Uncover (Lyrics)

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Nobody sees, nobody knows,

We are a secret can't be exposed.
That's how it is, that's how it goes,
Far from the others, close to each other.
In the daylight, in the daylight,
When the sun is shining,
On the late night, on the late night,
When the moon is blinding.
In the plain sight, plain sight,
Like stars in hiding,
You and I burn on, on.
Put two and together, forever we'll never change
Two and together we'll never change
Nobody sees, nobody knows
We are a secret, can't be exposed
That's how it is, that's how it goes
Far from the others, close to each other
That's when we uncover, cover, cover
That's when we uncover, cover, cover
My asylum, my asylum is in your arms
When the world gives heavy burdens
I can bear a thousand tons
On your shoulder, on your shoulder
I can reach an endless sky
Feels like paradise
Put two and together, forever we'll never change
Two and together we'll never change.
Nobody sees, nobody knows
We are a secret, can't be exposed
That's how it is, that's how it goes
Far from the others, close to each other
That's when we uncover, cover, cover
That's when we uncover, cover, cover
We could build a universe right here,
All the world could disappear,
Wouldn't notice, wouldn't care
We could build a universe right here
The world could disappear,
I just need you near
Nobody sees, nobody knows,
We are a secret, can't be exposed
That's how it is, that's how it goes
Far from the others, close to each other
That's when we uncover, cover, cover
That's when we uncover, cover, cover
That's when we uncover

No puedo seguir negando que cada vez que te miro, mi corazn se pone a latir de una manera
inusual y eso me hace sentir bien. Es difcil describir como una mirada tuya basta para que sienta
vrtigo en todo mi cuerpo y que tu sola presencia hace que mi nimo se mantenga durante el resto
del da.
Desde que empezamos a hablar ms a menudo mis das no han dejado de tener al menos una
sonrisa a causa tuya, no s por qu, pero el simple hecho de pensar en ti y todas tus cualidades
hacen que me sienta as
Lo primero que hago al verte llegar es fijarme en tu sonrisa con disimulo y ese momento en que
notas mi presencia coloco mi mirada en otra parte para as no levantar sospecha alguna de este
sentimiento tan hermoso que provocas en m.
A veces me dan ganas de ir corriendo hacia ti solo para decirte todo esto que me haces sentir, pero
recuerdo que he buscado tantas formas de llamar tu atencin, que no han resultado ser las mejores,
pues solo me he ganado tu lejana.
S que esto quiz no sea mucho, pero es sincero y unas de las tantas cosas lindas que estoy
dispuesto a hacer por ti.
No s si ltimamente has intentado alejarme, pero no me importa, me gustara que supieras que no
me pienso rendir tan fcilmente.
Att. Aquel que sonre al verte

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