Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) Online Training - Kautilya Career Catalyst
Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) Online Training - Kautilya Career Catalyst
Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) Online Training - Kautilya Career Catalyst
everyone has to follow to crack the APPSC Groups exams. Kautilya Careers are here to help you
out in the APPSC Groups exams preparation by providing Online APPSC Groups Coaching.
Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) Groups Exam Syllabus
Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission was formed purposed to recruit the talented
nominees under the various departments. They recruit candidate under the constitution of
India Article 320(1). Board finds the contenders for empty vacant posts. Posts are lecturers,
doctors, engineers, deputy collectors, forest officers, police officers, and clerks. So, lets look
into the pattern and syllabus.
APPSC Group 1 Prelims Syllabus
Preliminary Test That includes General Studies & Mental ability (Objective Type) paper
General Science.
Current Events.
History of India.
Economy of India.
World Geography.
Indian polity.
Countrys Politics.
Rural Development.
Mental Ability.
Reasoning etc.
Re-arrangement of sentences.
Correction of sentences.
Verb tenses.
Correction of spellings.
Group Paper I
General Essay.
Crisis Management.
Social Problems.
Mains Paper II
Indus Civilization.
Andhra Pradeshs Economy, present status its Strengths and Weaknesses etc.
Mains Paper IV
Mains Paper V
Once youre through all these papers then youll have to face an ORAL TEST (INTERVIEW). At
Kautilya Career Catalyst , whether it's your first class or you are an online expert, we want your
experience to be positive, successful experience.