Prediction Lesson Plan 2

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PGCE (Primary) Lesson plan

Subject: Language and Literacy

No. of
Class P3 Date 2/2/06 Time Duration 40mins 27

Prior Learning
Children have read the first half of big book The Tiger who came to tea. The have made a
prediction what they think will happen next in the story.
Context :
The Tiger Who Came To Tea
Learning outcomes
• Children will use their prediction endings as a basis to re-write a story ending
• Children will write in sentences to write their story endings.
• Children will use full stops and capital letters where appropriate

Lesson Introduction (2-3 mins approx.) Resources

Lesson phase 1
(Share lesson outcomes with children, introduce key learning point, link to previous learning, set lesson
Today boys and girls we are going to write an ending to our big book. Last day
we predicted what was going to happen. We are going to use our predictions
and write our own ending to the story. We are going to write in sentences and
remember where to use full stops and capital letters. Big Book –
Lesson phase 2 (10mins approx.) The tiger
(Part of lesson where teacher teaches, new material is outlined, demonstrated and explained) who came to
Teacher demonstrates on the board writing an ending for the story. tea.

I predicted that the mammy put the tiger out of the house because he ate all the

We know that the tiger has eaten everything on the table so I am going to begin
The tiger ate everything on the table.
Mammy got angry at the tiger and told him to stop eating their food.
Mammy told him if he didn’t stop he would have to leave.
The little girl didn’t want him to leave. She liked the tiger being in her house.

Teacher uses full stops and capital letters. Make mistakes and ask children if it
is correct or not. Make mistakes with sentences, take a new line for a new
sentence and ask children if I have done correct, if not what should I have done?

What could I write next?

Take some ideas from the children and select one to write.
Continue until you feel you have reached and ending to the story.
PGCE (Primary) Lesson plan
Lesson Development (15-20mins approx) Resources
Lesson phase 3
(The key section of the lesson. Children are given the opportunity to make personal sense of the material they
have encountered, information becomes learning. Time needs to be spent on activities and tasks that enable the
learners to manipulate and interrogate information in order to make sense of it.) English
Children are given their predictions back and are told to use them to write the jotters.
ending to the book. The children write their endings in their English jotters. The
children are encouraged to use good sentences with full stops in the correct
places and capital letters in the correct places.

Focus of teacher interactions during learning phase

(Plan and describe what the teacher will do or who the teacher will work with once all the children have settled to complete their
Teacher will assist the less able children, she will get the children to tell her some what they
want to write and will write it on a post it note for them to copy into their jotter. Teacher will
assist any children requiring help throughout the lesson.

Lesson Conclusion (5-10mins approx.) Resources

Lesson phase 4
(Review, reflect and summarise lesson, ensure children know what they know, cement learning and
understanding and ensure that it is remembered)
Read the end of the big book and see if anyone came close to the ending of the Big Book.
story. Explain that although this is the ending the author gives the book if you
were to write it you could give it your own ending. If time allows allow some
children to read their endings to the story.
Assessment (What will you assess and how will you assess it?)
What? Children can use their predictions about the story ending to write a story ending. They
can use full stops and capital letters within their sentences.
How? Observing the children’s answers during the demonstration and while they are writing
their story endings into their books. Correct their work afterwards.

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