Java Assignment

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CST 8284 Assignment 3 Draft

(due April 22, total of 32 marks)

The goal of this assignment is to add more functionality to the web browser
from Assignment 2. Specifically, you must read and write files in order to
save settings, and also download files from the internet to your computer. I
will give you example code on how to download a file, but you must
incorporate it into the browser, along with a progress bar and cancel option.
In this assignment, there will be extra features worth bonus marks. You can
use my solution for Assignment 2 as a starting point for this assignment.
There are several parts to this assignment: Browser Interface improvements,
Saving Settings, and a Download manager.

Saving Settings
Write a function called saveSettings, which will save several pieces of
information to a file. Use an ObjectOutput stream to save an
ArrayList<String> representing all of your saved URL bookmarks in a file. It
should be written as a java object which can then be read back in using an
ObjectInput stream.
In a second file, save the height, width, screenX, and screenY coordinates of
your browser as a text file. The file format should be name/value pairs like
lab 4, only on different lines:
screenX= topLeftX
screenY= topLeftY
height= Stage Height
width= Stage Width
downloadDirectory= where to save downloaded files
homepage=default home page
You must also create a function called readSettings, which should check if
the files you wrote in saveSettings exist, and if they do, open the files and
read in the values that you saved.
If the settings text file exists, then read in one line of text at a time, and scan
the name in front of the = sign. Set the appropriate values for
width/height, and screenX/screenY position, download directory, and home
Add an onCloseRequest event handler to primaryStage that calls
saveSettings whenever you close your window, and also change the Quit
MenuItem event handler to also call saveSettings when the user clicks it.

Download Manager
The WebEngine has a location property which stores the URL of the page you
are viewing. Whenever you click on a link, the engine tries to load the new
address, but the browser doesnt know how to display many different file
types: .exe, .PDF, .ZIP, .DOC, .DOCX, .XLS, .XLSX, .ISO, .IMG, .DMG, .TAR,
.TGZ, .JAR. I have given you code that adds a ChangeListener to the
engine.locationProperty() which gets called every time the engine tries to
load a new document. Look at the changeListener, and code that tests if the
newLocation ends with any of the above file endings. If it does, then you
should download that file to your browsers default Download directory,
which you have to add as part of this assignment.
1. I have given you the starting code for a DownloadBar class, which
extends HBox. Since DownloadBar is an HBox, you can add GUI Objects
which will represent the information needed for the downloading of a
file. Create a constructor for the DownloadBar which takes a String,
which should be the URL of the new location for the engine. You must
check if a file with that same name exists in your download directory
and if it does then add (1), or (2) at the end until you find a
filename that doesnt exist, like a normal web browser does. You can
not overwrite an existing file with your download.
2. Add a Text object as a private instance variable to DownloadBar, which
should display the file name that is being downloaded. This file name
should be all the characters after the last / of the URL. For instance,
in: the file name is
3. Add a ProgressBar as a private instance variable to DownloadBar,
which should display the progress of the download. The ProgressBar
class has a setProgress() function which takes a float from 0 1.0,
which represents the progress from 0% 100%.
4. Add a Button as private instance variable to DownloadBar, which
should be a Cancel button for canceling the download. When the
user clicks on the Cancel button, there should be a dialog box asking
the user if they really want to quit. If they confirm the dialog, then it
should stop downloading the file, and delete the file that was created.
The DownloadBar should then be removed from the VBox where it was

Figure 1 A Download window showing 3 downloads in progress, and a cancel dialog from trying to
cancel one of them

Figure 2 An example of a DownloadBar with Filename, ProgressBar, and Cancel button.

5. In the DownloadBar class, I have created a new inner class called

DownloadTask, which extends javafx.concurrent.Task<Integer>. Task is
an object which is meant to run on a separate thread for something
that will take a long time, like downloading. The task Task class has 4
important functions that you must implement/Override:
a. protected String call( ). This function does the downloading of
the file. I have given the URL of a tutorial for downloading a file
from the internet. Each iteration of the while loop should read a
block of data, and then write it to the hard drive. After each time
you read, you must update the progress bar with the progress of
(amount of data read) / (file size). Each iteration of the while loop
should check if the Task has been cancelled, in which case it
should exit the while loop, and delete the file that was created.
a) protected void succeeded(). This function is called only after
the call() function has finished, and the task has not failed, or

been cancelled. It should remove the DownloadBar from the

downloadWindows VBox of downloads in progress, and print a
message filename + was successfully downloaded! to the text
b) protected void failed(). This function is called if the task failed.
It should remove the DownloadBar from the downloadWindows
VBox of downloads, and print a message filename + download
failed to the text area. It should also remove the file that was
written to disk
c) protected void cancelled(). This function is called if the task
was cancelled by the user. It should remove the DownloadBar
from the downloadWindows VBox of downloads, and print a
message filename + download was cancelled to the text area.
It should also remove the file that was written to disk
Only 1 of the functions succeeded, failed, or cancelled will be called after
the call( ) function is finished. Similar to the catch() blocks of exceptions,
you should write code that handles each possible outcome of the task:

Figure 3 The result of canceling two download tasks

The Task class is similar to a Transition animation, in that you first set all
of the data for the class but it doesnt start to run until you tell it to. This
is done by creating a Thread object for your Task object, and starting the
DownloadTask aFileDownload = new DownloadTask ( );
new Thread( downloadTask ) .start();

6. The DownloadBar class should have a static Stage variable, called

downloadWindow. This downloadWindow will be a second Stage object
that will display the progress of all of the current DownloadTasks. It
should have a BorderPane as the root, and a VBox in the center to
display DownloadBars (which are a subclass HBox). The bottom of the
BorderPane should be a TextArea which shows messages about the
DownloadTasks. I have given the constructor for the DownloadBar
which checks if the variable downloadWindow is null, and if it is, you
should write code that creates the window and shows it. My code adds
an onCloseRequest listener to the downloadWindow so that if it closes,
the downloadWindow variable is set to null. That means that whenever
the window is closed, creating a new DownloadTask object will recreate
the window and show it again.
7. You should be able to download several files at the same time. Each
DownloadBar is responsible for downloading its own file so they should
run independently. The code is given to start a new thread so when a
Task is started, you can think of it as an entirely separate sub-program
that is running at the same time. For testing, the University of
Waterloos computer science club has a mirror website for hosting the
installation files (.ISO) for many different versions of linux:

Figure 4Downloading Multiple Linux ISOs. This shows 3 DownloadTasks running at the same time

This is a good test site to try various downloads running at the same time,
and trying to download files when it already exists on your hard drive.

Browser Interface Improvements

1. Add a Menu to the GUI for Settings. There should be two new
menuItems: Homepage and Downloads.

2. Clicking on Homepage should show a new dialog box asking the user to
enter a new URL as the default Homepage to display when the browser
starts. This URL is what should be saved in the settings text file.
3. Clicking on the Downloads item should show a new dialog box asking the
user to enter the name of the subdirectory where to save downloaded
files. Your program should create this new directory if it does not exist, or
not create the directory if it already exists. You must check if the user has
write permissions to this directory and if not, warn the user that their
selection is not valid.
4. Add keyboard shortcuts for every menuItem. This is done using the
setAccelerator function of menuItems. For example, this sets the
combination (CTRL + A) as the shortcut for about:
about.setAccelerator(new KeyCodeCombination(KeyCode.A,

Quit should have (CTRL+Q), About should have (CTRL+A), Help for java
class should have (CTRL+H), History should be (CTRL+Y)
5. Add a key pressed listener to the WebView object so that typing (Ctrl +
left arrow key) makes the history go back 1 page, and typing (Ctrl + right
arrow key) makes the history go forward 1 page. The KeyEvent has an
isControlDown() function to help you.
6. Add Tooltip descriptions to each of the buttons: Back, Forward, Add
Bookmark. The JavaFX documentation for the Tooltip class for examples
on how to do this.

Bonus marks
These next items are not required for the assignment, however you can get
bonus marks towards your final grade for implementing any of the following
a) Inject javascript code: The WebEngine has an executeScript(String
javascript) function that lets you execute javascript code on your page.
Set the engines setOnAlert( ) function as a callback to show a JavaFX
dialog box that displays the Alert text as the main text of the dialog,
and then show it. Add a Javascript Menu to the interface that has an
Execute code menu item. Clicking on the MenuItem prompts the user
for a line of javascript code, which the browser will then execute. For
example, typing the text: alert(window.location) should call the
engines setOnAlert callback, which should show an Alert window with
the engines current URL. Typing the text: history.back() should make

the engine go back a page, and history.forward() should make the

engine go forward. history.go(-3) should go back 3, etc
b) Launch program upon file download. When a file has finished
downloading, it should ask the user if they want to launch the file. If
the user accepts, open the file with the appropriate program. PDF files
should be launched with Acrobat Reader, DOC files should be launched
with Microsoft Word, etc. You will have to search google for how to do
(4 marks)
c) Tabbed browsing. For your web browser, create a TabPane where the
original WebView was. A tab pane contains several Tabs, which you
create and set the layout, and then add a WebView to each tab.
Switching tabs should update the address bar for that tabs current
URL, and update the History ListView for that tabs WebHistory. (8
You can detect when a new tab has been selected with:
oldTab, newTab) -> {
// get the engine of the currently selected WebView.
//Set the historyView for the current engine.
Add a New Tab menu item under the File menu, and set the
accelerator (CTRL+T) to create a new tab.
d) Finished downloading animations. When a file has successfully
downloaded, create an animation where the DownloadTask (subclass of
HBox) appears to fall off the downloadManager window and also fade
to 0%. You should also play some audio file as a notification. Look at
the class to see how to do this:
(4 marks)

Getting started
I have posted the start of the project as an Eclipse project. It is the file on
Blackboard: . I have provided a
function: getWindow(). This checks if the downloadWindow variable is null.
If it is, it recreates the window and shows it. This means that after calling
getDownloadWindow(), you are guaranteed that the downloadWindow is not
null, and is visible. You can then add DownloadBar objects to the VBox.
Here is a tutorial on how to save URL to a download directory:
This should be the contents of your call() function, but you should update the
code so that it updates the progress bar as it reads from the stream. Also,
the function in the tutorial throws an IOException if anything goes wrong.
The call() function must not throw any exceptions, therefore you will have to
add all of the catch() blocks that are needed and react accordingly. If the
internet connection is disconnected during a download, then the task should
end as a failed, instead of instead of succeeded, or canceled.
Here is a website that shows how to implement a simple Task object that
counts from 1 to 50 and updates the ProgressBar:
Also, look at the documentation for ProgressBar, and Task in JavaFX:

Settings: (7 marks)
bookmarks are saved to a file using ObjectOutputStream. +1
window size and position is saved to file +4
Homepage and Download directory are saved +2

File Downloads: (11 marks)

Clicking on one of the file links makes the Download Window appear. +1
The user is able to cancel a download in progress +1
Canceling a download deletes the file. +1
Downloading a file with the same name as a file on the disk properly adds
a number to the filename +1
The Progress Bar shows proper progress +2
Canceling a download removes the DownloadBar from the Download
Window and prints a message to the message area +1
Finishing a download removes the DownloadBar and prints a message to
the message area +2
Closing the Download Window and starting a new download makes the
Download Window reappear. +1
Disconnecting the internet access during a download is handled properly
Browser Interface improvements: (8 marks)

There are new menu items for Download directory and Homepage that let
the user set the values with an input dialog +2
The Back, Forward and Add Bookmark buttons have tooltip windows. +2
Menu Items have accelerator shortcuts +2
The browser history goes forward and back by pressing Ctrl + front /back
arrow +2

For JavaDocs: (6 marks)

Each class has a JavaDoc page. +1
Each method has a proper brief summary. +1
Clicking on the method name leads to the methods detailed description.
The JavaDocs are properly generated and included in the zip file. +1
The Eclipse project of your assignment is properly exported as a zip file
and can be imported again without problems (+2)
Modify the CoverPage.html file in the Eclipse project so that it has your
name, student number.
If you have done any work for Bonus Marks, clearly list which items you
have implemented. Like Interfaces in java, the work can be there but you
can only get marks for the work if you state clearly what parts you have
and ask the person marking to verify the work!
Export your entire java project as a ZIP file through Eclipses File->Export
menu. Do not just zip the source directory, or use any other compression
format (.7z, .rar, etc.)! Call your zip file:, but replace YourName with your
name The assignment is due at 11:59 on April 18, which is a monday
night. Late submissions will not be accepted!

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