The Writings of JEANNE CHEZARD DE MATEL Autographic Life Vol 2 of 2 The Years 1643 To 1660 Numbers 91 To 178
The Writings of JEANNE CHEZARD DE MATEL Autographic Life Vol 2 of 2 The Years 1643 To 1660 Numbers 91 To 178
The Writings of JEANNE CHEZARD DE MATEL Autographic Life Vol 2 of 2 The Years 1643 To 1660 Numbers 91 To 178
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We gratefully acknowledge ail who have assisted in making this second volume a reality: His
Excellency, Bishop David Fellhauer, D. D.; Rev. Eustace Hermes; Sister M. Andrea Hubnik,
IWBS; and everyone else.
Part II of the Autobiography of our beloved Mother Foundress,
Venerable Jeanne Chezard de Matel, has now been completed and made
available to our readers. It is being released as Volume 2 of her Complete Works. It is not heavily footnoted as was Part 1 in which an effort
was made to compare her original expression with what her secretary,
Sister Franoise Gravier, penned thereafter, although what the latter did
was always with the approval of Mother de Matel. As is generally known,
the Foundress suffered from an eye condition that prevented her from
preparing the final copy recounting her prayer experiences in obedience
to Cardinal Alphonse Richelieu and, later, to her spiritual directors. She
did personally write out her original inspiration which Sister Franoise
then neatly copied.
Canon Leon Cristiani states: "The Spiritual Journal, begun in
1633, en_~ed in fact with the removal of Jeanne's Writings by order of th
Archbishop. What was to replace it a little later would be the continuation -~!.!he ~_T!:f_gf}_i9 grgp!!Yuntil 16f&gillitirig now' it is-pe-mitted to
us to formulate a judgment about the ensemble of this collection that we
believe to be unique in the history of spirituality." (Eng. Trans., Vol. II,
Historical-Critical Study of the Writings of Jeanne de Matel, p. 82.)
It is with deep joy that this milestone has been attained on the
Feast of St. Augustine. Mother Jeanne de Matel selected his Rule for her
Order, because she felt it was the closest to the spirit of the Gospel.
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~~ 1741\.~' ~~ C-
Madame de Ponta!, Monsieur de Thou's sister, arrived in Lyons shortly
before her brother. She honored me by her visit to our Congregation to ask
me to pray for her brother whom she loved unutterably, affecting me by her
sorrow. Confidently I prayed to You, and, according to your usual goodness,
Y ou told me the secret of this brother: ita stultum est semel mori; it is
foolish to die in this way. I said to You: "Lord, I well know the words of
the Apostle, that it is decreed that all men will die once." "My daughter, those
who are dead anq then die the second death, die twice. This semel that I am
telling you about means that you will not die the second death, which is the
death of the wicked. He will die only once: the blessed moment of bis etemal
happiness will occur soon afterward. I reported this to Father Gibalin on
September 7th, the day after You had assured me about it. I asked the priest
not to upset Madame de Ponta! beforehand, because, like all those who were
in Lyons, she hoped that he would not be condemned to death. Her friends
also entertained this hope until Friday the 17th, a few hours before noon.
On the birthday of your Blessed Mother, I was enraptured by a very
sublime contemplation, during which Y ou explained Psalm 23 to me: Domini est terra, et plenitudo eius; The earth is the Lord's and the fullness
thereof She belongs to You and You to her. Y ou had filled her with graces
and (652) glory, and, when ~he conceived You within her womb, divinity
enclosed Him whom the heaven of heavens cannot contain: Quia ipse super
maria fundavit eum, et super jlumina prparavit eum; For he hath
founded it upon the seas; and hath prepared it upon the rivers. (Ps 23 :2)
Represented by the ri vers, the saints are beneath her; they receive a share of
grace and glory, but your Blessed Mother received its plenitude. She is seated
at your right side so as to communicate your favors to the Church Triumphant,
Militant and Suffering. From her corne waters which are, first of all, usque ad
ta/os, up to the ankles; secondly, usque ad getma, up to the knees; (358)
and thirdly, usque ad renes, up to the /oins. (Ezech. 47:3-5)
For beginners, she purifies their feet of all earthly affections. Those who
profit from this, she forms into adorers of your great attributes. The perfect
she strengthens that they may fly to You and be stable in your love. For those
in glory, she is a torrent whom they cannot pass without being submerged in
her adorable, marvelous waters as the Prophet says: Torrentem quem non
Only the One who came from the Orient and is the Orient within the
divinity, can measure these waters that are the perfections ofthis incomparable
Virgin, the Blessed Mother. When I saw myself engulfed in these grandeurs, I
abandoned myself to his goodness, losing myself in this blessed shipwreck and
dying to ail things visible. My whole life was orientated to adoring the Invisible
One, who invited me to mount the waves of this torrent through innocent
desires. He offered me the merits of his Mother so that from her I might
receive an abundant blessing which filled my soul withjoy. I seemed to be
participating in the delight of this Virgin, who contemplates the face of the God
of Jacob and who transmitted tome her splendor as well as her joy. Marveling
at this, Father Gibalin ordered me to tell the Abb de Crisy what I had just
~ ,....., told him ..\)The Abb marveled at Mary's incomparable qualities which I
described and which appeared tome to be a source of splendor. I saw God
in her and her in God. The mystery of the Incarnation was explained to me
through lights that were so resplendent that they illuminated my face. My
shining spirit made it obvious that my Love granted me a share in the happiness
of those wonderful animais who drew the chariot of God's glory: Et animalia
It was clear that You were his salvation, support, and interior light. (655)
While he was on the scaffold to be deprived of exterior life by the sword,
Y ou not only strengthened him to persevere to the end, but You gave strength
and courage to the executioner assigned to decapitate him. Y ou increased his
faith, strengthened his hope, and perfected his charity so that he loved those
who were depriving lllm of life. Humbling lllmself, he paraphrased that admirable
Psalm: Credidi propter quod locutus sum. 1 believed, therefore have 1
spoken. (Ps. 115: 1.
Yet, from the depths of the abundance ofhis heart from which he spoke
and knowing that the thoughts of men are vain and that truth is to be found
only in God, since in himself he did not find anything worthy of offering You,
he presented to You the chalice ofhis salvation for all the good that You had
done for him. He praised Y ou for loosening the bonds that bound him to
creatures, as well as those whichjoined his soul to his body. To You he made
his vows in the presence of all those who were spectators at his .beautiful death
whereby he would enter etemal life., There his soul would make his vows to
Y ou before all the citizens of the heavenly Jerusalem. There, through an
election beyond my understanding, your mercy gave him a place, saying with
the Apostle: Qui di/exit me tradidit semetipsum pro me; Who loved me
and delivered himselffor me. (Gal.2:20) \ ( bS"C )
his own goodness and your great sorrow. He was not aware of the decree of
the Incarnate Word who willed this death so as to raise him to a very high
place in glory. Father Gibalin bas told you that I had learned ofthis favorable
end to his life by our Savior who wanted him to share in his own glory on the
day of bis ignominy. I do not want to conceal from you, Madame, the
sentiments of my soul because of his happiness----a happiness ln which my soul
shared through the charity of our adorable Incarnate Word, who wanted me
to console you with the happy news that your brother would not die the
second death, but that he would possess eternal life."
A few days later, the Chancellor told the Abb de Crisy that he desired to
corne visit me. This brought no small joy to the Abb who had developed
such a strong affection for me that his soul and mine were united by a charity
that was similar to the love between Jonathan and David. (658) He answered
him: "Monsigneur, Father Gibalin, the Jesuit, had assured me that, at the
beginning of the year 1633, Mother de Matel informed him that the Incarnate
Word, through Saint Michael, would give you the Seals attached to the blue
cord. He also assured her that you would be the Chancellor of France."
Your wisdom, that disposes all things strongly and gently, caused the
Chancellor, whom I had seen only in a vision, to corne see me. At the
moment I met him, I experienced such an intense fear that I could hardly
answer him. The words that be addressed to me were full of gentleness,
sincerity and charity. This fear did not leave me even after he had departed.
Therefore, I complained about it to your kindness which removed it, saying:
"Desc<jndit in hortus; She went down into the garden." (Cant 6: 10).
"My daughter, externally, the Chancellor of France is like the shell of a hard
walnut which, at first, seems very severe; but intemally, he is gentle, anointed
with the oil of my grace and mercy which are very great in him. ( 65 9) When
be returns to see you, you will not be afraid of him. I want you and him to be
like the two Cherubim accompanying the Ark of the Covenant that you may
gaze perpetually at Me with a pure intention. Through my ordinance and
choice, he judges exterior matters and you, those that are interior. It is I and
not men (who are simply ministers of my will) who gave him the Seals and
established him as Chancellor. Rest assured, my daughter, that he will promote
the establishment of my Ortler in France. He will have you go to Paris, and
you will see the coat-of-arms of France united with that of the Holy See. Thus
will be fulfilled the vision that you had while you were still in Roanne. Y ou will
see a mystical extension of my Incarnation through a spiritual generation which
is very well described by these words found in St. Matthew: Jacob autem
genuit Joseph virum Mariae, de qua natus est Jesus, qui vocatur Christus.
Jacob begot Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who
is called Christ. (Mt. 1: 16)
Through my pure election, he is the father of the Abb de Crisy whom
you think of as Joseph, because he takes care of my household. (660) Joseph
will be the spiritual father and superior of my family and the man whom I have
chosen to assist you; and you will be like my Blessed Mother, since it was she
who gave Me birth. He will be like the foster father, and you, my mother.
From you, through this Order, I have already been bom in Avignon, and I will
be bom again in France from you and through you who extend my Incarnation.
"0, my daughter! Was it not the Blessed Virgin who produced the vision
which our daughter, Elizabeth Grasseteau, experienced of the forty days that I
remained in the stable at Bethlehem? This sword that was carried by my
Mother symbolized the happy death of the two who were beheaded on
September 22nd. One was De Thou, who was devoted to her when he was a
student and who had joined her Congregation. She remembered what he had
done then and brought about this death which caused him to act in a Christian
manner. She assisted him to perceive the vanity of the world-he might have
been lost had he lived any longer.
"This young woman did not understand the vision, and I explained it to you.
I informed you about the whole secret and how my Blessed Mother had
obtained their salvation through this temporal death. ~ ) She had the judgment
and decision given in Lyons so that the Chancellor of France might go there to
see you and so that you would give birth to my Order in France. You see
how she directed several angels to bring judges from different places to assist
in the judgment of these two persons in order to make known the great graces.
that I have given you, that I now give you, and that I will give you purely out of
my goodness." Dearest Love, blessed may You be with every blessing, as
well as your saints and your most worthy Mother, my beautiful Noemi, who
arranges all for Your glory and my benefit.
On the Feast of Saint Michael, You wanted to show me the glory with
which You honored him. lt was a glory which I would have thought belonged
to You alone had You not told me that what is yours by nature and acquisition
was, by your goodness, given to this first among the faithful who had driven
from the heavens the first being who rebelled against your law and his duties,
as well as all his followers: Et factum est prae/ius magnum in caelo:
These favors exceed the senses and the thoughts of the heart. (663) I
do not know how the soul can animate the body while it is so occupied in
loving, admiring and adoring your divine glory in itself and in your angels, all
flame and splendor. I can only repeat the words of the Apostle after he was
tak:en up in rapture to the third heaven: Sive in corpore, sive [ ..] etc.
Whether in the body, whether [ ..)etc. (2 Cor. 12:2)
.2 -
On the Feast of Saint Francis, 1642, the Abb de Cerisy gave us a homily
which many of those who had accompanied the Chancellor and were still in
Lyons desired to hear. Among them was Monsieur de Laubardemont, a
Councillor of Parliament in Paris, who went to visit the Cardinal of Lyons
when he left our chapel. The Cardinal inquired where he had been, and he
replied: "I have just corne from hearing a homily given by the Abb de
Cerisy." "Where?" "At the Incarnate Word Convent." (664) To explain
himselfbetter, Monsieur de Laubardemont declared: "At Mother de Matel's."
His Eminence replied: "I don't want to hear anying about Mother de Matel."
Monsieur de Laubardemont said nothing more, knowing that His Eminence
was not at ail favorable toward your Order nor toward me who was unaware
of these scathing replies at the time. But You were not unaware of ail this, my
Divine Love, who as God are present everywhere by essence, presence and
power, and, as the Apostle St. Paul states: Jesus Christus heri, et hodie:
ipse et in scula. Jesus Christ, yesterday, and today: and the same for
Lord, who caused You to have this just anger? "The one who opposes my
Ortler. Do not restrain my arm by your prayers. I want my Ortler to be
established in France; do not pray to Me to leave Cardinal de Richelieu on
earth any longer. I want him to die so as to abase and bring down the hills of
the world along the route of my etemity. Sorne years ago, I told you that I
would strike down the first-bom of Egypt in possession of the See, who is as ~
hard-hearted as Pharaoh. Cardinal de Richelie is not the first-bom by nature,
but he belongs to the Court which is well symbolized by Egypt. He was a
bishop when the Cardinal of Lyons became a Chartreux (Benedictine monk).
My daughter, 1 want to break this earthen vessel and laugh at those who
depend upon his authority: Qui habitat in cadis, irridebit eos, et Dominus
subsannabit eos. He that dwel/eth in heaven shal/ laugh at them: and
the Lord shall deride them. (Ps 2:4) You explained this entire Psalm to me,
scoming apparent earthly powers.
Dear Love, You know how astounded and aftlicted I was by your resolve
to take away the temporal life of the one whom You had before said would
guide France at your command as Moses did the people of Israel. "My
daughter, this has been determined to overthrow the ones who have worked
together to prevent the establishment my Ortler. His Eminence is the one who
came to visit you incognito, saying that he was Cardinal Richelieu's confessor."
Because 1 was sad, my Divine Consoler, your goodness favored me with
indescribable delights, telling me that You no longer cared to endure allowing
the powerful on earth ,cause me to suffer too much as we awaited your
foundation. (62_6}Also, 1 was being aftlicted by what was beneficial for me.
Dear Love, 1 was not upset that You wished to remove the obstacle to your
glory by this Order. However, a good that is for a special case does not
affect me as much as one that is for the general good. Pardon, dearest Love,
but France will be deprived of a great deal; your Church will not gain thereby.
This Cardinal promotes the glory of each of them. But, Lord, 1 who am dust
and ashes, how <lare 1 answer You? Not my will, but yours, Lord, that You
show me with so much delight when 1 am caught up by a gentle rapture.
1 addressed St. Bruno, whose feast was the following day: "Great saint,
can't you touch the heart of him who is still your son, even though he does not
live in your monastery? Why did you allow him to leave your deserts in order
to oppose the Order of our love, the Incarnate Word? Oh! you tell me
nothing! You are are on the side of the One who allows this for good
reasons." 667) From that evening on, 1 could no longer pray as 1 had been
doing for the prolongation of Cardinal Richelieu's life. His death made me fear
that the seals would be taken from the Chancellor to whom 1 reported what
You had given me to know, as well as to the Abb de Cerisy. The latter
recalled the death of the Duke de Lesdiguire's little girl that 1 had predicted to
them would occur on the day that it did. They saw that You are my veritable
Oracle. Y ou lovingly favored me, telling me that You would fulfill ail your
promises and those ofyour J3lessed Mother.
During my repose on the night of November 17-18, 1642, 1 was led to a
suburb of Paris where 1 saw a multitude of people following Saint Denis, who
was dressed in pontifical robes. Beside him were a number of saints in
attendance, among whom 1 saw Saint Peter, Saint Paul and Saint Martin. St.
Paul was informing St. Denis about what he should do during this great solemnity
and how he should act in the presence of the vast multitude. (668) The real
Bishop and Prelate of Paris let me know that 1 was to follow him and that he
was making this magnificent and pontifical entrance for your glory. Blessed
Incarnate W ord, who let me know that the time for your establishment in the
St. Germain suburb of Paris was approaching, Y ou did not oppose my
conversing familiarly with St. Paul to whom 1 said: "Great Apostle, now 1
understand what you meant when, prompted by humility, you said that your
letters are solemn and that your person is lowly. However, you are Saint
Denis's teacher in theology and famed for your sacred mysteries." On the left
side, 1 saw Saint Martin who also possessed a humble appearance; yet each
one seemed to me to be a very great saint.
After 1 had this dream, 1 received a letter from the Abb de Cerisy who
wrote me from Paris that on that particular day a devout woman had corne to
the Chancellor's hotel. In the Chancellors's chapel, she had attended holy
Mass during which she had become enraptured . Her confessor informed her
of what she had been heard to say during that time: that Y our Majesty wanted
the Chancellor to have me go to Paris to establish your Ortler the and that
the Abb de Cerisy was destined to be involved in it. He alluded to himself
with great modesty, humbling himself while You wanted to exalt him. (669)
On the eve of the F east of Saint Andrew, Y ou set a raging tire in my heart,
prompting me to ask Y ou for the establishment of your Ortler in France. On
the same day, Cardinal Richelieu felt worse, and from that day until Thursday,
December 4, 1642-the day he died-1 prayed to Y ou for him and begged
Y ou to alleviate his soul. You did not reject my prayer. Even now, 1 ask Y ou
to do so, my Divine Love. The Chancellor took'every possible means to have
me go to Paris and promote the establishment of your Ortler in France. As
for me, 1 can only be prompted by your Spirit; 1 remained in a tranquillity that 1
cannot express. Y our love impelled me to love Y ou with greater fidelity than
in the past, telling me that Y ou delight in fulfilling your promises for which 1
thanked Y ou with humble gratitude. (670)
pace locus eius, et habitatio eius in Sion. And his place is in peace: and
his abode in Sion. (Ps 75:3)
What, Lord, do Y ou abide among the shadows of death, for all 1 see in
Y ou is darkness, since Y ou resemble a burnt tree trunk to me. Through your
Prophet Ezechiel, Y ou said: Ossa arida, audite verbum Domini. Ye dry
bones, hear the word of the Lord. (Ez 37:4b) (671) Otherwise, 1 would
think that 1 were dreaming or seeing a ghost and not the Incarnate Word, the
Word of Life. Y ou retain the marks of death on your Body, a proof to me of
the condition to which love and sin have reduced You.
Dear Love, Y ou step into the Jordan River and there offer Y ourself as a
holocaust. Not even this entire river could extinguish the flame ofyour deep
love. Understandably, Elias and all the people thought they saw a great
miracle when fire descended from heaven to consume their sacrifice upon and
around which he had poured water, but it was not an entire river like the
Jordan. Y ou invited me to see these marvels. 1 adore Y ou, my wonderful
One. I know very well that Y ou can make two contrary conditions subsist in
one same subject, that Y ou were showing me your love and the sins of
mankind, that You are a perfect holocaust and a living God, a river of grace, a
sea ofblazing glory and a consuming fire. (671.)
permission, one of my daughters led all our Sisters and boarders, one after
another and then altogether, to share doubly in this sweet perfume that was so
profuse. My divine Savior, I ask that he and I may in all truth say: Christi
bonus odor sumus. We are the good odor of Christ. (2 Cor 2:15) (673)
33 -
have inexpressible troubles. That day I saw my spirit constantly shifting in
different states. At one moment, I found myself in Limbo in the shadow of
death, yearning for my redemption. Later, I seemed to descend further down,
and I was in palpable darkness, overwhelmed by despair for my salvation. I
could say with Job: Elegit suspendium anima mea; Desperavi, nequequam
ultra iam vivam. So that my soul rather chooseth hanging; I have done
with hope, I shall live no longer. (Job 7:15a-16a)
I felt without order or support and was convinced that I deserved every
suffering. My sins were against me, and, more than I can say, all creatures
had the right to avenge their Creator offended by my multiple crimes. At
another moment, I experienced a purgatory by suffering that I found to be truly
just. I could not complain of divine justice. Although I wanted to be freed
from these sufferings, I did not want to be delivered from them ~ess reparation
had been made for them according to his will. I was resigned to it, complaining
ofmyself, my lax behavior and other failures. (675) At another moment, You
filled my spirit with delight, but this happiness l~ed only a short while so that I
enjoyed it only momentarily. Soon I was back in my suffering, saying to You:
in a condition that seemed contrary to my obligations and your love, since love
is all afire for the object loved. Alas, why do You not deliver me from the
burdens to which my own heaviness has reduced me? Y ou are the one who
takes away the sins of the world. Through grace, save me from mine. Quis
det ut veniat petitio mea. Et quod expecto tribuat mihi Deus? Et qui
coepit, ipse me conterat; Solvat manum suam, et succidat me? Et hc
mihi sit consolatio, ut affligens me do/ore, non parcat. Nec contradicam
sermonibus Sancti. Who will grant that my request may corne: and that
God may give me what I look for? And that he that hath begun may
destroy me: that he may let loose his hand, and eut me ojj? And that
this may be my comfort, that ajjlicting me with sorrow, he spare not:
nor I contradict the words of the Ho/y One. (Job 6:8-10)
In 1643, on the Thursday before Lent, Madame de Revel, the Attorney
General's wife, arrived in Lyons with Priors de and St. Robert. They
had a letter and an order from Father Amoulx to take me to Grenoble, for
which I felt an indescribable repugnance, but Father Gibalin took every means
to convince me to make this voyage. (676) I said to hitn: "Father, who will
provide the foundation? What will the ardinal of Lyons say when he learns
that I departed without requesting his permission to do so? I would not go to
Grenoble, because the foundation in Paris is urgently awaiting me." Y et none
of my reasons served to make Father Gibalin change his mind. He wanted me
to leave Lyons, saying that he would offer my excuses to His Eminence when
the latter returned from Marseille and that he would defer the establishment in
Paris until the one in Grenoble was made. I could not resist his determination,
although I thought it would be better to establish the one in Paris first.
On Quinquagesima Sunday, I resolved to leave Lyons after having told him:
"Father, this night I saw a fumace into which I was being forced to enter."
Neither did my frankness allow me to conceal my reservations from the two
Priors and Madame de Revel. I said to them: "Your zeal is obligating me to
go beyond all the difficulties that my spirit anticipates. (677) I know that
neither storm, hail nor the extreme cold in which you came could influence
your charity: Nescit tarda molimina Spiritus Sancti gratia; The grace of
the Ho/y Spirit knows no delay. Let us say with St. Thomas that we wish to
die for the Incarnate Word. Let us get into our carriages, Madame, and leave
Lyons without notifying anyone about our departure."
The next day, between three and four o'clock, we arrived at the monastery
of the Prior of St. Robert who zealously took care of our needs. Then,
between seven and eight o'clock in the evening in Grenoble, the Countess de
Rochefort, wife of President de Chevrire; her mother, Madame de Semiane
and other women of high society came to meet us. They told me that we had
to remain several days incognito in Grenoble. President de Chaune and his
wife would provide me with accommodations. With great kindness, they
welcomed me and my dear Sister Grasseteau (my faithful companion). We
remained there until Holy Thursday, for which we were very grateful. A
relative of Madame de Revel, Monsieur de Miribert, kindly offered me a part
ofhis home that faced that of the Capuchin Fathers, where we might begin the
foundation. (678)
President de Chaune admired the writings that Father Gibalin had requested
me to give Madame de Revel and the two above-mentioned priors to whom
she had lent them. They inquired if 1 had others and, if so, to let them see
them. 1 would have been ungrateful for the kindnesses of such a gentleman
and host had 1 refused. Besides, they were no longer secret, since His
Eminence of Lyons had taken them away, and Father Gibalin had given the
ones still in his room to whomever he thought it appropriate to do so, knowing
that some were already in different provinces. 1 told You: "My Divine Love,
my writings are like the apples of Jerusalem. Whoever can take them away,
does so: Posuerunt Jerusalem in pomorum custodiam. They have made
Jerusalem as a place to keep fruit. (Ps 78: 1c) May this be for you glory
and my confusion."
When the Bishop of Grenoble had seen them in the hands of President de
Chaune, he asked the latter to tell his wife to go visit him and take me with her.
As soon as he saw me, he offered me his protection and permission to set up
an establishment in Grenoble. (679) No one offered to defray the expenses as
founder. He said that he was of the opinion that 1 was able to endow it, that 1
should submit a request to him and another one to the city. 1 did so and
obtained from both him and the city all that 1 requested.
enough religious houses in Grenoble.
While at prayer, around the Feast ofyour Incarnation, 1 saw a cross similar
to that of Saint Andrew's that seemed to extend to the four corners of the
earth. 1 was ready to suifer everything and everywhere if 1 could only spread
th;,m~~ge of the Cross ~at worldly ones do not love: Verbum enim crucis
pereuntibus quidem stultitia est. For the word of the cross, to them
indeed that perish, is foolishness. (1 Cor 1: l 8a) Chosen ones deem it to be
wisdom and power: lis autem qui salvi fiunt, id est nobis, Dei virtus est.
But to them that are saved, that is, to us, it is the power of God. (1 Cor
1:18b) (680)
The day before the Fea-s t of Saint James and Saint Philip, Monsieur Le
Roux, the Councillor, who was the chairman, came to visit me, saying that we
had to wait, because
- - _..,,.the
__._resistance of opponents to our project
W~!:_eAe._t~np.ip._~(} !<unili~~- ( it. 1 wanted to write to the one who was
determined to resist, thinking that your Spirit was prompting me to write this
letter. Human prudence thought that it had influenced this Spirit to dissolve
everything, but, instead, your providence arranged that things become
consolidated, saying that ~!J.!d _m~~: ~t !i~er by calling ~~-~~thj~dge aI!_d
party. He did not want to participate in the matter; he was followed by three
others who shared his views. These went outside, leaving only those who
favored the establishment in distress because ofmy letter. However, 0 divine
wisdom, You reminded them about what the Church chants on [Holy] Saturday,
0 fe/ix culpa, 0 happy fau/t contrary to all human prudence. It caused those
who were opposed to depart so that there might be but one accord among us,
numbering more than the opponents. (681)
Father you had upheld."
A few days later, the Councillor from St. Germain, who was related to
Madame de Lessin, who was opposed to us, came to visit me. He asked my
pardon for having been against me and said that in the future he would be at
my service. 1 replied: "Sir, you must imitate Sul when he was converted.
The glorious Incarnate Word appeared to him and told him secrets that He
told no one else. Here, Monsieur, 1 am entrusting to you the story of my life
that 1 have written by order of the Cardinal-Archbishop of Lyons. Through
prudence, you will not tell anyone, please. Here it is, and know that God has
accomplished these marvels ail by Himself. (682) He witnesses to Himself,
and his testimony is true. 1 am also informing you that our King Louis XIII will
die in a few days, because 1 have understood these words of the angels
written in Daniel: ln sententia vigilum decretum est; He was sentenced
according to the decree of the sentinels. 1 told him this, because it was
being said in Grenoble that a devout woman from Provence had predicted that
he would live another thirteen years.
After my arrivai in this dear city, 1 was told that our King had died. This
did not surprise me at all, for 1 had been notified by heaven and by the
overtuming of the chair, reminding me that the sees and thrones ofthis world
are not permanent. With signs of joy, the men and women of Avignon came to
visit me. They wanted me to remain in our monastery. However, the Bishop
of Grenoble had told me to return there as soon as possible. This made me
hasten my return.
On Saturday, the eve of the Most Blessed Trinity, I bade farewell to my
daughters. This departure was accompanied by tears; I felt my heart eut in
two. (684) Those who remained in this monastery kept half ofit, ifI may so
speak~ took with me three of the first ones I had assigned there: Sister
Marie of the Holy Spirit Nallard, Sister Therese of Jesus Gibalin, Sister Jeanne
of the Passion Fiot and Sister Pierre of the Conception, a native of Villeneuve
and a turn Sister from Avignon. Thus, together with my very dear Sister
Grasseteau, we numbered seven in the carriage for our journey. She was my
faithful companion par excellence whose bodily infirmities and weakness caused
me deep compassion.
There had been such heavy rains that the rivers were flooded over, the
roads inundated and broken up and looking like torrents and rivers from the
sea. We could hardly find land for fording. Only the heads of the horses
could be seen. The water came up to our carriage seats. All seven of us had
to remain standing. (685) In addition, the carriage was so rickety that we
thought it could not take us three leagues without falling apart, because it also
carried three chests and many other items. The coachman and his valet were
in danger of their lives. The Prior and our Sisters looked like fear itself, afraid
of perishing in this de luge. They did not dare express their dread, for they saw
that I was as confident as in my oratory, recalling what the Prophet said: In
mari via tua, et semit tu in aquis multi. Tu es Deus qui facis mirabilia.
Thy way is in the sea, and thy paths in many waters. Thou art the God
that dost wonders. (Ps 76:20a,15a)
You work them, my God, not only upon and in the water, but also on
earth. Our carriage was transported a long time and suspended by your divine
power, about which I was not thinking. 68) Since my companions saw that I
was recollected, they insisted that I pray to You to help us in this imminent
peril. So as not to seem insensible, I prayed to You and your Blessed Mother
to look upon us with the eyes of your benignity. I said to You: De vu/tu tuo
judicium meum prodeat; perjice gressus meos in semitis tuis, ut non
moveantur vestigia mea; mirifica misericordias tuas, qui sa/vos facit
sperantes in te. Let my judgment corne forth from thy countenance.
Perfect thou my goings in thy paths: that my footsteps be not moved.
Show forth thy wonderful mercies; thou who savest them that trust in
thee. (Ps 16:2, 5, 7)
\ (6'S1-)
When ail these dangers and precipices were past, the Prior and our Sisters
marveled at your providence over us. They thought that all your angels,
together with Saint Raphael, had miraculously guided us. In thanksgiving, they
chanted the Te Deum. We arrived in Grenoble on June 2, 1643, at about
eight or nine o'clock in the evening, on the eve of the Feast of your most
precious and Sacred Body. The Bishop of Grenoble wanted us to obtain his
blessing before we went to the home of Madame de Vitalieu that was prepared
as a monastery. The next day, your holy feast, at about eight o'clock, the
Prior of Croixil offered Mass and exposed the Blessed Sacrament. Our
Sisters recited aloud the Office in choir. After Vespers, Father Amoulx gave
us a homily. A large number of ladies and gentlemen of Grenoble were
present to their own satisfaction. The Bishop of Grenoble sent me his carriage
in the evening on the same day to go visit him, since he was unable to corne to
his new monastery of the Incarnate Word, for he had to leave for Paris the
next day at four o'clock in the morning.
It did not take long for him to urge me to go there and establish the third
monastery ofyour Ortler, my most amiable Incarnate Word. All my :friends
encouraged me to hasten the foundation of the monastery in Paris, fearing that
the seals might be taken from the Chancellor at the beginning of the regency.
(688) Monsieur de Servien, presently the ambassador in Piedmont and next to
~Duchesse of Savoy, told me that Monsieur Seguier was no longer Keeper
of the Seals nor Chancellor. Instead, Monsieur de Chateauneufheld both
positions. I told her: "Monsieur Seguier is both, or Our Lord has not heard
my prayers. 1 trust that, even though 1 am unworthy, Our Lord will hear my
prayer, just as He did when 1 prayed for the health of your two children. 1
was so deeply moved when 1 saw you weeping in fear of their death after
thirteen days of continuai fever. You told me that God had healed them in
answer to my prayer. This son and daughter were not prayed for with greater
confidence than that with which 1 confidently request that the Chancellor continue
to retain the seals." He told me: "It is true, Madame, that 1 owe the health of
my two children to your prayers and that 1 certainly believe that Monsieur
Seguier will continue to be the Keeper of the Seals." (689)
Dearest Love, who are pleased to answer the prayers of your beloved and
cannot leave her in trouble. By the odor ofvery light perfume the next day,
Y ou confirmed for me that Monsieur Seguier again possessed the Seals of
little King Louis XIV: Testimonia tua credibilia Jacta sunt nimis. Thy
testimonies are become exceedingly credible. (Ps 92:5a)
The heat was so excessive that the doctors feared that it might cause me to
succumb. They said 1 should not travel so much without being refreshed by
the waters and baths. They would not be responsible for my life unless 1 were
made to rest because of my sufferings from gallstones. 1 departed from
Grenoble on the 30th, and then, on July 2nd-the Feast of the Visitation of
your Blessed Mother-1 arrived in Lyons where 1 took the treatment provided
by the waters and baths through obedience.
The Abb de Cerisy and the Chancellor's wife prompted me to advance
my journey to Paris. The Bishop of Grenoble ordered his official to send me
two Sisters to Lyons for Paris of the four 1 had taken from Avignon. 1 asked
the Prior of Denic to retum to Grenoble to request the official for my Sister of
the Holy Spirit and Sister of the Conception, thus sharing with Grenoble.
(690) However, your providence allowed this sharing to take place cautiously,
due to the plague that had forced them to interrupt their journey to go stay in
the home of the Baron ofBouffin, the Prior of Croixil's father.
Prior Bemardon arrived in Lyons with my two Sisters on the Feast of the
discovery of the relies of St. Stephen, the first martyr. This was on August
3rd,.and I replaced them with Sister Elie of the Cross and Lucrecia de Bely.
On the sixth day of August, they arrived at the gate of Grenoble, but could
not enter because of the plague. They departed to join the Sisters who were
in Uriage with the Baron ofBou:ffin, father of the Prior ofCroixil.
On Friday, the 7th of the same month, the Prior, OUT two Sisters, my dear
Sister Grasseteau, Sister Gravier and I left Lyons for Paris. Dearest Love,
you could see that I was sad, fearing the great world, but I desired nothing
more than to sacrifice myself for yoUT glory and my neighbor's salvation. I
recalled that Saint Paul said in his Letter to the Romans: Unusquisque
vestrum proximos suos placeat in bonum ad dificationem.
Christus non sibi placuit. Let every one ofyou please his neighbor unto
good, to edification. For Christ did not please himself. (Rom 15:2-3a)
I renounced all my delight in the solitude of Lyons and the consolations my
soul received upon the holy mountain there. Dear Love, I yeamed to have the
blood that flowed so freely upon this holy mountain of GoUTguillon during the
time of so many martyrs to follow me, as it is declared that the water of the
rock followed the people of Israel. (691) Dearest Love, my repugnance for
leaving Lyons did not cause me to loiter along the way. By my desires, I
deeply implored heaven, earth and the waters, praying to yoUT angels to guide
us diligently in health so that we might arrive in Paris on the Feast of the
triumphant Assumption ofyoUT glorious Mother. I wanted to dedicate OUT
entrance to her, as well as everything we would do thereafter. My desire was
fulfilled despite the opinion of the bargemen. The Loire River was so low that
they feared we would be held fast in the sand. However, 0 marvel, yoUT holy
angels caused the water to increase so abundantly that the bargemen were
astounded that it happened without there having been any in the surrounding
areas, not even an indication of it.
We remained about two days in Orleans. The coachman who took us
from Orleans to Paris was astonished to arrive shortly before noon on the
Feast of the Assumption in 1643. It was a Saturday, and we had departed
late on Friday. He feared being reproved for going too fast. He took us
almost all around Paris, for we entered by the gate of St. Honor, and there
was no bridge close to the Louvre. (692)
- .S't -
King of kings, Lord of lords and sovereign Monarch of heaven and earth,
although a number of people of high status would have liked to provide
accommodations for your daughters, your prudence chose to have us arrive in
Paris without our having found a single place. Thus, we could say to a certain
degree: Non erat ei locus in diversorio. There was no room for them in
the inn. (Luke 2:7) Through blessed necessity, we were lodged in a small
room lower than the pavement of the street. Had it not possessed a fireplace,
it could have been better termed a stable, for it was really a place.- for a
number of domestic animals.
With inexpressible joy, 1 entered, recalling that your Blessed Mother and
her beloved spouse, Saint Joseph, had lived in worse quarters on the night of
your blessed birth. That drew the angels there from heaven to chant the
triumphs that You brought rather than the glory of the world or the vain,
perpetual riches of earth. They praised the true glory of your Divine Father in
heaven, marveling at the peace that You had caused your Blessed Mother,
Saint Joseph and all people of good will on earth. (693) As for me, Lord,
with delight and truth, 1 could sing: Regnum mundi et ornatum sculi
contempsi propter amorem Domini mei Jesu Christi. I have despised the
reign and pomp of-the world for the love of my Lord Jesus Christ.
(Ceremonial for the Investiture ofNovices, p. 28)
Father Carr, prior of the novitiate of St. Dominic, promptly came to visit
us and had supper sent us. An hour later by torchlight, the Abb de Cerisy
arrived, accompanied by Monsieur Gurlat. Since it was late, they could not
remain very long, especially since the Chancellor's home where they lived was
about a halfleague away. Our place is far within the St. Germain suburb.
Since Your Majesty had let me know that that is where You wanted your
monastery established, 1 had requested the Abb de Cerisy to rent us a good
bouse there in which to establish it. He did so in my name for the price of
eight hundred pounds. 1 considered this to be expensive for a young woman,
but 1 trusted in your magnificent generosity, Lord, for You had told me:
Meum est argentum, et meum est aurem. The si/ver is mine, and the gold
is mine. (Hag 2:9)
Thenext day, August 16th, the Abb de Cerisy came with the Treasurer of
the Abbey in the name ofFather Brachet, the Vicar General of the Bishop of
Metz, Duke of Verneuil, Abb of St. Germain, lord ofthis suburb and superior
of our monastery. (694) They came to present me the King's Patent Letters
and decree. Likewise, they assured me of his good will toward me and the
joy experienced by many because of our foundation. As soon as possible, a
small chapel was prepared with an altar upon which the Abb de Cerisy
offered Holy Mass. We received Communion, thanking You for so many
favors. My Divine Savior, You appeared tome in the arms ofyour august
Mother, holding two golden keys which You presented me in such a delightful
way that they filled my heart with rejoicing. You told me: "My daughter, here
are the keys with which to open hearts. Just as, through a miracle of loving
confidence, St. Hyacinth carried Me and my Blessed Mother and preserved
us :from our enemies, save Me from th.ose who persecute Me by their bad will
and the torrent oftheir excesses."
In the aftemoon, Father Carr arrived to tell me that the Duchess of
Rocheguyon was sending forme in her carriage until the place rented for our
accommodations would be ready. He said that I would offend her should I
refuse to accept. Being already so obligated to her for her many kindness to
me during my first sojoum in Paris, I did not wish to delay going with her,
although 1 knew, through You and your angels, that she would not do all that
the superiors of the monastery wished and that Y ou wanted me to be the
foundress of the .temporal part, as well as the institutrix of the spiritual.
On Wednesday, the 19th, she sent for our two Sisters and my dear Sister
Elizabeth Grasseteau. She provided us with lodging and treated us with great
charity. My Divine Love, please repay her for this, we beg You in all humility.
(695) I am grateful for what she has done to the least of your daughters,
ac'Ording to your promise. Y ou knew what mortification my soul endured
because ofher dissatisfaction. She had decided to bring two girls in perpetuity
to a foundation that was too small for the clauses she requested in her document.
1 had prayed to the saints for her to enjoy the privileges of a foundress
accorded to me when I provided the foundation. She did not want to accept
my payment for anything she had spent for the bulls or the accommodations
for my companion and myself for about three years nor for any other expenses
we might have caused her. Again, my Divine Lord, 1 beg You to grant her a
hundredfold and life etemal.
We remained at the Rocheguyon hotel until Ail Saints Eve when we returned
to our own home. A small church had been built and many efforts made to
make it appropriate and spacious. Before I had left Lyons, your providence,
my Divine Love, had provided me with the funds to defray all these expenses.
1 thank You with humble gratitude, my adorable Benefactor. 1 acknowledge
_to Y ou my hurt or repugnance when 1 leamed that a young woman, through
charity, had told others who had helped me with this foundation that the
excessive cost of our little church and the furnishings of the house was too
extreme. (69) Therefore, 1 could not possibly feed my daughters nor maintain
the monastery unless 1 would be given alms. 1 told those who had informed
me about this: "Although she obligates me by her plan, 1 did not request her
charity. 1 have not placed my confidence in people, but in the providence of
the Incarnate Word, my Love, and his care for me. When we entered the
bouse, we had spent six thousand pounds for fumishings and accommodations."
On the evening of the Feast of All Saints, 1 told You: "My Divine Oracle,
what do You think about what is being proposed to me: that 1 should take the
holy habit and beco~e a religious right away?" Y ou told me: "My daughter,
do nothing in haste. You can tell those that are rushing you that Saul, who did
not wait for my Prophet Samuel, did something that displeased me, despite his
attempt to persuade Me to accept his prayer because of his sacrifice. The
Prophet told him: "Stulte egisti; Thou hast donefoolishly. (1Kings13:13b)
Y our kingdom will be given to another who will be more faithful and punctual
in obeying the divine will, being according to my heart. He will fulfill them ail."
Tell this to your director. My daughter, wait for my orders and do nothing
through human respect: Homo enim vidit ea qu parent, Dominus autem
intuetur cor. Man seeth those things that appear; but the Lord beholdeth
the heart. (1 Kings 16:7)
Y our Apostle said: "If 1 am pleasing to men, 1 am not a servant of my
Divine Master." 0 Savior, dear Love, 1 want only your glory. Whatever is
not You means nothing to me. I will do whatever my director commands me
according to your will. (69TJ "My daughter, you are there in solitude. Sustained
by two large wings, my glory and the salvation of souls, together with two
other wings that seem large by their dignity on earth, you will arrive sooner.
Y ou will be nurtured by God, who has delivered you from the dragon that
vomited forth a river of anger against you. The land of my Sacred Humanity
receives you, and He will never hann you. I have provided for all the needs of
my establishment and of your own." Your goodness granted me many graces
that I have recorded in other notebooks. I do not want to include them here
so as to avoid being too voluble.
non facis vias tuas, et non invenitur voluntas tua. While thou dost not
thy own ways and thy own will is not found (Is 58: 13c) I will raise you
above the heights of earth et cibabo te hreditate Jacob; I will feed thee
with the inheritance ofJacob. (Is 58: 14c) I have personally promised and
am promising you this."
On the Feast of St. Martin, You permitted me to share in the understanding and ardor of this fervent prelate and most worthy Pontiff. You told
me that, just as, in the presence of your angels, You praised the a1ms he gave
as a catechumen, You would not remain silent before your Divine Father and
these very angels about how I was investing You by doing so to your spouses,
besides nurturing and maintaining them. Divine Love, these are favors You
have given me and continue to do so daily. Your goodness caused me
indescribable confusion, telling me that I dressed them with lovely garments,
but that I used the worst I could possibly have.
Lord of my heart, who dwells in the highest heavens, deign to look upon
the weakest of your servants when she dresses in these patched garment. The
Prophet-King assures me ofthis loving goodness when he says: Quis sicut
On the Feast of the glorious virgin and martyr, Saint Cecilia, You were
amused about dealing with this matter with me, telling me that from my poverty,
You had built a new Church wherein You would dwell with your friends, just
as You had dwelt with your saints in this saint's home that became a church.
Y ou added: "My daughter, my spouse, your clothes bear my good odor.
You deprive yourself so as to give to Me; you humble yourself to exalt Me."
"Lord, my God, can nothingness become lowered, or sovereign and divine
grandeur be exalted? In my astonishment, allow me to tell You: Deus meus
es tu, quoniam honorum meorum non eges. Thou art my God, for thou
hast no need of my goods. (Ps 15:2) How fortunate I would be ifl could
live and die for You and were You to favor me by having your Gospel of light
and love brought to my mind and allow it repose in my heart, as is said of
Saint Cecilia
On the first Sunday of Advent, I felt an inexplicable depression. I asked
my dear Sister Grasseteau to pray for me, as I went down to the church.
Approaching the altar, I said to You: "Dear Love, I cannot go on any longer.
My soul is overcome by weakness and anxiety. Sustain me by grace, and
pray to your Father for the weakest of your loved ones. I abandon myself to
your charity. I would lose courage if You did not sustain me." Dearest Love,
You received me upon your bosom, holding me in your arms in such a way
that I could entrust myself to the care of your love. In this condition, I
received the strength and consolation of a most faithful Lover who is as
powerful as He is loving. (700) You placed me in your arms and upon your
heart, as You told your sp~e in the Canticle that she should do, (Cant 8)
showing me that your love is stronger than death, for it is the death of my
death and the sting of my hell. I call this sadness my hell, because my soul was
desolate, and it seemed to be enveloped by the pains of death and almost
overcome by the pains ofhell, because it did not see You, You who are its
paradise. I rose from prayer like someone who had withdrawn from darkness
into a marvelous light. With Anne, the mother of Samuel, I could declare:
Dominus mortificat et vivificat, deducit ad inferos et reducit. The Lord
killeth and maketh alive: he bringeth down to hell and bringeth back
again. (l Kings 2:6)
I met my dear Sister Grasseteau whom I asked if she had prayed for me.
She replied: "I did so with great compassion at the beginning of my prayer
and great wonder at the end." I asked which prayer she had made and the
reason for these two different sentiments. She said: "Mother, as soon as I
knelt down, in spirit I saw you really overwhelmed and harrassed by problems,
but, a:fter a moment, the Incarnate Ward, at the age ofthirty-three, appeared
near you as you were seated. He was kneeling, looking at you with eyes of
pity and love. He gave you faithful confidence by which you could draw even
doser to Him. With both arms, He held you close to his breast, so as to
sustain and uphold you with his own heart. He raised his eyes to his Divine
Father, praying for you in an ineffable way. During his prayer, I had no
understanding and in great astonishment, I saw you elevated from earth to
heaven upon a glorious throne in your ordinary clothes. I could notperceive
your having passed through anything in between." From this daughter, I
learned what I already knew from my own experience, but not about being
elevated or seated upon a throne where she had seen me. (2.Q.1) She saw the
visible sign of the invisible fact. This mystery or Sacrament of Love is
inexpressible to someone still in the flesh. It could be better declared by those
assistant forms who go from beginning to end without passing through any
center. They are pure spirits, having no antecedents or consequences.
On December 18, the day of the expectation of the incomparable birth of
your Virgin Mother, my spirit was so profoundly elevated that it felt more in
heaven than on earth. Elsewhere, I will record only what I deem appropriate
about this experience for my inventory of your graces. In a way I consider
ineffable, I understood: Urbs Jerusalem beata dicta pacis visio. City of
Jerusa/em, love/y vision of peace. (Hymn: Coelestis urbs, Primitive
Ceremonial for Temporal Profession) May your goodness make a new
dedication ofyour new Jerusalem, where you allowed me toto enjoy a peace
somewhat like that of the blessed. But this is just in passing, because in this
valley of tears, the soul experiences happiness only per modum transeuntis;
in a transitory manner.
On the F east of the Holy Innocents, You appeared to me with a number of
tubes in your breast through which You wanted to communicate Yourself to
your daughters. I understood that Y ou had suffered intensely in order to give
these communications ofyour merits tous. It seemed tome that your love
had made a number of little, painful openings in your breast so that, through
your distress, we might receive health and holiness. Afterward, You showed
Y ourself to me with a number of crowns acquired by your sufferings. Thus,
my Divine Lover, You showed me that these were from generous souls in
your Order who would suffer as Y ou did, for love of Y ou: Et livore eius
Vicar General of the Illustrious Bishop Demest (de Metz), superior of the
monastery, arrived, accompanied by the Procurator General of the Abbey, to
bless the different parts of the monastery and inaugurate the cloister there.
The day before, he had accepted the thousand pounds in funds that 1 gave for
the foundation of the said monastery. With great devotion, he offered Mass
and formally initiated the establishment, set up the Cross and performed all the
ceremonies required for such a foundation, even though there were only two
Sisters, my dear Sister Grasseteau, Sister Franoise Graver and 1. Dear
Love, your blessing was given, not to many, but apparently to one Sister,
because one of the two had to return to her monastery in Avignon. Alluding to
the blessing You gave Abraham's seed, his only son Isaac, the Apostle declared:
Non dicit: Et seminibus, quasi in muftis; sed quasi in uno: Et semini tuo,
qui est Christus. He saith not: And to his seeds, as of many. But as of
one: And to thy seed, which is Christ. (Gal 3: 16)
You consoled me by saying: "My daughter, ao not be disturbed ifyou do
not see a prompt multiplication in your monastery in Paris as you did in the one
in Avignon. In the latter, my saints told you: Soror nostra es, crescas in
mille mi/lia, et possideat semen tuum portas inimicorum tuorum. Thou art
our sister: Mayst thou increase Io thousands ofthousands, and may thy
seed possess the gates oftheir enemies. (Gen 24: 60b)
Now 1 am forming your first daughters and will continue to do so. Let
them be careful to avoid presumption, for this cornes from my love for you.
Y ou prayed to Me that they might live in my presence, and 1 have granted
your request. 1 have multiplied the monastery in Avignon and will continue to
do so. Ecce, benedicam ei, et augebo, et multiplicabo eum va/de. Behold,
I will bless him, and increase, and multiply him exceedingly. (Gen 17:20b)
1 will call young women from important homes to enter there: Et faciam ilium
as a New Year's gift on this first day of the year. There You established an
interior monastery by the cross that 1 adore in your hands. 1 accepted it as a
most precious gift: the cross that has crucified me, not only on one day, but
for many years. 1 cannot express the pain ofthis cross, nor can 1 describe
how delightful it is at the same time, since it unites me to You.
The Abb de Crisy, who was appointed to be the substitute superior, and
Father Carr, superior of the Dominican novitiate, realized that 1 could not be
extemally invested with the liveries ofmy Divine Spouse. Like a number of
other priests, they did not judge it appropriate to allow me to do so. Thus,
they blessed a red and white habit, together with the veil, and gave this to me
in the sacristy to wear as a religious undemeath my secular clothing, until such
time as 1 could embrace the cloister, together with my two daughters. Present
for all this were my two daughters, Sisters Grasseteau and Gravier, besides
several little boarders.
- 3 6' -
On the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, as 1 was descending the stairs
to go to choir, 1 fell in such a way that one might think 1 had hurt my head with
the bumps 1 had on the steps. This alarmed our confessor, the Prior of
Denic, when my Sister Franoise Gravier informed him aboutit. Dear Love,
did Y ou not act like the Angel who extended the hands of your protection so
that 1 might not be hurt? After 1 received Y ou, 1 offered Y ou redoubled
thanks and gratitude. Fearing that 1 ought not remain kneeling, my Sister
Gravier came to sustain me from behind. But, 0 marvel ofyour providence,
while she held my head upon her stomach, You gave me your breast whereon
to repose my spirit. Y ou said to me: "My beloved spouse, corne use my
breast for your nuptial bed. Benjamin amantissimus Domini habitabit
Nor will 1 utter any word, my Spouse and my God, as 1 adore You through
a loving and respectful silence. You told me: "My daughter, to keep you in
peace and at rest, 1 offer you a bed with my own Blood. Since 1 want you to
see how it is made, 1 show it to you in the form of a bed covered with crimson
velvet, fringed curtains, but large curtains like an alcove that serves also as
your cabinet where you will hear my secrets and receive my orders. Right
now they are that you should not make profession, regardless of what others
tell you about the matter. I envelop you with my Precious Blood. Thus, you
are invested with the garments that my love gives you through a totally
incomprehensible excess of goodness." Let your Prophet speak. 1 can only
marvel: Quam magna multitudo dulcedinis tu, Domine, quam abscondisti
Ubi cubes in meridie. Shew me, 0 thou whom my soul loveth, where
thoufeedest, where thou liest in the midday. (Cant 1:6a)
Dearest Love who loves my soul, do not permit me to stray nor to fall
back. Everywhere and in all things, 1 want only You. Let no creature distract
my thoughts; they would be vagabonds. In them there is no stability: Vanitati
enim creatura subiecta est non volens. For the creature was made
subject to vanity: not willingly. (Rom 8:20a)
Dearest Love, in humility and confidence, 1 pray that wherever Y ou may
repose at midday, may your divine illumination be the light of my understanding
and your ardent charity the flame of my will. In gentle repose, there 1 shall be
satisfied with You, my Lord and my Ail.
Y ou did not spum my prayer, but invited me to your nuptials with the two
holy virgins, Agatha and Dorothy. You told me that, since 1 was their sister
and your spouse, 1 could freely enter your nuptial chamber, that You are my
lamp as well as my Spouse. In these nuptials, 1 would experience holy delight.
There 1 would see the chaste, pure and virginal generation. (707) Y our breast
was the bed whose curtains are brilliant lights. Since your word does what it
says, You led me there with such majesty and gentleness that 1 seemed to be
another Esther, crowned with your glory, leaning upon your loving dilection. 1
was followed by your merciful clemency. 1 languished because of the abundance
of holy delights communicated to me by your lovingly gentle spirit: Y ou were
the very wonderful grace that Y ou spread upon my lips. My soul seemed to
become totally one with Y ou. And, as in a corporal marriage it is said: erant
duo in carne una; they sha/l be two in one flesh, (Gen 2:24c) we were two
persons in one love, or in one Spirit. Y our most pure simplicity imparted an
innocent candor tome that enabled me to kiss you virginally along life's
joumey, as do those virgins who are in heaven. However, they remain in their
glory in their etemal, happy dwelling-place, while 1, as a pilgrim, am still on
life's way.
31 -
My joy was troubled when I learned that the love of the Incarnate Word did not reign in the hearts ofthose whom I had offered
Him; and about my weighty distress.
'.f-oS )
A number of your Machabees were killed on the Sabbath, who were the
holy victims acceptable to You. Mathathias resolved to fight to uphold your
law during this solemnity. Lord, my resolve was to resist those who were
unfaithful to Y ou. This resolution caused me suffering due to every kind of
struggle. It was opportune that in one hand 1 held the trowel and in the other
the sword, as is declared in Esdras: Una manu suafaciebat opus et a/tera
tenebat g/adium. With one of his hands he did the work, and with the
other he held a sword. (2 Esd 4: 17) But, what could a young woman
accomplish against so many enemies unless she said to You: "Stay by me,
Lord of Armies, and fight for me"? No, let it be for your glory. In te inimicos
nostros venti/abimus cornu, et in nomine tuo sperabo, et g/adius meus
non salvabit me. Through thee we will push down our enemies with the
horn; neither shall my sword save me. (Ps 43:6a; 7b)
My pen, that is the pen of the winds as it records the delights of your right
hand when You treat me as Benjamin, the youngest child, seems to be leaden
when 1 have to describe my sadness. Tuen You place it in the left hand, and it
seems to be Benoni, the child of sorrow. One would think that death had
abandoned me in this life to be its image and that 1 was to abide in its
shadows. 1 have also told you several times: Collocavit me in obscuris,
sicut mortuos scu/i, et anxiatus est super me spiritus meus. He hath
made me dwell in darkness as those that have been dead of old: and my
spirit is in anguish within me. (Ps 142:3c-4a)
Lord, my God, what a difference there is between your treatment of me at
my father's house and in Lyons and that of the present. It seems entire ages
that 1 have not enjoyed your delights. Your hands used to shower me with
delight, together with an abundance ofjoy. It was a continuai outpouring of
your graces. (710) You sprinkled my soul; indeed, You engulfed me in your
delightful waters. Together with David, it exclaimed: Dominus regit me et
nihil mihi deerit: in /oco pascu ibi me col/ocavit. Super aquam refectionis
educavit me. The Lord ru/eth me: and I shall want nothing. He hath
set me in a place ofpasture. (Ps 22:1-2)
Now with outstretched hand, it says to You: Lord, 1 am like earth without
water: Ve/ociter exaudi me, Domine, defecit spiritus meus. Hear me
speedily, 0 Lord: my spirit hathfainted away. (Ps 142:7a) Do not turn
away your face from me, for 1 would almost be like those who have already
descended into the lake. The difference is that they are in the other life and
without hope, and 1 still possess the consolation along life's journey that 1 trust
m your mercy.
j<a -
The Prophet Habacuc assures me that, even in your deepest wrath, You
remember your mercy which motivates your charity, represented by midday,
to corne and remove oursins (that comprise the mountain of Pharan; meaning
division), thus filling us with your glory and changing our troubles into jubilation. You did this, my Savior, when you saw me in affliction and sorrow. You
filled me with joy and sorrow, not only for myself, but for those who visited
me. Among them was Monsieur de la Piardire, whom, when 1 was still in
Lyons, You had called Jacob, that is the same as Jacques. You told me: "He
is busy with finances." (711) Having filled me with your holy blessing which
could be called grace, Tuushowered it into his heart, as 1 told him about your
profusions and sacred unions. Delighted by your marvels, he no longer belonged to himself, but entirely to You; yet he did not <lare aspire to possess
these sublime favors. Without informing him that a long time ago it was he
about whom You had spoken to me, 1 encouraged him, assuring him that You
would grant him the gift of prayer and that your most gentle Spirit would anoint
him. Your Holy Spirit prompted me to speak in that way. When he returned
home, his coach carried his body, but your love elevated his spirit higher than
the Empyrean, because he lifted it up to Y ou who are the supreme heaven.
He experienced what David had declared: After having tasted, he saw that
Y ou are most gentle, indeed gentleness itself. He began to receive Communion more often, overcoming ail human respect. A short time later, he received
Communion four times weekly. By the power of this divine food and heavenly
bread, he rose to the very height of your holy mountain, my Lord and my God,
and by your holy anointing, You consecrated all the powers of his soul, setting
your Holy ofHolies in the superior part ofhis spirit. In less than six months, 1
saw him elevated gradually to the sixth dwelling-place indicated in The Mansion ofthe Soul by your beloved Saint Teresa.
God of love who fills heaven and earth, Y ou entertained his spirit with
sublime thoughts, through a marvelous economy, enabling him to find the time
and means to carry out his work in finances. What is marvelous is that 1 saw
that this man was more detached from gold and silver than a number of
religious who have made the vow ofpoverty. He could say: Beatus dives
qui post aurum non abiit, nec speravit in pecunia et thesauris. Blessed is
the rich man that hath not gone a.fter go/d nor put his trust in money nor
in treasures. (Eccl 31 :8) Add to this all the rest, including: ldeo stabilita
sunt bona il/ius in Domino, ef ~/eemosynas illius enarrabit omnis Ecclesia
sanctorum. Therefore are his goods established in the Lord: and ail the
church ofthe saints shall declare his a/ms. (Eccl 31 : 11)
\ ( tl 2)
Around the Feast of Saint John the Baptist, as I spoke to him about your
goodness, I told him that You would not leave him in the state he was in for
long years. On hearing this, he was seized by such a trembling that he could
hardly sustain this assault. I wanted to reprimand myself for being outspoken,
but, when he could speak, he said to me: "Mother don't regret what you have
told me. I had wanted to be a religious before I married. Celibacy is no Jess
agreeable to me than the state I am in now. I will follow the will of our Divine
Savior in everything. I trust that, through you, He will make it known to me,
since He has chosen you to lead me to Him."
On the eve of the Feast of Saint Jo4n the Bapt{st, your Precursor and my
holy patron, when I went up to the choir to pray to You through him, You did
not answer my prayer, but, in an ineffable way, You made a sacred union with
me, the like of which I had never had with any creature. Through the holy
freedom your love gave me, it seemed that I had the right to complain about
You (714) to You personally. I said: "You have no! allowed any ofyour
Seraphlm to be united to me in such a way." "My daughter, this union is
divine. It is I, my dearest, who bring it about. It is ail-pure; it is supernatural."
Y ou told me everything Y ou wanted to, and my spirit remained suspended
until your wisdom, which extends from one end to the other, gently but firmly
directed me. I could not be satisfied, a fact that did not displease You. On
the contrary, your Spirit appeared gentler and kindlier because of this. He
made me know that, detached from everything to belong to You alone, my
love would even give Y ou up unless Y ou were the Supreme Being and the
One who is essentially what You said to Moses: Eco suM QUI s uM . Sic <lices
filiis Israel: QUI FST, misit me ad vos. I AM WHO AM. Thus shalt thou say to the
children oflsrael: HE WHO 1s, bath sent me to you. (Ex 3:14)
The next day, he (Monsieur de la Piardire) came to see me and told me:
"Mother, while at Matins in the evening with the Oratorian priests, Our Lord
let me know that He wants me to obey you. Prompted by the power of his
gentle force, I vowed to obey you in everything that my profession and my
state can allow. Your wise prudence willjudge all this. " I was somewhat
reticent, but, lest I resist your orders, I submitted my spirit, trusting that You
would enlighten me in the matter. That is what Y ou have done, my brilliant
Sun, with so much light that You seemed to be my mid-day. I saw no one
else but You and will never do so, ifYou please, my Divine Beloved. Anything that is not Y ou means nothing to me. Whoever loves anything together
with Y ou, loves You Jess, unless that love is for You and through love of You.
You assured me that this is perfect charity. You are love. Whoever abides in
love, abides in You, my Lord and my God. I thank You for (715) making him
grow in charity, having given him tome as a son, just as You gave your
beloved disciple to your Blessed Mother. I have accepted him from You;
through Y ou, he has accepted me as his mother. This bond will be indissoluble. Y our Father placed a seal on our love: Hune enim pater signavit
Deus. God the Father gave this one his seal of approval. And this
Beloved told us: Si di/igamus invicem, Deus in nobis manet, et charitas
eius in nobis perfecta est. If we love one another, God abideth in us:
and his charity is perfected in us. (1Jn4:12b)
Had I been the mother of only children of rejoicing, I would experience but
joy and satisfaction. Just as You prepare your kingdom for us, as your Father
prepared one for You, You have made me the mother of other children who
have caused me great affliction: Filios enutrivi, et exaltavi; ipsi autem
spreverunt me. 1 have brought up children and exalted them: but they
have despised me. (Is 1:2b)
I complained to You about our spiritual children in the way that Rebecca
did about her corporal ones: Si sic mihi futurum est. If it were to be so
with me. (Gen 25:22b) Dear Spouse, who knows ail things, You knew that I
was not yet strong enough to endure the sufferings that the Order I had
conceived through your inspiration unceasingly caused me: quid necesse fuit .
concipere; what need was there to conceive? (Gen 25:22b) Lord, were
there not enough Congregations of women in the Church without this one,
setting aside the vision 1 had had in Lyons about the tiara (716) lacking a
precious stone that Y ou made me understand represented o: -order. Y ou
said tome: "My daughter, this Ortler is the missing precious stone. The
Church is the queen seated at my right hand, embellished by different Orders.
Embroidered in different colors, her golden robe is charity; the different Orders emphasiz.e her beauty."
Dear Love, You pardoned my weaknesses and consoled me in my troubles,
adding that these children were more yours than mine and that You put up
with their faults. lndeed, these You concealed because of repentance and for
other reasons. Those who came later would surpass the first through the
practice of charity. A number of our spiritual children seemed to make great
strides toward perfection.
1 spent the year 1644 and the following 1645 in inexpressible sorrow,
weeping a part of the night. 1 felt an inexpressible aversion for living in Paris.
Adorable Providence, how wise You are in all your ways. Had 1 liked Paris, 1
might have become involved in a number of intrigues of devotion. My forthrightness might not have allowed me to reject those who came to me for
advice through curiosity as well as pity. 1 might have been urged to pray to
You for things that appeared to pertain to devotion but were not really so in
effect. They would have pressed me had You given or allowed a little light in
their darkness. What began with charitable intentions perhaps might have
ended in self-interested actions. 1 would not have wanted to displease anyone, thinking to do everything for You and winning them all. (717) My natural
tendency to satisfy all who strove to have confidence in me might have overburdened me with external cares and taken me away from the domestic ones.
1 would not have been able to refuse Madame de Cressay about going to the
hotel of Orleans to pay my respects to the Duchess for whom, ever since
1638, You had given me a high regard. While 1 was still in Lyons, You
assured me that her marriage to the Duke of Orleans, only brother of the late
King, would not be dissolved. In writing to someone involved in trying to
break this up by order of eminently-placed persons, I said: "Y ou will never
succeed in your undertaking. I am confident that God wants Madame to be
honored in Paris, together with the Duke, and that I will no longer live in Lyons
when she arrives there. One ofthese nights I saw her give birth to a daughter,
who had a fall, and someone scomed this blessed child. Our Lord wanted me
to take special care to pray for her. I have done so to make her more
Dear Love, this was fulfilled, as well as the other matters You have promised or shown me. My secretary, who knewwhat You had done for me, has
often urged me to tell my secret to Madame de Cressay who loves me as
much as I honor her; that is, a great deal. She has often urged me to go to the
royal palace, insisting that I am delaying the glory ofyour establishment by not
telling the Queen what You have told me about her, our King and the Duke of
Anjou. (718) These words failed to convince me to leave my retreat. She
said to me: "Your enemies are giving the Queen a bad impression of you by
saying that you confer the habit on your Sisters and do not receive it yourself.
In her presence, they blame you for what they do not understand. You
possess the key to hearts and do not use it. Aren't you afraid of burying the
talents that God has so free~y given you?" The more she insisted, the more I
felt determined not to do what she suggested. My only joy was and is to be
hidden from all that is visible so as to be seen by You alone, dear Love, the
image of the invisible God. Almost constantly weeping, I said to You: Tibi
dixit cor meum, exquisivit te facies mea. My heart hath said to thee:
My face hath sought thee. (Ps 26:8) Or this other verse: Tibi dere/ictus
est pauper; orphano tu eris a4jutor. To thee is the poor man left: thou
wilt be a helper to the orphan. (Ps 9:14)
Lord, my God, You see me in this place like a poor orphan, for I have
neither father nor mother. I can trust no one here, as I did in Roanne and
Lyons with my directors whom I could see often. At this end of the faubourg,
I find myself almost in exile. Pater meus et mater mea dereliquerunt me.
For my father and my mother have left me. (Ps 26: 10)
My former and present directors can see me very little because of the great
distance between Saint Louis and this place. My former directors are there,
and 1 do not want to do anything without their advice. Thus, only rarely do 1
see the priests ofyour Society, my sweet Jesus. 1 have always considered
them to be my fathers and the Society my mother. 1 am so far from their
residences that 1 do not <lare ask them to visit me often. (719)
ex muftis cordibus cogitationes. And thy own soul a sword shall pierce,
that, out of many hearts thoughts may be revealed (Lk 2:35)
Whoever thinks that you will make no progress for my establishment in Paris
will be astounded when they see the etemal and temporal goods I now give
and will give you and how I enable you to prosper without your being attached
to that. Lord, You are everything to me.
Half of the year 1646 seemed less distressing than the preceding ones, but
the Feast of St. Barnabas, that me~s son of consolation, was a day of
extreme desolation for me. Your justice took my dearest Elizabeth Grasseteau
from me. This death was most bitter to my soul which I saw separated and
deprived of the person it truly considered to be my faithful one par excellence.
All the virtues she had practiced so effi.caciously since leaving her home, her
relatives and herself in order to follow You, my Divine Word made flesh,
caused me deep confusion, for I saw myself far from this perfection. She
imitated Y ou to the extent that she could know your wishes for which she
constantly mortified herself. She was humble of heart. (721) Although she
was considered to be ascetic, far from the amiability and afability that others
desired her to have, she feared that sweetness would possibly cause her to be
amiable, sociable or satisfied and that these qualities, that creatures regard as
pleasant, might turn her away from or distract her from the continua! conversation she could have with You, our Divine Creator and Savior.
Dear Love, I would never have thought that this daughter would be so dear
to me, except that 1 felt her loss as the most profound one 1 could endure in
this life, excepting your grace. By your permission, my sadness was so
extreme that it seemed to end my life. For two whole years, 1 had a heart
murmur that caused my daughters continuai fear that 1 would soon end my
days and that they would be left orphans. 1 repeated a number of times day
and night as 1 wept: "Did 1 have to ask you to go to Lyons, to show me that
you loved me more than yourself and to maintain my authority there? You
gave up your life there. 0 dear daughter, how well you deserved your
mother's love for you. Remember her, since you are in your kingdom with our
Divine King for love of whom you deprived yourself of everything that could
console you on earth."
Together with the regret for having allowed her to be so far away, grief
filled my soul that seemed unable to employ its powers. Often 1 told You,
together with the sorrowful Prophet: Vide, Domine, afllictionem meam.
Behold, 0 Lord, for I am in trouble. (Lam 1:20) Dear Love, my Lord and
my God, consider my affliction; this is the favor 1 ask of You. Your heart was
never insensible toward the afilicted. (722) 1 know well that no sorrow exists
in the city unless You permit it, not to say that You cause it.
The Royal Prophet declared that one abyss calls another. 1 invoke You
through my tears. My eyes seem to be cataracts that cause a deluge, whose
waters are like oceans that engulf me alive, like the whale that swallowed up
Jonas. His prison enclosed him only three days and three nights, but, for a
number of months, 1 have been engulfed in the abyss of my overpowering
afflictions. Long ago, Rebecca told Isaac: Tdet me vit me propter
filias Heth: si acceperit Jacob uxorem de stirpe huius terr, nolo vivere.
I am weary of my life because of the daughters of Heth. If Jacob takes a
wife of the stock ofthis land, 1 choose not to live. (Gen 27:46)
Divine Spouse, will 1 remain a long time in this anguish? Parisis a prison to
me, even though it seems a delightful place to others. Were 1 in Lyons, on the
holy mountain that is my Jerusalem, 1think1 would be filled withjoy. The
blood ofyour martyrs would be a chalice ofbenediction for me, with which 1
would become inebriated to the extent that I would not feel the tortures that
affect me inwardly and the troubles surrounding me extemally. What is most
distressing is that I want no consolation from any creature whatsoever. I do
not wish to see nor speak to anyone: Renuit consolari anima mea; My soul
refused to be comforted (Ps 76:3c)
I refused to be consoled. I could not express my afflictions without intensifying them, because I understood that (723) I would be complaining about
what You allowed for good reasons, although unknown to me. Thus, I often
said: Justus es, Domine, et rectum judicium tuum. Thou art Just, 0 Lord:
and thy judgment is right. (Ps 118: 13 7) I awaited your help, for I could
expect it from nowhere else. It consoled me fleetingly, because my prayers
lacked unction, it seemed to me, and I could see no door open to your
operation within my soul. I said to You: "Oh! Oh! Lord, You certainly
entered the Cenacle when the doors were closed. Gloriously did You leave
the sepulchre that the Jews, your enemies, had sealed and ordered to be
Dear Love, could I <lare call You by this name, not knowing whether or
not I am your beloved. I do not deserve it, but I cannot truly love anyone
except You alone, and, ifl am rejected by your goodness, where could I go?
With Job, I say to You: When You would have punished me through your
justice, I trusted in your mercy. Through You, I called upon You personally.
Magdalen could not be consoled by your angels, for, thinking that You were
among the dead, she asked for You in the same condition she had seen You
placed in the tomb.
I spent the year 1647 like that of 1646, sick in body and languishing in
spirit. All my actions were displeasing to me. I was somewhat unbearable to
myself. Passive visits were inexpressibly tedious for me. (724) I undertook
no active ones, not leaving our monastery at all. Early moming comforted me,
because I had more time to pour out my soul through my eyes, staying away
from the community so that no one would notice my sobs and sighs, which
would have been considered unreasonable, since their source was unknown.
No one in Paris caused me any displeasure; every effort was made to please
me. Everything was provided me in abundance. Without caressing me, Your
Majesty caused everything I said to be successful in imitation ofyour Blessed
Mother at the Wedding in Cana. I was confident that You would do whatever
I prayed for if I so desired, but I wanted nothing. I felt empty. I was
astounded at how others put up with and conversed with me. I adored your
wise goodness that allowed me to be in this condition
101 -
and blunted the sharp spirit that many had admired. These admirers could not
convince me that 1 deserved their praises or that your caresses could ever
keep from me the idea of my nothingness or make me think that 1 had merited
your favors. 1 have always acknowledged that they proceeded from your
goodness which is self-communicating.
On the Feast of the Exaltation of your Holy Cross, he sent me a very
lengthy letter, telling me many things that might have astounded someone
whom Y ou had not assured, as You did me. He told me that Y ou were my
Lord, my God and my all, to whom 1 rendered thanks the best 1 could.
Adorable Savior, at the very time that You were favoring me, he was offering
Holy Mass, (1 do not know in which church) during which You allowed him to
see that your love brought about a marvelous union; that is, the unity of your
heart and mine to which Y ou gave wings, commanding your angels to take it
up to repose on your own breast. It was as though 1 were the eagle that Y ou
allowed to repose there, allowing it to see the splendors of your glory as it
slept. (726)
This vision astounded him, convincing him that your thoughts are not those
of men and that they are further from their understanding than heaven is from
earth. The soul that accepts your loving words is nurtured, fortified, elevated
and almost divinized by them, seeming to be one with Y ou. Also, 1 could say:
that whoever adheres to God becomes one same spirit with God: Mihi
autem adherere Deo bonum est, ponere in Domino Deo meo spem meam:
ut annuntiem omnes predicationes tuas in portis fi/i Sion. But it is good
for me to adhere to my God, to put my hope in the Lord God: That I
may dec/are ail thy praises in the gates of the daughter of Sion. (Ps
A few days later, he visited me. His deep gravity, yielding to your
kindness toward me, prompted him to say what he had seen, saying that Y ou
do all Y ou wish in heaven and on earth. He added that Y ou are Lord of all
and the God who alone does marvels. Also, Y ou had made him a bishop
contrary to the expectations of his friends and enemies. The former had lost
hope for it, and the latter were detennined to prevent it. All had reason to say
that no council is victorious over You, my Lord and my God.
Monsieur de Priesac, his faithful friend, wrote me the following words on
the day he received the decree: "lt had to be that Monsieur du Bousquet
would become bishop, since the oracle of the Incarnate Word had predicted
this to him." Y our goodness made me understand: "You see, my daughter,
how 1 fulfill all that my Spirit made you know, although you did not assure him
that it was a prediction, but a confidence you have in Me who love you and do
not want to abandon or leave you in embarrassment when you hope for
something good." (727)
f 02. -
explained its meaning so clearly and a propos that it seemed that your Spirit
had dictated it to him and that, through this Spirit of goodness, science and
theology had been divinely infused into him. These books possess almost as
much brilliance in word and eloquence as intelligence.
Mother ofbeautiful dilection, I beg you to accept the praises he offers you,
just as you accepted those presented you by the great lights of the Church.
These saints have deserved the title, not only ofbeing your devotees, but your
favorites 'as well. (728) Let him be numbered among those whom the Prophet
Daniel, his patron, saw as shining and brilliant as stars for all eternity: Qui
autem docti fuerint, fulgebunt quasi splendor firmamenti; et qui ad
justitiam erudiunt multos, quasi stell in perpetuas eternitates. But they
that are learned shall shine as the brightness of the firmament: and they
that instruct many tojustice, as stars for ail eternity. (Dan 12:3)
103' -
Toward the end of the year 1648, my heart murmur ceased, as well as my
tears at the deprivation of my dearest daughter, Elizabeth Grasseteau. 1 had
had two (729) annual Masses offered so that she might give these treasures to
the Suffenng Church, just as she had given everything she could to the Militant
Church. 1 trusted that so many good works, alms and constant suffering,
together with an innocent and laborious life that 1 had admired in this daughter,
through your mercy, had delivered her from Purgatory if she had gone there.
This was because on the Saturday after her death she had appeared to me in a
dream with a happy expression like someone who did not suffer any more.
She did not tell me anything. At the moment, 1 did not understand that she
thus appeared to me to tell me not to be affiicted about her condition. She did
not speak as Y ou do, my Lord and my God, as your Prophet assures us,
inviting the heaven of heavens to praise the name of the Lord who made them
by saying: Fiat quia ipse dixit, et Jacta sunt; ipse mandavit, et creata
sunt. For he spoke, and they were made: he commanded, and they were
created (Ps 148:5b)
This holy soul had no command from You to tell me not to weep any more
nor the power to change my sadness into joy, ajoy that she possessed as her
portion, leaving me with sobs, sighs and tears for mine. Also, 1 was to remain
in this valley of misery that gives rise to them and where they abound, even
when one receives the Bread of Angels which is Y ou Y ourself, 0 my dear
Spouse, who are a hidden God as well as the Savior. The Wise Man
declared: Aqu mu/t non potuerunt extinguere charitatem. Many waters cannot quench charity. (Cant 8:7)
Although imperfect, these tears could not extinguish the charity that this
faithful soul possessed for me. She obtained a grace for me (730) that was
inconceivable tome or anyone else, even those who had visited me for a
number of years during the time that 1 was constrained to take the baths and
waters every summer. It was to take charge of the kitchen, a work she
preferred to any dignity or other responsibility. While 1 was in Lyons, 1 could
not enter it without feeling suffocated by the odor of food and almost fainting
from the heat of the fire.
On the eve of the F east of St. Michael, the Sister in charge of the kitchen
had such a large and inflamed swelling in one eye that she had to remain in
bed. Mother Marie of the Holy Spirit Nallard, who was to substitute for her,
was sick with a bad cold and was also in bed with a cyst on her knee that she
had endured in silence for fourteen years. It brought about such a high fever
with an inflammation of her entire knee which was terribly swollen that the
doctors who treated her, seeing her in peril, told me that they would not be
responsible for her life after the operation they had to do. But, my Divine
Physician, my trust in your goodness assured me that she would not die from it
and that the other Sister would not lose her eye. Seeing that she was most
anxious to be relieved of her pain, 1exhorted her and told her that she ought to
endure whatever God willed and that 1would take care of the kitchen. 1 might
have considered it to be like recreation had 1not applied myself to this work.
On the Feast of St. Michael, not thinking about prayer nor of St. Raphael
for the relief of this daughter's eye, she spent the entire night in complaining so
loudly that, prompted by my ordinary compassion for the pains of my daughters, 1 prayed for her. At about four o'clock in the morning, my idea changed.
CJ.ll) 1 said to this saint who is called God's Physician: "This daughter
prevented me from sleeping until now. 1 beg you to relieve her so that she
may have repose and me, too." At the same moment, this heavenly physician
punctured the swollen tumor so skillfully that the surgeon who came to lance it
at seven or eight o'clock in the moming found the eye no longer swollen.
There was an incision made for this purpose better than any he might have
made. He put a dressing there to withdraw all the pus and prevent the incision
from closing. A few days later, he sent me a message asking ifl wanted him
to cauterize it to arrest the abcess that this daughter had had as a result of
smallpox at an early age, that is to say, almost her entire life. Upon seeing the
fire, she feared suffering a great deal, but, 0 marvel, she felt nothing when the
surgeon to the incision. The angelic spirit did what he had done in
the fumace ofBabylon wherein the three holy young men were cast. Seeing
that she was in health, she begged me to let her retum to her charge, but I
could not consent to giving it up nor prevent the one I had called to assist me
from continuing either. The latter had no knowledge of preparing a broth, an
egg or anything else, although for more_than two years she had been occupied
in this with me. This humiliated her continually, because she possessed good
will but very little patience, although she would have liked to satisfy the entire
community. (732)
l olf. -
The blockade of Paris and the way we had to enter the city limits
where Divine Providence favored us in both corporal and spiritual
matters. 1 was blessed to be able to consult Fathers de Lingendes,
Decret and de Cond. The illness and healing of our Sister
Jeanne de Jesus.
In 1649, the blockade of Paris made us leave the St. Germain suburb and
enter the city, because our monastery was outside the barrier. We could not
get bread nor other necessities, due to the ditches tom into the passageways,
besides the danger of being exposed to those engaged in war. Your providence, that govems ail things, took special care in accommodating your daughters well, reserving five domestic rooms and a chapel, on Vivient Street at the
home of Monsieur de Laubardement, in the appartment that Monsieur de
Rossignol had rented. The former, together with his wife, received them with
great kindness. They could thus observe their religious obligations and attend
Holy Mass daily. Besides, they could go to confession and receive Communion in the chapel without being obliged to go out as many religious were forced
to do in order to attend Mass and receive the sacraments. We were grateful
to the pastor of Saint Eustachius' Church for the above graces. He also
allowed us to have the Blessed Sacrament there on Holy Thursday and perform the services as though we were in our own monastery.
Dear Love, please give him a place in your Heart. (733) Let these two
verses from the Prophet King be applicable to him: Beatus qui inte/ligit
super egenum et pauperem: ln die ma/a liberabit eum Dominus. Dominus conserve! eum, et vivificet eum, Et beatum facial eum in terra, Et
non tradat eum in animas inimicorum eius. Blessed is he that
understandeth concerning the needy and the poor: the Lord will deliver
him in the evil day. The Lord preserve him and give him /ife, and make
him blessed upon the earth: and de/iver him not up to the will of his
enemies. (Ps 40:2-3) This is because your daughters were satisfied with the
Heavenly Bread as though they were in your bouse. As for the other bread
that sustains the body, I did not allow them to lack anything. We even had a
surplus of flour, as I had often assured them would happen.
Y our providence allowed Monsieur de Langlade to be in Paris the entire
time of the blockade. He was delighted to offer Holy Mass for your daughters
and hear their confession. Although he told me that he would do so gratis, I
did not want to allow this, for it is understandable that whoever serves at the
altar should be nurtured by the altar.
Father Morin, a priest of the Oratory, gave the exhortations and conferences in the room downstairs where an oratory had been prepared, since the
chapel was very small and could not accommodate everyone. Father de
Cond and other religious visited them. They lacked no spiritual aid nor
anything required for their corporal well-being. One thing grieved me: it is
that the parents of four of our boarders had withdrawn them and had removed the little habit from two of them. As your justice has always allowed
my soul to be afflicted, due to my tendemess and their gratitude, when my
boarders are taken away, despite my resignation to whatever Y ou allow, 1 felt
deeply grieved. (734) This occurred especially when on Easter Sunday, during
Father de Cond's sermon, 1 was informed that one of my little ones, de
Beauvais, had <lied. Since she had no name, 1 feared that she had <lied
without baptism, keeping her two days without allowing her to be buried until
her mother sent me a message that she had been conditionally baptized and
that she was a little angel in heaven. She added that my care had kept her on
earth since the beginning of December when the chest infection, together with
fever, threatened her with death at that time. 1 had inexpressibly obligated her
by having accepted the child in this extrernity, showing that 1 loved her more
than myself. As 1 was weeping for this blessed child in the Dominican church,
that is of St. Thomas, 1 saw Seraphim who came to console me, but this was
for the death of my Sister Catherine de Jesus, called Richardon in the world,
who had <lied in our monastery in Avignon on Holy Thursday.
It was no mediocre consolation to hear from the lips of this devout and
educated priest that Y ou wanted me in my present state. He assured me that,
were 1 obliged to observe the cloister by profession, 1 could not maintain your
monastery in Paris and that Grenoble and the Congregation in Lyons could
exist no longer, because 1 would be powerless to act and aid them in their
need. Father Decret told me the same thing, aware of the fact that those who
had written him from Lyons and elsewhere that 1 was not doing your will, my
Divine Governor, were ignorant of this. They had all erroneously blamed me,
insisting that 1 invested the Sisters with the habit and did not take it extemally.
They added that 1 was like the bell or like those who built the ark during
Noah's day but did not enter it themselves. 1 was like the notaries who
obligate others, but not themselves. These discussions were not held only
among the ordinary people. (736) It formed part of the conversations oftheir
Majesties and Eminences. Thus, the contempt heaped upon me
by these
important ones of earth made me resolve to satisfy them against your orders. 1
would not discuss extensively with them, thinking 1 ought not do so, since 1
was restrained by modesty. Those who did not know me interpreted my
frankness to be vanity. They contended that 1 spoke too freely about the
illuminations You are pleased to communicate tome, my adorable Benefactor.
When the blockade was over, we discovered that our monastery had not
yet been repaired. Because the masons and other laborers worked there for
three weeks, we had to remain in the city until Ascension Day. Added to this
was a necessity due to the illness of our Sister Jeanne de Jesus, daughter of
Monsieur de Belly of Avignon. She was at death's door, unable to be transferred without endangering her life. Monsieur de la Chambre, the King's
physician, did not think he could cure her, saying that her body had no more
reserves. On the Feast of All Saints, she had corne from Grenoble with a
consuming fever that had caused her to waste away ever since the month of
September. Two Sisters of the said monastery had <lied from it. She would
have undoubtedly succumbed, as they did, had 1 not ordered her to be brought
to Paris close to me.
Dear Love, You know how many tears 1 shed to obtain from Y ou the
health of this child and how 1 begged You that she might become a religious. 1
beg your pardon for what 1 told Monsieur de Priesac, who came to visit me in
accordance with your will about the death ofthis child. (737) He considered it
inevitable, because, beside the continuai fever and terrible chest infection, she
was visibly swollen for two days. "Monsieur," 1 said to him, "1 know very well
that according to the knowledge of the doctors, my daughter is in danger, but
not according to my trust. 1 will weep in front of the Incarnate Word until He
heals her." 1 did this and You dried my tears, miraculously healing her. You
gave her the grace ofreceiving the holy habit on the thirty-first of May, Feast
of Saint Petronilla, the Montlay between the Feast of the Blessed Trinity and
Corpus Christi, my Lord and my God.
On May 31, 1649, a:fter 1 had invited Monsieur de la Chambre to attend
an investiture, he was inexpressibly astounded when he heard the voice of this
young girl and said: "It is death corne to life!" He marveled at her bodily
strength and presence of mind during the entire ceremony which in this Ortler
is very long, but it is so lovely and mysterious that it is not tiring. lt is your
Spirit who dictated it, 0 my Divine Love. (738)
- l6' -
selves become corrupt, because the Heavenly Spouse, who stands by the wall
of their cloister, regards them through the grill with indescribable jealousy. He
tells thcm to leave promptly and corne to their heavenly exercises and holy
meditation. There they will see the ravishing beauty of the flowers in the
sacred garden. Also, they will enjoy the fruit of the marvelous orchard ofthis
Divine Spouse that wisdom has planted for their recreation. Surge, arnica
mea, columba mea, formosa mea, et veni, Jam hiems transiit. Arise,
make haste, my love, my dove, my beautiful one, and came. For winter
is now past. (Cant 2:10c-l l) (739)
Do not think about anything that is of the world. It is a winter without fruit
and brings troublesome rains. Let them retire to their cisterns. Let them flow
in their rivulets that have their course below. Our garden possesses fountains
whose sources are divine. The Father and 1 are the sources of the Holy Spirit
who emanates from Us. He regards us and has a relationship with Us, for He
possesses equality with our one principle: Surge, propera, colomba mea.
and corne. My dove in the c/efts of the rock, in the hollow places of the
wal/, show me thy face. Let thy face sound in my ears: for thy voice is
sweet and thy face corne/y. (Cant 2:13c-14)
"I want to hear your voice which is my sweet, melodious music. You
should neither sing nor speak except to praise Me. Y our face should be
concealed from all in the world so as not to be unveiled except in my presence. My Apostle, who has perceived my jealousy, has declared that women
should be veiled in church in consideration of the angels, more so than men.
Job, who was not enlightened by the Gospel, stated that he had made a pact
with his eyes never to look at a virgin. My virgins owe Me more fidelity, not
seeing nor being seen by any man except through constraint that causes them a
suffering inexpressible to creatures."
I have made a digression. I beg You, my Divine Love, to let it be a lesson
to all religious who read it or hear it read. (741) I stated that our community
felt an indescribable satisfaction in its locatio~but, since every general rule has
exceptions, I want to add that one or two of your daughters, who still had not
received virtue from on high because they ruid not withdrawn like the others,
did not find your flowers and did not taste your honey. They possessed only
gall and apparent leaves, which fell because of their lack of devotion.
One ofthem shrewdly had herselfremoved by her nurse, and the other,
with great effort to lose her vocation, had her parents and others informed that
she had lost it. Who would believe that these two daughters would become
separated from and rejected by your community, having made themselves
unworthy of the happiness You had prepared for them? Everyone despaired
for their perseverance, except the one who hoped against all hope and tried
to imitate your faith:ful Abraham in ail things by believing in God; and this was
justified. I hoped in your goodness that your great mercy would not totally
abandon your daughters. (742) It brought them back to their mother, who
presented them to You, convincing their parents that their frailties would not
bring them etemal death. Certainly, it demonstrated your sovereign goodness
and power and the truth of the words I have declared: that they would belong
to the period when 1 chose the religious. They showed so much fervor that
they asked me, my daughter, the Assistant and the Mistress of novices, for the
holy habit. More than forty days later, with sighs and tears, they seemed
impelled by your Holy Spirit: Flabit Spiritus eius, et fuent aqu. Qui
annunciat verbum tuum Jacob, justifias et judicia sua Israel. His wind
shall blow, and the waters shall run. Who declareth his word to Jacob:
his justices and his judgments to Israel. (Ps 147:18-19)
May they and all who read this bear in mind that your Holy Spirit does not
grant this favor to all who resist his graces and their vocation as He did them.
He obligates them doubly to make good use ofthis intensified grace received:
Non fecit taliter omni nationi, et iudicia sua non manifestavit eis. Alleluia, Alleluia. He hath not done in lil manner to every nation: and his
judgments he hath not made manifest to them. Alleluia. (Ps 147:20)
On the F east of Kings in 1650, the first one received the holy habit. 1 pray
You, my Divine Savior, that she may hear from your mercy what your Father
told You through your justice: "Behold, this is my beloved Son, in whom 1 am
well pleased. May your Holy Spirit conduct her to the desert of holy religious
life where your grace will assist her. Thus, she will be victorious over all her
enemies. At the end ofher mortal life, which is the being set free from this
desert, may she be worthy ofbeing accompanied by your holy angels. May
they present her to Y ou, purified of every impurity so that Y ou may receive
her as your beloved spouse, saying to her: Sponsabo te mihi in sempiternum.
Iwill espouse thee tome/or ever. (Hos 2:19a) (743)
The other, seeing that she had chosen to do by her will what the Prodigal
Son had done in effect- that is, that she had requested being sent somewhere
far from your bouse where your love produces holiness which is appropriate
for your daughters who are your temples--began weeping, sobbing, sighing
and wailing aloud. She took hold ofmy feet while, prompted by your love in
the matemal loving way, 1 bent to embrace and kiss her. With a tendemess
.that was most urgent and inexplicable to me, 1 raised her up. 1 begged the
angels to praise Y ou with their angelical motets, and 1 invited all my Sisters,
your daughters, to share in the joy that I thought belonged to ail to see their
sisters return to the happiness they had chosen to lose. They were unaware of
the precipices wherein they were going to cast themselves, because one abyss
calls to another, whenever one leaves the vocation to which Your Spirit has
called one.
She received the holy habit on Thursday during the Octave ofyour glorious
Resurrection, being a novitiate companion of the one who had received it on
the Octave of Kings, as well as Sister Jeanne of Jesus whom You had so
providentially and miraculously healed. All three made their profession when
their years of probation or novitiate ended, each according to the time she had
received the habit. Lord, may they be invested with power and grace, which
is the beauty You love in your spouse, and may they rejoice on the Last Day.
- 10 6 -
Our Lord let me understand that the time He had set for raising
Monsieur de la Piardire to the priesthood was approaching. The
illness, death and glory that God gave bis wife.
gifts that will shine upon his head like brilliant, shining lamps. You will be two
olive trees in my dwelling. A number of years ago, I told you that you are my
dear Zorobabel, that all grandeur is but a mountain of presumptlon before you.
I will bring down this mountain and have you establish and perfect my house
with the means that I will place at your disposai. Your hands will establish it,
and we will perfect it: Manus Zorobabel fundaverunt domum islam, et
manus eius perficient eam. The hands of Zorobabel have laid the foundations ofthis house, and his hands shallfinish il. (Zach 4:9)
Y our wisdom, that knows ail things wisely and has counted the number of
our days, made known that those of Madame de la Piardire had corne to an
end. She took to her bed with a fever that consumed her mortal life to give
her the possession of a blessed eternity. (745) All who knew her could say
that her humility and charity had attained the highest perfection. The former
prompted her always to have a lowly opinion ofherself, considering herselfto
be nothing; that is, imperfect in everything she did. The latter made her
sacrifice her life by her care of the poor in St. Eustachius' parish. She could
be regarded as the holocaust ofboth corporal and spiritual charity. Her zeal in
encouraging ail the poor of the parish to go to Confession and Communion at
Easter caused her to overlook her own need for repose, food and refreshment. Indescribably affiicted, her husband begged me to pray to You to leave
her still longer. Feeling obliged to visit her, I went to the church of the
discalced Augustinian fathers to hear Mass and receive Holy Communion.
TuenYou told me: "For a number of years, you have known that she must die
before her husband. If not, the Holy Spirit will not descend upon him. He will
not become a priest unless she dies. Tell her that she will die from this illness."
Heaven, that wanted her, did not choose to leave her on earth for a long time.
The world was unworthy of this daughter ofheaven who no longer thought of
what she was leaving on earth. A few hours prior to her death, I asked if she
wanted to see her husband and four children. She made me understand that it
was not necessary, and thus, by these words, she did not want to see what
she was leaving behind her. With the Apostle, she could say: Unum autem,\
( l;t,f ) \
in Christo Jesu. But one thing 1 do: Forgetting the things that are
behind, and stretching forth myself to those that are be/ore, 1 press
towards the mark, to the prize of the supernal vocation of Gad in Christ
Jesus. (Phil 3: 13-14)
No longer should 1 have any other love or thought except for God." By a
holy donation, she entrusted me with the care of her husband and her children,
then being able to say as did the Prophet-King: Domine, probasti me, et
went past her feet. The person was unable to determine the material of this
mai-velous robe or the crown that was set upon her hair and elevated it in a
heavenly way. Upon seeing her face, she recognized her, but her beauty and
girth made her unrecognizable. Divinely adorned, tls soul ascended, and the
one who contemplated these marvels perceived that she did not walk on earth
or fly, but ascended into heaven. It seemed to her that this cherished soul
came from the place where I was kneeling. The same person, whom Y ou
allowed to see tls glorious soul, said that the latter was followed by a multitude of souls or glorified spirits. She was unable to distinguish the saints from
the angels. (748) She said to herself: "This glory is too magnificent for a
woman who is neither virgin nor martyr. This would be more appropriate for
the one who is here," alluding to your most unworthy servant. At tls moment,
she heard: "God does not exhaust the immense riches of his glory by adorning
this soul. He possesses infinite ones for whomever He wants to sanctify
through his goodness and the correspondence with grace that He gives."
Dear Love, the one to whom You chose to manifest tls glory thought that
I had had the same visions and that I had prayed to Y ou to convert her by that
manifestation. She told me that this soul and all her retinue had departed from
the place where I was located. When I spoke to Father Menam of the
Oratory, he made me give a brief account of my thanksgiving so as to tell him
about the precious death of the deceased. When the priest had left me, I was
surprised to see this person waiting by the railing. She was in a state of
astonishment and asked me: "Mother, did you see Madame de la Piardire in
glory?" At tls, I told her that she was too curious in asking about sometlng
that she had so completely repelled the preceding evening. At my rejection,
she was even more curious. This prompted me to look at her intently and
perceive by her face that she had an extraordinary attitude of recollection.
The more I looked at her, the more her modesty increased, and, what is a sign
of real visions, she seemed increasingly immersed in profound embarrassment.
Having authority over her, I asked her to speak openly tome and not to
conceal anytlng that had caused her condition. (749) She begged me not to
name her should 1 wish to repeat what she had seen, that I should indicate it as
part of my own experience, as though I had witnessed these things. She felt it
would be more authentic than coming from her and that I would be telling the
truth, since I had seen these marvels before she did. She added that this vision
began to appear to her near me and concluded near herself and that it had
lasted a long time. They were so indelibly imprinted in her memory that she
had remained attached to these sublime understandings. It was like the Apostles
upon the Mount of Olives when your Humanity ascended above the heavens
on the day of your glorious Ascension. When the angels saw them, in order to
withdraw them from their admiration, they told them: Viri Gali/ee, quid statis
aspicientes in clum? Ye men of Galilee, why stand you looking up to
heaven? (Actsl:ll)
In this vision, she received the he.l.fing of an incurable malady of a certain
faintness and weakness in all her limj:>s -that was often extreme. By this
experience, she had been pe~fectly he~ed. I asked her to record what she
had told me. It was evident that she had felt a very deep repugnance. She
obeyed me, but wrote with her left ha:1d so that her writing would not be
recognized. I took this to Monsieur de la Piardire, assisting him to read it.
Monsieur D'Archambaut, an ordinary assistant of the King, brother of the
deceased woman and who was in the )oom, said to Monsieur de la Piardire
and me when he had leamed about the glory his sister possessed: "In the
evening, a half hour before my sister expired, I withdrew from beside her bed,
because I just could not see her die. I went into her room, because she died
in the living-room. (750) I sat dowr; in a chair, momentarily overcome by
grief. I was suddenly awakened to ~ee. an angel dressed in an omate yellowgold robe who was leading a wom~ dressed in a flowing white robe that
resembled the habit of a religious. I quickly got up to go into the living-room
where I found her already dead."
Divine Wisdom, how acin~ir::lblr. Y ou are in your chosen ones who live
holily! Oh, how true it i~ ~1at ile to>ments of death do no touch them. In the
evening of life, Y ou hi~ve tli~m pr:,seri.ted to You by your angels with their
justice, and then You p~I'SIJnlly crown them with your mercy, adorning them
with majestic splend :;fs .at life's end. As I have said, she expired at 5:00
o'clock in the even1ng ,m Friday, May 13th, and was presented to Your
Majesty by her angel who had accompanied her during her works of charity.
This was represented by the golden yellow, and on Saturday, at ten o'clock in
the moming, You demonstrated that You had led her to your own glory with
the adornment of a holy spouse. Thus 1 can apply to her the words of your
beloved disciple: Vidi sanctam civitatem Ierusalem novam descendentem
de clo a Deo, paratam, sicut sponsam ornatam viro suo. 1 saw the holy
city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared
as a bride adorned for her husband (Apoc 21 :2)
1 must not omit what the priest who kept wake with her told me on Sunday
moming; that is, that he had been looking at her face that seemed beautiful to
him and that he was not at all perturbed by keeping wake for this blessed
body for the two following nights. (751) This was due to the fact that it was
kept in her bed a:fter death until Sunday a:ftemoon without the length of time or
the exceptional heat during these May days causing any bad odor. The man
who prepared her leaden coffin marveled that, when, on Sunday evening, he
picked up her remains to place them inside, it was as pliable as soft wax even
though three entire days had passed that her soul, which had inhabited it, had
departed. 1 can say that, by a divine marvel, this soul had been allowed to
visit it as though assisting at her own funeral, since she had spurned it so much
during life. She was buried at Saint Innocent on Montlay after the service
condcted at Saint Eustachius. 1 can declare and certify that 1 could visit it
only as a body that :filled me with respect and veneration. 1 had to kneel, and,
so as not to astound those present, 1 took the asperges and knelt before the
Cross, hardly able to pray for the soul of the deceased one, except to thank
God and pray for those in need of spiritual help. Thank You, my Divine Love,
for what You have done in your servant. The Sister (Sister Gravier) who
accompanied me the entire time 1 remained in this place, descended the great
stairway during the night. She was amazed not to be afraid, saying to herself:
"There is a dead person here, and 1 am descending al one!" As she made this
reflection, she interiorly heard: Beati mortui qui in Domino moriuntur.
Blessed are the deadwho die in the Lord (Apoc 14:13b) (752)
- 1a~ -
The Incarnate Word allowed me to marvel at his glory and allowed me to share in it. The favors He gave me during the month
of July. His love for me. The part that his august Mother gave
me on the Feast of her Assumption. The birth of Monseigneur
d'Orlean's son. About Saint Matthew. The things that Saint
Michael and his angels told me on their feast day. The visions 1
had on the Feast of the holy Apostles Simon and Jude.
know Hn, you loved Hn and never again offended Hn. As for me, 1 have
continued my offenses. Because of this, one can say about this unfaithful
spouse whom He deigns to love and whom his goodness had lodged in his
house: Quid est, quod di/ecta mea in domo mea facit scelera mu/ta?
What is the meaning that my beloved hath wrought much wickedness in
my house? (Jer 11:15)
For so many years through his love, He has daily given me the most holy
flesh ofthis divine Lover. He has prepared a new life for me and left me his
Precious Blood in the sacrament of Penance. He has provided me with an
inexpressible and continuai confidence in it, granting my body and spirit a
grace that can be described only by Him: Quam initiavit nobis viam novam,
et viventem per velamen, id est, carnem suam. A new and living way
which he hath dedicated for us through the veil, that is to say, his flesh.
(Heb 10:20)
Great saint, in the desert the angels elevated you seven times daily to join
them in praising their King, our same Love, but we are not told that You
received Communion every day. Certain contemplatives believe that their
General, Saint Michael, brought you a cross so that you might recall the
Passion of our adorable Spouse, as well as fight and overcome the temptations of your enemies. (754) Through love that surmounts all things, you were
always victorious. Pray to Hn that 1 may never be ungrateful for his favors
and that He may not allow me ever to stray, since He is my straight path; nor
to wander, for He is my truth. May 1 die in possession ofthis divine life. For
any offenses I may have committed, I trust in his mercy and declare to ail the
powers of my soul: Accedamus cum vero corde in plenitudine jidei, aspersit
corda a concientia ma/a et abluti corpus acqua munda: teneamus spei
nostr confessionem indeclinabilem (fidelis enim est qui repromisit). Let
us draw near with a true heart, in fullness of faith, having our hearts
sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with clean
water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering (for
he isfaithful that hath promised). (Heb 10:22-23) And let us not abandon
our divine refreshment. Let us not deprive ourselves of daily Communion,
which is our Viaticum, to pass from the pilgrimage of this world-that is a
dark night-into the day of etemity, a day that Y ou make, my Lord and my
Dear Love, without a crime deserving your greatest punishment through the
justice ofyour most ardent love for me, could 1 possibly withdraw from your
table where Y ou nurture and have me so delightfully repose. Y ou tell me that
this deprivation would make you feel pains incomprehensible to me. As for
what pertains to your fidelity toward me, just as You will not die again and that
death will never eliminate Y ou, so, too, You would not deprive me of this holy
collation. (JJ;) 1 should highly esteem your Precious Blood with which Y ou
cleanse and inebriate me. Tuen Y ou would take delight in my requests. With
patience, for a time, You endure those who stamp on this adorable Blood of
the Testament of Love. The punishment for such a crime toward a God who
died for us will be ordained by a living God: Horrendum est incidere in
manus Dei viventis. Justus autem meus ex fide vivit: quod si subtraxerit
se, non placebit anim me. lt is afearful thing to /ail into the hands of
the living God. My just man liveth by faith: but if he withdraw himself,
he shall not please my soul. (Heb 10:31; 38)
Divine Savior, may 1 be justified by your justification and that of all your
saints together with Y ou. By your testament, You ordained this to surpass any
sacrifice. My gentle Redeemer, Y ou tell me that You prefer your mercy
toward me to all the ancient sacrifices: Immola Deo sacrificium laudis, et
your right hand, accepted me in the distribution of graces that she made of her
throne of glory to those whom You love. She gave me a generous portion, so
that I may say: Funes ceciderunt mihi in prclaris; etenim hereditas mea
prclara est mihi. The Unes arefallen unto me in goodly places: for my
inheritance is goodly tome. (Ps 15:6)
On August 17th at 5 :OO o'clock in the morning, the portress came to tell
me that the Duchess of Orleans had given birth to a son, according to my
prediction which she called prophecy. Your goodness always fulfills what it
prompts me to say a long while in advance. I rejoiced in the excitement ofthis
fine Duchess, who had undergone trials for a number of years in a:filiction and
half-consolations, because she had had only daughters. In the midst of my
joy, I was troubled, since You let me see a pit that was almost filled with the
blood spilled and shed by women. This vision troubled me. I felt obliged to
share it the same day with Monsieur de la Piardire and my daughters, who
recall it as does he. Your goodness strengthened me, calming my spirit near
the great Saint Michael on his feast day. As I praised and admired him, with
his faithful angels, I told him that he had triumphed over the dragon and ail his
rebel angels, expelling them from the Empyrean heaven by his glorious victory,
through the power ofyour Blood: (757) !psi vicerunt eum propter sanguinem
Agni, et propter verbum testimonii sui. And they overcame him by the
blood of the Lamb and by the word of the testimony. (Apoc 12:1 la)
The word of their witness is the word that Saint Michael uttered, the first
that acquired for him his name "Who is like God?": Michael, quis sicut Deus;
Michael, who is /ike God I admired this marvelous declaration, praising this
first faithful one and repeating: Michael, quis ut Deus? This magnificent
prince, through an ineffable courtesy, together with all his angels, replied:
Jesus amor meus, Jesus amor meus; Jesus, my love, Jesus, my love. By a
profound self-emptying or evacuation, they were like echoes, for they replied:
Jesus amor meus. Since I was astounded by their repeated response, Saint
Michael told me: "Just as the Divine Word has honored me with this holy
name whose repetiti_o n is acceptable to Him, He wants you to be honored and
praised by all his chosen ones, wearing upon your heart: Jesus amor meus,
which is as great and as adorable as these words: Quis sicut Deus.
Enraptured by these repetitions by all your chosen ones and the saints who
pronounced them for the honor and glory of the Saint of saints, my soul
desired to take up its abode with them and leave extemal occupations; namely,
the care of the kitchen. 1 told this Prince of the angels that 1 had fulfilled this
charge for a number of years and that certainly 1 could be discharged from this
taxing duty to be occupied in contemplating the divine mysteries with greater
ease. (758) Assembling as though in a chapter and consultation, they all
concluded, together with the opinion of the saints, that 1 should still be left and
confirmed in this charge as cook in the Incarnate Word's house. He said that,
with his angels, he had prepared and given manna to the people oflsrael for
forty years in the desert.
On the eve of the Feast of the holy Apostles Saint Simon and Saint Jude,
when 1 went to our chapel to adore Y ou in your most august Sacrament, You
were pleased to favor me with ineffable graces. You appeared to me with a
triple crown of diamonds, letting me see heaven open, whose vaults shone like
your crown. 1 was fascinated by these marvelous spectacles. Y our benignity
invited me to draw near your loving Majesty, saying tome: Come doser, my
spouse. Have no fear of the persecution by your enemies: Mult fi/i
10 3 -
On the Feast of Ali Saints, they accepted me into the participation of their happiness. It pleased the Divine Savior to gratify me
on the Feast of the Octave of the Saints and its dedication. What
1 understood for bis Order. His protection over and dispensations toward me.
On the Feast of All Saints, You were pleased to have them welcome me,
having me share in their happiness, but, since 1 was a pilgrim, my soul saw that
it was engaged in responsibilities from which they had been delivered; that is,
being obliged to inform a body that retained it on life's journey and occupied in
very lowly matters, since it had to take care of what concerned the senses. It
declared: Infelix ego; Unhappy am 1 (759)
Confessors, telling me that for many years your Spirit inspired and led me in
your piety; with the Virgins, for sharing in their roses as well as their lilies. You
had commanded me to establish your Ortler with its white and red liveries,
since these are your colors.
Divine Love, You chose to honor me by your marvelous marriage, espousing me in the presence of your heavenly courtiers, leaving me like a widow on
earth to guide our children ever since the eve of the Ascension 161 7 when
You told me to remain for love of You. When I saw that I was abandoned by
those who could have assisted me in promoting your glory, You prompted me
to describe your Divine Paraclete, your Love, the Holy Spirit from whom I
receive ail graces and possessions. You told me to recall that, since the year
1619, I was accepted by the Holy Innocents into their company on Mount
Sion. I then received from your goodness the impression ofyour Father's
Name and yours with a delightful kiss from your Father, and yours with a
sweet kiss from your most sacred and divine lips. All your holy angels
received me into their nine choirs, elevating me up to their heavenly hierarchies
by marvelous impressions. Your august Mother cherished me as your august
bride and her daughter, although most unworthy of either of these favors. I
humbled myself more than I can say. You shed your graces abundantly and
superabundantly within me, there where sin had abounded. (761)
I spent the Octave of All Saints, just like the Feast, with ineffable daily
favors, because ofyour new blessings. On the Feast ofyour Dedication, 0
my Divine Savior, you gave me no less grace than You did Solomon at the
dedication of your former Temple. You had me recall that, in the presence of
ail your saints, You had called me "a miracle oflove." I told You that You
were obligated to make me what You had called me, that I ought not bear this
title in vain. Your words give reality to what they signify, and, above ail,
regarding your graces and favors, You tend to give me grace for grace. The
law had been given by Moses: Quia /ex per Moysen data est, Gratia et
veritas per Jesus Christum Jacta est. For the /aw was given by Moses:
grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. (Jn 1: 17)
Your goodness allowed me to tell You confidently that it could justify and
protect me from the contradictions of tongues that criticized my conferring the
habit without apparently wearing it myself. You told me: "My daughter, 1
have brought you into the world as a proverb for many and an enigma that
men cannot understand by feeble reason." (762) You added that Y ou had
been unknown among your own who never understood your qualities, that
You were the wisdom in mysteries concealed from men who presumed themselves to be wise and prudent. The princes of the era did not know You; they
were unaware of your divine filiation with your Divine Father, who had sanctified You before sending You into the world. You possess substantial grace.
They considered it blasphemy when You called Yourself the Son of God.
When they crucified You, they scoffed at You, saying that You should corne
down if You were the Son of God. They regarded You to be an imaginary
God and King who saved others, but could not save Himself. To John the
Baptist, whom they considered crude and mortified, they attributed the quality
of Messias, which pertains to You and is essentially due to Y ou. Men
consider the exterior. You are the Etemal Priest who did not receive your
priesthood from men, but, with an oath worthy of Him, from your Father.
They should tell and show me from whom Moses had received the priesthood,
he who consecrated and made Aaron and his children priests, investing them
with priestly attire. "My daughter, what would they reply to these words?"
Lord, You Yourselfhad anointed them as sacred and invested them in your
tabernacle in the presence ofyour angels. Erninently and augustly, they received from Y ou the anointing and priestly robes, just as Y ou had let me
understand that You gave me, the most unworthy ofyour creatures. (763)
The Prophet-King caJls him a priest, together with Aaron, when he says:
Moyses et Aaron in sacerdotibus eius; Moses and Aaron among his priests.
(Ps 98:6) "My daughter, whoever knows about the marvelous mercies 1 have
worked in you will not doubt that 1 have eminently and marvelously given you
the Ortler and the habit that you have given and do give your daughters. 1
have imparted to you the power to accomplish what he has achieved and the
requisite mission.
"The Holy Father, the Archbishop of Avignon, the Bishop of Grenoble, the
Vicar General and the Priors of Saint Germain have been only following my
orders in this. Tuen, let people talk. 1 have chosen you for great things. You
are the mother and nurse of this Order which is, it seems, endangered upon
the waters, as was Moses. To nourish him, his mother was called, after
Pharaoh's daughter had withdrawn him from the water. My providence had
this plan that surpasses men's orders. There is no rule so general that it cannot
have an exception. 1 have often told you that ail the laws given to others are
not meant for you, because 1 am pleased to favor you due to the dispositions
of my goodness and wisdom. 1 am the Lord; 1 do what 1 wish in heaven and
on earth." (764)
- l:J -
The Incarnate Word invited me to ask Him for a New Year's gift;
what He told me on the Feast of the Kings while my daughters
were renewing their vows; and what I understood on the Feast of
the Incarnation, Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Ascension Day.
habit nor had 1 made religious profession. By your royal and divine benignity,
Y ou bent toward me and said to me: "Why are you upset, my only one, my
<love, whom 1 consider beautiful. Ail the daughters are symbolized by the
sixty queens, the eighty concubines and the innumerable young women, but
she is the unique <love, the one whom my divine goodness has engendered, whom 1 prefer to ten thousand. He addressed the words ofElcana to
Anna, his wife, tome: Anna, cur fies? et quare non comedis? et quam ob
rem afjligitur cor tuum? numquid non ego melior tibi sum, quam decem
filii? Anna, why weepest thou? And why dost thou not eat? And why
dost thou afjlict thy heart? Am not 1 better to thee than ten children? (1
Also, Y ou were giving me all these gifts. Bowing your Head toward me, You
gave me an outpouring of your Spirit, seeing me standing by your Cross
together with your Blessed Mother, whom the disciple of grace, Saint John,
had received for himself. By your inclination and loving goodness, she was
mine. I received her with most humble, loving gratitude.
On Easter Sunday, upon offering me your victories, You made nie understand that Y o.u were victorious over the world, the devil and the flesh. Although this was done through your merit, your most courteous goodness and
civility did not want to enjoy it without having me share in it. You said to me:
"You are my Deborah, seated, standing and progressing along life's journey.
With Me, you fight the battle for the palm that is assuredly mine, for I finish as
the Conqueror. I entreat you, in all your circumstances, my beloved, then,
consider what glory I have merited. I overcame my enemies who hoped to
get the spoils, whereas in the meantime I distributed them to my chosen ones
in Limbo, the tomb and upon Calvary, where, through her strong fidelity, my
wonderful Mother attached Sisara to the wood of my Cross.
"She is the wonderful Jahel who caused the leader of the condemned and
his followers to be thrown into confusion while she was victorious upon Calvary. C!J) Even more, sl).e is the incomparable Deborah. I did not want to
ascend there without her, because she was present at the battle by which the
victory over infernal powers was won.
By a tree, the first Eve and the first Adam received the punishment of
disgrace and death, leaving death for their entire unfortunate posterity. Due to
another tree, the second Eve and the second Adam gave life to all the elect
who are their blessed posterity. Calvary became a Tabor, because, through
the power of my voice, I was there acknowledged to be the Son of God:
Videns autem centurio, qui ex adverso stabat quia sic c/amens expirasse!,
ait: vere hic homo filius Dei erat. Now, the centurion, seeing what was
done, glorified God, saying: Jndeed this was ajust man. (Lk 23:47)
On the Feast ofyour triumphant Ascension, when I awoke at three o'clock
in the moming, I heard: Terribilis est locus iste, non est hic alius nisi
domus Dei et porta cli. How terrible is this place! This is no other but
the house o/God, and the gate ofheaven. (Gen 28:17b)
After seeing a ladder extending from heaven to earth, Jacob declared:
"Truly this place is terrible; it is the house of God and the gate ofheaven." He
saw that the Lord sat at the top and that the angels ascended and descended
the steps. Rejoice today, my daughter, for you see Me ascend from the
Mount of Olives above the heavens. I am the Angel of the Great Council. I
am God and Man, the glory of heaven and earth, the victor and triumphant
One par excellence, who takes away my chosen ones who were captives so
as to give them the glory I have acquired for them. (768) Thus the declaration
of the Royal Prophet is fulfilled: Ascending above the heavens, I lead captivity
captive. I am their glorious Assumption, giving a donation among the living to
all my chosen ones. The day of the Last Supper was none other than a
testament to assure my death. Draw near, my beloved; in abundance receive
the anointing that flows from my Sacred Wounds. Consider the path of
heaven and of earth: Ltentur cli, exultet terra; Let heaven rejoice and
earth exult. ( 1 Par 16: 11) Marvel at my elevation, how I ascend by my own
power and that all the angels in acclamation tell my Divine Father: "Behold
Him who ascends in jubilation and to the sound of trumpets! He is your Son,
Mirabilis Jacta est scientia tua ex me; Confortata est, et non potero ad
eam. Thy knowledge is become wonderfa/ to me: it is high, and I cannot
reach to if. (Ps 138:6)
"When I came across this small fragment of paper written personally by our
devout Mother Jeanne Chezard de Matel, Foundress and Institutrix of our
Congregation of the Incarnate Word, I was prompted to place it in this book
of her works, fearing that it might become lost among the other papers. What
induced me to do so was my respect for this worthy Mother and the veneration 1 have always had for her solid virtue, besides my esteem for her Writings. All persans of merit and others, likewise, have valued them. It will be
easy to remove it from this location if the ten lines of the other part are found
marked in her own book."
March 1635
On Good Friday, as 1 was lovingly complaining to my Spouse that He went
to his death without me, as did Saint Lawrence and Pope Saint Sixtus, 1 asked
ifl might assist at his sacrifice. 1 wanted to share in it by the immolation of
myself and of my own death. The reply given me was that 1 would be left to
endure a longer death, to be interiorly placed on the gridiron, like Saint Lawrence,
and to distribute the treasures of the Church as he did. What comprises this is
the understanding of God's word that David valued more than gold, silver or
any jewels on earth: Super aurum et topazion; Above gold and the topaz.
(Ps 118:127b)
- 11 0 -
The Blessed Virgin's glory and grandeur; the graces God gave
me during ber entire Octave. The Feast of Saint Ennemond.
The Seraphim are closest to the Incarnate Word's sacrifice. He
is the immortal Victim. He is the sacrifice of peace. He is the
Eternal Priest who accepts the prayers of bis faithful beloved.
A few days around the Feast of the Assumption ofyour radiant Mother,
whom Y ou have crowned with twelve stars, dressed with the sun, shod with
the moon, 1 was blinded by her prodigious splendors. My dazzled spirit
declared: Et nox sicut dies illuminabitur; sicut tenebr eius, ita et lumen
eius. And night shall be light as the day: the darkness thereof and the
light thereof are alike to thee. (Ps 138:12b)
"My daughter, 1 have chosen you tolet you understand my marvelous,
mysterious wisdom. 1 want to match you against the woman described by my
beloved disciple in his Apocalypse, whose name is a mystery: Et in .fronte
eius nomen scriptum: Mysterium; On her forehead a name was written:
A mystery. (Apoc 17:5a) Just as, by my powerful light, 1 have destroyed the
works of the devil and gathered the dispersed children of Israel, 1 want you to
destroy his evil works and reunite the doctors to me. They are my Israelites
who have wandered away. By their vanity, they have been prompted by their
presumption. Knowing that 1 deserve all praise and glory, they have been
govemed by their senses. They do not give it tome." Lord, my God, what
are You saying? Is it to mortify me by the thoughts they will have of me, but,
what am 1 saying! You are the Lord of all. You told your Apostles to untie
the ass and her foal so as to bring them You. U sing both of them, You
deigned to enter Jerusalem in triumph where the children at the breast sang
your praises, blessing You and praying that You would take them from the
earthly Jerusalem up to (771) the palace of the heavenly one. They exclaimed:
Hosanna Filio David: benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini: Hosanna
in excelsis. Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in
the name of the Lord: Hosanna in the highest. (Mt 21 :9)
One day during this Octave, after Holy Communion, 1 was marveling at
your goodness toward me. You let me understand that it was as wonderful as
that of all the saints in heaven, who in suspense considered these outpourings
upon me. 1 puzzled them, as well as people on earth, because all could see
my imperfections, for which 1 felt and always feel great embarrassment in the
presence ofyour Divine Majesty. With ineffable tendemess, You told me:
"Baby/on dilecta mea posita est mihi in miracu/um. Baby/on, my be/oved, is become a wonder to me. (Is 21 :4b)
"My daughter, a number of years ago, 1 told you that you are my miracle of
love. Now 1 am telling you that you are the book sealed with seven seals,
which cannot be opened nor known except by the Lamb whom you have
heard. He is a Lamb that is the lion of the tribe of Juda, conqueror of all his
enemies, a book in which my wisdom has written. He is all mystery. It is a
mysterious Apocalypse that 1 make with you and within you. It is written
extemally by your exterior actions which ordinary persans can neither read nor
interpret. A Daniel is required who possesses and is the Spirit of the Father
and of the Son, our Holy Spirit. (772) My dearest daughter, I am also the
interpreter of our mysteries." Blessed may You be, my God, my ordinary and
extraordinary Physician, who distill your dew upon me moming and evening.
Y ou make me your peaceful Sion and Jerusalem in all your locations. I will
praise Y ou: ln Deo laudabo Verbum," in Domino laudabo sermonem. ln
ised to be relieved of this, because it was there that You found all your delight.
The Etemal Father is pleased that You are the Etemal Priest and immortal
Victim in your glorious, loving life. All the saints are enraptured with admiration andjoy at sight of the excess ofthis love that is impenetrable to all of
them. Setting aside all that is not God, my soul entered the divinity through
Him and in Him to see this wonderful marvel that your wisdom and incomprehensible goodness had invented so as to offer an etemal holocaust to your
Heavenly Father. He took a holy, delectable delight in it, declaring to all the
heavenly citizens: "Behold my Son in whom 1 am well pleased. Contemplate
Him by adoring Him, and adore Him by contemplating Him." Have you ever
thought about this sacred, loving invention of the powerful, gentle and etemal
dilection, a sacred love that consumes Him and makes Him live in this state as
an endless Victim of glory, for He is the Eternal Priest. Cf~) He desires to be
an etemal Victim, in gratitude for the eternal, immense divinity and to maintain
the cult of the most august, most devout religion that a loving God could have
invented. For all eternity, men and angels will be delighted about this. As 1
have said, elevated in this sublime suspension, my soul exclaimed to itself:
Lord, Jntroibo in domum tuam in holocaustis: reddam tibi vota mea qu
distinxerunt labia mea. 1 will go into thy house with burnt offerings: 1
will pay thee my vows, which my lips have uttered. (Ps 65: l 3-l 4a)
Divine Savior, You invited me to enter your heavenly city to visit You, Y ou
who are the adorable temple as well as the infinite holocaust. Y ou called me
so gently that 1 did not reply what the people of Bethlehem said to Samuel:
Paci.ficusne est ingressus tuus? Js thy coming hither peaceable? (1 Kg
16:44) It was, because You gave me your peace by becoming mine, assuring
me that Y ou are a sacrifice of peace for me and a holocaust of infinite,
immense love. 1 was to offer You to your Father through Y ou, the Etemal
Priest; 1 should make my vows to Y ou in the presence of all your saints. My
lips have distinctly pronounced them to Y ou with ardent words that stemmed
from the abundant source or furnace Y ou had set in my heart. Y ou deigned
Y ourself to maintain this sacred fire, personally fulfilling what Y ou had commanded the priests. (775)
_. Through your grace, 1 offer them to Y ou in the
Militant Church and, by your glory, You offer them in the Triumphant one, for
Y ou asked me for them with ineffable goodness. You do so, even though I
am most unworthy because of my sins and imperfections which Y ou despise
to the extent that Y ou love your essence. I do indeed <lare address Y ou with
my own lips, acknowledging my iniquities which trouble and afflict me because
Y ou are good. I offer Y ou sacrifices: Et locutum est os meum, in tribulatione
- 111 -
by this loving questioning and having discovered You, they asked You: "Wh9re
dwellest thou?" Impelled and pressed Love replied: "Come and see," and
they stayed with Him that day: Hc dies quam fecit Dominus; exultemus,
et ltemur in ea. This is the day which the Lord hath made: let us be
glad and rejoice therein. (Ps 117:24)
It is a day which You made, my Lord, enlightening these two disciples with
your own light. They saw the burning bush aflame without being consumed;
their feet were llilshod of any other affection. They were delighted to see the
Holy Land, yes, this Land of Promise seen only from afar by Abraham, all the
Patriarchs and all the Prophets except for Zacharias and Saint John the Bap- .
tist. Saint Andrew spoke personally to your Majesty made Man, thereby
receiving sacred oracles which he was to reveal to the whole world: ln
omnem terram exivit sonus eorum, et in fines orbis terr verba eorum.
Their sound hath gone forth into ail the earth: and their words unto the
ends of the world (Ps 18:5) (JJ,J )
He said them to the one You had chosen to be high priest, that is to say,
his brother Simon. Your choice in this did not offend Saint Andrew, although,
by age and vocation, he was the elder and had been called before his brother.
He conceived such perfect love for your sacrifice that he did not want to
aspire to anything more than to sacrifice himself for You, for he sacrificed You
daily as the Lamb ofGod offered for the salvation of the world. He wanted to
be at the right hand of your Father, living by your glorious life, after all
Christians had partaken, do partake and will partake of You in this Holy
Sacrifice, adorable Sacrament and your pleasing Sacrifice. His joy was complete when he saw his altar that symbolized yours for him. He greeted it with
the words of an impassioned lover: 0 bona crux diu desiderata, et iam
concupiscenti anima prparata: securus et gaudens venio ad te, ita et tu
exultans suscipias me discipulum eius, qui pependit in te. 0 good Cross,
so long desired and now set up for my longing soul! Confident and
rejoicing, 1 corne to you; exultingly receive me, a disciple of Him who
hung upon you. (Ant. II: Vespers, St. Andrew)
After being raised upon it, he did not want to descend. There he confounded Lucifer, for, through love of the Cross, he became like the Son of the
Most High upon the mountain of the Testament, where he beheld the whole
Trinity who came to him and suspended him in the air. There They made a
sacred victory by which the angels adored, together with Saint Andrew, the
Living One of the ages upon ages. (778) They allowed Saint Andrew to see
the glory of their unique deity and the marvels of their adorable society. He
saw Y ou, Divine Lamb, seated at the right hand of your Father. He saw Y ou
full of glory and truth. He adored Y ou in your marvelous light and, together
with him, all your saints. As a sweet odor, Y ou received him in a sacred
holocaust. With David, he said to Y ou: Jntroibo in domum tuam in
On the Feast of the ardent and most fervent Apostle of the Indies, Saint
Francis Xavier, I felt humiliated at the sight of my sins. Through justice, I was
impelled and prompted to make honorable reparation to Y ou, not only for
myself in particular, but for ail sinners. With a zeal inexplicable to me that You
produced, I offered myselfto receive the punishment and suffering for everyone even to enduring the pains of hell to make reparation for ail to your Divine
Majesty offended by ail. This was on condition that, due to your indignation, I
were not to be deprived of your grace or of loving You perfectly, adoring You
in spirit and in truth.
Unable to leave me a long time in this pain, Your goodness inclined toward
me (ifl may so speak), allowing me to see a luminous ray by which I saw this
word in blue letters: Justus; the Just One. (779) Thereby I understood that
my sins and those of ail men had been immersed in You, my Divine Savior, the
Just One par excellence and the source of all justification. Y ou made me
recall what your favorite disciple had said: Advocatum habemus apud
nostris: non pro nostris autem tantum, sed etiam pro totius mundi. We
have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the just. And he is the
propitiation for our sins: and not for ours on/y, but also for those of the
whole world (1 Jn 2 : 1b-2)
I was filled with loving confidence that Y ou had remitted and pardoned my
sins which, with humble contrition, I had confessed, and that Y ou had cleansed
and purged me of all my iniquities. Elevated above itself by a divine attraction,
my soul withdrew from the cleansing-place and was united to Y ou by a
powerful, gentle inclination. Instructing me about the glory that Y ou had
imparted to this great saint, Y ou told me that Y ou had made him like those
who witnessed your Transfiguration. These he had imitated, baptizing your
Indian people, not symbolically by the cloud, but by a true Baptism. Delivering them from the slavery of sin, Y ou had them pass through these salutary
waters to the very possession of grace and glory that is the Land of Promise.
The Holy Spirit had hovered over these waters to warm them with his loving
ardors. (780) You gave him the fervor of Elias. You made him your Apostle,
as zealous as the Sons of Thunder, Saint James and Saint John, who remained a virgin. Like Saint Peter, he had converted thousands of people by
his preaching. This great Saint Xavier was elevated by Y ou to such a marvelous glory that it would enrapture us with admiration for your goodness were it
Inveni David virum secundum cor meum. 1 have found David, a man
according ta my own heart. (Acts 13:22)
Y ou wanted me to pray for two things for him: that he might perfectly
possess the kindness of Saint Nicolas and the eloquence of Saint Ambrose. I
treated him as though Y ou had already granted him what Y ou wanted me to
wish for him, together with the dignity as the Archbishop of Toulouse.
This is what I told Monsieur de Priesac who, as soon as he saw him,
informed him about my wish for him. It intensified the latter's affection for me
that he had had ever since 1642. He said: "I want to maintain this friendship
to the extent that I am able to go to the Incarnate Word." After he left the
parlor, I conversed with You and your saints. I wanted to imitate the humility
of Saint Nicolas. (781) He considered himself to be a great sinner, although a
number of people believe that he was sancti:fied in his mother's womb and that
the history of his life declares that, from the tirne he was bom, he fasted twice
a week, feeding at his nurse's breast only once a day.
The great Archbishop of Milan enraptured my spirit as much by his devotion as by his eloquence. Could I not possess a most profound love for the
one who, symbolically speaking, begot a father for us by converting our
Father, Saint Augustine, and by giving him tous after his regeneration by
baptism. We ought to sing the Te Deum with a universal devotion, for we are
especially obligated to thank the Holy Spirit who dictated this marvelous hymn
by a divine union for the glory of the Most Adorable Trinity, the Most Sacred
Humanity, and the entire Church. As daughters of the latter, we should rejoice
in the holiness of each of these saints, recalling that this holy, totally-ardent
Prelate told us that we have a good Lord. Let us feel his goodness and look
for it in simplicity of heart, loving our Divine Savior, who became our food.
Not content with having created heaven and earth for us and ofhaving given
us blessings and the Sacraments, which are the channels of his graces, He
chose to give us Hirnself, He who is the Giver and Author of our wonderful
sacraments in the adorable Sacrament of the Eucharist. It is marvelous grace
and divine thanksgiving. He is God of God, Light of light, the source of
gentleness, through whom we draw abundantly from the fountains of his
Wounds. (782) Thereby we are satisfied; indeed, inebriated, saying to Hirn in
total ecstasy: "Lord, what generosity toward mankind: lnebriabuntur ab
11ci... -
Dear Love, to what a state was my soul reduced! 0, You knew this when
his indiscreet lips uttered several times that your all-pure and radiant Mother
was black, and, through an inexplicable contempt, he dwelt on these words:
that she had had original sin! He told his listeners that it had been for a
short time. 0, my Heart, what a wound received through our ears! My pen
cannot express my feelings when I heard this insult to the Mother of Beautiful
Love. This tongue that eut with a double-edge (without being the sword
which Saint John alludes to in his Apocalypse) pierced me totally. I felt as
desolate as your lamenting Prophet explaining the anguish and affliction of the
Daughter of Jerusalem and the Daughter of Sion. If all your creatures were
reduced to one, they still could not say, by the pen of this Prophet in his
Lamentations: Cui comparabo te, vel cui assimi/abo te, Filia Jerusalem?
Cui exquabo te, et consolabor te, Virgo, .filia Sion? (784) Magna est
enim velut mare contritio tua; Quis modebitur tui? Defuerunt pr lacrymis
oculi mei. To what shall 1 compare thee, or to what shall l liken thee, 0
daughter of Jerusalem? To what shall 1 equal thee, that 1 may comfort
thee, 0 virgin daughter ofSion? For great as the sea is thy destruction:
Who shall heal thee? My eyes havefailedfrom weeping. (Lam 2:13; 1 la)
My daughters, what can 1 say! 1 am indescribably troubled: Conturbata
sunt viscera mea; My bowels are troubled. (Lam 2:1lb) My daughters
came to see me when he had finished his sermon that was injurious to Her
who never had, never could have and never will ever have any stain; who has
been, who is, and who for all eternity will be the all-pure creature to receive
the Divine Word. Unable to speak, they surrounded me, as had Job's friends,
being reduced to affliction itself. When 1 could finally express my pain, my
spirit was afflicted and supercharged beyond measure: Quasi arena maris
Upon hearing your admirable Mother spoken about with such contempt,
Monsieur de la Piardire felt the same pain that 1 did. He told me that 1 had to
( '1-<at )
These realities made him snap and utter words that 1 will not repeat, nor
should 1 record them here through modesty, a modesty that enabled me to
endure all his wrath which astonished me greatly. 1 said to him: "Father, 1
would never have thought that your Reverence would become so angry, because our sacristan had convinced me some years ago that you strive to live in
the continuai presence of God, not saying any u5eless words. (W ) lbis fact
gave me special esteem for you, besides the respect 1have for your religious
profession and veneration for your character." lfl am not mistaken, these
words and others might have appeased anyone else except him. On the
contrary, he presumed ail the more on his authority, saying many things, that
must be kept quiet through charity. With very piercing bittemess, he added
that he would not corne any more. Nonetheless, 1 held that he would change
his mind and make us obligated to him. Should he not take the trouble to
corne administer the Sacraments to us, 1 would notify the Prior. 1 strove to
appease him so as to win him over by your words, my Divine Savior, who are
sweeter than honey, begging him to go up to the altar so as to offer You in
Sacrifice, for You are the Lamb of God who eradicates and takes away the
sins of the world. (790) 1 received You from his bands, as though doing so
from your own, with so much tranquillity and peace because of this talk that 1
could say: In pace in idipsum dormiam, et requiescam. In peace in the
se/fsame I will s/eep, and I will rest. (Ps 4:9)
Dear Love, You know that 1 continued with the sentiments of respect 1
possessed for him anp that 1 banished from my thoughts ail upsetting things
that he had told me and my entire community in order not to diminish the
regard 1 wanted to have for his virtue, except for the above-declared idea
regarding my holy Queen. They well understood that the charity 1 exercised
toward him and my simplicity like that of a <love led me to be influenced by the
account the sacristan had made me of his mortification. The latter was resolved to converse with him. She did so, being also the portress, but un"known to me, discussing many topics with him. The result would be embarrassment for her and inexpressible suffering for the Order and for me. (791)
Dear Love, 1 do not know if 1 were Jonas asleep while so many pilots
were in tonnent causoo by the storm that they wished to calm by throwing me
out of the monastery, aspiring to take possession of ail that your Providence
had magnificently and angelically given in my own name to follow your intentions. Ignoring ail the tempests arousoo by this priest and a number of others,
I lived in peace.
During the Octave of the Immaculate Conception of your most august
Mother, I reflected on the exceptional favors which your Father, You and the
Holy Spirit had given her. Interiorly apologizing to this wonderful Empress,
the most beautiful among the beautiful, I said to her: "You are black, my holy
Princess, in the eyes of those who cannot detect your whiteness. (792) They
are owls who despise the light. You are black, my all-beautiful one, in the
abysmal depths of the one who hides you in his darkness: Posuit tenebras
The convent to which this preacher daims he belongs does love you, even
though his tongue has wounded you. (794) I still receive and suffer from the
after-effects that cruelly grieve me. But, Lady, I am drawn to die for your
Immaculate Conception. At the moment of my death, I will say, if I can, for
an entire etemity: Tata pulchra es, et macula non est in te. Thou art ail
fair, and there is nota spot in thee. (Cant 4:7)
In God's mind, before your conception, you were all-pure; totally pure in
your conception at the moment when Saint Anne, your mother, conceived
you, Daughter of Jerusalem. Once again, our august Queen is black within the
soul of those who cannot see her brilliant whiteness, but she is beautiful in the
eyes of those who see with their own eyes. They have been blinded by the
order that the Prophet Isaias received from this God who is upon his high
throne. (795) Their ears are offended. They judge according to their reasonings. They do not understand the mystery which the Oracle reveals to the little
ones, in which your Son, 0 my Augus~ One, rejoices. He declared: Confiteor
tibi, Pater, Domine cli et terr, quia abscondisti hc a sapientibus, et
prudentibus, et revelasti ea parvulis. !ta Pater: quoniam sic fuit placitum
ante te. 1 confess to thee, 0 Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because
thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed
them to little ones. Yea, Father: for so hath it seemed good in thy sight.
(Matt 11 :25b-26) (796)
113 -
Divine Wisdom allowed Saint Thomas' doubt to affirm and enlighten our faith. His love which is an abyss. The blessings 1
received on Christmas Day, the Feast of Saint John and the
Feast of the Royal Prophet David.
On the Feast of Saint Thomas, while 1 was praying for my soul to be your
Majesty's herald, 1 received many favors. You like to enlighten those who
languish in darkness. Y ou are the living Son who cornes to us through the
charity ofyour Divine Father. He is the Father of mercies and the God of all
consolation; His providence governs all things and can draw forth good from
whatever people consider to be evil. You had me understand that from St.
Thomas' incredulity, your Church had been strengthened, because the Synagogue, that had not believed Y ou to be a living God, strove to make Y ou
known as a deceitful Man after your death. They paid false witnesses to say
that your disciples had gone to your tomb to remove You; misinforming the
people by declaring that You had not risen. Your Wisdom, who knows and
can do all things, allowed one of your disciples to doubt your Resurrection so
that You might personally corne to raise him up by showing him your Wounds.
At sight of them, he believed in your humanized divinity and your divinized
humanity. He believed You to be God and Man and acknowledged You to
be his Lord and his God. Had Y ou not made known your Resurrection by
this disciple who had doubted it, many would still be in doubt. In vain would
there be preaching about all your preceding miracles unless there were an
authentic premise ofyour Resurrection. Saint Paul declares this loudly, referring to the General Resurrection: Si autem Christus non resurrexit, inanis
est ergo predicatio nostra, inanis est fides vestra. And if Christ be not
risen again, then is our preaching vain: and your faith is a/so vain.
However, because You have risen for the glory ofyour Father and for our
salvation, our religion is veritably accepted and acknowledged to be the true
religion. Saint Thomas' error was a blessing for us. I <lare call it a happy fault
that has provided us with a moving demonstration of our Divine Redeemer.
Many had contended that You indeed did appear in a scarred Body, but that,
since no one had touched You, You were only a ghostly Body. Added to
this, they maintained that You had enchanted the eyes ofyour disciples who
were simple persons; that, when You forebade Magdalen to touch You, it
su:fficiently proved that the pain must be real.
Great Saint Thomas, I could well apply the following words of the Prophet
to you: Qui ascendit super occasum: Laudabile nomen eius. Who
ascendeth upon the west. Praise ye his name. (Ps 67:5; 99:4) You were
elevated higher by your fall than before it; you have prevented us from falling
into doubt about the most important mystery of the Incarnate W ord. _The
First-Bom has risen from among the dead: Et omnia in ipso constant. Et
ipse est caput corporis Ecclesi, qui est principium, primogenitus ex
mortuis. And by him ail things consist. And he is the head of the body,
the Church: who is the beginning, the jirstborn from the dead. (Col
l:l 7b-18a)
Thomas, He is our Lord and our God. He is the One who loved you so
much even though you would not be convinced ofhis Resurrection except
through your eyes and hands. You would have crucified Him anew without
this trial causing Him any suffering. Love thus transported you. (798) Your
heart could not trust except through your senses; your spirit became immersed
in your sorrow. You yourself were an abyss of disbelief, unable to be called
to the knowledge ofthis mystery except through the abyss oflove who, being
the Author of the faith, had to produce it in you so as to transmit it to us.
According to what the Prophet King declared, God's judgments are immense
abysses. Thomas, I have always considered you to be an abyss wherein God
concealed great mysteries. Never have I been able to blame you, together
with the preachers who rant against you. Your Master gently reprimanded
you to teach us to believe without desiring to-see, because He would not
You showered on him your love, which is a sea whose waters rose above
his head and engulfed him. He exclaimed: Omnia exce/sa tua, et fluctus tui
super me transierunt. Ali thy heights and thy billows have passed over
me. (Ps 41 :8b) On the day of your holy birth, since it found no lodging for
your Majesty in the inns, my soul could find no place to stop, even to maintain
itself. Everything was monotonous and sterile for it until a:fter Midnight Mass.
Tuen, when it reported its misery to You, You took pity on it. Drawing me by
your sweet favors, You had me understand: Domini est terra, et plenitudo
eius; orbis terrarum, et universi qui habitant in eo. The earth is the
Lord's and the fulness thereof the wor/d and al/ they that dwe// therein.
(Ps 23:1b)
consubstantial with Him. 1brough the communication of idioms and based
upon my divine support, this Sacred Humanity owns the attributes that appertain to the God-Man alone, who, without any infringement is elevated as high
as the Father. The Father engenders Him in the splendor ofholiness. At the
moment that I am placed in this manger, I am radiant and resplendent in the
heavens. (800)
Beatus populus qui scit jubilationem. Blessed is the people that knoweth
jubilation. (Ps 88: 16a)
Increated and Incarnate Word, my Love and my Ali, on the Feast of Saint
John, your beloved disciple, You let me share in your dilection for him while
You were passible on earth. This dilection is anticipated eternal life, although
You communicate it only in passing to those who are still on life's joumey. We
can say: Domine in /umine vu/tus tui ambulabunt et in nomine tuo
exultabunt tota die et in justifia exaltabuntur. Quoniam gloria virtutis
eorum tu es: et in benep/acito tuo exaltabitur cornunostrum, quia Domini
est assumptio nostra et sancti Israel regis nostri. They shall wa/k, 0
Lord, in the light of thy countenance and in thy name they shall rejoice
ail the day: and in thy justice they shall be exalted. For thou art the
glory of their strength: and in thy good pleasure shall our horn be
exalted. For our protection is of the Lord, and of our king the ho/y one
ofIsrael. (Ps 88:16b-19)
The light You impart to my spirit and body cornes from the rays of your
face that enable me to advance along your paths with a holy rejoicing that your
Name produces through your justice. This sacred Name elevates your loved
ones, because Y ou are their glory and their power. You raise them up
personally, associating them with your kingdom. You are their crown, as well
as their King, and You are pleased to grant me all these graces. Y ou elevate
me above the clouds which Y ou have chosen as your throne, and in these
clouds You allow me to see your spouse, whom You glorify with a crown of
clouds. (802) While 1 marveled at this wonder, Y ou made me understand that
Y ou will show your goodness and greatness through the cloud. Through
benignity, your goodness grants crowns; your greatness elevates your loved
ones above the earth, distilling favors through them while the rays of your
charity are pleased to grant your generous gifts. Rorate, cli, desuper et
ofwhich You are the Head. Through her, You grant glory to all your happy,
heavenly citiz.ens. Your benignity delighted in using me in the Militant Church,
humbling me before your Majesty. Goodness prompted You to incline toward me. You told me that I was Ruth who gleaned after your holy harvesters
whom You had commanded to scatter the ears of your graces along the path
where You have me walk. (803) This was so that without embarrassment, I
would become enriched by the outpourings of your inexhaustible treasures
they leave at your command.
- rl'f-. -
datus est nobis; et factus est principatus super humerum eius; et vocabitur
nomen eius; admirabilis Consi/iarius. And garment mingled with b/ood,
shall be burnt and be fuel for the fire. FOR A CHILD IS BORN to us,
and a son is given to us, and the government is upon his shoulder: and
his name shall be cal/ed, Wonder.fa/, Counse//or. (Is 9:5b-6)
I adored Y ou, Deus forfis, Pater futuri scu/i, Princeps pacis; God the
Mighty, the Father of the world to corne, the Prince of Peace, (Is 9:6)
knowing that through your Precious Blood You will grant peace to heaven and
earth. Y ou began to shed it during your circumcision. You arranged a new
path in your flesh, passing under the veil of the law, You who are the Author
and Light of the faith. You assumed the burden of the sinner without knowing
sin; becoming similar to sinful flesh and tricked the devil who thought Y ou
were subject to sin. He found nothing of his there, nor himself in You. Thus,
You could declare: "Sin and the prince of this world have been expelled,
finding nothing in Me except their own ignominy: Venit enim princeps mundi
hujus, et in me non habet quidquam. For the prince ofthis world cometh:
and in me he hath not any thing. (Jn 14:30b) I will be the death of sin and
the sting of hell: Ero mors tua, o mors! Morsus tuus ero, inferne! 0
death, I will be thy death; 0 hel/, 1 will be thy bite!" (Os 13:14c)
On the Feast ofKings, I humbled myselfbefore your Majesty, offering
You all the mortifications c;>f the saints together with your own, all their acts of
charity with yours, all their prayers with yours. (805) Filled with confidence,
my soul could not think ofbeing rejected by your Crib where your kindness
draws the most frightened souls through gentleness. Dicite pusillanimis:
Corifortamini; Say to the fainthearted: Take courage, and fear not. (Is
-35:4) There your grace was shown to ail mankind for their etemal salvation. I
considered myself to be rich in your mercies which I prize above ail your other
works. I present them to Y ou, as well as to your Father and to the Holy
Spirit. Through Him, Y ou offer Y ourself as a holocaust, for Y ou are the
Lamb slain from the beginning of the world, and not for only one year. I
contemplate and adore Y ou, acknowledging You to be my Creator and my
Savior and the male Child whom this wonderful Woman dressed with the sun
gave birth to in the stable. There You lie while the angels adore You, resplendent in the heavens: Jacebat in prsepio et fulgebat in clo. While lying
in the manger, He shone brightly in heaven.
Divine Word made Flesh, my King and my God, accept the perfect holocaust that Y ou personally present. Solomon answered all the questions and
solved all the riddles which the Queen of Sheba proposed to him. Since she
was in the shadows, this sufficed to astound her, but not me, for 1 live in the
light of the newbom Sun where everything is new, a God-Man, a Virgin
Mother. Solomon had not witnessed this when he declared that there was
nothing new under the sun. (806)
From the open heavens, the voice of the Divine Father declares before
angels and mankind that the Savior is his Beloved Son and holy delight. The
Holy Spirit, all love, hovers over Him. Who would not think that these
prodigies occurred to have Him declared King ofheaven and earth and from
this moment on, command both angels and men to offer Him homage by
adoring Him as their Lord and their God? Non enim cogitationes me,
Having hovered over this Nazarean, the Holy One of God, the Holy Spirit
drove Him into the desert to fast for forty days and forty nights, to be tempted
by Satan and to reflect in solitude upon the marvels that had occurred at the
Jordan. He set Him there with the animals for forty days and forty nights. The
angels do not appear until after this fast and these victories to act as table
servers. Their angelic music is not heard; they do not utter a word. Although
He was with an ox and an ass, they do not sing Gloria as they did at his birth
in the stable. This is because there are no shepherds in the desert watching
over their flocks to invite them to see this Lamb who is the Good Shepherd.
(810) The desert was the testing-place of the Savior's fidelity toward his
Father. It was the site where He fought the rebel spirits whom He had to
conquer after having tested their strengths, ruses and malice. The desert is
rough and terrifying; only Divine Love can alleviate it. The love that this Son
of prayer possessed for his Father's glory and the salvation of mankind prompted
Him to do everything possible and endure all things in the fullest reparation
required by justice for offended Justice and to acquire happiness for us through
these sufferings (although it was essentially due to Him).
The blessings given me by the Holy Spirit at the baptism of my Love, the
favors 1 received during the forty days and nights in the stable, the Feasts of
Saint Agnes, the Purification of Our Lady, Saint Agatha, Saint Dorothy and
Saint Apolonia were moving demonstrations ofhappiness andjoy. By this,
one would think that 1 was the beloved daughter of the Divine Father who
took his delight in me.
On the F east of Saint Agnes, 1 assisted at the feast in honor of the Lamb,
sharing in his happiness, per modum transeuntis; in a transitory way. Beati
qui ad cnam nuptiarum Agni vocati sunt; Blessed are those called to
the nuptial supper of the Lamb.
On the Feast of the Purification, 1 thrilled withjoy upon seeing the Light of
the Gentiles and the glory of the people oflsrael. 1 considered myself to be a
Christ-bearer, as 1 called Saint Ignatius. (811) When 1 had received You in
the Sacra.ment of Love, 1 told You, together with the fine, elderly Saint Simeon:
"Nunc dimitis; Now You can dismiss. The eyes ofmy spirit see You, my
Divine Redeemer." I offered You Yourselffor everything I might owe your
Divine Father and in thanksgiving for the favors granted me by your wonderful
Mother. With Saint Agatha, I wanted to honor You by my substance and to
deliver ail France, my country on earth, so as to serve You and voluntarily
suffer there. Begging You to sanctify me, I cast myself into the fire of your
ardent love, in imitation of Saint Apolonia. I reflected on a sacred river
flowing from her holy jaws. I thought about her teeth, broken and wrenched
out for the living faith, animated by love. I saw a fountain of blood that gushed
forth even to etemal life. Her ivory teeth were more appropriate to make your
throne lovelier than Solomon's; and her jaws overcame more enemies than
Samson's did when he taunted the Philistines. They overcame the demons,
vanquished tyrants and sensuality. This fountain, that seemed tome to be
afire, relieved and inflamed me. Buming with the desire to drink from the
torrent of the divine delights, I no longer thirsted for the water of earth. (812)
Did it not seem that I was in the joy of my Lord, even though I possessed
so little fidelity in serving Him? However, since He wants us to pass through
suffering, and He tests us by contradictions even from good persons, He
allowed, even though He did not ordain, that certain individuals bearing the
sacred mark, who are elevated in dignity, and others made commendable by
devotion, called an assembly to correct matters that they thought needed
attention. They expected thus to be making a great sacrifice in the eyes of
your Divine Father whose designs they did not know. They wanted to demoralize and destroy the one You sustain by your mercies. You have destined her
to show forth the height of your glory in her lowliness and your power in her
weakness and that she has forgotten her own people and her father's house,
together with ail her relatives according to flesh and blood. She had been
betrayed by daughters whom she had given birth to through your Spirit. What
she did not want to know, despite the signs given her about the matter, she
clearly understood that the demons were playing their games which almost
always are tragedies.
Dear Love, Abel and Zacharias were overcome between the temple and
the altar. Others wanted to sacrifice them and prevent them from mak:ing a
sacrifice or from receiving their daily Bread or perpetual Guest. In all this,
they were prompted by the idea that they should have this dedication and zeal
for sacred matters. (In my opinion), these considerations were as devout for
them, as they were oppressive for the victims they immolated as best they
could. (813) The victims could say to You: Quoniam propter te
mortificabimur Iota die; stimati sumus sicut oves occisiones. Because
for thy sake we are killed al/ the day long: we are counted as sheep for
the s/aughter. (Ps 43:22b)
After this election, had ail these persons been in prayer through zeal and
corn.mon charity, your Spirit of love would have given each a tongue of fire
with which to proclaim your marvels. Instead, on the contrary-1 would <lare
say-a number of them saddened your Spirit, who sustained me in the joy of
my divine Savior, that is, You, my Love and my AIL
On the Sunday of the five barley loaves, You elevated me to your greatness, telling me that You are the God of breasts filled with delightful milk for
me and that they were my towers and fortresses. When You saw me at
prayer, contemplating your Blood flowing from your pores in the Garden of
Olives, You let me understand that these streams falling to the earth were
more delightful for me than milk, wine, nectar or ambrosia. (815) All your
open pores were meant to serve me as channels by which to shed upon me
the torrents of your delights. 1 had already received them in a marvelous way
like delicacies on the lips of my desires.
Dear Love, was 1 not lovingly impelled to tell You: Satis est, Domine; lt
is enough, Lord 1 am dying from delights, wishing to expire from desolation
in memory of yours in the Garden of sorrow where an angel was sent to
comfort Y ou. When Y ou were in agony, You combatted death and ail hell,
and You delighted me with life and the entire Paradise. Oh, Jesus, how
wonderful You are! You mortify and vivify at the same time. You lead one to
hell and back again. My soul is more in You whom it loves than in its body
that it animates. In You, it suffers; take your delight in me.
The Prophet Isaias declared that You chose to be attached so as to free us
and that through your distress we are healed and regain our health. Y our
Apostle stated that You had impoverished Yourself to enrich us, that You are
the Pontiff who chose to assume our infirmities and were tempted in all kinds
of things, exempting Yourself only from ignorance and sin, for Y ou are holy
and free from uncleanness, separated from sinners by your essential holiness.
(816) Being substantial grace, You chose to taste death for ail mankind to be
its death and the sting of. hell.
Divine Savior, You are the Victory that has conquered the world. You are
the Author offaith, divine charity. You do not look for what mals:es You
rejoice. It is to delight Me that You were afflicted. I do not want my ways
and my desires, but yours that are thoughts of peace for me. You will be
glorified in me when I no longer follow my own ways. I want to follow yours
along the trail of your own Blood which is shed, not to demand vengeance as
did that of Abel, but mercy from your Etemal Father and to purify our consciences from all sin. Also, it was therein to cleanse and whiten the nuptial
robe with which You invest your spouses. Inviting me to approach this
precious river, You urged me by sweet, loving words to plunge into it lovingly
and confidently. There I would be clothed in your own vestment; that is, the
royal purple. You told me that it was my royal omament and that all my
thoughts, represented by my hair, would enter your open pores by a mystical
penetration so that I might experience what is declared in Canticles: Caput
tuum ut Carme/us; et com capitis tui sicut purpura regis vincta cana/ibus.
(817) Thy head is /il Carmel: and the hairs of thy head as the purp/e of
the kin bound in the channe/s. (Cant 7:5)
crated and invested with priestly vestments at the bands of Moses who did not
have them nor even a miter crafted by mortals. The rays :from bis face were
more august and brilliant. (,,!.) Was he not a priest in the presence of God
who had chosen him and of the angels who accompanied him in the Tabernacle? Did not David acknowledge this when he said: Moyses et Aaron in
sacerdotibus eius. Moses and Aaron among his priests. (Ps 98:6)
Passion Sunday was not less delightful to me. I almost feared that the
delights I experienced at sight ofyour sufferings might be the illusions of the
one who often attempts to transform himself into an an.gel of light except that I
knew that, through them, You have given birth to our happiness. Also, your
Passion is a subject of joy to your loved ones, since Y ou will no longer die.
Instead, Y ou have conquered death by causing sin to die. As the risen God,
Y ou live and will live forever. The soul that loves Y ou and is loved by Y ou
should not become afflicted even ,when You appear to it as the slain Lamb
with the marks and stigmata of your Passion. They are signs of your jubilation
and the trophies of your glory. They are fountains of rejoicing :from which the
Evangelical Prophet invites us to drink withjoy and delight: Haurietis aquas
Who among mortals could invent these marvels! Who would not feel
strong against any opposition made by a number of persons to prevent Monsieur de la Piardire :from receiving sacred Orders, especially that of the
priesthood which they thought would prompt him to resolve to serve Y ou in
your house, Divine Incarnate Word He offered his First Mass there and the
rest for your glory and the sanctification of your spouses, abandoned by all
who could have assisted them. Added to this was that the one Y ou had
chosen to be the foundress did not measure up to their ideas (for men abound
therein). They thought up ways to repel, rebuff and remove her under the
guise of God's glory by bringing down the one You had made as she is. Their
plans seemed to be as judicious as their charitable discourses so as ardently to
motivate the most fervent pastors, pious prelates and a number of seculars
who seemed zealous; ail this to prevent imaginary disorders. The preacher for
the Feast of the Conception (the last one, as I have said) (820) had ever since
. to turn away from me whomever he could persuade so as to
then stnven
elevate the one he secretly visited in the parlor. She could not know his
purpose, for he came daily to offer Roly Mass for us, and I gave him a
hundred ecus [five-franc pieces] annually.
Dear Love, You continued your favors during the time that these persons
engaged in negative, harmful discourses about your beloved. They thought
that this proceeded from holy zeal. It served as the devotional topic during
such a holy time of the year. Certain devout persons came to inform me that a
resolution had been taken to have the last Order refused to Monsieur dela
Piardir. Also, the.insgators wrf(fio speak to the Bishop of Periguex
(who had conferred the other Orders upon him) to propose that he should
oblige him to choose a parish or a Congregation of prl~sis ~ nrissionanesand
n_Qt dedicate himself to that of your daughters. You had called him for this
purpose a number of years before and had let me know this so that I might
accordingly inform him, without this knowledge urging me to force him. He
had personally requested me to beg You to advance the time, but I awaited
your hour in hope and silence, 0 my Divine Redeemer. Whoever believes
does not act in haste. (821)
- 11G -
When the morning You had arranged for me arrived, your goodness awakened me to invite me to an ineffable joy. You sent me a heavenly spirit to tell
me three times in a majestically gentle, delightful tone: Ecce virgo concipiet,
et pariet; Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear. (Is 7:14c) These
words astounded me the first and second times, for 1 feared that the spirit who
tries to imitate, could be using the words of Holy Scripture which You have
told me would be the code by which 1 would hear You. However, at the third
time, 1 felt assured that it was a good spirit that uttered these marvelous words
with admiration for your goodness toward and within me. You have made me
the mother of a new priest to whom, for You, 1 had spiritually and virginally
conceived and given birth. lt was not in the way that the incomparable Virgin
conceived and gave birth to You, but also in a most spiritual, most pure way.
The purity he received is a hidden manna obtained for him from your goodness
by the virgin, evangelical Apostle. (~) He had possessed this purity ever
since the feast of this saint in 1646. (As for me, You had gratified me with it
from the beginning on a feast of your Circumcision in a way that 1 cannot
Elevated by your spirit in a sublime contemplation, 1 said to Y ou: Since
Y ou assure me of your grace: Ecce ancilla Domini, fiat mihi secundum
verbum tuum; Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word (Lk 1)8) lt is through your goodness that 1 am
virginally the mother of a priest. Y ou let me know that Monsieur de la
Piardire would not have been called to the priesthood had he not been my
spiritual son and had your wisdom not led me to Paris so as there to establish
a house ofyour Ortler. Behold the handmaid ofthe Lord; be if done tome
according to thy word Great Saint Joseph, you granted me so many favors
during the First Mass of the one who had selected your feast, that they are
indescribable. The rain intensified my attention and the repose allowed me
during this delightful Mass. 1 enjoyed a peace and joy that surpassed all
feeling. I invited all the heavenly court to descend with their Pontiff and King,
who desired to be present upon this altar of grace during the time that the lips,
tongue and intention of this new priest, produced the adorable Body and
Blood. (823)
Lord, my Love and my AU, could I possibly describe the marvel that
enraptured my spirit! It is You, divine Savior, produced upon your altar. In a
small chapel, I asked You for all heaven with its glory. It was an immense
reduction to one point. Y ou produced an ocean of delight which Y ou arrested
at the presence of a grain of sand that said to Y ou: Lord: Usque hue venies,
et non procedes amplius, et hic confringes tumentes fluctus tuos. Hitherto thou shalt corne, and shalt go no .further. And here thou shalt break
thy swelling waves. (Job 38:11)
0 inexplicable goodness, Y ou heard my prayer, not allowing me to be
carried away by either an assault nor an ecstasy. Y our wisdom disposes of all
things gently and powerfully, leading me after Mass to the parlor. I con5idered
myselfto be like Aaron's child, who was nourished with holy food, because
the Communion was still recent that I had received at the hands of our new
priest and son, and You could well preserve this heavenly Bread within my
breast without my natural heat consuming it all. Y ou wanted the manna in the
Ark, that in the desert lasted only a few days, kept in a crock. I can state that
on the eve and the feast of the Sabbath, nothing is impossible to Y ou. Y ou
delight in being the light in the little world that loves Y ou, while the day of your
goodness enlightens it with your rays that are as ardent as they are brilliant.
Blessed may You be with all benedictions. (814) Also, You are the blessed
- 11:r -
The great qualities of Saint Joachim and Saint Anne who, after
Jesus and Mary, are the glory of the People of Israel through
whom they have supereminently honored God.
The next day, the Feast of Saint Joachim, your wonderful Mother's blessed
father, 1 prayed to him to offer this adorable sacrament to your Divine Father,
honoring Him with his own substance which he had given his daughter when he
begot her. The entire Trinity showed that he had been favored with more
blessings than Y ou had given Moses. Y ou had commanded the latter' to die
with these holy kisses to reward the delightful services he had rendered You,
after resuming them following the two blows he gave the rock contrary to your
order which was that he should speak, and it would yield its waters. He saw
the Promised Land, but he did not enter there because he had not glorified
You in the waters of contradiction.
The favor granted Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, who glorified Y ou, is
incomparable. (825) They have produced the ocean of graces, the sublime
land, the blessed land, the land that Y ou chose to base upon your hypostasis.
It was a land promised by all the Prophets, a priestly land exempt from all
tribute, from all original and actual sin. By divine dispensation, Saint Joachim
and Saint Anne were elevated in a suspension or most marvelous contemplation. The whole Trinity ordained that their union should produce Mary's most
blessed body, which was suddenly organiz.ed, and in it, It infused the soul that
informed it. This blessed body and soul were not subject to sin or corruption.
Neither could demons approach them any more than sin: Nec dabis sanctum
tuum videre corruptionem; Nor wilt thou give thy ho/y one to see corruption. (Ps 15:10b) From this holy body would be formed the one for the Holy
One of God, the Word who would thereby become incarnate. At the moment
that this Virgin was conceived, she lived and progressed along the paths oflife.
She was fi_lled with rejoicing by the face and eyes of God, who destined her to
be the Queen, invested with all virtue, seated at his right hand forever. At the
moment of her Conception, she possessed the happiness of seeing the Unity of
the essence and the Trinity of Persons, as well as what You let me understand
on the last Feast ofher Immaculate Conception which I will explain in its due
As I admired Saint Joachim's greatness, my soul became elevated in a
most profound contemplation, repeating a number oftimes: (827) 1 Tu autem
in sancto habitas, laus Israel. But thou dwellest in the ho/y place, the
praise of Israel_ (Ps 21 :4) Since Mary's body came from the substance of
her father, Saint Joachim; and that of the Incarnate Word from the substance
of Mary, his true Mother; Saint Joachim dwells in the source ofholiness in the
bosom of the Father in Jesus Christ. This dwelling is divine; it is the praise of
Israel and the greatness of his glory. I maintain the same thing about Saint
Anne. Both honored God with their own substance, perfectly fulfilling the
counsel of the Holy Spirit, recorded in the third proverb: Honora Dominum
de tua substantia; Honor the Lord with thy substance. (Prov 3 :9) The
Virgin by herselfhonors God more than all other creatures together. Saint
Joachim and Saint Anne gave God everything they possessed by giving of
themselves. The gifts and offerings they made to the Temple, their alms to the
poor, and the third part which they used to nourish and maintain themselves
and their family, ail belonged to God by a marvelous relationship.
They become the temple of God. They are the poor of heart par excellence. Jesus Christ, the Poor One through anthonomacy, is their Grandson
whom their daughter has conceived, carried, given birth to and nurtured. He
has declared that Mary, the sister of Lazarus, did a good deed by preparing
Him for his tomb, that the world would never lack having the poor nor
No~e: The Manuscript skips fr?~.P~~e 825 to 827, and from 82~ to_E9,
poverty. The latter refers to the ordinary poor, but He would not always be
there, for He would ascend into heaven to dwell. This declaration was not
meant for Saint Joachim or Saint Anne. Wherever He may be, He will always
belong to them and they to Him. (829) He is their temple. He is their Poor
One. He is they, and they are He. He is their dearest, adorable Son, and they
are his dearest, kindest relatives through their only offspring, who is Mary of
whom He was bom through the operation of the Holy Spirit who took from
her the substance she had received from Saint Joachim and Saint Anne so as
to informa Body for the Etemal Word become incarnate within ber.
rapinam arbitratus est esse se qualem Deo. Who being in the form of
God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God (Phil 2:6) He emptied
Himself, taking the form of a Servant: In similitudinem hominum factus, et
habitu inventus ut homo. Being made in the likeness of men, and in habit
found as a man. (Phil 2:7b-11)
He made Himself like the most humble Saint Joachim whom Holy Scripture
never names, as though he did not exist, so much had he concealed and
engulfed himself in bis nothingness with bis wife, Saint Anne. (fil_O) It is a great
mystery that had been bidden for ages in God, because during the final times,
He wanted it to be declared to the saints for them to proclaim to and notify
both earthly and heavenly principalities and powers the inexhaustible riches of
Jesus Christ according to the flesh, according to bis human birth. Thereby He:
terrestrium et infernorum et omnis lingua confiteatur, quia Dominus Jesus
Christus in gloria est Dei Patris. He humbled himself, becoming obedient
unto death, even to the death of the cross. For which cause, God also
hath exalted him and hath given him a name which is above ail names:
That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those that are in
heaven, on earth, and under the earth. And that every tangue should
confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory ofGod the Father. (Phil
He elevated Saint Joachim and Saint Anne to sublime thrones near their
august daughter. Their humility and relationship to Jesus and Mary merited
this elevation. Saint Joseph honors them with a reverence that I cannot
describe, treating them as Raguel and his wife recommended to their daughter,
Sara: Monentes eam honorare soceros. Admonishing her to honor her
father and mother-in-law. (Tob 10: i'3a) An irreproachable just man, Saint
Joseph knew the inclinations of the Incarnate Word whom he nurtured and
brought up on earth. He loved Saint Joachim and Saint Anne with the same
love that this divine Child loved them, honoring them in imitation of his spouse,
their daughter, with more respect and tendemess than Solomon had for
Bathsheba, his mother. (831)
Could any request have been refused them by this worthy Mother of God,
their wonderful daughter who is all-powerful with the etemal Father, all-powerful with the Son of the Most High, ail-ardent with the Most Holy Spirit, most
holy love and one unique God with Them, offering the Sacrifice of the Altar to
this holyJoachim! I recalled that he had appeared tome a number ofyears
before, bearing or holding Jesus Christ on the Cro~s in the way artists represent Him being carried by his Etemal Father. I understood that this vision was
but a faint representation of the part Saint Joachim took in Y ou, my sweet
Crucified Jesus, and that he would have been the most affiicted of ail mankind
had he been on Calvary at the death ofhis Grandson, present when his only
daughter, your Mother, received in her soul the blow of the lance that opened
your side. At your death, Y ou no longer felt any pain, but your Mother was
transpierced because of it. Saint Joachim would have suffered a number of
deaths in this case: yours and that of bis daughter whom love allowed to live
a:fter your death, because her body and soul were transpierced. Her life was
an unparalleled miracle. Saint Ignatius called her a heavenly prodigy, declaring
something about this miraculous Mother who remained firm beneath the Cross,
when all other creatures were shaken, and the Etemal Father had abandoned
his own Son. (832) Just before expiring, the latter complained personally
about this with the complaint of a Son who was keenly aware of bis Blessed
Mother and who did not surprise her at all; miracle upon miracle.
Saint Joachim could not have suffered so many deaths when he left Limbo
unless he had been glorious. In the tomb, he would have fainted upon seeing
your body tom, wounded and bruised from head to toe, resembling that of a
Ieper. His glory spared bim bis reactions, but not from embracing You with
admiration, adoration and tendemess, nor considering your sorrows wbich, in
bis glorious state, he could not keenly feel. Instead, they were marvelous by
promoting bis own glory because You are bis Grandson.
Great saint, forgive me if I so poorly explain what I was shown during
sublime and profound elevations. I was an eagle elevated up to the rays of the
sun. Now, I am certainly the same eagle, but I have descended to Limbo,
where the Body is wbich the powers of darkness have so disfigured that He is
a bidden God: Non est species ei, neque decor. There is no beauty in him,
nor come/iness. (Is 53:2) (833) All who beheld Him in this pitiful condition
exclaimed: Vidimas eum, et non erat aspectus, et desideravimus eum;
1 was shown and that was exposed to my spirit that had not been deprived of
its body, but had experienced this illumination. He informs spirits in the way
the angels communicate their understanding and illuminations to one another.
They admired the excellence of Saint Joachim who is a great sacrament (for
the ages) hidden in God, who created him so as one day to produce the first
among his pure creatures, the Mother of the beginning ofhis ways, the Incarnate Word. From ail eternity, He is the splendor ofhis divine Father's glory
for eternal generation. In time, He was the image of his marvelous Mother, the
most beautiful among the children of men.
Saint Joachim and Saint Anne are the abridgment of God's marvels. (834)
In them, God has chosen a Daughter, a Mother and a Spouse. Therefore, 1
may declare: Dominator Domine ex omni si/va terr et ex omnibus
. Holy Spirit, who in Her made his unique dove and marvelous ewe ofwhom
You were bom, most holy Lamb who takes away the sins of the world.
Joachim was with his shepherds when he received the good news of having
been chosen to beget your holy Mother. In her garden, Saint Anne leamed
that she would produce the flower of Jesse upon whom the Holy Spirit would
repose. Whoever possesses God, possesses everything. By the term "everything", no exception is allowed. All the other Patriarchs have greeted and seen
from afar the promise of the Messias, but Saint Joachim and Saint Anne have
brought into the world the Flesh ofhis flesh; his beginning according to his
human nature on the day of his power. The (Holy Spirit) overshadowed her
when she conceived the Orient Sun, the God-Man, You Yourself, my Love
and my AIL While I marveled at the great qualities of this saint manifested by
your own, You made me understand: "My daughter, you will be a sharer, for
you are my spouse. He is your father, and Saint Anne, your mother: Adhuc
unum modicum est, et ego commovebo clum, et terram, et mare, et
aridam. Et movebo omnes gentes. Yet one little while, and I will move
the heaven and the earth and the sea and the dry land. And I will move
ail nations. (Hag 2:7c-8)
"As for Me, I, who am the desired One of all the nations, will corne to
establish the houses that I have told you must be established for my glory. 1
will make them magnificent. Trust in Me." (836)
Ils -
head and feet. I would shatter them a5 this loved one did her alabaster
container, so that the perfume thereof might spread over the entire earth where
your Gospel has been, is and will be proclaimed for your glory and the
salvation of all.
On Holy Thursday, You let me experience this infinite love with which You
love your own who are in the world. Y ou let me repose upon your breast,
even though I was far from the perfections of Saint John who, You told me,
was a replica of You. (~) This was through the omnipotence of your adorable transubstantiation, fulfilling in him these loving, holy words: "Whoever
eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in Me, and 1 in him." Y ou assured
me that Y ou had preserved in this saint the manna that your Father, the Holy
Spirit and You had given mankind on the evening of the Last Supper. Also,
this saint was the marvelous Ark of the Covenant wherein, with your divine
and sacred hands, Y ou placed the Living Bread that has corne down from
heaven: Panis enim Dei est, qui de c/o descendit, et dat vitam mundo.
For the bread of God is that which cometh down from heaven and giveth
life to the world. (Jn 6:33)
By giving him your own life, changing him into You, You made him the Son
of your Mother through the power of your word which Y ou want to remain
stable. Y ou said to me: "If the manna was preserved for a number of years
through the divine power, which was only the figure of this supersubstantial
Bread, with greater reason have I desired to preserve this true Manna from
the time of the evening when I gave it to my Apostles. (839)
"Heaven and earth were shaken and troubled, but my word remains firm in
Saint John. My gift was without regret. I did not want his natural warmth to
use up all the Species. The fire in the furnace was not effective, for the three
Hebrews were preserved, without even their clothes becoming blackened: Et
odor ignis non transisse! per eos; Nor the smell of the fire had passed on
them, (Dan 3 :94g) because my omnipotence ordained it so.
made my favorite the son of the fruitful Virgin, can I not do so? And who
would contradict my desires when they are absolute? When my Angel Gabriel
announced my Incarnation to my Mother, assuring her of this miraculous
marvel and of the fruitfulness ofher sterile cousin Elizabeth, he told her: Quia
non erit impossibile apud Deum omne verbum. Recause no word shall be
impossible with Gad (Lk 1:37)
"My daughter, when, in astonishment, my angels saw what I wrought in this
favorite one, they could declare in heaven what the Church says on earth:
tuus ero, inferne! 0 death, 1 will be thy death; 0 hell, 1 will be thy bite.
(Hos 13:14c)
"This favorite disciple always remained in the light that shone through him,
while the whole earth was covered by darkness. He was the true Israelite
who enjoyed heavenly light. Also, did he not speak about the eclipse that the
other Evangelists remarked: Et tenebr fact sunt in universa terra; .
There was darkness over the whole earth (Matt 27:45b) from the hour of
Sext until that of None: Et obscuratus est sol; And the sun was darkened
(Lk 23:45) In him, I was the abridgment of the miracles of all law: the law of
nature, the written law and the law of grace. At the Last Supper, I made him
the miracle of love. This marvel occurred upon my own breast, when I
consecrated him with greater magnificence than Moses did when he consecrated Aaron. I, who am the Creator, the Redeemer, the Glorifier and God of
heaven and earth, I served as his ornament, nourishment and everything. (l il)
"Since my Father placed all things at my disposai, I subjected Myselfto
that of Saint John. Love, which leaves the soul it animates to be in the one it
loves, enabled me to enter this precious person who preserved in himself what
I was going to leave behind and give for the salvation of mankind: my own life
and Precious Blood. He fell asleep amid the lot of the saints in the Holy of
Holies. I showed the angels the marvelous high priest like a host of love
consumed and preserved by my flames, maintaining my life and all my marvels
in him. Upon Calvary, I declared him to be my Mother's son after having
declared him to be my brother and, as I have told you, I had borne her son
upon my breast.
"The words I uttered upon the Cross declared him to be the son ofthis
Virgin who would lose Me through death. I addressed my Mother: Cum
powerful word brought about this marvel for you. Behold your son, miraculous Mother. Behold your Mother, prodigious son; receive her now, she
belongs entirely to you. The time has corne for you to accept her. She does
the same for you by her admirable silence.
Jesus, my Love, a:fter this declaration, You had consummated everything.
But in order to fulfill the Scriptures, You said that You were thirsty and
accepted the vinegar so as to consummate the bittemess of the sins of mankind. Y ou thus left us your lovability, bowing your head and giving up your
spirit for your Church, after having commended it to your Divine Father.
The next day, which was Good Friday, 1 disposed myself to die with Y ou,
my Spouse and my King. 1 went up to Calvary, acknowledging my sins
before heaven and in the presence of the earth. My soul felt outraged with
sorrow and engulfed in an ocean of bittemess. This astonished my confessor
to whom 1 made my confession, so that he was surprised by this, never until
that moment having heard anything like it. 1 do not know whether, with his
learning and eloquence, he could express and determine this extreme pain that
Y ou demonstrated by a marvelous locution, deepest contrition and marvelous
delight, sweetness, love, joy and sadness. For a moment, 1 was lost in
exterior darkness. (843) At another time, 1 found myself to be in interior
illumination. The sorrows of death enveloped me like a vise. Constantly
pursuing me, the pains of hell entered my soul, causing it to be engulfed in silt
and mire, unable to find itself. 1 exclaimed: lnfixus sum in limo profundi et
Raising and lowering me by the power of his will, this holy Love, that apparently wished to have earth and heaven play before Him to give him delight,
gave wings to my superior part. It became an eagle, contemplating the sun (if
1 may dare say so) in its source set amid its lights. It became enlightened, and,
by a reverberation, it caused the light to explode though its luminous discourse,
declaring the mysteries of our faith as though 1 had read them in a book where
everything is recorded. The Lamb who was slain opened the seals and spoke
through my lips. 1 was possessed by this God who belonged entirely to me so
as to be ail things to me, thus causing two contraries to reign simultaneously in
one subject, acting in equilibrium. With its seven homs, this Lamb showered
upon me the seven gifts ofhis Spirit of Love. (844) By ineffable irradiations,
He enlightened me seven times more than the sun does the air during its zenith,
as though He had placed the seven eyes in me with which He illurninates the
entire earth. He was accompanied by all his saints, contemplating the prodigies He wrought within me through pure goodness, offering all their merits for
my sanctification.
This most gentle Lamb removed from me ail the sins of the world which 1
had assumed so as to present them to Him on this Good Friday that He might
once again make them die in a mystical manner. He commanded ail the saints
to sing a canticle during which he had me pass from death to life. He brought
about this divine marvel in me which 1 can call my Easter and which was his
own: Phase (id est transitus) Domini; The Phase (that is the Passage) of
the Lord (Ex 12:11) His love prompted Him to resurrect within me, who
was almost dead from the participation in or communication of his loving
On Easter Sunday, 1 saw myself in life, transiently adomed with his glorious
dowries, because 1 was still not at life's end. 1 was illuminated and also
enlightened those to whom 1 spoke, who marveled at the depth of understanding and the facility with which 1 expressed divine mysteries. 1 possessed a
body that did not weigh down my spirit, but seemed already to share in
impassibility, in the light of the glorious Body of my Divine Spouse. 1 saw
myself united to Him by a marvelous union which could be called the unity He
had requested of his Divine Father in his prayer at the Last Supper. (845)
Although I did not perceive that I was as faithful as such prodigious favors
required, He did not allow his unworthy spouse to remain in a state of confusion. He urged me to accept the entire portion ofhis glory that Love imparted
to me. Without waiting for me to be rid of this mortal body in order to see
Him glorious, such as He is, He told me that I was glorious, a mirror of his
light, an image ofhis goodness and a representation ofhis candor. Just as,
when He was in the world, He procured the glory ofhis Divine Father, never
seeking his own but that of the One who had sent him into the world after
having sanctified Him, I was not to claim mine, no matter what a number of
people thought of my navet and the openness with which I speak. (846)
The warning God gave me about the plans that others had to
deprive me of the happiness his goodness had granted me; how
He protected me, confounding my enemies and dissipating their
vocem suam. And the Lord thundered from heaven, and the Highest
gave his voice. (Ps 17:14)
Y our magnificent goodness made me understand that my desire to please
Y ou were acceptable to Y ou and that, were 1 to ask for half of your kingdom,
You would tend to give it to me. Induced by this loving inclination, 1 told Y ou
that 1 requested sufferings on earth. Y ou replied that they had been your
king dom during your mortal life, at the end of which You received the crown
which penetrated the forward part of your precious head. You shared it with
me, since 1 yeamed to do so in this life. Because this request was pleasing to
Y ou, through inexcusable sentiments, Y ou allowed a number of others to
afflict me, including some of my daughters. However, 1 do not wish to
condemn, because 1 do not want to be the judge in my own case. Pardon
During my prayer on April 21, 1652, the third Sunday after Easter, 1
understood: "The daughter of Juda is condemned." 1 said to Y ou: "Lord,
who will be my Daniel?" You deigned to reply: "My daughter, it is I."
Trusting in your goodness, 1 went to confession and received Holy Communion with the devotion Y ou intensified so as to strengthen me. After dinner, 1
sent a message to Father Morin of the Oratory to corne see me. He complied, inquiring about the reason 1 had sent for him on Sunday, since it was
unusual for me to do so. 1 said to him: "Father, while at prayer this morning, 1
understood: 'The daughter of Juda is condemned.' (849) 1 do not know by
whom. 1 have certainly heard the news that certain devout persons assembled
to make Monsieur de la Piardire give up the plans God had given him to
assist our Ortler by offering Holy Mass for us. They wanted to prevent him
from doing this and instead to go celebrate in other churches. They are
determined to aim their batteries against me, declaring that the said Monsieur
de la Piardire was too greatly attached to my guidance and that 1 was
deceiving him. They do not know me at ail; 1 am too outspoken to deceive
The said priest did not want to deny completely the effort being made
against me by the confessor of our community who is a religious by profession.
He acted like an anchorite as far as 1 was concemed, for, in my presence, he
observed an affected silence. To influence me to esteem him and think well of
him, one of my daughters, who conversed with him, recollilted marvels to me
about him so as to prevent me from perceiving her dealings with him and for
him. For this reason, I put up with him, despite the sermon on the Immaculate
Conception about which he had scandalized us.
While I was speaking, a gentleman servant sent me a three-line note telling
me that, when he passed in front of Saint Sulpice, he had learned that a rector
of Paris and two clergymen had formally arranged for a visitation regarding
me. He wanted to know if I had requested this or who had decided the
matter. No time was left for me to reply, because the rector with two
clergymen asked the portress for me. She came to inform me as they were
going up to the parlor. I said to Father Morin of the Oratory: "Behold the
reality ofwhat was told me this moming during my prayer." (850) I received
them politely and respectfully and listened to the reason for this visitation to
which I submitted. I remembered that, even though You were innocent, You
had chosen to endure the interrogations made by your own enemies without
being obliged to do so. You told the one who judged Y ou that he had no
power over You except what was given him from on high: Non haberes
person who did not love me as she should. After You, my Lord, she had only
me to assist her, for she had been abandoned by everyone when 1 accepted
her as a child. 1 had served her in every way, and since then she had a
number of times offended me as much as one can offend a benefactress. (851)
Recalling that the "Golden Lips" [St. John Chrysostom] had stated that no one
is offended except through himself, 1 did not give her any indication that 1
believed what 1 was told about the matter. 1 always left her in the most
outstanding offices or charges of the monastery except that of assistant.
The day that the visitation commenced was Tuesday, April 23rd. 1 asked
for no delay, although on reading the commission submitted 1noticed that this
was to last an entire year, and this was followed by things that 1 saw were
false persuasions of my enemies. 1 prepared to receive these visitors, praying
with more fervor or assiduity than customary, applying myselfto prepare
everything. 1 had to speak to ail those who asked for me and to all my
daughters, to show them my love, even those who had offended me. 1 found
that 1 was extremely weak and all afire with fervor, recalling, Divine Savior,
that Y ou lengthened your prayer in the Garden. Saint Luke declares about
Y ou: Et fac tus in agonia, prolixus orabat. And being in agony, he
prayed the longer. (Lk 22:43b) 1 drew strength from my weakness. No
ange! appeared to comfort me. Rather, 1 was a heifer that awaited a blow
from a man who was not a butcher, but exhibited the rigor of one, raising his
arm with the ax. He seemed ready to deprive this poor heifer of life. 1 did not
stop to consider what this vision symbolized for me, but, continuing to pray as
1 dressed, 1 said to You: "O Lord! Am 1 the heifer that will be putto death?
(852) 1 offer myself for the sacrifice, but the vision has disappeared before 1
c ould see its death. It was neither killed nor skinned. 1 do not deserve to
suffer or die for You, my Divine Love."
said of Y ou: Virum dolorem, scientem infirmitatem; et quasi absconditus
cli distillaverunt a facie Dei Sina, a facie Dei Israel; pluviam volontariam .
segregabis Deus hereditati tu: et infirmata est, tu vero perfecisti eam.
Animalia tua habitabunt in ea: parasti in dulcedine tua pauperi Deus.
The earth was moved, and the heavens dropped at the presence of the
God of Sina, at the presence of the God of Israel. Thou shalt set aside
for thy inheritance a free rain, 0 God: and it was weakened, but thou
hast made it perfect. ln it shall thy animais dwell; in thy sweetness, 0
God, thou hast providedfor the poor. (Ps 67:9-11) (853)
The visitors arrived. The main one offered Holy Mass during which, at my
command, canticles were chanted as though it were a day of joy and a solemn
feast. A:fter this, they commenced the visitation by opening the tabernacle to
see how You wert? kept, my Divine Sacrament, my Love and my Weight.
From there, they went up to the parlor where You remained with me. After 1
had knelt to inquire of the one who presided how he wanted me to proceed,
whether through respect or silence, 1 was to listen to everything he had to tell
me or, through candor and confidence, 1 should speak to him as 1 do to Y ou,
regarding him as my judge, although 1 was not obliged to do so for a number
of reasons that it would take too long to record here. The interrogation was
more detailed than that of an ordinary visitation, even for someone obligated
by religious profession. 1 strove to satisfy them with a peace surpassing
natural feeling. It came from Y ou, my peaceful King, who made me your
Sulamitess, saying to me: Revertere, revertere, Sulamitis ! Revertere,
The priest spoken of here was highly esteemed for his virtue and depth of spirit. Shortly
after the above-mentioned visit, he was afflicted by a paralysis of his entire body for a period of
seven years. He attributed it to the results of the problems he had caused Mother de Mate] for
having too readily believed the reports given him about her. Regarding this, he asked her pardon
through the medium of a priest called Gautery, from whom 1 Iearned this detail in 1655.
Sister Jeanne de Jesus de B(cly), unworthy superioress, was then in charge of our monastery
in Paris, where he had brought two of our Sisters from Grenoble whom our Mother Foundress
had sent us. In Lyons, she had asked him to greet Monsieur Olier in her name, a great servant of
God, who admired the goodness and generosity oft hs1u;;beFoundress, according to the kind
director of our Sisters, Grenat des Anges and Saint Pierre, who were present there. 1 considered
myself obliged to witness to this.
Sister Lucrecia de Be/y,
called Jeanne de Jesus.
120 -
The next Tuesday, May 7th, due to the war, we had to leave our monastery in the Saint Germain suburb, because it was too distant, and enter the city.
(8 ) Monsieur de la Piardire received us in his home where the official and
pastor of Saint Eustachius Parish allowed us to have a chapel for Holy Mass
and Holy Communion. Monsieur de la Piardire offered it for us there, and
we received Communion. Your goodness showered a thousand favors upon
me which I will not relate at length. He has written extensively about them,
and this is to be found among my writings at his home and elsewhere.
On the F east of Pentecost, Y ou showered me with favors. Y our Holy
Spirit was all fire and love for me. The ardors which assailed my heart
induced such loving raptures that my daughters thought 1 needed re:freshment.
This Holy Spirit-called the living fountain and fire oflove, unction and Spirit
of goodness-was my host and gentlest coolness in the fire of love and the
water ofmy tears. He seemed to draw and bum me incessantly. Devotion
and envy caused different feelings in those who witnessed these various states
of mine. With my Father, Saint Augustine, 1 could declare: Da amantem, et
Come, my beloved, let us go forth into the field, let us abide in the
villages. (Cant 7:11)
Since Y ou have raised me up by your goodness, corne and spread it
throughout our spacious fields: Let us dwell in the village. 1 am delighted to
see the love that transports Y ou. Let us arise early in the morning, as do the
CW ) stars that were praising Y ou even before 1 came into existence. They
are all stars possessing as much obedience as stability. They are in jubilation
wherever Y ou ordain them to go. Ltat sunt, et dixerunt: Adsumus, et
luxerunt ei cum jucunditate, qui fecit il/as. (Fhe stars) rejoiced, and they
said: Here we are. And with cheerfulness they have shined forth to him
that made them. (Bar 3:34b-35)
Most August Trinity, accomplish everything You wish in your servant;
gratify her, gratify her! In your Name, the Prophet forbids her to give her
glory to others. He tells her: Ne tradas alteri gloriam tuam, et dignitatem
tuam genti alien. Give not thy honor to another, nor thy dignity to a
strange nation. (Bar 4 :3) Unable to converse with creatures after having
seen the Creator, I replied a number oftimes: Videnti Creatorem angusta
est omnis creatura. lt is the anguish of every creature that sees the
Y our wisdom, that governs ail things, chose to lead me to the altar on the
your feast day, Divine Word made Flesh. Y ou tl}en shared your goodness
with me and were my total consolation ail during the Octave ofthis Sacrament
of Love. Y ou said to me: "My daughter, 1 have placed the word of
reconciliation within you, and, since almost the entire earth seems to be at war,
pray to Me for ail sinners." "O God of mercy, I will pray for myself, for I think
that I am the greatest sinner on earth. (858) If ail other sinners were to receive
the graces Y ou give me, they would accomplish the good that 1 do not do and
would not do the evil 1 do. For this, I most humbly ask your pardon."
not thought to request of Me. You entrust yourself entirely to Me for time and
for etemity. Lovingly, I tell you: Confide filia; Be ofgood heart, daughter.
(Matt 9:22) From Me, I send a benevolence that is incomprehensible to you:
Qui confidunt in Domino, sicut mons Sion: non commovebitur in ternum.
They that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Sion: he shall not be moved
for ever. (Ps 124:1)
On the F east of Saint John the Baptist, You gave me a thousand blessings
during the Mass offered in our chapel by the Bishop of Condon. (l9) Afterward, I told him about them, as I have done with all those You have imparted
to me since the beginning of June when your wise Providence sent him to me
to assist me by his protection against all those who had assembled in council
as was recounted above.
This Prelate, who is very devout and zealous for your glory, undertook to
do for me what Saint Germain, Bish9p of Auxerre, did for Saint Genevieve,
after learning that the envy and questionable zeal of a number of people had
lead them to treat me uncharitably, even though they thought they would
accomplish something great by so doing. He took the trouble to visit me often
and to write me almost daily so as to know the graces your goodness had
deigned to give me so profusely. Having asked to see what followed the
Jnventory ofGraces in my Autobiography that the Most Eminent Cardinal
of Lyons had ordered me to write, he seemed even more convinced that it is
You who guides me. He inquired of the Jesuit Fathers here in Paris who had
seen letters :from my past directors who are now stationed in other provinces.
He also planned to see Father Jean-Baptiste Carr, Dominican, who had
guided me for a number ofyears. From this encounter, he was also convinced
that it is You, my Divine Love, who grants me all these ineffable liberalities, for
Father Carr assured him that he had never kno~ anyone more enlightened
with such abundant illuminations as those You deigned to communicate to me
ever since I was a child. 2,.0) In the conversation with the said priest, he felt
such satisfaction that he tried to see him as often as possible. He loudly
proclaimed his esteem for the virtues of this priest. A nwnber of people whom
he had helped tried to besmirch his name by calurnnies that turned against the
very ones who uttered them.
My true Oracle, Y ou will fulfill what Y ou told me about the matter when
Father Rudolph was in this city. You commanded me to assure him that You
wanted a general novitiate established and that Y ou had chosen him to be its
prior. He was to be the ox to work hard. Frankly, I did so. Sorne time later,
You also told me that, after he had worked hard on this novitiate, he would be
sanctified by his own sons and a number of others who thought they would be
pleasing Y ou, but they did not consult Y ou. Y our arms are certainly long, my
Lord, to assist whoever is made to suffer without reason. I do not want to
speak about how long they are in punishing those who, because they do not
know Y ou, afflict those whom You wish to protect.
Delighted with your favors tome, Bishop Condon urged me to pray for
him. With a filial heart, I did so, since You have given him to me as a father.
His devotion to your Blessed Mother was redoubled for me by my conversation with him. (861) You told me on the Feast of Saints John and Paul,
martyrs, that at the holy feet ofthis Mother of Fair Love, I would find all
graces and favors, that her eyes were pools of grace and glory, that she was
the miraculous pool wherein all the sick were healed ever since the Angel
Gabriel descended to greet her, telling her that she was full of grace and that
You were with her. These words troubled her: Qu cum audisset, turbata
est in sermone eius, et cogitabat qualis esset ista salutatio. Who, having
heard, was troubled at his saying and thought with herself what manner
ofsalutation this should be. (Lk 1:29)
The one who had troubled her had to assure her that Y ou had chosen her
to be your Blessed Mother. She was the pool Y ou wished to enter so as to
heal the pain that Moses perceived in Y ou at the time that Y ou sent the deluge
because of the sins of mankind: Videns autem Deus quod mu/ta malitia
thought of their heart was bent upon evil at ail limes, lt repented him
that he had made man on the earth. And being touched inwardly with
sorrow of heart: lt repenteth me that 1 have made them. (Gen 6:5-6;7c)
Dear Love, this regret proceeded from your goodness, which impelled
You personally to remedy human misery. You became Man in the womb of
this Virgin, assuming all our infirmities. You let me understand that Y ou
considered this miraculous pool within your ideas so as to dwell enclosed
there for nine months, followed by thirty years at her feet as her subject.
(862) You invited me to place myself at these sacred feet, saying that, through
them, 1 would have her heart and affections. She told me as Y ou did: Ego
diligentes me diligo. ! love them that love me. (Prov 8: 17) You added
that Y ou have placed everything at her feet, as well as at the feet of the
Apostles in the Militant Church.
On the Feast of the Visitation, while 1 was preparing to solemnize this feast
with five persons who observed it with great joy in Zachary's house, 1 was
deeply astounded that it should be spent in tears. Thrq_ugh an intellectual vie~,
1 saw trutt the Mother of Fair Love seemed to be leav!Jig Paris, taking with her
the Child of Holy Love and Love Itself. 1 lay flat on th-;floor i~ our little
chapel, ~eepi~g almost inconsolably. 1 have no words with which to express
my desolation, unaware ofwhat was occurring at the gate of Saint Antoine
wher~ there was furious fighting and massacring. Mothers lost their children
there; children became orphans there; married women who went there became widows, not being more desolate than 1 was. 1 exclaimed: "O, my
Queen! Q!1_ _!_ll_y~~t one, where are you taking ipy]esus, who is_!llY God?
!f yQ__u ar:i:c.! He leave Paris, we are lost. 1 have greater strength and constancy
than did Micheas to stop you with your Child who is my true God. Do not
say tome: Quid tibi vis? cur clamas? What ai/eth thee? Why dost thou
cry? (Judg 18:23c) You know that 1 cannot be nor live without Him. He is
your Son, but He is also my Spouse. (863) 1 see Him as the Unicorn in your
virginal breast where Y ou have detained Him, most marvelous Alma, incomparable Virgin. Do not be offended ifl sit on the floor to call Him and hold
Him on mine. He placed Himself on the altar purposely. With my tears, 1
would detain you together with Hirn. When He was visible among mortals, He
did not ignore them. With their tears the widow of Naim and Lazarus's sister
caused Him to make the dead rise again, the former from his coffin, and the
latter from the tomb after having been there four days.
You let me understand that He rejects the tabernacles of Joseph and wants
nothing to do with Ephraim. So many have multiplied as Joseph did and cry
out to Him. So many people, like Ephraim, were nurtured at the royal breast
in peace. Will ail these be rejected by Him as by you? Repulit tabernaculum
Joseph, et tribum Ephraim non elegit, sed elegit tribum Juda. Monstra te
esse matrem, sumat per te preces, qui pro nobis natus tulit esse tuus.
And he rejected the tabernacle of Joseph: and chose not the tribe of
Ephraim. But he chose the tribe ofJuda. (Ps 77:67-68a) Show yourself a
mother. May He who, born for us, deigned to be your Son, receive our
prayers through you. (Ave Maris Stella) Holy Mary, remember that 1 am the
daughter of Judas whom He delivered from the judges and was not sentenced.
He has been my Daniel, the Host of desire. 1 am the daughter of desire; you
and He will answer the desires of my heart for this royal city through goodness. 1 will not cease praying to both of you until 1 see our King and his family
return to Paris. (864) My tears were dried by your goodness, for Y ou assured
me that your Mother and Y ou would not leave Paris and that Y ou would be
with me. 1 was not to fear famine, for Y ou could not see me undergoing the
miseries that others dreaded. The Bishop of Condon came to inform me:
"My daughter, the Superioress of the Carmelites has asked me if you have
sufficient provisions of wheat for your whole Congregation which now numbers seventy-seven persons." 1 replied that Monsieur de la Piardire had
insisted so much that, to satisfy him, 1 had purchased two measures of wheat
at forty pounds the measure, but that 1 did not think that our Congregation
would use ail this during the inflation. This surprised him, for he thought that 1
had no economy nor concern for providing for. our needs. Our baker, whom
we had employed from the time of the first war, would never allow us to be in
need. 1 commend him to Y ou, my Love and my King, knowing very well that
You could not fail her who was extremely confident of your providence.
121 -
After Holy Communion, You told me: "My daughter, many people waste
their time, their possessions and often their very souls looking for the
philosopher's stone. How many have found it or even know about it?" "Lord,
I do not know." (865) "My daughter, my goodness has offered it to you, and
your confidence h;-received it within your breast. My dearest, it is I who am
this stone. My feet are supported on foundations of gold, and my head is of
fine gold that spiritually and cotporeally, interiorly and exteriorly enriches you.
The angels are your speedy vessels who have charge of obtaining for you what
you desire."
These rivers are sovereign and favorable to me, my Divine Love, against
any vanity and sensuality. They help me overcome the Assyrians and make
me victorious over the most powerful enemies, like another Judith over
Holofemes. By your strong assistance, I can often say that the Angel of the
Great Council never leaves me. The fruits You produce for me show me that
You are this Euphrates for me by replenishing me with your divin~dge
that makes You marvelous in a simple young wom~. Often she exclaims:
Mirabilis Jacta est scientia tua ex me: confortata est, et non potero ad
eam. Thy knowledge is become wonderful to me: it is high, and I cannot
reach to il. (Ps 138:6)
On the Feast of Saint Magdalen, You told me: "My daughter, the man
who desired to reach a point outside the limits of earth, so as to lift its entire
mass, did not obtain his wish. The thoughts of men are often vain: Dominus
scil cogilationes hominum, quoniam van sunt. The Lord knoweth the
thoughts of men, that they are vain. (Ps 93: 11)
"More fortunate than he, Magdalen had both feet outside the earth, having
attached herself to mine which are heavenly. Supported by the hypostasis of
the Word, My Humanity is outside the earth by its subsistence. Hers was the
better part, for she was taken by her love who made her like the desert,
elevating her seven times daily by heavenly spirits that have no body. They
borrow one when they appear in human form, even preparing one from the air
nostro? et brachium Domini cui revelatum est? Who hath believed our
report? And to whom is the arm of the Lord revea/ed?' (Is 53:1)
"With confidence, Magdalen knelt at my feet. I defended her from all her
enemies. Later, I raised her up to heaven near Me, her Friend. I am the
Chosen One from among a thousand, white with purity and red with charity as
the bride declares: Dilectus meus mihi, et ego illi. My beloved to me, and
1 to him." (Cant 2:16)
Continuing to praise your loved ones, Y ou entertained me for several
hours, commanding me to write a part of what Y ou told me about them. After
dinner, I did so. When Father Carr arrived, he asked me for this. I sent him
a copy. It may be seen among my writings, for I could not include it here.
On the Feast ofyour grandmother, Saint Anne, I humbled myselfbefore
your Majesty, desiring to praise You with all the angels and saints.(~) You
commanded me, a simple young woman, to proclaim the inexhaustible riches
destined for Saint Anne that had been concealed for ages in your divinity.
You told me that, withjustice, all the saints render ineffable veneration to this
wonderful mother ofyour Blessed Mother, her daughter. She believed that
Y ou would give her daughter back to her when she entered the Empyrean.
Divine Love, Y ou told me about the marvels of the merits and gl01y of your
grandmother, Saint Anne, which I recorded the very same day. So as not to
be too wordy, I am not adding them here. In the morning, when I received
Communion in our little chapel, You told me that from your bounty I received
the graces that You would have given the Queen had she been in this small
chape!, that You were not displeased by the recommendation I made for this
simple princess. She was very acceptable to You. You said that this devout
Queen had offered You the royal palace wherein to place your adorable
Sacrament with all your daughters. In exchange, I was to pray that Y ou
would give her lodging with her two princes in your royal, Divine Heart.
In the aftemoon, when I went to the Theatine Fathers to adore You there
on your Throne of love and receive the blessing of the mother of the one who
had borne You, Son of the blessed God, You received me with as much
courtesy as goodness. Your providence allowed someone to give me a chair
right in front of You exposed there, for I was too weak to remain kneeling.
(!29) You said tome: "My daughter, your are between two ofmy servants,
your spiritual children who are kneeling and you seated. The three of you
comprise the fleur-de-lys. Offer it to Me with the praises that the Queen and
her two sons would give Me were they present in this church." I did so to the
best ofmy ability. I offered them to You, my Lord and my God, not only in
this church, but everywhere that I do pray and will pray to You. Bless the
mother, bless the children, these two wonderful princes whom You had entrusted to me even before they were bom in the years 1628 and 1634. You
placed them upon my shoulders like two sprays of lilies so that I might offer
them to You and be responsible for them. Y our principality is upon my
shoulders, according to the declaration ofyour Evangelical Prophet: Etfactus
est principatus super humerum eius. And the government is upon his
shoulder. (Is 9:6c) My Love, make the care You have entrusted tome of
these two princes be blessed with your holy, loving benedictions. May they
share in your marvelous gifts as a strong Councillor, the Father of future ages
and Prince of peace. Da pacem, Domine, in die bus nostris. Lord, grant
peace in our day.
~---- ~
On the Feast of Saint Martha, You conversed with me about your esteem
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for the two sisters who were your two spouses. Y ou had great confidence in
them Gust as Lamech had in his two wives), and they in You. They were sure
that your presence would have prevented death from taking away the soul of
their brother Lazarus, your friend, whom your Father had ordained to die so
as to show forth your glory and your powerful confidence in Him. Y ou
offered to die to restore life to the adolescent Lazarus, whose death caused
Y ou deep sorrow. When You saw Mary weeping, Y ou sighed and were
troubled; You trembled and wept. You obliged Yourselfto descend personally to Limbo for him. Yet your soul was not thereby divided from your divine
support. lt was the composite that became separated. 0, what a wound!
The Man-God died and remained wounded for all mankind! The death of
Lazarus was the death of an adolescent whom the God-Man restored to life
after having been moved to loving compassion. (871)
The death of Lazarus was avenged seven times, but in a marvelous way.
Jesus was the death of his death and the sting of his hell and, together with this
new life, endowed him with the seven gifts of his Holy Spirit. That of Jesus
Christ was Septuagies septies; Seventy limes seven limes (Matt 18:22b) for
him, avenged with a terrible vengeance. Those who scomed the blood of the
Testament experienced this, for they stamped upon the blood of the Testament
and despised the Son of God who <lied for them. They have fallen and will fall
into the hands of the Living God. The destruction of Jerusalem pales beside
such contempt and such a precious death. The offence is infinite. Understandably, the punishment connected with this should be infinite: Justus es,
and thy
ranged against the chariots of Aminadab, against those outside the Church and
there to receive and gather those who wander off on devious ways. They
consider these too narrow, unable to attain the university ofyour ways which
are mercy and truth. The Royal Prophet, who knew this by his own personal
experience, has well addressed the issue. He also often requested Y ou to
show them to him and to illuminate them by your face.
The brevity 1 wish to maintain does not allow me to express everything
here. Whenever Monsieur de La Piardire retums from Touraine, where he
urgently had to go to attend to his children and personal affairs, we can see
what he wrote about this, if, my Divine Savior, Y ou give me the grace to see
122 -
( ~)
summoned Moses by death, having shown him the Promised Land, but telling
him that he would not enter therein. Y ou expressed the displeasure Y ou had
felt at the waters of contradiction.
Y ou could find no fault with your all-holy and Immaculate One. With love
and reverence, Y ou accepted her spirit, for You were her subject, as well as
her God. In a most divine way, You united her to Yourself: Et possidebit
Dominus Judam partem suam in terra sanctificata, et e/iget adhuc Jerusa/em. Sileat omnis caro a facie Domini, quia consurrexit de habitaculo
sancto sua. And the Lord shall possess Juda his portion in the sanctified
land: and he shal/ yet choose Jerusalem. Let ail flesh be si/ent at the
presence of the Lord: for he is risen up out of his ho/y habitation. (Zach
Divine Sun, the day Y ou made when Y ou personally radiated the triumph
of your august Mother, was so brilliant that heaven had not seen nor could see
another like it except the one of your marvelous Ascension, the day of glory of
a God-Man who displayed that He had possessed this glory before the world
was created. From the fust instant of its creation, your blessed soul enjoyed it
in its superior part, for, simultaneously, Y ou were supported by your divine
hypostasis. (876) Such rejoicing appeared to me to be novel. Your inferior
part and your Sacred Body, to which this glory is due because of the divine
support, would be deprived thereof by the divine economy to show your love
for mnkind. Y ou are their Pontiff who assumed a share in their weakness,
choosing to be their companion in their misery, although exempt from ignorance and sin.
as they say: "Holy is the Virgin Land, Daughter of the Almighty Father. Holy
is the Virgin Land, Mother of the most wise Son. Holy is the Virgin Land,
Spouse of the most ardent Holy Spirit who is all-love. (877) She bore the
Incarnate Word on life's journey and is borne aloft by Him at life's end, a
marvelous spectacle of glory for ail the saints."
I heard your Divine Father say: "Land of purity, listen to the Word of God.
Blessed Land, enter into the Word ofGod who entered you, as soon as you
said: Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum; Be it done to me according to
your word Priestly Land, enter the glory of the Word because You resemble
Him. Enter the heavens adorned personally by the Holy Spirit and affirmed by
the Word: Verbo Domini cli firmati sunt; et spiritu oris eius omnis
virtus eorum. By the word of the Lord the heavens were estab/ished;
and ail the power of them by the spirit of his mouth. (Ps 32:6)
My soul became engrossed in the delights of contemplating the Virgin
seated on the throne of light, and I noted J:hat neither angels nor men invested
with glory could behold the brilliance of this glory without being protected by
the power of your right hand. It modified or tempered these rays to allow
them not to be blinded by her splendors that were like those of the Sun of
Justice with which she was invested. This was You, my Divine Orient, returned to the bosom of your Father from whom You had corne to become
{ incarnate in this Virgin. B1:1t~ am _I now_:free _to sp~ak,_ engulfed gy y~ll
blazing light that heaven admires like the flaming bush that was not consumed?
Do 1 not consider this a miracle, filled with the thorns of my sins, ~e
\ miseries of this life? (~8) Through your goodness, I enjoy your delightful
( ardors without losing my being therein, in possession of a loving life through
divine dispensation. I speak, and everything remains in silence, unaware of
your divine features. I entered your great powers, and Y ou invited me to
advance further, urging me to be seated at the banqu~t of glory. You allowed
me to repose with You in the virginal heart where You wanted me j oin the
virgins in singing the hymn due to your Majesty. The holy peace given this
Virgin and, by her, to the whole heavenly Court in peace, has become her
place. She is in You, my God, and You are in her. You display and conceal
her in your hidden light which simultaneously is both darkness and light.
Divine Majesty, 1 am unable to recount your marvels, being lost in the
abyss of your greatness. Blessed Virgin, you are above all that is not God,
except for your Son, the Man-God, who is the right hand of the Father to
whom He is equal and who made Himself the supreme heaven. During this
entire Octave, my soul was gratified with the favors of your most august
Mother and magnificent Queen of God made Man. (879)
r2-3 -
The desire given me by the Incarnate Word to be perfectly detached from anything that is not God. His goodness in lodging
me within bis Heart. The many graces He gave me through bis
Blessed Mother, as I entrusted our Order to Saint Michael and
bis angels.
spread out like the heavens. Like a glorious, holy vestment, this flaying
invested you with light.
On the Feast of Saint Louis, King of France, my soul dwelt in the hospital
of the poor, your sacred side. 0, how it wanted to tell You: Tibi derelictus
est pauper; orphano tu eris adjutor. (ll.O) To thee is the poor man left:
thou wilt be a helper to the orphan. (Ps 9:14c) You were this, my God,
when You fulfilled my desires and accepted the preparation of my heart. 1
experienced what the Prophet-King said: Desiderium pauperum exaudivit
Dominus; prparationem cordis eorum audivit auris tua. The Lord hath
heard the desire of the poor: thy ear hath heard the preparation of their
heart. (Ps 9: 17) Many prepare bows and arrows so as in the darkness to
wound the one who was willing to do everything possible for You and for
them and endure with an upright heart, seeking only your glory and the
salvation of everyone: Quoniam qu perfecisti destruxerunt: justus autem
quid fecit? For they have destroyed the things which thou hast made:
but what has thejust man done? (Ps10:4)
Monsieur de la Piardire left Paris on this royal day to go to Touraine. He
left me with my daughters in his home, asking me not to leave until he had
returned so as to take us back to our monastery. 0 , God! How his request
caused me pain, but You rewarded this generously. How right Saint Teresa
was when she declared: "To suffer or to die," since You know how to
console those who belong entirely to You.
Loving Savior, on August 27th, when 1 knelt to adore and offer You my
affliction due to the ingratitude of those whom 1 loved for love of You, You
invited me to rest under your Cross. Since You gave me the fruit of your
work that was so sweet, 1 could say: Sub umbra illius quam desideraverum
sedi, et .fructus eius dulcis gutturi meo. I sat down under his shadow,
whom I desired: and his.fruit was sweet to my palate. (Cant 2:3c)
Dear Love, you well know how to charm afflicted hearts, delighting to help
them forget their burdens and to think only of your love. (881) Because 1 was
abandoned by all who could divert me from my sorrow, but not remove them,
Y ou decided to assume them Y ourself, and, like a good nurse, take the bitter
medicine to give me milk from your own breast, telling me that this was better
than the wine of any consolation from pure creatures. Y ou took me into your
cellar where your charity commanded me to love all those who aftlicted me. 1
was to pray for them, marveling at your goodness that set up the banner of
your pure love in my heart. You induce the soul to reside more in the One it
loves than in what it animates, for charity does not strive for what is agreeable
but for whatever belongs to You, my All and my greatest glory, so that the
bride may belong entirely to her Spouse.
One morning as 1 prayed before an Ecce Homo, 1 was thinking ofYou, my
Divine Love. While 1 was filled with shame, Y ou caused me to hear these
words of the Prophet Isaias: Non est species ei, neque decor; There is no
beauty in him, nor come/iness; (Is 53:2b) and what follows in the chapter up
to: Et nos putavimus eum quasi /eprosum, et percussum a Deo, et
world. Hold it in contempt and, with the Apostle, declare that the world is
crucified to you and you to the world. I came for what was mine, and those
who belonged to Me did not accept Me. The Jews have rejected Me. On
Good Friday, the Church prays for them. Pray to Me for whoever has been
unfaithful to you. Whoever welcomes you, welcomes the One who sent you.
You are not the one, my daughter, that is despised; it is I who consider it done
to Myself."
While I prayed to your goodness for those who were unfaithful to their
duties, You showed me a field of withered grass upon the ground, telling me
as You did the Prophet Isaias: "Cry out, my daughter!" "O! what shall I cry
out?" "That all flesh is grass." At the same time, You told me that You
preserved a flower in which your Holy Spirit dwelt, who strengthened it and
endowed it with his graces. (884)
In the church of the discalced Augustinian Fathers on the eve of the Feast
of St. Michael, as I attended Holy Mass and received Holy Communion, You
were pleased to elevate me near this Prince and all his angels. You told me
that these Moming Stars joined in jubilantly praising You for the conversion of
our loving Father Saint Augustine. Because of it, they engage upon a great
and solemn feast. All this is unutterable.
It pleased You, Divine Love, to entrust our Ortler to this magnificent Prince
and all these spiritual beings. You commanded me anew to take care of all
your daughters, a number of whom You showed me were going astray like
lost sheep led or kept by persons who were severe or mercenary, not to say
cruel. The ground to which they had been led was a narrow path between
two thomy hedges. The dust seemed to choke them. Grass was placed upon
their backs and not in their mouths. At sight of this, my heart was filled with
pity and compassion, for they were being treated so harshly that they seemed
to be taken to slaughter.
124 -
(886) You told me: "Pray to me now for peace for Paris so that the King may
corne there. Join my seraphic Francis, who is all love, in asking me for this."
The next day, You conversed with me about the marvels of this saint. You
told me: "My daughter, listen to a great mystery. The Incarnate Word, your
love, like the supreme heaven above all the heavens, on this day appeared to
the glorified saint with shining wounds like a spectacle of glory, and Francis
proportionately did the same. With his bleeding wounds, Saint Francis hid in a
cave, remaining standing to delight whoever could descend there. This is a
copy of the holy original that is mine. 1 wanted to show mortal men the
features by an ineffable marvel. Moses prepared the tent he had been shown
upon the mountain. Francis became like the original that he saw on the
mountain of Alvernia as was declared: 'Whatever God joins together, let men
not separate.' 1 say to you that the mark of my stigmata on St. Francis cannot
be effaced or removed, even by death that destroys everything. And if 1 want
this holy body to symbolize Me when 1 was crucified until 1 corne again, who
can prevent Me from doing so?" You enlightened me about the marvels of my
seraphic father, telling me that You had given me many favors through this
saint to whom 1 had been dedicated even before 1 was bom. It would take
me too long to describe them here.
On the Feast of the Apostle of France, the great Saint Denis, 1 received a
letter, -h1foffiling ne ofthe c~elty and inhum--ani~my poor sheep
were being treated. The vision had upset me, but this letter distressed and
wounded me so much that 1 was outraged with pain and wept bitterly. (887)
My sufferings were inexplicable and still are, because, like Rachel, 1 weep and
cry inconsolably to You over the daughters who are dead and those who
languish in a distant place. 1 could not go see and assist them because of
obstacles that were as cruel and upsetting to me as were their deaths. Since
they go up to heaven to enjoy your glory, our Community knows that they
always corne to bid me farewell by some signal, either in my room or elsewhere, if 1 do not have the suffrages offered for them as is proper in all the
monasteries. This occurs when there is a delay in informing me of their deaths,
with the excuse that, for various reasons, the Sisters fear to give me such sad
news. This they had to acknowledge when I informed them that I believed
certain Sisters had died. What still perturbs me is that, during all this time, they
deprived Purgatory of the suffrages, prayers, Masses and Communions which
the Constitutions oblige our monasteries to offer for them.
On the Feast of St. Luke, St. Simon and St. Jude, I said to You: "How is
it, dear Love, that You communicate Yourself to me, the most unworthy one,
and not to so many others who are virtuous while I am not?" You told me: "I
desire mercy for you, and for the others I expect the sacrifices they have
promised Me in view of their temporal and eternal benefits, as I did of Jephte
who vowed to offer Me in sacrifice the first living thing he met that belonged to
him after he had won his victory. I wanted the fulfillment ofthis, not exempting
him as I did Abraham from the real death ofhis Isaac whom he would have
willingly sacrificed. I stopped the effect, suspended his arm and sword when
he raised it to kill his son, thus prohibiting him from sacrificing him, but placing
a ram there to symbolize my death which would be a reality." (888) Dear
Love, I offer You to your Divine f ather, for all You have allowed and
granted me. Through your kind clemency, You have given me grace for
grace, telling me that my confidence caused it to be given to me in advance.
This is how good and merciful You are toward me.
On the Feast of All Saints, You deigned to provide a great feast for me.
Your Blessed Mother gave me splendid gifts to which You agreed with inexpressible goodness. I understood that all your saints are with her near the
altars where You repose ih the adorable Eucharist, which You had instituted
to make up for the omissions of mankind, even for their contempt toward this
adorable sacrament, their impiety and terrible crimes. Also, vengeance is
required fortrampling underfoot the Blood of the Testament. Dear Love, You
know my reactions to these just demands. I wept so profusely that it seemed
that I would lose my sight. These tears did no! extinguish the fire of your
wrath, which increased to the extent that I offered myself as a sacrifice to be
entirely consumed. Seeing that I was enduring these unbearable ardors without your assistance, You lovingly said tome: "Tell Me that you are languishing
for love." Obeying You, I prayed to all your saints to tell You what You did
not ignore, since Y ou commanded me to express my languishing to Y ou
through them. My loving martyrdom becrune intensified when they explained
to me how great my flrune was, by the recital I gave them, that enraptured me
also so that I becrune happily engulfed in your adorable splendors. Without
being the secretary ofyour Majesty, I was marvelously crushed by your glory.
- 12- -
My vision about the entrance of the saints into our little chapel
and the marvels that the Incarnate Word and bis Blessed Mother
taught me there. He was the ram that was sacrificed and the one
who offered the sacrifice. The multiple graces I received.
also ready to grant my inclinations and fulfill my desire. At the same time, in a
most sublime vision, in spirit I saw ail your saints carrying a well, that I could
see was very deep, which they placed in this chapel. They told me: "This is
the well of wisdom." They peered into it with profound attention. They drew
these waters in such a wonderful way without my noting that they used the
cord that was there that was well-placed and had a pulley to descend, but I
did not see any receptacle. (890)
In spirit, all your saints drew forth knowledge and wisdom that still remained immense and did not diminish when they shared in them. They let me
understand that, even thougli I was but a young woman, You had 2laCefthls
wefwitllln m~l. Yo!J de!ighted for }b~m to corne s~_~f
knowledge that Y ou ha4 plac~d in me, informing me about their compliance
with your desire. Even though they abide in heaven, they corne down to earth
-- to admire your goodness here ancl .leam your secrets from a young woman
thus f~You told the;_; that in me could be found their~
lypse, and they could be enraptured by your ineffable favors to me. You told
me: "Come see the sacrifice oflove, sorrow and power upon Mount Moriah.
First view the symbol, and then I will show you the reality and let you enjoy it.
- -- -_.....
Consider Abraham offering up his Isaac with his arm raised ready to sacrifice
him and see my loving providence that substituted for him by producing a ram
caught by the homs among the thorns that Adam's sin had produced.
------ -
to be the dead God in his presence and in that of ail reasoning creatures, not
only upon Calvary, but on the Last Day, when the sign of the Son of Man will
appear upon the seat of Majesty.
"My daughter, the ram was I. It was I, my daughter; it was I, my favorite
one." When for the third time, I heard: "It was I, my daughter and my chosen
one," my soul nearly left my body to enter into You, for I was beside myself.
You stopped me by telling me: "Stand firm to see the Virgin ofvirgins, my
Blessed Mother, who offers the sacrifice, who offers and sacrifices the Eternal
Pontiff, her flesh and blood. He, in turn, offers and presents Himself as an
adorable and real oblation for a thousand, thousand worlds, showing that love
is greater than death.
"This marvelous sacrificer remained standing between the temple and the
altar. Since the sacrifice was part of her substance that she offered for
everyone, the sun hid in mourning, the earth trembled, the rocks split asunder,
the tombs opened, the veil of the temple was rent. All nature seemed to have
reached the point of destruction. The Virgin Mother remained steadfast beside the altar where she offered and sacrificed her Victim. She offered Him to
my Etemal Father as a perfect holocaust, thus able to declare: Introibo in
"I offer you ail the sacrifices and holocausts by offering You my Son in my
sorrow. You will not suffer, holy Father. The essence He received from You
is unchangeable. It is the nature He received from me that suffers. He has
consummated everything. If Y ou are not satisfied, here I am to accept the
lance-thrust that your Roly Spirit predicted for me by the lips of Simeon, who
was his representative. This Spirit, who assured him that he would see his
salvation and supernatural life before natural death closed his eyes, found me
steadfast at the foot of the Cross. It was the altar of my sorrow where my
Son was nailed so as courageously to receive the lance thrust that would be
the pitiless sword to pierce my soul. It brought about daylight for many whose
thoughts in their hearts were in darkness, whose sighs could neither produce
nor explain them."
This wonderful and real Amazon was victorious over the Lord of Hosts
who had ordered unleashed the most terrible assault ever seen in heaven, earth
or hell. The angels wept bitterly; the demons ofwar were there despoiled of
all their powers. The guilty saw the One whom they had pierced with their
lances that were more cruel than the one that opened his side. Victorious over
all, the Virgin Mother remained standing and saw the consummation of the
mystery of God concealed in the tomb, being the true Savior. Victorious over
a man, Judith was acclaimed by all her people, but Mary is the admiration of
God Himself, the jubilation of heaven, earth and Limbo:
: .
Suspended at the sight of these spectacles of love/ niy spirit had left its
body in such great cold that it took a longtime for it to become warm'. This
caused such a great secretion in one knee that the bone seemed to hve ..hen
infected. It did not heal until after Easter. Althougha mirnber of remedie~.
were made there, the nerve remained .weak or shrunken. 1 said to You:
"Angel of the Great Council, when You called me to C_~vary.'s sorrow, You
sprained one of my nerves as You did the wrestler from whom You withdrew
In Paris and elsewhere, a number of clergy strove to turn away the one
Y ou had called to the dignity of the priesthood and sent me to teach and guide
him to the perfection You asked of him according to the lights your goodness
imparted to me. In a derisive manner, one of them told him that your
Church had not yet fallen to the spindle (meaning: into the bands ofwomen).
Y our goodness, who chooses weak things with which to confound those who
presume upon their wisdom, allowed this cleric to fall victim to an illness that
did not allow him one moment of reason with which to receive the sacraments.
He had to be bound during the four or five days remaining him of life, and he
expired in this condition.
A number of others who sought to destroy your Ortler and to cause
embarrassment to the one whom your goodness protects have already demonstrated by their own fall that there is no council that can successfully stand
against Y ou, my Lord and my God. Three have <lied during the present year
who were expected to live a long time. The others have been forced to resign
from their charges or dignities because of the powerlessness to which Y ou had
reduced them. (894)
- 12, _
With a diamond, the Incarnate Word and Saint John, your favorite, had me admire the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady, who
appeared to me holding the Blessed Sacrament in one band and
a Crown of Thorns in the other; the many favors I received on
the Feasts of Saint Lucy, Saint Thomas, Christmas night and the
Feast of the Holy Innocents.
On the night of the Eve of the Conception ofyour ail-pure Mother in 1652,
1 saw a river or a sea, with ships. Approaching one that was apart from the
others, 1 saw a fisherman aboard, dressed in a white and red robe and holding
a diamond between his thumb and finger, that had never been worked on by
the hands of men. Instead of angles or points, there were flames which did not
hum exteriorly. This diamond enclosed ail the light of the sun, the moon, the
stars and fire. The fisherman who held and contemplated the diamond was
Saint John the Evangelist. On the bank, he had received it from a very
gracious Man, also dressed in a long white and red robe. It was Y ou, my
Love, who commanded your favorite disciple to give me this diamond to show
that it should be esteemed.
1 was astonished that people near me did not marvel at this diamond given
me by your favorite disciple, whom 1 saw as another Y ou. 1 was delighted to
see that You and Saint John were but one. Y ou let me understand that, being
the Son of the Virgin, You wanted Saint John to be that also. (~) Your
infinite love had made him what Y ou are-for love tends to unity-that each
of you had given me this diamond. By a divine favor, Y ou had shown me the
purity of your holy Mother and her most pure Conception. You told me that
this Immaculate Mother was all-beautiful, totally resplendent and filled with
light, but that she retained her illuminations without allowing them to be visible
except to those whom your wise goodness gratified with the privilege of seeing
and touching this marvel, like Saint John who saw and touched the Word of
Life whom this Virgin enclosed within her womb wherein He was invested
with her most pure substance. It is You, Divine Love, who bears your Divine
Father's entire word. You are the figure ofhis substance, the image ofhis
goodness, the stainless mirror ofhis Majesty, the splendor ofhis glory. Lost in
your illuminations, together with your three Apostles, 1 fell down at the sight of
your splendor: Pulchritudinem candoris eius admirabatur oculus, et super
imbrem eius expavescet cor. The eye admireth at the beauty of the
whiteness thereof and the heart is astonished at the shower thereof
(Eccl 43:20) The Sacred Body that You assumed within the virginal womb is
whiter than snow. The sunshine of your face, as brilliant as possible, dazzles
the eyes and makes the heart faint away: blessed l_anguishing. Had You been
willing, 1 would have wished to die as a result ofthis.
Confined to bed because of my knee problem, 1 gently excused myself.
Seeing that 1 was unable to remain kneeling, You let me understand that 1 was
not to be embarrassed by my posture, that your Blessed Mother had been
seated when the Archange! Gabriel announced your Incarnation to her and
your Spirit came upon her. (896) Troubled at his words, she was overwhelmed by the brilliance of light with which this glorious Spirit appeared,
announcing the coming within her of the Sun of Justice, the Orient from on
high. It is You, my God, Light of light, that came to become incarnate within
her. So as to remove my every anxiety, You also had me understand, Divine
Love, that your disciples were seated in the Cenacle when You sent them your
Spirit of tire, that the great wind might have overthrown them and that it was
better for them to be seated when You sent them this Spirit by which they
were to judge men. The Virgin ofVirgins is the seat of your Majesty who can,
under the palm of victory that she bears, judge Israel with greater power and
knowledge than did Deborah.
My knee problem confined me to bed longer than my fervor preferred.
Your Blessed Mother appeared to me, in one hand bearing the Sacred Host
over a chalice and, in the other, a Crown of Thorns that she presented to me
as being grace itself. Who would not have accepted this wonderful grace, the
Holy Eucharist presented by the one who is full of grace? It would have to be
a demon who hated his goodness. Dear Love, let me love her as much as I
should and that she could be loved in heaven and on earth. Let me love Y ou
through your own love. Let me live and die in it. Let love be stronger in me
than death, and its jealousy harder than hell. (897)
My Divine Love, on the Feast of Saint Lucy, virgin and martyr, You
deigned to show me your spouse all-brilliant, like her name, adomed with her
Bride groom. She was marvelously beautiful and of wonderful grace, in my
opinion. 1bis vision consoled me during my troubles. For a number of years,
she has favored me on her feastday.
On the Feast of the expectation of the Birth ofyour Virgin Mother, having
favored me for many years on these days, You were pleased to continue your
blessings. Unwilling to possess by myself the joy You communicated tome, I
felt impelled by your Spirit to tell the Abb de St. Just that I was announcing a
great joy to him, knowing that Monsieur de Nay would soon be the Archbishop of Lyons and that he would be his Vicar General. He replied that I
would always be the wonderful one, as the cherished spouse of the One who
is so by essence and par excellence. It is ofYou, my Divine Love, that he
speak.s in this delightul letter of January 10, 1652, in which he told me that I
would always triumph over the contradictions made me by my enemies.
On the night of the Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, toward whom You
had given me a strong devotion-loving him because he wanted to die with
Y ou, by exhorting his fellow disciples to satisfy yours when Y ou went to
console Martha and Mary by bringing back to life their brother and your
friend, Lazarus-You showed me a violet flower with which I played, although it was enclosed in a frame.
It was also present there as in a
flower plot. Without my the glass when I touched it with a ring, it
flew to my lips.
Since the nxt day, the Feast of Saint Thomas, was a Sunday, I observed a
day of joy and rejoicing. It pleased You, my Divine Healer, to tell me that 1
would rejoice immediately, that You agreed with your saints and that You
delight in the music chanted in heaven. Your goodness allowed me to participate with them. St. Michael said: Quis ut Deus; Who is like to God; the
Royal Chanter: Rex meus et Deus meus; My king and my God (Ps 83:4);
St. Thomas: Dominus meus et Deus; My Lord and my God; and the most
unworthy one: Jesus, amor meus; Jesus, my Love. 1 have no words with
which to express the grace You gave me. May all your saints thank: you for
this, Jesus, my Love.
On Christmas night, 1 had to hear Matins while in bed because my knee
hurt me more than it had a few days before. 1 was consoled a little, because
there was only a limited separation between my daughters who sang them and
myself. (li2.9) The chapel where Holy Mass was offered was level, as was the
parlor and the room 1 inhabited that faced both places. Y ou consoled me
even more by the thought that many sick persons cannot attend Matins nor
even Holy Mass, because 1 was helped by one of my daughters to be able to
Y our ordinary generosity tending toward me, (ifl may so speak), You let
me understand that my afflictions moved You to pity and that 1 was like the
apple of your loving eyes. Whoever resisted me, resisted Y ou, because their
resistance was motivated by injustice. Y ou said to them: Discedite a me
Dominus Domino meo; Sede a dextris meis, donec ponam inimicos tuos
scabellum pedum tuorum. The Lord said to my Lord: Sit thou at my
right hand: Until I make thy enemies thy footstool. (Ps 109: 1) When 1
finished this entire Psalm, Y ou let me know what You wanted to do to my
who, Y ou told me~were yours also. Y ou would strike down a
( j oo )
number of them and elevate me near You, who are my Head, after I had
imbibed from the torrent of contradictions that You allowed for your glory and
my well-being.
On the Feast of the Holy Innocents, You favored me with your loving
caresses that are not effeminate. You let me understand that the cruel death of
these little innocent ones made them like towers, citadels and boulevards.
They had saved your life. Through them, You had vanquished Herod who
thought He had killed You among their number. Although he assuaged his
rage with this carnage along life's journey, he reserved his punishment for the
next life. Through power and patience, You endured his cruelty and treachery
when he told the Wise Men that he wanted to go adore You, although he had
resolved to have You killed: lnimici Domini mentiti sunt ei, et erit tempus
eorum in scu/a. The enemies of the Lord have lied Io him; and their
lime shal/ beforever. (Ps 80:16)
12+ -
The New Year's gifts that the Incarnate Word gave me. The
marvels He let me understand on the Octave of the Feasts of St.
John and the Holy Innocents, the Royal Prophet David and the
principio, ln the beginning and the last one ends the Apocalypse. Veni
Domine Jesus Amen, Come, Lord Jesus, Amen said my favorite, St. John,
who commenced his Gospel ln principio and ended his Apocalypse with
Jesus, Amen. What belongs to your Bridegroom belongs to you; He is your
omament. lbis is what delights the heavenly citiz.ens."
On the Feast of the Octave of St. John, your favorite disciple invited me to
approach Y ou to show me this special disciple resting upon your breast. Y ou
said to me: "Contemplate this child oflove reposing in such a way upon the
source of grace that possesses all the treasures of heaven and earth. The two
feet of his affections are in Me. He is in ecstasy, elevated by the One who is
supreme heaven. There is no point in him ouside earth, which was the desire
of the one who vainly boasted that he could raise its entire mass ifhe were to
have a foothold outside this massive element. ~2) lbis beloved is at peace
during the trouble of all the disciples, and mine so, that he referred to in his
rapture and records in his Gospel, having heard that whoever receives Me
receives my Father: Qui autem me accipit, accipit eum qui me misit. Cum
but from my flames. He possessed the grace to subsist in eternal ardor amid
the splendor ofholiness before the Feast of the Resurrection of my physical
and natural Body. My Apostle applied these words of the Prophet King to
my Resurrection: Dominus dixit a me: Filius meus es tu, Ego hodie genui
te. The Lord hath said to me: Thou art my son; this day have I begotten
thee. (Ps 2:7)
"He was speaking to Me in the person of my Father, and 1 applied them to
John, my heart's favorite. 1 gave birth to him before my death and Resurrection. 1 made him a priest, serving as his miter and vestment. 1 made him holy
and consecrated him upon my breast, the adorable and adored altar. Just as 1
am, 1 was my Eternal Father's ointment, unction and oil of rejoicing. Aaron's
consecration prefigured mine and the one 1 would give, by consecrating John,
who was to assist at my exterior death. He possessed the interior one within
himself through the Eucharistie sacrament that 1 placed in this marvelous ark to
the admiration of all the angels. 1 showed them that my wisdorn possessed as
much and even more care of preserving this divine manna than the one they
had kneaded and given the Israelites in the desert which was but the symbol.
Since my love was stronger than death, 1 remained in John after my death.
(902-3) My love kept him standing upon Calvary with our Blessed Mother. 1
say "our Mother", because we are her two sons. She had told the Archange}
Gabriel: Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum; Be it done to me according to
thy word (Lk 1:38) The Word became flesh in her. The Word became Man
within her womb through this all-powerful word. In the Cenacle, John became
the son ofGod and of the Virgin and was declared such upon Calvary, when
He said: Mulier ecce jilius tuus; Woman, behold thy son; and to John:
Ecce mater tua; Behold thy Mother. This is what upheld them at the foot of
the Cross while all nature was moved, rocks split, and tombs opened, allowing
the dead to emerge, for they were called to this unheard of spectacle."
My Divine Master, could 1 express and produce in ink upon this paper the
illuminations Y ou gave my understanding, calling me by name to see this
favorite upon y.our adorable breast? Did I not tell you: "I will go see this great
vision that contains all good"? In accordance with this favorite, Y ou let me
understand your etemal generation, and, after a thousand, thousand favors,
Y ou told me that Y ou wanted me to know the loving excess of your death.
(903) Can I express and live it after these loving words? 'Farewell, my
daughter, I am leaving this hemisphere, and I am going to Limbo.' I would
lose both life and being were Y ou not to be each of them for me. I cannot
express the marvels I understood. If I could do so, they would not be
ineffable to me.
On the Feast of the Octave of the Holy Innocents, who had accepted me
as their sister in 1619, they wanted immediately to treat me as such. Agreeing
to this, your Majesty let me know that, through weakness, You wanted to
demonstrate the power of grace, elevating these Holy Innocents near your
throne, rewarding them for the death they endured, which served You as a
shield, a tower, a dungeon and citadel. They were struck down to deprive
them oflife, but You were not among them as Herod erroneously thought .
You allowed me to admire them like suns, moons and stars, chanting the
hymn of your glory. Their lips and hands are unstained, for they never sullied
either body or soul. (904) By their innocent simplicity, they outwitted Herod's
astuteness, when he determined to murder a King by massacring the little
Innocents. By doing so,' he made them all kings, as well as victims, who
follow the slain Lamb wherever He goes, singing a canticle that only virgins
may sing as they do.
You let me know that there was great joy in heaven due to the glory of
these innocent infants. Dear Love, what an antithesis! The Militant Church
shows us Rachel, weeping and refusing to be consoled, and the Triumphant
Church chants with jubilation. You told me: "My daughter, however much
heaven's music differs from that of earth, it does correspond by order of the
Holy Spirit who directs the measure of each of them. Th~ Militant one
wailing and weeping along life's J9urney, and the Triumphant one in the next
life s jbilit and jyfuC Tui.J..Holy-sp~t p~ys~ ~~ ~ ~e p.~~e
pilgrims: Gemitibus inenarrabilibus; Unspeakable groanings (Rom 8:26)
at the same time that He fills the heavenly citizens with rejoicing, while they are
engulfed in the way of their glorious Lord.
On the Eve ofEpiphany, 1 reflected on David's good fortune in his city, the
One whom the Kings came to adore as the Son ofGod and King of the Jews
and his Son according to the flesh as Saint Paul declares: Qui prdestinatus
est Filius Dei in virtute secundum spiritum sanctificationis. Who was
predestinated the Son of Gad in power, according ta the spirit ofsanctification. (Rom 1:4) (905) My daughter, admire the goodness ofmy Etemal
Father who has given you this same Son, making you his mother and the
mother of his Ortler. Every day pray that He may give you a kiss. He has
done so for thirty-three years through daily Communion. Through your lips,
open your heart, and there receive the Word grafted in goodness who can
save your soul. As mother and spouse of the Word, speak about the glory of
the most beautiful among the children of men. Do not fear if people on earth
blame you. 1 will defend your cause in the presence ofmy Eternal Father and
his angels. Remember what Peter and my other Apostles said to those who
forbade them to speak about Me, to teach in my Name: Obedire oportet
Deo magis quam hominibus. We ought to obey God rather than men.
(Acts 5 :29b)
If you are filled with the Holy Spirit who gives testimony to you and
prompts you to speak, can men impose silence upon you? The princes,
Scribes and Pharisees urged Me to impose it upon little children. Had Eve
spoken about the marvels of God who created her in the earthly garden,
resisting the serpent as did Michael in the heavenly one when he said: "Who is
like to God to exceed his commandments?", she would not have taken the
forbidden fruit and given it to Adam. Neither one of them would have eaten it.
They would not have pricked Me with the thorns that this fruit produced.
On the F east of the Epiphany, in the stable, 1 wordlessly adored Y ou,
seeing You as the mute Word while the Kings marveled in silence. (906) You
showed me a sphere and let me understand: "My daughter, 1 am the sphere.
On observing my abasement in the stable, these Kings were unspeakably
dumbfounded as"they contemplated Me. They saw my horoscope, sufferings,
and voluntary death. They saw the sun, the orient from on high abased. They
saw this wonderful moon, my Blessed Mother and the star of Jacob--Joseph,
the son of Jacob. The star that led them was only the symbol. It disappeared
after having shown them the place where lay the Child, the Son of God and of
the Virgin.
"These Kings were delighted, as were my Blessed Mother and her chaste
spouse, with the report of my Evangelist: Erat pater eius et mater mirantes.
His father and mother were wondering. (Lk 2:33a) After adoring Me and
offering their gifts, they left the stable and, at the command of the angel, took a
different route. They pondered over the marvels they had seen and adored
until the day that my Apostle Thomas declared to them the marvels of my life,
the cruel death inflicted upon me by the Jews. He assured them of my
resurrection and glory, telling them that they had been irreproachable witnesses, for they had seen Me and my glorious Wounds. After instructing
them, he baptized them and allowed them to assist in preaching the Gospel."
While 1 was in the chapel to attend Holy Mass and Communion, my spirit
became engulfed in an inexpressible confusion. (907) After having received
Y ou in your sacrament, 1 rose from your holy table to withdraw to a corner
behind the chapel door. AU our religious daughters were there with a lighted
candle, renewing their vows in the presence of the Sacred Host which the
priest gave them after their renovation. At sight and sound of their sacrifices, 1
became even more confused, saying: "Lord, 1 have chosen to be the last, the
servant, the cook and the domestic in your bouse. In imitation of You, 1 prefer
these lowly offices and humiliations to any empire or crown. In spirit, 1 kiss
the feet of your spouses." On noticing that one of them had bers at the
entrance and thinking that she was concentrated on what she was doing,
concealed behind this door, bowing and bending forward 1 lifted the back of
her cloak without her noticing and kissed them with great respect and humiliation. 1 considered the acts that your merciful greatness had produced in me
with sentiments of my nothingness. 1 did so, seeing that 1 could not take the
j!jolemn vows ofpoverty and obedience. (908) 1 resigned myselfto your good
pleasure in this for as long as your Holy s pjrit deemed it appropriate for me to
do so. 1 knew that He inspires what He wants in those whom he chooses and
that He allows his voice to be heard in many ways: Spiritus ubi vult spiral,
et vocem eius audis, sed nescis unde veniat, aut quo vadat: sic est omnis
qui natus est ex Spiritu. The Spirit breatheth where he will and thou
hearest his voice: but thou knowest not whence he cometh and whither
he goeth. Sois every one that is barn of the Spirit. (Jn 3:8)
He knows from whence He cornes from and where He is going. No
mortal knows this unless the same Spirit, together with the Word and the
Father, reveals it to him, as his only principle and He the immense expression
of their production. 0 Divine Spirit, your secret belongs to Y ou. Cum reg-
cause he hath looked forth from his high sanctuary: from heaven the
Lord hath looked upon the earth. That he might hear the groans of them
that are in fetters: that he might release the children of the slain. That
they may declare the name of the Lord in Sion; and his praise in Jerusalem. (Ps 101:20-22)
- 1za -
On January 7th, 1 was reflecting upon the happiness of St. Joseph on living
with his Virgin Spouse and her Child-God. 1 recalled the joy of St. Joachim
and St. Anne upon contemplating their daughter during the three years they
kept her at home. 1 understood that they were two Cherubim who protected
this propitiatory who was of their substance, the daughter who could daim to
be the mercy of these two merciful persons who had produced this marvelous
olive, the beautiful one par excellence, chosen to be the Mother of God. (219)
The silence of both of them imposed a similar one upon me until the Word
would prompt me to speak. On J anuary 8th, as 1 was wondering why the
Circumcision had no Octave, Y ou let me understand that there is no end of
delays and sufferings in this life and that You were giving me yours as a New
Year's gift. 1 was to consider You in them, my magnificent Savior, and in You
ltwould find all well-being. You are the glory ofyour chosen ones, and You
are all things to them. You give Yourself to me, and 1 abandon myself to You,
giving myself entirely to my All.
On the day of the Octave of the Kings in the Gospel, the Church presents
your marvelous baptism that made your Precursor marvel, who was sanctified
by You personally, the fountain ofpurity. He said to You: Ego a te debeo
The Ho/y Ghost being sent down from heaven, on whom the angels
desire to look. (1 P 1: 12)
But who would have thought that the Holy Spirit wished to bidon your
ignominy, when together with sinners, You were submitted to the river of
penitence. Did it not suffi.ce that You humbled Y ourself without being chased
and sent by Him into the desert with the beasts, as St. Mark declares: Et
for You for three days, I offered to accompany her and share in her anguish.
She let me understand that her sorrow was as excessive as her loss was great.
Because her Son had not yet brought about the redemption of mankind, and
since good souls fear where there is no reason to fear, she thought that she
had not ta.ken enough care of her Divine Child, that the sword predicted by
Simeon could possibly be this deprivation of her Savior as well as that of all
mankind. (914) When she found Him, love induced her to tell Him about the
sorrow that Saint Joseph and she had felt: Fili, quidfecisti nabis sic? ecce
pater tuus et ego dolentes qurebamus te? Son, why hast thou done so
tous? Behold thy father and 1 have sought thee sorrowing. (Lk 2:48b)
Although her Son gave a response that should have assured her that, as the
Son of the Etemal Father, He was not abandoning her at all when He occupied Himselfwith the works ofhis glory and the salvation of mankind, the
Evangelist said that she and Saint Joseph did not understand "".'hat He said.
Their souls were filled with sadness that obscured their understanding and
overwhelmed their hearts. Et ipsi non intel/exerunt verbum, quod /ocutus
est et ad eos. And they understood not the word that he spoke unto
them. (Lk 2:49c) To console them, He went down to Nazareth with them
and was subject to them: Et descendit cum eis, et venit Nazareth: et erat
subditus illis. Et mater eius conservabat omnia verba hc in corde suo.
And he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was subject Io
them. And his mother kept ail these words in her heart. (Lk 2:51)
Dear wonderful one, keep these divine words in your heart as the balm that
will heal your wound. Engulf your spirit in this strong, living fountain a:fter
having searched for it, not at a loss of breath, but rather almost at a loss oflife.
Y ou feel worse than David did. Jesus Christ is your life more than he was for
Saint Paul. You live in Him more than in yourself. By possessing Him, Y ou
have your prize, your treasure, your life and your God. Dear Mother of my
Spouse, may He be all these things tome through your care. (915)
On the Fea,st of St. Paul, the firsthermit, as I reflected on the life ofthis
saint in the desert to which he had retired, fleeing the persecution of the
emperors, 1 marveled at your wisdom that works miracles which men do not
consider. As a youngster at the age of fifteen, Saint Paul did not possess the
courage necessary for the martyr's palm nor for enduring the persecution by
his brother-in-law in the cities or his home. The desert received him and
became his city of refuge. A palm tree is his source of food and clothing.
With it, near it, he triumphed over the world, the flesh and the devil. He
became an angel without ceasing to be a man. Fleeing the cruelty of the
emperors of earth and of his relatives, he was accepted by You, my heavenly
Emperor. He became a citizen of heaven and a servant of God. His name, as
was that of Saint Anthony, was written in the Book of Life. By your divine
revelation, they became acquainted with one another. Miraculously did your
providence nurture them and lead them to confer together about a marvelous
life unknown to the world. It would inspire so many friends to love the desert
and withdraw there. This simple St. Paul, great in your eyes and those of the
angels, would not die until marvelous Anthony, father of so many monks-like
another Abraham, the father of multitudes-had learned the secret that heaven
concealed in him. (916)
Incarnate Word, my love whom 1 adore, did You not tell your saints: Num
ce/are potero; Can I hide (Gen 18: 17) from Anthony what 1 have done and
will do for Paul. My tend~ncy is to display the graces 1 have done by my
nature which is good. Being God, 1 am good in and of Myself. 1 cannot
conceal my marvels from Anthony. 1 want him to know them and to declare
them for my glory and the salvation ofmany. 1 want him to inform mankind
that the providence of my Eternal Father divinely govems heaven and earth,
that life hidden in God is manifested at the time He ordains. He who fled
persecution by the emperors, because he felt too weak, is the admiration of
the one who, impressed by reading his wonderful life, withdrew courtesans
from the imperial delights that they realized were tortures because of the pain
and anxiety they experienced in their search for perishable and imaginary
favors. Anthony's life, which Paul read and admired, reveals that solitude is
preferred by the heavenly courtesans to living in cities and conversing with the
princes of earth. C
"When, at the tabernacle door, Moses entered the cloud, he was enveloped by it, and it was there that I spoke to him. Only on his head did he have
the horns oflight that dazzled the eyes of the children oflsrael. With his veil,
he had to cover his face that shone with my splendors, because the Israelites
could not endure these lights. Could there be any doubt about his priesthood
or the vestments he received on the mountain, where I spoke to him face to
face as to my friend. I covered him with light, as with a heavenly vestment,
consecrating and omamenting him in a marvelous way. Do not be afflicted,
my daughter, that extemally you are not dressed in my liveries. And do not
trouble yourselfbecause others declare that you confer the habit but do not
wear it yourself, that you make religious, but you yourself are not one. Believe
in God the Father and in Me, his Son, coequal and consubstantial with Him
together with the Holy Spirit.
Be my new Jerusalem, invested with your Spouse. I am your God, your life
and your interior vestment. All the beauty of the royal daughter is within.
Y our daughters are the embroidery on your robe. (919) You are an enigma to
many. It is the prerogative of the One who knows-;;d considers the heart to
know you perfectly. Placing my mande upon you, I am your neighbor, I am
your Spouse and your Shepherd and all things. So much did Saint Anthony
honor the robe that Saint Paul gave him that he wore it on the outstanding
feasts of Easter and Pentecost. While you will not have the holy habit exteriorly until the passage from this life to the other, the Holy Spirit, by his flames,
can consume the holocaust you offer Me by desire until the day when you will
be consummated in the One you love and who loved you first. By his
goodness and mercy, He will prepare and guide you."
These charming consolations restored my courage amidst my persecutors,
assisting me to turn the winepress oftheir hatred without rancor. As muchas
possible, I withdrew in solitude, confined to bed, because of my knee problem. I offered Y ou my heart that expressed its pain to Y ou. Covered with
tears, I turned my face toward the burning rays of yours, a sun that can dry
them. I wanted to serve those who did not like me. Y ou let me understand
that Y ou were pleased that I felt no gall toward them and that Y ou had drunk
vinegar before Y ou <lied. (920) Y et Y ou wanted to taste the gall, having
nothing against your enemies, because Y ou were going to offer your sacrifice
of goodness to your Divine Father, asking Him to pardon them for the evil
they unknowingly committed.
- 12, -
In 1653, on the Sunday when the Church presents the wedding in Cana
during which You changed the water into wine, dissatisfied with someone's
re~ to _pro~~~~ me with~ome wine for Holy Mass that day, 1 said to You:
"Dear Spouse, show forth your power." You demonstrated it for the consolation of those who hope in Y ou, humiliating, those who had upset me so much
and refused this small quantity of wine. You did not satisfy the spirit of those
who had caused this, thereby showing that whoever does not gather with You
disperses. You arranged for us to be provided with it by someone who is ail
liberality for You and for your poor. 1
On the Feast of the great deacon, Saint Vincent, You let me understand
that this victor had been crowned by roses and lilies by his very enemies who
were also yours. (921) Y ou did not allow him to die upon the iron bed. 1
remembered the words of St. Zachary: Salutem ex inimicis nostris, et de
manu omnium qui oderunt nos. Salvation from our enemies and from
the hand ofail who hate us. (Lk 1:71)
Y ou wanted him placed upon a soft bed so as to be a sweet fragrance for
Y ou. Exposed to the beasts, his holy body was not approached except to
preserve him. The raven, bird of prey, well understood that he was not to be
its food, but stood guard and chased away any other animais that drew near
him. His glorious soul appeared to a woman, requesting her to place him in
her field like a lily that should bloom again for all eternity. This victorious just
man will sprout and flourish in your sight as long as your eternity endures after
the General Resurrection.
My joy over the glory of this victor elevated my superior part, but the
aftliction caused by my enemies made me feel two contraries within myself,
affecting me almost equally as 1 wept bitterly. Inclining toward me, Y ou told
me that Y ou had accepted the tears of Saint Magdalen and of St. Peter and
would not reject mine. With them, 1 provided a wash basin for your holy feet,
drying them with the thoughts Y ou had given me. (922) These were my hair
from which St. Joseph had made a necklace. My tears were the pearls
attached to this necklace, most delightfully prepared in order to entertain your
childhood in the stable and the manger. As a recompense for your gifts, (for
loving tears are regarded or esteemed to be a gift of your charity) Y ou offered
me milk from your Virgin Mother's breasts. She presented to me the milk and
honey of your delights, preparing a way of kindness for me, a path of milk and
honey, even though my promptitude made me seem like lightning when 1
zealously spoke to those who opposed your glory. Since I felt embarrassed at
these words, Y ou told me not to be troubled. I approached the throne of
your merciful goodness where I found the rainbow of peace that surpasses all
understanding. Y ou wanted me to speak firmly to animate those weakened in
your service by laxity. Their mediocrity would provoke You to vomit them up
again if they did not become animated by the ardent words You produced
a.fier they had received You, as declared Saint John Chrysostom. Inviting me
to the feast You were preparing, You told me: "Saint Vincent is wine; Saint
Ignatius, bread; and Saint Lawrence, meat." (923)
On the Feast of Saint Emerentiana, Saint Agnes' nursling sister, You gave
me to understand: "You are my Blessed Mother's nursling sister, for you had
been dedicated to Saint Anne, my grandmother who nurtured you with the
milk of kindness. You are also my sister, for my Blessed Mother presented
and gave you the milk with which she had nurtured Me." What delight, my
Love! Ah! what should I think? Should I not fear being mistaken? But could
I fast at the feast of the Bridegroom and be fearful in your arms, reposing upon
your heart, since it is your benignity that invites me to be there. You reproduce graces to draw me there very gently. You let me experience that your
Name is an oil spread out, but it is an oil of gladness in which You are not only
the ointment, but the anointing also. When your goodness redoubled its favors
to the one who considered herself unworthy of them, You told me: "My
daughter, my spouse, you are my Christ-bearer in the stable, Mount Tabor,
Mount Calvary and the Mount of Olives. Receive me as the grafted Word
who can, through indulgence, save your soul." 924)
Dear Love, You know well what I had to endure on the twenty-fifth of the
month when, unknown to me, You summoned Rev. Father John Baptist Carr
to Yourself. At about one o'clock in the aftemoon on this day, I heard a
knock at the door to my room. My secretary Gravier went to see who it was,
for she recognized that it was a sign of farewell. Thinking that it would be one
of my daughters in Avignon who was giving me a sign of her death as others
had done, she tried to get me to read a letter I was writing, for she feared that
I would be upset, as she knew I would be at the death of my daughters.
The next moming, the Bishop of Condon came to inform me about the
death ofthis good Father (at that hour) whose virtue he highly regarded as
well might be, for he had had special dealings with him. He knew what many
ignored; that is, the goodness of a heart that loved its most cruel enemies and
who cordially did good to everyone. Seeing that I was overwhelmed by this
death, he left me after having heard my confession for Communion at the
common Mass that was offered as soon as he left me. He said to me: "My
daughter, you have lost a great deal by the death ofthis fine priest whom you
tenderly loved in Our Lord." (925)
When I was near the altar where I was to receive Communion, You
wanted to console me, my Divine Spouse, approving my love for this good
priest who had returned itjust as strongly. Showing me his soul stripped ofits
body, You told me: "Ecce quomodo amabat eum; Behold how he loved
him. (Jn 11 :36) My daughter, you feared not having enough affection for this
priest. You had as much as I permitted. You are not ungrateful; he is satisfied
with you. I accept your offer of annual Masses for the repose of his soul.
Because of your generous heart, you weep. Be consoled and corne back up
to Me; I was yesterday, and I am today and I will never die. I am and will be
your entire consolation."
On January thirtieth, as I reflected on the great Saint Martine who had been
suspended by her har, it pleased You, my Divine Spouse, to let me know that
this virgin had wounded You with her har that served as darts and arrows
flung straight to heaven. You wanted me to take them by a loving affection
and lance them anew with the bow of my desires stretched by your goodness
which is favorable to me. (926) You showed me how to use these weapons
with which to wound You through your own love, kneeling on only one knee
because the other one was so bad that I could not even bend it. It was the
posture of an archer. Considering this, I told You: "Is it in this way that You
want to be wounded by me? My eyes and heart are on the point of these
arrows, flying toward You like a feather in the wind. Please corne to me even
faster so that I may declare together with the Royal Prophet: Sagitt tu
injix sunt mihi, et conjirmasti super me manum tuam. Thy arrows are
fastened in me: and thy hand hath been strong upon me. (Ps 37:3)
130 -
The flames and lights with which Saint Ignatius was afire and
illuminated; his desire to suffer; the purification of Our Lady; the
sword of sorrow and the favors 1 received on the Feast of Saint
Blaise and the following day.
The first ofFebruary 1643. This great martyr or a Seraphim would have to
take a burning coal from the sacred altar and purify my lips so that I might
properly speak of the marvels Y ou let me understand about this man of fire
who was called Christ-Bearer and God's Portal. <22)) He yeained to be tom
apart, dismembered and subjected to every torment invented, not only by men
but also by demons. His love for Y ou outweighed death, and his emulat1on
was harder than hell. Could the spirits firmly planted in their rage and hatred
for their Creator bring about the antithesis with the persevering love oflgnatius
for his Creator and his Redeemer? His love, who was his weight, was
crucified. It is You Yourself, my Jesus and my love. He possessed the
fortunate and blessed union of love which You had requested at the Supper.
As a disciple of your favorite one, he had imbibed water from this strong,
living source that, by its impetuous flames, carried him away to his weight, love
and center. He was the disciple and child ofthunder, St. John, who could not
die by either fire or pojson. St. Ignatius feared being spared by the elements.
He resolved to irritate the cruelest animals, begging the Christians not to hinder
this action. (928) He was certain that he would gloriously triumph if the belly
ofthese animals would be the triumphant chariot ofhis body,just as he hoped
that your flames would take his spirit up to the Empyrean near the Seraphim,
your closest neighbors. He wanted to chant with them: Holy, Holy, Ho/y and
to be engulfed in You who are at the right hand and in the bosomof your
Father. You absorb death within the ocean oflife, but an unfading life. You
were everything possible to him: vision and blessed breaking of bread. Near
You, he saw the heavenly prodigy, your most august Mother who gave him
ineffable splendors. She used neither ink nor paper to write to him. Y ou are
the Word who expresses all that You want him to know about your Father,
Y ou and the Holy Spirit. With all the saints, he adores and loves your unity of
essence and distinctions of support. His glory is so wonderful that the Church
can declare ofhim that no one else has kept your law so well. (929) This is a
marvel to your saints who view Y ou as wonderful and omni~t. Y ou do
everything Y ou wish in heaven and on earth. You wanted to prove the words
Y ou had declared that your disciples would perform the things Y ou had done
and, through the power which You gave them, even greater ones. By assuming their in:firmities, Y ou shared your strength with them.
Saint Ignatius defied everything, prepared himself against everything. Nothing
visible could stop him in his fervent desire to see You, Y ou who are called the
image of the invisible God. He is armed against all. The evening before your
death, You were overcome by terror, by fright, beset by problems, brought
down by sadness. Blood and water trickled from your pores, your spirit
trembled. Y ou were troubled and looked for consolation in your sleeping
Apostles who abandoned Y ou, except for John whom Y ou had called the
"Son of Thunder". Upon your own breast, he had received your strength, like
a child who weakens his inother by drinking her milk and, thereby, her blood
and life. (930) Saint Paul stated that Y ou became poor in order to enrich us.
Y ou chose to die so as to make us live. Y ou <lied so that 1 might live. 1 want
to die so that Y ou may reign for all etemity.
When he was a child, Saint Ignatius received forestalling grace from Y ou.
He was blessed to be in your arms when Y ou declared that, if those near Y ou
do not become like this little child, they will not enter into the kingdom of
heaven. From that moment, Y ou lit the fire that brought You down upon earth
that continually burns all the way to its original fire that is more ardent than any
fires to be feared. He was afrre with a heavenly, supercelestial fire. His center
was God Himself. The all-blazing Empyrean was to be his abode. Could this
holy fire remain on earth in a human heart without exploding like lightning?
The statements made by Ignatius were about brilliant, blazing corruscations.
From the abundance of his heart did his mouth speak.
In the evening, filled with understandings and afire with the echoes of the
splendors and ardors of this all-zealous saint, as though he were entirely of
light, I felt I could not live any longer should these ardors intensify. I wished
for the fountain which is on high, but I still had to wait on earth to live here in
languor.(931) I could say with David: Heu mihi, quia incolatus meus
loquebar illis, impugnabant me gratis. With them that hated peace I was
peaceable: when I spoke to them they fought against me without cause.
(Ps 119:7) I looked up to Y ou who always help me. Y ou let me see the
pontifical tiara covered by a pavilion like the cover over the tabernacle where
You remain in the adorable Eucharist. You told me that You protect me as a
daughter of the Church against those who oppose me. Y ou cover me like
your tabernacle. Later I would understand the meaning of this vision, and I
was to have a little more patience. (932)
The next day, the Feast of the Purification of your most pure Blessed
Mother, You told me so many marvels that it would take too long to record
them here. There I saw the glory of Israel; the light and revelation of the
-Oentiles; your glory, my Savior; that ofyour Blessed Mother; St. Joseph; St.
Simeon and St. Anne, the prophetess; but this glory stemmed from humiliations and suftring. Death was the refuge of the one whom Y ou saw as the
object of all contradictions. Y our Blessed Mother, the Mother of Sorrows,
who had been pierced by a pitiless, not to say cruel, sword was the figure of
the lance that could be termed cruel. Dear Love, who would have thought
that this sign was to chant your glory while peacefully dying. It would proclaim
your ignominy and the bloody tragedy that occurred in Jerusalem and upon
"My daughter, although joy was offered Me, 1 chose the Cross. (933)
Filled with my Spirit who led him to the temple, Simeon expressed whathad
been determined in the Council on high. lbis is an explosion of tire that burns
within my heart. Thunder will be heard when the Gentiles will be introduced
by Philip shortly before my Passion, when he was told: Domine, volumus
Jesum videre; Sir, we would see Jesus. (Jn 12:21) 1 replied: Venit hora, ut
clarificatur Filius hominis; The hour is corne that the Son of Man should
be glorified. (Jn 12:23) Also, the following: Nunc anima mea turbata est.
Et quid dicam? Pater, salvifica me ex hac hora, sed propterea veni in
horam hanc. Pater, clarifica nomen tuum. Venit ergo vox de clo: et
clarificavi, et iterum clarificabo. Turba ergo, qu stabat, et audierat,
dicebat tonitruum esse factum. Now is my soul troubled. And what shal/
1 say? Father, save me from this hour. But for this cause 1 came unto
this hour. Father, glorify thy name. A voice therefore came from heaven:
1 have both glorified and will glorify it again. The multitude therefore
that stood and heard, said that it thundered. (Jn 12:27-29)
"My daughter, everything is present to the Spirit who spoke through Saint
Simeon. 1 knew what 1 had to endure, and 1 freely offered to do so." Dear
Love, did You not tremble upon the breast of your Blessed Mother when You
considered the sword that would pierce her soul and all that would happen
during your bloody Passion? (934) Simeon acted wisely in requesting to be
dismissed and go into retirement ifhe perceived the malice of the princes of
the priests: the Scribes and the Pharisees. If, through prophecy, he had
known and seen the rain of blood and water that would flow in the Garden, as
well as that which fell in Pilate's house and upon Calvary, this holy old man
would have <lied in greater innocence than Elias upon seeing the Author of Life
di -tl~e Cross and th i;u;c of a blind person pierce the soul of the
Mother of fair love, allowing by this thrust the thoughts of many distressed
hearts to be seen.
On the thirteenth ofFebruary, as I waited for Holy Mass, I was honoring
Saint Blaise for your glory and his sufferings, to which I am indebted as well as
to the rest of the saints, especially for having been delivered from the possibility others had suggested to me, not only of being deprived of corporal nourishment but also the spiritual, that is to say, the Blessed Sacrament. (2l,?) After I
had invoked this saint, I was thereby marvelously assisted. I asked him not to
allow the deprivation of passing things prevent us from receiving the food that
nourished You, my loving Savior, that is, the will ofyour Divine Father: Meus
cibus est ut faciam voluntatem qui misit me, ut perficiam opus eius. My
meat is to do the will of him that sent me, that 1 may perfect his work.
(Jn 4:34)
In the evening, as I made my prayer; while many of those living in the
Richelieu district where we still remained departed to see Cardinal Mazarin
enter Paris, your goodness, always favorable toward me, told me: "My
daughter, I am your Cardinal. Rejoice that you daily receive Me in my
sacrament. \936) My Blessed Mother, all my angels and saints rejoice when
they see my graces, as a deposit of my goodness, mark the mansion where
you will enter and dwell through loving dilection."
At the same time, You appeared to me, my sovereign Pontiff. You were
crowned with a diadem of thorns like a tiara, wearing a robe that was adorable, since it was ofyour Precious Blood, a robe that covered You down to
your heels. Incomparable Pontiff, enter your sanctuary, adomed with your
Precious Blood. 0 , how beautiful You are, my Love and my Ali! The other
Pontiffs, Cardinals and Prelates need someone to pray for them before the
people. <23 7) They are mortals, but You, dear Love, are the etemal Pontiff of
whom Saint Paul declared: Hic autem eo quod maneat in ternum,
sempiternum habet sacerdotium. Unde et salvare in perpetuum potest
accedentes par semetipsum ad Deum: semper vivens ad interpellandum
pro nabis. Talis enim decebat ut nabis esset pontifex, sanctus, innocens,
Dear Love, 1 know well that 1am unworthy of your divine favors or of the
habit ofyour Order, but so much is said because 1 do not receive it. Make it
understood that 1 give it to our daughters on the premise that 1 am deprived of
this visible consolation because of my sins.
"My daughter, to whom must you give an account if not to Me who have
said that you are not to become committed until 1 tell you to do so? Y our
directors hold no opinion contrary to mine. (939) Thus, do not worry; you are
li~e Me~chisedech: withou. i father, mothe~r any ~)ativ~ t~h~p you establish
my Order which is also yours. This is what astonishes many upon seeing a
young woman unaided by anyone, by holy union, found and establish so many
houses. 1 am the one who provides you with both spiritual and corporal
means. Alth~ugh he was not a pri~st, Saint Francis cofl1l!!_anded fl?:e. p_~ts.
Rest content, my dearest. 1 am doing and will do everything in you. 1 will
- bring my project to completion. 1 will bring down the hills of the world along
the route of my etemity."
Lord, my God, can 1 not offer the prayer of the Prophet? Domine, audivi
'-Guditionem tuam, et timui. Domine, opus tuum, in media annorum vivificat
illud. 0 Lord, I have heard thy hearing and was afraid. 0 Lord, thy
work, in the midst ofthe years bring it to life. (Hab 3:2)
And the rest which would take too long to add here. Ego autem in
Domino gaude ho. Et exultabo in Deo Jesu meo. But 1 will rejoice in the
Lord: and 1 will joy in God my Jesus. (Hab 3: 18) (940)
13 1-
On the Feast of Saint Agatha 1653, my Divine Spouse, You let me understand that your love was a lamp of fire and flame for me, that none of the
waters or torrents of persecutions and contradictions could extinguish or diminish their ardors nor darken their light. In the presence ofyour elect, You,
who are the Angel of the Great Council, hacl written that a simple, willing soul
hacl honored You by promoting your glory in establishing your Ortler. I pray
for Roanne as Saint Agatha had prayed for Catania and Saint Genevieve for
Paris. You told me that many had slandered Saint Genevieve and-that the
tyrant had ordered that Saint Agatha have her breasts wrenched and eut off,
but your Apostle Saint Peter replaced them. Saint Germain, Bishop of Auxerre,
proclaimed tlre innocence of Saint Genevieve. (2i!) The Bishop of Condon
hacl imitated this saint by correcting those who maliciously strove to judge my
navet. Efforts were made to twist the breast of your blessings, but You
replaced them when they had been eut off for me. You would always provide
me with a heavenly mille of wisdom and knowledge for nurturing the daughters
and children Y ou would give me. You had entrusted the care of my needs to
the angels. Y ou told me: "My daughter, 1 will nourish and elevate you upon
the waters of my wisdom, converting you to Me even while your enemies, in
their malice, cause you to be in the darkness of an almost mortal sadness
(which 1 permitted). 1 am with you, your life and your light, that the world
neither accepts nor knows. My rod and staff will be your consolation. 1 am
your ordinary nourishment, Parasti in conspectu, etc. Thou hast prepared
a table, etc. (Ps 22:5) "It is a table that strengthens you against your
enernies. 1 abundantly pour out the anointing of my sweetness upon you. My
chalice delights and embellishes you. 0, how lovely and delightful, ca/ix meus
inebrians; my chalice which inebriated me! (Ps 22:5d) Like a cortege, my
mercy will follow you ail the days of your life.
On F ebruary seventh, 1 was lovingly complaining to You, my Divine Spouse,
because 1 had leamed that, for her fidelity to me in filial affection, an innocent
person was suffering, due to those who were more obligated to me than she
was. (942) You said tome: "My daughter, imitate Me. Pray for those who
afflict you. 1 suffered when Barabbas was preferred to Me. Proportionately,
put up with the fact that others are preferred to you who lack your natural
sympathy. Prepare to endure mortal sufferings. You can do so by my grace.
My Blessed Mother was still on earth when my witnesses were putto death,
especially Saint Stephen who was the first to seal his faith with his blood."
ten leopards. He instructed them about their duties toward Me, but, through
malice they redoubled the sufferings they inflicted upon him and became worse
than beasts. Through goodness, Christians even offered them gifts so that they
would spare him. ~ ) Those to whom You gave your charitable liberalities
intensified their cruelty, which they did not consider to be such, because they
did not take into consideration your maternai afflictions. These helped you
advance and rejoice in Me after your sufferings which you cannot express.
"Remember, my daughter, that I was the Man ofSorrows, interiorly and
exteriorly suffering in ail my members. My head was crowned with thorns, my
face covered with spittle, my cheeks stung due to blows. This brilliant face
which the angels want to contemplate continually, was veiled so that its charms
would not attract love. Since the time of hatred and darkness was running its
course while truth was hidden and justice violated, then what good could be
On February 14th, when the Church observes the Feast of Saint Valentine,
priest and martyr, You gave me many favors through your goodness. You
assured me of your benevolence while my enemies prepared evil things against
me, being assembled so as to slander me, thinking that thereby they were
offering You a wonderful service, not to say a great sacrifice. They considered themselves to be zealous for your glory, judging what they could not
know through earthly prudence which You often destroy just when they think
they have succeeded by their subtleties. (944) These they employ for their
bows and arrows against your loved ones who, like innocent sheep and
<loves, proceed in all innocence. The former aim to seduce the latter and
captivate their hearts. But, like David, they maintain theirs according to yours.
You are their protector, just as God preserves your graces in these vessels of
love. You let me understand that your saints in glory arm themselves against
such persons, begging your justice to discem between the cause of your
faithful ones and that of the wicked. You temporarily allow the latter to test
the others by persecution, separating them from the sentiments of flesh and
blood, thereby showing that these faithful souls are bom of and from your
Spirit. Their faith will make them victorious over the world, the devil and the
As though jealous, your love told me: "My daughter, say the third bishop
of Jerusalem, for I was the first and James the second. As he rent his robe,
Caiphas declared that I deserved death and that I should die for all the people.
From that day on, by my Blood, I went up to the sanctuary and performed the
office of high priest upon the Cross. At the Last Supper, I offered the
sacrifice ofMelchisedech; on Calvary, I offered Aaron's which was I Myself
as the victim and perfect sacrifice.
By considering your deep sorrows, how could I not accept my own that
were small but oppressive, because of my weakness and the limited degree of
love I possessed in comparison with yours. I was almost overwhelmed by my
tears, wom out by my work. Straight ahead of me and near my bed, I saw a
religious of St. Dominic's Ortler. This vision was sensible as well as imaginary,
because I could see the serge of his habit as though I wanted to examine the
cloth and see its texture. (947) I did not raise my eyes to see his face, rather I
considered his posture without addressing a single word to him nor did he to
me. This vision is still so vividly impressed upon my memory that it seems to
be present to me.
Dear Love, You prompted this devout priest to tell me this and made
known to him your love for me. On Wednesday, the 19th, your loving
Majesty told me while caressing me: "My daughter, I will be glorified in you;
you will overcome your enemies. My saints offer your prayers, tears and
sufferings to my Eternal Father who graciously accepts them so as to reward
you for them."
God ~f my heart, how powerful are your consolations! They destroy the
power of our enemies and confound them. Together with the Prophet-King 1
declare: If an army is ready to attack me, my heart will not fear. With the
Lord aiding me, what can man do? IfGod is for me, who will be powerful
against me? (949)
132 -
Our Lord's prayer on behalf of Saint Peter. The twelve foundations of the Holy City. St. Thomas appeared to me like an angel
elevated by the power of grace and by the spirit of wisdom even
to the rising of the sun when he writes about the Incarnation; In
the year one thousand six hundred and nineteen (1619), 1 was
commanded to write about and proclaim the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin.
On the 22nd, when the Church prays the Office in honor of Saint Peter's
Chair, You let me understand the great things that You had done for this
Prince of the Apostles, when You told him: Tu es Petrus, et super hanc
petram dificabo ecclesiam meam. Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I
will build my Church. (Mt 16: 18) The gates of hell will not prevail against it.
Satan wanted to overpower it, but You had prayed that her faith would not
falter, that I was to have confidence in Him, that He loved me. Just as when
the women showed Him the robes Dorcas had made for them, when they
presented her to him deceased, He prayed and, after calling her by name,
brought her back to life, because of her charitable acts and the knowledge
these poor women had of that. You also considered the daughters I had
invested and those who were already in glory, showing You the habits I had
given them, which are your liveries, that became for.them robes of glory and
immortality. (950)
On the Feast of St. Matthias, I understood that the twelve precious stones
were the twelve Apostles and the foundation stones of the Holy City. Saint
Matthias was represented by the amethyst. I was wondering which stone
would represent Saint Paul, the thirteenth one, and understood that, govemed
and instructed only by the Holy Spirit, the Church compared him to jasper, as
nisi per fidem Jesu Christi: et nos in Christo Jesu credimus, ut justificetur
ex fide Christi, - saying-in fide vivo Filii Dei, qui di/exit me, et tradidit
semetipsum pro me. Non abjicio gratiam Dei. But knowing that man is
not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, we
a/so believe in Christ Jesus, that we may be justified by the faith of
Christ. I live in the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and delivered
himselffor me. (Gal 2:16; 20c-21)
Great Apostle, pray, pray to the One who gave Himself for you that I may
be grateful for what He has done for me. Since He has loved me, may I love
Him through his pure love; and you, Saint Peter, the summit of theology, ask
Him that I may love Him with the love He required of you; more than anything
else and above ail things. (952) According to the statement of your partner, I
can acquire the emulation of the finest charity, the eminent knowledge that
does not make one proud, but that builds up. It is the condition of the saints in
light, the same state that fell to Matthias whom I beg to pray to your Holy
Spirit for me to be numbered among your faithful and dearest spouses, since,
being a simple, young woman, I cannot be among the Apostles. Y ou are able
to appear great within me, Jesus, love of my heart, which can find rest only in
You since it was made for You.
On the first Snday of Lent, You offered me your victories through your
loving Passion and intense dilection.
. 202
On Monday, You chose to invite me to possess your king dom as the
blessed one ofyour Etemal Father.
On the Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, You told me: "Come see a different
angel from those that are spiritual beings, that is to say, that have no body but
are all spirit. It is Thomas who, by the power of my grace and the spirit of
wisdom, was elevated to the sunrise, by writing marvels about my incarnation,
and he was enabled to see my dawn in her most pure conception, a mystery
concealed from many (in former ages) in God who created all things. My
Blessed Mother's holiness is a great sacrament that contains the inexhaustible
riches of my humanity, in which corporeally dwells all the fullness of my
divinity. (22,J) Formed by that ofmy purest Mother, this Sacred Body could
not stem from a creature, contaminated by original sin, that is the poverty and
corruption of all Adam's children who are sinners. By nature, I was exempt
from this; so was my Blessed Mother, through grace and propriety. This fault
could have no place in her; she is always all-beautiful and immaculate. Neither
her spirit nor her body have ever been submitted to the corruption of sin.
"My daughter, proclaim my incomprehensible riches and the divine dispensation of this sacrament concealed in God, who, when He created all things,
chose to exempt a daughter of grace from any disgrace, one only Virgin from
any fault so as to be the bodily source of her innocent Son, unstained and
separated from sinners.
"The Church, which I illuminate like a sun, transforms my ministers from
light to light, as St. Paul declares, until they become the light of my Spirit who
will raise and remove any veil when I will be seen as I am. I will no longer be
viewed only partially nor by mystery. The saints in glory possess this blessed
view. In heaven, Thomas knows the reasons my wisdom had for concealing
during one age what it made manifest in another. He is So humble that he
rejoices that I make known this purity in time through a young woman to
whom today, in the presence of all the saints, I say that she is the Tabor
whereupon the Incarnate Word manifests his glory. (954) My daughter, you
can declare as Deborah did to Barac: 'The victory will be attributed to a
woman ofLapedoth (They were pelted with flashes oflightning). This young
woman had no fear of lightning, thunder or flashes. She firmly announced: In
principio erat verbum; In the beginning was the word (Jn 1: 1) Following
the example of your patron, the Son of Thunder, valiantly ascend Mount
Tabor and listen to the voice of my Etemal Father without falling down. Do
not be dazzled by the brilliant cloud that conceals Me from my Apostles.
Through goodness, the Angel of the Great Council submits to you; He has no
fear of the coming of dawn. He is your Sun and the Orient from on high that
visits you through the eternal mercy ofhis Divine Fther's bosom and that of
my wonderful Mother. Thomas, the angel of theology, makes way for you at
sight of the graces I have imparted to you.
Great doctor, I will not leave you unless you give me your humble and most
abundant blessing. You look at me without speaking; your eyes smile and,
bending your head toward me, you commission me to tell the people of this
age that Mary, worthy Virgin Mother of the Incarnate Word, was conceived
without sin. I was not to fear declaring this before anyone to whom this
mystery is still unknown. Even if they are like Esau, an Israelite by divine
favor, strong against God, I should have no fear.
Great Saint Thomas, you know how you appeared to me and that I saw
youjust as I said I did. (2,25) In the Eucharist, Jesus Christ taught me about
the mystery of the Most Immaculate Conception in the year one thousand six
hundred and nineteen (1619). This occurred during a rapture which I could
not resist and from which I was unable to withdraw until I had promised to
write about what I had understood. I have complied, for I did not learn it
- 13"5 The Incarnate Word's eyes are the Blessed Virgin's altars and
mirrors; they are also the prodigies and altars for bis beloved to
whom He grants the dwelling wherein to see that of the Divine
Father of sacrifices. The Blessed Virgin. The happiness of the
faithful soul and the contrary for those who allow themselves to
be blinded by sin.
I felt that your eyes were my prodigies as well as my altars where, to the
extent that your grace allowed me, I should make my dwelling. It was the
house of sunshine. There I would see that of your Divine Father whose divine
delight You unceasingly provide. Through a marvelous circumincession, He is
in You, and You are in Him.
With so much grace and glory did your heavenly Mother make a sacrifice
that the saints admire these perfect holocausts. With singular piety, she o:ffers
Y ou her ineffable respects. When your favorite disciple was on earth, he
delighted to look at her when she raised her eyes to the God ofher heart, for
they were holily expressive. Since your love was their weight, I saw them
-suspended by rays of light produced by and emanating from the eyes of your
Blessed Mother together with yours. You raised her up to You with greater
power than the angel who carried the Prophet Habacuc by his hair to the
Prophet Daniel. When I witnessed this marvel, it was impossible to describe
the state it produced in my spirit except the unity Y ou requested at the
Supper. Just as You were pleased to let me know the blessedness and
happiness of the soul united to Y ou in spirit, You let me perceive the unhappiness of those divided by mortal sin and the horrible desolation of souls that are
the dwelling place of your enemy. {22J) He exercises a more cruel dominion
when one who has been baptized and becomes your bride violates her duties
toward Y ou. Y ou told me that, even after such a one has been illuminated and
united to Y ou by the sacrament of regeneration and enlightenment, the demons
therein make their fortress which they reinforce with greater rage against Y ou.
They gloat over having their snare in the Aquilon and, by the sins of this
unfaithful soul, of possessing a seat similar to yours, as king of that empire.
Y ou explained these words to me: Qui non est mecum, contra me est: et
qui non colligit mecum, dispergit. He that is not with me is against me;
and he that gathereth not with me scattereth. (Lk 11 :23)
Whoever is blinded by sin does not understand such loss and division in
this life. His condition provides a new entrance to unclean spirits that cause
the one adhering to them to become guiltier, committing one sin after another.
As predicted by Daniel, he becomes the abomination of desolation, for, having
been sanctified by baptism, he had become the temple of God who has been
adored in the state of grace. By sin, it has become the horror of all who deem
it to be the dwelling-place of the enemy of all purity. This soul has become
soiled by so much filth that it appears to be filth itself, abusing his free will.
Being unfaithful to giace, he voluntarily becomes a slave to sin, for the demons
cannot force him to do so. (958)
13't -
Our return to our monastery after the war (2nd peace). The
Feasts of Saint Joseph, Saint Joachim, Saint Benedict were the
joy and blessing of victory that, through his providence over me,
God gave me over my enemies. My feelings over the death of
the Cardinal of Lyons. St. Gabriel and the spiritual beings visited me. Simultaneously, my spirit was filled with joy and sadness.
of smoke, but more the vapors of divine power and the true emanation of your
all-powerful light that penetrates the soul, converting it into light and flame,
making it divine through participation, dwelling in it so as to transform it into
You. What joy to dwell in your tabernacles, to abide in your wisdom!
Conversation with it is never tiring. It extends from one end to the other,
disposing the exterior and interior parts with as much power as gentleness.
The Feast of St. Joachim was no less happy and delightful for us. We
were filled withjoy on considering it. We honored You, divine Savior ofhis
substance, for in his daughter You had assumed a Body which is supported by
your divine substance. This sacred Body formed from Mary's is the substance
from Joachim and Anne.
On the Feast of St. Benedict, You immersed my soul with his multiple
blessings of charity, delightful sweetness and favor. (2,0) Through this saint,
You allowed me to see those that your goodness had given the Patriarch
Joseph, but with an inexpressible abundance. You let me perceive those of
the Ancients as shadows and figures or'the ancient law and, in St. Benedict,
veritable and eternal happiness because of the eternal blessings that St. Paul
alludes to in Hebrews in this better Testament. You became poor so as to
enrich him and those belonging to him. They are saints and will be because,
by contemplating You in your immense greatness, he had regarded all creatures to be too small and really nothingness. 1 received great favors from this
saint, for he attested to me that he had accepted my appeal at the time of the
visit required by my enemies who thereby wanted to confound me. 1 do not
know if they offended against heaven, but the evils they prepared for me fell
back upon themselvcs. Their anger seemed to have produced a Red Sea that
extended to provinces that 1 shall not name. They were places where the said
overzealous persons became known by procuring laurels for me by the sufferings they made me endure (and that lasted a long time). By anticipation, they
opposed your plan of being glorified in the places which belong to Y ou as
1 beg You, Divine Love, to take possession of them and show them that all
power is given Y ou in heaven and on earth. (961) You give me faith that can
move the mountains of opposition, changing them into places of adoration of
your divine greatness, where your Divine Father may be adored in spirit and in
truth. Through You, my Divine Messias, who give grace upon grace, 1 hope
for this grace. You let me understand that, ever since a few months ago, You
had enabled His Eminence of Lyons to repent. He had resisted You, but his
time had run out. My sorrow for his approaching end was indescribable. You
allowed it, dear Love, so as to give my Prelate this act of gratitude. Were 1
able to go to Lyons, 1 would kneel at his feet and plead for your foundation.
By my absence, 1 verified what You had said about your own: Quritis me,
et non invenietis; You shall seek me, and shall notfind me. (Jn 7:34a)
My soul felt pity; his body had to remain at the place where he had fallen
ill; he was unable to go any further. Through human respect, he did not care
to retract the words he had uttered aloud. Those who visited him when he
was ill could make this holy project known to him, and 1 have learned that he
would then have granted what he had refused before. Spiritus ubi vu/t
spiral, et vocem eius audis, sed nescis unde veniat, aut quo vadat. The
Spirit breatheth where he will and thou hearest his voice: but thou
knowest not whence he cometh and whither he goeth. (Jn 3:8)
Had he believed the words of the oracle, and had he not become hardened
by resisting it, he would not have died of dropsy, due to water and loss of
blood. He would have had a gentle death in the bed of the Cardinal of Lyons
rather than in that of Dom Alphonse. (~) Had he not been warned about
everything that would happen to him, he would have had no regrets at death.
He would have been consoled by the Word ofLife, meaning You, my Love
and my God. Who can resist You and possess peace in his soul? No political
or apparent peace can equal true peace. There is no stable council against
Y ou, Lord. Whoever strives to falsify true revelations or cast aspersions upon
your illuminations will certainly repent at the end ofhis life, and, ordinarily, this
is too late. Y ou know, dear Love, the sadness that 1 have had since this death
that, enlightened by your illuminations, 1 had warned him about in writing.
When he asked me if the oracle had anything to say, You told me to tell him
that You are not bound, saying: "Tell him that Verbum Dei non est alligatum;
The Word o/God is not tied down." When he received this letter in Paris at
his Lyons hotel, he sent me word tolet him know what he did not want to
believe, increasingly hardening his spirit until he realized the truth of all that 1
had written him and that 1 had kept secret for a number of years. 1 had told
only two or three persons, first among whom was Father Carr, Dominican,
who was my confessor. He is now dead; the others are living. (963)
On March 24, 1653, preparing as best 1 could for the Feast ofyour loving
Incarnation, I confidently and respectfully invoked the great Saint Gabriel,
your marvelous paranymph. It was the day that the Oratorian fathers celebrated their feast. I joined their solemnity to honor this archange!, the messenger of your goodness. His name means "power of God." 1 asked him to
corne to our chape! together with all the zealous spirits who do your will, to
assist and serve them; in a word, with the entire celestial militia to whom I am
inexpressibly indebted.
I was not disdained by these heavenly citizens and courtiers. Joining them,
I blessed your Roly Name by saying: Benedic, anima mea, Domino, et
longer obstruct the establishment of the Order of the Incarnate Ward in Lyons
and that its daughters could be sanctified by the vows of religion in this desert.
He left me in this understandable sadness. 0, how painful was the misfortune
of my pastor for the one who loved him most among his sheep ! I <lare say
these words are true, because, while he was still Archbishop of Aix, Bishop
Nesme oifered him my respects as though to the Archbishop of Lyons. Jephte's
daughter was the first of th ose belonging to him who came to meet him to
share in her father's joy that was changed into sadness. Obeying God and her
father and pastor, this daughter did not request to be exempt from the sacrifice
when she asked for a delay to go weep with her companions for what she
might have laughed at had she not perceived that she would be deprived of
any hope in contributing to the planning of ail the marriages whose objective
was the coming of the Messias, but without knowing from which one He
would corne. (965) Our divine Emmanuel, Isaias had still not predicted that it
would be from a Virgin ofDavid's race and line that You would be virginally
conceived, carried and barn, while she always remained a virgin.
The next day your loving goodness chose to console me. Spirit and God
of truth, Y ou chose to pass the great Sabbath within the virginal womb that
was purer than any of the spirits assisting before your throne. Y our Holy
Spirit had selected her, superabundantly filled her with profusions of his goodness that are inexpressible to me or anyone else, thus retracting the following
words, if I may so speak: Non permanebit spiritus meus in homine in
ternum, quia caro est. My spirit shal/ not remain in man for ever,
because he is jlesh. (Gen 6:3)
The Ward, who is You, Spirit and living God, became flesh in this Virgin
through the ineffable operation ofyour most Holy Spirit. In the shadow of
your highest and most holy power, your Mother conceived You, becoming a
Mother while remaining a Virgin, but Mother of God while being his Daughter.
My pen cannot express what Y ou gave me to understand about this virginal
matemity and maternai virginity. With the Church, I exclaim to myself: Mirabi/e
passus, neque divisionem. A wondrous mystery is revealed this day:
natures show a new aspect, God has become man. He remained what He
was, and took on what He was not, undergoing neither confusion nor
division. (Antiphon, Office of the BVM, after Christmas)
Dear Love, You know that, for a number of years, I have adored You
during the nine months Y ou were enclosed in the virginal cloister of your
Blessed Mother and the favor You gave my spirit of being welcome near You.
(~) You filled it with marvelous, loving blessings, being the blessed Son of
God, blessed fruit of this sublime land. Could my soul possibly tire in such
sacred company? The new Adam and the new Eve abide in the paradise of
the Divine Father's will, the food of this adorable Son and virginal Mother.
Dear Love, nourish me at this table that makes me one with You. By this
grace, your Blessed Mother anticipated the Supper.
135" -
The Jubilee that 1 wanted to gain a number of times. My directors ordered me to continue recording and giving an account as
t~e la te c.~di~~ o r Ly?-~S h~d-c_o~~ande~ me to do. The Apostle
of glory had given me bis right band to proclaim the Sacred Name
of the Incarnate Word before great and small, and the~~o
which would make bis daughters known: Jesus Amor Meus. The
raptures of my spirit on the F;~st;of the visitation and of Saint
Magdalen, 1653.
The Father Prior, Vicar General of Bishop de Metz, abbot of St. Germaindes-Pres Abbey, as superior of our monastery of Paris, wrote me on Palm
Sunday to tell me to prepare my daughters for the Jubilee. He offered to
send confessors to the houses and convents that had not participated in the
request for the visit mentioned several times in this narrative. This shows your
providence over the one who trusts in You, my Love and my AIL ('j,i,7)
You conferred many graces upon me during the two months of the Jubilee.
I tried to gain it twice, despite what it cost me to say the vocal prayers
required for gaining it. This problem in oral prayer let me experience the great
difficulty, not to say impossibility, I had to contend with in saying an Office
when I was obligated to do so, even that ofyour exemplary Mother.
Holy Week required that I meditate upon your great love for mankind.
You had undergone such bitter torments and such a cruel, ignominious death.
I recalled the words of the Apostle: Hoc enim sentite in vobis; For let this
mind be in you. (Phil 2:5a) I strove to feel your sufferings and to empathize
with You. Since You did not take delight in Yourself, I wanted to hate myself
and to imitate You in your love for humiliations which You preferred, patiently
enduring contradiction from sinners. I adore You in your suffering love. I
wanted to die to everything that is not your pure love. Through it, You have
loved me, giving Y ourself to be my salvation and to become ail things to me.
Be my God and my All forever, Divine Love.
The Jubilee could be gained twice in two months. That is why I strove to
gain it at Pentecost as I did at Easter. (968) Because the Apostle exhorts us to
rejoice right away, I wanted to do so during this time of jubilation that the
Church calls joyful and repeats the Alleluias.
During these two months, the solemnity of your Resurrection, your Ascension and the Descent of the Holy Spirit took place during which You gave me
a feast with your royal, divine magnificence. Each day it cost me quite an
effort to do even a limited amount of manual work. I have alluded to this in
other writings. I will not repeat that here nor linger over the marVels your
August Trinity gave me to understand. I have written about them a number of
times in various notebooks. Y our goodness and the poor condition of my
eyes, as well as the death of the Cardinal of Lyons, dispensed me from this. It
was at his command that I have written this account in different notebooks,
having given and sent them to him as he wished. At his death, my confessors
and directors-presently at St. Louis, Fathers de Lingendes, Discret and de
Cond of your Society-did not allow me to stop. Also, Father Gibalin of the
same Society, joined them in commanding me to continue to bring to light the
graces You liberally give me. Thus, I will not dispense myself from doing so,
since they, together with the Bishop of Condon, represent your will for me. I
am offering Y ou a continuai sacrifice of my will with acknowledgment and
gratitude for your infinite, merciful liberalities toward me, your most unworthy
spouse. Lord, let all creatures say and chant in heaven and the holy land:
"Ho/y, Ho/y is the strong and power.fui Lord." (969)
After the feast ofyour Most August Trinity, adorable mystery that is so
kind and favorable toward my soul, I was invited to the banquet ofyour loving
Eucharist. I humbled myselfbefore your Majesty, aware ofmy unworthiness
as was the Canaanite woman. Like Lazarus, I felt my wounds and my need
and requested the crumbs that fall from your table. Y ou are infinitely rich,
owning ail the treasures of your Divine Father which You conceal in this loving
Eucharist, the Sacred Body that possesses the fullness of the Godhead.
Dear Love, could You allow this poor, languishing person to starve who
has as many mouths to ask You for this favor as she has open wounds caused
by the arrows ofyour love? Is she indifferent to You because ofher weaknesses? Does not her languor cause You to pity her, Y ou who are the throne
of mercy? Unwilling to restrain You by your wisdom, your goodness made
me understand that You are filled with humanity and are the only God and true
Man. Y ou aimed to make the banquet of this adorable Supper with your
friends to satisfy them with the wheat of the elect and to inebriate them with
the wine that engenders virgins, You who are their crown. You are the Lamb
that receives them in this park, nurtures them personally, being their very
narrow path, certain truth and unfading life. (21.0) Y ou enter their breasts
through Communion to lodge them in your own by a divine transformation.
If the angel told Zachary that many shared in his joy at the birth of his son,
your great Precursor-whose name means nothing other than grace-although
unworthy, could my soul, so long fortified by it, be deprived of itsjubilation?
Y our love wants this for me. Preserve it within me as long as Y ou wish, but,
through charity, permanently give me that ofyour principal Spirit so that I may
display that your ways and your paths are straight. Let those who try to turn
away be converted to Y ou, enlightened by those who belong to Y ou and in
You. Let them be a perfect people for Y ou.
Could the one to whom You have so often given David's key, which is trust
in your goodness that opens your heart to her without its ever being closed
against her, be rejected by the One to whom You have given the key to
heaven? No, because He shared part of the illuminations he had had with her,
not only upon Mount Tabor at your right hand, obtaining this grace from your
loving heart. Delightfully and strongly, she has experienced the blessing of
participating in your divine nature. (971)
The Apostle of glory had been a pilgrim along life's way and wanted to be
anathema to his brothers and sisters. Tuen, at its end, could he possess less
fervor for this little sister who is also his daughter, without comparing her to
Saint Thecla? No, he has been so generous tome that I cannot describe his
wondeeful charity. Did I not hear heaven and earth proclaim that he has given
me his right hand to join him in bearing your Sacred Name before great and
small. It is the insignia that makes your daughters known, Divine Word made
Flesh, not upon their countenance, but upon their hearts with these words:
Because 1 want to be brief, 1 will not go into detail about the favors 1
received during the entire summer. But how could 1not mention the ardors of
your loved one whom the Church maintains excels above the other saints!
She deserved to be the first one to see Y ou on the day of your glorious
Resurrection. (2,ll) Y ou told her not to detain You at the tomb, for Y ou had
not yet ascended to your Father. You made her the Evangelist of the Apostles,
entrusting her with the beneficial mission and most glorious commission of
informing them that You had triumphed over death, that Y ou were going to
ascend to your Father and ours, to your God and ours, that the glory of your
Sacred Body had not been lessened because of your intimacy with them.
Appearing to her as a gardener, You showed her that Y ou wanted to make
her your Eden and your disciple. Since the Apostles had to throw their lines
into the sea, Y ou did not disdain teaching them their work as fishermen. Y ou
ate with them;You were, 1 would say, their cook, for there were no angels to
roast the fish that Y ou showed them on the coals, nor any baker to prepare
the bread for them that accompanied the fish. You extended an invitation to
Thomas to plaee his fingers in the wounds made by the nails in your hands and
feet and with his hand fearlessly to touch the opening in your sacred side.
Certainly, the Resurrection had not changed your lovability nor removed humility from your Divine Heart that yeamed to be forever an asylum for sinners.
By these visible things, You w;mted to elevate them to the invisible ones, being
their royal, divine Physician. Y ou spoke to them about the kingdom of God in
which Y ou were going to prepare seats and thrones for them to make them
judges and kings. (,2l') You would breathe your Holy Spirit into them and
upon them, making them gods, giving them power to remit sins. If Y ou
corrected the,m by rebuking and reproaching them for their di:fficulty in believing after so many obvious apparitions and visible, sensible signs ofyour Resurrection, it .was because You wanted them to become informed doctors by this
serious test. Then, ascending to your right hand, You imparted your holy
blessing to them, thus fulfilling the request of the Royal Prophet: Benedicat
nos Deus, Deus noster! Benedicat nos Deus, et metuant eum Omf!,eS fines
terrce. May God, our God bless us. May God bless us: and ail the ends
of the earthfear him. (Ps 66:7b-8)
To show your correction, test and e:fficacious blessing in ten days, You sent
them your Holy Paraclete. He made them doctors of all knowledge, enabling
their voices to be heard throughout the earth: In omnem terram exivit sonus
eorum, et in fines orbis terne verba eorum. Their sound hath gone forth
into ail the earth: and their words unto the ends of the world (Ps 18:5)
136' -
victorious are triumphant; ordinary people are effective. This willing cooperation concurs with your goodness, for You grant grace for grace. (975) Lord,
although Y ou created us without our free will, Y ou do not want to save us
without our free consent. 1will stop at this idea of my Father, Saint Augustine,
who, one day in the year 1644 in the company of St. Thomas of Aquinas,
witnessed to me that they would be filled with profound joy-which 1 could
term accidentai glory-if those who trouble themselves and upset many others
by their disputes would instead prepare themselves to receive the graces they
had lost by their arguments. They do so unaware of their passion, considering
it to be great zeal. Grace is like charity, if not its replica. It is not ambitious, it
does not seek its own glory but yours, my Jesus. Fill my heart with it and
spread it on my lips. May my thoughts, words, and actions all be in grace,
from grace, for grace and through grace so that 1 may say in truth with the
great Apostle: "I am what your grace has made me to be."
On the Feast of Our Lady of the Angels, 1 was inspired to go to the church
of the Recollect Sisters. At sight of the bench where 1 would receive the
benediction of your Blessed Sacrament and gain the indulgence You personally granted to your faithful imitator, St. Francis, You showed me the care You
took of your daughters as well as of me. 1 would not have received this
intimation had 1not gone there. Your angels, my heavenly protectors, guided
me there. It is not the first time that 1 recognize the good deeds they do for
me. (976)
On the Eve of the Assumption of your august Mother, You urged me to go
out for your glory. Y ou wanted me to purchase, not a chateau, but houses
and gardens in which to accommodate Y ou in your own home. 1 recalled
what 1 had often told You during the ten years that 1 was in Paris: Dear Love,
the foxes and many people finer and more dexterous than 1 am and birds, that
are more skillful in providing for themselves than 1 am, have their nests with
great, sumptuous designs. But You, Incarnate Word, to whom everything
belongs, do not possess in Paris a foot of ground on which to lay your Sacred
Head. Stop this complaint, dearly Beloved. From what You have given me
through the care the angels take of me, 1 want to purchase one for You. Since
You commanded them to care for me, they have inspired those who sell these
houses to offer them to others at a price they did not want to offer me,
exacting 45 thousand pounds, whereas before the wars in Paris they wanted
50 thousand pounds for them.
Heavenly treasurers, what can 1 do to show my gratitude for your charitable care? 1 offer you what both the elder and the younger Tobias gave great
Saint Raphael. My obligations to you and to all in general do not prevent me
from acknowledging those 1 owe the holy physician and prudent guide who
defended me against my enemies. He provided me with friends, curing a
number of them whom 1 confidently recommended to him in his wise benignity.
1 know that he does everything according to your will to which 1 submit
according to your good pleasure. (977) Were 1 to desire or request something that is not conformable, You would give me the grace to refuse it. May
this toothache, which 1 have had for several days due to the evening humidity,
abate my satisfaction. 1 want to endure it as long as You wish.
Dear Love, shortly thereafter, he paid me and did not cause anyone to lose,
for he did not become bankrupt. He fears and loves Y ou and wants his
children to do likewise. C2Z10 Before the wars, he entrusted two ofhis daughters to me for upbringing. 1 prayed for your glory and their salvation, because
his two daughters were taught in our Congregation, for he entrusted them to
me and to no one else.
As 1 considered that these three houses and gardens now belonged to me,
1 was satisfied with all the transactions. You reminded me of a vision 1 had
had in Lyons before 1 departed to establish the monasteries in Grenoble and
Paris. 1 saw myself seated in a lovely place with trees whose fruit 1 could not
see, yet 1 was amid many daughters. While 1 was there, someone brought me
a parasol. 1 would have omitted this detail except that, while 1 was here, one
ofmy little boarders brought me a parasol in reality. Thus, You showed me
that You are faithful in ail the figures or prophecies that You have shown me. 1
had the Veni Creator prayed in choir for the following days, since this acqisition was made through your Spirit.
The Feast of the Nativity of your Blessed Mother brought me many favors,
although my toothache prevented me from sleeping for a number of nights.
Being infum, 1 was strong in this Virgin who held ail my enemies chained up,
walking upon the asp and basilisk, and treading upon the dragon. Admiring
this marvel, all the angels exclaimed: Qu est ista qu progreditur quasi
aurora, etc. Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, etc.
(Cant 6:9)
David declared: "The Lord is my help, what can man do against me?"
(979) Mary has corne to my aid; what, then, can my enemies do? She is as
terrible as an anny arrayed in battle. Mary,joy ofheaven and earth, Joachim's
rejoicing, Anne's delight! Mary, benevolent grace of travelers, and the brilliant
glory ofthose in heaven after the God-Man who is substantial grace and the
beatific vision! Holy Church loudly proclaims that her birth is universaljoy.
With Isaias, St. Paul declared: "0, most immense Increated Word, You
became the abbreviated Word through the Incarnation in Mary's womb. Your
joy is that Y ou endured the Cross, submitting to the contradiction of sinners."
On seeing Mary, who would be the Coadjutrix of the Redemption and would
be steadfast beneath your Cross where Y ou made reparation for ail sin, your
Divine Father was more than satisfied. He gave Y ou a Name above any other
name before which evecy knee should bend.
13t- -
On the Feast of St. Matthew, I learned great marvels about the graces You
had given him. (980) Y ou told me: "Do not think that he was the publican
who entered the t~ple, striking his breast, not daring to raise his eyes while
the proud Pharisee praised himself with vain thoughts, blaming this penitent
whom God justified while he humbled himself."
Dear Love, I reply with the words St. John gave the old man who was
being questioned: Domine mi, tu scis; Lord, you know. I know that the
publican whose feast we solemnly observe followed Y ou and <lied for Y ou.
Also, he attained your glocy through great trials. He is the victim ofvirginity.
With desire, I want to make a perfect confession so as to be pleasing to Y ou
and to follow Y ou at the moment You call me.
My divine Pastor and most loving Director, You chose to tell me: "Offer
my Divine Father the contrition I had in the Garden of Olives where both love
and sorrow caused Me agony. Water and blood trickled from my sacred
pores to cleanse the earth. Offer Me the confession 1 made before Pilate,
bonam confessionem; a good confession after which 1 bore all the sins of
mankind upon Calvary, freely offering Myself for death in remission for them.
To satisfy love, offer the Holy Spirit the blood and water that flowed from my
side. (981) With this blood and water, 1 made satisfaction and a gift to my
most worthy Mother and my beloved Magdalen. 1 gave my holy Mother the
pure Blood she had given me at my conception. 1 had lovingly kept this blood
in my breast with which to make my treasure there where my heart is situated.
Likewise, 1 gave Magdalen this holy water in return for her tears for Me. By
the ardor of my love, from it 1 had made a wonderful marvel, just as the sun
draws forth the vapors by its heat and converts them into
and that this will be attributed to a young woman seated under the palm tree.
Y ou will judge Israel upon the holy mountain where my martyrs shall cover
you with their palms and crown you with their laurels because of the su:ffering
you will there endure for Me."
A few days later, accompanied by Monsieur de la Piardire, I went to the
abbey to request the Prior, Vicar General for the Bishop of Metz, to give me
four Sisters from our monastecy to take to Lyons with me. Y ou did what Y ou
had told me by consenting finally to allow me to leave Paris and satisfy myself,
provided that I promise to return should it be necessacy to do so, God willing.
When venerable Father Yvan came to see me, he brought a letter that
recounted marvels to me about persons who to all appearances yielded to all
my wishes. (983) I did not believe this, unable to accept whatever was not an
article of faithand which I could prove to the contrary. The prudence ofthis
time could have been my glocy in the sight of this good priest. On that day,
because of my tears, I seemed to be a mother overwhelmed by suffering, an
innocent young woman considered to be guilty while not being so.
Father Yvan returned on another day a:fter obtaining better knowledge of
my true feelings. He satisfied me by not finding fault with my compassion as
mother and told me that God Himself inspires founders and foundresses with
the guidance of the Orders He has prompted them to establish. As I considered this good priest, I had a premonition that he would live only a few days
more and told him so when he left the parlor.
On the eve of the Feast of St. Denis, Apostle of France, I was brought a
note at about nine o'clock in the morning informing me that he had suddenly
<lied that vecy morning. Since he had lived many years as a faithful servant of
your Majesty, Y ou wanted to withdraw his body and soul to avoid allowing
the demons a long period of time to trouble him during the passage from death
to life. May he forever be in your etemal rest, and may your Spirit prompt him
to pray to Y ou for me that I may be faithful to You. (984)
13g -
Our journey to Lyons, the divine protection, his favors toward his
unworthy servant. Our arrivai in Roanne and entrance into Lyons.
After I had made all the arrangements for departure, as well as Monsieur
de la Piardire whom You told me was also Barac, we departed on Friday,
October the seventeenth, eve of the Feast of St. Luke, St. Paul's companion
on his pilgrimages. I prayed to him to accompany us and You, my loving Sun,
to be favorable tous. By your ardent and luminous rays, You led us to Lyons.
lbis was the sign I had asked You for without insisting too much, but to stop
the rumors that maintained that the Abb de la Piardire's daughter, four years
and several months old, could not endure the cold or bad weather that this
season in the previous years had brought.
Y ou gave me confidence, dear Love, that You would be along on our
joumey and that we would have good weather on the way to Lyons. The sun
would be our star and would not fade. Everyone could testify to this in Paris,
Lyons and in a hundred places in the surrounding area. (985) The confessor of
our monastery in Paris, Mr. de L[anglade] wrote me at the beginning of
November, saying that the Countess of Rochefort recounted to him that in
Paris this weather was being called Mother de Matel's summer. They could
express it even better by calling it the Incarnate Word's summer.
We arrived early in Briarre. Father de la Piardire told me that he wanted
to go see the canal, and I replied that I would go to church to adore You
there, Y ou who are the source of the waters of life. In your sacrosanct
Humanity, You wanted me to experience the profusions of your Sacred Wounds,
which are channels of grace for souls who seek only your love. He changed
his mind and came to church with me. If I recall correctly, it is dedicated to
the holy levite and first martyr, St. Stephen. President Chausse accompanied
us there. I had not knelt very long when You showed me that I was welcome,
gratifying me with many favors, reminding me that I had received the first grace
in Roanne, that is, by my baptism in St. Stephen's parish church. I became
enraptured and heard these delightful words: Orietur stella Jacob Virgo
peperit salvatorem. A star sha/l rise up out ofJacob. (Num 24:17c)
With ineffable sentiments, I adored You, bom ofyour Blessed Mother.
Y ou were pleased to tell me: "My beloved, you will produce me through my
Institute, remaining a virgin in imitation of my incomparable Mother. ( 6) I
have chosen you to be my star, by which I will burst forth, and you will give
Me another birth." 0 my divine Savior, withjoy and satisfaction, I receive this
good news from your goodness.
On Sunday moming, I felt an indescribable abandonment and dreaded the
praise of my compatriots, becoming sadder than I can say. The priest, our
guide, who was observing me, asked me the reason for this sadness that was
apparent by my expression. Since he was my confessor, the one to whom I
had an obligation and in whom I trusted, I told him that divine wisdom had
ordained or permitted this condition that I cherished, since it detached me
from anything that might attract me according to flesh and blood, that I would
deprive myself of visiting my only sister whom I had not seen except for two
or three hours in twenty-five years, if Y ou preferred that to my joy in seeing
her. Y ou were satisfied with my disposition in which Y ou interiorly retained
me during the four days that we stayed at her home. What a visit! Whatjoy,
because all the people joined her and my brother-in-law, de Grimaud, her
husband, showing me by their generosity what cordiality there is in being
related. United to You, my soul could not enjoy all this applause. I felt two
contraries to be in one same subject: an apparent, voluntary satisfaction not to
bother anyone and entertaining myself with everyone as though Roanne were
my earthly paradise and all the people my natural inclinations. During their
acclamations, my soul felt like a stranger among relatives. Y ou divided the
waters from the waters, making a firmament of confidence with Y ou in my
spirit and in my exterior, the waters of distrust in myself. (987) Y et I made all
those around me happy, not wanting to diminish their hope that 1would return
whenever your providence so ordained.
On Thursday, October thirtieth, we left Roanne quite late to arrive in Lyons
on All Saints Day. Caressing me through goodness, your Majesty had me
understand the following and all the rest: Ego ante te ibo, et gloriosos terr
When we entered our small chapel, I requested that we four religious chant
the Veni Creator Spiritus, because I wanted to enter our Congregation in
your Spirit as did Saint Simeon in the temple. In your small tabernacle, I
adored You as my great God. Dear Love, You told me: Ascende tu qui
nostro? et brachium Domini cui revelatum est? Who hath believed our
report? And to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? (Is 53 : 1)
There were no true feelings for your glory; your words were scomed, as
St. Paul had predicted when he wrote to St. Timothy: (989)
__. Erit enim tem-
And will indeed turn away their hearingfrom the truth, but will be turned
unto fables. (2 Tm 4:3-4)
When unseen by me, they did not really fulfill their duties. Yet I loved and
cherished them all, especially the one who was obligated by vow to stability in
your Congregation. I was upset by those who had departed during the winter.
You told me that in zeal You once expelled the buyers and sellers from the
Temple, for You could not endure having your house desecrated-not to say
profaned. You said that the doves and the sheep were sold, and they freed
themselves. The full weight of work was left to a poor young woman who
was as overworked as an ox. Their departure caused me to tell You in full
heart and cry: Zelus domus tu comedit me; The zeal of thy house hath
eaten me up. (Jn 2: 17b) You want your house to be a house pf prayer. I
beg You that all your saints, whose feast we observe, may make reparation
for everyone's defects and also mine. (22.0) You did not reject me, for the
heavenly courtiers inclined toward me like heavens, granting me inexplicable
blessings. What illuminations and delight did this night bring me, for I marveled
at You with your holy martyrs, You who came upon the white cloud!
Since the next day was meant to assist the Souls in Purgatory, after Holy
Communion I prayed to You to visit them, so that they ail said: "Behold our
Redeemer who cornes!" I asked You to let them share in the banquet of
glory; Y ou did not reject my prayer. You reminded me of this sorrowful
compassion that I might go up with You and your saints who fly like white
clouds, saying to me: "I have led captivity captive. I will grant gifts to people
who will be favorable toward you."
After Holy Mass, Abb de la Piardire informed me that he was going to
visit the Abb of Saint Just according to our wishes and plan. Upon greeting
him at Ainay, he was welcomed graciously, but when he alluded tome, he
noted that the Abb became distant. Astounded, he told him: "Monsieur,
how indifferent you are while I am greeting you in the name of someone who,
for so many years has cherished you, esteeming and honoring your friendship!"
Unaware of the reason for this coldness, he learned that it was because I had
omitted writing to him about my leaving Paris or my entrance with religious into
Lyons. (991) Monsieur de la Piardire replied that he was the one who had
insisted upon the joumey, that the obedience of the four religious had been
granted by the letter of Monsieur de Ville, Vicar General while the See was
vacant, that 1 was happy to corne to Lyons close to the Archbishop who was
favorable toward our establishment, that in Paris 1 had been assured ofhis
graciousness toward me. 1 learned this fact from those who had told him
about my joy that he would be my dear prelate when he was given my regards
and greetings. They might have added that for a number of years 1 had prayed
to your Majesty that he might succeed to the See after the death of His
Eminence, although 1 did not desire this death, because 1 loved and honored
him as my pastor.
When Abb de la Piardire retumed, 1 asked him how the Archbishop was
and what his reception had been by the Abb of Saint Just. He was too polite
and charitable to tell me anything except that he had been welcomed with
great honor and warmth. While he was thus speaking to me, 1 said to him:
"Everything is fine for you, but there is coldness for me. This idea is uppermost in my mind. (992) Surely, you underwent humiliation. Y ou are too
sincere to conceal thi;7ross from me following the Benedictus of the palms in
Roanne. 1 am prepared to hear myself called insane by great and small, by my
angels as well as my enemies in Lyons. Ifthe Lord is doing this or allowing it,
1 will keep silent and adapt to all his desires or permissions. 1 will imitate
Abraham. 1 will hope against hope, without daring to trust that my confidence
will be reputed unto justice."
Dear Love, all this confidence at the point of my spirit left my inferior part
astounded and sad. The waters were separated from the waters. 1 felt that
two contrary situations existed in one same subject. 1 noted a solid firmament
of confidence in Y ou and the waters of distrust within myself. ln a state of
astonishment, 1 declared: "1 have fallen from the clouds. 0 Lord, 1 flow forth
like water!"
Dear Love, may your will be done. Were I to dare disobey and be
prompted to write for permission from my pastor and Archbishop to corne
have my soul converted, I would have done so. The sinful woman of the city
did not ask You if she might enter the banquet hall to be at your feet and weep
with heart and soul. She is not blamed for having corne to her Savior, but her
Redeemer's goodness is unfairly accused for befriending her. (993) I entrust
mine to Y ou, dear Love, which is your own. I am sad and somewhat troubled
for having unknowingly displeased my prelate. In great compassion, cherished
and divine Love, your goodness let me understand: Et quid dicam? And
what shall 1 say? (Jn 12:27) Wondering about the meaning ofthese words,
and not having my little Latin Bible with me, for I had left it in the Abb de la
Piardire's bag, I consulted the Concordance and found the twelfth chapter of
St. John who recorded that You had uttered these words. (994)
- 14-o Old and new fruit that 1 offered the Incarnate Word. Graces that
the saints obtained for me on their solemn feasts while 1 was busy
with the delays in the foundation. They continued their favors to
me to provide me with strength to participate daily in my divine
and fruit, both old and new, to present them to Y ou as yours. 1 offered them
to Y ou and do so again, my divine Gardener and loving Spouse. 1 offer Y ou
the fruit on the tree of the Cross, the great St. Andrew, as the first one You
received, for he was sent to You by your Precursor. St. John the Baptist's
fidelity would soon reach the end of its career, and Andrew would be at the
beginning ofhis. John yearned to diminish, knowing that You must increase.
(995) He wanted to conceal himself in Limbo, and You, my Savior, to appear
upon Tabor and Calvary at the midday ofyour great love for the redemption
of mankind. Habacuc asked You, in the midst of the course of time, to vivify
your work. As for me, 1 beg You to make it perfect at midday, that 1 may find
my table and bed and may not go astray: Post greges sodalium tuorum.
After the steps ofyour jlocks. (Cant 1:7b)
On the Feast of St. Xavier, my soul was so filled with your goodness that 1
said to You: "Dear Love, enough of enjoying delights. 1 want to endure
torments for Y ou. 1 yearn for the crucifix that the crayfish took the Apostle of
the lndies. It is glorious for You when a soul that has fallen away advances
and that, while others think it possesses great imperfections and the demons
feel certain that, because of these faults, it draws near their abysses, that Y ou
address the words of the Royal Prophet to it: Dextera Domini exaltavit me;
Dextera Domini fecit virtutem. Non moriar, sed vivam; et narrabo opera Domini. The right hand of the Lord hath exalted me: the right hand
of the Lord hath wrought strength. I shall not die, but live: and shall
declare the works of the Lord. (Ps 117:16b-17) (996)
When 1 offered You my misery and prayers, You heard me, because Y ou
want to redeem me. Since You are good and just toward me, it is fitting that
those who represent You should scom me like the stone rejected by the
builders: Hic fac tus est in caput anguli; The same is become the head of
the corner. (Ps 117:22b) Your goodness performs marvels, which astounds
those who ignore their beginning or end, unaware of the place from which your
forestalling Spirit emanates. lt is the day You made by your loving presence
within lsraelite souls, as they saw and feared God. Through your illuminations,
they rejoice, while those who swoop upon them because oftheir authority
enjoy temporal happiness. Dear Love, may they attain etemal joys through
the fulfillment of all your desires.
You were light, charity and graciousness toward me on the Feasts of Saint
Barbara, Saint Nicolas and Saint Ambrose: light and lamp through the prayers
of Saint Barbara, charity through those of Saint Nicolas. (997) 1 asked You in
Communion to renew our sacred marriage, and also for lovability and ambrosia through this doctor who is ambrosia itself. Could we not say to You:
Crastina die delebitur iniquitas terr. Et regnabit super nos Sa/vator
mundi. Tomorrow the iniquity of the earth shall be blotted out. And the
Savior ofthe wor/d shal/ rule over us. (Antiphon: Vigil of Christmas)
When he saw the Immaculate Conception of the one who crushed him
under her feet, beginning at the very moment she was conceived, the ancient
serpent-the iniquity of earth-found his hope to deceive all mankind wrested
from him. She heard the Sovereign King say to her: Veni e/ecta mea;
Come, my chosen one. You are all-beautiful, and in you there is no stain and
there never will be any. Worthy Mother of God, who could express the
favors you let me experience during Holy Communion and those that your
Son, upon the altar in his loving Eucharist, poured into my soul. To make the
sacrifice 1 offered Him burn even better, He induced me to weep abundantly,
by recalling Elias' sacrifice. True and Living God, be blessed and adored by
On the Feast of St. Damasus, my soul was busy praising your August
Trinity, thanking You for the inspiration You granted this great Pope to love
St. Jerome. They both contributed to having the West sing the Gloria Patri
that is chanted in the East. ~) I rejoiced even more that the angels, who are
morning stars, praised You ail together in the Empyrean before the creation of
mankind. I asked You to let him teach it to us after our creation, while we
are on this lowly earth, hoping that one day we will praise You forever with
them in the sublime earth, the land of the living, declaring to You with David:
Beati qui habitant in domo tua, Domine; in scula sculorum laudabunt
te. Blessed are they that dwell in thy house, 0 Lord: they shall praise
thee for ever and ever. (Ps 83 :5)
On the Feast of St. Lucy, to whom I have obligations that are old and new,
she let me share in the constancy of her love. I trusted in divine Love, meaning
You, vivifying Spirit of life, who inflamed her heart. You elevated her soul by
your flames and made her body heavy, that holy temple that belonged to You
which the wicked wanted to violate by exposing it to sinners. This holy temple
became immovable. Love placed its weight therein, causing confusion for ail
the insane spirits, entering her virginal breast in the Eucharist, which she received into her most pure lips where You showered your graces, becoming
her principal Assistant. With her, You received the sword-thrust that eut her
throat. Having partaken of a meal with the Prince-in fact, that consisted of
the Prince Himself-she felt no fear. Love cast it aside; she considered herself
your couch in the midst of her heart. You were charity itself for the joy of ail
the daughters of Jerusalem. (999) Your place and its abode in Sion were at
peace. You entered into her to have her enter and dwell within You, letting
her experience your promise.
On December 18th, I did not feel a bold presumption while waiting for
your Blessed Mother to give birth, because I was prepared by your goodness
with delight, and I did not experience the pain that many others do. It
occurred before dawn whose sun would be weak during the day. For me,
your Name was an abundant oil-not to say spilled over-ardently burning
my heart and enlightening my mind so that, because of your presence, my
Divine Spouse, night was as bright as day to me: Quia tenebr non
obscurabuntur a te, et nox sicut dies illuminabitur. But darkness shal/
not be dark to thee, and night shall be light as the day. (Ps 138:12)
On the 21st, the Feast of St. Thomas, leaving many others to meditate
upon his unbelief, my spirit was elevated to contemplate his loving zeal that
made him encourage the disciples to exert courage by accompanying You to
the places You wanted to go, impelled by your love. He even o:ffered to die
there with You. He said to them: Eamus et nos, ut moriamur cum eo. Let
us a/so go, that we may die with him. (Jn 11: 16b) As 1 marveled at this
fervor before your Passion, 1 passed over the Red Sea. (1000) Being transported to the Cenacle with this saint, 1 adored You as my Lord and my God.
By repeating these loving words a number of times, 1 acknowledged with my
heart rather than with my lips that You are everything to me. With these loving
thoughts that filled my heart with so muchjoy, 1 entered your bouse where 1
heard your holy cantors who welcomed me into their choirs, inviting me to
participate in their music (as they did before). 1 was delighted to hear the
great St. Michael proclaim You as God; David as his king and the same God
that St. Thomas acknowledged to be his Lord. 1 ended by saying: "Jesus, my
Love, who are our King, our Lord and our God."
On Christmas day, a bad case of influenza and the heavy fog confined me
to bed after 1 had attended the three Masses during the night and receiving
Communion after the midnight one. You made me experience the peace that
was unbroken by the silence or the darkness. You were bom of the bosom of
your Divine F ather and that of your virginal Mother. You came to occupy a
royal place in mine, after, as Y ou instructed me to do, 1 had made acts of
adoration, thanksgiving, contrition, offering, conformity and abandonment into
the bands of your adorable Father and those of your miraculous Mother, who
wrapped You in linen cloths and placed You in the manger. (1OO1)
14-1 -
them to feel your goodness and search for You by :finding You with simplicity
of heart in accordance with the counsel of the Prophet: Qurite Dominum,
On the Feast of the Kings, as 1 listened to our Sisters renewing their vows,
my soul renewed its mortifications by its ordinary thoughts for those days,
being deprived by your command of what is prescribed for the Order. Y ou
told me, 0 King of my heart: "Offer me your thoughts while your daughters
are offering me their vows, and have no doubt that He who receives the lambs
of my ewe also lovingly accepts the hair or thoughts of the one who ascends
the mountain of Galaad like a herd of goats. Oculi tui columbarum, absque
The Lord shall arise upon thee Jerusalem and his glory shall be seen
upon thee. "(Is 60:2d) During the marvelous forty days that You were in the
stable with your glorious Mother and her virginal spouse, You gave me many
graces. Your saints joyfully entertained me as though by ordinary festivities:
Ltentur cli, et exulte! terra; Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth
be glad. (Ps 95:11)
This hidden manna possessed a new name known by You and the soul that
received it. It is your will, or better still, your delight. (1006) Without going to
the earthly Rome, my soul visited the heavenly, divine temple, continually
asking You for the same favor of dwelling there all the days of her life,
according to your good measure. There she adores You, invisible King of
immortal ages. May everything created render you homage there, and may
Y ou possess the etemal empire together with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
the glory essential to You that no creature may take away.
St. Paul told St. Timothy that You are immortal and invisible, as well as
impassible, while remaining God. Yet, he assures us that, as Man, You are
the Pontiffwho sympathizes with our infirmities. From your own lips, he
heard: "Saule, Saule, quid me persequeris? Saul, Saul, why persecutest
thou me? (Acts 26:14) You were already risen; death no longer had any
power over Y ou, for Y ou, the Living God forever, had subjected it to your
own, having destroyed the body of sin.
Y ou complained about Saul's persecution. When he appeared, lupus
rapax, like a ravenous wolf, You became his prey, and he became yours.
Y our light blinded him, and your voice struck him down. Y ou nullified the
power he had received from the highpriest. (1007) This raiding wolfhad to
acknowledge that the Lamb, from the beginning of the world represented You;
that Y ou, whom he persecuted, were the One he adored, worthy of all honor
and glory. He also had to concede that You are the etemal Priest according
to the order of Melchisedech and, like Aaron, called by God; that Y ou are
God-Man, the judge of the living and the dead; that at your Name every knee
must bend in heaven, on earth and in hell. He astounded everyone who saw
and heard him in Damascas by saying: Quoniam hic est Filius Dei; That he
is the Son of God (Acts 9:20b) He confounded the Jews who lived in
Damascas when he affirmed: Quoniam hic est Christus; This is the Christ.
(Acts 9:22) He was alluding to You, my Lamb, who had conquered this wolf
and made him shepherd of the sheep that he wanted to persecute by wresting
them from your fold, for Y ou are the great Shepherd of souls, as well as the
Lamb that takes away the sins of the world. With confidence in your goodness, 1 pray You to take mine away. Please anoint the Sancta Sanctorum,
Ho/y of Holies by shortening the weeks. Take away the sins that must be
endured; offer your death through love to your divine Father, You who are the
God-Christ, for everyone as well as for me.
On the Feast of St. Ignatius, he treated me with great magnificence. Since
I spoke at length about him last year, I will not repeat what I then said.
Annually he grants me great favors. His love is all fire, flame and light; he is
also the donor of the heavenly prodigy that appears in the temple on the
second day ofFebruary. The Christ-like Virgin who bore Christ anointed him
deeply so as to present him to the Divine Father, the First-born from among
the dead, the glory of the tribe of Levi, the sceptre and crown of that of Juda,
whose sacrifice and praise honors his eternal Father with infinite honor. (1009)
- u,..2 -
be idle, remaining until the final hour in your vineyard without working except
through desire. You granted me your favors without being unfair to those
whose work You justly recompensed.
Dear Love, I find it excessive that your mercy pardons my idleness, and
your goodness prompts and sends me to work in your vineyard at the last
hour. This is an indescribable favor for me. Humbled, my soul remains
enraptured when it realizes that You fill it with your loving blessings. It
exclaims: God of my heart, how good and merciful You are! You are
merciful because You want to be merciful. (1010) Many run and search for
You. Your love grants the price to whomever You please, not .depriving those
of your blessings who cry out so as to please Y ou and not for love of
autem, jam non ego, vivit vero in me Christus. With Christ 1 am nailed
to the cross. And! live, now not 1: but Christ live th in me. (Gal 2: 19b20a)
Y ou let me see an emissary goat. I said to Y ou: "Lord, Y ou became the
curse for all, and for me in particular. (1011) 1 do not refuse contempt and
sufferings, begging Y ou not to abandon me during them. With Y ou, Divine
Love, 1 can do all things if You console me and consent to be my contempt,
my sorrow and my poverty. 1 would be very happy in this condition with You.
Whoever possesses God possesses everything. How miserly is the one for
whom God does not suffice. My sufficiency wili always be in Y ou and
through You, my Love and my All."
Led into the desert by the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ allowed the
demon to tempt Him. He teaches us how to overcome temptation.
On Brandon Sunday [the First Sunday in Lent], the desert appealed tome,
for 1 found You there, not only chased there by the high-priest, but by your
Holy Spirit as St. Mark says, as soon as your Divine Father told You: Tu es
St. Matthias filled the vacancy left by Judas and entered the
Divine Heart.
On the Feast of St. Matthias, your charitable, loving goodness gave me
many graces. He received from your Spirit the condition of the apostolate, the
light and fidelity that Judas had refused to accept. Unwilling to divest himself
of avarice and personal interest, he did not receive charity that is the lot of the
saints in light. Divine Sun, You shone in this darkness, yet he, hating the light,
became a slave of the demon and of a devil similar to what he loved.
Matthias became divinized. Like the other Apostles, he carried the light.
He filled the vacancy left by Judas who went to his place, which is hell.
Matthias entered your Heart, which is Paradise. Great St. Matthias, remember me now that you are in your kingdom. (1013) On this day, may I be in the
Paradise of charity, loving our good Master.
How upon Mount Tabor, the Incarnate Word spread out nets up
to heaven and upon earth.
On the second Sunday of Lent, Y ou took me with Y ou upon Mount
Tabor, where I contemplated You as You spread nets and ropes up to heaven
and on earth. Your Father and the Holy Spirit were there, bound and drawn
through love, ifl may express it in such a way. Moses and Elias and three of
your Apostles there fell to the earth. What charm, what fascination enraptured
heaven and earth! Only obstinate hell had no part in this light.
Dear Love, my status is in your hands. My spirit is before your eyes. My
treasure is in your bosom. You are good to me wherever Y ou may be. Since
St. Peter did not know what he was saying, I want to leam from Y ou what
You want me to do. You want me to remain; your divine Father commands
me to listen to Y ou. Speak, Lord, for your servant is keeping still to listen to
you in peace and tranquillity. She wants to see only Jesus of Nazareth, her
flourishing Spouse. It is the end ofyour Transfiguration. (1014) Be united to
me; bind me with your bonds. I wish to be your captive. If lam as mute as a
fish, entwine me in your net. In Y ou, I will find my element and nourishment,
for Y ou are the immense ocean where my spirit may spread out and therein
become lost. Y ou are my life. My gain is in You alone.
My desires and requests on the day of the canonization of the holy
On the Feast of the great Pope St. Gregory, my soul received great favors,
requesting a share in bis merits and the joy of the saints canonized on that day
so that Y ou would be glorified, Lord, You who are admirable in your saints.
(1015) With St. Ignatius, I wanted to do everything for your glory. With St.
Xavier, I wanted to convert everyone who did not possess the light of the
Gospel, to proclaim to all that You are their salvation. With St. Philip Neri, I
wanted to glorify you by your teaching, which You said belongs to your Father
whose will I want to do. I offered all my works with St. Isidore's, detaching
myselffrom everything created with St. Teresa. In all truth, I wanted to be
able to declare that whatever is not Y ou, my God, my Love, is nothing to me.
T o su:ffer or to die, to su:ffer for Y ou and to die to myself so as to live in You,
of You, through Y ou and for You. Grant me these graces, my Divine Savior.
1 was a sharer in the banquet that the Lord prepared for those who
followed Him in the desert.
On the fourth Sunday of Lent, You rnight have ornitted me from your great
banquet for those who had followed You by passing through the sea My soul
dwelt in Lyons as in a desert, by my desires passing beyond all the tempests
incited by the world, which is a sea. I wanted only Y ou who are my Love
and my Weight, Amor meus, pondus meum. I will be satisfied when your
glory appears to me, when I see that Y ou are loved as the Sovereign Good,
sovereignly loving. (1016)
Again entering the heart of his beloved, the Incarnate Word made it
bis sanctuary and invited ber to imitate bis loved Magdalen.
On the fifth Sunday, since the Jews expelled You from their temple, I
prayed that You would corne into my heart which You could renew by making
it your sanctuary. Entering therein by your Blood, like an eternal Pontiff, You
prepared a new way for entering into Y ou through your very own Precious
Blood. I obtained new confidence when I listened to the words of the
Apostle: Habentes itaque .fratres fiduciam in introitu Sanctorum in sanguine Christi, quam initiavit nabis viam novam, et viventem per velamen, id est, carnem suam. Having therefore, brethren, a confidence in
the entering into the holies by the blood of Christ: A new and living way
which he hath dedicated for us through the veil, that is to say, his jlesh.
(Heb 10:19-20)
I adore You, High-Priest, God and Man, Master ofyour temple, which is
your holy and sacred home. By the help of your grace, I tried to go up with
grateful heart, filled with faith and confidence in your goodness, cleansed by
the water and Blood You had shed for me as You did for all mankind.
On Thursday ofthis Passion Week, as I viewed the holy penitent woman at
your feet, washing them with her tears and drying them with her hair, You
invited me to approach, to kiss them lovingly and reverently. (1017) Imitating
this loved one, I said to You: "Lord, since I have many sins that I acknowledge at your feet, grant me great love, and pardon them through your charity."
The Testament wherein occurs the miracle oflove and the sign that
heaven had never before seen.
On Thursday, I prepared to assist at your Supper. There You wanted to
show your Apostles the power of your love. You gave thei:n your Sacred
Body as food and your Precious Blood as drink. You entered into them so as
to change and convert them into You. Your angel had given only water to the
Prophet Elias. King David, as prophet, did not dare hope for wine so as to be
converted to You who guided him. He said: Super aquam refectionis
educavit me, anima meam convertit. He hath brought me up on the
water of refreshment: he hath converted my soul. (Ps 22:2b-3a) Why?
Because the vine prophetically seen by Jacob had not yet produced the blood
of the grape with which to cleanse the mantle of his son Judas, who would
provide the prey that he would personally trap. (1018) The eyes of all these
lion cubs were as lovely as wine and their teeth as white as milk. As the red
and white Spouse, nurturing and clothing your bride, You wanted to treat me
royally and divinely to show that You are my magnificent, peaceful King. In
the meantime, hell and the powers of darkness unleashed against You the
fiercest war ever seen. Certain of your death that was more loving than
painful, You made your wonderful Testament, a great miracle of love unheard
of in past ages until this night
It is the great sacrament concealed in God that corporeally contains all your
inexhaustible riches and the fullness of your divinity. And I, the most insignificant of all your creatures, receive this fullness and its riches within me in order
to proclaim them to all your saints in glory. I also receive the multiple gifts of
your unique Holy Spirit who is all love. He gives the greatest sign ever seen
by heaven and earth: an extension of your loving Incarnation that occurred in
the shadow of the most high and divine power within the virginal womb. 'The
Species of bread and wine serve as shadow and veil. 1 will repose beneath
the shadow of Him whom my soul loves. CUL1.,9)
The largess grantcd by the Incarnate Word upon the wood of the
Cross where He was acknowledged to be the Head of angels and
mankind and the true Son of the Living God. He invites us to
a bide within bis Sacred Wounds.
On Good Friday, the gifts You had given at the Supper had not in the least
diminished the treasures of your bounty when You gave Yourself totally during
it. You extended the largess ofyour graces, as well as ofyour Blood, to all
mankind by climbing Calvary burdened with your Cross, carrying it so as to
be borne aloft by it. Elevated by this wood, You drew all things to Y ourself.
If the heavens opened at your baptism of water to marvel at your innocent
humility in the River Jordan, there would be no door to conceal the excess of
your charity from the heavenly spirits.
In this baptism of your own Blood: Spiritu sancto misso de clo, in
quem desiderant angeli prospicere. The Ho/y Ghost being sent down
from heaven, on whom the angels desire to look. (1 P 1:12c) Dear Love,
upon this wood Y ou were acknowledged to be the Messias; Y ou were
proclaimed to be the Head ofmankind and angels, the true Son of the Living
God, given to the world to save it personally. You were the Sovereign Pontiff
ascending the sanctuary, cleansing sin, pardoning sin that You washed away in
your own Blood.
Attracting me with ineffable sweetness, your benign clemency said to me:
"Come, my daughter, receive the papal absolution. Come, kiss my slippers
embroidered with my Precious Blood, my sacred Feet nailed upon this wood;
they are adorable. (1020) My Sacred Wounds are roses that will for all
eternity preserve their color and fragrance."
Divine Savior, am 1 not guilty ofyour death through my sins? Cor meum
conturbatum est in me, et formido mortis cecidit super me. Quis dabit
mihi pennas sicut columb, et volabo, et requiescam? My heart is
troubled within me: and the fear of death is fallen upon me. Who will
give me wings lil a dove, and I will jly and be at rest? (Ps 54:5, 7) It is
Y ou, my Love and my God: Ecce elongavi fugiens; et mansi in solitudine;
Lo, I have gone far off, jlying away: and I abode in the wilderness. (Ps
54:8) 1 choose your most holy Wounds, since, through your mercy, You give
me the choice. Qui salvum me fecit a pusillanimitate spiritus, et tempestate;
I waited for him that hath saved me from pusillanimity of spirit and a
storm. (Ps 54:9b) In the niches of the rock, 1 will be your <love. 1 will make
my dwelling in the cavem of your sacred side.
ILi--3 - -
On Easter Sunday in 1654, when 1 saw You glorious and victorious over
sin, death and hell, creating a day of light, joy and delight, the beauty of the
immense fields of your divinity and of the most wonderful village of your
Humanity, my soul went out of itself and of everything that was an excess.
(1021) It recreated in your ravishing steps, followed by the captives of your
love whom You had delivered from the prison of your justice, which was dark
Limbo. 1 declared: Hc est dies quam fecit Dominus; exultemus, et
that stubbomly adhered only to what can be experienced by their eyes, ears
and hands. (1022) Through charity, You could then convince them ofwhatever their faith could not accept, for it was apparently dead and buried in your
tomb. Their hearts were as hard as the rocks which You gloriously penetrated, inviting them to approach You. They could find themselves in Y ou,
and You in them, as they exclaimed in admiration: Dominus meus et Deus
meus; My Lord and my God. (Jn 20:28)
On the Feast ofthe Finding ofyour Holy Cross, You appeared tome as a
Lamb walking in a thick woods where I could detect no grass. Y our wool
covered You down to the earth. You had me understand: "It is my seamless
robe with which I have wanted to invest mankind. In this woods, my food is
the will ofmy Father who loved the world so muchas to give them his own
Son to save them by the wood. My daughter, my love is my weight. I love
the Cross, because through it I am and will be the King of lovers and love
itself." As I adored and contemplated You walking ail alone in this woods,
Y ou approached me. I said to Y ou: "Dearest and gentlest Lamb, do Y ou
want me to be your shepherdess? (1024) Even as a child I wanted to follow
Y ou wherever You choose to go."
As a favor, tell me: Are You the one, my Lamb, who gallops among the
clouds, dressed in the very clouds that your Mother wanted me to follow ail
the way to Lyons? Have You corne down to this woods to be subsequently
sacrificed as a humble, gentle victim? 0 dearest Love, I heed the mystery:
You became everything so as to win me over completely. When Y ou had me
corne :from Paris with a great following (which mortified me quite a bit), You
flew like the clouds. Now that I am humiliated by those who resist Y ou more
than they do me, Y ou sympathize with me in this woods where I find myself
alone with Y ou. Dearest Love, my Isaac and my Lord, with joy I go down to
this woods, lowering my eyes that Y ou had raised up to the_ l_Quds to walk
with You. How happy I am to have my Bridegroom here. Please lead me to
the tent of Sara, your Blessed Mother, and Y ou will cause ail your elect to
rejoice. I am your Rebecca. (1025) Aided by your grace, I will valiantly
endure the combats or resistance of two peoples that You want me to carry in
my breast. I know, my Savior, that I must suffer contradictions as Y ou did.
In light of those that sinners caused Y ou, Y ou who are innocence itself, why
should I be exempt, I who am a very great sinner? I can do everything in Y ou
who comfort me, no matter what contradiction is made against your plans.
Dear Love, I recall that Moses appeared to me a few months ago, carrying
two tablets whereon I saw nothing written. They were like tablets of expectation. I understood that I should not give up hope about the plans of your
powerful goodness to me when I was abandoned by those who owe everything to Y ou, not having received your commands. Y ou would rewrite them,
and Y ou had placed me among your holy patriarchs, prophets, apostles,
martyrs, confessors and virgins. I was to endure everything for your Name,
witnessing to your truths, whether those Y ou have accomplished, are accomplishing or will accomplish. ( 1026) Y ou personally witness to Y ourselt: giving
me a knowledge which my enemies, who are also yours, cannot resist. I was
to practice patience, and in it I would possess my soul.
14-ft. -
The ten days 1 spent in prayer and tears caused me such a loss of sight that
the doctor informed me that 1 apparently had a cataract. He ordered repeated
purgations to remedy the situation on time. You blessed them, my Love. 1
will not express my mortification in restraining my tears through obedience so
as not to lose my sight as was feared for me. Had 1 not refrained, being
unable to read or write, 1 would hardly have been able to pray with fervor,
because 1 often experience that the flames set afire by the ardor of your Roly
Spirit cause the soul to shed abundant tears. Flabit Spiritus eius, et fluent
aqu; his wind shall blow, and the waters shall run. (Ps 147:18)
lt was necessary for me in spirit to feel useless to myself As for the body,
1 did what 1 did not care to do, and 1 endured visits that often importuned me.
1 preferred to remain alone with You. 1 did offer vocal prayers, as You know
my ways of doing them, and prayed my rosary a number of times (day and
night), walking through the rooms, since 1 could not endure the open air. 1
often visited You in your dwelling oflove, your holy and most loving Eucharist.
1 remained either standing or sitting, for, having a problem in orie knee, 1 could
not kneel very long. (1029)
llt-5 -
On your Feast and during its entire Octave, my Divine Sacrament, You
granted me magnificent graces, as your loving goodness prompted You to do
with royal, divine profusion. I invited the heavenly Sion to praise You with the
prose expressed daily during the Octave in the presence of this adorable
marvel that is visible when it is concealed and is concealed when it is visible
upon our altars. (1032) lt is You, divine Eucharist, who are the wonderful
grace of earth, that enraptures the heavenly citizens who adore while admiring
it and admire while adoring these formidable and most wonderful mysteries,
You are exposed at the door of our tabernacles, in the fervor of midday, to
provide a dwelling and enrapture souls joumeying along life's way. You are
their Viaticum during mysterious deaths-I dare not say mystical ones-for
the soul that receives this marvelous ambrosia becomes ecstatic, languishes
and exclaims to itself: Mihi enim vivere Christus est, et mori lucrum; For
to me, Io live in Christ: and to die is gain. (Phil 1:21) With greater
advantage than David, the soul declares: ln pace in idipsum dormiam, et
requiescam; In peace in the selfsame 1 will s/eep, and 1 will rest. (Ps 4:9)
St. Claude, St. Anthony of Padua and St. Basil the Great have obtained
many favors for me on their feastdays. Glad to gratify me, they extended great
charity to me. Right now I cannot express what they did for me. My
customary request is for heavenly gifts and divine graces that ail the saints have
received and those from which the condemned never profited. I begged the
Holy Spirit to accept the glory for this, communicating it to his saints in
thanksgiving for me.
Divine Savior, You know that your Precursor, my great patron, brings
universal joy to the soul that wants to love You. Also, she who bears this
gracious name asks Y ou grace for grace through his intercession, for Y ou
filled him with graces even in his mother's womb. (1033) You visited her when
You were within your Blessed Mother's womb. Could the Acme of Tueology
and the Vessel of Election and Dilection, St. Peter and St. Paul, forget me on
the days of their splendor when 1 had only to take a place in the shadow of the
former by considering him near You, my Sun, as 1 retumed from Communion.
Likewise, in tears, 1 prayed to the latter to lend me his handkerchief with
which to dry them and to deliver me from my sadness of spirit, if You so
wished, as a relief. 1 did receive these consolations from both of them.
Dear Love, at the present time, he seems fo spurn the illuminations that
formerly he had esteemed. It is either because he no longer sees his little
directee or that his office as Vicar General has caused him to change his mind.
"My daughter, my Church was established as a consequence of the one my
Divine Father gave Peter when He revealed my divinity to him. After this
revelation, 1 told him that he was blessed: Beatus es, Simon Bar Jona: quia
caro et sanguis non revelavit tibi, sed Pater meus, qui in clis est. Et
ego dico tibi, quia tu es Petrus et super hanc petram dificabo ecclesiam
meam. Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona: because flesh and blood hath
tua credibilia Jacta sunt nimis; Thy testimonies are become exceedingly
credible. (Ps 92:5a) Your loving goodness graciously accepted my confession toit.
On this same morning, I reported in writing to the Abb of St. Just the
graces You had given me, but received no reply about them. (1035) Monsieur de Gresole insisted that I see him, unaware of what I had already written
the former. Prompted by zeal, he told him about the establishment ofyour
Ortler, but this was not well received, for your hour had not yet corne.
The next day, Monsieur de Gresole came to visit me. He was satisfied, my
Lord, when he saw that I was resigned to your will. Because he saw
the constancy that You provided your little daughter, he told me to remain in
this state of hope and silence until he would return to Lyons to receive your
orders there. This would be during the fourth part of Lent. (1036)
- 1i,.., _
In themonth ofJuly 1654, You were my Lion of the Tribe ofJuda, and like
that of Samson, your strength and gentleness comprised the subject of my
colloquy. I could instead use the term "enigma" that no one would know
about if Y ou did not explain it to me at the proper time, for I entrusted my
heart to You alone, who have faithfully loved me. You did not allow me to be
~po~aj to the pqw~r~ enemies, wh_q were m_Qre cruel than the Philistines
_!oward Samson after they had blinsled him. They had allowed him to live that
4~ might serve and entertain them. They would not have been opposed to him
had they not considered him to be their enemy. They were totally unaware
that he ~as ~olved to destroy them, because he considered them to be your
enernies, my Lord and my God.
made him stronger
--- your- Spirit,
- who
- -\Yhen_he began ~o fight against them, he overcame them. This is stated several
times in the Book of Judges: Irruit autem Spiritus Domini in Samson; And
the spirit of the Lord came upon Samson. (Jgs 14:6a)
Dear Love, You well know that ~rsons uncircumcised in heart who do not
) lo_ye Y Q.U haJe me and turn far away_from yo~plans. ( W ) Filled with zeal
/ by your Spirit, mine acquired spiritual strength and reason: to overcome them,
not with the jaw of an ass, but by the lips of Y9l!I. sim le daughter upon whom
You beneficently shower your graces and blessings that confounded them for
your glory. My adorable Conqueror, these victories belong to Y ou. Be
victorious as the strongest and most powerful in battle and the Lord ofHosts
and King of glory. Ent~_r_t:he hearts that _hav~resi_~ted You so that they may
cooperate with the graces of their vocation, especially for my daughter who
has not persevered as she had commenced.
During this month of August, when so many people dreaded the solar
eclipse and what ensues, fearing lest they die because of it, my spirit trusted in
your ardent, enlightening illuminations. lt had no fear ofthis obscurity that was
almost imperceptible nor of the bodily ills that were considered to be inevitable. My fear consists in offending You and of causing others to do so.
(1038) Sometimes I concealed the faults that others committed, not seeing in
them any tendency to do penance, as I waited for them to repent through your
mercy. Weeping with confidence before your Majesty, I begged You that
they might do penance in this world. With gentle, merciful eyes, You considered the tears that your Spirit produced in me. I begged Him to intercede
within me, for me and for those whom I presented to Him with unspeakable
On the eve of the triumphant Assumption of the holy Spouse, as the most
beloved Daughter of the Father and the most august Mother of the Son--who
are You, my Divine Love--I was filled with divine consolations. 1 shared in
her delights so that my heart and body rejoiced in the glory of this Blessed
Mother, holy Daughter and holy Spouse of the Three Divine Persons. They
led me to marvel at her, teaching me that she is their perfect contentment. 1
could call her the fulfillment ofthis August Trinity. (1038-2) 1 have no words
with which to express what 1 understood and felt on the day of perfect
happiness in a pure creature who is the immaculate Daughter, the VirginSpouse, and the fruitful but most perfectly virgin Mother of her Creator.
On August thirtieth, You allowed hell to show me its rage and afflict me
- ---- - -- through persons who were obligated to me and did not yet want to be known
as the authoresses of these cnmes and black ingi:atitude. Although successful
- in convincing them ofthis, I remained satisfied with the protests these persons
made that they were unaware of what 1 was telling them. 1 felt delivered from
this trial that You allowed my weakness. At the time, 1 did not consider such,
~----- ----~-
11t1 -
This holy Evangelist, painter and physician was charitable toward me. 1
have experienced this a number of times on his feastdays. Even though 1 was
not possessed by the demon whom You expelled, as this saint records for us,
1 perceived that interiorly 1 had inexplicable frailties, despite the fact that my
bodily eyes, tongue and ears functioned as You meant them to do. 1 could not
hear Y ou speak your efficacious, charming words, for 1 did not experience
your brilliant illuminations. 1 did not know if, hoping against hope, 1 should
speak to your Majesty as before or ifl~hqgll reJl!ail! mute, g~~ and blind.
On the Feast of the holy Apostles St. Simon and St. Jude, 1 asked them to
pray to You for me and to mark out for me in my soul the dwelling of your
Majesty, followed by all your saints. It is characteristic of your goodness to
produce light from darkness, as is assured by the Apostle whom You illuminated by blinding him: Quoniam Deus, qui dixit de tenebris lucem
ence your delight on listening to the earth as it prays to heaven and at how
magnificent and admirable You are in your sacraments. From that day on, my
darkness and troubles were dispelled.
In the evening on the eve of All Saints, as I entered our little church to
make my prayer, 1 understood: "You are invited to the sacrifice. Veni ad
Victimam; Come as a victim." No sooner did 1 kneel than You elev!l!_ed _~y
s_Qri:_t in a marvelous way and let me see a multitude of sai~ts over the altar,
among whom 1 detected St. Peter. All these saints appeared to me with their
bqflie~_,~ ag!le as spirits. l)iey ~er~ busy c~g__~ Lallbtliat ~as weightless. This Lamb was the Victim that offered itself and whom they unanimously
joined in scrificing. -it w~ ~~t~-bloody ~acrifice; its-death was mystical. It
rem-;ned entire, being co~unicat~d in a wonderful, ineffable m~ that
cannot be expressed. (1041)
The marvels that 1 learned and understood and the state of my soul during
the time that I contemplated these mysterious visions are totally inexpressible.
With the Prophet, I said to You: A, a, a, Domine Deus, ecce nescio loqui;
Ah, ah, ah, Lord Gad, behold, 1 cannot speak. (Jer 1:6) By tl:!is invitation,
I well l!!ld~rstood that I must suffer. That very evening, Monsieur de la
Piardire's little daughter became ill with a malignant fever from which the
doctors had no hope of recovery. Soon this six-year-old child broke out with
-~all ~'purpura, senepon and innumerable other kinds of ills that for three
whole months kept her in pitiful straits. During this time, I wept so much that
my head resembled a sorce of water, for I knew that her relatives on the
side ofher late mother would not be appeased without a miracle. ~!so, th~y
WQ.Uld UJlCe!~Lngly blame the father for having leftJ!l~..!i~ly~ughter a
hundred leagues away from him. If at times I was consoled by your goodness,
- . I could not accept your consolations deep within me. Instead, I said to You
with Agar: (1042) "I cannot see the child ofyour faithful Abraham die." Agar
was speaking these words about her own, and as for me, I begged You to
heed the voice ofthis little orphan whom I had received into my aims and
- lodged in my heart, when at the age oftwo she had lost her mother and was
released from the care of three nurses. May your Blessed Mother take care
ofher. I am not worthy to be answered. Addressing ail the saints, I begged
them always to have pity on me by praying to You to allow the little one I
loved to recover. I love her more than I can say.
- -----------
Father Gibalin said tome: "Mother, you should not fear her death. The
Lamb you saw carried and offered for all the saints did not die. He was
offefd as a victim, but remained alive. This vision is compelling. It co~s
a number of mysteries and promises you great graces, both interior and exterior. God always deals with you as his favorite. I know no s>tti~ per~~o
h~ a similar. prq,~!.ton of his. He fulfilled all the predictions that He gave you
for his glory and your benefit. If He is testing you, He intends to make you
advance more in his sight and in that of the angels and saints. One must
always acknowledge his goodness and cJivine guidance. (!.213) Yo~d
faithfully take note ofthis providence over you, that never abandons you, and
all this for his glory and the increase ofhis Ortler. I am most confident that his
Holy Spirit is in you."
Dearest Love, I ask pardon for my delays in describing your favors during
which time a number of them might have been forgotten unless Y ou had
personally marked or reproduced them in my memory. This You do by your
repeated reproductions through the Spirit You sent your Apostles who was to
remind them of what You had said to them.
While I was at prayer on the Feast of the Dedication of St. Peter and St.
Paul, Y ou let me see an elevated Pontiff wearing his tiara, whose breast was
open. Therein was a multitude of victims who offered themselves in his breast
together with him. They were consumed in a holocaust, losing their human and
natural life there, and there they received the divine, supematural one. This
of themselves divinized
them. I saw a white <love that was
- .
newly accepted, which attached itself to this sacred breast to be consumed
together with the other victims that no longer possessed their own life or
feelings. (1044) This <love su:ffered from still remaining in a condition of being
retumed to earth and being able to fly through the air. Could it have possibly
spoken, it would have declared: "Why am I still in this mortal life? Love has
impelled me to die with the rest and to be consumed in this breast which has
~ged tl:le natural, human life of these f9rtunate victims in~in_e_life. I
see them happily lost to everything that is not You, 0 my God and my All."
How fortunate and blessed are these souls to experience the divine words
You have declared, divine Savior. Whoever loses his soul in this world will
find and preserve it in the other. What happiness can compare to an entire
etemity in your sacred breast! By possessing Y ou, they are possessed by
You. They enjoy an inestimable treasure that You allowed me to see. 0, if I
could only possess it and die right now, how happy I would be! But I realize
that I must still live life's course, that I am the <love that sees itself burning and
being consumed within the breast that burns brighter than any fumace, a breast
that is all tire. It is the altar of marvelous holocausts. ( t.Qi5) These marvels
are both incomprehensible and ineffable to me. What I have said only poorly
expresses this mystery that is elevated higher than the wings of the Seraphim.
One must empty oneself completely in order to enter there and to become
completely lost therein. One can only chant: Ho/y, Ho/y, Ho/y. Silence is
more appropriate than any word to make known the height, depth, width and
length of this charity and to be engulfed in it in all God's plenitude.
Divine Savior, is it this plenitude ofjoy that You command me to request of
your Divine Father? Father-holy, loving Father, grant it to me, since your
Son wants me to request Y ou for it. He merited it by always fulfilling what
was pleasing to You.
After I had witnessed this marvel, You let me understand, dear Love, that
Y ou gave the Sovereign Pontiff all the treasures of your merits and of all the
saints. Faithful souls are united in the Pontiff s breast there to receive the
divine operations and different forms from the Unique Spirit ofyour Father
and your own. (1046) He is the Holy Spirit that govems the Church in the
person of the Roman Pontiff. What a joy to my soul to be a daughter of the
Church! Your goodness has granted me this grace that I esteem so highly.
These divine favors alleviated the worries that the illness of our little Parisian caused me. I prayed to Y ou for her without stopping. My Divine Love, I
hoped for your charitable compassion on my tears and that, when Y ou saw
them, You would take pity upon me. Trusting in her benignity, I conjure your
august Mother to show her power in everything pertaining to your glory. I told
her, as I did Y ou, all that came to my mind about the sorrow and compassion
I had for the sufferings of this little one.
14-s -
Two abysses. The holy fruit offered me by St. Stephen and St.
John and their visits with me. The repose that the Incarnate
Word gave me upon bis breast. Holy energumens and a delicate
Sabbath. The Holy Innocents are the Lord's children. Their
bands are full of hyacinths.
These vexations were like ongoing night to me until the first Sunday of
Advent when the Church tells us: Nox prcessit, dies autem appropinquavit;
The night is passed, and the day is at hand. (Rom 13:12) (1047) Thus,
dawn is announced, the holy Precursor who, by his miraculous life, draws
down heavenly angels upon earth. They considered this great man (whom you
have honored, divine Word Incarnate, by your first visit) to be worthy of
commanding them in their Louvre of glory, the Empyrean heaven. He beseiged
and struck it with such violence that You assured was powerful enough to
have carried it away unless You had suspended his influence to give him
Yours~lf through your human-divine graciousness after your Ascension.
The waiting period for your Blessed Mother to give birth rejoiced the
daughter of Sion and filled the daughter of Jerusalem withjoy, foretelling the
coming of her peaceful King: Dicite Fili Sion: Ecce rex tuus venit tibi
iustus, et salvator. Shout for joy, 0 daughter of Sion: BEHOLD THY
KING will corne to thee, thejust and saviour. (Zach 9:9b) (!,.g18)
The Apostle, an abyss of disbelief enlightened by the bright rays of your
human divinity that made him an abyss of fidelity, declared: Dominus meus et
Deus meus; My Lord and my God. (Jn 20:28) It submerged my spirit in
divine exultation, making me say and repeat: Benedictus Domine qui intueris
abyssos; Blessed be the Lord that beholdest the depths. (Dan 3:55a)
On Christmas night when it pleased You, divine Orient from on high, to be
bom of the humblest of all pure creatures, my soul was engulfed in the lower
parts of earth where your divine rays deigned to illuminate it by penetrations
that it could perceive and feel, yet not reproduce nor express. You are the
only one, etemal and temporal Holy Child, to make these holy reproductions.
On the Feast of St. Stephen, your first martyr, while I was in the church
where I received the first grace through the sacrament of illumination, I prayed
to him with new confidence to obtain from You new blessings for me. (1049)
Appearing with an angelic face while being stoned, this levite was as pr~pt
as flames of fire to present m:y prayer to You. He obtained grace upon grace
for me. United by You in an ineffable union to this favorite whose name You
had given me, I fleetingly experienced a happiness that represented all created
things to me. It was an earthly Paradise because I was still on earth, representing to me such a diversity of beautiful fruit that was wonderfully delightful
and good that your omnipotent goodness,produced to have me enjoy here.
Like the Hebrews, I could say: "Manna! What is it?" This manna was
offered to me together with divine flavors. Since my spirit and heart, which
were made for Y ou, were meant to have the consolation of highest things,
your saints entertained me with your divine attributes. My desire to possess
Y ou perfectly and enter into your divine joy impelled me to ascend higher and
to become blissfully lost in my Center. (l~O) Did I not have reason to be
satisfied, for Y ou let me repose upon your bosom, together with the cherished
disciple of your heart! He was the delight of the loved one who possessed
Him, since she belonged to God.
What a holy energumen, who is silent and impelled by the Holy Spirit-the
expression of the fruitful will ofyour Father and You, who unceasingly produce Him as the most unique principle! In Him, Y ~u possess your delicate
Sabbath, celebrating the goodness that this love divinely regards, for it delights
in spreading about with divine profusion.
What a maze I would have been in had the little Innocents not withdrawn
me by Adam's net to listen to the cries due to the blows of the executioners.
The earth that produced them was reddened by their innocent blood. Bethlehem
was the field of Damascus where they were spread out in the plaza to be
elevated up to the throne of the Lamb by the bond of charity. He accepted
and received this as New Year's gifts in payment for what You did all by
Yourself. (1051)
Dear Love, on Calvary your Divine Father offered them and called them
his children. He used them as a mortgage for all the possessions of his
legitimate Son and Heir, meaning You, my Divine Savior. On the day of the
Supper, You told Hirn that You wanted those who belong to You to have the
same beatitude that is yours and for them to be one as your Father and You
are one, possessing the same charity.
On the Feast of the Circumcision 1655, your hands that held me did not
withdraw, being filled with hyacinths which pleased the Father and the Holy
Spirit as well as You, my Love, when they imparted something like light and
goodness to me. Opening them, You filled body and spirit with heavenly
blessings. I knelt at your feet, 0 Just One by essence and par excellence,
who assumed the stigmaofthe sinner. (1052)
IJ.r'j -
On the day adomed by three miracles, the Trinity in heaven and the trinity
on earth let me share in their magnificence because of the little gifts I had
offered them with the Magi. On the day of the royal Octave, I wanted to be
baptized anew in this river sanctified by You. Divine Lamb that takes away
the sins of the world, I begged You to deliver me from those I have committed
and do commit. Preferring mercy to sacrifice in a contrite and humble heart,
your benignity welcomed me with gentleness. (1053) You reminded me that
Y ou had appeared to me in this figure of a Lamb that allowed itself to be
shom, and I understood that You are pleased by the stripping away of everything that is not for your glory. I said to You: I will enter your house as a
holocaust there to offer You my vows, even though externally I do not appear
to be invested as are my daughters: Introibo in domum tuam in holocaiistis:
Reddam tibi vota mea qu distinxerunt labia mea. I will go into thy
house with burnt offerings: I will pay thee my vows, which my lips have
uttered (Ps 65: 13)
I offer them to You, my God and my Spouse, through a mysterious silence
that my lips lovingly utter. Recalling that my daughters had renewed theirs on
the Feast of the Kings, I wanted to celebrate this Octave, even ifl could not
do so as heaven and earth celebrate it. I said with the great Baptist: Ecce
Agnus Dei. Ecce qui tollit peccata mundi; Behold the Lamb of God.
Behold him who tals away the sins of the world (Jn 1:29) With delight,
I heard God your Father say: Hic est Filius meus dilectus, in quo mihi bene
complacui. This is my beloved Son, in whom 1 am well pleased. (2 P
1: 17) As I was deciding to stay with these delightful caresses, I understood
that the Spirit, holily jealous, expelled and pushed You into the desert with the
savage beasts: Et statim Spiritus expulit eum in desertum; And immediately the Spirit drove him out into the desert. (Mk 1:12) (W,;1-) What a
severe measure it was to send the innocent Lamb into exile for the sins of
guilty he-goats! 0, the height and depth of the wisdom and knowledge of
God: Quis enim cognovit sensum Domini? Aut quis consi/iarius eius
fuit? For who hath known the mind of the Lord? Or who hath been his
counsellor? (Rom 11 :34)
It is the same Spirit who prompted Simeon, the holy old man, to enter the
temple, amid delight, to announce to your holy, innocent Mother the most
cruel torments ever announced even to the most criminal persons, because
their sufferings end with death. But this death, prophesied thirty-three years
before the fact, is the beginning of the one to be endured by the incomparable
Virgin Mother, by every right, the Queen of martyrs, your heart and soul are
pierced by the pitiless sword that brings to light so many others, expressing
their thoughts: Et tuam ipsius animam pertransibit gladius ut revelentur
ex multis cordibus cogitationes. And thy own soul a sword shall pierce,
that, out of many hearts thoughts may be revealed. (Lk 2:35)
Blessed Virgin, could I remain in delight while your Son and you endure
continuai suffering? His Circumcision and your Purification have no Octave to
show us that one must unceasingly subtract and purify whatever is not most
pure. (1055) For all eternity, angels and mankind marvel at the fact that the
God-Man was circumcised and the Virgin Mother presented herself for the
Purification: Qui sanctus est, sanctificatur adhuc; He that is ho/y, let him
be sanctified still. (Ap 22: 11 c) Let all Christians humble themselves and all
the just unceasingly become justified in order to please the Just One by
essence and par excellence.
Su:fferings justify faithful souls whom God tests as gold in the furnace to
make them worthy of Him. Ali the saints were subjected to trials. Were your
favorite one still on the Isle of Patmos, on seeing them all brilliant and luminous, he would ask (if he dared) the Ancient of Days who they were and
where they came from. Hi sunt, qui venerunt de tribulatione magna;
These are they who are come out of great tribulation. (Ap 7:14) They
have cleansed and whitened their robes in the Blood of the Lamb. Through
love and for love, they have endured great tribulations and have merited the
robes that the Lamb has made precious by his Blood which He began to shed
at his Circumcision until after his death when, at the opening ofhis side, there
was a river of Blood mingled with water that flowed forth: Et deducet eos ad
vit fontes aquarum; And shall /ead them to the fountains of the waters
of /ife. (Ap 7:17) (1056) To enter this divine Heart, the spouse must be
cleansed and whitened by this sacred river which the lance of a soldier opened
and prompted: Unus militum /ancea /atus eius aperuit, et continuo exivit
sanguis et aqua; One of the soldiers with a spear opened his side: and
immediately there came out blood and water. (Jn 19:34) It is the river of
grace; it is the river of love that makes the bride resemble the Spouse, a bride
of Blood, for He is the Spouse of Blood. Sponsus sanguinis tu mihi est;
You are a spouse ofblood tome is what she can say to Him as she admires,
adores and loves Him through Love Himself.
Virgin Mother, at the opening ofthis Sacred Heart, your own was grieved.
This lance pierced your own. Your spirit, that could subsist in your virginal
body after your Son had yielded his to his Etemal Father, seemed to be
strength personified. It remained firm at the sight, sound and feeling of this
lance-thrust that was ten thousand times mortal. (1057) Ten thousand mothers
would have <lied had they been present at similar cruelties carried out upon the
bodies oftheir children who <lied innocent. Lady, you are the only strong
Woman. Y ou remain standing so as to appear to angels, mankind and demons as the miracle of miracles &nd the spectacle for angels, mankind and
God Himself.
plurimas redundavit; The little fountain which grew into a river, and was
turned into a light, and into the sun, and abounded into many waters.
(Esth 10:6) I am certainly more astounded at the fountain that stems from your
Son's side. It is the water and blood from your breast that makes a river, a
sun, a sea and an ocean.
Humble Virgin, little fountain that produced this river and has given rise to
this light: Quia ex te ortus est sol justiti Christus Deus noster; Because
ofyou was born the Sun of Justice, Christ our Lord He came forth from
you, sea from the sea, being bom ofhis Divine Father, Light oflight and God
of God. (1058) From your Son, who died on Calvary for all mank:ind,
emanated a little fountain ofBlood and Water that will inundate the entire
earth. It will ascend to the very throne of God where the Church is produced.
All redeemed souls can be cleansed there in the crystalline water and adomed
with this very crimson Blood. Through the river, that is also the Blood of the
Cross, heaven and earth have been pacified. After the death of your Son, the
fountain gushed forth from insufficient life up to etemal life. If the Humanity
died, the Divinity still abides in the Body; it is invulnerable as well as immortal.
Wonderful Mother of God, through you I was enabled to plunge into this
river that has become an ocean where I feel engulfed, simultaneously living and
dying. There I am in a torrent where the waters excel those of the torrent into
which the Prophet Ezechiel was led and guided by a man from the orient: Qui
habebatfuniculum in manu sua; That had the fine in his hand (Ez 47:3b)
to measure it several times. (1059) It increased in the sight of the prophet
who was in it and exclaimed fhat the waters were so deep that he could not
cross over: Torrentem quem non potui pertransire, quoniam intumuerunt
aqu profundis torrentis, qui non potes transvadare; lt was a torrent
which 1 could not pass over: for the waters were risen so as Io make a
deep torrent which cou/d not be passed over. (Ez 47:5c)
This torrent provided life, an abundance oflife through new fruit which did
not fail, because the waters from the sanctuary drenched them: Quia aqu
eius de sanctuario egredientur: et erunt fructus eius in cibum, et folia
eius ad medecinam. Because the waters thereof shall issue out of the
sanctuary: and the fruits thereofshall be for food, and the leaves thereof
for medicine. (Ez 47:12d)
My august goddess, if it is allowed for me to call you that (why not?), since
1 acknowledge you to be the Mother of the Sovereign God of the God-Man
--- --- _....
who has produced this torrent and has corne to measure it. He led me there
and will withdraw me from it when He deems it fitting. (1060) What marvels
have 1 seen! 1 cannot express them. 1 understood
---- - that 1 may not
.. sa anytlililg
about them and that men and angels should be profoundly astonished about
the mySterles hidden in God for ages unless the Holy Spirit teaches them about
them, as He did St. Paul, when He imparted the grace and privilege to him to
teach them: Mihi omnium sanctorum minimo data est gratia hc, in
- 1'5' 0-
I begged the Incarnate Word to send the sixty strong ones, bis
assistants, to Rome; the good odor of bis sacrifice upon Calvary;
the mental suffering which I experienced.
A few days before Easter, the official, Monsieur de Ville, came to see me
and expressed his concem that the Cardinals had not yet corne to an agreement for the election of a Sovereign Pontiff. I asked him to describe to me the
ceremonies for electing a Pope. He did not refuse me this consolation, telling
me everything he had experienced (when Innocent X was elected), when he
was in Rome with his Eminence from Lyons. These marvelous ceremonies
fascinated me and prompted me to'pray to You, my God and my All, to give
us one according to your Heart. I said to him: "Monseigneur, I trust in our
Divine Solomon, the Incarnate Word, whom I beg with confidence !_? send !_o
Rome the sixty strong ones who assist near his divine couch to frighten and
expel the notuffial s ints. (1064) May hi~ s pirit, wlio"" i~terc~ for all the
saints, pray within us to give us one who will fulfill his will entirely." On
Wednesday, someone relayed
the message-tome
to visit
- to go. the next day ---......,
~ Archp..iili9p a.Q_d ~k for_his ~o!y blessing after_he had_c_
onsecrated the holy
oils. ~.omeone else sent me word that I would Q.e refused there, .!_hat_he had
declared he would
to -do with- Mother--..../
de Matel.
- have nothing
- -
sacrament, 1 saw my bed covered with lavender. 1 understood these loving
words: Dum esset rex in accubitu suo, nardus tua. While the king was at
his repose, my spikenard [sent forth the odor thereoj). (Cant 1: 11)
(1065) When the King of Love lay upon his bed of honor, your lavender and
spikenard exuded their perfume. Divine King of lovers, the pestilence of my
sins and those of all mankind caused You to die upon Calvary, but the
perfume You have left there by your most holy sacrifice has surmounted these
bad odors. Your Etemal Father told You in the presence of all your angels:
"Behold the odor of my Son which is like a field that 1have blessed with every
On Easter Sunday and during the entire Octave, You were Resurrection
and life to me. With David, 1 could say to You: "Rise up, my glory, rise up
harp and psalterion!" You did rise, my Love, but very early in the moming,
forewarning me by your delightful visits that the eyes of owls could not sustain,
because they caused the day which is all of light.
Certain persans who considered my crosses and did not see your anointings
felt very sorry for me. They said to me: "l]i~ Arch~ishop is won~erful toward
everyone else. He is not so toward you. (1066) On Easter Tuesday, he
- - ... - -- -promised the Visitation Sisters to establish a third monastery in Lyons. The
Abb of Saint Just is close to and has high esteem for the Sisters of Saint
Elizabeth who will soon be your neighbors near the Minime Fathers, and the
Sisters fiom Rolland (Bguines) have permission to be established, but he
does not take your foundation into consideration!" These words were repeated to me at the grill of the Blessed Sacrament by the priest who was
preparing to give Benediction on Easter Montlay, to which day the Feast of
your Incarnation had been postponed.
What did 1 say to You, dear Love, on seeing You in the hands of this priest
who held You up and blessed us with You Yourself? Everything that You
know 1 cannot include here nor my feelings when he offered the prayer for our
Archbishop. At the word "Camille", what fervor for this dearest prelate and
for our Sovereign Pontiff for whose election 1 had begged You to send the
sixty strong ones who assist at your divine couch. (1067) The next day and
during the entire second week after Easter, a number of persons came to visit
me. They informed me that the Sisters of Saint Mary of the Antiquaille should
certainly have invited me to be present on Eastr T~esd;i,when the Archbishop had gone there with Monsieur de Flchre to see their monastery and
the house and vineyard they had bought from Monsieur-Le-~-~-also to
--- ,__..__,
consider what the.!ster_s ()f ~ain_t Elizabeth had purchased and acquired from
Monsieur de Sirode.
Divine Oracle, Y ou let me understand that your hour had not yet corne,
that 1 was not to be upset. I shed tears in your presence, my loving Spouse.
With greater gentleness and tendemess than Elcana toward Anne, You said to
me: Joanna, cur fies? nunquid non ego melior tibi sum, quam decem
fili? Jeanne, why weepest thou? Am not I better to thee than ten
daughters? (1 S 1:8) Jeanne, my daughter and my spouse, why is your soul
troubled? Am 1 not more attentive in your solitude than ten daughters, indeed
than ten monasteries? Am 1 not the Chosen One among a thousand? 1 am
and will be your Samuel sent by God, and God Himself. Do not be upset
when you see those that are fruitful and popular. Listen, my daughter, to the
words of the Prophet Jeremias addressed to the persons who dhere to
human sentiments: Qui dere/iquerunt me, etc. Who have forsa/n me, etc.
(Jer 1: 16b) You will see these words verified to the letter. Just wait a while:
Adhuc unum modicwwum est, etc. Yet one litt/e while, etc. (Hag 2:7b)
- 151 The Apostles' fervor during the ten days after the Ascension.
The unheard of miracle and divine profusions of the Blessed Sacrament. How 1 had these sentiments by God's order during the
different events and remained therein.
With what desire are You prompte to baptize us with the baptism of fire?
To give it to us, Y ou have shed all your Precious Blood. (1070) Y ou gave
Yourself as food, drink, grace and glory. By your divine dilection in your
sacred Flesh, You have opened a new way for us. 0 miracle that suspends all
understanding! Unheard of miracle until the tirne that You showed forth the
inventions of your love that placed You in a continua! ecstasy, offering Yourself for our sanctification. Una enim oblatione, consummavit in sempternum
sanctificatos. Quam initiavit nabis viam novam, et viventem per velamen, id est, carnem suam. Habentes itaque fiduciam in introitu sanctorum
in sanguine Christi. For by one oblation he hath perfected for ever them
that are sanctified A new and living way which he hath dedicated for us
through the veil, that is to say, his flesh: Having therefore, brethren, a
confidence in the entering into the holies by the b/ood of Christ. (Heb
10:14,20, 19)
It resulted from the sacrament that You made a memorial, an abridgement
of your marvels. You enter into us to change us into You; You remain with us
until the end of time. During this Octave, although concealed, You were at the
door of our tabernacles to welcome pilgrims who have the angelic gift of ever
living and adoring this Sacred Bread that possesses all good and all beauty.
(1071) It is the wheat of the elect and the Bread that begets virgins: Quid
enim bonum eius est, et quid pulchrum eius, nisi .frumentum electorum, et
vinum germinans virgines? For what is the good thing of him and what
is his beautiful thing, but the corn of the elect and win~ springing forth
virgins? (Zach 9: 17)
By this sacred Bread of the strong, by this table, I could live on the sea.
Despite my weaknesses, I can subsist and resist all my enemies and say to
You with David: Nam, et si ambulavero in media umbr mortis, non
requested for his soul that he might die, and said: it is enough for me.
Lord, take away my soul. (1K19:4c) You delighted in pouring your sacred
ointment upon my head, enlightening my mind, strengthening my will by this
chalice that adoms but neither stupefies nor lowers the senses, but instead
elevates them.
On the 24th, we celebrated the feast of the great Baptist, who came to do
violence to heaven, but was subjected to violence from the time he was bom.
Your goodness assured us of the greatness ofhis person and his magnanimous, steadfast courage in practicing virtue. Also, the spiritual beings by their
resolutions caused me to hope for victory against my enemies, as 1 chanted
with the Royal Psalmist: Mihi autem nimis honorificati sunt amici tui,
Deus; nimis confortabus est principatus eorum. But to me thy friends, 0
God, are made exceedingly honorable: their principality is exceedingly
strengthened. (Ps 138:17) (1073)
On the 29th, 1 found myself being assisted by the one You had named
Prince and Head of the Apostles, who was to defy the gates of hell. He was
followed by his colleague, the Apostle of the Gentiles, who, assured of your
power, feared no one. What could make me fear all those who prepared to
work against me? With these two princes at my side, together with You, my
Divine Monarch, 1 dared utter the following words: Quis me separabit; Who
will separate me{ ..].
On July 2nd, when your Blessed Mother carried Y ou in her womb, she
fortified me by her visits. This caused meto thrill withjoy, despite the fact that
others planned to overwhelm me by sadness. Acknowledging that these
favors came to me from your benevolence, 1 exclaimed: Corifi.tebor.
On July 8th, 1 commended myself to St. Raphael, the holy angel who
preserved me from the discomforts that overwhelm the weak during this month.
May he guide all my projects that are meant to promote your glory. (!.QZ;l)
The physician, who is totally ardent, embraced me with bis holy flames. He let
me know that my situation was ev~n more beneficial. 1 heard these sacred
words: Et dormiatis inter madios cleros penn co/umb deargentat et
posteriora dorsi eius in pal/ore auri. Ifyou s/eep in the midst offortune,
the dove's feathers will be of si/ver and ifs back part will shine as go/d.
I recognized You, my Beloved, in the gentle breeze, as Elias did. If the
chariot transports me, I will say to Y ou with Saint Margaret: Y ou are my
pearl of great price. I can find nothing comparable. When I give my heart so
as to possess Y ou, I find myself rich and opulent. Then my heart wants to
return ail these good things to You that I have received from Y ou through the
blessing ofyour grace. (1075) With my heart as broken as alabaster and my
eyes converted into two rivulets, I represented Magdalen, ceasing to speak in
order to weep. My Love and my All, when your kind eyes saw these two
fountains, regarding your features therein, You loved them as Yourself. Y ou
forgot my sins; Y ou admired your graces in me, and_did__ng!__~l.Q\V ~~ _!'_harisees to find_me guilty. Y ou acknowledged Yourself to be the debtor for her
who is insolvent.
On August 5th, Y ou had me admire this Virgin in the edifice she had
requested to be built upon Mount Esquilinus. It stood for her purity because
of the snow that designates the place, which bears her name as well as her
excellent greatness (St. Mary Major). (1077) ~t_was there that You chose to
grant the first Bull for your Ortler, divine Incarnate Word, my Love, through
the lips of your oracle, Pope Urban VIII, of happy memory. You had
prolonged his life by fifteen years, thus granting the very humble request I
made You in the year one thousand six hundred twenty-nine [1629], when I
sent our petition to Rome (recommended by Queen Marie de Medicis, the
late King's mother) to his Holiness. You have blessed him and his nephews
with many benedictions for having favored your project. I beg You, my
Divine Love, to bless them with your etemal benedictions at the hour of their
death after a length of days.
Unintentionally, I went off on a tangent. (1078) You know what glory You
ought to receive for it. Thereby I want nothing else for myself than the grace
to adhere always and in everything to your orders and to follow your will.
Knowing that Y ou do not spum the prayer of humble hearts, I wanted to go to
the Visitation Church, according to the vow I had made, to obtain from the
heart of Blessed Francis de Sales the health of our little Piardire boarder.
How fortunate I was that the Abb of St. Just offered Holy Mass there after
which he gave us this most gentle heart, that had been all-loving, to kiss. After
kissing it in his hands, I said to him: "Monsieur, may God grant you the
gentleness and goodness toward me that this holy heart had for Mother de
Chantal." He told me that he did not possess the charity of this holy heart. I
replied: "Monsieur, your modesty prompts you to speak that way. ( !.QZ.9)
My desire neither takes from nor diminishes in any way this worthy heart of
the blessed one."
From here, I went to the parlor to greet the Reverend Mother Superioress,
in whom I saw nothing of the gentleness of this blessed heart. On the contrary, I found her to be harsh. Her words were arrows tome. At this, I said
to her: "My Mother, has the Holy Spirit inspired another St. Simeon to
address such harsh words tome through you that my soul might be pierced?
The Incarnate Word, whom I have received in Holy Communion, diverted the
sting and moderated the pain. I hear what you are telling me that is quite
stinging, but, for the sake of the Incarnate Word, I desire even more." (1080)
- 1r:;2-
Jesus, splendor of the glory of the Father, figure of his substance, You
appeared ail glorious upon your Tabor. By your goodness, You consoled me,
alleviating by your anointing the harsh words addressed to me on the preceding day. You made me understand that You will manifest your glory in me. A
number oftimes, You told me that your goodness made me the Tabor where
You wanted to appear glorious, that courageous souls do not become frightened when they are told about struggles. (1081) Assured ofyour help, with
love they endure all the blows provided them by heaven, earth and hell.
Fortified by love, withjoy they endure everything that timid souls fear: Omnia
vincit amor; Love conquers ail.
When he wanted to place the miraculous Ark in the temple that Y ou
desired on earth, in imitation of his father David, Solomon offered You so
many sacrifices and victims that the ways along which they were brought could
have been called altars consecrated thereby. I mean, by these fortunate and
blessed victims.
Yet ail the ancient sacrifices and victims were but figures and shadows of
the mysterious, marvelous, divine and solemn one You would prepare at the
time of your Blessed Mother. She is the true Ark of the Covenant of the
etemal and the temporal aspect; of your divinity and our humanity that occurred within her chaste womb. 1bis adorable Humanity was supported by
your divine hypostasis. It is inseparable, although distinct from that of the
Father and of the Holy Spirit. It is a support that will never be removed, a
hypostatic vision that will last as long as You are God. The entire Blessed
Trinity, ail the angels and saints, like holy victims and heavenly, divine and
blazing canters, offer themselves and rejoice in a divine festivity and in a most
eminent elevation that only the Three August Persons could encompass. They
enhance the holy assumption of the Daughter of the Father, the Mother of the
Son and the Spouse of the Holy Spirit. (1083) You elevate her, Divine
Pontiff, up to your sovereign grandeur. Since You became the supreme
heaven, You placed her at your right hand of glory, crowned with You Yourself. She is adomed with ail the loveliness that your wisdom chose to produce
through the constant excess of your divine love that is as ardent as it is brilliant
or blazing. She made admirable and indescribable entries in You who are the
bouse of delights in heaven, as she was yours on earth.
On the seventeenth, which is the Octave of the holy deacon who entered
the Empyrean by means of a bed of fire that blaz.ed brighter than the flaming
chariot that elevated Elias up to the earthly Paradise, I was taken up by ail my
ardent sighs that tended lovingly toward You, my Love and my Ali. I prayed
that You would remember your poor one to whom so often You had given
your charitable treasures to enrich her by your gifts. These were so multiple
that she frequently acknowledged that You are the infinitely liberal Giver,
giving Yourself with your divine plenitude that is so full oflove. I said to You:
Omnia excelsa tua, et fluctus tui super me transierunt. Ali thy heights
and thy billows have passed over me. (Ps 41 :8b) (1084)
On August 22nd ofthis year 1655, I recalled that in 1620 your august and
holy Mother had obtained from your Divine Father for me the blessing that
may be called all-good. You became my portion and my heritage even in the
land of the dying and wanted to be my Viaticum. In thanksgiving, I offered
You all that You had given me: You Yourself with ail the loving reproductions
Y ou make upon our altars. With the Apostle all covered with blood, for he
had been completely flayed, I wanted to be a perpetual sacrifice, praising and
adoring You unceasingly. Seeing heaven and earth filled with your glory and
the Seraphim whom the Prophet Isaias saw, I wanted to say unceasingly :
Holy, Holy, Holy.
On the day of the beheading of your great Precursor, my wonderful patron,
who aspired to fulfill all justice, as You had said, having been cleansed in the
blood flowing from his holy body after the <lancer had removed his precious
head from the horrible prison which was more honored than the altar of
holocausts in the temple that was the marvel of the world, You let me know
and experience that those in power can well make the body of your chosen
ones die, but that they have no power over their souls: Justorum anim;
The souls of the just. (1085)
153 -
The grace God gave me to deliver a prisoner. The truly poor St.
Francis arrested the Sun of Justice; bis days are continuai light
and bis body an expression ofthat of the Incarnate Word upon
Calvary; abo~~ th~ ~~ast ~f S~s.
On the Eve of the Feast of the Prince of Angels, the great St. Michael, You
wanted me to go down to the prison called Roanne and pay five thousand six
hundred sixty-five pounds for the release of a prisoner. (1086) Then the
decree against all his goods would be lifted. All his relatives had abandoned
him: father, mother and brother, who might have been able to assist him. 1 felt
that Y ou were prompting me to deliver him, Divine Love, and this gave me
ineffable joy. In the evening and the next day, the feast ofthis great Saint
whose name means Quis sicut Deus; Who is like God, Y ou caressed me
divinely. Several times, You summoned me: "Little liberatrix, corne with St.
Michael and his angels to listen to my praises for the generosity 1 have placed
in your heart."
illi omnia: tune et ipse filius subiectus erit ei, qui subiecit sibi omnia, ut
sit Deus omnia in omnibus. And when ail things shall be subdued unto
him, then the Son a/so himself shall be subject to him that put ail things
under him, that God may be ail in ail. (1 Cor 15:28)
The overwhelming shame that 1 noted in this man who was saved from the
threats and power of his creditors aroused different ideas in me, as 1 humbled
myself in your presence. In the light of my own infinite obligations toward your
divine charity and loving kindness, with the Apostle, 1 said: In jide vivo Filii
Dei, qui di/exit me, et tradidit semetipsum pro me. 1 live in the faith of
the Son of Gad, who loved me and delivered himselffor me. (Gal 2:20b)
When night came on the Feast of St. Francis, You let me understand that
this saint had been a miraculous Joshua through whom You had performed
marvels 1 cannot describe. He had conducted and guided innumerable people
to the Promised Land. He had kept Y ou, Sun of Justice, from punishing your
enemies, praying that instead You would convert and pardon them. Thus, the
Feast of Francis is a continuai light with no intermission in the Church Triumphant. His soul shines there in marvelous splendor. His body is a copy
compared with the original that is yours, with which the Militant Church is
honored. He is the ongoing miracle that is not allowed to mortal men to view
without dying. Could not those who desire to see it be told what was said to
Moses long ago: "During mortal life, man cannot see the immortal God
without dying, nor the body of Francis except at the risk ofhis life?" Experience has proven this to be true.
This holy body, stigmatized with your own Wounds through seraphic lovemeaning deified love-is an expression of your own upon Calvary. His pierced
hands, his feet with holes in them and his open side let us see that You have
left us the portrait of Yourself. (1088) You emerged gloriously from the tomb
to ascend above all the heavens, becoming the supreme heaven. lt is the
glorious proof of your divine love. You wanted the body of St. Francis to
remain upright in a cave as a sorrowful sign of your own love, marked by the
signs of our Redemption. It is a mystery that Y ou conceal. Ah, who would
<lare ask Y ou how long it would take or whether it would be until the perpetual sacrifice would be removed! 1 will not be so bold as to do that, bearing
in mind what You replied to your Apostles and disciples when they asked You
when You would re-establish the kingdom oflsrael: Non est vestrum nasse
tempora vel momenta qu Pater posuit in sua potestate. It is not for you
to know the .times or moments which the Father hath put in his own
power. (Acts 1:7)
I beg You to let me remain with yours which I receive daily through your
great mercy until the end of my mortal life. May it be my Viaticum when, in
your great mercy, You call me to the immortal one. May I live the life of grace
through the reception of this Sacred Body. May it be my New Year's gift in
the life of glory. I ask You for a double favor. Ifl so <lare, I will ask You for
the third one, that I may see You elevated, and these three will be but one
beatitude begun, continued and consummated, since "ace in this life is glory
(1089) Through your
- and glory
- ig_the-other- is grace~. consummated.
---- - magnificent mercy, I ask You for this grace, and I beg You not to consider me
too bold if, like your Eliseus, I ask You to give it to me as did Elias. Why did
You tell me so many marve]s on this feast of your miraculous Francis through
the openness ofyour goodness which is self-communicative? lfl presume
upon this goodness, it is that it has been excessive toward me, although 1 am
the most insignificant and unworthy of all your creatures. S~eing that 1 am
abased to the uttermost parts of ~h, I -~~e You elev~~ed above all the
heavens. My memory does not assist me now to recall the favors You gave
me on the eve of!~e_fe~st ~fthe great St. Denis, since his name is a holy
distillation. 1 will simply record here that my soul ~as overwhelmed when You
visited me both on the eve ofhis feast and on that day. You spoke to my
heart and listened tome gently. Give me the form and figure that please You.
1 belong to You, my God and my All. (1090)
given birth to virgins, ofwhom she was truly called the mother. She treated
them as her daughters, although she had not taken the habit of cloistered
religious life before her martyrdom. (1092) 1was her sister through the vow of
virginity and because of the many sufferings required for the establishment of
the Ortler entrusted to me by your wisdom. Y ou had made me its Mother
and its Mistress: Os enim Domini locutum est: Benedictus Dominus Deus
Israel. etc. For the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. Blessed be the
Lord God ofIsrael, etc.(ls 58:14; Lk 1:68)
On the F east of Ail Saints, our Archbishop honored me by his visit on the
holy mountain a second time. Entering your home and his, my Divine Word
made Flesh, he gave me his holy blessing and told me that, for the fourth time,
he had offered Holy Mass to know your Divine Will better. He said that You
had inspired him to make this foundation. He had corne in order to comply
with your will and to see how 1 wanted to arrange the foundation. 1 showed
him the contracts for more than fifty thousand pounds in rents, houses and
land. On seeing that the foundation 1 gave His Grandeur for this monastery
was securely established, he told Monsieur de Saint Just who was present:
"This house is established. 1 approve everything done by Monseigneurs Miron
and de Marquemont." He did not allude to the late Cardinal of Lyons. (1093)
had acted so coldly toward me.
Because of the inexplicable goodness in the support and discourse of my
kind Prelate, I was extremely astounded. To think that this most amiable
Pastor totally favored the one who possessed more happiness than merit! I
could say with David: ( ~4) Thabor et Hermon in nomine tuo exultabunt;
tuum brachium cum potentis. Thabor and Hermon shall rejoice in thy
name: thy arm is with might. (Ps 88:13b-14a)
l'S? -
The second visit with which the Archbishop honored me and the
foundation contract for this Monastery in Lyons.
The Archbishop was satisfied with everything I had reported to him about
the origins of our Congregation. When he was about to leave, after he had
visited a section of our house and blessed all my daughters and me, he said
that the contract would be drawn up as I wished and that he would sign it.
The one who zealously undertook the responsibility for this and to whom I
was very grateful had made me hasten my return :from Paris. His ideas did not
accord with mine, for I found them to be harsh and without unction. In my
simplicity, I could not conceal my reaction.
I asked the president, Monsieur Chausse, whom the Archbishop liked very
much, to take the letter that your goodness inspired me to write him to Vimy.
Together with the respects of his most humble daughter, You would tell him
through Baruch: Ne tradas a/teri g/oriam tuam, et dignitatem tuam genti
alien. Give not thy honor to another, nor thy dignity to a strange
nation. (Bar 4:3)
I begged him not to sign the contract that had been sent him until I had had
the opportunity ofbeing at his feet to express my opinion. (1095) This kind
pastor told the one who had taken my letter that he would not sign until he had
heard me personally. I was to be the mistress, and he would corne to Lyons
on Christmas Eve. He wanted to satisfy me in everything conceming the
foundation. At this reply, I was filled with embarrassment and gratitude,
marveling at your attention toward me, as so often before, for I bore in mind
what he had said the day after he had received the King's decree. He had told
those in Paris who offered him my obedience: "I want this new posiition of
Archbishop to provide me with occasions to serve her; she will be the
directress." At this, I said to You: "Lord, is this just courtly politeness?" "No,
my daughter, it is my Spirit who speaks through him. He is your Archbishop
and pastor: Os enim Domini locutum est; For the mouth of the Lord hath
spoken it. (Is 58:14)
Who would not have thought that I was the happiest of women, since I had
been given a pr9mise of so many favors from my worthy Prelate who was
always favorable toward his unworthy daughter. Added to this, I ought to
enjoy all the blessings ofheaven and earth as I awaited the joy ofbeing at his
blessed feet, anticipating every attention from his kindness. n.Q2.6) All-knowing God, who let me enjoy a delightful transfiguration, Y ou knew that after
twice six winters, what a Calvary and death of spirit would be mine. Y ou
knew it, my Love. Those who leamed it later on have said to me: Cui
comparabo te, vel cui assimilabo te? To what shall I compare thee, or to
what shall I liken thee? (Lam 2:13)
The curtain must be drawn. Nothing can express my sadness or pain upon
seeing that God was so undeservedly offended in full knowledge by those who
closed their eyes to his lights and refused to listen to his divine remonstrances.
It is a piercing sword that caused a more sorrowful division than that of the
soul and spirit. I do not compare it to the one your Apostle mentioned, but,
for my consolation, 1 must borrow his words: Habentes ergo pontificem
universa terra. The King of peace is exalted, and the whole world
desires to see his face. (1 st Vespers; Christmas)
After she had delivered my most humble, respectful regards to him, she
was told: "I am ready to sign the contractas 1 promised. Tell that to your
Mother." He kept urging his Vicar General, for he felt that the days were like
years, telling him to bring me the original document of the contract so that
together we might review it. The Vicar General did so, and 1 spoke to him at
the grill of our church. 1 also took the opportunity to express my filial protests
to him about his coldness during the time that 1 was deprived of the honor of
seeing my pastor. He maintained that he had wanted to prepare me by these
mortifications for your blessings of delight and those of our Archbishop. (1099)
My secretary, to whom he showed every kindness, took the liberty to tel~
in all confidence: "Monsieur, who would ever have thought that you were
trying to conceal your charitable and fervent benevolence for our dear Mother
with apparent coldness. Also, by your absence, you gave us reason to believe
that she would no longer enjoy the affection you had shown her for more than
twenty consecutive years. What cautious behavior you showed to mortify the
one you honor with your friendship and benevolence!"
He left the original document with me, telling me that the Archbishop was
waiting for the notary to present him the contract for his signature. After that,
he would return it to me so that 1 might add my signature after his. When the
Prior of Denic went to the archbishopric, he saw persons there who did not
favor me as kindly as my Prelate did. Therefore, he thought it better for me
to go personally to the archbishopric. He did not report to me that Monseigneur
had told him that 1 should not trouble to descend our mountain, but, on the
contrary, told me that it would be preferable to go to his hotel. ( , 100) When
Monseigneur saw me, he said that he had not wanted me to take this trouble
and had so informed the said Prior de Denic who quietly slipped out of the
room to avoid any kindly reproof. As for me, 1 mentioned that he had not
wanted to deprive me of the honor of going to the Archbishop's hotel to
present my most humble regards and receive his holy blessing. Prevented
from talking very much with me, because of the great number of people
waiting to speak to him, he sent someone to summon two persons who he
thought were very close to me. 1 did not think so, and 1 was not mistaken.
Since 1 could not dissimulate this, 1 immediately informed these persons that 1
was not satisfied with their ideas.
Since he constantly wanted to oblige me, Monseigneur told me that he was
the Archbishop and father of my daughters and that 1 would be their directress
in everything. He wanted to satisfy me, and he declared that these persons
whom I considered contrary to me had spoken advantageously to him about
me and on my behalf. Thus, won over by these signs of benevolence, 1
willingly signed after His Grandeur had done so. (1,12.1) He showed that he
was content, repeating several times that all he wanted was my satisfaction,
that he had no doubt at all that I would benefit my daughters more than I had
promised, that I was their true Mother. I said to him: "Monseigneur, you well
know my natural disposition that is won over by goodness by which you
obligate me." The Abb of St. Just said: "Your daughters are blessed to have
such a wonderful Father and such a good Mother." I then knelt to receive the
blessing of my dearest pastor. He passed to the third door, that is, from his
office to the parlor where I again knelt for this wonderful blessing. It did not
remove my displeasure for the severity of the two persans that I nevertheless
pardoned, convinced that men abound in their opinions. One has died since.
I beg You, my God, allow him to dwell in your glory and to multiply your
graces toward the other.
In the evening, I went to our chapel to thank and adore Y ou in your
Blessed Sacrament, my divine Incarnate Word. (1102) By your loving kindness, You inclined toward me and said: "Why are you sad, my spouse, after
seeing my veritable promises and predictions fulfilled? Rejoice that I have
made your dear Prelate so kind and generous toward you. Consider the
good, and realize that he is the pastor I showed you in a vision in the year
1627, while he was offering Mass and, by a divine favor, elevated together
with the altar. I then assured you that he was the one who would establish the
Monastery in Lyons during his time. I forewarned you, announcing the death
of the pastor whom you cherished and esteemed, saying to you: Percutiam
pastorem, et dispergentur oves gregis; 1 will strike the shepherd: and the .
sheep of the flock sha/l be dispersed. (Mt 26 :31 b) You told me that in
advanc you already felt this dispersion, lest the precious flock of our.sheepfold
be entirely destroyed. I assured you of my pastoral care. You could say with
the crowned Shepherd: Dominus regit me, et nihil mihi deerit: in loco
pascu ibi me colocavit; super aquam refectionis, etc. The Lord ru/eth
me: and 1 shall want nothing. He hath set me in a place ofpasture. He
hath brought me up on the water ofrefreshment. (Ps 22:1-2)
"What graces did you not experience, by entrusting yourself and being
converted to Me! With sure step, you proceeded among the shadows of so
much death without fearing any horror, because I accompanied you everywhere. The sufferings that overwhelmed entire peoples, the rods of my indignation, plague, war and famine are occasions when you experience my protection. (1103)
..-. I guide you according to my will which you do not always
understand. I nurture you Myself, from my divine table, which overthrew
those who strove to trouble you. It abundantly poured out upon you the
delightful unction of my divine blessings, inebriating you with my own chalice.
111is caused the bride, thus supported by her Divine Spouse, to be filled with
delight. Thus, often astonished, my angels would say to one another: Qu est
- 156 -
When the year 1656 began, 1 adored You, marveling at You in the stable
as on a throne oflove and mercy. Marked by my miseries, You had become
like the flesh of sin, although You had not committed any, and could see the
resplendent Seraphim with six wings: two covering their feet, two their head
and flying with the two extended ones. They invite one another to sing the
Trisagion, proclaiming You three times: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Gad of
Hasts lying upon the hay. With the Evangelical Prophet, 1 exclaimed privately: Omnis caro foenum, et omnis gloria eius quasi fias agri. Verbum
autem Domini nostri manet in ternum. Ail flesh is grass, and ail the
glory thereof as the flower of the field. The word of our Lord endureth
for ever. (Is 40:6c; 8b) (1105)
enlightened, 0 Jerusalem. (ls 60: 1) 1 am your light that provides light before,
over, within, around and after you. Kings and peoples will follow the light you
leave in your writings, a light that proceeds from Me. 1 accept your gifts; 1
give you Myself, 1 who am Paradise." ( UQ) Indeed, King of ineffable love,
these few tears 1 have shed are too richly rewarded by one look from your
loving, adorable eyes, Monarch of men and angels!
After the wonderful forty days had passed, Y ou were taken to the temple
like a holy fire concealed amid blessed linen. Under the form of a slave, You
were presented as were the other first-bom infants. Simeon recognized You
to be God blazing with light, presented by the white virginal cloud of purity and
red of charity, upon whose breast You shone as the Sun of Justice. You
made known your wonderful Mother, that beloved, loving nurse whose heart
was pierced by the pitiless sword that brought to light the thoughts of many
other hearts. Mine was not closed nor insensible to this loving pain that
caused the division of soul from spirit, a pain that makes the soul happy to
suffer for love and because of Love itself: Vivus est enim sermo Dei, et
The next day, 1 asked Saint Scholastica to pray to Y ou for me, Y ou who
are blessed by men, angels and your Divine Father, to remain with me every
night ofmy life so that 1 might be with You during eternity, the infinite day of
the next life. She did not reject my prayer. (1108)
1 marveled at the grace received by St. William who was converted by St.
Bernard. He proclaimed your extraordinary mystery. You cast him down to
earth to raise him up to heaven by his conversion and ascetic penance, giving
to the Church what he had wrested from it: Crescens mirabiliter in
consommatione; He grew admirably in his consummation. His spirit grew
in your sight, my Divine Love, consurning his body through fasting.
On the Feast of St. Peter's Chair in Antioch, 1 wanted to be truly Christian.
This title had been given the faithful who were the first to be honored with this
glorious title.
On the Feast of St. Matthias, as 1 ordinarily did, 1 requested Y ou for the
condition of the saints in light and that, with fidelity, 1rnight receive the grace of
the one who is your faithful witness. Y ou are the One, my Divine Love, who
regarded the heart of St. Matthias to make him your Apostle, replacing the
perfidious Judas. On noticing that several persons were hypocritical, I suffered for all and through all, because they betrayed Y ou and were guilty of
your Precious Blood. (1109)
On the first day of the month dedicated to our faithful Guardians, who take
marvelous care to make us worthy to bear laure} and palms for ail eternity, for
their great jubilation, I yearned for the conversion of sinful souls and the
increase of grace for justified souls still on life's course. Qui Justus est,
Justificetur adhuc; He that is Just, let him be Justified still. (Ap 22:1 lc)
They possess perfect charity, wanting us to be holy as God is holy. By what
means could we ever acknowledge these heavenly favors, unless your love
itself were their etemal, joyous recompense?
Y ou wanted to reward your angelic doctor, because he had written so
profusely about Y ou. When urged to state what he desired as a reward, he
said: "Nothing other than You Yourself." You are an abyss. Request another
abyss: Abyssus abyssum invocat; Deep cal/eth on deep. (Ps 41 :8a) (1110)
He asked in accordance with his name, and Y ou told him: Fiat ut petitur;
Granted as petitioned I beg You, my Divine Savior, through goodness, to
give me grace for grace according to my request: Gratiam pro gratia.
AU favors and graces corne to us from your plenitude and through her who
is the Treasurer ever since Y ou assumed a body within her virginal womb.
This occurred by the overshadowing of your Holy Spirit while the power of
the Most High protected her by his shadow to have her remain alive and bear
a God of light and tire who had told Moses: "Mari living the natural life
cannot see Me". Y ou also spoke to him in the shadow that toned down your
What is this, Lord of the abysses? I am in the abyss. Behold me in the
ocean with Y ou who are an abyss of grace, an abyss that made its voice heard
by saying: Secundum verbum tuum; According to thy word. (Lk 1:38c)
(1111) But, marvel upon marvel, upon the bosom of your Virgin Mother, I see
t he adorable manna: Manhu, What is this? The Hebrews were astounded
when they saw the manna in the desert that was to nurture them for only forty
years. I have greater reason for astonishment and delight beyond myself as I
marvel at the manna in the virginal womb that is an adorable desert. I adore
Youthere, Increated and Incarnate Word, and receive You there, for it is
your delight for me to be united to You there. Whatever gives delight sustains,
and whatever provides delight nourishes. Invest me with purple and linen.
You nourish me Yourself, providing me with a perpetual banquet. T ake me to
the Supper; allow me to repose upon your breast. Willingly would I enter this
paradise with your favorite disciple to be a balm for your dying, palpitating
Heart upon noting the devil going with You into the heart of the traitor who
sold and delivered You to the perfidious Jews. (1.llf) I would not leave You:
Mihi enim vivere Christus est, et mari lucrum; For to me, to live in
Christ: and to die is gain. (Phil 1:21) I prefer this garden sprinkled by the
torrent from your wounds to the Empyrean with its wonderful river. There is
no comparison between the drops that fall in clots and the twelve pearls that
form the twelve gates to the marvelous city: Civitas in quadro posita est;
The city lieth in a four-square . (Ap 21: l 6a)
None ofthese brilliant precious stones in the walls and foundation of the
Empyrean compares with these priceless graces of the night, for they corne
:from a God-Man, on whose face they had been focused and :from which they
radiated. What is this manhu? The first myrrh that freely flows by the ardor
of love and envelops the beloved and me, together with You, most loving
Lord. You live and die through love, which caused two contraries in one
same subject, simultaneously operating and suffering to the same degree. (JJJ,.1)
Arise, my adorable Heart, and draw me to You by the odor of your
anointing, perfuming all the streets You pass and the places You enter and
pause for a while. Let me carry your Cross and die with You, since Y ou
carry my sins attached toit. You satisfy for me, redeeming me personally,
giving everything to deliver me from my enemies and yours, as the Apostle told
the Colossians: Et vos cum mortui essetis in delictis, convivificavit cum
il/o, donans vobis omnia delicta: delens quod adversus nos erat
chirographum decreti, quod erat contrarium nobis, et ipsum tulit de
medio, affigens illud cruci: et expolians principatus, et potestates traduxit
confidenter, pa/am triumphans il/os in semetipso. And you, when you
were dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your jlesh, he hath
quickened together with him, forgiving you ail your offences: Blotting
out the handwriting of the decree that was contrary to us. And he hath
taken the same out of the way, fastening it to the cross. And despoiling
the principalities and powers, he hath exposed them confident/y in open
show. (Col 2:13-15)
Gloriously risen :from the dead, your Body was endowed with the four
marvelous attributes oflight, subtility, agility and impassibility and could say:
( W.4) Ero mors tua, o mors! Morsus tuo ero, inferne!; 0 death, I will be
thy death; 0 hel/, I will be thy bite. (Os 13: l 4c)
Dear Love, You certainly were the death of death, and the sting of my hell,
because those who had contended that I would die of the trouble brought
about by ail hell are still fuming and continuing their malicious deeds. By your
powerful goodness, You made me victorious over ail their artifices and treacheries and will continue to do so, please, my victorious Monarch. Y ou declared that all power is given Y ou in heaven and on earth, showing that Y ou
are the delight of souls who remain faithful during the trials You send. To each
of them, Isaias said: Ego Dominus Deus tuus, docens te utilia, gubernans
On the Feast of the Descent ofyour Spirit offire, who is the Consoler par
excellence, I begged Him to vivify your promises, remaining with me to console me in all my sufferings, that are certainly not just a few. I have no words
with which to describe or express them. You know them, my God, and have
foreseen them: lnte/lexisti cogitationes meas de longe; Semitam meam et
funiculum meum investigasti; et omnes vias meas prvidisti, quia non est
sermo in lingua mea. Thou hast understood my thoughts afar off: my
path and my line thou has searched out. And thou hast foreseen ail my
ways: for there is no speech in my tangue. (Ps 138:3-4)
On your holy Feast, the ardor ofyour love had You exposed upon our
altars at the door of our tabernacles for pilgrim souls. (1117) You urged them
to accept the reliefthat your goodness has offered them, the all-holy Bread
that was prepared, not upon ashes but in the rich furnace of your charity. The
butter, mille and fattened calf represent nothing other than You, my Beloved,
our element and our Food, our Beloved and the One who loves us. I pray all
the saints to descend from their seat of glory to adore You on earth, true
prodigy of the miracle of love, and to supply all the praise that I cannot give
You nor know how to do so.
The birth of the great Baptist, announced by an angel to his father Zacharias
while he was offering incense, astonished everyone then in the temple when
they saw the one who had heard the oracle without words. I do not know if
mine was similar, when I saw You, my Divine Savior, in the form of a lamb
that You hid and withdrew under a little straw chair on the Feast of the Octave
of this joyful solemnity. ( 1118) I do know very well that I felt extremely pained
to see You in such a lowly, restricted place. You let me understand that I
was to protect You and oppose the evil things planned against You. I could
not endure having You there without being extremely pained. I did not know
how to withdraw from there. I did not dare get up, being seated on the chair
under which You seemed to hide. Your enemies did not clearly appear to me.
You could. see them Yourself, and You did not express the offences they gave
You. I was to protect You from their malignant plans and connivances. Had
such persons been as flexible as St. Paul in doing your will, You would have
been as good toward them as toward him. However, seeing them intent on
their path of willful ignorance, You would have said to them: "Why do You
persecute your Savior? You are as cruel as abducting wolves, and I am
gentleness itself. Are you not afraid that I will punish you and cast you to the
roaring lions that stalle you to devour you?"
Most holy Empress, on the Feast of St. Thecla, You told me that You
were your Lamb's shepherdess. Where did You leave Him now? When He
gamboled and leaped among the clouds, You came to follow Him to Lyons. I
entrust his glory to You. I told You that in spirit and will I was already in
Lyons and only corporeally was I in Paris. It was a great honor to follow You
there and everywhere You chose to indicate to me, despite the sufferings
prepared for me there. (1J.L9) I considered them to be great and very
numerous, but I did not know what they would be. I was unaware of their
quality and quantity.
On the Feast of All Saints in 1656, while the Church was chanting their
victory, I was weeping over my struggles. This filled me with confusion. I
thought I was not displeasing You, my kind Savior, because I was unable to
<?V~ome the J,fS_is~~-e_2r_antipathI_!ha!_~~r~_9byio~!Q t!i_e very ~e~o
did not love me. I resolved to tell my problems to tl!~ Prior of Denic, my
fiuthfTdireetor and charitable confessor, whom I have completely trusted for
many years. I saw that he was astounded, but, since he is resigned to
-- -------.
everything You allow, he alludes very little to whatever he perceives and did
not completely let me know his compassion for my desolation. He judged it
better for me to drink this chalice patiently for as long as Y ou allowed, my
Lord and my God.
Y ou allowed Satan to test Job whom Y ou deemed to be the simplest and
most faithful of his day. Satan did not overlook anything possible to make Job
lose patience of which he is the mirror and miracle. He kept his soul reserved
steadfastly for You, no matter what opinion his friends had ofhim. (1120)
Your Holy Spirit assures us by the following words in Holy Scripture that
Job, the patient one par excellence, did not sin: In omnibus his non peccavit
Job labiis suis; In ail these things Job sinned not by his lips. (Job 1:22)
Lamb of God, do not allow me to sin any more, either interiorly or exteriorly.
Help me by your grace, for without it 1 can do nothing. Afflicted by persans
who externally please me in everything for your glory and the perfection of my
Order, 1 place my spirit in your hands. Pardon the ignorance of the one who
guides her and causes me distress that 1 cannot declare. Your wise providence will arrange those matters.
The one who seemed doser to me than to herself acted as though she
would withdraw from me. Tuen, to pJease me, she changed her tactics. She
approached me, convinced that she was loved by everyone who saw her.
Great Savior, You know our hearts and that 1 want to consecrate them to You
completely. It is impossible to conceal the fact that they do not love You
perfectly. 1 have always had great antipathy for dissimulation. 1 want to
please Y ou in everything, my beloved Savior, for your glory. My situation is
always in your hands; in your eyes, my resilience; in your bosom, my treasures:
Saint Cleme.!1.!2_P<?pe, who sent St. Denis to France, pray for me tha!
1 may ~e~d_P~!S.9~ ~4e!e this gr_ej!t saint went and that it may be for the glory
of my God. ( 1121) In all confidence, 1 can say that You heard my prayer, for
on the Feast of St. Catherine, Virgin and Martyr, a virtuous clergyman from
Provence came to visit me. He offered to assist and accompany my daughters
to Paris where he was going, so as to offer Holy Mass for them and administer
the sacraments to them. 1 was happy over this offer and readily accepted,
although he had little time because of his special companions, who were
priests and religious scheduled to make the journey with him. Thus, 1had only
from five o'clock in the evening until five o'clock in the morning to prepare my
daughters for this journey, that is to say, two Sisters and my secretary Gravier
to accompany them. The latter went promptly at six o'clock to our Archbishop to obtain permission and to receive the honor of his holy blessing.
The next day was the Feast of St. Peter, Patriarch of Alexandria, to whom
1 entrusted my daughters, who departed to j oin the group. Because of this, 1
did not consider the extreme cold, trusting in your divine goodness and in the
one who had been faithful to You by fighting for your divine equality and
consubstantiality with your Divine Father.
Ori the Feast ofyour Apostle Saint Andrew, 1656, 1 learned from the man
who had driven the carriage with my two Sisters that my secretary had fallen
from her horse into a half-frozen river. With her clothes dripping wet, she
climbed back on the horse to follow the coach, but was hampered by being
wet and the extreme cold that had frozen her clothes like diamonds all about
her. (1122) Besicles this, it was impossible to make the horse proceed, as she
desired, for she had neither spurs nor whip with which to control it. The
muleteer did not take into consideration that this daughter was unfamiliar with
the route and, therefore, could not follow the coach. He did stop her once to
feed her horse some grain as he had done the others. He left her there, telling
her to get to the main road. Everything was covered with ice and rocks,
delaying her more than she wished. Because of this, she was at least a quarter
of a league behind the coach that the muleteer kept moving along, unconcerned about the one behind him. Meanwhile, this daughter was alone on a
main road in the country, truly in trouble. She assured me that her fright was
intense and that she remembered that 1 had entrusted them to St. Raphael, to
whom she commended herself in this extreme need. She then saw a rider
approaching who was greatly astounded on seeing her alone. After several
conversations, he believed her and delivered her from sorrow and affliction by
assisting her to gallop across the fields. He led her to the other carriages, and,
when there, soundly reprimanded the muleteer. He charitably but firmly insisted that he look after her. All this had a good effect and filled my daughter
withjoy. It was as though she had been delivered by an angel from heaven.
She believed that it was Saint Raphael, since he resembled the gentleman who
helped us during our voyage in 1653.
On his return, the muleteer reported to me these disastrous experiences of
my secretary. I was so filled with apprehension, that 1 felt a pain in my side
that persisted a long time, during which I did not record anything that occurred
during the months ofDecember, January, February and March in 1657, even
though your goodness granted me favors as You usually did through pure
charity. ( !,lk1) I begged You, not only to cover the multitude of my sins, but
to destroy them completely and always to guide me by your grace that is
unceasingly necessary for me. I certainiy experienced its power during the
great sufferings You allowed me to have, finding myself persecuted even by
important persons who too readily accept reports or accusations from those
who must acknowledge that they are obligated to me for the benefits your
goodness allowed me to do for them. So much ingratitude and arrogance to
which I have been subjected led me to think that what a crime it is not to love
You and be perfectly grateful for your goodness and divine mercies. I beg
You grant them to me always by giving me the strength and constancy to
endure whatever may corne to the very end.
On the Feast of St. Benedict 1657, some persons ofreligious profession
uttered things against me to please the hosts that had invited them. I beg You
to pardon them for the liberal slander reported to their superior in order to
belittle me. (1124)
- IS'} i, ;s -
The marvels that the Prophet Ezechiel saw are divinely expressed
for us in the donation and thanksgiving that Our Lord made at
the Supper.
Inseparable from your Divine Person, Increated Word and Incarnate Word,
by concomitance your Father and your Holy Spirit are present in this reproduction. 1 perceive the divine circumincession there, by an inexplicable penetration. Their distinction of support in no manner <livides the unity of essence
nor the simplicity of nature. The Body and Precious Blood Y ou have assumed
from your Virgin Mother is holily supported by your divine hypostasis and is
as adorable as that of the Father and the Holy Spirit. Your brilliant, blazing
eyes enrapture angels and throw Saint John into ecstasy. They are suns that
transport, blind and enlighten him as his corporal eyes sleep upon your breast.
He sees You with the spiritual ones upon the bosom of your Divine Father
where he steadfastly perceives and contemplates your ineffable generation.
He will speak and write holily about this when he proclaims to mankind what
has been unknown up to this time.
Divine Beloved, what rapture for this holy prisoner, reposing upon your
sacred breast. Y our bowels are the bonds; he is the child of love reposing
upon the breast of flame that is the fumace of charity. (1126) lfl do not state
that his feet are straight, 1 ascertain that they were clean:-They were cleansed
by the holy water that Y ou placed in the basin to sanctify them and all the
others. They were all washed by your sacred, holy hands, which Y ou bent
over those of all of them, even of Judas who did not profit thereby.
In a holy way, 1 can apply all the marvels of this Prophet's visions to this gift
of your Divine Body in the institution of your Holy Eucharist, this divine
synaxis, holy celebration, abridgement of your marvels; 1 <lare say, your miracles,
and the miracle of love is Love itself. 1 see the fire. 1 see the wheels one
within the other, with the Spirit ofLife being immensely present everywhere,
filling heaven and earth. One of these wheels appeared to all mankind, your
gracious humanity, grace and goodness.
On Good Friday, 1 could say: Mihi vivere Christus est, et mori lucrum;
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. (Phil 1 :21) Whatever is not
Y ou had no power to satisfy me. If You visited me after your Resurrection, it
was as a flash, for You saw that 1 was sad on Holy Saturday. (1127) 1
strove to draw strength from my weakness, reflecting that St. Peter and St.
John ran to ascertain what Magdalen had told them: that You had been
removed from the tomb. I followed them with the love and palpitation of my
heart. You favored me by inviting me to enter with them, saying to me: "My
beloved, be consoled. Experience what the Prophet Isaias said: that my tomb
is glorious. Enjoy the delights of my Resurrection together with my beloved
companion." On this day and the next, which was Sunday, and during the
entire Octave, after having given me your peace, You disappeared. I could
well say that You had gone beyond the limits. I could no longer see You; my
joy faded away with You. (1128)
15g -
On the Feast of St. James and St. Philip in 1657, I adored You in your
Divine Father. I begged You to place me in the dwellings that are meant to
accommodate pilgrim souls who follow You, along the paths You mark out for
them, granting them the confidence to <lare strive to arrive someday where
You had ascended. You are
heaven, elevating
..... the..___
- --. --- us in spirit
though our earthly bodies are infirm: Audientes igitur semper, scientes
___ _,,_
The next day, the Feast of St. Athanasius, a person ofhigh station together
with a priest came to the grill of our church to speak to me. I was told
everything that had occurred in Grenoble where a little council had been
conducted which You did not confirm, my Etemal Pontiff. You took up for
the one that others wanted to banish from the place, Increated and Incarnate
Word. I prayed St. Athanasius to represent to You your choice that was
being opposed.
On the Feast of the Holy Cross, in order to deceive me, those persons
pretended to desire everything they dreaded, and You granted me the grace to
act toward them with graciousness and simplicity rather than with severity that
I should have used. Through charity, I continued what I should have refused
them through justice. Grant me the grace to imitate You by rendering good for
evil. Through your infinite mercy, pardon me and them our faults.
Your elevation above the heavens raised up my spirit. I prayed your loving
heart that, when'You would be in your kingdom, to remember her who had
been on the Cross next to You. (!jJ,.O) The difference was that, in the eyes of
your Father, You were always innocent while I was unceasingly guilty, engulfed by death: Ut vit tern hredes efficeremur; That we might be
made heirs oflife everlasting. (1Pet3:22)
At the end of October, as I was preparing for the Feast of your holy
Apostles Simon and Jude, your Majesty's reapers, to help me dwell with all
your saints, I leamed that so!Ile p~r_sons, who possibly did not mean to displease You, had laid -~~L_m _!_o the_ bem~!_i~_e_s C?f ~ priest and a cano_y. I
recognized the good will of the canon who was being attacked for what he
had done through charity and excessive compassion. Besides this, we had an
obligation toward his devotion and zeal, for he often offered Holy Mass for us.
Deeply and justly moved, I resolved to pray and have others pray to your
Majesty until he would be justified in every way. I assured him and his mother
that heaven was on their side and that your goodness denied me nothing that I
requested of You in constant trust. Since St. James declared that constant
prayer joined to perseverance would obtain from your goodness what I could
not deserve, I said with the Prophet-King: Qui confidunt in Domino, sicut
mans Sion: non commovebitur in ternum. They that trust in the Lord
shall be as mount Sion: he shall not be moved for ever. (Ps 124: 1) (!.!1.1)
I presented to Y ou the mother of this only son, Mademoiselle Mabire, who
is as generous as she is devout. I noted in her the Christian and moral virtues
to perfection, good common sense and a strong, fine spirit adapted to your
will in everything. I thought about the confidence of the Prophet Eliseus,
especially when his disciple was frightened by a great number of persecutors.
Eliseus told him to think about the great multitude of holy angels or friends who
came to assure him and confound his enemies.
- 115JI prayed to all the saints with confidence, desiring to love and
suffer to make reparation for my offenses and earn lilies, roses
and laurels. How I was elevated to consider the greatness of St.
Joachim. In Jesus Christ, he is the prince of all the saints. He
and St. Anne were participants of the Lord's kiss, the dawn that
gave birth to the Sun on Christmas night.
On November the first, 1 reflected on all your saints, on the Saint of saints
by essence and par excellence, who came to our aid. With all devotion
possible, 1 said: Exultabunt sancti in gloria, et /tabuntur in cubilibus
suis. The saints shall rejoice in glory: they shall be joyful in their beds.
(Ps 149:5) It is their glory to love You in heaven and to protect us on earth
for love of You, obtaining graces and virtues for us to resemble them. QJ.ll)
It was the F east of St. Martin, the blessed Pontiff who loved You with all
his heart and soul, as the Church chants. He had clothed You with half of his
mande that he gave the poor man. In the presence of your holy angels, You
were glorious in it, praising this saint who was but a catechumen. lbrough
him, his profound ardor and the resplendent halo over his head, 1 offered the
Sacrifice oflove for your glory and my perfection.
On the Presentation ofyour Virgin Mother, 1 prayed to St. Joachim and St.
Anne with her that her incomparable merits and her fidelity to your inspirations
would mak:e up for my failures. 1 dwelt on this text: Sacrificate sacrificium
iustiti, et sperate in Domino. Offer up the sacrifice ofjustice, and trust
in the Lord. (Ps 46a) Could 1 spend these days without addressing the
virgins adomed in white and red, St. Cecilia and St. Catherine; without
begging them to tell You my sorrows and present my distress (to the One they
love and whom I wish to love as muchas they do)? My soul languished with
love as a daughter of Jerusalem. Could they refuse me flowers and fruit to
comfort me in my loving yeamings for my adorable Spouse? (1133)
I did not forget great St. Clement nor the lamb that showed him the
fountain. What veneration I owe the great Patriarch of Alexandria to whom
You revealed the wrong that Arius was doing You by denying your equality
and consubstantiality with your Divine Father. The whole Catholic Church
believes it and adores You as one God in Three distinct Persons. With St.
John, I declare: Tres sunt, qui testimonium dant in c/o: Pater, Verbum,
et Spiritus Sanctus: et hi tres unum sunt. There are Three who give
testimony in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Ho/y Ghost. And
these three are one. (1Jn5:7) I say to You: Increated Word and Incarnate
Word, grant that this young woman, through whom You chose to establish an
Order in your Church, who adores You, bearing your title, Incarnate Word
and Blessed Sacrament, may be faithful in everything for your glory and service. May she seek your glory in everything, 0 my Love.
On the Feast of the powerful St. Andrew, I needed strength and love to
address the Cross and greet it as good, because through it divine goodness
had showered us with its profusions, pouring out every drop ofhis Precious
Blood. (1134) Even after his death, He there opened a fountain wherein to
cleailse us and tinge us. His death caused all nature to tum pale, apparently on
the point of extinction. Because its Creator was dying upon a gibbet, what
could it not fear! His angels of peace wept bitterly; the demons in hell
trembled with fright!
On the Feast of the great Saint Francis Xavier, my limited courage caused
me embarrassment, overwhelming me under the cross. I almost dared to say:
"My Love, that is enough suffering!" However, I realized that such laxity ought
to make me blush with shame and confusion. I drew strength from my
weakness, or better still, from the fountains of your goodness to which I tumed
for help because they are intelligent as well as obliging. They are powerful and
dynamic, proceeding from You, my God who are strong and living. With
David, I said to Y ou: Quemadmodum desiderat cervus ad fontes aquarum,
ita desiderat anima mea ad te, Deus. Sitivit anima mea ad Deum fortem,
vivum; Quando veniam, et apparebo ante faciem Dei? As the hart
panteth after the fountains of water; so my soul panteth after thee, 0
God. My soul hath thirsted after the strong living God. When shall 1
corne and appear before the face .of Gad? (Ps 41 :2-3) (1135)
On the Feast of St. Barbara, virgin and martyr, whose throat was eut
because of the fury of her father, your sworn enemy who was crueler than wild
beasts, my selflove seemed even worse due to the sins I commit, causing your
death, my Father and my Lord. Lamb ofGod, who takes away the sins of the
world, take away mine. Let me follow Y ou everywhere with the holy virgins
and allow me to receive You in grace at the end of my mortal life. Be my holy
Viaticum, dying for Y ou, since Y ou have <lied for me so that I may live for
Y ou and through You.
Ever since childhood, I have had devotion and a tendency to honor pontiffs
and prelates, archbishops and bishops. Thus, I considered St. Nicolas and St.
Ambrose to be brilliant in holiness, miracles and love. One of them provided
food for the destitute, giving freely with his right hand in such a way that the left
would not know, so as to prevent young women from going astray, etc.
Great Prelate, the Ambrosian gentleness that was yours from early childhood attracted everyone. (1136) With admiration, they praised the virgins
who possess glory through their courage to earn lilies, roses and laurels. They
were victorious over the demons of the world and the flesh, chanting the
Canticle that virgins alone may sing. They follow You, Divine Lan1b, wherever
Y ou go, bearing Y ou and even ~tealing You away from the bosom of your
Divine Father: Hc nubes, aei:.a, Angelas, sideraque transgrediens, Ver-
bum Dei in ipso sinu Patris invenit, et toto husit pectore. Beyond the
clouds she went, beyond the air, the Angels and the stars; and in the very
bosom of the Father she found God's Ward, and took Him to herself with
ail her heart. (Common ofVirgi.ns, Lesson V) (1137)
_ ,,,9
---- --
St. Joachim and St. Anne received as much grace and holiness as was
appropriate for the father and mother of the Mother of God and the grandparents of the Incarnate Word. To honor St. Joachim, You were ordinarily called
Son of Man. By an inexpressible mystery, these words revealed and concealed Joachim's holiness. Y ou said to me: "My daughter, exclaim with the
Prophet lsaias: Generationem eius quis enarrabit? Who shall declare his
generation? (Is 53 :8b)
( 113 9) \
''None of the angels or men could worthily express this temporal generation
nor the holiness of the Immaculate Conception. Joachim is my father and my
saint, reserved and withdrawn within Me, 1 who am the Lord, for whom he
has been the preparation before the creation of the world. What 1 declare of
Joachim, 1 also mean of Anne, my grandmother. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
and the other patriarchs, although their fathers, prefigured them\ St. Matthew
could write what he recorded up to St. Joseph, the spouse of my Mother, of
whom 1 was bom. The Holy Spirit did not command him to record Joachim's
generation. With a cloud, the same Holy Spirit also concealed my Mother's
lmmaculate Conception during the time that 1 was visible. During these latter
times, it hacl to burst forth, elevating the souls He hacl chosen from light to light
to become transformed into Himself. She is the halo of a Spouse impassioned, to your way of thinking, with his all-beautiful one. He makes her the
masterpiece ofhis delight in his pure creature for the extension of the Incarnation of the Creator and creature of the God-Man who 1 am.
"To you, little daughter, who acknowledge yourselfto be the most unworthy of ail creatures, is entrusted the commission to proclaim this mystery
concealed in God during the ages. While still in the world, my dear Saint John
said that no one had ever seen God. (lJ.iO) The Apostle who had been
elevated to the third heaven declared that God dwells in inaccessible light that
no one has ever seen. 1 am the only one, the lncreated and Incarnate Word,
who has seen and sees my Father doing what He does. Through goodness, 1
have favored you today by instructing you about the excellent qualities of my
father, St. Joachim, and commanding you to invoke him with the words:
Principes sanctorum omnium, Prince (first) among ail the saints. My
Blessed Mother honors him as her father, even though she is the Queen of
men and angels. She is my dear Mother to whom 1 chose to be subject, and,
through her, to Saint Joseph, her husband whom 1 have called my father.
"None ofthese holy qualities is diminished by honoring St. Joseph. Do you
think they would be degraded by rendering respect to St. Joachim, St. Anne's
husband? 1 am their crown. My Mother's flesh is their flesh. She is the
substance of their substance, by which they have honored the hidden God and
Savior, who paid the ransom for all mankind with the flesh and blood 1
assumed in my Blessed Mother which is theirs. That flesh and blood has not
seen the corruption of sin in my Mother's Conception. (t 41) Her innocent
soul has always known the paths of life, exempt :from ail sin by my powerful
dilection that is stronger than death and more jealous about her etemal glory
than the hardness of hell in its obstinacy against Me. The lamps are of total
:fire and flame."
Such a marvelous dawn at the rising of the sun on this moming distilled a
dew that never before had been equalled. From her holy eyes flowed heavenly tears upon this Divine Child who relit the flames by a loving antiperistasis
oflight from which nothing is hidden. By a sublime intelligence, 1 understood
the following three verses: ln sole posuit tabernacu/um suum altissimus; et
- 1,0 -
te, memores uberum tuorum super vinum. Recti diligunt te. We will be
glad and rejoice in thee, remembering thy breasts, more than wine. The
righteous love thee. (Cant 1:3d)
A:fter tasting such ineffable delights, the soul no longer belongs to itself. If,
transported by love and impelled by the impetuosity of your Spirit, it speaks
during its ecstasy of your excellent, supereminent perfections and goodness,
few people on earth could understand these marvels. The Divine Spouse
needs to explain them Himself and have them understand the excess of his
charity: lntroduxit me in ce/lam vinarium; ordinavit in me charitatem.
incarnate and were like us. Your grace and benevolent Humanity seem very
gracious toward us. Saint Simeon requested permission to go console those in
the shadows of death to inform them that in a few years they would enjoy the
splendor ofyour face, the Light of the Gentiles and the glory ofhis nation, of
ail the people of Israel. (1148)
Holy old man, transported by joy, Y ou bless the Child and his parents who
marvel at everything said about Him on this joyful feast. After a blessing,
addressing his Mother, Y ou said to her: Ecce positus est hic in ruinam, et
You deign to tell me about the sufferings which you bless and that my newbom Savior, who is in guardianship, will tell You when he is grown that He
disposes and destines us to suffer to have a place in his kingdom, just as his
Father has destined sufferings for Him, the Innocent One. (1150) I experience
them and do so repeatedly, but, as a guilty person, I say t~ou: Quoniam
die ac nocte gravata est super me manus tua, conversus sum in rumna
mea, dum configitur spina. Delictum meum cognitum tibi feci, et
iniustitiam meam non abscondi. Dixi: Confitebor adversum me iniustitiam
meam Domino; et tu remisisti impietatem peccati mei. For day and night
thy hand was heavy upon me: 1 am turned in my anguish, whilst the
thorn is fastened 1 have acknowledged my sin to thee: and my injustice
1 have not concea/ed. 1 said: 1 will confess against myself my injustice to
the Lord And thou hast forgiven the wickedness ofmy sin. (Ps 31 :4-5)
At this time, I leamed that a young woman :from Roanne (to whom I have
felt obligated because of her great fidelity for several years in helping your
Ortler) was suffering from an illness that was considered to be terminal. I
promptly said that she would not die from it. Regretting this haste as I
generally did, I was confirmed in my confidence in You, that You would heal
her after I had prayed to You, my sympathethic and merciful Physician. (1151)
I was very sad during Lent, as during other years, unable to abstain or fast
completely. This sadness intensified when I heard the Preface ofHoly Mass
read on the F easts of St. Matthias, St. Joseph, St. Joachim and St. Benedict,
together with that ofyour Incarnation, my adorable Incarnate Word. You
granted me multiple graces. However, I will not include them here, because I
recorded the same graces and lights for each of those days elsewhere, and I
do not have much time. My Love, be blessed with ail benedictions.
te,( -
The sign of peace commenced the war against the Almighty. With
ber mantle, the Mother of mercy hid ber Son from my sight and
invited me to adore bis brilliant Wounds. They reflected their
rays upon me. My trip to Roanne. My tenderness toward my
compatriots. My devotions. The remedies 1 took, and my return
to Lyons. (1152)
32 1
As I was lost amid the terrifying darkness of the sin of Judas, Y ou allowed
me to recover myself in Y ou, providing me daylight by your light, showing
Y ourself to me all covered with wounds. I would not <lare declare that I
experienced what St. Paul exhorts us to feel, because I do not possess all the
love he desires for such an experience. I saw Y ou as the Man of Sorrows,
humbled even to emptying Yourself. Without any infringement, You are equal
to your Divine Father. Being in the form of God, You assumed that of
servant, indeed of a slave--of a slave sold by your traitorous disciple. My
soul was confused and distressed with sorrow; and from the eyes of my heart
flowed abundant blood, as I underwent the indescribable.
Unable to leave me in this keen anguish, your Blessed Mother, by a
wonderful grace, placed a marvelous mantle over Y ou, making me understand
that this representation of your sorrows caused me almost to die of compassion (causing me to feel faint and almost without sensation). She gently told
me that Y ou would not die again and that I should contemplate Y ou in a
glorious state. (1154) All your saints who came after her remained five or six
steps from the altar and, with ineffable goodness, she lifted me up and led me
to the altar steps. Raising the miraculous mantle with which she had covered
You, she invited me to adore your Wounds with her. These Wounds had
become as brilliant as suns shining their adorable rays upon me. Y ou seemed
to me to be beauty personified. This Virgin Mother looked at Y ou with a
loving glance impossible for me to describe or for any artist to depict. She let
me understand that Y ou belonged to her by a marvelous possession. No
other persons could possess a similar one with their children. Just as the
divinity had once assumed humanity within her so as never to leave it, she
would always have an infinite possession of everything that Y ou are.
On Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, I was occupied with
the continuation of your goodness that the Church with extraordinary profusions represents to us during these days:
On Friday, Y ou <lied for all mankind, shedding ail your Precious Blood as
Y ou prayed for the plotting Jews.
On Saturday, we prepared for your holy Resurrection, grateful that the
Church calls Adam's fault a happy one that has a Redeemer as holy as He is
magnificent, who has redeemed us with an abundant redernption.
On Easter Sunday, joyous, victorious and triumphant over all your enemies,
Y ou became our Easter or our passage from death to life. But it is a new life,
being the death of our death and the sting ofhell. On Montlay, You intensified
our hope; on Tuesday, You gave us your peace in which You abide.
During the week a.fier Easter, I received letters from Roanne urging me to
go there on matters referring to your Order and to accommodate my own
family members because of the death of my brother-in-law.
Paris insistently urged that I go there. I wanted to consult Y ou, my Divine
Oracle, and Y ou had me understand: Adhuc unum modicum est, et ego
(Hag 2:7b-8b)
I reported this to the Prior of Denic and others after first having done so
to Father Gibalin. (1156) When necessary, I will name those persons. I
wrote to the Abb de Verneuil (Piardire) to allow Gravier, my secretary, to
leave Paris to accompany me to Roanne. Since I had not yet arrived when
she passed there, she came ail the way to Lyons, where my niece, du Mas,
sent a carriage to make the trip to Roanne that was so desired and waited for
by my relatives and compatriots. I felt very ill in the carriage. On the first day,
I was almost f aint with weakness, and when I arrived, I had to be carried to
the boat. When it stopped near the headquarters for the galleys, I felt recovered and said to Y ou: "Lord, the galley and our home town are incompatible.
Nevertheless, at my entrance, I find delight there. What will it be like to see
the heavenly one, since on earth one forgets one's ills. 0 God, how marvelous
My joy was great when I saw the devotion that had intensified in the place
of my birth'. I felt inexpressible satisfaction when I adored You in the parish
church where I had received the life of grace through the Sacrament of regeneration. (1157) I redoubled my prayers to the fervent, holy Levite, the first of
your martyrs, Saint Stephen, who obtained many favors for me. Heaven had
been opened to me several times in his church. I recalled the multitude of
graces that I had received there during a period oftwenty-nine years. You
gave me new ones, my Divine Benefactor, on outstanding feasts. I received
Communion there almost daily, taking great delight in assisting at a number of
Masses at different altars. The High Masses suilg there every day elevated my
spirit. On solemn feasts, it was only with violence to my spirit that I left
church. Seeing all these devout people, I recalled how tenderly St. John
Chrysostom dealt with his people in Antioch. He was a good pastor to them,
and nothing equalled this dignity.
I possess the love of a shepherdess for your sheep and lambs with whom,
in a mystical, holy way, I am in a devout and more than natural society.
Everything there charmed me. I did not feel my infirmities so much, and You
blessed the remedies prescribed for me by the doctors. The waters of St.
Herbam that I took there, without adhering to the rules ordinarily prescribed
for me for them, as well as for others who take them at this time, fortified my
stomach. (1158) They helped me recover such a fine bodily well-being that it
was as though I had received a new constitution and health with which to
pursue your Ortler and your glory. Added to this was the zeal that prompted
the pastor and all the clergy of Roanne, as well as the outstanding and ordinary
people. AU this gave me great satisfaction. I prayed to You, sacred Inspiration of all good counsel, to increase your graces in us and to strengthen them in
your plans, blessing them with all temporal and eternal benedictions.
On the Feast ofyour grandmother, Saint Anne, I was not dispensed from
taking my remedies. More than an hour after attending Holy Mass and
receiving Communion, 1 took the medication as 1 always do. 1 did not omit
Holy Communion. Even though unworthy, 1 had received Communion daily
for thirty-nine years. 1 was forced to remain in my room.
On the Feast of St. Ignatius, Founder of your Society, dear Jesus, total
Love, 1 received Communion in the College church and also prayed to great
St. Michael, who has assisted me so much. 1 was not rejected by this Prince
of the Angels. Because 1 felt very indisposed, 1 was unable to retum for
Vespers and the sermon. Instead, as 1 ordinarily did, 1 went to St. Stephen's
Church which was near my sister's home. There 1 remained for about three
months and a few days, asking St. Ignatius to pardon me for not returning to
the College church. Excusing me, your goodness told me: Veni e/ecta mea
et ponam in te thronum meum; Come, my chosen one, and 1 will establish
my throne in you. (Common of Virgins). He loved me as much, in this
church where 1 was alone with him and his saints, who were filled with delight
in his divine will. He elevated my spirit, and 1 received favors that 1 could
certainly feel but not express.
On a number of other occasions, 1 have expressed how assiduous 1 was in
this church, whether on solemn feasts or ferial days during the said three
months. This lasted from May twenty-fifth until the birth ofyour wonderful
Mother. (1161)
After receiving Communion in her chape! of the Holy Rosary, 1 wept with
emotion and received the benediction of the priest whom 1 considered my
dear pastor in this place. 1 took leave of ail these wise and devout clergymen,
keenly regretting that 1 had to leave them ail. 1 was extremely upset until 1 had
passed the Loire River. Tuen You stopped my tears, telling me that You had
allowed these tender feelings to show me that 1 was the spiritual daughter of
his holy Society and a dear confrere with ail my fellow-citizens. You had
blessed them and would bless them more and more until the end by fulfilling
your promises to me for your glory and their sanctification. 1 reflected upon
the following words of the Prophet Isaias: Ecce ego mitam in fundamentis
Sion /apidem, probatum angularem, pretiosum, in fundamento fundatum;
qui crediderit, non festinet. 1 will lay a stone in the foundations ofSion, a
tried stone, a corner stone, a precious stone, founded in the foundation.
He that believeth, let him not hasten. (ls 28:16c)
The coach in which 1 traveled was more comfortable than my niece's,
which 1 refused even though it was beautiful with fine, expensive horses.
(l..l6~ Yet it lacked the air that this one had that 1 found to be more convenient for me. Monsieur Dumas, my nephew, wanted me to travel with his
nephew, Monsieur Paradis, who was going to Avignon to receive the habit of
your Society, my Jesus and my Ail.
The next day, Monsieur Dumas and his companion returned to Roanne,
grateful that I had not become ill. I adored Y ou in your Sacrament of love. I
found Y ou to be replete with gentleness upon your holy mountain. Y ou let me
know that (although most unworthy of your favors) I was welcome. You said
to me: Transivi per te, et vidi te; et ecce tempus tuum, tempus amantium;
the wings of a <love, persevering in my open and sincere simplicity. I corrected the faults that displeased You, that were contrary to your Spirit who
cannot dwell in double hearts. (1164) From Ecclesiasticus, I learned: V
Holy Gabriel, pray to the Incarnate Word, our Love, to curtail the weeks
ofuntruths and to put an end to sin. May He apply the merits ofhis death to
us, sanctifying us through the divine anointing of his most Holy Spirit. May the
daughter of desire possess peace. May the great Prince St. Michael corne to
our aid to conquer with us al! those who resist the divine will. May al! the
heavenly princes praise the One whom Daniel saw as a river of charity:
1,2 -
The Feast of All Saints arrived in whom You are admirable: Exultabunt
sancti in gloria, /tabuntur in cubilibus suis. The saints shall rejoice in
glory: they shall bejoyful in their beds. (Ps 149:5)
1 was thrilled with joy for their glory and rejoiced because of their rest,
praying that they would praise your greatness with holy compliments. Let their
throats vibrate with exultation as they praise Y ou. May they take up the
sword of your absolute power to wreak justice upon those who do not adhere
to your plans. 1 understood the following words to be uttered in justice: Ut
faciant in eis iudicium conscriptum: gloria hc est omnibus sanctis eius.
To execute upon them the judgment that is written. This glory is to ail
his saints. (Ps 149:9) (1167)
On the Feast of great St. Martin, 1 prayed to him to resist the one who told
him, during his mortal pilgrimage, that he would always oppose him. 1begged
him to continue the favors he had done me for a number of consecutive years
for the one who has great confidence in his merit. This flaming heart, that
appeared bearing a sword of fire upon his head, did not disdain the frailty of a
young woman. In charity, he favored her, preparing her for the arrivai and
departure of the King with ineffable blessings.
Magnificent Benefactor, You granted me great favors on the Feast of the
Presentation ofyour precious Blessed Mother. I understood that the entire
Blessed Trinity received more from this offering than whatever heaven and
earth might offer You. In all rejoicing, the Holy Spirit wanted to form a body
for You from her pure substance that, together with your holy soul, would be
united by the hypostatic union to your Divine Person. (1..1.2.8) One would
mutually support the Other. Through Him, this wonderful Mother pronounced
or entoned her canticle: Magnificat anima mea Dominum: et exultavit
spiritus meus in Deo salutari meo, etc. My soul doth magnifY the Lord.
And my spirit hath rej oiced in God my Saviour. (Lk 1:46-47)
The following day was the Feast of the melodious Virgin, St. Cecilia, who
praised You according to the desires ofyour cantor, the Royal Prophet: In
psalterio et cithara; in ty7mpano et choro; in chordis et organo; in
cymbalis benesonantibus; in cymbalis jubilationis. With psaltery and
harp; with timbre/ and choir; with strings and organ; on high sounding
cymbals; on cymbals ofjoy. (Ps 150:3-6) The Psalms end thus: Omnis
spiritus laudet Dominum; Let every spirit praise the Lord. (Ps 150:6)
It was very early when Y ou were pleased to elevate my soul to Y ou,
granting me inexpressible graces. In accordance with your magnificence, they
were magnificently great, for You favored me with an ineffable extension of
your loving Incarnation. For a long time, your Holy Spirit, in the form of a
<love with extended wings, remained suspended over my head and upon my
breast. Your providence prepared me while 1 was still in bed. (1169) Around
three o'clock in the morning, You repeatedly allowed me to hear: Fundabo te
in sapphiris; 1 will /ay thy foundations with sapphires. (ls 54: 11 c) To me,
his repetition was music that enraptured me. 1 could not withstand so much
delight when not in bed without fainting like an Esther.
The following day, the Feast of St. Clement, Pope, 1 wanted to focus my
conversation in heaven so as there to. marvel at the manner of adoring the
suavity of your clemency. You let us hope for this wonderful Resurrection,
which will make our bodies impassible, communicating to them the qualities of
your glorious one in accordance with your goodness.
With ~e learned_and Jioly Catherine, 1 wanted to confound earthly wisdom
by your teaching that places milk and honey upon our tongue. The mouth You
promised to your Apostles would have converted all the philosophers of earth
into children desirous of the milk alluded to by St. Peter. (1170) All who are in
the darkness of error were favored by seeing this great, marvelous light that
You communicated to the holy patriarch of Alexandria, who proclaimed You
to be equal to your Divine Father: Deum de Deo, lumen de lumine, Deum
verum de Deo vero. Gad of Gad, Light of light, true Gad of true Gad.
(Credo) Begotten, not made, bom amid the splendor of etemal holiness
S~ AFli '.., ~ 5 ._
before all ages. By You, they were made.
On the F east of St. Andrew whom You strongly and gently love, 1 recalled
how he had heard your holy Precursor who had called You the Lamb of God
who takes away the sins of the world. He followed Y ou even to the Cross.
There he had the favor ofpreaching your marvels and ofbeing sacrificed for
You after having offered Y ou in Sacrifice upon the altar, giving You to the
faithful in this Sacrament of love and death.
On the Feast of the z.ealous St. Francis Xavier, the tlames ofwhose ardent
charity could not be extinguished by the entire sea, he could proclaim when he
was dying that your lamps are all of fire, embracing You extended upon your
Cross. (1171) The crayfish had taken You to him in its claws, serving as his
page of honor. It might also be considered a ship that brought him bread from
afar with which he was holily satisfied. He could say: "Satis est Domine,
satis est; That is enough, Lord, that it is enough." His mortal life ended in
your holy embraces and divine ardors, and he was rebom like a phoenix upon
the loving couch of your divine Heart that was open to him just as he had
opened his breast to You when your tlames impelled him to expire, gasping for
breath and finding the world too small in which to serve such a great God,
who returned his voice and speech to him. Thus, it could be declared of him:
In omnem terram exivit sonus eorum, et in fines orbis terr verba eorum.
In sole posuit tabernaculum suum; et ipse tamquam sponsus procedens
de tha/amo suo. Exultavit ut gigas ad currendam viam; Nec est qui se
abscondat a calore eius. (1172) Their sound hath gone forth into ail the
earth: and their words unto the ends of the wor/d. He hath set his
tabernacle in the sun: and he, as a bridegroom coming out of his bride
chamber, hath rejoiced as a giant to run the way. There is no one that
can hide himselffrom his heat. (Ps 18:5-6; 7c)
His commissions were prodigious; his apostolic zeal made of him a great
Apostle and a very great saint.
1c3 -
At the beginning of Genesis and alluding to Adam and Eve, Sacred Scripture declares: Erunt duo in carne una; They shall be two in one flesh.
(Gen 2:24c) Thus, St. Joachim, husband of St. Anne, and she are united and
one in Mary, their daughter, by anthonomasie, and through her, in You, Divine
Word made flesh of her flesh. Yet your flesh is the life of the world,
supported by the divine hypostasis. The Holy Spirit reposes upon it and
mak:es his dwelling there. Thus, there was a change in the words uttered
against the sinful gi~ts who~ !>Y tl.J~jr_yj__~s ~d s~!flt, haj_cp!.!1-1pt~dy
at- the t!_me of the
_ l~_~ge. Non permanebit spiritus meus in homine in
~ - -~
ternum, quia caro est. My spirit shall not remain in man for ever,
because he is flesh. (Gen 6:3)
Through Isaias, the holy Prophet of the royal race, He declared that He
had in regret changed his justice, coming to us so as, according to the inclinations of his goodness, to assure us that this spirit of purity would repose over
the humble Joachim and the faithful Anne whose name is grace.
Through St. Joachim, I beg You, my Divine Savior, to prepare within me a
dwelling-place for You and, by the grace of St. Anne, please to adom it:
Verbo Domini cli firmati sunt; et spiritu oris eius omnis vertus eorum.
By the word of the Lord the heavens were established: and ail the power
ofthem by the spirit ofhis mouth. (Ps 32:6) (IJ.1)
- 1 ~'1- -
Just as on earth there are no roses without thorns, while the humble and
saintly ones of heaven favored me, the envious ones on earth (thirsting for their
own glory) used every means by which to persecute me. Under the guise of
zeal for your glory, the demons, who never sleep, incited them to blame and
curse what they could not comprehend. By a spirit as precipitate as a whirlwind, they condemned patient perseverance as laxity or coldness. They did
not bear in mind, my Savior, that your Spirit is not present in the whirlwind of
their natural enterprise and impetuosity, nor in the fire of their presumption.
(1177) Also, your ancestor David wamed us not to rise before daybreak
during the tirne we eat the bread of sorrow or, full of anguish, drink the waters
of tribulation. That is what has been, what is and what will still be the ordinary
food of my spirit upheld by my physical prostration. The sufferings that for a
number of years I have endured would have caused the death of others, but
Y ou have supported me with the Bread of the strong. Also, Y ou declared:
Parasti in conspectu meo mensam, adversus eos qui tribulant me. Thou
hast prepared a table be/ore me, against them that afflict me. (Ps 22:5)
leave Jerusalem with a small number of faithful friends and pass the torrent of
Cedron, taking along the Ark of the Covenant and of your marvels. ( 11 78)
He had it carried throughout the city, trusting in your will, for he had renounced his own: Et dixit rex ad Sadoc: reporta arcam Dei in urbem: Si
invenero gratiam in oculis Domini, reducet me, et ostendet mihi eam, et
tabernaculum suum. Si autem dixerit mihi: Non places: presto sum,
faciat quod bonum est coram se. And the king said to Sadoc: Carry
back the ark of God into the city. If 1 shall find grace in the sight of the
Lord, he will bring me again: and he will shew me it, and his tabernacle.
But if he shall say tome: Thou pleasest me not: 1 am ready. Let him do
that which is good be/ore him. (2 Sam 15:25-26)
my Sovereign Judge! I fear that only at the end will we know all the disorder
caused by the contrivances of those who aspired after and passionately sought
power in this world. This will astound all ages to corne. ( 1181)
Great Saint Lucy lengthened the days, although they did not enlighten me
completely. As the sun drew doser, I entered into your influence, even though
I had not leamed the teacbings nor maxims of politics. (1183) As I perceived
your greatness seated above the Cherubim, who regarded and penetrated the
abysses, I was confirmed in my expectations. St. Thomas performed great
favors for me. Ever since he said: Dominus meus, et Deus meus; My Lord
and my God (Jn 20:28), he bas served as an abyss of grace and glory. An
abyss of confusion invoked him, animated by your compassion for my afflictions wbich You relieved in a way inexpressible to me.
meum, soror mea, sponsa; Messui myrrham meam cum arromatibus meis;
Comedi favum cum me/le meo; Bibi vinum meum cum /acte meo. I am
corne into my garden, 0 my sister, my spouse. I have gathered my
myrrh, with my aromatica/ spices. I have eaten the honeycomb with my
honey. I have drunk my wine with my mi/k. (Cant 5:1)
You were ail flower and fruit to me, not only on this night, the miracle of
days, but, during the entire Octave of your innocent, miraculous birth. (1185)
Also, You said tome: "My daughter, you are criticized for calling me your
Love and greeting others in this Name. The important ones on earth find that
to be excessive. The Apostle who was raised up to Paradise witnessed the
excess of this love. He greeted the Corinthians in the Lord: Salutant vos in
Domino multum; Salutant vos omnes fratres. Salutatio, mea manu
Pauli. Si quis non amat Dominum Nostrum Jesum Christum sil anathema, Maran Atha. Salute you much in the Lord Ali the brethren salute
you. The salutation of me Paul, with my own hand If any man love not
our Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema, maran-atha. (l Cor 16: 19b;
20; 21-22)
_ ,,5'_
New Year's gifts that Divine Love gave bis bride. He is the
flourishing Spouse and blessed field. The bride resembles the
ewes that enter and leave the cleansing-place totally pure, close
together and like doves that nest in the niche of the hidden rock
where she feeds and rests, contemplating the rivers of grace and
the unity of the essence and distinction of the Persons.
On the Feast ofyour Circumcision in 1659, You were all goodness tome,
Divine Child. As a New Y ear's gift, Y ou gave me your Blood and your hope,
having enraptured mine through the excess of your love and the splendor of
your beauty. Your anointing caused your all-benign graces to explode in
splendor, reproducing You marvellously. I adored the reproductions of Y ou
upon our altars. One must become blinded by these lights and say with David:
regnum Dei nostri, gloriam regni tui dicem. Now is corne salvation and
strength and the kingdom of our God. Gloriam regni tui dicem; I will
speak of the glory ofyour kingdom. (Ap 12:10b, 12) (1187)
On the Feast of St. Hilary and St. Paul the first hermit, Y ou gave me many
graces that it would take too long to record. In addition, right now I have a
bacl headache. 1 will leave them for some other place, having already reported
them to Father Gibalin, my director.
On the l 7th, 1 asked this great anchorite Father of so many holy monks to
visit us and that heaven might thereby multiply its graces to make us more
acceptable to the One who is the flower of the fields and the lily of the valleys
and who said: Pulchritudo agri mecum est; With me is the beauty of the
field. (Ps 49:1 lb) Flourishing Spouse, You are your Divine Father's blessed
field. The bride who leaves herself to enter into You benefits from supreme
beauties; leaving nothing, she enters into everything.
On the Feast of St. Peter's Chair, You treated me with magnificence. 1
saw a crowned procession in which one of my daughters participated. With
everyone else, she sang: Ltatus sum in his qu dicta sum mihi: in
domum Domini ibimus, etc. I rejoiced at the things that were said to me:
We shall go into the house of the Lord. (Ps 121: 1) (1188)
The earthly court had departed from Lyons; the heavenly one descended
there to give me celestial, divine favors. With royal benevolence, it lodged in
the dwelling that belongs entirely to You. You allowed me to understand that
it is your mansion and pleasant Sion, reciting the Psalm: Fundamenta eius in
monti~us sanctis; diligit Dominus portas Sion super omnia tabernacula
Jacob. Gloriosa dicta sunt de te, civitas Dei! etc. The foundations
thereof are in the ho/y mountains: The Lord loveth the gates of Sion
above ail the tabernacles of Jacob. Glorious things are said of thee: 0
city ofGod. etc. (Ps 86:1-3)
Y ou told me that Y ou preferred the very doors of this Sion to all the
tabernacles of Jacob. 1 had pleased Y ou by my retreat, since 1 had not gone
down to see what attracts hearts through the eyes and obligates them through
the ears. They become enslaved by the apparent pleasures of the world that is
totally set in wickedness, as your beloved disciple declared. He forebade his
spiritual children to love the world and whatever belongs to it: Nolite diligere
mundum, neque ea qu in mundo sunt. Love not the wo_rld, nor the
quia levavit super se. He shall sil solitary and hold his peace: because
he hath taken il up upon himself (Lam 3 :28)
My strength will be in hope and in silence: Pars mea Dominus, dixit
On the 20th, 1 reflected upon the arrows of the noble and marvelous
martyr, St. Sebastian. (1190) They were completely brilliant, enrapturing heaven
and earth. 1 marveled at his steadfast generosity. He could gloriously declare:
and loving You. When they do leave, it is with the abundance of favors and
blessings that they distribute to their neighbors.
The next day, I admired the fine grace of your marvelous Agnes whose
cheeks were adomed by the Precious Blood, the source of beauty. I thought
that she and her saintly companions were like sheep that enter and leave this
sacred cleansing-place ail-pure and like <loves in the niches of the rock where
they find their repose. (1J.2) ) There I perceived all good things to greater
advantage than Moses did, although he had entreated You for the favor of
seeing your face. This was because You had loved him and filled him with
blessings even by his name, having had him withdrawn from the waters by
Pharaoh's daughter. Because of your love for him, You made a passage for
him and all your people through the Red Sea. Y ou went before him, and
spoke to him: Loquebatur autem Dominus ad Moysem facie ad faciem,
sicut solet loqui homo ad amicum suum. And the Lord spoke to Moses
face to face, as a man is wont to speak to his .friend. (Ex 33: 11) Afterward, You gave him so many signs of friendship: Non poteris videre faciem
meam: non enim videbit me homo, et vivet. Thou canst not see my face:
for man shall not see me and live. (Ex 33:20)
All the graces I want to give you are: Ecce inquit, est locus apud me, et
stabis supra petram. Cumque transibit gloria mea, ponam te in foramine
petr, et protegam: dextera mea, donec transeam: tollamque manum
meam, et videbis posteriora mea: faciem autem meam videre non poteris.
(1192) Behold there is a place with me, and thou shalt stand upon the
rock. And when my glory shall pass, I will set thee in a hole of the rock,
and protect thee with my right hand, till I pass. And I will take away my
hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face thou canst not see.
(Ex 33:21-23)
Dear Love, the law set on paper is not the law of grace imprinted in hearts
nor spread throughout the heavens by your own Heart to which You lovingly
invite your virginal spouses for their delicious meal and delightful repose. They
do not live oftheir human life, but ofyour divine one. For You, they have
endured martyrdom and cruel death, thereby vanquishing tyrants. Neither
irons nor hell appalled them, no matter how young they were. Doves found
their niches in You and noticed the water and blood. Like St. John, their eyes,
cleansed with milk, fixed their gaz.e upon your rivers of grace: Super rivulos
befitting-in fact, expedient and necessary-for Clrrist to depart, that He die
and be buried, that He descend into the inferior parts of the earth to provide
strength and courage to the holy souls imprisoned there and raise them up near
Him before He ascended above all the heavens to become the supreme
heaven. (!J.2.5) Through the prophetic spirit, David had declared this: Christus
On the 28th, I became ecstatic upon seeing a virgin carrying a lamb. She
was accompanied by a retinue of resplendent virgins who sang in marvelous
harmony. They flew and danced to a wonderful rhythm which could only be
imitated or sung by the integrity of the winged clouds admired by the Prophet
Isaias, even though he did not know whom they represented. He exclaimed:
Qui sunt isti qui ut nubes volant, et quasi colomb ad fenestras suas?
Who are these who fly as clouds and as doves to their windows? (Is 60:8)
Holy Prophet, they are virgins adomed with white and red in whom the sun
is reproduced as in clouds. They are <loves that have the right to enter through
their windows which are the Sacred W ounds of the greatest Savior wherein
they dwell as most pure brides on the feast of his grandeurs. (1197) The great
Cardinal Berulle has perceived this very well, arranging for his holy Congregation to solemnize it by a magnificent feast with a lovely Octave. There the eyes
of love are marvelous ascensions: Sublevatis oculis in clum, dixit: Pater,
venit hora. Lifting up his eyes to heaven, he said: Father, the hour is
corne. (Jn l 7:1b)
On leaving the world to go to his Father, this imperial Eagle shared his own
elevations With his eaglet, the virgin St. John, by the contemplation ofhis
adorable lights that were most brilliant rays from the Sun of Justice. He totally
satisfied his Father to give us his gentle illuminations that were his own before
the creation of the world. He possessed them in his glory as the splendor and
figure ofhis substance, the entire word ofhis power, the image ofhis goodness and the stainless mirror of the Majesty. ( ll.2.8)
1 cannot express the graces ljoyfully received on February 1, 1659, from
this great Saint, the God-Bearer. Although He filled heaven and earth, He did
not leave the soul empty that desired only Him. Its crucified love attached it to
the Cross where He allowed it to understand that He had satisfied his justice
for what it owed due to its sins of body and spirit: Donans vobis omnia
delicta, delens quod adversus nos erat chirographum decreti, quod erat
contrarium nobis, et ipsum tulit de media, affigens illud cruci: et expolians
principatus, et potestates traduxit conjidenter, palam triumphans illos in
semetipso. Forgiving you ail offences: blotting out the handwriting of
the decree that was against us, which was contrary to us. And he hath
taken the same out of the way, fastening it to the cross. And despoiling
the principalities and powers, he hath exposed them confident/y in open
shew, triumphing over them in himself (Col 2: 13c-l 5) (1199)
- t,6 -
It was the Feast of the Purification in 1659 of the one whom, from moment
to moment, You have transfigured from light to light, from purity to purity until
she became transformed into your Spirit, invested with You, Sun of Justice
and the splendor that illuminates heaven and earth. She was your Virgin
Mother and You her Divine Child whom she offered to your Divine Father as
the Lamb of God who tak:es away the sins of the world. With no need for sun
or moon, by his own power He enlightens the souls in whom, together with
this holy Mother, He has his loving sojoum.
On the f east of St. Blaise, I prayed several times to him to free us
completely :from someone (a woman) who was an obstacle to your grace for
the spiritual welfare ofyour spouses and caused us to suifer intensely. (1200)
On the Feasts of St. Veronica, St. Agatha, St. Dorothy, St. Appolonia and
St. Scholastica, I prayed in particular to each of them during Mass and at
other times, for I had confidence in them. I have received signal favors from
them which You reward and will increasingly recompense for their glory, my
Divine Love.
I was :filled withjoy on the Feast of St. Simeon, the Bishop of Jerusalem,
your cousin according to the flesh and yo~ faithfuI inlifutr. (1659) He was
blessed to die on the Cross for You at the age of one hundred twenty years,
flying from the Militant Church into the Triumphant one.
February 20th of the same year was Sexagesima Thursday. In Sunday's
Epistle, St. Paul described the perils he had experienced, mentioning that there
are different ones in spirit and body caused by various persons in different
places. (1201) By your grace, souls that trust in your goodness are delivered
from them. In the moming, 1 went up to St. Joseph's choir where 1 receive
Communion. I had had it enlarged for the recitation of Divine Office and the
reception of the holy habit to be conducted there as well. The carpenters had
left two slats in the center where one could look down into the courtyard. 1
saw shavings that could be used for the :tire in preparing dinner. Since 1 was
the cook, I gathered them and threw them through this window, thinking that
the two slats were attached by nails, as were the others that comprised the
choir. As 1 was looking down so as not to disturb the work on mortar and
stones for the wall of Spies, 1 noticed that two slats were open. This meant
that I would have fallen to the paved court below from two stories up breaking
everything and causing my death. (1202) I had no time to stop in this evident
peril. Through your divine provide; or assisting forms, despite my weight
and my being bent over, 1 was pulled back. 1 did not know the name of these
charitable spirits who precipitately stopped me and then withdrew.
Finding myself delivered from this great danger, I was filled with astonishment. Just the idea of this fall has often frightened me and forced me to sit
down to marvel and thank your goodness, my Lord. 1 found myself obligated
to thank You again for your divine and angelic protection and to save me from
my errors. I pray to all your saints and angels to whom I am obligated, to
guide me, to thank You and to pray to You that 1 may avoid falling into sin or
doing whatever is displeasing to You. (1203)
On the Feast of St. Matthias, as 1 ordinarily did, I asked You through him
for the lot of the saints in the light ofyour blessings. Also, lprayed that my
heart might be faithful to You, since You consider the heart, as You told St.
Peter and ail those assembled to choose and add the one your Holy Spirit
would elect to replace the traitor Judas.
At the beginning of Lent (1659), after having prayed to You for two
daughters whom You had inspired to take the holy habit,] prayed_to your
in whose honor 1 had nine Masses offered
to change the hearts of a number of persons greatly opposed to this. 1
informed them that 1 continued to pray to this powerful advocate of all those
who trust in your love whose cause He sponsors so as to defend and maintain
it. Divine Love, protect these fine daughters and their holy resolve which is for
your glory. (12-04)
Sicut .fragmen mali punici, ita gen tu, absque eo quod intrinsecus
latet. Sicut turris David collum tuum, qu dificata est cum
propugnaculis; mille clypei pendent ex ea, omnis armatura fortium. As
a scarlet lace: thy cheeks are as a piece of pomegranate, besides thqt
which lieth hid within. Thy neck is as the tower of David, which is built
with bulwarks: a thousand bucklers hang upon it, ail the armour of
valiant men. (Cant 4:3c-4)
Thus armed an~ adomed, she was_l~~~~ngth and gentleness, as beautiful
and peaceful as Jerusalem. She approached me as a glorious body, neither
lifting nor
the lirtains. Bending over my face, she assured me of her
~tectio!!:_ ~!thou~-s~ing, she let m understand ~~els which I cannot
express but simply admire. (1206)
On the first Sunday of Lent, (1659) I prayed to your Divine Father wi:h
the prayer of the Evangelical Prophet: Emitte agnum, Domine, dominatorem
terr, da petra deserti ad montem fili Sion. Send forth, 0 Lord, the
Lamb, the ruler of the earth, .from Petra of the desert, to the mount of
the daughter ofSion. (Is 16:1)
You appeared to me, not in the figure or form of a lamb, but of a lion.
You let me understand that You are the lion of the tri be of Juda, that You
keep your eyes open during your sleep to chase away my enemies who are
quite numerous. You have more angels to help me than enemies to persecute
me. I was alone, persecuted and abandoned, as in a desert, abandoned by
those who ought to be protecting me if they loved You in spirit and in truth.
(1 207) As a Lamb, You would display your goodness and gentleness for me
and confound my enemies. You have all etemity, and You would judge
justice: Cum accepero tempus, When I shall take a time. (Ps 74:3) You
were going to lower the hills of the world down to the road ofyour etemity,
meaning those who through presumption vaunt themselves, who take up their
dwelling in their own glory. Et erit: sicut avis fugiens, et pulli de nido
avolantes. Audivimus superbiam Moab; superbus est va/de; superbia
eius, et arrogantia eius, Moab et indignatio eius plus quam fortitudo eius.
Et prparabitur in misericordia solium, et sedebit super illud in veritate
in tabernaculo David, judicans et qurens judicium, et velociter reddens
quod justum est. And if shall corne to pass that, as a bird jleeing away,
and as young ones flying out of the nest. We have heard of the pride of
Moab: he is exceeding proud. His pride and his arrogancy and his
indignation is more than his strength. And a throne shall be prepared in
mercy: and one shal/ sit upon if in truth in the tabernacle of David,
judging and seeking judgment, and quickly rendering that which is just.
(Is 16:2a, 6, 5)
All during the month ofMarch, You granted me many favors on the feasts
of the saints as I have elsewhere indicated. Y ou continued your charity
toward me on the Sundays of Lent, despite every effort against my happiness
of having You always as my Benefactor and Remunerator of your own graces
that You crown with your kindness. (1208) Through an excess oflove, You
told me what Y ou said to those who came to you in the name of your
Precursor: Beatus est qui non fuerit scanda/izatus in me: cci vident,
patienter sustinetis, hc est gratia apud Deum. ln hoc enim vocati estis:
quia et Christus passus est pro nabis, vobis relinquens exemplum ut
sequamini vestigia eius, etc. But if doing well you suffer patient/y: this is
thankworthy be/ore God. For unto this are you called: because Christ
also suffered for us, /eaving you an example that you should follow his
steps. (1 Pet 2:20-21)
Saint Paul, who empathized with your sorrows, told us that momentary
sufferings obtain a prize of etemal glory. Y our loving, sorrowful Passion has
acquired both grace and glory for us in You, Divine Savior. (1210) In advance, we are resuscitated, if we are faithful observers of your will in
everything,which is our sanctification: Si consurrexistis cum Christo : qu
sursum sunt qurite, ubi Christus est in dextera Dei sedens: qu sursum
sunt sapite, non qu super terram. If you be risen with Christ, seek the
things that are above, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God.
Mind the things that are above, not the things that are upon the earth.
(Col 3:1-2)
On Friday night during the Octave of Easter, I concentrated on the Gospel
where You made magnificent promises to your disciples: Undecim autem
accedens Jesus /oculus est eis, dicens: Data est mihi omnis potestas in
clo et in terra: euntes (1211) ergo docete omnes gentes: baptizantes
eos in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus sancti: docentes eos servare
omnia qucumque mandavi vobis: et ecce ego vobiscum sum omnibus
Although married to a mortal man through obedience, this dear cousin has
won the victory after all her struggles. In early morning, meaning her childhood, she had given her heart to You and to no one else. She possessed her
husband and children in Y ou and for love of Y ou, who had disposed her to
practice charity. (1213) Entrusting herselfto your love, she took the remedies
prescribed for her, although they caused her more suffering than relief according to what she told me. However, she was very glad to suffer and thus go
see Y ou soon. Her heart and mine were united in You, agg_we_were separated only in b~dy. As 1 prevfOusly st;te(("f1fi Roanne on September 8,
1658. Yet our hearts dwelt in their center which is You, Divine Incarnate
Word, our love and our treasure.
After this demonstration of your goodness toward my birthplace, 1 was not
surprised at all on the birth of your Blessed Mother upon feeling so much
resistance when 1 left church. It was there that 1 had received the very first
grace; that is, baptism and the other sacraments, with a great profusion of
illuminations and delight. You reminded me about what You had given me to
understand on the Feast of Saint Lucy when 1 was still in my father's home. 1
also recalled that, just as Saint Lucy and Saint Agatha had brought lustre upon
the city of Syracuse and Catane, Roanne was greatly favored by your goodness for being the place where 1 have received so many graces. (1214) lt
was your good pleasure to allow it to share in your splendors, beca; You
are good to me, and You reward whoever tends to love me and wish me well
for love of your exuberant love toward me.
On the Saturday during the Octave of Easter, You were the candor of
eternal light and the image of his goodness for me. On seeing You, 1 see your
Father who loves me through goodness and draws me to You. You lead me
to Him through your love, your Holy Spirit, who breathes wherever He wills
and as He wills, especially when You pray to your Father to send Him to us
through your merits to console us for your absence which is worse than hell.
During it, the soul that loves You undergoes a different kind of hell than that of
the damned, because it suffers while it loves You, whereas those unhappy
souls despise You. They want the mountains and hills to fall upon them and
conceal them from your face which shows just indignation. (1215)
forth your omnipotent hand and take me under your protection. Through
mercy, dear Love, conceal me in your sacred side. If acceptable to You, let
me say with the Apostle, St. Thomas: Dominus meus et Deus meus. My
Lord and my God. (Jn 20:28b) You have called me from the abyss of
worries to the abyss ofjoy, from darkness to light. Without terhpting You nor
being forward, may I enjoy salutary favors from your kindness and divine
visits. Grant me the honor of ascending in company with all your faithful ones
to the Mount of Olives when, by your own power, You asce~d above all the
heavens, drawing my heart a:fter You. You assure it that You will dwell in it
until the consummation of everything secular and mortal, allowing me to live
your divine life. Should I have to descend, may I dwell in the Cenacle with
this holy company in constant prayer that I may receive the Paraclete there
whom You have promised to give us forever. (1216) I hope for everything
from You, my magnificent Benefactor. These sentiments are mine through
your goodness, and I unceasingly look for You by my desires to possess You
always through faith,_ begg!!-g You to elevate me in You through hope, and t,Q
transform me into Yourselfthroug4 charity: Qui manet in charitate, in Deo
by the daughters oflsrael. He underwent persecution from King Saul even to
Simei, his subject, who obstinately injured and offended him. Yet that was
little compared with what Absalom, his own son, did to him by stopping
16s -
St. John Baptist's joyous Feast in the one who provides us with
milk. On the Feast of the Visitation, 34 years had passed sin ce 1
had left my father's bouse. The altar charcoal is totally pure,
shiny and heat-giving. Saint Teresa founded as many paradises
of delight as she established monasteries. The Feasts of St.
Magdalen, St. James, St. Anne and St. Ignatius of Loyola 1659.
I adored You in your Sacrament of Love on the day ofyour holy Feast
and its whole Octave. I said to You, my Divine Love: Dominus regit me, et
nihil mihi deerit: in /oco pascu ibi me col/ocavit. The Lord ru/eth me:
and I shall want nothing. He hath set me in a place ofpasture. (Ps 22: 12) I will remain there with You on your throne and table of grace and goodness where You show me your splendors. At the zenith ofyour love, You
nourish me splendidly by your delights and illuminations.
On the F east of the birth of your Precursor and my patron, Y ou prompted
me to call it "the feast of the joy of many", according to what Gabriel told his
father Zacharias. (t~J 9) Since You allowed me to rejoice therein, I shared in
your joy, which ~ifiost pleasing to your Divine Father. He regarded You
as the sun at the coming of which this aureole, heralded by heavenly lights,
then faded and withdrew to Limbo on the day of his beheading.
On the Feast of the Apostle who found nothing satisfying in this world and
spoke freely to You, I used his words in telling You in the name of all your
daughters: Domine, ad quem ibimus? verba vit tern habes. Lord, to
whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal /ife. (Jn 6:69) Whatever is not Y ou means nothing to us and cannot satisfy us. We believe and
trust in Y ou, Divine Love. Whoever speaks to You strengthens our resolve to
accept You as the only Son of the Living God, Incarnate Word, our love and
our peace. We would choose to be crucified with our head downward to be
able to raise our eyes to heaven as did the one who told you that, since You
know all things, You were not unaware of the fact that he loved You with an
inexpressible love, just as Y ou wanted him to do. (1220) He said to You:
desires, I awaited or trusted for the moment from your bountiful mercy that
your power possesses. For the souls You have entrusted to me: Coarctor
autem e duobus: desiderium haberzs dissolvi, et esse cum Christo, mu/to
magis melius: permanere autem in carne. But 1 am straitened between
two: having a desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ, a thing by far
the better. But to abide still in theflesh is needful. (Phil 1:23-24) (1221)
On July 20th, after a bad headache during part of the night, my spirit,
which also suffered, considered the words of the Apostle St. James. He
declared that assiduous prayer is powerful for obtaining everything from your
merciful goodness. (1223) 1 thought ofwhat is said about Rebecca's prayer:
Elias homo erat similis nabis passibi/is: et oratione oravit ut non plueret
super terram, et non pluet annos tres, et menses sex. Et rursum oravit:
et clum dedit pluviam, et terra dedit .fructum suum. Elias was a man
passible like unto us: and with prayer he prayed that it might not rain
upon the earth. And it rained not for three years and six months. And he
prayed again. And the heaven gave rain: and the earth brought forth
her fruit. (Jas 5:17-18)
1 recalled that the Church included him in the martyrology, and that the
members ofhis Order celebrated his feast as their Father and holy Founder. 1
prayed to my good angel and all the others to greet him for me wherever he
might be according to the opinion commonly held. In spirit, 1 greeted him in
the earthly paradise, asking Y ou, my Divine Love, to prompt him to pray to
Y ou for me and to open heaven for me that seemed closed and made of
bronze. A loving tendemess made my heart overflow so that my eyes became
two fountains oftears for more than two hours. (1,W) From this man offire,
Y ou had received the sacrifice 1 offered, converting my eyes into canais where
Y ou made two rivulets serve as a miraculous antiperistasis to redouble your
flames upon the altar of my heart. There it could be consumed as a holocaust,
the wood and stone, everything that might serve You by making a spiritual
consumption to show tfil.rt You are my true God.
On noting that 1 was troubled by this life because of my own imperfections
and the persecutions aimed against me, You removed my torpor by arousing
my spirit. Through the power of the Sacred Bread, the Bread of the strongnot cooked upon ashes, but in the divine and human fumace----1 was to find
the courage to ascend to You through prayer. After different paths along
which You sent my spirit, You allowed me to go along the Jordan, like another
Eliseus, following my all-zealous Elias whom your angels, in the figure of a
burning chariot have taken from this earth with your consent. (1225) Y ou let
me understand that this chariot had entered the earthly paradise through the
East. The Cherubim did not oppose this. His flaming sword was not meant to
arrest the chariot of fire and flame nor those that directed th man who lived in
fasting and prayer. The place ofhappiness in this world had to surrender.
After the days of John the Baptist, the kingdom of heaven underwent violence.
Since the days of Elias, the angels believed him to be worthy oftheir celestial
glory. The guardians of the earthly paradise, the first kingdom on earth where
Adam and Eve were king and queen before the sin resulting from their greed
and presumption of being like You, my God, were banished from it because of
these two sins, the source of ail evil. Y our holy Prophet Elias had been lodged
there after he had fasted. ( m_6) Through a real sentiment of his nothingness,
he declared that he was no better than the rest of mankind. In fact, he
acknowledged himselfto be weaker, upon seeing himselfvanquished by the
persecutions of a woman. ln a short time, dogs would eat her flesh and drink
her blood in the land or field of Jezrahel where Naboth's vineyard was located. Y ou let me understand marvels about this great man Elias in the
Paradise of Eden. Proportionately speaking, 1 knew a young woman who has
been so profoundly elevated that she has heard secrets spoken qu non licet
homini loqui; which it is not granted to man to utter. (2 Cor 12:4) She
dealt with the angels about this, asking them to visit St. Elias often. She
wanted him to pray to Y ou for her, my Divine Love, and the great Saint
Teresa, worthy daughter of that great saint. On earth she established as many
paradises of delight as the monasteries she founded by her reform. 1 was not
accepted there, despite my desire to be so. Being too weak in my unworthiness, 1 was refused before 1 thought of our plan. (fil'?) Your wisdom ordained it thus. May Y ou be blessed in everything, my Divine Love.
On the F east of your beloved Magdalen, Y ou let me understand marvels
about her magnificent love which You converted into ecstasy in Simon's home
when Y ou invited him to see how this marvelous woman, who seemed to be
love personified, came to resemble the One she loved. Y ou told me to call
this Feast of St. Magdalen the day or feast of divine love because ofher ardor
which holily transformed her into Y ou. Just as Y ou are the mirror of the
Majesty, she was a mirror that enraptured the angels. In proportion, they
desired to gaze upon her unceasingly, heeding what You told Simeon to
contemplate everything she did to your holy feet. She was linked to them by
her har, yet continued to wash, kiss and dry them, because love cannot say:
That is enough delight (numquam satis; is never satisfied). (1228) It appeared that your soul was more in her whom You loved than in your body that
it animated and than the ointment she poured upon your head in Bethany
alleviating for You the most harsh, bitter sufferings You would choose to
undergo on Calvary within a few days. You censured whoever did not
approve the excess ofher marvelous ointment and the debris of the expensive
vessel or box that contained it. You said that she had performed an action
that would be spread and preached about throughout the world.
On the Feast of St. James, I desired those who bear his name to be the
supplantors of the world, the devil and the flesh. I begged him to fight for the
Church so that her enemies might be vanquished and acknowledge You,
Incarnate Word, our Love.
It was the Feast of Saint Anne, your oeloved grandmother who conceived,
bore and gave birth to the Queen of men and angels, the Empress of the
Universe. She has provided your Etemal Father with an incomparable Daughter and You, my Divine Savior, with an unparalleled Mother, the Holy Spirit
with an unequalled Spouse. ('!W) She allowed me to share in the gift of
grace according to her name. I wanted her to present me to You as she did in
1619 when I experienced the baptism of love that makes the soul one same
thing with You, my merciful Redeemer.
On the Feast of the one who professed your greater glory in everything,
the prudent Founder of your Society, my Divine Jesus, I received many favors
through him. You let me understand that his feast should be called the feast of
glory. David, your forefather, would be very content were he still on earth to
see the fire-bearer Ignatius carry it everywhere. We could tell Youjoyfully:
Dominus regnavit; exultet terra; ltentur insul mult. lgnis ante ipsum
prcedet, et in circuitu inimicos eius. 11/uxerunt fulgura eius orbis terr;
vidit, et commota est terra. The Lord hath reigned, let the earth rejoice:
let many islands be glad A jire shall go be/ore him, and shall burn his
enemies round about. His lightnings have shone forth to the world: the
earth saw and trembled (Ps 96:lb, 3-4)
1 often said to him: Ignatius of Loyola, you possess the power. Please
obtain from the Divine Essence that the vanquished and the conqueror may be
together. As for our hearts, make and set them afire like fumaces. (1230)
On the Feast of the chains of the Prince of the Apostles (1659), bound
more by a spiritual love than the chains that bound his body, my soul-that in
this life languished from troubles-yeamed to be freed from anything that
could detain it upon earth. Had an angel favored it by :freeing it, giving my
heart the wound of grace, it would have sung the triumph of loving freedom.
1 followed the multitudes of angels who were accompanying their Lord and
Lady in the church of the Portiuncula. (1231) They shared the marvelous
indulgence of their magnificence with the great St. Francis for the salvation of
the entire world if it could enter there. I received many graces from your
goodness and your Blessed Mother.
On the eve and day of the buming alive of Saint Lawrence, I almost
continually shed tears as I ordinarily did. I offered them to him, saying that the
apple of my eye spoke to him to report my troubles to You. Blessed Stanislaus
had requested him to take a letter to your Blessed Mother that expressed his
desires which she accepted. In the same way, I trusted that he would ask for
favors and graces from the Mother and her Son.
On the Feast of the triumphant Assumption of your most August and
Blessed Mother, I reeived very great blessings known to You. I cannot
express them, for I feel so unworthy ofthem. (1233) After the sermon given
by Father Gibalin, he told me that he was in a hurry to retum to the College for
the prayers being offered because of the King's vow.
When I left the confessional where I had listened to the sermon, I entered a
little room nearby to cool off a bit. Your goodness told me: "In me sunt vota
tua; In me are vows to thee. (Ps 55:12) Come, present them, my daughter.
1 will accept them with my Blessed Mother and all the saints." As 1 marveled
at your goodness, I saw a rod of aromatic wood ascend and recalled: Qu
Divine Beloved, what yeariring fi.lied my heart on the Feast of our loving
Father, Saint Augustine. He had loved You through your own Heart, having
lost his own for You. Or perhaps, my Divine Love, You had taken it from him
through love and grace in this passionate combat where, nevertheless, one
finds You and, in You, eternal life.
At night, on the Feast of the Beheading of the great Baptist, greatest
Savior, You chose to engage me for several hours about the mysteries ofhis
life and death. You made me understand: "My daughter, at my baptism, John
told Me with a veritable oath of humility: Ego a te debeo baptizari, et tu
venis ad me! I ought to be baptized by thee, and comest thou tome? (Mt
3 :14). 1 answered him: Sine modo: sic enim decet nos implere omnem
justi.fiam. Suffer it to be so now. For so it becometh us to fulfil ail
justice. (Mt 3:15) (1238)
temptations that he would propose to Me. 1 won and was triwnphant over the
flesh, the world and him. Angels were sent to serve me. Knowing that John
had been tak:en captive and arrested, 1 left Nazareth in Galilee: ln Capharnaum
maritima, in finibus Zabulum et Nephtha/im: ut adimpleretur quod dictum est per Jsaiam Prophetam. He came and dwelt in Capharnaum, on
the sea coast, in the borders of Zabulon and of Nephtha/im; that it might
befulfilledwhich was said by Jsaias the prophet. (Mt 4:13b-14) 1 had
already begun to preach and to show that 1 am the true light for the people
seated in darkness. (1239)
"'No man could do what he does nor say what he says without having
received this from heaven.' 'You will be witnesses regarding my declaration
that I am not the Christ, but that I have been sent before Him. Qui habet
sponsam, sponsus est: amicus autem sponsi, qui stat, et audit eum,
gaudio gaudet propter vocem sponsi. Hoc ergo gaudium meum impletum
est. Ilium oportet crescere, me autem minui. He that hath the bride is
the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, who standeth and
heareth him, rejoiceth with joy because of the bridegroom's voice. This
my joy therefore is fulfilled He must increase: but 1 must decrease. '
(Jn 3:29-30)
"John was very content to die before I did, thus going to Limbo as my
Precursor. (lliJ.) How intense was his joy in announcing to the holy Fathers
there that I had been bom six months in time after he was, but that he had
acknowledged me to be bom from ail eternity amid the splendor of the saints.
He added that he was unworthy to untie the strap of my sandals, to serve my
Sacred Hllinanity. Once again, Abraham possessed the inconceivable joy of
knowing that the Unique One, who was and is in the bosom of the Father of
all etemity, was on earth, the ram prefigured by the one he had offered in
Isaac's place. My divine joy was great in my humanity, which loves the
divinity immeasurably more than ail mankind or ail the angels have loved, do
love and will ever love It.
"As the Incarnate Word, I am with the Father and the Holy Spirit, equally
jealous of the glory that is essentially due Us. (1242) 1bis support of the most
Sacred Humanity is immense, infinite. God Himself gave my Humanity an
immense, infinite and divine joy to the degree that it was capable ofbeing
anointed by the oil of rejoicing above ail pure creatures. Still, it was limited in
my Humanity, there being no human subsistence, for it depended upon the
Second Hypostasis of the Trinity. As the Word ofGod and the Word-God, I
was and am greater than John the Baptist.
"My daughter, all the angels endured great assaults and extreme violence
ever since the time of John the Baptist, upon seeing him elevated so high and
become so great in the opinion ofmankind. (1243) They heard the praise and
compliments that 1 personally declared about him, knowing that 1 am the truth
that cannot deceive and that 1 do what 1 say, that 1 call things that do not exist
into being. They were in constant admiration to the very day that he descended into Limbo and was received there as the Precursor and friend of the
Bridegroom, and not the Bridegroom Himself, who was to corne there as
Redeemer in name and merit."
- 110 -
The Feast of St. Gites and the Birth of the Blessed Virgin. Graces
1 have received and the illumination 1 have had about the most
Reverend Father Cotton (1659).
1 was marveling at the royal decision of the great St. Giles. He knew that
serving your Divine Majesty is to reign. To live a supereminent life in solitude,
he abandoned his country and the place he knew: Sedebit solitarius, et
tacebit, quia levabit super se. He shall sit so/itary and hold his peace:
because he hath taken it upon himself. (Lam 3:28)
Y our providence once sent this Prophet of fire a doe and, on another
occasion, a raven. (1244) You look after the body when souls strive to love
only You. Y ou let me understand: "My daughter, direct your thought to Me.
1 will nourish you with my own delights. 1 am your bread and milk all the days
of your mortal life." If You were not to give me this favor, Divine Love, which
is very great, 1 would <lare ask Y ou to deliver me from this prison in order to
be with your saints and, like them, to bless your holy Name forever.
The birth of her who enraptured men and angels and is the Mother of her
Creator produced great joy for all creatures. She is the marvel of God
Himself. Could 1 dare state that, by considering her among his ideas, unless
He had been Sadoc sufficient unto himself, He would have felt a holy impatience to impart existence to her even before creating angels and mankind.
The Etemal Father delights in the power He prepared for Her, the Son in the
wisdom He could communicate to Her and the Holy Spirit in the goodness
and love with which He would fill Her. The entire Blessed Trinity would
regard Her as the fulfillment of its divine delight
Divinely enlightened, David repeatedly prayed to dwell in the Lord's house
and visit his temple so that he might there see his divine delight all the days of
his life. My Divine Master, 1would desire this for all eternity.
My august goddess (ifl may be allowed thus to speak), may 1 have the
same view and favor from your magnificent benevolence. Why not, since,
upon exhorting me to offer myself to the most,,August Trinity for the establishment of the Ortler of your Son, our Incarnate Word, You told me: "My
daughter, have no fear, He who performs marvels all alone will do this. Write
about this to Father Cotton." (1245) This fine priest replied that he would
speak to Monseigneur de Marquemont, Archbishop of Lyons, who was made
a cardinal this very year in Rome. From there, he would go to heaven to
receive the crown of glory due to the good works he had perseveringly fulfilled
on earth. The Visitation Sisters are greatly obligated to him after their founder,
Francis de Sales, who, adhering to the advice of this very wise, devout and
enlightened archbishop and eminent cardinal, have become religious. Their
Ortler has been confirmed and has multiplied in a marvelous way. The said
Father Cotton <lied in aholy manneron the Feast of St. Joseph in 1626.
providence, 1 entered the confessional and, with no previous intention of doing
so, related what occurred in my soul. His gentleness was a wonderful hook.
On January 13, 1625, when he arrived in Roanne, 1 remained praying,
letting others see him :first. During my prayer, 1 began to weep, because of the
intimate delight of your love. You let me see an imaginary vision of a city set
upon a high mountain, replete with towers, bastions and boulevards. Tuen 1
saw great silk nets which descended from heaven.
The next day, while 1 assisted at Holy Mass offered by Father Cotton, 1
understood: "This priest is the strong city, supplied with strong fortresses for
its defense, the preservation of God's Church and the destruction of her
enemies." (1246) The nets represented his holy, heavenly words, replete with
kindness b;;hich he attracts people, pulling them forth from the sea of sin
and leading them to the port of grace. Anyone who went to him with subtlety
and duplicity reaped no benefit from having done so. He possessed such a
persuasive manner of speaking that he touched the hearts of those who listened to him so forcefully that 1 can affirm that these words of Cotton were
cannons whose blows created breaches. A number of times when 1 spoke to
him or attended his sermons, 1 experienced_such impetuous assaults that it was
difficult for me to withdraw tbrough fear of being perceived. 1 was not always
successful in doing so. Thus, 1 decided to ask God for the strength to
penetrate and sustain his understandings without being inconvenienced. 1
asked the priest to pray to obtain this grace from God for me. He did so and
obtained it from the divine goodness with liberality.
His great devotion to the Blessed Sacrament was obvious when he offered
Holy Mass and exhorted the people. He was devoted to the Blessed Virgin,
the Mother of God. He drew the hearts of all his penitents and listeners to
these paths and necessary devotions. He exhorted souls to piety by charitable
associations and through his charity. He associated me with him, telling me
that Sister Marie de Valence and Mademoiselle De Conche were, too, and
would be happy about this and that he would pray six times daily for me in
particular. If he did so for me who did not deserve it, he did the same for
others. His charity extended to ail the needs ofhis neighbor. (1247)
His humility was so deep that lam embarrassed to exaggerate my esteem
for his term "humble" when he alluded to himself in his letters to me. He often
taught me about devotion to St. Joseph and the Holy Family of Jesus and
Mary. I desire and want this devotion to be especially recommended to all
our daughters of our Order since, as our special intention, we profess to honor
and irnitate Jesus, Mary, Joseph, St. Joachim, St. Anne, St. Elizabeth, St.
Zacharias, St. John the Baptist and the Evangelist and ail the others belonging
to the Holy Family of Jesus.
- 111 -
The graces and illuminations 1 received on the Feast of the Exaltation of your Holy Cross. About your Apostles and saints, my
special teachers and protectors up to the Feast of Ali Saints
During these blessed moments, the soul enjoys inexpressible delights in
pa.5sing. It certainly would choose to be delivered from the prison of its mortal
body to dwell in the happy land of the living, there etemally to please and
contemplate You.
On the Feast of St. Thecla, I considered that she could rightfully declare,
as did the Apostle about charity, that she could not be separated from her
body because of its torments. Victorious, she appeared strong through your
insurmountable assistance. Divine Love, You let me apply the words of the
Prophet Hosea to her: "I will be your death, 0 death, and your sting, 0 hell,
in order to master life by martyrdom. I do not fear your wrath. I shall live a
few years to teach a number of people on e<,rrt:h about the angelic, heavenly life
and will be invoked by the agonizing. I will assist them during their final
passage. I will present them for their entrance into etemal life. Miraculous
Virgin, obtain this favor for me on my last day, after I will have received
Communion many times during my temporal life.
The charity and union of St. Cosmas and St. Damian in healing corporal ills
as physicians prompted me to pray to these two saints to obtain from their
charitable goodness perfect health and spiritual holiness. This is to go from
visible to invisible things, from the natural to the supernatural. They have often
accorded this to me.
The great doctor St. Jerome, who humbled himself during his mortal life to
teach a little granddaughter of his great Saint Paula, was very willing to de- .
scend from on high in his immortal life to teach and interpret Sacred Scripture
for the most imperfect of ail creatures: (1249) Qui autem docti fuerint,
word, not to say the sword of fire from his mouth: De ore eius gladius
utraque parte acutus exibat. And from his mouth came out a sharp twoedged sword. (Ap 1: 16b) He deprived proud spirits of glory, distributing
grace to the humble, weighing their merits, elevating them by holy rays until he
filled the seats in the Empyrean. He let me enjoy heavenly blessings, allowing
the sterile to dwell at times in the house of the children of joy. This is what
prompted me to prescribe the Office of this great Archange! for our Ortler on
the day of his F east. It was observed from the year 1626 to 1631. I really
want it to be continued so as to request him to champion your Ortler on earth,
Divine Incarnate Word, just as in heaven he upheld your side against the spirits
who rebelled against your will.
On the Feast of St. Francis, the copy of the crucified Original, he allowed
me to experience his loving thoughts, molding me to the delightful sorrows of
the King oflovers, Love itself. 0, my God, my Ail! As Irepeat these fervent,
holy words of my father, St. Francis, I pray incessantly: 0 my God, my God,
Y ou are everything tome! Be me, my God, my Ali, intime and eternity and
elevate me to Y ou at the final moment of my life! (1250)
mini fidele, sapientiam prstans parvulis. The law of the Lord is unspotted, converting souls: the testimony of the Lord is faithful, giving wisdom to little ones. (Ps 18:8)
On the Feast of the Evangelist St. Luke, who, with marvelous confidence,
was so blessed to be able to paint the Mother of the Most High who taught
and entrusted to him ail that occurred in the angelical and celestial embassy
where God became Man and the Man-God by a divine dispensation, I was
elevated to Wlderstand tls most ineffable Incarnation. However, in a number
of notebooks, I have already declared what here I could only report with
stammering, after giving the legitimate excuse of the Prophet who had been
sanctified in his mother's womb: A, a, a, Domine Deus, ecce nescio loqui,
quia puer ego sum. Ah, ah, ah, Lord God, behold, I cannot speak, for I
am a child. (Jer 1:6)
I will not expand on this discourse, but declare, using the words of the
Virgin Mother: Ecce ancilla Domini, fiat mihi secundum Verbum; Behold
the handmaid of the Lord: b~ it done to me according to thy word. (Lk
1:38b) I withdrew with the angel: Et dicessit ab il/a ange/us; And the ange/
departed from her. (Lk 1:38c) The Holy Spirit came upon her, and the
power of the Most High overshadowed her during the adorable interaction of
this marvelous incarnation: Quod enim in ea natum est, de Spiritu Sancto
est. That which is conceived in h,er is of the Ho/y Ghost. (Mt 1:20c)
On the Feast of the holy Apostles, St. Simon and St. Jude, relatives of the
Word made Flesh and providers for all the saints, your divine goodness
astoWlded me deeply by having me say what St. Jude expressed to You at the
Supper: "Why do You grant me so many favors, manifesting Yourselfto me
with so much love and profusion meant for a high degree of perfection?
At the Transfiguration, St. Peter yearned to remain for all eternity upon the
mountain, contemplating a sample ofyour Majesty's glory that was shown to
five persans. Your Body was still passible, and in a few days it would be
disfigured. Tuen, what rejoicing and exhilaration must transport all the saints
who enjoy the plenitude and immense happiness that the divine goodness
enables them to possess. By your light, they see all the light of the divine
splendor. They are inebriated by the torrent of your beauty. (1252)
- 11-2 -
On the Feast of the most great St. Andrew, one of the two first disciples of
your divine and loving wisdom: Erat autem Andreas, frater Simonis Petri,
Since 1 was invited to share in the holy satisfaction of these two blessed
disdples, 1 could only admire and praise the One who surpasses Solomon.
He spoke, not to his servants, but to his friends, communicating his human and
divine splendors to them.
On the Feast of the Apostle of Japan and the Indies, 1 exclaimed privately:
Satis est Domine; lt is enough, Lord! As 1 contemplated him in ecstasy, his
face ablaze like that of the Seraphim, he opened his robe to envelop all people
on earth with the love that filled him, thinking that its circumference could not
contain the ardor of his great heart which was made for You. It could be filled
only by Y ou, my God and my All. 1 will be satisfied when your glory Will
appear to me and fill me with your immense charity. This prompts me to tell
Y ou that the world is too small to serve Y ou properly. Y ou created it and
have loved it so much as to give your only Son to save it personally. He is the
Etemal Word, the image of your goodness, the figure of your substance, the
splendor of your glory. Portansque omnia verbo virtutis; Upholding ail
things by the word ofhis power. (Heb 1:3c) (1253)
Videbitur gloria eius. This day you shall know that the Lord is coming,
and will save us: You shall see his glory. (Antiphon, Vigil of Christmas)
By its magnificent light, his glory enveloped the shepherds: Et ecce ange/us
Domini stetit juxta il/os, et c/aritas Dei circumfulsit il/os. And behold an
ange/ of the Lord stood by them and the brightness of God shone round
about them. (Lk 2:9a)
This light adomed them like heavenly courtiers bearing the livery of the
Unique One who is forever bom :from the bosom of the Father and, in this light
that is brighter than day, enters :from the bosom of his Mother into mine with
ineffable gentleness. It enables me to experience that the delights of the right
hand of the Father exist on earth through the benignity of the Word. This
matemal heart told me: Apparuit benignitas et humanitas; Benignity and
Humanity appeared (1254) ( 1 T:~t:. J, '' )
- 113 -
terrible flux from my eyes that prevented me from writing and making a good
copy of what 1 so painfully recorded. She prayed to great St. Joseph that,
through his charitable pity, she might be enabled to imitate my writing easily
and thus make a perfect copy of what 1 did, for her letters were round like that
of experts. Apparently he heard her prayer, because, in a few days, she
wrote so perfectly that she could really imitate my writing which she could
easily read. Before this, it was only with great difficulty that she could do so.
She was the only one to be so dedicated to this work or relief ever since the
year 1633. 1 could not dictate without first personally writing things out by
hand, that had a hard time following the understanding that instructed and
enlightened me. Due to my poor eyes, from this time on my writing became
harder to read, and no one would have been able to do so had she not made
a good copy first. (1255) Tuose who have taken her away from me will see, in
your presence, my Divine Teacher, that one must not tempt You to do miracles
unnecessarily and that, whatever You have joined to reproduce Y ou, in a
spiritual and holy way, should not be separated. Unite ine to You, Divine
Beloved, so perfectly that 1 may always be totally yours, and that Y ou may
eternally be all mine.
111t- -
hierarchies: the nine choirs of angels who are spirits, assisting and serving in
the stable; the most Sacred and Divine Humanity is adored by those in heaven
and those on earth. This Dauphin adores his Divine Father who, until the
Incarnation, had been adored only by the angels and mankind. (1256) In the
stable, a God adores God. Without any injustice, this tiny Child may daim
equality with the Divine Father.
spared. When Joab learned that the latter was dangling from a tree, trapped
there by his har, he asked the one who had witnessed this why he had not
pierced bim through. Tuen he personally carried out what the soldier refused
to do in obedience to the king, the father ofthis rebellious son. If the Cardinal
Duke were to have the Duke of Orleans killed in the state he was in, this death
would signify the third lance and designate him to be a rebel. He really would
become converted, for he loved the king, and 1 assured bim that God loved
him more than David loved Absalom. After that, the Cardinal Duke, having
heard bis brother, had the Duke of Orleans summoned. He married a princess
who was according to God's heart. At his home, there was someone who
guided the prince to devotion. Thus, he was impressed by the preface recited
by the priest at Mass for Passion Sunday that mentions that sin causes men to
die by the tree, that Y ou had chosen to die upon the tree of the Cross to save
mankind by the adorable wood, that You had changed the curse into a blessing, the death of sin into the life of grace. What had drawn the prince to love
things contrary to your law, drew him to observe it and have his court be
called the ho/y court at Blois.
In this vision, after acknowledging to me bis gratitude and joy upon being
on the way to salvation, bis blessed soul was assured of eternal happiness. He
let me understand that life in this world is but a breath. He
-----.said:- "This life
means very little, and. no OJ)e should beco~e attached toit." (125~ He then
refrained from speaking and left me in deep peace, without informing ~
whether he was in Pt!rgatory or had already left it. 1 did not even remember to
ask bim about this. My enraptured soul marveled at your wisdom and goodness in_i~--~~l!gati~J?:. to y~~for, ~y_ing !Psp4:ed 1!_1~ !o pray_for the salvation of
this blessed prince. Monsieur de Boissac, of happy memory, was overjoyed
wlin 1 assur~d bim about the foregoing. He said to me: "1 will no longer
complain about the limited good 1 will leave bebind, nor my small fortune
wbich belongs to Him, but 1 praise God that my master Gaston is numbered
among th~ _cho_~~~-~s." -Madffiehrii-fty~ was present there on the
last day of the year 1660 and will join me in praising your most merciful
goodness and kindness.
11.5 -
On the Feast of St. Matthias, who has always been favorable toward me, I
admired the condition of the saints in him in both the divine and human light,
the God-Man betrayed and sold by a most unfortunate Apostle. I thanked the
incarnate wisdom for this election and considered the prayer made by the
primitive Church, the first assembly after the exodus of St. Peter which was
marvelous: ( fil9) Et statuerunt duos. Joseph, qui vocabatur Barsabas,
Enter your temple and expel from it all the buyers and
sellers; consecrate it anew by your indwelling, through your
prayers and merits. May all my innocent desires cry out to
Through grace, cleanse me in the pool ofyour charity, merciful Savior, and save me from all evil, fault and pain. Command me to take up my pallet and to sin no more.
Expel the demons and may 1 bless your Name with that of
your wonderful Mother who carried You, gave You birth and
nourished You with her virginal, holy mille May 1 hear your
divine word and keep it within me. May it never return empty,
but fulfill your will perfectly.
Divine Love, fill our hearts; and, from the abundance of our
hearts, may our lips speak and proclaim your praises. Eternal
Father, in our hearts, plant the Tree of Life: your Son, the
God-Man, whom we acknowledge to be the grafted Word
who will personally save them: In mansuetudine suscipite
insitum verbum, quod potest salvare animas vestras. With
meekness receive the ingrafted word, which is able to save
your souls. (Jas 1:2lb)
Divine Physician, deliver us from all our misfortunes and
grant us your blessings. May we serve faithfully here below all
our mortal lives, and may Y ou give us lodging in heaven with
You during ail your eternal life.
Adorable Providence, raise me up to the mountain of perfection, making me disregard whatever is not God, for outside
ofYou, everything is subject to inconstancy like the waves of
the ocean.
Eternal Father, may the zeal ofyour house consume me, and
may all the powers of my soul bless your holy Name. (1264)
Let all creatures acknowledge and adore your Name and your
divine life.
clo: Et c/arificavi, et {iterum] c/arificabo. Father, g/orify thy name. A voice therefore came from heaven: I
have both g/orified and will g/orify it again. (Jn 12:28) At
the same time, all who bless Y ou, say to Y ou: Hosanna,
benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini, rex Israel. Hosanna. Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord,
the king ofIsrael. (Jn 12:13)
Divine Savior, the Evangelist said that, after ail these marvels, You withdrew and concealed Yourself. Thus, Isaias has
written: Vere tu es Deus absconditus et salvator. Verily
thou art a hidden God, the Savior. (ls 45:15) (!l2.,7 ) It
might be feared that You would no longer be welcome in
Jerusalem that was unworthy of your visit, but where sin
abounds through the wickedness of your enemies, through
your goodness, You wanted grace to abound there even more
by dying so as to give them your life.
11, --
On Easter Sunday (1660), 1 adored You and chanted your ineffable victory
as the true Phoenix who had assumed your new life. Your tomb made You
glorious, removing doubt from the weakness and timidity of our sex by two of
the sixty strong ones who stand near your adorable, majestic couch: In
lectulum Salomon sexaginta fortes ambiunt ex fortissimis Israel: Omnes
tenentes gladios, et ad bel/a doctissimi: Uniuscujusque ensis super femur
suum propter timores nocturnos. Behold threescore valiant ones of the
most valiant of Israel surrounded the bed ofSolomon! Ali holding swords,
and most expert in war: every man's sword upon his thigh, because of
fears in the night. (Cant 3:7-8)
Great Pope St. Gregory had said that heaven and earth listened when the
angels Michael (Quis sieut Deus; Who is like to God?) and Gabriel (vir
Deus Dei; man of the Lord God) spoke. They were the two who participated in everything referring to your glory in the Incarnation and all your
mysteries, both divine and human. They were the most powerful leaders of
- - ----- -- ~
your celestial princes in your armies, the princes who assist before your throne
that is your bed of justice and peace. They fought in order to save mankind,
as well as to exalt your glory. Abraham swore to Eliezer to obtain and take
Rebecca home as a bride for his son Isaac: Elieser Dei a Dei adjutorium
posuit ergo servus manum sub femore Abraham domini sui, et juravit illi
sermone hoc. The servant therefore put his hand under the thigh of
Abraham, his lord, and swore to him upon this word. (Gen 24:9)
While pouring out her tears and perfumes, Magdalen was courageous
enough to go anoint You with her ointment. You allowed me to draw near
your adorable couch, surrounded by the sixty strong ones oflsrael. I prayed
You to order them immediately to Rome for the healing of the Holy Father, to
sustain the one whom Y ou have chosen to fill the office and possess St.
Peter's chair with dignity. (1269) I immediately told this to Monsieur de Ville,
official and substitute Vicar, as I have already briefly mentioned.
Without your superabundant light and most powerful, persevering aid, I
could never describe my joy on Quasimodo Montlay [Low Montlay]. I
spent all my time in rejoicing and Alle/uias with great delight in your wonderful
mysteries and mysterious wonders of snow and fire. Since I am unable to
speak properly about this, the lips of the Most High will make up for my
incapacity, giving glory to his praise.
Adorable One, am I still here in this life after having seen and heard these
divine locutions? Incarnate Word, those who say that your discourses are so
ravishing that they cannot help but marvel at You maintain that no one can
speak as You do. Far from capturing You to place You in the power of your
enemies, they themselves were captivated. Tuen they tasted and saw ho'Y
loving and gracious You are toward your friends, since You inspire your
enemies. (1270)
11s -
The birth of St. John whom Jesus Christ canonized with bis own
lips. The three sons that entered my room. The King's marriage,
and what 1 Ieamed about the late Cardinal of Lyons. (1660)
It was the feast of the birth of the incomparable one among ail th ose bom
of women, your miraculous Precursor, whom You canonized with your own
lips. 0 Lord, You extend from one end to the other and unite the finite with
the infinite: two natures in unity of Persons, subsistences and hypostases,
without becoming separate from the Father who begets You before the day
amid the splendor of the saints. Together with Him in one sole principle, You
produce the unique flame, the love of two spirants who, under different forms,
illuminates and fills ail hearts. Unique in Himself, He multiplies his favors and
graces outside of Himself without emefging from the source of origin, the
fountain of the entire Divine Trinity, penetrating this Father and Son,just as He
is penetrated by Them. Although distinctive, your three supports exist one
within the other by your marvelous circumincession which I adore as your
active and passive relationships, your immanent and immense emanations ad
extra, externally and doing good ad extra. With the Seraphim, I exclaim to
myself: Ho/y, Ho/y, Ho/y, begging them to conceal me with their wings or to
let me be consumed by the flames of this kiss by using tongs to take from the
altar a coal that incessantly burns in the heavenly Jerusalem, the Empyrean
heaven that is illuminated by the face of God Himself, by these divine wheels
that exist one within the other. Daniel, man of desire, pray for me; and you,
holy Prophet Ezechielfortitudo Dei, strong one o/God. I am in a torrent of
tire that can transform me into itself. (1271)
he did not know what he was saying: Non enim sciebat quid diceret. For
he knew not what he said (Mk 9:5) When I saw three suns enter my room,
could I possibly speak about this? No, my God, with the Prophet Jeremias, I
excuse myself. Should You command me to write, hold my hand; guide it as
well as my tongue: Lingua mea calamus scrib velociter scribentis. My
longue is the pen of a scrivener that writeth swiftly. (Ps 44:2) In your
hands, they will be enabled to do anything You desire.
These three suns were Saint Zacharias, Saint Elizabeth, Saint John the
Baptist who represented for me your Three Divine Persons. Saint Zacharias,
was the husband of Saint Elizabeth and father of John the Baptist, just as she
was his mother. Proceeding from them both, St. John symbolized for me the
Holy Spirit whose dwelling-place he is and-in a wonderful, miraculous wayfills ail three. This is because, enclosed within her womb, the sterile woman
bears an infant; the mute one sings a canticle; the child reasons and adores its
Creator. He performs his role as herald and precursor of the Savior. This
God, hidden in his Virgin Mother, is revealed by Saint John's gestures and
exhilaration when he heard Mary's greeting. He is the voice of the Incarnate
and Increated Word within the virginal womb. He enlightens us arnid the
darkness, showing us the essential and eternal light. (1272) After these visits,
I understood: Per viscera mi~ericordi Dei nostri: in quibus visitavit nos,
clemency. These three suns that entered your room and that you saw also
announce the joy and peace of the princes and of all France. Hope against
hope; wait for the salvation of the one that seems to oppose you. The
following words that are prophecies about the Pope and the King, will demonstrate, by miracle,, the effects of your voice:
One night during the fifteen days of the Jubilee, in spirit 1 was taken to the
chapel of the archbishopric in Lyons where 1 saw the late Cardinal. His head
was uncovered, he was dressed in a purple robe, and the crown he bore had
a halo. He came to me and presented me with the Te igitur of the Canon of
the Mass, begging me to recite for him the part that 1 could. Respectfully,
while kneeling, 1 received this canon from him with great politeness. Upon
seeing that 1 did not do so immediately, he repeated his request. At daybreak,
1 entered our church. Since 1 was alone, 1 went up to the altar and prayed the
Te igitur which 1 said for him except the words of the Consecration. (1273)
After this, 1 arranged to have Holy Mass offered for his intention. While 1 was
at prayer, he thanked me, letting me know that he had been very pleased to
see me recite the entire content of this Te lgitur, asking You, my Etemal
Priest, to pronounce the sacred words of the Consecration for your glory and
to satisfy for everything he desired or that he might have omitted. 1 still pray to
Y ou for him with all the love and zeal that Y ou give me for him, which has
always been great, because You had given him to me as my pastor.
Since 1 did not have my secretary, 1 could not force myself to write except
very little, because the flux from one eye had intensified. That is the reason
that 1 sent back your words to You, conjuring Y ou through your goodness
that they might not retum to Y ou empty, but operate everything your charity
desired of me. Y our thoughts are as far from those of mankind as heaven is
:from earth. Fill me with your divine dew: Rorate, cadi, desuper, et nubes
For each day of the week: first of all, in spirit, 1 enter the places marked
On Monday, in a stable
I see Jesus so amicable
Whom his Mother has borne
ln poverty so morne.
Le mercredi je repense
Ses pleurs et son abstinence
Qui le rend dans un dsert
Victorieux de l'enfer.
Le vendredi je soupire
Sa passion et son martyre.
Pour t'aimer j'ai pris ta Croix
Alors j'entends ta douce voix.
Le samedi, au spu/chre
Je regarde se beau lustre
Tout ple et dcolor
Et sa Mre plore.
par J. de Mate/
by J. de Mate/
Biblkal terms
Aairon 76, 111, 126, 238
Abel 108
Abisai 358
Abraham 31, 87, 118, 160, 162, 181,
229, 260, 313, 314, 369, 379, 389,
Absalom 336, 337, 338, 358, 381
Achitophel 130
Adam 79, 147, 174, 282, 334, 362
Agar 260, 379
Aminadab 135, 149
Ananias 328
Anne 29, 78, 274, 334
Anne, Samuel's mother 358
Anne, the prophetess 190, 318
Apocalypse 82, 83, 91, 342
Architophel 337
Ark of the Covenant 5, 115, 124,
281, 337
Assyrians 144
Babylon 55
Barac 203, 222, 224
Baruch 52, 288
Bathsheba 119
Benjamin 33, 37
Benoni 37
Bethany 124, 363
Bethlehem 85, 100, 265, 381
Caiphas 198
Canaanite woman 214
Canticle 34, 312
Cedar 275, 360
Cedron 337
Centurion 138
Chusai 337
City of David 100, 102
Colossians 298
Corinthians 341
Damascas 238, 265
Daniel 18, 52, 83, 131, 142, 206, 328
Daughter of Jerusalem 91, 391, 262,
Daughter of Juda 131, 142
Daughter of Sion 91, 263, 353
Daughters of Israel 358
David 5, 11, 37, 39, 45, 82, 88,
97, 101, 112, 130, 134, 170,
180, 190, 196, 211, 220, 233,
234, 245, 253, 255, 271, 276,
Holofemes 144
Holy City 200
Holy Innocents 30, 170, 173, 262, 265
Holy Land 87
Hosea 374
Isaac 31, 47, 160, 162, 249, 314, 364
lsaias 96, 110, 211, 220, 271, 282,
307, 313, 314, 326, 335, 347, 391
lshmael 379
Isle of Patmos 268
Israel 22, 73, 182, 190, 223, 284
lsraelites 172
Jacob 38, 245, 314, 343
Jahel 79
Jephte 160, 211
Jeremias 274, 344, 396
Jericho 346
Jerusalem 47, 83, 84, 147, 191,
233, 240, 318, 337, 338, 339,
342, 349, 351, 365, 391
Jezrahel 362
Joab 338, 381
Job 14, 48, 61, 92, 302
Jonas 47, 94
Jonathan 5
Josedec 109
Joseph, patriarch 208
Joshua 284
Juda 83, 100, 352
Judas 132, 179, 241, 245, 2Q6, 306
321, 322, 350, 383
Judges 256
Judith 144, 164
Kings 77, 102, 103, 174, 175,
118, 184, 266, 294, 34e
Lamech 147
Lamentations 91
Land of Promise 87, 89
Lapedoth 204
Last Day 163
Lazarus 117, 142, 147, 168, 214
Levites 346
Longinus 344
Lot 60
Machabees 36
Manna 125, 264
Mardochai 269
Mathathias 36
Melchisedech 193, 198, 238
Micheas 141
Moses 9, 33, 41, 76, 77, 86, 111,
112, 116, 126, 140, 151, 182,
222, 230, 235, 237, 242, 249,
284, 297, 318, 368, 375
Mount Horeb 276
Mount Moriah 162
Mount of Olives 67, 80, 186,
250, 357
Mount Sion 75, 339
Mount Tabor 79, 186, 204, 215,
231, 242, 250, 280, 365
Naaman 387
Nazareth 178, 180, 368
Noah 58
People of Israel 107, 116
Pharaoh' s daughter 345
Pharisees 105, 130, 174, 191, 221,
Philistines 108, 256
Pilate 182, 191, 222, 383
Prodigal Son 62
Promised Land 116, 151, 284, 318
Publican 221
Queen of Sheba 104, 377
Rachel 159
Raguel 119
Cardinals 272
Cardinal Berulle 193, 348
Cardinal de Retz 198
Cardinal of Lyons 15, 207, 209,
Chancellor 8
Church 28, 34, 43, 52, 74, 82,
90, 97, 105, 109, 125, 127, 149,
15~. 164, 165, 178, 180, 184,
18~, 190, 196, 200, 201, 203, 211,
21j, 216, 220, 252, 262, 263,
269, 280, 296, 301, 310, 311,
322, 323, 344, 36-1, 363, 367,
372, 383, 392
Church Triumphant 2, 85, 101, 173,
254, 284, 349
Militant Church 2, 53, 85, 141, 102,
173, 254, 284, 349
SaiJnt Just 286
Suffering Church 2, 53
Sailnt Eustachius 136
Sailnt Mary Major 93
Sai!nt Stephen's Church 92, 326
Saint Sulpice 132
CircUlllincession 205, 306, 395
Citie$ 1
Alexandria 331
An.tioch 296
Av!ignon 6, 13, 18, 19, 21,
Dates 1
1619 92, 173, 204
1620 282, 366
1625 27
1626 371
1627 396
1628 146
1633 379
1634 146
1642 8
1643 13, 22
1644 30, 43, 218
1645 43
1646 48
1647 48
1648 53
1649 55
1650 62, 63
1651 77
1652 166
1653 170, 184, 194, 212
1654 235
1655 265
1656 303
1657 304
1658 317, 321
1659 342, 349, 358, 364, 370, 373
1660 379, 382, 384, 395
Advent 230
All Saints Day 226
April 21, 1652 131
April 23 133
April 9, 1652 130
Ascension 1617 75
August 22, 1655 282
Corpus Christi 136
December 5, 1642 161
December 6, 1651 89
Easter Sunday 123, 128
February 1, 1643 188
February 4, 1641 45
Good Friday 123, 127, 128
January 1, 1644 26
January 10, 1652 168
January 13, 1625 372
January 4, 1643 11
July 1654 256
June 2, 1643 20
March 24, 1653 210
May 13, 1650 65
May 17 18
May 20 18
May 31, 1649 59
May the 2nd 17
November 16, 1651 84
November 17-18, 1642 10
October 2, 1652 158
Emanations 395
Jeanne Chezard de Matel 5, 8, 74, 78,
81, 134, 184, 226, 272, 399
Mademoiselle Deftire, cousin 355
Mademoiselle Dumas, niece 323
Monsieur Dumas, nephew 327
Monsieur Paradis, relative 327
Bartholomew Jacquinot 366
Decret 55, 58, 214
Father Amoulx 13, 15, 20
Father Cotton 370, 371, 372
Father de Cond 55, 57, 214
Father de Lingendes 55, 57, 214
Father General 366
Father Gibalin 2, 3, 4, 5, 13, 15,
16, 214, 258, 260, 323, 325, 343,
355, 365
Father Trilliard 355
Ignatius 107
Jean de Villars 366
Pival 366
Jesus Christ 117, 119, 180,
182, 202, 204, 244, 253, 307,
310, 333, 395
Abbreviated Word 220
Adorer 381
Advocate 129
Angel of the Great Council 80, 164,
194, 204, 360
79, ~. 151, 213, 250, 263, 275, 299
Author of faith 103, 111
Beloved Son 62, 106, 179, 391
Blood 72, 110, 111, 160, 243, 269
Bridegroom 370
Calvary 79, 102, 119, 123, 125, 126,
Way 386
Word 81, 84, 130, 172, 174, 176,
177, 189, 211, 255, 379, 387
Word made Flesh 46, 104, 138, 215,
287, 376
WordofGod 152, 178, 240, 369
Word of Life 12, 167, 209, 344
Word of the Father 255
Wounds 90, 95 , 175, 284, 321,
322, 344
Jubilee 213, 271, 397
Law of Grace 237
Law of Love 237
Law of Moses 318
Written Law 346
Lay persons
Angelique de Beauvais 158
Baron of Bouffin 21, 22
Countess of Rochefort 15, 224
Dauphin 396
De Laubardemont 8
De Thou 1, 6
Duchess of Orleans 72
Duchess of Rocheguyon 25
Duke of Anjou 44
Duke of Leodiguire 10
Duke of Orleans 43, 381, 382
Gaston 382
Grimaud 225
King 18,44,67, 396
Louis XIII 18
Louis XIV 21
Madame Charrin 382
Madame de Cressay 43, 44
Madame de la Piardire 64
Madame de Lessain 18
Madame de Pontai 2, 3, 4
Mademoiselle De Conche 372
Mademoiselle Mabire 309
Monsieur Cantarini 219
Monsieur Chausse 288
Monsieur de Boissac 382
Monsieur de Gresole 255
Monsieur de Sirode 274
Monsieur Guillemin 340
Monsieur Lalive 219
Monsieur Le Roux 274
Monsieur Parisot 226
President Chausse 224
Lent 15, 190, 255, 350, 352, 353 ,
383 , 384
Limbo 14, 120, 164, 173, 231 ,
247, 346, 369, 370
Louvre 137, 263
Monserrat 148
Mount Esquilinus 278
Mission 109
Oratorians 41, 56, 65, 66, 131, 132,
Recollect Sisters 218
Sisters of Saint Elizabeth 273, 274
Sisters of the Antiquaille 274
St. Dominic 198
Theatine Fathers 146
Visitation Sisters 273, 371
Prior of Croixil 20
Prior of Denic
21, 3~ 291, 301, 323
Saint Pierre 135
Prophet 91, 101, 116, 133
Purgatory 160, 382
Marie de Medicis 279
Abb de Cerisy 32
Augustinian Fathers 157
Capuchins 16, 17
Chartreux 9
Father Brachet 31
Father Carr 25, 32, 139, 145, 186,
197, 198, 210
Father Menam 66
Father Morin 56, 131, 132
Lucrecia de Bely 22, 55, 58, 59, 81,
63, 135, 184
Monseigneur de Langlade 198, 224
Monsieur Olier 135
Mother de Chantal 279
Mother Holy Spirit Nallard 54
Prior de Croixil 15, 22
Prior St. Robert 15
Sister Catherine Fleurin 381
Sister Catherine Richardon 57
Sister Conception 21
Sister Elie of the Cross 22
Sister Elizabeth Grasseteau 6, 16, 18,
22, 25, 29, 31, 32, 46, 53
Sister Franoise Gravier 22, 31, 32,
Sacraments 90, 94
Baptism 89, 105
Confession 258
Eucharist 90, 160, 190, 204,
214, 251, 306
Blessed Sacrament 166, 192,
218, 275, 300, 372
Body and Blood 115
Bread of Angels 53
Bread of Life 125, 344
Bread of the strong 336
Communion 56, 70, 93, 133, 146,
174, 175, 187, 193, 198, 232,
234, 258, 324, 325, 327, 350,
Daily Bread 109
Divine Sacrament 134, 253
Heavenly Bread 56, 115
Holy Communion 39, 83, 131 ,
136, 143, 148, 157, 228, 232,
Living Bread 124
Most Blessed Sacrament 387
Bruno 10
Catherine 303, 310, 329, 331
Cecilia 26, 28, 29, 310, 329, 330
Chrysostom 238
Claude 253
Clement, Pope 302, 311, 331
Cosmas 374
Damasus 232
Damien 374
~s 10, 11, 158, 159, 223, 283,
285, 302 , 3"?-S
Dominic 24
Dorothy 32, 35, 107, 295 , 349
Elizabeth 373 , 396
Emerentiana 186, 237
Ennemond 82, 84
Felix of Cantalicia 18
Francis 8, 158, 159, 193, 218,
278, 283 , 284, 285, 364, 375
Francis de Sales 279, 371
Francis Xavier 88, 311 , 332
_ Genevieve 139, 158, 194
Germain 139
Gi~es 370
Gregory, Pope 243 , 393
Herbam 324
Hilary 342
Holy Innocents 75
Hyacinth 24
Ignatius, martyr 195
Ignatius of Loyola 120, 130, 143, 148,
186, 188, 189, 239, 243, 325 , 326,
358, 364
Isidore 243
James 17, 89, 198, 307 ,
309, 358, 361, 363
Jerome 105, 374
Joachim 63, 109, 116, 117,
Te Deum 90
Te Igitur 397