Rampant Destiny House Rules Long Piece (00169194-2xA9D4B)

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LONG PIECE RAMPANT DESTINY House rules and unit profiles for Texian

House rules
Large Units
Large units cost 2 additional points and have 4 additional. The units do not gain additional shooting
or combat dice but are +2 to the their morale rolls whilst they are still above half strength. Very
Large units add a further 4 models for further point and are +3 to morale rolls whilst above half
strength. Only those units specified in the unit profiles may be Large or Very Large.
Unit additions
Units may be upgraded by inclusion of the following Special Models for 1 point:
Officer allowing a single re-roll of any morale or activation test by the unit;
Musician adding 1 to movement action rolls;
Banner adding 2 to morale test rolls to Rally from being Battered (but not other morale tests).
At the Run (Moving the same unit twice)
Instead of selecting another unit after a successful movement activation you may again select the
same unit to attempt to make another movement action. If unsuccessful play is turned over as usual.
If successful the unit takes a morale test at the end of its 2nd move.
Foot Moving through Rough Ground
Foot units move their normal distance on the turn they enter Rough Ground but if any figure starts
the turn in Rough ground the movement of all models is halved.
Double Six
If double six is rolled for an action the player may immediately attempt to re activate the same unit
after it has finished its activation (turning over as usual on a failure).
The relative efficiency of a unit with its weapons is included in the unit profiles. Muskets, Rifles and
Carbines are -1 to hit if over half their maximum range.
Skirmishers may Move through any friendly units.
Ferocious Charge and Rough Ground
Mounted units subject to Ferocious Charge are not obliged to make same if the target will be in
rough ground.
Mounting and dismounting
Cavalry units may dismount or mount using a Move order but rolling at -2.
Fighting in buildings
Buildings count as Rough Ground. All units hit on a 5+, attackers count normal armour and defenders
count armour +1 unless the attacker has the Assault Troops special rule.

Character models
The Commander is a separate model but must always be attached to a unit. In addition to rolling for
his character he may add +1 or -1 to the action roll of the unit to which he is attached. You may also
pay 1 point each for up to 3 re rolls he can use on sets of dice rolled in respect to units within 12of
his model
He may move from unit to unit (within 12 only) before rolls for Battered units are made.
Other characters may be purchased as follows for the points noted below (Firebrands, Tacticians and
Icons may also transfer between units within 12 at the start of the players turn):
Firebrand +1 to Attack action rolls and re roll one failed hit in combat (2 points).
Tactician + 1 to Move action rolls and add 2 to movement. Failure by the unit he is attached to
does not cause a turnover (2 points).
Icon (or Army Standard) +1 to unit morale rolls and a unit that passes a Rally test may be
activated as normal in the same turn (2 Points).
Pigeon placed with enemy unit adding d3 victory points if the enemy unit is routed or destroyed
in close combat (1 point).
Characters do not add combat dice to a unit but do temporarily increase its remaining numbers
whilst they are attached. No more than two characters may accompany a unit.
The Commander may be upgraded by carrying a standard which increases his morale range to 18 if
the relevant unit can see his model (1 point) and to have up to 3 Re-rolls available to use on any dice
rolled on behalf of a unit or character within his morale range for 1 point each.
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A suggested points limit for games including the above character rules and upgrades and unit size
boosts is 40 points with a maximum of 10 spent on characters and re rolls.

Drilled Units may use Close Order

Entering Close order requires a move action.
Units in Close Order:
1. Must be placed in even ranks (at least two) and files touching at least two other models if possible;
2. Have a Front (in front of a line drawn along the front of their first rank of models) and may not Shoot or
Attack enemy unless part of the target is in front of that line.
3. In Column and Square formation are easier to hit when shot at so enemy rolls are +1;
4. Are harder to hit when charged from their front (enemy Leader starts to their front) so enemy rolls are -1;
5. Lose the -1 to be hit and themselves are -1 to hit when charged by an enemy unit whose leaders stats
behind their front line;
6. If there is a friendly Un-Battered unit also in Close Order within 6 the unit is +1 to morale rolls; and
7. May use Volley Fire at up to half Range. The target is -1 to hit but if it takes any hits (regardless of whether
a model is removed) it takes a morale test with a further temporary -1.
Formations must be one of:
Line no more than two ranks deep and at least 7 models - +1 to Shoot actions, -1 to Move
March Column two models wide and at least 5 models +2 to Move actions, -2 to Attack
actions and may not Shoot (if allowed by special rules it may skirmish but of course loses its
Attack Column at least 3 models wide and 3 full ranks of models deep - +1 to Attack and Move
actions, 1 to Shoot actions (half dice only) and +1 to Morale; or
Square placed facing four sides and having 4 front lines but only shooting from one per turn
with half its dice, -2 to Move or Attack actions, further +1 Armour in combat and +1 morale.
Formations are changed using a Move activation in which models may not move more than 3 if on
foot or 6 if mounted.
Battered units lose their formation but may immediately adopt a new formation and facing if
desired if they Rally.

Field Guns - 1 model gun and 6 crew per unit 4 points

Attack 10+ Attack value 6+

Move 7+ Defence value 6+
Shoot 7+ Shoot value / Range 6+ / unlimited
Courage 4+ Maximum Movement 6
Armour 2 Special rules: Penetrating, enemy -1 armour, Cumbersome and may not enter rough
terrain, woods or buildings. Special Load Action at 4+, if not Attacked or Battered before they next
roll to Shoot the next shoot action is +2 to the roll and +1 to hit if the target is at up to 12 range
(grape shot).
Unit upgrades:
Elite @ 2 points Shooting value becomes 5+.

Texian cavalry 6 Models per unit - POINTS 4

Attack 6+ Attack value 5+
Move 5+ Defence value 6+
Shoot 7+ Shoot value - Range 5+ / 6 Shotguns and pistols
Courage 4+ Maximum Movement 10
Armour 3 Special rules Counter-charge; Skirmish; Evade
Unit upgrades:
Rangers @ 1 point per unit Shoot value becomes 4+ and range 12 when mounted and 24 when
on foot
Large unit @ 2 points adds 4 models and +2 to morale tests while over half strength.

Texian State Infantry 16 Models per unit POINTS 4

Attack 6+ Attack value 5+
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Move 6+ Defence value 5+

Shoot 6+ Shoot value / Range 5+ / 18 Muskets
Courage 4+ Maximum movement 6
Armour 2 Special rules Drilled. These units are -1 to all tests of morale and activation when not
in Close Order formations.
Unit upgrades:
Large unit @ 1 point adds 4 figures and +2 to morale tests while over half strength.
Officer, standard and musician @ 1 point.

Old State volunteers 12 Models per unit POINTS 4

Attack 6+ Attack value 5+
Move 6+ Defence value 6+
Shoot 7+ Shoot value / Range 5+ / 24 Rifles
Courage 4+ Maximum movement 8
Armour 2 Special rules - Skirmish; Evade; Fleet Footed
Unit upgrades:
Large unit @ 1 point adds 4 figures and +2 to morale tests while over half strength.
Mountain Men@ 1 point Shooting value becomes 4+.

US Army and New Orleans Greys 12 Models per unit POINTS 4

Attack 6+ Attack value 5+
Move 6+ Defence value 5+
Shoot 6+ Shoot value / Range 5+ / 18 Muskets
Courage 3+ Maximum movement 6
Armour 2 Special rules Drilled, Assault Troops
Unit upgrades:
Large unit @ 1 point adds 4 figures and +2 to morale tests while over half strength.

Mexican Presidial Cavalry 8 Models per unit - POINTS 4

Attack 7+ Attack value 5+
Move 5+ Defence value 6+
Shoot 6+ Shoot value / Range 5+ / 12 Carbines
Courage 4+ Maximum Movement 10
Armour 3 Special rules Skirmish; Evade
Unit upgrades:
Large unit @ 1 point adds 4 figures and +2 to morale tests while over half strength.

Mexican Activa Regular Cavalry 8 Models per unit - POINTS 4

Attack 6+ Attack value 5+
Move 6+ Defence value 6+
Shoot 7+ Shoot value / Range 5+ / 12 Carbines
Courage 5+ Maximum movement 10
Armour 3 Special rules Drilled, Countercharge, Wild Charge. These units are -1 to all tests of
morale and activation when not in Close Order formations.
Unit upgrades:
Lances @ 1 point per unit: Attack Value +1.
Permanente @ 1 point per unit Courage becomes 4+ and Defence Value become 5+.
Large unit @ 2 points adds 4 figures and +2 to morale tests while over half strength.

Mexican Regular Infantry

16 Models per unit POINTS 3

Attack 7+ Attack value 5+

Move 6+ Defence value 5+
Shoot 7+ Shoot value / Range 5+ / 18 Muskets
Courage 5+ Maximum movement 6
Armour 2 Special rules Drilled. These units are -1 to all tests of morale and activation when not
in Close Order formations.
Unit upgrades:
Grenadiers @ 1 point per unit Courage increases to 4 and gain Assault troops special rule..

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Officer, standard and musician @ 1 point.

Large unit @ 2 points adds 4 figures and +2 to morale tests while over half strength; or Very Large
unit @ 3 points adds 8 figures and +3 to morale tests while over half strength

Mexican Zapadores 12 Models per unit POINTS 4

Attack 6+ Attack value 5+ (4+ when attacking enemy in cover)
Move 6+ Defence value 5+
Shoot 7+ Shoot value / Range 5+ / 18 Muskets
Courage 4+ Maximum movement 6
Armour 2 Special rules Drilled, Assault Troops
Unit upgrades:
Large unit @ 1 point adds 4 figures and +2 to morale tests while over half strength.

Mexican Cazadores 12 Models per unit POINTS 4

Attack 6+ Attack value 6
Move 6+ Defence value 6
Shoot 6+ Shoot value / Range 5+ / 18
Courage 4+ Maximum movement 8
Armour 2 Special rules - Skirmish; Evade; Fleet Footed
Unit upgrades:
Large unit @ 1 point adds 4 figures and +2 to morale tests while over half strength.

Mounted Comanche 6 Models per unit - POINTS 4

Attack 7+ Attack value 5+
Move 6+ Defence value 6
Shoot 6+ Shoot value / Range 5+ / 12 Bows
Courage 4+ Maximum movement 12
Armour 3 Special rules Skirmish; Evade; Fleet Footed; Savages, Attack actions against battered
opponents are at +2 to the dice rolled.
Unit upgrades:
Lances @ 1 point per unit: Attack Value becomes 4+.
Experts @ 1 point per unit: Lose -1 to hit when skirmishing
Large unit @ 2 points adds 4 figures and +2 to morale tests while over half strength.

Comanche on foot 12 Models per unit POINTS 4

Attack 7+ Attack value 5+
Move 6+ Defence value 6
Shoot 6+ Shoot value / Range 5+ / 12 Bows
Courage 4+ Maximum movement 8
Armour 2 Special rules - Skirmish; Evade; Fleet Footed; Savages, Attack actions against battered
opponents are at +2 to the dice rolled.
Unit upgrades:
Large unit @ 1 point adds 4 figures and +2 to morale tests while over half strength.

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Example armies

General Free
Colonel - 2 points
Large Regular cavalry 6
Large Presidial cavalry 6
Large Line with officer standard and Musician 8
Large Line with officer standard and Musician 8
Large Cazadore 6
Field gun 4
40 Points

Colonel Free
Leutenant 2 points
Large Texian cavalry 6
Large Old State volunteer 6
Large Texian Army with officer, musician and standard 9
Large Texian Army with officer, musician and standard 9
Large US Army deserters 6 (these I need to make this weekend)
Field gun 4
40 points

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Dragoon - May mount or dismount within 3 using a move action but roll at -1. Armour on
foot is reduced to 2.
Stand and Fire May roll to conduct a shoot action at enemy that Attack them. If fail roll
at -1 to hit in the combat.
Lay Down Gal May lay their horses down when they dismount and retain Armour 3 but
the action roll is at -2.

US Army Field Guns - 1 model gun and 6 crew per unit 4 points
Attack 10+ Attack value 6+
Move 7+ Defence value 6+
Shoot 7+ Shoot value / Range 6+ / unlimited
Courage 4+ Maximum Movement 6
Armour 2 Special rules: Penetrating, enemy -1 armour, Cumbersome and may not
enter rough terrain, woods or buildings. Special Load Action at 4+, if not Attacked or
Battered before they next roll to Shoot the next shoot action is +2 to the roll and +1 to hit
if the target is at up to 12 range (grape shot).
Unit upgrades:
Elite @ 2 points Shooting value becomes 5+.

US Army Cavalry 6 Models per unit - POINTS 4

Attack 6+ Attack value 4+
Move 6+ Defence value 6+
Shoot 7+ Shoot value - Range 5+ / 12 Carbines and pistols
Courage 4+ Maximum Movement 8
Armour 3+ Special rules Counter-charge; Stand and Fire; Dragoon; Lay Down Gal
Unit upgrades:
Large unit @ 2 points adds 4 models and +2 to morale tests while over half strength.

US Army Infantry 12 Models per unit POINTS 4

Attack 6+ Attack value 5+
Move 6+ Defence value 5+
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Shoot 6+ Shoot value / Range 5+ / 18 Rifles

Courage 3+ Maximum movement 6
Armour 2 Special rules Drilled; Stand and Fire
Unit upgrades:
Large unit @ 1 point adds 4 figures and +2 to morale tests while over half strength.


The following rules apply to all Native American forces:
Savages - Attack actions against battered opponents are at +2 to the dice rolled.
Scalps If an enemy unit on foot Routs after a combat the Native American gains D3
victory points.
Prize horses If an enemy mounted unit Routs after a combat the Native American gains
d3 victory points.
Counting Coup A unit armed with Coup Sticks gains 1 VP each time it successfully
attacks the enemy.
Life is Precious - Indian forces must test morale after 1/3 (as opposed to units are
Indian units may not include Special Models (Officer, Standard Bearer or Musician) and
only the special characters noted below may be included:

Renegade + 1 to Move action rolls and add 2 to movement. Failure by the unit he is
attached to does not cause a turnover (2 points).
Berdache (Womens Society Member) placed with Warrior unit adding d3 victory points if
the unit survives the game (1 point).

Native American forces must be one of the following to whom special rules may
Plains Tribes (Sioux, Cheyenne, Kiowa and Arapaho): Warriors on Foot may be Dog
Soldiers or belong to a Warrior Society for 1 point; All mounted Warriors gain Coup Sticks
for free. Leader may have a War Bonnet; May have Medicine Man Character.
Northern Tribes (Crow, Blackfoot, Gros Ventre and Nez Perce): May not be
upgraded to effective firearms; All units gain medicine Pipes for free; any unit may be
Contrary; May have Medicine Man character.
Desert tribes: All units gain Guerilla special rule for free; May have Medicine Shields;
May have Di Yin Charater.
Dog Soldiers Courage +1, Attack Value 4+ subject to Wild Charge.
Warrior Society Courage +1 Shooting value 4+.
War Bonnet The Leader may wear a War Bonnet increasing his Leadership range to 18
for 1 point.
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Medicine Shields Armour +1 for 1 point.

Medicine Pipes Courage +1.
Guerilla May make a free move after on table deployment is complete.
Contrary - +1 Courage and Attack Value 4+ and gain Countercharge and Wild Charge
special rules for 1 point.

Mounted Warriors 6 Models per unit - POINTS 4

Attack 7+ Attack value 5+
Move 6+ Defence value 6
Shoot 6+ Shoot value / Range 5+ / 8 Bows
Courage 4+ Maximum movement 12
Armour 3 Special rules Skirmish; Evade; Fleet Footed; Savages; Scalps
Unit upgrades:
Lances @ 1 point per unit: Attack Value becomes 4+.
Experts @ 1 point per unit: Lose -1 to hit when skirmishing
Firearms @ 1 point per unit: Range increases to 12
Large unit @ 2 points adds 4 figures and +2 to morale tests while over half strength.

Indian Warriors on foot 12 Models per unit POINTS 4

Attack 7+ Attack value 5+
Move 6+ Defence value 6
Shoot 6+ Shoot value / Range 5+ / 12 Bows
Courage 4+ Maximum movement 8
Armour 2 Special rules - Skirmish; Evade; Fleet Footed; Savages; Scalps
Unit upgrades:
Large unit @ 1 point adds 4 figures and +2 to morale tests while over half strength.

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