Encoder Communications Hanbook
Encoder Communications Hanbook
Encoder Communications Hanbook
20 7 D nap r, G rne , IL
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Modern factories are among the most wired places on earth, with multiple layers
of computer networks handling a broad range of communications tasks. There
are enterprise-level networks connecting different buildings and locations, plantlevel networks within the facility, and multiple machine-level networks, which
may be based on any of about a dozen network protocols.
The rising use of factory networks for automation has an impact on many
devices, among them are rotary encoders. Encoders may use any one of a
number of communication protocols. Other equipment may use still different
protocols. Integrating the different encoder networks so that diagnostic and
status information on individual encoders anywhere can be accessed by the
plant-level network is a challenge.
Encoders are sensors that generate digital signals in response to movement. Both
shaft encoders, which respond to rotation, and linear encoders, which respond
to motion in a line, are available. When used in conjunction with mechanical
conversion devices such as rack-and-pinions, measuring wheels, or spindles, shaft
encoders can also be used to measure linear movement, speed, and position.
In general, there are two main types of encoders: incremental and absolute.
Incremental encoders generate a series of pulses in response to motion. These
pulses can be used to measure speed or be fed to a counter to keep track of
position. On the other hand, absolute encoders generate multi-bit digital words
that indicate actual position directly. A major benefit of absolute encoders is
that if the application loses power the encoder remembers its position prior to
the power loss. An incremental encoder, on the other hand, does not have this
inherent memory feature and so must be driven to home or a reference position
in order to reset itself.
Incremental encoders are used mainly for position control and also for speed
measurement where the lack of a zero point doesnt effect performance. Absolute
encoders can be used for both position and speed sensing and are useful where
it is impractical or inconvenient to home the machinery each time the power is
brought up.
Among encoders, there is a clear trend: the percentage of applications using
absolute encoders has increased. There are several key reasons for this. Recently,
Encoder Communications
Encoder Communications
The output of an encoder can be transmitted in either parallel or serial form.
Parallel Output
Parallel output makes all output bits
available simultaneously. It may be provided
as straight binary or transformed into gray
code. Gray code produces only a singlebit change at each step, which can reduce
Some parallel-output encoders also can
accept inputs from the outside output
latching commands, for example, and
direction sense setting.
The advantage of parallel output is that
its fast: all the data is available in real time,
all the time. Disadvantages include bulky
and expensive cables and limited cable
Serial Output
The alternative to parallel communication is serial. There are several dedicated
serial buses available, as well as standard industrial buses. Tradeoffs among these
include bandwidth, update rate, hardware requirements, wire count, proprietary
vs. nonproprietary nature, and availability.
SSI (or Synchronous Serial Interface) is an all-digital point-to-point interface
popular in Europe. It provides unidirectional communication at speeds up to
1.5MHz and uses two twisted pair wires plus two wires for power.
Some encoders also provide a 1V p-to-p sin/cos output for real-time control,
since the on-demand absolute encoder data can come in too slowly for many
control loops.
SSI extended can also provide parity or an alarm that can represent any
Encoders may also be supplied with additional incremental outputs for speed
feedback. For serial communications, one pair of wires is for a differential clock
signal and the other pair is for data feedback from the sensor.
Data rate depends on both resolution and cable length. Clock frequencies
can be as high as 1.5MHz. However, as clock frequency increases, the maximum
cable run decreases, a limitation common to all protocols.
Cable Length vs. Data Rate for SSI
Cable Length
Data Rate
50 m
400 kHz
100 m
300 kHz
200 m
200 kHz
400 m
100 kHz
The data frame length depends on the device and its resolution. In an SSI
interface, there is one slave per master, referred to as a point-to-point connection.
The clock remains high until the master needs information from the sensor.
It then sends a stream of clock pulses equivalent to the number of bits of
Encoder Communications
length. Most encoders come with cables a meter or two long. Open-collector
(sinking or sourcing) outputs can go roughly a third that far. However, using a
push-pull output configuration, cable lengths can reach 100m.
Clock pulse
Serial data
Dn (MSB)
D0 (LSB)
Monostable P/S
Figure 1
EnDat (Encoder Data) is a proprietary protocol developed by Heidenhain of
Germany. Like SSI, it is synchronous and features a point-to-point connection,
with clock signals fed to the encoder by the controller with speeds to 4MHz.
EnDat can carry more information than SSI because it provides for internal
memory in the encoder that can be read and written to by the controller. This
data can include encoder diagnostics, identification, and alarm status. It can also
contain information about the motor in which it was mounted to such as model
and serial numbers.
Varying clock pulse stream lengths are also required from the varying data
that may be received or sent to the device. Also, using a function called a Datum
Shift, an encoder can easily be reset to a new zero or reference point. The Datum
Shift is a value that is added to the physical position of an encoder. SSI provides
a direct reading of the physical position, so it requires the end user to rotate the
shaft to the zero position.
As with SSI, EnDat encoders transmit absolute position data on demand.
Depending on the version, EnDat can include an analog 1-V p-to-p sin/cos
output that electronics in the controller interpolate to derive incremental data
for real-time control.
The hardware level minimally requires six wires for communications with
distances up to 150m. Depending on the version of EnDat, there may be an
For more information on the EnDat protocol refer to the Heidenhain website
at www.heidenhain.com.
HIPERFACE is a proprietary protocol developed by Max Stegmann GmbH. It
uses an eight-wire cable (two for the RS-485 communications, two for power and
four for 1V p-to-p incremental sin/cos). Absolute position data is transmitted
via the RS-485 link at power up, and the system uses the incremental signal
after that. This solves the problem of not knowing position at startup, but it
does not self-correct for momentary data dropouts during operation. With only
incremental data coming into the controller, a glitch can cause the controller
Open Protocol
Analog Signals
Transmission Mode Bidirectional, Unidirectional, Bidirectional, Bidirectional,
asynchronous synchronous synchronous synchronous
Digital Data
38.4 kBaud
1.5 MHz
8 MHz*
10 MHz
Transmission Rate
Cable Length
Protocol Length
No. of Wires
6 to 12
Alarm/Warning Bit
* Heidenhain cables recommended for transmission rates above 2MHz.
Encoder Communications
additional wire that carries an analog incremental output for faster speed
sampling. This is useful for speed-controlling drives that can be more demanding
than the rate at which serial feedback is normally provided.
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mind. Combined features such as alarms, warnings, diagnostics, and the
ability to store motor information to the encoder are part of the BiSS
BiSS uses four data lines, one pair carrying data from the encoder and one
carrying clock data to it, plus two power conductors. It also uses a variable clock
rate of up to 10MHz.
BiSS can address internal registers in the encoder that can be read by and
written to by the master with data about the encoder itself (identification, device
data, resolution, etc.) It can also carry other digital data (temperature, etc.)
and transmit it to the master on demand, without interfering with real-time
BiSS, like the other serial protocols, can be connected either point-to-point or
via a bus.
BiSS has two modes; sensor mode and register mode. In sensor mode, the
sensor or encoder communicates in a manner similar to SSI. The master begins
to send a stream of clock pulses. Eventually the data line level will drop low
and data sampling will begin. The data can be received and clocked at 10MHz.
Due to the transmission speed, many drives may not require additional analog
incremental outputs to control motor speed. Since SSI has a slower max transfer
rate of 1.5MHz, the propagation and calculation delay is less than a full pulse
width. This is how BiSS is capable of hardware compatibility with SSI. Only the
data length and framework need to be changed in the software. Figure 2 shows
the communication format and a data frame map.
In register mode, the protocol modulates the clock pulse width to address
specific slaves and parameters. This mode is unlike any other protocol. If in the
sensor mode a warning or alarm bit is set high by the sensor or encoder, the enduser may access the register mode and find specifics on the alarm or warning.
This might be an over-temperature warning or, in the case of an encoder, a
disk pollution alarm. Dynapar Group has developed the ability to provide
single step alarms in case improper position is being provided in sequence.
Encoder Communications
BiSS sends full absolute position data whenever the controller polls the
encoder, rather than just at startup. It allows easy recovery from momentary
data dropouts during operation. Since it is an all-digital system, it eliminates the
cost of A/D converters needed in drive systems that connect to encoders using
some proprietary protocols. It is also hardware compatible with SSI and EnDat,
requiring only software changes.
Encoder Communications
Data Exchange
Max. Length
Max. Nodes
Data Packet
Industrial Buses
Industrial buses have proliferated in recent years, with many kinds of proprietary
and non-proprietary buses on the market. For feedback applications, there
are three general-purpose industrial buses that are most commonly used with
6,557 ft.
Community (Europe12Mbps
3278 ft.
an Common Standard
EC50170) comes in
two variations: FMS, which is used for upper level cell-to-cell communication,
and Profibus DP, which is optimized for data transfer with local field devices like
valves, drives, and encoders. There are specific device profiles defined, including
one for encoders. DP is good for applications that require high-speed transmission of fairly large amounts of information (512 bits of input data and 512 bits of
output data over 32 nodes in 1msec).
Initially developed by Siemens, Profibus boasts baud rates to 12Mbps with
a maximum segment length of 327 ft and features programmable resolution,
preset, and direction. Profibus encoders can communicate speed, direction, and
on-time diagnostics.
Designed by Phoenix Contact in the mid 1980s, Interbus is the longest-standing
open industrial network. A true token-ring topology, Interbus is actually divided
into two buses. The remote bus is an RS-485 transmission medium with length
capabilities up to 13km. The local or peripheral bus enables connection of up to
eight devices within a 10m range.
The CAN network (Controller Area Network) was first used in the automotive
industry in the 1980s. The current CAN L2 and CANOpen protocols feature
baud rates up to 1Mbps. CANOpen has programmable preset and resolution
Encoder Communications
and cable size. The 0 to 8 byte data packet is ideal for low-end devices with small
amounts of I/O that must be exchanged frequently.
Signal Distortion
The majority of signal
transmission problems
involve electrical noise, with
the severity of the problem
increasing with greater
transmission distance. Good
shielding practices help
reduce noise.
The primary cause of
signal distortion is cable
length, or more specifically, cable capacitance. The longer the cable, the greater
the potential for signal distortion. Generally, the receiving electronics will
respond to an input signal that is either a logical 0 or 1. The region between 0
and 1 is undefined, and the transition though this region must be less than about
1 microsecond. As the leading edge of the waveform is distorted, the transition
time increases. At some point, the receiver becomes unstable and encoder counts
may be gained or lost.
Encoder Communications
The encoder case must also be grounded to insure proper and reliable
operation. Some encoders have provisions for a case ground connection through
the connector/cable if a ground cannot be secured through the mounting
bracket or machine ground. Use high quality shielded wire and connect the
shield only at the instrument end.
About Dynapar
Dynapar is a world-leading manufacturer of optical and magnetic encoders
and resolvers with more than 50 years of experience in engineering and
manufacturing rotary feedback devices. Dynapar was founded in Gurnee,
Illinois in 1955 and has been expanded through the acquisitions to include
Hengstler, Acuro, NorthStar, and Harowe product lines. Dynapar is
now uniquely a provider of technologies spanning optical, magnetic, and resolver
based feedback.
Pioneering the first true vector-duty hollow-shaft encoder launched Dynapars
strong presence in several industries, including steel, paper, elevator, oil and gas,
wind energy, medical, material handling, and industrial servo manufacturers.
From small kit encoders to large mill-duty tachometers, Dynapar has the industry
Dynapar customers rely on expertise and support provided from the U.S. sales
and manufacturing location in Gurnee, Illinois: Phone +1 800.873.8731 or
+1 847.662.2666; FAX +1 847.662.6633; Website: www.dynapar.com. In addition,
Dynapar supports global customers with local sales and production locations in
Germany, Japan, China, West Indies, and Brazil.