replacing the term 'national socialism' and with references to
Hitler and the Third Reich removed. That he later, post-2006, at rst used the term
'numinous way' to describe his apolitical, compassionate, world-view based on pathei mathos
was initially most confusing, which was perhaps one reason he, post-2012, adopted the term
'philosophy of pathei-mathos' instead.
Addendum, 2015:
Notes On A Forgery
In 2011 the website of the Aryan Nations faction led by a certain August Kreis - an American
subscriber to the Das Reich bulletin - published an article allegedly by Myatt under the title
David Myatt On National-Socialism and a Muslim Khilafah .
It subsequently, in 2012, was revealed that the Kreis article was a forgery. His forgery
contained extensive quotations from Myatt's 2003 Das Reich article as well as from other
Das Reich articles between 2003 and 2005 written by Myatt and by others on the subject of
neo-nazi and Jihadi cooperation. Kreis had added some paragraphs of his own and
substituted the term 'numinous way' for 'folk culture' in an attempt to make it appear
contemporaneous since Kreis dated his article 2011 and styled it as a recent "interview" with
That several people - myself included - were initially taken in by this forgery is a reminder
that vigilance is required in this internet age in respect of authorship, attribution, and
content. It subsequently transpired that Kreis himself had a history of fraud, for which crime
he spent time in jail, and that he is currently serving 50 years in jail for a variety of other,
quite despicable, crimes.