A Fit G
irls eFr
This book does not contain medical advice. Consult your physician for matters
relating to your health. The exercises contained in this eBook, like all exercises,
do pose some inherent risk, and the author urges readers to take into
consideration their individual levels of experience and training before
attempting any activities described in this eBook.
You there. You look new. We don't know you. Hi! Welcome to the Fit
Girl Revolution join the party! Wait, what about me over here? I've
been a Fit Girl for like 437 days. Welcome to you too, of course.
Obviously. We're old friends. We know all each other's secrets. We've
had like 7 slumber parties and 2 road trips. We're pretty tight.
For all our newbies who don't know what Fit Girls is all about and just,
like, accidentally stumbled on our website and into this download, we
run 28 day Group Challenges every 5-6 weeks through our
@fitgirlsguide Insta page. Group Challenges are when everyone
follows the official Challenge eBooks at the same time and spends
the month fitspiring each other, developing confidence like whoa,
and just generally having a fierce time chilling out on Insta together.
It's basically the best worldwide fitness girl hang ever, if we do say so
ourselves. The official Challenge eBooks are the The 28 Day Jumpstart,
Fitkini Body Challenge and Fit Girls Boot Camp. Deets on page 21-23! Also
check out our BETA app for extra accountability along the way!
If you're not comfortable posting from your regular Insta account, you
can make a separate fitness account. That's why you see so many girls
with Fit Girl names commenting on our Insta page. Those are the
accounts girls have made to share their fitness journeys with each
other. Oh and PS you can also find us on other social media here
Pinterest@FitGirlsGuide Twitter @FitGirlsGuide
Snapchat @FitGirlsGuide Facebook @FitGirlsGuide
H.I.I.T It
HIIT (aka High Intensity Interval Training) is a form of interval training
where you alternate between working your butt off and active rest
where you walk or lightly jog in place. HIIT workouts are short but
super effective. They help you build endurance, lose fat while
maintaining muscle, and burn more calories throughout the day after
you're done exercising.
But you have to work for it. During the work your butt off portion of
the intervals you're working at 90% of your max effort. There's no time
for chatting. It's all about you and your fierceness. You're working as
hard as you can while keeping proper form. Never ever sacrifice form for
speed. That's how injuries happen.
HIIT is only recommended for advanced exercises. But have no fear! If
you're new, you can do MIIT instead. That's Moderate Intensity
Interval Training. You're working about 60% of your max effort or
whatever you have to give!
You'll need an interval timer app for these workouts. There are loads
of free ones online. You can also get a special Tabata app for the two
Tabata Trio workouts. They already have the special Tabata interval
timing in place.
Remember to always warm up for 5 minutes and cool down for 3
minutes at the end of your workouts. (PS: And don't forget to stretch
when you're done. No really. Don't make your body mad at you. You
and your body must be EFFs epic friends forever.)
My First H.I.I.T.
New to HIIT or don't have loads of time? Start here! Remember you
can easily modify HIIT for Beginners by working at a moderate pace
instead of a high pace. Be your own Fit Girl. There's no judging here.
See the next page for descriptions of exercises!
PICK A LEVEL. Repeat the whole sequence 3 times for Beginners (6 minutes),
6 times for Intermediate (12 minutes), and 10 times for Advanced (20 minutes).
Tabata Trio
Get out your Tabata timer apps for this one! A Tabata is when you
complete 8 rounds of 20 seconds hard work / 10 seconds active rest for
one exercise. 4 minutes total. You'll be doing 3 full Tabatas for this
workout aka 8 rounds of 20 seconds work/10 seconds rest for each
exercise. Exercise descriptions are, again, on the next page!
PICK A LEVEL. If you're a beginner, only do the first two Tabatas and take
a longer rest if needed. If you're advanced, repeat this whole workout
twice (aka 6 Tabatas total).
1 Burpee Tabata
1 minute active rest
PICK A LEVEL. If you want to get double next level fierce, repeat the
whole workout twice. Yeah, our body hurts just thinking about it too.
Hiit hair
dont care.
Cardio. Cardio. All the cardi yo. Pardon our fitsanity. (And pardon our
use of bad wordplay in our apology for bad wordplay. We have no selfcontrol.) Up and at em Fit Girl crew, let's sweat it out!
45 secs Burpees
15 secs active rest
Look in the
mirror and say,
Im excited to
do my cardio!
You might be
lying but thats
ok. As long as
you go do it.
30 secs Plank
PICK A LEVEL. Repeat the whole sequence 2 times for Beginners (6 minutes),
5 times for Intermediate (15 minutes), and 8 times for Advanced (24 minutes).
THE PLANK. Start in the top of a pushup then lower to your forearms. Now,
imitate a plank of wood by tilting your pelvis forward and pulling your belly
button toward your spine. Dont let your neck droop. Squeeze your abs as
tight as you can throughout the whole plank so your back doesnt arch. This
is what gets you results and what keeps your back and shoulders safe.
Breathe. Youre planking! #applause
live today in a
way youll feel
amazing about
when your head
hits the pillow
www.f itgirls.c om
P hoto Credits
All drawings of exercises are the property of FGW Media Ltd.
Cover Evgeniya Porechenskaya/shutterstock.com
(background collage)
Cover Gemenacom/shutterstock.com (shorts)
P5 pimpic/www.shutterstock.com
p8 Everett Collection/www.shutterstock.com
p11 sommthink /www.shutterstock.com
p14 Lukas Maverick Greyson /www.shutterstock.com
p17 sagir/www.shutterstock.com
p20 Anviczo /www.shutterstock.com
p21 Everett Collection/shutterstock.com
p21 100ker/Shutterstock.com (Fitkini border)
p21 Ingvar Bjork/Shutterstock.com (Fitkini dots)
p21 ESW/Shutterstock.com (Fitkini figure)
p22 Iveta Angelova/shutterstock.com
p22 lulu/shutterstock.com
p23 nito/shutterstock.com (weight)
p23 tukkki/shutterstock.com (heart background)
p 23 Natalia-flurno/shutterstock.com (shoes)