Notes Unit 1
Notes Unit 1
Notes Unit 1
apply the transformation model to identify the inputs, transformation processes and
outputs of an organisation
describe the boundaries of an operations system, and recognise its interfaces with
other functional areas within the organisation and with its external environment.
crucial role in determining how well an organisation satisfies its customers. In the case of
private-sector companies, the mission of the operations function is usually expressed in terms
of profits, growth and competitiveness; in public and voluntary organisations, it is often
expressed in terms of providing value for money.
Operations management is concerned with the design, management, and improvement of the
systems that create the organisation's goods or services. The majority of most organisations
financial and human resources are invested in the activities involved in making products or
delivering services. Operations management is therefore critical to organisational success.
Activity 1
For each of the following businesses, identify the main output of the operation:
Insurance company
Your organisation
You probably found it quite easy to identify the main output of a brewery as beer, and of a
publisher as books or newspapers. However, the others are a bit trickier: a satisfied customer
(hotel) and a customer bearing less financial risk (insurance company). Operations
management deals with producing not only physical goods, but also satisfied customers.
An understanding of the principles of operations management is important for all managers,
because they provide a systematic way of looking at an organisation's processes. The need to
manage manufacturing and service operations efficiently and effectively has led to a
considerable increase in interest in operations management in recent years. However, the
concept of operations is not new.
More recently, the mass production paradigm has been replaced, but there is as yet no single
approach to managing operations that has become similarly dominant. The different
approaches for managing operations that are currently popular include:
Flexible specialisation (Piore and Sabel, 1984) in which firms (especially small firms)
focus on separate parts of the value-adding process and collaborate within networks to
produce whole products. Such an approach requires highly developed networks,
effective processes for collaboration and the development of long-term relationships
between firms.
Lean production (Womack et al., 1990) which developed from the highly successful
Toyota Production System. It focuses on the elimination of all forms of waste from a
production system. A focus on driving inventory levels down also exposes
inefficiencies, reduces costs and cuts lead times.
Mass customisation (Pine et al., 1993) which seeks to combine high volume, as in
mass production, with adapting products to meet the requirements of individual
customers. Mass customisation is becoming increasingly feasible with the advent of
new technology and automated processes.
Agile manufacturing (Kidd, 1994) which emphasises the need for an organisation to
be able to switch frequently from one market-driven objective to another. Again, agile
manufacturing has only become feasible on a large scale with the advent of enabling
In various ways, these approaches all seek to combine the high volume and low cost
associated with mass production with the product customisation, high levels of innovation
and high levels of quality associated with craft production.
hotels, restaurants, banks and stores are operations managers. In the not-for-profit sector, the
manager of a nursing home or day centre for older people is an operations manager, as is the
manager of a local government tax-collection office and the manager of a charity shop staffed
entirely by volunteers.
So operations managers are responsible for managing activities that are part of the production
of goods and services. Their direct responsibilities include managing both the operations
process, embracing design, planning, control, performance improvement, and operations
strategy. Their indirect responsibilities include interacting with those managers in other
functional areas within the organisation whose roles have an impact on operations. Such areas
include marketing, finance, accounting, personnel and engineering.
Operations managers' responsibilities include:
Cost management most of the costs of producing goods or services are directly
related to the costs of acquiring resources, transforming them or delivering them to
customers. For many organisations in the private sector, driving down costs through
efficient operations management gives them a critical competitive edge. For
organisations in the not-for-profit sector, the ability to manage costs is no less
Decision making is a central role of all operations managers. Decisions need to be made in:
Use the matrix below to analyse your role as an operations manager. In as many of the cells
in the matrix as you can, jot down an example of a decision you have made in the last month.
A Designing the
operations system
B Managing the
operations system
C Improving the
operations system
1 Processes
2 Quality
3 Capacity
4 Inventory
5 Human
You will almost certainly have left some of the cells in the matrix blank. For example, you
may not have been involved (at least in the last month) in designing the operations system, so
you may not have made any decisions that belong to the cells in Column A, though you will
almost certainly have found some examples to put in Column B and perhaps in Column C
also. Similarly, if your area of work does not involve any stocks of materials, you will not
have found any for cells in Row 4 (Inventory). However, it is likely that you will have been
able to identify decisions you have made that fall in at least a third of the cells of this matrix.
If so, you are fulfilling many of the roles of an operations manager.
3.2 Inputs
Some inputs are used up in the process of creating goods or services; others play a part in the
creation process but are not used up. To distinguish between these, input resources are usually
classified as:
transformed resources those that are transformed in some way by the operation to
produce the goods or services that are its outputs
transforming resources those that are used to perform the transformation process.
Many people think of operations as being mainly about the transformation of materials or
components into finished products, as when limestone and sand are transformed into glass or
an automobile is assembled from its various parts. But all organisations that produce goods or
services transform resources: many are concerned mainly with the transformation of
information (for example, consultancy firms or accountants) or the transformation of
customers (for example, hairdressing or hospitals).
Galloway (1998) defines operations as all the activities concerned with the transformation of
materials, information or customers.
The two types of transforming resource are:
The staff involved in the transformation process may include both people who are directly
employed by the organisation and those contracted to supply services to it. They are
sometimes described as labour. The facilities of an organisation including buildings,
machinery and equipment are sometimes referred to as capital. Operations vary greatly in
the mix of labour and capital that make up their inputs. Highly automated operations depend
largely on capital; others rely mainly on labour.
Activity 4
Identify the principal inputs (both transformed and transforming resources) used by each of
the following organisations, and their principal outputs.
Doctor's surgery
Nuclear fuel reprocessing plant
The transformed resources of a restaurant include food and drink, and its transforming
resources include equipment such as cookers, refrigerators, tables and chairs, and the chefs
and waiters. In a university, the transformed resources include students and knowledge and
the transforming resources include lecturers, tutors and support staff, as well as classrooms,
books and instructional materials.
3.3 Outputs
The principal outputs of a doctor's surgery are cured patients; the outputs of a nuclear
reprocessing plant include reprocessed fuel and nuclear waste. Many transformation
processes produce both goods and services. For example, a restaurant provides a service, but
also produces goods such as food and drinks.
Transformation processes may result in some undesirable outputs (such as nuclear waste in
the example above) as well as the goods and services they are designed to deliver. An
important aspect of operations management in some organisations is minimising the
environmental impact of waste over the entire life cycle of their products, up to the point of
final disposal. Protecting the health and safety of employees and of the local community is
thus also the responsibility of operations management. In addition, the operations function
may be responsible for ethical behaviour in relation to the social impact of transformation
processes, both locally and globally. For example, in the United States, manufacturers of
sports footwear have come under fire for employing child labour and paying low wages to
workers employed in their overseas factories.
Often all three types of input materials, information and customers are transformed by the
same organisation. For example, withdrawing money from a bank account involves
information about the customer's account, materials such as cheques and currency, and the
customer. Treating a patient in hospital involves not only the customer's state of health, but
also any materials used in treatment and information about the patient.
One useful way of categorising different types of transformation is into:
service the treatment of customers or the storage of materials (for example hospital
wards, warehouses).
Several different transformations are usually required to produce a good or service. The
overall transformation can be described as the macro operation, and the more detailed
transformations within this macro operation as micro operations. For example, the macro
operation in a brewery is making beer (Figure 2). The micro operations include:
adding yeast to the wort and fermenting the liquid into beer
Type of transformation
Refining steel
Assembling cars
Delivering cars to dealers
Repairing cars
Designing cars
You may have identified various inputs such as materials, energy, machines, equipment,
buildings and people. For example, the inputs used by a car assembly plant include
components, equipment, buildings, labour and energy. You may also have included less
tangible inputs to the transformation process, such as information and skills.
You might have noticed that, midway down the list, the activities changed from primarily the
production of goods to the provision of services. In the case of car designing, the principal
inputs are ideas and the outputs are materials used to communicate the finished idea, such as
blueprints or computer models.
3.5 Feedback
A further component of the transformation model in Figure 1 is the feedback loop. Feedback
information is used to control the operations system, by adjusting the inputs and
transformation processes that are used to achieve desired outputs. For example, a chef relies
on a flow of information from the customer, through the waiter, about the quality of the food.
Adverse feedback might lead the chef to change the inputs (for example by buying better
quality potatoes) or the transformation process (for example by changing the recipe or the
cooking method).
Feedback is essential for operations managers. It can come from both internal and external
sources. Internal sources include testing, evaluation and continuously improving goods and
services; external sources include those who supply products or services to end-customers as
well as feedback from customers themselves.
The simple transformation model in Figure 1 provides a powerful tool for looking at
operations in many different contexts. It helps us to analyse and design operations in many
types of organisation at many levels.
This model can be developed by identifying the boundaries of the operations system through
which an organisation's goods or services are provided to its customers or clients. Figure 3,
shows this boundary and added three components that are located outside it:
the environment.
resources, forecasts, goals, assumptions and constraints, and the wider world outside the
organisation the legal, political, social and economic conditions within which it is
operating. Changes in either the internal or the external environment may affect the
operations function.
Traditionally, organisations have kept the operations function separate from both its
customers and its suppliers, in order to protect it from environmental disturbances
(Thompson, 1967). This can lead to a closed system mentality, in which the operations
function loses contact with external customers and suppliers, and focuses only on the
transformation process that it controls. A closed system tends to limit flexibility and result in
a loss of competitiveness. An open system mentality, in which communication with
customers and suppliers is encouraged, seeks to reduce the barriers between the operations
function and its environment, in order to enhance the organisation's competitiveness.
An added complication is that, as organisations become more complex, it becomes
increasingly difficult to draw neat boundaries around the operations function. Operations
management must therefore focus its attention on key interfaces within the organisation, as
well as on interfaces between the organisation and its external customers and suppliers. Most
operations systems are part of a supply chain that involves materials, information and
customers, and the distribution of finished goods or services to customers or clients. It is
therefore the responsibility of the operations function to co-ordinate the flow of information
that links these activities through the supply chain. Thus, while some operations managers are
concerned only with the transformation process within a single organisational unit, such as a
factory or service outlet, many are involved in managing operations across several
organisational units or even across separate organisations.
often with the help of information systems that reach throughout the organization, was not
economically viable until the arrival of powerful, inexpensive computers and innovative
software. For this reason, re-engineering focuses less on understanding the details of current
work processes and more on inventing a future based on fundamentally new processes.
Perhaps the most dramatic difference between the two approaches lies in the importance they
attach to control and measurement. Quality experts, drawing on their experience with
statistical process control in manufacturing, argue that well-managed work processes must be
fully documented, with clearly defined control points. Managers can improve a process, they
believe, only if they first measure it with accuracy and assure its stability. After improvement,
continuous monitoring is required to maintain the gains and ensure that the process performs
as planned. Re-engineering experts, on the other hand, are virtually silent about measurement
and control. They draw on a different tradition, information technology, that emphasizes
redesign rather than control.
Insights for Managers
The work processes perspective has led to a number of important insights for managers. It
provides an especially useful framework for addressing a common organizational problem:
fragmentation, or the lack of cross-functional integration. Many aspects of modern
organizations make integration difficult, including complexity, highly differentiated sub-units
and roles, poor informal relationships, size, and physical distance. Integration is often
improved by the mere acknowledgment of work processes as viable units of analysis and
targets of managerial action. Charting horizontal work flows, for example, or following an
order through the fulfillment system, are convenient ways to remind employees that the
activities of disparate departments and geographical units are interdependent, even if
organization charts, with their vertical lines of authority, suggest otherwise.
In addition, the work processes perspective provides new targets for improvement. Rather
than focusing on structures and roles, managers address the underlying processes. An obvious
advantage is that they closely examine the real work of the organization. The results,
however, have been mixed, and experts estimate that a high proportion of these programmes
have failed to deliver the expected gains.
My analysis suggests several reasons for failure. Most improvement programmes have
focused exclusively on process redesign; the ongoing operation and management of the
reconfigured processes have usually been neglected. Yet even the best processes will not
perform effectively without suitable oversight, co-ordination, and control, as well as
occasional intervention. In addition, operational processes have usually been targeted for
improvement, while their supporting administrative processes have been overlooked.
Incompatibilities and inconsistencies have arisen when the information and plans needed for
effective operation were not forthcoming. A few companies have used the work processes
approach to redefine their strategy and organization. The most progressive have blended a
horizontal process orientation with conventional vertical structures.
Source: Garvin, D. A. (1998), The processes of organization and management, Sloan
Management Review, Cambridge; Summer, pp.3537
I hope you found that you could make sense of the article in terms of your own organisation.
When I read the article I pulled out a number of points I felt were important. You may have
identified others.
1. The distinction between operational and administrative processes.
2. Two different approaches to process improvement: the quality movement approach
(incremental focuses on measurement and control) and the re-engineering approach
(radical focuses on redesign).
3. The process perspective can encourage more effective cross-functional integration.
4. Attempts at process improvement are not always successful, in part because of
insufficient attention to supporting management and control systems and to the
supporting administrative processes.
Activity 7
Take some time to apply the transformation model to your own organisation. (If you work in
a large or complex organisation, you may want to focus on some part of it.)
List the principal inputs (transformed and transforming resources), transformation processes
and outputs. Put these together into a transformation model diagram. You may want to show
the transformation process as a series of linked micro-processes, rather than a single process,
depending on how complex the process is. Where are marketing, human resource
management and financial control important in this process?
Draw a diagram like the one in Figure 3 to show the boundary of your operations system,
identifying on it:
1. the main inputs, the type(s) of transformation process and the main outputs
2. the main sources of feedback
3. the suppliers and customers that are external to your system
4. the main environmental influences.
The aim of this course has been to give you an introductory overview of operations
management. Operations is one of the central functions of all organisations The first learning
outcome was that you should be able to define operations and operations
management. I took the view in this session that operations embraces all the activities
required to create and deliver an organisation's goods or services to its customers or clients.
The second outcome was that you should be able to identify the roles and responsibilities of
operations managers in different organisational contexts.
The third outcome was that you should be able to identify the operations management
aspects of your own work. Some managers have a specific and central role in the
management of operations such as a production manager in a factory or an operations
manager in a hotel chain. However, as you may have discovered from Activity 3, most
managers have at least some operations management aspect to their job.
The fourth outcome was that you should be able to apply the transformation model to
identify the inputs, transformation processes and outputs of an organisation. The
transformation model is a tool for analysing any type of organisation in terms of the inputs,
transformation process and outputs involved in the operations function. Section 2 of this
session described the transformation model and Activity 4 gave you the chance to apply it to
a number of very different organisations.
The fifth outcome was that you should be able to identify the operational and administrative
processes in your own organisation. David Garvin's article discussed the way in which a
process perspective can enable managers to gain greater insight into the management of
organisational performance. As you read the extract I hope you took notes on how this could
be applied in your own organisation.
The final objective was that you should be able to describe the boundaries of an operations
system and recognise its interfaces with other functional areas within the organisation and
with its external environment. In Section 3 , I extended the transformation model to include
suppliers, customers and the external environment. I also drew an important distinction
between the closed system mentality that keeps the operations function separated from
suppliers and clients, and the open systems mentality where communication with customers
and suppliers is encouraged.