Principles of World Class Manufacturing PDF
Principles of World Class Manufacturing PDF
Principles of World Class Manufacturing PDF
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1.10 Conclusion
Customization of products
Fluid markets and suppliers
International competition
Outside in (Top-down)
Reusable, simple processes
Global reach and ambitions
Electronic technology
Open, inter-operable standards
Rapid unpredictable innovation
Horizontal, team consensus
Business process focus
Team responsibility
structures, new strategic alliances, new technologies and modes altered the way the business was
done. As a result, companies felt the pressures of heightened competition and the business
impact of changing technologies. At the same time, the nature of both work and the workforce
also started changing. This was the dawn of the information age.
intense competition, blurring the boundaries between domestic and global markets.
reduced considerably with a corresponding increase in the number of white-collar workers due to
high competitive demands. Even the contemporary blue-collar workers are involved more in
giving suggestions on how to improve quality, reduce costs and decrease cycle times. Thus all
employees are required to contribute value by what they know and by the information they can
provide. They are thus becoming knowledge-workers. Consequently, investing in, managing and
exploiting the knowledge of every employee has become critical to the success of information
age organizations.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------According to a report) of the World Bank on global economy, developing countries over the next
10 years will grow by nearly 5 per cent a year compared to a rate of 2.7 per cent in the rich
industrial world and by 2020, India should be the fourth largest economy in the world.
Unfortunately, India currently ranks number 45 in global competitiveness among 49 countries,
according to the 1996 Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum. From 35th
position in 1994 to 39th in 1995, and now to 45th, India's decline in competitiveness is shocking.
For a country, such as India, which needs high growth levels to generate enough resources to
alleviate poverty levels, this is a dangerous prognosis. It is, therefore, critically important that
immediate steps be taken to reverse this trend. Whereas there are many factors contributing to
India's poor global competitiveness according to the above report, such as openness, government,
finance, infrastructure, technology, the main concern here is the management factor where India
has slipped from 39th rank to 43rd.
Manufacturing is the process of adding value to raw materials and resources and is at the heart of
an economy. The last decade has witnessed fierce competition in international markets led by
Japan and the newly industrialized countries. New management paradigms, emerging mainly
from the industrial management practices of Japanese companies, have changed the
manufacturing perspective, technologies and past practices. Besides, due to sustained recession
in industrialized countries, multinational companies (MNCs) have been increasingly seeking
export of manufactured goods and capital in new markets. Unfortunately, in order to compete
against these World-Class manufacturers, cheap labour (as in India) is seldom a major
competitive advantage. Experience, market share and technology innovations are greater
determinants of cost leadership than the cheap labour (Chandra and Shukla 1994). Superior
product quality, design innovations, robust delivery performance, customization and excellent
after sales service are the distinctive manufacturing characteristics needed to gain competitive
advantage. The ability to deliver these capabilities rests on the management's perspective
competition and the manufacturing practices of a company.
Historically, Indian industries developed management practices that suited the restrictive
industrial policies of the past. Until the early 1980s, the demand for most manufactured goods
exceeded supply. Consequently, Indian manufacturers preferred to exploit the limited, but
adequate, domestic market. Since the restrictive policy regime suited and reinforced their inward
orientation, industrial management practices did not emphasize either consumer orientation or
the manufacturing excellence needed in a competitive environment.
The 1980s witnessed a consumerist boom for domestic industrial products, which was
accompanied by the appearance of new industrial entrants as well as changes in the global trade
regime. Under these pressures, India in the mid-1980s undertook a gradual liberalization of the
industrial policy. The opening up of the Indian economy posed new challenges and opportunities
to Indian manufacturers. Indian industries started seeking export markets that had become
attractive following the decline in the value of the Indian rupee. But an industry's competitive
advantage cannot be built nor sustained solely by export market orientation. Development of the
domestic market is a vital determinant of the competitive advantage of an industry (Porter 1990).
The size, consumer sophistication and the growth of domestic demand shape the characteristics
of an industry's products that are essential to competitive success in foreign markets. India has a
large market that can provide domestic industries the scale economy that is essential for cost
leadership. But the quality of domestic' demand rather than its quantity is more important in
shaping the competitive advantage of domestic industries. Quality of domestic demand has never
been nurtured by Indian manufacturers. To successfully compete with World-Class
manufacturers in the domestic as well as the global market, Indian firms will have to offer high
quality product choices to domestic customers in order to create a sustainable base for national
manufacturing excellence.
Value-added manufacturing, which means do nothing that does not add value to the
product or to the customer.
Continuous improvement manufacturing, which suggests that every aspect of
manufacturing is dedicated to making it better in ways, great and small.
Just-in-time (JIT)/Total quality control.
World-Class manufacturing was the term introduced for referring to the goal of achieving
and/or sustaining World-Class competitiveness through manufacturing excellence, attained
through best practices. In this context, different experts have expressed the goal and necessary
practices for World Class manufacturing differently, but always with the implicit goal of sustained competitiveness in the global, market place. For example, Schonberg, who introduced the
term 'World-Class manufacturing' (1986), states that it has the goal of continual improvement in
quality, cost, lead time and customer service, as also the flexibility. Gunn (1987) suggests a
number of criteria for evaluating a company's World-Class manufacturer status, such as
inventory turnover, quality defects and lead times. According to Gunn, a company needs
inventory turnovers in raw materials and work-in-process (WIP) of some 25 to 30 per year to be
a Class C World Class manufacturer, about 50 to 60 turns per year for a Class B status, and of
the order of 80 to 100 turns or more per year to be a Class A World Class manufacturer. As a
measure of world-class quality, a Class A manufacturer should have fewer than 200 defective
parts per million of any product it manufactures. As for lead times, the ratio of value-added lead
time to cumulative manufacturing lead time must be greater than 0.5 for a company to be a
World-Class manufacturer.
Maskell (1991) states that World-Class manufacturing is a very broad term which generally
includes focus on product quality, just-in-time (JIT) production techniques, workforce
management and flexibility in meeting customer requirements. Kinni (1996) characterizes
World-Class manufacturing by three core strategies of customer focus, quality and agility, (i.e.
the ability to quickly, efficiently and effectively respond to change) and six supporting
competencies-employee involvement, supply management, technology, product development,
environmental responsibility and employee safety, and corporate citizenship.
The information age has affected not only the industrialized countries but also the developing
countries. Consequently, the environment facing developing countries has become increasingly
more turbulent, dynamic and complex. A combination of external and internal factors, including
population growth, weak infrastructure, foreign indebtedness, and asymmetric world relations
and increasing inequalities between individuals, groups and regions, has prevented many
developing countries from achieving significant socio-economic improvements. Some
developing countries such as India have, therefore, made economic management their prime
agenda. They are going through a process of restructuring their economy to emphasize
competition, integration with global markets and increasing level of privatization. Thus, the
Indian manufacturing industry has been thrust from the protected environment of the 'licensepermit-quota' raj to an uncertain environment of global competition and global markets.
Global competitors operating in global markets almost always tend to have world-class status.
Therefore, to be globally competitive, Indian manufacturers necessarily need to achieve worldclass performance. Oddly enough, as stated earlier, developing countries such as India, China
and Brazil themselves constitute a huge market that attracts many world-class companies from
other countries to sell their products. Thus, even domestic companies in these countries, who
are not targeting global markets, are forced to compete with these world-class companies by
virtue of their entry into the domestic market. This is facilitated by the liberalization policy of
the governments of these countries, often somewhat at a pace that does not give time to
domestic companies to be really ready for world-class performance. Thus, as is clear from
Figure 1.2, Indian manufacturers need to acquire World-Class status, irrespective of the fact
that they operate only in the domestic market or are exporters. Achieving world-class
performance is a great opportunity for those who can make it, and for others a serious threat.
Though to some extent, Indian manufacturers have realized this and are trying to rise to the
challenge, their battle for survival and growth has just begun. Their success will depend on their
readiness to move from a protected domestic to world-class global manufacturing status
quickly and confidently.
Figure 1.3 Changing Business Goals in a Changing Environment
Table 1.1 Flexible Manufacturing for Meeting Business Objectives
Business Objectives
Product Innovation
Product Diversity
Customer requirement
Market share
Meeting delivery dates
Product Technology
Product Mix
Routing, Sequencing
Forward by technology but will be controlled by information feedback. This leads us to the
second challenge industries are facing today: how to manage knowledge?
Managing Knowledge: In the twenty-first century, the productivity and, even more important,
the effectiveness managers and white-collar workers will become critical to long-term survival.
The effectiveness of these experts depends on their smooth integration In to the organization.
Therefore, in the era of advanced specialization, integration of dispersed knowledge will become
progressively more difficult and more costly to achieve. Knowledge will become scarce and the
most crucial and expensive economic resource. Of late, the dependence of organizations on
experts, mainly through the increase of informal power generated by expert knowledge, has been
analyzed in detail. Managing knowledge would, therefore, be a big challenge in the twenty first
century due to its strategic potential.
After exploding a manufacturing task into thousands of subtasks, how difficult and
costly is it to ensure their proper sequencing, scheduling and interaction over a period
of time?
After dividing the task expertise among hundreds of 'incomplete expert' workers, how
difficult and costly is it to maintain their coordination, motivation and performance?
As we divide information into millions of tiny bits, hoe difficult and expensive is it to
achieve integration, record and update?
That answer to the sequential is that it gets progressively more difficult and more costly.
Therefore, as the complexity and cost of integration and coordination becomes too large, we tend
to focus on the question of reintegration. In this context, just-in-time (JIT) efforts aim at the
reintegration of physical labour (via flow lines) whereas computer-integrated manufacturing
(CIM) anticipates the reintegration of special expertise organized in functional departments
through integrated information process.
Need for Control: For managing task complexity, coordination is required. Likewise to manage
market uncertainty, planning and control is required. Management by hierarchical planning and
control copes with uncertainties by adaptation to environment and optimization of controller
parameters. For instance, a production schedule should be optimized to increase system
responsiveness to demand, i.e.
1. To keep due dates,
2. To reduce total flow-time, and
3. To balance factory loads.
This is the planning problem. Against this, the control problem deals with machine-sharing
policy, lot is splitting and job sequencing. That is, with (i) exploiting resources efficiently, and
(ii) respecting due dates in the face of uncertainty. In general, the breakdown of long- to shortterm planning decisions indicates levels in the complexity of decisions. This is managed by
defining a family of decision problems and generating solutions in a sequential top-down
Fragmented Information infrastructure: Today, the manufacturing industry is still striving for
stability of its production system as a major organizational goal. Therefore, in most manufacturing firms, management of change is not yet considered a permanent objective. Whether JIT
or CIM, whichever way task coordination is managed, a seamlessly integrated information
infrastructure is a must. However, information processing is still very fragmented even in
computerized applications (Sahay et al. 1997). Therefore, in many companies, the decisionmaking process is still based on traditional information processing information gathering with
'paper and pencil' on request and from inconsistent sources. This process is at its least very time
consuming and may yield only insufficient or even unreliable information.
Insufficient Process ability of Available Information: In addition to having a fragmented
information infrastructure, most companies are still not organized for fast decision-making
processes. Departments are still managed according to their own sub-goals rather than to real
enterprise goals. The responsibilities are still structured in one-dimension hierarchies, which mix
responsibilities for enterprise assets with those for enterprise operations.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------With the dawn of the information age, the requirements for remaining competitive in
manufacturing have become more demanding. Only recently, high quality and efficiency were
the 'necessary and sufficient' conditions for staying in business. But not anymore. Now
manufacturers must be able to rapidly develop and produce customized products to meet
customer needs. To further complicate matters, the requirements for economies of scale, based
on the traditional assumptions of mass production, are coming into direct conflict with the
requirements for economies of scope-that is, mass customization by maintaining continuous
innovation while using people and equipment to cost effectively produce smaller amounts of a
range of products. On top of it, globalization has imposed an additional constraint, which
manufacturers must achieve World-Class manufacturer status to compete effectively in both
domestic as well as global markets. This requires a paradigm shift within organizations, which
may be termed as integrated manufacturing and which aim to eliminate barriers by creating a
streamlined flow of automated, value-added activities, uninterrupted by transportation, storage,
or rework (Dean and Snell 1996; Snell and Dean 1992).
Integrated manufacturing is driven by the widespread adoption of advanced manufacturing
technology (AMT), total quality management (TQM), and just-in-time (JIT) inventory control.
These together have important strategic potential in that they blend the stages, functions and
goals of manufacturing. Rather than viewing performance as the result of trade-offs between, for
example, cost and quality, the 'integrated manufacturing' perspective posts that firms can pursue
several outcomes simultaneously (Ferdows and DeMeyer 1990).
Currently, most manufacturers in India are nowhere close to world c1ass status' They, therefore,
have to face the challenge of meeting world; class performance through flexibility and
responsiveness, achieved by effective planning, control and coordination and enabled by
integrated manufacturing and effective knowledge management. Unfortunately, there have been
many discussions on national infrastructure and macroeconomic policies in the national media
but very little attention has been paid in designing policies that map managerial practices to
manufacturing excellence of world-class status. While macroeconomic factors affect the
investment climate and the extent of resources available to enhance productivity, they fail to
define and control the parameters of competition, viz., cost, quality, delivery and flexibility
(Chandra and Shukla 1994). Economic reforms in India have already started opening up new
challenges and opportunities for Indian industries. Whether Indian firms will be able to capitalize
on these opportunities and elevate themselves as viable global competitors shall depend
primarily on their dynamism and ability to transform themselves into World-Class
manufacturers-the sooner, the better and perhaps safer.
More recently, the disappearance of a whole lot of industries in the US, such as consumer
electronics, is a symptom of the malaise that results when manufacturing takes a back seat. The
loss of competitiveness of the American industry in a number of segments such as automobiles,
machine tools, cameras and semi conductors is less due to unfair trade practices adopted by
Japan and more due to a neglect of the essentials of competitive manufacturing. Thus, with the
increasing level of globalization and competition, American firms were constrained to regain
their competitiveness in the global markets. With manufacturing capability much stronger
worldwide, it was not possible for the US to match every other region in every product line.
However, production of a large stable of products competitive in the global market was
necessary to maintain an equitable trade balance with other developed nations. This 'improved
competitiveness' in its broadest context was referred to as manufacturing excellence, and was
Elimination Method
Waste of overproduction
Waste of waiting
Waste of transportation
Waste of processing itself
Waste of stocks
Waste of motion
Waste of making defective parts
2. JIT Manufacturing
Only the right materials, parts and products in the right place at the right time
Broad perspective
Problem-solving atmosphere
Employment security
Performance measurement
methods. These are the three fundamental approaches in modem manufacturing which may
enable a manufacturer to gain competitive advantage for reaching World-Class status. He
proposes Arthur Young's Manufacturing for Competitive Advantage framework to illustrate this
point (Figure 2.3). This framework starts with a business units strategic vision at the top, which
embodies the overall business objectives of the unit. This vision is based upon two different
frames of reference-the first is that of the global markets in which the manufacturer competes,
and the other is that of its global competitors.
Planning &
Strategic Vision
Global Markets
Integrated Manufacturing
indication is that there is nothing mutually exclusive about the two, nor is there anything mutually exclusive between JIT concepts and manufacturing resource planning (MRP), a part of CIM.
Moreover, by showing all three together, it is implied that all three must be addressed at once in
any overall programmes to gain competitive advantage in manufacturing.
The Manufacturing for Competitive Advantage framework provides a logically rigorous,
complete and yet easy-to-understand view of a global manufacturer's environment. It can be used
as a means for discussion in order to appraise whether the company is addressing all aspects of
what it takes to become a world Class manufacturer.
People management is the most difficult problem to solve when introducing World-class
manufacturing, as it requires fundamental changes in management style and philosophy. Some
of the new approaches to the management of people are:
Education and Cross-Training: World-Class manufacture spends lot of time and money
to educate their employees in areas such as JIT manufacturing, quality control and
customer service as well as train them to do a wide range of tasks within the production
plant. This cross training of people allows greater flexibility because operators can be
moved between tasks.
Problem-Solving and Quality Circles: The purpose of quality circles is to have every
employee involved in solving production (and other) problems. These programmes have
been very successful in many companies because they create an environment of team
involvement and common cause, which enables people, who previously had very little
opportunity to contribute, to become innovative and resourceful problem-solvers.
As for flexibility, there are two aspects of flexibility that are important:
Production Flexibility: It is achieved when the company can offer short lead times,
when the product mix within the plant can be changed significantly from day to day, and
when people within the plant are cross-trained to manufacture a wider range of products.
A company that can offer this level of flexibility to its customers (without a price
penalty), has a significant competitive advantage.
Design Flexibility: It is related to the company's ability to introduce new products and
modifications to current products. A company must be able to understand the current and
future needs of its customers, to develop innovative products and to get those products to
the market place quickly.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Industry Week conducts a survey of American plants to identify which of them are World-Class
(Kinni 1996). Whereas the questionnaire for this survey was a very detailed one, the
characteristics of World-Class manufacturing are identified by the three core strategies: customer
focus, quality and agility (i.e. the ability to quickly, efficiently and effectively respond to change).
These form the foundation for 'Best Plants' performance, and six supporting competencies-employee involvement, supply management, technology; product development, environmental
responsibility and safety, and corporate citizenship. The supporting competencies help the plants
achieve the goals defined in the three core strategies.
The three core strategies are at the same time both philosophical and tangible goals. Customer
focus has always been a primary requirement of business. Customers should occupy the centre of
a manufacturing operation. In the best plants, the customer is the king. Quality is the second core
strategy. In America's best plants, quality is viewed as defect free, waste free workmanship that
derives from product and process quality. Lastly, agility has been defined as lean manufacturing
and just-in-time supply practices, flexible production structures, fast, clean slate process redesign
as advocated in re-engineering and mass customisation production strategies.
The six supporting competencies of best plants assist in the achievement of the three core
strategies. The supporting competencies recognise that a manufacturing plant is more than
simply a production line that converts raw materials into finished goods. It is a living system that
has impact far beyond its walls. Best plants are also the people who work in them and the
vendors who supply to them. They are technologies that support the operation and the new
products they create. They have an effect on the environment and communities in which they
Customer-driven quality
Continuous improvement
Full participation
Fast response
Design quality and prevention
Management by fact
Partnership development
Public responsibility
These core values and concepts are embodied in seven categories in attaining global quality
Information and analysis
Strategic quality planning
Human resource development and management
Management of process quality
Quality and operational results
Customer focus and satisfaction
The Baldridge Award offers a demanding competition, with every company subject to the same
stringent tests. The Award has created a common vocabulary and philosophy bridging companies
and industries. Managers now view learning across the boundary lines of .business as both
possible and desirable.
3.1 The Evolution of World Class Manufacturing
3.2 The First Principles of World class manufacturing
3.3 The Practices of World Class Manufacturing
3.4 World Class Practices in the Factory
3.5 Quality in World-Class Manufacturing
3.6 Deming's Approach to Quality Management
3.7 Shingos Approach to Quality Management
3.8 Assessing the Two Basic Approaches to Quality
3.9 Conclusion: The Culmination of World Class Manufacturing
Association, 1986) is simple: 'All we are doing is looking at the time line from the moment the
customer gives us an order to the point when we collect the cash. And we are reducing that time
line by removing the non-value-added wastes.
This simple but profound explanation brings out the goal of World Class manufacturing: to
bring manufacturing closer to the market. Some authors recommend negative working capital
as the ultimate goal of manufacturing. This is not what Ohno had in mind. Hypothetically, a
state of negative working capital requirement can be reached by aggressively man aging the
accounts receivable and accounts payable. The World-Class manufacturing philosophy is that
the order fulfillment process-as well as the product development process-must be continuously
shortened through the elimination of waste.
The manufacturer has the ability to deliver products on time without carrying large
Production is largely aligned to demand. Forecasts are required for relatively shorter time
horizons and are more accurate.
Feedback from the market is faster because the time spent by finished Goods from the
factory to the consumer is reduced.
The pioneers of World-Class manufacturing were very clear about what constitutes waste in
manufacturing. As explained earlier, Shingo has identified seven kinds of waste. The basic idea
is that any operation which does not add value is wasteful. Interestingly, over-production is
considered to be the deadliest waste because it hides the other six wastes.
Monden (1983) provides a different, but equally useful, perspective on the basic idea of WorldClass manufacturing:
The basic idea in such a production system is to produce the kind of units needed, at the time
needed and in the quantities needed. With the realisation of this concept, unnecessary
intermediate and finished product inventories are eliminated. However, although cost-reduction
is the system's most important goal, it must achieve three other sub-goals on order to achieve its
primary objective. They include:
1. Quantity control which enables the system to adapt to daily and monthly fluctuations in
demand in terms of quantities and variety;
2. Quality Assurance which assures that each process will supply only good units to
subsequent processes; and
3. Respect-for-humanity, which must be cultivated while the system utilities the human
resource to attain its cost objectives.
In sum, the mission of World-Class manufacturing is to bring manufacturing closer to the market
by eliminating waste. This mission is translated into reality through the objectives of cost
reduction, quantity control, quality assurance and respect for humanity. The end result is that
there is a streamlined pattern of work flow, which ensures that the output from the supply chain
closely matches the demands placed on it by the market place. Organisational barriers (e.g. those
between buyers and suppliers) and functional ones (e.g. those between production and other
departments, like design, procurement and distribution, as well as those between production
shops themselves) are disbanded to facilitate the establishment of flow in manufacturing.
The perception that World-Class manufacturing is not practical or desirable in India is based on a
fallacy about its purpose and nature. The goals of World-Class manufacturing are, if anything,
more relevant for the capital-starved Indian industry today than they are in Japan and in the
The origins of World-Class manufacturing can be traced back to 1926, when Toyoda Sakichi of
the Toyoda Spinning and Weaving Company invented an auto-activated loom, fulfilling a 25year dream (Ohno 1992).This loom stopped automatically if any one of the threads broke. This
invention had a far-reaching result: an operator was not needed to stand by just to see that things
were going all right. The machine had a built-in capability to distinguish between normal and
abnormal conditions. Only in case of an abnormality would it require human intervention. Thus,
The domestic market was tiny in size, but demanded a wide variety of vehicles
The new labour laws introduced under the Macarthur regime had greatly strengthened the
position of workers
There was no source of cheap immigrant labour
Japan was starved for capital. Industry could not afford to buy large, spanking new
machines used in Western industry.
Ohno (1988) recalls that when the Allied army occupied Japan, someone from the General
Headquarters pronounced that US productivity was eight times higher than that of Japan. Taking
this 8-to-l figure as an average, Ohno concluded that the figure for a key American industry like
autos would in all probability be l0-to-1. Thus, the goal that Toyota management set for them
selves was a ten-fold increase in productivity.
This was the background that leads to the development of World-Class manufacturing. The
techniques were perfected over two decades, but came into prominence only after of 1973, when
other companies were reeling from the oil shock but Toyota continued to perform well. The early
eighties saw a spate of publications on these techniques.
In the meantime, Western industry had been largely preoccupied with computer-based
Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) systems and flexible automation technologies, such
as robotics. The initial response of many practitioners and consultants was to advocate either JlT
or MRP II. Today, the consensus is that manufacturing applications of information technology
(IT), including Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)-the present day avatar of MRP II-should be
used if required to further the principles of World-Class manufacturing.
A process is the course by which material is transformed into a product. This consists of
four phenomena: processing, inspection, transport and storage.
An operation is an action performed on the material by machines and workers.
Shingo's definitions are made from a shop floor perspective, but they can very easily be
generalized: a process is the course by which value is added to an entity that a customer is
waiting for; an operation is an action performed on this entity by a worker or a piece of
A customer in a bank waits for her withdrawal slip to be processed so that she can collect cash at
the counter. The process here is the completion of the procedures required to enable the customer
to collect. The time taken for this is what matters to the customer. If the clerk, who first handles
the withdrawal slip, finishes his work in one minute instead of two, but a peon routinely delays
the movement of the slip by 10 minutes, the faster operation of the clerk does not matter much to
the customer.
As Shingo put it, 'To make fundamental improvement in the production process, we must
distinguish product flow (process) from work flow (operation) and analyse them separately.' As
we shall see, the people who developed World-Class manufacturing did a very good job of this.
Avoid False Tradeoffs: The genius of the early achievers of World-Class manufacturing lay in
their ability to eschew the conventional 'optimizing' approach to problem solving, and substitute
it with an approach in which 'reasonable' assumptions were questioned to reconcile seemingly
conflicting objectives. Shingo was a major force behind this approach, and his explanation is
worth repeating here (Shingo 1989):
In dialectics, you start off with an idea called a thesis. Opposed to this is an antithesis. In
ordinary thinking, the antagonism between a thesis and an antithesis is usually resolved through
a compromise. However, this problem of contradiction and opposition can be viewed from a
different perspective. Through sublation, a higher-level synthesis is reached. The opposition
vanishes and both sides are satisfied. This method of reasoning is called the dialectic process.
The most famous example of application of the dialectic process is the SMED system developed
by Shingo. For decades, students of various disciplines were taught about the theory of the
Economic Order Quantity (EOQ). The reasoning behind this theory is shown in Figure 3.2. A
smaller production lot size is desirable because it implies a lower level of investment tied up in
inventory. However, small lot sizes imply a larger number of set-ups. Now set-ups in some
cases-for example, in press shops would take a lot of time, meaning that costs of lost production
would be incurred. Therefore the idea was to choose a lot size that would minimize the total
inventory carrying cost and setup cost.
While working on an assignment in 1950, Shingo realized that there were really two kinds of
set up operations:
Figure 3.2: The Basic Concept of Economic Order Quality (EOQ) Theory an example of
a false trade-off. The fundamental assumption behind the reasoning is that the cost of setup has to be accepted as a given input.
Shingo completed the conceptual development of the SMED system that helped to reduce the
set-up time on a large press at Toyota's main plant, first from four hours to one-and-a half hours,
and subsequently to three minutes. He then realised that any set-up could be performed in less
than 10 minutes and generalised the concepts he had applied into the SMED system (the term
'single minute' in SMED refers to a single-digit time span in minutes and does not imply a oneminute set-up). Shingo and others (Shingo 1989; Hall 1983; Mondenl983) have discussed
techniques for set-up time reduction in detail. The four conceptual stages of SMED are:
Shingo was able to achieve reductions in set-up time of 80 to 95 per cent on an average. The
implications of the SMED system were profound. Though the mathematics of EOQ theory
remained valid, what Shingo had done was to decimate set-up cost. The natural corollary was
that the economic lot size decreased. Manufacturers could produce in quantities that closely
matched demand. The move from large-scale, large-lot production to large-scale, small-lot
production became possible.
Machining Line
(Preceding Process)
Assembly Line
(Subsequent Process)
Products A, B and C are assembled on the assembly line. Parts a and b produced by the
machining line go into these products. They are stored as shown with POKs attached. A carrier
from the assembly line goes to the machining line with WKs, and picks up as many boxes of part
a as he has WKs. He detaches the POKs on the boxes of part a, attaches WKs to them, and brings
them to the assembly line. The detached POKs serve as an instruction to the machining line to
produce part a in the quantity withdrawn. When a box of part a is used up in assembly; the WK
which had been attached to it is taken to the machining line. The cycle is repeated.
The Japan Management Association (1986) has traced the use of kanban to a traditional
practice: It came from the practice whereby foremen in separate workplaces would write their
group's work content on slips of paper and post them, along with other foremen's, to show what
was going on. In other words, they were putting up their shingles (kanban), so to speak, and
hence this term. When one has his kanban up, it is a declaration that his kanban does not lie. 'If
there is any falsehood in what this shop and its kanban stand for, we do not expect any payment.'
In the old days, merchants declared this to their customers; our kanban lives by that tradition.
Indian managers tend to be enamored of the term 'kanban' without understanding the nature and
purpose of the kanban system. We were told of a case in which an Indian light commercial
vehicle (LCV) manufacturer with a Japanese collaboration took to the use of kanban. None of the
purported benefits of a kanban system were realised by the company. This was because-as every
authority on World-Class manufacturing has emphasized-the kanban system is simply one tool
for implementing the goals of World-Class manufacturing. Ohno (1992) described it as an
'operational tool that carries out the just-in-time production method.' A lot of groundwork has to
be done before going in for a kanban system, and World Class manufacturing can, in fact, be
implemented without actually going in for kanban. A pull system of material flows can also be
implemented through electronic signals or by simply circulating standardised containers between
preceding and subsequent lines.
Monden (1983) has noted that the kanban system is supported by the following management
Smoothing of production
Reduction of set-up time
Cellular plant layout
Standardization of jobs
Improvement activities
The use of kanban is meaningful only when all or most of these fundamentals have been attended
to. If kanban are used in a conventional environment, the only outcome will 'be that the number
of kanban that are in circulation will be large enough to compensate for all the waste that is built
into the process. In World-Class manufacturing, however, one of them means of continuous
improvement on the shop floor 'is reduction in the number of kanban being circulatedThis
reduce WIP and keeps manufacturing personnel on their toes to continually seek ways of
eliminating waste.
The functions and rules governing the kanban system have been clearly explained by Ohno
(Ohno 1992) through Table 3.1. Shingo (1989) later noted that of the six rules presented by
Ohno, only the third and fourth are kanban system rules, while the others are essentially rules
which follow from the basics of the Toyota Production. System. He emphasized the importance
of the third kanban system rule.
Table 3.1: Ohno's Explanation of the Kanban System's Functions and Rules
Functions of Kanban
Root Cause Analysis: The essential thrust of improvement activities in World-Class manufacturing is on identifying the root cause of an undesirable occurrence, and taking steps to ensure
that the cause is eliminated. Womack et al. (1990) made an interesting observation during their
visit to a Toyota assembly plant. They saw that every assembly worker could stop the assembly
line if a problem was found by simply pulling a cord above his workstation. As opposed to this,
only senior managers could stop the line at a General Motors plant (GM) that they visited.
Ironically, the Toyota line stopped very rarely but the GM line used to stop frequently.
This was made possible by the effort made at Toyota to ensure that the same problem never
occurred twice. The problem solving tool that was used for this was very simple: ask 'Why?' five
times. Ohno (1988) has provided the following example of this procedure:
1. Why did the machine stop? There was an overload and the fuse blew.
2. Why was there an overload? The bearing was not sufficiently lubricated
3. Why was it not lubricated sufficiently? The lubrication pump was not pumping
4. Why was it not pumping sufficiently? The shaft of the pump was worn and rattling,
5. Why was the shaft 'worn out? There was no strainer attached and the metal scrap got in.
The enterprise produces to order with short lead times for manufacturing and product
development, thus providing a flexible response to the customers needs.
Information flows across the enterprise are transparent. Information technology is used as
a strategic tool to further the concepts of World-Class manufacturing. Visual controls are
used to provide relevant information to employees at their workplaces.
The people in the enterprise show respect for humanity. They design systems that are
tailored to the needs of society and strive to eliminate waste of resources.
The owners provide leadership, instill constancy of purpose and drive out fear. Their
objective is to make money, but not at any cost to society.
Employees are given cross-functional inputs to the extent possible. They are trained in
the use of simple analytical tools which can be deployed for continuous improvement.
Operators are taught to be capable of handling multiple processes. Quality and
productivity are improved largely through suggestions from a motivated workforce.
Routine maintenance and housekeeping activities are entrusted to the operators of the
equipment. Operators have a sense of ownership of the equipment they use. This is the
essence of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM).
Equipment is not unnecessarily sophisticated. The capacity utilization of equipment is not
sought to maximize. Capacity utilization is simply viewed as a function of demand for
the company's finished goods. Cellular manufacturing concepts are used in plant layout.
Material flows throughout the system in a manner similar to the working of a giant
assembly line.
A supplier's manufacturing facility is simply viewed as a remote work centre. Long-term
associations are built up with a limited number of suppliers. These suppliers are helped to
manage their costs, and the benefits of cost reduction are shared between the company
and its suppliers. Product development is hastened by outsourcing a large part of the
design and engineering activity to suppliers at an early stage in the product development
effort. This practice is called early supplier involvement (ESI. One of the, objectives of
strategic sourcing is to buildup capabilities and trust to the extent that suppliers can
directly send small lots of materials or components to the shop floor. This eliminates the
waste of defective parts, inspection and storage.
The remainder of this section deals with World-Class manufacturing practices fewer than three
The Customer Interface: Womack et al. (1990) have described the management of the
customer interface at Toyota. One objective of a World-Class manufacturer is, as they put it, 'to
develop a long-term, indeed a life-long relation between the assembler, the dealer and the buyer
by building the dealer into the production system and the buyer into the product development
The level of quality attained by Toyota enabled them to focus relentlessly on repeat buyers.
Toyota decided never to loose a former buyer. This objective was realised by using the data on
incomes, family sizes, driving patterns and tastes in its consumer database to predict changes in
the demands of Toyota buyers.
In sum, the order fulfillment process and the new product development process are shortened to
enable the linking of the factory, the distribution system and the consumers in a well-knit system.
Supplier involvement is an integral part of the process. The 'economy of scale' mentality gives
way to the 'economy of scope'. The result is flexibility of three kinds:
Volume flexibility
Mix flexibility
Design flexibility (i.e. an ability to develop new products faster)
This explains how, (Womack et al. 1990), Japanese automakers made 500,000 units of a car
model on an average, while Western automakers made 2,000,000. The biggest gainer from this
flexibility is the marketing function. Also marketing personnel help production keep a smooth
production schedule, an essential ingredient of World-Class manufacturing.
Apart from being used to track the changes in the market, IT is used extensively by World-Class
manufacturers to root out hidden delays in the order processing stage in the office.
The Supplier Interface: The conventional approach to purchasing began with a trade-off: the all
important make/buy decision. It was perceived that buying a raw material or component would
mean less control over quality and delivery. Against this, it would provide flexibility to the
company because it could vary the off-take depending on its needs. It did not need to incur fixed
costs. The need for antagonistic relationships between manufacturers and their suppliers was
reinforced by conceptual frameworks such as Michael Porter's five-force model for industry
World-Class manufacturing turned this trade-off on its head as well. The point of departure from
conventional thinking here was to focus on the building up of durable, ten relationships with
suppliers. Holding an equity stake in the supplier resolved the problem of control. The concept
was that the destiny of the suppliers would be linked to a large extent with the World-Class
The old system, which was equivalent to tendering, focused on the prices quoted by suppliers.
The order would be awarded to the supplier who quoted the lowest price after all the suppliers
had been played against one another. At best, there would be some weight age in the decisionmaking process for quality, delivery and flexibility.
A World-Class manufacturer focuses on the supplier's costs. The objective is not to estimate his
margin and then squeeze it, but to help the supplier reduce his costs. The benefits of cost
reduction exercises are shared between the supplier and the manufacturer. The capabilities of the
Supplier are not taken as. a given variable. The manufacturer, who is more advanced, sends his
personnel to the suppliers works to upgrade these capabilities. Suppliers' are organized into
tiers. The manufacturer directly deals with the first tier suppliers. The idea is to source systems
from a smaller no of first tier suppliers instead of sourcing components of hundreds of suppliers.
Supplier base reduction SBR-reducing the number of suppliers is viewed as a means of cutting
down on purchasing overheads and building up the capabilities of selected suppliers to meet the
needs of the manufacturer.
In the product development process, first-tier suppliers are an integral part of the product
development team. Their knowledge of the systems that they make is tapped extensively. They
are responsible for developing systems, which work in harmony with other systems and meet the
needs of the manufacturer. Early supplier involvement (ESI) is a key to faster product
A key change, which takes place in the relations between the manufacturer and the supplier, is
that interaction between the two organizations is not the prerogative of the manufacturer's
purchase department and the supplier's marketing department. Interaction takes place across all
departments. For example, an operator who actually uses a component in assembly would
provide feedback to make assembly easier for the supplier's design department.
The goal of the World-Class manufacturer is to upgrade suppliers to the stage where they can
make 100 per cent on-time deliveries, just-in time and without any defects. This goal is not to be
achieved by forcing the supplier to build up stock piles; the supplier organization must also
practice World-Class manufacturing. Once this goal is reached, suppliers can directly ship raw
material and components to the manufacturer's shop floor. These items are not inspected or held
in a central store. This key achievement in the drive is to eliminate waste.
Maskell (1996) has advocated the following steps for world-class purchasing:
Step 1. Use contract or blanket orders with call-off reports. Purchase orders are not used for
every batch of purchased items. 'Rate contract' type agreements are signed with key suppliers.
Individual batches are pulled from the supplier through call-off reports.
Step 2. Introduce call-off from the shop-floor cells. Production personnel issue the calls for raw
materials or components themselves, instead of conveying this information indirectly through
stores and purchase.
Step 3. Eliminate inspection and dock-to-stock activities through standardization and
Step 4. Eliminate three-way matching. The manual matching of purchase order, receipt and
invoice information should be eliminated through the use of IT.
Step 5. Eliminate invoicing by creating automatic invoices through the receipt transaction.
Effective use of IT enables receipts to be checked against purchase orders. If the order materials
have been received, payment is due. Invoices can be done away with once this is realised,
Step 6. Eliminate the receipt and invoice process by creating transactions through back flushing
or electronic data interchange advance sales notices (EDI ASNs). Back flushing is the
computerized calculation of raw material or component consumption from production data.
Essentially, it implies having systems in place that reduce the available stock of refills by 1000 at
the end of a shift if 1000 pens have been produced. The concept of EDI ASNs is that if 1000
pens have been produced, 1000 refills must have been used and, therefore, payment for these is
Step 7. Pay vendors just-in time through electronic funds transfer.
Needless to say, these steps are tenable only in a World-Class manufacturing environment.
Indian managers may consider the Maskell's scenario weird, but a closer examination of the
recommended steps reveals that only the last two are too futuristic for India, given its
infrastructural deficiencies. What the first five steps require is essentially a change in attitude as
well as a low-stock environment; good inter department communication and sound IT
infrastructure within the company.
In this section, we turn our attention to other fundamental practices. These are:
Production leveling: The working of the supermarket-inspired pull system has been explained
earlier. Production leveling is a requisite for this system to function effectively. The demands
placed on a preceding process by its successor must not be so erratic that they cannot be met. As
Ohno (1992) put it, 'the greater the fluctuation in quantity picked up, the more excess capacity is
required by the earlier process.' The Japan Management Association (1986) described
autonomation and just-in-time material flows as the two pillars of the Toyota Production System,
while production leveling, or load-smoothing production, was described as the base of the system.
The essence of production leveling is that the flow of the various stock keeping units (SKUs)
produced by the company from the final stage in the production process is made as smooth as
possible. This places uniform loads on the 'upstream' processes.
Shingo (1989) explains the concept of production leveling with an example. A company has to
produce the following in a month:
The work content of all the products is the same. One possible approach could be to produce
300,000 As in the first 10 days of the month at 50 per cent capacity utilization. In the next 10
days, 600,000 Bs are produced at 100 per cent capacity utilization. Finally, in the last 10 days,
900,000 Cs are produced.
Naturally, this is not acceptable because of the sharp fluctuations in load. The traditional solution
would be to produce 300,000 of unit B along with the unit A during the first 10 days, and then
300,000 of unit during the next 10 days. This solves the problem of an even load.
Shingo points out a fundamental problem with this approach: there is a build-up of stock,
because the production pattern does not match the demand pattern. The 300,000. As which have
been produced in the first 10days will not be sold immediately. Some of them will have to be
held up till the end of the month.
Another implication of this pattern of production becomes clear if we consider an upstream
process that makes a part which goes into product A. This part would be required in large
quantities/in the first 10 days. Against this, no demand would be placed for the part in the next
20 days.
To solve these problems, two approaches are recommended under World-Class manufacturing:
Mixed production: A stream of As Bs and Cs is produced in the sequence A-BB-C-C-C. This sequence is repeated 3000 in the month.
Segmented production: 10,000 as, 20,000 Bs and 30,000 Cs are produced each day.
These approaches provide for a steady work load at all stages of production and minimizes stock
in the system. Needless to say, they are workable only if the use of the SMED system has led to
set-ups quick enough to support them. Thus, SMED enables production leveling, which in turn
makes a stockless pull system feasible.
Cellular Manufacturing: Conventional mass production is characterized by process or product
layouts. In process layouts, similar machines are located together. For example metal cutting
machines are grouped into lathes, milling machines, hobbing machines and so on. A press shop
houses presses; the machine shop houses metal cutting machines. A component has a number of
operations required to be performed on it, and the optimal routing of the component through the
machines is a fairly complex problem handled by production planners. (Process layouts are
precisely opposite to the concept of process orientation explained in previous section. The two
terms should not be confused).
In product layouts, high volume components are processed on dedicated machines, often
grouped into a transfer line with material handling between machines being automated through
'hard' automation. The machines are arranged in the order of the operations to be performed on
the component. Because of the large fixed costs involved, this is financially justifiable only if
the production volumes for the component are large and do not vary too much.
For many years, manufacturing professionals in the West strove to design sophisticated flexible
manufacturing systems (FMS) consisting of computerized numerical control (CNC) machining
centres, robot arms, automatically guided vehicles (AGV s) and automated storage and retrieval
systems (AS/RS). General Motors invested US$ 40 billion in the 1980s in such systems without
gaining any substantial productivity increases. The purported aim of these systems was to
achieve flexibility economically.
World-Class manufacturers achieved this goal through cellular manufacturing. The underlying
concept behind cellular manufacturing is group technology (GT). In essence, the approach
followed is to regroup dissimilar machines into cells capable of performing the entire set of
operations required to produce a particular component from a blank. The machines used are
typically inexpensive, medium capacity machines designed in house. Low capacity utilization of
these machines is tolerated. Schonbergers -1982 has described cellular manufacturing at a
Kawasaki plant in Japan
What was witnessed in the Akashi plant .were 6-ton or 8-ton or 10-ton presses instead of large
punch presses. Kawasaki toolmakers had designed and made small screw presses specifically for
notch0069ng and bending tubing into frame parts (of motorcycles). Each press is equipped with
its own die permanently in place, so that there is no set-up time and therefore no requirement for
training to set up and run. The welder runs the presses, and in a piece-by-piece just-in-time
mode. The screw presses are slow but sure. The welder may load one press to make one piece he
needs, then another press for a second piece, and another for a third piece and so on. As each
piece is finished in the press, the welder may place it in a welding jig and weld it growing the
motorcycle frame. Of course, the steps may be sequenced to minimize delays.
Figure 3.5 is a schematic sketch of a manufacturing cell. The operator picks up a blank
component from the in-bound stock point, loads it on the machines for processing and finally
leaves it at the out-bound stock point. The path traversed by the operator and the component is
the same. The number of operators can be varied as the demand for the component varies. In our
simplified model, the processing time estimates at each workstation include the material
handling time. This allows three possibilities:
No. of
Scheme of Operation
O min
Throughput in
440 Minutes
(Available Time in
an 8 -hour Shift)
20 units
1 min
37 units
1 min
55 units
People performing different operation work in close proximity. The entire process
through which value is added to the component becomes visible. This fosters team spirit.
Production scheduling is simplified: scheduling within the cells is not required.
Work-in-process inventory is reduced.
The distinctive point about World-Class PPC is that the firm schedule is given only to the final
stage. This schedule drives the earlier stages, and thus fine-tunes the entire production activity
according to market demand.
Computer-aided planned production schedules are generated based on the planned finished
goods assembly or packaging (final stage) schedule, the MPS. The scheduling technique used
for this is often material requirements planning (MRP), which is explained in Chapter 3.
However, these schedules are meant only to advise production managers and managers of staff
functions so that they can prepare the upstream processes for the demands to be placed on
them by the final stage in terms of:
Material handling
Tool schedules
Preventive maintenance
Quality check routines
Equipment configurations
Manpower planning
Ongoing improvement projects
Producing to demand implies an ability to vary the level of output from the supply chain.
World-Class manufacturing practices make this possible. The resulting fluctuations in
manpower requirements require industry and culture-specific solutions. Shingo (1989) has
proposed two solutions Shingo (1989) has proposed two solutions for the problem. Firstly,
running two shifts with four hour breaks between them allows 50 percent increases in demand
to be met through overtime. Secondly, having excess capacity (this is affordable because the
equipment used is not very sophisticated and expensive) and using temporary workers allows
adjustments to throughput from the plant.
New Product Development Practices: The process orientation of the developers of WorldClass manufacturing was also reflected in the new product development practices. Womack et al.
(1990) describe a study that showed that between 1983 and 1987, a totally new Japanese car
required 1.7 million hours of engineering effort and took 46 months from concept to delivery. In
contrast, a similar US or European car took 3 million engineering hours and a 60 month time
frame. In addition, the Japanese product development practices resulted in a car that was easier
to manufacture and assemble. They describe four key attributes of the world class manufacturers
product development process:
Dr Genichi Taguchis philosophy of robust quality is a vital input into the modem product
development process. Taguchi argued for a greater stress on off-line (pre-production) quality
TQM is customer-centric.
Quality IS perceived as the responsibility of the entire organisation.
Since the customer's needs are continuously changing, TQM must necessarily
embody continuous improvement. Dahlgaard et al. (1995) have called it 'a journey
without an end.
Critics may pronounce this definition deficient in a number of ways. For example, it may be
pointed out that in today's environment, we must delight and not just satisfy the customer.
However, we aver that there are no sufficient conditions when it comes to TQM. There are
some necessary conditions and these are reflected in the definition.
Practically all writers on TQM (except those who see themselves as quality gurus in their own
right) ritually begin their work with a paean to William Edwards Deming. We are told how
Deming's first visit to Japan at the invitation of the Union of Japanese Science and Engineering
(JUSE) in 1950, followed by that of Joseph M. Juran in 1954, laid the foundations of the quality
revolution in Japan. Deming had predicted in 1950 that the Japanese would become world
leaders in industry in five years. Relatively fewer writers have bothered to explain the basic
concepts propounded by Deming and Juran.
Both Deming and Juran were disciples of Walter A. Shewhart, the originator of control charts
and the Plan-Do-Study-Act (P-D-S-A) cycle. They had worked under Shewhart at the Hawthorne
plant of the Western Electric Company in the 1920s. Though they were greatly revered in Japan
before being rediscovered by the West, some of the leading exponents of agile manufacturing
later rejected their approaches. Shigeo Shingo has harshly criticized the statist1cal approach to
quality management propounded by Deming and Juran.
Deming's discussion of these components provides a fascinating insight into his basic tenets.
Appreciation for a System: Deming defined a system as 'a network of interdependent
components that work together to try to accomplish the aim of the system. He emphasised the
following attributes of a system:
Without an aim, there is no system. This aim must be clear to everyone in the system and
must include plans for the future. The aim is a value judgment.
The components need not be clearly defined and documented.
A system must be managed to ensure that work is done toward the aim of the system.
Left to themselves, the components tend to become 'selfish, competitive, independent
profit centres'.
The recommended aim for any organisation is 'for everybody to gain- . Stockholders,
employees, suppliers, customers, community, the environment--over the long term'.
A system includes competitors. Deming has noted that adversarial competition between
companies often leads to lose-lose situations.
Though these concepts seem to be highly abstruse, they led Deming to come out with the
diagram shown in Figure 3.6. This diagram seems deceptively simple. As Deming described it:
The flow diagram was the spark that in 1950 and onward turned Japan around. It displayed to
top management and to engineers a system of production. The Japanese had knowledge, great
knowledge, but it was in bits and pieces, uncoordinated. This flow diagram directed their
knowledge and efforts into a system of production geared to the market. The whole world
knows about the results. This simple flow diagram was on the blackboard at every conference
with top management in 1950 and onward. It was on the blackboard in the teaching of
engineers. This diagram, as an organisation chart, is far more meaningful than the usual
pyramid. It shows the chain of command and accountability. If a pyramid conveys any message
at all, it is that anybody should first and foremost try to satisfy his boss (get a good rating). The
customer is not in the pyramid.
Figure 3.6: Deming's View of Production as a System (circa 1950). Improvement in quality
envelopes the entire production line, from incoming materials to the customer, and
redesign of the product and service for the future.
Knowledge of Variation: The crux of Deming's philosophy lies in his emphasis on the
understanding of variations. Understanding the variability inherent to a process helps us to avoid
two kinds of mistakes:
To react to an outcome as if it came from a special cause, when it actually came from
common causes of variation.
Statisticians are familiar with these two types of errors-they call them Type 1 and Type 2 errors.
In his training seminars, Deming used to teach the principles of the knowledge of variations
through his famous red beads experiment, briefly described here:
1. Material used: 4,000 wooden beads about 3 mm in diameter. Of these 800 are red and
3,200 white. A paddle with 50 depressions that will scoop up 50 beads.
2. Procedure: The foreman (Deming) invites 10 volunteers (6 willing workers, 2
inspectors, 1 inspector general and 1 recorder) from the audience. The workers are to
scoop up 50 beads (symbolising one production lot) at a time from the mixed beads. The
customer wants only white beads, not red ones. Red beads are thus treated as defects.
Management has declared a numerical goal: not more than three defects in a production
3. Results: The percentage of defects (red beads) in each production lot is found to vary
within an upper and lower control limit. Because of the foreman's exhortations, threats
and cajoling, the workers put in their best efforts, but they are unable to meet the target of
3 defects per production lot, and the company winds up. Workers who produce less red
beads are rewarded, but they do not maintain their superior performance. The plant winds
4. Lessons: The workers were working in the same environment, the same beads (raw
material), the same paddle (equipment) and the same procedures (operations) and the
same foreman (leadership). The variation in the output was built into the operation itself.
There was nothing the workers could have done about it.
The control chart is a tool which helps people in the organisation to distinguish between
variations that are due to common causes (that is, they are within the limits prescribed by the
variability inherent to a process) and those due to special causes. A process is said to be in a
stable state the so-called state of statistical control-if the outputs produced by it are within the
upper and lower control limits. There are well-known procedures for calculating these limits,
which we will not go into here.
Control charts have been designed for the mean and range of a continuous variable (e.g. the
diameter of a shaft), the number of defects per sample, the number of defective items in a sample
and so in. Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) charts are used because of their power to detect trends in
Figure 3.7 shows what a control chart may look like. Our objective here is to explain the use of a
control chart, and not its mechanics. Shewhart, the inventor of control charts, referred to chance
and assignable causes of variation. Deming later used the terms common and special causes. The
essence of applying control charts in simple (Deming 1993) words is: 'Plot points. A point
outside the control limits is a signal (an operational definition for action) of a special cause
(called by Dr Shewhart an assignable cause), which indicates the need for action-try to identify
the special cause, and if it can recur, eliminate it.'
Figure 3.7: Example of a Control Chart. The chart plots the arrival time of a school bus at
a time and lower control limits have been calculated according to standard rules based on
ability distribution. The chart shows that there is no point in blaming the driver for not at
8.30 a.m. The variability in arrival time is due to common causes; probably traffic arrival
time with the new driver exceeds the UCL. This is assignable to a special cause.
Controls charts are a cornerstone of the implementation of Deming's Philosophy. The steps
prescribed by him for the effective use of control charts are (Deming 1993):
1. Decide what quality characteristic to plot, what kind of chart may be Plan for data
collection. Decide scales for format of the chart eve statistical control of the system of
2. Start the chart; consider revision of the plan in the light of observations.
3. Work on special causes (indicated by a point outside the control limits).
4. Reach a state of statistical control.
5. Work on some change in the process for improvement resulting in (a) less variation (b) a
different mean level. If no change is made, drop the chart. Restore it periodically to learn
whether statistical control continues.
Thus, Deming intended control charts to be used as only tools for tangible governments in
processes. Attaining statistical control was only as end. Deming viewed the first three steps as
the responsibility and people working close to the process, and the last step as responsibility of
Theory of Knowledge: According to Deming, 'the theory of knowledge teaches us that a statement, if it conveys knowledge, predicts future outcome, with risk of being wrong and that it fits
without failure observations of the past. Deming cites the parable of a rooster who had a theory
that the sun rose every morning because of his crowing. One morning, he forgot to crow and the
sun still rose. The shattered rooster realised that his theory needed revision. Others may infer
from this example that the theory is useless. Deming uses the example to illustrate that if the
rooster did not have a theory, there would be nothing to revise. Deming believed that 'information, no matter how complete and speedy, is not knowledge. Knowledge has temporal spread.
Knowledge comes from theory.'
The quest for knowledge, leading to continuous improvement, is sym1bolised in the famous
PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act) cycle. Deming introduced this cycle to the Japanese in 1950, calling
it 'The Shewhart Cycle for Learning and Improvement', after its originator W. A. Shewhart. The
Japanese were so enamored of Deming's teachings that they quickly took to this cycle and called
it the Deming cycle instead. Some authors refer to the cycle as the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act)
cycle. Like Deming's view of production as a system (Figure 3.6), the PDSA cycle is deceptively
simple. The change in mentality that it wrought was far-reaching. Kaizen and the continuous
improvement philosophy were outcomes of the line of thinking embodied in this cycle.
Psychology: Deming has strongly criticized systems of forced ranking, rating and rewards. As he
puts it (Deming 1993), 'People are born with a need for relationships with other people and need
love and esteem by others. One is born with a natural inclination to learn. Learning is a source of
innovation. One inherits a right to enjoy his work. Good management helps us to nurture and
preserve these positive innate attributes of people. 'Deming distinguishes between extrinsic
motivation (such as that provided by financial incentives) and intrinsic motivation (which results
from the workers' sense of pride and ownership in work). This is the reasoning behind his points
10, 11 and 12. The 'forces of destruction', which destroy the human self-esteem, dignity and joy in
learning, include:
Demings teaching revoutionalised industry across the world. In the 1980s he was rediscovered
by American managers as rediscovered by American managers as 'The Man Who Disqualify'.
Beginning with the Ford Motor Company, a number of American companies turned to him for
advice. His teachings remain greatly relevant to Indian industry today. However, his lofty
philosophy was most visible translated into tangible manufacturing practices in the form of the
statistical approach to quality control. This approach was rejected outright by pioneers of World
Class manufacturing, as we shall see in the next section.
the process which produced them must immediately be informed so that corrective action is
immediate. The idea behind the corrective action is to ensure that the root cause of the defect is
identified and eliminated. Such a scheme of inspection is called Informative inspection.
'Judgments inspections discover defects, while informative inspections reduce them. The
objective of inspection must be to reduce the defect rate and not to detect defects. This objective
is realised when inspection provides 'immediate, accurate feedback at the source of defects.
Shingo (1989) was greatly influenced by an observation made by the managing director of
Matsushita Electric in 1965. This observation was that each consumer purchased only one
television set out of the company's total output of one million set. If the set produced by a
consumer was defective, his faith in the company would be destroyed. However, under sampling
inspection and SQC approaches, this would have been perfectly acceptable to the company. This
led him to rea1ise the need for methods which could assure quality with the thoroughness of 100
per cent inspection and the ease of sampling inspection. Shingo also noted that control charts, in
practice, are a form of judgment inspection. This is because there is usually a time lag between
occurrence of the defect and action being taken on it. As he put it (Shingo 1989), 'somewhere
along the line means and ends became confused; the notion that you cannot have quality control
without using statistics supplanted the original, valid concepts. '
Shingo suggested two kinds of informative inspection:
Self inspection: the worker is given the responsibility of inspecting his or her products.
Successive inspection: the worker at a station inspects each piece passed on by the
worker at a preceding station.
Though self-inspection will usually lack objectivity, it can be enhanced with the use of devices
that automatically detect defects or mistakes. Such devices are called Poka Yoke or mistakeproofing devices. Interestingly, the term originally used by Shingo was baka yoke, which means
foolproof. The term was abandoned because it could be misconstrued) imply that the operator
who produced the defect was a fool. Poka Yoke devices can be used to shut down the machine or
line when an abnormality detected, or to issue a warning signal.
Poka Yoke devices are typically simple and robust. Shingo provides an example of one used at
Matsushita Electric. In a vacuum cleaner packing line, the packed box was weighed to ensure
that no parts were missing. In spite of this, complaints of instruction manuals and small parts
being missing were reported, the production manager decided to go in for a Poka Yoke
devices.. A stopper on the roller conveyor line would be retracted only if two limit switches-one activated when the stand containing manuals was pushed down to pick up a manual, and a
similar switch for the stand containing the small parts-had been activated. Otherwise, the box
would be stopped and a buzzer would sound. Complaints dropped to zero within two months.
Figure 3.9 shows another example of a Poka Yoke device. Such devices illustrate a basic idea: it
is human to make errors-but errors need not lead to defects, if they are detected and prevented
from occurring in time, Errors and defects are not the same thing. Source inspection is the term
used by Shingo to denote inspection that prevents defects by controlling the conditions that
influence quality at their source.
Figure 3.9: Poka Yoke for Bending Cover Edges. An automobile component processed for
the left and right sides of the vehicle had identical contours except for the position of a hole.
The part was designed to be bent on the right side, but occasionally right- and left-handed
components were interchanged. A limit switch was installed on the press at the point where
the hole should be located. If the hole was not in that position, the limit switch would be
activated, the press would shut down and a buzzer would sound to alert the worker.
Control charts may have the same purported objective of reduction of defects through
highlighting special occurrences, but Shingo' s system (which he called zero quality control) of
source inspection and Poka Yoke consists of a more hands-on approach to quality management.
The efforts of Shingo and others propelled some manufacturer to what we would today describe
as World Class quality. This achievement was reached two decades ago as related to Shingo
In 1977, the Shizuoka plant of Matsushitas Washing Machine Division had succeeded in
attaining a continuous record of one month with zero defects on a drainpipe assembly involving
23 workers. Five years later, Schonbergers (1982) wrote that 'statistical tools are not quite so
important in the spectrum of concepts that constitute Japanese total quality control as are some of
the more conceptual factors.' He identified three key managerial traits that lead the Japanese to
superior quality performance:
1. Process control-every process was checked for control, but the responsibility was shifted
to production personnel. Also, SQC was not the primary tool that was used for this.
2. Easy-to-see quality, leading to what would later be called the 'visual factory'.
3. Insistence on compliance-'urgency' would not be accepted as an excuse for shipping out
4. Line stop-the authority to stop the production line in case of a quality problem was given
to workers. However, the underlying philosophy was that each line stop must lead to a
root cause analysis to eliminate the source of the defect.
5. Correcting one's own errors-the worker or work group which made defective parts is
responsible for rectification. There are no separate rework lines.
6. The cent check- acceptance sampling techniques for items lots were rejected by the
Japanese because:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The philosophy and practices of World-Class manufacturing create an enterprise that works in
tandem with its suppliers to provide a World-Class response to the voice of the customer. Two
key processes are focused on:
These processes strengthen the demand creation process. The managers of the demand creation
process leverage the strengths of these two processes and, in turn, and work towards supporting
their continuous evolution. This results in the Wor1d~Class manufacturing network shown in
Figure 3.10. In this network, the enterprise of Figure 2.1 is shown in relation to other players in
the supply chain. The enterprise interacts with its suppliers and complementers (e.g. companies
that provide finance to the customers) to deliver value to customers and sustain its competitive
edge in the market.
4.1 The Integration Imperative
4.2 Overview of Systems and Tools: Making Sense of the Manufacturing Alphabet Soup
4.2.1 Information Management Tool
4.2.2 Material processing and handling Tools
4.3 Information Management Tools
4.3.1Product and Process Design Tools
4.3.2 Bar Code System
4.3.3 Kanban
4.3.4 Statistical Quality Control
4.3.5 Business Integration and Decision Support Tools
4.4 Material Processing and Handling Tools
4.4.1 Flexible Manufacturing system
4.4.2 Rapid Prototyping
4.4.3 Lean Production tool
4.4.4 Poka Yoke
4.4.5 Single Minute Exchange of Dies
4.5 An Assessment of Manufacturing Systems and Tools
The effect of delays in the supply chain was, however, first pointed out by Forrester (1958). In a
study, which remains a subject of discussion more than four decades later, Forrester showed that
a simple 10 percent step increase in demand for a product could cause wild fluctuations peaking?
Figure 4.1: The Concept of the Value Chain, as Proposed by Portar (1985)
At an amplitude of 40 per cent in production volumes for a year Forrester hoped that in time 'the
company will come to be recognized not as a collection of separate functions but as a system in
which the flows of information, materials, manpower, capital equipment and money set up forces
that determine the basic tendencies toward growth, fluctuation and decline. '
The term 'supply chain' was not in vogue then, but today it is widely accepted that the essence of
sound supply chain management is to replace inventories of materials with those of information
and process skills. The idea, as Ohno (1988) put it, is to continuously shorten the order
fulfillment process. This shortening is driven more by a need to respond quickly to market
changes than the desire to cut interest costs. Organizations that carry large inventories will
naturally need to clear their clogged supply pipelines before implementing product changes.
The integration of the supply chain requires what is called a process orientation. Not
surprisingly, this is the foundation of present-day production and information management
thought. The key to understanding the process perspective is Shigeo Shingo's model of
production, which was evolved more than three decades before business process re-engineering
became a catchphrase. As explained earlier, the key to improving production is to improve
processes, not operations.
Scheer (1994) has reflected the same process orientation in his framework for an integrated IT
infrastructure. 'Business functions are linked by decision and process relationships, and when
objects (or outputs) are processed, they typically pass through several functions. For example, an
order passes from sales through production and purchasing to accounts receivables and is
processed further in the controlling and sales/marketing information systems. If each function
manages its own data, the object relationship of processes results in redundancy the primary
problem is one of logical data consistency An approach of this type overlays a processoriented view across the functions.' What Scheer has not highlighted is the tremendous impact of
integrated systems on visibility across the supply chain. This visibility is what enables leaner
supply systems. Scheer's Integrated Information Systems framework, which is reflected in the
architecture of ERP/SCM systems, is shown in Figure 4.2.
(1990) in his Triple flow model, the activities carried out by people in a manufacturing firm can
be viewed as a network of flow of materials, money and information. All the manufacturing tools
described in this chapter are marketed as a means of controlling material and information flows
to give better money flows.
The tools, which would commonly be acknowledged as advanced, can be classified into two
broad groups based on their role in manufacturing systems:
Product and process design tools, which are used to create and manipulate data on
products and processes. These include Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided
Engineering (CAE), Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP), Product Data
Management (PDM) and Group Technology (GT).
Lean production tools, very often dubbed as Japanese manufacturing techniques or justin-time (JIT) tools, such as the famous kanban.
Statistical Quality Control (SQC) tools.
Bar coding systems.
Decision support, execution and business tools, which are today some of the hottest
mantras in the market. These include Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II),
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Supply
Chain Management (SCM) solutions and Data Warehousing/Data Mining.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) is best viewed as the universal set of which the above
tools (with the exception of lean production tools) are a subset. We will focus on the evolution
and roles of these tools, without going into technical detail. We will also take a brief look at two
technologies-the Internet and groupware-that have opened up a huge arena of possibilities for
manufacturers recently. We will conclude by trying to assess the tools, techniques and
technologies from an integrated framework.
drafting. In the initial years of CAD, this was viewed as the primary advantage of
computer application in design. Today, it is recognized that these models enable
engineers to study product geometry and layout, and create specifications for
manufacturing. More importantly, CAE software packages are available to subject these
models to Finite Element Analysis (FEA), to help engineers study mechanical or thermal
stresses. Most important of all, the modeling of product data in soft form lays the
foundation for computer assisted manufacturing.
Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP): CAPP is the link between the engineering
and manufacturing processes. The objective of CAPP is the generation of detailed
manufacturing instructions, given (a) the desired geometry of the end product (from the
CAE/PDM database), (b) the geometry of the raw material from which it is to be used as
the input in the manufacturing process, and (c) process parameters and the tools
available. Two generic kinds of CAPP approaches are followed: in generative CAPP, the
process plan is detailed from scratch, with the given inputs. In variant CAPP, the idea is
that the process planner retrieves a similar existing process plan from a classified library
of process plans and then makes the necessary minor modifications. The role of the
Variant CAPP software is in retrieving a process plan closest to the one that the planner is
working on. This retrieval is based on Group Technology (GT).
Group Technology (G T): Group Technology (GT) is a simple but immensely useful
technique which, as its name suggests, deals with the grouping of items into classes based
on some attribute. The classical GT problem relates to the formation of part machine
families. As shown in Figure 4.3, the input to the classical part machine problem is a
route sheet matrix, in which a 'I' in any cell indicates that the part is routed through the
machine. For instance, operations on Part I are performed on machines A, C, E and G.
The objective is to form groups of parts that have common process routes. The output
matrix shows that the parts can be grouped into three similar families.
Grouping can be done based on any attribute, and groups find applications in many areasprocess planning, as explained above is just one of them. Groups of aggregates, which
have similar design attributes, can be used for speeding up the design process. GT
algorithms have long been an area of interest for researchers, with algorithms ranging in
complexity from those based on repeatedly sorting rows and columns after weighting
them as binary numbers to those based on fuzzy ~logic and other techniques. However,
the most visible impact of GT has been in the development of cellular manufacturing.
As discussed in the previous chapter, the cellular manufacturing approach pioneered at
Toyota consists of arranging machines in small clusters dedicated to specific part
families. The machines are usually inexpensive, general purpose machines with basic
production tooling facilitating quick changeover. The clusters are typically U-shaped and
they are manned by a variable number of cross-trained operators. The operator moves
with the part as it is processed on each machine. Production is carried out to demand,
largely based on the consumption of the part produced by the cell. If demand is low, a
single operator can perform all the operations. Needless to say, capacity utilization is not
a performance parameter for production personnel in this dispensation. This is how the
The medium-an adhesive label, card or document on which the bar code symbol is
Printers-typically ink-jet or laser printers are used
Scanners-these are optical devices, mostly hand-held, consisting of an emitter, a detector
and an optica1lens. They extract the bar code data from a printed bar code symbol.
Readers- take data reconstructed by scanners and convert into some other usable forms
such as ASCII text.
Bar codes have been around for a long time now, but in India, the most visible applications are
seen in postal and courier services. Globally, the spread of retailing has been a key factor pushing
bar coding.
In the Indian scenario, where the major chunk of sales-in durab1es as well as in
consumab1es~takes place from retailers who do not have a computer, this push has been missing.
However, bar coding remains a technology with huge promise for industry applications.
For instance, consider the problem of' as-built' bills of material (BOMs) on project sites. These
BOMs are records that track the actual usage of components on various sites or structures.
If expensive components and spares are bar coded, capturing milestone data (e.g. the date of
delivery and the date of installation) become easy.
This data can then be used to monitor inventories and track warranties. Without bar coding, the
same task would be immensely difficult. Similarly, bar coding can be used to maintain real-time
information on order fulfillment in a job shop.
Figure 4.3: An illustration of Group Technology (GT) based Part Machine Family
product development process-through the elimination of activities that do not add value to the
product. This results in an organization that can respond with agility to market changes.
The most famous lean production tool is the kanban-is Japanese for signal. The purpose of
kanban is to signal a demand for items at an operation centre to an upstream operation centre.
Kansans have been discussed in Chapter 2.
What executives must understand is that there is nothing great about a 'kanban system' per se. A
plant can implement a kanban system without quitting down .on inventories by simply using a
larger number of kanbans.
As discussed in earlier the challengelies in creating the organizational climate in which the
kanban serves as a useful information tool for the shop floor. A pull system can, in fact, be
implemented electronically, without paper kanbans being used.
One of the key features of MRP is that it makes a clear distinction between dependent
and independent demand. In the example given, the demand for cycles is independent,
while the demand for handle bar and tyre assemblies depend on that of cycles. Prior to
MRP, this distinction was not made in inventory theory. Joseph Orlicky was one of the
early proponents of MRP and this distinction is usually attributed to him.
MRP's time-phased, bucket-by-bucket planning provided better visibility to
manufacturing personnel, leading to better control of the manufacturing system.
More importantly, the extensive use of computers for implementing MRP made it
possible to reschedule supplies rapidly in response to unforeseen events.
The MRP systems of the 60s were improved by adding modules for capacity planning. These
modules would generate data on the workloads generated by MRP orders. If capacity bottlenecks
were detected by the planners, the MPS could be changed. These augmented MRP systems were
called closed-loop MRP systems and were a key development of the 70s. In the 80s, closed-loop
MRP systems were further improved by integrating them with financial modules and adding
simulation capabilities. These improved systems were called MRP II systems. The 90s saw the
emergence of ERP systems, which are large-scale systems used to manage the entire information
systems of Organizations.
across the globe. Thus, there is no delay between an event being recorded in the database and the
information being available across the organization, though in practice, the availability of current
information is constrained by the rate at which the database is 'replicated' at the viewer's end.
A huge advantage of groupware is that it liberates users from the tyranny of fixed database
structures, such as the rows and columns of Relational Database Management Systems
(RDBMS). Though groupware packages have a built-in database structure, they also provide for
use of attachments of any format. These attachments could be text files, word processor
documents, spreadsheets and so on. The downside to this is that groupware packages are not very
suitable for number crunching applications.
The basic functionalities built into most groupware packages are:
Creation and maintenance of databases for the reference of other users-this becomes a
key instrument for sharing information on, say, standard operating procedures. A key
application of this concept is the idea of the virtual team room. Team members from
different departments can use this feature to communicate new developments specific to
their project to each other.
Automating work flows-even in today's environment, a large amount of work gets done
by pushing papers between individuals. These papers could be leave applications, travel
expense reports, slides for a presentation to a customer or project proposals. Groupware
allows for the mapping of approval processes, so that the paper trail can be replaced by
an electronic one. This makes the process faster and the embedded trace information
helps to identify delays.
The most common groupware package in the market remains Lotus Notes, which was first
heralded in the business press (Kirkpatrick 1994) as the product that was 'fast becoming for
computer networks what Lotus 1-2-3 was for PCs-the early software that changes the way people
view their computers and the way companies work.' Five years later, the Indian business press
has begun to register the emergence of groupware (Chandrasekhar 1999).
E-Business: A recent survey on E-business (The Economist 1999) starts with the words: 'In five
years' time', says Andy Grove, the chairman of Intel, 'all companies will be internet companies,
or they won't be companies at all.' What might the average Indian entrepreneur, who may just
have heard of a few E business start-ups like Rediff-on-the-Net, make of this? Can it really be
true, even in the US, that five years from now there will be no such thing as a company which
isI10t on the internet? As the survey notes, 'The internet is said to be both over-hyped and
undervalued.' In terms of hard numbers, the value of goods (excluding services) traded over the
internet is expected to rise from US$ 43 billion in 1998 to US$ 1,300 billion in 2003. However,
it seems a gross exaggeration to state that companies not actively trading on the net are doomed.
It would probably be more accurate to say that companies that take an early lead in using the
internet to make money (instead of providing cyber-space brochures) will definitely have a huge
For example, computerized tinting systems have now become a common feature in the
domestics paints market. Now it should be possible for paint companies .or their associates to
carry this innovation a. step forward and accept on-line orders for a complete painting package,
including labour. After all, a customer who places an order at a dealer's shop has only the
manufacturer's assurance that the shade chosen is the one which will appear when the paint dries
on the walls. A visit to a paint dealer does not add to this assurance. In fact, placing the order
directly on the manufacturer has the advantages of eliminating the risk of fakes to the consumer
and reducing overhead costs for the manufacturer. Similarly, music software and hardware
companies could allow potential buyers to sample products and make purchases on-line.
The key feature of internet enabled E-business that makes it different from all the other tools
discussed so far is that it can eliminate the time lapse between creations of active demand and
registering of the demand by the enterprise. While ERP, SCM and groupware may involve
process concepts and help customer focus, E-business takes the enterprise face-to face with the
potential consumer. Aided by the sharp increase in the use of credit cards in India, E-business
can offer massive dividends to companies that focus on exploiting the net to deliver better value
propositions to their customers.
Business Intelligence: Business intelligence solutions are a part of the trend towards using IT to
get meaningful data for executives. Drucker (1995), as usual, has correctly identified the key role
that executives should expect from such solutions. 'For strategy, we need organized information
about the environment. Strategy has to be based on information about markets, customers, and
non-customers, about technology in one's own industry and others, about world-wide finance;
and about the changing world economy. For that is where the results are. Inside an organization,
there are only cost centers. The only profit centre is a customer whose check has not bounced. '
Instead of focusing on increasingly efficient ways of storing data, companies are now moving
towards more effective ways of retrieving and analyzing it. Data warehousing is essentially about
summarizing, transforming and cleaning data so that it can be stored in a specific integrated
format enabling extraction of hidden information. The extraction is done using data mining
techniques ranging from decision trees to neural networks. Data warehousing and mining tools
have been facilitated by the exponential increase in storage and processing power of computers.
Fiore (1999) describes a succesfu1 data warehousing project at Timken, Ohio, which slashed the
lead time for making information available to managers from weeks to minutes.
Interestingly, the growing interest in business intelligence in India has been recorded in the
business press. Kohli (1999) quotes an analyst who estimates that industry spend on these tools
will rise from Rs. 36 crore in 1998 to Rs 100 crore in 1999. The article also reports on a
successful case of business intelligence deployment by a cellular network operator. The operator
had cell phone usage data, payments data and professional profiles of customers in three
different databases. Investing in a data warehouse helped the operator to home in on a key
segment of customers-architects, property dealers and civil engineers-and target a promotion at
them. It is now accepted that such applications will become commonplace and the possibilities
seem endless. For example, durable manufacturers can offer to finance loans at concessiona1
rates of interest to consumers who have a good credit card payment record. The idea is to use IT
to do more than to put two and two together.
The developments described in this sub-section can best be viewed as the outcome of the
maturing of the IT industry itself. Two industry comparisons should serve to clarify this:
When cars were first made in the late nineteenth century, each car was typically made to
order for an individual customer by a mechanic who sub-contracted some aggregates to
others. The manufacture of each car was a project. Womack et al. (1990) provide an
immensely interesting account of this system of production. The end-product was not
very reliable, and required a great deal of trouble shooting (' debugging' in today's
terminology) after the customer started using it. As the auto industry matured, it shifted
into mass production mode, delivering reliable, comprehensive and inexpensive
products. This is what has happened in the IT industry. As it continues to evolve, there is
a distinct trend towards reliable, robust and proven software from dedicated companies
and a move away from custom-made one-off software. The ERP/ SCM movement is a
part of this trend.
When power was first used commercially in the 1880s, the mill owners of the day did
not really understand its revolutionary potential. Generators were used to replace steam
engines, but factory layouts and locations did not change. It was 40 years later, when
public utilities stepped in to distribute power on a large scale, that towns distant from
water sources could be industrialized in a big way. Transmission of power became
much easier, it did not have to be transmitted through mechanical arrangements like
rotating shafts. This made factory layouts more efficient. This is again what has
happened in IT -40 years after the development (in 1955) of the first commercial
computer, the UNIVAC, CEOs have begun to use IT to break down functional silos and
eliminate information delays instead of pure number crunching.
The authoritative report of the ESPRIT Consortium (1989) noted that the 'development and
specially the maintenance of computer applications still present major problems, in terms of
overall effort involved, and elapsed time. The reason for this is that applications are essentially
produced in a hand-crafted fashion without any real common standards, methods or tools. A real
industrial approach is needed to replace the craft of application development.' This is the key to
the importance of the solutions discussed in this section.
CNC Machines in which the operations performed by mechanical tools on the component
being manufactured are dictated by reprogrammable control units. Accuracy is very high
and a single machine can perform a massive range of operations.
The key advantage, however, is that the time taken to start production from scratch (that
is from the time the design has been frozen) is very short. Using CAE and CAPP, the
required machining programmes (called part programmes) can often be generated
automatically. The programmes can be rapidly tested through simulation and dry runs.
Industrial robots as understood in industrial engineering, very different from the fictional
robots of Star Wars. These robots are jointed structures, which can be manipulated
through control software to perform simple functions like pick and place or spot welding,
depending on the kind of gripper that is attached to the end of the robot arm. In an FMS,
they are typically used for loading and unloading components.
Automated Guided Vehicles are battery-powered and programmable vehicles used to
carry components between machines and storage points. If the system is not very
complex, conveyors can be used instead of AGV s. The advantage of AGV s is that they
provide for flexible routing.
Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs) use a probe operating within a threedimensional coordinate system to measure the geometrical accuracy of components and
thus automate the inspection process.
Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS) are basically flexibly automated
warehouses. An AS/RS is defined by the Material Handling Institute (MHI) as 'a
combination of equipment and controls that handles stores and retrieves materials with
precision, accuracy and speed under a defined degree of automation.' This automation is
aided by the use of pallets and standardized containers.
The problem with FMS' is that there are very few examples of successful implementations
worldwide, though the usage of their component technologies (mainly CNC machines and
robots) has grown at an explosive rate. A successful example of the use of flexible automation is
Motorola's pager manufacturing line described by Pine (1993), which achieved a 'zero set-up
time, hands off, true lot size of one, asynchronous pull, build-to order manufacturing system.'
The pagers could be produced in up to 29 million combinations and the order fulfillment time
was crashed to one and-a-half-hours. Interestingly, Pine notes that some production tasks had to
be left manual even though the goal was to automate everything, 'whether it made sense or not. '
The 80s were marked by a tremendous hype over 'factories of the future' and 'lights out factories'.
In one of the most infamous cases in manufacturing, General Motors invested billions of dollars
in FMS-type technologies without any substantial return on investment. The problem with such
efforts was that they were driven chiefly by a desire for technological nirvana, without a sound
understanding of manufacturing basics. A common goal was to eliminate human intervention in
the process of working. After the diffusion of lean production methods, executives have realized
that there is no substitute for a motivated shop floor worker, willing to learn and improve work
processes. As Duimering et al. (1993) have argued, it is important to differentiate between
flexible technology and Organizational flexibility. The manufacturing executive's goal must
surely be the latter and not the former. Flexible automation technologies are widely used todayCNC machines are common in low-volume or high-accuracy environments and robots are used
for spot welding-but they are used to augment sound manufacturing processes.
simple. Shingo realized that while human errors are unavoidable, the key to zero defects is to
prevent errors from turning into defects. This can be done if processes are made mistake prooftools are used such that the worker either cannot make a mistake at all, or is immediately informed if a mistake has been made. Of course, all this pre-supposes an Organizational climate in
which workers are not alienated from management objectives.
5.1 Human Resource Dimensions in WCM
5.2 Morale and Team Work
5.3 High Employee Involvement
5.4 Cross Functional Teams
5.5 Work Study Methods
5.6 Human Integration Management
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The top management in most companies often thinks that the impediments to the implementation
of WCM are primarily technical. Managers believe that they lack the necessary technology to
implement the 'factory of the future'. However, worldwide experience refutes this. While no one
can have a complete World-Class manufacturing system, it is possible to go 80 to 90 per cent of
the way there with the technology available today. Yet, most companies have not been able to go
even 10 per cent of the way and there is plenty of technology left for them to utilize. Time and
time again, it has been shown that the major impediment to the implementation of WCM is
people: their lack of knowledge, their resistance to change, or simply their lack of ability to
quickly absorb the vast multitude of new technologies, philosophies, ideas and practices that
have come about in manufacturing over the last two decades or so. Thus, managing people is a
critical issue in achieving WCM status.
Superior performance is ultimately based on the people in an organisation. The right
management principles, systems and procedures play an essential role, but the capabilities that
create a competitive advantage come from people-their skill, discipline, motivation, ability to
solve problems and capacity to learn. Developing their potential is at the heart of World-Class
manufacturing. Moreover, it allows a manufacturing organisation to differentiate itself in ways
that are extraordinarily difficult for its competitors to copy. Both good news and bad are
associated with this fact: the reason it is so difficult to emulate the human resource management
practices of another company is precisely because such practices are so difficult to change
(Hayes et al. 1998).
Effective management of an organizations human resources requires continuity and consistency
across many decisions and throughout all levels of the organisation. The multiplicity and
pervasiveness of these decisions, and the fact that no single manager can be involved in all of
them make it extremely difficult to maintain this kind of continuity. It depends much more on
shared values-a common philosophy of the management than on superb analytical techniques.
Although almost all companies create systems and policies to help structure specific kinds of
decisions and actions, they often fail to put in place the philosophy and principles that provide a
clear sense of direction to the people who operate those systems (Hayes et al. 1988).
According to Donald Peterson, when quality was being introduced into Ford; the real
breakthrough occurred at' a meeting when someone suggested that our values could be expressed
with three Ps to make them easy to remember: people, products and profits. The most important
element was the sequence, with people being first (Peterson 1991).
People are remarkably capable and adaptable in supportive environments. Japanese companies,
such as Toyota, are recognizing that there are limits to the extent to which work can be
automated. At Toyota's Kyushu plant, the pendulum is swinging back towards a greater
involvement of people in the production process. In recent years, many companies, large and
small, have developed policies or credos that not only relate to their business objectives but also
take account of the company's responsibilities to its employees, neighbors and the community.
These aspects of industrial life need to be reflected in the company's performance measurement
system (Maskell 1991).
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The truth is that it is the people who make a company successful. A firm can have a wonderful
product, excellent financial structure and superior market plans, but only the effective
recruitment and management of the people working for it brings success. In fact, Infosys is the
first company in India to acknowledge human capital as an asset on their balance sheet. WorldClass manufacturers realize that employees need to be led and managed differently, if the
company is to succeed on the World market. The overall objective is to build a team-a WorldClass team. Such a team is committed to making the company successful; it is not satisfied with
the minor achievements, but is working towards the radical improvements required to bring a
traditional company into a World-Class status. To measure intangible issues like morale is
always difficult and yet, the way people feel about their work, their managers and their
colleagues is most vital to the performance of a company. A number of programmes have been
developed to attempt to measures and feelings and attitude of working people within their
A. People Involvement
World-Class manufacturers put great stress on teamwork and involvement of their people in
broader area than their immediate job responsibilities. The ideal employee within a World-Class
manufacturing environment is:
Willing to take on responsibility for the quality of his or her work with out additional
inspection being required.
Working cooperatively and apply idea of continuous improvement.
Multi-skilling for different functions.
There are simple objective measures that can be used to gauge the level of involvement
throughout the company. These include:
Techniques like statistical process control, Pareto analysis, and fishbone diagrams are very useful
in the quest for continuous improvement in the area of environment and safety.
Lower absenteeism;
Enhance work attitudes;
Higher individual work performance;
Lower employee turnover and increase return on equity;
Improved organizational learning culture
Power (P): to act and make decisions about work in all its aspects;
Information (I): information about processes, quality, customer feedback, event and
business results;
Rewards (R): tied to business results and growth in capability and contribution;
Training (T): knowledge of the work, the business, and the total work system acquired
through systematic training process.
involved are not required since music provides a standard language that everybody in the team
can understand. In short, music bands are clear examples of how these teams work. The Movie
maker is the best example to show the relation between the team members from different
experiences, The director actually is the team leader but if he said action and at the same time the
sound manager found some distortion or noise or any thing which he is not convinced within his
job he can take the decision to stop until this problem is solved, So In every expert is the leader
or the manager of the whole operation when there is a problem related to his specialty.
Organizational consequences of cross-functional teams: The growth of self-directed crossfunctional teams has influenced decision-making processes and organizational structures.
Although management theory likes to propound that every type of organizational structure needs
to make strategic, tactical, and operational decisions, new procedures have started to emerge that
work best with teams.
Less unidirectional: p until recently, decision making flowed in one direction. Overall
corporate-level objectives drove strategic business unit (SBU) objectives, and these in
turn, drove functional level objectives. Today, organizations have flatter structures,
companies diversify less, and functional departments have started to become less welldefined. The rise of self-directed teams reflects these trends. Intra-team dynamics tend to
become multi-directional rather than hierarchical. Interactive processes encourage
consensus within teams. Also the directives given to the team tend to become more
general and less prescribed.
Greater scope of information: Cross functional teams require a wide range of
information to reach their decisions. They need to draw on information from all parts of
an organizations information base. This includes information from all functional
departments. System integration becomes important because it makes all information
accessible through a single interface.
Greater depth of information: Cross Functional team require information from all
levels of management. The teams may have their origins in the perceived need to make
primarily strategic decisions, tactical decisions, or operational decisions, but they will
require all three types of information. Almost all self-directed teams will need
information traditionally used in strategic, tactical, and operational decisions. For
example, new product development traditionally ranks as a tactical procedure. It gets
strategic direction from top management, and uses operational departments like
engineering and marketing to perform its task. But a new product development team
would consist of people from the operational departments and often someone from top
management. In many cases, the team would make unstructured strategic decisions -such as what markets to compete in, what new production technologies to invest in, and
what return on investment to require; tactical decisions like whether to build a prototype,
whether to concept-test, whether to test-market, and how much to produce; and structured
operational decisions like production scheduling, inventory purchases, and media
fighting. In other cases, the team would confine itself to tactical and operational
decisions. In either case it would need information associated with all three levels.
Greater range of users: Cross-functional teams consist of people from many parts of an
organization. Information must take a form that all users understand. Not only engineers
use technical data and not only accountants use financial data and not only human
Method Study: To find the best method of operation, making full use of all resources
Work Measurement: To find the time required to carry out the operation at a defined
level of activity.
These two, in common usage, are taken to mean Work Study. Here an equally important part has
been added
Using Work Study Data: For purposes of control, costing, estimating, planning and
payment schemes.
Work Study is worth nothing unless active use is made of the data it produces. It replaces
guesswork and opinion, by facts. These facts being obtained by careful observation using a
trained Work Study Engineer working with you and your staff.
Managing people within operations involves actual design decisions about jobs, methods,
relationships between jobs and machines and systems of control and communication. Work
design involves complex "people" relationships between operative staff, supervisors and
specialists e.g. engineering managers and staff who commission new machines and maintain
them. Other specialists may co-ordinate health and safety systems or monitor performance and
plan maintenance
People are not mere extensions to machines or horsepower to be switched on and off. A worker's
performance may be better than a machine's capability - yet a machine may outstrip the human
being for many tasks.
People can be hurt/injured physically by operating environments or trapped socially and
psychologically in them/by them. How operational systems are designed and the jobs and
performance relationships within them are of great operational, economic and social importance.
In this context then work study is
A collection of techniques used to examine work - what is done and how it is done - so that
there is systematic analysis of all the elements, factors, resources and relationships affecting
the efficiency and effectiveness of the work being studied.
Considerable diplomacy and sensitivity is needed by the industrial engineer or operations
manager who becomes involved in work study (or business process improvement) investigations.
In the Path of F. W. Taylor: Method study and work measurement are two principal activities
of work study which originated in the work of F. W. Taylor. FW's "scientific management"
imperatives are:
Investigate the work situation and identify weaknesses - where and why is poor performance
happening? The "scientific" title for this approach to management means placing emphasis on:
Productivity improvement is the aim. We can select staff with characteristics that fit the job, train
and reward them using payment schemes the offer particular economic incentive by linking
payment to measured performance. Such propositions are commonly the stuff of managerial
populists and "how-to" texts on human resource management.
Methods Study: It is an analysis of ways of doing work. The memonic SREDIM (a commonsense heuristic or general problem-solving strategy) represents the method study stages
Maintain it Work Measurement: It involves assessing the time a job should take to do. Similar
steps are involved as to method study:
In the 1950's and 1960's the work study officer or O&M Person (organization and methods)
gathered the data and gave advice. In the 1970's the titles evolved e.g. to that of management
services officer. Work-study and methods study came within the scope of the industrial engineer.
Today the techniques of method study are inclusive within the tool-kits and applications of the
business systems analyst. The most modern application of some of the techniques of work study
is the early 1990's managerial recipe; "business process re-engineering" i.e. re-designing
business processes which have developed to the extent that they mismatch the needs of the
situation today.
However -- having said this - the scope for work study definition and evaluation is useful for
operations managers in a general sense. Such roles require data on operational capacities and
effectiveness and the use of time and resources. Methods need regular re-evaluation. Some may
have evolved and changed over time to become disjointed, patch works that no longer fully serve
requirements. The case may need to be put for more staff or new methods and equipment. Such
arguments call for data and measurement.
How many extra hours/people are needed? Why? What will the new method offer? Is it
possible to change methods? What will be the costs/benefits?
Thus the techniques, assumptions and weaknesses of work study reflect important know-how for
the operations manager generally - and not just those working in engineering or manufacturing
environments. However the assumptions, difficulties and limitations of the claims must be
Efficiency Indices: Using data on measured work, unmeasured work and idle time we can
attempt to derive effectiveness indices. Constable and New exemplify efficiency and
effectiveness indices:
a. Efficiency: While performing measured work (ratio of standard/measured hours of work
produced and the actual time taken).
b. Effectiveness: Which includes
Accounting for work done for which no measured time exists. Such work is
typically paid for by an agreed hourly/day rate i.e. there is no direct, measured
relationship between pay and how much work is actually completed in that hour. Of
course a supervisor may pass a judgment or state that the amount of work and its
quality are inadequate.
Recognition of possible idle time caused e.g. by management not allocating any
work, supplier/materials delays, machine breakdowns etc.
Conclusion: In simple terms work study measures work and defines (some) performance
standards. There are many uses for time estimates for tasks. Operations managers can guess or
assume that a job is done in the correct time (whatever that is!) or they can be systematic and use
time data gathered by a systematic technique which has reasonable accuracy. Whether or not the
worker likes it - pushed hard in trying to complete a job with very tight measured work standards
which don't anticipate the knotty problem encountered with a particular task - is another matter.
Work study/industrial engineers need time data to plan and evaluate production/transformation
processes. Rewards systems need such data for performance related bonuses. Cost calculations
need to incorporate operative and machine job times Costing systems reference work study data.
Work study data contributes to:
Improved methods to raise output, quality, reduce wastage, enhance reliability and ensure
Standard time data contributes to capacity planning, scheduling, and control of staff, asset
utilization and quality improvement. Service and after-sales method improvements may
be obtained as well as process improvement and better raw materials usage.
Implementation planning for product/service and process design requires a detailed
understanding of methods and timings. In a distribution/transport system we can evaluate
logistical efficiencies.
We need to remember always that performance inefficiency may arise from many reasons
outside of worker control - a cumbersome planning system, a slow computer system with heavy
overheads, lack of investment or uninformed, disorganized management. It is crass to assume
that the problems will only be due to staff inefficiencies or inappropriate methods.
Return on Investment (ROI) and productivity (less HR staff doing more work) are now getting
louder and louder.
The Integral Four Quadrant Approach: One of the major contributions of Ken Wilber, an
contemporary American philosopher, is his approach to think at a level of abstraction at which
various conflicting approaches actually agree with one another. Then Wilber poses the question:
What coherent system would in fact incorporate the greatest number of these truths?2 In this
paper, we have attempted something similar for several approaches to HRM and psychology,
grouping the m in the four quadrants Wilber typically used for organizing seemingly conflicting
theories. Indeed Wilber (1997) introduces the Integral Vision by pointing out that some views of
reality start with objective, and often quantifiable observables. This is called the external view
(pictured as the quadrants at the right side of figure below).
At the other side we have approaches that start from introspection and interpretation, looking at
consciousness and at the direct experience that each of us has. These are called the internal
approaches (or the left side quadrants). Both sides of the spectrum are then divided in individual
approaches, where one is looking at the parts (the Upper half of the drawing) and collective
approaches, where one is looking at the whole (the lower half of the figure).
mentors or coaches on the competence models the company is using for the target audience of
these programs. Similarly, mentors and coaches should be helping the person they are working
with to integrate this mentoring and coaching into their personal development plans, and
hopefully the organization is planning to let the persons put their new competencies into practice,
and this will be reflected at the next appraisal or when the employees get promoted. The chart
below (Figure 5.2), using job EQs formula for success, illustrates how all the dots need to be
Upper Right: The Scientific View: Much of business is looked at from the external side,
including people. From this perspective, one is only interested in the observable behavior of
people. Much of what is called competencies in HRM is based on this looking at what is
observable. It is clear that competence management is an important building block of an
integrated HR approach. This can happen in two ways: First, as Hamel & Prahalad (1994) argue,
an organization should determine which are its core competencies related to its strategic position,
thus building competitive advantage. Secondly, an organization should determine which are the
important competencies for each position in the organization, of course taking into account the
core competencies. The resulting competence models become the standard to be used for many
HR practices, such as assessment, recruitment, promotion, training, coaching, and evaluating
people. In other words, when competence management is consistently applied throughout the
organization, it offers a way to connect the dots.
Integral Thinking - In a nutshell, an integral HR Management aligns all HR tools with the
culture and the strategy of the organization, taking into account the individuals motivational
characteristics. The advantage is that HRM will become more efficient and effective,
contributing to the whole of the organization. This can be achieved through examining which
competencies, attitudes and value systems are needed for various functions within the
organization, and adapting the HR systems and tools to these requirements.
6.1 Competitiveness of Indian Manufacturing
6.2 Manufacturing Performance and Planned Strategies of Indian Manufacturing Firms
6.3 Survey on World-Class Manufacturing Readiness of Indian Firms
6.4 Manufacturing Objectives and Strategy
6.5 Usage of Management Tools and Technologies
6.6 Manufacturing Management Practices
6.7 IT Infrastructure and Practices
6.8 The Manufacturing Strategic Intent Framework
6.9 Strategic Use of IT in Indian Manufacturing
6.10 Classification by Breadth of IT Infrastructure and Depth of Manufacturing Applications
6.11 Classification by Breadth and Integration of IT Infrastructure
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6.1 COMPETITIVENESS OF INDIAN MANUFACTURING
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------India is undertaking path-breaking reforms in its industrial sector. Its manufacturing sector
registered a growth rate of 8 per cent per annum during the 1980s. This was considered to be
very respectable, considering the statistically significant decline the sector had been registering
since the mid1960s. One of the reasons for this may be attributed to the liberalization process
initiated by the Government of India in the early 1990s, one of the major objectives of which was
to raise the growth performance of the industrial sector by removing various constraints,
especially the requirement of an industrial license (Mani and Bhaskar 1998). However, on the
global competitiveness level, India had an overall ranking 45 out of 53 countries in 1997, which
slipped to 50 in 1998 (Sharma et al. 1999). The basic question arises is how competitive are
Indian manufacturing firms? Today's competitive environment is very different when compared
to the past. The Indian manufacturing firms are facing competition from imports as well as from
multinational companies (MNCs) in the domestic markets. Earlier, these firms segregated these
two markets and served them with different quality products and services, compromising on
quality in the domestic market. This is no longer possible. Therefore, many strategies that may
have worked in the past are not likely to succeed now.
At present, the competition is in terms of reduced cost, improved quality, high performance
products, a wider product range and better service-all delivered simultaneously. Traditionally,
Indian firms have followed an opportunistic approach to growth as opposed to a competencebased approach that seeks to strengthen key aspects of manufacturing. Consequently, these firms
paid little attention to their factory floors. Of course, there have been some exceptions to this and
some firms had indeed built up their capabilities. Firms are also paying more attention to quality,
but little to faster throughput and delivery, wider product range and better service? There is no
evidence to suggest that enough progress is taking place in this direction. Perhaps, firms are
struggling to improve 'quality' first and expect to take care of other issues later.
Furthermore, the Indian market is also witnessing a quiet revolution where old products are
being substituted by better ones. For the first time perhaps, products and services are being
introduced to meet in customer needs, a practice not discernible earlier. The trend of rapid
introduction of new products is forcing manufacturing firms to profitably produce a larger
variety in smaller volumes! Consequently, these firms have to search for new processes,
materials, vendors, factory layouts, techniques for reducing cycle times, designs, channels, etc.,
to deliver these products. Moreover, manufacturing firms are also being asked to integrate
services with products to meet customer needs. Thus, the real challenge facing Indian
manufacturing is to improve substantially on several dimensions--quality, technology, Shop floor
practices supply chain coordination, and timeto-market-simultaneously and over a short period
of time. In. short, Indian manufacturing is under pressure to demonstrate manufacturing
excellence, and to progress faster on the road to World-Class manufacturing for sustained
profitability and growth
among the four regions, except the East (12 per cent) (Figure 6.1). This might be because the
eastern region has fewer states and relatively less industry concentration.
Table 6.1: Regional Distribution of Respondents
States Included
West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa
Punjab, Haryana,' Himachal
Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh
Tamil Nadu, Karnataka,
Kerala, Andhra Pradesh
Maharashtra, Gujarat,
Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh,
% Response
The responses were markedly better from public limited companies, which constituted nearly
three-fourths (77 per cent) of the total sample, followed ~by private limited (13 per cent) and
public sector (10 per cent) organisations.
utilization is viewed as a function of the current demand of companys products and not as a
strategic objective.
Not aware of this
Not being considered being considered
In use for up to 1 year
In use for more than 1 year
In use for more than 1 year
The one tool which made it well past the threshold mean score 3 was Total Quality Management
(TQM) closely followed by Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) (Figure 6.5). Interestingly,
Indian managers seemed to be very hesitant to admit that they were not aware of some tools.
Very few managers ticked I against any tool.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The set of manufacturing management tasks listed in the Figure 6.6 was evaluated with respect
Importance to top management in the short-term
Importance to top management in the long-term
Perceived usefulness of computers for the task
Again, five-point scales were used for rating importance and usefulness. A score of I indicated
'not important' or 'not useful', while a score of 5 indicated 'very important' or 'very useful'. The
results should be interesting for IT managers who want to priorities their spending due to
resource constraints. An interesting finding was that the following tasks have scores of more than
4 on all three criteria:
Product design is one task in which the strategic use of IT has had a major impact globally (e.g.
in the case of Boeing). In India, this task is not viewed as important because very few companies
have indigenous product development capabilities (Figure 6.7). 51 per cent of the respondents
said that less than 25 percent of their product range was designed in-house. Only 8 per cent of
the companies went for in-house design for 51 to 75 per cent of their product range. More than
one-fourth of respondents stated that no effort was being made to boost interaction between their
design department and production engineering. This might indicate a poor practice of design for
manufacturability (i.e. designing products that can be manufactured more easily).
Indian production planners seem to bear the brunt of the dictum that a forecast is always wrong!
The consensus seems to be that varying sales forecasts 'frequently' make it difficult to make
feasible plans (Figure 6.8). Some respondents said that this happened 'very often', and there are
also cases where it happened 'almost always'. The problems of forecasting were probably
compounded by the longer manufacturing cycle times, which make it necessary to forecast for
longer time horizons. The other factors that are commonly perceived as causes for concern for
production planners-invalid standards (e.g. BOMs) and inventory data-were not viewed as
serious problems.
The biggest obstacles in achieving production targets were lack of timely supplies of materials
from vendors and absenteeism (Figure 6.9). The other factors-equipment breakdowns and power
cuts-were lesser problems. Power cuts were external variables, which can only be controlled
through captive power generation facilities. The problems with supplies reflect on Indian
industry's weakness in purchasing management. Less than half of the responding companies
(about 40 per cent) had automated shop scheduling and loading systems. Such systems, whether
in-house or purchased, can greatly increase productivity and effectiveness on the shop floor.
Figure 6.6: Importance of Management Tasks and the Perceived Usefulness of IT for them
*The horizontal axes in Figures 6.11 to 6.20 and 6.22 to 6.26 show the number of responding
to the buyer's shop floor, cutting out a lot of waste from the system. This stage had been reached
by less than one-fourth of the responding companies. Though product quality improvement is
stated to be the most strategic objective in manufacturing (Figure 6.4) and TQM is the most
widely used management tool (Figure 6.5), it is ironic to see that the results of the quality
movement are only beginning to show on the shop floor.
About 50 per cent of the responding companies stated that they had defect rates, before rework,
of up to I per cent. A major chunk of the responding companies stated defect rates of 1-3 per
cent, which was far above the global standards of parts per million (PPM) or defect rates on the
order of 0.0001 per cent. Companies also reported defect rates of more than 5 per cent. The
redeeming factor here was that the profile of defect rates would probably have been much worse
had a similar survey been carried out 'five years ago. Also on the positive side, 10 companies reported defect rates of less than 0.1 per cent.
The use of TPM (Figure 6.5) has not resulted in World-Class maintenance practices. Perhaps, as
in the case of quality, the need for significant improvement in this area has been felt only in the
last five years. Only one third of the respondents have reported downtime percentages of less
than 2 per cent. Unlike zero defects, which many experts agree is a long-tern goal, near-zero
downtime should definitely be achievable.
Figure 6.14: Average Pipeline Inventory in the Finished Goods Distribution System
The disquieting finding was that none of the respondents had switched to predominantly cellular
layouts, which are generally considered one of the foundations for World-Class manufacturing in
the discrete manufacturing sector. The remaining types of layouts were in keeping with the
conventional trends. Generally speaking, product layouts are used when the scale of production
favors dedicated production facilities, process layouts in the case of batch production and fixed
position layouts rue used in heavy industries where the 'job' does not move and equipment is
moved around it.
applications. Office automation software, which is used for information management, dominates
manufacturing software.
In the office automation area, presentation packages were the least used, with 67 per cent
companies using them. In the case of manufacturing software, the applications with the largest
base were materials accounting and computer aided design and drafting. Both these applications
are used by approximately 58 per cent and 59 per cent respondents, respectively. MRP II and
enterprise resource planning (ERP) were used by 20 per cent of the companies. The
manufacturing application with the smallest base was simulation, which is widely used
continents. Interestingly, a small number (less than l0 in each case) of the responding companies
had already used intranets and/or groupware. Intranets had a slight edge here. A large number of
companies (about 25) were considering both these applications. An equally large number had not
considered them yet. Interest in these developments seems to be at a threshold level.
The deciding factor for selection of a package was its functionality. The recommendation
of parent companies was the deciding factor in some cases.
The bad news for those who position ERP software as a template for reengineering was
that the major benefit from ERP was perceived to be 'integration of different departments
and easy access to data'. 'Fundamental improvements through re-engineering and
streamlining the processes of manufacturing' was a distant second.
'Lack of fit of existing processes with features provided by the package' and 'lack of
availability of personnel for implementation and use of the package' were the biggest
problems for those going in for ERP implementation.
Figure 6. 26 shows the extent of use of electronic interchange of data across departments within
companies. As shown in the figure, the use of electronic links is gaining ground, with more than
half of the responding companies reporting its use between stores and purchase. Electronic links
between stores and PPC, and production and PPC were also quite widely used. Such electronic
links could be made possible due to the increasing interdepartmental connectivity and use of
ERP-type or groupware-type software packages.
and others have been developed gradually over the last 30 years by innovative companies like
Toyota.' He identifies quality, just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing, people and flexibility as the
bases of agile manufacturing.
Conventional mass producers are driven by internal objectives that are centered on efficiency.
The prime example of an efficiency-oriented measure is capacity utilisation. Agile
manufacturers, on the contrary, are driven by multiple objectives (e.g. faster new product
development, flexibility of volume and mix, quality, on-time delivery and lead time reduction,
etc.), which focus on effectiveness in meeting the needs of the external customer.
The objective of agile manufacturing is to produce to demand and avoid speculative production.
This brings manufacturing closer to the market. As Taiichi Ohno (1992) wrote, what is important
is that the operable rate of equipment-2...the percentage of time for which the equipment is ready
for operation when required-should be 100 per cent. The operating rate the percentage of
available time for which the equipment was actually operated-should be determined by demand.
Manufacturers will have to achieve World-Class manufacturing status to compete effectively in
the global market. Therefore, World-Class manufacturers emphasize agile objectives and deemphasise capacity utilisation. This classification places a manufacturer into one of the
following four types (Figure 6.27):
1. World-Class Players: Companies that have the potential to be World Class. These are
those which rated agile objectives above 3 and capacity utilisation below or equal to 3 on
a five-point scale.
2. Transitional Players: Companies that rated both agile objectives and capacity utilisation
above 3. These are companies that can make the transition to World-Class players.
3. Licence-Regime Survivors: Companies which rated agile objectives below or equal to
3, and capacity utilisation above 3. These companies continue to operate with objectives
that would have led to success before the liberalisation of the economy.
4. Inertia players: Companies that rated both objectives below 3 are surviving on inertia.
The reasons for their survival could include a monopolistic or oligopolistic market.
As we would expect in any emerging market, the largest chunk of the responding companies is in
the transitional players' quadrant. This signifies an industry in transition.
Having the right objectives may not always lead to superior performance. However, operating
without these objectives is virtually guaranteed to lead to competitive disadvantage. The
companies that are in the MANSI world-Class players' quadrant have, therefore, achieved a
necessary, but not a sufficient condition.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The needs and skills required to manage today's businesses in a global environment are far
different than what they were just a decade ago. Clearly we need a new way of looking at
manufacturing, for the way we have considered it in the past is no longer sufficient. With rapid
changes in IT and manufacturing technology, firms are getting increasingly interested in
managing the strategy-technology connection to develop new ways of achieving competitive
advantage (Applegate et al. 1996). Firms are attempting to link manufacturing strategy with
business strategy (Skinner 1985; Wheel right 1981; Luftman 1996), to examine the strategic
impact of rapidly changing manufacturing and information technology (Jelinek and Goldhar
1983; Kantrow 1980), and to find new ways of viewing manufacturing as a competitive weapon
(Skinner 1985; Hayes and Wheel right 1984; Jelinek and Goldhar, 1983). Information
technology is a key ingredient in this emerging trend of getting competitive advantage through
Today's emphasis on competing through manufacturing may stimulate firms to reassess their
alignment of IT strategy with business strategy. New ideas concerning how IT can change the
way firms compete are being explored (Applegate et al. 1996; Callon 1996; Jelassi 1994).
However, computer integrated manufacturing (CIM), which blends recent developments in
manufacturing and IT to achieve competitive advantage, can provide full strategic benefits only
if there exists a broadened partnership of top management as well as engineering, marketing,
manufacturing and IT executives, all of whom share a common vision of how CIM makes
possible new approaches to designing business systems. But, as is evident from the analysis
given above, most companies have focused on 'stand-alone' applications of CIM component
technologies, such as computer numerical control (CNC) machines, computerized bill-ofmaterials and turnkey CAD systems that improve engineering design productivity.
Obviously it will be somewhat premature to discuss strategic use of IT (i.e. CIM) in such a
'stand-alone' applications environment. Hence, what has been done here is to develop taxonomy
of IT applications role and use it to define the breadth and depth of IT infrastructure.
Scheer (1994) had proposed an 'Architecture of Integrated Information Systems' (ARIS). ARIS is
used here as a conceptual framework for visualizing the roles that IT applications can play in
running a business as opposed to the functions performed by them. As shown in the Figure 6.28,
these range from operative systems, which essentially record quantities, to long-term decision
support systems. The higher the level of IT applications in the ARIS classification, the more is
the likelihood of using IT strategically. The outlined portion of the diagram represents the thrust
areas for IT use for most Indian manufacturers (the bases for this conclusion are the findings in
Figures 6.18, 6.19 and 6.20). Unfortunately this usage profile precludes the use of IT for
sophisticated tasks such as planning and decision support. The emphasis on accounting systems
indicates a 'data processing' mentality. Even the data-processing' capabilities are not fully
harnessed because of lack of integration.
information leading to decision support for strategic planning. For example, IT -generated inputs
could be used to speed up the accounts receivable process instead of just tracking sales and
performing credit checks. This would be a transition to a controlling role. At a higher level, the
analysis reveals that the benefits from this step could be used to reduce prices. This would be a
strategic role.
Depth in
Islands of
Breadth of IT Infrastructure
We have a large number of companies in the scattered approach quadrant. This was probably due
to the propensity of management to invest in 'computers' without realizing the role of integration
in using IT strategically. However, the recent interest in ERP software shows that companies are
becoming increasingly aware of this need.
Extent of Integration
Breadth of IT Infrastructure
Figure 6.30: Classification in Terms of Breadth and Integration of IT Infrastructure.
7.1 Business Strategy and Global Competitiveness
7.2 Generic Manufacturing Strategies for Information Age.
7.2.1 Dynamic product and process change: Innovation strategy
7.2.2 Stable product and process change: Mass production strategy
7.2.3 Dynamic product change, stable process change: Mass customization
7.2.4 Stable product and dynamic process change
7.3 Developing Strategic Thinking in Manufacturing
7.4 Issues in Strategic Planning For World-Class Manufacturing
7.5 Barriers to Using IT Strategically
7.6 Strategic Planning Methodology for World-Class Manufacturing
7.7 Implementing the World-Class Manufacturing Plan
7.8 Need for Performance Measurement
7.8.1 PO-P System
7.8.2 TOPP System
7.8.3 AMBITE System
7.8.4 Quality Performance
7.8.5 Cycle Time
7.8.6 Delivery Performance an Customer Service
7.8.7 Financial Performance Measures
7.8.8 The Balance Score Card
7.9 Conclusion
and the strategy of successful firms is opportunistic and adaptive (Kay 1993).
Given this perspective, strategies must be sufficiently specified, articulated and communicated to
develop and allocate resources appropriately. Weill and Broadbent (1998) refer to strategic
context in terms of three constructs: strategic intent, current strategy and businesss goals. The
strategic intent of a firm specifies its long-term, stable goals-a worthwhile destination for where
a firm desires to go (Hamel and Prahalad 1989), and which should require a stretch for the firm.
Current strategy specifies how the firm will do business today-the combination of products and
services offered customers, channels and price and quality levels. Current strategies have
relatively short lives and many firm have new ones every 12 months or so. The business goals of
a firm emanate from its strategic intent and current strategies, and include quantitative and
qualitative business targets, with measures to determine progress.
Competitive strategy, according to Porter (1996), is the process of perceiving new positions that
woo customers from established positions or draw new customers into the market. In this
context, there is a need to distinguish between operational effectiveness and strategy.
Operational effectiveness means performing similar activities better than one's rivals, whereas
strategic positioning entails performing activities different from those of the rivals' or
performing similar activities in different ways. Strategies positioning of firms are often not
obvious and finding them requires creativity and insight. For example, new competitors in the
industry often discover unique positions that have been available but overlooked by established
competitors. But most new competitive positions open up because of change. New customer
groups arise; new needs emerge as societys ev6lve; new distribution channels appear; new
technologies are developed; and new information systems become available. These changes
create opportunities for new competitors unencumbered by a long history in the industry (and not
bound by its accepted rules and practices), thus creating the potential for new ways of
competing. For instance, the emergence of Internet has opened new channels giving rise to new
competitive strategies in both the manufacturing and service sectors.
Mass Customization
Mass Production
mass-produce goods or services. The focus of these firms is on efficiency through stability and
control, always basing their strategy on economies of scale and low costs, and striving for the
largest size and lowest cost structure in the industry. The Organisational structure of such firm is
often large, hierarchical, bureaucratic and vertically integrated. Their competitive advantage and
profitability are based on reduction of unit costs and, therefore, change in either process or
product is an anathema to the mass production strategy. Consequently, the design for stability
requires limiting both product variety as well as process innovation.
While mass production and innovation have been the predominant focus of competitive strategy
during the twentieth century, today the situation has changed, with neither simultaneous dynamic
product-dynamic process change nor simultaneous stable product-stable process change. In such
a situation, two more strategies
Question 2.
Where do we
want to be?
Question 3
How will we get
there? (Strategy)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The manufacturing function of an organisation is primarily concerned with internal activities (the
production process), whereas other functions, like marketing are involved primarily in external
operations (customer contact). Furthermore, the manufacturing capabilities of an organisation
determine how effectively the marketing function can satisfy the customers, consequently,
manufacturing decision can often instrumental in restricting, reinforcing and determining the
firms overall strategy. Thus an effective business strategy can only be developing by fully
integration manufacturing decision it to the strategic planning process. However in order to
accomplish this, a number of issued needs to be addressed. Some of these issues are:
experts; they should be in the range of 1 to 5 per cent in the case of organisations
investing in IT successfully. According to a recent survey of top 50 IT spending
companies in India, there was only one company spending more than 4 per cent of its
revenue on IT, five companies were spending more than 3 percent, three companies were
spending more than 2 per cent, eight companies were spending than. 1 percent and rest
were spending less than 1 per cent (Data Quest 1996). Most of these companies perceive
that IT could improve their business efficiency and productivity, and may give better
access to information. Only about 15 per cent of these believed that IT could provide
customer satisfaction or could give marketing and sales advantage, i.e. may have strategic
impact. Thus, it is clear that most Indian companies do not perceive IT as a long term
investment for gaining strategic advantage and, therefore, treat it merely as an expense
item. This perhaps might explain why there are not many companies having a high extent
of integration as well as high breadth of IT infrastructure. It also explains why a
company's use of IT is limited to value-oriented accounting systems and not exploiting it
for long-term planning and decision support (as per Scheer's framework, Perhaps, this
might be because until recently Indian manufacturing was not exposed to global
competition. But in the changed scenario, such an attitude is dangerous because it tends
to make companies less competitive, thereby treating them to major business
disadvantages. We believe that this is a serious issue that needs to be addressed through
proper education and further research.
Need for a formal planning methodology: Another problem facing planning is the
absence of formal planning process (or methodology) to translate the strategic vision of
the company into an implement able, long-term action programme in any internal
function to obtain competitive advantage and move it towards World-Class performance?
We describe here a simple methodology to accomplish this.
Whereas an increasing number of companies in India are adopting this attitude with regards to
manufacturing technologies that are relevant to their industries, they are not doing the same with
respect to IT
Another barrier to strategic use of IT is a corporate environment where middle management is
averse to risk. If there is intolerance for new ideas (related to IT use), whomsoever they may
come from, there is no change that they will be accepted. The idea may be simply rejected, often
with the reason that it will never work because it is not the way things are being done here.
Similarly, companies that do not take a long-term view of funding IT application R&D create a
This Assessment will give a picture of the firms current strategic position. Then, new strategic
thrusts--that is, acquisition, new markets or products--can be evaluated and selected. These when
combined with the firm's current strategic profile, makes up the firm's business strategy.
In order to derive competitive advantage from manufacturing the strategy should itself be
derived from the business strategy of the firm. Furthermore, strategic manufacturing requires
using information strategically (as described in earlier chapters), therefore, the use of IT in
manufacturing should be driven by an IT strategy, which is in alignment with the manufacturing
strategy. Thus, we need to focus on two internal functions in creating a total picture of the firms
strategic position: information systems and manufacturing (Figure 7.3).
Business Strategy
IT Strategy
Functionally, the WCM planning team should include at least one senior person from the
following functions
Manufacturing or production
Design engineering
Quality management
Human resources
Materials management\ production scheduling
In the selection of planning team members, a CEO can have a real impact on the progress of the
WCM programmes. First the CEO can make sure the team comprises the best executives.
Second, the CEO can ensure that the team contains a balance of skilled and experienced
(generally older) managers as well as young, aggressive champions who want to change the old
ways of doing things. Third, the CEO may understand the teams political power structure and
avoid building a team building a team whose progress will be stalemated by disputes between
two political rivals over the future direction of the company.
Step 3. Assessment of the companys current manufacturing capabilities: An objective
assessment of the companys current manufacturing capabilities is critical for the WCM planning
activity. Often, companies managers take this for granted or assume that they know where they
stand today and that all members of the team are in agreement with reference to the status of
current manufacturing capabilities. However, this is rarely the case in practice. A few managers
may be aware of the current status of manufacturing capability but rarely is there any company
wide awareness or consensus about it.
This step involves taking a snapshot of the company as it currently exists, by interviewing
people, plant tours and examination of various business records. The snapshot should create an
objective manufacturing profile (by product line and/or for each facility) of the company's:
Quality Level
Material flow
Supply Chain
Distribution Chain
New Product Per Year
Inventory Turnover
Lead Time
Engineering Mix
The next task would be to examine the plant facilities. Are they modern with good material flow,
lighting, etc, or are they choked buildings with various bottlenecks and hindrances to good
manufacturing practices?
Next, the team should examine the information system and the technology (IS/IT) the company
has in place. What processing capabilities, telecommunication networks and databases are
available across all business units as well as from outside? How current is the technology? What
kind of software packages and applications are there? What is the IT budget as a percentage of
net sales?
What basic skills and processes do the company's workers perform well? What about quality
costs? What percentage of sales do they represent and how has that varied historically? Similar
questions should be asked for all the items in the list given above.
Often the assessment of a company's current manufacturing capabilities serves as an extremely
good mechanism for educating senior managers, not only as to its current status, but also to the
fact that it is a long way from where it should be for the WCM status.
Step 4: Assessing the Competition: A company wishing to win in global competition must find
out as much information about each of its global competitors and their capability to manufacture
as it ascertains in its assessment of its own plant in Step 3. Of more concern then the
competitor's distribution, sales force, and so on, is how capably it designs and produces its
products, how thoroughly can those products satisfy customer expectations and what the cost
structure of their manufacturing is to perform this kind of competitor analysis, one can make use
of published annual reports and company histories, and even their internet web sites if they have
them. If the competitors are in the US, there are many Securities and Exchange Commission
documents that provide valuable information. Additionally, the information may also be
obtained from consultants or employees routinely hired from the competitors for this purpose.
The key objective of this exercise is to understand as much as possible about how effectively
global competitor manufacturer products. What Kind of CIM have they implemented? Do they
have total quality or Just in Time program? Where do they source their products? What might
be their labour costs? What kind of information system they have? Do they use E-commerce
and o ERP technologies? The information thus collected gives a valuable insight to the
company in term of back ground for the change it must go through in the future. If a company
knows that It is nowhere close to its global competitors in manufacturing performance, then it
should perform analysis on a more gradual and incremental basis over two or three year s while
devoting itself to becoming a world Class Manufacturer Once the company has made
considerable progress toward this end; it should also know the progress that the global
competitors have made as a reference for further efforts to get competitive advantage.
Step 5: Creating the Future Path: This step ascertains where it is possible to go in the future.
What roads will lead to the set of capabilities needed for competition as a manufacturer in global
markets? What proven technologies, approaches and practices exist? What have other companies
done-not only in the same industry on a global basis but within other industries where
technology transfer is feasible? How can those tools be used to achieve competitive advantage in
In this step, the emphasis is on proven technologies, practices and philosophies. The objective is
how to get, say, 75 per cent of the benefits in 25 per cent of the time at 25 per cent of the cost.
Once those benefits are achieved, then the company can go on to fine tune the system if is important for the last 10 to 25 per cent of the benefits.
Step 6: Setting Manufacturing Strategy Objectives: Conventionally, manufacturing strategy
objectives have been defined around the following factors:
Vertical integration
Production planning/material control
While it is not wrong to consider these factors, they are not a part of the agile objectives for agile
manufacturing. They were useful in yesterday's relatively .static manufacturing and business
environment, when markets were primarily regional or national at best. Of these factors, the most
potent for todays global manufacturing is global integration. This still carries powerful
implications for competitiveness and is a key strategic factor to consider while looking at a
companys manufacturing strategy
The new factors which should be considered in setting "a company's manufacturing strategy
objectives are:
All of these factors address the basis of competition in manufacturing. They focus on the
competitive aspects of being a manufacturer today. These new strategy objectives are a must for
today's dynamic manufacturing environment where business is becoming increasingly volatile
and complex, and where the competition exists today in a global market rather than regional or
national market.
Step 7: Developing Objective Achievement Plan and Identifying Necessary Tools: After
listing all the manufacturing strategy objectives, we consider how to achieve each one of these
objectives and what kit1ds of tools will be needed to do so. Generally, there can be different
ways to achieve each manufacturing strategy objective and we may choose 3 to 5 of these as
broad statements, called objective achievement plans. Having done this, we next identify tools to
achieve these plans (Figure 7.4). Here, methods like CIM, TQC, and JIT, enter into consideration
as they are perceived merely as tools to accomplish the objective achievement plans. Each tool
identified can either refer to a specific piece of technology or to a specific practice to be
implemented, such as 'buy a CAD system', 'implement robotics', or 'install a flexible
manufacturing system'.
Manufacturing Strategy
the long term competitive strength of the company. To excel and profit and survive, the company
must take strategic action and invest money to remain competitive
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Once the World-Class manufacturing programme has been planned and its cost justified, it is
time to plan for its implementation. The implementation plan should consider the following
Project 1
Project 2
Project n
Project Management and Contingency Planning: Once the organisation structure for
implementing the WCM programme has been defined, it is important to manage the
implementation project well, using a good project management system. Often WCM
implementation projects slip in their schedule due to hasty planning, iJ1adeqqate
education and training, and failure to obtain top management's commitment. Among the
contingencies to be anticipated are major changes in business conditions. Many WCM
programme have failed because of the business condition in the company, the industry, or
the country turned negative. Alternatively, the company experienced rapid sales growth
and suddenly became 'too busy' trying to meet this demand to implement anything, much
less W-CM. These scenarios should be anticipated in the contingency planning up front
and careful planning should be done to maintain, at almost any cost, the implementation
of the programme to make the company more competitive in the global markets.
Building and Maintaining the Programme Support: Initially, only a limited number of
people may be involved in the implementation of the programme. However, in order to
bring awareness of the WCM programme, educational seminars must be conducted for all
levels explaining CIM, JIT, TQC, etc., necessity for planning WCM programme, how the
programme will affect their jobs, and so on. For those who are not able to attend these
seminars, newsletters about the programme should be published and circulated. In
addition, it is important to conduct WCM status review meetings on a periodic basis.
Updating the WCM Programme: Updating the WCM programme is required if the
company's competitive environment changes within its industry, or the technology
changes, or the management changes its strategies or priorities. This is entirely normal
and the planning process should be constructed in such a manner that it facilitates
updating. Most of the required updating of the WCM programme is relatively minor,
reflecting changes in costs of equipment and software, or people, and occasionally
reflecting some unanticipated schedule measurement is important slippage. However
major changes in WCM programme warranted if the company gets into new market with
entirely new product or divest it self of a major part of its business or suddenly or
completely switches industries o generate a massive shift in is direction.
organisation it supports.
Historically, the performance measurement system for any business has been financial. However,
according to Maskell (1991), there are three primary reasons why new performance
measurements are required.
1. Traditional management accounting is no longer relevant or useful to a company moving
towards the World-Class-manufacturing environment.
2. Customers are requiring higher standards of quality performance and flexibility.
3. Management techniques used in production plants are changing significantly. '
In recent years, the world has become a much smaller place than it was in previous generation.
Marshall McLuhan's idea of the global village has come true. Traditional performance
measurement systems are frequently based on cost management accounting. These techniques
were developed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to meet the needs of
expanding manufacturing industries. There are five main reasons for traditional management
accounting techniques for performance measurement (Maskell 1991).
1. Lack of relevance: Management accounting reports are indirectly related to the
manufacturing strategy and are not meaningful for control of production and distribution
operations, and are irrelevant and misleading to pricing decisions.
2. Cost distortion: Traditional cost accounting is concerned with cost elements. The
patterns of cost elements have changed in recent years and this detailed analysis is less
important. Also, the distinction between direct and indirect cost (value cost) is no longer
what it used to be and as a result traditional methods of apportion overheads can
significantly distort product cost.
3. Inflexibility: Traditional management accounting reports do not vary from plant to plant
within an organisation and they do not change over time, as business needs change.
Therefore, cost accounting reports are usually received too late to be of value and as a
result, are usually viewed with disdain by operations managers because they do not help
them with their job and can be used to blame them when variances are negative.
4. Hindrance to progress in World-Class manufacturing: Traditional methods of
assessing the pay-back period on capital projects can impede the introduction of WCM
and can compel cost managers to 'do wasteful and unnecessary task to make the figures
look good. Also concentrating on machine and labour efficient rate encourages the
production of large batch quantities and cost accounting requires a lot of detailed data
that can be costly to obtain.
Subjection to the needs of financial accounting: Too often, cost accounts are regarded as a
subsidiary ledger of financial accountants. To be of value, management accounting systems
must be based on different methods and assessments rather than on financial accountants.
These methods apply to such issues as inventory evaluation, overhead absorption and
accounting period. Due to these problems of management accounting techniques, performance
measurement system based on these techniques, are considered to be invalid for manufacturing
industries today. Apart from the problems with traditional performance measurement systems,
there are other reasons why there is a need for new performance measurement system in
manufacturing industries.
As enterprises introduce World-Class manufacturing techniques, they need new methods of
performance measurement to control their production plants. Traditional performance
measurement systems are invalid for the measurement of WCM practices as they do not supply
the business with the required information to compete in their industry.
As traditional performance management systems are based on management accounting, they are
primarily concerned with cost. But in today's manufacturing environment, cost-based measures
are no longer the only basis for decision-making. Enterprises now require performance measures
that are based along other competitive dimensions, such as time and quality, to aid in decision
making. The new performance measurement systems required by world class manufacturing
should have the following characteristics (Maskell)
Modem performance measures are not newly developed. What is new is the importance placed
on them. They have been around for some time, but only recently have World-Class
manufacturing begun to replace their cost-based performance measurement systems with ones
that truly drive the production process. Since performance measures can also dictate behaviour, it
is very important that they are suitable for the process they are measuring. When adopting these
modem measurement systems, existing systems must be abandoned. If new measures are
introduced in addition to the existing ones, then they will not have their intended usefulness and
impact. They will either be ignored because people are more familiar with the old measures or
both sets of measures will be used and the enterprise will not gain the coherence and focus that
the new measures are meant to offer. The introduction of new performance measures system
should go hand-in-hand with the introduction of new manufacturing techniques, e.g. before
business process can be re-engineered, there must be a clear strategy for the enterprise and
suitable performance measures put in place to measure the impact of the re-engineering process.
A brief description of some modem performance measurement systems is given for better
Identification of sub-systems
Identification of Key Performance areas (KPAs) in each of the sub systems
Setting of performance objectives
Ranking and weighting of sub-systems, KP As and performance objectives
Determination of objectivated output
Calculation of productivity index and identification of sub-systems, KPAs with low
Identification of sub-systems is the first step and a major exercise. Bums and, StaJker suggest
that a system (or a sub-system) has five basic characteristics:
While identifying KP As, two more considerations are vital. Firstly, identified KP As should be
those which are associated with the sub-system effectively. There are bound to be overlaps and
some areas would appear to be belonging to more than one sub-system. However, it is the subsystem that controls the development of inputs and has the responsibility of function/objectives
that the KP A should belong to. Secondly, KP A should have basis and relevance to
Organisational objectives. As Organisational objectives can vary from one organisation to
another, so should the importance of each of the KPA vary? Business budgets, planning and
product strategies of the sub-system have priority over the operational responsibilities of the
KPA. A KPA must subordinate to the sub-system.
their enterprise. The framework provides a means of translating the business plan of the
enterprise (i.e. critical success factors) into set performance measures. The performance measure
will be directly related to the strategy of the enterprise and will also be process-oriented. The
AMBITE framework uses the business model, shown in Figure 7.6, to describe a manufacture
to the definition of quality, Philips Crosby in his popular Book 'Quality Is Free', asserts that
quality is conformance to requirements. Another pioneer in this field, J.M. Juran, takes a
different view, Dr Juran's definition of quality centres around 'fitness of use'. Robert W. Grenier
takes the view that quality can only be defined in terms of customer satisfaction: it must be the
goal that drives the total quality assurance system. Within the context of manufacturing, the
definition of quality would include the following factors (Maskell 1991):
Form: All dimensions, appearance and configuration of manufactured product must meet
prescribed requirements.
Fit: The features of the product must be applicable to its use, including proper function,
interchangeability, consistent geometry, and so on. . Function: The product performs as it
is designed to and marks customer.
Reliability: The product item functions according to expectation over a reasonable
lifetime. The probability of its functioning for a longtime is high.
Consistency: Every product has the same properties, functions and performance.
Customers can expect consistent service from each product.
The objective of quality measure is to achieve zero defects through production quality and
materials quality.
While production quality can be achieved by achieving zero defects, i.e. to eliminate any
variation in the production process through statistical process controls (SPC). The traditional
approach to quality inspection is to inspect each product after it is made. Statistical process
control allows quality problems to be identified and corrected continuously throughout the
production process. It will be worth mentioning here that many companies have implemented
SPC for the purpose of monitoring quality but have not used the techniques as a guide for
continues improvement. In world Class manufacturing, the purpose of using SPC is to facilitate
Similarly, quality of incoming materials is very important. The measurement of quality of
incoming material is the index of vendor quality. If a number of rejects are reported for
incoming materials, the vendor should be asked to achieve zero detect supply in quality. A
World Class manufacture is typically very concerned about value-added activities. The
inspection of incoming materials is a non value added activities and does not improve
performance of any vendor is a key measure used by most World Class manufacturer. On time
deliveries have always been important because early deliveries build inventory and late
deliveries cause production disruption and wasteful activities.
Cost of Quality: To overcome the above indifference to quality improvement, quality
advocates have devised a financial approach to draw the attention of senior and financially
oriented managers. The cost of quality approach collects all costs currently being spent on
preventing detects and fixing them after they occur. The cost of quality, also called cost of non
conformance, attempts to compute a single aggregate measure of all the explicit costs
attributable to producing a product that is not within specifications. The cost of non
conformance can be classified into four categories.
Prevention: The costs of designing, implementing and maintaining an active quality assurance
and control system, include the cost of designing and process engineering quality control system
quality planning and quality training.
Appraisal: The cost of ensuring that materials and products meet quality conformance
standards includes the costs of inspecting raw materials and purchased parts, inspecting inprocess and finished products, laboratory tests, quality audits and field tests.
Internal failure: The costs of manufacturing losses from materials and products that do not
meet quality standards, includes the costs of scrap, repair, rework, upgrade, down time and
discounts on sales of sub-standard parts and materials.
External failure: The cost of shipping inferior quality products to customers includes the
costs of handling customer complaints and claims, warranty and replacement costs, and
freight and repairs of returned merchandise.
The goal of a cost of quality measurement is to identify how much the organisation is
currently spending on quality. Most companies are surprised to learn that they are spending
between 15 and 20 per cent of sales revenues on quality related costs. Crosby gives a thumb
rule that the cost of quality should not exceed 2.5 per cent of a company's revenue.
Place orders with vendors for the right raw materials and components in the right
Deliver orders on time and in correct quantities.
Schedule the shop flow correctly in accordance with customer needs.
Maintain the schedule of each production cell.
Deliver the correct product' and quantities to the customers on time.
Each of these areas of activity can be assessed with an appropriate performance measure.
Vendor Delivery Performance: There are two key issues related to vendor deliveries delivery
performance and vendor quality. On-time deliveries have always been important because early
deliveries build inventory and late deliveries cause production disruption and wasteful expediting
activities. Some companies embark on JIT by immediately trying to lure suppliers into providing
JIT deliveries. Vendor delivery performance can be measured using the following performance
A vendor who is consistently late can actually be preferable to a vendor whose deliveries are
erratic. Vendor performance may be depicted in a form of vendor delivery performance report,
vendor delivery performance graph and spread charts.
Schedule Adherence: JIT manufacturing relies on all production tasks being completed on time
and on schedule. The concept of synchronized manufacturing assumes strict adherence to
schedules so that there is no queuing or unplanned waiting at any work centre. A World-Class
manufacturer stresses the continuous reduction of cycle times and inventories. This can be
achieved by elimination of variation in the product and in the process.
Order Changes and Schedule Changes: The effectiveness of production planning and control
can be assessed by addressing the number of changes required in the order placed by the system.
There are three basic types of orders; purchase orders, production orders and customer orders.
Each of these orders defines when to buy or make a product and how much of the product is
needed. A customer order will result in production schedule or work-order on the shop floor.
These final assembly orders spawn production orders for sub-assemblies and components, in turn
creating a requirement for purchase orders of raw materials and components. If the production
planning and control system requires a large number of changes to these orders, in addition to the
wasted activity of processing the changes in the plant, there is quite likely to be a considerable
waste in terms of inventory, production, queries and unfulfilled orders.
The number of changes to customer orders, purchase orders, and the production schedule is a
leading indicator of future delivery problems. The true cost of making order changes is very high
and the entire process is always a non-value-added activity. Many of improvements that are
introduced as a part of JIT and WCM will result in a reduction of the number of order changes.
The measurement of how these orders and schedule changes reduce is a good way to monitor the
success of different improvement activities.
Customer Service Level: A world Class manufacturer puts customers needs on the top of his
agenda. The idea of being close to customer is an important on for any company attempting to
compare against global competition. Customer service is the collection of activates performed in
filing orders and keeping a customer happy, or creating in the customers mind the perception of
an organisation that s easy to do business with . It is an excellent competition weapon arid has a
special advantage over price competition. There are two primary methods of looking at customer
service the first is quantitative approach, the second. The quantitative approach is the more
traditional method of calculating customer service level by comparing the orders placed by
customers with the shipment to those customers. The qualitative approach is concerned with
customers' perception of the service they are receiving. The key question that needs to be
answered by any company seeking its customer's satisfaction is 'are we delivering the right
products, the right quantities, and on the right date?' Customers deserve a 100 per cent level of
service and if they do not get this from one company, they will go to another.
The primary problems are long lead times (manufacturing, administrative and distribution), poor
quality, unreliable deliveries and poor logistics. These issues are addressed by a World-Class
manufacturing approach and are prime targets for a continuous improvement endeavor. Some of
the performance measures for service level may be the following:
In order to apply the BSC framework, companies should articulate goals for time, quality,
performance and service, and then translate these goals into specific measures. For example,
Tables 7.1 to 7.4 show the BSC at the Electronic Circuits Inc. (Kaplan and Norton 1995).
Table 7.1
Financial Perspective
Cash flow
Table 7.2
Customer Perspective
Per cent of sales from new
Per cent of sales from
proprietary products.
On-time delivery
(defined by customer)
Number of cooperative
engineering efforts
Table 7.3
Internal Business Perspective
Manufacturing geometry
versus competition
Table 7.4
Innovation and Learning Perspective
Time-to-develop next
Cycle time
Unit cost
Process time to
Silicon efficiency
Engineering efficiency
Percentage of products
that equal 80% sales
New product
introduction versus
Actual introduction
schedule versus
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Indian manufacturing industry has been thrust from the protected environment of the 'licence permit- quota raj' to an uncertain environment of global competition in a very short period.
Though industry has risen to challenge, its battle for survival and growth has just begun. Many
manufacturing companies are barely surviving. Many may not compete successfully with the
increasing sophistication of their global competitors. These global competitors are the companies
who excel in their manufacturing operations due to their successful deployment of IT in
manufacturing; It is, therefore, extremely important that Indian manufacturers start planning for
global competitiveness through better exploitation of manufacturing and information
technologies. This chapter describes such a planning approach which may be customized for a
specific company.
8.1 Manufacturing Strategy: Futile Search for an Elusive Link
8.2 The Manufacturing Strategic Intent Classification
8.3 Translating Intent into Action
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The subject study of manufacturing strategy came into being due to Skinner (1969). Today,
manufacturing strategy remains a hot research topic. However, the impact on manufacturing of
writing on manufacturing strategy has been minimal. The basic reason for this has been that this
research was typically 'ivory tower' research. While Western gurus of operations management
pontificated on frameworks to link manufacturing strategy with corporate strategy, the WorldClass manufacturing revolution actually linked manufacturing to the market by eliminating waste
and shortening lead times. Skinner deplored the dominance of specialists in the manufacturing
function. He wrote that:
Manufacturing is generally perceived in the wrong way at the top, managed in the wrong way at
the plant level, and taught in the wrong way in business schools. As long as a technical point of
view dominates manufacturing decisions, a degree of isolation from the realities of competition
is inevitable. Top management can manage manufacturing if it will engage in the making of
manufacturing policy, rather than considering it a kind of fifth, independent estate beyond the
pale of control. The place to start is with the acceptance of a theory of manufacturing, which
begins with the concept that in any system design there are significant trade-offs.
An example of such a trade-off was: 'Should it minimize lead time or minimize inventories? A
company cannot do both.'
Skinner (1974) proposed three basic concepts of a 'focused factory':
While the first and the third of are eminently acceptable today, the second concept-the
cornerstone of Skinner's writing-is hopelessly wrong. In Skinner's view, 'sub trade-offs as costs
versus quality or abort delivery cyc1es versus low inventory investment are fairly obvious.'
Today, this view would be considered outrageous! The concept that costs can decrease as quality
increases is also universally accepted today.
The only factory with a future is one which does perform well on every yardstick. As Womack et
al. (1990) have noted, lean production (World-class manufacturing) 'uses less of everything
compared with mass production-half the human effort in the factory, half the manufacturing
space, lf the investment in tools, half the engineering hours to develop a new product in half the
time. Hill (1995) has presented the following five-step framework for manufacturing strategy
The critical step in this framework is Step 3, in which marketing personnel clearly define how
products actually compete in their markets by identifying:
Qualifiers: 'Criteria that a company must meet for a customer even to consider it a
possible supplier.'
Order-winners: 'Those criteria that win the order.'
The explicit identification of qualifiers and order-winners enables manufacturing
personnel to study their' implications for manufacturing process infrastructure. They can
then provide feedback on investments and time-periods to top management and this
feedback links manufacturing to corporate strategy.
Unfortunately, the harsh realities of the market do not always permit an elegant and laid back
approach to manufacturing strategy. The truth is that in a competitive market, the order-winners
are likely to be dynamic. Also, as Hill himself notes, the order-winners may include factors such
as after-sales service or being the existing supplier, which are not within the jurisdiction of
manufacturing. Hayes and Pisano (1994) have summed up the problems afflicting the literature
on manufacturing strategy succinctly:
In a stable environment, competitive strategy is about staking out a position and manufacturing
strategy focuses on getting better at the things necessary to defend that position. In turbulent
environments, however, the goal of strategy becomes strategic flexibility. Being World is not
enough; a company also has to have the capability to switch gears-from, for example, rapid
product development to low cost relatively quickly and with minimal resources. The job of
manufacturing is to provide that capability.
Twenty-five years after Skinner wrote his seminal article, the top strategic objective for
manufacturing managers in Europe and the US was 'linking manufacturing strategy with
corporate strategy'. In Japan, on the contrary, the top strategic objective was faster new product
development'. We find it highly unlikely that practitioners of manufacturing management in
Japan did not realize the importance" of manufacturing strategy in 1994. The lower ranking is
probably attributable to the fact that they had already linked manufacturing and corporate
The stated objectives of the respondents are actually the strategic objectives of the
responding companies
The practices of the responding companies reflect their stated objectives.
In spite of these limitations, we felt that the MANSI grid would be a useful diagnostic tool for a
company trying to assess itself honestly on strategic intent. Manufacturers will have to achieve
World-Class manufacturing status to compete effectively in the global market. Therefore, World-
Class manufacturers emphasis agile objectives and deemphasize capacity utilization. This
classification places a manufacturer into one of the following four types (Figure 8.1):
World-Class players: Companies that have the potential to be World Class. These are
those which rated agile objectives above 3 and capacity utilization below or equal to 3 on
the 5-point scale.
Transitional players: Companies that rated both agile objectives and capacity utilization
above 3. These are companies that can make the transition to World-Class players.
License-regime survivors: Companies that rated agile objectives below or equal to 3 and
capacity utilization above 3. These companies continue to operate with objectives that
would have led to success before the liberalization of the economy.
Inertia players: Companies that rated both objectives below 3 are surviving on inertia.
The reasons for their survival could include a monopolistic or oligopolistic market.
As we would in any emerging market the largest chunk of the responding companies is in the
transitional players' quadrant. This signifies an industry in transition. Having the right objectives
may not always lead to superior performance. However, operating without these objectives is
virtually guaranteed to lead to competitive disadvantage. The companies that are in the MANSI
World-Class players' quadrant have, therefore, achieved a necessary, but not a sufficient
Transitional Players
86% Companies
Inertia Players 0%
License Regime
Survivors 4%
objectives. Therefore, for the transitional players, the challenge is to start adopting practices,
which are aligned with their strategic intent. Thus, what they need is a change in their mindset.
As a prerequisite to changing mindset, a deep understanding of 'World Class' is necessary so that
it may not appear that it is a status that cannot be achieved. World-Class means being able to
compete credibly with the best anywhere. First of all, many of the World-Class companies are
not World class in financial terms, but have reached that status by satisfying a lot of customers.
Thus, it is important to know what makes companies world class through the following (Drenen
and Pennington 1999)
companies today, it is easy to become preoccupied with a goal such as quality, customer
satisfaction or innovation. While these goals are frequently strategic, they also must
translate into measures that are ultimately linked to financial indicators.
Building a Balanced Score-Card is a good method to choose what the company wants to be best
at. What the company wants to concentrate on? Market share? Operating efficiency? Customer
service? Given below is a list of performance measures used by real World-Class companies
around the world. They are divided into five categories, and could be used in the Balanced
Score-Card exercise.
Financial Performance:
Market Performance:
Market Share
Product Innovation
Sales Growth
Internal Efficiency:
Once the measurement system is embedded within the management system, the company knows
exactly where it stands in terms of its intent and where it has to reach. But how does a company
achieve the World Class performance? In an assessment of the insurance industry, it was
observed that World-Class companies grow faster than average or poor ones, and new employees
perform better in such companies, regardless of their aptitude. An assessment of other industries
would probably yield the same results. Therefore, the next important thing to focus on is people;
mainly in terms of the organizational structure and culture.
Turning to Organizational structure, traditionally there have been as many as 14 to 15 levels of
management between the CEO and the least skilled worker on the shop floor. In the future, in
World-Class manufacturing facilities, this hierarchy may be reduced to 6 to 12 levels as more
and more functions become integrated. Similarly, the job scope of the workers who remain on
the shop floor will be wider. They will have a much greater understanding of the big picture of
manufacturing. Their task will be to keep the large and complex WMC systems operational so
that the facility can maintain a profitably high return on assets.
Another important people related factor is the culture. Implementing WCM in most companies is
a 5-10 year effort to change the technological basis as well as the culture or ethos. An important
part of the change that must take place within the company is a change in attitude of all the
employees. The following list shows how many of the attitudes that prevail within most
manufacturing companies today must change in future.
One theme that dominates top management's thinking is that the barriers to the implementation
of WCM are primarily technical. Managers believe they lack all the necessary technology to
implement the 'factory of the future'. However, in reality, it has not been found to be true. While
it is technically true that no one can buy or has a complete CIM or WCM system, it is possible to
get 80 to 90 per cent of the way there with the technology available today. Yet, most companies
have not gone even 10 per centre of the WCM way, and there is plenty of technology left for
them to utilize. In fact, the major impediment to the implementation of WCM is people, their
lack of knowledge, their resistance to change, or simply their lack of ability to quickly absorb the
vast multitude of new technologies, philosophies, ideas and practices that have come about in
manufacturing over the last few decades. Only education and training can solve this problem.
Managers often take a myopic view of what their employees need to know. The broader the
understandings that people have of the total aspects of running a business, however, the greater
the benefit to the company.
Table 8.1: Required Attitude Change for WCM
Little boxes (fragmented view)
Manufacturing at cost centre
Top Management as a roadblock
Inventory as an asset
It is not my job
Serial vertical communication in organization
Just meet the goal save some for the next time
I am not allowed to.
Not invented here
Do it ourselves
Planning is no good and needed here
The big facture (holistic view)
Manufacturing as a strategic resources
Top management a leader
Inventory as a liability
It is everyones job
Open horizontal and vertical communication
Improve day by day
I am encouraged to.
Use if it works; learn from others
Buy it
Planning is useful; we must plan
Truth, accurate data and Information - no
The customer is always right
Computers are competitive asset
Data is corporate resource, to be defines and
controlled effectively
Therefore, any good education and training programmes should address the following topics in
some part during training:
Project management. Innovation
Lastly, in the information age, the effectiveness of managers and white-collar workers will be
critical to achieving World-class status. The effectiveness of these experts depends on their
smooth integration into the organization. However, in this era of advanced specialization,
integration from of dispersed knowledge will become more difficult to accomplish and more
costly to achieve. Knowledge will become scarce and the most crucial and expensive economic
resource. Imagine the impact on the performance of a company if: All the employees of the
company understood what their individual contribution to achieving the organizations vision
should be.
Management could pull together everything their employees know about the customers, and
competitors including anecdotal information on demand. The management was able to capture,
document and share all of the strategically critical information the employees have learned over
informal discussions. The top performing employees were able to look over the shoulders of the
entire workforce, constantly providing coaching, advice and guidance. Thus, it is being
increasingly recognized that the application of knowledge management is critical in creating this
environment, enabling companies to close the gap between current demands and the capacity of
organizations to continuously change to meet them. In short, collective learning and
communication are the foundation for growth.
Knowledge management goes beyond managing the information typically generated by
executing transactions and the data available in structured databases. It is the harnessing of a
companys collective expertise wherever it resides and the distribution of that expertise to the
right people at the right time. It is not a product but a process the process of gathering, managing
and sharing the employees knowledge capital.
To accomplish knowledge management requires investment. The business strategy of the
organization must acknowledge the requirement to capture knowledge and actively foster the
effort. Knowledge exists in people, not technology, and such will require a massive human
effort. Technology can help capture information, but it cannot create knowledge However, this
requires a systematic analysis and agreement amongst the firms' stakeholders on areas where
improvement is to be focused and how such improvements are to be measured. We suggest
formulation of strategic intent and developing a measurement system within the management
system by focusing on those specific areas that will make the firm truly a World-Class
performer. However, in order to drive this change, there are two key elements: people-the
Organizational structure, their culture and their educational skills; and the management of the
collective knowledge in the organization. A sustained focus on these elements with a continuous
improvement philosophy will certainly fulfill the firm's cherished dream of becoming a world
class manufacturer.
9.1 Accelerated Fermentation process: Using World Class Enzymes
9.2 Birla Cellulosic Kharach
If it takes two men a week to dig two holes how long does it take two men to dig one hole?
Answer: Twice as quick
By the same token if there is less WIP, what is in process can be focused on and move more
quickly. Typical results of starving the issue of work until a resource is available to work on it
are halving of WIP and manufacturing lead-times at a stroke with no loss in output.
Secondly by only completing parts when they are required to be dispatched and invoiced, WIP
tends to only contain parts which are required to be finished and are therefore not likely to be
overtaken by more urgent work and left behind in WIP or in finished stock.
There is almost never a case for sub-assembly stocks, unless there is very high commonality of
sub-assemblies and long sub-assembly lead-times. Whole-assembly kitting can reduce assembly
WIP by 50% against sub-assembly kitting and manufacture. Stocking sub-assemblies is almost
always an open invitation to rob kits and cannibalize built sub-assemblies for more urgent jobs
with corresponding total loss of stock control and rampant WIP.
Here we must raise three notes of caution:
It is possible that the variety of parts to be produced at short notice may actually result in
permanent changeovers and no output.
It is at this point that the accountant wants his cake and eats it. He wants less WIP but this
can represent less profit if profit is "earned" by producing WIP, and may also result in a
reduction in "labor utilization / efficiency", which actually does not matter unless labor is
the bottleneck.
There are also examples of increasing "TAKT Time" on the main assembly track by
whole-assembly kitting, so this technique needs to be judged against this possibility. In
particular this technique should be restricted to non-bottleneck workstations on assembly
tracks and sub-assemblies controlled via Kanban systems.
A shorter-term possibility is to consider the trade off between lead-time and stock variety. This is
a method of reducing end product variety (SKU's) stocked by deliberately stocking common subassemblies instead of final assemblies. For example if there are common sub-assemblies it may
be possible to reduce the final assembly stock holding significantly by stocking instead the
common sub-assembly. If lead-time is a key selling success factor this may not be acceptable,
but if lead-time is not an order winning criteria it may be practical, to stock sub-assemblies.
Obviously if final assembly operation lead-times are short the technique is more readily
Another example from the smelting industry is the stocking of intermediate billet, which can be
quickly converted into final sizes.
Remove the trivial many, to focus on the vital few: Using Pareto Analysis increase batch sizes
of the low volume value "C" items and preferably employ "Supplier Top Up arrangements for
these. You do not want to run out of these! But why do you need them on the picking list?
Enzymes are proteins that catalyze chemical reactions. The Enzyme Commission of the
International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (formerly the International Union of
Biochemistry) classified enzymes into six main classes: oxidoreductases, transferases,
hydrolases, lyases, isomerases, and ligases (10). Based on the type of reaction catalyzed,
enzymes are assigned to one of these classes and given an Enzyme Commission (EC) number, a
systematic name, and a common name. Now let us discuss on the case study related to
Accelerated Fermentation process: Using World Class Enzymes
Production Method Changes in Feed Enzyme Manufacturing Flexibility through
Petri Helo and Josu Takala
Division of Production Economics
Department of Production Economics and Computer Science
Faculty of Accounting and Industrial Management
University of Vaasa
PO BOX 700, FIN-65100 VAASA, Finland
Abstract: In spring 1997, a feed enzyme factory with the staff of 12, Finnfeeds International
Ltd. (FFI) introduced a new production method developed during the case study discussed in this
paper for a small high-tech company it is most important to prepare for market changes. With a
share of 60 percents of the world markets, FFI wanted to ensure the customer satisfaction in the
future too. The vigorous growing markets are demanding more differentiated products in lower
volumes and within shorter delivery times. The new production method FFI pioneering is
changing the principles of production control, whilst the company is moving from make-to-stock
manufacturing to assembly-to-order type procedures. The unique method makes not only the
lead-time of the production shorter and facilitates the estimation of demand required for worldclass competitiveness, but also consolidates the production quality as well. The FFI case shows
that through innovations a SME can obtain flexibility. Consequently, the research shows that it is
not impossible to "make to order" even in the process industry.
stock type batch processing and production programme based application for the old batch
processing line. Only bigger batches and very urgent orders were processed "make-to-order".
This market driven demand of flexibility forced the company production team to seek new
control methods. P/OM literature traditionally deals with production flow changes that derive
from automobile industry or machine shops. The general interest has not been so much on
process industry. Reasons for this may be the minor routing possibilities and the fact that the
improvements are usually technological - like faster and more efficient production lines. Because
benchmarking the best practices in process industries would have been laborious, the examining
was started on very general level. The basic typology in literature includes following production
Capacity Selling
In theory, any of these types could be in shop or batch production as well in process industry.
The innovation was to try to perform a production type change from MTS to more customer need
driven production control. After developing, the idea took a shape of changing towards
assembly-to-order type production. The response to the need of more differentiated products in
lower volumes and within shorter delivery times could be fulfilled thereby. The control change
needed some modifications in production technology. The conclusion was to invest on a new
production line that could be able to stabilize high activity products. From a reserve of these
components the final products could be assembled in a short time.
Theoretical Analysis of Production Change: By analyzing the FFI's new production line in
point of view of process continuity, the line can be divided into two parts. Manufacturing of the
premix components is of continuous production type. For this kind of manufacturing long
continuous producing sequences are very typical. The greatest costs root to set-ups and starting
of the lines. Consequently it would be economical to produce as big batches as possible with this
kind of processes. The mixing part of the line presents interrupting, non-continuous production
or the production part that makes it possible to gain flexibility. The reason behind this is that
whilst changing the production control philosophy to assembly-to-order (ATO) method we'll
gain also the benefits of the assembling: the products compiled from different parts are
manufactured with principles of interrupting production. The "push" of Make-to-Stock (MTS)
and Make-To-Order (MTO) changes to "pull" style control. The answer to market requirements
of short lead times is carried out by ATO method. Changes in sales trends can be reacted by
adjusting the level and cycle time of premix inventory. In MTS production the orders are leaded
to final product stock, which means dependence on forecasts. Also the usefulness of material
requirement calculations gets better in ATO. The risk of manufacturing products too much in
forehand is smaller in case of components than in specialized final products.
When producing with MTO principle, the order signal is leaded to raw material inventories. The
lead time seen by the customer may be much longer than in MTS, if there is no needed raw
material in the stock. The production change to ATO method makes one kind of synthesis to
MTO and MTS. The customer can see better flexibility, and at the same time the production
control becomes more clear and user friendly.
Figure 9.1: The difference between "Make to Stock" and "Make to Order" methods is in
the position of point of receiving orders.
Application: The new production line consists of two parts: premix component manufacturing the premix line - and the assembling part - the mixing line. This production method allows
producing almost all products from four enzyme premixes and wheat carrier.
The basic idea and philosophy of the new process, called premix - mixing line, is to produce kind
of semi finished products, components of which the final products are assembled.
A new line for premix manufacturing was needed to get higher enzyme activity concentrations.
The old production line couldn't reach as high targets on single enzymes. In the old batch
production line the finished product was manufactured from the beginning and there was no
Figure 9.2: "Assembly to Order" type production is kind of combination of the good
properties of MTS and MTO controlling methods
The lead-time was longer and the economic optimal quantity thus great. In the mixing production
line the product is manufactured by mixing preliminary compounds - premixes.
The deviation of the process is also smaller while the components are produced in bigger
quantities. In other words, it is possible to make about 90+ % of the total turnover by the new
method - with a shorter lead-time.
The production control change to ATO: The following benefits of group technology are
Figure 9.3: Comparison of the old line and mixing line. Semi finished components add one
stage to the process but consolidate the lead time observed by the customer.
Conclusions: The FFI case shows that through innovations an SME can obtain flexibility.
Consequently, it is not impossible to "make to order" even in the process industry. By using
component modulation and standardization, group technology type analysis. According to
Vnnen lead time affects directly to productivity Mathematically P (tlead.) = ...) A
Short lead time makes it possible to:
In shortening the lead times, it is very common to change the control principles to "pull" flow
control. A good example of this is JIT and lean manufacturing. A change to assembling is a little
different style of approach; even the effects resemble each other. The research in FFI case shows
that ATO method makes not only the lead-time of the production shorter and facilitates the
estimation of demand required for world-class competitiveness, but also consolidates the
production quality as well. As a general conclusion we can derive from the research that it is
possible to move towards market driven production control even in process industry. Production
change to ATO may require changes in production technology, but the not as great as in
changing directly to fast MTO, if MTO would even be possible.
Enliven Senses: As employees learnt to solve problems, it was necessary to make them aware of
problems that they would find at their work place. All employees were hence made aware of the
"Eight Types of Abnormalities", which were possible in an organizational milieu. Following this
training, problems started becoming apparent to employees, thereby improving their sense
Competition: As employees developed the ability to find abnormalities in their work area, their
efforts needed to be focused on achieving results in business processes. For this purpose,
fourteen business processes called Key Manufacturing Focused Areas (KMFAs) were identified
and performance parameters in each were defined. Teams of various levels competed on these
performance parameters to give speed and purpose to abnormality identification and its removal.
This step involved complete management of all processes/KMFAs, like system development,
defining performance parameters, monitoring these parameters, reviewing the system and
aligning it with business objectives.
Recognition: Various team level and individual recognitions were instituted with a dual purpose.
In the first place, high performance when recognized set examples for others to see and replicate,
lending speed to excellence. Secondly, timely recognition of celebration further strengthened
teams to restart cycles of deployment.
Leadership and Employee Participation: Visionary leadership showed new ways of achieving
excellence to the whole organization, providing a role model for all the initiatives being
undertaken by the organization. For example, "no helpers at shop floor" is the culture of Birla
Cellulosic, which started with "no peons for top most executives". Senior executives frequently
visited customers to understand their requirements and problems, and made additional efforts to
resolve them. They encouraged all employees to visit customers in order to establish mutually
beneficial relationships. Employees of Birla Cellulosic, starting with the technicians (generally
referred to as workmen in other organizations) to the level of President, visited customers with a
defined agenda to understand their needs and assist them. To help develop a learning culture, top
leaders regularly received training inputs and, they in turn imparted training to various
Regular Improvements in Business Processes: Birla Cellulosic adopted the Plan, Do, Check
and Act (PDCA) Approach for achieving continuous improvement in Business Processes.
Planning started with reviewing past performance of the processes, and setting targets based on
it, rather than designing the approach appropriate to achieving the set target. Do or deploy was
the approach designed to ensure full implementation. It was checked whether the set target was
achieved or not. If it achieved the desired target, due action was taken to standardize it to sustain
similar performances or replicate it to improve similar processes. In case the desired target was
not achieved, appropriate action was taken to achieve it. This was the improvement cycle that the
company followed.
Strength as an Organisation to Attract Overseas Attention: Companys consistent record of
achievements in the area of Quality in products and at the workplace helped it gain recognition
internationally as a quality-oriented organisation. The company's international recognitions, such
as the Deming Prize, and its growing exports bear testimony to this fact.
Technological Edge: The Birla Cellulosic VSF manufacturing facility at Kharach is a state-ofthe-art manufacturing facility. Birla Cellulosics primary objective was to redefine the cellulosic
fibre, in terms of quality, cost and its applications. Some of the major equipments and facilities
that support their processes in the plant are boilers from
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), India, Turbines from TOYO DENKI, Japan, spinning
machines from SFD Nagda, after treatment machines from MAURER (Swiss) and SFD Nagda,
dryers from National (USA) and SFD Nagda and baling press from Autefa (Germany).
The figure depicts the WCM excellence model adopted by Birla Cellulosic. The unique features
of this model are as follows:
bold strategy targeted not only at the Indian domestic market but also exports. Policy
management had been successfully applied thoroughly for the realization of strategy, which was
steadily leading to success. This was considered a unique point of the business unit. The strong
leadership demonstrated by top management in TQM promotion was acknowledged.
Establishing the "TQM gallery", which primarily meant providing an overall picture of the
company's challenge, was explained not only to employees but also to all concerned parties. This
initiative contributed to active participation and developing the company into a single entity
successfully. From the perspective of a materials industry, it was observed that the business unit
focused on customer values at each process of the customer chain, concerning consumers and
global environment. The company successfully innovated to introduce new products by actively
conducting customer surveys and collaborating with customers. The business unit contributed to
the return of viscose, which had earlier registered a decline in comparison. This was a unique
achievement of this business unit.
Mr. Hiroshi Okuda, Chairman of the Deming Prize Committee, on Birla Cellulosic, during the
investiture ceremony held on November 11, 2003, in Tokyo, Japan. Birla Cellulosic (a unit of
Grasim Industries Limited) has achieved outstanding performance by practising Total Quality
Management utilising statistical concepts and methodology based on the unit's excellent business
philosophies and leadership, demonstrated by its senior management." For Birla Cellulosic, this
achievement was the outcome of visionary leadership, exhaustive training inputs, an extensive
focus on involving people, and continuous, seamless communication. In the Indian context, the
VSF textile manufacturers were being severely affected. The alternate fibres and the highly
competitive international players were cutting, in large measure, into the domestic yarn market.
To weather the onslaught, VSF textile manufacturers had to import good quality VSF at higher
cost, which in turn affected their competitiveness. Birla Cellulosic identified the Critical Success
Factors (CSFs), to build an international image for Indian viscose fibre for making inroads into
the quality conscious European and US markets. Birla Cellulosics targeted purpose was written
- even before it was taken-off the drawing board; namely, to reverse the declining trend in the
VSF Life Cycle, by producing high quality products at low cost, and superior service, coupled
with capabilities to meet continuously enhancing and varying customer demands.
The company had commenced the institutionalisation of WCM/TQM since its inception. It had
matured adequately over a period of time through continuous review of processes to achieve the
desired improvements. This enabled BC to win various national, and internally, company (The
Aditya Birla Group) awards. This did not satisfy the purpose of Birla Cellulosic's senior
management, which decided to go for the world's most prestigious quality award to build an
international image of Viscose Fibre Quality for making inroads into quality conscious European
and US Markets. As a result of this recognition, the company was successfully able to check the
import of VSF into India from 5112 MT in 1999 to 1755 MT in 2004.
The company also established its presence through significant exports to European countries like
Italy, Spain, Germany, Greece, Belgium etc, thereby strengthening its image in the field of
quality. Having achieved the primary objective of becoming a world class manufacturer of VSF,
Birla Cellulosic is moving towards a phase of consolidation and expansion. To fulfill the Group's
endeavour to become the premier VSF manufacturer in the world, and also the most preferred
source of VSF, Birla Cellulosic is taking steps to consolidate its quality initiatives and expand its
capacity in keeping with the Group's objectives.
Further as a demonstration of its commitment to service the customer and "New Users" every
time, Birla Cellulosic is commissioning its Textile Research and Application Development
Centre (TRADC). This is intended to help the customer to experiment with their end-products,
which is also eventually expected to enable Birla Cellulosic better understand its customer
expectations. The primary objective behind these initiatives is to help the Indian textile industry
develop viscose and viscose blended-end products, thereby strengthening the industry to grow in
the international market.
The lesson content has been compiled from various sources in public domain including but not limited to the
internet for the convenience of the users. The university has no proprietary right on the same.