Research Proposal On Caste System Dsmru

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Research proposal on caste system

Tentative title of thesis :

To know why caste still matters in india .
Introduction :
Caste can be defined as hereditary endogamous group having common name , common
traditional occupation , common culture , relatively rigid in matters of mobilization ,
distinctiveness of status and forming a single homogeneous community . however , in the
changing situation caste has accepted to many new feature like having formal
organizations , becomingless rigid having a link with politics .
The Indian Caste System is historically one of the main dimensions where people in India are socially
differentiated through class, religion, region, tribe, gender, and language. Althoughthis or
other forms of differentiation exist in all human societies, it becomes a problem when oneor
more of these dimensions overlap each other and become the sole basis of systematic
rankingand unequal access to valued resources like wealth, income, power and prestige.
The Indian
Caste System is considered a closed system of stratification, which means that a persons
social status is obligated to which caste they were born into. There are limits on interaction
and behaviour with people from another social status. This paper will be exploring the
various aspects of the Indian caste system and its effects on India today.

some caste-based prejudice and ranking still existed, wealth and power was now less
associated with caste. Caste became a lot less significant part of daily lives of peoplewho
lived in urban areas compared to rural areas, but its significance still varies by social class
and occupation. Among urban middle-class professionals, caste is not openly discussed and
is pretty insignificant, except when it comes to marital arrangements. Even then, there are
adjustments made with considerations towards education, occupation, and income, as well
as religion and language. Although discrimination on the basis of caste has been outlawed
in India, is still exists in the community today.
Review of literature :
This research proposal focus on changes in caste system . In order to have better
understanding about this research , this study uses sociological approach and social theory
to dig out deeply about it .
The caste system has neither disintegrates nor is it disappearing despite many
modification . it continues to perform important functions legitimized by religion .
Harold gould (1987:156) is one of the opinion that in contemporary india , caste persists in
the form of complex networks of interests groups.
Two important features of hereditary membership and hierarchy have not changed at all
but we do find some change in endogamy characterstics and a significant change in
characterstics of traditional occupation, in commensal restriction in the idea of pollution
and purity , in restrictions of social relationship and power enjoyed by caste councils .
Is caste system changing or weakening or disintegrating ?

There are two views one is that caste system is fast changing and is weakening though it is
not being disintegrating or abolished . to this school belonged early scholars of 1950s ,
AND MAX WEBER , and scholars of 1980s and early 1990s like R.K. MUKHERJEE , E.J. MILLER
The other view is that caste system is not transforming itself so fast and the changes are
gradual. To this school belong early scholars like I.P. DESAI , GHURYE , KAPADIA ,
KALI PRASAD (social integration research a study in inter caste relationship , lucknow
university 1954 : 3 ) conducted a communal tension in 1952 In which incorporated a study
of inter caste relations also . The lower caste represented by harizans. His result revealed
that 90.0 percent of upper caste people accepted the lower caste as their fellow dinners.
E.J. MILLER while referring to the changes in caste system pointed out that , in past inter
caste relations involved traditionally ordained and clear cut rights and obligations ,
authority and subordination but at present with the change in economic structure of the
village. Pattern of inter caste relations has changed. Inter caste conflict has emerged in
village structure as a result of efforts made by lower caste to move up in the social scale.

DESAI and DAMLE (1981:66) Said : the magnitude of changes in the part of caste system
is not as great as it is believed to be . these changes have not affected the essential
aspects of the caste system as a whole .

Narmadeshwar Prasad (1956) analyzed caste functions at two levels ritual (marrige and
dining etc. ) and ideology (attitude to Brahmins uniting to fight elections) . he found that
changes were taking place on both the levels of rituals and ideology . inspite of these
changes , he maintained that the caste system as such remains very much same . changes
within the system do not take place but not beyond the system .
DUMONT taking up the question of what is the caste system becoming nowadays . in his
book HOMO HIERARCHICUS ( 1971 : 217 18 ) holds that contemporary literature
exaggerates change what is certain is that caste society as an overall framework , has not
changed . there has been change the society and not the society . theonly change that
seems to have taken place is that traditional interdependence of caste has been replaced
by a universe of impenetrable blocks , self sufficient and in competition with one another .
Dumont calls this , the sub standardization of caste

Statement of research problem :

Why the debate on hierarchy in 21st century

when we talk about caste based hierarchy in Indian scenario then it can be found , the
propensity for caste hierarchy and perusal behavior is consecutive features of rural society
as well somehow in urban society , but it practices often imposes substantial cost upon
human development. From long time in rural scenario has been found where deep rooted
spirit of casteism crate . a kind of blind faith (in purity and pollution), methodological
beliefs ( orientation into caste origin ) and irrational / inhuman practices like
(untouchability) .

Research questions :
In global scenario , justice and equality are two subjects often talks about by most of the
leaders of various political and ideological streams across the world including india .if we
examine it in Indian scenario then we find out it was at the forefront in condemning racial
discrimination particularly apartheid and also influence of super powers on internal affairs
of independent nations . the commitment to protect or secure its citizens liberty , social
justice , equality and brotherhood is reflected in the preamble of Indian constitution
(ramaiah : 2004) .
Despite globalization , community development program , panchayati raj system and
special law why the casteism , caste atrocity , caste based voting behaviour , marrige
within own caste etc still exists now ?
Apart from this if we think in ground level , have we really achieved egalitarian social
equality and social justice ? our answer might be in negative , but why ?

Objectives :

To know the structural changes supremacy of Brahmins , caste hierarchy , social

status of dalits .
To analysis the trend of functional changes of fixation of status , occupation ,
commensality , purity and pollution , power of caste panchayat , inter caste relation ,
life style , education and marriage restriction .
To know attitudinal changes of faith in ascribed status and philosophical basis .
To know the socio cultural caste mobility .


To elaborate marriage and restriction pattern from pre independence to post

independence .

Research methodology :
Methodology is the systematic , theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of
study , or the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a
branch of knowledge . it typically , encompasses concepts such as paradigm , theoretical
model , phases and quantitative or qualitative techniques .

Methods :
Methods in sociology refers to research procedures for measuring variables and generating
and analyzing data of interest to the researcher . few other characterstics like ; acquiring
new knowledge , body of technique for investigating phenomena , collecting and gathering
previous knowledge etc. also can emphasize in method . for acquiring knowledge the
ethnographic and comparative method will be use for logical understanding .

Area of study :
Not fixed .

Research design :

Research design is previous plan of investigation outlined before the commencement of the
comprehensive research in social science . for the intensive and in-depth understanding of
the socio mental construction of caste , inter and intra caste relation , trends of mobility ,
the explorative and descriptive research design will be adopted .
Interview and observation method will be use during the study .
For the study standardized social science method and techniques especially social
anthropological methods will follow. It include administering census , schedules , interview
schedules , FGD (focused group discussion) case studies observation etc. for this research
work census , schedule will be administered and some case studies will tabled .
Research design


Sampling techniques
secondary data

primary and

Research instruments
and schedule


Type of interview


Type of question
and closed ended

open ended

Sample size
approximately 150 respondents

Respondents of study
Contact method

men and

Implications :
The Indian caste system has played a significant role in shaping the occupations and
rolesas well as values of Indian society. Religion has been the constant push towards this
stratificationsystem for centuries, beginning with the Aryans and continuing down a long
road of unfortunatediscrimination, segregation, violence, and inequality. Hinduism was the
backbone of the puritypollutioncomplex, and it was the religion that influenced the daily
lives and beliefs of the Indianpeople. Even after sixty-three years of independence, Indians
continue to be in the grip of casteconsciousness. Historically, India has been surviving as a
nation for millennia with closed groupsdivided by caste, creed and language . Work was
divided and each had his allottedtask since birth, and heredity of occupation was a rule that
played a big role in the economics ofurban and rural life. Mobility of occupation or caste
was restricted, and an individual leaving theoccupation of his ancestors in order to follow
his or her own path was rarely witnessed.It can beseen that caste continues to play an
important role in the dynamic of social and politicalinteractions within India. However, the
relationship between caste and hereditary occupationshas become less significant now,
and there are fewer restrictions on social interaction amongcastes, especially in urban
areas . The present Indian society is moving from itsclosed systems towards a state of
change and progression marked by the assertion of the humanspirit irrespective of castes
and creeds . Numerous movements challenging theinjustices associated with the caste

system have encouraged individuals in India to be more civil towards other caste members.
Many of the lower castes have gained a lot from the partial
elimination of the caste system, and India should be applauded for its constant effort to
eradicate this system of stratification from its culture. It is, however, important to look at
the importance of how caste status has affected the quality of life and social mobility in India today

References :
1 . Dumont , Louis , homo hierarchicus , university of Chicago press , Chicago , 1970 .
2 . Narmadeshwar , Prasad , the myth of caste system , patna , 1956 .
3 . Desai , I.P. , the craft of sociology and other essay , Ajanta publications , delhi , 1981 .
4 . Srinivas , M.N. , (1973) modernization of indian tradition , Thomas publication ; caste in
modern india (1955);
indias village ; social change in modern india (1966 pp 1 to 48) .
5 . Gupta , dipankar , social stratification , oxford university press , Bombay , 19292 .
6 . Marriot , mckim , village india , university of Chicago press , Chicago , 1955 .
7 . Desai , A. R. , rural sociology in india vora and co. , Bombay , 1960 .
8 . Ghurye, G.S. , (2005) : caste and race in india (Mumbai; popular prakashan , pvt) .
9 . Babb , Lawrence A. (1975): the divine hierarchy : popular Hinduism in central india
(new delhi : Columbia

university press) .
10 . Bayly , susan (2001): caste society and politics in india ; from the eighteenth century
to the modern age
(new york ; Cambridge university press ) .

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