Pressure Tanks
Pressure Tanks
Pressure Tanks
January 2007
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The pump capacity should be selected according to the system demand. If a pump
exists, the capacity must be determined.
The well capacity should be documented when the well has been declared ready for use
and will often be referred to in gallons per hour (gph). If the well capacity is unknown,
it should be determined by measuring the well water level. The water level must be
lowered via pumping, measured, then allowed to recover to the static water level. A
record of the time required to return to static water level along with the well pipe size
can be used to calculate the well capacity (recovery). An alternate method of
determining if the well capacity is sufficient for system demand is to draw water from
the well at or above the peak demand and determine if the well can sustain the peak
demand flow.
A typical water system will have adequate well capacity and pump capacity to meet or
exceed the system demand. The system will commonly function using a differential
pressure switch to control the system pressure at or above the minimum required
system pressure.
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Page 3
a) Referring to Table IV.1.2, select the pump capacity, tank type and pressure
switch settings to determine the total tank volume.
b) When it is desired to have a pressure switch setting different from those
included in the table, the total tank volume can be determined as follows:
Total tank volume =
(Acceptance Factor is the factor of the total tank volume that will provide
available water).
Acceptance Factor is calculated using the pressure tank precharge pressure (2
psig below the pump cut-in pressure). The pressure tank will operate between
the pressures set by the pressure switch. The tank precharge pressure should be
set at 2 psig below the low pressure cut-in to prevent a noticeable drop in
pressure at the fixture.
Acceptance Factor = 1
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Page 4
In cases where the pump cannot meet the peak system demand, a supplemental
drawdown may be obtained from the pressure tank. (See figure above). Supplemental
drawdown can be added to the pressure tank by adjusting the tank and system
pressures in order to supplement the system during times of peak demand. When the
pump can meet the system demand, it will operate between the pressure switch
settings. When the pump cannot meet the system demand, the pressure will drop
below the cut-in pressure. The supplemental drawdown is supplied by the tank at a
pressure between the tank precharge and the cut-in pressure.
The supplemental drawdown required is determined from peak demand:
Supplemental Drawdown (Gallons) =
[Peak Demand (gpm) Pump Capacity (gpm)] * [Peak Demand Time (minutes)]
The total required drawdown is determined by referring to Table IV.1.2 to obtain the
minimum drawdown:
Total Required Drawdown (Gallons) = [Minimal Drawdown + Supplemental Drawdown]
Total Tank Volume = Total Drawdown / Acceptance Factor
where the
Acceptance Factor = 1
Consult the manufacturer for additional assistance in determining proper tank sizing
and pressure settings.
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Page 5
Water Systems Council. (2006). Chapter 3: Sizing and Selection. In Book I of the Water
Systems Handbook (12th Edition).
Other information about wells and well water can be found in the following wellcare
information sheets:
General Information about Wells:
Determining the Depth of
a Well
Determining the Yield of
a Well
Ground Water
Selecting a Well
Sizing a Pressure Tank
Sizing a Well Pump
Your Well & Septic System
Coping with Low Water
Managing a Flooded Well
Protecting Your Wellhead
Protecting Your Well
Well Maintenance
Wells and Fire Protection
Closing an Abandoned
Dillons Rule
Ground Water
Real Estate Professionals:
Buying or Selling a
Home with a Well
Sanitarians Closing a
Sanitarians Inspecting a
Sanitarians Wells &
Septic Systems
Shared Well Agreement
Sharing a Well
Water Conservation
Who Owns the Water
Well Components:
Your Pitless Adapter
Chlorine Disinfectants &
Their Byproducts
Emerging Water
Hardness in Drinking
Nitrate and Nitrite
pH in Drinking Water
Trichloroethylene (TCE)
Total Dissolved Solids
Turbidity in Drinking
Volatile Organic
Compounds (VOCs)
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Page 6
wellcare is a program of the Water Systems Council (WSC). WSC is a national nonprofit
organization dedicated to promoting the wider use of wells as modern and affordable
safe drinking water systems and to protecting ground water resources
nationwide. This publication is one in a series of wellcare information
sheets. There were more than 60 available at the time this document was
published. They can be downloaded FREE from the WSC website at Well owners and others with questions
about wells or ground water can also contact the wellcare hotline at 888-395-1033 or
This publication was developed in part under Assistance Agreement No. X-83256101-0 awarded by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It has not been formally reviewed by EPA. The views expressed
in this document are solely those of WSC. EPA does not endorse any products or commercial services
mentioned in this publication.
Well water naturally better Contact your local water well professional