Climate Change
Climate Change
Climate Change
Europes summers to get hotter, The Arctics ominous thaw, Study shows warming trend in Alaskan
Streams, Lake Tahoe Warming Twice as Fast as Oceans, Global Warming Seen as Security Threat, Global
warming a bigger threat to poor, Tibets glaciers heading for meltdown, Climate change affects deep sea
life, UK: Climate change is costing millions. These are just a few of the many headlines that crossed the wires
in 2004, and they have elicited widespread concern, even in the business community. 2004 is thought to have
been the fourth warmest year on record and the worst year thus far for weather-related disasters claims. Munich
Re, the largest reinsurer in the world, recently stated that it expects natural-disaster-related damages to
increase exponentially in the near future, and it attributes much of these damages to anthropogenic climate
change. Thomas Loster, a climate expert at Munich Re, says: We need to stop this dangerous experiment
humankind is conducting on the Earths atmosphere.
Dangerous has become something of a clich when discussing climate change, but what exactly does it
mean in that context? This paper will explore some basic concepts in climate change, how they relate to what
might be dangerous, and various approaches to characterizing and quantifying dangerous anthropogenic
interference [DAI] with the climate system [68]. It will also outline and differentiate the roles of scientists and
policymakers in assessing what dangerous climate change entails. It will discuss current scientific attempts at
assessing elements of dangerous climate change and will suggest ways in which such science can be
translated into policy. It will also state explicitly that determination of acceptable levels of impacts or what
constitutes danger are deeply normative, involving value judgments that must be made by decision makers,
though scientist have a major role in providing analysis and context.
the extent to which non-natural (i.e., human) emissions of greenhouse gases have contributed to climate
change, how much we will enhance future disturbance, and what the consequences of such disturbance could
be for social and environmental systemsin short, the extent to which human alterations could risk DAI.
It is also well-known that humans have caused an increase in radiative forcing. In the past few centuries,
atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased by more than 30 percent. The reality of this increase is undeniable,
and virtually all climatologists agree that the cause is human activity, predominantly the burning of fossil fuels.
To a lesser extent, deforestation and other land-use changes and industrial and agricultural activities like
cement production and animal husbandry also contribute to greenhouse gas buildups. Most mainstream climate
scientists agree that there has been an anomalous rise in global average surface temperatures since the time of
the Industrial Revolution. Earths temperature is highly variable, with year-to-year changes often masking the
overall rise of approximately 0.7 C that has occurred since 1860, but the twentieth century upward trend is
obvious, as shown in Figure 1, below. Especially noticeable is the rapid rise at the end of the twentieth century.
Indeed, the period from the 1980s onwards has been estimated to be the warmest period in the last 2,000
years. Mann and Jones, 2003 [35]; Mann, Bradley, and Hughes, 1998 [34]; and Mann, Bradley, and Hughes,
1999 [33] have attempted to push the Northern Hemisphere temperature record back 1,000 years by performing
a complex statistical analysis involving some 112 separate indicators related to temperature. Although there is
considerable uncertainty in the millennial temperature reconstruction, the overall trend shows a gradual
temperature decrease over the first 900 years, followed by a sharp upturn in the twentieth century. That upturn
is, of course, a compressed representation of the real (thermometer-based) surface temperature record of the
last 150 years. Though there is some on-going dispute about details in the medieval period (e.g., [70]), many
replicate studies confirm the basic picture of unusual warming in the past three decades compared to the past
millennium [71].
circumstantial evidence. However, many recent fingerprint analyses have reinforced these conclusions (i.e.,
[58], [19], [48], [54], and [57]).
cooling in the North Atlantic region, with both warming and cooling regional teleconnections up- and
downstream of the North Atlantic; and deglaciation of polar ice sheets like Greenland or the West Antarctic,
which would cause (over many centuries) many meters of additional sea level rise on top of that caused by the
thermal expansion from the direct warming of the oceans [59]. There is also the possibility of true surprises,
events not yet currently envisioned [64]. However, in the case of true surprises, it is still possible to formulate
imaginable conditions for surpriselike rapidly forced climate change, since the faster the climate system is
forced to change, the higher the likelihood of triggering abrupt non-linear responses [28]. Potential climate
change, and more broadly, global environmental change, faces both types of surprises because of the
enormous complexities of the processes and interrelationships involved (such as coupled ocean, atmosphere,
and terrestrial systems) and our insufficient understanding of them individually and collectively (e.g., [21]).
ecosystems as an additional reason for concern, though this could be partially represented under the first
reason for concern. The figure, also known as the burning embers diagram, shows that the most potentially
serious climate change impacts (the red colors on the figure) typically occur after only a few degrees Celsius of
Parry et al.s (2001) [49] millions at risk work suggests another approach. The authors estimate the
additional millions of people who could be placed at risk as a result of different amounts of global warming. The
risks Parry et al. focus on are hunger, malaria, flooding and water shortage. Similarly, the 2002 Johannesburg
World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) came up with five key areas to target for sustainable
development: water, energy, health, agriculture, and biodiversity (WEHAB). These categories, with the addition
of coastal regions (as proposed by [51]), are also well-suited to grouping climate change impacts.
It our strong belief that such broad based, multi-metric approaches to impacts categorization and
assessment are vastly preferable to focusing solely on market categories of damages, as is often done
by traditional cost-benefit analyses. One-metric aggregations can underestimate the seriousness of
climate impacts. Evidence for this was gathered by Nordhaus (1994a) [41], who surveyed conventional
economists, environmental economists, atmospheric scientists, and ecologists about estimated climate
damages. His study reveals a striking cultural divide across natural and social scientists who
participated in the study. Conventional economists surveyed suggested that even extreme climate
change (i.e., 6C of warming by 2090) would not likely impose severe economic losses, implying it is
likely to be cheaper to emit more in the near term and worry about cutting back later, using additional
wealth gained from near-term emitting to fund adaptation later on. Natural scientists estimated the total
economic impact of extreme climate change, much of which they assigned to non-market categories, to
be 20 to 30 times higher than conventional economists projections. In essence, the natural scientists
tended to respond that they were much less optimistic that humans could invent acceptable substitutes
for lost climatic services (see[56]).
Because they typically only measure market impacts, traditional cost-benefit analyses are often
considered skewed from a justice perspective. In a traditional CBA, the ethical principle is not even
classical Benthamite utilitarianism (greatest good for the greatest number of people), but an aggregated
market power form of utilitarianism (greatest good for the greatest number of dollars in benefit/cost
ratios). Thus, an industrialized country with a large economy that suffered the same biophysical climate
damages as an unindustrialized nation with a smaller economy would be considered to have suffered
more by virtue of a larger GDP loss and would, in the aggregate-dollars-lost metric, be more important
to rescue and/or rehabilitate, if possible. Even more problematic, what if an industrial northern country
experienced a monetary gain in agriculture and forestry from global warming due to longer growing
seasons, while at the same timeas much of the literature suggestsless developed southern
countries suffered from excessive heating that amounted to a monetary loss of the same dollar value as
the gain in the north? This could hardly be viewed as a neutral outcome despite a net welfare change
of zero (derived from summing the monetary gain in the north and the loss in the south). Very few would
view a market-only valuation and global aggregation of impacts in which the rich get richer and the poor
get poorer as a result of climate change as an ethically neutral result.
Under the framework of the five numeraires and other systems that rely on multiple metrics, the interests of
developing countries and the less privileged within nations would be given a greater weight on the basis of the
threats to non-market entities like biodiversity, human life, and cultural heritage sites. Take the example of
Bangladesh: Assume that rising sea levels (caused by climate change) lead to the destruction of lives, property,
and ecosystems equivalent to about 80% of the countrys GDP. While the losses would be indisputably
catastrophic for Bangladesh, they would amount to an inconsequential 0.1% of global GDP [25], causing a
market-aggregation-only analysis to classify the damage as relatively insignificant, though a reasonable
interpretation of many would be that such a loss clearly qualifies as DAI. Those considering multiple
numeraires, on the other hand, would argue that this is clearly unfair, as the loss of life, degraded quality of life,
and potential loss of biodiversity are at least as important as aggregate market impacts.
While it seems that some of the impacts of climate change discussed thus far suggest that dangerous levels of
climate change may occur, the UNFCCC never actually defined what it meant by dangerous.
Many metrics for defining dangerous have been introduced in recent years, and most focus on the
consequences (impacts) of climate change outcomes. From an equity perspective, it can be argued that any
climate change that impacts more upon those who contributed the least to the problem is less just and thus
arguably more dangerous and could have repercussions that extend beyond environmental damages (to
security, health, and economy, for example). Along similar lines, scientists defined dangerous anthropogenic
interference at COP10 in Buenos Aires in December 2004 by assessing the key vulnerabilities with regard to
climate change. In the IPCC TAR, vulnerability was described as a consequence of exposure, sensitivity, and
adaptive capacity (Glossary, [25]). As proposed in Working Group 2s working draft on Chapter 19 for the
forthcoming IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4), key vulnerabilities are defined as:
(a) a valued property of the coupled human-natural system that is associated with large
impact risks (such as the sensitivity of the thermohaline ocean circulation to
anthropogenic climate change), or
(b) an impact risk that is considered salient to specific sectors, regions or social groups (such
as increased flood risks in coastal regions or the extinction of species). Key vulnerabilities
describe those interactions between elements of the climate system, climate-sensitive
resources and the services provided by them that may involve significant adverse
outcomes that are considered in the literature to be significant enough in terms of their
ecological, social, and economic implications to be relevant to the determination of DAI.
(Please note, that all references to the current text or perspectives of Zero Order Drafts of the AR4 do
not necessarily represent what will emerge from the many rounds in the next few years of review and
governmental approvals of content. They cannot be quoted as IPCC results, and are only useful here to
illustrate conceptual issues.)
The notion of key vulnerabilities was derived partly from the discussion on concepts of danger that
occurred at the European Climate Forums (ECF) symposium on Key vulnerable regions and climate change
in Beijing in October 2004 and was presented at COP 10. The ECF symposium identified three concepts of
Determinative dangers are, on their own, enough to define dangerous levels of climate change. The
ECFs list of determinative dangers resulting from climate change include: circumstances that could
lead to global and unprecedented consequences, extinction of iconic species or loss of entire
ecosystems, loss of human cultures, water resource threats, and substantial increases in mortality
levels, among others.
Early warning dangers are dangers already present in certain areas that are likely to spread and
worsen over time with increased warming. These dangers could include Arctic Sea ice retreat, boreal
forest fires, and increases in frequency of drought, and they could become determinative over time or
taken together with other dangers.
Regional dangers are widespread dangers over a large region, most likely related to food security,
water resources, infrastructure, or ecosystems. They are not considered determinative, as they are
largely confined to a single region. [12]
Dessai et al. (2004) [10] also focus on vulnerabilities as an indicator of dangerous climate change. They
have separated definitions of danger into two categories: those derived from top-down research processes and
those derived from bottom-up methods. The more commonly used top-down approach determines physical
vulnerability based on hierarchical models into which are inputted different scenarios of socio-economic change,
whereas the bottom-up approach focuses on the vulnerability and adaptive capacity of individuals or groups,
which leads to social indications of potential danger like poverty and/or lack of access to healthcare, effective
political institutions, etc.
While scientists have many ideas about what vulnerabilities may be considered dangerous, it is a common
view of most natural and social scientists that it is not the direct role of the scientific community to define what
dangerous means. Rather, it is ultimately a political question because it depends on value judgments about
the relative salience of various impacts and how to face climate change-related risks and form norms for
defining what is acceptable [60, 37]. In fact, the notion of key vulnerabilities itself is also a value judgment, and
different decision makers at different locations and levels are likely to perceive vulnerabilities and the concept of
dangerous in distinct ways. Dessai et al. (2004) [10] explain the juxtaposition of science and value judgment
by assigning two separate definitions for risk internal and external. External risks are defined via scientific risk
analysis of system characteristics prevalent in the physical or social worlds. Internal risk, on the other hand,
defines risk based on the individual or communal perception of insecurity. In the case of internal risk, in order for
the risk to be real, it must be experienced. Of course, these two definitions are intertwined in complex ways.
Decision makers perceptions of risk are partly informed by the definitions and guidance provided by scientific
experts, and societal perceptions of risk may also influence scientific research.
A full assessment of the range of climate change consequences and probabilities involves a cascade of
uncertainties in emissions, carbon cycle response, climate response, and impacts. We must estimate future
populations, levels of economic development, and potential technological props spurring that economic
development, all of which will influence the radiative forcing of the atmosphere via emissions of greenhouse
gases and other radiatively active constituents. At the same time, we also must deal with the uncertainties
associated with probabilities generated with carbon cycle modeling, and, equally important, confront
uncertainties surrounding climate sensitivity estimated from climate models tested on paleoclimatic situations,
as well as perform other validation exercises.
Figure 4 shows the explosion that occurs as the different elements of uncertainty are combined. This
should not be interpreted as a sign that scientists cannot assign a high degree of confidence to any of their
projected climate change impacts, but rather that the scope of possible consequences is quite wide. There are
many projected effects, on both global and regional scales, that carry high confidence estimates, but the figure
suggests that there still are many impacts to which we can only assign low confidence ratings and others that
have not yet been postulatedi.e., surprises and irreversible impacts.
One other aspect of Figure 4 needs mentioning: Current decision makers aware of potential future risks
might introduce policies to reduce the risks over timealso know as reflexive responseswhich would be
equivalent to a feedback that affects the size of the bars on Figure 4 merely because the prospects for risks
created precautionary responses. That possibility is partly responsible for the attitudes of some who are
reluctant to assign probabilitieseven subjective onesto the components of Figure 4. If no probabilities are
associated with scenarios, then the problem still remains for decision makers to weigh the importance of climate
risks against other pressing social issues competing for limited resources.
carbon cycle
global climate
range of
Source: Modified after Jones, 2000, and the "cascading pyramid of uncertainties" in Schneider, 1983.
Vulnerability measurements
The climate science community has been asked to provide decision makers with information that may help
them avoid Type 2 errors (e.g., avoid DAI). One way is through studies providing quantitative measures of key
vulnerabilities. In contemplating quantitative values for human vulnerabilities, studies have addressed monetary
loss [42, 43, 16, 30] and a wide range of population-related metrics, including loss of life [74], risk of hunger as
measured by the number of people who earn enough to buy sufficient cereal [50], risk of water shortage as
measured by annual per capita water availability [3], mean number of people vulnerable to coastal flooding [40],
number of people prone to malaria infection or death [67, 69], and number of people forced to migrate as a
result of climate change [9].
Non-human quantitative analyses have also been performed. They have calculated potential numbers of
species lost [66], numbers of species shifting their ranges [48, 54], and absolute or relative change in range of
species or habitat type. Leemans and Eickhout (2004) [32] note that after 1 to 2 C of warming, most species,
ecosystems, and landscapes have limited capacity to adapt. Rates of climate change also influence adaptive
capacity of social and (especially) natural systems.
Another quantitative measure of vulnerability is the five numeraires, discussed above, as it encompasses
both human and non-human metrics of impacts. Each numeraire may be reported separately, or they can be
aggregated. Any aggregation should be accompanied by a traceable account of how it was obtained [38].
Another important step toward achieving the goal of informing decision makers is identifying climate
thresholds or limits. One classification scheme lists three categories of thresholds relevant in the context of
Article 2 of the UNFCCC: systemic (natural) thresholds, normative (social) impact thresholds, and legal limits. A
systemic threshold is a point at which the relationship between one or more forcing variables and a valued
system property becomes highly negative or non-linear [23]. Normative thresholds have been divided into two
categories by Patwardhan et al. (2003) [51]. Type I normative thresholds are target values of linear or other
smooth changes that after some point would lead to damages that might be considered unacceptable by
particular policy-makers [51]. Type II normative thresholds are linked directly to the key intrinsic processes of
the climate system itself (often non-linear) and might be related to maintaining stability of those processes or
some of the elements of the climate system [51]. Examples are presented in Table 1, below. Legal limits are
manmade constraints like environmental standards placed upon certain factors that are thought to play a part in
unfavorable outcomes. They can be influenced by normative thresholds, as well as cost and other factors.
3 oC in 100 yr
700ppm CO2
2-4 oC,
<550ppm CO2
1 oC
Shutdown of thermohaline
Disintegration of West
Antarctic ice sheet (WAIS)
Disintegration of Greenland
ice sheet
>1 C
Source: IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, Chapter 19, Zero Order Draft.
Figure 5 Probability density function (A) and cumulative density function (C).
Using these three values (6.8 oC, 2.0 oC, and 1.1 oC) for high, medium, and low climate sensitivity can
produce three alternate projections of temperature over time (using a simple mixed-layer climate model), once
an emissions scenario is given. In the example below, these three climate sensitivities are combined with two of
the SRES storylines: the fossil fuel intensive scenario (A1FI) and the high-technology scenario (A1T), where
development and deployment of advanced lower carbon-emitting technologies dramatically reduces the longterm emissions. These make a good comparison pair since they almost bracket the high and low ends of the six
SRES representative scenarios range of cumulative emissions to 2100, and since both are for the A1 world,
the only major difference between the two is the technology componentan aspect decision makers have the
capacity to influence via policies and other measures. Therefore, asking how different the projected climate
change to 2100 is for the two different scenarios is a very instructive exercise in exploring in a partial way the
likelihood of crossing dangerous warming thresholds.
Well use a conservative estimate of 3.5 oC for this dangerous threshold since 3.5 oC was the highest
number projected for the 2100 temperature rise in the IPCCs Second Assessment Report (SAR) and because
the IPCC Working Group 2 TAR suggested that after a few degrees, many serious climate change impacts
could be anticipated. However, 3.5 oC is a very conservative number, since the IPCC noted that some unique
and valuable systems could be lost at warmings any higher than 1-1.5 oC. In essence, the threshold for what
is dangerous depends not only on the probabilities of factors like climate sensitivity and adaptive capacity, but
on value judgments as to what is acceptable given any specific level of warming or damageand who suffers
the damage or pays the adaptation costs. The figure below presents the results.
The most striking feature of both figures A and B (A is for the A1FI scenario and B the A1T), below, is the
top 90th percentile line, which rises very steeply above the other two lines below it. That is because of the
peculiar shape of the probability density function for climate sensitivity in the cumulative probability density
function figure, above it has a long tail to the right due to the possibility that aerosols have been holding back
not-yet-realized heating of the climate system.
We will summarize here Mastrandrea and Schneider (2004) [37], which estimates the probability of DAI and the
influence of climate policy in reducing the probability of DAI.
of this range, making risk analysis difficult. However, recent studies, many of which produce climate sensitivity
distributions wider than the IPCCs 1.5 oC to 4.5 oC range, with significant probability of climate sensitivity above
4.5 oC, are now available. Mastrandrea and Schneider use three such probability distributions: the combined
distribution from Andronova and Schlesinger (2001) [2], and the expert prior (F Exp) and uniform prior (F Uni)
distributions from Forest et al. (2001) [13]. They perform a Monte Carlo analysis sampling from each climate
sensitivity probability distribution separately, without applying any mitigation policy, so that all variation in results
will be solely from variation in climate sensitivity. The probability distributions they produce show the percentage
of outcomes resulting in temperature increases above their 2.85 oC dangerous threshold (Figure 8A).
Mastrandrea and Schneiders next simulation is a joint Monte Carlo analysis looking at temperature
increase in 2100 with climate policy, varying both climate sensitivity and the climate damage function, their
second parameter (Figure 8B). For climate damages, they sample from the distributions of Roughgarden and
Schneider (1999) [56], which produce a range of climate damage functions both stronger and weaker than the
Figure 8. Climate sensitivity-only and joint (climate sensitivity and climate damages) Monte Carlo
Notes: Panel A displays probability distributions for each climate sensitivity distribution for the climate sensitivity-only Monte
Carlo analyses with zero damages. Panel B) displays probability distributions for the joint (climate sensitivity and climate
damage) Monte Carlo analyses. All distributions indicate a 3-bin running mean and the percentage of outcomes above the
median threshold of 2.85C for dangerous climate change (P{DAI}), and the joint distributions display carbon taxes
calculated in 2050 (T2050) by the DICE model using the median climate sensitivity from each climate sensitivity distribution
and the median climate damage function for the joint Monte Carlo cases. Comparing the joint cases with climate policy
controls, b), to the climate sensitivity-only cases with negligible climate policy controls, a), high carbon taxes reduce the
potential (significantly in two out of three cases) for DAI. (However, this case uses a PRTP of 0%, implying a discount rate
of about 1%. With a 3% PRTPa discount rate of about 6%this carbon tax is an order of magnitude less, and the
reduction in DAI is on the order of 10%. See the supplementary on-line materials of Mastrandrea and Schneider, 2004 [37]
for a full discussion.)
original DICE function. As shown, aside from the Andronova and Schlesinger climate sensitivity distribution,
which gives a lower probability of DAI under the single (climate sensitivity-only) Monte Carlo analysis, the joint
runs show lower chances of dangerous climate change as a result of the more stringent climate policy controls
generated by the model due to the inclusion of climate damages. Time-varying median carbon taxes are over
$50/Ton C by 2010, and over $100/Ton C by 2050 in each joint analysis. Low temperature increases and
reduced probability of DAI are achieved if carbon taxes are high, but because this analysis only considers one
possible threshold for DAI (the median threshold of 2.85 oC) and assumes a relatively low discount rate (about
1%), these results cannot fully describe the relationship between climate policy controls and the potential for
dangerous climate change. They are given to demonstrate a framework for probabilistic analysis, and the
highly model-dependent results are not intended to be taken literally.
Because the analysis above only considers Mastrandrea and Schneiders median threshold (DAI[50%]) of
2.85C, Mastrandrea and Schneider continue their attempt to characterize the relationship between climate
policy controls and the potential for dangerous climate change by calculating a series of single Monte Carlo
analyses varying climate sensitivity and using a range of fixed damage functions (rather than just the median
case). For each damage function, they perform a Monte Carlo analysis sampling from each of the three climate
sensitivity distributions discussed above. They then average the results for each damage function, which gives
the probability of DAI at a given 2050 carbon tax under the assumptions described above, as shown in Figure 9,
below. Each band in the figure corresponds to optimisation around a different percentile range for the
dangerous threshold CDF, with a lower percentile from the CDF representing a lower temperature threshold
for DAI. At any DAI threshold, climate policy works: higher carbon taxes lower the probability of future
temperature increase, and thus reduce the probability of DAI. For example, if climate sensitivity turns out to be
on the high end and DAI occurs at a relatively low temperature like 1.476C (DAI[10%]), then there is nearly a
100% chance that DAI will occur in the absence of carbon taxes and about an 80% chance it will occur even if
carbon taxes were $400/ton, the top end of Mastrandrea and Schneiders range. If we inspect the median
(DAI[50%]) threshold for DAI (the thicker black line in Figure 9), we see that a carbon tax by 2050 of $150$200/Ton C will reduce the probability of DAI to nearly zero, from 45% without climate policy controls (for a 0%
PRTP, equivalent to a discount rate of about 1%).
Lastly, Mastrandrea and Schneider run Monte Carlo analyses varying climate sensitivity at different values
for the PRTP, which illustrates the relationship between the discount rate and the probability of DAI at different
temperature threshold values, as shown in Figure 10, below. As expected, increasing the discount rate shifts
the probability distribution of future temperature increase upwards; a lower level of climate policy controls
becomes optimal and thus increases the probability of DAI. At the median threshold of 2.85C for DAI (the
thicker black line in Figure 10), the probability of DAI rises from near zero with a 0% PRTP to 30% with a 3%
PRTP. A PRTP of 3% is the value originally specified in Nordhaus DICE model. At PRTP values greater than
1%, the optimal outcome becomes increasingly insensitive to variation in future climate damages driven by
variation in climate sensitivity.
Source: Mastrandrea
and Schneider, 2004.
While Mastrandrea and Schneiders results using the DICE model do not provide us with confident
quantitative answers, they still demonstrate three very important issues: (1) that DAI can vary significantly,
depending on its definition; (2) that parameter uncertainty will be critical for all future climate projections, and
most importantly for this volume on the benefits of climate stabilization policies; (3) that climate policy controls
(i.e., optimal carbon taxes) can significantly reduce the probability of dangerous anthropogenic interference.
This last finding has considerable implications for introducing climate information to policymakers. We agree
with Mastrandrea and Schneider that presenting climate modeling results and arguing for the benefits of climate
policy should be framed for decision makers in terms of the potential for climate policy to reduce the likelihood
of exceeding a DAI threshold. While Mastrandrea and Schneiders quantitative results should not be taken
literally, the framework and methods for assessing DAI that they use should be taken seriously, as it is an
effective method for conceptualizing climate change policy decisions.
potential DAI versus healthcare or education or a host of other worthy causes. It is our personal value judgment
that hedging against first decimal place odds of DAI is prudent, and we hope that as climate science progresses
and more information is available to policy makers, they will be more willing to risk Type I errors in the climate
change arena and will enact effective abatement and adaptation measures. This view is partly motivated by
Figure 11. Human actions over the next few generations can precondition climatic changes and impacts over
the next millennium.
The figure shows a cartoon of effects that can play themselves out over a millennium, even for decisions
taken within the next century. Such very long-term potential irreversibilities (significant increases in global
annual average surface temperature, sea level rise from thermal expansion and melting glaciers, etc.) that the
Figure depicts are the kinds of nonlinear events (exceeding Type 2 thresholds) that would likely qualify as
dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system [37, 44, 7]. Whether a few dominant countries
and/or a few generations of people demanding higher material standards of living and consequently using the
atmosphere as an unpriced waste dump to more rapidly achieve such growthoriented goals is ethical is a
value-laden debate that will no doubt heat up as greenhouse gas buildups continue.
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