Debugging Guide For GDB and Eclipse: This Document Guides The User Through

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Debugging Guide for GDB and Eclipse

by Brian Fraser
Last update: Sept 25, 2016
This document guides the user through:
1. Debugging an application using GDB command prompt.
2. Debugging an application using Eclipse.
3. Generating and loading core files.
4. Stripping debug symbols from a binary.

Table of Contents
1. Installing gdb-multiarch.........................................................................................................................2
1.1 If Running Ubuntu 16.xx................................................................................................................2
1.2 If Running Ubuntu 14.04................................................................................................................2
2. GDB.......................................................................................................................................................4
3. Eclipse....................................................................................................................................................6
3.1 Eclipse Installation and Project Setup............................................................................................6
3.2 Debugging with Eclipse.................................................................................................................7
4. Core Dumps.........................................................................................................................................10
5. Stripping a Binary................................................................................................................................11
Note: This guide has not yet been tested in the SFU Surrey Linux Lab (SUR4080). Some changes may
be needed.
1. Commands starting with $ are host Linux console commands:
$ echo "Hello world!"

2. Commands starting with # are target Linux console commands:

# echo "On the target! Hello world!"
Commands starting with (gdb) are GDB console commands.

4. Almost all commands are case sensitive in Linux and GDB.

Revision History:
Sept 18: Initial version for fall 2016
Sept 26: Added directions for installing gdbserver on target.

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1. Installing gdb-multiarch
The host needs a cross-debugger to debug an application running on the target. GDB (GNU Debugger)
has a version which supports multiple architectures (such as ARM, MIPS, ) named gdb-multiarch.

1.1 If Running Ubuntu 16.xx

1. Install GDB and GDB multi-architecture:

$ sudo apt-get install gdb

$ sudo apt-get install gdb-multiarch

2. Run gdb-multiarch and check its version.

$ gdb-multiarch -v

Should display first line similar to the following:

GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.11.1-0ubuntu1~16.04) 7.11.1

1.2 If Running Ubuntu 14.04

Normally, you should be able to do an apt-get on gdb-multiarch; however, Ubuntu 14.04 is
packaged with gdb-multiarch version 7.7 which is unable to correctly process core files from the
target. Here is the process to get gdb-multiarch 7.8 which does work.
1. Remove any existing versions of GDB and GDB multi-architecture:
$ sudo apt-get remove gdb gdb-multiarch

2. Add the Ubuntu utopic repository to /etc/apt/sources.list:

$ sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

At the end of the file, add the following lines:

## Added for GDB 7.8

deb utopic main universe

Note: /etc/apt/sources.list is a protected file, so must be root to edit it. Use sudo to
launch gedit (as shown).

3. Update the packages available through the new repository:

$ sudo apt-get update

4. Install GDB and GDB multi-architecture:

$ sudo apt-get install gdb
$ sudo apt-get install gdb-multiarch

You may need to use the fix option first before the above commands will work:
$ sudo apt-get -f install

5. Run gdb-multiarch and check its version.

$ gdb-multiarch -v

Should display first line:

GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.8-1ubuntu4)

6. Troubleshooting:

If you are having problems getting the correct version to install, you can double check that
apt-get is reading the correct repository to find GDB version 7.8 (or better).

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View GDB:
$ apt-cache showpkg gdb

View GDB-Multiarchitecture:

$ apt-cache showpkg gdb-multiarch

If the desired version of the package is not shown, double check your sources.list file,
re-run apt-get update

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2. GDB
GDB is a text-debugger common to most Linux systems. For remote debugging, we'll run gdbserver
on the target, and the cross-debugger (gdb-multiarch) on the host.
1. Build your project using the -g option to ensure the file gets debug symbols.
This likely means adding the -g option to your CFLAGS variable in your Makefile.
2. On the target, install gdbserver (if not already installed):
Ensure you have internet access. If not, see the networking guide.
# ping

Install GDB server on the target:

# apt-get update
# apt-get install gdbserver

3. On the target, change to the directory where your application is (assumed to be named
helloWorld), and launch gdbserver:
# gdbserver localhost:2001 helloWorld

It should look like the following (pid likely to be different):

# gdbserver localhost:2001 helloWorld
Process helloWorld created; pid = 1068
Listening on port 2001

4. On the host, in the directory of your helloWorld executable, launch the cross-debugger:
$ gdb-multiarch -q helloWorld

5. At the GDB prompt "(gdb)", type in the following command to connect to the target:
(gdb) target remote

Change the IP address to the IP address of the target.

The host should look like this:

$ gdb-multiarch -q helloWorld
(gdb) target remote
Remote debugging using
warning: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function.
GDB will be unable to debug shared library initializers
and track explicitly loaded dynamic code.
0x400007b0 in ?? ()

The target should now have displayed the additional line (your IP will be different):
Remote debugging from host

6. You now have a GDB session. You should be familiar with the following GDB commands
(parts in italics can be replaced by other values):
list, frame, quit
info breakpoints, break main, break lineNumberHere, delete 1
continue, print myVar, step, next
bt, info args, info frame, info local, up, down
Control + C (to interrupt program when running).
7. Troubleshooting:
Ensure your host can communicate with the target. Try pinging the board and opening a ssh
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prompt to the board. Refer to the quick-start guide and associated trouble shooting steps if
this fails.
If you get the wrong version of gdbserver, it may not run correctly on the target. When it is
run without arguments, you should see the following:

gdbserver [OPTIONS] COMM PROG [ARGS ...]

gdbserver [OPTIONS] --attach COMM PID
gdbserver [OPTIONS] --multi COMM

COMM may either be a tty device (for serial debugging), or

HOST:PORT to listen for a TCP connection.
--wrapper WRAPPER ---once

Enable general debugging output.

Enable remote protocol debugging output.
Display version information and exit.
Run WRAPPER to start new programs.
Exit after the first connection has closed.

You can ignore any errors about mapping shared library sections. At the moment we do not
need to worry about debugging these.
If bt does not yield a meaningful stack, it may mean that you are in some library or OS code
that you do not control. Try setting a break-point in a part of your code you know to be
running and then let execution continue. It should hit your breakpoint and show you
meaningful content.

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3. Eclipse
3.1 Eclipse Installation and Project Setup
1. Install Java's run time environment:

$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre

2. Install Eclipse. An easy way to do this is download the Eclipse Installer from

When asked, install Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers.

Install the latest version (Neon as of Fall 2016). 64-bit version recommended (on 64-bit

I suggest not using apt-get; it will likely get an older version of Eclipse.

When you install, Eclipse just extracts itself into a folder. If you want an icon for it, you'll
have to create the icon yourself.

3. Launch Eclipse. Command is likely:

$ ~/eclipse/cpp-neon/eclipse/eclipse

You may be asked about a workspace when starting it; it is fine to accept the default one.

4. Create a new project (File New Project...).

Under C/C++, select "Makefile Project with Existing Code"

Browse to the directory of your existing project with a makefile.

Select the Cross GCC tool chain.

Name the project and click Finish.

5. Setup the Makefile support for your project.

Display the Make Target view: Window Show View Other. Under Make, select Make

In the Make Target view, create a new target (green bulls-eye icon) for your desired
makefile target.

Note, by default Eclipse expects a clean and all target. You can change these by rightclicking your project, select Properties; under C/C++ Build, select the Behaviour tab.

Double click on the new make target. The build output should appear in the Console view.
You may need to manually switch to the Console view (bottom).

6. Suggested Settings:

Auto-save all files when compiling:

Window Preferences, in left expand General Workspace, check Save automatically
before build.

7. Eclipse coding tips:

Ctrl+B to build. View the Console window to see the build messages.

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Eclipse will show you the errors found during your last compile. If you correct the error but
don't rebuild yet, Eclipse will still show the error information from the last build.

Eclipse does some code analysis of its own (in addition to the normal build process). Eclipse
will show an indication of some problems even without build. However, sometimes it may
find things which it thinks are errors but will actually build OK.

What Eclipse rebuilds depends on your makefile. If you setup dependencies correctly, it will
rebuild a .c file when it changes. However, often the .h files are missed. So, if you change a
.h file you may need to do a make-clean and then a re-build (make targets clean and all,

3.2 Debugging with Eclipse

1. In Eclipse, create the debug configuration for your project:

With your project selected, on the menu go to Run Debug Configurations.

If this does not work, you should be able to right-click on your project and select Debug
As..., and then debug configurations.

Double click on the "C/C++ Remote Application" item on the left to create a new

2. At the top, give the debug configuration a name such as MyProjectNameHere Remote
3. Setup the debug target (Main tab):

At the bottom, click on the "Select other..." hyper-link. Check the "Use configuration
specific settings" box, and then select "GDB (DSF) Manual Remote Debugging Launcher".
Click OK.

Change the Build settings to "Disabled auto build"

Select the application using the Browse button. Select the application you want to debug.
This should be the application with debug symbols included (not stripped). This will likely
be the compiled version of your current project, possibly (though not necessarily) in the
~/cmpt433/public/ folder.

4. Change to the Debugger tab:

Set the GDB debugger by browsing to gdb-multiarch debugger. The path is likely:

Hint: Locate where gdb-multiarch is with:

$ whereis gdb-multiarch

Still on the Debugger tab, but on the Connection sub-tab, set the connection information:
Type: TCP
Host name or IP address:
Port number: 2001

(the IP Address of the target on your network)

5. Click Apply to save the settings.

6. On the target, launch gdbserver using the same command as used for text-debugging.
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# gdbserver localhost:2001 helloWorld

To do this, you must already have the compiled version of your project on the target (via
NFS works). This file must have been compiled with the -g option if you want symbols to
be available (i.e. function/variable names etc).

Hint: To pass arguments to your program being debugged, use the command such as the
following where the arguments 10, 42, end, of, world are passed in.:
# gdbserver localhost:2001 helloWorld 10 42 end of world

7. On the Host, click the Debug button. It should connect to the target.

It may ask you if you want to switch to the debug perspective; say yes.

Use the integrated debugger to step-through and debug your application. The application is
actually run on the target, so any effects of the program will take effect on the target. For
example, printf() statements output through the console and code to flash an LED will
still flash the target's LED.

8. You can switch back to the normal perspective by clicking C/C++ button in the top-right of
9. Later, to re-debug your application, you will need to:

Restart gdbserver on the target:

# gdbserver localhost:2001 helloWorld

Re-launch the debugger in Eclipse by clicking the drop-down arrow beside the debugger
icon on the toolbar. Then select the GDB launch profile you setup.

Note that you cannot just click the debug button, as this will launch it locally.

If you right-click the project and through Debug as... select Local C/C++ Application, it will
not work because you cannot run the project on the local PC (host).

10. Trouble shooting:

If Eclipse complains that it cannot find the application when you try to debug, you may
need to relaunch the Debug Configuration window, and click "Debug" from there.

If you are having troubles connecting, ensure that your communication to the target is
correctly configured. Try using ping or ssh.

If you cannot connect to the target, ensure the target is running gdbserver, and correctly
configured with the same port number that Eclipse.

Eclipse may display warnings from GDB about Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint

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function, or about unable to load symbols for shared libraries. You may disregard these for
the moment.

Eclipse displays error Launch failed. Binary not found. You likely selected to debug the
application on the local PC instead of running it through the remote GDB server.

Eclipse displays error Launching <project> has encountered an error. Error in final launch
sequence, with details saying connection timed out. This means there is a problem
communicating with the target.

Ensure that gdbserver is correctly executing on the target. You'll have to restart it each
time you restart debugging the application.

Ensure the IP address of the target is correct.

Ensure the port number used in Eclipse matches the port number used to start
gdbserver on the target.

Ensure you have network connectivity between the host and target using ping.

If the panels and tool bars inside Eclipse seem to be out of place or messed up, try:
1) Go to Window Perspective Reset Perspective, and then click Yes to reset all
views to default locations.
2) If missing tool bar buttons: Window Show Toolbar

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4. Core Dumps
A core file is generated when the application crashes (usually due to a segmentation fault).
1. Configure Linux on the target to generate core files:
# ulimit -c unlimited

Check the change with:

# ulimit -a

The output should show "core file size

(blocks, -c) unlimited"
2. Change to the /tmp directory on the target and run the program which crashes. For example:
# cd /tmp
# /mnt/remote/myApps/thisProgramCrashes

When it crashes, it should say: "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"

If you are not in the /tmp folder the core file may be created but be empty (0 bytes).
3. Check the core file with:
# ls -l core

Its size should be greater than 0 bytes.

4. Change the permissions on the core file:
# chmod a+rw core

5. Copy the core file to the shared NFS directory:

# cp core /mnt/remote

You may need to ensure that your NFS directory has global write permission. This may be
related to Linux permissions, or the NFS server setup.
6. On the host, under your NFS public directory (likely /home/userName/cmpt433/public), run
the cross-debugger on the core file:

$ gdb-multiarch pathToApplicationThatCrashed core

For example:

$ arm-linux-gdb ./myApps/myCrashingProgram core

GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.11.1-0ubuntu1~16.04) 7.11.1

This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu".

Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...

Reading symbols from myApps/myCrashingProgram ...done.
[New LWP 1652]
warning: Could not load shared library symbols for 2 libraries, e.g.
Use the "info sharedlibrary" command to see the complete listing.
Do you need "set solib-search-path" or "set sysroot"?
Core was generated by `/mnt/remote/myApps/myCrashingProgram'.
Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x00008514 in yourFunction (d1=0x11f5a) at myCrashingProgram.c:22

Or, one can run GDB natively on the target:

# cd /mnt/remote/myApps/
# gdb pathToApplicationThatCrashed core

7. Use the standard GDB commands to debug the application.

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Hint: Start with a back-trace.

8. Optional: Here is another way to generate a core dump which does not require using the /tmp
directory (thank you to a student for sharing this approach).
On the target, create a new user to match your user name on the host. You do not need to set
the password or create a home directory. If your host username is brian then:
# adduser --disabled-password --no-create-home brian

Press ENTER to accept each of the defaults.

Use su to switch to the new user:
$ su brian

Run your program which crashes

# ./hello
Now, when your application crashes it should be able to write a core file to the NFS public
directory (/mnt/remote/). You will still need to have setup the ulimit correctly.
From the host, check the ownership and permissions on the core file. It should be owned by
your user, and therefore have read-access from the host. If not, use chown to fix.
Return to being the root on the target:
# exit

9. Troubleshooting
If gdb-multiarch cannot identify the type of file for the core file, ensure that the following
command can handle the file:
$ readelf -h core

If gdb-multiarch either crashes with an assert, or is unable to identify the file type of the
core file then check:
Ensure the core file is not zero bytes. Ensure you are using /tmp directory.
Ensure gdb-multiarch is not version 7.7. I have tested version 7.8 and it works (against
target running debian package).
If the core file is 0 bytes, ensure you are in the /tmp/ folder before running your
application, otherwise the core file may not be successfully created.

5. Stripping a Binary
When built with debug information (-g GCC option), the executable can be twice the size. This can
take up too much room on an embedded system, so we may want to strip the version copied to the
target if there is not much room on the target (and don't need it for debugging)..
1. Copy your application (which has debug symbols) to the shared public directory.
2. Check the file size of your application:
$ ls -l helloWorld

3. Change to the public directory, and strip the binary:

$ arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip helloWorld

4. Check the file size of your application; it should be (much?) smaller.

$ ls -l helloWorld

5. Be careful to use the correct version of the file as needed:

The target can run the stripped version (or the non-stripped version, if space is permitting).
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The host should debug using the non-stripped version. This way you get debug symbols,
while still having a smaller executable on the target.

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