Assessment Principles: 1.1 Assessment Should Be An Integral Part of The Curriculum
Assessment Principles: 1.1 Assessment Should Be An Integral Part of The Curriculum
Assessment Principles: 1.1 Assessment Should Be An Integral Part of The Curriculum
Assessment Principles set out the key aspects of assessment practice that should be reflected in
all assessment practice and procedure. They help explain why we have assessment and guide our
approach to assessment matters.
There can be circumstances in assessment practice where all the principles cannot be applied at
the same time. For example, when choosing a particular method of assessment it may be that
the principle of validity in assessment is over-ridden by the principle of reliability. The sacrifice
of one principle for another is acceptable when there is clear justification. Overall, the principles
should provide an underpinning and guiding framework that steers assessment practice.
The following list represents a set of principles for good practice in assessment.
The design of assessment should not be separated from the design of the overall curriculum,
which comprises aims, learning outcomes, teaching, learning and assessment activities and
which is described in programme specifications. Therefore assessment strategies for individual
modules should not be decided in isolation from other modules that make up the rest of the
year, or that build incrementally year on year. Assessment tasks should relate to the learning
outcomes of the module/level/programme.
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To be valid, assessment tasks should be designed to ensure that they assess the learning
outcomes. Where a module entails multiple learning outcomes, it may be necessary to design
different assessment tasks to ensure that all outcomes are appropriately assessed.
In assessment, consistent standards of tutor assessment and fairness are important goals to aim
for. Both are more likely to be achieved if clear task guidance, explicit assessment criteria and
marking schemes are given to staff and students alike. The connoisseur approach to assessment,
I know it when I see it but I cant put it into words is not acceptable.
Assessment should balance the formative and summative so as to
provide meaningful feedback
Assessment tasks used for formative purposes should be designed to provide meaningful
feedback to students which helps them to know how they are doing and how they can
improve. An over-reliance on summative assessment at the conclusion of an element of
study gives students a grade but provides very little feedback that will help them develop
and improve before they reach the end of the module/programme. It is acknowledged that
some methods of assessment can balance both a formative and summative function. Once
a task becomes even partly summative there is a tendency for the student to focus on the
mark achieved rather than the feedback itself but on the other hand, it may be felt that
incentives are needed to encourage students to participate. It is important to remain aware
of this trade-off in designing assessment tasks.
Criteria for assessment should be as clear as possible to tutors, examiners and students to
ensure equity, validity and reliability. Assessment criteria (grade descriptors) should be
published and provided to all students, markers and examiners, including external examiners.
Assessment tasks need to build on what was expected in previous study. Assessment tasks should
be designed to challenge students considered capable of undertaking a module/programme to
demonstrate the best level of attainment of which they are capable.
Faculties must follow the regulations for the redeeming of failed assessments as detailed in the
University Calendar. All students are permitted repeat opportunities during their programme.
This is not only just but may help to avoid high drop-out or failure rates. It is recognised that the
number of these may be limited by specific PRSB requirements.
The form of a repeat or referral may differ from the original assessment and it may be that
multiple elements of the original assessment may be replaced where the learning outcomes can be
assessed by a single form of assessment in referral or external repeat.
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In designing curriculum, staff need to ensure they are making sufficient and appropriate
demands so that students are able to demonstrate the highest levels of attainment; this needs to
be reflected in student workload requirements.
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