Cadet Handbook PDF
Cadet Handbook PDF
Cadet Handbook PDF
Table of Contents
Roster of Personnel
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Military Schools
Page 5
Page 7
Army Organization
Page 8
Battalion Staff
Page 11
Chain of Command
Page 14
Physical Training
Page 15
Leadership Lab
Page 16
Page 17
Cadet Activities
Page 18
Military Courtesy
Page 20
Page 22
Page 24
Page 30
Phonetic Alphabet
Page 32
Army Song
Page 33
Page 34
ROTC Patch
Page 35
Page 36
OPORD Format
Page 37
Page 38
Page 38
Page 3
Room 147
Room 148
Line 4.
4. Special
Special equipment
equipment required:
A -- None
B -- Hoist
C -- Extraction
Extraction equipment
D -- Ventilator
Room 150
Line 5.
5. Number
Number of
of patients
patients by
by type:
A -- Litter
Litter (L
(L ++ #)
B -- Ambulatory
Ambulatory (A
(A ++ #)
Room 152
Room 150
Room 146
Patricia Montez
[email protected]
Human Resources Technician
Room 156
Dale Wood
[email protected]
Human Resources Technician
Room 161
Carl Mejewski
[email protected]
Supply Technician
Half Acre
Beverly Sanchez
[email protected]
Office Associate
Room 154
Line 2.
2. Radio
Radio frequency,
frequency, call
call sign,
sign, and
and suffix.
Information encrypted
encrypted ifif transmitting
transmitting in
in the
the clear.
Line 3.
3. Number
Number of
of patients
patients by
by precedence:
A -- Urgent
Urgent (w/in
(w/in 22 hr)
B -- Urgent
Urgent Surgical
Surgical (w/in
(w/in 22 hr)
C -- Priority
Priority (w/in
(w/in 44 hr)
D -- Routine
Routine (w/in
(w/in 24
24 hr)
E -- Convenience
Line 6.
6. Security
Security at
at pick-up
pick-up site:
N -- No
No enemy
enemy troops
troops in
in area
P -- Possible
Possible enemy
enemy troops
troops in
in area
area (approach
(approach with
with caution)
E -- Enemy
Enemy troops
troops in
in area
area (approach
(approach with
with caution)
X -- Enemy
Enemy troops
troops in
in area
area (armed
(armed escort
escort required)
Line 6A.
6A. In
In peacetime
peacetime -- number
number and
and types
types of
of wounds,
wounds, injuries,
injuries, and
and illnesses
Line 7.
7. Method
Method of
of marking
marking pick-up
pick-up site:
A -- Panels
Panels (color)
B -- Pyrotechnic
Pyrotechnic signal
C -- Smoke
Smoke signal
D -- None
E -- Other
Line 8.
8. Patient
Patient nationality
nationality and
and status:
A -- US
US Military
B -- US
US Civilian
C -- Non-US
Non-US Military
D -- Non-US
Non-US Civilian
E -- EPW
Line 9.
9. NBC
NBC Contamination:
N -- Nuclear
B -- Biological
C -- Chemical
Line 9A.
9A. In
In peacetime
peacetime -- terrain
terrain description
description of
of pick-up
pick-up site
Page 4
Page 37
History of the Cowboy Battalion
Wyoming ROTC
The history of Wyomings ROTC program can be traced to 1891, one year
after Wyoming achieved statehood. At that time, the Board of Trustees
established a School of Military Science and Tactics, and required all
able-bodied male students to participate in military training.
Wyoming formally established an ROTC program following the passage of
the National Defense Act in 1916. This Act created the Reserve Officers
Training Corps and immediately following its passage, the University of
Wyoming applied for an ROTC program. Shortly afterwards, the ROTC
program was begun on 31 October 1916, making Wyoming one of the first
seven institutions in the nation to establish an ROTC unit.
The ROTC Cadet
Corps continued to
expand until the 196566 school years. At
that time, the University
Board of Trustees approved an elective
ROTC program as opposed to the previous
program requiring male
participation. Although
enrollment initially declined, the program is
experiencing an encouraging increase in student participation, both from male and female
students. Indicative of the increased female interest in the program. During the 1976-77 school years, the Cadet Corps was commanded by its
first woman Cadet Battalion Commander.
During the 1977-78 school years, the ROTC Department initiated the E
Curriculum. The purpose of this action was to provide as many ways as
possible for students to receive credit for ROTC activities.
In conclusion, the Army ROTC program continues to provide valuable
training for the formation of future leaders in the Army and civilian community. The Military Science Department, one of the oldest on campus, is
proud of its long and distinguished record as it moves forward into a bright
and nation serving future.
Task Organization
1. Situation
A. Enemy Forces
B. Friendly Forces
C. Attachments/Detachments
2. Mission
Who, What, When Where, Why
3. Execution
A. Intent
B. Concept of the Operation
C. Maneuver
D. Fires
E. Tasks to Maneuver Units
F. Tasks to Combat Support Units
G. Coordinating Instructions
4. Service Support
A. General
B. Materials and Services
I. Supply
II. Transportation
III. Services
IV. Maintenance
C. Medevac
D. Personnel
E. Miscellaneous
5. Command and Signal
A. Command
I. Location of Higher Unit Commander
II. Location of Unit Commander
III. Succession of Command
B. Signal
I. SOI Index
II. Method of Communication
III. Emergency
IV. Code Words
Page 36
Page 5
Military Schools
Cadets have the option of attending training courses throughout the
school year. These courses include, but are not limited to:
Airborne School
Air Assault School
Northern Warfare
Mountain Warfare
Cadet Troop Leadership Training (CTLT)
Participation in all courses is extremely competitive, and all "best qualified" cadets will be placed on an Order of Merit List (OML) and will be
offered course slots in order of standing on the OML.
Page 6
Military Schools
The Northern Warfare School is a three-week course conducted at
Fort Greely, Alaska. Instruction there involves survival in extreme
weather conditions and mountain warfare. Because of the extremely
limited number of slots to this
training, cadets can only earn a
chance to attend this school
through outstanding performance in the program coupled
with a demonstrated desire to
pursue a military career which
would utilize these special
Mountain Warfare School is
a two-week course taught by
the Vermont National Guard at
Ethan Allen Firing Range in
Jericho, Vermont. Both a summer and a winter phase are
offered. The training is designed to make you an expert in mountain
operations. Mountain Warfare School is both physically and mentally
demanding. Training is non-stop, 15 hours per day, for 14 days. If
you can carry a 65-pound rucksack up to five miles per day in mountainous terrain and are competent with both day and night land navigation you may have what it takes to complete this intense training.
Cadet Troop Leadership Training (CTLT) is a four week leadership experience conducted at various units throughout the Continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii, and Europe. Students are placed in charge
of a regular Army platoon of approximately 35 soldiers. The student's
objective is to perform the leadership and management tasks necessary to train the platoon's soldiers and maintain its equipment.
Page 35
ROTC Patch
denotes the pursuit of knowledge, higher learning, and the partnership
of Army ROTC with American colleges and universities.
signifies courage, gallantry, and self-sacrifice intrinsic to the profession
of arms.
is symbolic of the ancient civilization concept of the warrior scholar.
The Shield
symbolizes the Army mission of national defense and is divided into
quarters representing the four traditional Military Science courses
comprising the Senior ROTC curriculum.
The Motto
"Leadership Excellence" expresses the ultimate responsibility of
Army ROTC in the discharge of its moral responsibility to the Nation.
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Page 7
LDAC/Warrior Forge
The summer following your junior year, all cadets attend the Leadership
Development and Assessment Course (LDAC), a 33 day summer course
at Ft. Lewis, WA. It is designed to evaluate a cadet's leadership abilities
while providing additional leadership and individual skills instruction.
During LDAC, each cadet is given several opportunities to serve in leadership positions such as squad leader, platoon sergeant, platoon leader,
first sergeant, executive officer, or company commander. These positions
allow the cadet to demonstrate his/her leadership ability and skills. The
cadet's performance in this area, along with scores from the Army Physical Fitness Test, land navigation test, Basic Rifle Marksmanship (BRM),
and tactics, make up the cadet's final grade. During LDAC, a cadet will
be exposed to many areas of Army doctrine and skills. This includes:
Nuclear-Biological-Chemical (NBC) warfare, engineering (mines and obstacles), communications, land navigation, fire support, small unit tactics,
and patrolling.
Leader's Training Course (LTC) is the Armys 2-year ROTC Program entry point. Through the Leader's Training Course, students without ROTC
Basic Course experience can examine the Army without incurring an obligation, and qualify for Advanced Course entry. The Army evaluates these
students in a leadership oriented, challenging, and motivating 28-day
training program at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Students also earn approximately $900 while at this course.
Page 8
Army Organization
Operational Components
Page 33
Army Song
The song was originally written by field artillery First Lieutenant Edmund L. Gruber, while stationed in the Philippines in 1908 as the
Caisson Song. The original lyrics reflect routine activities in a horsedrawn field artillery battery. The song was transformed into a march by
John Philip Sousa in 1917 and renamed The Field Artillery Song. It
was adopted in 1952 as the official song of the Army and re-titled The
Army Goes Rolling Along. The current lyrics tell the story of our past,
our present, and our future.
The Army Goes Rolling Along.
First to fight for the right, and to build the Nations might,
And the Army Goes Rolling Along
Proud of all we have done,
Fighting till the battles won,
And the Army Goes Rolling Along
Then its hi, hi, hey! The Armys on its way
Count off the cadence loud and strong (two, three)
For wher-eer we go, You will always know
that the Army Goes Rolling Along
March along, sing our song
with the Army of the free
Count the brave,
count the true,
who have fought to victory.
Were the Army and proud of our name;
Were the Army and proudly proclaim:
Valley Forge, Custers ranks, San Juan hill and Pattons tanks,
And the Army went rolling along.
Minute men from the start,
Always fighting from the heart,
And the Army keeps rolling along.
Men in rags, men who froze, still that Army met its foes,
And the Army went rolling along.
Faith in God, then were right,
And well fight with all our might,
As the Army keeps rolling along.
Page 32
Page 9
Phonetic Alphabet
Army Organization
Rank Structure
Page 10
Page 31
Army Organization
Rank Structure
Enlisted Rank:
Officer Rank:
OCONUS Outside the Continental
United States
OCS Officer Candidate School
OP Observation Post
OPFOR Opposing Forces
OPORD Operation Order
OPS Operations
ORP Objective Rally Point
PB Patrol Base
PBO Property Book Officer
PC Patrol Cap
PCS Permanent Change of Station
PFC Private First Class
PL Platoon Leader
PLDC Primary Leadership Development Course
PMCS Preventive Maintenance
Checks and Services
PMS Professor of Military Science
POC Point of Contact
PSG Platoon Sergeant
PT Physical Training
PVT Private
POW Prisoner of War
RC Reserve Components
RCPS ROTC Cadet Pay System
Recon Reconnaissance
RECONDO Reconnaissance Commando Doughboy
RGT Regiment
ROE Rules of Engagement
ROO Recruiting Operations Officer
ROTC Reserve Officers Training
RP Release Point
RRP Re-Entry Rally Point
RTO Regimental Tactical Officer
SALUTE Size, Activity, Location, Unit.
Time and Equipment
SFC Sergeant First Class
SGT Sergeant
SITREP Situation Report
SL Squad Leader
SM Soldier's Manual
SMP Simultaneous Membership Program
SOI Signal Operating Instructions
SOP Standard Operating Procedures
SPC Specialist
SQD Squad
SSG Staff Sergeant
Page 30
Page 11
Battalion Staff
AA Assembly Area
AAR After Action Review
AC Active Component
ACE Report Ammunition, Casualty
and Equipment (Report)
ADA Air Defense Artillery
AGR Active Guard/Reserve
ALICE All purpose, Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment
AMMO Ammunition
APFT Army Physical Fitness Test
APMS Assistant Professor of Military
AR Army Regulation
ARNG Army National Guard
ASAP As Soon As Possible
AT Annual Training
BCT Brigade Combat Team
BDE Brigade
BN Battalion
CAV Cavalry
CDR Commander
CG Commanding General
CIB Combat Infantryman Badge
CLS Combat Life Saver
CO Commander
CP Command Post
CPT Captain
CSM Command Sergeant Major
CSS Combat Service Support
CTLT Cadet Troop Leadership Training
CTT Common Task Training
DA Department of the Army
DECON Decontamination
DIV Division
DMG Distinguished Military Graduate
DMS Distinguished Military Student
DZ Drop Zone
EIB Expert Infantry Badge
ENDEX End Exercise
EO Equal Opportunity
EPW Enemy Prisoner of War
EVAC Evacuation
EVAL Evaluate
1SG First Sergeant
FA Field Artillery
FM Field Manual
FO Forward Observer
FRAGO Fragmentary Order
FSB Forward Support Base
Page 12
Battalion Staff
Cadet Adjutant (S-1) - is an MS IV cadet and
is responsible for assisting the cadet Battalion
Commander with all administrative matters.
The S-1 is responsible for maintaining and
updating alert rosters, attendance rosters, and
class schedule files. The S-1 is responsible
for setting up and maintaining cadet battalion
boards, cadet mail boxes, and collecting personnel information. The S-1 will produce or
update any administrative material that the
cadre sees as important to the battalion.
Page 28
Rank, nameplate, ribbons, and insignia will be worn in accordance
with the following:
Page 13
Battalion Staff
Cadet Enrollment Officer (S-5) - is an
MS IV cadet and is responsible for the
cadet recruiting activities conducted with
the Cowboy Battalion. He/She is responsible for coordinating recruiting
functions, providing information to campus newspapers, posting advertisements throughout the campus, taking
photographs of cadet activities, and advising the Cadet Battalion Commander.
The S-5 also has several assistants that
help him achieve our overall recruiting
and retention goals.
Class A Uniform
Page 14
Chain of Command
Company Commander (CO) - is an MS III cadet
and is the senior ranking the company. He or she is
responsible for all that the company does. The CO discharges his or her responsibilities through the chain of
command. He or she is responsible for mission accomplishment.
1st Sergeant (1SG) - is an MS III cadet and is the
senior ranking NCO of his company. The First Sergeant
works for his or her Company Commander and receives
directives and information from the CSM. He or she is
responsible for insuring that the directives of the CSM
and the Company Commander are carried out. He or she
is to insure that the training, conduct, appearance, and
accountability of his company is always at a high state.
Class B Uniform
Page 26
Class As
The Class A green service uniform is what cadets will generally
wear to social functions and other formal events. It may be worn as a
dress uniform by cadets. When worn with white shirt and bow tie/neck
tab, it is equivalent to the Army blue and white uniforms for cadets and
enlisted personnel.
The class A green service uniform comprises the Army green
coat and trousers (slacks or skirt for females), an Army green (AG) shade
415 short- or long-sleeved shirt, a white undershirt, a black four-in-hand
necktie (neck tab for females), and a garrison cap.
Fitting instructions and alterations of uniforms will be in accordance with appropriate Army Regulations (AR 670-1). The following is a
summary of general military fitting guidelines:
Uniform coats and jackets (male and female) sleeve length will be 1
inch below the bottom of the wrist bone.
Trousers are fitted and worn with the lower edge of the waistband at
the top of the hipbone, plus or minus 1/2 inch. The front crease of
the trousers will reach a point approximately midway between the top
of the sole and tip of the standard shoe heel in back. The trousers
may have a slight break in the front.
Slacks will be fitted and worn so that the center of the waistband is at
the natural waistline. The front crease of the slacks will reach the tip
of the instep and be cut on a diagonal line to reach a point approximately midway between the top of the sole and tip of the standard
shoe in back. The slacks may have a slight break in front.
Knee length skirts will not be more than 1 inch above or 2 inches
below the crease in the back of the knee.
Long sleeve shirt sleeve length will extend to the center of the wrist
When worn, the shirt will be tucked into the trousers or slacks so
that the shirt edge is aligned with the front fly opening and the outside
edge of the belt buckle to from a straight Gig line. The tie is worn tied
with a fourinhand knot whenever the jacket or long sleeve shirt are
worn. The wear of rank, name tapes, ribbons, and badges are covered
on page 28.
Class Bs
The class B green uniform comprises the Army green trousers/
slacks/skirt and short- or long-sleeved shirt. Soldiers will wear a neck tab/
four-in-hand necktie with the long-sleeved shirt when it is worn without the
class A coat, as an outer garment. Wear of the short sleeve shirt does not
require a tie/neck tab. Name tags will always be worn with all shirts, long
or short sleeve. Males wear the Class B uniform the in the same manner
as the class a uniform without the jacket. Females may wear the long
sleeve or short sleeve tucked or untucked as appropriate.
Page 15
Physical Training
PT- Physical fitness is a big part of being in the Army. All Army personnel must maintain a high level of personal fitness. To ensure this
the Army requires that everyone pass the Army Physical Fitness Test
(APFT) and the Height/Weight requirements twice every year. At UW
we conduct Physical Training (PT) every Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday at 0600 as a Battalion at the outdoor track, field house, or Corbett Gym. On Tuesday and Thursday PT is conducted at the outdoor
track or Half Acre Gym. PT varies from day to day but will often focus
on pushup and sit up improvement and cardiovascular exercise.
APFT - The Army Physical Fitness Test is designed to assess the muscular endurance of the upper-body, abdominal, and hip flexor muscles, along with aerobic fitness and leg endurance. The events of the
APFT consist of two minutes of pushups, two minutes of sit ups, and a
timed two mile run.
Policy - The Cowboy Battalion PT policy is written by the PMS and details the requirements of all cadets. It can be viewed in the cadet
lounge with the rest of the Battalion policy letters on the bulletin board.
The policy letter sets the APFT goal and attendance requirement for
each MS class. Currently the attendance requirements are as follows.
MS Is are required to attend PT every Friday.
MS IIs are required to attend PT every Wednesday and Friday.
MS IIIs, IVs, and ALL CONTRACTED MS Is and IIs are required to
attend PT every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
The PMS will grant 3 excused absences from PT per semester. Cadets
should coordinate with the CSM and their instructor concerning their
Remedial PT - Cadets who can not pass the APFT are required to do
Remedial PT on Tuesday and Thursday in addition to regular PT. This
means that they must attend PT Monday through Friday until they can
pass the APFT.
Page 16
Page 25
Leadership Laboratory
Leadership Laboratory, commonly referred to as lab, is where all
cadets receive training that will help them become successful
Army Officers and lessons that will ensure their success at LDAC.
The purpose of Lab is to provide hands on leadership training,
assessment, and provide fundamental warrior skills training. Lab
is held from 1510 to 1700 every Wednesday and will normally
meet at Wyoming Hall (Wyo Hall). All cadets wear the uniform
prescribed for lab throughout the entire day.
During lab MS IVs take on their primary roles as instructors and
MSIIIs assume the roles of company leadership ranging from
Squad Leader to Company Commander. Each week the focus of
training will be different, challenging, and fun. Also, for many labs
MS Is will be trained separately from MS IIs and IIIs. Every lab
will begin and end with formation for accountability purposes followed by additional duties such as attending the After Action Review (AAR) or lounge clean-up.
The uniform for lab will often require a Ruck Sack and Load Bearing Equipment (LBE), and Kevlar helmet. It is a good idea for cadets who have class immediately before lab to drop off their gear
at Wyo Hall prior to class. It is also important to take all gear
home after lab. Someone may mistake forgotten gear for their
own, it may get misplaced, or cadre might make cadets do pushups to earn it back.
Patrol Cap
Subdued Rank
Name Tape
(Rear of Cap)
Sand T-Shirt
Reverse Flag
(Right Shoulder Pocket
Name Tape
(Above Right
Subdued Rank
ACU Jacket
Subdued Pin
On Badges
ROTC Patch
(Left Shoulder
(Above Left
ACU Pants
Green or
Black Socks
Desert Combat
Page 24
Page 17
Army Combat Uniform (ACUs)
The ACU uniform takes the place of the Battle Dress Uniform
(BDU) and is what you will wear most often as a cadet. This uniform is
designed for wear with body armor in an urban or desert environment.
The pattern of the material is digital (made up of small squares) and effectively camouflages the soldier better than the BDU. The uniform also utilizes hook and pile tape (Velcro) and zippers in lieu of buttons. This has
been adopted to save the soldier time an money from getting patches and
buttons sewn on.
The ACU consists of a patrol cap, sand color t-shirt, ACU jacket,
sand color web belt, ACU pants, tan/desert combat boots, and green or
black socks. Black, non-reflective sunglasses with no visible logos are
authorized for wear at the commanders discretion. However, sunglasses will not be worn in formation.
The Army Combat Uniform is always worn in its entirety with the
exception of removing the jacket while on a work detail or as directed by
the commander. While worn, all pockets are to be fastened and present a
neat appearance. Name tapes, rank insignia, and patches are worn centered on their respective hook and pile tape strips.
The patrol cap is worn with the visor facing forward, centered left
to right on the face approximately two finger spaces above the bridge of
the nose. The cap rests on the head with the bottom seam parallel to the
The ACU jacket is worn zipped up to the point that the collar
flaps are able to lay flat on the chest. The sleeves are fastened around
the wrist loosely enough to allow airflow but not loose enough to create a
baggy, unkempt appearance.
The ACU pants are worn with the button fly fully buttoned around
the waist with the web belt securely fastened. The pant legs are to be
bloused either by tucking them into the boots or wearing blousing straps.
Blousing of the pant legs will extend no further than to the second eyelet
of the combat boots.
The Combat boots are always worn as a matching set, tightly
fastened. The laces of the boots are kept hidden in one of three ways.
They may be tucked into the boot, tied around the boot, or tucked into the
blousing of the pant legs.
For more information on the wear of the ACU consult a senior
cadet, an instructor, or be a proactive leader and look it up in AR 670-1.
Page 18
Page 23
Military Ball - This is a formal event held every fall, and all cadets
are required to attend and may bring a date. It consists of a
POW / MIA ceremony, dinner, words of wisdom from a guest
speaker, and a dance afterward. More information on etiquette
will be provided to you by the Battalion Staff.
The bulk or length of the hair will not interfere with wearing of
military headgear. Hair should not appear unkempt. The hair
length may not extend below the bottom edge of any uniform
collar. Long hair may meet this standard by being pinned up
using natural hair colored clips etc.
Females may wear cosmetics if they are conservative and complement the uniform and their complexion.
Females will not wear shades of lipstick and nail polish that distinctly contrast with their complexion, that detract from the uniform, or that are extreme.
Nail length will not exceed 14 inch, as measured from the tip of
the finger.
Page 22
The hair will not be excessive or present an unkempt appearance. It will present a tapered look. When combed, it will not
fall over the ears or eyebrows or touch the collar except for the
closely cut neck hair.
Page 19
Page 20
Page 21
Military Courtesy
Military Courtesy
Salute when the colors are within six paces. When walking, turn your
head in the direction of the colors and salute when within six paces.
Terminate the salute when six paces past the colors.
When the Star Spangled Banner, To the Colors, and Reveille are
played and you are not in formation, assume the position of attention.
Salute the flag if you are able to see it. Face the source of the music
and salute if able to hear the music. If in a vehicle stop, exit the vehicle and render the salute. If in civilian clothing stand at attention and
place your right hand over your heart. When in formation salute only
on command.
The salute is a means of expressing greeting and showing goodwill and respect. It is a position of the hand or weapon and the entire attitude of a person expressing respect toward an officer, flag or country.
The following are rules of saluting:
The junior person salutes first and holds the salute until it is acknowledged. It is customary to accompany the salute with an appropriate
greeting such as good morning/afternoon, sir/maam.
Salutes are only rendered at the halt or when marching at quick time.
When running in formation the individual in control of the formation
will come to a quick time, render the salute, and then resume the
double time.
When in uniform and reporting to an officer, knock on the door
and wait to be recognized (remain at parade rest until called), advance to
a position in front of his/her desk. Render the salute and state your name
and business in the following manner: "Sir (Ma'am), Cadet Wright reporting." or "Sir (Ma'am), Cadet Wright wishes to discuss . . ."
Remain standing at attention until asked to sit down or to rest.
On departure, face the officer, salute (in uniform only), and upon return of
the salute, face about and depart.
When out of uniform and reporting to an officer or when reporting
to a noncommissioned officer, the procedure is the same except that you
address them as sergeant (or by rank) and do not salute.
Your instructors are available to assist you in any possible manner; however, on occasion it may be necessary to ask for an appointment.
You should schedule appointments with instructors at least 5 days prior to
the appointment if possible. This gives you and your instructor time to
prepare for the meeting. Also, you should always be on time for appointments and never late. It is not only inconsiderate but wastes the time of
your superiors.
When desiring to see the PMS, first see the office associate and/
or your instructor. The office associate will be able to schedule a meeting
with the PMS and will tell you when the PMS is ready to see you. This is
not intended to limit accessibility to the PMS but to insure his availability.