Divine Inspiration and The Canon of The Bible
Divine Inspiration and The Canon of The Bible
Divine Inspiration and The Canon of The Bible
, An
relationship exists between the divine inspiraof the BIble and the reSUlting canon of the Bible. Inspiration
hIstorically affirmed among Jews and Christians as the essential
from which its authority derives:
'Yhile some mSIstent VOIces deny any connection between inspirad
l?n an
the opposite point of view is even more
WIdely held,
, ,In this century extensive discussion on the question of the
bIblIcal canon has heated up again, particularly since the 1960's,3
Debate4has been stimulated in part by the discovery of the Dead Sea
Scrolls and because reinvestigations of canon questions have indithat, the old critical consensus has significant flaws. DiscusSIOns c?n,tmue unabated into the present,5 A new consensus on the
canon IS m the making,
One of the major issues revolves around the idea whether the
of "canon" and the canonization of the Bible is to be
radIcally separated from the concept of "Scripture,,6 and not just
from the concept of inspiration, In regard to the OT it is said by
that the canon is not fixed until long after the
ChrIstIan era began some point between A.D. 90 to as late as the
fourth century A.D, 7
For the NT external criteria for canonization such as apos-
tolicity, orthodoxy, antiquity, catholicity, spiritual value and acceptance by the church are increasingly predominant. S These criteria
tend to place the process of canonization and its authority into the
hands of the Church.
Origin of the Canon: On What Basis?
Human Agencies or Divine Agency? The matter of the
forces and/or sources which authorize biblical writings to be canonical are of crucial importance. The issue is whether (1) the Bible is
the product of human decisions based on socio-cultural norms and
events in the history of the past which can be reactualized in the
present, or whether (2) humans came to recognize the authority of
Scripture because of an inherent nature and quality of the writings
of the Bible as the self-authenticating, self-validating Word of God,
Did human agencies, that is, rabbis, bishops, councils, and/or
communities "determine" which of the Bible's books belong to the
canon and, thereby, make it into Holy Scripture? The verb "determine" is used in the sense of formal decisions made on the basis of
immanent, non-supernatural socio-cultural norms. Alternatively,
did individuals, entities and/or communities "recognize" on the
basis of the internal nature and quality which writings were canonical?
Historically Protestants have held that the canonization of the
Bible of both the Old and New Testaments is the product not of
human beings but the work of the Holy Spirit which produced the
biblical books. By virtue of their inspiration, and its resultant
internal self-authentication and self-validation, biblical books were
"recognized" as canonical.
The verb "recognize" is distinctly different from the verb
"determine." The former verb affirms the inherent supernatural
origin, nature, and authority of the biblical books as the cause for
their canonical status. Whereas the latter term "determine" is
meant to communicate the power of purely human authorization
of the canon by whatever religious, sociological and historical forces
are considered to have been at work individually and/or collectively.
Similarly, was the canonization of the Bible a process of development over many years, even centuries? Was the OT canon formed
in three distinct stages as is widely supposed ever since a three-part
measured. It is the "norm" and "standard" or "measure of assessment,,21 by which one's own action and those of others are
measured. In Philippians 3:16 the word is employed in the same
The passage of2 Corinthians 10:13-16 is linguistically difficult
to translate; there is some ambiguity. However, Paul seems to
defend his apostolic authority by noting that he has a "canon" "or
standard for his work and for the associated claim to apostolic
which he has not conferred on himself but received from
God." The "canon" or "standard" is not of his own making but
given to him by God.
Post-NT Usage. The designation "canon" is used in post-New
Testament writings from the middle of the second century on in the
sense of a "measure of judgment" which is determinative for the
church in terms of what is true and what is false. 23
By the fourth century A.D. the term "canon" came to be
that belonged to and formed the body
applied to the list
of authoritative Scriptures. 4 Thus, the word "canon" has come to
be defined within the Christian community as "the list of the
writings acknowledged by the Church as documents of divine
revelation. ,,25
Historically the term "canon" refers to both the shape (normens normata) of the Scriptures and the authoritative function
(norma normens) ofScripture. "Canon" also means the authority
with which Scripture is used. The widely quoted Westminster
Confession, written in 1647 and one of the most influential creeds
of Calvinism, states in its article on Scripture, ''All [of the sixty-six
books] which are given by inspiration of God, to be the rule of faith
and life.,,27 What role does inspiration play in providing the
"canon" as normens normata, its essential quality, and its norma
normens, its norming function which is different from other documents which were not canonized?
prehensive summary statement Ezra speaks of the "commandments" of God which Israel had forsaken but which God "commanded by [beyad] Thy servants the prophets" (Ezra 9:10-11,
It is noteworthy that "Thy Spirit" admonishes the people
"through [beyadJ Thy prophets" (Neh 9:30, NASB). What the
"prophets" say is what the "Spirit" says.
The same designation beyad, "through" in the sense of "by the
hand" of, is used for God giving His "law" "through [beyad] Moses"
(Neh 8:14; 9:14; 10:29[30]). There are numerous passages which
simply state that GodlYahweh commanded or spoke "through
(beyad) Moses" (Josh 14:2; 20:2; 21:8; 22:9; Judg 3:4; 1 Kgs 8:53,
56; 2 Chron 33:8; 35:6) or the "book of the law of the LORD given
by [beyadJMoses" (2 Chron 34:14, NASB) Both Moses, a "prophet"
himself, and the "prophets" are the agents "through (beyad)" whom
God revealed the "law and the prophets," the aT.
. 2. "The Word of the LORD." The phrase "the word of the
LORD" (debar Yahweh) is used 269 times in twenty-eight different
books of the OT. 3? The parallel expressions, "words of the LORD"
(dibrey Yahweh), is used seventeen times in eight books and,
"words of God" (dibrey Elohim),39 appears three times. The phrase,
"word of the Lord God" (debar Adonay Yahweh), appears a few
times. 4o So does the phrase, "word of God" (debar (ha)Elohim).41
More than 300 usages of these respective phrases testify to the fact
that the aT perceived itself as deriving from God. It is the "Word
of God."
An investigation of these phrases reveals that they most frequently refer to visions and prophetic revelations. About 75% of the
usages refer to the divine words which came to the prophets,
including Abraham, Moses, and all the persons known as
"prophets" in the aT. In these instances the
often that the "word of Yahweh" is the "word of God whIch the
prophet proclaims to his contemporaries and has written in his
These expressions indicate that what the prophet announces
is not simple "a word" from God. Rather, it "is always called the
word of God.,,42 Ludwig Koehler, the famous lexicographer of the
Hebrew language, has noted that in this usage "the real foundation
Inspiration and Canonicity. Canonicity is rooted in inspiration. Only inspired books are the "Word GO.d" an.d "Scr.ipture" and only inspired books are canonical. InspIratIOn brmgs WIth
itself the canon and canonicity.
Canonicity is not an authority assigned the Bibl.e from the
outside. To the contrary, it is derived from and mherent m the
nature of the documents which belong to the Bible. InspiratIOn
causes the inspired writing to be "Word of God" since inspiration
comes from God and the "Word of God" derives from Him. Therefore, the inspired Word of God is by its very
"Scripture" and
is canonical from the moment it is recorded in wrItten form by the
hands of the inspired writers.
Inspiration: The NT Testimony About the
now to the testimony of the NT about the aT. It makes exphclt
claims about the aT which are normative in Scripture.
makes explicit claims about itself. Both areas need to be mves..
1. "Prophecy and Prophets." The apostle Peter mSlsts that no
prophecy ever came by the impulse of man, but men moved by the
Holy Spirit spoke from God" (2 Pet 1:21, RSV). "Prophecy" is the
result of the movement of the Holy Spirit on persons called
"Prophecy" in this sense is Holy Spmt orlgmated. The Holy
Spirit moved human beings, "prophets," who
What they speak is "from God." Since their messages orlgmate from
God what these "spoke from God" is the "word of God."
'''Prophecy'' is not the fruit of human
It is not
result of human imagination, thought, or gemus. It never Came by
the impulse of man," writes Peter, but has its
in ?od who by
means of the Holy Spirit inspired the prophets WIth HIS
The phrase "impulse of man" needs further attentIOn. The
contrast in this text is between the "impulse of man" and
Spirit's activity on man. The difference is between
and divine activity. The difference is between the
dImension of human thought and experience based on
environments of the human agent and the vertIcal dl1?enS,IOn
manifested in the divine inbreaking of God into the hIstorIcal
process by means of the Holy Spirit. The latter actually touches
tl ve manner.
all ofthe Lord's people might be prophets. However, this is not the
case. "Prophets" are specially endowed persons. Moses
very point that the entire community ofIsrael does not functIOn In
the role of a prophet. There is no community wide prophecy and no
community inspiration of all Israel.
Is it different in the NT church, the early Christian community? On the basis of the Divine promise (John 14-16), the
Spirit arrived on Pentecost (Acts 2). Those on whom the Holy Spmt
fell did not turn out to be "prophets." Rather, they were enabled
miraculously to speak foreign languages so as to proclaim the Good
News with power as quickly as possible (Acts 2:2_13).58 Every true
follower of Christ in the community of faith has the gift of the Holy
Spirit as Paul insists when he writes to the Romans, "Indeed the
Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit
of Christ, he does not belong to Him" (Rom 8:9, NASB). "This did
not mean that all of them received the specific gift of prophecy: the
gift of prophecy ... was but one of several
of the Spirit
distributed among the members of the church."
The reception of the Holy Spirit by believers is to be distinguished from the role of a "prophet." The role of "prophet" involves
a special calling and endowment of the Holy Spirit (see 1 Cor 12:29).
Bible writers were fully aware that what they wrote was not
the product of their own impulse. David expressed the conviction
that his words originated from the Holy Spirit: "The Spirit of the
LORD spoke by me, and His word was on my tongue" (2 Sam 23:2,
Daniel recognized that the book of the Jeremiah was "the word
of the LORD" (Dan 9:2, KJV) and the angel Gabriel referred to the
"scripture of truth" (Dan 10:21, KJV).
Jesus appealed to the Bible of his day, the OT, as the word of
ultimate authority when He met the DeviPs temptation in the
wilderness. Jesus resisted the Devil by stating, "It is written,"
quoting Scripture (Matt 4:4, 7, 10). Satan responded by misconstruing Scripture, to which Jesus replied again, "It is written."
Jesus and the apostles repeatedly appealed to "Scripture" as
the Word of God which is fulfilled (Lk 4:21; 22: 37; Mk 12:10; Matt
26:54; John 7:38; 10:35; 13:18; 17:12; 19:24,28, 36-37; Acts 1:16;
gested that they have (as do all the other "Scriptures") intrinsic
canonicity. They are as canonical as the Scriptures of the OT.
The fourth example derives from Paul. The apostle Paul makes
reference to "the mystery of Christ," which was not made known
in previous ages, and which "has now been revealed by the Spirit
to His holy apostles and prophets" (Eph 3:4-5, NKJV). This passage
gives evidence that the apostolic preaching and writing is Spiritoriginated in the sense that it is revelation by the Holy Spirit in the
same way as the messages of the "prophets" were revelation in the
aT age. This is in harmony with the claim of Paul that "the gospel
which was preached by me ... came through the revelation of Jesus
Christ" CGal1:11-12, NKJV).
John the Revelator provides a fifth example. He maintains "I
was in the Spirit" (Rev 1:10) when he was given "the word of God,
and the testimony of Jesus Christ, and all the things that he saw"
that the Law and the Former Prophets (the historical books of the
aT) formed a literary unit which had received canonical status by
550 B.C.
A "second edition" of the canon, which included the Latter
Prophets, that is, the prophetical books of the aT, appeared about
500 B.C. The Hagiographa (Writings) were added subsequently.
Since the book of Daniel is dated in its final supposed edition to 165
B.C. the canon seems to have been closed at that time. 95
In 1993 Freedman explained that Ezra and Nehemiah
canonized "the whole Bible" in its final form, "all except Daniel. ,,96
He will elaborate on this in a future monograph.
Roger Beckwith. Roger Beckwith, lecturer at Oxford University, wrote in 1985 the most massive tome on the canon of the aT
written in this century. Beckwith is in essential agreement with
Leiman on the closing of the canon. Beckwith suggests that Judas
Maccabeus finally gathered the Scriptures together in 164 B.c., and
at that time the books of Esther and Daniel were included in the
canon. Thus, the aT canon was closed as early as 164 B.C. gS
Beckwith holds, however, that the other parts of the canon were
recognized as canonical at much earlier times.
Meredith G. Kline. Meredith G. Kline, following new discoveries on ancient Near Eastern treaties, argues that there is an
unbroken canonical continuity from the time of Moses to the end
of the writing of aT books. He argues for the divine origin of the
biblical books based on divine inspiration which guarantees
authority and a faithful transmission of text as the Word of God. 99
He states, "The origin of the Old Testament canon coincided with
the founding of the kingdom ofIsrael by covenant at Sinai." 100 The
very covenant made by God at Sinai which "formally established
the Israelite theocracy was itself the beginning of the nucleus of the
total covenantal structure of writings which constitutes the Old
Testament canon."lOl
For Kline the New Testament's claim "as to its primary divine
authorship" means that it is to be "understood as the word of the
ascended Lord of the new covenant .... ,,102
then the human
authors of the New Testament books, authorized by their Lord to
speak his word, will be seen to function as his 'ministers of the new
covenant' (cf. 2 Cor. 3:6).,,103 He concludes, "Because the Bible is
hearers that God would perform what he had promised [in the
long-term rrediction and in the other words of the writers of biblical
books]."n The role of fulfilled predictions were to function "as
proof that the prophet was genuine, and the Old Testament society
understood them that way."n2 These fulfillments caused "the
prophet's work or works ... [to] be respected and retained. Once a
prophet and his contemporaries passed from the scene there would
be no way for a prophet to be established. The prophet
himself by short-term prediction and miracles to his peers." 13
The books of 1-2 Samuel and 1-2 Kings contain numerous
accounts of short-term predictions and their corresponding fulfillments. 114 This prophecy/fulfillments schema reveals the selfauthenticating rationale "to determine canonicity.,,115 The
situation with regard to 1-2 Chronicles is similar to that of 1-2
Samuel and 1-2 Kings. Vasholz concludes that "there is in the Old
Testament a record of writing prophets whose authority had been
publically attested each in his own generation to write the history
ofIsrael's kings, and that these same prophets were contemporaries
of the kings they wrote about."n6
The predictions of the prophetic books such as Isaiah,
Jeremiah and so on functioned on the same basis of self-authentication. 117 "Prediction was the crux of the matter for canonicity just
as it was purposed to be and as an avalanche of Old Testament data
shows it to be."n8 The point Vasholz wishes to make is that the OT
not only provides the internal criterion for canonicity in terms of
its origin as the "word of the Lord," but it also provides the internal
criterion of acceptance and recognition by the community. On that
basis, the written product of the prophets was recognized as both
authoritative and canonical.
These scholars manifest essential agreement regarding the
closing of the OT canon long before the NT period began. Leiman,
Talman, and from some other perspectives Kline and Vasholz, hold
that the canon idea is derived from the inherent quality of the
inspiration of the books of the Bible. Beckwith is not opposed to it
but has a different concern. The various communities in which the
OT books function as canonical do either recognize them to be so
(Kline, Vasholz) or ascribe in their usage of these books authority
to them (Leiman, Talmon). It may be appropriate to conclude that
the respective communities, primarily contemporary with the inspired writers of the Bible, came to recognize the inherent quality
of these writings as Holy Scripture on the basis of their inspired
An additional conclusion presents itself: the inspiration of the
biblical writings was the guiding quality of canonicity. The canon
which includes all thirty-nine OT books was in existence around
400 B.c. 119 when the last books were written by the last inspired
writers. 120
Ezra, a professional scribe as well as a priest, is not the one
who canonized the OT even though he played an important role
together with Nehemiah to affirm and popularize the canonized
Scripture among the exiles. "Ezra had set his heart to study
(darash) the law of the LORD, and to practice it, and to teach (it)"
(Ezr 7:10, NASB). Later Ezra brought "the Law" to the people and
read it to them (Neh 8:2-8).
Those who hold to the Maccabean hypothesis for the book of
Daniel 121 suggest a final second century B.C. date for the closing of
the aT canon at about 164 B.C. However, if the book of Daniel is
dated to the sixth centu:i: on internal grounds, and there is no need
to date it later than that, 22 then the closing of the canon of the OT
can be dated to about 400 B.C. when the last of the books were
The concept of an "increasing canon," 123 that is, a canon which
is enlarged, does not mean that the Israelite community on their
own simply added books to their canon of Scriptures. Rather as the
inspired authors of biblical books finished their products, these
inspired writings increased the body of canonical books on the basis
of their inherent and internal canonicity based in inspiration.
Ultimately, then, canonicity is not based on human decisions
made by various communities, but on divine inspiration. For the
biblical books,124 inspiration implies canonicity.125 Because of inspiration the biblical canon is self-authenticating, self-validating,
and self-establishing. This means that the origin of the canon of the
OT, and we may respectively add the canon of the NT where the
same principles are at work, is not the same as its recognition by
the respective faith communities.
These remarks on the inherent nature of canonicity reveal
the internal, self-authenticating
for canonicity. Bruce Metzger has
noted. In?lslvely that the canon is complete when the books which
belong to it have been written.,,136 At the moment
when InspI:ed
are written they are canonical. Canonicity is
to the Bible whether we speak of the OT or
not somethIng
NT. CanonIcity IS Inherent and indigenous to the books of the
Bible .themselves: The recognition that inspired Scripture has
status IS not what makes them canonical. The Bible is
before the canonicity is recognized by any community of
.between the canonical writings and later ec. Th.e
wrItIngs IS not based upon arbitrary decisions. It has
It is God who was at work in creating the
bl blt.cal writIngs by prophetic/apostolic inspiration and His
prOVidence. Therefore, it is God who made them canonical. It is also
God who caused these writings to be recognized for what they are
based on their inherent inspired nature.
It may be safely concluded that "the Church did not create the
canon, but came to recognize, accept, and confirm the self-authen-
Albert C. Sundberg, Jr., "The Bible Canon and the Christian Doctrine ofInspira-
tion," Interpretation 29 (1975), p. 352; James Barr, Holy Scripture. Canon, Authority,
Criticism (Philadelphla: Westminster Press, 1983), p. 74.
2 Typical examples are R. L. Harris, Inspiration and Canonicity of the Bible (Grand
Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1957); N. L. Geisler and W. E. Nix, A General Introduction to the
Bible (Chicago: Moody Press, 1968), pp. 136-147; Milton C. Fisher, "The Canon ofthe Old
Testament," The Expositor's Bible Commentary, ed. F. Gaebelein (Grand Rapids, MI:
Zondervan, 1979), 1:385-392; and many others.
3 The key essays were collected in the book edited by Ernst Kiisemann, Das Neue
Testament als Kanan (GOttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1970). Note also the following
major pUblications: H. von Campenhausen, The Formation of the Christian Bible (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1972); Kurt Aland, The Problem of the New Testament Canon (Oxford:
A. R. Mowbray & Co., 1962); David L. Dungan, "The New Testament Canon in Recent
Study," Interpretation 29 (1975), 339-351; David Noel Freedman, "The Canon olthe Old
Testament," Interpreter's Bible Dictionary. Supplementary Volume (Nashville: Abingdon,
1976), pp. 130-136; Jack N. Lighthouse, "The Formation ofthe Biblical Canon in Judaism
of Late Antiquity: A Prolegomenon to a General.Assessment, " Studies in Religion 8/2 (1978),
Leander E. Keck, "Scripture and Canon," Quarterly Review 3/4 (1983), pp. 8-26;
William Farmer and Denis Farkasfalvy, The Formation of the New Testament Canon (New
York: Paulist Press, 1983); Jean Daniel Kaestliand Otto Wermelinger,Le Canon de l'Ancien
Testament. Sa formation et son histoire. (Geneva: Labor et Fides, 1984); H. P. RUger, "Der
U mfang des alttestamentlichen Kanons in den verschiedenen kirchlichen Traditionen," Die
Apokryphenfrage im lJkumenischen Boriumt (Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer, 1989), pp. 137145; Odil H. Steck, Der Abschluss der Prophetie im Allen Testament. Ein Versuch zur Frage
der Vorgeschichte des Kanons (NeuJcirchen-Vluyn: NeuJcirchener Verlag, 1991); C. Dohmen
and M. Oerning, Biblischer Kanon-warum und wozu? Eine Kanontheologie (Freiburg:
Herder, 1992); other publications are referred later in this essay.
4 See Hartmut Stegemann, "Die 'Mitte der Schrift' aus der Sicht der Gemeinde von
Qumran," Die Mitte der Schrift? Einjudisch-christliches Gesproch, eds. M. Klopfenstein et
ai. (Bern: Peter Lang, 1987), pp. 149-184.
5 Such publications as Harry Y. Gamble, The New Testament Canon: Its Making and
Meaning (Philadelphia: Fortress, Press, 1985); Roger Beckwith, The Old Testament Canon
of the New Testament Church (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, 1985); Lee M.
MacDonald, The Formation of the Christian Biblical Canon (Nashville: Abingdon Press,
1988); F. F. Bruce, The Canon of Scripture (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1988);
Ingo ,Baldennann et al. eds., Zum Problem des biblischen Kanons (Neukirchen-Vluyn:
Neukirchener Verlag, 1988); and Gerhard Maier, ed., Der Kanon der Bibel (Wuppertal:
Brockhaus Verlag, 1990) give evidence ofthis continuing interest.
6 A typical example for this view is expressed by A. C. Sundberg, "Canon of the New
Testament," Interpreter's Bible Dictionary. Supplementary Volume (Nashville, TN:
Abingdon, 1976), p. 137: "It is no longer satisfactory to use the terms 'scripture' and 'canon'
synonymously. The church received 'scriptures,' that is, religious writings that were in some
sense regarded as authoritative from Judaism; but the church did not receive a canon, i.e.,
a closed collection of scripture to which nothing could be added, nothing subtracted."
Sundberg holds to the now rejected view that the OT canon was "closed" in J amnia at about
A.D. 90 (ibid.).
. 7 For example A. Jepsen, "Zur Kanongeschichte des Alten Testaments," Zeitschrift
far dle alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 71 (1959), pp. 114-136; idem, "Kanon und Text des
Alten Testaments," Theologische Zeit8chrift 21 (1965), pp. 358-370; Dominique BartMlemy
"L'Etat de la Bible juive depuis Ie
de notre
jusqu' Ala
(131-135)," Le canon de l'Ancien Testament. Sa (ormation et son histoire, eds. J.-D. Kaestli
et O. Wennelinger (Geneva: Labor et Fides, 1984), pp. 9-45; Hartmut Gese, "Die dreifache
Gestaltwerdung des Alten Testaments," Mitte der Schrift? Ein judisch-christliches
Gespriich, ed. Martin" A.
et al. (Bern: .Peter Lang, 1987), pp. 299-328;
Talmon, Heiliges Schrifttwn und Kanorusche Biicher aus jiidischer SichtUberlegungen zur Ausbildung der Grosse 'Die Schrift' im Judenturn " Milte der Schrift2 pp
, . , .
s Every recent tome on the formation of the canon of the New Testament discusses
these criteria.
9 Stuhlmacher, Biblische Theologie des Neuen Testaments, 1:2-3 speaks of the
"ecclesiastical canon [kirchlicher Kaoonr and states that "the New Testament is the
ecclesiastical canon of the early Christian books which are foundational for Christian faith
and in whose origin and determination the church has essentially participated" [italics rnine]
(p. 3). This view is similarly stated by many other liberal Protestant theologians in the latter
half of this century.
10 Martin Luther, Weimar Ausgabe, 3.452.
11 Martin Luther, Weimar Ausgabe, 48.31.
12 Martin Luther, Weimar Ausgabe, 3.515; pp. 403-404.
13 Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, p. 8.
14 It is usually noted that the Greek word kann is borrowed from the Hebrew qaneh,
"reed, rod."
15 See H. W. Beyer, "kanon," Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (1982),
18 See the discussions in Harry Gamble, The New Testament Canon (Philadelphla:
Fortress Press, 1985), pp. 15-18; Bruce, The Canon of Scripture, pp. 17-18; Beckwith, The
Old Testament Canon ofthe New Testament Church, pp. I, 13, 63; Theodor Zahn, Grundriss
der Geschichle des neutestamentlichen Kanons (Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1904), pp. 1-14.
17 Alexander Sand, Kanon_ Von den Anflingen bis zum Fragment Muratorium
{FreiburglBasel/Wien: Herder, 1974),8-11.
18 MacDonald, p. 40.
19 Bruce, The Canon of Scripture, 18.
20 Sand, p. 9.
21 Beyer, 111:598.
22 Beyer, m:599.
23 Sand, p. 9.
24 Bruce, The Canon of Scripture, 17; Sand, p. 9.
26 R. P. C. Hanson, Origin's Doctrine of Tradition (London: SCM Press, 1954),93.
26 Bruce Metzger, The Canon ofthe New Testament (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
1987), 282-88.
27 Cited by Bruce, The Canon of Scripture, 18.
28 Bruce, The Canon of Scripture, 36.
29 A. Maichle, Der Kanon der biblischen Bucher und das Konzil von Trient (Freiburg:
Herder, 1929),74-99; Ziegenaus, 218-220.
30 Anton Ziegenaus, Kanon: Von der VlJ.terseit bis zur Gegenwart
(Freiburg/Basel/Wien: Herder, 1991),220.
31 See Josephus, Contra Apionem, I, 38-42.
32 Jude 14-15 is an alleged quotation from the apocryphal book of 1 Enoch. However,
Jude does not quote a book, he quotes a man, the patriarch Enoch.
33 Bruce M. Metzger, An Introduction to the Apocrypha (New York, 1957), p. 177.
M Metzger, Introduction to the Apocrypha, pp. 172, 262.
311 Josephus, Ant., 1.13;10.63; Introd. to Ecclesiasticus; Philo, Vit Cant., pp. 25,28; 2
Mace 2: 13-14; Baba bathra 14a-b .
36 See Origen's list of 22 OT books in Eusebius, Eccl. Hist. 1.25.
37 Gillis Gerleman, "dabar Wort," Theologische HandwOrterbuch zum Alten Testament, eds. E. Jenni and C. Westermann (Munich: Kaiser, 1971), 1:439, lists only 242 usages.
Our usage comes from a computer study of the Hebrew Bible.
36 Exod 4:28; 24:3,4; Num 11:24; Jos 3:9; 1 Sam 8:10; 15:1; Jer 36:4,6,8, 11; 37:2;
43:1; Ezk 11:25; Amos 8:11; 2 Chron 11:4; 29:15.
39 Jer 23:36; Ezr 9:4; 1 Chron 25:5.
40 Ezek 6:3; 25:3; 36:4.
41 Judg 3:20; 1 Sam 9;27; 2 Sam 16:23; 1 Kga 12;22; 1 Chron 17:3.
42 Ludwig Koehler, Old Testament Theology (Philadelphla: Westminster Press, 1957),
58 See
F. Hasel, Speaking in Tongues. Biblical Speaking in Tongues and
Modem Glossalalta (2nd ed.; Berrien Springs, MI: Adventist Theological Society Publica.
tlOns, 1994).
59 Bruce, The Canon of Scripture, p. 264.
60 Additional passages are Rom 4:3;9: 17; 10:11' 11:2' Gal3B 430' Jas 2B 46 1 Pet
2:6; 2 Pet 1:20.
. , .,
. . ,
61 Isa 8: 1; 30:8; Jer 30:2; 36:2, 28; Hab 2:2; cf. Exod 17: 14 24:4' 34: 1 27 Deut 27'3'
31: 19,2426; 2 Chron 26:22; Neh 9:38.
62 Bruce, The Canon of Scripture, p. 264.
\lllS\ll1?assed study by Bel\iamin B. Warfield, The Inspiration and Authority
of Ihe Bible (Philadelphia: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing House, 1970), pp. 245-296.
64 E. G. Selwyn, The First Epistle of St. Peter (london' Macmillan 1946) pp 134
65 An alternative translation is the one provided in NASB "You search in the
The difference in translation does not matter for
study of the term
66 W. Schrenk, "grapM as Holy Scripture," Theological Dictionary of the New
Testament (1964), 1:755.
67 W. Schrenk, "gromma in NT Usage," Theological Dictionary of the New Testament
(1964), 1:765.
"grapM as Holy Scripture," 1:754.
69 This IS conceded by Rainer Riesner, "Ansli.tze zur Kanonbildung im N euen Testa.
ment," Der Kanon der Bibel, ed. Gerhard Maier (Giessen: Brennen Verlag, 1990), p. 157,
who suggests that with this exception the designation "Scripture" for NT books is found
otherwise only in the middle oCthe second century AD. (2 Clem 2:4).
70 Simon Kistemaker, "The Canon ofthe New Testament," Journal of the Evangelical
Theological Society 20/1 (1977), p. 8.
7l F. D. Nichol, ed., "2 Peter," Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary (Washington,
DC: Review and Herald, 1957), 7:618; Karl Hennann Schelkle, Die Petrusbriefe. Der
Judasbrief"Hthk 13/2" (Freiburgim Breisgau: Herder, 1980), pp. 236-238.
72 Bruce, The Canon of Scripture, p. 120.
73 Bruce, The Canon of Scripture, p. 265.
74 So KJV, NASB, TEV, NIV, NRSV, etc.
70 The syntactical question relates to the position of the adjective thropneustos,
"God-breathed." The sentence is said to have the adjective in the attributive position,
"inspired Scripture." This would be paralleled in such a phase as "sacred writings" in vs.
15. The most widely used translation, "all Scripture is inspired by God, " takes the adjective
in the predicate position. The predicate position seems the more natural. It is for this reason
that a scholar such as James Barr "refuses to make a definite decision between these two
possibilities" (Beyond Fundamentalism: Biblical Foundations for Evangelical Christianity
/philadelphia: Westminster, 1984], p. 1).
76 C. F. D. Moule, An Idiom-Book of New Testament Greek (2nd ed.; Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1960), p. 95.
77 Barr, Beyond Fundamentalism, p. 1.
78 Schrenk, "grapho, " 1:754.
79 The claim that Paul used non-canonicalliterature has been a subject of disC'llSBion
for about 250 years. An excellent and balanced review of this issue is provided by E. Earle
Ellis, Paul's Use of the Old Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1991), pp.
34-37, 76-84.
80 The closing date of ca. 200 B.C. is supported by I. H. Eybers, "Some Remarks about
the Canon ofthe Old Testament," Theologica Evangelica (Univ. of South Africa) 8 (1975),
Ill; P. SchAfer, "Die sogenannte Synodevon Jarnnia," Judaica 31 (1975), p. 116.
81 Sid Z. Leiman, The Canonization of Hebrew Scripture. The Talmudic and
Midrashic Evidence (Harnden, CT: Almond, 1976), p. 20. This tome is the published version
ofhis 1970 dissertation referred to in the next note.
82 Sid Z. Leiman, The Talmudic and Midrashic Evidence for the Canonization of the
Hebrew Scripture (PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1970), p. 48.
83 Published in German in Mitte der Schrift?, eds. M. Klopfenstein et al. (Bern: Peter
Lang, 1987), pp. 45-79.
84 Ibid., pp. 50-52.
8:i Ibid., p. 54.
86 Ibid., p. 57.
87 Ibid., p. 58.
88 Ibid.
89 Ibid.
90 Ibid., p. 59.
91 Ibid., pp. 60-69.
92 Ibid., p. 75.
93 Ibid., p. 79.
94 Hershel Shanks in his introduction to David Noel Freedman in Bible Review 9/6
(December 1993), p. 28.
95 David Noel Freedman, "Canon of the Old Testament," Interpreter's Bible Diction
ary. Supplementary Volume (Nashville, Abingdon, 1976), pp. 130-136.
96 David -Noel Freedman, "How the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament
Differ," Bible Review 9/6 (December 1993), pp. 28-39, esp. p. 39.
97 Beckwith, The Old Testament Canon of the New Testament Church, p. 312.
9S Ibid., p. 406.
99 Meredith G. Kline, The Structure of Biblical Authority (rev. ed.; Grand Rapids, MI:
Eerdmans, 1972); idem, "The Correlation of the Concepts of Canon and Covenant" New
Perspectives on the Old Testament, ed. J. Barton Payne (Waco TX' Word Books 1970) pp
100 Kline, The Structure of Biblical Authority, p. 43.
101 Ibid.
102 Ibid., p. 7l.
103 Ibid.
104 Ibid., p. 75.
I Vasholz, The Old Testament Canon in the Old Testament Church. The
Internal Rationa.le for Old Testament Canonicity. "Ancient Near Eastern Texts and Studies
Vol. 7" (Lewiston: Edwin Mellon Press, 1990).
100 Ibid., p. 2.
107 Ibid., p. 9.
108 Ibid., p. 20.
109 Ibid., pp. 20-33.
110 Ibid., p. 47.
III Ibid.
112 Ibid., p. 49.
113 Ibid.
114 1 Sam 2:34=4:11; 15:1-2=15:7-8; 30:7-8=30:17-20; 2 Sam 3:18=5:17-21=8:1'
7: 12-13= 1 Kgs2:24; 2 Sam 12:11-12= 16:21-22; 12:14= 12: 18. For 1-2 Kinga see 1 Kgs 11:31-9
and 14:2=12:15-17; 1 Kgs 13:3=13:5; 1 Kgs 13:8, 17,22=13:26; 1 Kgs 14:7-13=17-18'
16:2-4= 16: 11-12, and many examples in 1-2 Kings.
115 Vasholz, p. 54.
116 Ibid., p. 57.
117 Ibid., pp. 58-68.
118 Ibid., p. 67.
119 J. W. Wenham, Christ and the Bible (London: Tyndale, 1972), 134, states, "There
IS no reason to doubt that the canon of the Old Testament is substantially Ezra's canon just
as the Pentateuch was substantially Moses' canon."
120 The statement, "After the death ofthe last prophets-Haggai Zechariah and
MaJachi-(divine or prophetic) inspiration was removed from Israel" (b
lla' Tos Sot
ed. Zuckennandel318, 21-23; b. Sot 48b; Yom 9a) as cited by Talmon "Hemges Schrlrctum "
74, may be revealing in this connection.
121 This is the case in Leiman, Freedman, and Beckwith. The latter also includes the
acceptance of Esther at that time.
See Gerhard F. Hasel, "Establishing a Date for the Book of Daniel," Symposium
on Da'}-!el, ed.
.B. Holbrook. "Daniel and Revelation Committee Series, Vol. 2."
Institute, 1986), pp. 84-164.
123 This expression IS used by Warfield, The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible
124 Edward J. Young, "The Canon ofthe Old Testament" Revelation and the Bible
ed. Carl F. H. Henry (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1958), p. 162, writes that" it may be
confidently that the passages invoked to support the idea that Ezra 'canonized' any portion
of the Old Testament Scriptures do not yield the desired result. Neither Ezra nor Nehemiah
nor the men of the Great Synagogue nor the council ofJamnia 'canonized' the Old Testament
nor any part thereof. "
.. 125 A similar conclusion is drawn by Young, p. 162: "All the evidence sup rts the
the books of the Old Testament, being of divine inspiration, were
authontatlve, and were recognized as such from the time oftheir f1l'St appearance ..
H. K Ohlig, Die theologische Begrllndung des neutestamentlichen
in. der
alten K!rche (Dannstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1972), pp. 57-156.
127 Gamble, The New Testament Canon, p. 68.
F. Westcott, ,!,he Epistle to the Hebrews (reprint; Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans
1974), lxill-lxv, for the eVldence which was disputed in Rome.
Geoftry Mark Hahneman, The Muratorian. Fragment and the Development of the
Canon (Oxford: Clarendon, 1992) argues, as does Sundberg ("Canon Muratori: A Fourth
Century List," Harvard Theological Review 66 [19731, pp. 1-41) before him, that the
Muratorian Fragment is dated to the fourth century and not to the second. This late dating
is not significant once the idea of canonicity is not tightly linked with the lists of canonical
books as indicating the process of canonicity. For a contrary opinion on the late dating, see
E. Ferguson, "Canon Muratori: Date and Provenance," Studia Patristica 18/2 (1982), pp.
132 The fll'St list which "names" the 27 New Testament books which make up our New
Testament is provided by Atbanasius in his so-called Easter Letter, dated to A.D. 367. For
the text, see Bruce, The Canon of Scripture, pp. 208-209.
133 Hannon Campenhausen, Die Entstehungderchristlichen Bibel (TO.bingen, 1972),
p. 382n. 12.
134 K Aland, "Das Problem des neutestamentlichen Kanons," Neue Zeitschri(t far
Systematische Theologie 4 (1962), p. 147.
135 Bruce M. Metzger, The Canon of the New Testament: Its Origin, Development, and
Significance (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987), p. 287.
136 Bruce M. Metzger, The Canon of the New Testament: Its Origin, Development, and
Significance (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987), p. 287.
137 Ibid.
136 Tertullian states, "What we are ourselves, that also the Scriptures are from the
beginning" (On Prescr. 38). The priority of "Scriptures" is the standard for what is later.
139 William Barclay, The Making of the Bible (London, 1961), p. 78, speaking of the
New Testament.
140 Von Campenhausen, Die Entstehung der christlichen Bibel, p. 382 n. 12.
141 D. B. Knox, "Problems of the Canon, " The Reformed Theological Review 36 ( 1977),
11: "No decision of church or council, nor growing Christian acceptance, can confer
canonicity on a book. What Christian did was to recognized canonicity."
142 Ronald Youngblood, "The Process: How We Got Our Bible," Christianity Today
32/2 (Feb. 5, 1988), p. 26.