This document contains a list of 103 references used in a paper on multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) and neonatal infections. The references are written in both English and Indonesian and cover topics such as the molecular mechanisms of antibiotic resistance, epidemiology of MDROs, risk factors for neonatal infections, treatment costs of MDRO infections, and prevention of MDRO transmission in healthcare settings.
This document contains a list of 103 references used in a paper on multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) and neonatal infections. The references are written in both English and Indonesian and cover topics such as the molecular mechanisms of antibiotic resistance, epidemiology of MDROs, risk factors for neonatal infections, treatment costs of MDRO infections, and prevention of MDRO transmission in healthcare settings.
This document contains a list of 103 references used in a paper on multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) and neonatal infections. The references are written in both English and Indonesian and cover topics such as the molecular mechanisms of antibiotic resistance, epidemiology of MDROs, risk factors for neonatal infections, treatment costs of MDRO infections, and prevention of MDRO transmission in healthcare settings.
This document contains a list of 103 references used in a paper on multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) and neonatal infections. The references are written in both English and Indonesian and cover topics such as the molecular mechanisms of antibiotic resistance, epidemiology of MDROs, risk factors for neonatal infections, treatment costs of MDRO infections, and prevention of MDRO transmission in healthcare settings.
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