Visvesvaraya PHD Scheme

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Government of India

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

Department of Electronics and Information Technology, New Delhi


Department of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India has conceived a
scheme to enhance the number of PhDs in the Electronic Design and Manufacturing (ESDM)
and IT/IT enabled Services (ITES) sector. Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA)
has approved the scheme with a total estimated cost of Rs 401 crore (Rupees Four Hundred One
Crore only) over a period of nine years. Media Lab Asia (a Section-25 not-for-profit organization
of Department of Electronics and Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and
Information technology, would be responsible for providing implementation support to the
Salient Features of the PhD Scheme:
v Thrust to R&D, create innovative ecosystem and enhance Indias competitiveness in
these knowledge intensive sectors.
v To fulfill the commitments made in National Policy on Electronics (NPE) 2012 and
National Policy on Information Technology (NPIT) 2012.
v 1500 PhDs in each of ESDM and IT/ITES sectors over a period of 5 years (Total : 3000
v Out of the above, 500PhDs in each of ESDM and IT/ITES sectors would be from fulltime PhD candidates. The other 1000 PhDs in each of ESDM and IT/ITES sectors would
be from part-time PhD candidates.
v The scheme will also support 200 Young Faculty Research Fellowships in the area of
ESDM an IT/ITES with the objective to retain and attract young faculty in these sectors.
The duration of scheme would be for a period of five years for the purpose of selecting PhD
candidates for support under the scheme. However, the funding would be continued till 9th year
for the commitments already made during the scheme period.
Institutions Eligibility for support:
The minimum requirement for the institutions / Universities Research Centres etc. for being
eligible for support under the scheme will be compliance to the UGCs minimum standards and
procedures for award of M.Phil/PhD Degree, Regulation, 2009 (ref. The Gazett of India July11,
2009 Part III sec 4) as amended time to time. Institutions Eligible for support are:
v All Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs),
v All National Institutes of Technology (NITs)


Indian Institute of Science (IISc)

All Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs)
Central Universities
Deemed Universities under Central Government
Colleges/Institutions of National importance

Recognition to be obtained from Academic Committee constituted by DietY to look after the
Institutional Mechanism for the scheme
A University created under a Provincial Act, State Act
State Universities
Private Universities
Private Deemed to be Universities
Colleges that are allowed to offer PhDs
Other academic and R&D institutions
Eligibility for PhD candidates:
The minimum requirement for applying under the scheme is that the candidate should have
passed UGC/CSIR fellowship examination or qualified GATE examination or any other
examination conducted by individual Institution for registration as PhD student.
Eligibility for Young Faculty:
The scheme will also identify and support 200 Young Faculty to encourage and recognize Young
Faculty involved in research and technology development in the area of ESDM and IT/ITES with
the objective to retain as well as attract young faculty in these sectors. An Institution would be
eligible for one Young Faculty Research Fellowship grant for every 5 full time PhD Candidates
supported under this scheme in the institution in a given year. Please read the terms and
conditions for applying young fellowship given below separately.
How to Apply:
The candidates interested in the PhD scheme are advised to contact the eligible institutions and
submit the duly filled in application form (Annexure-I) to the Institute. The institute will in-turn
submit the consolidated applications of the PhD candidates received along with the prescribed
filled-in format (Annexure-II) for institutions. The application form for Young Faculty Research
Fellowship is given in Annexure-III.
Funding Support/ Fellowships/ Assistance:
PhD Fellowship:
Full-time Candidates:
i. Fellowship of Rs 22,500 p.m. (I&II Yr); Rs 25,000 p.m. (III - V Yr)

Revised to Rs 31,250p.m.(I&IIYr); Rs 35,000pm (III-V Yr)

ii. Annual Contingency grant/support:@Rs30,000 per year for consumables, etc.

iii. Reimbursement of Rent (ROR): Those PhD candidates who are not provided
accommodation or choose not to avail the accommodation provided by the institution,
the ROR would be on reimbursement basis, based on actual and subject to a ceiling based
on location of the institution registering the PhD candidate. The ceiling would be 30%,
20%, and 10% of the fellowship amount as per the Government of India norms for class
X, Y or Z cities respectively.
iv. Support for attending International conferences: Support for attending up to two
renowned international conferences per full time candidate:@ up to maximum support of
Rs 50,000/- for each international conference would be provided. The total support under
the scheme is for 1000 such participations fulfilling the norms defined in the scheme on
first come first serve basis.
v. Infrastructural Grant: Institutions registering PhD candidates, infrastructural grant for upgradation /creation of the laboratory, equipment etc. (excluding civil construction/
expansion of building) would be provided @ 50% of the actual cost subject to a ceiling of
Rs 5 lakhs per full time candidate under the scheme. This grant would be one time.
vi. Institutional Over heads: Institutional over heads @ Rs 25,000/- per year per full time
candidate will be provided under the scheme for a maximum of five years for each
Part-time PhD candidates:
Part-time candidates who do not avail of any PhD Fellowship/ scholarship/ stipend from
any Central or State Government shall be provided one time incentive of Rs 2.5 lakh on
successful completion of the PhD degree.
Young Faculty Research Fellowship:
i. Research Fellowship @ Rs 20,000 per month would be provided, in addition to regular
income, for a maximum of five years.
ii. Contingency/ research grant of Rs 5 lakh per annum for presenting paper and researchwork at national and international conferences and other research expenses for a
maximum of five years.
Terms and conditions for support of PhD candidates:
The support will be for additional PhD candidates taken up by an institution. No support
would be provided for current levels of enrolment in the PhD programme.
The candidates enrolled/ registered for PhD during the period of the scheme would only
be eligible to apply for the financial support.


The PhD candidates that an institution can take up under the scheme will be determined
department wise based on number of faculty members available to guide/mentor/advice
the PhD candidates and the current levels of enrolment. It will not be permissible to take
more candidates in one department in lieu of vacancies in another department.
Departments which are primarily in the area of ESDM or ITES as the case may be are
automatically eligible for assistance under the scheme. In other departments, PhD
candidates who are working in the area of ESDM and IT/ITES would be eligible for
support subject to criteria provided in the scheme.


ESDM and IT/ITES are meta technologies, and the work in these sectors also span other
sectors. Departments which are primarily not in the area of ESDM or IT/ITES, may also
take advantage of the scheme, provided the research work being pursued by the identified
PhD candidate is related to ESDM or IT/ITES, Such requests for support to other
Departments will be considered by the Academic committee to be constituted by the
Departments of Electronics and IT (DeitY) for the purposes of this scheme. However the
total number of candidates supported in other departments will not exceed the total
number of support provided to the Departments (in the same institute/University) which
are primarily in the area of ESDM or IT/ITES.


Student/Faculty (S/F) ratio for any Department of the institution will be the determinant
of the number of PhD candidates that can be supported in the said Department. This ratio
will be determined by an Academic committee to be constituted by the department. The
Faculty members for the purpose of this ratio will be those faculty members who are
qualified as per UGC norms to guide/advise PhD candidates work under them.


For the purposes of this scheme, the maximum number of PhD candidates which a given
Department of a given institution may take will be equal to S/F ration multiplied by the
number of faculty members say M. The total number of enrolled PhD candidates in the
department, at the commencement of the scheme, be T. the average annual enrolment of
PhD candidates, in the Department, over the past three years be A. While determining A,
the fractions would be rounded off. The additional number of PhD candidates that a
department of an institution may enroll per year will be ((M multiply S/F) minus T minus
A))/5, where 5 represents the number of years which a PhD candidate is expected to
spend in the programme.


For every five candidates supported by the Department of electronics and IT under this
scheme, at least one candidate would be supported by industry/State Government
concerned. It shall be the responsibility of participating institution to work with
industry/State Government to enlist the PhD candidates which are supported by the
industry/State Government. The institution is free to determine the terms and conditions
of the PhD candidate enrolled through industry/State Government support. However,
such support shall not be less than the support provided to PhD candidates as per the

PhD Scheme of Deity. DeitY may, however, consider waiver of this ration in deserving

The candidate would be eligible for Fellowship for the period during which the candidate
is in good standing, and fulfills the requirements of the PhD successfully. The maximum
period for which the support would be available for any fulltime candidate would be five
years or till the completion of PhD whichever is earlier.


The participating Institution will ensure that a candidate receiving fellowship under this
scheme is not receiving any financial support for PhD from any other scheme of
Government of India/States etc. at the same time. The candidates who have availed
support for their PhD from any other scheme of Government of India/State etc will be
automatically be stands disqualified for support under this scheme.


The support for attending international conferences for full-time PhD candidates shall be
subject to availability as per overall ceiling of 1000 participations. The above support
would be to cover the travel and other expenses for attending International conferences,
where the research paper of the PhD candidate has been accepted for the presentation by
the candidate. A list of renowned International conferences related to the areas of ESDM
and IT/ITES would be prepared by the Academic Committee for the Scheme for the
purpose of this support.


Necessary provisions for teaching by full-time PhD candidates at

undergraduate/postgraduate level would be formulated by the Academic Committee for
the scheme. These will be adopted by the participating Institutions under the PhD


The selection criterion of the PhD candidates to be supported under the scheme will be
devised separately by the Universities/Institutions in consultation with the Academic
Committee setup by deity. However, a balance would be maintained between basic
research and applied research. The Academic Committee setup by DeitY under the
HRD Division, DeitY would look in to this issue from time to time and make suitable

Terms and conditions for Young Faculty Research Fellowship:

a. An Institution would be eligible for one Young Faculty Research Fellowship grant for
every 5 full time PhD Candidates supported under this scheme in the institution in a
given year.
b. Young Faculty Research Fellowship is meant for those who have a proven track-record
as evident from their research publications and recognitions. The Young Faculty must
have a regular position in the Institute and should be engaged in research or must be in
a position on a regular scale, which leads to a regular position in the Institute and should

be engaged in research. If he/she is availing any other fellowship, he/she will have to opt
for only one of the fellowships.
c. The details of qualification, age limits and selection mechanism of such young faculty
would be defined separately by the Academic Committee.
Terms and conditions relating to participating institutions
a. The support under the scheme will be provided to the institution granting the PhD degree
and no direct funding support will be provided by Government of India to the PhD
candidates or faculty members or to the departments in the supported institution. The
institution will be responsible for seeking financial support and for furnishing utilization
certificates of the funds released and based on the scheme parameters, and as per
conditions of the sanction of grant-in-aid.
b. The PhD candidates who successfully complete their PhDs, either as full-time or part
time, and are provided financial assistance under the scheme shall be counted towards
achieving the target of the scheme.
c. The participating institution shall ensure that a PhD candidate supported under the
scheme is not funded from CSIR/UGC.
d. The PhD candidates may also be engaged in teaching to undergraduate/ graduate classes.
e. IPR generated under the Scheme will be governed by existing rules and regulations of
f. All institutions who will participate would be subjected to Audit of their accounts/records
in respect of the scheme as per government norms.
g. Assets created under the scheme using the Research grant to the participating institutions
would be used by Institutions for the research and development activities in these
institutions after the end of the scheme.
Contact Address:
PhD Cell in DeitY (Under Media Lab Asia)
Department of Electronics and Information Technology
Electronics Niketan, 6-CGO Complex, Lodhi Road
New Delhi-110003
Ph: 24301389
Email: [email protected]

Facilitation by Computer Society of India (CSI)

CSI offers assistance to the aspirants to avail the scheme. The details of the scheme are published
on the CSI web site
For any help on the scheme please contact the CSI Education Directorate at the address below:
Computer Society of India
Education Directorate
CIT Campus, 4th Cross Road
Taramani, Chennai 600 113
Phone 044-22541103 22541143
For help, please eMail with subject as PhD Scheme to : [email protected]

Format for Details about the PhD Candidate to be supported under the PhD Scheme of DeitY

dully signed
across by the

Full-Time or Part-Time (delete which is not applicable)

Name of PhD candidate

Date of Birth

Fathers/Husbands Name

Present address


: Phone/mobile:

Marital Status

: Married/ Single


: Male / Female


Whether belongs to SC/ST

: Yes/No



Educational Qualification (since matriculation):




Area of Research
Synopsis of Research Problem




(add extra sheets if required)

Name of Supervisor/Guide

Name of Institute/ Department

Contact details of Supervisor

Do you have any scholarship currently

Source of scholarship

Your present occupation (Give details)

Signature of Guide with stamp

Marks (%)

Signature of Candidate
Endorsement by Institutional Head with stamp

Format for Details about the Institution seeking support for PhD candidates
Institution Details:
Name of the University/ Institution

Postal Address with phone/ Fax/email

Status : Central Univ. /State Univ./Deemed Univ./Private Univ. / Institute, etc.

Contact details of Nodal Person with phone/Fax/email appointed by Institution for the PhD
Scheme of DeitY
Availability of Hostel accommodation

Whether the institute is recognized by UGC for award of PhD degree:

Department Details:
Name of Department

Current Areas of Research of the department

Number of faculties/ guides in the department with name and other details :
Current number of PhDs in the department (average of last three year intake) :
Distribution of current PhD candidates among the Faculty/ Guides:
Availability of Infrastructural Facilities in the department /Institute/ Univ.:
Capacity to take additional PhD candidates

Details about Guide and PhD Candidates:

Research areas proposed for additional PhDs


Brief on Research areas proposed

Name of Guide(S) for new PhD candidates

Registration Number(s)&date for new PhD candidates :

List of Publications of proposed guide for new PhDs

Brief extract of Research proposed for new PhDs

Signature of HoD with stamp

Endorsement by Institutional Head with stamp

Format for Details about Young Faculty Fellow

Name of Applicant

Date of Birth

dully signed
across by the

Name of Institute currently working :

Designation/position held


Area(s) of Research

Whether belonging to SC/ST


Educational Qualification





% of Marks


Position held


Nature of work


Patents filed/ Books Published

Major achievements

Awards Obtained

No. of PhDs

(enclose list)


A brief write-up summarizing the novelty of the research carried out

Infrastructural facilities available at the laboratory/ institute

Area of Research proposed


Likely output from this Research with time frames

Additional information, if any


Signature of applicant

Endorsement by the Institutional Head

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