Materials Science and Engineering C
Materials Science and Engineering C
Materials Science and Engineering C
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 14 May 2015
Received in revised form 23 August 2015
Accepted 27 August 2015
Available online 3 September 2015
Gum tragacanth
Periodontal regeneration
Electrospun nanobers
Coaxial electrospinning
a b s t r a c t
Controlled drug release is a process in which a predetermined amount of drug is released for longer period
of time, ranging from days to months, in a controlled manner. In this study, novel drug delivery devices were
fabricated via blend electrospinning and coaxial electrospinning using poly lactic glycolic acid (PLGA), gum
tragacanth (GT) and tetracycline hydrochloride (TCH) as a hydrophilic model drug in different compositions
and their performance as a drug carrier scaffold was evaluated. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) results
showed that fabricated PLGA, blend PLGA/GT and core shell PLGA/GT nanobers had a smooth and bead-less
morphology with the diameter ranging from 180 to 460 nm. Drug release studies showed that both the fraction
of GT within blend nanobers and the coreshell structure can effectively control TCH release rate from
the nanobrous membranes. By incorporation of TCH into coreshell nanobers, drug release was sustained
for 75 days with only 19% of burst release within the rst 2 h. The prolonged drug release, together with proven
biocompatibility, antibacterial and mechanical properties of drug loaded core shell nanobers make them a
promising candidate to be used as drug delivery system for periodontal diseases.
2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Drug delivery systems are engineered technologies for the controlled release of therapeutic agents to achieve therapeutic purposes
in humans or animals. In recent years, the market for drug delivery technology (DDT) has increased tremendously [1], and it is forecasted
to reach $136 billion by 2021 [2]. Controlled drug release systems
have shown benets over conventional drugs [3], such as improved
adequacy, reduced side effects, improved patient compliance, and reduced toxicity [4,5]. Electrospinning is one of the developed techniques,
which enables the design and production of nanostructured drug carriers with high loading capacity, encapsulation efciency, multi-drug
delivery with ease of operation, and cost-effectiveness [6,7]. In most
cases, drugs are blended with the polymeric solution to produce drug
incorporated nanobers, which might result in low delivery efciency
and burst release [8], while other electrospinning techniques such as
0928-4931/ 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
(GRAS) material at a level of 0.201.30% in food stuffs. This natural biopolymer is a mixture of two soluble and insoluble polysaccharides.
Tragacanthin, a galacturonic acid part of tragacanth which is water
soluble and branched with high molecular weight which gives highly
viscous solutions and bassorin, the other part of tragacanth, is a complex
of methoxylated acids that is insoluble in water and swells to form a gel
or viscous solution [1719]. It is approved as a food additive in European
Union and has the number E 413 in the list of additives conrmed by the
Scientic Committee for Food of the European Community [20]. GT also
exhibited signicant potency for wound healing in the form of mucilage
or blended nanobers with PCL or PVA because of an acceleration in
collagenation and proliferation phases of the wound repair [2123].
Thus, we hypothesized that incorporation of hydrophilic drugs into
composite nanobers of PLGA and GT could provide a more sustained
and prolonged release of the drug, due to better hygroscopic compatibility of the drug and polymeric matrix.
Here, for the rst time, we aim towards the fabrication of composite
scaffolds of PLGA and GT at various ratios via blending and coaxial
electrospinning. Further we investigated the controlled release of
TCH incorporated within these nanobers, along with the physical
characteristics (i.e. wettability, porosity), mechanical properties and
cytocompatibility of the composite nanobers, which are critically important for a nanobrous mat to be employed as scaffolds for periodontal disease treatment.
2. Experimental procedure
2.1. Materials
PLGA with lactic acid:glycolic acid (LA:GA) ratio of 75:25 with an
intrinsic viscosity of 0.72 dl g 1 was purchased from Boehringer
Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. (Ingelheim, Germany). Gum tragacanth
used in this study was a high quality ribbon type, collected from the
stems of Fluccosus species of Astragalus bushes, grown in the central
areas of Iran. TCH (purity N95%) and 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexauoro-2-propanol
(HFP) was purchased from Sigma Aldrich. Human dermal broblasts
(HDFs) were obtained from American Type Culture Collection. Dulbecco
modied Eagle's medium (DMEM), fetal bovine serum (FBS), penicillin
streptomycin solution and trypsin-ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid
were purchased from Gibco, Invitrogen Corp., USA.
Fig. 1. Graphical representation of the preparation of nanobers and studying release properties.
Fig. 2. Morphology and size distribution of electrospun nanobers P as PLGA, P-TCH as PLGA-TCH, PG as PLGA/GT, PG-TCH as PLGA/GT-TCH, PG(cs) as core shell PLGA/GT, and PG(cs)-TCH
as core shell PLGA/GT-TCH).
clearly shows the core compartment embedded within the shell of the
The results of pore size measurements are shown in Table 1. The
pore size of the nanobrous mats was signicantly decreased by addition of both GT and drug, compared to pure PLGA and similar PG
drug-free scaffolds, respectively.
Table 1
Diameter and pore size of electrospun nanobers.
PG 75:25
PG 75:25-TCH
PG 50:50
PG 50:50 -TCH
460 16
288 33
296 25
221 42
187 26
180 24
399 31
197 42
2.92 0.02
0.95 0.03
1.80 0.01
0.99 0.04
1.0 0.01
0.63 0.02
1.35 0.02
1.2 0.03
properties of TCH. At the same time, the PG(cs) nanobers were more
hydrophilic than the PLGA nanobers. However, the hydrophilicity of
PG(cs) was lesser compared to PG nanobers due to the presence of
the hydrophilic GT within the core of the nanobers.
3.2. Mechanical properties of as-spun and hydrated scaffolds
Fig. 4. (A) ATR-FTIR spectra of nanobers (P as PLGA, P-TCH as PLGA-TCH, PG as PLGA/GT, PG-TCH as PLGA/GT-TCH, PG(cs) as core shell PLGA/GT, PG(cs)-TCH as core shell PLGA/GT-TCH).
Fig. 5. Water contact angle of nanobers (P as PLGA, P-TCH as PLGA-TCH, PG 75:25 as PLGA/GT 75:25, PG 75:25-TCH as PLGA/GT 75:25-TCH, PG 50:50 as PLGA/GT 50:50, PG 50:50-TCH as
PLGA/GT 50:50-TCH, PG(cs) as core shell PLGA/GT, PG(cs)-TCH as core shell PLGA/GT-TCH).
Fig. 6. Mechanical properties of the (A) PLGA, PLGA-TCH, (B) PG 75:25, PG 75:25-TCH, (C) PG 50:50, PG 50:50-TCH, (D) PG(cs) and PG(cs)-TCH electrospun nanobers in dry state. (P as
PLGA, P-TCH as PLGA-TCH, PG 75:25 as PLGA/GT 75:25, PG 75:25-TCH as PLGA/GT 75:25-TCH, PG 50:50 as PLGA/GT 50:50, PG 50:50-TCH as PLGA/GT 50:50-TCH, PG(cs) as core shell
PLGA/GT, PG(cs)-TCH as core shell PLGA/GT-TCH).
Table 2
Tensile properties of the electrospun nanobers under dry and wet conditions.
PG 75:25
PG 75:25-TCH
PG 50:50
PG 50:50-TCH
Dry scaffolds
Wet scaffolds
T (m)
EM (MPa)
SB (%)
T (m)
EM (MPa)
SB (%)
76.00 3.60
84.33 7.81
43.34 2.23
64.10 3.34
32.95 1.00
39.62 1.31
40.20 1.71
48.32 4.13
4.22 + 0.02
2.58 0.03
2.30 0.02
1.01 0.05
0.93 0.03
0.72 0.06
3.32 0.03
1.51 0.07
118.74 1.17
15.92 2.12
22.40 2.12
13.50 6.91
13.92 4.06
8.83 7.02
102.83 3.01
14.24 4.51
69.00 1.80
62.36 2.83
42.73 1.36
52.11 2.19
32.90 1.10
33.81 1.87
105.32 1.21
22.00 1.67
2.55 0.03
1.71 0.09
1.70 0.08
1.02 0.09
0.89 0.08
0.40 0.10
2.15 0.02
1.57 0.03
64.09 1.12
11.58 1.78
15.17 1.13
11.33 5.01
14.22 1.13
7.75 3.98
36.67 1.13
33.41 3.15
T: average thickness of nanobers, EM: elastic modulus, UTS: ultimate tensile strength; SB: strain at break.
Fig. 7. Mechanical properties of PBS hydrated (A) PLGA, PLGA-TCH, (B) PG 75:25, PG 75:25-TCH, (C) PG 50:50, PG 50:50-TCH, (D) PG(cs) and PG(cs)-TCH electrospun membranes after
48 h (P as PLGA, P-TCH as PLGA-TCH, PG 75:25 as PLGA/GT 75:25, PG 75:25-TCH as PLGA/GT 75:25-TCH, PG 50:50 as PLGA/GT 50:50, PG 50:50-TCH as PLGA/GT 50:50-TCH, PG(cs) as core
shell PLGA/GT, PG(cs)-TCH as core shell PLGA/GT-TCH).
Fig. 8. SEM images of degraded nanobers after 40 days (P as PLGA, P-TCH as PLGA-TCH, PG 75:25 as PLGA/GT 75:25, PG 75:25-TCH as PLGA/GT 75:25-TCH, PG 50:50 as PLGA/GT 50:50, PG
50:50-TCH as PLGA/GT 50:50-TCH, PG(cs) as core shell PLGA/GT, PG(cs)-TCH as core shell PLGA/GT-TCH).
all the scaffolds (with or without drug) was found to increase with culture time, similar to the trend observed on tissue culture plates (TCP). At
days 1 and 3 of cell culture, GT contained nanobers (both blended and
coreshell) without drug exhibited improved cell viability compared
to PLGA membranes. The same trend was observed for TCH incorporated nanobers, though the presence of TCH slightly decreased cell
growth for some of the formulations compared to drug free nanobers.
However, after 5 days, TCH-loaded PG and PG(cs) nanobrous mats did
not exhibit signicant increase in cell viability compared to PLGA-TCH
Fig. 9. Release prole of TCH from PLGA-TCH, PG 75:25-TCH, PG 50:50-TCH, PG(cs)-TCH electrospun scaffolds: A) Entire release time, B) initial burst release.
Fig. 10. Proliferation of broblasts on electrospun nanobers, measured by MTS assay (P as PLGA, P-TCH as PLGA-TCH, PG 75:25 as PLGA/GT 75:25, PG 75:25-TCH as PLGA/GT 75:25-TCH,
PG 50:50 as PLGA/GT 50:50, PG 50:50-TCH as PLGA/GT 50:50-TCH, PG(cs) as core shell PLGA/GT, PG(cs)-TCH as core shell PLGA/GT-TCH).
nanobers. Moreover, none of the electrospun scaffolds showed significant changes in cell viability after 5 days compared to TCP. This is an indication of cytocompatibility of the scaffolds, essential for applications
such as treatment of periodontal diseases.
such as lms, microparticles and bers, using both synthetic and natural
polymers [26].
TCH is one of the widely employed antibiotics with proven effectiveness in acceleration of periodontal treatment [27]. TCH with low toxicity
is a broad spectrum antibiotic which can be applied for the treatment of
diseases caused by Gram-negative and Gram-positive microorganisms
by inhibiting protein synthesis in the bacteria [28]. Besides its antibiotic
property, it exhibits anti-inammatory properties and has the ability
to promote the attachment of broblasts. TCH has also been reported
as an inhibitor of the activity of proteinases and hence it can be used
to treat or prevent diseases related to proteinase imbalance, rheumatoid
arthritis, periodontitis and osteomyelitis [29]. Previous studies showed
that the long term routine use of TCH for several months resulted
in clinically favorable effects for periodontal disease [30]. Controlled
release of TCH was attempted by various researchers using various
drug delivery systems such as supramolecular gels based on amphiphilic 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic derivatives [31], device based on ethylene
vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymer [32], and porous calcium phosphate/
polyhydroxy butyrate composites [33] for various applications.
Recent advances in the eld of nanotechnology enable the fabrication
of nanobrous constructs containing drugs, such that they have the architectural features and morphological similarities matching the native
extracellular matrix (ECM) [34,35]. Unique properties of nanobers
such as the high surface area, high loading, ease of operation, and cost
effectiveness, make them more suitable as drug delivery vehicles. However, drug release characteristics (e.g. burst release, release rate and
duration) are signicantly inuenced by extent of drug encapsulation
into the nanobrous scaffolds, which is greatly dependent to material selection as well as the drug incorporation method [36,26]. In general,
drugs can be incorporated into nanobers via various methods such as
coatings, blending, co-axial and emulsion electrospinning [26]. Recent
developments in this direction progressed with the application of nanobers as drug delivery systems for periodontal diseases. For example,
Zamani et al. [26] fabricated PCL nanobers containing metronidazole
benzoate, where the drug release was continued for a period of 15 days.
In this study, we explored the incorporation of TCH into a new
bicomponent carrier, PLGA-gum tragacanth (GT), via two different
technics of blend electrospinning and coaxial electrospinning. GT, the
medicinally imported polysaccharide consists of two major fractions: a
water-soluble (tragacanthic acid and small amount of arabinogalactan)
and an insoluble but water-swellable fraction named bassorin. GT exhibited a considerable potency for wound healing in the form of mucilage
[21] or skin regeneration capability in the form of blend nanobers
with PCL or PVA [22,23]. Due to the mentioned structural and compositional advantages, natural availability, antibacterial properties, and low
cost, we believe that TCH loaded PG and PG(cs) bers can be employed
as a proper drug delivery system for multiple applications, including
treatment of periodontal diseases. We aimed to explore the effect of incorporation method (blending vs coaxial electrospinning) on the physical characteristics of the nanobers and TCH release behavior from
PG and PG(cs) nanobers. Moreover, the biocompatibility of the drug
loaded membranes was investigated.
The SEM images (Fig. 2) showed that uniformly distributed nanobers without beads were formed from all formulations. Blending GT
with PLGA decreased the diameter of nanobers. Incorporation of TCH
into PLGA and PG(cs) nanobers also reduced the ber diameter,
while addition of the drug into the blend PG nanobers did not cause
further reduction in diameter of the nanobers (Table 1). The possible
reason for the reduction of the diameter of the nanobers is that both
GT and TCH may improve the polarity of the solution which subsequently increases the electrical conductivity of the solution. Moreover,
PG(cs) nanobers exhibited reduced diameter, which can be attributed
to the use of water as the core solvent. High dielectric constant of water
(80.1 at 25 C) is an indication of the ability of solution to carry more
electrical charges, resulting in higher elongation forces and formation
of thinner nanobers under the electrical eld [37].
The results of mechanical studies showed that PG membranes exhibited less tensile strength compared to PLGA (Figs. 6 and 7). This
can be related to the easier slippage of polymer chains under loading because of less entanglements and weak physical interactions among the
chains of mixed polymers [38]. Another reason for lower strength of
PG bers can be the low mechanical strength of GT itself. Moreover,
TCH could also decrease the tensile strength as well as breaking strain
of all formulations, due to probable plasticizing effect of TCH molecules
for polymer chains. However, the breaking strain of pure PLGA was decreased more than seven times, while blend PG nanobers had less than
50% reduction in strain at the presence of TCH, compared to the similar
membranes without drug. This can be attributed to the highly branched
structure of GT, which intrinsically limited the elongation of its polymer
chains under the loading, resulting in alleviation of the inuence of TCH
on reduction of strain at break. Mechanical behavior of the nanobers
under wet condition is another factor of consideration, since the membranes inserted into the periodontal pocket are exposed to moist condition. Results of mechanical studies under wet conditions showed that
except PG 50:50 nanobers, other TCH loaded membranes preserved
their tensile strength in wet condition. Interestingly, the effect of TCH
on breaking strain of PG(cs) was dependent to dry/wet state of the
membrane. In dry state, addition of TCH caused a drastic decline in
breaking strain similar to pure PLGA, since smaller amount of GT existed
in PG(cs) nanobers compared to blend PG nanobers. However, the reduction in breaking strain of PG(cs) was limited to the extent comparable to blend PG nanobers in wet condition. This can be attributed to the
more pronounced role of GT in hydrated state due to swelling effect of
this natural polymer, resulting in distribution and occupation of a higher
volume of the nanobers by this polymer. For the membranes which are
supposed to be inserted into the periodontal pocket, it is necessary to insure that the membrane possesses enough mechanical strength and rigidity to be inserted into the pocket and retain its integrity during the
release time. On the other hand, the membrane should remain exible
and soft enough in the wet environment to conform to the periodontal
pocket and meet patient compliance [26]. Elastic modulus is a good indicator of the stiffness of a material. Among various TCH incorporated
composite nanobers, PG(cs) exhibited the highest tensile strength
in both dry and wet conditions, while its wet modulus was signicantly lower than blend nanobers. That means, TCH loaded PG(cs)
membranes may provide a proper texture to be easily inserted into
periodontal pocket with a certain amount of back pressure, and remain
comfortably in the pocket with the lowest rigidity/stiffness among the
composite nanobers.
The release kinetics of TCH from electrospun PLGA, PG 75:25,
PG 50:50, and PG(cs) scaffolds was studied for a period of 75 days
(Fig. 9). For all the formulations, initial burst release was attributed to
the release of surface connected drug [39], followed by a controlled release attributed to molecular diffusion through the polymer phase. In
case of blended PG nanobers, the presence of hydrophilic PG segments
which are randomly distributed across the diffusion path can signicantly facilitate water uptake and swelling of the polymeric matrix.
Therefore, faster diffusion of the drug molecules out of the nanobers
occurred, resulting in higher release rate within the rst few days and
reaching a plateau after a certain period of time. As expected, the
explained effect of GT on release rate was enhanced by increasing the
fraction of this polymer in the blend, such that the entire amount of
TCH was released from PG 50:50 in 20 days. These observations are in
agreement with wettability results, which conrmed the promoted
wettability of the scaffolds at higher ratios of GT in the nanobers
(Fig. 5). However, when GT was employed as the core along with TCH,
the likelihood of having drug molecules as well as GT hydrophilic
segments on/near the surface of nanobers is reduced. In this case, the
hydrophobic PLGA shell could control the water uptake and swelling
of the hydrophilic core material, resulting in lowered burst release as
well as prolonged release of TCH in a sustained fashion for 75 days.
The prolonged TCH release from PG(cs) nanobers validates the use of
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