180 Juvenile Diversion Annual Report

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Waukesha County’s Diversion Program

for Young Offenders.


180º Juvenile Diversion offers a second chance for young offenders who are in or may enter the criminal justice system.
The program helps young adults understand the consequences of their actions and gives them an opportunity to change
their behavior by becoming constructive members of the community. By using research-based methods and by working
with families and the wider community, the program provides our clients with healthy and positive examples. Strong
families, safe lifestyles, and personal responsibility are the values we seek to instill.
2009 A message from the Executive Director...
Dear Friends,
180° Juvenile Diversion’s pilot year has been extremely productive as we worked
Anthony Cotton (President) to build Waukesha County’s youth diversion program.
Attorney Combining education, case management and community service to resolve areas
Kuchler & Cotton Law of concern outside the justice system, our program helps rehabilitate first-time young
offenders while suspending formal criminal justice proceedings. If clients
successfully complete the program, their charges may be reduced or dropped,
Paula Decker depending on arrangements with the Office of the District
Juvenile Education Director Attorney.
Ethan Allen School Beginning in fall 2008, AmeriCorps VISTA members
with Waukesha County UW Extension began researching
Carolyn Hahn effective methods for juvenile diversion. This included
Events Manager reviewing existing research as well as contacting the
directors of programs across the United States in order to
Waukesha County
find best practices of diversion. With the help of UW
Chamber of Commerce Extension, our program was able to utilize resources at
numerous levels — city, county, state and national. These
Marcia Jante resources allowed us to create a program and eventually form an incorporated
Director non-profit organization.
Waukesha County We officially began accepting clients in February 2009, with our first class session
UW Extension starting in April. After the pilot group wrapped up, we started our second session of
participants in August, with our third beginning in early November. We continue to
thoroughly evaluate our program to make improvements, when needed, as we move
Sue Opper
Assistant District Attorney One of the most important components of our program — and what makes it so
Office of the District Attorney unique — is that our curriculum and methods of diversion are 100 percent
evidence-based. Everything about 180° Juvenile Diversion, from program length to
Andrea Will the amount of volunteer hours participants must complete, is structured based on
Assistant District Attorney what has been proven to be effective in reducing recidivism among young adults.
Office of the District Attorney Looking back at 2009, we had many successes that we can build on in the
upcoming year. I want to personally thank all of our volunteers, board members and
community partners. Without everyone’s help, we could not have been as successful
Peter Wolff as we have been. Please take a look through this annual report to see the progress
Attorney that we have made.
Wolff & Sonderhouse LLP
- Brian Scarberry, Executive Director
Charles Wood
Waukesha County Metro
Drug Enforcement Unit

“I never had a lot of people to trust in 515 W. Moreland Boulevard

my life, but I know I can turn to the Administration Center, G46
180º staff and not be judged.” Waukesha, WI 53188
- Client testimonial Tel. (262) 548-7780
Fax (262) 896-8124
[email protected]
2 180° Juvenile Diversion
“Knowing that I have a lot of support outside
my family is the best, seeing as how I met
friends and gained relationships from
at a glance... this program.”
- Client testimonial

Program Overview
Sometimes all it takes is a second chance to turn a life around…
180° Juvenile Diversion not only gives youth an opportunity to have their charges reduced or dropped, but also builds positive
support systems and behavioral changes that will last a lifetime. Through this program, young people are allowed to earn a
second chance.
The research-based program is built on a foundation of family and community involvement, proven methods of diversion
programs from across the U.S. and a solid network of city, county, state and national partnerships. It is a holistic, nine-month
process that includes the following components:
• 72 hours of curriculum and life skills classes
• A minimum of 40 hours of community service
• Six months of case management
• Life skills training
• Drug testing
• Restorative justice initiatives
Providing valuable life skills…
The 24-session formal class focuses on effective communication, alcohol and drug
education, building competencies and strengthening family relationships. In addition,
community speakers assist participants with life skills such as:
• Paving the way to higher education • Financial management & education
• Career development • Effects of drugs & alcohol
• Nutrition & wellness • Navigating the criminal justice system
Making the community a better place…
180° Juvenile Diversion gives youth the opportunity to engage in their community through service hours, providing a chance for
them to make amends. Success of this program will result in fewer caseloads within the criminal justice system and the saving of
taxpayer money. Because the program emphasizes education and career development and advises participants on how to avoid
drugs and alcohol, youth are able to utilize their strengths to benefit the community at large.

Thank you to our volunteer teachers!

Elizabeth Amaya, Waukesha State Bank Det. Jim Kindt, Metro Drug Enforcement Unit
Juana Avila, UW Extension Jack Koehler, Koehler & Co.
Steve Boldt, Wells Fargo Bank Ray Lilley, CORE Strength Academy
James Boling, UW Waukesha Maura McMahon, Public Defender’s Office
Steve Chmielewski, UW Extension Margaret Millspaw, UW Waukesha
Deb Deuster, Workforce Development Center Tom Mueller, Workforce Development Center
Laura Dombrock, UW Extension Debbie O’Brien, UW Extension
Gabriel Gardener, AmeriCorps VISTA Shannon Rokosik, Carroll University
Nicole Grinnell, School District of Waukesha Brian Scarberry, 180° Executive Director
Wanda Harkins, Wells Fargo Bank Rebecca Scott, CORE Strength Academy
Martha Hubert, UW Extension Dr. Tricia Wessel-Blaski, UW Waukesha
Renee Kemp, Workforce Development Center Anne Wondra, WonderSpirit Coaching

3 180° Juvenile Diversion

2009 Financial Report
Revenue Grants & Donations
Enrollment Fees $ 18,825
Grants/Donations $ 14,175 Community Development Block Grant $ 8,000
TOTAL REVENUE: $ 33,000 Hon. Marianne E. Becker Fund $ 2,000
Waukesha County Bar Association $ 2,000
Expenditures Wisconsin Law Foundation $ 2,000
Operating/Personnel $ 35,776 Golden K Kiwanis Club $ 150
Early Risers Kiwanis Club $ 25
TOTAL $ 14,175
In-kind Contributions*
Executive Director $ 33,000 Thank you to our 2009 donors!
UW Extension Personnel $ 25,319
Student Intern—Carroll University $ 7,884
2009 Revenue
Board of Directors $ 6,000
Office Space—UW Extension $ 5,782 1%
Class Facilitators $ 4,749
Classroom Space—UW Waukesha $ 5,232 18%
Guest Speakers $ 4,397 Local Grants
Advisory Board $ 836 Participant
24% Fees
*Wisconsin volunteer rate is $18.77/hour. Professional service volunteers calculated
according to average wages per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Milwaukee Metro Area.

A special thanks to our community partners...

Addiction Resource Council UW Waukesha
AmeriCorps VISTA Waukesha County Chamber of Commerce
Carroll University Waukesha County Executive’s Office
CORE Strength Academy Waukesha County Juvenile Court
Criminal Justice Collaborating Council Waukesha County Metro Drug Enforcement Unit
Department of Health & Human Services Waukesha County Sheriff’s Department
Drug Free Communities Coalition Waukesha County UW Extension
La Casa de Esperanza Waukesha Police Department
Mediation & Restorative Justice Center Waukesha State Bank
Office of the District Attorney Wisconsin Community Services
5 180° Juvenile of the State Public Defender
Diversion WonderSpirit Coaching
School District of Waukesha Workforce Development Center

4 180° Juvenile Diversion

Working together... ADVISORY BOARD
180° Juvenile Diversion is proud to take an active role in improving the lives
of young people across Waukesha County. We are grateful for the support Elizabeth Amaya
we receive from our community partners. Waukesha State Bank
Dennis Angle
Referrals into the program…
Waukesha Police Department
The Office of the District Attorney continues to be the top referral source for clients Sam Benedict
entering the program, with a significant number coming from private attorneys as State Public Defender’s Office
well. D.J. Blum
In 2009, 180° received a total of 73 referrals from the following sources:
Workforce Development Center
James Boling
UW Waukesha
Office of the DA 62%
Private Attorneys 26%
Bill Deering
Public Defenders 6% Waukesha Co. Sheriff’s Department
Parents 4% Dr. Tim Fiedler
Health & Human Services 1% Carroll University
Media 1%
Kelly Haag
Wisconsin Juvenile Court
Ray Lilley
Referrals to local organizations... CORE Strength Academy
Rebecca Luczaj
180° Juvenile Diversion utilizes the resources provided by various community Crim. Justice Collaborating Council
agencies, referring clients for services when necessary.
Polina Makievsky
Drug Testing: 180° partners with La Casa de Esperanza clinic and Wisconsin
Community Services (WCS) in administering drug tests for clients. Tests are at La Casa de Esperanza
random and vary depending on the needs of the participant. Todd McDonell
Treatment/Counseling: Some of our clients are in need of alcohol and other Dept. of Health & Human Services
drug abuse treatment or other forms of counseling. As a result, staff made 11 Maura McMahon
referrals over the last year to organizations such as the Addiction Resource State Public Defender’s Office
Council, Wisconsin Narcotics Anonymous, James Place and several others. Michael Nowak
Continuing Education: Program staff encour- Waukesha South High School
aged eight clients to enroll in continuing Claudia Roska
education, for those who were not already Addiction Resource Council
enrolled in school. This included two participants Brad Schimel
pursuing their GEDs and others taking classes at
District Attorney
UW Waukesha, Carroll University, Waukesha
Jan Skell
County Technical College and Milwaukee Area
Technical College. UW Extension
Restorative Justice: In some cases, the Jennifer Thomas
crimes committed by 180° Juvenile Diversion Coach Ray Lilley works with clients at Hon. Patrick Haughney’s Office
clients have had a direct impact on people other CORE Strength Academy in Hartland.
than themselves. When this is the case, program
staff refer participants to the Mediation and Restorative Justice Center at WCS for
victim-offender conferencing. Offenders are given the opportunity to meet with Advisory Board members serve as
those they have harmed and make things right. In 2009, clients paid back a total of professional advisors to the content of
$546.52 in restitution for their crimes. 180° Juvenile Diversion. We would like
Other Needs: Some clients expressed needs for advisement in other areas, so to thank all of the people who helped
180° staff made additional referrals for resources such as budgeting, financial aid, get the program off and running in
food assistance, mental health, emergency housing and employment assistance. 2009!

5 180° Juvenile Diversion

Program Impact
“I honestly think that the 180 program really helped me wake up to the fact
that a drug habit would not get me anywhere.”
- Client testimonial Learning life skills...
Immediate results… 180° Juvenile Diversion relies heavily on
Out of 73 referrals, 41 participants have been accepted into 180° Juvenile guest speakers, who share their expertise
Diversion to date*. Thirty-six of those have either successfully completed the with participants. Over the last year,
program or are slated to do so. This translates into an 88% success rate. clients learned:
One of the program’s expectations is for parents to be involved. In 2009, 36 • How to apply for and succeed in
parents from 27 families actively participated in the program’s class portion. college from staff at UW Waukesha
Overall, 66% of clients had one or more of their parents attend class. • Financial management, investment
Through their community service efforts, program clients contributed 391 and budgeting advice from
volunteer hours in 2009. Waukesha State Bank and Wells
*180° Juvenile Diversion is a voluntary program, so not all referrals result in entry to the program. • Information on drugs and legal
consequences from the Waukesha
Evaluation reports… Co. Metro Drug Enforcement Unit
180° Juvenile Diversion has implemented a rigorous evaluation process based • Career development and resume
on feedback from program participants. Some of the highlights from these building from the Workforce
evaluations included: Development Center and Koehler &
• 90% of parents reported that their families have seen an increased ability Co., a recruitment firm
to listen to each others’ thoughts and feelings since starting the class. • Stretching physical and mental
• 86% of participants said they felt more support from people outside their limits at CORE Strength Academy
families than they did prior to beginning the program. • Navigating the court system from
• 80% of clients reported learning more about alcoholism and chemical the Office of the Public Defender
dependency. • Nutrition and wellness from UW
• Over 70% said that the program helped them build relationships with Extension nutrition educators
their families. • Life skills and setting goals from
WonderSpirit Coaching
Looking ahead…
Although overall the past year has been extremely positive, there are still some Our evaluations have found that youth
things that we would like to build on. Toward the top of our list of priorities is have responded to these life skills
developing a mentorship program, with the help of AmeriCorps VISTA members speakers very positively, viewing them as
at UW Extension. insightful and valuable resources.
180° Juvenile Diversion continues to need your support. If you would like to
serve as a volunteer facilitator, speaker or make a donation, please contact
program staff.

Program Staff:
Brian Scarberry, Executive Director (Volunteer) [email protected]
Stephanie Sutton, Case Manager [email protected]
Steve Bailey, AmeriCorps VISTA [email protected]
Sometimes all it takes is a second Laurie Donnell, AmeriCorps VISTA [email protected]
chance to turn a life around. To contact staff, call (262) 548-7780.

6 180° Juvenile Diversion

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