Macrotaxonomy
Macrotaxonomy
Macrotaxonomy
Downward
Classica3on
The
prevailing
method
of
classica3on
during
the
peak
of
medicinal
botany
during
the
Renaissance.
Proceeds
by
dividing
large
classes
into
subsets
(Aristotles
logical
method
of
division,
dichotomous
system)
Relied
en3rely
on
single
characters
The
series/sequence
of
characters
are
arbitrarily
chosen
by
the
taxonomists
controlled
by
the
classes
produced
by
dichotomous
divisions.
Upward
Classica3on
From
about
(promoted
by
Linnaeus
and
Adanson)
Consist
of
assembling
species
by
inspec3on
into
taxa
consis3ng
of
similar
or
related
species.
Failed
to
developed
rigorous
methodology
(employed
arbitrarily)
Evolu3onary
or
Darwinian
Classica3on
Monophyle3c
Each
natural
taxon
consist
of
the
descendants
of
the
nearest
common
ancestors
Descent
not
a
replacement
for
the
criterion
similarity
but
rather
a
constraint
on
the
kind
of
similarity
that
is
acceptable
as
evidence
of
rela3onship
Must
be
based
on
balanced
considera3on
of
genealogy
and
similarity.
Homology
Feature
in
two
or
more
taxa
is
homologous
when
it
is
derived
phylogene3ccaly
from
the
same
feature
of
the
common
ancestor
Homoplasy
Convergence
independent
acquisi3on
of
the
same
feature
by
unrelated
evolu3onary
lineages
Parallelism
is
the
independent
realiza3on
of
a
character
in
two
related
lineages
owing
to
a
gene3c
predisposi3on
even
though
it
was
not
phenotypically
expressed
in
the
common
ancestor.
Reversal
is
the
independent
loss
of
the
same
advanced
character
in
several
linages
of
a
phylogeny
Numerical
Phene3cs
Avoid
all
subjec3vity
and
arbitrariness
by
sor3ng
species
with
numerical
methods
into
groups
agreeing
in
a
large
numbers
of
joint
characters.
Believe
that
descendants
of
a
common
ancestors
will
share
mul3plicity
of
characters
that
will
automa3cally
land
a
well
dened
taxa.
Phene3cs:
weaknesses
Cumbersome
method
requiring
analysis
of
very
large
numbers
and
failed
to
weigh
characters
accordingly
considering
dierent
taxonomic
signicance
No
methodology
for
ranking
taxa
Fails
to
consider
evolu3onary
rates
Changes
depending
on
characters
used
It
cannot
be
improved
gradually
Cladica3on
Relies
en3rely
on
genealogy
(Willi
Hennig
1950)
Unques3oned
apomorphies
(shared
derived
characters)
should
be
recognized
while
ancestral
(plesiomorphic)
characters
should
be
ignored.
Consist
simply
of
branches
of
the
phylogene3c
tree
without
giving
any
considera3on
to
similarity
Cladica3on:
Weaknesses
Most
clades
are
heterogeneous
Either
the
stem
species
o`en
has
tradi3onally
been
included
in
the
ancestral
taxon
The
requirement
that
sister
groups
should
be
assigned
the
same
taxonomic
rank
is
unrealis3c
No
valid
theory
of
ranking
Every
new
synapomorphy
in
a
stem
species
requires
the
assignment
of
new
categorical
ranking
All
nonapomorphic
characters
are
neglected
Reects
one
sided
rela3onships
End
of
Presenta3on