Ch02 Notes
Ch02 Notes
Ch02 Notes
An extensive overview and introduction to the GASB Financial Reporting Model. In this
context, the most significant characteristics of the SLG environment and the resultant
SLG financial reporting objectives established by the GASB are reviewed.
Extensive discussions and illustrations of the fundamental features of the SLG accounting
and financial reporting model. This includes an extensive discussion of the basic features
of fund accounting including identifying and understanding fund categories and fund
types. Also, the chapter introduces the two newest elements of the financial statements
deferred outflows of resources and deferred inflows of resources.
An introduction to the measurement focus and basis of accounting used in the different
fund categories.
The primary learning objectives for this chapter include:
Financial Statements
A simplistic way to illustrate the nature of a governmental fund balance sheet and operating
statement with the accounting equation is to draw a horizontal box around the accounting
equation and explain that this is a balance sheet. (A balance sheet is a detailed presentation of the
accounting equation.) A vertical box that encloses fund balance at the top can represent the
operating statement.
Balance Sheet
(Financial Assets + Deferred Outflows)
(Related Liabilities +
Deferred Inflows)
Balance Sheet
(Financial Assets +
(Related Liabilities +
Deferred Outflows)
Deferred Inflows)
Fund Balance
Fund Balance
(1) Beginning balance
(2) Operating Statement
Includes Increases in
Fund Balance
Other Financing Sources
Special Items
Extraordinary Items
Decreases in
Fund Balance
Other Financing Uses
Special Items
Extraordinary Items
1. What differences would you expect to find between the accounting principles for the
General Fund and for Special Revenue Funds?
Suggested Solution
There should be no differences between the accounting principles for the General
Fund and for Special Revenue Funds. The only difference between the two fund types
is the functions or activities they might be used to finance. Whereas, the General
Fund can usually be used for any reasonable governmental purpose agreed upon by
the governing body, Special Revenue Fund resources are dedicated (usually by law,
regulation, or contractual agreement) to one or a few specific purposes or activities.
nonrevenue financing sources, as well as revenues, and the terms uses and
outflows of resources encompass nonexpenditure financing uses as well as
expenditures. Thus, sources and uses are not synonymous with revenues
and expenditures, respectively.
Grader Note: The Yes or No answer is not important here. What is important
is the demonstration of awareness of (1) the similarity of expendable fund
accounting of governments and funds flow analysis of business enterprises and
perhaps (2) the other points of the suggested solutions above.
The principal financial statements of business enterprises are the balance sheet,
income statement, and statement of cash flows. What similarities and differences are
there between these statements and the operating and position statements of a
proprietary fund? A governmental fund?
Suggested Solution
No. The GASB identifies the MD&A as part of the minimum requirements for
general purpose external financial reporting. The MD&A is required
supplementary information.