High Quality Collaboration Benefits Teachers and Students

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lessons from research JOELLEN KILLION

High-quality collaboration
benefits teachers and students

sing sophisticated statistical

analyses, researchers examined
individual teacher-level and
school-level collaboration to understand
the nature and effects of teacher-toteacher collaboration in instructional
teams. When teachers engage in highquality collaboration that they perceive
as extensive and helpful, there is both
an individual and collective benefit.
High-quality collaboration in general
and about assessment in particular
among teachers is associated with
increases in their students achievement,
their performance, and their peers
students achievement.
Study description

The research study examined

teacher collaboration practices in 336
Miami-Dade Public Schools between
2010 and 2012 and involved over
9,000 teachers. Researchers used teacher
surveys to collect descriptive data
about teachers collaboration practices.
Through statistical analyses using
district- and school-level data about

Joellen Killion (joellen.killion@

learningforward.org) is senior advisor
to Learning Forward. In each issue
of JSD, Killion explores a recent
research study to help practitioners
understand the impact of particular
professional learning practices on
student outcomes.

62 JSD | www.learningforward.org

At a glance
The quality of teacher collaboration positively influences teacher performance and
student achievement.

Ronfeldt, M., Farmer, S., McQueen, K., & Grissom, J. (2015).

Teacher collaboration in instructional teams and student achievement.
American Educational Research Journal, 52(3), 475-514.
teacher characteristics, teacher valueadded test results, school characteristics,
and student achievement, researchers
explored the interactions among
multiple variables using multiple
models to identify findings and
explore appropriateness of alternative

The research study centers on two

sets of questions. The first set, based on
the descriptive study of the survey data,
What kinds of instructional
collaborations exist in the urban
school system studied?
Do teachers perceive collaboration
in certain instructional domains to
be more extensive or helpful than
How much variation in
collaboration quality exists within
and between schools?
Is the quality of teacher
collaboration associated with
student achievement and teacher
improvement with experience?

The second set of questions, based

on the analytic study of the interaction
among teachers, schools, and
collaboration, addresses these questions:
Do different kinds of schools have
different kinds of instructional
Is the average quality of faculty
collaboration associated with school
Is a teachers own collaboration
quality or the average collaboration
quality of her colleagues associated
with her students achievement?
Do teachers improve at greater
rates in schools with greater

Researchers employed two types

of data: teacher survey data from a
prior extensive survey about teacher
collaboration and district and
administrative data about teacher
demographics, performance, rolespecific indicators, experience, their
student demographics, test scores, and
school indicators.

October 2015

Vol. 36 No. 5


ecause many school and school system leaders and

policymakers advocate and support teacher collaboration as
a means to improve student achievement, this study is significant
to understand more deeply how the nature and extent of
collaboration, teacher characteristics, and school characteristics
interact to affect student achievement. The results of this research
study support the continuation of teacher collaboration that
is focused, sustained, and perceived as helpful as a productive
approach to increasing student success and teacher performance.
The study illuminates the importance of the Standards for
Professional Learning (Learning Forward, 2011) within the practice
of and conditions for teacher collaboration. The Learning
Communities standard speaks to the impact of collective
responsibility for student success, continuous improvement, and
shared accountability. Sustained teacher collaboration about
instructional strategies, curriculum, students, and assessment, as
well as general collaboration is the primary vehicle for continuous
improvement of teacher practice, for sharing accountability, and
collective responsibility.
The Leadership standard addresses the role of leaders in
advocating professional learning, creating support system and
structures for continuous improvement, and developing capacity
to lead and learn. Floridas standards for professional development
specify that teachers are expected to participate actively in learning
communities. Teacher collaboration requires leaders who are able to
cultivate the capacity to collaborate about instruction, curriculum,
students, and assessments, create and support instructional teams
to maintain engagement in high-quality collaboration, and serve as
an advocate of teacher collaboration.
While not specifically addressed in the study, it was evident
that Resources such as time, staff, and materials were available for
sustained teacher collaboration.
The Data standard addresses the use of educator, student,

Teacher survey data were extracted

from over 9,000 surveys for a larger
study of school leaders over two years
with a response rate of 36% and 39%
in 2011 and 2012 respectively focusing
on questions related to the extensiveness
and helpfulness of different kinds of
collaboration within their instructional
teams. A considerably smaller number
of teachers was included in the
full analysis of reading (667) and
math (544) achievement due to the
amount of available value-added data.

October 2015

Vol. 36 No. 5

and system data to plan, monitor, and evaluate the impact of

professional learning. The district invested in developing a data
system that links educator and student data for multiple purposes.
Teacher collaboration is a powerful Learning Design. This
standard emphasizes using active engagement, appropriate
learning designs, and application of theories and research on
learning. Teacher collaboration is grounded in the social interaction
theory of learning and aligns with research on communities of
practice, relevance to practice, and collective practice.
The Implementation standard stresses sustained support,
constructive feedback, and application of change research. This
studys focus on teacher collaboration over a two-year period and
its examination of the nature and extent of teacher collaboration
substantiate the role of teacher-to-teacher continuous learning.
The Outcomes standard emphasizes the alignment of teacher
performance and student outcomes as the content focus of
professional learning and strong coherence among what students
learn, what teachers learn, and school and school system goals.
In this study, teacher collaboration focused on teachers core
responsibilities instruction, curriculum, assessment, and student
Teacher collaboration, when practiced with a focus on
instructional strategies, curriculum, and assessment particularly,
has benefits for both teachers and students. Results are even more
promising when the collaboration is extensive and perceived by
teachers as helpful. Collaboration among teachers even influences
the results of teachers who do not experience directly the same
high-quality collaboration. Researchers conclude, Student
achievement gains are greater in schools with stronger collaborative
environments and in classrooms of teachers who are stronger
collaborators (p. 512).

Learning Forward. (2011). Standards for Professional

Learning. Oxford, OH: Author.

Researchers used multiple models

and analyses to examine and dispute
alternative explanations for their

Through statistical analyses of the

survey results, researchers determined
the types, extent, and degree of
helpfulness of teacher collaboration.
Four types of collaboration were
identified: general (e.g. classroom
management) and three instruction-

specific ones (instructional strategies

and curriculum; students; and
assessment). Quality of teacher
collaboration is measured as teacher
perception of the extent and helpfulness
of collaboration.
Additional statistical analyses
of the interactions among various
teacher and school characteristics
answered the research questions.
Researchers employed multiple models
to examine alternative explanations
and to strengthen the potential for


JSD 63

lessons from research JOELLEN KILLION

making causal inferences about teacher

collaboration and student achievement.

Results of this study suggest that

teacher collaboration has positive
effects on teachers and their students.
The majority of teachers surveyed
(84%) indicated that they were a part
of a team of colleagues that works
together on instruction. Nearly all
teachers (90%) report that their
collaboration was helpful and the
extent of their collaboration ranged
from a mean score of 2.51 to 3.06 on a
4-point scale. Instruction-focused and
assessment-focused collaboration were
perceived as more helpful and extensive.
about student work
and classroom
Teachers in
management was
perceived to be
schools, more so
less helpful and
than in secondary
School and
teacher factors
more frequently
influence the
about instruction.
quality and type
of collaboration.
Teachers in
elementary schools, more so than
in secondary schools, collaborated
more frequently about instruction.
Higher-quality collaboration is more
common among female teachers than
male teachers, particularly about
instructional strategies, curriculum, and
In schools with more nongifted
exceptional students, collaboration
about instruction was weaker on
average. Teachers in schools with
larger enrollments had higher-quality
collaboration about instruction and
lower-quality collaboration about
students. There were differences in the
quality of collaboration among teachers
of different races. Black, Hispanic,
and white teachers, respectively, report
decreasing collaboration quality.
Teachers with bachelors degrees
64 JSD | www.learningforward.org

as their highest degree collaborate

more than teachers with other degrees.
Teachers years of experience was
unrelated to most factors, although
teachers with more than 15 years
of experience reported significantly
lower-quality collaboration about
instructional strategies and curriculum.
It is important to note that the studys
design did not permit differentiating
perceived quality from actual quality of
All collaboration factors
significantly and positively predict
school-level math value-added, and
general, instruction, assessment, and
student collaboration had decreasing
influence on school-level math valueadded. All types of collaboration
except about assessment significantly
predicted school-level reading valueadded. These results suggest, according
the researchers, that schools with
instructional teams engaged in
better collaboration also have higher
achievement gains in math and
reading (p. 500).
Similar results occur for teacherlevel value-added in both math and
reading. Teachers who participated in
higher-quality collaboration had better
achievement gains in math than those
of teachers who experienced lowerquality collaboration. Additionally,
not only were individual teachers able
to increase math student achievement
if they were engaged in better general
collaboration and collaboration about
assessment, but also if they worked in
a school with better collaboration even
if they did not participate in the same
high-quality collaboration.
Teachers working in schools with
better collaboration about students
were better able to raise student math
achievement. Teachers benefit from the
quality of collaboration within their
school even if they do not contribute
to the collaboration themselves.
In reading, collaboration about
instructional strategies and curriculum
was a positive predictor of value added.

Teachers rate of improvement

increases more rapidly if they work in a
school with higher-quality collaboration
than they would if they worked in a
school with lower-quality collaboration.
Teacher collaboration has strong and
positive effects on student achievement,
particularly when the collaboration is
about assessment.

The research team reports a number

of limitations of the study. First, the
studys measure of collaboration does
not distinguish between the perceived
and actual extent and helpfulness of
collaboration as measured by self-report
in the survey.
To measure if teachers working
in schools with better collaboration
improved at faster rates than peers
working in schools with lower-quality
collaboration, researchers held constant
the value of school-level collaboration
measured in 2011 was the same from
2010-2012. This may not have been
true, yet it provided the opportunity to
examine how collaboration influenced
teacher growth over time, and
simultaneously may not reflect actual
The study excluded teachers who
perceived no value from collaboration
in instructional teams. While the foci of
this study was to understand the nature
and effects of teacher collaboration, it
would have been helpful to examine if
teachers who perceived no value from
collaboration had similar results if they
worked with teachers who did engage
in high-quality collaboration.
While the studys design does not
permit causal inferences, researchers
did apply additional statistical analyses
to counter other potential factors
affecting the relationships among
teacher collaboration and student
achievement. Doing so, while helpful
to support the importance of their
findings, may encourage readers to
interpret the results as causal rather
than correlational.

October 2015

Vol. 36 No. 5

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