Unit 4 1st Passages For Comprehension Reading 1: What Is TCP/IP?
Unit 4 1st Passages For Comprehension Reading 1: What Is TCP/IP?
Unit 4 1st Passages For Comprehension Reading 1: What Is TCP/IP?
Unit 4
1st Passages for Comprehension
Reading 1: What is TCP/IP?
The Internet is based on TCP/IP. TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol and is the standard communications protocol required
for Internet computers. To communicate using TCP/IP, PCs need a set of
software components called a TCP/IP stack. TCP/IP is actually a collection of
protocols, or rules, that govern the way data travels from one machine to another
across networks. (I)
TCP/IP protocols work together to break the data into small pieces that can be
efficiently handled by the network, communicate the destination of the data to the
network, verify the receipt of the data on the other end of the transmission, and
reconstruct the data in its original form. (III)
TCP/IP has two major components: TCP and IP.
= envelopes and addresses the data
= enables the network to read the envelope and forward the data to its destination
= defines how much data can fit in a single "envelope" (a packet)
The relationship between data, IP, and networks is often compared to the
relationship between a letter, its addressed envelope, and the postal system.
= breaks data up into packets that the network can handle efficiently
= verifies that all the packets arrive at their destination
= "reassembles" the data
Stand for = singkatan dari .
To require = memerlukan
Stack = kumpulan
Capability = kemampuan
To encompass = mencakup
Role = peranan
To express = menyatakan
To ensure = menjamin
Understandable = dapat dimengerti
To govern = mengatur
across networks = menyeberang (antar)
is based on = didasarkan pada
to envelope = membungkus
to forward = meneruskan
destination = tujuan
to define = menetapkan
to fit = menempati (masuk) dengan pas
to break up = memecah
to handle = menangani
efficiently = secara efisien
to verify = memverifikasi , mengecek
keutuhannya, memastikan
to arrive = sampai, tiba
to reassemble = merakit kembali
to compare = membandingkan
a suite = a family = satu kumpulan
receipt = penerimaan
to enable = membuat dapat ,
to reconstruct = merekonstruksi
form = bentuk
File transfer
Remote login
Electronic mail
1. Buat ringkasan sistematis (dlm Bhs Inonesia) dr alinea 2 di atas!
Most networks are established to serve the needs of a particular group.
The groups will choose a hardware technology appropriate to their
communication needs. Some might choose slow links over great distances
others would choose fast links over shorter distances...
Internetworking is the technology which allows the connection of separate
physical networks. One of the main goals of TCP/IP was to provide an
internetworking architecture. The connection of a number of separate
networks results in an Internet.
A more sophisticated model would divide the hardware layer into two
(resulting in three layers):
Network card
Each layer performs a discrete task. The layers are often called protocols.
The layers sit on top of each other.
2. Buat ringkasan sistematis (dlm Bhs Inonesia) dr alinea 2 di atas!
distance = jarak
a piece of = sebuah
tp allow = membolehkan,
package = paket
to l contain = mengandung, berisi
main = utama
provide = menyediakan
ability = kemampuan
regardless = dengan mengabaikan
underlying = yg mendasari
feature = fitur
capability = kemampuan
Most = sebagian terbesar
separate = terpisah
goal = tujuan
architecture = arsitektur
a number of = sejumlah
tp result in = berakibat,
Layer = lapisan
To layer = meletakkan
dlm lapisan
layering =
to involve = melibatkan
Establish = membentuk
sophisticated = canggih
to serve = melayani
to divide = membagi
need = kebutuhan
particular = tertentu
choose = memilih
appropriate = sesuai, cocok
to perform = menjalankan
discrete = terpisah
task = tugas
to sit on top =