Glossary of HSE Terms
Glossary of HSE Terms
Glossary of HSE Terms
The ultimate responsibility for an area of authority defined by the individuals Job Description, and will include authority delegated to a subordinate albeit temporary or permanent.
Air emissions
Waste gases, vapours and small particles that are released into the air .
1 A systematic, independent evaluation to determine whether or not the health, safety
and environmental management system and its operation comply with planned arrangements, and whether or not the system is implemented effectively, and is suitable to fulfil
the companys health, safety and environmental policy and objectives. (based on OGP
report 6.36/210, 1994 Guidelines for the development and application of health, safety and
environmental management systems ).
2 The examination of the whole system to assess how it has been used over a period, and
so make sure it has operated as intended. (OGP report 6.29/189, 1993 Guidelines on
permit to work (PTW) systems ).
The ability to perform a particular job in compliance with performance standards. (OGP
report 6.34/206, 1994 Health safety & environmental schedules for marine geophysical operations ).
2000 OGP
Contingency plan
A pre-established plan to mitigate an unusual situation which has the potential for harm,
which incorporates the best use of local as well as remote facilities and resources.
A system of operating between two or more parties.
The risk of injury.
Dangerous occurence
Readily identifiable event (see Accident and Near miss) with potential to cause an accident
or disease to persons at work and the public or of significant actual or potential material
Emergency plan
See Contingency plan
Any individual who carries out duties or actions specified by an employer for which the individual receives remuneration from the employer .
The surroundings and conditions in which a company or individual operates or which it may
affect, including living systems (human and other) therein. (OGP report 6.36/210, 1994
Guidelines for the development and application of health, safety and environmental management
systems ).
2000 OGP
2 A formal, written, technical evaluation of potential effects on the environment (atmosphere, water, land, plants and animals) of a particular event or activity. (OGP report
2.58/196, 1993 Exploration and production waste management guidelines ).
The science of studying people at work, and designing tasks, jobs, tools, equipment, facilities,
and the work environment, so that people can be safe, healthy, effective, efficient, productive
and comfortable.
The measurement of time during which the subject is at risk from a hazard.
Death due to work related injury or illness.
Number of fatalities
Total number of employees
2000 OGP
First aid
The skilled application of accepted principles of treatment on the occurrence of an accident
or in the case of sudden illness, using facilities and materials available at the time.
to sustain life;
to prevent deterioration in an existing condition; and
to promote recovery.
The most important areas of first aid treatment are:
restoration of breathing (resuscitation);
control of bleeding; and
prevention of collapse
Flash point
The lowest temperature of a flammable liquid at which it gives off sufficient vapour to form
an ignitable mixture with the air near the surface of the liquid or within the container used.
Generic hazard
A hazard which may be generally present throughout an operation or industry but which may
have widely different levels of risk, depending on the specific site characteristics.
Greenhouse gases
Gases that alter the thermal properties of the atmosphere. The main greenhouse gases are
considered to be water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chloroflouro carbons,
halons and ozone.
Hand tools
Tools which are portable and are operated whilst being held.
2000 OGP
1 An object, physical effect, or condition with potential to harm people, property or the
environment. (OGP report 6.40/217, 1994 Generic hazard register ).
2 The potential to cause harm, including ill health or injury, damage to property , plant,
products or the environment ; production losses or increased liabilities. (OGP report
6.36/210, 1994 Guidelines for the development and application of health, safety and environmental management systems ).
3 A source of danger which if not adequately controlled or if suitable precautions are not
taken could create an unsafe condition. (OGP report 6.29/189, 1993 Guidelines on
permit to work systems )
4 The potential for adverse consequences to arise from the occurrence of an identified
event affecting the safety of people, the environment or economic resources. (OGP report
11.1/98, 1984 Applications and limitations of risk assessment in offshore exploration and
production ).
Hours worked
1 The hours that an employee is present at the work location.
2 The actual hours worked for onshore operations. For offshore workers a 12 hour day.
(OGP report 6.5/301, 2000 User guide for safety statistics reporting).
Maintaining the working environment in a tidy manner so that, in particular, access and
movement is not hindered.
HSE plan
A description of the means of achieving health, safety and environmental objectives. (OGP
report 6.36/210, 1994 Guidelines for the development and application of health, safety and
environmental management systems ).
2000 OGP
An event or chain of events which has caused or could have caused injury, illness and/or
damage (loss) to assets, the environment or third parties. (OGP report 6.36/210, 1994 Guidelines for the development and application of health, safety and environmental management systems ).
Physical harm or damage to a person resulting from traumatic contact between the body of
the person and an outside agency, or from exposure to environmental factors.
Injury frequency (not now used): see Lost Time Injury Frequency
The number of injuries per million man hours worked.
IF= Number of injuries 1,000,000
Man hours worked
(OGP report 6.4/121, 1985 E&P Forum accident reporting system ).
Injury rate
The number of injuries per 100 employees
Number of injuries
Total number of employees
2000 OGP
Job description
A short document which sets out an employees authority and responsibilities in the job, who
he reports to, and who reports to him; what his duties are and the qualifications necessary to
perform those duties.
Journey management
The planned movement of people and equipment from one place to another including communications, route, scheduled stops, hazard warnings, provisioning, breakdown and other
Just cause
Good or fair reason(s) for discipline.
Line management
A documented system that clearly indicates the responsibilities and reporting structure
throughout an organisation.
Those aspects of the overall management function (including planning) that develop, implement and maintain the HSE policy (based on OGP report 6.36/210, 1994 Guidelines for the
Development and application of health, safety and environmental management systems ).
2000 OGP
The evacuation for medical reasons from the work location to a hospital.
Occupational illness
An abnormal health condition or disorder (physical or mental) that is caused or aggravated by
exposure to environmental factors associated with employment, including chemical, physical,
biological and ergonomic factors.
Occupational injury
Work related physical injury or disease [illness] which results in death; being unfit to work
the day following the event; restriction of work or motion including temporary or permanent
transfer to another job. (OGP report 6.5/301, 2000 User guide for safety statistics reporting).
Performance indicator
A specific measure to describe management, operational process or performance.
2000 OGP
1 The expression of the general intentions, approach and objectives of an organisation
and the criteria and principles on which actions and responses are based. (OGP report
6.34/206, 1994 Health, safety and environmental schedules for marine geophysical operations )
2 A public statement of the intentions and principles of action of the company regarding
its health, safety and environmental effects, giving rise to its strategic objectives and targets. (based on OGP report 6.36/210, 1994 Guidelines for the Development and application of health, safety and environmental management systems ).
Preventative maintenance
Maintenance carried out before the unit or system fails to ensure its continued reliability and
safe operation.
1 A document that describes how an activity is to be performed and by whom.
2 A document that specifies the way to perform an activity. (OGP report 6.34/206 1994
Health safety and environmental schedules for marine geophysical operations )
2000 OGP
The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to
satisfy stated or implied needs.
Quality management
That aspect of the overall management function that determines and implements the quality
Reasonably practicable
A risk reduced to levels such that further risk reduction measures would be so disproportionate to the probability and consequences of occurrence that it would be objectively unreasonable to implement them.
Recordable injury
Includes any work related incident where a person is fatally injured or becomes fatally ill or
requires treatment from a professional physician or paramedic on more than one occasion for
the same incident.
Reportable incident
Those incidents which are considered serious enough to warrant being recorded as a statistic.
Those actions, activities or assets for which a person is held liable and for which he alone
must account.
1 The product of the chance that a specified undesired event will occur and the severity of
the consequences of the event. (OGP report 6.36/210, 1994 Guidelines for the Development and application of health, safety and environmental management systems ).
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2 The measure of the likelihood of occurrence of an undesirable event and of the potentially adverse consequences which this event may have upon people, the environment
or economic resources. (OGP report 11.1/98, 1984 Applications and limitations of risk
assessment in offshore exploration and production ).
Risk assessment
1 A careful consideration by competent people of the hazards associated with a task. The
potential effect of each hazard, how severe it might be and the likelihood of it occurring, should be considered to determine the effort required to make the work site as
safe as reasonably practicable. (OGP report 6.29/189, 1993 Guidelines on permit to work
systems )
2 The whole process of risk analysis and the evaluation of the results of the risk analysis
against technological and/or economic, social and political criteria. (OGP report 11.1/98,
1984 Applications and limitations of risk assessment in offshore exploration and production ).
Risk management
A management system which eliminates or mitigates the threat from hazards. (OGP report
6.29/189, 1993 Guidelines on permit to work systems )
Senior management
Those managers or directors who have executive authority to determine and enact strategic
policies within the organisation.
A document, established by consensus and approved by a recognised body, that provides, for
common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results.
Any interference that disturbs a persons healthy mental and physical well-being.
2000 OGP
Substance (abuse)
Any substance which chemically modifies the bodys function resulting in psychological or
behavioural change. In this context substance includes but is not limited to alcohol, intoxicating products or medication. Substance Abuse is the use of these substances in a harmful or
improper way. (OGP Report 6.87/306, 2000 Substance abuse: guidelines for management ).
The process of imparting specific skills and understanding to undertake defined tasks.
The characteristic of a chemical substance to produce injury once it reaches a susceptible site
in or on the body. The effects may be acute or chronic, local or systemic.
Unsafe act
Any act that deviates from a generally recognised safe way or specified method of doing a job
and increases the potential for an accident.
Any material, (solid, liquid or gas), which is introduced into the work location as a product
of the work but which fulfils no further useful purpose, at that location.
Waste management
A system to achieve reduction, re-use, reclamation, recycling and responsible disposal of
Taken from The Dictionary of terms used in the Safety Profession, with the kind permission of The American Society of Safety Engineers.
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2000 OGP
2000 OGP
What is OGP?
The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers encompasses the worlds leading
private and state-owned oil & gas companies, their national and regional associations, and
major upstream contractors and suppliers.
To work on behalf of all the worlds upstream companies to promote responsible and
profitable operations.
To represent the interests of the upstream industry to international regulatory and
legislative bodies.
To achieve continuous improvement in safety, health and environmental performance
and in the engineering and operation of upstream ventures.
To promote awareness of Corporate Social Responsibility issues within the industry
and among stakeholders.
To improve understanding of the upstream oil and gas industry, its achievements and
challenges and its views on pertinent issues.
To encourage international regulators and other parties to take account of the
industrys views in developing proposals that are effective and workable.
To become a more visible, accessible and effective source of information about the
global industry, both externally and within member organisations.
To develop and disseminate best practices in safety, health and environmental
performance and the engineering and operation of upstream ventures.
To improve the collection, analysis and dissemination of safety, health and
environmental performance data.
To provide a forum for sharing experience and debating emerging issues.
To enhance the industrys ability to influence by increasing the size and diversity of
the membership.
To liaise with other industry associations to ensure consistent and effective approaches
to common issues.