AutoCount Bill of Material
AutoCount Bill of Material
AutoCount Bill of Material
Bill of Material
Bill of Material is used to maintain finished goods and raw materials in bill of material, perform item assembly, provide
reports on transaction and stock balance.
First of all, maintain stock items for BOM finished goods and materials, then key in their opening balances OR create
purchase documents (if any). In the following example, 'BOM FINISHED ITEM' is a finished goods, and its materials are:
BOM-A, BOM-B, and BOM-C.
We need to maintain Bill Of Material for such finished goods and its material items.
Click on '+' sign before Item Code to list the Sub-Items and details.
BOM Optional is to maintain optional/alternative material items for BOM finished goods. It will be used in Stock
Assembly and Stock Assembly Order.
Apply BOM Optional: to apply BOM Optional that was maintained earlier, e.g. to substitute one or more of the material
items. Check the checkbox to select, fill in quantity, and click on OK.
Alternatively you may click on '-' and/or '+' signs to remove/add a material item or just edit item code, Qty, item cost,
overhead cost and/or assembly cost.
Stock Assembly
Stock Assembly is to assemble finished goods according to BOM setting. This transaction will increase stock quantity of
finished goods and at the same time decrease stock quantity of material items. Select Item Code (finished goods to be
assembled), Key in quantity to be assembled,
Max. Manufactured Qty: the maximum quantity (finished goods) that can be assembled based on current level of stock
(material items).
Ratio: the maximum rounded quantity that can be assembled based on this material item stock level. (take Available Qty
and divide by Required Qty)
Note: the negative value in Balance Qty means insufficient quantity of that material item.