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990325master PDF
March 1999
CHAPTER 3 Modelling Of The Dynamic Behaviour of Loaded Structures...................................... 58
3.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 58
3.2 Stress Stiffening........................................................................................................................... 60
3.2.1 Closed Form Solution.......................................................................................................... 62
3.2.2 Finite Element Formulation ................................................................................................. 66
3.2.3 Implementation of Stress Stiffening .................................................................................... 68
3.2.4 Updating of Stress Stiffening Effects Using Conventional Parameters............................... 69
3.3 Large Deformations ..................................................................................................................... 71
3.3.1 Finite Element Formulation ................................................................................................. 72
3.3.2 Effect of Boundary Conditions............................................................................................ 75
3.4 Effect Upon Validation / Updating .............................................................................................. 76
3.5 Concluding Remarks.................................................................................................................... 77
CHAPTER 4 Experimental Study Of The Dynamic Behaviour Of Loaded Structures.................... 83
4.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 83
4.2 Test on Narrow Steel Plate .......................................................................................................... 84
4.2.1 Application and Identification of Loading .......................................................................... 84
4.2.2 Modal Analysis of Plate Specimen...................................................................................... 90
4.2.3 Comparison of Measured Dynamic Behaviour with FE Modelling .................................... 94
4.2.4 Identification of Zero-Load Resonant Frequencies ............................................................. 94
4.2.5 Investigation of FE Experimental Mismatch .................................................................... 97
4.3 Small Framework......................................................................................................................... 98
4.3.1 Arrangement of Framework ................................................................................................ 98
4.3.2 Experimental Results ........................................................................................................... 99
4.3.3 Finite Element Modelling .................................................................................................. 102
4.4 Concluding Remarks.................................................................................................................. 106
CHAPTER 5 Model Updating OF Load-Dependent Structural Properties..................................... 124
5.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................ 124
5.2 Updating of Stress Stiffening Effects ........................................................................................ 125
5.2.1 Theory................................................................................................................................ 126
5.2.2 Practical Application of Stress Stiffening Updating.......................................................... 130 Identification of Force Magnitude in Axially Loaded Beam....................................... 130 Identification of Loads in Small Framework............................................................... 134
5.2.3 Implementation Using Commercial Software ................................................................... 139
5.3 Updating of Deformation Properties.......................................................................................... 139
5.3.1 Eigenvalue Sensitivity to Rigid Body Rotation................................................................. 140
5.3.2 Implementation of Elemental Rotation Updating .............................................................. 144
5.3.3 Updating of Deflection Profile Magnitudes ...................................................................... 147
5.3.4 Implementation of Profile Updating Method..................................................................... 150
5.4 Comparison With Established Updating Parameters ................................................................. 153
5.5 Concluding Remarks.................................................................................................................. 154
CHAPTER 6 Experimental Updating of Loaded Structure .............................................................. 170
6.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................ 170
6.2 Experimental Details.................................................................................................................. 171
6.2.1 Description of Test Specimen............................................................................................ 171
6.2.2 Testing Procedure .............................................................................................................. 171
6.3 Measured Loading on Three Frames ......................................................................................... 172
6.4 Modal Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 174
6.4.1 Mode Identification ........................................................................................................... 174
6.4.2 Perturbation to Resonant Frequencies Under Loading ...................................................... 176
6.4.3 Variability of Results......................................................................................................... 177
6.5 Construction and Validation of MATLAB FE Model ............................................................... 178
6.6 Initial Correlation....................................................................................................................... 180
6.7 Static Updating of Load Dependent Properties ......................................................................... 182
6.7.1 Verification of Measured Displacement ............................................................................ 184
6.7.2 Frequency Perturbations From Different Analysis Approaches........................................ 185
6.7.3 Comparison of Statically Updated Model With Dynamic Data ........................................ 187
6.8 Dynamic Updating Of Framework Structure............................................................................. 189
6.8.1 Updating of Stress Stiffening ............................................................................................ 189 Initial Investigation...................................................................................................... 190 Updating With Offset .................................................................................................. 194 Effect of Eigenvalue Selection .................................................................................... 195
6.8.2 Updating of Permanent and Transient System Parameters................................................ 197
6.8.3 Updating Using All Experimental Results......................................................................... 201
6.9 Concluding Remarks.................................................................................................................. 202
CHAPTER 7 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 228
7.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................ 228
7.2 Literature Review ...................................................................................................................... 228
7.3 Effect of Load on Structures...................................................................................................... 229
7.4 Static Updating of Loaded Structures ........................................................................................ 230
7.5 Dynamic Updating of Loaded Structures .................................................................................. 231
7.6 Future Work............................................................................................................................... 232
7.7 Epilogue..................................................................................................................................... 233
References ............................................................................................................................................... 234
APPENDIX A Finite Element Formulation......................................................................................... 240
APPENDIX B Experimentally Identified Modes ................................................................................ 244
Figure 2.1 Beam Under Axial Load........................................................................................................ 55
Figure 2.2 Beam Under Shear and Rotational Loading .......................................................................... 55
Figure 2.3 Transformation of Axes......................................................................................................... 55
Figure 2.4 Schematic of Experimental Arrangement; Testing of Narrow Plate ..................................... 56
Figure 2.5 Residual Values ..................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 2.6 Updated Parameter Sets ......................................................................................................... 57
Figure 3.1 Tangent Stiffness ................................................................................................................... 78
Figure 3.2 Forces Acting on A Small Portion of Beam .......................................................................... 78
Figure 3.3 Lateral Movement of Small Beam Element Under Constant Axial Load............................... 78
Figure 3.4 Fixed-Fixed 13 Element Beam .............................................................................................. 79
Figure 3.5 Updating Overall Stiffness of Loaded Beam Using First Eigenvalue ................................... 79
Figure 3.6 Updating Overall Stiffness of Loaded Beam Using Four Eigenvalues ................................. 80
Figure 3.7 Rigid Body and Straining Displacements of 2D beam .......................................................... 80
Figure 3.8 Iterative vs. Incremental Tangent Stiffness Calculation ........................................................ 81
Figure 3.9 Measured Deflection of Plate ................................................................................................ 81
Figure 3.10 Change in Natural Frequency Magnitude of Deformation .................................................. 82
Figure 4.1 - Experimental Arrangement .................................................................................................. 107
Figure 4.2 - Co-ordinate System and Strain Gauge Locations on Plate................................................... 107
Figure 4.3 - Observed Stresses Distributions on Plate Cases A to D.................................................... 108
Figure 4.4 Application of Load to Finite Element Model..................................................................... 109
Figure 4.5 Stress Distributions from Different Stress Models .............................................................. 109
Figure 4.6 - Point Receptances from Narrow Plate Under Varying Loading .......................................... 110
Figure 4.7 FRAC Between Load Cases 1 and 2 Varying .................................................................. 110
Figure 4.8 Linear Receptance Case A and Case B................................................................................ 111
Figure 4.9 Frequency Shifted Receptances 0-800Hz ............................................................................ 111
Figure 4.10 Frequency Shifted Receptances, First Mode ..................................................................... 112
Figure 4.11 Effect of on FRAC of Case A and Case B Using Log Receptance ................................ 112
Figure 4.12 - Percentage Increase From Nominal Zero Load.................................................................. 113
Figure 4.13 - Exploded View of Frame ................................................................................................... 114
Figure 4.14 Front View of Redundant Frame Showing Measurement Points ...................................... 114
Figure 4.15 Finite Element Model of Framework................................................................................. 115
Figure 4.16 Point Receptance Load Cases 0 & 3.................................................................................. 115
Figure 4.17 Perturbation of Resonant Frequencies Experimental Observations................................... 116
Figure 4.18 Experimentally Identified Mode Shapes............................................................................ 117
Figure 4.19 MAC Between Experimental Load Cases 0 and 3............................................................. 118
Figure 4.20 - Finite Element Mode Shapes.............................................................................................. 119
Figure 4.21 - MAC Between Experimental Case 0 Modes and FE Prediction ........................................ 120
Figure 4.22 Correspondence of Modes Between Case 0 and FE Models ............................................. 121
Figure 4.23 Auto-MAC of FE prediction of First Fifteen Modes of Vibration .................................... 121
Figure 4.24 Closely Correlating Modes (MAC > 0.8) in FE Model ..................................................... 122
Figure 4.25 - Construction of FE Model.................................................................................................. 122
Figure 4.26 Experimental And Analytical Relationship Between Load and Resonant Frequency....... 123
Figure 5.1 Static vs. Dynamic Approaches to Updating ....................................................................... 157
Figure 5.2 - Fixed-Fixed 13 Element Beam............................................................................................. 157
Figure 5.3 Receptance of Experiment from FE Model...................................................................... 158
Figure 5.4 Identification of Stiffness and Stress Stiffening Using Two Modes.................................... 158
Figure 5.5 Effect of Multiplicative Noise & Eigenvalue Choice on Updating ..................................... 159
Figure 5.6 Effect of Additive Noise and Eigenvalue Selection on Updating Success .......................... 159
Figure 5.7 Numbering System for Framework Spars ........................................................................... 160
Figure 5.8 Sensitivity Matrix, {p} =0 ................................................................................................... 160
Figure 5.9 Identified Loads From No Initial Knowledge of Loading ................................................... 161
Figure 5.10 Loads Identified From Noisy Experimental Data .............................................................. 161
Figure 5.11 Load Identification With Various Initial Condition .......................................................... 162
Figure 5.12 EISM to Estimate Spar For Static Load Determination..................................................... 162
Figure 5.13 - Rotation of Single Beam Element ...................................................................................... 163
Figure 5.14 - Perturbations to Resonant Frequencies .............................................................................. 163
Figure 5.15 - Sensitivity of Four Resonant Frequencies to Rotation of Element Six .............................. 164
Figure 5.16 Convergence Of Element Rotation on Experimental Value........................................... 164
Figure 5.17 Four Possible Solutions to Two Parameter System ........................................................... 165
Figure 5.18 Relationship Between Element Rotations and Central Displacement ............................... 165
Figure 5.19 Effect of Sinusoidal Static Displacement on Resonant Frequency.................................... 166
Figure 5.20 Mode Swapping With Large Displacement....................................................................... 166
Figure 5.21 Updated Solution initial=0.02............................................................................................. 167
Figure 5.22 Convergence Upon Best Fit Solution............................................................................. 167
Figure 5.23 - Converged Solution Using Two Profile Updating Parameters........................................... 168
Figure 5.24 - Updated Solution Using Two Profile Parameters; Various Initial Deflections .................. 169
Figure 6.1 Spar Numbering Convention and Excitation Node ............................................................. 206
Figure 6.2 Strain Gauge Positions Frames B, C and D ......................................................................... 207
Figure 6.3 Axial Load Distribution in Frame B, Load Case 2 .............................................................. 208
Figure 6.4 Bending Moments at Centre of Six Spars, Frame B............................................................ 208
Figure 6.5 Bending Moment Distribution Spars 1 and 2 ...................................................................... 209
Figure 6.6 Exaggerated Static Deflected Shape .................................................................................... 209
Figure 6.7 All Measured Responses Frame B, Case 2 .......................................................................... 210
Figure 6.8 Fourteen Identified Resonant Frequencies; Frame B Load Case 2...................................... 211
Figure 6.9 MAC > 0.8 Between FE and Experimental Modes, Zero Load........................................... 212
Figure 6.10 Modal Perturbation Under Loading, Three Independent Cases First Five Modes ............ 213
Figure 6.11 Point Receptances From Three Nominally Identical And Unloaded Frames .................... 214
Figure 6.12 Local Axis Definition ........................................................................................................ 214
Figure 6.13 - Modal Perturbations Using Different Loading Models; 1kN Applied Load...................... 215
Figure 6.14 Stress Stiffening and Large Deformation Effect on Resonant Frequencies........................ 216
Figure 6.15 FE and Experimental Load vs., Frequency Relationship................................................... 217
Figure 6.16 MAC Between Original and Improved FE Models ........................................................... 218
Figure 6.17 MAC Between Original and Improved FE Models ........................................................... 219
Figure 6.18 MAC Between FE and Frame B; Zero Load ..................................................................... 219
Figure 6.19 MAC Between FE and Frame B; 514N Load.................................................................... 220
Figure 6.20 MAC Between FE and Frame B; 1135N Load.................................................................. 220
Figure 6.21 MAC Between FE and Frame B; 1618N Load.................................................................. 221
Figure 6.22 FE and Frame B; Load vs. Frequency Relationship .......................................................... 222
Figure 6.23 Updated / Identified Loads ................................................................................................ 223
Figure 6.24 Convergence Upon Identified Loading ............................................................................. 224
Figure 6.25 Updated Parameters After Removing Zero Load Offset ................................................... 225
Figure 6.26 Utility of Modes in Producing Converged Solution .......................................................... 226
Figure 6.27 Identified and Measured Loads; Frame B Load Cases 1-3................................................ 226
Figure 6.28 Identified Loads; Frames C and D, Load Cases 1-3 .......................................................... 227
Chapter 1 Introduction
Computer models of structures provide the engineer with an extremely powerful tool for
understanding their behaviour.
Chapter 1 Introduction
analytical model of a structure from test data further
opens the possibility that the finite element model can be treated as a store of
knowledge. This encyclopaedia of the structures condition allows the computer
model to be re-adjusted to account for time varying changes to structural response. In
terms of structural monitoring, dynamic measurements can be thought of essentially as a
signature of a structure.
structure itself.
Structural Modelling
engineer. Estimates of material properties will often be textbook values and geometric
properties may be based upon the initial design rather than the measured configuration.
The finite element model and associated predictions of static and dynamic behaviour of
any structure is not unique. Indeed the well known DYNAS survey [2] and a more
recent survey by Lloyd's Register [3] show large variations in prediction of dynamic
structural behaviour by a number of finite element models of the same structure by
different practitioners. Several important factors can be identified as being responsible
for poor prediction of dynamic response. These principally include:
mis-estimation of structural material properties;
inaccurate modelling of structural geometry;
Chapter 1 Introduction
Dynamic Measurements
Chapter 1 Introduction
Every attempt should be made to use realistic, or better still, measured parameters in the
process of building the finite element model as section 1.2 has indicated. However,
there is still likely to be some error in the finite element model.
The comparison of predicted structural dynamic behaviour with experimentally
measured data allows a great deal of insight into the likely sources of error in the finite
element model. This has been motivated by the requirement to improve the finite
element model of a structure. A large number of techniques have been developed
whereby analytical FE models of structures are altered such that their dynamic
characteristics become a closer match of experimentally determined behaviour.
Today, the correction of finite element models in this way is extremely widespread
especially when the main purpose of the finite element model is to understand dynamic
rather than static behaviour. A range of techniques exist for altering finite element
models. At the most simple, it is very common to make a small number of changes to
the overall properties of a finite element model in a number of iterations. This type of
process involves a large amount of intervention from an engineer to assess the level of
improvement in the dynamic predictions of the FE model. The engineer also has to
ensure that changes made to the finite element model are realistic. While a perfectly
acceptable approach, this manual technique is labour intensive and relies on the
intuition of the engineer to identify possible sources of error in the finite element model.
Finite element model updating is an alternative to these manual techniques.
methods allow changes to be made in an
to model updating have been developed. Methods regarded as being of most use
involve an optimisation scheme whereby a number of structural parameters (updating
parameters) are altered to minimise an objective function. Limitations upon the amount
of information available from experimentation curtail the number of updatable
Factors upon elemental mass and stiffness are undoubtedly the most
popular updating parameters. The procedure is iterative with changes made to the finite
Chapter 1 Introduction
element model at each step. The objective function is a formulation of the differences
in dynamic behaviour between the experimental data and the finite element model. This
is recalculated at each stage of the iteration. While continuing to be an active area of
research, efforts to achieve robust model updating have achieved little success.
One important aspect of finite element model updating is that there exists much
confidence in the experimental dynamic data and less in the finite element model itself.
The concentration upon the finite element model as being in error stems partly from the
fact that finite element modelling and modal analysis are often treated as separate
disciplines. It is common for the two areas to be conducted by different departments in
research and development organisations. An awakened interest in the possibility that
any single set of dynamic data is not uniquely representative of the structure offers new
challenges to model updating. This thesis takes up the mantle by considering how finite
element model updating can be adapted to account for time varying (transient) changes
in dynamic behaviour.
Given the inevitable uncertainty in the veracity of the initial finite element model, the
motivation for using experimental data to improve upon initial assumptions is clear.
The experimental dynamic data are thus treated as being
representative of the
case (b). They provide a case study of using an FE model to characterise the behaviour
Chapter 1 Introduction
Several papers by
test the experimental structure in very carefully controlled laboratory conditions. The
purpose is to produce noise-free and consistent results. Generally, structures are tested
in isolation from the surroundings. The quest for less obtrusive supporting conditions is
an active research area; Carne and Dohrmann [8] for instance investigate the effect of
supporting conditions in some detail.
The result of testing structures in free-free conditions is twofold. A good consistency of
results can certainly be achieved. However, the results only represent the test structure
under the specific conditions which exist at the time of testing.
In both the laboratory regime, and especially in more practical situations, the variation
of dynamic data from the same structure - case (a) above - is increasingly being
recognised as an important factor which must be considered. For instance, recent work
by Woon and Mitchell [9] found that ambient laboratory temperature was responsible
for subtly altering material properties and thus changing the dynamic behaviour of a
simple plate specimen. At the other extreme engineers attempting to characterise the
dynamic behaviour of large civil engineering structures such as bridges, buildings and
dams frequently report differing dynamic behaviour being identified from the same
structure at different times.
variations in baseline modal data can be greater than the changes resulting from
Chapter 1 Introduction
Amongst the plethora of factors which effect dynamic behaviour, the effect of load
upon structures stands out as being an important factor requiring closer consideration.
Structures by their very nature are called upon to carry loading. Table 1.1 for instance,
sets out a selection of possible structural loading scenarios. The effect of loading is
well known to cause changes to dynamic behaviour. The influence of axial load on a
columns transverse vibration as well as the change in pitch of stringed instruments with
wire tension are both good examples.
Chapter 1 Introduction
expectation of accurate results leading to a culture where the reasons for discrepancies
between expected and measured dynamic data are not specifically investigated.
The consideration of the interaction between static and dynamic loading is particularly
opportune since developments in sensor technology are fuelling interest in monitoring
of both static and dynamic behaviour of
Chapter 1 Introduction
Scope of Thesis
This thesis seeks to extend the possibility of using model updating techniques to
structures whose dynamic behaviour is affected by the transient effects described in the
preceding sections. Specifically the influence of structural loading is identified as a
source of variability of dynamic behaviour. As well as demonstrating the effect of
loading upon dynamic response, several methods of including this effect in finite
element models are explored to help to improve the chances of successfully identifying
permanent errors in the model.
The background to finite element model updating and in particular the evolution in
choice of updating parameters is presented in chapter 2. A simple case study using
measured experimental data is presented which allows some of the shortcomings of
model updating to be demonstrated.
Chapter 3 introduces the changes to finite element modes which arise from static
loading using a nonlinear geometric approach.
1 This is the Nyquist frequency. For this particular structure, the 0-180Hz range allows a great deal of the
dynamic behaviour to be spanned. The sampling rate of strain data using this particular technique is a
function of the number of gauging positions along each optical fibre.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Notes on Thesis
Nearly all of the finite element work described in this thesis was performed in
MATLAB [14] using the finite element toolbox CALFEM [15] developed as a teaching
tool at Lund University, Sweden.
validation of the MATLAB code was performed using ANSYS version 5.4 [16]
Throughout this thesis two example structures are introduced and revisited several
representative of all structures, the two experiments were designed to allow many
aspects of the effect of loading on structures to be examined. Both arrangements are the
subjects of extensive analysis which in turn is compared with a large volume of
experimental work.
For reasons of brevity and simplicity, the numerical examples and experiments
presented in this thesis relate to the study of frameworks made up of beam type
Chapter 1 Introduction
They are undoubtedly the most popular element type and particularly
experimental in quotation marks. Whenever measured data is referred to, in all cases it
derives from experimental modal analysis.
The standard notation for modal testing and analysis set out in [17] is used wherever
possible throughout this thesis.
As the previous chapter has outlined, the goal of finite element model updating is to use
experimental data to improve the accuracy and hence quality of an analytical finite
element model of a structure. Much work has been expended in the last twenty years in
developing and improving methods to help to meet this target. While a vast amount of
literature related to the mathematical treatment of the model updating problem exists,
evidence of the use of updating techniques being applied to measured data to solve
practical problems is - by contrast - scant.
The purpose of this chapter is to introduce some of the concepts which will be used later
in the thesis as well as reviewing the state of the art in related fields. The following
sections present a brief introduction to the finite element method and to modal testing.
Developments in finite element model updating are then considered with particular
reference to the evolution of parameters amenable to updating. A review of literature
related to the use of measured experimental data to update finite element models is also
The chapter is concluded by means of a simple case study which allows some of the
topics related to conditioning of updating problems, choice of parameters and validity
of the solution to be examined with reference to experimentally determined data.
The development of the finite element method has its roots in the aircraft industry in the
1950s where the problem of analysing complex aeroplane structures stretched the
foundations for the finite element method as it is used today. The term finite element
was first used by Clough
burgeoned in the intervening period. Huge rises in the size and complexity of structural
problems amenable to FE modelling as well as an increase in the variety of elements
available to the engineer have been observed. Today a vast amount of literature is
devoted to the subject; Zienkiewicz [22] and Bathe [23] for example provide a
comprehensive coverage of the field.
The finite element method has been adopted by a number of areas of engineering such
as heat transfer and magnetic field analysis. In this thesis, the original application of
structural engineering is considered. In this domain, the technique broadly consists of
discretising a structure into a number of small substructures.
displacement or stress in these elements to be approximated, the latter being the most
common approach. These elements must then be assembled in such a way that stresses
are continuous across element interfaces and the internal stresses are in equilibrium both
with each other and with the applied loads. The finite element method can thus be
thought of as a two stage process, the first being the construction of finite elements and
the second their assembly into structural matrices.
Many aspects of the finite element method can be best described by means of example.
To this end the construction of 2D beam stiffness and mass elements are described in
sections 2.2.2 and 2.2.4. The 2D beam element and its 3D counterpart are employed
extensively in this thesis; however the method by which the elements are generated can
be applied to a wide range of different element types. The following sections briefly
outline other relevant aspects of the finite element method in particular the issue of
transformation of finite element co-ordinates which forms the basis of a deformation
updating technique presented in chapter 5.
The most common problem arising in structural analysis is to determine the deflection
arising from a set of static loads. If the loads at a number of points about a structure - or
- are defined by a vector
corresponding points are similarly defined
, a matrix stiffness
is required to
where [ ] is the mass matrix describing the distribution of mass about the structural
degrees of freedom and
displacement with respect to time. Note that the force applied to the system is now a
function of time. While mass and stiffness of a structure are measured and relatively
easily derived, the mechanism whereby energy is lost through damping is less easily
modelled. The viscous damping model represented by matrix
in equation (2.2) is
Hysteretic (or structural) damping is also commonly used, being represented by the matrix
in the
are the resonant frequencies. Substituting back into (2.4) leads to the
where the
While the eigenvalues have an exact relationship with the resonant frequencies, the
eigenvectors are arbitrarily scaled; it is common practice to define a uniquely scaled set
of eigenvectors such that
This results in
( ),
is the matrix of
Elemental stiffness matrices are most commonly created using assumed displacement
fields, the method for which is given in appendix A. The derivation presented therein is
general and can be applied to any element type and proposed displacement field. The
construction of the elemental stiffness matrices of a 2D beam is described in this section
using the techniques and notation set out in appendix A.
Consider first the axial loading of such a beam, shown in figure 2.1. From equation
(A.13) in appendix A, the displacement of a general point in the bar is related to the end
displacements of the bar by the
For the axial displacement of the beam, the shape function is trivial and can be inserted
directly into (2.10) leading to
matrix -
- is defined as
which is intuitively correct and could have been ascertained directly. However, it is the
exception rather than the rule that elemental matrices can be constructed by
The lateral displacement of a beam undergoing shearing and rotational loading (shown
in figure 2.2) can be shown from elementary theory to be of cubic order and hence the
generalised expression for lateral displacement can be expressed as
It is important to note that these expressions are assumed and are not necessarily exact
or unique. Thus while leading to a viable finite element, the result will be one of an
infinite number of similarly viable but subtly different elements, this non-uniqueness is
exploited by so-called generic element updating parameters described in section 2.3.3
and subsequently in section 5.4.
The strain displacement matrix is therefore
Combining (2.14) and (2.22) to find the elemental stiffness for a full 2D beam element
which can resist shear and moment as well as axial load gives
This is the well known and very widely used Euler-Bernoulli formulation for a two
dimensional cubic beam element.
Stress and strain are calculated by most finite element software as a function of nodal
displacements. From equation (A.20) in appendix A, we recall that the general strain
is related to the nodal displacements
displacement matrix
The relationship between stress and strain for zero initial stress is given by (A.10) as
Required stresses are calculated element by element. Each point within the element will
have a number of components of stress3 associated with it and thus some user input is
required to specify which stress is required. Stress can be defined in either local or
global co-ordinates depending on the element type. For instance, the stress caused by
beam flexure is given in the elements local co-ordinates since this type of stress is, by
definition, in the direction of the beams axis.
Returning to the example of the 2D beam, the standard equation for flexural stress is
given by
area of the section. Recalling that the product of the strain displacement matrix and the
elemental nodal displacements gives the curvature, then the following relationship can
be written
This formulation for stress is used to estimate the stress on the outer surface of a beam
element and will be used as a comparative measure with the experimental observations
in chapter 4.
3 Three
Using finite elements for dynamic analysis requires consideration of inertial forces
which arise from mass undergoing acceleration. Traditionally mass was considered as
discrete particles distributed about a structure, resulting in lumped mass matrices an
approach which results in a non-continuous inertia distribution.
A consistent
Substituting the shape functions for the 2D beam (2.11) and (2.16)-(2.19) into (2.30)
and integrating over the volume leads to the elemental mass matrix
420 70
4 2
0 13
140 0
0 156
0 22
3 2
4 2
Co-ordinate Transformation
The formulation of the elemental matrices described above has - for convenience and
generality - been relative to a set of axes local to the element itself. To convert
elemental stiffness matrices from the local set of co-ordinates ( , , ) within which
they were formulated into the global co-ordinates ( , , ) of the structure of which
they must form a part a transformation is required. This is given by
Figure 2.3 shows the local and global axes of a three dimensional bar or beam type of
Forces in elemental co-ordinates can similarly be transformed:
Equating work done in the local co-ordinates with that done in global co-ordinates, it
can be shown that
direction cosines. Thus for the two dimensional beam example, the transformation
is given by
0 ,
the terms of which are the elemental direction cosines such that
matrix becomes
cos( ) sin( )
sin( ) cos( )
cos( ) sin( )
sin( ) cos( )
The transformation matrix for a three dimensional beam is found in a similar manner to
be given by
with the direction cosines having the same definition as in the two dimensional beam
Once transformed into global axes, elemental structural matrices can be constructed into
global structural matrices where each row and column in the global matrices represents
a degree of freedom of the modelled structure. For connectivity of elements some
overlap of elemental matrices will occur in the global matrices.
For more
Updating of real-life finite element models which might well consist of tens of
thousands of degrees of freedom requires that only a limited amount of structural
information can be stored and processed at once.
As later sections will demonstrate, the only involvement of the commercial FE package
in the model updating process is to generate the initial structural matrices. It is the
opinion of the author that future model updating techniques should enjoy a more
intimate relationship with the finite element method. To this end, the use of finite
element methods to identify loading on structures and to determine accurate deflected
shapes of real structures as part of a model updating strategy are investigated in the
forthcoming chapters.
The following sections outline and explore some of the main issues relating to the
current state of the art. They are concerned with the application of updating procedures
to practical situations with particular reference to choice of updating parameters. It is
not the intention to give a comprehensive review of the field. For this the reader is
directed to review papers such as those by Natke [27], Visser and Imregun [28] and
Mottershead and Friswell [29] as well as a book by Friswell and Mottershead [30].
These give more comprehensive coverage of the very large amount of literature related
to model updating.
Direct Methods
The earliest methods which fall under the model updating heading are known as
The first advocates of these were Berman and Nagy [31] and Baruch [32].
These methods consist of updating a set of structural matrices by making change to
of the terms in a single step. The result is that while the updated finite element model
will exactly reproduce the experimental results, there is no guarantee that the model will
correctly predict the structural response in other loading or testing configurations. This
is inevitable since the changes have not been made with reference to the physical
relevance of the structural matrices.
[33] have recently examined in some detail the effect of making
changes to a set of structural matrices. They conclude that the inclusion of such terms
is likely to result in the representation of a structure containing grounded springs which
can have a profound and unrealistic effect on dynamic response.
Direct methods have been largely superseded by sensitivity and other forms of
optimisation methods. The resulting updated models are constrained to be physically
realisable and are outlined in the following sections.
Sensitivity Methods
is the sensitivity
of observation
The form of
from certain exceptional cases, the changes in parameter value have nonlinear
relationships with the changes in observed dynamic behaviour. In such cases a first
order approximation of
to match the
found iteratively.
These methods can be subdivided into techniques which use modal data and those
which use frequency response functions as the system descriptor. The methods both
continue to enjoy popularity and are examined practically in section 2.7. Furthermore
the ability of the eigenvalue sensitivity method of model updating to account for the
effect of load on structures is described in chapters 5 and 6.
The comparison of observed resonant frequencies and - to a lesser extent - mode shapes
with their analytical counterparts pre-dates model updating as the most obvious and
direct method of comparing analytical predictions of dynamic behaviour with
experimental observations. Indeed, manual methods of altering aspects of the analytical
model to bring predictions of resonant frequencies into agreement with observed values
was and is standard practice. It is logical then that early methods of updating should
seek to find the sensitivity of system eigenvalues to changes in certain structural
The rate of change of eigenvalues with respect to structural parameters,
derived as follows [34]. Considering
, can be
Pre-multiplying by
updating parameter.
To address the issue of lack of information provided by the potentially small number of
resonant frequencies in a measured frequency range, researchers have turned to using
the response data directly. This has the additional benefit that there is no requirement
for time consuming and potentially inaccurate modal identification to be performed. A
further feature of the method is that some residual information from frequencies outside
the measured range is implicit within the experimental data.
The development of the so-called response function method of model updating is
generally attributed to Lin and Ewins [35] with a significant later contribution from
Fritzen [36]. The method employs the sensitivity of structural parameters to differences
in experimental measurements and analytical predictions of frequency response
changes in receptance by
[ ( )]
where the change in receptance term on the right hand side is defined as
( )
( )
( )
degree of freedom to the
( )
An appropriate choice of updating parameter leads to an iterative solution to find the set
of values which minimise the difference between experimental and FE predictions of
receptance at given frequency points.
A number of sensitivity matrices at as many frequency points as one wishes to compare
between experimental and analytical models can be constructed and stacked as
to produce
equations in
unknowns where
respectively the number of degrees of freedom at which responses are available, the
number of frequency points and the number of (unknown) parameter values.
At first glance, the generally greatly overdetermined system of equations given by
(2.53) allows a large number of parameters to be updated with some confidence. In
practice there is a large amount of inter-dependence of the rows of the sensitivity
matrix. A number of techniques exist for selecting the most useful frequency points for
instance [38]. It is the opinion of the author however, that the extra information yielded
from considering differences in response is not significantly greater than that from
changes in eigenvalues.
important to understand the motivation and requirements which determine the choice of
these parameters.
Considering a Taylor expansion about the original structural matrices in terms of a set
of updating parameters, the
of which is defined as
where the summation sign represents matrix building4. If the first order derivative of
the structural matrices with respect to the chosen updating parameters can be found then
an approximation to the changes required to the structural matrices can be derived. A
best solution for
This equation is strictly true for elemental matrices having the same dimensions as the global value.
and a
12 6
flexibility (to which the lower modes of vibration are most sensitive) is changed
significantly by perturbations of the offset parameter.
A similar method involving the development of specialised finite elements to update a
particular model of a rubber seal is described by Ahmadian et al [41]. A finite element
model of the rubber component is built from first principles. Its dependence upon a
number of user-defined parameters (in this case two) can then be updated.
A more general approach for parameter selection, also motivated by the perceived
requirement to update structural joints, has been suggested by Gladwell and Ahmadian
They consider families of elemental stiffness and mass matrices that are
physically realisable and which will alter the overall dynamic characteristics of a
structure of which they are a part. Thus the
which has certain properties in common with an initial elemental matrix. This approach
allows a great deal of scope in the changes one can make to elements while ensuring
that the element remains physically realisable.
Singular value decomposition (SVD) is a very powerful tool in the consideration of the
equations which arise in the formulation of model updating problems. In the following
sections the use of SVD for optimising over and under determined multiple parameter
problems is considered. In addition the method is applied to estimate the conditioning
of sensitivity equations.
The method is described in [43] and its use in optimisation in dynamical systems is
comprehensively set out by Maia [44]. The singular value decomposition comprises
recasting a matrix into the product of two orthogonal matrices [U] and [V] as well as a
set of singular values
consists of a set of min
The matrix
singular values
, ... arranged in
It is very common for updating procedures - and certainly those employed in the later
stages of this thesis - to require the solution of an equation of the form
. If the rank of
number of elements in
problems, both
solution to
parameters can appear over-determined, the sets of equations are likely to be nearly
linearly dependent on one another. In other words the whole problem is
The SVD allows a quick insight into the rank of an updating problem. It can be shown
[43] to be
... 0
not contributing usefully to the overall solution. A comparison of the ratio of the
singular value to the first in practical terms gives an indication of the practical rank of
the problem.
Turning to the solution of (2.62) the clearest choice is to minimise the value of the
, defined as
upon type of norm. Most commonly the two norm or the so called Frobenius norm are
Golub and Van Loan [43] show that for any problem of the type, including the
underdetermined case, there exists exactly one
is given by
( )
resulting in
( ) 1
The vector
projection of
can be found to be
[ ]
5 The expression
is used a number of times throughout this thesis and refers to the fact
that a single FE model will be used to represent a single structure under any conditions as well as any
identically manufactured structure.
The effect of noise on experimental data along with the other well known difficulties
such as lack of frequency bandwidth and limitations on the number of measurement
locations is blamed extensively for any lack of success in using measured data to update
finite element models. The term can be used as something of a catch-all into which any
number of unidentified factors whose effect is to hinder successful model updating
using experimental data can be thrown. Different predictions of dynamic behaviour can
occur from the same structure at different times or from nominally identical structures.
However, the factors which cause this variation have only recently received some
attention and are discussed below.
manner, their motivation being the reduction of tests required while maintaining
confidence in the results. They observe that the variability in modal test data results
from either inconsistencies in the modal/test analysis procedure or in the structure that
is being tested. The former is investigated with reference to a set of 9 tests on 7
vehicles. Specifically the test/analysis procedure is subdivided into the following:
Linearity Considerations;
Measurement System;
The study of these individual components of a dynamic test provides the basis for a
thorough investigation in to the causes for test-to-test error. While they are not studied
in any great detail, the dynamic behaviours of the seven nominally identical vehicle
specimens are seen to vary quite considerably. Further investigation of the test-to-test
variability problem [46] leads to some very useful guidelines on methods to avoid
variability of measurements resulting from inconsistencies in the measuring and
analysis of structures.
Balms [47] considers the problem of a single FRF model being required to represent a
real structure. He notes that the behaviour of a single structure can be altered by time
varying factors such as ageing, temperature effects, loading conditions. Also, he states
that variation amongst a population of nominally identical structures can occur due to
manufacturing tolerances, residual stresses and welding point positions. The results of
the GARTEUR round-robin exercise whereby a number of laboratories tested a single
structure each with their own testing equipment are examined. The relative simplicity
of the model and the availability of free-free testing in laboratory conditions led to the
observation that differences in dynamic readings arose from slight differences in test
equipment and procedures.
De Clerck [48] notes the difficulty of comparing multiple sets of nominally similar data
and describes a method which statistically compares a number of sample modal
analyses. A relatively simple formulation involving the term by term comparison of the
sample eigenvector
A more sophisticated method involves the singular value decomposition (SVD) which is
covered more fully in section (2.4) below. The SVD of the set of eigenvalues is taken
.. .
shown to give a measure of the consistency between a set of measured modal data. The
remaining singular values are found to represent the spatial variance of the set of
This approach allows the variation of mode shapes with respect to variability of
components of the model to be considered. The usefulness of these methods was
proved with a simple FE model whose characteristics could be changed and dynamic
response re-calculated many times and there appears to be a clear requirement to test the
effectiveness of the method in a real-life situation.
Ziaei-Rad and Imregun [6] appear to be amongst the first to consider the specific area of
understanding what level of noise in the experimental data can still allow a finite
element model to be successfully updated. They describe the problem in terms of the
range of error arising from the measurement of a single specimen. They acknowledge
that the method is equally valid in considering the variability in dynamic behaviour
between nominally identical structures. The method considers the response function
method of section with a noise model of the form
is given by
measurement respectively. An upper bound upon the error matrix is found to be given
in this case denotes the Frobenius norm of the error matrix. This expression
indicates that the level of noise in the experimental data (or discrepancy between test to
test measurements) which can be tolerated by the response function updating technique
is a function of the type of mathematical model employed.
The common choice of updating factors of elemental mass and stiffness matrices
(equations (2.56) and (2.57)) lead to a formulation of the sensitivity equation (2.45)
which includes terms from the error matrix
are noise affected p-values. The solution is found by finding the pseudo
Ziaei-Rad and Imregun show that for the case of the norm of the sensitivity error matrix
being much smaller than that of the sensitivity matrix itself then a solution is possible.
For the converse case they show that the extent of the noise leads to equation (2.84)
becoming increasingly ill-conditioned. This method allows a statistical consideration of
the variability in experimental data to be used to assess the likelihood of success in
performing model updating.
Despite the large amount of literature published on the subject of finite element model
updating, there is a relatively small amount of information describing the experiences of
applying such techniques to measured data. Instead many of the methods devised have
been demonstrated and validated using only simulated experimental data - that is to say
that the data originate from an analytical model rather than from a real structure. The
use of simulated data offers the analyst the chance to assess in a systematic and rigorous
way the effects of various perceived aspects of experimental data.
Many of the
limitations which apply to experimental data can be accounted for and investigated in
simulations. These include:
truncation of experimental data in the frequency range; and
limitation on the number of measurement points upon a structure.
Other factors however can be less well understood by means of the use of simulated
case studies - for instance:
model updating
method (RFM) was used to update the finite element model of a sheet metal box
comprising 716 active degrees of freedom. Some of the material properties of the finite
element model were altered manually at the correlation stage. A limited number of
responses (one direction only) were used to update the properties of two of the sides of
the box but with limited success despite the choice of multiple sets of frequency points.
The authors concluded that the scale of the discrepancy between measured and
predicted FRFs was beyond that which could reasonably be reconciled.
experimental data for model updating. They took the cautious approach of using very
simple models - namely a PVC plate and a small frame structure. A method employing
the difference between pairs of frequency response functions was used to update a small
number of elementary updating parameters. The influence of frequency point selection
was considered practically as well as the use of including damping in the analytical
model. While finding that updating using real experimental data is possible - at least at
a very simple level - they arrive at a number of interesting conclusions. Firstly that the
choice of frequency points is important in influencing the likelihood of a successful
update. Secondly it was observed that the amount of information available from the
structure limits the number of updating parameters which can be updated. They also
found that zero damping in the analytical model produces more robust convergence than
attempting to include damping parameters in the updating process.
[7] investigated both the response function method and the eigen-
sensitivity methods of model updating using experimental data from five nominally
identical L-shaped plates with spot welded connections. A significant observation from
this work is that the five specimens exhibited remarkably different dynamic behaviour.
The assumption that the global correction matrices can be found by multiplying
individual element matrices by scaling factors (equation (2.56) and (2.57)) is used.
Updating is performed using both the response function method (section and an
eigen-sensitivity method ( The eigen-sensitivity method was found to fare
better when augmented in a two stage approach with certain constraints. While the
method based on response function also produced satisfactory results, the choice of
frequency points was found to have a strong influence on the likelihood of success. The
choice of FRF estimator led to the response being ill-defined around resonance and
therefore not contributing to a well conditioned problem.
A further set of experiments was presented by Imregun
identical structures built to compare with a simple FE model. The correlation between
one of the sets of data and the finite element model was found to be very poor and
hence was not used in the subsequent model updating procedures a worrying
converged results only occurring after rejecting noisy experimental FRFs and rejecting
the use of damping parameters. It was noted that a number of sets of p-values led to
converged solutions clearly demonstrating that the solution is non-unique.
computational effort is investigated and shown to require the least square inversion of a
matrix of size
employed and 12 modes were extracted in the 0-40 Hz frequency range and compared
with results on a 1050 degree of freedom finite element model with reasonably good
correlation found between pairs of modes. The noisy nature of the data led to the
decision to use the eigen-sensitivity method to update elemental stiffness factors
(equation (2.56)) with successfully converging solutions. The conclusions are upbeat
suggesting that the method could be used for damage detection. The authors note that
the use of dynamic data has become popular as a method for monitoring bridges and
other large structures for signs of damage. The finite element model of a structure can
then be thought of as a repository of information regarding current levels of damage and
deterioration which can be periodically updated using dynamic test data.
Waters [54] concluded an in depth study of the FRF sensitivity method by using high
quality experimental data from a plate wing model. High order frequency responses
were used and frequency points were selected to be away from resonance to avoid illconditioning. The plate was initially cantilevered but the clamping arrangement and the
bench upon which the specimen was mounted were found to influence the dynamic
response so free-free testing was used instead. The effect of interaction of the structure
and the shaker and stinger was also found to significantly pollute the experimental data.
The stiffnesses and masses of groups of elements as well as an element representing the
mass of the force transducer were updated and convergence was achieved.
Mottershead [55] summarised several case studies of application of updating of the
geometric joint properties described in section 2.3.3 to practical situations. The finite
element of a welded joint was successfully updated by increasing the initial offset
parameter by 3%. In a variation upon this theme a specialised element for modelling
the rubber interface between a car window and adjacent bodywork was developed and
two of the elemental parameters adjusted to give the closest fit to a set of experimental
data. The veracity of the updated rubber seal model was tested by re-testing the seal
with a metal sheet replacing the car window. The closeness of the agreement gives
much confidence in the accuracy of the updated model in a way that is not generally
Mottershead and James [40] considered both joint geometry and generic elements to
update a three storey aluminium space frame structure. The sensitivities of resonant
frequencies to three elemental eigenvalues were considered. These contributions from
these updating parameters, however, added exclusively positive values to the overall
sensitivity matrix. Since the experimental results did not lie exclusively above or below
the finite element model prediction, no combination of the elemental eigenvalues could
adjust the resonant frequency prediction of the finite element model. To address this
problem the mass of the structure adjacent to its joints was also considered although it is
acknowledged that there was no reason to suppose that the mass was in any way mismodelled in the original model.
More recently Imamovic [56] considered the practicality of updating FE models using
measured experimental data in some detail. He concluded that methods employing
sensitivity of parameters to eigenvalues offer the best prospect of updating finite
element models of structures using measured experimental data. Several practical case
studies are considered. Experimental data from a cantilever plate6 mounted in a large
rubber block was obtained from several sources and the average experimental data were
used and compared with a finite element model of the structure where the principal
plate component was modelled using 60 plate elements. For the first seven correlated
modes, the initial finite element model produced resonant frequencies which were of
greater magnitude than their experimentally observed counterparts by factors of
between 7 and 27%. Due to the limited availability of resonant frequencies observed,
the stiffnesses of five plate elements closest to the grounded end of the cantilever were
used as updating parameters with a converged solution arising. Alterations to the
stiffnesses of these elements of between 40% and +20% are required to bring the FE
prediction into agreement with the observed data. The author inferred that much of the
discrepancy lay in the modelling of the joint between plate and foundation. While this
may be true it is also clear that resonances of the cantilever (as opposed to the low
magnitude resonances resulting from the straining the rubber foundation) are most
sensitive to the stiffnesses of this part of the structure. They would thus be changed
most readily by the updating method whether or not they actually contribute to the
discrepancies between FE prediction and measured dynamic data.
A further study involved a very large (92 000 DoF) model of an aeroplane engine
casing. Firstly a set of super-elements was chosen where elements were considered to
share properties. Multiple combinations of stiffness factors were considered with some
300 of these producing converged solutions. The best solution was chosen based on
issues such as good modal assurance criterion (MAC) [57] values between correlated
mode pairs (CMPs) and improvement in the agreement of modes not included in the
updating process.
The test data derived from a simple structure designed and built by Lloyds Register and tested by three
independent companies
Case Study
Dynamic measurements were taken with the plate hanging in free-free conditions, the
experimental arrangement is shown schematically in figure 2.4. The response of the
plate was measured along the centre line of the plate using a scanning Doppler Laser
Velocimeter. Excitation was applied at a point 250mm from one end. Frequency
response functions between the load point and up to 18 response points along the length
of the plate were calculated.
identification methods are common and representative, they are both members of an
increasingly large family of such methods. For a comprehensive and recent review of
the field one should turn to chapter 4 of [60].
7 Measurement
Table 2.1 summarises the tests conducted as well as showing the results of modal
analyses performed on data from the structure. The two pairs of resonant frequency
data gained using the global method were extracted from the same data but at different
The mean and standard deviation8 of the value estimated for each resonant frequency
are shown in table 2.2. The scarcity of data and the relative inter-dependence of
readings9 relating to the circumstances of their collection makes it difficult to draw very
firm conclusions regarding the variability of data. It is however interesting to note that
any one of the modal analyses would have allowed the modal analyst to be very
confident that the correct readings for the plate had been attained.
8 mean
and standard deviation =
number of observations.
, where
is the
observation and
is the
9 Each column for instance should be treated as independent of the other columns since the readings were
taken and to a lesser extent the modal analyses were performed at the same time.
The data suggest that certain modes can be extracted with some more consistency than
others, the standard deviation of the prediction of modes 3 and 6 is 20% of the standard
deviation of the first mode.
combination of a number of factors such as noise in certain parts of the frequency range,
close modes, lower levels of response etc. It is not intended to pursue the consideration
of the reasons for inconsistency of extraction of modal parameters.
The behaviour of the narrow plate which has been discussed in the previous section is
modelled as a set of two dimensional beam elements of the type described in sections
2.2.2 and 2.2.4 to keep the problem at a relatively elementary level. The principal
parameters used in the finite element model are shown in table 2.3.
The predictions of resonant frequencies yielded by this simple method are shown in
table 2.4 along with the average experimental observations for comparison. The plate
was modelled with 17 two dimensional Euler-Bernoulli beam elements such that the
node points matched the measurement points on the structure described above.
Additionally the plate was modelled with twice as many beam elements and further with
34 elements the results are shown in table 2.4 along with the closed form prediction
[61]. The analytical readings, like the identified experimental readings, show some
The coarsest discretisation using 17 elements each of length 50mm produces excellent
agreement with the experimental data. This would be regarded as a good starting point
for model updating. It is shown in section 2.2.2, however, that the finite element
method using elements derived from the displacement method described in appendix A
in at least one case it has been studied [62]. However, the cause of mismatch between
finite element prediction and experimental observation is rarely taken into account.
This is because improving the finite element prediction dramatically increases the
processing time required to extract the eigen-solution. Some practitioners [63] employ
a rule of thumb that the first third of the resonant frequencies produced by a finite
element model can be regarded as mesh convergant. The similar FE model with double
the number of elements gives a very slightly lower prediction of the resonant
frequencies as one would expect.
As the proceeding sections have described, there is some uncertainty about which
experimental data should be used for updating. Furthermore the choice of parameters to
be updated is by no means simple.
uncomplicated that any error in the finite element model is expected to lie in global
properties such as mass and stiffness or in the added mass of the shaker and force
transducer arrangement.
To assess the effectiveness of updating using experimental data, the stiffness of the
beam between 200 and 250mm from one end (element 5 of the 13 beam element model)
was reduced by 23.1%. This value of artificial error implies that a factor of exactly 1.3
must be applied to the stiffness of this area to bring it to the same value as the rest of the
beam. The artificial error is analogous to an initial mis-modelling but allows the
usefulness of updating strategies to be quantitatively examined.
Eight updating runs were performed with the effect of some of the principal factors
varied. Three sets of experimental data were used, the description of each updating run
is given in table 2.5. It is important to note that each of the different problems are
realistic and that
The three sets of experimental data referred to are the mean and extreme identified
resonant frequencies shown in table 2.4.
Only stiffness parameters are updated with the updated stiffness matrix being given by
where the second summation represents the elements which are not factored by the
updating parameters
Since only six resonant frequencies were available, updating of any more parameters
than this number of (independent) parameters leads to an underdetermined problem.
Two sets of updating parameters were chosen, the three stiffnesses of respectively
elements 3, 5 and 7 leading to an overdetermined problem and stiffness of elements 3
through 10 leading to an underdetermined problem.
Updating was carried out using the eigenvalue sensitivity method described in section
Convergence was assumed to have occurred when the largest change in any of the
updating parameter dropped below 1% of their original value and was achieved in each
case within five or six iteration representing quite robust convergence.
Figure 2.5 shows the value of the residual with each iteration. The residual is defined in
general terms in section 2.4, in this context it is defined as
updating iteration. The
residual is therefore an indication of the extent to which the updated model matches the
experimental data. The least successful updating run is seen to be number 7, the large
error arises since it is does not attempt to minimise the difference between experimental
and finite element predictions of modes 4, 5 and 6. Updating run 8 on the other hand
which should suffer from the same problem matches all of the frequencies. While a
very simple example this is phenomena is likely to occur in practice when only a small
number of modes are available. Of the sample of measured resonances those occuring
at higher frequencies are seen to be much more useful in making changes to the finite
element model than the lower order modes.
The choice of updating parameters is also seen to be important in reducing the residual.
The under-determined runs 4 to 7 which alter 8 elemental stiffnesses using the six
resonant frequencies are successful as is run 8 which only alters modes 3, 5 and 7 using
modes 4, 5 and 6. The latter result suggests that attempting to minimise the difference
between the FE and experimental predictions of higher order modes is more useful than
using all of the modes.
A range of updating parameters arise from the eight runs and are displayed in figure 2.6
with the target value of stiffness shown as a dashed line. The updated parameter values
are seen to vary widely.
The variation of experimental data is seen not to affect the converged solution for the
overdetermined cases (1 to 3) although the final parameter values in the other cases are
seen to alter dramatically as a result of data variation.
One might argue that the variation in updated parameter values is to be expected from
altering a parameter which was not thought to be in error. This problem with the initial
Concluding Remarks
The background to the generation of finite elements using the displacement method
based on the theory of minimum displacement has been set out. It has been argued that
an understanding of the construction of elements from first principles is vital. The
method of estimating stress at locations about a structure from elemental displacements
has been demonstrated and will be employed to useful effect in the following chapter.
The transformation of elements from local to global co-ordinates has been set out. The
application of this simple congruent transformation can account for structural
deformations and this transformation is considered as an updating parameter in chapter
The reasons for variability in observed experimental data have been discussed.
Literature on the subject has been reviewed and a number of approaches to
quantification of test-to-test error have been described. The review of the field of
variability of experimental data reveals that a methodical approach to the consideration
of the factors which cause sets of data from nominally similar structures to differ will
continue to provide a very fruitful line of research.
The development of model updating techniques has been briefly reviewed. Emphasis
has been placed on sensitivity methods with the eigenvalue sensitivity method and the
response function method outlined in detail. The use of Singular Value Decomposition
to solve the equation relating small changes in observed dynamic behaviour to changes
in updating parameter has been advocated and described.
The selection of updating parameters is considered in some detail. There has been some
conservatism in the choice of updating parameters. Recent methods which update
geometric parameters appear to offer a more versatile method of changing finite
element models, particularly in specific regions such as joints. This versatility comes at
the expense of considerable engineering judgement being required to assess the number,
location and type of updating parameters to use on a case-by-case basis.
A review of the application of
situations has been presented. It has been observed that practitioners have generally
been able to alter FE models such that they bring FE predictions of dynamic behaviour
into close agreement with
been seen to be far from unique. Disparity between sets of experimentally collected
data from nominally identical structures has been observed. In addition a discussion of
the difficulty in discerning which amongst a large population of sets of parameter
values make the best changes to the finite element model has been included. This leads
to the conclusion that the updated models are rather arbitrary and may only fare better
than the original model in matching the observed dynamic data.
Some studies which test the usefulness of the updated model by using tests which are
independent of the updating process have been reported. These give rise to optimism
that the wealth of experience in developing finite element updating techniques can
eventually be successfully be translated into the practical arena.
A practical case study has allowed some of the issues related to applying updating
procedures to measured experimental data to be examined. By creating a known error
in the initial finite element model, it has been possible to show that experimental data
can be used to correctly make alterations to the finite element model. It was shown
however that the nature of the updated model is very sensitive to the updating
parameters chosen.
Structures by their very nature are likely to experience a variety of loading conditions
during their service lifetimes. The effect of static or quasi-static10 loading upon a
structure will at the very least alter the magnitude and direction of internal stresses as
well as causing deflection. Since a structures dynamic behaviour is a function of these
characteristics it will be dependant on the loading conditions. It is therefore commonly
understood that structures undergoing loading will experience changes to their dynamic
behaviour. This very phenomenon is exploited when tuning a stringed instrument for
example, as the pitch of a tensioned wire is observed to change with its axial loading.
The common practice of modal testing of structures in unconfined free-free conditions
minimises the interaction of structural components with the outside world.
consequence is that the dynamic behaviour of the test structure itself can be considered
in isolation.
dynamic behaviour upon validation and updating of finite element models has been
largely overlooked. Given that structures are likely to experience a range of loading, we
take as premises that:
the structural changes which result from loading can be accounted for
in a finite element model.
10 This implies that while loading might change during time, the rate of change is sufficiently small that
inertial forces need not be taken into account when considering equilibrium. This definition applies
whenever static loading is referred to later.
Thus, it is incumbent upon the engineer to investigate the possibility of altering finite
element models to reflect the loading conditions.
Two principal factors altering the dynamic response of loaded structures will be
considered in this chapter, they both fall under the general heading of
. The first is stress (or geometric) stiffening in which axial load in slender
beams and membrane forces in thin plates or shells interact with small out of plane
deflections. The second concerns11 a structures form while under static loading which
will deflect and hence alter the response. While it is not inconceivable that static
loading will affect the dynamic response of a structure in other ways - for instance the
damping at joints - these are less easily defined and modelled and will not be considered
in this thesis.
It is important to note that although the consideration of large displacements falls into
the category of nonlinear geometry, this term refers to the
force and displacement.
relationship between
chapers the amplitude of the dynamic load is of the order of 0.1% of the static loading.
Both stress stiffening and large deformation can be accounted for in finite element
structural matrices.
accuracy is required, the structural matrices might require reformulation a large number
11 A third factor concerning the bowing of structural members (or finite elements) completes a trio of
factors quoted by most authors, and is investigated in detail in [64]. This deformity necessarily involves
large elemental strains. In the context of finite element modelling this effect is an extension to
discretisation inaccuracies and thus while its effect is noted it is regarded as being insignificant compared
to stress stiffening and geometry changes.
of times. Each of these actions potentially increases the cost of performing the analysis.
It is interesting to note that in the field of validating and updating finite element models
using dynamic data, facilities for including the effects of nonlinear geometry in modal
analyses offered by most commercial finite element packages are rarely12, if ever, used.
As the previous chapters have discussed, finite element model updating seeks to make
changes to a finite element model. These result in the finite element model not only
producing a closer dynamic response to the measured behaviour but being a closer
facsimile of the structure itself. More specifically, the types of updating parameters
which can be changed by finite element updating schemes have evolved to address the
supposed sources of error in the FE model (see chapter 2). This chapter investigates the
changes in FE models required to account for loading so that they can be included in the
arsenal of updating parameters. The implementation of alterations to finite element
models to account for loading upon a practical experimental example is described in
chapter 4.
The phenomena of stress stiffening and large deflections are described in detail in the
following sections. The derivation of the finite element formulation of each effect is
demonstrated and their interdependence is described. The remainder of the chapter
discusses the influence of these effects on dynamic modelling of structures and the
practicalities of their inclusion in validation and updating procedures.
Stress Stiffening
Stress stiffening arises due to the interaction of an axial load on a thin structural
member13 with transverse motion. Lateral deflections are assumed to be sufficiently
small that the axial load can be regarded as constant throughout the transverse motion.
The influence of stress stiffening in the area of stability analysis of columns and shells
The author has been unable to find references for instances where the finite element model of a
structure is altered prior to dynamic validation.
13 Generally applicable to beams and plates. In the latter case it is a membrane load which interacts with
transverse movement.
as well as the vibration of slender structures is well established. Euler [65] took an
interest in the subject in the mid eighteenth century; the ultimate load sustainable by a
perfect slender column which bears his name results from a consideration of stress
stiffening. The formulation is a function of the geometry of the slender structure and of
the axial/membrane force itself but
The importance of the phenomenon in a structural dynamics context is also well known.
Lurie [66], for instance, explored the relationship between lateral vibration and the
elastic stability of beams and plates in 1952. The relationship between frequency and
end load were investigated experimentally on both struts and plates. In the former case
the behaviour of two simple frameworks were examined.
The use of vibration data to assess the loading conditions and fixity of columns has
been of perennial interest to engineers. Stephens [67] appears to be the first to consider
the problem presenting a paper which claims that both parameters can be identified
from the first resonant frequency although some corrections to Stephens work were
made some years later by Lurie [68]. Closer to the present day Plaut and Virgin [69]
consider the steady state linear response to transverse harmonically varying load. The
influence of an axial load specifically on the response is investigated for several
boundary conditions.
The work of Lurie and others pre-dated the widespread use of the matrix methods in
structural analysis and in particular finite element methods. Therefore, the complexity
and range of structures which were amenable to analysis using simplified governing
differential equations of motion were rather limited. The widespread implementation of
the finite element method has revolutionised the size of problems upon which the
effects of stress stiffening can be determined. As the following sections (principally
section 3.2.2) will show, stress stiffening can be incorporated in the finite element
method by the addition of extra terms to elemental stiffness matrices.
The following sections firstly derive the influence of axial loading on the closed form
solution. This is followed by a description of the technique that implements the effect
in the finite element method. In common with previous and subsequent chapters both
methods will be illustrated by means of the Euler-Bernoulli beam.
Before investigating how stress stiffening effects are accounted for in the finite element
method it is instructive to demonstrate how the effect can be included in closed form
solutions. Note that the range of structural forms whose behaviour can be modelled
using closed form differential equations is limited.
Also recall that a simplified relationship14 between bending moment and curvature can
be expressed as
14 This formulation neglects the influence of shear strain, the result being the so called Euler-Bernoulli
beam model. If more accuracy is required an approach which considers the shear strain results in the
Timoshenko beam formulation.
Combining (3.2), (3.3) and (3.4) leads to the familiar partial differential equation
describing the dynamic behaviour of a straight two dimensional beam without external
This can be solved for various boundary conditions. Substituting ( , ) as the product
of shape
( ) sin(
) gives
, ... ,
Equation (3.2) can be modified relatively simply to take account of the effect of a
axial load, N shown in figure 3.3. This assumes that the transverse deflections
during vibration are small enough that no time varying axial load needs to be
Using this modified version of shear force we obtain a new partial differential equation
describing the motion of a bar experiencing an axial load:
Exact solutions are only available for certain end conditions. If, for instance, the ends
of the beam are considered as being pinned then
( , )
The ability of the time dependent term in equation (3.16) to satisfy the modified
differential equation of motion shows that the axial load does not affect the simple
harmonic nature of the solution. However, the natural frequencies are altered with the
resonant frequency being given by
The resonant frequencies are seen to be a function of the axial load N. Substituting the
well-known Euler buckling load
leads to
The relationship between transverse vibration and elastic stability becomes very clear.
It is seen that
The mode shapes can also be shown to be affected by stress stiffening. Experimental
results by Lurie [66] show close results for tests on beams. For a plate15 he finds
significant nonlinearity which he surmises is a result of initial curvature of the test
specimen16. Massonnet [71] experienced similar results when considering the effect of
circumferential loading of circular plates.
affected by axial load as shown in (3.21) bodes well for including loading effects in
updating procedures.
This need not apply to exclusively to plates, a 3D beam with low second moment of area in one axis
would demonstrate the same behaviour.
The closed form solution described in the previous section provides great insight into
the influence of axial load upon simple structures. The inclusion of these effects into
matrix methods of structural analysis allows stress stiffening effects to be considered for
much more complex structures.
The application of the phenomenon described in the previous section was applied to the
matrix method of structural analysis of both plates and beams by Gallagher and Padlog
determining the stress stiffening effects on finite beam elements is described in [25].
The strain of a beam in bending, with only the normal stresses taken as contributing to
the energy stored is given by
is the
distance from the neutral axis. The first term of (3.22) is the axial strain term, the
second term is familiar from beam theory relating to the energy stored in the beam in
curvature while the third term expresses the lengthening of the beam element due to its
rigid body rotation.
The strain energy is given by
and end
and further
Substituting (3.27) and (3.28) into (3.25) and minimising the total potential energy with
respect to the nodal displacements leads to the elemental beam stiffness previously
derived in chapter 2 equation (2.23) - plus the stress stiffness matrix
2 2
2 2
is the axial load. Like the formulation for the 2D beam element derived in the
previous chapter, the formulation is not a unique representation of the effect of stress
stiffening but is commonly used in commercial FE software.
If torsional stress stiffening is ignored, a similar expression can be gained for the
modification to a three dimensional beam element using a symmetry argument.
2 2
2 2
2 2
2 2
reviewed methods for determining whether stress stiffening effects should be included
in dynamic simulations of rotating multi-body structures. The method proposed was
intended for assessing whether stress stiffening reaches levels where static buckling is
likely and is therefore not sensitive enough for assessing slight frequency perturbations.
As the term
transverse stiffness. The changes to structural matrices required to model the stress
stiffening effects correctly cannot be accounted for by conventional finite element
updating parameters. Therefore, the updated model may exhibit the correct modal and
response properties, but on a physically unjustifiable basis [74].
17 If the structure being tested is likely to experience a range of temperatures then the thermal expansion
coefficient for all structural materials should be determined and included in the structures properties in
the finite element model.
A simple case study allows the effect of stress stiffening on conventional model
updating procedures to be investigated. Consider the beam structure shown in figure
3.4 consisting of 13 elements modelled with simple 2D beam elements. The section and
material properties are the same as the narrow plate structure described in the previous
chapter (section 2.7). The structure has fixed ends and the whole beam is subjected to
an axial load of 5kN18.
predicted by finite element modelling are shown in table 3.1 along with the
corresponding frequencies from an unloaded beam.
The bending frequencies are seen to be shifted by the approximately the same absolute
value. It is well known that altering the overall structural stiffness on the other hand
increases (or decreases) all frequencies by a common
A rudimentary model update using the sensitivity of the first resonant frequency to the
overall stiffness leads to the observation that the stiffness of the initial finite element
model needs to be decreased by around 25% (or the mass increased by 25%). Figure
3.5 shows the point receptances (the excitation point being shown in figure 3.4) arising
from matching the first resonant frequency of the updated structure with the
experimental counterpart. It is very clear that the updated model - while meeting the
single criterion set out in the updating procedure - is a significantly worse dynamic
representation of the structure than the original finite element model. This is the worst
case scenario and the inconsistency of the updated dynamic behaviour with the higher
experimentally observed frequencies would be noted. If the first four frequencies are
used to update the overall stiffness a reduction of 5% is reported, the resulting
receptance is shown in figure 3.6.
In practice if more than one frequency is used to update the overall mass or stiffness of
the structure, a poor final residual value should indicate that the observed frequency
perturbations do not derive from mis-modelled overall stiffness.
Large Deformations
When structural loading is sufficiently large (or the structure particularly flexible) that
the geometry of the structure changes during the load step, the stress stiffening
approximation to the structures loaded characteristics may not be sufficient. To account
for the deformity, equilibrium equations must be written with respect to the deformed
of structures undergoing modal testing will stray into plastic ranges, the solution
procedure for geometric nonlinearities shares some similarities with the treatment of
material nonlinearity.
Commonly the structural deflection is determined in a single step from the structural
matrices and loading. The stiffness matrix - which was constructed from the initial
estimates of geometry and material properties - is assumed to describe adequately the
stiffness distribution representative of the structure for the entire load step. Cases exist
where combinations of large loading and structural flexibility make it difficult to
determine the deflected geometry particularly accurately. In instances such as these the
assumption that the stiffness remains constant throughout the load step might be
An important concept is introduced at this point. The displacements experienced by an
element can be split into those which cause straining of the element and those which
cause rigid body motion of the element. That is
of any
finite element consists of both translation and rotation components although only the
latter has any effect on the elemental matrices. Therefore, the geometry for each
element is a relatively simple rotational transformation. Figure 3.7 shows the rigid
body and straining deformations for a two dimensional beam where the accurate
determination of the rigid body rotation
The simplest way to model the nonlinearity resulting from static loading is to discretise
into a number of linear steps. This involves recalculation of the structural matrix at
each point as suggested by Turner
step is given by
The effect of loading upon an element can be included after the first load step and thus
the effect of stress stiffening can be included in the nonlinear analysis. Improved
results can be obtained by increasing the number of load steps. An example of this
approach for a single degree of freedom system is shown in figure 3.8 where the upper
dotted line shows the result of recalculating the stiffness parameter at several discrete
points. It is clear that a purely iterative approach can lead to a relationship between
stiffness and deflection which diverges from the true relationship. As the size of the
load step decreases towards zero however the predicted line will converge upon the true
Another approach which is set out by Jennings [76] is to combine the previously
described incremental approach with a series of equilibrium iterations.
A very large amount of literature is published on the subject. Much of this - [77] being
a good example - is related to determining accurately the force displacement
relationship for very large elemental rotations. This situation is most likely to occur
near collapse. As far as the current discussion is concerned, the interest is not in
extreme deformations but small deformations to which the dynamic behaviour of the
structure can be sensitive.
comprise the specified loading plus loading applied at nodes by elemental distortion.
For equilibrium we must achieve
Summing over all elements and substituting into (3.32) to find the global displacements
i 1
i 1
where max
. The lower
this value is set, the tighter the convergence. The choice of convergence criteria
requires engineering judgement. If the deformed structural matrices are to be used to
perform a subsequent dynamic analysis, then the sensitivity of eigenvalues and possibly
mode shapes to small changes in structural geometry must be considered.
Nonlinear geometry methods that take account of large deflections are a superset of
those described in the previous section. These account for the stress stiffening effect.
That is, the stress stiffening elemental stiffness modifications can be included in the
iterative procedure. These account for the transverse lack of stiffening affecting both
the static solution and the subsequent resonant frequency.
The observation ties in with early analytical work on the vibration of curved bars
[79,80] showing that for a beam with symmetrical curvature the first mode of vibration
is most strongly altered.
This observation has interesting and significant repercussions on the process of
validation of finite element models of substructures. If the plate is tested independently
of a structure into which it will eventually form a part, the response of the deformed
plate will be indiscernible from that of the straight structure. However, if the deformity
of the plate exists when assembled into the superstructure, the stiffness of its constraints
will affect its dynamic response considerably.
Generalising from this simple case by considering a more complex structure containing
components which are deformed. The deformation could be the result of any one of a
number of factors such as manufacturing imperfections or simply in response to inservice static loading. The dynamic behaviour is likely to be altered but unlike the
simple beam example described above whose first mode is sensitive to the deformation,
a wider range of modes are likely to experience perturbations. This hypothesis is tested
by means of an experimental case study in the following chapter (section 4.3).
As the foregoing discussion has shown, the effect of stress stiffening upon structures is
to alter the apparent transverse stiffness of structures subject to axial loading. The
result is that all of the
The stress
stiffening matrix alterations necessary for making justifiable changes to the original
finite element model are omitted.
The same observation can be made for the transformation resulting from the largedeflection transformation. In this case the transformation consists of a rigid body
simplicity of this relationship belies the computational effort which is required to derive
Concluding Remarks
The factors which are responsible for changes to dynamic behaviour of structures have
been set out. Methods for incorporating these techniques into finite element models
have been outlined. The specific case of the 2D beam element is considered in some
The relative importance of two phenomena, namely stress stiffening and structural
deformity, in altering dynamic behaviour of structures has been investigated.
The apparent stiffness of boundary conditions are shown to be crucial in influencing the
extent to which the dynamic behaviour of a deformed structural component is altered. It
is shown that the a deformed component tested in free-free condition displays much the
same dynamic characteristics as its undeformed counterpart.
The phenomena which result in changes to dynamic behaviour under loading have been
shown to be encapsulated by relatively simple alterations to finite element structural
matrices. Conventional model updating techniques using elemental mass and stiffness
used to update loaded structures are invalid.
Figure 3.3 Lateral Movement of Small Beam Element Under Constant Axial
Figure 3.5 Updating Overall Stiffness of Loaded Beam Using First Eigenvalue
Figure 3.6 Updating Overall Stiffness of Loaded Beam Using Four Eigenvalues
The previous chapters have discussed how changes to dynamic behaviour resulting from
loading to structures can occur. Finite element techniques for taking account of the
changes to structures due to loading have been developed. To assess the validity of
finite element models which have been altered in this way, some practical validation of
the statically updated finite element model is required. To this end, this chapter
presents two experimental case studies in which the dynamic behaviour of structures
subjected to controlled loading is investigated. The results are compared with the FE
modelling techniques described in the previous chapter.
The first case involves the consideration of a slender structure whose state of loading
can be altered due to its inclusion in a relatively substantial testing structure. This
arrangement is directly analogous to the situation where a structural component or
substructure19 - is tested and its FE model validated in free-free conditions before being
included in a larger assembly.
The direct identification of static loading to a structure is likely to be impractical in a
real-life situation. This is because the loading can arise as a result of such wide range of
factors. The experimental study describes a method of identifying load indirectly from
surface mounted strain gauges. The example shares clear similarities with methods
which measure bridge strain using optical fibres [81].
19 A sub-structure is a constituent part of a larger structure some of whose properties are determined
independently of its parent structure.
A test rig was designed and constructed [82] to apply loads to certain simple structures.
This section considers the behaviour of a narrow steel plate under loading. The freefree behaviour of the plate has previously been studied in chapter 2, being mild steel
and measuring 100mm wide by 5mm deep and 850mm long. The shape was chosen
such that the structure could reasonably be modelled using either plate or more
elementary beam finite elements.
The narrow plate underwent dynamic testing under several static loading regimes. The
test allowed some of the issues related to the determination of loading in real structures
to be investigated. The study demonstrates why the resulting changes to the structure
should be accounted for in a subsequent dynamic analysis.
A schematic of the experimental arrangement is shown in figure 4.1. Loads are induced
in the test structure by changing the position of the end masses relative to the
adjustment bars by means of nuts on the threaded ends of these bars. The 100mm at
each end of the plate were clamped within the two large masses which comprise the test
rig producing an encastr connection. The test rig was designed to be sufficiently stiff
that the test specimen experienced boundary conditions approaching fixity. The two
end masses weigh 100kg each and the adjustment bars are solid and measure 40mm in
As in most situations where direct experimental determination of loading onto
individual components is impractical or impossible, the loading on the structure within
the testing rig needs to be determined indirectly. To this end, small single-element
electrical resistance strain gauges were placed at a number of locations along either side
of the plate. These allowed the longitudinal strain - and hence stress - distribution on
each surface of the structure to be assessed. This in turn permitted identification of
loading applied to the plate relative to an initial set of conditions. The strain gauges and
associated wiring were sufficiently unobtrusive to have little effect on the plates
stiffness. As chapter 1 has outlined, this type of instrumentation strategy would offer a
versatile method of instrumenting pre-existing structures to help to characterise their
loading regimes through time. More specifically, substructures tested with free-free
boundary conditions could be instrumented to determine loading introduced though
boundary conditions. The measured loads could then be used for dynamic validation of
the in-situ finite element model.
Figure 4.2 shows the location of the strain gauges along the plate. It also indicates the
co-ordinate system and the single point at which excitation was applied and dynamic
response was measured. The strain gauges were placed in pairs on opposite sides of the
plate. Strain readings were logged continuously throughout the testing programme,
beginning with the plate resting in an entirely unconfined state and ending in the same
condition. Four different load regimes were introduced in to the specimen by adjusting
the length of the bars joining the masses. The four load cases will henceforth be
referred to as cases A, B, C and D. Note that case A was intended to represent the plate
with zero loading.
distribution along the top and bottom of the plate in each of the four load cases
assuming a linear relationship between stress and strain.
Identification of the loading applied to the plate from a knowledge of the stress
distribution is not a trivial task. The strong nonlinearity of the stress distributions raises
some doubt about whether the use of a simple linear model to estimate the stress - from
bending moment and axial load - would produce a sufficiently accurate prediction of
loading. The most rigorous method available using the finite element method is to
determine the deflected shape of the plate accurately using a nonlinear geometric
techniques described in the chapter 3.
intensive methods of determining loads from the measured stress distribution are
described at the end of this section.
The plate was modelled in MATLAB [14] using a finite element toolbox - CALFEM
[15] - with thirteen 2D Euler-Bernoulli beam elements (described in chapter 2).
Elemental stress is determined from the displacements of the nodes of each beam
element. The relationship is set out in equation (2.29)
Rotation of the central axis of the beam allows the flexural stress to be cast entirely in
terms of two rotations
where the rotations are now relative to the local axis passing though both ends of the
deformed element. The local rotations
previous chapter.
Since the estimation of stress is not absolute20, any attempt to determine loading and
resulting deflected shape of the structure will also be non-absolute. To establish an
estimate of the absolute loading and hence the structures dynamic behaviour some
extra information is required. This would then enable identification of the deflected
shape Using only static observations two possibilities presented themselves; the first is
to regard case A - where the test rig was adjusted so that the end blocks were parallel
and thus the plate was close to being flat - as the datum. The alternative was to take
readings relative to the entirely unconfined plate. The unexpectedly large loading
observed in case A (top graph in figure 4.3) led to the adoption of the latter scheme.
The magnitude of the initial deflection was surveyed and found to be a smooth but nonsymmetrical curve with maximum eccentricity of 2.4mm. The measured shape of the
plate was included in an initial FE model which then corresponded closely to the state
of the plate at the point of assumed zero strain. A Nelder-Mead21 simplex direct search
method [83] was used to vary two bending moments M1 and M2 and the axial load Faxial
- shown in figure 4.4 - applied to the ends of the FE model. The minimisation was
applied to the difference between analytical and experimental stresses. The objective
function was taken as the 2-norm of the vectorised difference
exp 2
The strain gauges can only give an indication of the change in strain relative to the condition of the
gauges point when monitoring begins.
21 Different optimisation routines are not discussed herein since it is generally accepted that the
conditioning of the problem - and clearly the number of parameters - are more important influences on
the speed of convergence than the choice of optimisation routine chosen.
The maximum overall deflections are determined by the nonlinear finite element
analysis to be 1, 3, 5 and 6mm respectively. The greatest of these is a mere 1% of the
overall length of the narrow plate specimen which is likely to be well within the
serviceability tolerance of most structures.
While producing coherent estimates of loading, the method of indirect determination is
far from efficient and probably not practical for application on real structures. Several
simpler methods of deriving stress distributions from loading provide different
estimates of the loading. The simplest route is via consideration of a linear stress
bending load and the axial load become uncoupled. A more involved method is to use
the full finite element model. This is achieved by applying the bending moments and
subsequently the axial load, with the finite element model being reformulated after each
step but without considering equilibrium iterations. This will be referred to as the two
step approach. Note that both methods are special cases of the nonlinear geometrical
method described previously. The loads identified by application of these two schemes
to the data from case B are set out in table 4.2. The last two columns show the effect of
not including the knowledge of the initial deformity of the plate.
The number of individual arithmetic operations required for the identification of loading
by each scheme are also shown to give some comparison of the relative computational
efficiency. Whilst noting that the number of operations is a function of the starting
point of the minimisation process it is clear that a vast increase in computing power is
required to implement the more accurate schemes. The resonant frequencies which
would arise from each set of identified loads are calculated using the full nonlinear
analysis with tight convergence criteria and are also presented in table 4.2.
Table 4.2 Identified Loading and Resonant Frequency Predictions for Case B
There is certainly some variation in the prediction of loading which in turn results in
some inaccuracy in the prediction of resonant frequency.
observations and from the resulting stress distributions which are shown in figure 4.5, it
is clear that - for this particular specimen - the expense of matching the stress to a large
amount of accuracy is not justifiable.
The results indicate that a rudimentary match of strain is required. Once loading is
identified the accuracy of the statically updated finite element model should be
calculated to as much accuracy as can be afforded. It is particularly important to note
that the spatial distribution of strain gauges is a crucial factor in allowing the stress
distribution to be characterised accurately.
Excitation was applied normal to the plane of the plate at the point shown in figure 4.2
by a small electro-magnetic shaker resting on a foam foundation. The response for each
of the four cases was measured at the same point in the same direction by means of a
laser velocimeter. It was not the intention to consider changes to mode shape resulting
from loading in this instance22. Figure 4.6 shows the FRFs in the form of point
( )
( )
( )
Recent work by Link [84] lends weight to the view that mode shapes cannot be identified consistently
accurately enough to be considered as representative of a structure.
first torsion and third bending modes respectively. For comparison with the natural
frequencies predicted by the loadable two dimensional beam model, only the bending
modes are examined in the following discussions. A single input single output (SISO)
line fitting modal identification algorithm [59] was used to determine the bending
resonant frequencies. The results of the analysis are set out in table 4.3.
There is clearly a large amount of variation in the measured responses resulting from
the loading process, particularly of the lowest natural frequency.
The choice of a method for comparing the sets of data is not a simple one, insufficient
spatial data exists to enable consideration of the variation in Modal Assurance Criterion
(MAC) [57] values between these sets of data. However, an alternative criterion, the
Frequency Response Assurance Criterion FRAC [85], has been suggested as a means of
assessing the similitude of the data by comparing frequency domain responses. The
FRAC formulation is analogous to the MAC and has similarities to the COMAC [86] in
that each value compares co-ordinate response. It is given by
. The star symbol ( * ) represents the conjugate transpose. While the receptances
in (4.9) are single row (or column) complex quantities it is suggested in [85] that
it might be necessary to replace these quantities with their absolute values.
. The
receptances from case 1 and case 2, formulating the FRAC using both the complex
receptances and absolute values. The observation that an overall change in stiffness is
required to maximise the level of FRAC is counter intuitive and arises since the
magnitude of the response of the first mode dominates the formulation. Figure 4.8
indicates this clearly on a plot of the absolute values of point receptance for cases A and
B against a linear scale. If the factor is included the responses can be clearly seen to be
very different. However, it is noticeable that the first mode of the stiffened response
converges on the mode of the response to which it is being compared (figure 4.9 and
figure 4.10).
This observation has some repercussions upon updating methods which use the
difference between response data (chapter 2 section If the first mode of a real
structure a bridge for instance was to experience frequency shifts under loading then
a dilemma arises: if the differences in low order responses are included then there is a
risk of erroneously stiffening the entire structure. However, if they are ignored the
effect of loading will not be included in the updated finite element model.
Formulating the FRAC with a logarithm of the response leads to a value of
1 as one
would expect (figure 4.11). The result of using the familiar representation of the
receptance in decibel units is that the FRAC in all cases is very close to unity as table
4.4 clearly shows. The FRAC values are shown as percentages of unity for clarity.
Table 4.5 shows the corresponding FRAC values for the absolute values of the
receptances from the four load cases.
Given the experience with determination of the stiffness factor, it is understood that the
first mode contributes heavily to the low level of agreement between the pairs of
responses from different load cases. In such cases the use of FRAC values should be
treated with extreme caution.
The preceding paragraphs effectively demonstrate some of the problems which arise
when attempting to compare response data from nominally identical structures. A
comparison of resonant frequencies represents an alternative comparison. Accordingly
the implementation of methods which compare sets of identified resonant frequencies
are investigated in the following sections - principally in section 4.2.4.
The loads identified in section 4.2.1 (see table 4.2) were applied to the 2D beam
representation of the narrow plate using the nonlinear geometric approach described in
chapter 3. An eigen-solution of the resulting set of transformed structural matrices
results in a set of resonant frequency predictions which are shown in table 4.6 along
with the experimental measurements.
It is noted that the finite element predictions consistently overestimate the experimental
data. Several factors are likely to result in the differences between the predicted and
observed resonances. The first is the effect of the discretised nature of the finite
element model which has been discussed previously. Additionally the lack of complete
fixity provided by the experimental supporting structure will have a significant effect on
the experimental resonances. These effects make it more difficult to assess to what
extent the changes to the analytical model reproduce the experimental behaviour.
It is clear however, that a similarly large amount of variation is manifest in the finite
element prediction as was measured experimentally. The following section develops a
method which facilitates an easier comparison between the sets of data.
A ,
where the 0 subscript refers to the zero load case. It is common to consider percentage
increases between corresponding resonant frequencies.
For a given frequency from a single load case, a prediction of the corresponding zeroload resonant frequency can be found by minimising the differences between the
normalised increases with respect to
For a set of
zero-load resonant frequency can be found by
Using this method with all four sets of data yields predictions of bending resonant
frequencies shown in table 4.7 along with their FE counterparts.
The result of
minimising absolute frequency differences is also tabulated but can be seen not to be
significantly different.
The percentage increase of each natural frequency relative to the unloaded values are
displayed in figure 4.12. The minimisation procedure described above ascribes equal
importance to the perturbation of all of the modes. The results indicate that the zeroload resonant frequencies are estimated so that the perturbation to the higher order
modes most accurately matches the finite element model prediction. This phenomenon
is understandable in light of the observation that the first mode is most sensitive to
slight alterations in loading. Hence the prediction of this mode would be expected to be
less accurate. Other factors which lead to lack of agreement between dynamic and
experimental measurements and finite elements predictions are described in the
following section.
The technique presented here - while simple - has considerable practical appeal. Given
knowledge or possibly estimation of structural loading at the time of several runs of
modal testing, it is possible to estimate the set of resonant frequencies which
represent the loaded structure.
in forthcoming chapters.
The previous sections give confidence that the loading upon the plate is the primary
factor in causing the observed perturbations to resonant frequencies. Several other
factors whose influence causes inconsistency between the experimental and FE models
must also be addressed.
Firstly, as the previous sections have acknowledged, the test rig not being infinitely
massive will interact with the plate to some degree. To investigate the influence of the
test rig on the dynamic behaviour of the plate, a simplified finite element model was
used with each the end blocks represented by four solid brick finite elements. The
plate specimen and each of the adjustments bars were modelled with 5 3D beam
As one would expect, the loss in apparent23 stiffness at the supports results in lower
predictions of resonant frequency. Table 4.8 shows that the effect upon the first three
bending modes.
While the result is a closer agreement between the analytical and experimentally
determined values of resonant frequency at zero load, some disagreement between the
measured zero-load resonant frequencies and the FE predictions is still evident. Several
other factors seem likely to be to blame.
The previous sections have assumed that the loading applied to the plate consists of
only axial and bending loads. While this was the intention during testing, the design of
the rig makes it difficult to prevent some component of torsional loading to be
experienced by the specimen.
A further source of error will arise from the stiffness of the physical connection between
the plate and the large restraining blocks.
Small Framework
To address some of the issues raised by the initial experimental investigation and to
circumvent some of its shortcomings, a second test was devised involving a cross
braced frame structure. The structure was supported in free-free conditions for dynamic
testing thus obviating the requirement of accounting for potentially complex interaction
with boundary conditions. An adjustable strut in the framework allowed loading to be
introduced into the structure in a controlled and directly measurable manner.
The following sections present several sets of dynamic readings taken from the
framework under different load levels and investigate some of the aspects of the
changes in dynamic characteristics. A more comprehensive study of three nominally
identical frameworks is undertaken in chapter 6.
updating strategies to alter the finite element model of the structure will be studied.
Arrangement of Framework
An exploded view of the truss is shown in figure 4.13; the overall dimensions (between
joint centres) are 300mm by 500mm. The truss was constructed from 6
15mm mild
steel section spars which were bolted at their joints. Figure 4.14 shows the points at
which the structure was tested as well as the numbering and co-ordinate system. Three
strain gauging locations (also shown in figure 4.14) were used with the instruments
positioned in pairs on either side of the spars. These gauges were oriented to measure
the longitudinal strain. The framework was supported from two flexible strings to
minimise interaction of the test structure with the supporting structure.
The framework was deliberately designed to contain a single redundancy if considered
as a two dimensional pinned structure. However, it was anticipated that the noncoincidence of the centre lines of the constituent spars would result in bending moments
being transmitted at the joints. This leads to the requirement that the structure be
modelled in three dimensions. The practical observation was that tension induced in the
adjustable spar led readily to noticeable deflection of spars 1, 2, 3 and 4, allowing the
effects of deformity in addition to axial spar loads to be investigated.
Experimental Results
Four sets of dynamic readings were taken in the out-of-plane z-direction at different
levels of loading. Strain gauges on spar 5 adjacent to the turnbuckle indicated that axial
load in this strut were 440N, 820N and 1230N relative to the initial case. These load
cases will be referred to as cases 1, 2 and 3 with the zero-load initial conditions being
case 0. Experience gained in the previous experimental investigation (section 4.2.1) has
shown that difficulties can arise from judging an initial load case to represent zero
induced in the axial member. The strain gauges were zeroed with the turnbuckle in this
state. The bolted nature of the joints did not preclude the possibility of some loading
and deformity being locked into the structures. However, this was thought not to be
significant compared to the known loading levels applied with the turnbuckle.
Broadband random excitation was applied to node 26 shown in figure 4.15 - in the zdirection with a small electro-dynamic shaker via a flexible rod or
and a force
transducer. Response (mobility) was measured in the same direction at the 24 points
shown in figure 4.14 in the 0-400Hz range.
Modal analysis was performed using the MODENT program within the ICATS [87]
suite of software. The global method [58] of analysing multiple frequency response
functions was used to extract natural frequency and mode shape estimates.
Figure 4.16 shows the point receptances measured from the extremal load cases 0 and 3.
The dynamic behaviour of the frame is seen to change dramatically under the loading.
The identified resonant frequencies from all of the load cases are shown in table 4.9.
Note however that the rows of the table do not necessarily imply correspondence of
The identified modes shown in the table are the result of an extensive
examination of the sets of responses. It was observed that the prominence of modes
altered noticeably with the level of loading. Two of the modes, shaded in table 4.9,
were particularly difficult to identify in the unloaded case.
A graphical representation of these results is given in figure 4.17. This shows each of
the rows of table 4.9 as a line against the values of identified load in the adjustment bar.
The graph gives some confidence in the tables rows representing correlated modes. Of
most significance is that all of the resonant frequencies of the structure identified in the
0-400Hz range are perturbed a great deal, by different amounts and
. The pairs of modes two and three as well as eight and nine are observed to
be converging upon one another. Also of interest is the observation that the scale of the
perturbation in absolute terms for each identified resonant frequency is of a similar
order. This observation is borne out in table 4.10 which shows the absolute and
percentage difference in the identified value of each mode between load cases 0 and 3.
The mode shapes corresponding to each of the resonant frequencies are shown in figure
4.18. As one would expect some modes - for instance two and three - are dominated by
resonance of a subset of the total number of members. Others represent more global
displacement patterns, for example modes one and six. Employing the modal assurance
criterion to compare the sets of experimental data yields interesting results. Figure 4.19
shows the MAC of the mode shapes identified in case 0 with those in case 3 and
indicates that there is good correlation between the pairs of modes numbered one to five
and ten to twelve. The correspondence between pairs six and seven and particularly
eight and nine show less clear correlation.
deformities to the structure and the state of internal stress resulting from loading can
have a considerable effect on some of the mode shapes. The following sections allow
the phenomena to be investigated in more detail with reference to the finite element
model of the structure.
The framework was modelled using the ANSYS [16] commercial finite element
package. Three dimensional cubic beam elements were used exclusively to model the
structure. The model consists of a total of 34 elements and 192 degrees of freedom.
Soft grounded springs were attached to the top corners of the framework to prevent
numerical instability arising from calculation of eigenvalues corresponding to rigid
body modes of vibration. The node points at each of which there are six degrees of
freedom are shown in figure 4.15.
As the exploded view of the framework in figure 4.13 clearly shows, the struts which
constitute the truss lie in several layers. The co-ordinate system is shown in figure 4.15,
the z axis has its zero value at the mid-depth of back-most spar, 6.
summarises the relative location of all of the spars.
Table 4.11
This non-coincidence of the lines of action of the spars under loading was accounted for
by including stiff beams with axes parallel to the global z axes.
An eigen-solution of the finite element model results in fifteen resonant frequencies in
the range 0-400Hz whose values are shown in table 4.12.
The mode shapes corresponding to these modes are shown in figure 4.20.
The mode shapes predicted by the FE model were compared with the experimentally
determined values from case 0 using the MAC. The results of this standard procedure
are shown in figure 4.21. The results show that while for some of the modes at each
end of the frequency range of interest show good agreement, several modes around 180220Hz do not agree with one another with any certainty.
agreement of modes between the case 0 readings and the FE prediction in terms of
MAC values above 0.9, above 0.7 and above 0.5. Only seven of the twelve identified
modes can be readily matched with analytically derived mode shapes leaving
considerable uncertainty about the correlation of the remaining five modes.
Some insight into the poorly correlating modes is afforded by considering the autoMAC24 of the FE mode shapes. The results shown in figure 4.23, indicate that there is a
great deal of similarity between the very modes which had previously failed to correlate
well with experimental data.
showing the locations of MAC values greater that 0.8 with the shaded points indicating
multiple mode correspondence. It is seen that the mode shapes of modes 6 and 9 are
both of a similar form to mode 7; additionally modes 8 and 12 are seen to be much
While the behaviour of the closely correlating modes is a matter of some interest, for
the purposes of using dynamic data to characterise a structure, the modes which
correspond to FE modes 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 can be justifiably overlooked. For the
purposes of the current study, the closely correlating modes 1 through 5 will be
considered in isolation.
The loading upon the structure was applied to the ANSYS model with both the stress
stiffening and large-deformation effects described in chapter 3 taken into account. The
effect of loading the frame by shortening spar 5 was accounted for in ANSYS in two
stages as shown in figure 4.25. Spar 5 was loaded in tension separately from the rest of
the frame with the load resulting from the shortening of this spar being applied to the
frame independently of the spar itself. The elemental stiffness and mass matrices from
the two sub-models were output from ANSYS and combined in the MATLAB
Loads from 0 to 1200N were applied to the finite element model in this way. The
variation of the first five resonant frequencies for which good correlation between finite
24 The auto-MAC is the special instance of the MAC where two identical sets of mode shapes are
compared and is thus symmetrical.
element and experimental modes exists are shown in figure 4.26 along with the
experimental readings. The trends in both sets of data appear to be qualitatively similar
which inspires confidence that the changes to the structure caused by the loading are
accounted for by the changes to the finite element model resulting from the nonlinear
To allow the accuracy of the finite element model to be determined, pairs of
corresponding modes from the zero load case experimental readings and the finite
element model are set out in table 4.13. These lower order modes conform to the
expectation that the finite element model discretisation will lead to over-estimates of
resonant frequency.
explained by the fact that this mode consists predominantly of flexure of the adjustable
spar which contains the turnbuckle device whose characteristics were not included in
the simple model.
While giving encouraging agreement with the experimental data qualitatively, there is
clearly some error between the zero-load FE model and experimental measurements
whose causes must be investigated. The framework example is revisited in chapter 6
where the techniques described in chapters 3 and 4 are joined by a dynamic updating
technique to account for the effects of loading in the structure.
Concluding Remarks
The state of loading in two experimental case studies has been found to alter
significantly the dynamical behaviour of the structures. The techniques described in
chapter 3 account for both the deformation and stress stiffening resulting from loading.
These produced perturbations to predicted resonant frequencies consistent with
observed values.
An instance which demonstrates the indirect identification of loading using strain
gauges has been investigated. Several methods of employing the
finite element
Figure 4.6 - Point Receptances from Narrow Plate Under Varying Loading