Theodore Ziolkowski, Rilke's Portal Sonnets PDF
Theodore Ziolkowski, Rilke's Portal Sonnets PDF
Theodore Ziolkowski, Rilke's Portal Sonnets PDF
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By Theodore
enthusiasm to one exclusively. His first letter
from Paris (written to Clara Rilke on 31 August
1902) describes a visit to Notre Dame
mentions with special warmth and interest the
statues of Adam and Eve, which he was to por?
tray six years later in Der neuen Gedichte anderer
Teil. In a letter written in 1904 he speaks of the
church of St. Julien le Pauvre in Paris: "und ihre
Saulen, die arm sind, haben die herrlichsten
Kapitale der Welt."6 One might readily assume
that this twelfth-century Gothic church, rather
than Chartres, inspired the poem "Das Kapital."
Moreover, Rilke did not confine himself to ac?
tual on-the-spot contemplation of the various
cathedrals. As early as 26 September 1902, he
[ich] habe viele Bucher
reports to Clara: "...
von Kathegelesen und viele Reproduktionen
dralen aus dem xn. und xm. Jahrhundert
gesehen." And on the very next day: "Das
Museum des Trocadero ist sehr interessant; es
und Abforenthalt leidlich gute Gipsabgiisse
mungen von alten Portalen aus der Provinz, aus
Chartres, aus Rouen und anderen Stadten;
The point to
Bruchstucke, Details, Saulen. ..."
be stressed is merely this: composing his poems in
retrospect after a certain interval of time (as he
habitually did), Rilke did not necessarily have
Chartres specifically in mind for any of the poems
except "l'Ange du meridien." That cathedral
was unquestionably one of his major sources of
inspiration, but in the "Portal" group, as well
as "Die Kathedrale"
or "Das Kapital," he was
that Rilke pub?
THE lished in his Neue Gedichte (1907-08) under
the collective title "Das Portal" were written
between 8 and 11 July 1906, during the period
of intense productivity following the break with
Rodin (May 1906). Ever since it has become
fashionable to ignore Rilke's Neue Gedichte as
"intellektuell aufgezwungen,"1 these poems have
been overlooked by many scholars and critics;
even the most recent and staunchest champion
of the Neue Gedichte, Hans Berendt,2 has failed to
explore various aspects of these sonnets that
would serve to relate them more closely to Rilke's
earlier and later work. The reasons for this neg?
lect are obvious. The three sonnets represent a
of this
perfect example of the "Dinggedicht"
period, being apparently nothing more than the
poetic depiction of a particular portal of a cer?
tain cathedral in France; such an objective at?
tempt to grasp and express the essence of a for?
eign "thing" is, by common consent, necessarily
alien to the singularly subjective flow of the
poet's own thoughts and emotions.3 Further?
more, this new conception of poetry arose under
the influence of the sculptor Rodin, whom Rilke
was striving to emulate in his efforts always to
capture the essential nature of the model and the
"modele" to the exclusion of subjective impres?
sions. Since Rilke learned much about cathedrals under the tutelage of Rodin, his poems on
architectural subjects are even more highly suspect of being "intellektuell aufgezwungen" than,
say, poems dealing with gazelles or carrousels.
Yet in many of the Neue Gedichte, as has been
demonstrated, there is more to be found than
sheer poetic virtuosity, and undeniable thematic
connections with the entire body of Rilke's poetic
creation have been uncovered.4 A closer examina?
tion of the "Portal"
sonnets reveals that even
here certain characteristic themes may be found.
The sonnets belong topically to the group of
eight cathedral poems that appear early in the
Gedichte, beginning with "PAnge
meridien" and ending with "Gott im Mittelalter." All eight were written in Paris during the
months of June and July 1906, and only the
first, in a subtitle, refers explicitly to the cathe?
dral at Chartres. Hans Berendt assumes that the
entire group was inspired by Chartres alone,6 but
this is an unnecessary (and, as we shall see, misleading) restriction, for Rilke was an ardent ad?
mirer of many cathedrals and never limited his
1 Hans-Wilhelm
Ein Beitrag
Hagen, RilkesUmarbeitungen:
zur Psychologie
Schafens (Leipzig, 1931),
p. 87.
2 RainerMaria RilkesNeue Gedichte:Versucheiner
(Bonn, 1957).
3 Hans-Rudolf Muller, Rainer Maria Rilke als
(Berlin, 1935), pp. 149-151, argues convincinglythat the
veryact ofselection,as wellas the deviceofascribinghuman
emotionsto things,is anythingbut objective.Yet the fact
remainsthat Rilke,in thesepoems,was frequently
ing to portraythe essenceof the thingdepicted,to the ex?
clusionof his own feelings.
4 This is the generaltendencyof the books
by Mullerand
Berendt,and the same convictionis to be foundin various
separate articles: cf., e.g., Hermann J. Weigand, "Das
Wunderim Werk Rainer Maria Rilkes," Monatshefte,
(1939), 1-21.
6 See pp. 86 and 96-108. Berendt'senthusiasmleads him
astrayat one point(p. 104) when,quotinga letterfromRilke
to Clara Rilke (2 Dec. 1905) that clearly refersto Notre
Dame in Paris,he omitsthe place name and insertsthe quo?
tationin a contextthatby implicationpointsto Chartres.
6 To Emmy von Egidy on 6 Feb. 1904.
Theodore Ziolkowski
depicting a typical ideal rather than a specific
Auguste Rodin was the vociferous champion
of the French cathedral. His book, Les cathidrales
de France, a collection of loosely organized notes
that were jotted down over a period of thirty
years, contains a curious potpourri of penetrating
technical remarks on architecture and sculpture,
dithyrambic paeans, and an old man's fussy
scolding of the younger generation. The book
was printed seven years after the Neue Gedichte
appeared, and it was only after his reconciliation
with "le Maitre" that Rilke was requested to
look over the notes and manuscript of the work.
(Rodin subsequently presented Rilke with these
notes, which were found in the poet's NachlaB.1)
Yet the book is of interest in so far as it repre?
sents comments of the sort that Rilke surely
heard expressed by Rodin on their visits, for
instance, to Notre Dame in Paris (which Rodin
does not discuss in his book) and Chartres. Rodin
must have been especially elegiac and articulate
about Chartres, "l'Acropole de la France,"8 when
he revisited the cathedral with Rilke on 25
January 1906, roughly half a year before the
poems of "Das Portal" were written. In his book
he calls attention to the portal: "Comme les
gestes de ces figures sont vrais, simples, et
grands! . . . Les gestes humains, libres, sont
ceux de ces statues,
repetes durant tant de siecles, ont pris je ne sais
quel caractere sacre de majeste lente" (p. 113).
Or: "A Chartres, voyez quelle delicieuse entree
nous preparent les histoires merveilleuses racontees par les sculptures et les ornements du portail: ce sont des scenes qui se deroulent et
s'enroulent comme les caprices d'un reve tres net
et tres delicat" (p. 116). There can be little
doubt that the trained eye of the sculptor taught
the poet to observe many aspects of the cathedral
that might otherwise have escaped his notice. In
the letter to Clara in which he reports on the trip
to Chartres (26 January 1906) Rilke writes:
"Und der Meister ist der einzige (scheint es), zu
dem das alles noch kommt und spricht. (Sprache
es, denkt man, zu den anderen auch nur ein
wenig, wie konnten, wie diirften sie's uberhoren?)
Er war wie in Notre-Dame
ruhig, eingeordnet,
unendlich erkannt und empfangen. Leise von
seiner Kunst sprechend und bestatigt in ihr, von
den grofien Grundsatzen, die sich ihm zeigen, wo
er hinsieht." It would seem, then, that Rilke's
mind, which even before his acquaintance
Rodin had become receptive to the effect of the
great cathedrals, was stimulated immensely by
the sculptor's superior insight into their structure
Theodore Ziolkowski
ically on a stage comprising the various minor
figures of the portal. It remains only to be
pointed out that the contrast between static and
dynamic that we find in the first two poems is
intensified by the contrast between light and
darkness; but this second contrast is only an im?
plicit one since the sole evidence of light in the
first sonnet is the vivid impression produced by
the penetrating smiles of the saints.
We come now to the third and most problem?
atic of the poems:
So ragen sie, die Herzen angehalten
(sie stehn auf Ewigkeit und gingen nie);
nur selten tritt aus dem Gefall der Falten
eine Gebarde, aufrecht, steil wie sie,
und bleibt nach einem halben Schritte stehn
wo die Jahrhunderte sie uberholen.
Sie sind im Gleichgewicht auf den Konsolen,
in denen eine Welt, die sie nicht sehn,
die Welt der Wirrnis, die sie nicht zertreten,
Figur und Tier, wie um sie zu gefahrden,
sich krummt und schiittelt und sie dennoch halt:
weil die Gestalten dort wie Akrobaten
sich nur so zuckend und so wild gebarden,
damit der Stab auf ihrer Stirn nicht fallt.
(i, 500)
In this sonnet Rilke juxtaposes the subjects of
the first two poems and brings about in the last
three lines a synthesis of the apparent opposites.
It is immediately apparent that the natural divi?
sions of the poem correspond in no way to its
rigid strophe pattern; rather, the poem falls into
natural groups of respectively six, five, and three
verses. Verses 1-6 present the statues of the
saints. The reader's eye follows this first sentence
smoothly, and no syntactical complexity mars
the impression of absolute calm. Noteworthy es?
pecially is the fourth verse, in which the natural
rhythm of the line contrasts sharply with the
meter of the verse, drawing the reader's atten?
tion forcibly to the archaic rigidity of the frozen
attitudes of the various saints. Otherwise the first
sentence is nothing but a statement: the saints,
their hearts in a state of suspended animation,
stand immovably fixed in the attitudes that they
have maintained eternally; time overtakes and
passes them by.
After this initial statement Rilke turns to the
figures of the console. Grammatically the saints
remain the subject of the second sentence, but
the true object of the poet's eye is the mass of
console figures. These five verses (up to the colon)
are so complex syntactically that the reader is
compelled to analyze the entire period in order to
discern its precise structure; the overwhelming
Theodore Ziolkowski
only rest on their consoles in physical equilibrium
as soulless stones; they also partake, as true
saints, of the ideal state of being that is summed
up for Rilke by this one word.
The saints in their repose are contrasted with
the world of the consoles, which they do not
deign to look upon. By implication Rilke is re?
ferring here to the world of men who have not
attained spiritual equilibrium. "Figur und Tier,"
of course, is merely synecdoche for the whole
corps of devils, basilisks, and tormented human
beings of the actual portal; but on another level
of meaning they stand for mankind. The only
problematic word in the second part of the poem,
the antithesis, is the verb zertreten. This is an
extremely rare word in Rilke's vocabulary (al?
though other zer- compounds occur in superit appears,
for instance, twice
toward the beginning of Malte Laurids Brigge
(pp. 16 and 58), in the poem "Aus einer Sturmnacht" (i, 462), and later in the Sonette an
Orpheus (i, 762). But these passages are of little
aid in determining the meaning of the word in
our poem. The parallel instance that immedi?
ately flashes to mind is rather the Tenth Elegy,
in which Rilke portrays with disgust the cheap,
gaudy pleasures that men indulge in so as to
deaden their senses to life as it actually is. After
mentioning the gilded turmoil and the fulsome
monument, the poet turns away in revulsion:
"O, wie spurlos zertrate ein Engel ihnen den
Trostmarkt ..."
(i, 721).14 Zertreten is the verb
used to signify the complete extermination of
false human existence by a higher being, like
the angel, who is in possession of spiritual
equilibrium. Important, of course, is the conditional form of the verb in the Tenth Elegy, for
the angel is too indifferent15to inflict the punish?
ment. In the "Portal"
sonnet the conditional
becomes a simple preterit, for the saints are not
true angels; they are frozen in stone and only
represent the higher beings. The use of this verb
simply implies the potentiality and heightens
the contrast between the two worlds depicted
here: that of harmonic equilibrium and the other
of psychic instability.
The meaning of the synthesis in the last three
verses can be interpreted only by reference to
the key word Akrobaten. Rilke's predilection for
acrobats as a symbol for struggling mankind
extends from his first years in Paris until the
very end of his life. In a letter written to Lou
only a few days after the completion of the Fifth Elegy (19 February 1922)
Rilke exclaims: "Und so sind also auch die
da, die mich eigentlich schon
und endlich nahe an der Fensterrose
instandig stehen, um in Stein
unsaglich unbeirrt mit langer Kraft
weiterzutragen die beklommnen Wonnen
und alles Wehe, das ja nur begonnen,
nur aufgeschlagen war, anfangerhaft.
Und jetzt es konnen und es plotzlich ganz
aushalten, wenn es kommt und gar nicht endet,
seiner Gewalt und seinem Glanz
entschlossen iiberstehend zugewendet,?
es konnen plotzlich, lautlos das vollenden
was wir, zu groB fiir uns, beginnen sehn,
und lachelnd, in der einen von den Blenden,
alles, bis an die Engel, uberstehn. (n, 350-351)
Theodore Ziolkowski
(as Berendt implies), for there exists the possibil?
ity of progression. The tension of the poem is
resolved in the final act of balance that endows
the futile actions of mankind with a provisional
meaning (until they too achieve true equilibrium).
Thus Rilke finds harmony and unity on the sub?
jective level as well as in the visual image, for
only the saints and console figures together
produce a perfect whole. This interpretation is
perfectly in accord with his views as expressed in
other connections (and these views in turn re?
flect Rodin once again). In a letter to Lou Andreas-Salome (15 January 1904) he writes, with
reference to an ancient fresco he had once seen:
"So war Ruhe und Bewegung in diesem Bild
nebeneinandergestellt, nicht als Kontrast, als ein
Gleichnis vielmehr, als eine endliche Einheit, die
sich langsam schloft wie eine Wunde, die heilte;
denn auch die Bewegung war schon Ruhe. ..."
And in his book on Rodin there are countless
similar passages; I shall cite only one:
Und nicht allein in den beruhmten Werken und den
weithin sichtbaren war dieses Lebendigsein: das Unbeachtete, Kleine, das Namenlose und Uberzahlige war
nicht weniger erfiillt von dieser tiefen,innerlichen Erregtheit, von dieser reichen und uberraschenden Unruhe des Lebendigen. Auch die Stille, wo Stille war,
bestand aus hundert Bewegungsmomenten, die sich
im Gleichgewicht hielten. . . . Und ganz ahnlich war
es mit den Tieren, die auf den Kathedralen standen
und safien oder unter den Konsolen kauerten, verkummert and gekrummt und zu trage zum Tragen.
(pp. 9-10)
It was this harmony through the resolution of tensions that Rilke was trying to express in his
harmony on two levels: the visual, ob?
jective harmony of the actual portal, which he
had learned through Rodin to recognize, and the
implicit, subjective harmony that he sought, with
every fibre of his being, throughout his entire life.
This interpretation is at variance in one respect
with the accepted view of Rilke's "Dinggedicht,"
which regards it as a poem "in dem die Statik
herrscht und die Dynamik aufgehort hat."18 For
the whole essence of the three "Portal" sonnets
lies in the contrast, in the first and second, be?
tween static and dynamic and, in the third, the
restatement of these themes with the ingenious
resolution. Kurt Oppert is less dogmatic in his
definition, conceding that the "Dinggedicht"
does not exclude "die typische, sozusagen die
stehende Bewegung eines Dings,"19 but he is
thinking not of tensions but only of objects such
as the Roman fountain, the panther, and the
(i, 745)
Yale University
New Haven, Conn.
18Goertz,p. 67,whois
quotingRobertFaesi, RainerMaria
Rilke (Amalthea-Bucherei,
19"Das Dinggedicht:Eine Kunstformbei
und Rilke," DeutscheVierteljahrsschrift,
iv (1926), 769.
20RainerMaria Rilke: Ein
Beitrag(Leipzig, 1935),p. 116.