Origins of Language Final Essay El Mero Weno
Origins of Language Final Essay El Mero Weno
Origins of Language Final Essay El Mero Weno
Origins of Language
Origins of language
But, when did language started? To answer this question we must know first its
with other people using sounds, symbols and words in order to express some
on the affairs of their society” As said before, the language is can be used in
many forms and to state several things. Using sounds we can affirm some
are able to figure out written messages; such ability accentuates the difference
between animals and humans. Back in the time when the humans were still
developing their minds, they communicate each other by grunting, hitting logs,
nodding heads, grimacing and even we can thought about hitting with clubs in
the others head to express that you want the same thing.
This is when we start to talk about the beginnings of language. There are
several sources that might prove their point about the origin of language. The
first source that we are going to talk about is, “The Divine Source”. This source
Running Head: Origins of Language
establishes that god, as well as he created the man, he also created the
language. In the biblical tradition, God created Adam and “whatsoever Adam
called every living creature; that was the name thereof”. Alternatively, following
a Hindu tradition, language came from Sarasvati, wife of Brahma, creator of the
able to talk with any other human, he will, spontaneously; will learn how to talk
made an experiment with a pair of newborn babies. After a couple years that
the children spent with goats and a mute shepherd, they were able to speak a
word that sounded like bread. However, as incredible this might sound; it seems
impossible to happen.
Numerous years later, another experiment of this kind took place in the
year of 1500 by the king James the Fourth of Scotland. The children started to
talk in Hebrew. But all other children who were living in the same situation did
not confirm the results that the “Divine Source” explains. These children were
living in conditions which involve isolation and had no contact with human
This source gives place to “The Pop Theory”. Since nobody knows how
many languages exist in the world with precision, due to the difficulty of
distinguish the dialects, sub-languages from the main language of each zone.
Also when the “Divine Source” topic is placed on the table, the Babel’s Tower
comes to our minds too. The Babel’s tower’s history explains that when a
Running Head: Origins of Language
generation rejected God’s instructions to spread out over the planet, God
miraculously intervened and started the major language groupings of the human
race. And what does the “Pop Theory” has to do with the Babel’s tower? Well,
during that day, several languages emerge from the God’s intervention.
Restating the point that the couple of children that were living in
seclusion and apart from human contact, we can pass to the next source. When
we talk about “The Natural Sound Source”, the first thing that comes to our
minds is that the language began when our ancients imitated the animal
sounds. But this source makes clear that the ancient men imitated sounds from
the nature such as “splash, boom, buzz or even screech”. For example, if some
animal pass by a human and made certain sound, the human would try to
imitate the sound that the animal did. And if another object passed by the
human making a different sound the human would try to imitate that sound
making emphasis or pointing the object, stating that the sound belongs to the
This is when the “bow-wow” theory takes place. This theory states that
language began when the humans imitated natural sounds and the sounds from
the animals like: moo, choo-choo, crash, clang, bang, etc… in other words, this
related with the “Natural Sound Source” could be the “pooh-pooh theory”. Such
theory establishes that the language was originated from the ancient humans’
emotions such as anger, joy and sadness. The sounds were initiated when the
using the instinctive emotions such as fear or pain, the interjections like “oh!” or
“ouch!” appeared.
different from the “Bow-wow Theory” the latest might be a derivation from the so
called “Bow-wow Theory”. The “Yo-he-ho Theory” establishes that the language
was created from rhythmic chants or even from the grunts from the heavy work.
To state a point from the “Yo-he-ho Theory” we have the movie snow white in
The “Oral Gesture Source” affirms that the human language began when
the body, hands and face was the instrument to communicate with each other.
the necessity to express ourselves. Maybe, back in the days when the ancient
humans were carrying some hard duties they moved their mouth trying to catch
the attention of the surrounding mates. For example; when a child moves his
mouth while cutting something with the scissors or when somebody moves his
mouth when playing the drums, we can see how the “Ta-ta Theory” acts in this
Running Head: Origins of Language
But when did language started? No one knows for sure how the
language was created, why it was created or even if language meant something
else in the past days. Something that is for sure is that spoken language
developed the written forms of communication. There are a lot of theories that
might guess where the language came from. We sure know that language is a
system created for the purpose of communication between humans. But what
Reference list:
Jenkinson E. B., 1967. What is Language? And another teaching units for
Disney W., Hand D., 1937, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. USA:
Foster D. & Turman L.,. Gottlieb C., 1981, Caveman. USA: Metro
Goldwyn Mayer.