Ee6404 M&i
Ee6404 M&i
Ee6404 M&i
A Course Material on
Measurements and Instrumentation
Department of EEE
: II Year EEE
being prepared by me and it meets the knowledge requirement of the university curriculum.
This is to certify that the course material being prepared by Mr.N.Kannapiran is of adequate
quality. He has referred more than five books among them minimum one is from abroad author.
Signature of HD
Department of EEE
Errors in measurement
Instrument transformers
Magnetic measurements
Grounding techniques
CRT display
digital CRO
Department of EEE
Data Loggers
Classification of transducers
Selection of transducers
Resistive transducers
Capacitive transducers
Inductive transducers
Digital transducers
Piezoelectric transducers
A/D converters
D/A converters
Smart sensors
Optical transducers
Question Bank
University Questions
Department of EEE
To introduce the basic functional elements of instrumentation
To introduce the fundamentals of electrical and electronic instruments
To educate on the comparison between various measurement techniques
To introduce various storage and display devices
To introduce various transducers and the data acquisition systems
Functional elements of an instrument Static and dynamic characteristics Errors in
measurement Statistical evaluation of measurement data Standards and calibration.
Principle and types of analog and digital voltmeters, ammeters, multimeters Single and three
phase wattmeters and energy meters Magnetic measurements Determination of B-H curve
and measurements of iron loss Instrument transformers Instruments for measurement of
frequency and phase.
D.C & A.C potentiometers, D.C & A.C bridges, transformer ratio bridges, self-balancing
bridges. Interference & screening Multiple earth and earth loops - Electrostatic and
electromagnetic interference Grounding techniques.
Magnetic disk and tape Recorders, digital plotters and printers, CRT display, digital CRO,
LED, LCD & dot matrix display Data Loggers.
Classification of transducers Selection of transducers Resistive, capacitive & inductive
transducers Piezoelectric, Hall effect, optical and digital transducers Elements of data
acquisition system A/D, D/A converters Smart sensors.
Ability to model and analyze electrical apparatus and their application to power system
1. A.K. Sawhney, A Course in Electrical & Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation,
Dhanpat Rai and Co, 2004.
2. J. B. Gupta, A Course in Electronic and Electrical Measurements, S. K. Kataria & Sons,
Delhi, 2003.
3. Doebelin E.O. and Manik D.N., Measurement Systems Applications and Design, Special
Indian Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2007.
1. H.S. Kalsi, Electronic Instrumentation, Tata McGraw Hill, II Edition 2004.
2. D.V.S. Moorthy, Transducers and Instrumentation, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd, 2007.
3. A.J. Bouwens, Digital Instrumentation, Tata McGraw Hill, 1997.
4. Martin Reissland, Electrical Measurements, New Age International (P) Ltd., Delhi, 2001.
Department of EEE
The measurement of a given quantity is essentially an act or the result of comparison
between the quantity (whose magnitude is unknown) & a predefined standard. Since two
quantities are compared, the result is expressed in numerical values.
The standard used for comparison purposes must be accurately defined &
should be commonly accepted
The apparatus used & the method adopted must be provable.
It may be defi ned as a device for determining the value or magnitude of a quantity or
Most of the measurement systems contain three main functional elements. They are:
n element
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The quantity under measurement makes its first contact with the primary
sensing element of a measurement system. i.e., the measurand- (the unknown quantity
which is to be measured) is first detected by primary sensor which gives the output in
a different analogous form This output is then converted into an e electrical signal by
a transducer - (which converts energy from one form to another). The first stage of a
m e a s u r e m e n t system is known as a detector transducer stage.
The output of the primary sensing element may be electrical signal of any form ,
it may be voltage, a frequency or some other electrical parameter
For the instrument to perform the desired function, it may be necessary to convert this
output to some other suitable form.
The function of this element is to manipulate the signal presented to it preserving
the original nature of the signal. It is not necessary that a variable manipulation
element should follow the variable conversion element Some non -linear processes
like modulation, detection, sampling , filtering, chopping etc.,are performed on
the signal to bring it to the desired form to be accepted by the next stage of
measurement system This process of conversion is called signal conditioning
The term signal conditioning includes many other functions in addition to Variable
conversion & Variable manipulation In fact the element that follows the p r i m a r y
sensing e l e m e n t in any instrument or measurement system is called
conditioning element
NOTE: When the elements of an instrument are actually physically separated, it
becomes necessary to transmit data from one to another. The element that
performs this function i s called a data tran smission element.
The information about the quantity under measurement has to be conveyed to the
p e r s o n n e l handling the instrument or the system for monitoring, control, or
analysis purposes. This function is done by data presentation element
In case data is to be monitored, visual display devices are needed These
devices may be analog or digital indicating instruments like ammeters,
voltmeters etc. In case data is to be recorded, recorders like magnetic tapes, high
speed camera & TV equipment, CRT, printers may be used. For control & analysis is
purpose microprocessor or computers may be used. The final stage in a measurement
system is known as terminating stage
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It is the degree of closeness with which the reading approaches the true value
of the quantity to be measured. The accuracy can be expressed in
following ways:
a) Point accuracy:
Such an accuracy is specified at only one particular point of scale. It does
not give any information about the accuracy at any other
point on the scale.
b) Accuracy as percentage of scale span:
When an instrument as uniform scale, its accuracy may be
expressed in terms of scale range.
c) Accuracy as percentage of true value:
The best way to conceive the idea of accuracy is to specify it in terms
of the true value of the quantity being measured.
It is the measure of reproducibility i.e., given a fixed value of a quantity,
precision is a measure of the degree of agreement within a group of
measurements. The precision is composed of two characteristics:
a) Conformity:
Consider a resistor having true value as 2385692
, which is being
measured by an ohmmeter. But the reader can read consistently, a value as
2.4 M
due to the nonavailability of proper scale. The error
created due to the limitation of the scale reading is a precision error.
b) Number of significant figures:
The precision of the measurement is obtained from the number of
significant figures, in which the reading is expressed. The significant
figures convey the actual information about the magnitude & the
measurement precision of the quantity.
The precision can be mathematically expressed as: P=1Xn-Xn
Where, P = precision
Xn = Value of nth measurement
Xn = Average value the set of measurement values
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The sensitivity denotes the smallest change in the measured variable to which
the instrument responds. It is defined as the ratio of the changes in the
output of an instrument to a change in the value of the quantity to be measured.
Mathematically it is expressed as,
Input, qi
Input, qi
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Straight line
maximum deviation
Characteristics with
zero drift
Span drift
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If the instrument input is increased very gradually from zero there will be some minimum
value below which no output change can be detected. This
minimum value defines the threshold of the instrument.
It is the ability of an instrument to retain its performance throughout is specified operating
The maximum allowable error in the measurement is specified in terms of some value which is
called tolerance.
The minimum & maximum values of a quantity for which an instrument is designed to
measure is called its range or span.
Dynamic characteristics:
The set of criteria defined for the instruments, which are changes rapidly with time, is called
dynamic characteristics.
The various static characteristics are:
Speed of response ii) Measuring
Dynamic error
It is defined as the rapidity with which a measurement system responds to changes in the
measured quantity.
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It is the retardation or delay in the response of a measurement system to changes in the
measured quantity. The measuring lags are of two types:
a) Retardation type:
In this case the response of the measurement system begins immediately after the
change in measured quantity has occurred.
b) Time delay lag:
In this case the response of the measurement system begins after a dead time after the
application of the input.
It is defined as the degree to which a measurement system indicates changes in the
measurand quantity without dynamic error.
It is the difference between the true value of the quantity changing with time & the value
indicated by the measurement system if no static error is assumed. It is also called measurement
The types of errors are follows
Gross errors
Systematic errors
Random errors
The gross errors mainly occur due to carelessness or lack of experience of a human
These errors also occur due to incorrect adjustments of instruments
These errors cannot be treated mathematically
These errors are also called personal errors.
The complete elimination of g r o s s errors is not possible but one c a n minimize them by
the following ways:
Taking great care while taking the reading, recording the r e a d i n g &
calculating the result
Without depending on only one reading, at least three or more readings must be taken *
preferably by different persons.
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A constant uniform deviation of the operation of an instrument is known as a Systematic
The Systematic errors are mainlydue to the short comings of the instrument & the
characteristics of the material use d in the instrument, such a s defective or worn parts,
ageing effects, env ironmental effects, etc.
There are three types of Systematic errors as:
Instrumental errors
Environmental errors iii)
Observational errors
These errors can be mainly due to the following three reasons:
a) Shortcomingsofinstruments:
These are because of the mechanical structure of the instruments. For example friction
in the bearings of various moving parts; irregular spring tensions,
reductions in
due to
improper handling , hysteresis, gear backlash, stretching of spring, variations in air gap, etc .,
These errors can be avoided by the following methods:
Selecting a proper instrument and planning the proper procedure for the
measurement recognizing the effect of such
errors a n d applying t h e proper correction
factors calibrating the instrument carefully against a standard
b) Misuseofinstruments:
A good instrument if used in abnormal way gives misleading results. Poor initial adjustment,
Improper zero setting, using leads of high resistance etc., are the examples of misusing a good
instrument. Such things do not cause the permanent damage to the instruments but definitely
cause the serious errors.
C) Loadingeffects
Loading effects due to im proper way of using the instrument cause the serious errors.
The best ex ample of such loading effect error is connecting a w ell calibrated volt meter across
the two points of high resistance circuit. The same volt meter connected in a low resistance circuit
gives accurate reading.
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Thus the err ors due to the loading effect can be avoided by using an instrument
intelligently and correctly.
These errors
are due to the conditions external to the measuring instrument. The various
errors are temperature changes, pressure changes, thermal
factors resulting these environmental
emf, ageing of equipment and frequency sensitivity of an instrument.
The various methods which can be used to reduce these errors are:
Using the proper correction factors and using the information supplied by the
manufacturer of the instrument
Using the arrangement which will keep the surrounding conditions
Reducing the effect of dust ,humidity on the components by hermetically sealing the
components in the instruments
The effects of external f i e l d s can be minimized by using the magnetic or electro
static shields or screens
Using the equipment which is immune to such environmental effects.
These are the errors introduced by the observer.
These are many sources of observational errors such as parallax error while reading a
meter, wrong scale selection, etc.
To eliminate such errors one should use the instruments with mirrors, knife edged
pointers, etc.,
The systematic errors can be subdivided as static and dynamic errors. The static errors are
caused by the limitations of the measuring device while the dynamic errors are caused by t h e
instrument not responding fast enough to follow the changes in the variable to be measured.
Some errors still result, though the systematic and instrumental errors are reduced or
atleast accounted for.The causes of such errors are unknown and hence the errors are called
random errors.
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The only way to reduce these errors i s by increasing t h e number of observations and
using the statistical methods to
obtain the best
approximation of the reading.
Out of the various possible errors, the random errors cannot be determined in the
ordinary process of measurements. Such errors are treated mathematically
The mathematical analysis of the various measurements is called
statistical analysis of the data.
For such statistical analysis, the same reading is taken number of times, g enerally u sing
different observers, different instruments & by different ways of measurement. The statisti al a
alysis helps to determine anal ytically t he uncert ainty of the final test results.
When the n umber of readings of the same measurement are taken, the most
likely value from the set of measured value is the arithmetic mean of the number of
readings taken.
The arithmetic mean value can be mathematically obtained as,
X 2 ....
This mean is very close to true value, if number of readings is very large.
But when the number of readings is large, calculation of mean value is
complicated. In such a case, a median value is obtained which is obtained which is a
close approximation to the arithmetic mean value. For a set of Q measurements X1, X2,
X3.Xn written down in the ascending order of magnitudes, the median value is given by,
Xmedian=X (n+1)/2
The deviation tells us about the departure of a given reading from the arithmetic mean of the
data set
di=xi- X
di = deviation of ith reading
Xi= value of ith reading
X = arithmetic mean
The average deviation is defined as the sum of the absolute values of
deviations divided by the number of readings. This is also called mean deviation
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Calibration is the process of making an adjustment or marking a scale so that the
readings of an instrument agree with the accepted & the certified standard.
In other words, it is the procedure for determining the correct values of measurand by
comparison with the measured or standard ones.
The calibration offers a guarantee to the device or instrument that it is operating with
required accuracy, under stipulated environmental conditions.
The calibration procedure involves the steps like visual inspection for various defects,
installation according to the specifications, zero adjustment etc.,
The calibration is the procedure for determining the correct values of measurand by
comparison with standard ones. The standard of device with which comparison is made is called a
standard instrument. The instrument which is unknown & is to be calibrated is called test
instrument. Thus in calibration, test instrument is compared with standard instrument.
There are two methodologies for obtaining the comparison between test instrument &
standard instrument. These methodologies are
Direct comparisons
Indirect comparisons
In a direct comparison, a source or generator applies a known input to the meter under test.
The ratio of what meter is indicating & the known generator values gives the meter s error.
In such case the meter is the test instrument while the generator is the standard instrument.
The deviation of meter from the standard value is compared with the allowable
performance limit.
With the help of direct comparison a generator or source also can be calibrated.
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In the indirect comparison, the test instrument is compared with the response
standard instrument of same type i .e., if test instrument is meter, standard
instrument is also meter, if test instrument is generator; the standard
instrument is also generator & so on.
If the test instrument is a meter then the same input is applied to the test
meter as well a standard meter.
In case of generator calibration, the output of the generator tester as well as
standard, or set to same nominal levels.
Then the transfer meter is used which measures the outputs of both
standard and test generator.
All the instruments are calibrated at the time of manufacturer against
measurement standards.
A standard of measurement is a physical representation of a unit of
A standard means known accurate measure of physical quantity.
The different size of standards of measurement are classified as i)
International standards
Primary standards
Secondary standards
Working standards
International standards are defined as the international agreement. These
standards,as mentioned above are maintained at the international bureau of
weights an d measures and are periodically evaluated and checked by
absolute measurements in term s of fundamental units of physics.
These international standards are not available to the ordinary users for the
calibration purpose.
For the improvements in the accuracy of absolute measurements the
international units are replaced by the absolute units in 1948.
Absolute units are more accurate than the international units.
These are highly accurate absolute standards, w hich can be used as ultimate
reference standards.These primary standards are maintained at national
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standard laboratories in different countries.
These standards representing fundamental units as well as some electrical
and mechanical derived units are calibrated independently by absolute
measurements at each of the national laboratories.
These are not available for use, outside the national laboratories.
the primary standards is the calibration and
The main function of
verification of secondary standards.
As mentioned above, the primary standards are not ava ilable for use outside
the national laboratories.
The various industries need some reference standards. So, to protect highly
a c c u r a t e p r i m a r y s t a n d a r d s t h e secondary s t a n d a r d s are
maintained, which are designed and constructed from the absolute standards.
These are used by the
measurement and calibration laboratories in
industries and are maintained by the particular industry to which they
belong. Each industry has its own standards.
These are the basic tools of a measurement laboratory and are used to check an
d calibrate the instruments used in laboratory for accuracy and the
International standards
National standard
Industries & secondary
Measurement laboratory
Process instrument
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Torque Equation.
The torque equation of a moving coil instrument is given by
As the deflection is directly proportional to the current passing through the meter
(K and G being constants) we get a uniform (linear) scale for the instrument.
Errors in PMMC Instruments
The main sources of errors in moving coil instruments are due to
Weakening of permanent magnets due to ageing at temperature effects.
Weakening of springs due to ageing and temperature effects.
Change of resistance of the moving coil with temperature.
Advantages and Disadvantages of PMMC Instruments
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The fixed vane is attached to the coil and the movable one to the
spindle of the instrument.
(b) Co-axial vane type
(a) Radial vane type.
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These standards are precision resistors and the Weston standard cell (which is a d.c. cell).It
is obvious, therefore, that it would be impossible to calibrate an a.c. instrument directly
against the fundamental standards.The calibration of an a.c. instrument may be performed as
follows. The transfer instrument is first calibrated on d.c.This calibration is then transferred
to the a.c. instrument onalternating current, using operating conditions under which the latter
operates properly. Electrodynamic instruments are capable of service as transfer
instruments.Indeed, their principal use as ammeters and voltmeters in laboratory and
measurement work is for the transfer calibration of working instruments and as standards for
calibration of other nstruments as their accuracy is very high.Electrodynamometer types of
instruments are used as a.c. voltmeters and ammeters both in the range of power frequencies
and lower part of the audio power frequency range. They are used as watt-meters, and with
some modification as power factor meters and frequency meters.
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It should be noted that both fixed and moving coils are air cored.
The controlling torque is provided by two control springs.
These springs act as leads to the moving coil.
Moving System
The moving coil is mounted on an aluminum spindle.
The moving system also carries the counter weights and truss type
Sometimes a suspension may be used in case a high sensitivity is
Air friction damping is employed for these instruments and is provided by a pair
of aluminum vanes, attached to the spindle at the bottom.
These vanes move in sector shaped chambers.
Eddy current damping cannot be used in these instruments as the operating
field is very weak (on account of the fact that the coils are air cored) and any
introduction of a permanent magnet required for eddy current damping would
distort the operating magnetic field of the instrument.
The field produced by the fixed coils is somewhat weaker than in other types
of instruments
It is nearly 0.005 to 0.006 Wb/m
In d.c. measurements even the earth magnetic field may affect the
Thus it is necessary to shield an electrodynamometer type instrument from
the effect of stray magnetic fields.
Air cored electrodynamometer type instruments are protected against external
magnetic fields by enclosing them in a casing of high permeability alloy.
This shunts external magnetic fields around the instrument mechanism and
minimizes their effects on the indication.
Cases and Scales
Laboratory standard instruments are usually contained in highly polished
wooden cases.
These cases are so constructed as to remain dimensionally stable over long
periods of time.
The glass is coated with some conducting material to completely remove the
electrostatic effects.
The case is supported by adjustable leveling screws.
A spirit level is also provided to ensure proper leveling.
The scales are hand drawn, using machine sub-dividing equipment. Diagonal lines
for fine sub-division are usually drawn for main markings on the scale.
Most of the high-precision instruments have a 300 mr scale with 100, 120 or 150
Torque Equation
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(Fig) voltmeter using full wave rectifier
Digital Voltmeter
A digital voltmeter (DVM) displays the value of a.c. or d.c. voltage being
measured directly as discrete numerals in the decimal number system.
Numerical readout of DVMs is advantageous since it eliminates observational
errors committed by operators.
The errors on account of parallax and approximations are entirely eliminated.
The use of digital voltmeters increases tile speed with which readings can be
A digital voltmeter is a versatile and accurate voltmeter which has many
laboratory applications.
On account of developments in the integrated circuit (IC) technology, it has
been possible to reduce the size, power requirements and cost of digital
In fact, for the same accuracy, a digital voltmeter now is less costly than its
analog counterpart.
The decrease in size of DVMs on account of use of ICs, the portability of the
instruments has increased.
Types of DVMs
The increasing popularity of DVMs has brought forth a wide number of types
employing different circuits. The various types of DVMs in general use are
Ramp type DVM
Integrating type DVM
(iii) Potentiometric type DVM
Successive approximation type DVM
Continuous balance type DVM
Ramp type Digital Voltmeter
The operating principle of a ramp type digital voltmeter is to measure the time
that a linear ramp voltage takes to change from level of input voltage to zero voltage
(or vice versa).This time interval is measured with an electronic time interval
counter and the count is displayed as a number of digits on electronic indicating
tubes of the output readout of the voltmeter.The conversion of a voltage value of a
time interval is shown in the timing diagram .A negative going ramp is shown in
Fig. but a positive going ramp may also be used.The ramp voltage value is
continuously compared with the voltage being measured (unknown voltage).At the
instant the value of ramp voltage is equal to that of unknown voltage.The ramp
voltage continues to decrease till it reaches ground level (zero voltage).At this
instant another comparator called ground comparator generates. a pulse and closes
the gate.The time elapsed between opening and closing of the gate is t as indicated
in Fig.During this time interval pulses from a clock pulse generator pass through the
gate and are counted and displayed.The decimal number as indicated by the readout
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The basic block diagram of a typical integrating type of DVM is shown in
The unknown voltage is applied to the input of the integrator, and the output
voltage starts to rise.The slope of output voltage is determined by the value of input
voltage This voltage is fed a level detector, and when voltage reaches a certain reference
level, the detector sends a pulse to the pulse generator gate. The level detector is a device
similar to a voltage comparator. The output voltage from integrator is compared with the
fixed voltage of an internal reference source, and, when voltage reaches that level, the
detector produces an output pulse.
It is evident that greater then value of input voltage the sharper will be the slope
of output voltage and quicker the output voltage will reach its reference level.
The output pulse of the level detector opens the pulse level gate, permitting pulses
from a fixed frequency clock oscillator to pass through pulse generator.
The generator is a device such as a Schmitt trigger that produces an output pulse of
fixed amplitude and width for every pulse it receives. This output pulse, whose
polarity is opposite to that of and has greater amplitude, is fedback of the input of
the integrator.Thus no more pulses from the clock oscillator can pass through to
trigger the pulse generator.When the output voltage pulse from the pulse generator
has passed, is restored to its original value and starts its rise again.When it reaches
the level of reference voltage again, the pulse generator gate is opened.The pulse
generator is trigger by a pulse from the clock generator and the entire cycle is
repeated again.
Thus, the waveform of is a saw tooth wave whose rise time is dependent upon
the value of output voltage and the fail time is determined by the width of the output
pulse from the pulse generator.Thus the frequency of the saw tooth wave is a function
of the value of the voltage being measured.Since one pulse from the pulse generator is
produced for each cycle of the saw tooth wave, the number of pulses produced in a
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given time interval and hence the frequency of saw tooth wave is an indication of the
voltage being measured.
Potentiometric Type Digital Voltmeter
A potentiometric type of DVM employs voltage comparison technique. In this DVM
the unknown voltage is compared with reference voltage whose value is fixed by the
setting of the calibrated potentiometer.
The potentiometer setting is changed to obtain balance (i.e. null conditions).
When null conditions are obtained the value of the unknown voltage, is indicated by
the dial setting of the potentiometer.
In potentiometric type DVMs, the balance is not obtained manually but is arrived at
Thus, this DVM is in fact a self- balancing potentiometer.
The potentiometric DVM is provided with a readout which displays the voltage
being measured.
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Driving system
The driving system of the meter consists of two electro-magnets.
The core of these electromagnets is made up of silicon steel laminations. The
coil of one of the electromagnets is excited by the load current. This coil is
called the current coil.
The coil of second electromagnet is connected across the supply and, therefore,
carries a current proportional to the supply voltage. This coil is called the
pressure coil.
Consequently the two electromagnets are known as series and shunt
magnets respectively.
Copper shading bands are provided on the central limb. The
position of these bands is adjustable.
The function of these bands is to bring the flux produced by the shunt
magnet exactly in quadrature with the applied voltage.
Moving System
This consists of an aluminum disc mounted on a light alloy shaft.
This disc is positioned in the air gap between series and shunt magnets. The
upper bearing of the rotor (moving system) is a steel pin located in a hole in the
bearing cap fixed to the top of the shaft.
The rotor runs on a hardened steel pivot, screwed to the foot of the shaft. The
pivot is supported by a jewel bearing.
A pinion engages the shaft with the counting or registering mechanism.
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Air friction damping is used.
The moving system carries a light aluminium vane which moves in a sector shaped box.
Electromagnetic or eddy current damping is not used as introduction of a permanent magnet
(for damping purposes) will greatly distort the weak operating magnetic field.
Scales and Pointers
They are equipped with mirror type scales and knife edge pointers to remove reading errors due
to parallax.
Theory of Electrodynamometer Watt-meters
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Ferrodynamic Wattmeters
The operating torque can be considerably increased by using iron cores for the
Ferrodynamic wattmeters employ cores of low loss iron so that there is a large
increase in the flux density and consequently an increase in operating torque with
little loss in accuracy.
The fixed coil is wound on a laminated core having pole pieces designed to give
a uniform radial field throughout the air gap.
The moving coil is asymmetrically pivoted and is placed over a hook
shaped pole piece.
This type of construction permits the use of a long scale up to about 270 and
gives a deflecting torque which is almost proportional to the average power.
With this construction there is a tendency on the part of the pressure coil to
creep (move further on the hook) when only the pressure coil is energized.
This is due to the fact that a coil tries to take up a position where it links with
maximum flux. The creep causes errors and a compensating coil is put to
compensate for this voltage creep.
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The errors in good modem instrument transformers are small and may be ignored
for many purposes.
However, they must be considered in precision work. Also in some power
measurements these errors, if not taken into account, may lead to very inaccurate
Voltmeters and ammeters are effected by only ratio errors while wattmeters are
influenced in addition by phase angle errors. Corrections can be made for these
errors if test information is available about the instrument transformers and
their burdens.
Phasor diagrams for the current and voltages of load, and in the wattmeter coils.
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The operating characteristics of electrical machines, apparatus and instruments
are greatly influenced by the properties of Ferro-magnetic materials used for their
construction. Therefore, magnetic measurements and a thorough knowledge of
characteristics of magnetic materials are of utmost importance in designing and
manufacturing electrical equipment.
The principal requirements in magnetic measurements are
(i) The measurement of magnetic field strength in air.
(ii) The determination of B-H curve and hysteresis loop for soft Ferro-magnetic
(iii) The determination of eddy current and hysteresis losses of soft Ferromagnetic materials subjected to alternating magnetic fields.
(iv) The testing of permanent magnets.
Magnetic measurements have some inherent inaccuracies due to which the measured
values depart considerably from the true values. The inaccuracies are due to the following
(i) The conditions in the magnetic specimen under test are different from those
assumed in calculations;
(ii) The magnetic materials are not homogeneous
(iv)There is no uniformity between different batches of test specimens even if such
batches are of the same composition.
Types of Tests
Many methods of testing magnetic materials have been devised wherein attempts have
been made to eliminate the inaccuracies. However, attention will be confined to a few
basic methods of Testing Ferro-magnetic materials. They are:
(i) Ballistic Tests: These tests are generally employed for the determination of
B- H curves and hysteresis loops of Ferro-magnetic materials.
(ii) A. C. Testing. These tests may be carried at power, audio or radio frequencies.
They give information about eddy current and hysteresis losses in magnetic materials.
(iii) Steady State Tests. These are performed to obtain the steady value of flux
density existing in the air gap of a magnetic circuit.
Ballistic Tests: These tests are used for determination of flux density in a specimen,
determination of B-H curves and plotting of hysteresis loop.
Measurement of Flux Density
The measurement of flux density inside a specimen can be done by winding
a search coil over the specimen.
This search coil is known as a B coil .
This search coil is then connected to a ballistic galvanometer or to a flux meter.
Let us consider that we have to measure the flux density in a ring
specimen shown in Fig.
The ring specimen is wound with a magnetizing winding which carries a
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current I.
A search coil of convenient number of turns is wound on the specimen and
connected through a resistance and calibrating coil, to a ballistic galvanometer
as shown.
The current through the magnetizing coil is reversed and therefore the flux
linkages of the search coil change inducing an emf in it.
Thus emf sends a current through the ballistic galvanometer causing it to deflect.
Magnetic Potentiometer
This is a device for measurement of magnetic potential difference between two
It can be shown that the line integral of magnetizing force H produced by a coil of
N concentrated turns carrying a current I is:
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This is the circuital law of the magnetic field and forms the basis of
magnetic potentiometer.
A magnetic potentiometer may be used to determine the mmf around a closed
path, or the magnetic potential difference between two points in a magnetic
A magnetic potentiometer consists of a one metre long flat and uniform coil
made of two or four layers of thin wire wound unidirectional on a strip of
flexible non-magnetic material.
The coil ends are brought out at the middle of the strip as shown in Fig. and
connected to a ballistic galvanometer.
The magnetic potential difference between points A and B of the field is
measured by placing the ends of the strip at these points and observing the throw
of the ballistic galvanometer when the flux through the specimen is changed.
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design may require attention to dissipation of heat resulting from its I2R power consumption.
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inductance and capacitance values, and enable the detection of very small changes in these
quantities about a nominal value. They are of immense importance in measurement system
technology because so many transducers measuring physical quantities have an output that is
expressed as a change in resistance, inductance or capacitance. The displacement-measuring
strain gauge, which has a varying resistance output, is but one example of this class of
transducers. Normally, excitation of the bridge is by a d.c. voltage for resistance measurement
and by an a.c. voltage for inductance or capacitance measurement. Both null and deflection
types of bridge exist, and, in a like manner to instruments in general, null types are mainly
employed for calibration purposes and deflection types are used within closed-loop automatic
control schemes.
Null-type, d.c. bridge (Wheatstone bridge)
A null-type bridge with d.c. excitation, commonly known as a
Wheatstone bridge, has the form shown in Figure 7.1. The four arms of the bridge consist of
the unknown resistance Ru, two equal value resistors R2 and R3 and a variable resistor Rv
(usually a decade resistance box). A d.c. voltage Vi is applied across the points AC and the
resistance Rv is varied until the voltage measured across points BD is zero. This null point
is usually measured with a high sensitivity galvanometer.
To analyses the Whetstone bridge, define the current flowing in each arm
to be I1 . . . I4 as shown in Figure 7.1. Normally, if a high impedance voltage-measuring
instrument is used, the current Im drawn by the measuring instrument will be very small and
can be approximated to zero. If this assumption is made, then, for Im D 0:
I1 =I3 and I2 =I4
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Vi * ( Ru /
Ru +
R3)- ( R1 /
When Ru is at its nominal value, i.e. for Ru D R1, it is clear that V0 D 0 (since R2 D
R3). For other values of Ru, V0 has negative and positive values that vary in a nonlinear way with Ru.
A.C bridges
Bridges with a.c. excitation are used to measure unknown impedances. As
for d.c. bridges, both null and deflection types exist, with null types being generally reserved
for calibration duties.
Null-type impedance bridge
A typical null-type impedance bridge is shown in Figure 7.7. The null point can
be conveniently detected by monitoring the output with a pair of headphones connected via
an operational amplifier across the points BD. This is a much cheaper method of null
detection than the application of an expensive galvanometer that is required for a d.c.
Wheatstone bridge.
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Maxwell bridge
A Maxwell bridge (in long form, a Maxwell-Wien bridge) is a type of Wheatstone bridge
used to measure an unknown inductance (usually of low Q value) in terms of calibrated resistance
and capacitance. It is a real product bridge.
The maxwell bridge is used to measure unknown inductance in terms of calibrated
resistance and capacitance. Calibration-grade inductors are more difficult to manufacture than
capacitors of similar precision, and so the use of a simple "symmetrical" inductance bridge is not
always practical.
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Circuit Diagram
With reference to the picture, in a typical application R1 and R4 are known fixed entities,
and R2 and C2 are known variable entities.
R2 and C2 are adjusted until the bridge is balanced.R3 and L3 can then be calculated
based on the values of the other components:
As shown in Figure, one arm of the Maxwell bridge consists of a capacitor in parallel
with a resistor (C1 and R2) and another arm consists of an inductor L1 in series with a
resistor (L1 and R4). The other two arms just consist of a resistor each (R1 and R3).
The values of R1 and R3 are known, and R2 and C1 are both adjustable. The
unknown values are those of L1 and R4.
Like other bridge circuits, the measuring ability of a Maxwell Bridge depends on
'Balancing' the circuit.
Balancing the circuit in Figure 1 means adjusting C1 and R2 until the current through
the bridge between points A and B becomes zero. This happens when the voltages at
points A and B are equal.
Z1 = R2 + 1/ (2fC1); while Z2 = R4 + 2fL1.
(R2 + 1/ (2fC1)) / R1 = R3 / [R4 + 2fL1];
R1R3 = [R2 + 1/ (2fC1)] [R4 + 2fL1]
To avoid the difficulties associated with determining the precise value of a variable
capacitance, sometimes a fixed-value capacitor will be installed and more than one
resistor will be made variable.
The additional complexity of using a Maxwell bridge over simpler bridge types is
warranted in circumstances where either the mutual inductance between the load and the
known bridge entities, or stray electromagnetic interference, distorts the measurement
The capacitive reactance in the bridge will exactly oppose the inductive reactance of the
load when the bridge is balanced, allowing the load's resistance and reactance to be
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reliably determined.
The frequency does not appear
Wide range of inductance
Limited measurement
It requires variable standard capacitor
A Schering Bridge is a bridge circuit used for measuring an unknown electrical
capacitance and its dissipation factor. The dissipation factor of a capacitor is the the ratio of its
resistance to its capacitive reactance. The Schering Bridge is basically a four-arm alternatingcurrent (AC) bridge circuit whose measurement depends on balancing the loads on its arms.
Figure 1 below shows a diagram of the Schering Bridge.
In the Schering Bridge above, the resistance values of resistors R1 and R2 are known,
while the resistance value of resistor R3 is unknown.
The capacitance values of C1 and C2 are also known, while the capacitance of C3 is the
value being measured.
To measure R3 and C3, the values of C2 and R2 are fixed, while the values of R1 and
C1 are adjusted until the current through the ammeter between points A and B becomes
This happens when the voltages at points A and B are equal, in which case the bridge is
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said to be 'balanced'.
When the bridge is balanced, Z1/C2 = R2/Z3, where Z1 is the impedance of R1 in
parallel with C1 and Z3 is the impedance of R3 in series with C3.
In an AC circuit that has a capacitor, the capacitor contributes a capacitive reactance to
the impedance.
Z1 = R1/[2fC1((1/2fC1) + R1)] = R1/(1 + 2fC1R1)
while Z3 =1/2fC3 + R3. 2fC2R1/ (1+2fC1R1) = R2/(1/2fC3 + R3); or
2fC2 (1/2fC3 + R3) = (R2/R1) (1+2fC1R1); or
C2/C3 + 2fC2R3 = R2/R1 + 2fC1R2.
When the bridge is balanced, the negative and positive reactive components are equal and
cancel out, so
2fC2R3 = 2fC1R2 or
R3 = C1R2 / C2.
Similarly, when the bridge is balanced, the purely resistive components are equal,
so C2/C3 = R2/R1 or C3 = R1C2 / R2.
Note that the balancing of a Schering Bridge is independent of
Balance equation is independent of frequency
Used for measuring the insulating properties of electrical cables and equipments
A Hay Bridge is an AC bridge circuit used for measuring an unknown inductance by balancing
the loads of its four arms, one of which contains the unknown inductance. One of the arms of a
Hay Bridge has a capacitor of known characteristics, which is the principal component used for
determining the unknown inductance value. Figure 1 below shows a diagram of the Hay Bridge.
As shown in Figure 1, one arm of the Hay bridge consists of a capacitor in series with a
resistor (C1 and R2) and another arm consists of an inductor L1 in series with a resistor
(L1 and R4).
The other two arms simply contain a resistor each (R1 and R3). The values of R1and
R3 are known, and R2 and C1 are both adjustable.
The unknown values are those of L1 and R4.
Like other bridge circuits, the measuring ability of a Hay Bridge depends on 'balancing' the
Balancing the circuit in Figure 1 means adjusting R2 and C1 until the current through the
ammeter between points A and B becomes zero. This happens when the voltages at points
A and B are equal.
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A Wien bridge oscillator is a type of electronic oscillator that generates sine waves. It can
generate a large range of frequencies. The circuit is based on an electrical network originally
developed by Max Wien in 1891. Wien did not have a means of developing electronic gain so a
workable oscillator could not be realized. The modern circuit is derived from William Hewlett's
1939 Stanford University master's degree thesis. Hewlett, along with David Packard co-founded
Hewlett-Packard. Their first product was the HP 200A, a precision sine wave oscillator based on
the Wien bridge. The 200A was one of the first instruments to produce such low distortion.
Amplitude stabilization:
The key to Hewlett's low distortion oscillator is effective amplitude stabilization.
The amplitude of electronic oscillators tends to increase until clipping or other gain
limitation is reached. This leads to high harmonic distortion, which is often
Hewlett used an incandescent bulb as a positive temperature coefficient (PTC)
thermistor in the oscillator feedback path to limit the gain.
The resistance of light bulbs and similar heating elements increases as their
temperature increases.
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If the oscillation frequency is significantly higher than the thermal time constant of the
heating element, the radiated power is proportional to the oscillator power.
Since heating elements are close to black body radiators, they follow the StefanBoltzmann law.
The radiated power is proportional to T4, so resistance increases at a greater rate than
If the gain is inversely proportional to the oscillation amplitude, the oscillator gain
stage reaches a steady state and operates as a near ideal class A amplifier, achieving
very low distortion at the frequency of interest.
At lower frequencies the time period of the oscillator approaches the thermal time
constant of the thermistor element and the output distortion starts to rise significantly.
Light bulbs have their disadvantages when used as gain control elements in Wien
bridge oscillators, most notably a very high sensitivity to vibration due to the bulb's
micro phonic nature amplitude modulating the oscillator output, and a limitation in
high frequency response due to the inductive nature of the coiled filament.
Modern Distortion as low as 0.0008% (-100 dB) can be achieved with only modest
improvements to Hewlett's original circuit.
Wien bridge oscillators that use thermistors also exhibit "amplitude bounce" when the
oscillator frequency is changed. This is due to the low damping factor and long time
constant of the crude control loop, and disturbances cause the output amplitude to
exhibit a decaying sinusoidal response.
This can be used as a rough figure of merit, as the greater the amplitude bounce after a
disturbance, the lower the output distortion under steady state conditions.
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Where vin is the input voltage, vout is the output voltage, and Zf is the feedback
impedance. If the voltage gain of the amplifier is defined as:
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Site selection and design, embodying features that provide adequate ventilation, protection
and security and which have taken account of appropriate fire, moisture and explosion
Selection and setting of electrical protection in primary and secondary, against overload,
overvoltage and short-circuit.
Carrying out regular inspection and electrical and mechanical maintenance.
The Package Compact Substation(s) covered by these instructions have been repeatedly
inspected and tested to meet all applicable standards of IEC, to ensure you of a first-rate quality
product, which should give many years of satisfactory performance.
The specific ratings of each Package Compact Substation are shown on the drawings.
File these instructions in a readily accessible place together with drawings and
descriptive data of the Package Compact Substation. These instructions will be a
guide to proper maintenance of the equipment and prolong its life and usefulness
The Package Compact Substations are completely self-contained, mounted on an integral base,
factory assembled in a totally enclosed, aesthetically and acceptable cladding, vandal-proof,
vermin-proof and weather-proof housing ready for installation into position on a concrete base
pad or pier. The base frame is of welded structural steel and been hot-dipped galvanized after
fabrication to assure affective corrosion resistance in service.Housing of the Package Compact
Substation is made of special material called ALUZINK, a sheet steel with a metallic alloy
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coating. The alloy consists of 55% aluminum and 43.4% zinc. This provides optimum corrosion
protection.The housing has three compartments, separated with ALUZINK sheet. The
transformer compartment is completely separated from the medium voltage and low voltage
The Package Compact Substation is shipped from the factory ready for installation on site. It has
been submitted to all normal routine tests before being shipped, and it is not required to do any
voltage testing before putting it into service, provided the substation has not sustained any
damage during transportation.
Immediately upon receipt of the Package Compact Substation, examine them to determine if any
damage or loss was sustained during transit. If abuse or rough handling is evident, file a damage
claim with carrier and promptly notify the nearest ABB office. ABB ELECTRICAL
INDUSTRIES CO. LTD. is not responsible for damage of goods after delivery to the carrier;
however, we will lend assistance if notified of claims.
The first and most important requirements are the protection against contact with live parts
during normal service as well as maintenance or modifications.
This is the reason why all live parts have been metal enclosed, so that when the parts are live and
the Package Compact Substation doors are open, no one can be able to touch them.
Also, it is safe in case any short-circuiting or sparking occurs at the busbars.
Transformer compartment has been provided with sand trap louvers, to prevent ingress of sand
and that proper air circulation should take place.
Proper earthing busbar has been provided.
Lifting lugs has been provided on top of four corners of the housing for lifting the DPS by crane
and chains as a single unit, otherwise this can be done by a forklift of sufficient capacity, but the
lifting fork must be positioned under the transformer portion.
A clean, flat surface capable of supporting the Package Compact Substation unit weight is the
only requirement for a foundation. It is, however, important that adequate accessibility,
ventilation and ease of inspection of the unit must be provided.
In all installation work, the safety regulations for electrical installations have to be observed.
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Inaccessible lubrication points (greased for life) cannot be lubricated and may seize up.
Areas not lubricated may be subject to corrosion.
The high-pressure spray may damage equipment.
Especially protective coatings may be removed.
Bolt Tightness
All connections should be tight and secure. Bolts and nuts on busbar and terminal lugs should be
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Connection Test
Connections to the circuit protective device should be inspected to determine that a
proper electrical joint is present. If overheating in these connections is evident by
discoloration or signs of arcing, the connections should be removed and the connecting
surfaces clean before re-connections. It is essential that electrical connections be made
properly to prevent and reduce overheating.
Mechanical Operation
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During routine tests, mechanical operation of the circuit protective devices or disconnects
should be checked by turning it "ON" and "OFF" at least three times.
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requires that the ground potential itself is as widely spread as possible. In practice, all
conductive parts of the chassis, the cases, the shielding, the room and the installation are
included in the network.
When considering the effect of electrical and magnetic fields, we have to distinguish
between low and high frequencies. At high frequencies the skin effect plays an
important roll for the screening. The penetration describes the depth from the surface
of the conductor, where the current density has decayed to 37% compared to the
surface of the conductor.
When signal lines run close to interference sources or when the signal circuit is very
sensitive to interference, screening of signal lines will give an improvement. There
are different ways of connecting the cable screen:
Three different ways of connecting the cable screen.Cable screen not connected. This
screen will not prevent any interference, because the charge on the screen, produced by
interference, will remain and will effect the central signal line. Also, the current induced
by interference in the linewill flow through the sink, effecting the signal.Cable screen
grounded on one side only.This screen will only prevent interference at low
frequency signals. Forelectromagnetic interference, where the wavelength is short
comparedto the length of the cable, the screening efficiency is poor.Cable screen
grounded on either sidet is effective for all kinds of interference. Any current induced in
thescreen by magnetic interference will flow to ground. The inner of thecable is not
affected. Only the voltage drop on the screen will affect thesignal in the screen. type of
grounding is
- Ensure proper and careful connection of the screens.
- Use suitable plugs in connection with the cable screen.
The simple two Earth-Mars synodic period cycler. In the circular coplanar model it has a
period P=l.348 years, a radius of aphelion R~ = l .15 A U and the V, at Earth is 5.6 M s . For
the "Up" transfer, the Earth-Mars transfer is Type I or I1 and the Mars-Earth leg is Type VI.
The trajectory departs the Earth with the V, inward of the Earth's velocity vector taking it
through a perihelion of about 0.93 AU, crossing the Earth's orbit ahead of the Earth and
outward to Mars' orbit. As seen from Figure 1 the transfer to Mars is about 225 degrees and
takes a little over nine months. The trajectory continues onward making three complete orbits
about the Sun without coming near either the Earth or Mars again until passing through its
original starting point on the Earth's orbit for the third time, somewhat behind the Earth and
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finally encountering the Earth 2/7 of a revolution about the Sun (102.9 deg.) from the starting
point. The cycler has made 3 2/7 complete orbits about the Sun while Earth has made 4 2/7.
The Earth flyby must now rotate the incoming V, vector, which is outward, to the
symmetrically inward orientation to begin the next cycle. Unfortunately, the rotation angle
required is approximately 135 degrees and with a V, of 5.65 km/s the Earth can only rotate
the V, vector about 82 degrees. Now in the actual Solar System, the orbit of Mars is elliptical
with a semi-major axis of 1.524 AU, a perihelion of 1.381 AU and an aphelion of 1.666 AU.
Thus the simple Case 1 cycler does not quite reach Mars' average distance from the Sun. It is
thus clear that a real world version of the Case 1 cycler would require AV to make up for the
inability of the Earth to rotate the V, vector, as well as for the fact that over the course of
seven cycles, of two synodic periods each, the Case 1 cycler will not make it to Mars' orbit
more than one half of the time. The real value of Case 1 is as a basis for variations that can
address these deficiencies.
Modifylng Case 1 by introducing another Earth flyby, approximately six months and 180
degrees after the first, changes the situation somewhat. This six month, 180 degree
transfer, or "backflip" trajectory, was first introduced for lunar trajectories by U p h ~ f f . ~
The "Up" trajectory for this version leaves the Earth with a Type I or I1 short transfer to Mars
and a Type V transfer back to Earth. This transfer to the first Earth encounter makes
2 11/14 revolutions about the Sun in 3 11/14 years. The Earth flyby then puts the vehicle onto
a heliocentric orbit with a period of one year which re-encounters the Earth approximately six
months and 180 degrees later, completing the 3 217 revolutions in 4 2/7 years. This second
Earth flyby then sends the vehicle on to the next Mars encounter, continuing the cycle. Figure
2 shows this cycler trajectory. Note that the first Earth encounter is in the lower portion of the
plot. The backflip trajectory is not shown since its difference from the Earth's orbit is
primarily in the z-direction. The second Earth flyby
and departure point for the second cycle is indicated slightly left of straight up on the Earth's
orbit. In the circular co-planar model the Earth-Mars-Earth trajectory has a period P=l.325
years, a radius of aphelion R~ z l . 4A5 U and the V, at Earth is 4.15 MSF.or Case 2, the
transfer does not reach Mars' orbit in the circular co-planar model, but in the real world does
reach Mars when Mars is near its perihelion.
The lower V, for Case 2 enables the Earth to rotate the V, vector as much as about 102
degrees, thus easily enabling the first Earth flyby to rotate the incoming V, to the required
near polar orientation required for the backflip trajectory outgoing V, as well as the second
earth flyby to rotate the near polar incoming V, to the outgoing V, required
for the transfer to the next Mars, Thus, although Case 2 has many desirable characteristics,
it cannot be used for an entire seven cycles. If fact it will reach Mars for at most two of the
seven cycles without propulsive AVto augment the gravity assists.
(CASE 3)
Modifying Case 2 to introduce a third Earth flyby in addition to the "backflip" adds additional
flexibility. This is accomplished by adding a one year Earth-Earth loop either before or after
the backflip. The order of the one year loop and the "backflip" can be chosen to best
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advantage in the real world. The TJp" trajectory for this version leaves the Earth with a Type
I short transfer to Mars and a Type I11 or IV transfer back to Earth. This transfer to the first
Earth encounter makes 1 11/14 revolutions about the Sun in 2
11/14 years. The Earth flyby the puts the vehicle onto a heliocentric orbit with a period of one
year which re-encounters the Earth approximately six months and 180 degrees later and then
re-encounters the Earth one year later, or vice versa. The final Earth flyby then sends the
vehicle on to the next Mars encounter. Figure 3 shows this cycler trajectory. Again as in Case
2, the backflip trajectory is not seen. The one year Earth-Earth loop is also not shown. In the
circular co-planar model the Earth-Mars-Earth trajectory has a period P=l.484 years, a radius
of aphelion R~=l .65A U and the V, at Earth is 5.4 km/s.
In this case the transfer reaches an aphelion approximately equal to Mars' aphelion and
will thus always cross Mars orbit in the real world. Analysis of Case 3 with the actual
ephemerides of Earth and Mars is considered in more detail below.
Modifying Case 1 to introduce one or two one year Earth-Earth loops or even a two year
Earth-Earth loop without a backflip is also possible, it leads however, to much higher
V,'s less desirable characteristics that any of Cases 1,2 or 3, or the Aldrin Cycler for that
A detailed analysis of Case 3 was performed using the actual ephemerides of the
Earth and Mars. The trajectories were modeled as Sun-centered point-to-point conics
connecting the Earth and Mars flybys. The flybys were modeled as instantaneous V m
rotations. This V m -matching model gives excellent insight into both the heliocentric
and planetocentric trajectories and sufficient accuracy for developing long term trajectory
scenarios that can be closely reproduced with fully numerically integrated trajectory models.
The Table shows data for a full cycle of seven two-synodic period cyclers (30 years). This
should approximately repeat since the Earth and Mars are very nearly at the same inertial
positions every 15 years.The choice of one year loop or backflip and whether the backflip is
north or south needs to be made in each case to make best use of the arrival and
departure V,s to minimize the required bending by the Earth and potential required AV.
The Mars flybys (given to the nearest 1000 km) are all at reasonably high altitudes. Whereas
in the circular co-planar analysis the Mars flybys are arbitrarily high, in the real world the
Mars gravity assist must control the inclination of the heliocentric orbit as well as adjust the
energy slightly to properly phase for the next encounter. The Mars V,s vary between about
3 km/s and 8 km/s which compares to the value of 5.3 km/s in the circular coplanar case.
The Earth V,s vary between about 4 km/s and 7.5 km/s which compares to 5.4 km/s.
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The magnetic tape recorders are used for high frequency signal recording.
In these recorders, the data is recorded in a way that it can be reproduced in electrical form any
Also main advantage of these recorders is that the recorded data can be replayed for almost
infinite times.
Because of good higher frequency response, these are used in
Instrumentation systems extensively.
Basic Components of Tape Recorder
Following are the basic components of magnetic tape recorder
1. Recording Head
2. Magnetic Tape
3. Reproducing Head
4. Tape Transport Mechanism
5. Conditioning Devices
Recording Head
The construction of the magnetic recording head is very much similar to the construction of a
Transformer having a toroidal core with coil.
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There is a uniform fine air gap of 5 m to 15 m between the head and the magnetic tape.
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Conditioning Devices
These devices consist of amplifiers and fitters to modify signal to be recorded.
The conditioning devices allow the signals to be recorded on the magnetic tape with proper format.
Amplifiers allow amplification of signal to be recorded and filters removes unwanted ripple
Principle of Tape Recorders
When a magnetic tape is passed through a recording head, the signal to be recorded appears as some
magnetic pattern on the tape.
This magnetic pattern is in accordance with the variations of original recording current.
The recorded signal can be reproduced back by passing the same tape through a reproducing head
where the voltage is induced corresponding to the magnetic pattern on the tape.
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When the tape is passed through the reproducing head, the head detects the changes in the magnetic
pattern i.e. magnetization.
The change in magnetization of particles produces change in the reluctance of the magnetic circuit
of the reproducing head, inducing a voltage in its winding.
The induced voltage depends on the direction of magnetisation and its magnitude on the tape.
The emf, thus induced is proportional to the rate of change of
magnitude of magnetisation i.e. e N (d / dt)
Where N = number of turns of the winding on reproducing head
= magnetic flux produced.
Suppose the signal to be recorded is Vm sin t. Thus, the current in the recording head and flux
induced will be proportional to this voltage.
It is given by e= k 1. Vm sin wt, where k1 = constant.
Above pattern of flux is recorded on the tape. Now, when this tape is passed through the
reproducing head, above pattern is regenerated by inducing voltage in the reproducing head
It is given by e= k2 Vm cos wt
Thus the reproducing signal is equal to derivative of input signal
& it is proportional to flux recorded & frequency of recorded signal.
Methods of Recording
The methods used for magnetic tape recording used for instrumentation purposes are as follows:
i) Direct Recording
ii) Frequency Modulation Recording
iii) Pulse Duration Modulation Recording
For instrumentation purposes mostly frequency modulation recording is used. The pulse duration
modulation recording is generally used in the systems for special applications where large number of
slowly changing variables has to be recorded simultaneously.
4.3 Digital Plotters And Printers
Printers can be classified according to their printing methodology Impact printers and Nonimpact printers.
Impact printers press formed character faces against an inked ribbon onto the paper.
A line printer and dot matrix printer are the examples of an
impact printer.
Non impact printer and plotters use laser techniques, inkjet sprays, xerographic processes,
electrostatic methods and e1ectrothermal methods to get images onto the paper.
A ink-jet printer and laser printer are the examples of non- impact printers.
Line Printers
A line printer prints a complete line at a time. The printing speed of line printer varies from 150 lines to
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2500 lines per minute with 96 to 100 characters on one line. The line printers are divided into two
categories Drum printers and chain printer.
Drum Printers
Drum printer consists of a cylindr ical drum. One complete set of characters i s embossed on all the
print positions on a l ine, as shown in the Fig. The character to be printed is adjusted by rotating drum.
Chain Printers
In these printers chain with embossed character set is used, instead of drum. Here, the character to be
printed is adjusted by rotating chain.
Dot Matrix Printers
Dot matrix printers are also ca lled ser ial printers as they print one character at a time, with printing head
moving across a line.
Laser Printer
The li ne, do t matrix, and ink jet printers need a head movement on a ribbon to print characters.
This mechanical movement is relatively slow due to the high inertia of mechanical elements.
In laser printers these mechanical movements are avoided.
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In these printers, an electronically controlled lase r beam traces out the desired character to be printed
on a photoconductive drum.
The exposed areas of the drum gets charged, which attracts an oppositely charged ink from the ink
toner on to the exposed areas.
This image is then transferred to the paper which comes in contact with the drum with pressure and
The charge on the drum decides the darkness of the print.
When charge is more, more ink is attracted and we get a dark print.
A colour laser printer works like a single colour laser printer, except that the process is
repeated four times with four different ink colours: Cyan, magenta, yellow and black.
Laser printers have high resolution from 600 dots per inch upto
1200 per inch.
These printers print 4 to 16 page of text per minute.
The high quality and speed of laser printers make them ideal for office environment.
Advantages of Laser printer
The main advantages of laser printers are speed, precision and economy.
A laser can move very quickly, so it can write with much greater speed than an inket.
Because the laser beam has an unvarying diameter, it can draw more precisely, without spilling any
excess ink.
Laser printers tend to be more expensive than ink-jet printers, but it doesnt cost as much to
keep them running.
Its toner power is cheap and lasts for longer time.
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Electron gun
The electron gun section of the cathode ray tube provides a sharply focused, electron beam directed
towards the fluorescent-coated screen.
This section starts from thermally heated cathode, emitting the electrons.
The control grid is given negative potential with respect to cathode.
This grid controls the number of electrons in t beam, going to the screen.
The momentum of the electrons (their number x their speed) determines the intensity, or brightness, of
the light emitted from the fluorescent screen due to the electron bombardment.
The light emitted is usually of the green colour.
Deflection System
When the electron beam is accelerated it passes through the deflection system, with which beam can be
positioned anywhere on the screen.
Fluorescent Screen
The light produced by the screen does not disappear immediately when bombardment by
electrons ceases, i.e., when the signal becomes zero.
The time period for which the trace remains on the screen after the signal becomes zero
is known as persistence or fluorescence .
The persistence may be as short as a few microsecond, or as long as tens of seconds or
even minutes.
Medium persistence traces are mostly used for general purpose applications.
Long persistence traces are used in the study of transients.
Long persistence helps in the study of transients since the trace is still seen on the screen
after the transient has disappeared.
Glass Tube
All the components of a CRT are enclosed in an evacuated glass tube called envelope.
This allows the emitted electrons to move about freely from one end of the tube to the
other end.
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The base is provided to the CRT through which the connections are made to the
various parts.
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Once it is stored in the memory, many manipulations are possible as memory can be
readout without being erased.
The digital storage oscilloscope has three modes:
1. Roll mode
2. Store mode
3. Hold or save mode.
i) It is easier to operate and has more capability. ii) The storage time is
iii) The display flexibility is available. The number of traces that can be stored and recalled
depends on the size of the memory.
iv) The cursor measurement is possible.
v) The characters can be displayed on screen along with the waveform which
can indicate
waveform information such as minimum, maximum, frequency, amplitude etc.
vi) The X-Y plots, B-H curve, P-V diagrams can be displayed.
vii) The pretrigger viewing feature allows to display the waveform before trigger pulse.
viii) Keeping the records is possible by transmitting the data to computer system where the further
processing is possible
ix) Signal processing is possible which includes translating the raw data into finished information
e.g. computing parameters of a captured signal like r.m.s. value, energy stored etc.
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Examples of where these devices are used abound. A few of these examples are shown below:
monitoring temperature, pressure, strain and other physical phenomena in aircraft flight tests (even
including logging info from Arinc 429 or other serial communications buses)
Monitoring temperature, pressure, strain and other physical phenomena in automotive and in-vehicle
tests including monitoring traffic and data transmitted on the vehicles CAN bus.
Environmental monitoring for quality control in food processing, food storage, pharmaceutical
manufacturing, and even monitoring the environment during various stages of contract assembly or
semiconductor fabrication
Monitoring stress and strain in large mechanical structures such as bridges, steel framed buildings,
towers, launch pads etc.
Monitoring environmental parameters in temperature and environmental chambers and test facilities.
A data logger is a self-contained unit that does not require a host to operate.
It can be installed in almost any location, and left to operate unattended.
This data can be immediately analyzed for trends, or stored for historical archive purposes.
Data loggers can also monitor for alarm conditions, while recording a minimum number of samples,
for economy.
If the recording is of a steady-state nature, without rapid changes, the user may go through rolls of
paper, without seeing a single change in the input.
A data logger can record at very long intervals, saving paper, and can note when an alarm condition
is occurring. When this happens, the event will be recorded and any outputs will be activated,
even if the event occurs in between sample times.
A record of all significant conditions and events is generated using a minimum of recording
The differences between various data loggers are based on the way that data is recorded and stored.
The basic difference between the two data logger types is that one type allows the data to be stored
in a memory, to be retrieved at a later time, while the other type automatically records the data
on paper, for immediate viewing and analysis.
Many data loggers combine these two functions, usually unequally, with the emphasis on either the
ability to transfer the data or to provide a printout of it
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A data logger is an attractive alternative to either a recorder or data acquisition system in many
applications. When compared to a recorder, data loggers have the ability to accept a greater number
of input channels, with better resolution and accuracy.
Also, data loggers usually have some form of on-board intelligence, which provides the user with
diverse capabilities.
For example, raw data can be analyzed to give flow rates, differential temperatures, and other
interpreted data that otherwise would require manual analysis by the operator the operator has a
permanent recording on paper,
No other external or peripheral equipment is required for operation, and
Many data loggers of this type also have the ability to record data trends, in addition to simple
digital data recording
Temperature sensor
Pressure sensor
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the panel, white Edge-LEDs positioned around the rim of the screen which use a special diffusion
panel to spread the light evenly behind the screen (the most common) and full-array which are
arranged behind the screen but they are incapable of dimming or brightening individually
LED backlighting techniques
RGB dynamic LEDs
This method of backlighting allows dimming to occur in locally specific areas of darkness on the
screen. This can show truer blacks, whites and PRs[clarification needed] at much higher dynamic
contrast ratios, at the cost of less detail in small bright objects on a dark background, such as star
This method of backlighting allows for LED-backlit TVs to become extremely thin. The light is
diffused across the screen by a special panel which produces a uniform color range across the
Full Array LEDs
Sharp, and now other brands, also have LED backlighting technology that aligns the LEDs on
back of the TV like the RGB Dynamic LED backlight, but it lacks the local dimming of other
sets.[6] The main benefit of its LED backlight is simply reduced energy consumption and may not
improve quality over non-LED LCD TVs.[7]
Differences between LED-backlit and CCFL-backlit LCD displays
An LED backlight offers several general benefits over regular CCFL backlight TVs, typically
higher brightness. Compared to regular CCFL backlighting, there may also be benefits to color
gamut. However advancements in CCFL technology mean wide color gamuts and lower power
consumption are also possible. The principal barrier to wide use of LED backlighting on LCD
televisions is cost.
The variations of LED backlighting do offer different benefits. The first commercial LED backlit
LCD TV was the Sony Qualia 005 (introduced in 2004). This featured RGB LED arrays to offer
a color gamut around twice that of a conventional CCFL LCD television (the combined light
output from red, green and blue LEDs produces a more pure white light than is possible with a
single white light LED). RGB LED technology continues to be used on selected
Sony BRAVIA LCD models, with the addition of 'local dimming' which enables excellent onscreen contrast through selectively turning off the LEDs behind dark parts of a picture frame.
Edge LED lighting was also first introduced by Sony (September 2008) on the 40 inch BRAVIA
KLV-40ZX1M (referred to as the ZX1 in Europe). The principal benefit of Edge-LED lighting
for LCD televisions is the ability to build thinner housings (the BRAVIA KLV-40ZX1M is as
thin as 9.9mm). Samsung has also introduced a range of Edge-LED lit LCD televisions with
extremely thin housings.
LED-backlit LCD TVs are considered a more sustainable choice, with a longer life and better
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energy efficiency than plasmas and conventional LCD TVs.[10] Unlike CCFL backlights, LEDs
also use
nomercury in their
as gallium and arsenic are used in the manufacture of the LED emitters themselves, meaning
there is some debate over whether they are a significantly better long term solution to the
problem of TV disposal.
Because LEDs are able to be switched on and off more quickly than CCFL displays and can
offer a higher light output, it is theoretically possible to offer very high contrast ratios. They can
produce deep blacks (LEDs off) and a high brightness (LEDs on), however care should be taken
with measurements made from pure black and pure white outputs, as technologies like EdgeLED lighting do not allow these outputs to be reproduced simultaneously on-screen.
In September 2009 Nanoco Group announced that it has signed a joint development agreement
with a major Japanese electronics company under which it will design and develop quantum
dots for LED Backlights in LCD televisions.[11] Quantum dots are valued for displays, because
they emit light in very specific gaussian distributions. This can result in a display that more
accurately renders the colors than the human eye can perceive. Quantum dots also require very
little power since they are not color filtered. In September 2010, LG Electronics revealed their
new product which claimed as the world's slimmest full LED 3D TV at the IFA consumer
electronics trade show in Berlin
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4. Glass substrate with common electrode film (ITO) with horizontal ridges to line up with
the horizontal filter.
5. Polarizing filter film with a horizontal axis to block/pass light.
6. Reflective surface to send light back to viewer. (In a backlit LCD, this layer is replaced
with a light source.)
A liquid crystal display (LCD) is a thin, flat electronic visual display that uses the light
modulating properties of liquid crystals (LCs). LCs do not emit light directly.
They are used in a wide range of applications including: computer monitors, television,
instrument panels, aircraft cockpit displays, signage, etc. They are common in consumer devices
such as video players, gaming devices, clocks, watches, calculators, and telephones. LCDs have
displaced cathode ray tube (CRT) displays in most applications. They are usually more compact,
lightweight, portable, less expensive, more reliable, and easier on the eyes.They are available in
a wider range of screen sizes than CRT and plasma displays, and since they do not use
phosphors, they cannot suffer image burn-in. LCDs are more energy efficient and offer safer
disposal than CRTs.
The surface of the electrodes that are in contact with the liquid crystal material are treated so as
to align the liquid crystal molecules in a particular direction. This treatment typically consists of
a thin polymer layer that is unidirectionally rubbed using, for example, a cloth. The direction of
the liquid crystal alignment is then defined by the direction of rubbing. Electrodes are made of a
transparent conductor called Indium Tin Oxide (ITO).
Before applying an electric field, the orientation of the liquid crystal molecules is determined by
the alignment at the surfaces of electrodes. In a twisted nematic device (still the most common
liquid crystal device), the surface alignment directions at the two electrodes are perpendicular to
each other, and so the molecules arrange themselves in a helical structure, or twist. This reduces
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the rotation of the polarization of the incident light, and the device appears grey. If the applied
voltage is large enough, the liquid crystal molecules in the center of the layer are almost
completely untwisted and the polarization of the incident light is not rotated as it passes through
the liquid crystal layer. This light will then be mainly polarized perpendicular to the second
filter, and thus be blocked and the pixel will appear black. By controlling the voltage applied
across the liquid crystal layer in each pixel, light can be allowed to pass through in varying
amounts thus constituting different levels of gray. This electric field also controls (reduces)
the double refraction properties of the liquid crystal.
LCD with top polarizer removed from device and placed on top, such that the top and bottom
polarizers are parallel.
The optical effect of a twisted nematic device in the voltage-on state is far less dependent on
variations in the device thickness than that in the voltage-off state. Because of this, these devices
are usually operated between crossed polarizers such that they appear bright with no voltage (the
eye is much more sensitive to variations in the dark state than the bright state). These devices can
also be operated between parallel polarizers, in which case the bright and dark states are
reversed. The voltage-off dark state in this configuration appears blotchy, however, because of
small variations of thickness across the device.
Both the liquid crystal material and the alignment layer material contain ionic compounds. If an
electric field of one particular polarity is applied for a long period of time, this ionic material is
attracted to the surfaces and degrades the device performance. This is avoided either by applying
an alternating current or by reversing the polarity of the electric field as the device is addressed
(the response of the liquid crystal layer is identical, regardless of the polarity of the applied
When a large number of pixels are needed in a display, it is not technically possible to drive each
directly since then each pixel would require independent electrodes. Instead, the display
is multiplexed. In a multiplexed display, electrodes on one side of the display are grouped and
wired together (typically in columns), and each group gets its own voltage source. On the other
side, the electrodes are also grouped (typically in rows), with each group getting a voltage sink.
The groups are designed so each pixel has a unique, unshared combination of source and sink.
The electronics, or the software driving the electronics then turns on sinks in sequence, and
drives sources for the pixels of each sink.
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LCD panels produce no light of their own, they require an external lighting mechanism to be
easily visible. On most displays, this consists of a cold cathode fluorescent lamp that is situated
behind the LCD panel. Passive-matrix displays are usually not backlit, but active-matrix displays
almost always are, with a few exceptions such as the display in the original Gameboy Advance.
Recently, two types of LED backlit LCD displays have appeared in some televisions as an
alternative to conventional backlit LCDs. In one scheme, the LEDs are used to backlight the
entire LCD panel. In another scheme, a set of green red and blue LEDs is used to illuminate a
small cluster of pixels, which can improve contrast and black level in some situations. For
example, the LEDs in one section of the screen can be dimmed to produce a dark section of the
image while the LEDs in another section are kept bright. Both schemes also allows for a slimmer
panel than on conventional displays.
Passive-matrix and active-matrix addressed LCDs
A general purpose alphanumeric LCD, with two lines of 16 characters. LCDs with a small
number of segments, such as those used in digital watches and pocket calculators, have
individual electrical contacts for each segment. A external dedicated circuit supplies an electric
charge to control each segment. This display structure is unwieldy for more than a few display
Small monochrome displays such as those found in personal organizers, electronic weighing
scales, older laptop screens, and the originalGameboy have a passive-matrix structure
employing super-twisted nematic (STN) or double-layer STN (DSTN) technology (the latter of
which addresses a colour-shifting problem with the former), and colour-STN (CSTN) in which
colour is added by using an internal filter. Each row or column of the display has a single
electrical circuit. The pixels are addressed one at a time by row and column addresses. This type
of display is called passive-matrix addressed because the pixel must retain its state between
refreshes without the benefit of a steady electrical charge. As the number of pixels (and,
correspondingly, columns and rows) increases, this type of display becomes less feasible. Very
slow response times and poor contrast are typical of passive-matrix addressed LCDs.
Monochrome passive-matrix LCDs were standard in most early laptops (although a few used
plasma displays). The commercially unsuccessful Macintosh Portable (released in 1989) was one
of the first to use an active-matrix display (though still monochrome), but passive-matrix was the
norm until the mid-1990s, when colour active-matrix became standard on all laptops.
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High-resolution colour displays such as modern LCD computer monitors and televisions use
an active matrix structure. A matrix of thin-film transistors (TFTs) is added to the polarizing and
colour filters. Each pixel has its own dedicated transistor, allowing each column line to access
one pixel. When a row line is activated, all of the column lines are connected to a row of pixels
and the correct voltage is driven onto all of the column lines. The row line is then deactivated
and the next row line is activated. All of the row lines are activated in sequence during
a refresh operation. Active-matrix addressed displays look "brighter" and "sharper" than passivematrix addressed displays of the same size, and generally have quicker response times,
producing much better images.
A Casio 1.8 in colour TFT liquid crystal display which equips the SonyCyber-shot DSC-P93A
Twisted nematic (TN)
Twisted nematic displays contain liquid crystal elements which twist and untwist at varying
degrees to allow light to pass through. When no voltage is applied to a TN liquid crystal cell, the
light is polarized to pass through the cell. In proportion to the voltage applied, the LC cells twist
up to 90 degrees changing the polarization and blocking the light's path. By properly adjusting
the level of the voltage almost any grey level or transmission can be achieved.
In-plane switching (IPS)
In-plane switching is an LCD technology which aligns the liquid crystal cells in a horizontal
direction. In this method, the electrical field is applied through each end of the crystal, but this
requires two transistors for each pixel instead of the single transistor needed for a standard thinfilm transistor (TFT) display. Before LGEnhanced IPS was introduced in 2009, the additional
transistors resulted in blocking more transmission area, thus requiring a brighter backlight, which
consumed more power, and made this type of display less desirable for notebook computers.
This newer, lower power technology can be found in the AppleiMac, iPad, and iPhone 4, as well
as the Hewlett-Packard EliteBook 8740w. Currently Panasonic is using an enhanced version
eIPS for their large size LCD-TV products.Advanced fringe field switching (AFFS)
Known as fringe field switching (FFS) until 2003, advanced fringe field switching is a
technology similar to IPS or S-IPS offering superior performance and colour gamut with high
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acceptable number of defective pixels vary greatly. At one point, Samsung held a zero-tolerance
policy for LCD monitors sold in Korea. Currently, though, Samsung adheres to the less
restrictive ISO 13406-2 standard. Other companies have been known to tolerate as many as 11
dead pixels in their policies. Dead pixel policies are often hotly debated between manufacturers
and customers. To regulate the acceptability of defects and to protect the end user, ISO released
the ISO 13406-2 standard. However, not every LCD manufacturer conforms to the ISO standard
and the ISO standard is quite often interpreted in different ways. LCD panels are more likely to
have defects than most ICs due to their larger size. For example, a 300 mm SVGA LCD has 8
defects and a 150 mm wafer has only 3 defects. However, 134 of the 137 dies on the wafer will
be acceptable, whereas rejection of the LCD panel would be a 0% yield. Due to competition
between manufacturers quality control has been improved. An SVGA LCD panel with 4 defective
pixels is usually considered defective and customers can request an exchange for a new one.
Some manufacturers, notably in South Korea where some of the largest LCD panel
manufacturers, such as LG, are located, now have "zero defective pixel guarantee", which is an
extra screening process which can then determine "A" and "B" grade panels. Many manufacturers
would replace a product even with one defective pixel. Even where such guarantees do not
exist, the location of defective pixels is important. A display with only a few defective pixels may
be unacceptable if the defective pixels are near each other. Manufacturers may also relax their
replacement criteria when defective pixels are in the center of the viewing area. LCD panels also
have defects known as clouding (or less commonly mura), which describes the uneven patches of
changes in luminance. It is most visible in dark or black areas of displayed scenes
The zenithal bistable device (ZBD), developed by QinetiQ (formerly DERA), can retain an
image without power. The crystals may exist in one of two stable orientations ("Black" and
"White") and power is only required to change the image. ZBD Displays is a spin-off company
from QinetiQ who manufacture both grayscale and colour ZBD devices. A French company,
Nemoptic, has developed the BiNem zero-power, paper-like LCD technology which has
been mass-produced in partnership with Seiko since 2007.
This technology is intended for use in applications such as Electronic Shelf Labels, E-books, Edocuments, E-newspapers, E-dictionaries, Industrial sensors, Ultra-Mobile PCs, etc.
Kent Displays has also developed a "no power" display that uses Polymer Stabilized Cholesteric
Liquid Crystals (ChLCD). A major drawback of ChLCD screens are their slow refresh rate,
especially at low temperatures. Kent has recently demonstrated the use of a ChLCD to cover
the entire surface of a mobile phone, allowing it to change colours, and keep that colour even
when power is cut off. In 2004 researchers at the University of Oxford demonstrated two
new types of zero-power bistable LCDs based on Zenithal bistable techniques. Several bistable
technologies, like the 360 BTN and the bistable cholesteric, depend mainly on the bulk
properties of the liquid crystal (LC) and use standard strong anchoring, with alignment films and
LC mixtures similar to the traditional monostable materials. Other bistable technologies
(i.e. Binem Technology) are based mainly on the surface properties and need specific weak
anchoring materials. distortion while maintaining its superior wide viewing angle for a
professional display. Colour shift and deviation caused by light leakage is corrected by
optimizing the white gamut which also enhances white/grey reproduction.
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Comparison of the OLPC XO-1 display (left) with a typical colour LCD. The images show
11 mm of each screen. A typical LCD addresses groups of 3 locations as pixels. The XO-1
display addresses each location as a separate pixel.
Example of how the colours are generated (R-red, G-green and B-blue)
In colour LCDs each individual pixel is divided into three cells, or subpixels, which are coloured
red, green, and blue, respectively, by additional filters (pigment filters, dye filters and metal
oxide filters). Each subpixel can be controlled independently to yield thousands or millions of
possible colours for each pixel. CRT monitors employ a similar 'subpixel' structures via
phosphors, although the electron beam employed in CRTs do not hit exact subpixels. The
figure at the left shows the twisted nematic (TN) type of LCD.
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The input quantity for most instrumentation systems is nonelectrical. In order to use electrical methods and
techniques for measurement, the nonelectrical quantity is converted into a proportional electrical signal by
a device called transducer.
Another definition states that transducer is a device which when actuated by energy in one system, supplies
energy in the same form or in another form to a second system.
When transducer gives output in electrical form it is known as electrical transducer.
Actually, electrical transducer consists of two parts which are very closely related to
Each other.
These two parts are sensing or detecting element and transduction element. The sensing or detecting
element is commonly known as sensor.
Definition states that sensor is a device that produces a measurable response to a
Change in a physical condition.
The transduction element transforms the output of the sensor to an electrical output, as shown in the Fig.
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Passive Transducers
Passive transducers do not generate any electrical signal by themselves.
To obtain an electrical signal from such transducers, an external source of power is essential.
Passive transducers depend upon the change in an electrical parameter (R, L, or
They are also known as externally power driven transducers.
They can be subdivided into the following commonly used types.
These transducers convert the input quantity into an analog output which is a continuous function of time.
A strain gauge, LVDT, thermocouples or thermistors are called analog transducers as they produce an outpu
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Nature of measurement
Loading effect
Environmental considerations
Measuring system
Cost & Availability
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1. A bridge circuit with external power source is necessary for their operation.
2. They are comparatively costly.
Thermistor is a contraction of a term thermal-resistors .
Thermistors are semiconductor device which behave as thermal resistors having negative
temperature coefficient [ i.e. their resistance decreases as temperature increases.
The below Fig. shows this characteristic.
Construction of Thermistor
Thermistors are composed of a sintered mixture of metallic oxides, manganese, nickel, cobalt,
copper, iron, and uranium.
Their resistances at temperature may range from 100 to 100k .
Thermistors are available in variety of shapes and sizes as shown in the Fig.
Smallest in size are the beads with a diameter of 0.15 mm to 1.25 mm.
Beads may be sealed in the tips of solid glass rods to form probes.
Disks and washers are made by pressing thermistor material under high pressure into
flat cylindrical shapes.
Washers can be placed in series or in parallel to increase power dissipation rating.
Thermistors are well suited for precision temperature measurement, temperature control,
and temperature compensation, because of their very large change in resistance with
They are widely used for measurements in the temperature range -100
C to
+100 C
Advantages of Thermistor
1. Small size and low cost.
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the environment
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Shaft Encoders
Digital Resolvers
Digital Tachometers
Hall Effect Sensors
Limit Switches
Shaft Encoders:
An encoder is a device that provides a coded reading of a measurement. A Shaft
encoders can be one of the encoder that provide digital output measurements of angular
position and velocity. This shaft encoders are excessively applicable in robotics,
machine tools, mirror positioning systems, rotating machinery controls (fluid and
electric), etc. Shaft encoders are basically of two types-Absolute and Incremental
An "absolute" encoder maintains position information when power is removed from
the system. The position of the encoder is available immediately on applying power.
The relationship between the encoder value and the physical position of the controlled
machinery is set at assembly; the system does not need to return to a calibration point to
maintain position accuracy. An "incremental" encoder accurately records changes in
position, but does not power up with a fixed relation between encoder state and
physical position. Devices controlled by incremental encoders may have to "go home"
to a fixed reference point to initialize the position measurement. A multi-turn
absolute rotary encoder includes additional code wheels and gears. A high-resolution
wheel measures the fractional rotation, and lower-resolution geared code wheels record
the number of whole revolutions of the shaft.
An absolute encoder has multiple code rings with various binary weightings
which provide a data word representing the absolute position of the encoder within one
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Where F is the applied force in g, A is the area of the material in mm, d is the thickness of the
material and k is the piezoelectric constant. The polarity of the induced voltage depends on
whether the material is compressed or stretched.
Where F is the applied force in g, A is the area of the material in mm, d is the thickness of the
material and k is the piezoelectric constant. The polarity of the induced voltage depends on
whether the material is compressed or stretched.
Materials exhibiting piezoelectric behaviour include natural ones such as quartz, synthetic
ones such as lithiumsulphate andferroelectric ceramics such as barium titanate. The piezoelectric
constant varies widely between different materials. Typical values of k are 2.3 for quartz and 140
for barium titanate. Applying equation (13.1) for a force of 1 g applied to a crystal of area 100
mm2 and thickness 1 mm gives an output of 23 V for quartz and 1.4 mV for barium titanate.
The piezoelectric principle is invertible, and therefore distortion in a piezoelectric material
can be caused by applying a voltage to it. This is commonly used in ultrasonic transmitters, where
the application of a sinusoidal voltage at a frequency in the ultra- sound range causes a
sinusoidal variation in the thickness of the material and results in a sound wave being emitted
at the chosen frequency. This is considered further in the section below on ultrasonic
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Data acquisition is the process of real world physical conditions and conversion of
the resulting samples into digital numeric values that can be manipulated by a computer. Data
acquisition and data acquisition systems (abbreviated with the acronym DAS) typically involves
the conversion of analog waveforms into digital values for processing.
The components of data acquisition systems include:
i) Sensors that convert physical parameters to electrical signals.
ii) Signal conditioning circuitry to convert sensor signals into a form that can be converted to
digital values.
iii) Analog-to-digital converters, which convert conditioned sensor signals to digital values.
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Reduced data redundancy
Reduced updating errors and increased consistency
Greater data integrity and independence from applications programs
Improved data access to users through use of host and query languages
Improved data security
Reduced data entry, storage, and retrieval costs
Facilitated development of new applications program
Database systems are complex, difficult, and time-consuming to design
Substantial hardware and software start-up costs
Damage to database affects virtually all applications programs
Extensive conversion costs in moving form a file-based system to a database system
Initial training required for all programmers and users
Temperature measurement
Recommended application software packages and necessary toolkit
Prewritten Lab VIEW example code, available for download
Sensor recommendations
Video tutorials for hardware setup and software programming
5.10 Analogue-To-Digital Converters
Important factors in the design of an analogue-to-digital converter are the speed of
conversion and the number of digital bits used to represent the analogue signal level. The
minimum number of bits used in analogue-to-digital converters is eight.
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Operational amplifier connected as sample and hold circuit
The use of eight bits means that the analogue signal can be represented to a resolution
of 1 part in 256 if the input signal is carefully scaled to make full use of the converter
range. However, it is more common to use either 10 bit or 12 bit analogue-to-digital
converters, which give resolutions respectively of 1 part in 1024 and 1 part in 4096. Several
types of analogue-to-digital converter exist. These differ in the technique used to effect
signal conversion, in operational speed, and in cost.
The simplest type of analogue-to-digital converter is the counter analogue-todigital converter, as shown in Figure 5.23. This, like most types of analogue-to-digital
converter, does not convert continuously, but in a stop-start mode triggered by special signals
on the computers control bus. At the start of each conversion cycle, the counter is set to zero.
The digital counter value is converted to an analogue signal by a digital- to-analogue
converter (a discussion of digital-to-analogue converters follows in the next section), and a
comparator then compares this analogue counter value with the unknown analogue signal. The
output of the comparator forms one of the inputs to an AND logic gate. The other input to the
AND gate is a sequence of clock pulses. The comparator acts as a switch that can turn on
and off the passage of pulses from the clock through the AND gate. The output of the
AND gate is connected to the input of the digital counter. Following reset of the counter at
the start of the conversion cycle, clock pulses are applied continuously to the counter
through the AND gate, and the analogue signal at the output of the digital-to-analogue
converter gradually increases in magnitude. At some point in time, this analogue signal
becomes equal in magnitude to the unknown signal at the input to the comparator. The output
of the comparator changes state in consequence, closing the AND gate and stopping further
increments of the counter. At this point, the value held in the counter is a digital
representation of the level of the unknown analogue signal.
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V0 to V7 are set at either the reference voltage level Vref or at zero volts according to
whether an associated switch is open or closed. Each switch is controlled by the logic level of
one of the bits 0 7 of the 8 bit binary signal being converted. A particular switch is open if
the relevant binary bit has a value of 0 and closed if the value is 1. Consider for example a
digital signal with binary value of 11010100. The values of V7 to V0 are therefore:
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Calibration capability
Self-calibration is very simple in some cases. Sensors with an electrical output can
use a known reference voltage level to carry out self-calibration. Also, load-cell types of sensor,
which are used in weighing systems, can adjust the output reading to zero when there is no
applied mass. In the case of other sensors, two methods of self-calibration are possible, use
of a look-up table and an interpolation technique. Unfortunately, a look-up table requires a
large memory capacity to store correction points. Also, a large amount of data has to be
gathered from the sensor during calibration. In consequence, the interpolation calibration
technique is preferable. This uses an interpolation method to calculate the correction required
to any particular measurement and only requires a small matrix of calibration points (van der
Horn, 1996).
Self-diagnosis of faults
Smart sensors perform self-diagnosis by monitoring internal signals for evidence
of faults. Whilst it is difficult to achieve a sensor that can carry out self-diagnosis of all
possible faults that might arise, it is often possible to make simple checks that detect
many of the more common faults. One example of self-diagnosis in a sensor is measuring the
sheath capacitance and resistance in insulated thermocouples to detect breakdown of the
insulation. Usually, a specific code is generated to indicate each type of possible fault (e.g. a
failing of insulation in a device).
One difficulty that often arises in self-diagnosis is in differentiating between normal
measurement deviations and sensor faults. Some smart sensors overcome this by storing
multiple measured values around a set-point, calculating minimum and maximum expected
values for the measured quantity.
Uncertainty techniques can be applied to measure the impact of a sensor fault on measurement
quality. This makes it possible in certain circumstances to continue to use a sensor after it
has developed a fault. A scheme for generating a validity index has been proposed that
indicates the validity and quality of a measurement from a sensor (Henry, 1995).
Automatic calculation of measurement accuracy and compensation for
random errors
Many smart sensors can calculate measurement accuracy on-line by computing the
Mean over a number of measurements and analyzing all factors affecting accuracy. This
averaging process also serves to greatly reduce the magnitude of random measurement errors.
Adjustment for measurement non-linearities
In the case of sensors that have a non-linear relationship between the measured
quantity and the sensor output, digital processing can convert the output to a linear
form, providing that the nature of the non-linearity is known so that an equation describing
it can be programmed into the sensor.
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A Fabry-Perot cavity between the bar and the resonant plate
Reference cavity:
A stable Fabry-Perot cavity acting as length reference
Laser source frequency locked to the reference cavity
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The generalized architecture of smart sensor is shown below:
Architecture of smart sensor is shown. In the architecture shown A1, A2An and
S/H1, S/H2S/Hn are the amplifiers and sample and hold circuit corresponding to
different sensing element respectively. So as to get a digital form of an analog signal the
analog signal is periodically sampled (its instantaneous value is acquired by circuit), and
that constant value is held and is converted into a digital words. Any type of ADC must
contain or proceeded by, a circuit that holds the voltage at the input to the ADC converter
constant during the entire conversion time. Conversion times vary widely, from
nanoseconds (for flash ADCs) to microseconds (successive approximation ADC) to
hundreds of microseconds (for dual slope integrator ADCs). ADC starts conversion when
it receives start of conversion signal (SOC) from the processor and after conversion is
over it gives end of conversion signal to the processor. Outputs of all the sample and hold
circuits are multiplexed together so that we can use a single ADC, which will reduce the
cost of the chip. Offset compensation and correction comprises of an ADC for measuring
a reference voltage and other for the zero. Dedicating two channels of the multiplexer
and using only one ADC for whole system can avoid the addition of ADC for this. This
is helpful in offset correction and zero compensation of gain due to temperature drifts of
acquisition chain. In addition to this smart sensor also include internal memory so that
we can store the data and program required.
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processes and operations.
iii. Experimental engineering
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ucibility iv.
error vi.
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type iv. Hot
wire type
tatic type vi.
n type.
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The advantages of Hot wire type instruments are:
They can be used for both dc and ac
They are unaffected by stray magnetic fields
iii. Readings are independent of frequency and waveform.
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The methods used in wattmeter calibration are:
Comparing with standard
wattmeter. ii. Using voltmeter
ammeter method.
Using Potentiometer.
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known emf.
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Tinsley potentiometer.
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The magnitude of the electrical input signal is stored in magnetic memory and
this signal can be reproduced whenever desired. The reproduced signal can
be analyzed by automatic data reduction methods.
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deviation and ii.
Deviation ratio.
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It has a high 3/N ratio.
The demerits of pulse width modulation recording are :
It has the limited frequency response
It has a highly complex electronic circuitry and therefore, the reliability of such
systems are low.
It is used only for special applications such as flight recorders, where a large
number of slowly changing variables are involved.
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letter, number or other symbol. It can print any combination of dots with all
availble print position in the matrix.
23. List the important features of CRTs.
The important features of CRTs are :
i. Size
iii. Operating voltages
iv. Deflection voltages
v. Viewing screen
24. What is meant by deflection sensitivity in cathode ray tube ?
The deflection sensitivity of the cathode ray tube is usually stated as the D.C.
required for each cm of deflection of the spot on the screen,
25. List the requirements of a sweep generator.
The requirements of a sweep generator are :
i. The sweep must be linear.
ii. The spot must move in one direction only, i.e. from left to right only,
else the signal will be traced backwards during the return sweep.
This means that the sweep voltage must drop suddenly after
reaching its maximum value. These requirements call for a sweep
voltage having a linear sawtooth waveform.
26. What is meant by recurrent sweep in cathode
ray tube ?
When the sawtooth, being an A.C. voltage alternates rapidly, the display
respectively, so that a lasting image is seen by the eye. This repeated operation is
known as recurrent sweep.
27. What is intensity modulation
in CRT?
In some applications, an A.C. signal is applied to the control electrode of the
CRT. This
causes the intensity of the beam to vary in step with signal alterations. As a result, the
trace is brightened during the positive half cycle and diminished or darkened during
negative half cycle. This process is called intensity modulation or z-axis modulation. It
produces bright segments or dots on the trace in response to positive peak or dim
segments or holes in response to negative peaks.
28. Mention the methods that are used for generating the two electron beams
within the CRT.
The methods that are used for generating the two electron beams within the
CRT are the double gun tube and split beam method.
29. Mention the two storage techniques used in
oscilloscope CRTs.
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The two storage techniques used in oscilloscope CRTs are mesh storage and
phosphor storage.
30. CRO has become an universal tool in all kinds of electrical and electronic
Why ?
CRO has become an universal tool in all kinds of electrical and electronic
because in CRO, the vertical input voltage is the voltage under investigation and it
moves the luminous spot up and down in accordance with the instantaneous value of the
voltage. When the input voltage repeats itself at a fast rate, the trace (display) on the
screen, appears stationary on the screen.
31. Name the components of
a CRO.
The Components of CRO are:
i. cathode ray tube (CRT) along with electron gun ssembly
ii. deflection plate assembly
iii. fluorescent screen
iv. glass envelope and
32. What is an electon gun ?
An electon gun is the source of focussed and accelerated electron beam is the
gun. The electron gun which emits electrons and forms them into a beam consists of a
heater, a cathode, a grid a pre-accelerating anode, a focussing anode and an accelerating
33. Name the basic circuitry
of CRO.
The basic circuitry of CRO are named as :
i.Vertical (Y) deflection system
ii. Horizontal (X) deflection system
iii. Synchronization iv.
Blanking circuit
iv. Intensity (z-axis) modulation
v. Positioning controls
vi. Focus control
vii. Intensity control
vii. Calibration control
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In a dual trace CRQ, there are two separate vertical input channels A and B and
these use
separate attenuator and preamplifier stages. Hence the amplitude of each input as
viewed on the oscilloscope can be individually controlled, after preamplification, the
two channels meet at an electronic switch and this has the ability to pass one channel at
a time into the vertical amplifier via the delay line.
35. State the purpose of a lissajous pattern
in CRO.
The lissajous pattern is used for determining the frequency. The particular pattern
when sine waves are applied simultaneously to both pairs of the
deflection plates.
36. What is a LED ?
The LED is basically a semiconductor PN junction diode capable of
emitting electromagnetic radiation under forward conductions.
37. List the different materials used in manufacturing LEDs
The different materials used in manufacturing LEDs are
i. Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) - red
ii. Gallium Arsenide Phosphide (GaAsP) - red or yellow
iii. Gallium Phosphide (GaP) - red or green.
38. How are LCDs
created ?
LCDs are created by sandwitching a thin (10 to 12um) layer of a liquidcrystal fluid between two glass plates. A transparent, electrically conductive film
or backplane is put on the rear glass sheet. Transparent sections of conductive
film in the shape of the deviced character are coated on the front glass plate.
When a voltage is applied between a segment and the backplane, an electric field
is created in the region under the segment. This electric field change the
transmission of light through the region under the segment film.
39. List the characteristics
of LCD.
The characteristics of LCD are :
i. They are light scattering.
ii. They can operate in a reflective or transmissive configuration.
iii. They do not actively generate light and depend for their operation on ambient
or back lighting.
40. Name the two commonly available types of LCDs.
The two commonly available types of LCDs are :
i. Dynamic scattering and ii. Field effect type
41.State the purpose of dot matrix displays.
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1. Define: Transducer
A transducer is defined as a device that receives energy from one system and
transmits it to another, often is a different form.
2. Write the parameters of electrical transducer.
The parameters of electrical transducer are:
i. Linearity
iii.Dynamic range
v.Physical size
3. List the advantages of electrical transducers.
The advantages of electrical transducers are:
Electrical amplification and attenuation can be easily done.
Mass-interia effects are minimized.
Effects of friction are minimized.
Using very small power level.
Electrical output can be easily used, transmitted and processed for the
purpose of measurement.
The output can be indicated and recorded remotely at a distance from the
sensing medium.
4. Define: Viscosity
Viscosity is defined as the property which determine the magnitudes of the resistance of the
fluid to a shearing force.
5. Give the types of potentiometer.
The types of potentiometer are:
i. Translatory
ii. Rotational
iii. Helipot
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