Mahogany Tree: Scientific Name: Swietenia Mahogoni Some General Information On The Mahogany Tree
Mahogany Tree: Scientific Name: Swietenia Mahogoni Some General Information On The Mahogany Tree
Mahogany Tree: Scientific Name: Swietenia Mahogoni Some General Information On The Mahogany Tree
Mature tree crowns tend to be irregular in shape.
The leaves from this tree are up to 20 inches long, these large pinnate leaves
consist of 3 to 6 pairs with no terminal leaf
Flower Color:
Small, fragrant white or yellow/green flowers arranged in loose clusters.
Bloom Time:
Fruit Description:
The fruit of the Big Leaf Mahogany is a large pear shaped capsule, the fruit
usually ripens around January to March. The mahogany fruit is grey/brown in
color and is filled with numerous seeds.
Big Leaf Mahogany Additional Info
The big leaf mahogany is a majestic tree that towers above the rain forest
canopy. Harvested for its wood which is both beautiful and durable it is used
to make furniture and musical instruments.
The majestic big leaf mahogany tree reaches heights of 200 feet and can be
seen high above the rain forest canopy. It can live for over 350 years if not
harvested by humans for it popular wood. Its dark brown bark has a sweet
smell and its leaves can be as long as 20 inches. The gray-brown woody fruit
splits open to reveal up to 60 winged seeds which are dispersed by the wind.
Wildlife Value:
Due to over-exploitation the big leaf mahogany could become commercially
extinct within a few years unless measures are taken to protect the species.
Mahogany wood is used for making furniture and cabinets, musical
instruments, floors and doors.