Ms Areeba Report
Ms Areeba Report
Ms Areeba Report
Research Report
Topic: Consequence of Absenteism on Job
Submitted to:
Ms Areeba
In recent years, there has been an rising interest regarding the
economics of absenteeism, spurred by a growing understanding that
the economic and social costs of the phenomenon are quite considerable.
Besides the cost implications, absenteeism is influenced by many factors
which make it even more complicated to quantify, qualify or rectify
(Tylczak, 1990). Some of these factors can be family obligations,
working conditions, occupational accidents, and distance to work (see
Rhodes and Steers 1990; Michie and Williams 2003; Ose, 2005). One of
the factors that have been cited by different researchers is the employees
level of job satisfaction in the workplace (e.g. Tylczak, 1990). Furthermore,
many studies have concentrated on the relationship between absenteeism
and job satisfaction in an attempt to discover ways to reduce absenteeism.
In particular, a number of researchers maintain that job dissatisfaction
represents the primary cause of absenteeism (e.g. George & Jones 2002). Job
satisfaction is generally defined as an employees attitude toward the
job and the job situation. Robbins et al. (2003) define job satisfaction as
the difference between the rewards employees receive and the reward they
believe they should receive. Hence, the higher this discrepancy, the lower
job satisfaction will be. An understanding of the relationship between job
satisfaction and other factors to absenteeism may provide important insight
for managers who must cope with the consequences of employee
absenteeism. Understanding these factors may help managers design
policies that provide positive work environments prompting employees to
have positive feelings about the work situation.
This study will investigate the relationship between absenteeism, job
The term absenteeism refers to failure to report to work.
itself tells the failure of the organization process if the employee fails
to follow the rules and standards of the organization. Absenteeism is a
type of unscheduled activity which threatens the organization to fall in
danger as it leads to the disruption of the daily process. Absenteeism
converts the organization into a deviant work place behavior. It makes the
employees to violate the norms of the organization leading to a disastrous
output. Such
that absenteeism is
and training
a major
in many
As cited by B.A Josias (2005), Cascio (2003, p. 45) defines absenteeism as
any failure of an employee to report for or to remain at work as scheduled,
regardless of the reason. The author points out that the term as
scheduled carries significance in that it automatically excludes holidays
(annual leave), court cases, maternity leave and the like. This definition also
eliminates the problem of determining whether an absence is excusable or
not for example, in the case of verified illnesses. Cascio (2003, p. 45)
maintains that from a business perspective, the employee is absent and is
simply not available to perform his or her job; that absence will cost money.
As cited by B.A josias (2005) employees attendance is primarily determined by
Types of absenteeism:
As cited by B.A Josias (2005), Van der Merwe and Miller (1988) classify
absenteeism into three broad categories that help to understand the nature
of this phenomenon. They are:
Sickness absence
Normally such a request is included in the absence policy (Van der Merwe &
Miller, 1988, p. 11).
Cost of absenteeism:
According to M. A. M. Clenney (1992), Research several significant costs
associated with absenteeism:
1. Overtime, extra hours for part-time employees, overstaffing.
2. Regular fringe benefits that must be paid when workers are absent.
3. Costs of maintaining and administering an absence control system.
4. Time spent by supervisors revising work schedules, counseling and
reprimanding workers, and checking on output of substitutes.
5. Reduced productivity and morale among co-workers.
6. Higher level of turnover, grievances and tardiness.
Absenteeism, a problem with no strong cause, is expensive for both the
organization and the individual. The conflicting and contradictory results of
preceding research are often attributed to the illdefined concept of
Job satisfaction
As cited by W. K. Baker the construct of job satisfaction is generally defined
as a positive emotional state that reflects an affective response to the job
situation (Locke, 1976). As cited by B. A. Josais (2005), job satisfaction is also
defined as a response towards various facets of ones job that is a person
can be relatively satisfied with one aspect of his or her job and dissatisfied
with other aspects (French, 1998; George & Jones, 2002; Kreitner & Kinicki,
Employee satisfaction is important to organizations success. Atchison (1999)
states that many
Organizations are spending much time on employee satisfaction initiatives in
an effort to reduce work stress, improve productivity, and help organization
to achieve their objective and get succeed. C. Swarnalatha and G.
Sureshkrishna (2013) states Managers must focus on job satisfaction of its
employees and avoid unsatisfied individuals leave organization, check
satisfied employees are in better health and have longer life expectancy and
other work related attitudes and behaviors among employees have to be
There are at least three reasons why managers must focus on the job
satisfaction of its employees:
1. Evidence suggests that unsatisfied individuals leave organisations.
2. Satisfied employees are in better health and have longer life expectancy.
Connolly and Myers (2003) further maintain that a lack of job satisfaction
has been associated with symptoms like anxiety, depression and poor
Discrepancy theory
According to Aamodt (2004), discrepancy theories postulate that job
satisfaction is determined by the discrepancy between what employees
want, value and expect and what the job actually provides. Employees will
therefore experience dissatisfaction if there is a discrepancy between what
they want and what the job offers. Theories that focus on employees needs
and values include Maslows hierarchy of needs theory, ERG theory, Twofactor theory and McClellands needs theory (Aamodt, 2004; Robbins et al.,
Maslows (1954) theory, which is one of the best known theories, holds that
employees would be motivated by and satisfied with their jobs only if certain
needs are met (Aamodt, 2004). Maslow advances five major types of needs
which are hierarchical. This implies that lower-level needs must be satisfied
first before an individual will consider the next level of needs (Robbins,
1989). The five major needs are as follows:
1. Basic biological needs.
2. Safety needs.
3. Social needs.
4. Esteem needs.
5. Self-actualization needs.
ERG theory
Alderfer (1972) reworked Maslows needs theory and classified needs into
only three groups of core needs, namely, existence, relatedness and growth
(Robbins et al., 2003). The existence group is concerned with providing basic
needs and includes items that Maslows theory considered as biological and
safety needs (Robbins, 1989). The second group of needs relates to
maintaining important relationships and the growth needs refers to the
desire for personal development (Robbins, 1989; Robbins et al., 2003).
Extrinisic Factors
Extrinsic sources of job satisfaction are determined by conditions that are
beyond the
control of the employee (Atchison, 1999).
Pay refers to the amount of compensation received for a specific job (Robbins
et al., 2003). Luthans (1995, p. 127) notes that wagesand salaries are
recognised to be a significant, but complex, multidimensional predictor of job
Promotional opportunities
Bajpai and Srivastava (2004) postulate that promotion provides employees
with opportunities for personal growth, more responsibilities and also
increased social status.
Research indicates that people who enjoy working with their supervisors will
be more satisfied with their jobs (Aamodt, 2004). Furthermore, a study by
Bishop and Scott (1997) as cited by Aamodt (2004)found that satisfaction
with supervisors was related to organizational and team commitment, which
Another dimension which influences job satisfaction is the extent to which
co-workers are friendly, competent and supportive (Robbins et al., 2003).
Research indicates that employees who have supportive co-workers will be
more satisfied with their jobs (Aamodt, 2004; Robbins, 1989; 2005). This is
mainly because the work group normally serves as a source of support,
comfort, advice and assistance to the individual worker (Luthans, 1995, p.
One factor related to job satisfaction is the extent to which employees
perceive that they are being treated fairly (Aamodt, 2004). According to
Robbins (1989), employees seek for policies and systems that they perceive
to be fair as this will likely result in an increase in job satisfaction.
Intrinsic factors
Intrinsic sources of job satisfaction primarily come from within the individual
and are essentially longer lasting than the extrinsic sources (Atchison, 1999).
Robbins (1989, p. 51) defines personality as the sum total of ways in which
individual reacts and interacts with others. Research indicates that some
people are
predisposed by virtue of their personality to bemore or less satisfied despite
the changes
to their working environment and other factors (Aamodt, 2004; Johns, 1996).
Life satisfaction: The relationship between life and job satisfaction is thus
reciprocal- being satisfied with a job is postulated to affect life satisfaction and
vice versa (Spector, 1997).
and absenteeism
Negative relationship
M. A. M. Clenney (1992), states some empirical studies have found a significant
Conceptual Framework
Research design:
Research design provides the basic direction for carrying out a research
project so as to obtain answers to research questions (Cooper & Schindler,
Type of investigation:
This is a causal study because it shows the cause and effect relationship
between two variables.
Study setting:
Unit of analysis:
In my study the unit of analysis is individual, we want to know the effect of
employee job satisfaction on absenteeism then for this we are interested in
individual employees in the organization in order to find out the result.
Time horizon:
The present study used a cross-sectional study asit provides the user with a
snapshot of business elements at a given point in time (Hair et al., 2003).
This type of study seemed appropriate as it can be used within a short space
of time and data can be summarized statistically.
The population for the present study consisted of employees of FMCGs sector in Rawalpindi and
Islamabad. The table below illustrates the detail of our total population
No.of employees
ABC Company
XYZ Company
PQR Compnay
123 Company
910 Company
567 Company
MNA COmpany
MCR Company
Sampling design
The sampling design that was considered appropriate for the present study
was probability sampling. In probability sampling we use stratified sampling
method in which I divided my population into two strata one is male
employees and second one is female employees in order to find out the
questionnaire was used as an instrument in order to find out the result
1. There is failure in reporting for the scheduled work in your
2. Scheduled work is regularly displayed by the employees?
3. Volition to the social obligation in seen within your organizations
4. The violation to the social obligation does exist in your organization?
5. Employees poor act of performing work is seldom?
6. Better performance of job is frequent?
7. Contract is breached between employees and employer when absence
is seen?
8. Employee and employer relation is strengthened when absenteeism is
controlled in each department of your organization?
9. When employees are socially under pressure then job work is missed?
Despite of social stress, employees perform their task?
Medical leaves of employees is frequent?
Non adjustment with the work due to medical is at low level?
Psychological issues make the work done?
Psychologically disturbed employees make absence?
Missing the job for the whole day or some part is not seen
The whole or partly day missed by the employees is very little?
Lack of interest in the job is mostly expressed by employees?
Full interest in the job is seldom seen by the employees?
Is their Habitual failure to appear to perform the job?
Employees act of withdrawing themselves from the job is
1. People / employees within your organization like their jobs fully?
2. In your organization disliking their jobs is often?
Sample size:
In our study we take sample size as 50 i.e. we take the sample of 50
employees to find out the results. The below table explains about that how
we select our sample.
No. of
No. of male
No. of female
Sample size
XYZ Company
910 Company
10(6M, 4F)
20(14M, 6F)
10(6M, 4F)
10(6M, 4F)
The questionnaire was handed to the participants (employees) and after
completion; we collected the questionnaires from participants and thanked
them for their participation. Then to find out the result from these
questionnaires we used SPS software and find the regression and correlation
of our study.
The demographics results indicates that the participants who filled our
questionnaire are 58% male and 42% female, 12% participants are the age
of 20-25, 52% participants are the age of 25-30, 26% participant are the age
30-35 and 10% participants are the age of 35 above. Further this results
show that the participants who filled our questionnaire out of them 56%
participants have experience of 0-5 years, 28% participants have experience
of 6-10 years , 8% participants have 11-15 years experience and the
employees who have experience of 16 and above years are 8%. 30%
participants belong to the public sector and remaining 70% participants
belong to the private sector. The participants who filled our questionnaire out
of them 2% are undergraduates, 16% are graduates and remaining 82% are
masters holder. 62% are such participants who have 0-5 years of experience
with current organization, 24% have 6-10 year experience, 6% have 11-15
years experience and remaining 8% have 16 and above years experience
with current organization. This result shows that 16% participants have
income of 15-25000, 40% have 26-35000, 26% have 36-45000 and 18%
have above 45000 incomes.
The correlation is .775 that shows a strong significant correlation between
variables i.e. there is a strong relation that job satisfaction has an impact on
R square is .600 it means that 60% change is brought in dependent variable
i.e. absenteeism due to independent variable i.e. job satisfaction and beta
is .775 that also shows that te strong relationship between two variables.
In descriptive statistics the mean for absenteeism is 4.13 which shows that
for the question of absenteeism majority people answer is agree where as for
job satisfaction it is 4.o3 its again shows that majority response are agree.
There are several limitations of this study. First, the work units studied here
were embedded within a four organization of Rawalpindi and Islamabad only;
therefore it may have only offered the cultural identity of that organization.
Performing a larger study encompassing more organizations would alleviate
this limitation and assist in making the results more generalize. Since the
data population for this study was city employees it has added to the variety
of organizations that have been surveyed. The relationships and patterns
found in our study may be different when absence is tracked for exempt
employees, in different industries, or in other geographic locations.
One aspect that cannot be overlooked is that the employees involved in this
study reported their own absenteeism rates. Lying on the questionnaire or
forgetting certain days that the employees were absent from work could
have played a role in the study. One never knows if it did or not without
access to names and their records at the organization. Confidentiality is
always an issue with any study that uses self-report.
Additionally, job satisfaction is very complex concepts because definitions of
satisfaction cannot be narrowed to certain variables listed by the researcher.
Attempting to define these would be difficult because each individual has
their own construct as to what satisfaction is to them. Therefore, finding
what satisfies employees can be considered to be a little subjective.
Baker, W.K. Antecedents and Consequences of Job Satisfaction: Testing a
Comprehensive Model Using Integrated Methodology. Journal of applied
business research, 20(3), 31-43
Mary, Clenney, M. (1992). A Study of Relationship between Absenteeism and
Job Satisfaction, Certain Personal Characteristics, and Situational Factors for